CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX 2019 Transparency International is a global movement with one vision: a world in which government, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. With more than 100 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, we are leading the fight against corruption to turn this vision into reality. #cpi2019 Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this report. All information was believed to be correct as of January 2020. Nevertheless, Transparency International cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of its use for other purposes or in other contexts. ISBN: 978-3-96076-134-1 2020 Transparency International. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 DE. Quotation permitted. Please contact Transparency International –
[email protected] – regarding derivatives requests. CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX 2019 2-3 14-15 22-23 Map and results Asia Pacific Western Europe & Indonesia European Union 4-5 Papua New Guinea Malta Executive summary Estonia Recommendations 16-17 Eastern Europe & 24-25 Central Asia Trouble at the top 6-8 Armenia Global highlights TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE Kosovo 26 Methodology 9-11 18-19 Political integrity Middle East & North 27-29 Transparency in Africa Endnotes campaign finance Tunisia Political decision-making Saudi Arabia 12-13 20-21 Americas Sub-Saharan Africa United States Angola Brazil Ghana TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL 180 COUNTRIES. 180 SCORES.