Congressional Record—Senate S970
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S970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 29, 2000 taken a position at LeMoyne Junior her colleagues in the Legislature to ap- ever, I want to join with the countless College and resumed teaching at prove a sales tax increase to finance a families in Missouri and across the na- LeMoyne while Eleanor was still city-wide rail and subway system—now tion in sending my thoughts and pray- young. She continued to teach there, known in Atlanta as MARTA, a crown ers to those in grief. although circumstances compelled her jewel among the nation’s urban mass Mr. President, in addition, it is im- to undertake courses that she did not transit systems. Her time in the Legis- portant to recognize the bravery, her- feel qualified to teach. In 1934, this lature was infinitely successful and in oism, and citizenship of those that frustration came to a head when gen- 1984, at the age of 78 she began to con- tried to come to Jake’s rescue. der issues and the Great Depression sider retirement. She decided for ‘‘one The man who stole the car took off forced LeMoyne to terminate her em- last go-around’’ but failed to detect the on Interstate 70 at high speed. All ployment. After volunteering with the political risk she faced. She was de- along the way, people honked and NAACP and the YWCA, Grace took a feated by a 26 year-old graduate stu- shouted from their cars for him to position with the Works Progress Ad- dent in public administration at Geor- stop. The driver was stopped and appre- ministration (WPA) conducting a sur- gia State named Mable Thomas. After hended, not by the police, but by ap- vey on The Urban Negro Worker in the almost twenty years in public office, proximately four gentlemen who man- United States 1925–1936. Grace Hamilton set out for the next aged to surround the vehicle after the In 1941, the Hamilton family returned phase of life. man left I–70 and turned onto a busy to Atlanta where Grace’s husband be- Grace Hamilton lived on another street in Independence, Missouri. The came principal of Atlanta University’s eight years, overseeing the care of her man tried to escape on foot, but was Laboratory High School. Grace had ailing husband and guiding the search stopped by these heroes who tied his never set out to be a leader, but at this for a suitable depository for her papers feet together and sat on him until the point she was thirty-four years old, had and effects. She collected numerous ac- police arrived. These men acted swiftly an advanced education degree, and had colades and awards before she finally and responsibly. worked steadily at professional jobs for succumbed to illness in 1992, survived Once again, Mr. President, my more than a decade. She knew the by her daughter Eleanor. thoughts and prayers go out to the value of community activism and edu- As we come to the end of Black His- family of Jake Robel as well as to all cation and set out to take part in the tory Month, I respectfully submit this those who witnessed such a tragedy. I fight. This led her to the Atlanta insert into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD also want to recognize the gentlemen Urban League. in honor of one of my personal heroes, who apprehended the driver. These From 1943 until 1960, Grace Hamilton Grace Towns Hamilton. Her service has honorable citizens have shown us first- served as the Executive Director of the been an inspiration to me and many hand that heroes do exist.∑ others who have known her. I am proud Atlanta Urban League. During her ten- f ure, she shaped the path of the League of her legacy in Georgia and pleased to to better serve Atlanta, which was in- have this opportunity to share it. I RETIREMENT OF CHIEF ANGELO creasingly being seen as the South’s would also like to thank Mrs. Hamil- TOSCANO ‘‘hub city.’’ She moved the focus away ton’s biographers, Lorraine Nelson ∑ Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I am de- from the national organization’s em- Spritzer and Jean B. Bergmark, for lighted to rise today to pay tribute to phasis on philanthropy and job pro- their contribution to Grace’s legacy— a well-respected and remarkable offi- curement to a more Atlanta-focused Grace Towns Hamilton and the Politics cer, Chief Angelo Toscano, whose re- program of housing, equality in school of Southern Change. tirement from the Wilton Police Force ∑ funding, voter registration and better Thank you Mr. President. marks the end of 43 years as a Con- medical care. Her biographers, Lor- f necticut law enforcement officer. Day raine Nelson Spritzer and Jean B. JAKE D. ROBEL in and day out, Chief Toscano ensured Bergmark, wrote of her legacy that it ∑ Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I come to that safety and peace prevailed in the ‘‘. .was better appreciated by whites the floor today to extend my heartfelt Wilton community. I am honored to ex- than blacks. The white world glorified sympathies to the family of 6-year-old tend thanks and appreciation to him. her, clothing her in virtue without Jake D. Robel of Blue Springs, Mis- On behalf of the people of Wilton and flaws. The black community viewed souri. the entire state of Connecticut, whom I her with greater ambivalence, seeing One week ago Jake died after being am privileged to represent in the blemish as well as the best and came dragged for almost five miles at high United States Senate. closer to discerning the real and impor- speed by a man who had stolen Jake’s Chief Toscano was born and raised in tant person she was, probably because mother’s car in Independence, Mis- Darien, Connecticut. After graduating she was truly one of their own.’’ souri. from Darien High School he attended After Mrs. Hamilton resigned in 1960, Jake’s mom had stopped at a sand- Norwalk Community College and the she set out on her path to political suc- wich shop to run in and pick up her Federal Bureau of Investigation Na- cess. She ran in a special off-year elec- order. She left her car running and tional Academy. In 1957, after serving tion in 1965 which brought her and six Jake was waiting in the car. in the United States Marine Corps for other black Democrats into the Geor- This town and area should be safe. three years, he began his career in law gia state legislature. The first black Many would say tragedies like this one enforcement as a patrolman. His dedi- woman in the Georgia State Legisla- happen everywhere else, but not here. cation earned him the respect of his ture, Hamilton was called ‘‘Atlanta’s In this area, there are people who al- colleagues, and his leadership propelled only real integrationist,’’ ‘‘a leader,’’ ways leave their car doors unlocked him up the ranks—from patrolman, to and a ‘‘bridge-builder.’’ It was here and their keys in the ignition. Many sergeant, to detective, and finally, to where she made her most lasting con- leave their homes unlocked and have Chief of Police. tribution to her city and state, and all no idea where to find the house key. Throughout his career in public serv- agreed she was that rare person who Unfortunately, that sense of security ice, Chief Toscano remained on the gave politics a good name. I remember is now shattered. cutting edge of law enforcement tech- fondly serving with her while I was in In those few moments it took Jake’s niques, always believing that there was the Georgia state senate from 1970 mom to run into the sandwich shop, an more for him to learn. Chief Toscano until 1974. assailant jumped in her vehicle and continued his training up until the While serving in the state legisla- sped away. Jake, with his mother’s very end of his career, including par- ture, Grace Hamilton sought to help, tried to escape from the vehicle, ticipation in the Connecticut Police strengthen local government, particu- but became entangled in the seat belt. Academy, the Darien Power Squadron, larly the Mayor’s role. She also worked In a heartbeat, the car door closed— and a wide range of F.B.I. training pro- towards equal justice for blacks, and with Jake tangled in the seat belt— grams. the elimination wasted tax dollars by being dragged behind. Chief Toscano embodied everything a seeking consolidation of Georgia’s nu- I can’t imagine the loss felt by the community could hope for in a Chief of merous counties. In 1971, she persuaded family and friends of Jake Robel. How- Police. He was a veteran of the streets VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:40 Dec 04, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2000SENATE\S29FE0.REC S29FE0 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY February 29, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S971 whose years of experience became the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section which nominations were received by the Sen- source of his good judgment and de- 12203: ate and appeared in the Congressional pendability. He was a well-trained cop To be major general Record of nulldate. Air Force nominations beginning Laraine Brig. Gen. Ralph S. Clem, 0000 whose background and skill ensured L. Acosta, and ending Roger A. Wujek, which Brig. Gen. John M. Danahy, 0000 that, as Chief, he led with a steadfast nominations were received by the Senate and Brig.