
Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries design an emblem marking theendofshuttleera.design anemblemmarking Thepatchdesigncontest February. willbeflown onafuture shuttlemission. Thewinningdesignartwork choices 15entries. willbemade nolaterthan andwillselect Afinalselection We received 85entries. Thejudgesare intheprocess ofnarrowing down the The Space ShuttleProgram invited pastandpresent Program workers to takes itsinspiration from atradition amongshuttlecrew members. Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Earth. Earth. The orbiter isbacklit,surrounded by theglow of thesettingsun. is seeninspace, pointed nosedown –indicatingthattheorbiter hasended itsmissionandisheadingbackto “Shuttle stack” ispointingup, ready to begin itsjourney. thenewdesign, theorbiter In hassheditsfueltanks. It theoriginal ShuttleProgramIn tankandsolidrocket emblem,theorbiter isseen with theexternal boosters. The from theoriginal ShuttleProgram emblem. vision, pointsto thestars. The andthe orbiter names isthesamedarkbluecolor darkbluecolor ofthenightsky quest flight program, chapterfor space inmankind's exploration –thetriangle, butalsothenext likeNASA's opens, theconstellationnight sky Orionisseenatthetop ofthetriangle, signaling notonly NASA's future space- Fall indicates thewaning year, thecolors here are symbolicoftheShuttleProgram coming to aclose. As the oftheSpace ShuttleProgram.history As thesunsets, apalette ofFall colors radiates into thenightsky. Justas the center horizon,In ofthetriangle, symbolicofthesunsettingonlong thesunis settingbehindEarth's accidents. Columbia andChallengereachinclude 7starsinremembrance ofthecrew memberslostintheirrespective flights. side The left features Columbia andChallenger, separated from theotherthree due theirtragicto loss. used throughout theProgram's history, andthenamesare listed inchronological order according to theirfirst andrightsidesofthetriangleare thenamesof5operationalSpaceOn theleft Shuttleorbiters thatwere flight launchedApril13,1981,andthefinalisscheduled for2010. The oftheSpace dates Shuttlefleet;thefirst onthebottom of thetriangleencompass theoperationalhistory homage to theoriginal emblem,butisalsoindicative ofthe “delta wing” oftheSpace Shuttleorbiter. style This design isinspired by theoriginal Space ShuttleProgram emblem. The overall triangleshapeisnotonlyan 1 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries and not on any particular mission. and notonany particular This logoisnot overly-complicated andwould easilyberecognized atadistance. focuses ontheSTS It elements The border could begoldthreat shuttlemission. bluewithstarsfor or navy every This background may befilledwith color. professional logoandpatch. authentic drawing software, thisillustrationcould bedev wasdrawnIt MicrosoftThis using illustrationisasketch andnotafinishedproduct. Word andclipart. With and landshorizontally. anduniquevehicleremarkable thatistheSpace Transportation System: thatlaunchesvertically Aspace craft oftheSpace ShuttleProgramDrawing uponthelegacy logo, thecommemorative logohighlightstheextremely 2 eloped into acceptable afinishedproduct for creating a Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries shuttle, Iaddedthefirstandlast year oftheprogram. star, lines, andcircle are ofthecrew from directly ofColumbia. theSTS-107 patch, Onthespace inmemory ofthecrew fromdirectly ofChallenger. theSTS-51L patch, addedinmemory At thetop ofthepatch, thegold accomplishment oftheentire country. The orangeswoosh across themiddle(behind thespace shuttle)is shuttle program patch. Ichangedthebackground to anAmericanflag to represent thatthespace shuttle isthe patches to create my entry. The basicshape ofthepatch andspace shuttleonitare from theoriginal space I merged theoriginal space shuttlepatch andelementsoftheSTS-51L (Challenger) andSTS-107 (Columbia) 3 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Telescope for bringing theheavens incrisp, somuchcloserto earth clear images. Space Stationfor theamazingscience there, thathasbeenandcontinues to beperformed andtheHubbleSpace to includetwo shiningexamplesofwhatwasacc important honor thefallenastronauts. Let us never forget them andwhatwe learned from losingthem. Ialsothoughtitwas works onthem,eachseems to have its own personality, inaway. commemorating theprogram, In Iwanted to I felt thateachoftheorbiters shouldbeshown to astheywere theprogram. As allsoimportant someonethat nizable accomplishments are represented- Space theInternational StationandtheHubbleSpace Telescope. orbit.Finally,because theshuttlewasboundto low earth two oftheshuttleprogram's greatest andmostrecog- Star ofDavid, (aswasseenintheSTS-107 patch). Alsoshown Ramon inhonorofIsraeliastronaut istheearth, Ilan to represent eachofthosewholosttheirlives onshuttlemissions, withoneofthestarshaving sixpointslikea The five orbiters shown represent Columbia, Challenger, Atlantis, Discovery, andEndeavour. starsareThe fourteen 4 omplished by theshuttleprogram: theInternational Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries strive indedicatingourselves to theutmostsafety inallthatwe do. of theChallenger&Columbia are to remind usthattragedycansometimes come withsuccess, andwe must “Great Nation” thatworked asoneto achieve the goalsthatmadethisprogram asuccess. The blacksilhouettes The staroftheastronauts symbolover thesinglestarofflag represents allofthepeoplefrom across this & bluestripesare inhonoroftheastronauts lost duringtheshuttleprogram. The 29isfor theyears ofservice. inwhichwe andthenew direction arecraft headed…to themoon,mars, &beyond. The 14starswithinthered ofwaysThe generationofspace- for four aparting thenext shuttlesallfacingopposite ofoneanotherdepict 5 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries – Americacolors. Columbia 1981–2010program . duration, elseisselfexplanatory red, Everything white, andblue lost. The starsbetween thenamesrepresent theChallenger astronauts, the7clustered starsrepresent sideourflyingshuttles, ontheright ontheleft Columbia andChallengerthat logodepicts My were tragically 6 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries shuttle window with the lift off,shuttle window withthelift inorbit,&the return homeoftheshuttle. shuttle. The design isasilhouette oftheshuttle, solidrocket booster, Across fueltank. &external thedesign isa This Commemorative Patch design outthewindow focuses ofthe ontheshuttleandwhatisseenwhenlooking 7 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries leap for mankind capturedleap for forever mankind intime). mankind. The patch symbolizes theendofamagnificent program thatwillbe remembered forever. (One giant Program. The Space ShuttleProgram hasprovidedknowledge bothsignificant scientificand technical forallof byoped utilizingtheinnovative theAstronauts experiments performed throughout theSpace Shuttle the viewseenby theAstronauts. whohasbenefitedThe handssymbolizesby the mankind technology devel- The design creates asreflected by thecontinuous motionofthesixSpace ShuttlesorbitingthebeautifulEarth 8 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries ascend, orbit,andlanding. the words around theborder. Three shuttlesareamajorstageofshuttleflight: shown, eachoneperforming as anexampleofexcellent teamwork, , and gainedintheshuttleprogram.(and buildupon)theknowledge The space shuttlewillalways beremembered aswellinclude newspacecraft, astechnological andscientificbreakthroughs, allofwhichwillbenefit from their lives duringtheshuttleprogram. The sunriseinthebackground symbolizes thedawn ofanerathatwill patches,and STS-51L Mission respectively. These two pieces are includedto honortheastronauts wholost in space exploration. The constellation Columba andHalley'sComet were originally elementsoftheSTS-107 the shuttleprogram’s dedicationto for acquiring knowledge thebenefitofourplanet,whileleading world The focus ofthispatch isthecenter shuttlewiththepayload bay doorsopen,cradlingtheEarth. This signifies the continued passion to explore, asentimentechoedby 9 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries despite many adversities. thecommitmentstripes to andresolve acknowledge oftheUnited States to accomplish theimpossible fleetofspacecraft. the orbiter thisremarkable vehicles acknowledge The emblemisdrapedin red andwhite missions. The “Space Shuttle” isidenticalto text theoriginal Space ShuttleProgram emblem,andthenamesof Shuttle Program. Fourteen thesacrifice ofthefallenastronauts starsacknowledge ofthe51-LandSTS-107 Telescope represent allpastandfuture explorationandscience accomplishments madepossibleby theSpace becauseoftheshuttle’sdirectly uniquecapabilities. The Space International StationandtheHubbleSpace the Space ShuttleProgram. ofthespace shuttle livesThe onthrough legacy spaceflight programs thatexist payload thespace bay, withanempty shuttleorbiter soaringoverdepicts Earth symbolizingthe completion of Programyears ofexcellence nearlythirty inhumanspaceflight emblem,reflecting operations. Theemblem The shapeandcolors ofthespace shuttlecommemorative emblem are derived from theoriginal Space Shuttle 10 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries out there more farbeyond theuniverse. With isthememoriesofourlostandhard ispicture work. technology ofwonder. The ISSandHubble, bothfine work. With these'stheywillhave more great discovery people dedicate there lives with theshuttleprogram. For years oftrainingputtingtogether thisgreatest This wasaJourney thatwillberemember for alife time. The goalsthatwasaccomplish andthelostofbrave 11 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries lower base, andthatcould stillbedone. launched into deepspace. years Ihadconsidered 2011atthetop base andthe1981at placing theservice (between thepillarsandglass)are theoperationalyears, theastronaut logo, andsomeofthepayloads thatwe Hubble showing someofthemajoraccomplishments oftheshuttle. Around theoutside ofthehourglass might betoo painfulandtakeaway from thegreatness to we convey. are trying are theISSand Around theearth to thecrew nameson amissionpatch. Ioriginally hadaribbonaround thecenter pillarbutthoughtit oftheleft missions andcrew thatwere lost.Oneitherpillarof the hourglass shuttlessimilar are thenamesoffunctional from theshuttlescontrail represent themissionsofshuttle. The two “falling stars” withtailsrepresent thetwo whoworkthat thispatch ontheentire willimpact system. The 134fallingstarsinthelower halfthatfallto earth toaccomplishments. have theentire Ithinkitisimportant shuttle, notjusttheorbiter becauseofallthepeople Shuttle launchingupthrough thehourglass oftheshuttles symbolizes thetimelessness andenduringimpact 12 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Finally, numberSTS- 133. IincludedtheMission for isasection the names oftheastronautsIncluded onthislastmission. Accomplished”. Along withouraccomplishment where we “Established newfron 1981-2010 DecadesofAchievements indicatingtheLife spanoftheShuttleProgram. intheprogram.astronauts that participated I includedtheastronaut’s symbolwiththecolors oftheAmericanFlag, red, white andbluerepresenting all the would of theprogram. beremembered asbeingamajorpart Boeing, PrattMartin, & Whitney, andAlliant T I wanted to includethenamesofeachmajorcompany thatcontributed to theShuttleProgram (Lockheed the 14astronauts whodied). astronauts whogave uptheirlives for there space isspace exploration.(If we could includethenamesofeach There are 14starsonthepatch. Seven near theChallengerandseven neartheColumbia representing the14 out inspace, itearneditsplace amongthestars. senting eachorbiter thathasflown inspace. becausealthoughitnever flew The Enterprise isshown onthe earth six orbiters onthepatch alongwiththenamesofeachvehicle. Five orbiters are repre- shown leaving theearth With thisbeingthelastShuttleflight,Iwanted payto tribute eachorbiterto intheShuttleprogram showingby echsystems) showing bothpastandpresent names-sothateach 13 tiers inresearch andspace exploration–Mission Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries the sunset. Mission Completethe sunset.Mission andGodBless! tipping itswingto theworld, asway to say thankyou andfarewell, justas acowboy would wave goodbye into for theprogramdedicated support over thepast30years. shuttleispositionedrightinthemiddleand The actual around thecircle. The red andwhite stripesandthewhite starsymbolize theUnited States ofAmericaandthe background glowing astheshuttletravels towards them,andalsotheyellowed out names ofthespace ships to honorthebrave men andwomen we lostontheColumbia andChallengerwiththetwo brightstarsinthe patch to symbolize designMy wassetforth thetruespiritandhonorofSpace Shuttleprogram. Ialsowanted 14 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries represents thecommitment oftheshuttleprogram's in are thenamesofallshuttlesflown duringtheprogram. The patch itselftakesthe formation ofapeace sign which represents theUnited States beingbehind theshuttleprogram throughout itsexistence. Surrounding thepatch representing thetimespanofshuttleprogram from 1981to 2010. The AmericanFlag behindtheshuttle banners represent theflameofshuttle rocket boosters.Inscribed inthebannersare MCMLXXXI andMMX, ontherightrepresentsand thenightsky thelife spanoftheprogram symbolized by to dusk. The yellow The Space ShuttleCommemorative patch represents thelife oftheshuttleprogram. ontheleft The morningsky 15 volvement inintern ational space exploration. Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries to theessence ofNASA. The dates onthepatch represent thefirstandlastflightsofSpace Shuttle. same blueandred colors thatare theSpace Shuttlehasbeen intheNASAMeatball, signifying whatalarge part appeared ontheSTS-51L andSTS-107 patches. The blueand red colors intheCommemorative patch are the nauts wholosttheirlives onChallengerandColumbia, andtheyare inthesamestarconfiguration asthey beginning ofanewprogram, and (2) The sunsetdays oftheSpace ShuttleProgram. The starshonortheAstro- magnificence ofthemost complicated space vehicle inthe world, two The sunrise/sunsetmeans things:(1) The future inHumanSpace Exploration.Ipickedthemostdr design oftheSpaceMy ShuttleProgram Commemorative patch isbasedonExpandingNewHorizons to our 16 amatic angleoftheShuttleIcould find highlightthe to Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries to the Moon, Mars,to ISS,orCx. theMoon, This isaShuttlepatch, past andfuture, soIwanted to keepitsimple. gular patch –withanoptimistic eye towards thefuture (thebright star),withoutpaying any specific reference to remember whereI thoughtitwasimportant we camefrom –hence theuseoforiginal program trian- (ad futurus). simple–it’sThe basicdesign isvery basedontheoriginal ShuttleProgram patch withaview “to thefuture” 17 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries system builtby man…yet! ofAmerica’sThe patch isasimpledepiction mightprovided by themostsophisticated spacecraft The Space International Stationisalsointhebackground. andtheSRBsExternal thebackgroundIn istheEarth Tank. The astrong patch Americanarmwithflagsleeve, depicts placingaSpace Shuttleinto orbit. 18 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Contest Patch Commemorative Shuttle Program Space

No description provided.

19 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries not wantto addthenames. right side. The astronauts’ namescanbeaddedto theoutsideofcircle. Butasthisisthelastfight you may could againstabluesky. beaddedto the other object) there oftheearth If isenoughroom onthepatch apart sideofthepatch undertheshuttles.the left Showing theSpace telescope andSpace (rectangle) Station(the The design isto have allfive shuttles launching(triangles)withexhaustflamesbillowing in red/white covering 20 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries • byThe othernations. background andsupport globerepresents theparticipation added to represent ground processing. • The 3smallershuttlesrepresent 3operationalphases, launch,onorbitandlanding. A4thcould be Several othersmallsatellites could alsobeadded. • The Space Station andHubbleare to represent depicted 2ofthemajorshuttleprogram objectives • Smallstarsrepresent the50states. • The large starsrepresent the 14 crew memberslost. patch representsMy thefollowing: 21 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries vehicles tailingaway. missions). The shuttle vehicles are shown inthefallenmanformation, withtheColumbia andChallenger the edgeofpatch. Eachstar represents ashuttlemission(128through 2009and6planned, for atotal of134 andthespace programnames oftheAstronauts oftheircountry are wholosttheirlives listed on intheservice This patch represents oftheSpace ShuttleProgram…from thehistory theColumbia to theEndeavour. The 22 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries those missions. Two earliershuttlesascend to familiarconstellations, each group honoringtheseven astronauts loston tribute to theirultimate accomplishments. crews andthree decadesofflight. International crosses Space theorbiting Stationasa Their trajectory Profiles ofthree shuttlestrace active theswoosh ofthe symbol, recognizing theastronaut The sunsetson theSpace ShuttleProgram. 23 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries meant to convey therepeating nature of of theUnited States indeveloping theSpace Shuttle. cycle is The offgeometricshapeinbehindtheShuttle center shows (launch,flightand theShuttlemission cycle recovery). The USflagdenotes the great achievement This patch celebrates the6Orbiters intheShuttlefleet, total numberofmissionslaunch theUS.by The Shuttle operations(awheelturningoraboltbeing turned). 24 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries one thatwe shouldallbeproud of. Shuttle Program wasanincredible achievement in.It and wastheoneIhadhonorandprivilege to play apart The Mercury, GeminiandApolloprograms were theawe inspiringmissionsofmy childhood. ButtheSpace September 2010. September 17,1976 “Constitution Day” duringourBicentennial Year. The lastwheelsstop isscheduledto occur in from thesidelines. The dates 1976-2010were chosenbecausethefirstorbiter rolled outofthe assemblyplanton other ways. From theadministrators to theclericalstaffandmaintenance –and workers thosewhocheeredto on Flag oftheUnited States ofAmerica–to theprogram honorthepeoplewhodesigned, in built, andsupported 107 missionsare goldto ontheirultimate reflect sacrifice. Theouter border prominently displays the colors ofthe intheatmospherictestwork oftheorbiter performed “Enterprise.” The starsrepresenting the STS-51L andSTS- The innerborder ismadeupof135starsrepresenting shuttlemission. every The firststarisblue to honorthe international cooperation. satellites. The Space International Stationpassesoverhead. Now complete, itcontinues itsmissionofscience and launchedby thespace shuttle.Observatories Hubble, Chandra,Compton gainedfrom those andtheknowledge nently displayed astheyrepresent thegoalsofConstellation Program. isatribute toThe theGreat galaxy exploration? We hopeso. The crescent andthered Moon “star” are promi- asseenfrom oftheplanetMars Earth goldenageof –thenext erawhiletheconstellation Orionrisesinthesky sun issettingonanextraordinary The focus ofthedesign istheorbiter coming homefor asafe landingattheconclusion ofit’s finalmission. The are too numerous to list. When you whentheprogram thinkaboutwhatwe star knew System –the “Space Shuttle.” learnto Onethat saw live usactually andwork inspace for longperiodsoftime. This design attempts ofthefirstSpace to honorthegenerationlongaccomplishments andhistory Transportation 25 ted now andwhatwe –theaccomplishments know Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries “we have theSpace Shuttlescratches lift-off” theskies! tearsGoose bumps, well beatinghearts, up intheeyes, listening to “T-minus” ‘til theFinal Countdown. ofonlookersstandingfirmonthe ground,Millions Fists clinchedinanticipationwaitingfor alaunchto transpire. theAtlantic, shestoodOverlooking proud likeaspire. offthe Backisthe bayreflection Reflecting fromtheShuttle Launch Our firstlaunchwasin1981andourdestiny is to continue shoot to for theStars. The Starspreceding ourtragic Columbia loss. andChallengerdepict orbiters launched. The patch I’ve designed signifies ontheouter boarder from righttheorderto left inwhichour I callthispatch theSky.”“Scratch 26 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Shuttle’s lastlanding. The patches andwording and events offer onemightthinkofas you watch ahintof pasthistory the The design represents theShuttlecoming into landfor thelasttime. 27 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries invokes discretely, themoonvery implies maturity, andretirement. longevity Change thetrimfrom goldto silver, andhonorthecrews withtheAstronaut Symbol. Office Thesilver coloralso suggestionissimple.My Reimagetheoriginal Space ShuttleProgram insignia asalandinginstead ofalaunch. 28 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries accomplishments inthelast30years. well asspace exploration.Andofcourse, thered white andblueofourNation’s flagmakesusproud ofthese remindsthis time. usto strive It ofexcellence for thatsamekind inthefuture oftechnology development as of symbolized theexcellence achieved by theSTS system, itspeopleandthetechnology developed during astronauts whosacrificed theirlives for science andtheSpace Shuttleprogram. The lonegoldstaratthe top hardware to produce Space theIntermnational Station. asareminderThe 14white ofthose starsserve allof the necessary toll oftransporting playing after theimportant last landingonitshomeplanetEarth, patch showed the Shuttlelaunchingtoward thetop ofthetriangle, thispatch hastheshuttlecoming infor its This design waspurposelyshapedto theoriginal reflect Space Shuttle’s program patch. Where theoriginal 29 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries of this truly remarkable program.of thistrulyremarkable As thischapter inhumanspace flight fittingcomes to aclose,to rememberthemany itis certainly achievements Spacebuilding theInternational Station. between theUnited Mirspace States station,thenthrough andRussia,firstwithflightsto the the cooperationin aboutthe earth. asthevehiclenations are The to shuttleserved bringunity shown inanorbitaltrajectory space. Crews ontheshuttlehave different includedhumansfrom nations. atleasttwenty-one Flags from these and Hubblecome to mind. The Shuttlehasalso helpeduslearnaboutourselves, by inviting cooperation in sun, to planetsinoursolarsystem, NamessuchasUlysses, Galileo, to , ourown planetearth. Chandra probesspace and instrumentsto andsentforth explore space, from starsbothfaraway andascloseourown crew patches for flights are tied together showing buta few of the many program highlights. Shuttlescarried to gave theirlives inpursuit oftheidealsthisprogram. Within theoutlineoforbiter, elements takenfrom names ofColumbia andChallengerare two setsofseven stars, paying honor to crew thefourteen memberswho While Enterprise never ventured crew into space, membersinunpowered itdidcarry test flights. Below the named vehicles thathave carriedcrews, Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, Endeavour, andEnterprise. whole. The focus ofthepatch istheshapeofshuttleorbiter. Surrounding the orbiter are thenamesofsix hearken backto thedesign oftheoriginal program theSpace emblemacknowledging Shuttleprogram asa wondrous discoveries, momentsofjoy, andtimesofsorrow. The outer shapeandbackground for thepatch learned through theShuttleProgram issodiverse, itistrulydifficult to completely encompass. There have been tool inunderstanding theuniverse, oursolarsystem, ourplanetandourselves. The scope ofwhathasbeen its29years of mannedspaceIn flight,theSpace System asaunifying Transportation fleetoforbiters hasserved 30 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Moon/Mars/Stars image–Represents theuniverseMoon/Mars/Stars andfuture for NASAto explore. Star image–Represents hopfor theuniverse’s allwhoseekto know unknowns. those whowillfly. Astronaut image–Represents theShuttle Astronaut Corp. Those whohave flown, thosewhoare flying, and employees, NASA’s InternationalPartners. Family image–Represents thefamilyofNASA.NASAandit’s employees, theUSpublic, NASA’s contractors and the Columbia andChallenger, whenthere fatalmissionsendedtheirservice. Fleet names/dates – They identifyeachoftheorbiters by nameandwhenit went Alsointhecaseof into service. those missions. behindtheColumbiaStar trailimages–Seen andChallengertheserepresent the7lostastronauts oneachof “wingman” formation. Small shuttleimages–Onerepresents theColumbia andtheotherChallenger, bothflyingposthumouslyin Large shuttleimage–Represents theprogram, thefleet,andmissions. flown (needs to bedoublechecked).29 represents theno. theShuttlehasprovided. of years ofservice Numerals –1981-2010represents thespanofShuttleprogram flights. 134 represents the total no. offlights Colors –Red/White/Blue representsSupport theUnited States ofAmerica. Base Color –Deepblueblackofspace. involved to explore space. Design –Alldesign features focus to asinglearea. Singlearea represents thesingularnature andpurposeofall 31 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Russia, Canada, and theEuropeans. The closerwe work together, thebetter we understandandhelponeanother. areSpace helping Station.Bothoftheseefforts to strengthen the relations between the working U.S., Japan, several nationshave flown intheSpaceInternational ShuttleandtheSpace Shuttlewasusedinbuilding the from othernationshashelpedto foster peace relations andbetter working withothernations. Astronauts from Top right:Dove andolive branch: The cooperation was created aswell ofnewplanetsandgalaxies. asthediscovery ets. Contributions withtheHubbleSpace Telescope itisalsohelpingusto better understandhow theuniverse live inspace. This isoneoftheinitialstepping stones to thefuture humantravel to themoonandto otherplan- Bottom thattheShuttleProgram right:Several planets:Indicates ishelpinghumansto improve how to work and medical equipmentamongothers. These contributions helpcure diseasesandmedical conditions aswell ashelpingdevelop newmedicinesand symbol:Represents Medical theadvancesBottom andresearch left: doneonmedicines, humanphysiology, etc. ments, onboard laboratories, scientific Internationalresearch Space onthe Station,etc. on science ingeneral. The Space Shuttlehascontributed to research usingGetAway Specialpayloads orexperi- Top Asymbolrepresenting left: science: The contributions ofthespace program willhave aneverlasting impact great and to ourplanet. contribution to mankind Center: The Shuttleisintheforefront onthebackground: withtheearth This indicates thattheShuttlehasmade through thecooperation withothernations. enhance exploration,science thelife ingeneral whilefostering inourplanet,medicine, planetary world peace General: This design shows thecontributions thattheShuttleProgram hasmadeto research new technologies to between theU.S. space program andthespace programs 32 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries and otherelementsshouldprobably have more/better detail, ifconsidered appropriate. for islimited. thecrudenessofimage, ability ability, Alsodueto***Notes: my my Sorry art lackofartistic theorbit Center, , , and White Sands Test Facility). Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JohnsonSpace Center, KennedySpace Center, LangleyResearch Center, Space Flight Marshall Center, GlennResearch Center, Goddard for Institute Space Studies, Goddard Space Flight Center, Independent V&V Facility, things forand have over donesuchwonderful 50years AmesResearch (NASAHeadquarters, Center, Flight Dryden Research travel at thebeginning oftime, aswell NASA asallfifteen Centers and Field Facilities thathave contributed NASA’sto future through theprogram. ofimagear The starsinthe upper part fifteen Telescope, andISS),whichisplaced there asareminder ofsometheunbelievable achievements thatwere completed areand theMoon representations ofsometheprogress andremnants oftheprogram (, HubbleSpace also represented oftheimage. Between theorbiters ofacrescent intheupperportion by andMars thedepiction Moon torespect ourunderstandingofspace andourpotential future outsideofLower Orbit(LEO). Earth This hopefulfuture is movement forward toward thedistantstars, whichrepresents crewfourteen memberswho sacrificed theirlives. The overall oftheorbiters andstarsisintended interaction createto a star hasseven lines emanatingfrom theirtop andthe halves, whichrepresent andbrightnessinourmemory theirlegacy learned from thosedisasters, fleet.Also, andtheyhelpedmoldshapethecurrent configurations each ofthesurviving ofthose vehicles andtheleadershipofastronautssacrifice andimportance to theprogram. There were many lessons oftheprogram, ChallengerandColumbia.history thatthestarsareThe out infront fact ofthethree orbiters represents the mission. every those menandwomen putforth The starsalsosymbolize thetwo vehicles thathave beenlostduringthe things. First, thestarandhaloare thesymbolof Astronaut anditrepresents Office theleadershipand courage that up are two starswithgoldentrailsandagoldhalopartway earth that allplay vitalroles, andallelementsshouldberepresented for whattheydofor theprogram. Also “launching” from the the orbiters oneithersideabove Earth. The Space Shuttleisacomplicated andintegrated vehicle withvariouselements through red, white, andblueflames. The External Solid RocketBoostersTank andReusable are falling depicted away from Orbiters representing thecurrent, andfinal, Shuttlefleet are depicted “launching” from theUSand totheearth connected withtheUnited oftheimageiscoveredThe States lowest centered ofEarth portion intheimage. by thecurvature Three 33 the movement forward thattheprogram created with the trail. The stars, trails, and halosrepresent several e meantto represent theoriginal inspirationfor space ers

Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries That is how Ipropose Space to Shuttleflyingmachine. commemorateMay thiswonderful alwayswe remember. recalladded by thathermissionswere thegraphic artist) unconstrained inprinciple. the Universe, ofascience while beingaproduct payload, Shuttlelaunched. Starsinthebackground (to be by theShuttle.supported The Bright SpiralGalaxy, M81,symbolizes whatawaits usinyet anothertiny specof The yet moontantalizes ofscience uswiththeprospect andknowledge to begained, butstillhadbeen conquered. Two ofthecolors are thoseoftheNASAemblem, Meatball”.“The to theconcept andsawbirth itgrow to fruitionandmaintainsteadfast assevere challengeshadto be The settingisagainstthecolorless backdrop ofblackspace, encompassed thatgave by thecolors ofthecountry uswellThe over Shuttlehas served the1,XXX days in orbit,flown by YYYflight crew fromXX different nations. cast, ourlostcomrades aboard theChallengerandColumbia. Dates thelivestwo reflect ofthose spacecraft. flyingmachine, andtheextensive timeloggedinspace.this marvelous Still havewe in mind, forever reverently signifies. We remember allourmissions, STS-1 through STS-133, alongwiththenumberofflight crew flown on rate thisgreat ofatrueflyingmachineas well asthelastlanding;larger-sized performance Orbiter so are aboutto duplicate longtimeto for come. to attheearliest,avery commemo- Specialinterest isimportant advancing themannedexplorationofspace, beyond anything we orany nor othernationhasever performed The technical ofthisreusable feat, land-landingdesign exudesauniquelyremarkable capability spacecraft one but to bepresent asareminder ofhergreatness. returning Orbiter, whichloomslarge inlife duringthefinalmomentsofherhomeward flight,never toascend, Heavenly spiritualtransition. Shehasnow died. The hugelaunchvehicle isdiminishedinscalefrom thefinal warm valueto all. The risingShuttlethrustsaway, itsfinal voyage, asifina butsymbolicallymarksitsdeparture sents ourgalaxy. theShuttle’s Goldlettering depicts goldenyears thatwe are commemorating andfor her Space Station,andscience missionspenetratingthecosmos.ing theEarth, Anelliptically-shapedpatch repre- The design uponthe reflects overrole thattheSpace Shuttlehasserved thedecadesfrom 1981 to 2010,includ- 34 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Challenger andthecrew of STS-51-L andColumbia andthecrew ofSTS-107. field ofstars representing the134missionson the Space Shuttlemanifest, thegoldstars paying tribute to asabridgetopresence future exploration andcolonization. inspace andserving This isallsurrounded by a the firstofmany missions International assembleandutilizedto Space the Station,expandinghumanity’s that have deepenedhumanity’s andunderstandingoftheuniverse. knowledge Endeavour (STS-88) launched probe includingtheGalileo (Atlantis,observatories, STS-34) andHubble Space Telescope (Discovery, STS-31), –thathave improvedand military life onEarth. andsecurity The shuttlehasalsolaunchedmany probes and (STS-6) launchedthefirst &DataRelay Satellite.Tracking These represent allofthesatellites –public, private, Columbia (STS-5) wasthefirstorbiter to launcha commercial communications satellites andChallenger shown launchinginto space filledwiththemany inits30 satellitesyear career. it has launchedandserviced from theprogramstack, patch, represents allthoseinvolved oftheshuttleprogram. is aspect It withevery This patch commemorates theaccomplishments oftheNationalSpace Transportation System. The shuttle 35 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries the crewmembers ofthosemissions. toColumbia memorialize thelossofthosevehicles, are to honor setapart starssurround asfourteen theEarth vehicles, represented whichare further by thesixrays emanatingfrom thesun. The namesChallengerand velocity.orbiter 25reentry wingdenote itsMach The top ofthepatch features thedesignations ofthesixnamed Shuttle’s mission,whilethethinlayer phases. ofatmosphere symbolizes theascent andentry The 25starsonthe the Space Shuttleto America’s space program. theorbitalphaseof depicts around theEarth The trajectory of thepatch inlaunchconfiguration. The United States flag overlays thestackto represent thecontribution of comprisedThe oftheOrbiter, Space Shuttlestack, External Tank, RocketBoosters, andSolid occupies thecenter 36 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries remembered by. over and mysticism theyears with asenseofvibrancy thattheSpace ShuttleProgram willalways be much-beloved program andvehicle thatsomany peoplehave dedicated themselves to insomany capacities etc insuchanultimately confined space.Instead, Iha Hubble Telescope, creation oftheInternational Space Station, thesuccess oftheRemote ManipulatorSystem, Americans ratherthanattempting to somany reflect oftheexceptional program accomplishments suchasthe priate to focus onthesymbolismandiconography oftheShuttleprogram assimplisticallyrecognized by all While there have beenamultitude ofaccomplishments insuchalong, successful program, Ifelt itmore appro- prominent starsthatsignify the5Space Shuttlevehicles NASAhas hadinitsfleetthroughout theprogram. shuttles ChallengerandColumbia. ofthemiddlepanelto therightofShuttle, Inside there are 5larger, more design, there are 7prominent starsoneachsidewhichrepresent the14crew membersthatwere loston most recognizable over icons thelast three in Americanhistory andrightpanelsofthe decades. thetop left In ing down into thetop rightcorner ofthedesign form theAmericanFlag astheShuttlehasbeenoneof around to to thetop alludeto left thesmoothnessofShuttleorbitingearth. The diagonallinescascad- the Shuttle’s orbit,butalso explorationwithinlow Earth and ouraimto explore it,astheShuttlehasdonesuccessfully for decades. The outlinedbluecircle represents patch fans outfrom afinepointatthebottom to awidearray across the top, thisevokes thevastnessofspace shape ofthepatch anditsfaceted panelsare reminiscent ofadiamondorotherfinejewel. As theshapeof Space Shuttle Program hasbeenaninnovative, iconic g patch that captured thevisualessence andspiritoftheprogram inaniconic andtriumphantmanner. As the To celebrate andretirement theupcoming 30thanniversary oftheSpace ShuttleProgram, Iaimedto design a ve designed thispatch asanoverall celebration ofthe 37 em in the history ofAmericanspaceflight, the overallem inthehistory creates from adynamicfluidity thebottom right Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries their lives sothatmeandmy children could have abetter one. spaceflight. The torch willbepassedon anewgenerationand to willdosoinhonorofthosewhogavewe sun issettingtoday, itwillriseagaintomorrow andtomorrow willbethedawn ofanewerainhuman constant work reminder for ofwhoIactually Assurance asaSafety andMission team member. Though the these 14astronauts shouldbepresent intheSpace ShuttleProgram Commemorative Patch. They are a dedicated theirlives to theSTS-51L mission,Space ShuttleChallenger’s finalmission. The representation of Halley’s Comet surrounded by seven stars. These seven starsrepresent theseven astronauts whogave and lives to theSTS-107 mission,Space ShuttleColumbia’s finalmission. The lower shows of left adepiction the constellation Columbia. The seven starsrepresent theseven astronauts whogave anddedicated their easily beargued asthegreatest technological achievement ofmy generation. constellationThe upper left is shuttle’s flightpath.Onthe western horizon, thesettingsun represents theendofaprogram that could The Patch encircled by shows anorbit(~setatSTS-107’s theEarth 39degree inclination)representing a 38 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries "space shuttleprogram" hanginablackfieldaboverepresenting space, theearth thefinal frontier. isthebackdrop forThe anoutlineoftheorbiter, earth whichisfilledinwithawaving Americanflag. The words 39 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Boosters, bondsandsoarinto theheavens. break theirearthly spaceactive shuttles(Discovery, Atlantis, Endeavour), Rocket complete tanksandSolid external withfoam-clad our fallenfriendsofChallengerandColumbia ingold, eachringed withawreath of7stars. Finally, thethree Leading the way isEnterprise insilver, againblazingapathfor therest oftheprogram. Behindit,Ipay tribute to myIn design, the fleetoforbiters onelasttime fliesin toward formation thesettingsun. around theearth 40 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries izing the combination of unity inpurposewithdiversity inthepersonsofspaceizing thecombination flightcrews. ofunity sents thecrew ofSTS-51L, arrangedinapattern similar, thesameasSTS-107 group, butnotexactly symbol- group is for thecrew ofSTS-107, arrangedasthecrew arrangedthestarsontheirpatch. The right group repre- groups ofseven starseachrepresent crew memberswhogave theirlives inthe explorationofspace. The left patch isshapedasanorbiter's outline, closeto thesameshapeusedby theSTS-107 crew for theirpatch. Two abovethe sections thewings. The goldcolor withblueborder istheinverse oftheoriginal shuttlepatch. The oftheprogram, modified showto emblem isthesameoneusedatstart asmall, slightlyraggedshadow in This patch encompasses thespace shuttle'slifetime, showing theyears offirstandlastlaunch. The space shuttle 41 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries orbiters encircle thedesign. sunbeams represent astronauts thefourteen whowere lostduringtheprogram. The namesofthefive ajobwellafter done, asourcollective work ontheprogram moves books. into the history The fourteen This Commemorative Patch features the reflects feeling ofgoing home theShuttlesailinginto thesunset.It 42 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries exploration would never whither. Orbiters and crews thathave beenlost,butwhosepurposeanddream wasto assure thathumanspace The Space Shuttlemakesafinalnightlanding, guidedsafely throughout itsmission thelightof by 43 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries of thewording. The four starsabove represent thetext thefour orbiters. I’ve includedthree versions to show theflexibility The design issimpleandstraightforward. AlaunchingShuttlewithitsdestination(space) intheupperleft. 44 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries fallen astronauts allaround theedgesofpatch. As itis, thiswould beafairlybusypatch, butifpossible, itwould benice to have thelastnames ofthe14 words: "Honoringthosewhohave flown, andthosewhohave fallen". Columbia eitherontheshuttlebodyorunderneath.Finally, eitherabove orbelow would thispicture bethe would asallwhite bepictured withgoldenhalosover "head", thecockpit andtheirnamesChallenger aretwo inastar filledskyscape the lostshuttlesflying,Above pointed theearth right. These two shuttles shuttles; Atlantis, Discovery, andEndeavour. They shouldbeseenasstandingatattention, asifsaluting. sites; California (Edwards AFB),Houston, andFlorida. Underneatheachare thenamesofcurrently active configuration (withboosters andfueltank)standingstraightup. Oneeachstandsatofthe3mainNASA From America -and3space shuttlesinlaunch showing North theSTS 129patch ofearth -useapicture patchA rectangular large enoughto holdthefollowing: I would liketo describeapatch thatIenvision: No ImageProvided 45 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries • Shuttle flying-off into history • Shuttleflying-off Shuttlelaunch/landingpointmarked (KSC) • Main ofshuttle1977–2010 • History • 1starfor eachlostcrew member • Nameofallshuttles(test &operational) • NumberofFlights –139 Space• International Station • Hubble Telescope • 3symbolsrepresent Spacelab science successes• Major for Space Shuttle 46 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries omnia sedmemoriasprivat—timedeprives allbutmemories. isvivid. And thelastelementofpatch sumsuptheoveralllegacy concept withtheLatinverse, Tempus and itpullstheseven starsforward asitflies. However, theshuttledoesnotcastashadow inthedesign—its accentuate thecenter ofthesundial. ofthesundial(thetailbeinggnomon) The shuttle isthemainobject And theseven starsrepresent thecrew ofseven from thosetwo flights. The center starisslightlylarger to a sunset—theend. thepatch Therepresent two goldshuttles flanking Challenger(1986)and Columbia (2003). the two edges. onajourneyintoThe space shuttleorbiter isshown asablueprint—thebeginning—embarking graphicIn form, thepatch isasundial. The years 1981(thefirstshuttlelaunch)and2010last)are fitted at success oftheSpace ShuttleProgram isremembered. lives ofthoseastronauts lostonboard Challenger andColumbia. Through life, memoriesare made, andthe hour.The life concept atevery issimple—remember The patch commemorates thelife oftheorbiter andthe 47 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries efforts withtheApolloprogram.efforts 1,the7starsrepresent boththeChallengerandColumbia. The represents singlestarontheMoon on The starsrepresent thosethathave paved theroad andwe have lostalongtheway. The 3starsrepresent are andMars.ground Eachsymbolizes theMoon thefuture oftheEarth visionfor humanspace exploration. outliningthejourneyahead.This thespace shuttlerisingabove patch Against depicts theback- theEarth ontheoutsideofpatch Inscribed journeycontinues”.“The 48 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries No descriptionincluded. 49 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries rise, representing thefuture andhopefor allmankind. the red vector from theNASA logoissubtlycovered to by thepatch, andinthedistance themoonisstarting lost theirlives for theconquest ofspace. Eachofthestarsappropriately isthesamesize andbrightness. Lastly, fices allowed this program happen. to The remaining 14stars represent thelives oftheshuttlecrewman who The cluster ofthree recognizes to theleft theApollo1crew whichcamebefore theprogram butwhosesacri- center isthespace shuttle, ever oneofthemostbeautifulspacecrafts designed. Seventeen starsadornthesky. thisspacefor program. helpingbuild. the signifying thepeoplewhohelpsupport At In thebottom istheearth not have beenpossible. To Space therightisInternational Stationwhichtheshuttlehasbeenresponsible (apple). At thetop ofthepatch istheHubbleSpace Telescope. Without theshuttle, thiswondrous tool would he hastheUSFlag. As well, you atribute seethereflection to thecrews andChallenger of Columbia (mu-g) there isanastronautleft, onEVA. reflections thepast(asborrowedto In from Al BeansStraightening OurStrips), The mainshapeofthepatch isellipticalintribute to Kepler’s firstlaw onthe thatallorbitsare ellipses. Starting 50 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries future ofspace exploration. outside oftheshuttlesilhouette to signify theywillcontinue to beremembered andhonored throughout the ground ofspace with14starsrepresents thefallencrews oftheChallengerandColumbia vehicles. The starsare logo andrepresents thespace shuttle’s innovation andachievement inaeronautics. Finally, theblackback- constellation Andromeda, isawing representing aeronautics. This echoesthered chevron intheNASAmeatball five orbital vehicles are listed intheorder inwhich they were built. The red chevron, inthealternate shapeofthe orbit. The years 1981and2010are shown to represent the29years ofthespace shuttle’s life. The namesofthe System large andrepresents payloads ofthespace to shuttleto theuniqueability andfrom transport low earth from the shuttle throughout its manyobservation missions. The letters STS standfor Space Transportation success ofthespace shuttleover through theyears andrepresents gainedabout the earth theknowledge exploration. below symbolizes thethousandsofpeople alloverThe earth theworld thathave contributed to the sun represents theendofshuttleera,whichwillleadto theriseofanewvehicle andusherinaneweraof The widelyrecognized silhouette oftheSpace Shuttleisshown withthesunsettingover theearth. The setting 51 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries been accomplished by it. feature patches withthefirstandlastSTS missions, illustrating stars inremembrance oftheastronauts wholosttheirlives duringtheprogram. The astronauts EVA suits thebackground,In apatrioticthemedAstronaut symbolliesagainstablackbackground (14) withfourteen The patch features two astronauts donningEVA rotates by beneaththem. suitsfacingeachotherastheEarth 52 a “full circle” lookattheprogram andallthathas Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries And finally, theendofSpace theorbitalsunset ShuttleeraatNASA. reflects Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, andEndeavor, andrecognize the2vehicles lostasstarswhose lighthasfaded. manufacture, andoperationoftheShuttleare highlighted. The boldstarssymbolize the5Orbiters; Columbia, the backgroundIn theU.S. locationsanddedicated ground forces responsibilities for thedesign, withprimary Program, theOrbiter isboldlyshown inorbit,attheready challenge. for thenext ous payloads, includingtheHubbleSpace Telescope, andspace ofthe science. As observation, theheart Earth of NASA. These includethecompleted Space assemblyoftheInternational Station,thedeployment ofnumer- The design commemorates themany theSpace missionobjectives ShuttleProgram initsservice hasperformed 53 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries And finally, theendofSpace theorbitalsunset ShuttleeraatNASA. reflects Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, andEndeavor, andrecognize the2vehicles lostasstarswhose lighthasfaded. manufacture, andoperationoftheShuttleare highlighted. The boldstarssymbolize the5Orbiters; Columbia, the backgroundIn theU.S. locationsanddedicated ground forces responsibilities for thedesign, withprimary Program, theOrbiter isboldlyshown inorbit,attheready challenge. for thenext ous payloads, includingtheHubbleSpace Telescope, andspace ofthe science. As observation, theheart Earth of NASA. These includethecompleted Space assemblyoftheInternational Station,thedeployment ofnumer- The design commemorates themany theSpace missionobjectives ShuttleProgram initsservice hasperformed 54 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries been deployed and is starting to fall,been deployed showing thatthisistheorbiter’s andisstarting finalwheelstop. oftheorbiter toappear neartheaft symbolize ourlostvehicles Challengerand Columbia. The dragchute has Atlantis andEndeavour nearthemid-bodyoforbiter to symbolize theirretirement. Two glowing stars with seven stripesrepresenting Shuttlecrew. atypical The five stars represent thefive orbiters, withDiscovery, “And into eternity, brother, hailandfarewell”. The flankofthepatch shows aglimpseoftheUnited States flag orbit. The sunsetshows anendoferawiththeinscription “Et inperpetuum,frater, ave etvale” translated to The patch shows anorbiter landingattheShuttleLandingFacility, returning from itslastvoyage to low Earth 55 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries where itis. just colored itgrey sothestarsandotherdetailswould show up, andthelettering wasblacksoIwould know it getsselected, thelettering aroundIf theedgesshouldbewhite andthebackground blackinstead ofgrey. I ing into thesunsetasprogram draws to aclose. RocketBooster Solid separation,head- justafter leavingthe Space Shuttlestackisdepicted the planetEarth Shuttle program –theISS, andtheHubbleSpace TDRSS network, Telescope. thecenter/left ofthepatch In right sideofthepatch are some(notallby any means)ofthe most recognizable accomplishments ofthe remembrance (14)astronauts ofthefourteen wholosttheirlives duringtheSpace Shuttle Program. Onthe intheorbiter istheastronautInscribed symbol. Scattered throughout thepatch are (14)starsin fourteen edge ofthepatch thenamesofeachorbiter are listed inorder from ofconstruction Enterprise to Endeavour. delta patch. At thebottom, theyears “1981 –2010” markthefirstandlastflightofShuttle. Around the This patch features awhite orbiter outlineabove bluebasereminiscent asky oftheSpace ShuttleProgram 56 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries ered dataandimagesfrom some oftheselocations. system that willbeexplored and inhabited inthefuture. Satellites, telescopes andprobes have already gath- February 1,2003. toThe destinationswithinandbeyond moonin thedistance oursolar beckonsmankind 28,1986andseven starsundertheISSrepresentJanuary thecrewmembers lostin theColumbia accident on anditsclimate. Seven starsundertheHSTrepresentEarth thecrewmembers lostintheChallengeraccident on medicine, materials, space technology andhabitation, isalsoanorbitingplatform ofthe for observation beyondknowledge. that contributed to scientific The ISSisamicrogravityfor laboratory research inbiology, onfour Shuttlemissions,serviced/upgraded andhasprovided and stunningimagesanddatafrom ourgalaxy launched by theShuttle, Space andtheInternational Station(ISS)appearsontheright. The HSTwas of theEarth. The HubbleSpace Telescope isoneofmany ontheleft science payloads andsatellites (HST) and STS-2), andtherighthalfisbare foam insulation. The blueatmosphere onthehorizon shows thecurvature halfoftheExternal The left ispaintedtwo whiteTank aswasdoneononlythefirst Shuttlemissions(STS-1 (ET) missions asthesteam from RocketBooster theSolid (SRB)soundsuppression system risesaround thevehicle. The Space Shuttlevehicle offfrom isshown KennedySpace lifting ononeof overCenter one-hundred (KSC) 57 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries resized butthisisthe generallayout. Thank you for your consideration. ofthedesign Ihave butadraft inmind.ThisSome ofthepieces isnotthefinalartwork need to bemoved or setting, symbolizingtheendofShuttleprogram. signify thediversity ofastronauts thatflewduringtheShuttle Program. Finally, thesunisshown be to around theShuttleplumeto represent thegoldAstronaut symbol. The plumeisalsorainbow-colored to whiteas anAmericanflag, dots to with fifty represent eachstarontheAmericanflag. Aringhasbeenplaced Center onamapoftheUnited States. The mapoftheUnited States anditssurrounding waters are colored commemorating thosewhohave sacrificed theirlives. The Shuttleisshown launchingfrom KennedySpace stars withlongpointssymbolize boththeChallengerandColumbia, smallerwhite withthefourteen stars the five Shuttlesthathave flown: Discovery, Atlantis, Endeavour, ColumbiaandChallenger. The two gold International Space suchasthe specific missionobjectives StationorHubble. The large goldstars represent I wanted to commemorate oftheShuttleprogram theentire andallithastaughtus, history ratherthan 58 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Space Shuttle1981-201130years ofcourageous e Words onthepatch could be: The Shuttleitselfrepresents theentire fleetsohasnonameplate. representsThe bluesky thehopefulfuture ofmanned spaceflight. The representing Shuttleisreaching skyward forward progress achieved by theshuttleprogram. 59 xploration OR30years ofspaceflight achievement Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries always bevigilant inourwork. sideofthepatchThe represen left The Astronaut Symbol Memorial (from theKSCmemorial)islocated underneaththe Space ShuttleExternal Tank to remind ourselves Ramon • Ilan • William C.McCool D.• Rick Husband • Laurel BlairSalton Clark Chawla • Kalpana • David M.Brown P.• Michael Anderson STS-107 Columbia Crewmembers (Columba Constellation- 7stars) J.• Michael Smith • DickScobee • JudithResnik • RonaldMcNair • ChristaMcAuliffe • EllisonOnizuka Jarvis • Gregory STS-51 ChallengerCrewmembers (BigDipperConstellation- 7stars) name ofspace exploration. above theISS. These starssymbolize to fourteen ourrespect thefallencrewmembers oftheSpace Shuttlewhohave given theirl theNode1to SpaceInternational theFunctional Station(ISS)connecting Cargo Block(FGB).Consequently, thisconstellation is Space ShuttleColumbia. The BigDipperConstellation (takenfrom theSTS-88 missionpatch) represents thefirstShuttleflight to Patch Circle - Inner The constellation Columba, orthedove, (takenfrom theSTS-107 missionpatch) represents a peace onEarth Vehicle Assembly Building(VAB) inFlorida. Astronaut Grove Memorial atJSC. The AmericanFlag have andNASAMeatball to eachother, been placed next aslocated ontheKSC oftheastronautsincludes asinglewhite whomhave rose inmemory losttheirlife duringspace travel. Asingletree represent Challenger tragedy, abouquetofroses isdelivered to the White Flight Control RoominHouston, Texas. The Shelton familyalw RocketBoosterswith thetwo Solid andtheExternal Tank oftheSpace Shuttlefeatured inthecenter ofthepatch. Ever since t Patch Symbols Outer - Ring The Astronaut EmblemSymbol isrepresented ingoldwiththetop starandthree rays. The rays are fo construction ofISS. construction The right sideofthepatch featuresMars afigure to Moon and step ofthe represent infuture our next spa ts amajorachievement duringtheSpace Shuttle program, the 60 he ce flight. s the placed ays ays nd the complete the ife inthe rmed

to to Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries orbiters and the seven memberastronaut crews ofeachthosemissions. The two seven pointed stars, placed nearthenamesofColumbia andChallengerpay tribute to thelossofthose Enterprise) surround thedesign. Sixsmallstarsrepresent thesixorbiters intheShuttlefleet. The namesofthesix vehicles ofthefleet(including science achievements theSpace Shuttleprogram hascontributed toward thosegoals. areThe andMars illustrated Moon to represent thefuture ofhumanspace direction exploration,andthemany the universe theHubblehasgiven us. several timesusingtheSpace represent Shuttle.and serviced of Starsandagalaxy theexpandingknowledge To therightoforbiter istheHubbleSpace Telescope. The Hubblewaslaunched into space, placed inorbit, was firstdemonstrated onaShuttleflight. Shown above theISSisanastronaut floatingfreeManeuvering inspaceManned Unit(MMU). usinga The MMU largely by Space Shuttlemissions(together withRussianmodulesandvehicles). To Space oftheShuttleisInternational Station(ISS),whichwaslaunched, theleft assembled, andpopulated this design, symbolizingjustafew ofthemany achievements made possibleby theShuttleprogram. The Space ShuttleOrbiter isshown prominently over theEarth. Three otherspacecraft jointheSpace Shuttlein accomplishments oftheSpace Shuttleprogram. The design celebrates theSpace Shuttle’s years oforbitaloperations(1981–2010)andthemany great thirty 61 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries submittal criteria. at thebottom. We willresend thatversion tomorrow, butwanted to ensure thatoursubmittal metthetime We ranout oftime, but ourintent isto place acadre of astronauts, standing tallandproud beneaththebanner in presenting ourtribute to thespace shuttleprogram. within allphasesoftheprogram. Therefore, Ithoughtitonlyfitting to collaborate withseveral smallbusinesses role My withintheshuttleprogram businessesparticipation wasensuring small, andwoman-owned minority ofmannedspaceflight. the space shuttlehaskeptAmerica onthecutting-edge SpaceInternational Station,themostcomplex engineering ever ofmankind, project attempted inthehistory travel. From placingsatellites, includingtheHubbletelescope into orbit,to itscritical role of the inconstruction theversatility oftheshuttleandto communicateportray it’s pivotal role intheadvancement ofhumanspace the courageous astronauts whoflewitsmissionshave earnedtheirplace in aviation history. Ourvisionwas to The space shuttlehasproved for to betheworkhorse America’s space program. The space shuttle, alongwith I have imagined beinginvolved withNASA. airplane wingsfor BoeinginSeattle, onthespace to shuttleprogram, working never inmy wildestdreams could touch and golandingsfor theirupcoming space shuttlemission,willstay withmefor alifetime. From making Ellington ofoverlooking fieldattheJohnsonSpace TheCenter, memory andwatching theastronauts practice 62 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries and Moon –the elementsofscience,and Moon ourhomeandfuture. Spacehab, ISS,EVA, andthefirstSpace Shuttle flyinspaceto “Enterprise”. In the center ofpatch is the Earth Wisdom oftheLord, DivineUnderstandingandConfidence. are;Galileo, Alsopictured Hubble, LAGEOS-1, patch –thisrepresents whatourfoundation –ourcountr Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavor. The of American flagandeagleispositionedonthelower part The “Space Shuttle Program Commemorative” Patch r 63 epresents thesixspace shuttles;Enterprise, Columbia, y isbasedon–Freedom, Power, Strength, Courage, Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries thankful for, nopatch canencompass allofitsyears ofglory. RocketBoosters, taskoftheSolid tank. andthe External destinations withouttheimportant With somuchto be ofDefense,ing theDepartment and SPACEHAB inthepayload bay. The Space Shuttlewould notreach its the Hubble Telescope, Space theRussianMIR,International Station,, followed by theEaglerepresent- the science theprogram hasprovided. AsmallsampleofwhattheSTS program hashelpedachieve isshown in “Challenger” and “Columbia” asthatreminder. The RoboticManipulator System holdstheworld asasymbolfor a success. With great success, there isacost whichshouldnever beforgotten. Bothwingsare markedwith the United andwork States oftheAmericanpeoplethathelpedmakeSpace for Shuttleprogram thesupport small representation ofthoseyears. The circles ofcolor and the50starsinsidepatch (notshown) represent For many butmany great nations. notonlyourcountry years theSpace Shuttlehassupported This patch isa 64 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries the ShuttleProgram Retirement Patch. pay homageto allthepeople who have worked onthis program aswell as thefacilities. Pleaseconsider my submissionfor explore theuniverse andsearch for life, andto inspire thene This patch includeselementsthatsumupNASA’s missionstat sadthingto see.the sametimeitwillalsobe a very isamomentthathasbeendescribedasbeautifuland program. It the sunsets. There isapinkandbluehueonblackhorizon. This ismeantto show thatthe sun issettingontheShuttle halfofthecircle The ismeantto left lookmostlyblank. This isanattempt to recreate whatitlookslikefrom space when will entail, butwe are rising to meetthechallengeandexcited abouttheprospects. andbeyond. objects, places likeourown themoonsofotherplanets, Moon, nearEarth We don’t for know sure whatthat better place. There isalsoa sun risingto theeast. We LEO andgoto are atapointofnewdawn whichwillseeusdepart colors ofblue, green, andwhite symbolize NASA’s commitment to environmental research theworld a andto making you seethecoast ofFL,LA,MS,AL,and particular all ofwhichhave theshuttleprogram. NASAfacilitiesthatserve TX, The space withamuchgreater thanever frequency before achieved. In Ontherighthalfofcircle you seetheEarth. STS-136. The outer rimofthecircle displays thenamesofshuttles, includingEnterprise, whichallowed usto flyinto At thebottom oftheouter circle flightsare themannednon-captive shown, from theApproach andLanding Test 12 to on withus, never forgotten aswe move forward. our mostbasichumannature, to explore. This symbolizes tha paving apathto thefuture. The seven starsoneithersideofthetrailsymbolize thosewholosttheirlife inourendeavor, at thetop symbolizes theastronauts, scientists, engineers, andotherswhowillcontinue to goforward to otherprograms, The thingsthatwe have learnedfrom theshuttle program allow usfor alongerstay inspace. The yellow trailwiththestar believe thataswe progress, theshuttleprogram willberealized asafootstone orbit. thatledusdown thepathto low Earth you have theshuttle, as well Mars, andtheGalaxy. astheMoon, The shuttleobviously never went to theseplaces, butI you have theacronyms thespace shuttleprogram. thetriangle ofthevariousNASAcenters Inside support thatdirectly coming to theendofprogram aswell asatestament to how farwe have come. Around therimofinverted triangle patch, STS-1 patch, andtheshuttleapproach andlandingtest patches onlyinverted. This isto symbolize thatwe’re I designed thispatch to bethe “people’s patch.” The ov erall shape of the patch looks very similarto theshuttleprogramerall shapeofthepatch looksvery 65 xt generation of explorers as only NASA can. It alsoismeantt generationofexplorers asonlyNASAcan.It xt ement: To understandand protect ourhomeplanet, to t even thoughtheseevents occur inthepast,thattheylive memorable experience by thosewhohave seenit.At o

Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries The purple heart representsThe theastronaut’s purpleheart bravery. The shuttlewith wingsrepresents thefallenastronauts. The starsrepresent the5shuttles. The nucleussymbolrepresents science. The dove represents peace. 66 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries 4. The Red-Blue-White, thenation’s color, isthematicinked ontheentire patch. 3. Certainly, system istherightplace hertailportion/propulsion for -year thehistorical legacy “2010”… year isjustasuitablearea for2. Herhead/cockpit thebirth “1981”- thejourney’s beginning, 1. Herparents, NASAand NASApeople, provide thewingsofprogram/missions, the program/missions. Those indicationsare symboliccondensed onashuttleperimeter: The design ofspace concept shuttle, is basedonasubject herorganizer, &retire year andherbirth of 67 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries represent thespace thethousandsofpeoplewhohave shuttleprogram supported over thepast29years. fromsupported, experimentsto satellites to Finally, space stationdockings. thestarsinbackground located over the payload bay to alsorepresent thehundreds ofpayloads andmissionsthattheshuttlehas space oftheprogram over –Columbia, the history Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, andEndeavour. These are program’s inNASA’s future. The five stars centered ontheorbiter represent the5orbiters thathave flown in the suncanbeinterpreted bothassettingattheendofsuccessful shuttleprogram andrisingonthenew recognizable to peopleall over theworld. asimilarlyiconic viewfrom depicts The orbit,while crescent Earth entire program ona singlepatch. Iusedthesilhouette oftheorbiter becauseitissuchaniconic shape, The shuttleprogram hasbeenflying for solonganddonemany thingsthatit’s difficult toencapsulate the 68 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Landing. Aviewfrom symbolizes insidetheOrbiter's thecrew cockpit andflightsupport. tions are represented by apayload beingdelivered on-orbit. The Orbiter and inglidingflight represents Entry crew station. The Ascent shows theSRB'sandSSME'spropelling theOrbiter andExternal Tank. Orbitalopera- The patch shows physical andmissioncomponents oftheSpace ShuttleProgram, inanarc surrounding the 69 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries On thebottom, alltheSSVs thatflew The AmericanFlag represents America’s Past, Present andFuture inthis industry sented onthepatch; Besides deploying majorpayloads, themostisISSandHSTrepre- thetwo thingswhichstand-out The Fourteen Starsrepresenting the14Astronauts wholosttheirlives “Reaching for theStars”; Women whohelpedtheSSPinaccomplishing theirgoals; The innerdesign oftheSpace Shuttle hasalways beenaconstant -dedicatedVehicle & to theMen (SSV) the three rounded corners represent NASA’s Success Mission of “Exploring -Discovering -Learning” ; The outer design isacapsule(timeless); A briefdescriptionofthepatch onthe following page: 70 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries space exploration. the design, the17starsrepresentIn the17astronauts who paidtheultimate sacrifice inthepursuitof and women whodedicated theirlives to thechallenging andnoblepursuitofspace exploration. give theshuttleprogram arightfulplace inhistory. This phrase waschosento honorthemany men ad astramoliseterries via.” IsLatinfor to thestars.” is noeasyway from theearth “There Latinisusedto Spaceorder: ,HUBBLE,andtheInternational Station. The phrase inscribed onthepatch, est “Mon silhouettes commemorate themajorachievements ofthespace shuttleprogram inchronological The red pathsymbolizes thelife oftheshuttleprogram cycle from theinception to completion. Three 71 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries of themissionssupported. Since thepatch isfor theShuttleProgram, shouldbebiggerthanthepictures thelaunchandlandingpictures MIR, andtheISS). included onthepatch are arguably 3ofthemostsignificant missionseries(HubbleSpace Telescope, Shuttle- remembrance ofthecrews ofChallengerandColumbia whopaidtheultimate sacrifice the to Program. Also the parachute system deploying represents thelastlanding. Onthepatch there are 2setsofseven starsin offwiththewhiteThe External Shuttlelifting represents thefirstlaunchand Shuttlelandingwith Tank (ET) theeraofShuttleProgramThe patch depicts oper ations from 1981to 2010andtotal missionsflown (134). 72 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries logo requirements –Names, NASA,Mission. vehicle course, (whatever andthenext andMars include theMoon itis)Of any oftheseideasneed thestandard suitvisor,of his/hercrew reflected intheLaunch/Entry toward alllooking thefuture. The could reflection program. Ithoughtthatitwould beinteresting to show aShuttlecrewmember from theShuttlewithback in any logo)silhouetted by thesettingsunto signify theend. Andthento show thetransitionto anew realMy intent inthissketch was to clearlyconvey thelastflight showingby theshuttlefrom theback(firsttime 73 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries Challenger andColumbia expeditions. voyages andgenerationsofspacecrafts. Finally, the14starsare paying homageto thelostcrew membersofthe golden flightpaths, each one oftheshuttlesisgoinginto adifferent leadingthe direction, way forfuture final farewell. Above arisingsun,dawn explorationofspace, ofanewera for mankind andleaving behindtheir The endoftheshuttleeraisrepresented by thefive historical space shuttlessoaring together into space asa 74 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries . States, personaround theworld butofevery thatdedicated theirlives to thedream andaccomplishment of those whodidpay theultimate price. incenter recognizesThe Earth theaccomplishments notjustoftheUnited crewmen whoriskedtheirlives for starsonthetailsare -andthefourteen theadvancement for ofknowledge Space Telescope, are shown onthesides. The Astronaut symbol Office covers the top, inthanks forthemany they carried. Two ofShuttle'smostrecognized achievements, theInternational Space Station andtheHubble As recognition for thenamesofallfive theirfine service, Shuttleorbiters cover thebottom likethe crew patches thatlaunchedit. the Earth This Shuttleandtheorbitthatfollows isarelic oftheSpace ShuttleProgram patch. This Space ShuttleProgram commemorative patch fe atures theSpace Shuttleitselfinthecenter, flyingaround 75 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries challenges aheadaswe strive to move orbitto distantplaces from inspace. low earth Challenger. representsThe theuniquenessofourplanetandhorizon Earth ontherightrepresents the anEVAperforming to to commemorate place 2starsinthesky thosethatlosttheir lives onColumbia and The astronauts represent thosethatriskedtheirlives for andare shown theadvancement ofhumankind in theworld. The Orbiter shown ismeantto represent all5shuttlesthatflewduringthelengthof Program. fora rare andbeautifulbreed, known strength and determination to acountry maintainthebestspace program up watching andcheeringfor theshuttlelaunches through theyears. The eaglerepresents theUnited States as worked for NASAorasacontractor, the Program supported asavendor, orthemillionsofAmericansthatgrew This patch represents oftheSpace ShuttleProgram. thelegacy The flag represents allAmericans-whetherthey 76 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries The namesofall6shuttlesthatwere built are listed alongthetwo bottom corners. and Columbia accidents. The 14white starsontheblackbackground are inremembrance ofthecrew memberslostintheChallenger The ISSandHubblerepresent two ofthe greatest achievements oftheShuttleprogram. have flown aboard thelastmission. theshuttleafter The yellow starandbarsrepresent theastronaut office anditpointsto the totalnumberofastronauts whowill mission withthedates ofthatfirstmissionthrough thelastatbottom. oftheinterior paysThe central tribute isinthegeneralshapeofpatch part to from STS-1. thefirstshuttle It manned spaceflight. (Columbia) missions. The Star, Moon, form andMars theshapeofOrion’s Beltandpay eraof tribute to thenext all 134missions. The 25thand113thstarsare colored red to commemorate STS-51-L (Challenger) andSTS-107 the stackedconfiguration atthe top istakenfrom Shuttlelogo. There are 134starsintheborder that represent The triangularborder isintheshapeofbothSpace ShuttleProgram andOrionlogos. Also, theShuttlein 77 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries shape, representing theEarth. The words "Space Shuttle1981-2010"are written around theupperedge. External Tank andthered andblueoftheUSflag. ofthecircle shuttleisescapingthroughThe theboundary the bottom ofthedesign. withcontrastingThe touches Shuttleiswhite ofcolor andblack, inthedull-orange andwhite billows ofsteam at golden-white exhaust,andthepale-gray contrast to the Shuttleanditsfiery shuttlelaunch. The astylized design depicts The black background standsin represents It theunknown. 78 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries American space program, Iused apalate ofmostlyred, white, and blue. Hubble telescope Space andtheInternational Station.Andsince theNASASpace Shuttleprogram isan the lastyear of2010.Moreover, Iincludedtwo ofthemajorelements space shuttle program: the withtheroll outoftheEnterprise in1976andendingwith shuttles, starting andincludingtheyears ofservice shuttle orbiter asamajorelementto honorthisprogram asamemorialby listingallthenamesofspace Besides theusualelementsofmissionnumberand thecrew's names, Ialsoincludedanoutlineofaspace 79 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries in theforeground represent thethree ontheEarth remaining orbiter vehicles whichare beingretired. the starssurrounding themare theheroes whogave theirlife inthepursuitofknowledge. The three stars each successful missioncompleted. The commemorate two large thetwo orbiters starsinthesky lostand signifying theendofShuttleprogram. The trackbehindtheShuttleisshown by 132stars;onefor shape ofthepatch isoval liketheEarth. The arc intheforeground represents thesunsetbehindEarth exploration ofit. The goldstandsfor honorandthe The patch ispresented intwo colors. The darkbluerepresents thenightsky, upto space andthe looking 80 heroes territory. thatexplore thisuncharted The Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries high profile missions symbolizeto themany missionsthat were spentlaunching/repairing satellites, etc. To ofthe orbiter andonthehorizon theleft istheHubble Telescope. This waschosenfrom amongthevarious theISS. constructing/supplying To therightoforbiter andonthehorizon isthe ISS. This symbolizes themany missions spent asiscurrentlyis thesamestyle usedinthestandard space shuttlepatch. The words “SPACE SHUTTLE” are inwhite print,justabove inthebackground. theyears, withtheearth The print (Again, thiscould beeasilymodifiedifEnterprise were included.) The years atthebottom ofthe red “frame” indicate the firstspace flight (Columbia) andtheupcoming lastflight. Enterprise ifthatwere desired.) memorative patches existthatindica Enterprise wasnotincludedsince itwasnever involved in shuttle namesare inwhite print. The background for thenamesisred “frame” ofthepatch. (Note that the “COLUMBIA” & “CHALLENGER” are inblackprintto recognize thelossofthoseorbiters/crews. The rest ofthe (Note thattheU.S.Earth. flagisincluded to signify the U.S. origins oftheshuttle.) since many landmasswasdepicted missionsincludedinternationalmass. crews Noparticular from across the isshown below asthefamiliarblue The earth “marble” land withonlycloudspresent ratherthanany particular off into thesunset” ). forward. sidelooking The viewisfrom theaft Shuttle isshown flyinginto thesunset(borrowing thefamiliar western movie endingoftheprotagonist “riding te 1981asthefirstflight. Thisdesign couldeasilybemodified toinclude 81 an actual space flight.Also,an actual it wasnoted that com- Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries human endeavors inSpace. of theAmericanflagleading thesilverto starsignify America’s commitment the to offuturecontinuation white starsinthepatch background, onefor eachoftheShuttlemissions. The stripescomprised three vertical ofthe14astronauts aboard thosemissions. goldstars honorthememory while thefourteen There are 134 Defense. The two goldorbiters represent Challenger satellite to recognize thejointventure ofsomemissionsbetween theShuttleProgram of and the Department SpaceLab, anastronaut inaspace suite, Space andtheInternational onthe Station.Aneagleisportrayed border ofthepatch. These are objectives manifested intheimagesofHubbletelescope, asatellite, the boundaries ofExploration,Engineering, Science, Transpor edges ofthepatch. The protruding Orbiters suggesttherole oftheShuttleanditsmissionsinpushing five Orbiters: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, andEndeavour the to radiate outward from theEarth External Tank, RocketBoosters. andReusableSolid Launchingfrom KennedySpace Center, silhouettes ofthe Shuttle Program. The Space Shuttle Vehicle is shown here withtheOrbiter, Space Engines, ShuttleMain This andachievements patch commemorates ofthepeoplewhohave thelegacy contributed to theSpace 82 lost duringSTS-51-L andColumbia lostduringSTS-107; tation, andCooperation which are written onthe Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries believe thattheU.S. mustsailonit." different ships exploreto adifferentIt echoes ocean. President Kennedy'swords, "This isanew ocean, andI representing exploration.Justascen There isaray for eachofthefive orbiters whichhave madethejourney.In themid-ground istheocean, and honorableendoftheSpace Shuttleera.Arisingsunrepr ambiguous andupto theviewer to decide. Asettingsunwatching theshuttletakeoff represents theproud Shuttle insilhouette, during accent. Behindit isthesun. Whether thesunisrisingorsettingintentionally left The design iskeptsimplewithfew detailsandatraditionalcircular shape. theforeground In istheSpace turies ago, nationsbuiltshipsto explore theoceans, we today build 83 esents hopefor thenewera inspace exploration. Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries 6) Mars 5) Moon Space4) International Stationinthesky GlennResearch Center BlumBrook Station exploration) GlennResearch Center to represent3) 350starsinthesky thoseflown inspace, (brighter stars for those lives that were sacrificed inspace Independent Software Verification and Validations Facility (GSFC) Goddard for Institute Space Studies Goddard Space Flight Center Wallops Flight Facility (GSFC) LangleyResearch Center Space Flight Marshall Center NASA KennedySpace Center Center NASAShared Services Stennis Space Center Headquarters Assembly Facility Michoud (MSFC) JohnsonSpace Center White Sands Test Facility (JSC) Flight Dryden Research Center JetPropulsion Laboratory Vandenberg AirForce Base AmesResearch Center namesofalltheNASACenters;2) Include 1) The patch alltheShuttleswithnamesandyear would flown depict 84 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Entries No descriptionprovided. 85