Appeal to authority/speaker credibility/common values • Speaker uses ethos to convince audience of his/her credibility/expertise and/or moral character. • Argument is proven believable/valid by using celebrities/name dropping, referencing resume/personal experience (including title), establishing trust, and citing research. • Ethos = Greek for “character” • “Ethics” - derived from ethos ETHOS EXAMPLE PATHOS Appeal to emotion/fear/human suffering • Speaker uses pathos to invoke sympathy and cause audience to make decisions based on feelings , uses collective language (“we”, “our”), direct address (“you”), repetition, extreme/dramatic diction, sentimental/relatable examples/ anecdotes/imagery (babies, puppies, 9/11). • Pathos = Greek for “suffering” and “experience” • “Empathy” and “Pathetic” - derived from pathos PATHOS EXAMPLE LOGOS Appeal to logic • Speaker uses logos to persuade through reason/logic by presenting facts, statistics, historical and literal analogies (if…then) • Logos = Greek for “word” • True definition: “the word or that by which the inward though is expressed” • “Logic” is derived from logos LOGOS EXAMPLE ETHOS, PATHOS, OR LOGOS?

Examine rhetorical appeals in following advertisements. • Analyze visual aspects (color, shading, detail, lines, lighting, position) • Determine Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, and Tone. • Identify appeals to sense of authority, emotion, and/or logic ETHOS, PATHOS, OR LOGOS? ETHOS, PATHOS, OR LOGOS? ETHOS, PATHOS, OR LOGOS? ETHOS, PATHOS, OR LOGOS? E2H OUTCOME D PRACTICE: VISUAL

• Find an advertisement with a clear appeal to ethos, logos, pathos. • Bring to class Friday with written reflection: • Claim what appeal is prominent. Include textual evidence. What DIDLS, etc. in the visual convey that appeal? • Will share and discuss.