A Fluvial Geomorphological Study of River Rehabilitation in the Kouga Region, Eastern Cape

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A Fluvial Geomorphological Study of River Rehabilitation in the Kouga Region, Eastern Cape A FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF RIVER REHABILITATION IN THE KOUGA REGION, EASTERN CAPE by ADRIAN PIETERSEN Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE ofRhodes University January 2009 ABSTRACT The Kouga Riparian Rehabilitation Project (KRRP) is seen as a pilot rehabilitation project in the Kouga region that is heavily invaded with Acacia mearnsii along the riparian zones of many mountain streams. Clearing of these black wattles and re-planting of indigenous vegetation are imperative to rehabilitation efforts. In this context, two invaded catchments were identified - the Baviaans and the Heuningnes. The aim of this research is to characterise the effects that the woody alien invasive Acacia mearnsii has had on the river channel morphology of the Baviaans and Heuningnes Rivers. A desktop and initial field analysis of the relevant study area catchments was completed. This was followed by a comparison of the channel morphology of the various study channel reaches using fixed channel transects. Ecological resource quality objectives (RQOs) for river rehabilitation from a fluvial geomorphological viewpoint were then established. A long-term monitoring protocol to assess whether or not these RQOs will be achieved was recommended. Follow-up channel transects were measured post wattle clearance in the Baviaans and short-term (<2yrs) changes in channel form were described. Differences in terms of the effect of Acacia mearnsii on channel form were then interpreted by direct comparison and through statistical analysis. Results indicate a number of significant differences between those channels impacted by black wattle infestation and those channels seen as unimpacted and natural. Short-term changes (<2yrs) that occurred within the study period post Baviaans wattle clearance were shown to be minimal for channel form as well as for bed material. The lack of any clear relationship or explanation between channel form and other channel controls suggests vegetation as the primary control. Vegetation, specifically the invasive alien vegetation, is the key controlling variable acting on channel form in the two study catchments. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis is based upon work supported by the National Research Fund under grant number F A2006041 000021. World Wildlife Fund South Africa for further funding. Working for Water for the clearing and R3G for logistical support. Without these agencies there wouldn't have been a reason to conduct this research in the first place. Duncan Keal, Bennie van der Waal and Matt McConnachie for all your excellent help collecting data in the field. My supervisor, Kate Rowntree for all the help, guidance and advice and for always making time. Thank you so much. Saskia Fourie for all her assistance, help and input over the last two years. Harry Batemen and his entire team at Terrapi. Many thanks for all your help with everything during the research. Thanks for a great study site and all the help with accommodation was much appreciated. Sarah Radloff for your help with some of the statistical analyses. The staff members at Rhodes Geography Department especially Glyn Armstrong and John Landman for help with all the equipment. My family for all their Jove and support (emotional and financial!) over all these years. Unless otherwise stated, this thesis presents the authors own work. lll CONTENTS TITLE.... .............................................................................................i ABSTRACT................................................. ~ .'! . r... ". .......~ ~~ .. ~ .................... .ii ' u~· ,.1 •iln 1 • , .•. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................. ~ . : ..................111 ' ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................iv LIST OF FIGURES..... .........................................................................viii LIST OF TABLES. .................................................................................x LIST OF PLATES........................ .........................................................xi LIST OF ACRONYMS ..........................................................................xii .APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xiii Wai,:c j'(IW own uo.:cc; NEVER underline or write in ~ hook TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. ! 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................. 1 1.2 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT OF RESEARCH ....................................... 2 1.3 INVASIVE ALIEN VEGETATION ............ .. .................................................... 4 1.4 REHABILITATION ........................................................................................... 6 1.5 AIM, KEY RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES ............................ 7 1.5 .1 Research aim ...................................................................................................... 7 1.5.2 Key research questions ....................................................................................... 7 1.5.3 Research objectives ........................ .................................................................... 8 1.6 THE STUDY AREA .............................................................. ............................. 8 1.7 THESIS OUTLINE ........................................................................................... 12 .APPROACHES TO RIVER REHABILITATION ...................................................... 13 2.1 THE TERMINOLOGY OF 'ECOSYSTEM REPAIR' .................................... 13 2.2 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF REHABILITATION .............................. 14 2.2.1 Stream rehabilitation ........................................................................................ 15 2.3 THE USE OF A REFERENCE ......................................................................... 17 2.4 CONSTRAINTS, RESTRICTIONS AND DESIGN ISSUES ......................... 19 2.5 DEFINING "SUCCESS" .................................................................................. 20 2.6 INTERVIEWS WITH KEY PROJECT INDIVIDUALS ................................. 22 2.7 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 23 FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY ................................................................................. 24 3.1 A FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGICAL APPROACH .......... .......................... 24 IV 3.1.1 Fluvial Geomorphology ... ....................................... ......................................... 24 3.1.2 Scale and complexity ....................................................................................... 26 3.1.3 Recognising a hierarchical geomorphological approach ................................. 27 3.1.4 The Catchment ................................................................................................. 29 3.1.5 The Reach ........................................................................ ................................. 30 3.2 FLUVIAL PROCESSES AND FORMS .......................................................... 30 3.2.1 Channel morphology ........................................................................................ 30 3.2.2 Erosion, transport and deposition ............................................................. .. ...... 32 3.2.3 Controls on channel morphology ..................................................................... 33 3.2.4 Channel geometry and cross-sectional fom1 .................................................... 38 3.2.5 Channel morphology as a diagnostic 'tool' ...................................................... 39 3.3 VEGETATION AND THE RIVER CHANNEL ............................................. .40 3.3. I The Riparian zone ............................................................................................ 40 3.3 .2 The river channel ................................. ............................................................. 41 3.3.3 The effects of vegetation on the river channel ................................................. 42 3.3.4 Acacia mearnsii ................... ............................................................................. 44 3.3.5 Large woody debris (LWD) ........................................................ ..................... 46 3.4 CONCLUDING THEORETICAL DISCUSSION OF LITERATURE.. .......... 47 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY............. ............................................ 51 4.1 INTRODUCTION ......... .................................................................................... 51 4.2 INITIAL ANALYSIS OF STUDY AREA CATCHMENTS ..................... ...... 52 4.2.1 Choice of catchments ........................................................................... ............ 52 4.2.2 Vegetation of the study area ............................................................................. 53 4.2.3 Aerial photo analysis ........................................................................................ 54 4.2.4 Geology of the study area................................. ................................................ 54 4.2.5 Catchment analysis ............... ............................................................................ 56 4.2.6 River long profiles ...........................................................................................
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