Published under the authority of His Excellency the Governor of Easi Afnca.

Vol XIV -No 2931 NAIROBI, , 1912 [PRICE 20 CENTS.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Rast Afllca Ton iiships Ol d~nance,1 903-LZules nildei 2 4 Clon 11 Lailds Oldinance, 1902-Rules nildel 3 1, East Afilca IIcliilage Oldinance, 1902-Sotice niidei 3 i Village Headillen'., Oldliiance, 1902-Notl~e ~uiclel 30 Jnqticeq of the Peace Oldliiaiice, 1910-Notice uild,l 36

Cuqtoills Depai tmellt-Kot~ce I P 3(5 Appointinei~ts Jle,lical Piactltlonels and Denti5ts Oiclli~znce,1910-Xotice u~ldei Teiidei s ~nritcd fo~TI 01 king Govelnmcnt Q~lai~jat lTa1~uiu--Notice l e Cuii eilcy Bonid-Not~ces Sittings of tlie Hlg11 Cou~t-Not~ce I e Piolsatc and Adimnistiation ( Cauie No 136 of 19 11)

'> > 9 'J ,, ,, 137 ,, ,, )

i~ i j J7 (111 the iliatte~of the J 17 Saleina, deceased)

)J )i 9) ( Ill the inattr.1 of Kaiirli Bux s/c> Jalln, deceased)

J, )) J) ( Cause No 101 of 1911 ) Iuqol~-encyJui~scl~etioil ( Cause No 1 of 1'312 ) dl I ivalb and Depai tu~es dl~stlactof Note, Cash Reselr e and Note Gu~1,~ntc.eFuncl on the Jctli~aiyIOtli, 1912- Notice 1 P Laboui Ap,ents Pei~11t5fol quaitel endlug Deceuzber 31st, 1911 Llcell~eiand Permits Issued fol qualtei el~clmgDecclllbel 31st, 1911 Subscllptwn to the "OEcial Cfa~ette"



Dgaildct l'iotectoiate- S 31- S "Spel



T he E ast A rricn 'Kon n xh ips o rtlin nn ee. 'g fja

R ules lssuecl by the Govem-tor of tlle E ast Afl lca Plotectol ate undel tlte E ast A fmca T ownslups 0 1 dm anc e, 1903

N alrobl- E P ûd GIR OU A R D , D atec-t tlus 15t11 dav of Jarm ary, 191 2 (I-ot-eî i't-)'z .

1. Ilt tllese R ules the terzn < cycle '' shall 1.)e heltl to lnclude blcycle-o, tllcycles anql m otoz -czcles of every descrlptlon 2 E verv owner oz person llz possesslon of ct c'vcle Avllo re>zdes ol sllall Iesltle ol has ol- slzall llave Llq plttce of busluess w lthln tlle Tournslul) area shall o,A ol before the 15th day of February, 1$)12 ol 'wltlun 1 5 days of tlle date 'w hen he shall begln to lesltle or llave lus place of buslness 'wltlllu the sazd alea, or w ltllln 1 r5 da'vb of the date w lleu he sllall colne lzato posses- m ou of stlclt clrcle, and tl-lereafter on ol befole tlle t) lst cla'y of D eceznllel ln each yeat cause sucll cycle to be plesentetl at the ATunzc-lpal O fh ces fol l eglstlatlolt , pz ovldetl l-hat tlus Jlule shall not a! yplv to an unused cycle kept lol tlle )9111 posp of sale by a cvcle dealer uuless and untll stlcl, c'vcle slzall be soltl ol hlrecl out or othel 'u l>e used 3 Tlze Tow n Clerk sllall keep a R eglstel ln Avllzcl'l l1e slAall eutel f ull l'al tlculals of evel)r cycle pz esentetl fo1 z eglstratlon, lneluclanz tlle nallàes of tlle ow nel alxl pelson ll1 possesslon ant'.t tlle nlakers of tlle cycle antl :ts tlade nunzbal antl qhall lssue to the pal t5 I)1 eselltlng stlch cycle a fol lu of 11c euc'e on w lr ch the saltl pat tlculars sltc4ll be endol setl, M hlcll 11c ellc.e shall 1)e pel - sonal to tlle ql antee tllel eof ancl sllall lapse and l'ec olne of no e'ffect upoll 111-. ctpaslug 't'o be the ownez o1- lleroon 1ll possesslon of such cycle and ollall not be vallcl ctftel tlle 31st day of D ecelnbol zI1 tlle year f ol w hzclt lt ls l-ostzed 1-)rtlz ltled tltat the To'u IA Clel lc z'nav delay ol refuse to lqs--e a hceltce In leslloct of any c) ele on tlle gloulld tllat lt ls not htted w lth efhclent 1)l akes or foz t' ay otllel cause tllat l'nay seetn to lll1zl good altcl sufhm elzt 4 E ver) ou ner or pet Aolt zn possesslon of a cvcle w hlch llas been l eglxteled under these R ales f-zall catzse a l'netal tlcket 1) untecl black on one sldt? and beallng t11eletlzl the leglstlatlon lnuzlbci of tlte cvcle 1-A w lzlte fig tzles at least tw o lztc lles zlA helght antl on tlte obvel se slde the tlatle np-lazbel of tlle c vcl e a1) d tlle l eglstratlolt nunabel both stam ped lllto tlle lnetal, to be afta.x lze'? 'rr) tlle back of the h zddle of tlze cl-cle ol Lo som e otllel place to lle. applovetl b)r the Tou -z (zielk, ancl kept so a u waclletl l1l s tlclï a znanner as to 1)e w holltv vlslble Sant-ll tlcket nzay b'.u obtaznetl fl on-t the T ow n Clerk on pa) lnent of the plescllbed fee $; .A.n v llelson ïvh a sllall. M ltllln the T ozvnxlllp, lztle a cycle lequlled so be reglstered uut-lel tlzer,e Rules to Avluczh a, tlcl-et as llefol e I)l escl 11 lecl ls not attaclled ln tlle lzlannel requlrecl b)r o . cilder tllese l'trles qllall be gtulty of an offt-nce, unless lt 1)() proved ))v sllclz pcrsolz that the tlelstlla. causlng the cycle to J le z eglstel ed llad at tlze tlme of applylng fo1 yuch leglstl atlol't z etluua-otetl tl4e Town Cleë !- tt) sllllplr sucll tzcket on pavnaent of tlle !)' t. scl xbczcl lbe, and that taue rroA, I'I Cletk lla.s faèletl t o ssppl y l he sanle at tlle t'late of tlle cozlam loslolz of tlle of-fence t) The tollraw ulg fees sllall be czhal geallle b5, the Afunlcqyallty tlndtol these ltules For each tlc l7etl lsszzefl 1$(j Oents lteglstl at1()lL Fee

7 .4.llv pel sou Avllk) sllall f al1 t() ccllnplsr Mutll the l pqutlements of theoe R ules ol sllall ) g vultv of ttfl offelzce agalllst tl sese 14 ule.s shall be llable to a 'hntp za ot exepetlnlg It s 50 detarlt c.'i pavl-nellt tlle) eof to )m l)l zsonlnent fol a te1 n'l uot exceedlng 14 dav aud Fq Tlleoe P llles shall bs nllllllcallle to the 'Pc'v lasllll) of N vtllobl azztt slls b itll cogulsable y tlle P ol' c-e Janualy 15, 1912 TH E O FFICIA.L G AZETTE 35

R U L E S .

C ro lfn K a n tls 4:xxlln a n ce. :9 t:2

R ules m ade by llzs E xcellelacy tlle (lovelnol 1)1 pulsuance tLe pow els ccm fel 1ed by Sectlon 33 ot the Clown L ands O rdm auce, 190'2

N an obl, E C G TR OU A R D ,

D atetl thls 10th day of January, 1912 f:rft?? eî 2?,4.)/

1 Evez y appllcaut fol a conve) allce, or lease, ol a llcence for tlle occupatzon of a Tow n- shlp plot shall, subgect to tlle provzszons ()t tlzese lpzles, at tlle tlm e of m aklng llls applzcatzon deposzt w lth the Land Ofllcer the stzm ot R tp ees 7 5, antl slzcll deposlt and any otner sum deposlted In pursuance of these rules shall be dealt w lth l:1 the m annel follow m g (fz) If the appllcatlon lq letused, tlle sum tleposzted shall be z etunlled to the appllcant (/?) If the conveyance, lease ol hcence apphed for at tlle tlme of maklng the deposzt ls granted, the sum shall be placeql to the credlt of the apphcant on account of sulvey oz othel fees payable ))y the appllcant m lespect of tlle conveyance, lease or llcence lf the appllcant shall w lthdlaw lus appllcatloll or slaall l ettlse or neglect to execute tke conveyance, or lease oz accept the llcence wllen called upon to do so, the sum spem fietl zzA the sthedule heleto, accordlng to the clrctzm staltces of the case, sllall be foz felteql to the Olow n ancl applled to the reventa es of the Plotectorate, and tlle balance lf rtny, of the above-m entzonefl deposlt of Rupees 75 shall be 1ef unded t() tlle appllcant

2 Tlle 1 ules dated the 12th day ()f A.fay, 191(4, publldlefl on pag e 262 of tlle Tfo f:clal G azette'' of the 15th M ay, 1 910, sllall lem aul m ttèll force anql operatlon, antl sllall apply to a1l apphcatlons fo1 a conve) ance, lease ol hcence ot Clowzl Land other tllan a Townslup plot, and R ule 2 thez eof shall be reacl and constlued togetllel w lth tllese rules as tlllougll tlle sam e haf.l been hereln l epeated

,) Tllese lules shall take efiect a.- llon) 1st D ecelllbel , 1911

T h e S ch ed u le a b ov e m en tio n ed .

A-tnlfltznt to be A lzlouutz f () )ae fol f eltecl 'fk-qfeltell lf spet-lal slll vey has btaell ).n 4 (1e

1't s i 1k s

1 If tlcetl pl 'tus and t'leef'ls have 1 let. 11 pl epal t d 45 7 5

If c'leet'l planq 0111)- lla: e been pl epaz e(1 50

.1 lt 11f) expelltaes ltt-tve b eell lllctu 1 et1 ll1 pl epal a- tlon of above 50

N O T IC E .

r n der the E nst A rriea 'fa rriag'e o rdin anee, 26:4,2 In exelclse of tlle provlslons of tlle E ast A fllca Alalllage O lthnauce 1.902, Sflctlon 6, I Lereby glve uotlca tllat I have llceuoecl the A frzca 'Llland Allsszon Chapel at Ar gen d a to be a plac.a loL tlle celeblatlon of Arl-u rlageB llntlet iha af oteqqld Orthnauce

N alrobl, E P (' G IR OU A RD , D ated tllls 9th day ()f Jalzualy, 1()1 2. Goè ei ??(?r. TIIE OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 1912


Tlle followlng Uluef 1u, Lelebv appolnted tznder the S'hllage I-leaduaen's Oldulance, 1902

' t I 1 A am e ' (R ank L ocatuln D lstl 1ct R em arks l, 1

N slow kaw a M w ahlz Clllef A 1 u-ala A'l-tcllakos 1èn place of M uke- 1 ku wa Xgwlh l l ,

A--all obl, E P O G IR OU A R D , ' Jazllaa'l v .ttll!2 G (?? e; 21()/


Thta folloIvnlg 'I-leadnlan èls l'le: ebv appoluted under tlle 'V lllage H eadm en's O ldlnance, 1 902

èNctlut? lllstllc t V lllage or group of vlllageg

6l2a1 w a M ogandl Allallnc'll K aya K aum a

M om basa, S L 11l; D E,

January lrtl 1 91S ../79 ()t ?-??( tal t-ff-ly/z?/? àsqàolàtor

' V N O T IC E

.'#n hfi4-*es of- t'h e (P ea ce o rllin a atee. N-Ay a oj If)! l). llhs E xcellt'lzu v tlle fq ()A eruol lzas been pleaqetl to nlake tlle folltlwlng appozutnlents under Sectlozt 2 of tlle Justlces of the Peace Oldlnance, N o q'.l of 1t' l () To be Justlces ()f tlle Pec-tce E ustace l-lenl 5 D l?laut), E sq tlle Larnu lllstl 1ct antl tlle Sllltanate of Av ltu ln the T aualautl Pz o'T lnc e Tlltllna'x R ule, E--q , l'ol t1) e D lstl lct of Taua Rlvel l11 tlle rlAanalancl Plovluce

C B O W R IN G ,

t?/? lef às.>c.? el'( #'k ?,/ i'o //1: f7t?/ e'l 2? 1lî ta/? t

N O T IC E .

zt c'olnlllalnt l'avlng leaclled tlle Custom s D epal tm ent of dam age done to conte' pacltagt.s AA llen btm g opeued at the Custom s, tlle publle al e lllltlfted tlaat no packages a? openetl bv û'tzstollls Ofhcm ls %'lley, only w llen necessazy , request tl'e Im pol ter or l1ls to open packages 'tor 'tm tposes oi verlfleatlon ancl tlae lesponszbzllf J lèol dam age thcreft ntlt z est w lth tlle Uuqtom s O fllcsals but w lth tlze Tm poz ter ol llls Agent

Oustom H ouse, F W M om basa, 8tll Janual v, 1 912 Tanual v 1,5, 1 9 12 TH E OFFIUIAL GA ZETTE 37

iig 8af A Iî Ifrl'A 11 t 21:'1 , N AI ltIJbl, J-a ?k 11 f'/zk ?/ 1 5îlt, 1 () 1 2 W P P O IN T W E N T S . H ls E xciallellcy tlze G ove't no1 llas beel' Illeased to m ake tlle folloM lug appolntlzleuts A D SVI-I sl y- ï1), to llold a Sullo) dlllate f'oult of the 3ltl class lu the Ulu (M acllakos) D lstllct ()t tlle U kam ba P1 ovluce alld the Southeln M asal D 'Rtllct of tlle N alvaqha Prtl'tlllce rl'o be A .l tlng E xectltlve E uglneel , P ublzc Jv olks D epartnàent, (N 5 el l L H Alhf 'x ttlH: Isx, to date D ecelnllel 2nd, 19 1 l To l)e A ctulg 1)! strlct Ctllltlaalssztluel , A'laehakos .J A'1 P 1 ïlksox, t() date J anual y 1 5tll, 19 l 2 B - .1 AIOX SO N ,

xçtvt ? ,-ft' t ?/

N O T IC E 'Ietlien.l P raç*tition erw a n ll D en fihts 4,:*11 in n n pe. I.J)14) L 1st of Aledlcal P ractltlonel s w lzose lActnzes have lleen l eglstel ec1 llA accoldauce w 1th the P 1 o'vzslons ot th-a (. M edlcal P 1 aetltlonel > alacl D entlsts 01 dlzaance, 1 t)1() ' 1T ( f y / ? p (??t (t 11 # (- f? / t ' 11 ., Btldelce) , l-1 enz 5- Alllel t M 1, , ( M ( f.l Jasg ) Chevalllel , Clautle lulonel A: It t' s ( Eng ) , 1. lt (? 1, (L()ud ) Chell, (leolge Russell l-laznes zl 1k (? s (Eng ), L 11 c p (Lond ) Cllell ett, 1.)el tl ctz.n S'Valtez A1 lt ( d s (Eng ). 'f 1t (' r (T-u()1Ad ), Af 1. ('Lontl ) , p J' lf ( Ik t' 1: s Lond ) Dunn, Tllontas Speqlce M 1, , (' A: tt-llasgc -v ) Eddoweq , Avzllla'rn A1 lk ( ' s (Eng ) , Ta s zt (laontl ) Galzaa, 1 zouls Antllozlv dtt 1 1(' M Iro s'uug t'Unlv Bonabal ) Gllks, efollll Laugton M 1t (x k, , (1iS11g ), .f lt (' t lluoud ) Halau, Janles A'tleustllte Ms , 11 clf (Dl'tb1 ) , 51 1.) ( 1 lublull l-larnzltoll, Robelt M J, , ('JI T) (Edll) Unlv ) I-'Ielltlel sol) , .1P) todellc Louls A( 11 t ( En e ), T 1) c )' ( .l).k(),1fl ) llea'l d, AV1l11a1u l-lallgllton M 1, , 11 ('H (1t, Uunr , 11 el ) , -L 1? (' 1, & (E(1111 ), lg l 1, & s (Glaqg ) Jtlllzlsoll , Jol) n. Ta v101 C()nl) ell 1 lt r s &- t' ( Edln ) , 11 tEdlll ) , 1, 1:, s (Glasg ) K elbe, A'Valtel E du a1(l A: 11 (-' s (E11g ) , Iu Tt c' 1) (1z()) t(i Leys, N o) naan Alacleall Af 1, , 1, c'14 (Glasgonr) Ltlzvsles , Llonel Dewe t (Lond ), Tu 11 (? 11 (-T 011(1 ) , AI It v s (Elzg Lul-nb,Tllolnas Fletcllel M u ( ' s ( Eng ) , ï 11 (? 1: (1-:()I1d ) Afllne, .4.1 thur Dau s.1n z: 1-1 , ( ' A: t.A be1 d ) Alouat, x-tlexandel A: J'r , 1.) (?I..t (Ed1n ) , 1) 1, 11 , J. 4 ' Ià ct- (Ed lI) -p p s (Glasg ) Af al sll, A-lfred I-lelbel t J'al(3 soc ap(.)rrI-I ( Lond ) O 'wen-pl icllal (1, $Vl1llau1 1- n c J? & s txEdllA ) , T 1. 1, % ((11a- g Phllp, I-loz ace lkobert Anth en- M 1) , J) tt ' strltc (Unlv Edln ) Pugh J olln AI n (' s ( Eng ) , f: lt t? 1: ( Loltd ) 11 al iio'rd , 'W llllall1 J ()J1n A1 'p (' s (Eng ) , lj 1: c là (Lontl ) Ross, Plalllp l-ledgeland zr 1: (? s , ( Eng ), T lt C' 1: (Ta()l)f1 ) Robeltson, Alexandel M 1) , J) eI-I (Abe1 d ) Slnall, Robelt Tu 1: L' 1: (Lond ), M lt t ' s (Eng ) Avllsou, Chllstopllel Janles 31 lk t' s (Eng ), 1. '.t: t' p (Lon(l 1, AI 1) , Bztc s'tlrtcv tuzllv Canab ) Llqt ()f D pntlsts 'B Lose uanzes La's e been 1 ii gzstel ed ln accoytlance w ltl'l the 131 ovlslolz: (,f tl'e J: Alcdlcal l-lz actztlorlel '< and l'lentlsts 0 1 dznsnce, 1 910 '' 5-t / j l à e (v) ?/ a l1h-( a /' l 473.2, t, Gt lce, Josepll o !) s (PensylNanlas L7- S -A. ), 1, T, s (B11t Colulubla, ) Paluler, Arthur Hugll Spellcel I p s , (n (' s Eng ) 38 TH E OFFICTA.L G A ZETTE J'auualv 15, 1 9 12

N O T IC E .

The uudelnoted pelsoms llax e been llceztsecl as Aletllcal P 1 atttltlonel s ln accordance wlth tlae provlslons of (< Tlle A'Iedlcal PlactItzone) s and D entlsts 0 1 dlnauce, 1910 '' B osven, MTzlllam A f l lcanuq H ezldel son, Jollu E dm und L obo, M allautl Caetauo Sebastlao Ltlls N ew belrv, Florence A lm a 'Rlbell o, Rozelado A yles da Plellade ltotlllques, lkeopold A gostlnht) da Pledade

A D M ILN E , 1-A1 ?,02 ( ?p / l Jf et / l ( të J tlf/i't- (Al , ..

..2?t /72 q ts r/y

C U R R E N C Y B D R H B . N O TI(.! E N otlce ls lleleby glven tllat tlle R zglzt-laand llalf of (iullency N ote N o Al- 33091 f or E.q 10 llas been pleseutetl to tla.e Cul l ency Colnllllshlollel s f ol pa) nleut by tlle N atlonal B ank of lndla Ltd , N all obl, Avllo llas ce't tlfied tlzat the otllel half of tlle saul note v-as lost 'u 1411st 111 thelr possesslon A ny lAerqon clalnalz'lg to 1)e elltltletl to paylueplt 1l) 1(- spect ()f the sc-tltl llalf note, should coluullultcatf.l f ol thlvltll Avlth the U111 1 eucy ( 'ouunlsslouel s 1h1 t'he abqence of any snch claua.l bell'tg est abllshed 'wlthzlt thl ee 1'n.()ntl1% of tllls date, pay nlent f ol the sald llalf note Av111 1)e nzade t() the saltl N atloual B ank ()t' Tlztlla Lttl , N alt obl, antl tlte note w lll ))e callcelled

M om basa, J W 11 PA R K IN SO N , 4th Janual y, 1.9 12 f /? e f-f ?/ i ) t'j'72 f ?/ (af( /;/? 1)l t th s t o?/ ( ) s

N O T I U 1t3

(N-otlce ls llel eby q 1% en tllat tllc 1 kett-llautl llalf ot Cull ency N ote N o u' (.)0b()1 fol l-1 s 2()

haha l een plesented to tlle Cull encv Uol-nulqsslonel s 'foz I)aA lzlent J-'y l'Iassalzall A.fanjl, 'w l'lo llas cel. tlfied that the othel llali of the s t1(1 note 'îva.-a 1()>t 'w h 11st 111 111x posotlsqlon x-tltv ))(,1,5()11 clalrnlng to ba eatltlecl to pavl'n nltt 1!1 1 e>pact ()t' tl) :) s bld half uot/e, shauld c.() L'nualtlllc tta Tt o l tl1 kvlth Avltlt tl).e ( ' ll1 l enc y Colaanalsslo nel q 1(n tphiw ab-oenc e ()t an y oucll clazna belug extall- llsl-ted Avltllzn thlfat? lllentll s of tllls (tate, J lavl-nen t f(-)l tllct s -tllt laalf lltlte 'wlll be znatle to tlle sald l-lasqanall Alajl-ll anll tlle llalf zlote M 11l 1)e cancelled

Alom basa , 1 AJr H' IA.ilt K IN S O N ,

- d(? Ilt ?/? t k 1t11 Janua! y, l 912 f // /.: (-.'11 ? / /' '/ t q f-- , > àf?/? e; s

N O T IC E . rrentlers inl itetl ror 14 orlving 470* ernnxent ftuarry. Telldel s al e ln-vited f ol the 'wolklng of tlle Govelnlnent Q tlall v sltllatetl at N' alcllrll and llnluedlately N ol t11 oi Dlstmct Colzanlls-lt?l'tel s lltlllse %A110 !.Fel'1 (lel to 1)e a t a / () f e / )ei 11 ?f 11 ( /7 (u(1 (. 11 /? l ( f'cf af t')/- /??f t 1( ltil q b f () /t t j/ 11 f / ) 1 l f (/ f t )1 ( I h' /f ( ( (P(/ f ( t'- . s tle f)/ (j / I f / j j 7/ 'P11e Cont) actol 'uroultl llave tlle sole use of the (jualrv alltl 'wtltzld supply to the geller publlc, on delnaucl, bulldTug stoue at tlle fl 'vetl late aqreed oll

't'l'le lllvrest tendel M-l1l 1a()t qlef- esxalllv ))e acc epted ' 'l'endel s sllotlltl l)e adlll essell to tlze D zstq lc t (- oulinlsslonel , N akuru, ancl wlll acctklltetl up to lloon on the l.f ltll f'ebrual )r, 1t) 12 xtny 1111 thel pa1 tlclllal p, can be obtallled frolu D lstl lct ('om lzzlsqlollel , XI aklllu 'o naln zsslou el l'llstm ct (- , N ctlvaslta Tanu 4,: v 1912 TH E OFFTCIA L GA ZETTE 39


R e Nitltin gh of 4be H iqh C ou rt. l-lls l-lonoul Judge B attll w lll ploceetl on clrcult and l'lold slttlngs o'f t f1 T-llgh Oollz t tLt t 1)e placcs and on tlle dateq llerelnafter set out -


N-airobi. l.tptl, Ja n uzzrt!, :9 12 . Clmallkal Case No 60/ l 1 Cl om n vs Allhmsmgll (Toy: 11 Mag thotzste' Natrobl) 71/11 vs 'W am eleko wa 'lhube )) :7 ,7 7 2/1 1 ,, vs Klnangm & Kalculga CIArIL CA SES A'nirobi D istrict R egisiirz Cu 11 Case (h t l 9/ t 1 Dolatl am Chatulblzo) vs 17 Flauco & .i. Sllezmau 21/1 t Ka1321 Bhanll & Co vs Jbseph Mathews 22/ 1 j. The Pz emler Tlmbe! Co vs J zk Nazalgth 24/: 1 Laklu Gacxl'ta vs Ju azlll Bhazll Bllola 25/ t 1 AVa)l1 Hasham & Co vs Kanhlm am and Plabh Dayal 26/ 1 J. AIll alpux ct Kakez X ahcmecl vs Afax Klezu 27/11 Dlnslqan B Bandez pa vs Se ,: a Slngh ,7 28/ 1 1 >tzlenann A'lrzl & SIMAR vs ,, ,y 4/1 1 l)a) alll Kalldas vs Belnam 1 allmal ( Klsua- u ; C ifil A ppenlw. Cn 11 ztppeal N o 3/11 Blanke vs H anslng & Co 5/11 1111q1 Malld.u 'vq Gazley & Robelts W isun:1x,- 2 2n d J nnu nrz . 1.9 :2 . C1 lmlntal f'a-.e No 6 1 /1 l Cz oM n '& s Pend.a Khan (T M , Klstzmu) b7/ 1 1 v$s Okzudz ct- 18 othel s 69/11 'y s Nlznanl 'u a Alou; o 7t)/ 1 1 ,, Avczngala A$ a Kltekz (CIV TL CA S ES '1*- .lsuxn u D iwtrict R eg iht rz . ((;1N )1 ( aqe N( 1/11 BlA11n)1 Nal an 'y s Alag 411 Jado: gl )# 2/11 Ba'n a AfalaM al alll '$ q U'llatl tt 5/ 1 1 'B al21 Bltangl '$ s Sllelklt Xul (leen 6/1 1 Ambal l bln Gozl Slïellfl Alallomed W erirh o 2 1)4h J a u u lk: z . :9 :2 Ollnalzac'tl (.' 'tqe No 62/11 Oz 055. n vs Klll-loto a.:1 np Alalna F ort H aII Ith F eb:'u arz . :$::2 Pllzuzual Cac-e No o8/J 1 C1oAA zl '$ q 11 a stt'n axatl 7 c tlltn v. (') 3/ .3 l , A < A5-a 1 tll ak t N'airobi 'zth F eb rvln r; . 10 :2 ()') lualual Case ATO 59/ 11 Cl oM 13. A c111l 'SA a A-zllku

M om basa, A T B CA R T E 1k 3th Januaz v, 1912 k1(-/.? ?? q ./.'/' (ll s/, ?

PR OB A TE A N D A D AJIN IST R ATIO N CA U SE N o 136 o1' t911

JX THE MATTEE 0F X îl 11 X IMTI, DEI '1i tH'I'VII T o all to 'w hom zt m ay concern Take notlce tllat on ot after tlze 1 st dav of Feblual v, 191 2, 1 llktend to a: .)! ,j y tc) tlèe

- J.(I)gJ) coult ol East A frlca at Alom basa fo1 an oz de1 to adm lulstel the estate oi tlpt ai )tJ.y t. sn m ecl N ïx J ë lf l'siTls Avllo clletl at Takauzlgl't on tlle 1 ( ltl) d av of D ecelnbel , .1 9 1 l

Alom basa, J W I.T. PA RK IN SO N

6tl) Janualy, 1912 ...1f /h/? t /? î s ï î (Ift?; (), tsl ' 40 TI'IE OFFICIVL G AZETTE Januarv 11, 1912


OA U SE N o 1T7 o1' 1911

Ix '1 H1: zlwrrllk o'F .&. LIm OEC,E ïsl,o To a1l to w holn lt m ay concern Take notlce tltat all persons lzavlng auy cltulns agalust the estate (?f the above-ltatned A. L ou w lwo dled at N all obl ()n tlle l4tl1 day of D ecem bel , 1911, al e 1 eqtzll ed to pl ove such clalm s befol e lne tlle uuderslgned ()n or befol e the 1 5tlt day of ATal cll, 191 2, after w hlcll date tlke clalm s so pl-o: ed w lll be pazd, attd the ekstate tllqtllbutetl aecoltlm g to law

M om basa, J W H PA RK TN SO N , bth .1 auual ) , 1 911 4/,/.3/?z? lt ? %tl rf tot tztcllàt.?p al


l x T1-1E M &TTI' lt t).ëa J- 1? S .tt ISMA, 14.Lt î1d A.s Ià,p %40 a1l to w 1)()n1 lt m ay concel n T ake notlce tllat all perqons llavlug auv elttllus agalnst ttàe estate of ttke above-ualuetl 1 F S tf Elf t, wllo (llecl at L alna on tlle 12th (1,15- of Septembaz , 191 1 , az e lequlred to prove such claln'ls bettll e lne, tlle tlndel slgned, on ol bef ol e the 1 5tll dav ot Alalcll, 1 91 2, af ter w hlclz date tlle clalnls so pl ovetl Avlll be pald, and the estate thstllbutetl at-colcllllg to law

Allolubaha.t, J W IT PA RK IN SO N ,

tl()tll Dtoc-elnllel , 1.tlll ..1f//?? t /? t sfp (?/f)k (2fz7?(?/ (t.1


IN Al) t t'r1 1 It ( )10 '.V t'.l't l AI S l N. .1- tl' L t, DF ( l rro all t() M lloul lt luay c ouceln Txtke qlotlct? tllat ()1a. ol af tel the 1st (qay ()f Fclll utt, v, 1t)12, T luteutl to apllly to the H lgll C olll t ()f E akxt .Af l )ca at ATom basa 'l'ol an (lldet t() adn-llnlstel the estate of tlle qbove-nalëlell lf t1l I AI 13 t .'k s ( ) J tl I ï . M 11o dletl

M om basa, J W 1-1 PA R K IN SO N ,

t)t1) eJ'a1,l1al)-, 1i)1 2 ...j.(l;îtl /? tbl' / atoî (./:734? ai



CatTsE N O 101 ola 1911

lx 1t1 Epsltvxo Ct-tA I (1x B tI)l.Iclt, t'Ecl' vsl, s)

'B-lleleas ) )N .tl1 o'l tlel of the l-llgll C('1't1 t letttàl s o1- zktlullnlstl t4tltlll 'B ltll t he -5V'111 allnexeti. ot E 0(. ts $ f lx 11 tlt 1. 1, lt , (lt ceasetl, late of Alalundl , 1't 4: e llee tR g ranted t() Allt s Llhan Lau' l B al kel w-tll elallns agalttst tlle abovt? estate k>l,()a1(l 1-,(. lodgetl :5 ltlt tlle l'tntlet k-lgllett o1l ol befor k tlle -) l st ,Jall'lal v, 1 t ? l 2s .t l-tel u-lllcll date the cotatt? î5 lll ))e ( llstrlbuted acczolttlnf?j to laau- . A AIO IRRISON ,

- 1-/// (4( // /fJ I()i lIl ( ...1.f 1%'t'l,'n't8lk Jfz/'i'r. TH E O FFICIA L GAZ ETTE 41



C-XU SE N e 1 ol? 1t 1 12

11,11 A1 tq I E 11 &( ' It( )M J'L vxi' 11 ë( If tx 1) lt t(: H( )M 'f: 'l. Ik t.1) l x'( f ts 11 ï.1.1 :4 i I îNI , lt k(1.i-10)'7J( tî'5 (1()3.r T o a1l to '8-1,01.1-1 lt lnay concelu lvlzet eas tlze ttboA (-x-z'tt-tytyetl Al'a'l -jl lkaglloAvg l alld l-laz lcllttzld R agllow ll t'radtng a s H al lcltalld R agllo wjl & Oolllptulv, llave 'fl 1e(1 a Petltlon ln tlus Cotll t, that tlle'v 1)e atlgudged lnsolvents, N otlce zs lze1e1)) glveu lllat tlle laeal qug ()f tlle saztl Petltlon Las been hxecl fo1 the 12th day of Febz llal J , 1 :1 2, at 1 $) o'(-1()e.1c .1 nl , (.)1% so sflon tlleleaftel tts lt cau be heard at tlle luaAv U oults at 'M onlbrtsa

Alblllbaha, A q B C AR TER . f # t11 Ja'n llaz y, 1 9 1 2 ? ( '? - I t-f ttlg ftpg-tsfzrtt,/ , Il-tglt f..(5??4,' t

.kR R :4-* ;,N.

i! 1. ont le l % t ot D tte oi D atf ot alll v al N tm t ol1 1 st at Nlontbasa ()r A ppolll t lplel).t lfalztll-tlkettlull I<. I l 1 n ( 1 1 n 1

'R 'sf .ito c'i 31 ltll., 191 1 Y 11 11.1 1 k l t 1 ) t t 30th Af lss L .l1t llu k t lk.t l l 1.14) tt ( C 1) ()'îy i l 1 1 .-, c. ()t h 1l.()n 1.t Af C ont l.)t 3t)t 1: t' ,. () ( ) ) 1 l s 0tl1 f a pt 11( N lf f na l)t 1 1 ot nt 11 3O#1t

H on 17 %$' 31' 'klot L(. et $ ( tj tl t 'l0t;1l T T A llflez so rt S t. l ) 30th T t ) bhï 11 ()) ht 7 t 11. 30th ( ' R '$.7 1 1 l i t $.., t lt :;otl't t3 , I? t H l? 1 f l t, o ( k 7 tl l ?()t,I't 11 s k.- rlt 7 t' l t l3l1t11 V B A tkllksoll 7 r l t :'jt lt 1 ï 1 Cl tz ki 7 ti l ît.là N

'( 1. 0 11'v a t t Le rt: ( ootll k; D ellnet t 3 --d..à.tl$ Jlztlw aril lfltte .- 0tl t

;) l'1 1* k ItT lpR E h.

D ate ot

D epqz tuz e

'lt $7 l'l'f- luhtt tl ) t nuary 1 st, 1f)T2 lt 11 11 àntpstpt t .' 1st 1 .A ( r D ()l1c1 l 'b 1st 1)z 1: l'I Rohw lht , T zt G z t '# 1 t 'r 1.3 (r t 1 &. t. 'v 7B' I

C O R R IG E N D U M .

(t O fhclal (-lxbztstte '' Janllal y. lst , 19 1 2 . Ilaa,e 7 A11 -,.t 1) B-elsteatl's appollltlllt-vllt ' - . tctlllq .A sslstallt D zstl l(.t (- olnlttlqqlouel , Alat) a(1l .J1ll1(-tl(?)1, z eatl A l.aja at-ll ltallw ay 42 TH E OFFICIAL G AZETTE Jalzual A 1912

E A S T A F R IC A P R O T E C T O R A T E .

C u rr en ev D o ar d .


A 'ns lczkcq' op A-ol 1, s Ix Olltctuzz&.rllf-)l

Total alzaolznt ot Ollrrencv N otes ln cl1 culatlon on the telztll dav of January, 19 1 2 ... l1s (.).1 8 7,000 A verage dallv am ount of Currencv N otes ln cpzl culatlon dul z'la g tl) e lxonth ended tl) e tenth day of Jazlual y, 19 12 T1s ç$4, 76 . ') r) 5


A ssqmAc'l' ()lr Czkss R llslqltvl

Gold us 7,53,000 ()0 cts sll. ez Etts :' 45,497 al ,, A zzlouzzt of tlze coln poz tion of tlle N ote G ua' azztee Ftlnd ------t)n tlle tenth day of January, 1912 R s 13,38,497 31 Cts

A vez ag e dtulv am ount of tlle coln poI tlon of tlle N ote G ue.xantee Flznd, d u l 1ng tlle n'lontll envletl tlae tentll day of Jauualy, 191 2 Rs 15,87,832 I.A Cts.


A 1- s'ru ï c r ola S F OU1t 17.'1 E S 1?0 DA! IN C % HE IN 7 F S l'E D l'orul 1 ()x 'l'il.u 'N o i'j'z C') AI-tAN-I .EI FITND ON 'TllIiu T 1. NT 11 13 VY or J tx ( tu-t , 191:

' i Natul e of Secnllty Nomlnal 'Valu.e 1 Pl 1ce palt: Latest knou 11 naalket 4 ,1 1ce 1. k ; I 1 Trau svaal 3 OO Guaranteed stock f 41,414-16- 6 f 40 2 1,7-10- () 9 1.) Strazts Settlemeuts 3-1:/l Inscmlàed Stock f 84,738- 2- 0 f ,73,000- 0-0 96.) l Indla 3-xu/00 stock f 45,641- 0- 4 p f 4.3,( )00- 0-0 93-07

Soutlll erj n X 1tc..' el ltt 3.-/-l yoo' Indct 1J)e(). Stock f 7,358- 6- 4 f 7,0()0- (?-0 9 5) f

Total 2 129,1.32- 5- 2 f 12 7,!'2 7.7-1(,-3 I

Oë ce of the Clzrrency B oald, lAlohnbasa, J W H PA R K IN SO N , Jauuaq v 1 0tl2, 1912 i-ol (7/,! ? î s' ;? ( ?/ (/() /? It t t ., 'k t () 7? ()ê s' Tanllaly 15, 1912 TH E OFFIOIA.L G AZETTE 43

Laboul A gellt's Pernlltq lsquefl at K tqul-na dam n.g tlla qtz'bt tiat e ntllla.g 3 1st D acarnbar, 19 t 1

N o To M lè ()1n lqsued D ate of lssue R esldent- e Ileznal ks

2 P H C la1 k e l5r( ) $ 29tl'l, 19 11 28t1) , 1 9 12 I j' Af lllàken 29t11 . 28t11 4 P AV B 5$7alke1 29t11 28t11 ,,

K lsun-lu, .TO I-IN M N SW OR TH , bpbtll D ecenlbel, 1911 l ' l O ?- l ? ? ( 'à f't I C (.) K/ / I J / 'à $ ? O ? l t9 0

Laboul z! geut's Pelnalts lssued at N all obl dullng tlle (jual te1 endllag 71st D ecem bel , 191 1

N o T0 'whonl lssued D ate of qssued ON!3II ) 'R em al k q.

20 5 Blsllxalldas 18t1z, 19 l 1

20() Af aholnad) 1 e(. l ultll'lg i()1 6t1t A1(1 1)111Alllll )

207 H azlzls 1-)11). J'ulua 1 et 1 altlug fo2 J 7t11 16t11. A11 (.J A1 B u111)ul v .t11 208 Do'w la z ee4 u ltlng 1- f)1 Af 1 A1 28t11 ?: 2 *é t 1) #) B unbt'tl h. 209 =4.111)ze(1 K llan 1 ec 1 ultln q lqol 2 9th 28t1) Alag adl R al lwa: 210 lf al anga Ava Tll111d.1, lltzatlnlalt 1. .)tll l2tll clf A1't (1 l'lalnpstln

211 Sa ln B l alll t zkv 1. ec 1 t1: tlqa.g 16tl1 1 5tll A11 H 'i'el'l:t

Aralrolll, C W H OB LE 5-

4t11 .lauual y, 19 l 2 ../ 'k ol tîtt àf''/ / f 'oltîîîtl-b h, l.()êl f.?'?

L alloul A gent's P el llxlto Issued ctt lf en) a P1 ovlnc.e tlll: ll1 g tlle (tuaz tel entlzng 11st llecelnbel , 1911

7'( J M llf-llll lssued (Ilate of lwstze D ate ()f expll)

B lshaltdas 1911 w--tpï il l7th , 1 9 12 Sada l'tau f:l (V() $. ei1 1)el 1 9t1') , 19 1 1 ' . :1 11 24t1l, 1912 -bvilllalll Pattez q4)21 ï.1. IN tl'vena Allug 11 'w a A'Valtq 11 t .ll(?l 24t11 AI1I alnbo 45 a lf cttltaula Alay 24t11 ,, ztbdool s/o ztbas .)1st Labt Jo < /( ) 1-1 11 a 17 -91st 'SY' (J Pal kel D ecem bel 31st ,, 3f af oota Alaz q.1R 26t1z

F olt H all, W F G CM IPB E L L , 31st D ecem bel, l 911 jol .f-èl/-sf l lz( / Chlqîtîrtlsstoltek , l /?z c/? f f 7 qe z'f-/o/? y.6 /:'; ovtltl- c

, Llceuce lssued at N gongo B agas dulm g the qual ter endm g 31st D ecem bel, 1 911

N. -O Tt) M holzz zsqued D ate ltesldellce R ell? al ks

2.1()S 1l fD -&t- lt,tl), 191 l ) N,a, ougo Bagas, lncllall Aululuultlou pall'tl t ft )1. 50 f'ttlr. , I stol e-keepel 3(.)..$ fo1 sek pro et tloql x gtlugo s agas, li2 o s ltow x l , ) l st D tacelnlle, , 1q11 -lsszsftuùf D tnik ?cJ Com lnlnnonev .. 44 TH E Ol' IPICIA L GA ZETTE Tanua:l v 15, 1 9 1 2

l acences and (Pel lnlts zsst-ted at lf 1 kuvlt dtu lug tlte fplrtl te1 ellthzlg 7 1 ht D ec elnllel , 1 911

T() w hom zqslzed D at e Tt ehlttellt e Jt eu 1 az k q,

G t x Tzt N. R ï f '.1. ù I'1

l T E Bulch l (D)ût dtltl), 1911 lallnozu ) .1:)6U6 1 2 1)()1 e S1).tlt G u.u FI M llrze e(- latl), , 1fJ aznll'.t t 1 2089 t.)- )%) 1 l 10 -) Lef- hpet tl Elfle L l.talxt 1 s rl'o S' u()()'i',s

K lam bu, S IIE AIST E D , Qnd Janllary, 191 2 J?? sf, kt f (.)'f?2/?'j?l'ly bloltt j

Llcences lssuet't at Alulnlas dtll lltg the qual te1 elldell 1 1st D ec el1ll)c:l , 1 tll.'l

N o Tt) whclln zshued llate ot lssue 'lleslden (- (à 1k el nal ks

A-AIAI t xlrrlox P l-an vI'I s

2 120 A'lalalnct 'w Shulld :1 ' Ar( )-$ 8t 1l, 1 9 1 1 l1a 1 a l1l i224 05 >11 ( St gtd'tn cat tl ltl.g es 21 21 '.l.t ev K lqgez t h i ' l.)ec. 1 2 tla K alxazuf- g rt 2 1 22 SV a ntbanl 5.& Sakv tt ' I 1 ltlk Avatsot'xt , 2()(J (1o t.l 123 Allllultl 77 1 5t11 If' n lx a,neq :1 4l) (1() 2 124 Al-lluuu 'llltlt 1(-)0 t10

(7 t. N 73 t N

4 $04 1 Al.alalllct 'w Slluuttlt 28t1l, 19 l 1 I Atal 'tlna ) S, B 1t;0t/45() f-ordlte (Rlfle I : 1b448 4:105 All AV()1f1 ltltll N alz t'l'l l 14)f)'b7- M allsez 226 4306 d() 30t 1) , do ' 1)/ 1) sltot uun 4/977 4272 11 H H ol z1e 2ptlt Al-nullah dc) 49658 4273 A 5 P ez e1z a 2 t) t 11 d t ) ) f1ï) 4446 4274 Stzdl 5% M aganga 29 t'lk ,, lf lt()cx11 ( (1o l -)5 1, 8/779 4 307 ( Allllmt't 14t 11 lfakalne g t (1o 4446 109 l A/lazullua M S1)u1l(1l1. 27tll I K ltt,%ll Snlcl: l l-tlfle y 1$9 27t 1) , / do 4 1 l 0 t do 77 7 (.k el lnau Afause) 431 1 1 d.o 2 7t lt ; (1.( ' SllAclel ltlflt 436 4312 t Sllellf stllubakel 2 7tl1 Aluuzlas l'tusqaau Arfauser 48 5 4319 ') d.o 17 27t11 , t1f.) ) (1f) 484 427 5 'j Alxtl llltqa 'w Sltlzzltlu 27t14 Khtf 'k-lt 1 t D/B sllot gul) 57497

B lup L lt/rxc'l s 648 J1' 11. 11 ol ut Xo: 29tll, 19 11 j Mmmas 1)/B slkllt G un 649 .zt .J Pel : 11a ,, 29t,1% k do tJ5(.) Hudz w Alazazzgcl ,, 29t11 ' K ltosll d() ($40 l As-allll?aul % Sakv a D et. 2 lz cl 'B rathotso (l( à 0402 blltzltttll v Sakv ct 2 .$: cl K allz aco t1f % b40 ) Alaz lultta M Shullclu ! ,, 27t11 ,, Kltosh d()

t,4()4 10 A1 sîrolfl 1 20t1t .Xali obl (t() 1 6405 Al.lllultz , ,, .lotll ,, L K czkamfc g t do

M unras, H H A STIN G S H O R N E,

30tl)Septam bez , 1911. 1)t8il lfaf Cosîbqlt 1,$ 5 l0îleî . Ja nual v 1 5, 1 912 TH E OFFICIAL G-YZETTE 45

G un T ax l-'el lnlts lssuetl at T aveta dllllng tlle qualter endlng 31st D ecem ber, 191J

rl'o Avl'l ( ) ln l'ssuec'l D ate of lhsue 1Et ecsltlent.e R em azks

J A de Sa lst, 19 11 Ta '$ et a 1 D B shot gtuz, 16 bo1 e N o 1699 AV O ck l t 1 st (N-al'tf-hl-)l 1 Brownlng Plstol No 97948 (7 c1z ) d() 1 st do 1 M ausel R zfle R epeatel of 5 l oundq 9 mhu No 9a7 (1t , 1st (10 1 W lnchestm Rlfle m odel 1895 303 d o 1 st tlo 1 D B Shot Gtm , I 6 bore N o 8152 tlo lcst d.o 1 M auser (Bafle 11 m /m , 469 G. P H

Blltp L lt'cxcls 1 T de Sa 0( t 1st, 1911 l Taveta

T aveta, W GE R A LD E D W A R D S,

2nd 'J-alluarA 1912 .A.nb lsfctk?,f D 1 $/-0 kc f; C'oïutl'tl h.f?kt:?kd8/

Llcent- es ancl Pellzuts lsstlecl at Alel 11 (1u) m g tlle qtzartel- endlng 31 st D ecem bel , 1911

N o To 'U lloln zshuet'l D atta of lshue R eslclence R em azks

G t x T tx Ll t '>-x('.EK 1 l snld - 7 349 e-faltèal T)A :, e' l't'n.. l Aro's 8tl1 , 19 1 1 Me1 tl I 'i 3 5 t) $1? I ) B p tlt. 1 ) D ec 26t11 I Sllot (.h111 12 1)(ï1 e r clstj *i ? 5 1 (1( ) 1 .y R lfle 4J() *i 3 5 2 (.10 I .,., 2t)t11. ,, ?) 20 )

Aferu, E D W A R D B H O R N E , zud J itllual 5- 1912 1 ,i ? s /' l -? t / ( ff'? tt't 'n?- t q, .- t t' ')? f )

N o ffce te S u b N crfp ffo n to kh e E . # , G a zekke

A 11 A ppllcatlons ol R em lttancex s-ioulcl be sent to the E dltor

T he rates ol subsellptlon a1e as follow s

One '& iaal Sl'k m onths T àykee m ooth/ Blugle Copv

11 s R q Ccnts ll: Cerlts R s ûeltts Subselqptzo 1 ( l'zlt lt4clill- 1'()s%t l .s t ) 77$ 1 25 23 ( E xt l tlqhl's t ()1E 'Post tge) '20

P ) lct. of o'ne (' ()1,A oltt- n'tozltlz old 0 37 ), *.1 v lnontlls oltl O 75 t'ne '5. eql old 1 5: 46 T11E OFIV UIA L GA ZETTE


A pproxlm ate Statem ent of Publlc C oachlng and G oods T raë c for the m onth of D ecem ber, 1911

Coaclung Traf1lc... R s 118,731

G oods Traf c * 307,272 T otal R s 426,003

C orresp on tling m on th 4àf' l3re5 iou l J ertr :-

Coachzng Traë c e e # @ # â * *@ R s 110,062 G oods Tram c 266,056 Total R s 376,118

Increase R s 49,885

N alrobl, B E A STMFO OD , 6t11 January, 1912 Clttef- aztcf-flsr/àfazt/.

U G R H D H H H IL W H Y .

C atering D epartn :enf.

TE N D E R S, 1912-1913

Tenders a1e ln's lted for tlle qupply of 'W lnes, Splllts, B eez s, A erateql Mraters, Plovyslons, ctc , :r eqm red by the A dm lnlstra' 1on fo1 tlle tw elve lnouths endlng 11st M al ch, 191.3 Foz m s of Contract, and llsts ot appl oxlm ate q'aantztles lequn ed can be obtalned on appllcatlon to tlte nnderslgned, M ho w 1ll lecelve tendel s up to .1 o'clock p m on M onday the e5th Februaly, 1912 A 11 tendel s should be sllbm lttecl 1la sealed envelopes m arkecl çc Catellng The Alanagel ot tlle 'U gatlda R allw ay tloes not lllnd lum self to accept tlle low est or any tendel

Trafllc Alanager'q Oflice A E CR U ICK SITA N K , N all obl, 1'à tz#-t' Maazaget 27tlz D ecem bez , 1911


r G *N'D * H A R IN'E

U ntll ftu ther notlce tlle S 'N'V S <é Speke com m enclng f rom January 1st 1912, wzll Rxal'ce t ollr voyageq pel naontll as follow s (/r) 1st and l o-th, U sual tl lps 1 ouncl the Tuake as per Salllng Notzces Lb) 9th and 2 1 tl1,-- Tllps to Bultzllz, Bugondo and Sambwa E utebbe, G FftA N I; D U G D A LE ,

2211t1 D ecem ber, 1911 L It??lf Cthlizllz(-f-kàti-f--l- It .15- .J?7

x j-cttêtq Slly?f of Jftz î kzke. Janualy 15, 1912 TTIE OFFTCTA L G AZETTE 47

r G .u D zk M A R AY E . Com paratlve Statem ent of P assengels, Lw e Stock, and Cazgo, etc , calrzed for perlotl of flnanczal year 1911-12, endzng 3()t11 N ovem ber, 1911.

' l 1l l B o ()f No ot y y ! No of 17 )! e N(1 (àf T 15 e y 55 elmht of j M epjalzt of y Avataz 5.,$ a) i(l g aas:t s,e1ezl(.to et.t )s pc -tszszcrelt,'t- -ct.z( ) s Cg g ls'etdo ttko c:r t.tltz h lzsetctl ct(lu' xca ztln c/ r gT E; ciu-tgz -,-oa -,lel aze ctecl s, 1 tcotztts- ot)a ezzfcze d ltnf' Eî;? ï ' E1 w o: 1f) dotl.l Ntl.$ qanae pezzoc't $71 . .tl pezzt'tl ()f ?:: P l:tz tozls ( a) lzttz s ttaat pertoci c 2J ;a )z ecc tizu. vz ;R- t() atltll A 1.9il pzccetltu h-r l - , os I of I)z ecedlzzzo ,.$ c) J ehtr 1 t '! e tl lfll 1 j! A e t1 i L l 1 ( ( ake 'Vzcto) l'b ltO $ 1 721 J l a.5 l r- 601 119 1 17(1 tlofl t a a J a8I Lake Kloqa 8t)1 2ss I 1* 6lt' ya 1 1l0 673 l20b ls1 L t 1, akc Alhez L t! 2'n1 j 1 .> 297 rt :)- 117 ()a(1 j 7 J01

' 1 I 1 ! I '- j 'l'ot tl foz 8 M atel 55 a's s .3 779 j 6 103 2$24 l 31 167 o J l 39% 0a1 1 l'foth 1%a0 al :ol 1 t

G FRA N K D U G D A LE , L tetlt-coîttîlta glfr/'t?j ..J?Y # A (' /f? S'ttpitl (# 3.6 bvt3le

P r R 'a'ff W O R R N D E P A R T AIE N T

'Fendler N-4, 12 fbr Anle or Nfores Tendel s are l11A lted for tlle pulclaase ()f t'lle uudel nlelttlolletl. stol es no u- ctt t1l c P -BF 1) 1&k I.I ganda Tendel s lnay be accepted f01 eacll lteul,1)llt 21o le-as (juantlty t',lcln tlle ulut of each -w111 be sold Pllces slaould be offered at per ullzt at tlze 13 AV D Stol e, Entebbe, Tf aulpala ol Jlnja The stlccessftzl tendeler w lll be expected to z em o; e tlle ctltlcles 11 om tlle stole at lzls ow n expense

X elther tlle lllqllest nol any tendel M-lll nel- essallly be acceptetl Sealed tendel s sltould l each the uudel slglled llot latel tllan è1 () a u-1 ol'l the s0th Janualy,

1912, z'nalked içr-renclel N o 129,

.A lttzs 1 1: N o U'xll

ztnvllq, 280 l1)q E af- ll Aan zlq, (140 11)% A AA.y 11.-, -$6 lbs Swa q e B loûks AA 1th standh B ello'o s, 42// B ellou s, .30// Oz nalneutal R ldglng ol Zlzlc Fz ets, .% ' lt 1) g tlts '' Bz a hs Ta j) h 7 1 j. 79 B :t ass Talls 1 '' Aclees, B ellcll Paz allel, 8?' ga'u s

Xhces, B euf- lt Palallel, 6'' ga'u q ,, 'Vlees, Beut-lt Palallel. 3?? 2aM q 'W elgllts, P O 'blass 1 lb to 1. oz P.,tlxl>,, Elt (2lJ-tA' 111 h U A,11 B lac k D ry 8 (.M t s c'w f R ed. L tdlall D 1y 41 cu ts cA: t B lue D , v 7 cu ts $ t,o t Slate (-olotu Dly 4 cn t'- l ( 3: t' 'Vez m lllloll D 1)- 8 cv t% (?s'$ t B lue P1 uqslan gl ound lla. o1l 2 c3: ts 10 lbs D 1 1eL s patelzt -$50 l1)q 1 0 lbs Oll 1l11%era(l Raw 700 g a1h 5 g als thum O 1l hnseecl B ollecl 280 gal'- .5 gals cllum

Entebbe, 'lTgancla. O Ar E SPE U T

D ecem bel 1 5tl,, 1911. .1)tl /- ( t()l J-'rrô/f f, '1'1'--(?p / s 48 TH E OFFICIA L G-YZETTE 1912


' I j lI ( p ate Name of Vt ssel Captaln I! Gzoss/ cal go Natzonahty r1o ytrom Bound to 1Tons 1 f'Wlzonz (. enslpned 1 j ! j I xvv Dep r

S Fj 1! aluzzo Xt n 1tt 1B5 Genera,l IBmttslz H P Goh: c.l 1 Klsm rbyu àj No,49 12z 9 D1e9t ,11 Pem b 't a,,a.d (?() i f X.f rlu'b L t ) sf- tn 454 2t -t 'Vlsz 'tln t. tlen C D ec 1 1 Z'ulzll: tl 1 , l lau) ) t ), t Jvllllams 3306 j, I S A1 ct O() ztden ' 2 4 1 ' I &(1n A Agoqttzk: 1809 1 Itall-ul L 1! llqello I Zanzlbar 3 (: ! Geno-b 1,1'J 'tsltlt-nt Blvalnt l 3335 ,y l Gezman H 't'tspl'q & co Ij Bombav ' Yfllt A l Ltu çzertn 454 ,, 1 Bz ltzsk u.t a -v, sz am 6 (, x 'sm a, u Ij i p( zslan Gazdnc- 2724 ,, 7r. 1le Fqhf Afzlc z Llvtapool ,, 8 10 J J!( pla, .i ) n (1 1 x) g (? o I l 1 I lacztt tkota Btew h1t 3418 ,, S A1 kk Uo I Dulban 'l ,, 10 k 10 'Bom bqA- i , 1 K j.s F ï'k-) z )5O 1 I 'L Jl: t n j ' L ct t. o Benad.l r l 11 12 i 7 1 I t zlbal llu ) ,, t j (yoasyy J' j -'tz, ne 't, 11 lî llqm s 3:f36 1 1 ,, f1 1ë ,b' 71 Zazlzl bar 12 l 12 xidcl% 1 Afmu.x LeA sv wn 454 ,, t k .x î. 'vzs, 4m .Klhmaya ,, 12 1:$ ganztbal AI) tlktlaf 11:lt 3680 ,, 1 Gelm an Ip 11 tncslnfp ck Co Bom bay ,, 13 14

1E'41 tnzcotta Gutbusll 3413 ? ), s At ,y 1a J 4 Ilurban

.tfrlt l Lt 5 sean 454 ,, zt xt Vlsl Aln Zan-lba: ,, 1.; 17 tden z Auzlbqa Altscltu aqer 12,;0 ! c-rezm an ! Mrm () su ald Ham llulg I ,, 1t' 18 M adnqasca, )& I I +ntl Co lf yl3j a % Faklz 350 ,, Bz lflsh I( L Jl ï tngee tl. Co Zanzpbar 19 20 l l3enadlz faoast I M lsqzu .t/pn B z oA1 11 629 I A .X. A lq). 'tzn A-den 20 20 Zan tbal $, 1 i Mqtkg) af Jlàlt, 3680 ! ) Gelman IT 4'4èhlllg ck f. o Z Altzlbar ,, 24 ,, 24 Bomb't: Coqltolo 2218 1 ,, 1 lt allan L 1P11ttt. l lo ct C'0 Gultorb 24 ,, 29 Ge 1oa ' 131 on n 629 Bz 5$ à hsnl 4nn ,, j ,tls3l h. A lsz Rzzz Zrxllzlllaz ,, 2 1 ,, 24 (Bellettlyz CILS tst 11() < 111)1 t I G les: 115 G c l n'tan llqn sln;n ct Co D az eq 27 28 J)al es Hal t tllt Salaam 1'7Ia z l1( n Jj llllazn q 3306 i Bt 7 tzqh R A: tli Co îdiau 31 Stlll zn l-l'q l boln

I K ltIX1J15l l1A1tB0U 1t

Gol?zlxlla Duz t 1I 6287 l/ Genera,l Dz 2t1 s11 S AT ct () o I Lotlrlon No1v9 131 0 ' D1e9c1 1 4. j D uz 1)a11 C l rtll 51T qcla ltoclgc 1 47 ->9 K o1l Tl) e J' n st A l:z 14 a Nt 3: 'Fol k Dei 1 3 G tl lt

t l1! an 1 7. l a(1llk q (.- tà j C tt IsI)t clok CI ulst 7b26 Gcneral 1 B E 4. f'ozllt?t a Duz ban j Tucmdon (- a stlf- k 1 1 on Ltd , 1B., ua ), teIn(- tl m elstt,r 1N l f(-.nd l1e t tt 591 3195 ! G cl, t,t lan 11-1 '1t2r s(l vlolt :tv s t(l: l (&-, o ( -' o ZPe'tuTàzb I l'lta l 45 ' 65 j )HK 1z snn1 )l alu: lug s l tn t ntzll z Broc 1vw oldt 1391 , J 2 1 14 k I . xï tllnl 1 zl K ley 6341 ,, , H am bulg , 13 l.4 ' Zetnzll) .t) Q) llzeelt k. lan d Atkinqon 18 32 ! Coal Bz ltl sh 1 S $1 tt (- o Ca1 (11, , 1 7 23 ! A.f ogamq t (vull(p lptol'vl (l s) o$3x p d1 4987147 !j (a eneral 1'. .ILu) a1s tezltn (T) oi.l IloC.r oa LZoaluïtzllolnla r 187 j 2E1 0l ' Zanz) b lz l J 1 r tl on 1 t d '1 llullt j1 1 a.c ollqen 5460 1 G ez la:an k 11 lllslllq ct C o Jll :tlnkul .< 1% I 19 ), Guclph On en 4917 Bl:tlsh 1$ 1, t C01 1)01 a Zartirltiql 23 I 24 ' Lolltlcllt p ! t) On Ltd j $ riqlflnz ï) q chall k svelqskaèn 6 l :1 () el lnan 11 l 1, ql'n q t C () , .25 j .t)6 j 11' a zn ))u.t g DN qïtt ma1 nall JIu)l upl Azz a cnlltl c I 430701 2b (1 z enclt J zAlf A5l. 3.: qz sc :1 16 q 2 7 ( j27 j' Aladagnseez .: ' . Q'rtiollxlï 4. aq j ..:% j s.!l t, sczljes Bu 1 t j b28 7 JJl Ttl 1 sh ca1 j I s Af qt c o pu, b .tn 1 tl:ss (I; x .a() y 41 stlli ll: 1-.: .t) b .A (. oywola Tuozïdolt $f. (, Ascon 5lyllaztl 1 t '0'1 Lf d ) r , K ou,a A o,' 'I-follit , 4s l a 1 z a n , , 1, ) r o '? G e, ,, an u ,,,q, ,, j? tt (.a o uo ,,, T ,a v ) .1 X EA OF M7AR. t / H Alq S P lndova Xvaz'ns B jqj..t 1 ltlqlt Pt m lla D . t 27 Klsm 4a u I H PID CO CK

.Po) J O#-ce l'nnted by the Govt Pnntel , N azrobl