Statement of Adam Clayton Powell, Iii
Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) 2006 Quadrennial Regulatory Review – Review ) MB Docket No. 06-121 of the Commission’s Broadcast Ownership ) Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to ) Section 202 of the Telecommunications ) Act of 1996 ) ) 2002 Biennial Regulatory Review – Review ) MB Docket No. 02-277 of the Commission’s Broadcast Ownership ) Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to ) Section 202 of the Telecommunications ) Act of 1996 ) ) Cross-Ownership of Broadcast Stations ) MM Docket No. 01-235 and Newspapers ) ) Rules and Policies Concerning Multiple ) MM Docket No. 01-317 Ownership of Radio Broadcast Stations ) in Local Markets ) ) Definition of Radio Markets ) MM Docket No. 00-244 COMMENTS OF MEDIA GENERAL, INC. (Volume 2: Statement of Professor Adam Clayton Powell, III, Appendix 4A with Exhibits) . John R. Feore, Jr. Michael D. Hays M. Anne Swanson Daniel A. Kirkpatrick Dow Lohnes PLLC 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-6802 (202) 776-2534 Its Attorneys October 23, 2006 Appendix 4A STATEMENT OF ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, III I am the Director of the Integrated Media Systems Center, the National Science Foundation’s Engineering Research Center for multimedia research, at the University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering. I am also a Senior Fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy and served until last year as a Visiting Professor of Journalism at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School of Communications. Previously, I served as general manager of WHUT-TV, Washington, D.C., and KMTP-TV, San Francisco, California, the nation’s first and second African American-owned public television stations, respectively.
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