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[email protected] Geneva, 4 December 2020 Submission of information to the OHCHR pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 43/1 on Policing the Central Mediterranean: mass drownings and systematic torture of persons of African descent. “States and the ICC-Prosecutor should examine whether investigations for crimes against humanity or war crimes are warranted in view of the scale, gravity and increasingly systematic nature of torture, ill- treatment and other serious human rights violations … as a direct or indirect consequence of deliberate State policies and practices of deterrence, criminalization, arrival prevention, and refoulement”.1 Nils Melzer, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 1 Special Rapporteur on torture quoted in Itamar Man et al., 2018, EJIL: Talk!; investigate-european-agents-for-crimes-against-migrants-in-libya/. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. Executive Summary 3 II. Policing the Central Mediterranean 9 A. Drownings 9 a. Termination of EU and Italian Rescue Activities in the 9 Mediterranean b. Redefining Sea-Rescue as a Crime: the Obstruction of NGO 14 Search and Rescue Efforts c. Closing Ports 16 i. Italy 16 ii. Malta 22 B. Torture and Ill-treatment 29 a. Italy and Pull-Backs to Torture: a Case Study on Refoulement 29 by Proxy i. Background to Bilateral Cooperation between Italy and 29 Libya ii. The Memorandum of Understanding of February 2017 33 and its Renewal in February 2021 iii.