V.I. Celebrates MLK and Obama Days Gov

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V.I. Celebrates MLK and Obama Days Gov January 19-25, 2009 © Copyright 2009 ST. JOHN TRADEWINDS The Community Newspaper Since 1972 • St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands V.I. Celebrates MLK and Obama Days Gov. deJongh Announces V.I. Holiday for Presidential Inauguration – Page 2 Friends of VINP Caneel Bay Express Hope Resort To Close and Optimism for September at Annual Event and October Page 7 Page 15 Stephen Hiss Is New Development Director at Friends Page 6 Crime Group 40th Tektite Seeks Ayala Anniversary Murder Tips The 1969 underwater habitat Page 2 known as Tektite housed four aquanauts who spent 60 days 49- Man Busted with feet below the ocean’s surface at Mama’s Boys TV Great Lameshur Bay — Page 3. 17 Ziplock Bags Show Visits St. John Rendering and Photo Courtesy of Bruce Schoonover of Marijuana Page 11 Page 4 Media Kits Available 340-776-6496 st.thomasmagazine mnelson@malindamediallc.com 2 St. John Tradewinds, January 19-25, 2009 January 20 Is President Obama Day VIPD Commissioner McCall Attending St. John Tradewinds their participation and support of more importantly, it is my hope Coral Bay Business Meeting Jan. 20 In commemoration of the inau- the various campaign and post- that the citizens of our territory guration of the first African-Amer- campaign activities.” will take this opportunity to watch St. John Tradewinds ican United States President, Gov- “We made the proclamation and and share this historic moment Coral Bay business interests will host their third meeting Tues- ernor John deJongh proclaimed gave our government employees with their families, especially with day, January 20, at 8:45 a.m. at Shipwreck Restaurant, co-hosted Tuesday, January 20, 2009, as the day off because a truly historic our children, to ensure that they by the Coral Bay Community Council and the St. Thomas/St. John “President Barack Obama Day” in event will take place on Tuesday, understand what it means for them Chamber of Commerce. There will be a brief business meeting, the Virgin Islands. January 20, and I believe it will and the opportunities that this sig- followed by a discussion with V.I. Police Department Commis- Obama will become the nation’s undoubtedly be the type of event nifies for the next generation,” said sioner James McCall about police coverage and public safety. 44th President during inaugural that people years from now will deJongh. For more information contact the CBCC office at 776-2099 or ceremonies in Washington D.C. ask the question, ‘where were you The deJongh proclamation also coralbaycommunitycouncil@hotmail.com. on Tuesday. when Barack Obama was sworn in makes note of the fact that the in- DeJongh’s proclamation also as our 44th President?’ and each of auguration of the new president ACC Annual Meeting Is January 21 grants administrative leave to gov- us will remember where we were occurs on the day after the obser- St. John Tradewinds ernment employees on Tuesday in at that exact moment,” wrote the vance of the birthday of Dr. Martin The St. John Animal Care Center will host its annual meeting on order to allow residents of the Vir- governor. Luther King, Jr. Wednesday, January 21, at 7 p.m. at the Gifft Hill School’s lower gin Islands to celebrate this mo- In granting the day off, deJongh The administrative leave from 8 Great Room. All members and interested parties are welcome. mentous occasion. The proclama- wanted people to have the chance a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January ACC president B.J. Harris will give a report of the past year’s tion notes that the “people of the to take everything in and remem- 20, does not apply to essential em- activities and treasurer John Fuller will give a report of the financ- Virgin Islands have shown them- ber this unprecedented moment in ployees, employees on a regular or es. A new Board of Directors will be announced. Light refresh- selves to be faithful supporters of our nation’s history, he explained. rotating shift, and employees on ments will be served. the new President-Elect through “But also, and I believe even annual or sick leave. St. John Administrator Hosting First Crime Group Seeks Ayala Murderer Monthly Open House on January 29 St. John Tradewinds St. John Tradewinds Crime Stoppers of the Virgin Is- The St. John Administrator’s Office will be hosting a series lands is asking the community to of monthly open houses at the Battery with different department help the V.I. Police Department to commissioners. find the murderer of Juan Ayala. The first open house will be on Thursday, January 29, from 9 Ayala was found dead from a.m. to 1 p.m. when Department of Planning and Natural Resourc- multiple gunshots on Monday, es Commissioner Robert Mathes, Department of Public Works January 5, outside his home in Es- Commissioner Daryl Smalls and V.I. Waste Management Author- tate Pastory, St. John. ity Commissioner Mae Cornwall will attend. Police say there may have been The event will give the public an opportunity to come and meet two suspects and one suspect is the commissioners on a “one-to-one” basis, and share their opin- described as a black male with ions, suggestions and comments with these government agency braided hair. leaders. There is a $10,000 reward St. John Tradewinds News Photos by Thomas Oat available for information leading Friends 20th Anniversary Gala Jan. 31 to the arrest and conviction of any The owner of Cap’s Place was gunned down outside his St. John Tradewinds murderer in the V.I. offered by the Estate Pastory home, above. On Saturday, January 31, Friends of the Park will be celebrating police department. their 20th anniversary with a gala hosted by Rob Blakeney at his People with information are or suspects involved in the January suspect who allegedly shot and spectacular villa, Presidio del Mar, on the point at Peter Bay. urged to call police emergency 10 shooting at the Frontline Night wounded a bartender and then fled It will be a festive night featuring cuisine catered by Mathayom 911, the Major Crimes Unit at Club on St. Croix. Police say there the area. The suspect is described Private Chefs and dancing to the music of Greg Kinslow’s ensem- 715-5522, or the Chief of Police’s were at least three suspects hiding as being a black male 18 to 20 ble. A list of fantastic gifts will be offered as raffle prizes. Office at 715-5548. Anyone with in nearby bushes who fired weap- years old, slim build with braided For 20 years Friends of VINP has remained committed to the information on this or any other ons at vehicles and the club. hair. The suspect speaks with a protection and preservation of the natural resources and cultural crime is also urged to call Virgin Anyone with information on stateside accent and may be from heritage of the national park. Through the generous support of do- Islands Crime Stoppers at 1-800- this or any other crime should the Atlanta area. nors, Friends is able to not only concentrate on natural resource 222-TIPS (8477) or visit www. immediately call Virgin Islands Anyone with information on conservation and cultural preservation but include important envi- crimestoppersusvi.org and submit Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS this or any other crime should ronmental education and scientific research which will sustain the an anonymous tip online. (8477) or visit www.crimestopper- immediately call Virgin Islands park for generations to come. No one has to give their name susvi.org and submit an anony- Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS For more information contact Steve Hiss at 779-4940. or testify in court. If the informa- mous tip online. (8477) or visit www.crimestopper- tion provided leads to an arrest of Crime Stoppers of the Virgin Is- susvi.org and submit an anony- Duke’s Trophy Race Set for February 8 the person involved in this crime, lands is asking the community to mous tip online. No one has to the tipster will earn a cash reward help the VIPD to find the suspect give their name or testify in court. St. John Tradewinds of up to $2,500. or suspects involved in the January If the information provided leads The St. John Yacht Club is hosting the eighth annual Duke’s Crime Stoppers of the Virgin Is- 10 shooting at Coki Point Beach to an arrest of the person involved Trophy Race regatta on Sunday, February 8. The one day regatta lands is asking the community to on St. Thomas. in this crime, the tipster will earn a will take sailors on a course around St. John through Pillsbury help the VIPD to find the suspect Police are searching for a cash reward of up to $2,500. Sound. Both pursuit and PHRF racers are welcome. A captain’s meeting is set for Saturday evening, February 7, at Banana Deck at 6 p.m. A post-race party will be hosted at Banana Deck on February 8 where gift certificates donated by Budget Ma- rine will be awarded to top class finishers. Registration forms are available at Connections or from Jim Swan at St. John Hardware. St. John Tradewinds, January 19-25, 2009 3 St. John Tradewinds News Photos Courtesy of B. Schoonover Aquanaut enjoy a meal in Tektite, left. The underwater habitat, above, before it was taken down 49 feet below Lameshur Bay. Looking Back at Tektite 40 Years Later Celebration Set for February 15 By Jaime Elliott wanted to find out how a group of its isolation and Lameshur Bay St.
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