History Catechism

New Testament History


Seniors Book 2 of 2

Originally by Rev. Herman Veldman Edited and Adapted by J.J. Lim

Owner: ______Bible History Catechism – History (Seniors - Book 2/2) Originally by Rev Herman Veldman Edited & adapted by J.J. Lim Original version by Rev Herman Veldman is property of the Protestant Reformed Churches of America J.J. Lim edited version © 2010 by Pilgrim Covenant Church. E-published by Gratia Dei Sola Media Blk 203B, Henderson Road, #07-07, Singapore 159546. Website: www.gdsmedia.org Email: [email protected]

All rights reserved Name: ______Date: ______

Lesson 1 The Birth of

1. is the fulfilment of the Old Testament. Read Matthew 5:17 and fill in the blanks: “Think not that I am come to ______, or the prophets: I am ______to destroy, but ______.” 2. FITB: “For the prophecy came ______in old time by the ______: but holy men of God spake as they were ______by the ______” (2 Peter 1:21). 3. FITB: “There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named ______, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was ______. And they were both ______before God, walking in all the ______and ______of the Lord blameless” (Luke 1:5,6). 4. According to Luke 1:5, Zacharias was a ______of the course of ______. His wife was a daughter of ______. According to Exodus 28:1, Aaron was appointed by God to minister to Him in the ______. 5. Read Luke 1:19-0,63 and answer these questions: a. Where did stand? ______b. What did Gabriel show Zacharias? ______c. How did Zacharias show that the baby’s name is John? ______

6. Who told the parents that they must call their baby John? Look up Luke 1:13. ______

7. Answer these questions about Mary and Elizabeth: a. Mary and Elizabeth were ______(Luke 1:36) b. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for how long a period? ______(Lk 1:56) c. Elizabeth, in Luke 1:43 calls Mary ______.

8. Read Luke 1:15 and fill in the blanks: “For he shall be ______in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither ______nor ______; and he shall be filled with the ______, even from his mother's womb.” Name: ______Date: ______


1. In the following texts Jesus is called: Genesis 49:10—______, Numbers 24:17—______, and ______, Isaiah 7:14—______, Micah 5:2—______, John 1:1—______, John 1:34— ______, and John 1:36—______.

2. According to Matthew 1:21 Joseph is commanded to call the child Jesus because ______

3. Jesus says of Himself in Luke 19:10 that He is come to “______”

4. In Luke 2:25, we read that was ______and ______, waiting for the consolation of Israel and the ______was ______. In Luke 2:37-38 we read that Anna served ______, and that she spoke of ______to ______.

5. Look up Matthew 2:1-12 and answer these questions: a. What sign did God give these wise men of Jesus’ birth? ______b. What did the wise men call Jesus? ______c. Why did they come to ? ______(cf. Mt 5:35) d. What gifts did they bring? ______

6. Answer these questions about Herod after you read Matthew 2:3,7,16: a. How did Herod feel after he heard these things? ______b. What did Herod inquire of the wise men? ______c. What did Herod do when he was mocked of them? ______

7. Look up Matthew 2:13-15 and answer these questions: a. Who warned Joseph? ______b. What was Joseph told to do? ______c. How long did Jesus stay in Egypt? ______

8. According to Matthew 2:23, why was Jesus brought to live in Nazareth? ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. What other name is given to John in Matthew 17:10-13? ______

2. Read Mark 1:4-6 and answer the following questions: a. How was John dressed? ______b. Where did he labour? ______c. What did he eat? ______

3. Read John 1:19-24 and answer these questions: a. Who came to John to ask him who he was? ______b. What did he confess in verse 20? ______c. Who did the people think he was? ______d. Who did John say he was? ______

4. Look up Luke 3:7-9 and answer these questions: a. What does John call the wicked in verse 7? ______b. What fruits must the wicked bring forth? ______

5. What does John tell the tax collector in Luke 3:13? ______

6. What does he tell the soldiers in verse 14? ______

7. In John 3:30 John the Baptist said to his disciples? ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. Read Luke 2:41-45 and fill in the following blanks: Every year Jesus’ parents went to ______every year at the feast of the ______. When He was _____ years old, Jesus went along. As they returned from Jerusalem, Jesus ______behind. His parents knew ______of it. They went a ______journey; and they sought him among their ______and ______. And when they ______, they went back to ______, seeking Him.

2. Read Luke 2:45-50 and answer these questions: a. How long did Jesus’ parents look for Him? ______b. Where did they find Him? ______c. What was He doing?______d. What did those who heard Jesus think? ______e. How did Jesus answer His parents? ______

3. Look up Luke 2:40 and fill in the blanks: “And the child ______, and waxed ______in spirit, filled with ______: and the ______of God was upon him.”

4. How did Jesus answer John when he refused to baptize Him? (See Matthew 3:15) ______

5. What is called in Matthew 4:3 and 10? ______

6. What other names of the devil are found in Revelation 12:9? ______

7. With what words did Jesus always begin His answer to the Devil in Matthew 4:4,7,10? ______

8. What does Paul in Ephesians 6:17 call our chief weapon for driving Satan away? ______

9. What happen when the Devil left Jesus? (Read Matthew 4:11) ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. What are the names given to the Lord Jesus in the following verses: a. John 1:29—______b. John 1:41—______, which, being interpreted is ______.

2. Read John 2:18-22 and answer the following: a. How long did it take the Jews to build the temple? ______b. To what temple did Jesus refer when He said He would raise it up in three days? ______

3. FITB from John 3:1-2: was a man of the ______, a ______of the Jews. He came to Jesus ______. He called Jesus ______and said to Him, “… We know that thou art a ______come from ______: for no man can do these ______that thou doest, except ______.”

4. Read John 3:26-30 and answer these questions: a. Why were John’s disciples jealous of Jesus? ______b. How does verse 30 show that John was not jealous? ______

5. What was the Jews attitude towards the Samaritans? (see John 4:9) ______

6. How did the Samaritan woman know that Jesus was a prophet? (John 4:11-19,29)


7. Read John 4:24 and fill in the blanks to show how we must truly worship God. “God is a ______: and they that worship him must worship him in ______and in ______.”

8. Fill in these blanks from John 4:14: “But whosoever drinketh of the ______that I shall give him shall ______; but the water that I shall ______him shall be in him a ______of water ______up into ______.”

9. How long did Jesus tarry among the Samaritans? John 4:40-43 ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. Read John 4:46-54 and answer the following questions: a. Where was Jesus when He healed the nobleman’s son? ______b. What did Jesus tell the nobleman to do? ______c. What according to the last part of the verse 53 was the fruit of this miracle? ______

2. What according to Matthew 4:23, did Jesus do in the Jewish synagogues? ______

3. FITB from Luke 4:17-19: “And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet ______. And when he had ______the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to ______the to the poor; he hath sent me to ______the ______, to preach ______to the captives, and ______of ______to the blind, to ______at ______them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable ______.”

4. FITB from Luke 4:28-29: “And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with ______, And rose up, and ______him out of the city, and ______him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might ______him down headlong.”

5. Which was mentioned in Luke 5:1-11? ______, ______, and ______

6. Read Mark 1:17 and fill in the blanks: “And Jesus said unto them, ______ye after me, and I will make you to become ______of ______.” 7. According to Luke 4:38-39: a. Jesus entered into whose house? ______b. What miracle did He perform there? ______c. What did she do immediately after being healed? ______8. Whom did Jesus call about this time to be one of His disciples? (see Mt 9:9) ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. What two incidents also occurred on the Sabbath day? (see Matthew 12:1-8, 9-13) ______

2. What was the attitude of the towards Jesus according to Luke 6:11? ______

3. To what did their hatred of Jesus lead them? (see Matthew 12:14) ______

4. Read Matthew 6:24 and fill in the blanks: “No man can serve ______masters: for either he will ______the one, and ______the other; or else he ______to the one, and ______the other. Ye cannot serve ______and ______.”

5. Name the twelve disciples as given in Luke 6:13-16: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______.

6. Read Luke 7:1-10 and answer the following questions: a. Into what city did Jesus enter at this time? ______b. Who was sick? ______c. How seriously sick was he? ______d. Who did the centurion send to Jesus? ______e. How did Jesus heal his servant? See verse 7 and 10. ______

7. What did Jesus say about the faith of the centurion? (see Luke 7:9) ______

8. What great miracle did Jesus perform at Nain? (see Luke 7:11-16) ______

______Name: ______Date: ______


1. With what question did John send two of his disciples to Jesus? (see Matthew 11:2,3) ______

2. FITB from Matthew 11:25-26: “At that time Jesus answered and said, I ______thee, O Father, Lord of ______and ______, because thou ______these things from the ______and ______, and hast ______. Even so, Father: for so it ______.”

3. List the seven parables of Matthew 13 a. Verse 3 ______b. Verse 24,25 ______c. Verse 31 ______d. Verse 33 ______e. Verse 44 ______f. Verse 45 ______g. Verse 47 ______

4. In Matthew 13:18-23, the heart of man is compared to four kinds of soil. What are they? ______, ______, ______, and ______.

5. According to Matthew 13:23, “But he that received seed into the good ground is he that ______the ______, and ______it.”

6. What according to Matthew 13:31-32 do the kingdom of heaven and a mustard seed have in common? ______


7. Write down Matthew 11:28 and fill in the blanks: “Come unto ____, all ye that ______and are ______, and _____ will ______you ______.”

8. FITB from Mark 4:40: “And he said unto them, Why are ye so ______? how is it that ye have no ______?”

9. What parable did the Lord Jesus speak in the home of ? (See Luke 7:40-42). ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. What according to Luke 9:1-2, did Jesus do at the beginning of His third tour of Galilee? ______

2. Read Mark 6:14-29 and answer the following questions: a. Why did hate John? ______b. What happened to John because of this? ______c. What convenient day is mentioned in this story? ______d. What did Herod promise the daughter of Herodias? ______e. Why did this daughter ask for John’s head? ______f. Who buried John the Baptist? ______

3. What three things did Jesus do when it became plain that the people would try to make Him king by force? (See John 6:15 and Mark 6:45) ______


4. FITB from John 6:37-39: “______that the Father ______shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do ______will, but the ______that sent me. And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of ______I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.”

5. What did Jesus say about Judas in John 6:70-71? ______

6. FITB from John 6:53,54: “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye ______the ______of the Son of man, and ______his ______, ye have no ______in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will ______him up at the last day.” Name: ______Date: ______


1. Read Matthew 16:13-18 and answer the following questions: a. Whom did the people say that Jesus was? ______b. Who revealed to Peter that Jesus is the ? ______2. FITB from Matthew 16:18,19: “And I say also unto thee, That thou art ______, and upon this ______I will build my ______; and the ______of ______shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the ______of the ______of ______: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 3. Read Matthew 16:21-23 and answer the following questions in your own words: a. What did the Lord begin to show His disciples at this time? ______b. How did Peter rebuke the Lord? ______c. How did the Lord reply him? ______4. When would the disciples be able to speak of the Lord’s glory on the mount? (see Matthew 17:9) ______5. Read 2 Peter 1:16-18 and answer the following: a. Why could the apostles make known the power and coming of the Lord? ______b. When were they eye-witnesses of His glory? ______6. What miracle did Jesus perform after He came down from the mount? (See Matthew 17:14-21) ______7. FITB from Luke 10:1,17: “After these things the Lord appointed ______, … And the seventy returned again ______, saying, Lord, even the ______are ______unto us through ______.” 8. What did the people say about Jesus at the Feast of the Tabernacles? (read John 7:12) ______9. Read John 7:50-52 and answer the following questions: a. How did Nicodemus try to defend Jesus? ______b. What did the wicked rulers of the Jews say of Him? ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. Read John 9:1-3,14,22-34 and answer the following questions: a. Whom does Jesus heal in this story? ______b. Why was he born blind? ______c. When was this miracle performed? ______d. What had the Jews decided? ______

2. Read John 10:15,27,29 and answer the following questions: a. What does Jesus call His people? ______b. Who gave them to Jesus? ______c. What is no man able to do? ______

3. What did the wicked Pharisees and Scribes say about the Lord Jesus? (see Luke 15:1,2) ______

4. Name the 3 parables by which the Lord answers the wicked Pharisees and Scribes (see Lk 15):

(a) ______; (b) ______; (c) ______

5. What did the unbelieving Jews say of the Lord Jesus at the grave of Lazarus? (See John 11:37) ______

6. How did Lazarus come forth from the grave? (See John 11:44) ______


7. Name the 3 parables in Luke 14:16-24, 16:1-13, 19-31: (a) ______(b) ______; (c) ______

8. Read 1 Corinthians 5:42-44 and note the great change: “So also is the ______of the ______. It is sown in ______; it is raised in ______: It is sown in ______; it is raised in ______: It is sown in ______; it is raised in ______: It is sown a ______; it is raised a ______.” Name: ______Date: ______


1. Read Mark 10:17-27 and answer the following questions: a. What did this young man ask Jesus? ______b. What did Jesus tell him to do? ______c. Why was he sad? ______d. How can rich people enter into the Kingdom of God? (see v. 27) ______

2. Name the three parables in the following passages: a. Lk 18:1-8 ______b. Luke 18:9-14 ______c. Luke 19:11-28 ______

3. Read Luke 18:35-43 and answer the following questions: a. What did the blind man cry out when it was told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by? “______” b. How did the people act toward him? (v. 39) ______c. How did the Lord heal him? (v. 42) ______d. What did he do after receiving his sight? ______

4. FITB “That whosoever shall put away his ______, saving for the cause of ______, causeth her to commit ______: and whosoever shall ______her that is ______committeth ______” (Mt 5:32).

5. What did Mary do in the house of ? (see John 12:3) ______

6. What did the Lord Jesus say of Mary because she did this? (see Matthew 26:13) ______

7. Why did the chief priest want to kill Lazarus also? (see John 12:10,11) ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. FITB: “And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, ______to the Son of ______: ______is he that ______in the ______of the Lord; Hosanna in the ______” (Mt 21:9)

2. Read Matthew 21:12-16 and answer the following:

a. What did the Lord Jesus do in the temple? (v. 12) ______b. What did He say to those which He cast out? (v. 13) ______c. Who were brought to the temple to be healed? (v. 14) ______

3. FITB: “And Jesus said unto them, See ye ______all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one ______upon another, that shall not be ______” (Mt 24:2)

4. FITB: Judas was one of ______. He went to the ______. He agreed to deliver Jesus for ______of silver. From that time he sought ______to ______Him (Mt 26:14-16)

5. Read John 13:1-13 and answer the following:

a. What did Peter say when the Lord Jesus was about to wash his feet? (v. 8) ______

b. What was the Lord’s reply? ______

c. How did Peter then reply? (v. 9) ______

6. How did the disciples explain Judas departure? (John 13:27-29) ______

7. FITB: “Then entered ______into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. And he went his way, and ______with the ______and ______, how he might ______him unto them. And they were ______, and ______to give him money.” (Luke 22:3-5). Name: ______Date: ______


1. FITB from Matthew 26:47, which describes how the Lord Jesus was captured in the garden: “And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, ______, came, and with him a ______with ______, from the ______and ______of the people. 2. Read Matthew 26:36-46 and answer the following: a. Which 3 disciples went with the Lord into the garden? ______b. What did the Lord pray the 1st time? ______c. What were the disciples doing when Jesus returned? ______d. What did He say to Peter? (v. 40) ______e. What did Jesus pray the 2nd and 3rd time? ______3. Answer these questions about Peter’s denial as told in Matthew 26:69-75: a. Who approached Peter the 1st time and what did she say? ______b. What did Peter answer and to whom did he say this? ______c. Who approached him the 2nd time and what did she say? ______d. How did Peter reply? ______e. Who spoke to Peter a 3rd time and what was said? ______f. What happened immediately afterwards? ______g. What did Peter do when that happened? ______4. Why were the false witnesses of the Sanhedrin a failure? (see Mark 14:57-59) ______5. What did the Jewish council do to the Lord Jesus after they condemned Him to death? (see Mt 26:67) ______6. Three times Pilate tried to free himself of Jesus. What did he do each time? a. John 18:31—______b. Luke 23:6-7—______c. Matthew 27:15-21—______7. What did Pilate’s wife tell Pilate in Matthew 27:19 ______Name: ______Date: ______

Lesson 15 CALVARY

1. What is the meaning of “Golgotha”? (see Mt 27:13) ______2. Read John 19:19-20 and answer the following questions: a. What was the superscription on the cross? ______b. In what language was the superscription written? ______3. Write the seven crosswords: a. Luke 23:34—______b. Luke 23:43—______c. John 19:26,27—______d. Matthew 27:46—______e. John 19: 28—______f. John 19: 30—______g. Luke 23:46—______4. FITB: “And, behold, the ______was ______in ______from the ______; and the ______did ______, and the ______; And the ______were ______; and ______of the ______which slept ______” (Mt 27:51,52). 5. According to WCF 8.5, why did the Lord Jesus have to die on the cross? ______6. FITB: “Now when the ______, and ______, watching Jesus, saw the ______, and ______, they ______, saying, ______” (Mt 27:54). 7. Read John 19:38-40 and Matthew 27:57-60 and answer the following: a. Who asked Pilate for the body of Jesus? ______b. Who joined Joseph at the cross? ______c. What did they do to Jesus’ body before they buried Him? ______d. Where did they bury Jesus? ______8. How did Jesus’ enemies try to guard Jesus’ body? (Matthew 27:65,66) ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. What happened to the keepers when the of the Lord descended and rolled the stone from the door of the tomb? (see Matthew 28:1-6) ______2. What lies were the soldiers told to tell? Matthew 28:11-15 ______3. FITB: “Then cometh ______following him, and ______into the ______, and seeth the ______, And the ______, that was about his head, ______, but ______in a place by itself. Then went in also that ______, which came first to the sepulchre, and he ______, and ______” (John 20:6-8) 4. Who did think the Lord Jesus was, and what caused her to recognise Him? (John 20:11- 18) ______5. Read Luke 24:13-35 and answer the following questions: a. Who was one of the two Emmaus’ travellers? ______b. What were they discussing before Jesus joined them?______c. Why did they not recognize Jesus? ______d. What did Jesus explain to them? ______e. Why did they recognize Him? ______6. Quote the confession of Thomas in John 20:28 “______” 7. What did Jesus do in the presence of His disciples to show that He had really risen from the dead? (Luke 24:41-43) ______8. Look up the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19,20 and FITB: “Go ___ therefore, and ______, ______them in the name of the ______, and of the ______, and of the ______: ______them to ______whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, ______am with you ______, even unto the ______. Amen.” 9. Give the three advantages of Christ’s ascension as found in Question and Answer 49 of the Heidelberg Catechism. a. ______b. ______c. ______Name: ______Date: ______

Lesson 17

1. What instruction had the Lord left with His Church in :4? ______

2. FITB: “______continued with ______in ______and ______, with the ______, and ______, and with ______” (Acts 1:14).

3. What twofold impression did the miracle of Pentecost have upon the people? (:7,13) a. ______b. ______

4. Read Acts 2:5-13 and answer the following questions: a. Who were in Jerusalem at this time? ______b. Why were they confounded? ______c. What were the disciples speaking in their languages? (v. 11) ______

5. Which verses in Joel 2 are quoted by Peter in Acts 2:16-21? ______

6. Of whom does David speak in Psalm 16 which Peter quotes in Acts 2:25-28? ______.

7. T / F — The promise of the Holy Spirit which Peter spoke about in Acts 2:39 is part of God’s covenant promise which he made to Abraham (cf. Gal 3:14) 8. How many were added to the Church on Pentecost? (See Acts 2:41). ______

9. Acts 2:47 tell us that “… the ______added to the ______daily such as ______.”

10. Write in your own words how the believers lived according to Acts 2:42-47: ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. Answer the following questions in connection with the miracle of the healing of the lame man in a. How old was this man and how long had he been lame? (see Acts 3:2, :22) ______b. What did this man do when he was healed? (Acts 3:8) ______c. What did Peter do when all the people ran together unto them in the porch? (Acts 3:11,12)______d. What happened to John and Peter after Peter had preached? (Acts 4:3) ______e. What happened to the apostles the following day? (Acts 4:5-7) ______

2. Why did the Sanhedrin marvel at John and Peter? (Acts 4:13) ______

3. FITB: “And ______through ______in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the ______which is ______hath ______him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” (Acts 3:16)

4. What lie did tell? :1-4 ______

5. How were many sick healed according to Acts 5:15,15 ______

6. Why was the Jewish council amazed? (Acts 5:22,23) ______

7. From Acts 5:38,39, quote the part of ’s answer which shows that, if God be on our side, we never have to worry. ______

8. The office of ______was instituted in :5,6. See also 1 Timothy 3:10-13. Name: ______Date: ______


1. Acts 6:5 tells us that Stephen was a “… man ______and of ______,” and Acts 6:8 says that he was “… full of ______and ______, did great ______and ______among the people.”

2. Acts 6:13,14 tells us that ______were set up against Stephen. Quote what they said about Stephen: “______” 3. Against whom else were false witnesses brought? (see Mt 26:59) ______4. Show from Acts 6:15 what change appeared in Stephen by filling the following blanks: “And ______that ______, looking ______, saw his ______as it had been the ______of an ______.” 5. Read :54-58 and answer the following questions: a. What was the reaction of Stephen’s enemies to his speech? ______b. What did Stephen see? ______c. What did Stephen say to his enemies? “______” d. What 5 things did his enemies do then? (vv. 57,58): (i) ______; (ii) ______; (iii) ______; (iv) ______; and (v) ______6. What did Stephen pray at the time of his death? “______” (Acts 7:60) 7. In whom was this prayer surely answered? (see Acts 7:58, 9:1-8, 22:20) ______8. Read :8-24 and answer the following questions: a. What did Simon pretend? (v. 9)______b. We read in Verse 13 that he also believed and was baptized. Quote from Verse 21 to show that he only pretended to believe: “…______” c. What made Simon wonder? (v. 13) ______d. Why did Simon want to buy the Holy Ghost? (v. 18,19) ______9. Tell which texts in Isaiah 53 the Ethiopian was reading when Philip joined him. Copy the texts: “______” Name: ______Date: ______


1. Read :1-6 and answer these questions: a. What did Paul decide to do to those whom he found believing in Christ? ______b. What happened as Paul came near Damascus? ______c. Quote what he heard (v. 4) ______d. Who was it speaking to him? (v. 5) ______2. Why was Ananias afraid to go to Saul? (Acts 9:11-14) ______3. Read Acts 9:15,16 and fill in the blanks: In these verses the Lord reveals to Ananias His purpose with respect to Saul. “But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for ______is a ______unto _____, to bear ______before the ______, and ______, and the ______: For I will ______him how ______he must ______for ______.” 4. Why were they, all those who heard Paul, amazed? Acts 9:21 ______5. How did Paul escape from Damascus? (Acts 9:25) ______Why did the disciples help him to escape? (Acts 9:23,24) ______6. Name the miracles that are recorded in Acts 9:32-43: a. ______b. ______7. ______is another name for Tabitha. What do we read of her? (Acts 9:36) ______8. FITB: “There was a certain man in ______called ______, a ______of the band called the ______, A ______man, and one that ______all his ______, which gave much ______to the people, and ______to God ______.” (:1,2) Name: ______Date: ______


1. FITB: “And the ______of the ______was with them: and a ______number ______, and ______unto the ______.” (:21) 2. Of Barnabas we read in Acts 11:24: (a) He was a ______man; and (b) He was full of the ______and of ______. 3. According to Acts 11:26: “The disciples were called ______first in Antioch.” 4. Read Acts 11:27-30 and answer the following questions: a. Which prophet came at this time, to Antioch? ______b. What did foretell (signify) by the Spirit? ______c. When did this famine take place? ______d. What did the church of Antioch do during this famine? (v. 29) ______e. By whom did the church of Antioch bring this relief to the brethren in Judea? ______5. Read :1-19 and answer the following questions: a. Whom did Herod kill about this time? ______b. Why did Herod take Peter also? ______c. When did Herod capture Peter? ______d. How many soldiers guarded Peter? ______e. How was Peter being guarded the same night before Herod would bring him forth (probably to execute him)? (v. 6) ______f. What in v.6 indicates that Peter was not worried at all? ______g. Who delivered Peter? ______h. How did the gates of the prison open before Peter and the angel? (v. 10) ______i. What happened to the soldiers who were appointed to guard Peter? (v. 19) ______6. FITB: “As they ______to the Lord, and ______, the ______said, ______me ______and ______for the ______whereunto I have ______them. And when they had ______and ______, and ______on them, they ______them away” (:2-3). 7. Who accompanied Barnabas and Saul on this first missionary journey of Saul? (see Acts 13:5, Acts 12:25) ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. List the names of the cities Paul visited on the first missionary journey that are mentioned in the following texts. (Also, be able to find them on the map.) a. Acts 13:1—______e. Acts 13:13—______b. Acts 13:4—______f. Acts 13:14—______c. Acts 13:5—______g. Acts 13:51—______d. Acts 13:6—______h. :6—______2. FITB: “Then ______, (who also is called ______,) filled with the ______t, set his eyes on him, And said, O full of all ______and all ______, thou child of the ______, thou ______of all ______, wilt thou not cease to ______the right ways of the ______? And now, behold, the ______of the ______is upon thee, and thou shalt be ______, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a ______; and he went about seeking some to ______him by the hand” ( Acts 13:9-11). This text also indicates Paul’s hatred of the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ. 3. FITB: “But when the ______saw the multitudes, they were filled with ______, and spake ______those things which were spoken by ______, ______and ______” (Acts 13:45). 4. From Acts 14:3, we read that in Iconium the apostles spoke ______and the Lord gave them ______and ______to accompany their message. 5. Read Acts 14:4-6 and answer the following questions: a. What do we read of the multitude of the city? ______b. What did the wicked Gentiles and Jews attempt to do to Barnabas and Paul? ______c. What do we read of Barnabas and Paul then? ______6. What miracle did Paul perform at Lystra? (see Acts 14:8-10) ______7. Who stirred up the people of Lystra and Derbe against Paul? (see Acts 14:19) ______8. What did certain Jewish Christians of Judea demand of the Christians at Antioch? (see :1)______9. Read Acts 15:19,20 and tell from what were the Gentiles told to abstain? a. ______c. ______b. ______d. ______Name: ______Date: ______


1. List the names of the places Paul visited on his second missionary journey as mentioned in the following texts. (Be able to find them on the map.) a. Acts16:1a—______f. :1—______b. Acts16:1b—______g. Acts 17:15—______c. :7—______h. :1—______d. Acts 16:8—______i. Acts 18:19—______e. Acts 16:12—______j. Acts 18:22—______2. Read Acts 15:36-21 and answer the following questions: a. On what did Paul and Barnabas disagree? ______b. How sharp was this contention? ______c. What had they planned to do before this contention? (v. 36) ______d. Whom did Paul choose to accompany him? ______3. Read Acts 16:1,2 and then fill in the blanks: (a) Timothy’s mother was a ______, and ______; (b) His father was a ______; and (c) Timothy was ______of by the brethren that were at ______and ______. 4. Read Acts 16:13,14 and then answer these questions: a. To whom did Paul first speak with in Philippi? ______b. What did God do to Lydia’s heart? ______5. Read Acts 16:22-34 and answer the following questions: a. What happened to Paul and before they were cast into prison? ______b. What did the jailor do to them? (v. 24) ______c. What were Paul and Silas doing at midnight? ______d. What happened at midnight? (v. 26) ______e. What did the jailor intend to do and why? (v. 27) ______f. Who stopped him? (v. 28) ______g. What did Paul and Silas do before the jailor and all his house were baptized? (v. 32) ______6. What did Paul prove out of the Old Testament Scriptures at Thessalonica? (see Acts 17:2,3) ______7. What according to 2 Timothy 3:15 are the Scriptures able to do? ______8. In Corinth, ______and ______joined Paul from Macedonia (Acts 18:5). Name: ______Date: ______


1. List the names of the places Paul visited on his third missionary journey as mentioned in the following texts. (Be able to find them on the map.) a. Acts18:23a—______h. Acts20:14b—______b. Acts18:23b—______i. Acts20:15a—______c. :1—______j. :15b—______d. Acts 20:1—______k. :3—______e. Acts20:3—______l. Acts21:7—______f. Acts20.5—______m. Acts21:8—______g. Acts20:14a—______n. Acts21:17—______2. Read Acts 19:8-12 and answer the following questions: a. Where did Paul preach during his first 3 months at Ephesus? ______b. Where did he conduct his ministry after that? ______c. Why did he move? ______d. How long did he minister there and what was the result of his ministry there? ______3. Read Acts 19:13-19 and answer the following questions? a. What happened to the sons of when they tries to cast out demons in the name of “Jesus whom Paul preacheth” (v. 13)?______b. What happened when the Jews and Greeks heard about it? (v. 17-18)______c. What indication do we have that the conversions were genuine? ______4. According to Acts 19:24-27, who started the riot in Ephesus and why? ______5. Read Acts 20:7-12 and answer the following: a. What miracle did Paul do in Troas? (Acts 20:7-12)? ______b. What day did he do that miracle? ______c. What was the church doing when the ‘tragedy’ happened? ______6. Fill in the blanks to show what was the important message that Paul left with the Ephesian elders: “For I have ______to ______unto you ______the counsel of ______. Take ______therefore unto yourselves, and to all the ______, over the which the ______hath made you ______, to ______the ______, which he hath ______with his ______. For I know this, that after my departing shall ______enter in among you, not sparing the ______. Also of your ______shall men arise, speaking ______things, to ______disciples after them” (Acts 20:27-30) Name: ______Date: ______


1. Look up :17-21 and answer these questions: a. What had the Lord told Paul about the Jews? ______. b. What had the Lord told Paul about the Gentiles? ______.

2. Why did the Roman captain loose Paul’s band and refuse to scourge him? (Acts 22: 24-29) ______.

3. Who heard of the plot to kill Paul? (:16) ______.

4. How many men escorted Paul out of Jerusalem? (Acts 23:23) ______

5. Identify the following: a. Claudius Lysias (Acts 23:19,26) ______b. Ananias, (:1) ______c. Tertullus, (Acts 24:1) ______d. Drusilla, (Acts 24:24) ______e. Felix, (Acts 23:26) ______f. Festus, (Acts 24:27) ______

6. Why did Festus wish to return Paul to Jerusalem to be tried there? (:9) ______

7. What is the opinion of both Agrippa and Festus after Paul’s speech? (:32) ______

8. How many according to :37 were saved with Paul? ______

9. According to 2 Corinthians 11:23-28: a. Paul was in prison ______frequent than other servants of Christ. b. He received forty stripes save one ______times. c. He was beaten with rods ______times. d. He was stoned ______. e. He suffered shipwreck ______.

10. In Philippians 4:22, Paul says, “All the ______salute you, chiefly they that are of the ______household.”