
Bio& 241 (A&P) Unit 2 Lab 1: THE

G. Blevins/G. Brady Spring 2008


SKULL - Cranium Special Features Occipital [1] Sutures Sagittal Coronal Hypoglossal (fossa) Squamosal External occipital protuberance Lambdoidal Superior nuchal line Wormian Inferior nuchal line Temporal bones [2] Fontanels (Fetal skull) Squamous portion Anterior (or frontal) Posterior (or occipital) Mastoid portion Anterolaterals (or spenoidals) Mastoid process Posterolaterals (or mastoidals) Mastoid air cells (or sinuses) Air sinuses Petrous portion Paranasal sinuses External auditory meatus Sphenoidal sinus Styloid process Ethmoidal sinus Maxillary sinus Mastoid sinus (or Blood sinus sulci (grooves on of foramen) cranium created by veins called Internal auditory meatus sinuses) [1] Superior sagittal sulcus Body Transverse sulci Sphenoid sinuses Sigmoid sulci Greater wings Lesser wings SKULL - Cranium Bones [8] (or Turk's saddle) [1] Chiasmatic groove Superciliary arch Hypophyseal fossa Optic foramen Supraorbital margin Supraorbital notch (sometimes Pterygoid processes foramen) Medial Parietal bones [2] Lateral

Sphenoid bone SKULL - Facial Special Features Nasal Septum formed by Perpendicular plate of ethmoid [1] bone and the Vomer Horizontal (or cribriform) plate Orbits formed by Frontal (roof of ) Perpendicular plate Ethmoid (medial wall) Lateral masses (or labyrinths) Lacrimal (medial wall) Superior turbinates (or conchae) Sphenoid (lateral wall) Middle turbinates (or conchae) Zygomatic (lateral wall) Ethmoid sinuses Maxillary (floor) Palatine (floor) SKULL - Facial Bones [14] Mandible [1] SKULL-Miscellaneous Bones [7] Body Auditory [6] Angle Malleus (or hammer) [2] Ramus Incus (or anvil) [2] Condylar process (or head) Stapes (or stirrup) [2] Neck Hyoid [1] Coronoid process Mandibular notch Alveolar processes Maxillae [2] Maxillary sinus (or antrum of Highmore) Alveolar process Palatine process Incisive fossa (or foramen) Lacrimal groove Lacrimal bones [2] Palatine bones [2] Inferior nasal conchae (turbinates) [2] Nasal Bones [2] Zygomatic (or malar) bones [2] Temporal process (forming zygomatic arch with ) Vomer [1]