Jan/Feb 2019
www.newsandtech.com www.newsandtech.com January/February 2019 The premier resource for insight, analysis and technology integration in newspaper and hybrid operations and production. A look ahead for newspapers in 2019 u NEWS & TECH STAFF REPORT As publishers look at what they can ex- Tech platforms finding their stride talked about for the past decade, but it’s re- pect in 2019, the industry can benefit from As we’ve reported in the pages of News & ally only begun to take hold within the past reflecting on some of the trends that shaped Tech over the years, publishers have been five years. According to an annual study from 2018. trailblazers for a number of technologies, WAN-IFRA and the Native Advertising Insti- As in years past, vendors, publishers, and including QR codes, AR, and even AI — al- tute, native ads accounted for 20 percent of production managers will need to arm them- though many have been slow to take root. overall ad revenue for newspapers. selves with adequate information and the Augmented reality is gaining attention “Publishers continue to hone their strate- proper tech-savvy in 2019 in order to keep from newspapers as they see other papers gies around native advertising as it increas- their papers alive and — in the best-case harnessing the tech. Publishers including ingly plays a significant role in their overall scenarios — thriving. The Ledger Dispatch in Northern California ad strategies,” Vincent Peyregne, CEO of the Let’s take a look at some of the trends News and Yankton Media (South Dakota) dove into World Association of Newspapers and News & Tech has identified for the year ahead.
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