Health Service
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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HEALTH SERVICE Departments in Urbana-Champajgn Thirty,third Annual Report 1948-1949 J. How AID BEARD, M. D. University Health Officer Urbana, Illinois I have the honor to present herewith this report as edited and prepared by the late Dr. J. Howard Beard. 1'h* pr1ntinc and binding have been completed with., IUper- vision. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pall" FORE":1ORD 1 SERVICES 2 I. University Students 2 II. University High School Studente 2 III. Re t irc~9nt System 2 IV. Employees 6 V. Student and Private Pilots 7 VI. Foodhandler s 7 VII. Applicants for l-!arriage Certificates 7 VIII. Laboratory SerTice 7 9 I! General 9 II. Albuminuria 10 Ill. Hear ~ ~lBeaBe 10 IV. Tube~culosio 10 V. Mental Hygiene 11 VI. Oral Hygiene 12 COi>iM1Jl!ICABLE DISEASE 1) I. Students 1) II. Faculty and Civ!l SerTice Employees 14 VACCII'.ATIONS AJID UilltJllIZATIONS 14 COOPllRATION WITH CT!mR DEPARTMElITS 14 I. Military Classification 14 II. ~hysical Education Classification 14 INSTRUCTION IN I!YG IENE 15 I. Proficiency Examination 16 II. Hygiene 102 and 105, Elementary Hygiene and Sanitation 16 III. Hygiene 110, For Coachee and Teacheru 17 IV. nr6~ene 216, Por Occupational Therapy Student. 17 V. Hygiene X-103, Extension Course 17 VI. Hygiene X-225, Extension Course 17 SAl!ITATIOli 17 FIRST AID CABINETS 18 SPBCIAL SERV I C~ AT UN IVERSITY FJVbh~S 18 S TA~ !.ABORATORT Sz:RVICE 18 :uJqtm5TS FOR I NFCmiAT ION 19 TlrE GllNERAL PRACTITIONER AND '!'HE I!EA1TH SERVIClil 19 HOSPl TALlZATIOl1 19 I. McKinley Hospital 20 II. Local Hospi tala 20 III. Communicable Diseaae 20 ACCI Il!'!NTS TO EMPLoYEES 21 APPENDIX A - Medical Attention to Studenta and Employee. T7Pes of Medical ~ttention to Students and Employees 22 Monthly Distribution of Visits 22 Classification of Injuriea to Civil Service Employees for Five Years 23 Laboratory Examinations 2) Hospitalization 25 Average Hospital St~ over Period of Six Years 25 Communicable Diseases Cared for at McKinley Hospital 26 Cases Cared for at !-fcU nley Ho spital 26 Elementary J!ygieno 27 Advanced Hygiene 27 Hygiene for Occupational Therapy Students 21 Correspondence Courses 27 APP~IX » - SUmD&r7 of Personal Histories History of Familial Diseases 28 Injuries 28 Operations 28 Use of Tea , Coffee. and Tobacco 29 • Sleepiuc Habits 29 Students Giving Histories of Typhoid Fever 29 Relative Occurrence of Certain Diseases in Histories of the Class of 1952 30 General Development 31 Color of Eyes 31 Col or of Hair 31 Teeth 32 Abnormalities of the Heart 32 Thyroid Enlargement 32 Che stand L1lIl€S 33 Condi tion of Abdomi nal \'la11s 33 Incidence of Znlarged Lfmph Glands 33 Hernia in Men 33 Genito-UriDBr7 Organs J4 Oryptorchidiam J4 Urinalysis J4 Glycosuria and Albuminuria over a Period of Years 35 Foot Abnormalities 35 Foot Abnormal! tics over a Period of Years 36 Spine Abnormali tiea 36 Nose Abnormal1 tieD 36 Throat Abnormal! ties 37 Percentage of Students with Toneile RemoTed Over a Period of Yeare 37 Eors 37 Eye. 38 Posture 38 Incidence of History of Venereal Disease 38 Incidence of Va ccination Scars 39 Skin DiseaGes 39 APPmmu C - SlmmarY of Uedical Histories Sucma.ry of Medical Histories 40 Sw:mlary of Physical E%aminatioDs 43 APPENDIX D - SUmmary of l:Iedica.l Histories. Divided by Out-of-State, Rural. Urban Summ9.ry of Medical Histories 47 SUmmary of Physical Examinations 50 Normal Development of }olen Students (:87 Location) as Determined by Minimum Standards of the i'rar Department 54 Types of SUbnormol Development of Men Studenta as Determined by lUnimum. Standards of the war Department 55 SUbnormal Development of Men Students (By Location) as Determined by Minimum Standards of the 1'far Department 56 APPENDIX E - Civil Service Examinations Civil Service Examinations 57 Summary of Physical Examinations 60 APPEtry)IX F - University High School Examinations university Righ School Examinations 64 Summary of Physical Examinations 66 APpm,'DIX G - Cases Encountered During the year Cases Encountered During the Year Injuries, l"Tound8, Sprain. 76 Civil Service eases Encountered Durint; the Year 81 Recapitulation 84 APPENDIX H - SUrveyor Health TeachiDc in High Schools of Students !i.eg1atored in Freehman Hygiene Courses »iologr 68 General Sc ience 90 llypene 92 Physiology · , 93 Science Background of Studenh Enrolled in Hygiene 94- Number of Students \1bo Received a Credit tJaJ,\ 111 H1&h School in Eiology, General Science. Hygiene, nnd Phy.iology 94 TO TIlE l'RESIDEIIT OF TIlE UNIVl!iRS ITY SIR: I have the honor to present herewith the Thirty-third Annual Report of the activities of the Uhlveralt7 Health SerTies covering t he period of JUly 1 . 1948. to Juno )0. 1949. • The year haD been a most aetive one for the Health SerTiee • The deaM4a UpOn it have far exceeded 1 ts abll1t7 t o meet them , l.&rgelT because of the inability to fill vacanclea on ito Medical Statt . Nothin« i s 80 needed to make it effective . proficient, and progressive a8 the til ling of vacancies On ito st~f with promising, well-trained physician. between )0 and 45 year s ot age. With the pressnt ahor tage of doctor., • good office facilities, a thoroughly modern health program, adequate housing, and pleasant living conditions are essential, in addit i on to a stipend to meet competition for the full- time aorvice of phyelclane interested in preventive medicine, to attract the aedical per sonnel needed. The difficulties inherent in an inadequate Medical Staff, where all coming t o the Univercity for the firot time must be given a complete medical oxamination, create an acute problem for the Health Service in the presence of a growing faculty, the addition of many employees to man new buildings, and an increased enrollment of students. Tho amendment of the Retirement Act to require all employees, both Aca- demc and Nonacademic . under thirty yearo of age, t o participate in the S,stom has l ikewise greatly augmented the demands upon the Medioal Staff of the Health Service and has made it harder to serve with the 2 lineaae and dispatch 80 necessary to gl.e general aatlafactlon to those who come to the Health Service. Students made 39.518 visit. to the Health Service, empla,roee 5.172. and other, 1.252. l!I8ldng a grand total of 45.942 call, for the )"ea.r. COilplete pbJreical examination. wero pTen to 6.194 students, 82 University High Schoo l students. 1,128 Civil Service employees, 729 Academic etaft members, and 713 prospective participant s in the Retire ment S)"ate. -- a grand total of 8,847 medical ezaminatlons. SERVICES I. university Student, Thore were 23,607 students enrolled in the University at Champaign-Urbana during the academic year 1948-49. All but a very few of theBe called at the Health Service ODe or aore times during the year tor a total of 39.518 visit., or an average of 1.67 calla per student. The average call rate for WOmen was 1.72j for men, 1.66. A total ot 6,175 call. were made by otudentB becauoe of the required physical e:z:amination. II. Upiveraitz!!!e. School Students A total of 82 pupils seeking admission to the Uhiverait.y High School were oxamined. Of theso, 41 were boys and 41 were girls. III. Retir(!!8Dt SYotem O! the 713 prospective participants for the Retirement System ouained, 39 or 5.47 per cent vere found to bave pbyl1cal or lDental con- 4i tiona which would make them 'Risks Not Acceptable" for "Standard insur ance on life or endovment plans and diaabili ty coverage" when aea.urod by the uBual yardsticks of insurance ~ervritor.. Tho reasons for this classification are given in Table I. 3 Reasons for Olassification of -Bilk Not Ace'Pta~le" 1. Age 37. Markod II¥Pcrtenl1on. 2. ~ 44, Diabotes. 3. ~ 54. Cardiac hypcrtropby, HTPertenllo!l, Pulmonary emphysemA. 4. Age 53, HYPertension, Cardiac arrb7thDda. S. Age 40, Pulmonary tuberculosis with CGvlty formation, Thoracoplasty_ 6. A8e 27. Valvula:" hoort disease. Major operationa, 7. Age 46, Underweight. Anemia, Intectiou, Major operationa, e. A&e 36, Rheumatoid arthritla, Limitation ot joint function. 9. Age 33. LuzIC aarcoma. 10. ~ 36, ZxtrGme obestty. Marked bJpertenalon, D7sondocrlnlam. 11, Age SO, OboattYt .BrPertenelon. 12, Age 30. !qpernephroa. 13 . Age 30. Diabete •• 14. .lee 42, D)-aeDdocrlni .., Marked byperten,lon. 15. 59. l1n>ortenlion, OYorvelght. 16. A&e 59, lf7pertenlloJl, Onrv~lght, Tumor. 17. Ace 56, Organic heart 41sea8', ftTpertenalon. Diabetes. 18. Al;e 44, Marked ~eJ'ten.lon. 19. Age 38. II¥Port ....ion. ObI.ity. 20. Ace 41, JVpertenaion, Anc1na pectorh, Edema. 21. Age 60, DiabeteB. Hernia. Tumor. Ezce18iYe lUZl& u.rkiD88. 22, Age 40. Cardiac d1886as, Aneuryam of aacending aorta. 23. Ace 57. SeTero b7perteneion, Marked o)eatt,'. 24. Ace 48, Hn>ertenll1on. thlderwelght. 25. Ace 31, H1Perten81ou, Neurosis. 26 • .Age .13. Tacb7CN"4ia, Psychoneuroais, Paychotic familial hieto17. 27. Age 46. Obeeit;y, If1pertenaion, LuGs. 28. Ace 33. Bilateral oateochondro.. ta ot occipital bone •• 29. Age 50, Paralyeia ac1 tans. 30. Age 41, H1Potenaiou, Emotional instability, Pa7chotic 8JmPtoa•• 31. Age 60, Obesity, H)perten.lon. 32. Age 42, Generalized arteriosclerosis, ~erten8ion, Cardiac disease. 33. ~ 42, Marked obesity, Hypertension, Cardiac infarction. 34. Ace 48, if1perten8ion, Sympatbectom;y. JS. Age 54, UTpertonsion, Duee. )6. Age 53. Tuberculosis, Arthritis. 37. Age 36. OTorweigbt, Marksd hyportenaion. 38. Age 31. Markld diabetes. 39. .Age 39. Vo.l'!ular heart disease. Hernia. Of the 713 uaaine4, III or 15. 99 per cent vere tound to be "Substandard Bilka" tor "Standard insurance on lite or endoWliont plans and diaabi1~t7 coverace." The cauaee for this classification are given in Table II.