TO VOLUME XVI --- Aethelrred Tl, Evidence That the Long A
INDEX TO VOLUME XVI --- Aethelrred Tl, evidence that the long A . cross typ e of, imme "A " beneath horse on Oxford coin of diately prece ded the Charles I , 141, 183. small cross type, 42. Aberystwith halfpennies of Charles I evidence th at the small now attributed to Ox cross issue of, was not ford, 172- 173. continued throughout mint of Charles I , 162, 163, the whole reign, 44, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169, 47· 170, 171, 172, 173, 180, evidence th at the small- 181, 186, 187, 188, 366. cross type of, was ADIVTO RIVM, error on coin of Philip and not struc k simul Mary , 349. taneously with the Aella , King of Northumbria, 293. crux issue, 37. Aethelrzed, an issue of small cross coins find of acoin of, in Grace- of an irregular character made at church St ., beginning of reign of, 47-48. London, 18. Aethelrred I of Northumbria, stycas " of coins temp ., at of, 299. Assartarp, 111 n and Cnut, finds of coins Scania, 38. of, in Sweden and coins tenip, at around th e shores of Birglau , in t he Ba lt ic, 20, 21. ' Vest Prussia, and period of issue, 42 . table showing se coins temp. , at quence of and names Ches ter, 9- 10, suggested for sub 17. 47-50, 56, stantive types of, 27, 57· 344· coins tenip., at coins of, 5, 7, l a, II et F anestad, 111 seq., 28- 29, 30, 31, 36, Sweden, 43. 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, coins temp., at 45,46,47,48, 49, 51 , Ipswich, 37 53,54,56, 343- 344.
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