IRANIAN 2 December BOOK NEWS 2015

Iranian Book News is published monthly by POl Translaion& Literar y Agency to make available to overseas readers, pub- lishers and literary agen- cies up-to-date infor- mation on new books and recent topics of ’s publishing culture and trends. The copy and translation rights of the books described in this publication handled by POL Literary Agency. Majid Jafari Aghdam Director of POL [email protected] Contact Person:Fariba Hashemi info@ Tel:+98 (21) 66159346 Fax:+98 (21) 66087895 Unit .9,No.138,Azadi,Shad mehr,-Iran

Events and Trends

Iranian writer Mohammadreza A number of Iranian children’s Bairami’s historical novel “The books translated into Spanish are Dead of Green Garden” was cho- slated to take part in to the 37th sen as one of the top ten titles in Montevideo International Book Moscow Book Fair 2014. Fair in Uruguay. “The Dead of Green Garden”, written by Moham- Some 44 Persian children’s books have been selected madreza Bairami and translated into Russian by Al- by an Iranian Institute, El Faro Children and Young exander Androshkin, was chosen as one of the top Adults Group to participate in the event. ten titles of this fair. The books have been translated into Spanish by El The novel, which is set in Tabriz, chronicles inci- Faro in collaboration with Iran’s Institute for the In- dents during the Azerbaijan People’s Government, a tellectual Development of Children and Young short-lived Soviet puppet government in northern Adults (IIDCYA). Iran from November 1945 to November 1946, from Divergent Iranian children books have attended the viewpoint of a reporter named Balash and his son many International exhibitions so far. Amir-Hossein. The 2014 edition of Montevideo International Book

Fair is scheduled to be held in Uruguay from Octo- "7 centuries with Persian Litera- ber 1 to 12. ture" published in Azerbaijan

The Coach’, a book written by Iranian writer Farideh Khalatba- ri, has been registered as one of According to the public relations office of the Islam- the five top books on the list of ic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), the International Youth Library book titled “7 centuries with (IYL). "written by Professor Mehdi Kazemov, head of the history and literature department of Azerbaijan Na- Each year the IYL, in Munich, Germany, selects tional Academy of Sciences published in Baku with newly published books from across the world that the circulations of 200 copies. they consider to be especially noteworthy. This list of books is compiled into the annual White Ravens Sohrab Sepehri Poems published in Catalogue, which is introduced each year at the Bo- Italy logna (Italy) Children's Book Fair. “Finally five top books are selected. This is the first time that a book from Iran has made its way to the top five works,” the writer noted. A selection of works by Sohrab Sepehri (1928- 1980) has been published in a book in Italian lan- Iranian book 'If Snowmen guage. The collection was translated by Nahid No- Don’t Melt' written for children rouzi, an Iranian Ph.D. student of classical philology by the eminent author Seyyed and Italian studies at the University of Bologna. Ali Shojaei has been published "Sino al fiore del nulla" contains 99 poems by in France. Sepehri with the original texts in .

The book tells the story of a big snowman built by village children. However, the snowman, rather than being grateful to the villagers for creating him, he instead demands guards and ice cubes since he doesn’t want to melt, and this creates problems for the people, according to Press TV. Shojaei’s latest narrative creation was published in a collection titled 'The Best Stories of Continents'.

2 Iranian Book News Fiction (Novel) Coolness of the Daybreak of Dawn

By:Nahid Tabatabai Sample English text is available.

Khojaste Publication,2004.Page.112,Size.14*21,ISBN 9446233964

This book is a description of the intrinsically evil but into trouble by short period that a war-stricken girl negligence or necessity. Sometimes, serves time in the women’s prison. the get inequality of punishment rel-

In jail, she encounters various char- ative to crime is criticized. Composi- Born in 1958.She is a acters who have been arrested for tion and personality development prominent novelist in Irani- social misdemeanors like narcotics, serves the purpose of proving there an contemporary literature prostitution, theft, etc. Finally, she is always a place for hope and liveli- and great publishers have makes friends with one of them and hood and life goes on after all. published 10 novels by her they pledge to follow a normal life ever since. Her works have when they get out of the jail. The been noticed by overseas book introduces characters who ( especially European) have been jailed either guilty or in- publishers for their extra- nocent, and studies life behind the regional social themes. bars with regard to the circumstanc- es of the time and the majority of crimes get attributable to those cir- cumstances. People are not

The Man on Perpetual Exile

By:Nader Ibrahimi Sample English text is available.

Roozbehan Publication,2010.7th,Page.280,Size 14*21,ISBN 9789648175028

The only child of governor of Shi- thus causing astonishment and pro- raz, Mohammad, was born when his tests of the sheiks and traditional parents were too old. He had a high learned men. Nad- IQ. He was intelligent and smart. He “The man on perpetual exile” is an e r was eager to be trained as an elo- anecdote based on the true story of Ibrahimi (1936 – 2008) quent speaker and preacher and to Mulla Sadra’s life, beautifully nar- Iranian writer, translator, screenwriter and actor. learn theology. As a reformer he rated by Nader Ibrahim, the talented Ibrahimi was a well known opposed the existing ruling party’s Iranian writer. contemporary novelist. schools of thoughts and intended to Actually, it is a historic anecdote of Ibrahim used to be ap- modify it. He found his way to the the Safavid’s era in Iran. Diversified plauded in most of the in- ternational award distribu- sessions of great thinkers, teachers orders and dialogues are used to ex- tion events. and the sage in the field of sciences plain images and to portray them of his own era in which he used to aimed at making the story more tan- raise sophisticated questions while gible. suggesting new ideas and solutions,

Iranian Book News 3 Fiction (novel)

Wicked Saints

By:Amireza Pourhelm Sample English text is available.

Unpublished, written in 2014,Page 123

‘Wicked Saints’ is the first book wickedness caused the appearance written about the hideously shocking wicked criminals under the flag of scenes and events of the Iraq and Islam and overrunning of them in Syria war. some parts of Syria and Iraq. As The writer tried to express the sto- the story goes on, the writer de- Amirreza Pourhelm ry of Islamic state terrorist from picts the life of Abubakr Al He is among the writers dawn to the massacre and sacking of Baqdadi and other wicked terror- Iraq and Syria cities and villages who has already written ists and he describes how they several books like .‘Eagles within the form a wondering story. occupied the cities and how igno- Shadow’ which was pub- The story of this book began as a miniously they behaved and treat- lished in 2007, predicted rebellious warier who committed the electoral agitations un- ed the people of those occupied terrible crimes thousands of years der the title ‘the Green Up- cities. They invaded Syria by pre- raising’ of 2011 in Iran. ago in Syrian deserts was descend- tending to be revolutionist while ing from the heaven to the same spot they intended to topple the gov- of his crimes by the goddess of ernment and to establish a univer- chastise. The criminal’s flames of sal Islamic state.

The Deceased of the Green Garden By: Mohammadreza Bayrami Sample English text is available.

Soore Mehr Publication,2014,Size,22*14,page.384,ISBN 9789645069399

This novel is the story of a man pass the Jolfa Bridge and run away killed and dismembered in civil war into the USSR. Ballash reaches the whose ghost meets his son 15 years border with difficulty but then he after the incident. The story takes realizes the treachery of chiefs, so shape through this confrontation. prefers death to leaving the country, The father - Ballash- was an ordi- especially since he witnessed the Born in 1958.Bayrami has nary street vendor with poetic skills. innocence of a person. written more or less 40 When he takes his poems to Ballash tries to save the life of Mi- novels, story collections Dozgon, the editor of Azerbaijan ane bank manager who is an inno- and novelettes for children, Newspaper, Dozgon gets impressed cent person, but when he arrives, the teenagers and adults. He by Ballash’s voice and invites him man has been lynched and hanged has always been a main- to the newspaper and radio and thus, from a traffic light pole in the middle stream Iranian figure and Ballash becomes a journalist. He of a crossroad and any action seems has won tens of national awards - including IRI witnesses defeat of democrat forces futile. Then he takes refuge to his Year Book- and two inter- by government and chasing and friend’s place in Ardebil. Plain national awards. slaughtering of the cult members Clothes men are chasing the defeated afterwards. The dependent chiefs and there is chaos everywhere.

4 Iranian Book News Mohammad English text is available. By:Ibrahim Hassanbeigi Right sold to English(uk):candle&Fog Pub.

Madresse Publication,Size.14*22,Page.322,ISBN9643848855

"I felt bad. Mohammad was a man number of Quraish leaders were sit- loved by all slaves. He alone had ting around the Zamzam Well. They fought and stood against Mecca's appeared to talk and pretended to leaders and freed several slaves. His know nothing; yet they had their words on equality and brotherhood eyes on Mohammad and Abu Lahab. of all mankind made us slaves happy An idea crossed my mind which and delighted more than anyone made me tremble all over. I could go else. Mohammad was the savior of to Mohammad and tell him what's the oppressed and an enemy of the going to happen. Then Mohammad Born in 1957. He is one of oppressive and now I was about to would be rescued, but then my death the well-known and witness his murder. When I reached was inevitable. My master and Abu experienced writers in Iran Ka'ba, Mohammad and a few of his Lahab would kill me in the most cru- who has written for chil- followers were standing in a row el and tragic way for committing dren and young adults more than 30 years. He heading towards Jerusalem, for such a great sin. Then even Moham- authored more than 50 prayer. Abu Lahab, the man I now mad couldn't stop them. I had to books and at least 10 of hated more than ever, was leaning choose one; either Mohammad's res- them translated and pub- on the wall of Ka'ba. In a distance, a cue or my own death. A strange lished in other countries. sense of panic filled my entire be- ing...."

The Morning Hangover Right sold to Germany and Turkey. By:Fattane Hajseyed Javadi English text is available.

Alborz Publication,2009/17th edition,Size.22*14,page.440,ISBN978964520

The novel begins in modern times. examples. Marriages happening Soodabeh, a well-off, educated girl between people from the different from an old prominent, intellectual social backgrounds can throw in so aristocrat family, has fallen in love wide chasms with a man who is inappropriate in that love is unable singlehandedly to her family's opinion .His family's bridge the gaps of this misalliance. lucrative construction business has Bamdad-e Khomar (The Morning been prospering , nevertheless his Hangover) has been a spectacular father cannot even write down his bestseller novel in the Iran woman’s own name . Her family disapproves fiction. A love story illustrates that Born in 1955.She is one of of the marriage with a nouveau riche even the delirious intoxication of Iranian female novelist family, but Soodabeh argues that in love cannot soothe whose works welcomed by modern time, a girl should be al- Iranian readers, in particu- someone's dull pain and reality of lar, women. Her books lowed to do what she wants. Her her hangover in the next morning. often reprinted many times mother agrees, but sets conditions. The story of book unfolds within the in Iran ,and some of them She explains to Soodabeh that the different aspects of Iranian contem- translated and published in elders’experiences furnish the good porary society. other countries.

Iranian Book News 5 Non-Fiction

Donkey Tale By :Ali Dehbashi Sample English text is available.

Panjareh Publication,2010/8th edition,Page.224,Size.14*21.ISBN 9649225749

The book Donkey Tale is a pseudo- The book Donkey Tale or Asslogic translation from a French book writ- is the story of a donkey which is ap- ten by Sophie comtes de Ségur. The parently a translation from French author is Mohammad Hassankhan and bitterly criticizes social, eco- Etemadosaltane who attended Poly- nomical and political life in Iran of

Ali Dehbashi(1958) is a technic and worked on Iranian em- those days. Etemadosaltane criticizes member of Societas Irano- bassy in France. Thereafter, he was Aminolsoltan the prime minister of logica Europaea (European a translator in King Nasseredinshah the time. Therefore King Nas- Iranian Studies Society), Qajar Court and then became the seredinshah initially ordered its ban. and has attended many meetings in its periodical Minister of Printing and Publica- The book is also known by these conferences in different tions in Iran. He has published many aliases: Donkey Who Carries universities and cultural books in Persian including King [Torah’s] Chapters, Asslogic and centers all over the world. Nasseredinshah travelogues and a Beastly Logic. It might be compared He is also the chief editor of Bukhara magazine, a history of that age titled Tarikh to Persian Letters by Montesquieu. periodical magazine on arts Montazam Nasseri. and culture in Persian pub- lished in Tehran.

Iranian Drama Encyclopedia By:Yadollah Aga Abbasi Sample English text is available.

Ghatre Publication,2012,Page.575,Size.12*24,ISBN 9786001191916

Iranians adopted drama thousands of which meant moving forward and years ago and used it in daily life. accepting risks to practically fighting They drew a line between good and the falsehood and maleficent dragon evil ever since and the world became who blocked waters and dried up the the scene for quarrel between the land. This book is an attempt to Yadollah Aqa Abbasi two. Naturally, Iranian drama fol- acknowledge Iranian dramatic herit- Born in 1952.Associate professor of dramatic lowed suit and in its golden age age .The first section is about Iranian literature with 18 years achieved great accomplishments that dramatic culture .The second section teaching experience in various Iranian universi- were not preserved or recorded covers research and study about the ties, outstanding re- properly. However, the relics are nature of those dramas and investi- searcher, winner of best evident that if the Greek gathered in gates their functions and techniques. play translation award in 2003. theatric to witness behaviors of their The third section of the book is a and forces of goodness. Instead of glossary which defines jargon used in gambol and oblivion, they watched Iranian dramas.

6 Iranian Book News Asrār-Nāmeh in fluent prose

By:Attar of Neyshaboor Sample English text is available.

Andishevarzan Publication,2014,Size.24*17,Page.330.ISBN 9786009284511

Persian classic poetry works have Of humanistic emotions and he uses always been full of attractions for simple and fluent words to reflect the reading and retelling. Farīd ud-Dīn natural path of meditation to th Attar- a mystic and Sufi of 6 and emotion.In the present book that is 7th century of lunar Calendar- has Attar of Neyshaboor was now before you, all the couplets of explained poetically the complexi- not well known as a poet in whole anecdotes (except those that his own lifetime, except at ties and depths of concepts of Su- are about Unity and admiration of his home town, and his fism in his book Asrār-Nāma. greatness as a mystic, a According to some narrative, this the Prophet of Islam and his com- poet, and a master of narra- panions) are rewritten in fluent tive was not discovered book inspired Rumi to write until the 15th century. Masnavi-I Ma'navi and Rumi prose. The content structure of this utilized of its moral concepts and book in prose is formed in the way mystic subtleties a lot. In Asrār- that first of all each subject is ex- Nāma, Attar expresses social and plained narrative and then about that moral subjects from the viewpoint particular subject different related stores of the original book are listed.

Varghe va Golshah in fluent prose

By:Salahedin Ayughi Sample English text is available.

Andishevarzan Publication,2014,Size.24*17,Page.158,ISBN 9786006980515

During the time of Islam’s prophet, for providing the dowry but he no- in two families of a tribe a boy ticed that his uncle is captured in the named Varghe and a girl named hand of his enemy. Varghe aided his Romantic poem of Varghe Golshah were born. They fell in overcoming uncle and after the foes, and Golshah includes two each other’s love when they were he gained some wealth as booty. thousand verses and it is very young and they married at the believed to be of a Arabic age of 12. At the night of marriage a Now, he decided to return to his origin. This poem is writ- stranger tribe attacked them and country to marry Golshah. During stole the bride and captured Varghe. the time Varghe was fighting in ten once in Arabic and then They managed to escape from the Yemen, the king of Sham proposed in Persian but the Persian version from the number of hostile tribe by the clever and wise Golshah from her father and forced characters and some sub- help of Golshah. They determined to him to make Golshah marry him. At jects mentioned in it is dif- marry again but Golshah’s mother the time of taking Golshah to Sham, ferent from the Arabic one. agreed on their marriage just after she gave one of her maids her ring receiving the dowry. Varghe went to and asked her to give the ring to Var- his uncle who was the Yemen king ghe and to retell him the account of what happened to her.

Iranian Book News 7 Children and Young Adults

Good Stories for Good Children (8 Vols) By:Mehdi AzarYazdi Sample English text is available.

Amir Kabir Publication,2014/30th Editions,Size.14*21,Page.100,ISBN978-964-300-176-4

These short and informative stories Also historical adventures, stories are a digest of famous Persian litera- related to Innocents’ history, and ture that is useful and amusing for most importantly stories taken form

teenagers. The stories have been that will fascinate and amuse selected from these books: Kelileh any reader. The author narrated all & Demneh, Sandbadnameh & stories with simple language and in Qabosnameh, Marzbannameh, the mean time has been loyal to the Mehdi Azar Yazdi (1923- Masnavi Molavi, Quran, Sheikh At- concepts. Generations of readers 2009/Iran) was one of the tar, 14 Innocents, Sa’di’s Golestan have read this book during their experienced and well & Bostan. The stories have been childhood and know about it. The known authors in the field modified into a sweet, simple and book has been one of best-sellers of of children and young eloquent language so the reader can these publications and reached the adults. At first he was a easily get acquainted with Iranian 30th edition. Even, some volumes of bookseller and studied about children litera- heritage literature, and the traditions, the book have attained 40th edition. ture .Azar Yazdi wrote religion, and cultural ceremonies of This series of book are translated in many books for children Iranian life. The book includes ad- different languages and have been and took special place in vice, proverb, knowledge, fact, and published in some countries. Iranian literature. tales told in animals’ language.

Forty (Hair) Locks & Bald Hassan By:Bahare Niroomandfard Sample English text is available.

Vida Publications,2013,Size.21*29,Page.32,ISBN 978-694-6807-92-2

A boy called Bald Hassan lived in a simple, flowing and rhythmic prose small town. He was shy and did not to rewrite the story. The climax is come out of home. One day his when Bald Hassan encounters Forty Bahareh Niroomand is a mother sent him out to find a job. Locks and puts shyness and laziness newcomer to children & Bald Hassan saw a Forty Locks girl aside and does his best to save her teenagers’ field and her kept in a demonic bondage. No one from the demon. Configuration of audience is very young could break the demon’s spell, so he events and fantastic setting is inter- children. Her stories make decided to help her. The book is of esting and will bring the reader to use of birds and animals as the series of book titled as "Iranian ecstasy. The suspense is omnipresent heroes, and in the mean- Girls Stories" .This series involved and the end cannot be predicted. time she is closely working 24 vols that 4 vols have been pub- Bald Hassan as the hero can connect with some children & teen- lished in Iran by vida publication. to the reader very well and takes the agers’ publishers. The book is in fact an Old Iranian child into the atmosphere of the sto- story and it is known to Iranian chil- ry. Bald Hassan is a symbol of the dren. The tale is so nice that the will to power for Iranian child. children like to hear it throughout their childhood. The author uses a

8 Iranian Book News Rhino Trips (6 .Vols ) By:Fariba Kalhor Sample English text is available.

AmirKabir Publications,2012,Size.14*21,Page.25,ISBN 978-964-300-584-9

Story of a rhino who encounters a these titles: Rhino& the Swan Lake, white swan on a lake. It goes there Rhinos’ Fairy, Goodbye Rhino, My at certain times to watch the swan Wronged Friend, Little Companion,

and enjoy. In return, the swan swam Counting Rhino. The collection is for him, opened its wings and about moved her head this way and that. In animals’ stories and the hero is a a nutshell, they had a good time to- cute rhino with new ideas and deeds. gether. One day there were no sign Depiction of rhino and other ani- Born in 1971,Kalhor is of the swan and the rhino found a mal’s worlds within an imaginary well known for Iranian group of swans near the canebrake and nice atmosphere is interesting young adults. Her books and everyday went there to watch for the reader. The author skillfully often enjoy religious and them and forgot about the lake’s described the plot in different set- social concepts. She wrote swan. Winter came and all swans tings and has been successful in more than 50 titles for chil- dren and young adults and migrated. But the white swan stayed making the story’s language compre- they were published by in the cold by the rhino so to be the hensive to the reader and connects great publishers in Iran. most glorious swan of the lake. The the reader with the book. collection in 6 volumes includes

The 6th child of Ms. Mouse By:Leyla Sadri Sample English text is available.

Amirkabir Publications,2009,Size.12*24,Page.30,ISBN ……….

Mouse had 6 children and named moustaches were detached. The cat them according to the shape of their chased it. The mouse was going to tails. The one with longest tail was jump into a hole when the cat caught Leila Sadri is a well-known called Long tail, and the one with its tail and pulled on it until half of story-teller for Iranian chil- shortest tail was named tiny tail. But the mouse’s tail was cut off. It went dren & teenagers. She cre- since the 6th child’s tail was not of to its mom mournfully. The mother ates fantasies to teach ethi- any particular shape, she felt help- was unhappy to see a mouse with cal/instructional concepts less to find a name for it. So she half a tail. But at the same time felt to children. She has pub- said:“I’ll name her later.” This 6th relieved since she had found a good lished many story books by one was very naughty and mostly name for it. Its mom called it the Cut Iranian reputable publish- spent it time with dangerous preda- tail mouse. The author has created a ers. She makes use of ani- tor beasts. It used to make fun of nice fantasy to warn children about mal characters favored by them and flee, and this way enjoyed kids. Sadri is also an expert being to playful and risk their lives of children & teenagers’ the game. One day it visited a sleep- just for fun. The kids, who read this books and works closely ing cat. It tied up the cat’s mous- stuff, while enjoying a good read, with various cultural/ taches to its tail and started to run learn that it’s not fun to play with publication institutes. like hell. As it escaped, the cat's dangerous things and get damaged.

Iranian Book News 9 Book Review

That Nights Train The author is well-versed in using mother techniques in storytelling. mdern story teller.Anyhow,what That Night’s Train is a realistic is important for the writer is not episode, throughout which one to find a sentence or subject out can find the author employing the of different things that occurs to technique of keeping aloof from her/him to reveal a part of that the reality. This is a realistic sto- strange feeling. It should be noted ry, which violates the rules of that more important is that the realism both in character build- writer must continue her story in ing, symbol building and dia- a better form. logue, and sometimes even upsets Moment by moment, the writer these rules. allows the reader to help him shape the story and suggest solu- The story is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter that tions. He reflects the others’

happened in four days is written opinion concerning the story. Author :Ahmad Akbarpoor from the third person Chapter seven is the moment Illustrator :Nazanin Aygani (omniscient)’s view. On the when the two parallel rails meet Publisher :Cheshme Publication fourth day of the story, when the each other. Here fact and fiction Year of Publishing:2000 teacher has promised to contact are mingled and integrated to No. of Page:63 Banafshe, the writer narrates his each other which is the important Size:14*22 story in present tense and in the aim of the writer. The writer, who ISBN:9645571294 manner of scenarios. is unable to find a suitable ending In the second chapter, the writer for his story, decides to tear it up. *Rights sold to Canada changes his points of view and Here the writer should have (Grand wood). narrates another episode. Now the stayed aloof from a story, in narrator is sitting in the fifth class which the characters were obliged to suffer, become sick, *English text is available. primary where the female teacher is relating a story. remain alone and die, in order to create excitement. It is by really Reviwed by:Shohre Kaedi In chapter three, the writer focus- es on Banafshe. Her reappearance acting as Banafshe’s mother that makes the reader understand that the teacher could feel a mother’s In this story, Banafshe,a girl, gets the things in chapter one was not real feelings the teacher had noth- acquainted with a teacher in the a fiction but a reality, on which ing shows the need for the writer train and metamorphoses her into the writer has based his story. to get ride of the story in order to her mother's form, which she has Chapter four again zooms over accept the true personality of lost. The teacher obtains Banaf- the classroom and it is a continu- Banafshe.Thus,the suspension she’s telephone number and ation of the story. Chapter five that the writer had created in the former six chapters is surprising- promises to call her. But for three describes Banafshe’s life. Such a detachment in the narration of ly eliminated in the seventh chap- months she fails to call the un- story adds to the story charm. ter. happy girl. On the other hand, the Chapter six concentrates on the teacher, who is writer as well, teacher and here is where the ex- relates the episode in the form of cellent knowledge of the writer of the situation of a narrator may be the story to her students. But, in the end and in order to find a suit- known. able conclusion to her story she While narrating the story the writer tries to employ every art to decides to visit Banafshe at her discharge the duty of a modern house. There she rids herself of writer in story narration.He al- the confines of the story, tears the lows the reader to try several al- story up and acts as Banafshe’s ternatives. He isn't such a dog- true mother. What is very im- matic writer that gives only a sin- gle choice to the reader. He con- portant in this story is the struc- tinually mentions the mission of a ture, which the writer has devel- oped to describe his simple story.

10 Iranian Book News Other Titles of Interest

Encyclopedia of Iranian Folklore Crows are Kind, Kind and Lonely Author: Dr. Masoumeh Ebrahimi Author: Mohammad Ramazani Publisher: Unpublished Illustrator: Roya Khademolreza Subject: Anthropology Publisher: Soroush No. of Pages: 300

Subject: Story(Children) I missed you my Little Princess Year of Publishing: 2013/Second edition Author: Mehrdad Imanzadeh No. of Pages: 24 Publisher: unpublished Size: 22×22 Subject: Fiction (novel) Ages: 7 and up No. of pages: 120(each Vols) ISBN: 9789641203605 Every Dust Speck is a Prophet The Bottom, Bottom, Bottom of the Written by: Erfan Nazarahari well Illustrated by: Siroos Aghakhani Author: Susan Tagdis Published by: Ofogh publications Illustrator: Alireza Goldooziyan Ages 14 and up No. of Pages: 46 Publisher: Soroush Size:7×21 Subject: Story(Children) ISBN: 978-694-6181-75-5 Year of Publishing: 2008/First edition No. of Pages: 20 Phrases Favored by God Size: 22×22 Ages: 7 and up Author: Gholamreza Heidari ISBN: 9789643766443 Illustrator: Samaneh Yari Subject: Story Publisher: Jamal Publication Year of Publishing: 2012/First edition Mahtab Married Last Night No. of Pages: 24 Author: Shahram Shafiee Size: 20×20 Illustrator: Farshid Shafiee ISBN: 9789648494365 Publisher: Soroush Subject: Story (Yung Adults) Pig’s bones and the Leprosy Year of Publishing: 2011/First edition hands No. of Pages: 80 Size: 14×21 Author: Mustafa Mastoor Ages: 14 and up Publisher: Cheshmeh Publication ISBN: 9644353307 Subject: Short stories

Year published: 1998 Iranian Drama Encyclopedia No. of pages: 120 ISBN: 978-964-362-197-1 Author: Yadollah Aqa Abbasi Size: 12*24/paperback Publisher: Nashr Qatre Tablet Subject: Iran Studies Number of pages: 575 Author: Navvab Kadivand Publishing year: 2013 Subject: Fiction(novel) Size: 21.5 × 29 Publisher: Unpublished ISBN: 978-600-119-191-6 No. of pages: 170

Iranian Book News 11 Iranian Bestselling Author & Publishers

Mustafa Matsoor(1965/Iran) Institute for the Intellectual Development of Mustafa Mastoor is an Iranian writer, translator and Children and Young Adults (Kanoon) researcher. Mastoor is a modern novelist, whose story situations, This institute is a leading publisher with about fifty subjects and story characters have no normal speech, years of experience in publishing poem, fiction, deeds and behavior. His characters are concerned nonfiction, entertainment and most of all picture about things beyond eating, drinking, sleeping, and books for children and young adults. More than marriage. He is narrating sophisticated unconven- 2000 titles have been published by this institute so rd tional stories. Most of his works have passed the 3 far. Each year some of its publications win in na- and 4th editions. His books have been translated and tional and most prestigious international competi- published by reputable publishers around the world. tions such as BIB Prizes, Raggazi and new Horizon Some Works: of Bologna, and Noma Concourse of Japan, -Kiss the lovely face of God -Love on the Sidewalk UNICCO Honorary Diploma, and of course the -Basics/Fundamentals of Short Stories most important one the Hanse Christian Anderson -know everything Award. -A few reliable narrations The history of Kanoon, which has been established -I’m not a sparrow to facilitate the intellectual and emotional develop- -Pig’s bones and Leprosy hands ment for children and young adults, goes back to -Wandering in the Alley of Life the mid 1960’s.Since then the cultural, literary, -Running in a Dark Minefield educational, and artistic arena in Iran has witnessed -Dilemma of a Deep Well the development, evolution and success of this ef- Awards: fective organization. -Chosen as the Best Novel of the Year in 2000 and 2001 during the Golden Pen Festival. Kanoon’s activity and performance are not restrict- -Winner of Sadegh Hedayat’s Award of Appraisal ed to Iran’s boundaries. Rather its permanent and Tablet. prevalent cooperation with other international or- -Winner of the 3rd Award in the Novel Literature ganization and its constant presence in art competi- periodical Contest (for anecdotes). tions in the world have provide Iranian children, The works the copyright of which have been sold: youngsters, artists and writers with brilliant oppor- -"Kiss the lovely face of God" (English, Arabic, Rus- tunities for fame and honor, which have been sian, Turkish (Istanbul)). achieved to some extent so far. -“Pig’s bones and Leprosy hands” (English, Italian. Russian, Arabic and Turkish). [email protected] Contact Person:Argani Tel:+98 21 88971387