Plant Index 1175 Plant Index

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Plant Index 1175 Plant Index Plant Index 1175 Plant Index Aa achalensis 994, 999 Acrotriche 624 Abelmoschus esculentus 505, 506 Actaea 286, 287 Abolboda 923,925,926 - spicata 285, 288 - grandis 911, 913, 914, 915 Actinidia 330, 343, 346 Abroma 511 - chinensis 330 - angusta 511 Actinidiaceae 329, 629, 649 Abronia 212 Actinophloeus 944,949 Abutilon indicum 505 - ambiguus 945 Acacia auriculaeformis 385 - macarthurii 945 - baileyana 384, 385 Adenanthera pavonia 384, 385 - dealbata 384, 385 Adenia 530 - farnesiana 384 Adenolisianthus 656 - leucophloea 384 Adenostemma lavenia 813 Acalypha 27, 437 - rugosum 813 - australis 428, 429 Adenostoma 379 - ciliata 8, 428 Adhatoda 744, 745 - fallax 428 - vasica 745 - indica 102, 427, 428, 429 Adonis 286, 287, 288, 345 - lanceolata 428, 429 - aestivalis 287 - malabarica 428 - annua 286, 287 - tricolor 428 Adoxa 750,795,796,867, 1010 Acanthaceae 737,739,741,743,745, - moschatellina 782 764, 767, 771, 774, 775, 789 Adoxaceae 673, 674, 779, 780, 781, Acanthophyllum albidium 220 789, 790, 793, 794, 795, 796 - cyrtostegium 221 Aegiceras 631, 635 - krascheninnikovii 220 - corniculatum 630 - paniculatum 221 - majus 630 Acanthus 744, 745, 775 Aegicerataceae 634 - ilicifolius 737,738,742,743,745 Aeginetia 108, 753 Acer oblongum 467 - indica 58, 752, 753, 754 - platanoides 467 Aegle marmelos 439,459 - saccharinum 467 Aeonium bentejui 371 Aceraceae 466, 477 Aerva tomentosa 225 Achariaceae 521, 530, 549, 1011 Aesculus 99 Achatocarpaceae 210,227, 1011 - woerlitzensis 468, 469 Achillea squarrosa 808, 815 Aextoxicaceae 471 Achras 642 Aextoxicon punctatum 471 Achyranthes aspera 224 Aframomum 987 Acicarpha tribuloides 808 Agastachys 150 Aconitum 287 Agathelpis dubia 723, 725 - napellus 41, 107,288 Agavaceae 862, 863, 874, 890, 891, 893 - vulparia 109, 288 Agavales 893 Acorus 7, 955 Agave 874, 893 Acrotrema 23, 324, 342 - americana 874 - arnottianum 62,325,326 - parryi 874 1176 Plant Index - virgmlca 874 Alluaudia dumosa 225, 226 Aglaia 446 - ascendens 226 Aglaonema 955 - humbertii 225 Agonandra 156, 158, 194, 200 - montagnacii 225 Agropyron repens 41 - procera 225 Agrostemma gracile 21 Alniphyllum fortunei 647 - githago 219 Alnus 124, 125, 148 Agrostis vulgaris 930 - glutinosa 124, 125 Ailanthus 443 - incana 125, 126 - excelsa 443 - rugosa 125 Ainsliaea 828 - viridis 124 - aptera 808, 810, 814 Aloe africana 874 Aiphanes caryotifolia 948 - ciliaris 874 Aizateaceae 402, 519 Alonsoa 72D Aizoaceae 216 Alopecurus pratensis 930 Ajuga reptans 708, 710 Alpinia 983 Akaniaceae 438, 447, 1011 Alternanthera paronychioides 224 Akebia 292, 294, 305 - sessilis 225 - lobata 293 Althaea 504 - pentaphylla 293,294 - officinalis 506 - quinata 293 Alzatea 564, 592, 593, 594, 597 - trifoliata 294 Alzateaceae 564, 592, 597 Alangiaceae 602,610 Amaranthaceae 224, 229 Alangium 610, 611 Amaranthus 224 - chinense 602 Amaryllidaceae 862,877,890,891, - handelii 602 892,893,894,895, 896, 897, 902, 903, - lamarkii 87, 602 1009 Albizzia lebbek 384, 385 Amborella 260, 277 Albuca transvalensis 865, 868 Amborellaceae 260, 1011 Alchemilla 93, 379, 380, 381 Amelanchier laevis 381 - arvensis 380 Amentiferae 115, 121, 122, 123, 128 - orbiculata 380 Amethystea coerulea 710 Aldrovanda vesiculosa 351, 352, 353 Amianthium muscaetoxicum 45, 865, Alectorolophus hirsutus 720 866 Alectra thombsoni 716, 717, 727 Amischophacellus cuculata 904 - parasitica var chitrakutensis 731 - axillaris 906 Aletris aurea 864, 866 Ammannia 565 Alisma 2, 42, 857 - baccifera 564 - plantago 832 - pentandra 564 - plantago-aquatica 832 Ammobium alatum 812 Alismataceae 831,856,857,859,861, Ammobroma 696 862,967 Amomum 983,987 Alismatales 857, 858, 862, 973 - dealbatum 983 Alismatiflorae 860, 861, 862 Amorpha glabra 387 Allium 447, 862, 867, 868, 1010 Ampelocissus 498 - aflatunense 866 - latifalia 497 - cepa 11 Amphibolis 17, 852 - cernuum 866 - antarctica 850 - odorum 869 Amphicarpum 7 - porrum 872 Amyema 29, 177, 178, 179, 184, 196, - textile 865, 866 198, 199 - tuberosum 14 - gravis 175, 177 Allophylus cobbe 467 - miquelii 29, 177, 179 Alloplectus sanguineus 749 - pendula 184 Plant Index 1177 - prelSSll 176, 177, 178 Annonales 273 Amylotheca 178 Anodendron paniculatum 658 - dictyophleba 175, 177, 184 Anogeissus acuminata 578, 579 Anacampseros rufescens 218 - latifolia 578, 579 Anacardiaceae 463,475 Anogra pallida 580 Anacardium 120 Anotis wightiana 665 - occidentale 463, 464 Antennaria 90,819 Anacolosa 157 Anthemis montana 813 - frutescens 156 - tinctoria 813 Anacyclus radiatus 813 Antherosperma 260 Anagallis 634 Antherospermataceae 282 - pumila 633,634 Anthoboleae 195 Ananas comosus 902 Anthodiscus 337 Anastrophea abyssinica 411 Anthotium 805 - divertens 411 Anthyllis tetraphylla 390 - imthurnii 411 - vulneraria 390 - versteegiana 411 Anticharis linearis 716, 717, 724, 730, Anaxagorea javanica 246 731 Anchusa 689, 690 Antigonon leptopus 5, 207, 208 - officinalis 690 Antirrhinum 28,731,732 Ancistrocladaceae 1011 - cyathiferum 732 Ancistrocladus tectorius 341 Antoniaceae 671 Androcymbium 865 Apama 318 - albanense 860 - bracteata 318 - longipus 865 - siliquosa 321 Andrographis 54, 738, 744, 745, 774, Aphanamixis 445,446 775 - polystachya 445,446 - echioides 742 Aphanes 93, 379, 380, 381 - serpyllifolia 61, 743 Aphelandra aurantiaca 738 Androstachydaceae 438 Apiaceae 613 Andruris 860 Apluda aristata 929 Aneilema 95, 904, 906 Apocynaceae 652,653,658,672,674 - paniculatum 33,904,905,906 Apocynales 672 Anemone 54,285,286,287,288,290 Apocynum 28 - hepatica 287 - androsaemifolium 658 - nemorosa 49 Apodanthes 323 - obtusifolia 287 Aponogeton 844, 858 - vitifolia 287, 302 - abyssinicus 844 Anemonella 287 - appendiculatus 845 Anemonopsis macrophylla 8, 285 - bernierianus 845 Anemopsis 308, 309 - boivianianus 845 Anethum 608 - bullosus 845, 845 - graveolens 608 - capuronii 845 Angelonia 731 - cordatus 845 Angolaea 14, 409 - crispus 844, 845 Angophora 569,570 - decaryi 845 - floribunda 569 - dioecus 845 Anigozanthos 875,894 - distachyos 844, 845 Anisadenia 424,426 - elongatus 845 Anisomeles indica 710 - jacobsenii 845 Anisophyllea 577 - junceus 845 Annona 12, 45, 245, 1007 - longiplumulosus 845 - squamosa 7,61,244,245,246 - loriae 845 Annonaceae 243, 273, 1007, 1008 - madagascariensis 845 1178 Plant Index - monostachyon 844 Arisaema 955, 968 - natans 845 - triphyllum 955 - quadrangularis 844 - wallichianum 54,954,955,957 - ranunculiflorus 845 Arisarum vulgare 955 - rehmanni 845 Aristolochia 316, 1007 - rigidifolius 845 - bracteata 316,317,318 - ulvaceus 844, 845 - clematitis 316 - undulatus 845 - elegans 14, 316 Aponogetonaceae 831,844,857,858, - europaeum 316 859 - fimbriata 316 Aponogetonales 845 - sipho 316 Aptandra 156, 157 Aristolochiaceae 316, 321, 1007, 1008 Aptenia 228 Aristotelia 502 - cordifolia 216, 217 - manqui 502 Apteria setacea 887 - raceskosa 502 Aquifoliaceae 482, 492 Armeria 637 Aquilegia 285,286,287,290 - bupleuroides 638 Arabidopsis thaliana 360 Arnica 819 Arabis halleri 361 Artabotrys 245,246 - hirsuta 361 - odoratissimus 246 - holboellii 361 Artemisia tridentata 819 - lyalli 85, 87, 361 Arthrochilus 997 Araceae 6,7,24, 892,950, 952, 953, Arthrocnemum 223,224 955,964,965,966,968, 1009 - indicum 222,223,224 Arachis glabrata 391 Arthrophyllum diversifolium 607 - hagenbeckii 390, 391 Artocarpus 132, 133 - hypogaea 388, 389, 390 Arum 955 Aralia cachemiria 607 - italicum 8, 10 - cordata 607 - maculatum 955 - racemosa 607 - orientale 955 Araliaceae 606, 613 Aruncus 379 Araliales 790, 791 Arundina graminifolia 993, 1002 Araujia 662 Arundinaria alpina 935, 936 Arceuthobium 189,191,192,197,200 - tecta 935 - americanum 192 Arundo 930 - campylopodum 192 Asclepiadaceae 652,660,672,674 - dougJasii 186, 192 Asclepias 662 - minutissimum 4, 186, 188, 189, 190, - curassavica 662 191, 192, 196 - syriaca 663 - pusillum 192 Ascopholis gamblei 979,981 Archichlamydeae 1011 Asimina 245,246 Arctotis fastuosa 813 Asparagales 1007, 1008 Ardisia crispa 631, 632, 633, 635 Asparagus 863,866 Areca 944, 949 Asperugo procumbens 690 - catechu 945, 946 Asperula 668,669,795 - concinna 945 - montana 668 Arechavaletaia uruguayensis 522, 523 Asphodeline 863 Argemone 41, 355, 356 Asphodelus 863,892 - mexicana 85, 356 - fistulosus 104, 869 - platiceras 357 - tenuifolius 868 Argyreia 680 Asplundia 951 Arikuryroba schizophylla 946 - nonoensis 951 Ariopsis 967 - polymera sp. reitzii 951, 952 - peltata 955 Aster 811, 815 Plant Index 1179 - capensis 819 - elongata 201, 204 - novae-angliae 819 - fungosa ssp. indica 201,203 - peregrinus 814 - globosa 201,204,206 - undulatus 819 - indica 203 Asteracantha 744, 745 - japonica 206 Asteraceae 828 - thwaitesii 201, 203 Asterales 790, 821, 825, 828 Balanophoraceae 31,200, 201,206, Astilbe 373 207,600 Astroloma conostephioides 625 Balanophorales 600 - humifusum 625, 626 Baliospermum 24,427 - pinifolius 625 - montanum 23 Astrophytum 233 Balsaminaceae 12, 24, 108, 432, 462, - myriostigma 233 475, 478, 479 Asystasia 741, 744, 745, 774 Balsarninales 479 - gigantica 743, 744 Balsamodendron 444 Atamosco 93 Bambusa 935,936 Atkinsonia 175, 178, 179, 180, 184, - arundinacea 933,935,936 196, 197 - tulda 936 - ligustrina 178 Banisteria laurifolia 449 Atriplex hymenelytra 223 Banksia ornata 154 - repens 222 - serrata 154 Atylosia barbata 390 - serratifolia 154 Aucuba japonica 439,604 Barathranthus 175, 178, 179, 184 -- var. borealis 604 - axanthus 176 Austrobaileya 277, 281 Barclaya longifolia 296, 300 - scandens 255,256,257 Barleria 744, 745, 775 Austrobaileyaceae 255, 257 - cristata 738, 744, 775 Averrhoa 418,433 - grandicalyx 738 - bilimbi 418 -p~~ili ~,n7,n8,~2,~3,744, - carambola 418 745, 774, 775 Avetra
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