The Abolition of the Patriarchate of Peć in the Context of the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Institutional Developments
T.C. İSTANBUL MEDENİYET UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF GRADUATE STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL OTTOMAN STUDIES THE ABOLITION OF THE PATRIARCHATE OF PEĆ IN THE CONTEXT OF THE EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY OTTOMAN INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS CAMILLA PLETUHINA-TONEV SUPERVISOR DR. ELİF BAYRAKTAR-TELLAN JULY 2019 ABSTRACT The eighteenth century was a time of institutionalization for the Orthodox Patriarchates of Istanbul, Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria in parallel to the Ottoman social, economic, and administrative developments. In this context, the Patriarchate of Peć was incorporated into the Patriarchate of Istanbul in 1766. Although the regions under the jurisdiction of the church of Peć were important for the Ottoman administration especially in terms of population, the situation on the eve of abolition still remains unexplored. Moreover, the abolition of Peć has so far been evaluated as part of ecclesiastical history, mostly limited to the question of who the initiating actors of abolition were. As recent studies have started to locate the history of the Orthodox Patriarchates in the larger context of Ottoman social, economic and administrative developments, it became clear that the approach towards the abolition of Peć requires revision. This study aims to investigate the interplay between the Ottoman administration, the Patriarchate of Istanbul and the local actors in the context of the eighteenth century economic and administrative developments based on Ottoman archival documents as well as communal sources. Keywords: Patriarchate of Peć, Orthodox Patriarchate of Istanbul, abolition, eighteenth century, institutionalization. i ÖZET On sekizinci yüzyıl, İstanbul, Kudüs, Antakya ve İskenderiye Ortodoks Patrikhaneleri için bir kurumsallaşma dönemiydi. Bu çerçevede, 1766 yılında İpek Patrikhanesi, İstanbul Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi'ne ilhak olunmuştur.
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