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[email protected] Address:337 Xinwen Road, Kunming, Yunnan,PRC Follow Amazing Yunnan on Facebook YUNNANYUNNAN DAILYDAILY PRESS GROUP TheThe Nation TFriday,uesday Aug.9, December , 2019 15, No.85 2015 Green development has become CULTURE a social consensus in China nowadays Editor’s note: This year marks the 70th anniver- sary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over the past 70 years, China has made great achievements in protecting its eco envi- ronment. And in today’s China, the concept of green development has widely been accepted and Thai art troupe performed in Chuxiong the quality of the environ- ment is steadily improving. On July 24, The silk road Yunnan clothing, art troupes from Cambodia, This issue, let’s take a look costume • colorful Yunnan 2019 eth- Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet- at how Chinese people nic costume cultural festival achieve- nam, brought dance programs full of implement the concept of ments exhibition and Southeast Asian rich Southeast Asian customs to the “Lucid waters and lush countries’ fine arts gala were held in audience. In the picture, Thai actors mountains are invaluable Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, perform folk dances at Chuxiong Civ- assets” and what results Yunnan Province. ic Square in Yunnan Province. they have achieved. The event while displaying fine (Xinhua News) POVERTY ALLEVIATION The sky is bluer Water is clearer Mountains are greener Animals are back Life of Wa people getting better Editor’s Note: In Yunnan, nine ethnic groups—the Derung, De’ang, Jino, Nu, Bulang, Jingpo, Lisu, Lahu and Wa—have directly moved from primitive or slave societies into modern societies.