Housing Policy Development Group
1 BSF AND PRIMARY CAPITAL POLICY DEVELOPMENT GROUP MEETING, 26TH JULY, 2010 Present – Councillors Adia, Ashcroft, Bashir – Ismail, Mrs. Brierley, McKeon, Morris, Murray, Rushton, Mrs. Swarbrick, Mrs Thomas, J. Walsh, Wild and D.A Wilkinson (as deputy for Councillor Hayes). Also in Attendance Ms M. Asquith - Director of Children’s Services Mr. D. Grogan - Assistant Director BSF and Academies Mr. J. Livesey - Assistant Director Mr. T. Birch - Assistant Director Mr. G. Kelly - Deputy Unit Manager Mr. A. Jennings - Democratic Services Manager Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Hayes. Councillors who were members of school Governing Bodies declared personal interests in the following matters. 1. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN The PDG agreed that Councillor Mrs. Thomas be appointed Chair of the PDG for the 2010/11 Municipal Year. 2. APPOINTMENT OF VICE – CHAIRMAN The PDG agreed that Councillor Adia be appointed Vice - Chair of the PDG for the 2010/11 Municipal Year. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Policy Development Group held on 11th March, 2010 were submitted and signed as a correct record. Page 1 of 5 Bsfpdgjuly09.doc 2 4. UPDATE ON BSF The Directors of Children’s Services and Corporate Resources submitted a joint report that updated members on the implications of the Bolton BSF programme being stopped by the Secretary of State for Education, together with the latest position on the Academies programme. The Secretary of State had announced that the BSF programme would be discontinued on the 5th July, 2010 with immediate effect. In the main, any authorities that had reached ‘financial close’ would be allowed to continue.
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