sdyara-fftiminl. sanga. 1103

' a f. 'ocean- which is the Prakriti, First-producer,' or whose existence established Ganges ; river, &ewn.~Sngara-gamini, emphatically is, however, by the Yoga ' ' a kind of a river. m. son of whence branch of the : going,' Sagarcujil-suta, as, Originant,' being primordial germ Sirrkhya proper, [see yoga] the all the Tattvas are evolved outlines of the Ganges,' epithet of Bhishma. Saffaran-gama, twenty-three remaining ; vague the system before its crystallization its first is the 2nd Tattva, viz. into a distinct as. a, am, flowing to the ocean. Siitjara-dalta, production Buddhi, school of dualism are propounded in ' called from its a N. Intellect Mahat the first Book of : its as, m. Ocean-given,' proper Sayara-dliira- [sometimes being Manu more fully developed is as the source of the two other internal doctrines are fatas, dx, as, as, whose mind as firm or deep great organs contained in the Siitkhya-sutras ascribed ' or Aharrkara and which are to as the ocetn.Sdyara-nemi, is, f. ocean-encircled,' instruments, Manas, , in the Tattva-samasa, or Summary of both modifications of in order comes Ahan- tne earth. Sagara-paryauta, (is, a, am, bounded it] ; 3rd Principles, ascribed to the same author, in the 'the or sense of indi- by the sea. Sagara-jilaeana, am, n. navigat- kara, 1-making' principle San-khya-karikS [see below.], and the numerous come the five Tan-matras or subtile ing the ocean, leaping across the sea. Sigara-iite- viduality ; 4th commentaries on these works, some of which are which five the out of the enumerated below : the Buddhist kluila, as, d, am, girdled by ocean, sea-girt ; elementary particles grosser system and that

like the ocean. elements are evolved ; the of in have (5), f. the earth. Sigara-vat, iud. preceding eight principles bishop Berkeley Europe many points of on constitute the but the first of connection with Sdgardnukula (ra-an), as, d, am, situa.ed Producers, fall being the S3n-khya, but the modern phi- course in one sense also then follow, of India far the sea-coast. Sdaan'mta fra-an ), as, a, am, Productions]; losophers pay more attention to the the as from the Tan-matras, the five Sthula- and a follower of the ending at the sea. bounded by ocean, sea-girt. proceeding Nyaya VedSnta) ; SSn-khya elements called f. the bhutas or of ; a of the Xiigardmbara (Vrt-am ), 'ocean-clothed,' grosser [also Maha-bhuta], system philosophy patronymic Vedic 'ocean-dwell- viz. a. dkdsa, or ether, the Guna or of S'iva. earth. Sm/a rate/ 1 (Va-aP), ai, m. space having ; epithet Sdnkhya-kdrikd, (., of sound which is the N. of a collection of memorial verses or ing,' epithet of Varuna. Sagaredvara-tlrtha, am, property [faMa], Vishaya stanzas by " or of for the Jsvara-krishna in which a of n., N. of a Tirtha. Sdgarottha (ra-u). am > object apprehension corresponding summary the San-khya ' or the Ear b. the is produced in the sea,' sea-salt. Sdgarodydra (Va- Indriya organ, ; vdyii, air, having system given. Sdnkhya-kdrikd-bhdihya, am,

sea. Guna or of or touch , N. of a

N. of a Muni ; m. without that union no creation can take Sditkritya, as, m., (as), pi., ; doctrines in to the sou! ; to S'abda- | thing regard according or race. than can the birth of a child without N. of a family place any more k. =jiidna-yoga or brahma-vidyii.) SdnkJiya- the union of male and female this view of creation ; yoga-pravartin, i, m. epithet of Sivn.Sdnk/iyi- sanketika as, I, Ml^-frliK (fr. sanketa), am, the existence of innumerable implies eternal separate vritti-prakds'a,, as, m. sdnkhya-tattva-vildta. conventional ; indicatory, symbolical, expressed by i;s with Pra- individual souls, each soul by junction Sdnkhya-vritli-sdra, as, m., N. of a commen- or tokens or of &c. marks, consisting signs, the creation of its own signs kriti causing phenomenal tary on the San-khya-sntra by Maha-deva Sarasvatl. world, which world, however, has an existence of n. the doctrine Sfn^-faeR sankshepika, as, i, am (fr. san- Sdnkhya-^lstra, am, San-khya its own of all connection with the treatise independent par- or system of philosophy ; any upon it. kshepa), throwing together, abridging; abridged, it is ticular Purusha to which joined ; moreover, each or as, m., contracted, concise, summary, short. Sdnkkya-sdra sankhya-sdra-viueka, is invested in the first with a subtile soul place body N. of a work by Vijiiana-bhikshu. Sdnkhya- a, am or of HI j siitikhya, as, (fr. san-khya), [littga-darlra sukshma-x'arira'] composed sutra, am, N. of six books of aphorisms of the or cal- the five and the to relating to number calculation, reckoning up, Buddhi, Ahan-kSra, Tan-mStras, San-khya philosophy ascribed Kapila, (the number ra- eleven and afterwards with a culating, enumerating, deliberating, reasoning; organs, grosser body of aphorisms is said to be 26.) Sditkhya-sutr(t-

m. N. of one formed of the five elements ; the former tional, discriminative ; (as, am}, n., accompany- vivarana, am, n., N. of a commentary on the Tat- Hindu the soul all its while the of the three great divisions of philosophy, ing through transmigrations, tva-samasa. Sdnkhydrtha-tattta-pradipikdfya-

and so called as I latter ; this also teaches that Prakriti a brief (ascribed to the sage Kapila, q. v., perishes system ar), f., N. of exposition of the San-khya

Tat- I its be as made of reckoning up' or 'enumerating' twenty-five and products may regarded up system by Bhatta-kesava. Sdrtkhydrtha-saitkhyd- its to effect the three in a state of viz. tvas or true principles, object being ingredients equipoise, Sattva, yika f'ya-ar'') sdnkhya-tattva^vildsa. Sdn- Tattva and and final liberation of the twenty-fifth [Purusha, Rajas, Tamas, Goodness, Passion, Darkness, khyalankdra (ya-al'), as, m. = sdnkhya-krama- of the crea- called but rather substances than the Soul] from the fetters phenomenal commonly Gunas, diip(k&, ' tion the correct of the and more correctly translated fetters,' be- by conveying knowledge qualities, tffijtkhydifana, as, m. (probably for ddnkhyd' other Tattvas, and rightly discriminating cause they are like a triple-stranded rope [see of a of the author of certain twenty-four yana), N. Muni ; Sfin- the Soul from them these which binds and confines the soul ; the ; twenty-four principles guna\ Grihya-sutras, &c. Sdnkhydyana-satra, am, n. are divided into Prakritis or Producers and six- with the in eight khya system agrees being the Sutras of San-khyayana. so the teen Vikaras or Productions; the eight Producers synthetical, and differing from Analytical Producer its of from the as, d or I, am, start from a Mula-prakriti or original Nyaya ; great point divergence sanga (sa-an), having ' called chief Vedanta is in two which the members or subdivisions; sub- [variously Pradhana, one ;' A-vyakta, maintaining principles comprising every ' Vedanta ; it is said to be ordinate in finished ; to- unevolved ;' Brahman, 'supreme;' Maya, 'power denies, [see vedanta] part, complete every part, all of a with the of the of illusion;' Bahu-dhanaka, 'much-containing'], atheistical as ignoring notice Supreme Soul, gether An-gas Veda, (see veddnga.)