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10995 1 $12995 $23995 ^24995 • o 0 'M PAGE BW - THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2.1987 WflOWCOUKTY o . i *••» -. Quick SAOWCSMS Miff WTO WH SALE VOLKSWAQEN POOL 199a 4 dpor, atroontf-1 gdnvn/aon wffh XR20W AUTOM< aaitio.t*aJa3iLP«iaji 9^ituiJl*TMi»«ti*t4-atrta*(fW^** aii-r- buck's XP2000 showcases a new a\ raardewMonaaaooraroL genentioa of amotnotive technology, new«r**,a4Kmlea. one owner, X JO X3 IN) -> • -1068; specifkaDy selected to enhance die • > t- c <:• AUTO FOR 8AUE $1796. POJCTIAClaRANDPfc 198a Madtan brown convenience, comfort and safety of ACURA MTBGtta* ISM. 3.floor, atyer. COLONY PAiftK 1MB. ootor;*^, snlornslc. Qood running con* ABLE PAY&T»4»PN CASH Buic* customers. While the XP2000 3-epeed, air, power ateerintf frralfft. CO Hon. Omtjorftst (me dnver*.taoooa Cal -. •. •• ••.'«. f- •.' •• -• POBOTHUNOCnwnUUC. 1MB. Pearl «M* 908-MM388. ' " cmtrootiaawvan* • Community Information" remains a 'dream car, many, off these !»*» tail hatMr.FufctoaiM We VaM alarm. 'Youri features will appear on real-world Assort* lease. Nobe or taw. Moat eel Cat PONTtAD ACURA INTEGRA-IS, 1966: 2-dOor hatch. ____r_3iee. MERCURY 8ABLE, 1969. Station wagon. and AM 4 Wtieat Drtve» Bucks during the next few years. •wonaviKt wnuevorany, ••inv GBtwii Qood conflton. V6. pofter wtadowi. airftel 0 . Customer's Choice allows custom- eunmol. $4.000. Cal 875-275-WSL HONDA ACCORD, 1987. 83JO0O man. ak- fflaMalned by auto mechanic. Be* oner. CAI FREE PICK UP 7 DAY8 oonowoner. /WAI caaeeOi. etukw control, 2O1-73H9& • t ' ers to tailor many features of the car to ANTIQUE PACKW, ortginal owner. $3,850 or beat offer. their personal taste. Each driver is 973-762-8935 before 9pm. WSSAN.2408X8E, fwi.5epe«d,alpoyer. 90fa8»831T or 90M8M123. nwcfnlcll y partedd.. OrigOri M Mtrlor. Moat sunroof, ante, atom, ab*. eposer, 80k» sxpeeent identified by an electronic code in a ^^ •** eeMMt 1JUI . a- - -*• ** oondBon.AaMngS7.500 90M17-MS8. PORSCHE 944, 1987. Re* black laajher iraeitor. »«peed. 2*2. aunroO. cemwi. on» keyless fob. As he or she approaches O NSSAN PWJMR. 199a OopdoondMon, new 68k mile*, garaged. AtWng $7,000. the car, a digital code from'the fob AUTO SPGCIAL-SSI JO torioweeka prepaid. •Milan! .condWon. 90,000 maae. AaMng brakes, Iraa, mufflerand dutch. 84000 mess,' 201-7634599, Teavemewege. QUICK CASH for running and not rumng cars and trucks, 24 hourlmmeoTeto pick up,)7 days. tells the XP2000's computers to Cal caes—ed lar (Mat*, aoow-am. tAOOO. Cal 90M97-6326. 1 owner. Atklng $3,700, beat otter. flOfl 4nfl 40110 ' • SATURN 8C2,1993. Gold, mnrool, automafle, 908-241-0011. adjust the seat, steering column, out- BUCK REQAL LMkd 1981. 4-door. My HONDA PRELUDE a, 1991. Bajck, aloy ABS. ReHHa. great oonoWon and fan to drtve. WJmMm*. DHHII nucmMr OOmtmmMKf.wheel*. 5-epeed, sun-roof, ataim, alr- MS8AN OUEST Mnhin 1994.25,000mlee. $8500. 973-7904289. • $$|WE PAY TOP DOLLAR*** side mirrors, climate control and air. alarm. One owner. $3,495, negoOaUe. ~ •r.Oneowne - - - QXE bxwy modeL PracfcaJy new at $10000 entertainment system to the prefer- Must see. 201-7824030. saci .201-783-1218. leaa than brand new. Aaktng $15,000. 8EBB)'CARB from $175. Poochee, Cadt 973-783-080S. • . , .' ' tan. Chevye, BMWa. CowaBa*^^JeepjK. For Your Junk Car By Sean Daily I _._. ... ences of that driver. BUKX RMERA. 1985. Gnqr 4WT/a. Your area. Tol free 1-60041MOOO .24 How Servte. Cal: NCNW seeks members < grajHraertor. Loaded. IHqonro. II HONDA PRELUDE 81. 1993: Bex*. 32,500 OLDSMOOLE OMEGA, 1973. 8 cyoMer. eaeneloh A-7019 current fcrtnge. Staff Writer The dynamic response of the car, mtaa, epoasi, 160 hp, alarm. CD. eunroot, aloy ttereo. Exceeant lunninQ oonSon. Wai main- power Meeting and brake*, new dree. 40.000 "The National Council of A family was sleeping in an Iselih home several months ago when the build- including steering effort, transmission lamed. $1700. 973-73?1583. wheel*. Oareged. Excellent condition. original me*. Wei maintained $9007 beet SSZED CARS from $175. Poceorwa, Cadt $11,800. 201-487-0575. ofler. 908445-1424. laca, Chevy*. BMW*, Cowetiea. Alep Jeep*. 4 908488-7420 Negro Women Inc. Rahway ing caught fire. It wasn't the parents who got jhe children to safety; rather, one shifts, engine response and suspen- CADILLAC COUPE Da Vie, IBM. Spring whaal drive*.. Your area. Toll free Section will host a memberemp 'of the girls woke up the parents and is generally credited with getting everyone TJSD- nc&- 23 ai bwnezer liarirteeMi. air, radio/ tap*. 67.000 mlee. out. - - Rising Customer's Choice. CADtlAC COUPE Ja Vwa._1984. AMIFM. Very good condition. *4«p. Call $3500 or bett offer. Bneaent value. Cal FORD MASON Dump. 1988. 47J0OO orUnal A.M.E Church. 253 Central 873-748-3612. 973-736-6885. • ' . TOYOTA TraCEL, 1991.2-door, automatic, When asked how she knew what to do in the midst of the fire, she said, "I o Each driver of XP2000 will have a CO, Radto, ak* oondHonlng. ENoeaent oonol- AMrFM caaMe. 9BK fries, good oondMon. men, motor/ body acilent condMon. Great Ave., Rahway, at 4 p.m. ' unique keyless fob. On approaching don. $2.495 or beet oBer. 201-376-67ig PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM IX1991.4 door. Hue, original owner. $4,000/ beat.offer. CaH work truck. $10,700 or beat offer. MUaeL learned it at St. Mary's." 908-964-3648. W . NCNW is inviting all members CARS FOR $100 or beet offer. Seized and fNFBwTI Q20.. 1993. MfcWghWg t blue. Cttefcnt V-6.. tuty toaded,_aJr tm.J>tm tuna up. tree, 97M61-3327. ' It seems that lire prevention education does work. die vehicle, a'signal from the fob dk FBl& AMfFMc . bekj* eucaoned by PEA, FBI, WS. Al model*. condaka FuByloade& AMfF new brake*, exoeaant oondMon. Aaklng $4385 TOYOTA 4x4 PICX-UP, 1993.V8,^epeed,alr. and prospective members that unlocks the doors and, if it is dark, or bad offer. 201-731-6072. ' VOUCSWAOBJ 8UPER BSTLE. 1972. Com- This week, the Rahway Fire Department has stepped up its efforts to teach 4WD**, boats, compukw* and more. Your area pMalyjMlored. whae. New engine, tranerrte- flit wheel, alarm, badaner, 3V ttm*. tool box. are interested in working on the newt 1-800^1-OOm eitwfaton C198. children about fire prevention and safety. It is the start of an annual, six-week tum^ontbcxate interior and exterior-, ilei. lawiM. ejMi ilrna now Inw riflnri Mint 71J00 Mghway mm $9^00/ following-programsf-of-National— eeet Cat 90^687-7882. campaign will include visit* to schooli-tnd-<o-rtre-bo8ee»T- lights. o CHEVY NOVA. 1987. Gray. 4-ooor. 68K. Qood era 201-799-1660. Council of Negro Women Rah- ; ; condHon, Pioneer Herao. $1,800/ beet ofler. It's a good week to start such a program — Monday to Saturday has been To start the car, the driver inserts way Section: Christmas Party the fob into a slot in the instrument declared Fire Prevention Week across the nation. for seniors. Teenage Awareness 1 CnYSLEftLEBAROK 1986,4-door "Ol»tn A Fire Prevention Week is observed this week to comemmarate the Great Chi- panel and presses h momentarily. A MBon". Grandma* car. H*nty driven. 24^00 Program, Teenage Pageant and security code in each fob allows the mlee, 4*yWer, automaOc, power, air. $2£9S. cago Fire of 1871. This fire, started by Mrs. O*Leary's cow^knocking over a 201-378-1403. Adopt A Senior..Refreshment o lantern, destroyed more then 17.400 buildings. More than 250 died in the fire car to start only if an authorized fob is will be served admission free. DREAM MAOfMES-gotaptdure of yourcar? and 100,000 were left homeless. used. To stop die engine, the driver Run ft tor4 weeks, only $4a Cd OeaeHed at Any questions, call 381-3384 or simply removes the fob from the slot 800«»8911 for detafc. It has been observed in Rahway for some time — at least before BataUion 382-3309 for Mary McLeotJ and Chief Robert Latherow joined the llabway Fire Department. The CM Smart Card, a credit card FORD E-250CABQOA/AN.1988.8 cyMer. Paula Braxton Cc-Chairpersor* with an integral computer memory, sir, AMrFM fltarao, nwiy nw psftt. RBMI ! This week, the Fire Department will be visiting every school in Rahway with workhorte. $2,875/ negotiable. Call' Joanne Blount Rahway Section assemblies geared to between pre-kindergarten and third grade. They wfll also Q fits into a slot in the instrument panel, 908-276-7446. Have meeaage. President. \ try to visit every pre kindergarten 1b third grade classroom. providing a number of convenience FORD LTD, Crown VteW* LXT, 199a V8. features. 146.000 miles. Asking $2500. Call In June 1968, Marion Mumfors, decontamination specialist, stuffed an M-10 destructor There will also be a number of events this week. 973-763O207.- A list of Customer's Choice set- Sports card show inside a barrel containing CS agent during the preparation of the barrels to be dropped On Wednesday. Railway's Office of Fire Prevention, Rahway Hospital and tings can be placed on the card, allow- FORD T-enD. 1B86. Bktck. 8 cyMer, haV Rahway P.AL. Sports Card/ on a Viet Cong base camp. Inset, three Air Force C-123s spray defoliation chemicals the National Smoke Alarm For Every Home Foundation converged on the toeded. akvm. 8OK mhs*. asking $2500. Cal over the A Shau Valley. Contrary to recent findings, Vietnam-era soldiers were told McDonald's on Routes 1&9 for "McMania." 0 ing tie settings to be transferred to 201-32S-3050. Memorabilia Show will be held any Buick equipped with Customer's Oct. 18 from 10 a.nv to 4 pjn. chemicals would not harm their health.
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    A University of Sussex DPhil thesis Available online via Sussex Research Online: http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/ This thesis is protected by copyright which belongs to the author. This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the Author The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the Author When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Please visit Sussex Research Online for more information and further details ‘A Film Should Be Like a Stone in Your Shoe’: A Brechtian Reading of Lars von Trier Angelos Koutsourakis DPhil University of Sussex July 2011 i I hereby declare that this thesis has not been and will not be submitted in whole or in part to another University for the award of any other degree. Signature............................ ii University of Sussex Angelos Koutsourakis DPhil English Literature. ‘A Film Should Be Like a Stone in Your Shoe’: A Brechtian Reading of Lars von Trier. Abstract This central premise of this thesis is that Lars von Trier is a political director. Through a detailed formal analysis of five films I proceed to discuss the political implications of form, something that has not been acknowledged by scholarship so far. In this thesis, I employ Brecht as a methodological tool so as to discuss the shift from a dialectical cinema devoted to the production of knowledge effects, to a post-Brechtian one that brings together points of tension that remain unresolved.
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