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11-12-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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Cloudy Friday V^_£L^_«>y-T____.

TWENTY PAClt Nuclear Sub Visits Japan Police Break Up Leftist Sitdown Strong Guard Maintained at U.S. Navy Base SASEBO, Japan CAP) — Crewmen from the U.S. nuclear COVERED . . . This woman found the snow just too Some area residents termed the snow a_ one of the -worst. submarine Sea Dragon went much as she starts digging out her car that was "buried" (AP Photofax) sightseeing unmolested in Sase- during a show storm near Tahoe, Calif., on U. S. Highway 50. bo today shortly after Japanese riot police broke up a leftist sit- down protest that fell far short of its organizers' estimates. Tbe only violence was a grap- LBJ Meets pling match between some 200 t in Mid west leftist students and police who Drough dispersed the sitdown attempt, No incidents involving Ameri- President cans were reported. Police maintained a strong guard at the U.S. Navy base in Eastern States Bad Of Mexico the southern Japanese port. CHICAGO (AP) — Damages by Weather Bureau officials as fires in bone-dry forest and tim- They were uncertain whether JOHNSON CITY, Tex (AP ) the demonstrators had with- mounted in many segments of tbe worst in history in parts of berlands. the East and Midwest, has dealt Most oi the Far West was out — President Johnson and the drawn to regroup or had aban- the nation's economy today as a crippling blows to farmers and of the dry belt. Heavy snow and president- elect of Mexico, Gus- doned their protest Because they long spell of unseasonably dairymen. rain pelted areas in the region tavo Diaz Ordaz, meet informal- failed to draw the 10,000 to 15,- ¦ warm, dry weather showed no earlier this week and today a ly here today. 000 persons their leaders had m<'>>.s-™mamL-am 'mmmmmmmaim* *m,. KYW. -* ¦<,.fr,,»^mKn^"'"^simiu»m»wi/ 'tv.m 'w 'mmm ami ^mmm ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm imim m signs of a general, immediate Heavy, soaking rains are The 53-year-old Diaz Ordaz. predicted. new Pacific storm moved inland JAP STUDENTS PROTEST ... Helmeted Japan. The nuclear-powered Sea Dragon was break across wide areas from needed desperately to bring re- and his wife were flying direct Tbe Sea Dragon, through Oregon, setting off first nuclear- police try to remove Japanese coeds who scheduled to dock at tbe U. S. naval base to, the Rockies to New England. lief to thousands of farmers and more snow in the western from Mexico City to Johnson's powered warship to visit the joined sitdown demonstration in front of Par- Sasebo, Japan, later today for a three-day The severe drought, termed to halt the mounting outbreak of mountains and spreading ranch near here for a day and a only nation ever atom-bombed rain , (AP along tlie Pacific Coast. half of get-acquainted talks. arrived this morning for a liament building in Tokyo to protest the first recreational visit. Photofax Via radio The snow was expected to An elaborate barbecue spread three-day recreational visit. The port call by a U. S. nuclear submarine to from Tokyo.) move into mountain areas cf awaited them. The President Japanese government admitted Utah, eastern Nevada and and Mrs. Johnson wanted to get the sub only after extensive Science Tries southern Idaho. Snow also fell the hands-across-the-border ses- tests to make certain that it in mountain sections of Colorado sions started in a relaxed, brought no danger of radioac- and New Mexico but no heavy friendly atmosphere. tive contamination. rains were reported, in Colorado The visit brought strong reac- Democrats Battle tor Earlier this year, Johnson To Bring Rain tion from opponents of the con- where the state's lldO-pjillian met twice with Mexican Presi- FITCHBURG, Mass. (AP) — city in the past 48 hours. whiter wheat crop is threateneddent Adolfo Lopez Mateos — servative government Public Back when the country was Dr. Wallace E. Howell, head by the lack of rainfall. once in California for two days demonstrations, however, have younger, Pueblo Indians did a of W. E. Howell Associates of There was a chance of rain in and again in September when been minor compared to those New Posts in Senate that masked dance to bring rain. Lexington, which has been hired central sections of the nation — the El Cbamiral area at El Paso swept the country when the WASHINGTON (AP) — Al- assistant leader to succeed Sen. with being President Johnson's government concluded the U.S.- Hopi Indians snake-danced for by Fitchburg-area industrialists one of the hard-bit regions — was returned to Mexico. ready involved in a sectional Hubert H. Humphrey of Minne- favorite for tbe job, appears with showers indicated from Japan security treaty in 1960. rain. Tribal medicine men trot- to make rain over the parched Officials stressed that this scrap over one of their leader- sota when he quits the Senate to likely to get the support of East* ted out their strongest magic for area, had tout silver iodide gen- northeast Texas to the. great latest meeting would be unoffi- As the Sea Dragon moved to become vice president. era and New England members its mooring buoy, , Democrats appear to the same end. erators in operation Wednesday. Lakes. Thunderstorms rumbled cial and informal because Diaz about 2,000 ship jobs who lean toward liberalism. be heading toward a free-for-all A contest among Sens. John Now rainmakingis being tried He said, however, he wasn't across southeast Kansas. A one Ordaz will not be sworn in until demonstrators marched to the U.S. Navy base in a cold drizzle scramble for prestige posts in O. Pastore of Rhode Island, again, this time in Massachu- sure jt would not have rained to three-inch blanket of snow Dec. 1. Long's basic backing ft covered areas in northern and and milled around in front of its the new Senate. Russell B. Long of Louisiana among conservative Southern* setts. No snake dancing is in- without bis efforts. Handshakes and embrazos — volved or magic — just science. central Maine, another area gates. They pulled back at noon What committee assignments and Mike Monroney of Oklaho- ens. He claims to have pledges embracing a welcome guest — ' But, as the Indian rain doctors Howell nses a propane fnel badly in need of moisture. for lunch, then came back for to give Sen.-elect Robert F. ma for Humphrey s old job in one form or another from 39 tank with a small generator. By An Associated Press survey take the place of cannon salutes an afternoon sitdown demon- Kennedy of New York and other seems to be shaping up into a colleagues. There will be either found out, tbe results are uncer- and honor guards. Afterwards tain, and even if rain falls, no burning a piece of twine im- showed some of the major ef- stration. newcomers may prove more sectional battle. 67 or 68 Democrats, depending pregnated with silver iodide, the fects of tbe dry conditions; there may be a joint statement About 200 members of the ul- perplexing than the choice of an Pastore, generally credited on the outcome of a recheck in one can be sure the rainmaking but no formal communique. caused it. machinery produces a volume Damages to winter wheat tra-left Zengakuren Students Nevada. But Long's bid has of colorless smoke which rises crops mounted into the millions Government officials specu- Association charged when police been damaged by his state's Despite the continued efforts into the natural clouds. Tbere of dollars, with some farmers lated the sessions would include began forcibly hauling them off Republican majority in the of a professional rainmaker, the iodide crystals serve as threatened with complete de- important general discussions of the four-lane street leading to presidential contest and hia own only .07 of an inch of drizzly seeds on which snowflakes form struction of their crop. international, Latin-American the big American base. Many of opposition to civil rights legisla- rain has fallen on this drought- and produce rain when they Hundreds of fires have burned and bilateral problems. the students wore crash hel- Reds Fire on tion. stricken highly industrialized reach lower levels. mets, and injuries apparently thousands of acres of tinder-dry Today's schedule called for Monroney is claiming strong But Howell said mile-deep timber lands and forest areas in were limited to bloody noses, the President and Mrs. Johnson bruises and scratches. support from Midwestern and clouds are needed for moisture many parts of the Midwest and Western Democrats who gener- enough to make a worth-while to meet the Diaz Ordaz plane at The major part of the demon- East. Some forest lands have the ranch airstrip. Some 250 Rescue Units ally class themselves ss middle amount of rain, and there ha- strators — mostly Socialists and been closed to the public. Hunt- guests will be on hand. SAIGON South Viet Nam thousands caught in cen- of the road in their views. $2 Billion ven't been clouds of that density ers have been barred from leftist labor unionists — (AP) — Communist antiaircraft tral Viet Nam's major flood dis- in the past few days. some wooded regions. watched the student-police fire and constantly pounding aster. This contest may go down te struggle but did not join in. Aft- WEATHER rain hampered efforts today to More than 1 000 personshave the wire as a three-man race to er police had cleared out the , been reported drowned in flood be settled by a CAUCUS vote ear- FEDERAL FORECAST students the others left volun- Cut in Excise , waters that have surged ly in January. WINONA AND VICINITY - tarily. through 10 provinces, But what to do about posts Partly cloudy and cooler to- Navy men, including some Girls Hope to Many were caught in flood Humphrey is leaving on the in- night with low of 30-35. Friday crewmen from the Sea Dragon, Red China fluential Foreign Relations and Taxes Planned mostly cloudy with little tem- began leaving the base soon aft- waters that burst out of the perature change and high of 48- mountains in Guang Tin Prov- Appropriations committees may JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) er for routine shore leaves. 55. ince. provide a giant-size headache — President Johnson has The commander of the Sea Marry by LOCAL WEATHER for the Democratic steering decided to recommend a 1965 23 Dragon, Capt. Douglas B. Guthe Other deaths were reported In Official observations for the Calls Signals committee. It is headed by excise tax cut that may ap- By PEGGY SIMPSON prompt, neat , Intelligent, sin- of Pawling, N.Y., told newsmen coastal Binh Dinh Province. , 24 hours ending at 12 m. to- Democratic Leader Mike Mans- proach $2 billion lt would DALLAS, Tex. (AP) - To- cere, good looking, his crew was aware of the de- The U.S. commander in Viet a safe driver, day : monstrations "but we see no field of Montana. stretch the spending money of day's teen-age girls love pat- have high morals , Nam, Gen. William C. West- and a good Maximum, 71; minimum, 59; reason why they should be almost every citizen in the land. terned stockings, inside-out In Moscow moreland, dispatched a team of reputation — and be fun, to noon, 50; precipitation, .02. bothered by a small minority." Secretary of the Treasury sweat shirts and tiny heels, men boot. By WILLIAM L. RYAN . logistic and medical experts to Douglas Dillon, an overnight with humor i\pd consideration, AP Special Correspondent the central region today. LBJ Ranch near Dr. Mayo Making guest at the and a career until they marry Red China's team in Moscow West of Saigon, Communist late Wednesday here, reported at age 23. seems to have the new Soviet guerrillas ambushed a govern- had just agreed to that J ohnson An Associated Press survey of regime over a barrel in the ment infantry column on its , first of all, to a basic decision the 52 Miss Teen-Age America struggle over what direction way to a hamlet under attack , $550 million of excise Good Recovery abolish all candidates here for the fourth world communism will take. killing 26 of the government to the retail price (AP) taxes added pageant also found that all but Premier Chou En-la! and his troops and wounding 33. No WASHINGTON — Dr. of cosmetics and toilet goods, eight work for charity causes or delegation forced a concession Americans were reported wilh Charles W. Mayo, retired sur- furs, luggage and pock- jewelry, hold down part-time jobs. from the Kremlin in return for the government unit. geon at the Mayo Clinic in etbooks. extending the current chilly Rochester, Minn., is expected to They go to the extremes in be able to leave Georgetown boost truce in the dispute. From its These war-born taxes clothes; but simplicity is the Hospital soon. He was taken purchase prices by 10 per cent. strong bargaining position , Red Hunter Dies of byword whether it is a sporty A- China appears to have forced there Saturday when he suf- Dillon told a news In addition, line dress, Madras shift, or the Kremlin to back away from fered an ulcer attack while on a conference, Johnson will ask dressy crepe in the high-waisted Heart Attack flight from Minneapolis to Pitts- January to repeal its plans for a December meet- Congress in style made popular by the mov- ing of international Communist (AP) burgh. or reduce still other excise tax- PROCTOR , Minn. - ie "Tom Jones." leaders to prepare for a world , Dr. Mayo was recovering es that would add "a good bit Adolph Stolen, 70, Proctor died The current fad in Washing- meeting, nicely but tired Wednesday more" to the total size of the of a heart attack while hunting ton, D.C, is "cut-off jeans and from talking over the telephone. proposed tax cut. Instead, there are to be So- with a party four miles west of sweat shirts worn inside out here late Wednesday. He had so maximum pos- " viet-Chinese talks in Peking many calls as s re* Dillon said the with the sleeves cut off , says suit of a newa story reporting would be $4 bil- Ellen Rein. Other fads are early next year. But in the long Stolen had beon left on a sible tax saving his hospitalization that doc- he emphasized that run, this concession means lit- stand while the others made a lion. And boots, knee socks and shoulder tors ultimately recommended such a figure was sure to prove bags . tle. drive. He was found dead when that effort had been completed. against any more calls. And too high, In cast parents hadn't no- The talks this week accom- plished little beyond temporari- they said Mayo agreed. point , he spoke of ticed, much of today 's primping At another halting the barrage and coun- on 65 to 70 differ- is over the flip hairdo, worn by ly "He's been plagued wllh possible action terbarrage of vindication which levies thnt net Uncle 35 of the girls. Make-up now Pope Calls for 'phone calls,"' one of his doc- ent excise flew between Moscow and Pek- $2 billion a year. Includes mascara and eyeliner tors said. "It's too tiresome for Sam nearly ing in Nikita Khrushchev's as standard equipment along Aid to Needy him." Otherwise , the doctor re- experts hclifvcd the to- with powder, eyebrow pencil time. This cease-fire now may Most VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pone ported, "his condition is quite tal tax Cut to be recommended and pale lipsticks. last Into 1965, or at least keep satisfactory. and this decision the battle In a minor key. Paul VI has called on all Chris- by Johnson — A Minneapolis newspaper got In the air - would Only four i' ' ¦) * 'rwimMw*mmmmmmmwmmmmmmjmmmMmj mmmaamw - - ¦ leadership under Leonid I. Bre- fering of the poor. amount to jm order went on en phone calls. |1 blLUon and $2 billion. to. Neither do they aspire to be zhnev as Communist party first The Pope spoke Wednesday to teen-age brides. M18S TEENAGfe WINNERS ... Trophies manihip; Paula Rlnearson, 17, Miss Teenage Kosygin pilgrims - from many nations. The paper quoted him as say- Dillon said a final presidential secretary and Alexei N. ' for a were presented to these three happy Miss San Antonio, Personality, and Kathleen Ross, His words reflected a concern ing he'd probably be shocked decision would be delayed pend- They re looking dream as premier seems to have failed who first Teenage America contestants in Dallas Wed- 17, Miss Teenage Pittsburgh, Congeniality . for the poverty-stricken that has when he gets his bill — "I H last-minute reading of the of a husband of all has in an important respect to meet wis ing nesday. They are , from left, Arden Weatbrook, The W85 Miss Teenage America will be marked his preparations for a economic outlook and possible a sense of humor. He also must the Chinese price for anything the last time I was In the hospi- Inflationary influences. be understanding, respectful , 16, Mfsa Teenage Fort Worth, awarded Sports- crowned Friday night. (AP Photofax) approaching a real peace. coming visit to India, tal." Beirne, are: Kenneth Truix , $590.46; Ettrick Indus- are regularly employed at the , terest president; Wayne Erickson Man Hunting tries, Inc.; stockholderi Inter- factory, of whom IS are women- , , 13,865.61, and Mrs. Wayne Trusx Is office sec- vice president; Robert Ofsdahl, Ettrick Industry est on certificates secretary, and Bennett Onsrud State Called bookkeeping expenses, $3. retary. Metal giftware is manu- , Fox Is Killed chafing dish- A. M. Hogden and Bonnie Erick- DEAR ABBY: Balance Oct. 31 was $9,067.70. factured, including MADISON, S.D. (AP) - Mar- es, trays, casseroles and other son, rural Osseo. vin Johnke, 25, rural Winfred, Unit Rentals Checks were issued in pay- home accessories. Ettrick industries this year stock Bright Spot was accidentally shot to death ment of all interest due In The company has a five-year expanded the original building 1964. late Wednesday while fox hunt- up to Dec. 31, contract with Ettrick Industries. erected in 1961, with a structure of the the same I'M fes the original, This Story ing in southwestern Lake Coun- Total $6,775 JAMES P. Knndson Is Etco Officers and directors ty, officers reported. corporation re-elected besides 200 by 80 feet. ETTRICK (Special) operating manager. About 30 For GOP Officers said he was hit in tbe , Wis. — By ADOLPH JOHNSON neck by two .22 caliber rifle bul- A report on the financial status Associated Press Writer lets fired by a companion, Mer- of Ettrick Industries,. Inc., and Is All Wrong lyan Van Rosendale, about 30. Etco, the factory ©coupyjng the Republican Robert Forsythe, of rural Salem. Johnke was building constructed by! the cor- By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN state chairman, has surveyed dead on arrival at a Madison poration, was given at the fifth DEAR ABBY: My only brother died in California a few election results in Minnesota and hospital. years ago and was cremated. When I visited his widow this other states and has concluded ¦ annual meeting Of stockholders OMETIME summer, I asked to be taken to the place where my brother's that Minnesota is "one of the Monday night at Ettrick Com- ADILLAC ¦¦ ashes were kept. She opened the door of a closet which was bright spots on the national GOP Paul Muni Suffers munity Hall. ', ' >*>;• "" crowded with junk, old luggage and boxes jammed in every horizon. " ( ? Treasurer Smith- Beirne S , re- which way. Finally she unearthed a shoe box and said, "Here And he's confident the party Bad Heart Condition ported receipts of $85,716.08. it is." I was speechless. I didn't even open the box, but will come back strong in Min- SANTA BARBARA , Calif This included $6,775 rental handed it back to her. I was shocked that my beloved nesota in 1965. (AP) - Paul Muni, 67, retired from brother's ashes were kept in such a place. I cut my visit In the face of the landslide for actor who won an Oscar in 1936, Etco, plus loans and sale of mind ever since and I don't OT short, but it's been on my the Johnson - Humphrey team HY stock certificates. Now? is under treatment in a hospital know what to do about it. My sister-in-law goes to church and for Sen. Eugene McCarthy , W N for what is called a serious regularly and says grace before meals. Please put my mind ' DISBURSEMENTS Included : the state s four Republican con- heart condition. at ease with some advice. Am I overly sentimental? gressmen held their seats and Insurance, $177,10; real estate BEWILDERED Attendants said Wednesday he conservatives retained control of entered the hospital Oct. 30, suf- taxes, $1,272.73 ; construction No. Apart from your sister- the Minnesota House of Repre- cost of old building, $1,803.42; 1964 DEAR BEWILDERED: fering also from pneumonia sentatives. In some states Re- , but in-law's appalling lack of respect for her husband's re- this was cleared up. construction cost of new build- ' Each state has publicans suffered a total loss. mains, something else is cockeyed here. ing, $33,536.51; Ettrick State governing cremation and the disposition of its own laws Analyzing the situation. For- Bank, principal EALER S ERSONAL AR OR ashes. And under the California Health VIP (victory information pro- payments on P C F sythe cites the caliber of the con- D ) ' and Safety Code, the ashes are not giv- gram and the neighbor-to- loan, $26,768.78, and interest. gressmen, their records and neighbor fund drives. This year, $994.90 ; Jackson County Fed- en out. They are either placed in an urn their reputations for stability as Forsythe said, some 50,000 work- eral Savings and Loan, payment and kept in a bona fide cemetery, put the first reason for their re-elec- MMEDIATE ELIVERY in a mausoleum-type building, or buried ers participated in the VIP on original loan, $11, 190.74 ; I D tion. in the earth (like a casket ) with a mark- surveys and the fund Merchants National Bank, prin- Turning to the state House of drive, and that more than 60,000 cipal on new loan , $154,76, and ed grave. Ask your sister-in-law how Representatives, he points to WINONA 's ashes are in a shoe persons contributed funds. interest , $225; Jackson County C. PAUL VENABLES, INC. come your brother Project Update, undertaken im- box in her closet? Federal Savings and Loan, in- mediately after the 1963 session Forsythe refuses to talk can- didates at this stage, but there DEAR ABBY: My second wife and I to tell the story of the session have been married for 15 years. My first and the part played by conserv- can be little doubt that there will strife died. I had elcrht children bv mv first atives. be large fields for Republican wife and none by my second. When my chil- ABBY Parenthetically, Gov. Karl nominations both for senator dren introduce me to any of their friends, they say, "This Rolvaag believes the shoe would and governor. is my fitter ... and this is Mary." Mary has gone all out be on the other foot if members There is a feeling that Gov. to be a good mother to my children and she has been a of the legislature were elected Rolvaag's appointee to the Sen- wonderful wife to me. All the children are married and have with party labels. ate, whoever he may be, will be children of their own, so they could call us "Grandpa and He commented after the elec- considerably less formidable Grandma." Or they could refer to , Mary as their step- tion that Democratic - Farmer • than Hubert Humphrey, who CUM5TMAS SHO mother, or even "Mrs. So and So." What procedure should Laborites would surely have managed to achieve an aura of P;^. I use to get my children to refer to my wife in a more re- benefited from the landslide and near-invincibility. spectful manner? GRANDPA would have elected a majority Incidentally, Humphrey who Choose the Greatest in Home Entertainment... of members of the House if can- DEAR GRANDPA: Why not call your children to- defeated an appointee to become didates had been on party senator, will be replaced by an gether and ask that they refer to your wife in a manner tickets. more pleasing to you? I vote for "Grandma" for the appointed man. Humphrey went children and see nothing wrong with "Mary" the rest of Forsythe adds that the defeat- to the Senate in 1943 after de- the time. ed candidates — Wheelock Whit- feating Joseph H. Ball. Ball was ney for the Senate and P. K. appointed in 1940 by Gov. Har- DEAR ABBY: That Tampa funeral director who said the Peterson for Railroad old Stassen after the death of one who cries the loudest at a funeral is usually the one who and Ware- house Commissioner — and the Ernest Lundeen. Ball was elect- did tbe least for the deceased during his lifetime doesn't know ed once after completing Lun- RCA ICTOR candidates for Congress, Robert what he's talking about. My husband was killed in an auto- Odegard, John Johnson and Da- deen's unexpired term. V mobile accident in July, and I don't know who cried louder, his mother or me, but everybody at the funeral will tell you vid Glossbrenner, played an im- A wag has offered a possible it was close. He was the pride and joy of his mother's portant part in keeping to what solution to Gov. Rolvaag's ap- heart, and there was nothing in this world I wouldn't have he called a middle course. 8ointment problem. He thinks ftopUOv done for him. I don't remember what I wore to the funeral , "Basic to all this," Forsythe lolvaag should go to the COLOR TV *^ but ray sister-in-law told me later that I had worn my heavy said, "is the five years of some- Senate himself , for a year or so, ^H^w ^liJ ^l times tedious effort to build the rTeWWon winter coat (in July)! And I couldn't tell you who rode where and then be named ambassador * in the funeral procession. All I can remember seeing was kind of organization and party to Norway. Lt. Gov. A. M. Keith, A / . Glare-proof RCA High Fidelity Color Tube -- |lS |H - .- foundations that just didn't " ¦ H H i l \ / the hearse ahead of me. Gee, that Tampa man's letter burned who would have become gover- " . Improved25,000-volt(factoryadjusted) chassis ^^"^wAWhit. " me up. WIDOW FROM NEW MEXICO allow us to collapse. nor, could then name Atty. Gen. y\ HBB R J H^H /\ "I am confident that we can Walter Mondale to the Senate. CONFIDENTIAL TO D. H. K. IN SCOTTSDALE: If keep on the main track , avoid you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep. This would make everyone intra-party squabbles and come happy — except such other as- .Two extended-range 6" x 4* duo-cone speakers Troubled? Write to ABBY, Box 69700, Los Angeles, Calif. back strong in 1966." pirants as Congressman John V^^^|f^^^*HiHBB3H ^ For a personal reply, enclose a stamped, self-addressed en- As important parts of the Blatnik and Secretary of Agri- velope. organization effort, he cites the culture Orville Freeman. COLOR can be , yours ___t____J__| If ^ * ^& I

GOLD CHIP Tht MARK Tha LAIOUFAJB I VUP _. __ ^^B XI ir_ui--l ^ iV e.rf.r ¦ .^ar ¦& ws- faiu. ray ««« .* 1 RCA VICTOR Mw lfsta RCA VICTOR Mw Hsta V„^ SAVERS 5?imh F,DEUTY^^ STEREOt HIGH FIDELITY STEREO HIGH FIDELITY STEREO Breathtaking Dynamic . -speaker ' • Speaker sound • sound-two «mSSSmfi&m Pedu^ -two 10" Diaphonic due-cone 12" Diaphonic duo-con. speak- eona^__aak.« aanSl «i* 3V& speakers ers 31_ n K , four 3V2 " tweeters . four " twesters • Dual 3 '^"gJJ ch ° Jf Ar^*f. The Issuance of Gold Chips By Participating Merchants • Dual Channel Amplifier with Channel Amplifier with 20 watts fiaMffth 24 wattiTaxWit 20 watts maximum music power maximum music power (8 watts m,JS *c nower fi I watte Fia itanrf. ' (8 E1A standard) watts EIA standard) - Four- • Four-speed Sr .Tustom l^be F£AM speed Studiomatic Studiomatic changer " Has Been Discontinued. changer with*¦ with Feath- 2L tnclud_s% Stereo . torn. K^a^M- • ^asa^SB * SISTS 'B? $214.95 $259.95 $325.99

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Full Chests Should Be Redeemed At Winona National JSBB _%l ¦ ll M*M *°pl« Ow!» I ¦ > 1 All-Channel ¦ ^0™ ¦ & Savings Bank. Partial Chests Should Be Redeemed ^ J H I At Dorn's IGA or R. D. Cone Co. Prior to December 23, I I IV lE____ 5r—¦ ~-si«_--JI , 1964. ¦ IP^r ^^^ r """^jl rt-i i l RCA VICTOR Mw i&hi TV I With Rollabout I In i I TTTI • All-channel VHF and UHF tun* I Ci. J I II / / / I / I fll Ing . Powirtul New Vlitai Tuners I *MdnCl III// / I /III , • lmproved-3 50O-voHcha*als(de- I ll/llffI-*-**¦ GOLD sifln average) • New RCA tinted I _e» _e _¦¦ __w _». I // I I f I I Iffl nT I CHIPS WILL HAVE NO Pan-O-Ply picture tubs Big I* I VALUE - _K]__1Q Q'5 t I I I I I I M__ T x 4" duo-cone speaker • One-set I «Pel-"W*ws«y*# I L_, If j I I " ~ VHF fine tuning . Llghtad channel ¦ .Li ' 1^^ AFTER 6 P.M., DECEMBER 23rd ffll I I n *"*T~ fl I wx ® THI COLD CHIP COMPANY WISHES TO THANK PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS AND GOLD CHIP- ***** * —iT¦ j r ¦¦¦¦ ______IHa*. IH. -II.IMI. v y SAVERS FOR THEIR LOYALTY. UJ * . . ^ Wa hava a complati Una af RCA Trimlilor Radios, Portable Staraoi and R0A Tabla Radios. The Gold Chipt, , Co. NELSON Fourth m Johnson TIRE „ SERVICE-M- Phone 2306 1 —: — J Happy Days Cooler After Foley Warns CLU Urges Teacher Played for Seek Auto Record High Of Threat - Wage Issue Review Sporadic showers, heavy in registered on Nov. 1, 1988 and Stolen From Humphrey some areas, moved across Wi- Nov. 6, 1915. Lowest reading To Ideals A recommendation that the with the recommendations of discussion procedures and had By HARRY KELLY nona and vicinity Wednesday ever marked up in Winona in WABASHA, Minn. (Special) Winona Board of Education re- the three-man adjustment pan- recommended upward adjust- night and today and tempera- November was ^21 on Nov. 29, open its discussion of adjust- el, appointed after the board ments in the current year's sal- WASHINGTON (AP) - Hu- —"The threat to freedom in the representatives ary bert H, tures moved lower. From a 18?5. ment panel recommendations and teacher schedule. Humphrey bounded world today shall not prevail," agree on sal- Gar Lol down the morning low of 68 the tempera- was adopted unanimously by were unable to steps of his campaign Dan Foley, past national com- ary schedules and other mat- THE SCHOOL BOARD Mon- A 1964 Impala, 2-door hardtop plane in ture dropped to 50 at noon. PARTLY CLOUDY and a Utile the Winona Central Labor Union Southern Illinois not cooler is tbe forecast for tonight mander of the American Legion, Wednesday night. ters for the current school year. day night placed the panel's was stolen from the Quality many weeks ago and received a The official temperature rose when tbe temperature is expect- told the Veterans Day audience The CLU's resolution indicat- The panel had urged revi- report on file, provided that the Chevrolet Co, lot, 105 Johnson welcoming serenade of that old to 71 Wednesday afternoon , a ed to dip to between 30-35, The that packed St. Felix Auditori- ed the labor group's agreement sion oi teacher-school board plan proposed be used during St., after 6 p.m. Tuesday, it Democratic battle song. "Happy record breaker for Nov. 11. The high for Friday may be 48-55. um Wednesday doming. discussions held prior to estab- was reported today. Days Are Here Again." previous high for the day was Cooler and a few showers is Held here for botb--St.Felix lishment of tbe 1965-66 salary The silver and blue car is He'd heard It countless times. 68 on Nov. 11, 1930. The Wed- the outlook for Saturday. and the public schools plus Young Missionary schedule and stipulated that the equipped with a V-8 engine and But on this day it was played nesday reading came near the Rainfall at the weather sta- townsmen, Foley was given a Winona Youths panel's salary recommendations bears license plates 1W • 8487. with a rock 'n * roll beat, all-time high for the month, 75 tion at the Winona Daily News standing ovation on his arrival. be considered then. Its value was not given by the It was At Wesley House The board, however , decided . jarringly symbolic of building was only .03, although Both the late President Ken- company) which reported the how the — against the panel's recom- old meshes with the much more fell in Goodview. nedy and now President John- theft Wednesday, but such a car new in today's campaigning. Main showers were at 8 p.m. Get Christmas Today and Friday mendation — not to make any is in the $3,000 price range Tbe son would exhaust every ave- adjustments in teacher salaries horse-and-buggy politicking Arcadian Ends Wednesday and 7 a.m. today. Mary Longstreth, a short- Montgomery Ward 4 Co., 10s of torchlight nde to preserve freedom, he for the current school year. rallies ind street* said, and this is in accordance term missionary, is on campus E. 3rd St., Wednesday report- corner harangues Sales Training The CLU's resolution noted are now with the Legion's efforts. at Winona State College today that Minnesota statutes do not ed the theft of a transistor Elayed out to a faster ' , more ex- 44-Year Career Rainbow in West Winona teen-agers are cur- and Friday visiting with stu- permit public employes, such as radio off a counter. acting rhythm set by jet "AMERICAN principles are rently being trained for work in dents and holding discussions This morning's shower teachers, to strike, thus making Officials believed the radio planes and modern communica- in dire peril today," he said: stores during the upcoming in tha WPS IPV tions. was unusual for the balmy collective bargaining "the only was stolen between 4 and 4:40 In Business Speaking of the international Christmas rush, the city's busi- H O U 8 e, 362 recourse for public employes p.m. Wednesday. It was de- weather — for this time of communist conspiracy, he con- Despite (Special) nessmen have been informed. Johnson St., in who feel they are being treated scribed as a combination-car the swifter pace the ARCADIA. Wis. - year — in which it fell and tinued, "There is a time for years as About 35 teen-agers are In- the afternoons. unfairly by their employers." radio, worth about $45. The in- presidential campaigns appear A career of over 44 for the effects it produced. treading lightly and for dealing to grow one of Arcadia's businessmen volved in the program, which is M i ss Long- strument is in a blue case, with no shorter. Sortie argue Observers reported seeing with a heavy hand, but there is streth graduat- THE RESOLUTION pointed they are longer than ever. came to a close for Grant Pahl a rainbow in the western being conducted by the distribu- a row of station-selector push- when he relinquished his posi- no time to gamble with the se- tive education department Of ed from Ne- , out that the adjustment panel's buttons and a switch to adapt If one consensus has emerged skies after the rain. Rain- recommendations were made tion as manager of the Central curity of this nation or the fu- Winona Area Vocational-Techni- braska Wesley- it for use on a or a 12-volt from this political season it is bows are usually seen in unanimously, but that the school 6- Yard Co. ture for ourselves and our cal School. an University system. that presidential campaigns are other parts of the sky, they children. in 1962. She has board had "chosen to ignore the too long. Too long for Taking his place is Paul Hal- • Training given the students Both thefts are under investi- the candi- say, but seldom does one "We cannot live in the just completed major recommendations of the dates, too long for the verson, but Mr. Pahl will con- past . covers different phases of a gation by city police. people. appear in the west. We can use the experiences of her short-term arbitration committees." On Election Day, Sen. Barry tinue in an advisory capacity sales situation, learning to make A member of the Weather the past in building today and mission work Reopening of the discussion Goldwater looked back until Jan. 1. change correctly and to operate on Bureau staff at La Crosse tomorrow." in Arizona Longstreth at the next school board meet- months of speeches and thou- Pahl is Central Yard's oldest a cash register, gift wrapping ing was urged in the CLU re- and said this morning that it where she was youth program Support Case sands of miles of travel and employe in point of service There is no place on earth and "anything else. . .that will solution. retires with a record that leads ish't that rainbows don't worker at the Wesley Commu- decided that U.S. election cam- develop in the west ; it's where American fighting men make them better employes." nity . Lawrence Santelman, school all Central yards in net on sales are in greater danger today Sentence Set, paigns are so lon*, they are just that they 're not seen The training was outlined in Friday afternoon Miss Janne board president , said this morn- for more years than any other. than in the rotting jungles of silly. As for the candidate's lot there often because of cloud a bulletin sent to Winona Cham- Audrey Power, ing he had not yet been in- Grant was driving truck for South Viet Nam he said. He Minnesota Meth- Then Suspended of having to utter the same and other conditions. , ber of Commerce members by odist student movement formed of the CLU's resolution, the Massuere Co. lumber yard talked of Korea, Guantanamo state speeches day after day , he said, Ronald Kuhn, distributive edu- director, will be at the Wesley and thus could not comment on Duane M. Savoy, 24, Altura, "That can drive you nuts." in the same location when it Bay, and the "monstrous wall" it. The matter would have to was purchased by Central Yard cation coordinator. House. Minn., changed bis plea to There is usually grumbling of of West Berlin, "the doorstep be considered by the board, he Co. of Stillwater, Minn., June Heaviest shower in the state The program will be complet- guilty of non-support today in one sort or another from the to the iron curtain. said. 15, 1920. He continued to work was at International Falls ed Nov. 25, Kuhn said. Names municipal court and received loser. This time there was some He paid tribute to the coun- for Central until 1924, when he where the moisture amounted and addresses of participating a suspended sentence from grumbling from the winning try's soldiers from Bunker Hill was named manager of the to .19 of an inch. In tempera- students will be sent to busi- Earmark Funds Judge John D. McGill. team, too. company's newly purchased tures, the Falls also was low to the banks of the Yalu River. Lake City Youth Hit "I'd like to support them (his "Our best insurance is to build nessmen then. Humphrey, who actually en- yard at Trempealeau. He re- with a reading of 37. , By Bullet From three children, aged 1 to 3), but mained there until Jan. 1937, Snow was falling at two'Cana- a military force so strong that I don't know bow much to pay," joys stumping, started out with dian points, Calgary and Ed- only a fool would dare attack ," For Road Work 'Unloaded' Rifle the joy of a porpoise taking to when he returned to Arcadia Savoy told Judge McGill after to take over the duties of the monton, today, with low tem- he said. plea. Tho the sea. But a couple LAKE CITY, Minn. - A Lake entering his guilty of weeks late Sam Slaughter , who was peratures of 23 and 25 respec- Hunting Mishap before the end he was admitting "BUT BUILDING military In Buffalo City youth was hospitalized children are in the care of the transferred to New Richmond. tively. Co. Monday as the result of an "un- county welfare department. Sa- that the journey was too long. Rochester had a morning low forces alone is not sufficient to ) "I' ALMA, Wis. (Special — Tbe loaded" rifle that discharged. voy and his wife are separated. m coming up with gravel THE ARCADIA yard was the of S3 after a Wednesday high sustain freedom. It must be Buffalo County Board of Super- and sand," he remarked in an first purchased by Central in coupled with a great resurgence Victim Dies Michael Lightfoot , 17, son of City Prosecutor Jame_ W. So- of 63 and La Crosse posted LA CRESCENT, Minn. visors appropriated $92,795.61 in Mr. and Mrs. Francis Light- derberg told Judge McGill that allusion to the days of his youth Trempealeau County. Later, figures of 60 and 70 for the of . moral and spiritual re- — road and bridge aid toward in South Dakota when the well yards were purchased at Trem- sources which helped this na- Harold Mach, 54, La Crescent foot, is at Lake City Municipal Savoy had felt his position rath- same times. $191,900.63. in projects at the earns less pump was primed but came up pealeau and Blair. The Trem- tion become great. Without this, Rt. 1, died Wednesday at 5:30 Hospital recovering from a bul- er hopeless since he annual meeting this week. per week than the state spends dry. pealeau yard has since been HEAVIEST RAIN in the im- we cannot hope to" survive, a.m, of a heart attack at St. let wound in his left ankle re- sold. mediate vicinity was .30 of an Francis Hospital, La Crosse, A total of $80,736 was appro- ceived while cleaning, his .22 to maintain his children. So- If the candidates are tired, much less in freedom. priated for road aid under Sec- the public may well be* both Grant says the cost of a inch at the Whitman Dam. At where he had been a patient caliber rifle. His condition is derberg recommended the sus- "We can best Serve God by tion 83.14 of the statutes. Match- Savoy tired and bored with the whole three-bedroom home has risen Galesville .17 of an inch was since his back was severed reported as good. pended sentence provided from $4,000 to three and four serving our fellow men." ed by town appropriations the makes support payment to the thing. measured and .13 at Dakota. by a .22 riifle bullet acciden- projects total $161,472.88. The Wabasha County sheriff's Humphrey, a former teacher times that much since he began A broad hint that winter is He quoted vice president- tally fired by his 8-year-old ne- office said Lightfoot used his best of his ability . his career Under county aid for bridges as well as a practicing politi- . not too far away was given Wis- elect . Hubert Humphrey: "Re- phew,- Robert Mach. rifle about two weeks ago. When Judge McGill ordered Savoy Pahl and his wife will con- consin today as a cold front be- member, America the great is on the county trunk system, he returned home he removed to pay support of $75 a month cian, knows an audience's atten- tinue to make their home in Mach was on his regular Sun- provided for in Section 83.14, tion span Is limited. Like Gold- gan pushing through the state. America the just. America the day hunting trip with his broth- a six-shot clip but failed to so long as he is employed and Arcadia but plan to do some Showers, possibly mixed with beautiful is the land of oppor- the county appropriated $8,238.- an amount equal to two-thirds water, he felt the candidates traveling. They have two sons er Burton's sons, Tom, 17, and 14 toward the $21,476.26 in total clear a round from the cham- might be losing their audience. snow in the north, were predict- tunity for all. This nation will Robert. He had given the boys ber. The gun fired while he was of his unemployment check if and a daughter, all married ed for most ot the state. stand down through the corri- estimated costs. Local units judge order- elsewhere, guns when moving to the La appropriated $13,238.12 cleaning it, tbe bullet missing he is laid off. The What to do abbot It? How long and living They are: Showers and thunderstorms , secure and free." . ed payments to be made week- Charles Watertown S.D.; Gary dors of time Crescent area in September. bone and tendons while passing should the campaign last? , , , had hit the western part of Wis- The county appropriation for ly, and to the welfare depart- South St Paul, and Mrs Rich- Wilbur Koelmel was master of The youngster wasn through his leg. "They ought to be like tbe . . consin early Wednesday night 't allowed to aid under Section 81.38 of the ment. ard (Beverly) Koenig, Camp- ceremonies, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. shoot except with an adult. They statutes totaled $3,821.03 toward British elections. If you can't and moved eastward through John P. Gengler gave the invo- Providing Savoy fulfills the bellsport, Wis. the state during the night. Prior were sitting looking for squir- $8,951.49 in projects. Local units get your point across in four The new manager formerly cation and the Rev. George Whitney Files for above obligations, Judge McGill , to 6 a.m., Wausau had .45 of an rels when they spied one and raised $5 ,130.46. weeks you ought to give it up," of Blair, started as a truck Spratt of Grace Episcopal ordered tbe usual sentence of inch Park Falls .22, Beloit .20, Harold reportedly told Robert Total appropriations for rock , New Way2ata Term said Goldwater. driver for Central Yard at Blair . The a $100 fine and 30 days in the Burlington .11, Lone Rock .07, Church the benediction. to go after it. Before he got a oil , construction, widening, etc., MINNEAPOLIS (AP)-Whee- Humphrey, the vice president- March 1, 1958. A year later he program was conducted by Wa- county jail suspended. elect, suggested in an NBC in- Madison .06 and Milwaukee and shot at it the squirrel disappear- were as follows : Town of Alma lock Whitney, defeated Republi- was transferred to Stillwater, basha Post 50. ed, and as he returned to re- — CTH S, $278.49; CTH F, A welfare worker testified in terview taped before flying off where he remained as yard La Crosse a trace. An addition- can candidate for the U.S. Sen- court that the average amount al .09 of an inch fell after 6 join his uncle and brother the $931.60; oil on F, $10,000. Town ate in last week's election, has for a rest in the Virgin Islands foreman five years. He has of Belvidere — CTH N, $8,000. paid by the state under the aid that perhaps both parties could been at the Arcadia yard since a.m. gun went off before he put the filed for another term as mayor to dependent children law is Heavy fog was reported this safety lock on again. Town of Canton - CTH W, of Wayzata. reach an understanding "that it March 1. $6,560; J, $7,099, and V , $5,000. $1.50 per child, per day. This might be well if we had our Halverson s wife is the former morning at Ashland. Showers $80-175 Budget The bullet hit Mach on the Whitney has no opposition thus amounts to more than Savoy is political conventions in Septem- Mary Lou Amundson of Blair. and thunderstorms were occur- shoulder blade and it glanced Cross — CTH P, $10,000. Town far. Deadline for filing is next making, however. He is a graduate of Blair High ring at Superior, Rhinelander, off , severing the spine' a short of Gilmanton — D, $2,355 ; Z, Tuesday. Whitney , 38, said he ordered ber rather than in July and $1,704, and B, $15,940 The Altura man was August." School, where he starred in bas- Green Bay, with very light OKed at Blair distance below. He was total- . Glencoe wanted to see completion of a to make the first weekly install- drizzle at Manitowoc. — C, $3 ,830, and E, $2,318. That way, said Humphrey, ketball. He completed nine BLAIR, Wis. (Special) - A ly paralyzed from that region number of city projects. ment of his support payments there could be two weeks of years of service with the Arca- It was sunny and mild in down. Lincoln — XX, $16,000. Max- And, he said , he likes the sal- today. The $100 oail he posted nearly all of Wisconsin budget of $80,175 to operate the preparation and then a 6-week , dia National Guard unit this Wednes- was ville — N, $10,000. Modena — ary — $240 a year, Whitney do- Nov. 3, when he pleaded not day. Milwaukee reached a peak city of Blair in 1^65 adopt- He had been receiving treat- , , rather than a 10-week , cam- year , holding the rank of supply N $12 000. Mondovi — HH, $452.- nates that to charity. guilty, was refunded to Savoy. sergeant when discharged. of 72. ed with no opposition at the ments for heart trouble. He had 77, and H, $15,000, Montana — paign. McAUen, Alice, Cotulla and public budget hearing Monday been employed many years by N, $14 ,000. Naples — N, $4 ,000. Rep. John S. Monagan thinks Presidio, Tex., set the nation's night. La Crosse Gateway Products Nelson — N , $11,900, and Wau- against high temperature of 88 degrees It provides for a levy of $45,- Co. mandee — N, $3,000. 'W there should be a law IfiM* I J W'I ' jfflH| ^y' \ i Yp long campaigns. He is going to Hospital Names Wednesday, compared with the 575. He was born Feb. 26 , 1910, in The county bridge projects on TJ S_^_Bt try to get one passed. low of 7 above early today at Topics discussed included the La Crosse to Frank and Tressa county trunks were as follows: V. *** ^H_flit>—W.J ^_k_«*M*_R_^ *L * "S \f ,. . iHy ^ j£^_H *:a \ ^& sffl& The Connecticut Democrat Craig, Colo. establishment of a city housing Wagner Mach. Town of Cross — Bond bridge, I ^^WmmWfWF^' ''¦ » __i__l_y__B"&»itM authority to conduct the affairs mm has announced he will introduce 3 Directors He was married to Esther $642, Fried culvert, $303, and I * l^kmWK^^KH^ ^^^ ^ * UH:$£^ <*pt of the 4C-bed nursing home, ap- » ^mmmmWMXMWX (• ¦* ' X- a bill when Congress reconvenes Boettcher of Nodine about 31 Klein bridge, $656. Lincoln — _. J_S______FT _EE_3. -VK S-. ^r * i * w . f-S-% >* MONDOVI , Wis, (Special) - proved at the election Nov. 3. r - j &smmmWrkMmC*/, »* , v V. In January to limit presidential Apartment Lot years ago. Steihl bridge, $109, and Passow & f - ^ftimmmmmmW T^mmW >%>¦*, YY U *»** » ^* -• * campaigns to just 60 days. Three new members were elect- It is expected that two from culvert, $1 ,000. Modena — Se- f ' ,______f_i______ili&fM ' * * A ed to the board of directors of the city planning commission Survivors are : His wife; one * ¦ Calling the campaigns "elec- Area Short by verson bridge, $1,500. Nelson- Mm ^m^mMm^m^mmms^ml&$>l4LL< v** < -si* Buffalo Memorial Hospital, Inc., and two from the citizens group brother, Burton, La Crescent, Lee bridge, $1 ,000, and Naples W^? * - toral circuses," Monagan con- Rt. 1 , and one sister , tmmmmmmmmmmmmMWW - feU at the annual meeting in the which promoted the nursing Mrs. Earl — $1,350 - tends they are wasteful in mon- 78, 798 Feet (Helen) Radcliffe, Racine, Wis. exhaust the Mondovi High School hot lunch home project will be named These bridge projects include ey and lime and Total lot area required for His parents and one sister l> J room Tuesday night. next week to the authority. ,000 appropriation by the li ______i______l___a? .%- T &Ail m. nervous and physical resources a $5 H- *a_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_K, -* S ^4**%?^trf *E?K:8'$^.S£5m %S_1* _^ STO John Tanner, Orville Klev- addition of another apartment Under consideration also Is have died. Town of Gilmanton for STH 37, MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM i$M >eWM& *. .M& '&in of the candidates. building at 460 E. Sarnia St. 1| K1__^__^__^__^__ E__^__^__^__^__^___K'- $£* ^^r^vfSiiti—f«_i_—%to^Vffsaa however , Monagan gard and Martin Heike succeed the proposed ridge and furrow The funeral will be Friday at the Gilmanton bridge, and $1,676 Above all , would be 94,500 square feet , the sewage disposal system and 10 a.m. at the Nelson Funeral believes they may be self-de- Gordon Kjentvet, Christ Alle- raised for the Pehler bridge in maftn and Harley Hesselman, city building inspector said to- the renovation of the city water Home, La Crosse , the Rev. E. Fountain City. i^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^Bt»_^_-_-_-_-___H_im feating. day. first informative who declined nomination. They system approved at the elec- T. Anderson officiating. Burial County aid bridges under Sec- "After the A petition for variance by the tion. will be in Oak Grove Cemetery, period," he said, "they bore the defeated Galen Sather and Eld- tion 81 .38 were : fail to serve a rid, Branger, also placed on the A. "Bud" Anderson Co. will he La Crosse. Town of Belvidere — Engel elector and thus heard tonight by the Board of culvert, $709. Buffalo — Piper' purpose," slate by George' GarJick and s James Deetz , nominating com- Zoning Appeals because avail- Pays $50 in Valley culvert , $1 ,008, and able space would total 76 ,302 Chicken Valley culvert, $1 ,748. mittee. VFW Reviews I HOLDOVER board members square feet, 18,198 less than the Traffic Fines Dover — Steinke culvert, $60, BT ^^_^_^_^_^_H9f!^^^^l_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_i are Clarence Ness, secretary, minimum specified by statutory and Rud culvert , $493, §l_MI_3_l_P^' I Senior High formula. The company wishes Miss Carol G. Gora , 22, 1845 Veterans Day Glencoe — Trempealeau Riv- ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_l Mrs. Lester Moy, Charles Bren- , $1 , ner, treasurer , Alvln Semingson to build a third 17-unit apart- W. 5th St., pleaded guilty today er bridge 106. Maxville — Ti- :_^4d______in municipal court to charges of Ceremonies at Winona High bodeau bridge, $215. Mondovi — _-_-_-_-_-___nM

n_ T MW» JOIN US FOR OUR ^2_TV 4-L I S^Qs-r * * Red Men ^$\ 's Hall M »i«a»n»s j /" _L _&__ f\Hifl_ _(^Mbd_ SUPPER CLU B — Muile by — ' /*J/*// /_f _t "THE MONAR KS" // FRIDAY NIGHT % \A/xXJUULjJjL-fountain City, Wis. Dancing I ta 11 „ SEAFOOD BUFFET \V\ | | A wonderful variety of delicious seafood III Entertainment By ' and fish diahea, "I prepared as only Chef I' l ^^^^^^^^ fl ouaui Wedding Dance Eddie can. await you at Winona's most \m\ mEmWBKKHttKULmwmmJmamwmml^^^^BF* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H WsPPPPaanj NOTE: "MeHALB'S ^^£ Arlane Hungarhott- ¦ KENNY CARL popular buffet, Join us Friday! I SI NAVY" NOT SHOWN SAT. APTaTH* MOON DUI TO SPECIAL SHOW, "TH i MIRACLE OP DANCE Wayne Wanial ] ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN $1.25 SANTA'S WHITE REINDEER," /CSS UL j^^^^^^^^Bana M-M Acorn Ballroom ( I" e STARTS SUNDAY Centervlllt, Wis. Saturday, Nov. 14 SERVED EVERY FRIDAY Kr^^ M l_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l _!_-fua> • w StM to l-M p.m. In MM fSj* .^S V FREDDY'S j ;X Mississippi Rw-m & Coffee Snap 9* SAT., NOV. 14 Wyattville Ballroom I Steel-ten, Mint*. j \ [jfl *J( T§i\ I _-_-_-_-_-_-__H-_-_n_l _-_-L. juSRjSgSGHSS** MUSIC BY Music By ( /? i H H H_^B^HB SaaTW¦n MMHaW¦BREW BOB SCHUELIR Tha Polka Dots I FRI., NOV. 13 l«m»>»""wl HMmmir ^^^^^^^______Ei^^H___-_-_-_-_l_H-L^^ ^^ ^* JCohl {j Jbwjn£CZJ \ »¦>••»*• WsTOMTItTt SOMETHING TO LIVE BY St. Louis Park Auto With Scratch Woman Killed Reolaced bv Mail Shake Off L CREWE, England (AP) - ^^Hpfc Week-end ion (AP) - The > MINNEAPOLIS Gordon Ignatewicz, a Canadian Minnesota traffic death toll hit car fancier, found a scratch on 717, up 0 from a year ago, with his new Rolls-Royce. He packed On Your Chest the death of Mrs. Mabel Peter- it off from Toronto to the Rolls ia a suburban St. Louis By BILL MERRILL tions. And how many have re- son, 8t, headquarters in London with a PlJiilSal Park hospital late Wednesday. of complaint. Specials Just as sure as I sponded to the invitation .to en- sharp letter pen this Mrs. Peterson had been in- The company dispatched an- srticle, and just as sure as you list as a means of brightening jured several hours earlier when other new Rolls — unscratched read lt, a question will arise their future, I wouldn't venture her car collided with another — across the Atlantic by mail. that could be the turning point a guess. of your life. near Monticello, where she was "We couldn't do this for ev- employed in a nursing home, Sh " Williams, While driving one day, my OF COURSE not every one erybody, said Dennis , "but eye fell onto a billboard that I can solve his problems by join- lived at Big Lake and was on a company spokesman found both amusing and ing the Army, Navy, Foreign her way to work when the Gordon is only 8 — and the car thought- " provoking. Perhaps you have Legion, or some other set way smasbup came. was a 4-incb model. seen it. The picture is that nf A of life. No, sir, many a person man lying flat with a lion on his chest, fig- on his back uratively speaking, is looking CANCER RECORDS . . . Frank Chupita , left, shows ¦ » ¦ ¦ ¦ *WMMMMmmm -~*mmmmmm—. - with a large for an out and figures he or Miss Beverly Olson the check for $375 which tbe American lion standing on she has no future. To these for- Cancer Society annually gives Community Memorial Hos- his chest look- lorn souls , I have a suggestion , pital for the maintenance of histories of malignant tumors Don't delay buying ing the poor, based on the fact that they are in this area. Miss Olson is hospital records librarian. Max suppressed soul not alone; others have had Buna, treasurer of the Winona County unit of the Cancer and the a new car because right in the equally difficult times, Society, accompanied President Chupita for presentation ef beauty of it is, they did throw I face. And the the check. (Daily News photo) caption - well, off the beast of despair and sir, it said: "Is sprang back to a life filled with of unpaid bills! your future in hope and promise. Fo rest Crop Law doubt?" And ^T-T; It's a fact. Just go to the then another Merriu nearest library and look up the Cancer Society Hearings Slated at Ifs possible jJBBaav ^_9^_^_ L m line of easy-to-read print sug- volumes of books written on Whitehall Dec. 8 gested that you join the Army. the subject of success and you The creator of that billboard may well find some avenues of WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) to pay both in appeared to have a p-eat in- hope that you never knew ex- ContinuesAid — The Wisconsin Conservation sight into the plight of thousands isted. Many of them coming out Commission will hold hearings who are burdened with what of the depression days of the at the courthouse here Dec. 8 one monthly payment. may well seem to them indi- late 20's or early 3D's. For Hospital at 8:30 a.m. on petitions of the vidually, as impossible situa- "Let's face It," we often say following county landowners to in a course of conversation. But Maintenance of records at enter lands under the Forest all too few of us have the Community Memorial Hospital Crop Law: courage to do so. It's virtually on malignant tumors will be : Henry L. Anderson, Whitehall; _^^^H^A ^ifcl:,; 'i?tflp^^HfiBBaHfKSA - easier to give up than to rise continued in the year ahead D. Rotiweder ¦ s _-_-_-_-_P^_P^_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Bert-ice , Minne- OvC * 16 BMfjS&jy ' ' , , *%* %_]„^_^_^______^______B ' to our feet and fight the lion through a subsidy from the sota City, Minn.; Bernard and of despair in one's life. American Cancer Society. Margaret Wood, Galesville; Frank Chupita, president of James Gargahan, Whitehall: EXCUSE ME i' I appear the Winona County chapter of over-enthusiastic regarding the Bertland Longseth, Indepen- the Society, gave a check for dence; Palme rand Evelyn Ol- opportunities of life, but I come I af** -OI -G& *' ^_^L______Ks^^^^^-^l_B $375 to hospital officials Wed- son , Strum; Mrs. Dorothy So- lm ^BL . ^^ by it honestly in that my dear nesday. He was accompanied - - mi^f MOOTfaWaTt JfWHT salla, Whitehall ; Alphonse and _> '._i___H_£-lra______^^__i j_ mother built it intentionally in- by Max Bunn, treasurer of the flW>r to my life saying, "No matter Bernice Sura, Independence; mW9%rww^m¦V PIvWw county organization. Robert Toft, Osseo. how tough it gets, remember, Since the doctors don't con- - ?•sN_pPB ID IOT-RE someone else has it tougher. a sider a cancer cured unless five ._.. ...>-¦¦ r _h__B___ * ?fann^_ fn onoiy Don't ever feel sorry for your- years have passed with no re- ______t__-_-f self." Bless her. I wouldn't Composer Slashes ^affm\mmm*T currence of malignancy, the KEITH FOYE Vmkrt»mt§mm trade that philosophy of back- QrShJ bone stick-to-itness for all the keeping of complete records With Knife IE IK 70H E. 4th St. is important, Chupita said. Self Jl so-called "breaks" in the world, , '- aJ Winona Morever , because by now, I know its pow- , he added the rec- FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Phone 3375 PLAID SKIPS er. Pay a visit to your local ords include data on behaviour (AP*) - . Paul V. Yoder, well- library and read, for the ask- of the tumor and health of the known composer and bandmas- Open Saturday Morning * a.m. to 12 Noon SAVE 1.11—WOMEN'S OXFORD ing, how to plot a course to patient, which helps cancer re- ter hospitalized with a severe achievement and victory po searchers. abdominal wound, was reported WITH WOOL FLANNEL UPPERS matter where you may stand The subsidy from the Cancer in fair condition today. in tbe turmoil of life today. Society was begun four years Police said Yoder, 56, had INDUSTRIAL CREDIT COMPANY To those that enjoy the fresh ago by the Minneapolis office of slashed himself with a boning -SB—i-BS—BSS— II —a—_h_ai breath of every budding day, the group. Funds are raised for knife Nov. 4. His wife said that hat »\omWbrdt Servto* ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ such activities during the so- recently he had been in bad I —-¦ ' " " — — Papiii-aaot far -wyrt -*a- secure in those things that 288 ciety's annual drive in April. health and despondent. patr aervk*. Vie ye«r make for happiness and success REGULARLY , Voder has published more ' ¦ ' ' ¦ " Word Credit Accovn*. spiritually and physically, see . ' 3.99 . — -- — — —_J_a _ta he can be shaken off , and I'm t#ntUIUIUCIt.Li-_>UIIl-* vcMr^anvaiami' « if you can't find some troubled than 1,200 band compositions D not a-lybV. soul whom you may held direct and has conducted the Universi- to wear. These) mVKE DEPARTMENT < into a brighter path and fuller Hear the BUI Merrill ar- ty of Miami Band in its Orange Smart fp see... comfortable Hient >m 10, .. Thlrt life. guaranteedticle at 8:50 a.m. daily over Bowl performances several SHOP FRIDAYS 9 to 9 circular vamp oxfords have the new fashion- 's a lion on your chest EoBS_B___9 If there , KWNO. times. come with rich red mJ j m PHONE 3393 wise pointed toe ... and lFJj ^^iB and black plaid uppers. Fully cushioned arch and insole give resilient support. 5 to 10 M. ^^^l ^^^^ m ^fff or your money back!, Reg. 3.99 Womens Flats Smooth *% QQ leather & suede . . easlOO

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(This one of o series of editorial*on Could Result is By DAVID LAWRENCE EducationWeek by Winonans in the eiuea- WASHINGTON - Usually in national poli- Nam? to-nor-roto.) Viet Hon field. Another toil!eppeor For tics it isn't considered tactful or wise to slap By FRED S. HOFFMAN By DON STONE, Manager the faces of 26,500,000 voters and tell them WASHINGTON W) - An apparent slip of the tongue by Winona Chamber ef Comm.rce they are misguided conservatives and hence Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara shows how dif- to blame for the defeat suffered when the other ficult it is to maintain an official line at aU times when the CONCEIVABLE that business ,000,000 votes. IT IS party gets 42 realities clash with that line. _ concern for the well-being of education It is far more plausible for the 26,500,000 "We have no plans at present to send further^ combat the winning party was means more to the future of free enter- to ask in this case why units to South Viet Nam," McNamara told newsmen in prise and democratic government than ed- provided with such a substantial number of Texas after conferring with President Johnson about the Republican in 1960. ucation's immediate contribution to win- votes by citizens who voted budget and other matters. But today Republican governors and other , or the race to the moon. ning the cold war leaders in the party who call themselves "mod- It was McNamara'. ase " " " "liberals" are pro- word "further" that Universale, public education, spawned erates or progressives or of the Letters to The loudly that the "conservatives" must brought reporters up short. it has built, must claiming first beneath the system be repudiated and that control of the Repub- That word suggests the Editor for further- assume greater responsibility lican party must be turned over, not to the United States already has ing the system and factors which provide 26,500,000 who supported the party ticket, but combat units in South Viet (Editor 's Note: Let- better schools, which produce greater to the 8,000,000 who deserted the Republican Nam. ter* must be temperate, numbers of people capable of assuming nominee. The official transcript of of reasonable length and roles in a more signed by the writer. meaningful and fulfilling fact , the reason McNamara's comments AS A MATTER of why include the Bono fide names oj all complex society aggravated by a bursting President Johnson won such an overwhelming Tuesday did not population. word "further." Newsmen letter - writers will be victory is directly related to how many Re- at tbe published. No religious , supported the who heard the word Without education, automation with its publicans crossed over and oppo- the de- medical or persona l .con- sition party. Even several top-ranking Republi- time and checked on demand for technical skills, will be accom- omission ap- troversies are accept- cans running for office abandoned their party's letion said the that will so drain inadvertent. A able.) panied by social problems presidency. peared to be nominee for the shows that the profits to pay unemployment benefits Tbe Republican party today is in a state tape recording besiege idle peo- the word was used.. Says Farmers Must and for the plagues thst of disarray due to the conflicting ambitions of Solve Problem. ple, that further progress of industrial ca- individual leaders, and due also to the success- Neither McNamara nor pacity and job opportunity could be severe- ful effort of President Johnson over the past any other responsible U.S. To the Editor. ly hampered, the free enterprise system several months in presenting an image of con- official ever has said that I would like to point out and democratic government threatened servatism ranging from frugality in tbe pub- any of the 20,000 or so to the Winona County FU American military men in and lost lic sector to friendliness to business in the president that the tax re- private sector. South Viet Nam are there fund on farm used gas and SHOULD THE eventual eotts to busi- Whenever a landslide occurs, it can be tak- to fight. the milk support has not ness accruing through the poorly educat- been in effect for 62 years en for granted that there was an intensity and The official position — ed not be enough to startle the complacent depth of feeling on the part of those in the as stated. from which McNamara nev- Assuming that it was in business or professional person, an opinion majority which caused them to ignore also the er before has deviated — survey conducted by the United States candidates of their party for Congress and state effect when FU was found- holds that the considerable ed — the average Chamber of Commerce should. The sur- legislatures. Straight-ticket voting is customary income American force has the mis- per farm from With least support for our when there is a strong reason for supporting would vey discovered the sion of advising and helping be $9,300 — divided by 62 free enterprise system, and our form of the top of the ticket and making sure he is the South Vietnamese to elected. years equals $150 per farm government existing among the poorer ed- fight for their own independ- per year. Not a bad return ucated groups. SPLIT-TICKET voting depends In large part ence and freedom. for a $5 investment. Now on how the system of balloting is applied in THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND McNamara gave a suc- what about a return on the adequate lt can be argued that lack of different states. Voting machines, used mostly cinct summation of the U.S. $50,000 to $150,000 which the education has been a major contributor to in the*big cities, are not understood by the policy line last Sept. 30 dur- farmers have in vested? the backwardness of some states, and that average voter, despite all the training and ed- ing a television interview. Here we have not fared so low family incomes and low standards of ucation that has been given on this subject , It's their war; they must well. "We're trying to pay living are the products of the poorly edu- especially in the schools. The tendency is to Aid to States Flouting win it. They must fight it , 1964 expenses (taxes , ma- cated. The parallel of income and educa- vote straight across the board where the word and only they can win it," chinery , etc.) from net in- " tion has been distinctly drawn. "Democratic or "Republican" is placed con- McNamara said. come comparable to 1939T spicuously at the top or side of the lists. To What other comparable EDUCATION STRENGTHENS the en- pick and choose by splitting a ticket is diffi- "We are providing logis- business can operate today tire economy, enabling individuals to real- cult-for many voters. Tbe same thing happens Civil Rights May Be Cut tical support, military ad- with 1909 income? Yet the ize a better life by permitting them to con- where there are paper ballots, and when there vice, transport assistance. farmers enjoy so much By DREW PEARSON States from military; instal- educational cons t ruction, tribute to society to the fullest of their abil- is a long list of candidates for state and lo- We are not carrying on the "freedom." WASHINGTON-The Jus- lations. However, with Ala- college loans, and vocation- ity and enjoying not only their own, but the cal offices. The voter doesn't want to take too battle ourselves. We cannot The "mob" he talks about much time to cast his ballot as numerous other tice Department and the bama electing five Repub- al training. contributions of the similarly educated stand in their place and are farmers, many are his citizens are waiting in line to vote. Also, there Budget Bureau now have a lican congressmen and with There were also large fight the Communists with- neighbors and who surround them. such as amounts for social security, close friends. is often a fear of messing up the ballot in battery of lawyers drawing key southerners, in the borders of their coun- Doing their part Sen. Dick Russell of Geor- veterans, etc., which can- in correct- marking it or in pulling wrong levers on the up the detailed specifica- try ." ing a situation No business, no community, remains gia chairman of the Senate not be touched. The educa- , they think voting machines. tions for cutting federal , farm organizations static. They progress or they fall behind Military Affairs Commit- tional money and public The U.S. government has have The American electorate probably did funds from states which failed to correct in the the competing markets, and the education- more tee, going to Europe during works program will be the held to this stand in the past. straight-ticket voting in last week's election fail to obey the civil rights al systems therein can play an important act. the election, it will now be easiest to chop off and are face of clear evidence that With millions in the world than in any other in many years. The determi- U. S. Army helicopters dying of starvation, Argen- part in the direction taken. That system , easier for northern congress- first on the list if Mississippi nation to avoid "changing horses in mid- For the southern states equipped with rockets and tina and other countries fac- must be flexible to the trends through a this part of the act, title 6, men to switch military ap- does not comply with the stream" and to support the government's for- propriations to their own civil rights law. machine guns have mount- ed with a shortage of beef policy that encourages grasping opportun- eign policy so that there would be no risk of may become the most im- ' districts. The Defense Department ed attack after attack and other food commodities, ity relative to progress. Business must lend war undoubtedly influence a tremendous num- portant of all.. For it pro- I hardly think we need pro- vides that the vast flow of Because Mississippi has also has the power to force against Communist guerril- support to men who recognize beneficial ber of voters. been the most backward defense contractors in Mis- las. duction control^. change and growth. federal money into these WHILE SOME Republican leaders now are states may be curtailed if state in the union in com- sissippi, or in any other A meat packer said "if plying with the 1954 Su- state, to provide equal wash- This government has con- the fanners No single other group need be, nor is, urging that there be a return to "the main- the states concerned prac- would control preme Court school deci- room and eating facilities, tinued to insist that many of the supply going to market as interested or as directly affected by ed- stream ," or to what the conservative Republi- tice racial discrimination or " " sion, and because of the plus equal job opportunities. the bombing and napalm as- they could get fair prices." ucation as is the business group. To sur- cans call a me-too policy, there is still a flout the civil rights law. substantial number of Republicans who believe high rate of bombings, mur- Defense officials have saults by U. s. planes This takes organization and business and education It's probably pure acci- vive, to progress, that the two-party system requires a difference der, and terror in Mississip- been looking over a list of against Red Viet Cong po- cooperation. dent, but tbe states which pi must work together. rather than a similarity in tbe doctrines of the , its federal funds are textile mills operated in sitions and hideouts are We've had prices dictated could be hardest hit by this training flights parties. first oh the list for scrutiny. Mississippi to see how for South from Washington for 30 EDUCATION IS an investment in our part of the law are the five MISSISSIPPI paid only many have contracts to sup- Vietnamese air force Unity in the Republican party, however, will de- men years. (A quote by Ed future, and the education level which sat- southern states which $307,962,000 into the U. S. ply uniforms, uniform cloth, who go along on such not be soon achieved by accusing the Republi- serted their century-old sup- mis- Christianson, "farm prices isfies business charts our nation's course treasury last year, got back underwear, or other textiles sions. are made in Washington.") can progressives of disloyalty, any more than port of the Democratic from Washington $1,-60,920,- to the armed forces. in future years. it will be accomplished by disparaging the party and voted for Gold- Questions could be raised With one USDA worker for 000 in the fiscal year 1964. THE EQUAL employment about the role of the B57 every 30 farmers to get 74 earnestness and convictions of those who stood water. This included $126,000,000 in provision of the civil rights by the Republican ticket and who sincerely be- medium jet bombers and percent of parity, how many THESE FIVE states get military contracts; $94,100,- law does not go into effect lieved in Sen. Goldwater's opposition to many the interceptor jets sent workers on the government ' greater benefits from feder- 000 for space projects ; $11,- until July 1. However, the into South Viet payroll will get us IOC per- One More Yea r of the radical spending doctrines of the Dem- 959 Nam alter al funds, compared with the ,000 for civilian supply Defense Department will the Gulf of Tonkin cent of parity. ocrats. contracts ; 546 incidents amount of money they pay $148, ,000 to probably do what Lyndon in early August Nor will unity in the Republican party be pay the salaries of federal , but these I believe farmers are en- In Milwaukee into the treasury through Johnson did as vice pres- are intended for encouraged if in such matters as selecting a employes in Mississippi ; ident when, as chairman of use either titled to the same return taxes, than any others in against targets national chairman, there is a tendency to ig- $10,160,000 in food for the the equal opportunities com- in North Viet for labor and investment as THE BRAVES will play baseball on. the union. Nam or to defend South anyone else in this day and nore the wishes of the 26 ,500,000 who did vote Georgia, which last week needy;. $7,344,414 for school mittee, he called in the 100 more year at County Stadium in Milwau- for the Republican ticket. luncheons; $10,714,000 for top defense contractors and Viet Nam from outside air age. Profit is what made kee. Then the franchise will be moved to voted Republican for the attack rather than as 'part America great , all we want first time since the Civil accelerated public works to asked them both to integrate Atlanta. This was decided at a meeting of take care of unemployment, and open more jobs to Ne- of the antiguerrilla war in- is our share. War, paid $1,200,000,000 in side the country. So, in conclusion, FU National League directors, and court ac- federal taxes in 1963 and and about $23,000,000 for groes. IN YEARS GONE BY A case perhaps can be wants the consumer to pay tion started some time ago to keep the received $2 billion from part of their grocery bill to team from moving probably will be Uncle Sam in fiscal year made that American Army Ten Years Ago ... 1954 men and Marines who are the government in taxes, dropped. 1S64 — or about two dollars (fo ) L. Robert Prondzinski was re-elected presi- Jhsi $JAtA, attached to Vietnamese r farm programs and for every dollar sent to pay 100 percent of parity Atlanta is not happy about this devel- dent of the Winona Civic Association. Also re- Washington. Atlanta has a ground units are truly ad- elected were vice president, James Stoltman; visers and only incidentally wages to USDA workers to opment. It began preparing last spring for high rate of compliance with administer 74 percent of major league baseball. An 18-million-dollar secretary , J . W. Gernes, and treasurer, Ed- civil rights; rural areas to that function do they get mund A. Edel. into shooting scraps. To parity to the farmers. I stadium seating 50,000 is scheduled for have not. know FU Prof. George M, Werner , dairy husbandry many Americans, watching advocates 100 per- completion in April. However, the Georgia South Carolina, which de- cent of parity expert, University of Wisconsin, Dr. Ermond the U.S. casualty list mount , but so did serted to the Republicans, presidents city is about reconciled to the wait. In due Hartmans extension economist in farm man- above 1,600 dead, Eisenhower and , gets about three dollars wounded Kennedy. time the move will be made. agement , University of Minnesota and Donald and missing since Can we wait an- back for every dollar It January other 62 years? W. Bates, extension agricultural engineer U. of 1961, the The decline of the Braves began two , sends to Washington ; Loui- distinction be- We have the necessary M., will be the chief speakers at the two-state tween combat years ago when Lou Perini siana's favorable return is and advisory legislation , who had mov- duty may be to do the job. The Dairy Institute. about two to one ; Alabama 's hard to accept. rest is up to the farmers. ed the team from Boston to Milwaukee in is about the same; while 1953. sold control to a syndicate of young When enough of the farm- Twenty-Five Years Ago .. . 1939 Mississippi's is almost four ers decide they can't wait Chicago businessmen. They contend that to one. the club has been losing money and say it William A. Owens, faculty member at Wi- WINONA DAILY NEWS 62 years more, I'm sure nona State Teachers College , was appointed a they will get together »to do would continue to do so in Milwaukee. HEARINGS ARE required member of the national committee of the Alum- under the civil rights act, THURSDAY, NOVEMB-FntTiW what hasn't been done. BARRING A miracle, the rat. of lost ni Foundation of the University . of Chicago. plus appeals to the courts, VOLUME lOe, NO. 304 " Donald Rupprecht. will increase next year. Wisconsin fans will Renamed to the board of directors of the before funds are cut oft. •ublUhed dally axcept Saturday ewTheli- Lewiston Rt. 1 , Minn. Winona Free Public Library board were H. L. Nevertheless it' days by Republican and Herald Publish- have little interest in a club that doubtless s mandatory Ino Company, *0l Franklin Sf„ Winona, ftuvornaamanT Buck , president; Mrs, Charles Biesnnz vice upon the President to curtail Minn would already be gone if nol bound by con- , president: Ward Lucas , secretary , and Miss funds if a state flouts the JuTsSCRiFriofrRAfEs"- ^ FAT tract to play in Milwaukee in 1965, The single Copy - 10c Dally, OVERWEIGHT Ethel Binney and Miss Anita Saxine were re- civil rights act. This would »c Sunday Avillabl. lo you withou t « doctor 's pi*- Braves may prosper Atlanta , but the to- Delivered by Carrier-Par weak ITcarTs •crlptlon, our product e*ll*d Odrlnex. in elected librarian and jissistnnt librarian, respec- not apply to defense con- 34 1 w*" »¦*¦•» 32 waaks M5.M You must lose ugly f*t or your mon*y tal baseball image will nol be improved by tracts, back . Odrlraix Is a tiny tabid and tively. of which the South By m*ll strlctlylh .dv.nca* "paper atoo- this abandonment of a once prosperous ter- gets , «d on expiration data. ••slly iw.llosved. Gat rid ol excess tat a tremendous volume and llv* lonoir. Odrlnex costs 13.00 ritory. Fifty Years Ago . . . 1914 or military establishments in Fillmore, Ho_i*oh7"oimstad, Winona, •nd li sold on this guarantee : II not —- at least, not immediately. Wabasha , Bullalo, Jackson, Paplr. «nd satisfied (or «ny reason, just ?els*rn tt\e The total contributions of Hour made in Wi- Trempialaau countlas: pack*o* to your druaolst and 0*t your However, even this may 1 V**r m ool mon' full moniy back, No questions «»ked. nona through the Bay State Milling Co. for the lh* M.50 Odrlnex Is sold with this guarantee by: change. 4 months__ ta.50 I monlh II. JJ starving in Belgium now amount to 1,235 49- Brawn Drug I lor* WINONA DAILY NEWS Thanks to the power of All other subscriptions! 117 w, Third If. pound sucks. southern congressmen who 1 y**r 115,00 3 months u 23 Mill Ord*n Pilltd An Independent Newspaper — Established 1855 After Dec. I the government tax of one cent a monlh. IB.OO | month s|.«o have held key committee ' attmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm on all telegrams imposed by the recent war chairmanships "I forget what it's called but the singing commercial lend chang* ol addr.aii nolle**, undailv- W. F. W HITE G, R. QU>«*4£ Y C. E. LtN nm , the South 4 •red copl.s, subscription orders and other revenue ordinance will go into effect at the lo- has profited more than any g dum-deedle-dee, dum-dcedle-dum, mall Items fa Winona Dally Nawa, PO START YOUR Publisher Exec. Director Busmen Mgr. oes Box |Q, Wlnoni, DA* j cal telegraph company. other part of the United dum-dee-dee!' " Minn. and Editor & Adv. Director Second clan postage paid ef Winona. " with — j j W.J. COLE ADOLPH BRKMEB H. G. H YMES Seventy-Five Years Ago ... 1889 OP.N.ON-WISE BTlal^n Maiiaflinr; Editor City Editor Circulation Mgr. Snow fell Inst night all the way from Tracy Bill Mirrlll's B. H. HABECK FH .K I .ACOS L. V. ALSTON lo Winona varying in depth from one to four Composing Supt. Press Supt. Engraving Supt . inches. It is rapidly disappearing here. Work is progressing as rapidly as possible WILLIAM H. ENGLISH GORDON HOLT. on the new steam crusher being erected at "Something to Comptrollar Sunday Editor the Chicago 4 North Western stone quarry in the bluffs between Stockton and Lewiston. MI.MBCB Ot TOT ASSOCIATED PRESS | Live By" One Hundred Years Ago... 1864 The facilities for carrying passengers on the i 6:50 loch Morning The Associated Press is entitled exclusively Winona and SI. Peter Railroad, which were sup- to the use for republication of all the local posed to be complete for the winter business, news printed In this newspaper as well as all wor e found to be inadequate for the amount I ' on ] A.P. news dispatches. of travel the past week. • Thursday, November 12, 1964 I.o , I am with you alway. Matthew 28.20. KWNO i *m\mmmsmmmstsutmm^m/> 00k said they were questioned by Business Mirror U.S. Expects the FBI for stopping here or ¦¦¦-*. ¦¦ , -. ¦¦ . a ¦¦...¦ii * i _,, a i ill a ah ^L glimpse on distant horizons are the air, and merchants and pur- throne of Luxembourg. viet submarines are expected in federal agents are ruining his serving or offering to serve in- the Pacific this year or early ¦ ¦ paradoxically promising a fat- veyors of services seem more In a simple ceremony, the business by tracking down and terstate travelers come within ¦ next year. _ > '' " ' . «sr. ter economy in the weeks and prosperous. prince will take an oath as questioning his customers. the new law. _P*- ^% , ^^k\ months just ahead. Grand Duke Jean — the first Maddox said that since FBI j fw,nol,a • M*w»«» ^__I____ The growth in inventories "Unless this harassment by WC^f ^k. These are signs that inflation- male to rule Europe's most the FBI is stopped, agents began questioning many which apparently is starting will it is going to ary psychology may be starting nation in 52 years. put me out of business, of his patrons, his business had mean higher sales totals for Sroserpous " Mad- at last to build up; a flood of (e is 43. dox complained. "There won't been dropping. 2k CEHT ER producers in Boss Brings %#' new orders that • point to a the months ahead. be any need to go back into The economy will glow. Wheth- The Grand Duchess, whose ^ growth in inventories after long court." LIQUORS :3 stability ; plans to increase er it's a healthy glow will de- reign was the longest of any yJrf W pend on the Inventories being for- The 49-year-old segregation- Bridge Lights . spending for new plants and living monarch in Europe, Arguments I yJk /ft Corner Canter A Mark Streets ^ B equipment ; blossoming of con- passed along in consumer sales. mally renounced the crown last ist, who has barred Negroes Brighten N.Y Otherwise, businessmen will March. Luxembourg's leaders from his place, has been or- ^^Y Ji. (Aer«« from »h* sumer optimism through talk ^ ^^^ that start living off these accumula- begged her to remain. Its people dered into federal court in con- NEW YORK (AP) - The har- "^*. Depot) recessions are things of the ? I V^^_r past ; shrinkage of excess pro- tions and stop ordering. were saddened by the decision. To the Office tempt proceedings because of bor lights of New "York City One of the current signs that "a*feel I have reached the age an injunction against his segre- have been augmented, if only duction facilities that long have PHILADELPHIA (AP) tbe economy should keep on to retire, and I think Jean is the - gation policy. A hearing has briefly, by the 752 new lights on provided strong competitive Ever wonder why the boss is forces . growing for a time is that indus- age to take Over," she said re- been delayed until the U.S. Su- the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, unreasonable sometimes in the try is announcing plans to spend cently. "After all, I am 68 now ." preme Court rules on the 1964 longest suspension span in the Alone or in combination, these Prince Jean is not as popular morning? Civil Rights Act. world. more for new plants and equip- Or cr.-nky? could cause trouble some among Luxembourg's 330,000 "About 100 persons have The occasion was a test at ment. Suppliers will prosper. Perhaps even hostile? months from now by bringing And tbe plans are based on con- subjects as his mother. Dutiful called me or contacted me and twilight Wednesday of the lights on excesses that would destroy as a child, he is rather with- A prominent psychiatrist says fidence that the economy has you probably can blame it on the current business upswing. new heights to climb. But wor- drawn as an adult. But in the that he had at break- immediate future riers can point out that in the each holds promise "A hoy of very agreeable fast with his son or his wife. of pushing past over expansion has led to the economy to still nature whose quiet and discreet Dr. Francis J. Braceland of loftier lev- idle production facilities. els. behavior hides great strength of Hartford, Conn., former psychi- Inflation psychology usually It is just such a surplus built mind, " a college principal once atrist in chief in the U.S. sur- jgfJRrllfc GREAT BUYS leads industrial purchasing up in the middle and late 1950s said of him. geons general's office, says the agents to advance their timeta- that has supplied a governor to He takes the throne at a much executive can't check his per- bles to beat expected price ris- the current 45-month old upturn happier time than his mother, sonal problems — like that ear- ¦Wj hP who became Grand Duchess at ly morning argument at home WEEKEND! es, and thus they in the business cycle. It discour- THIS spur tomor- row's production schedules of aged price increases, because 23, on Jan. 15 , 1919, when Eu- — at the parking lot, He has to suppliers. Inflation also fires la- some one else aiways seemed rope was beset by the aftermath bring them into the office. bor's demands for more pay willing to furnish a product at of World War I. Her siBter , r ¦ ¦ | Dr. Braceland told a confer- L t 'vt | 1\imamwm_-^ gmtn:i. .-' CORONAD0 - Ui^&. IJ&W !f!V2Sfr ' MADISON SCHOOL more difficult for him to cope ] WASHER conquered Luxembourg. She with than the ones he encoun- H* * , I U and her family fled to the Unit- ters there , " ed States and Canada. The boss with poor human and production has put most of relations, said Dr. Braceland, the once Idle facilities to work. tends "to increase neurotic and psychosomatic reactions ail FunJidit Many companies are planning to P >i i, n Uh • t-- l*j< around him." No Money Down %:. v# expand to meet current healthy * - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ demand and the prospects of This results In high labor | ' - . |r - I ¦ No Money Down Friday, Nov. 13 larger markets ahead, I Our best semi-tnrtomaticl /-' .- > „ turnover sometimes, he added, ' f '!' , yet has 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. The expansion will help boost | s „, The chrome plated con- \;, . * . Budget priced pointing out that "from 60 to 80 'V " all these important Cor- the economy this winter and per cent of all . * ' trol panel ha* electrie fc. J . dismissals in in- •-• "' onodo f a,0^M, lw e 9 next spring. Some of it will still lt •*-.- " y* shut-off timer, settings ^^^ = ^^ 0 %) * B dustry are due to social incom- y ' ^s ^^^ hl- be going on a year from now. X up to 15 minutes. Big 10 ^^^--^^^/ '^ lb. porcelain tub, In the School Gymnasium petence rather than industrial ^ —^ 0-0^ ~ " It makes the immediate future failure. " Wf lb. porcelain enamel tub JB " \ vane agitator, adjust- Theme: "House of Superstition" able safety wringer. look that much the brighter. And Dr. Braceland, in his -,.IA »«n- _ a I and adjustable wringer ,, * . ... TWO SPEEDS - For Regular . ^ re|ea|e Safety Wringer with Smooth porcelain finish. if it builds up future surpluses prepared remarks, suggested whh ^ faa|X or Delicate Fabrics «.r... 0 "A Fun Night For Everyone" — and there's no proof that it that "for an official to be badly Instant Bar Release "" ' will — that would still be quite maladjusted is worse than if he awhile off. had the measles." fCSLyT\ Giant Nylon |j™, ~o V4 umm¥ *rW\ R__# Fffl__¦¦# HUT rn TED L.r~~-~ -- * KM,____^1 j WSRfc\ PIriLLy11 nwQlf S - ,*^^<'% ,\ "< "it y *~ = Vs : mom NOVEMBER WSmw^-^ '/' fevw // ^

: ^ jT^ _r^______|*B ji&i***^^****^^*^**^***^**^**^^^ | . .. jL^ji^£^». W'^-i^H a *^_l I ^ tP*1^ ^ ^ WW HARDWARE SALE ^J KAPOK (NON-ALIERGIC) _T _»- _%¦%_%a¦« ¦%#% ~~7~) • TRIM TAP ERED CORONADO HUMCM, » BED HL, $KQ95 -„.«.„- ELECTRIC DRYER - 0» PILLOWS No Money Stylefoam* filled seat and _* ______/ r. _& -Am\^BmmmA95 lus! Has back for comfort p $ 119 *T M Amm M "* black lastic cover. ¦ * ¦* ¦»¦aW gold or p SPECIAL I ___B______B_BI •Our nom* lor polyur*lhon* loom *¦ _L*_^_^_[|_ ^_H *) ww^^-^^^ — ffH—-—^I Dries a full wash load with |*t / h wt- SEE OUR WONDERFUL GIFTS FOR KIDS IN I C 1 I rtream heat (low, fluff, hig I I I I tings), shuts off automaticollyl WL AW J mmm mW^ M A%. ¦ Ba_^ I r^==^-m Smooth Epon enamel drum. ^ $169.95 T flWI Am W*mMmm L___-_-_Wmm_ J Aromatic Gas Dryer.. IUI lm *Ki\mS [ -= J ' ¦ ^¦ - ¦¦ ¦» ? ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ B "mm* u|g^j i^ JI ; CORONADO^.^ M I KING-SIZE ISS) ^ IfW# AllfclafB IIEl# ^ ^^ ^ T ^ ^ pn^^_^^^-^ s WRINGER Delux Swive ^ g l p i e l Rocker i<^__ J | WASHER 95 $ 95 L $59h-*,d» \l M | 149 ^^^ ,ul| mold #» tlLTVVV BL >- *t'' ..v„>aj M| Iteol man-slxed camforS I . -', v, kV|<- M^ M I n/nim ^ H,« ,u,ud back " No Money Down V^mmm\S ^^ ^^ mmm\ ' 1 ^ ^Ai a - <1 Styl.'oo" ; ^> _! Now "Fa », :l ow" . n \^'^mK mm^^ m^^^mm\mmml * * ^» *--—. '"'fi* -' ^° \ti mmm&mWB£0*^^ T!!!£flmmmm%'•»•«¦»¦»•¦• T-eushlon. ©X Jy capacity pump drains Selge, brown or torq«o»»a ^-> _ V :t ^srP-Ba-^'*" ^^-Wa'_ei-s--_-_l -^ -^ a t y)^ quickly-. Has a , ^ ' '; ' _a^_H___^^ >*tiw 10 lb. porcelain .namel ^*-S_ i^B_B^' ' * ^^_^ '$?«* "*"* '" "**** CONTROLS^ """' »ob.hl-vane agitator,Lo- J^MJ^Smm85 ^^^ TWO - For ^< ^sXV ? ^ ... i. j J vo adjustab » wrlngar. ^v3> |r^ Washing and Drainingrs • 4..T„, '

¦ -- - ¦ ¦*— ¦¦¦ — — — -¦ ¦ — ¦-. .. , .—-¦ ¦ -) i , ._. _ Ma azine "WELCOME" *mmmC 0 19 rflpDnr i S OOc DOOR MATS 9lU CARPET RACK Asiort.d Colon ¦ /7• Foam Rubber Backed ... Q^^ O^^ w C "RoRUGS Ml. -MITQ" GL?lGLSVES 07Mmmm io"vTi" 99m m X ' "


You'd expect to pay much morel Outfit Includes 20-plece, t. AT LOVELY BREAK-RESISTANT MELMAC WALNUT — 40" Long x 251." High x 16" Deep f ^^ drive and 12-plece VC and W VV drive socket sets; open- *p \9J|% box-end, short box-end MOUSY 48-pc. DIHNERWARE $19.95 RECORD CABINET - $19.95 end, , hex-key and miniature wrench _ J mm ¦¦¦¦¦¦- ¦¦ ¦II . - ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ,. . ¦ —-..¦ ¦¦ - - i i . i -in . i. ¦ i- ¦ _,. „ ,iii . i , , ,,. , ,,..„. ,, ¦¦, „, i- ,i i ,i. i . ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ m i—i- mi _. mmtmmammmmmme — — — — sels; assorted pliers , tool box and much, much more. ^^ ^^ "° Try Our New GHARG-ALL tht most Mural credit plan in Wards 92-year history NO MONEY DOWN When You Buy on Credit at Gambles sizes, the women of the Ro- the 40-hour devotions Dec. i St, Stan's Rosary sary Society are making, bed are: the Mmes. George Bautch jackets and are collecting mis- Joseph Suchla, Raymond Ku- Business and Professional Women Society Holds Busy cellaneous items, such ss used jak, Clifford Sobotta Jr., Meeting at Church toweling, bath towels, infant George Suchla, Rudolph Such- wear and children's sweaters. la, Donald Skrocb, Joseph Aid ARCADIA, Wis. (Special) - Members were asked lo donate Pierzina, Clifford Sonsalla, Eu- See Film and Discuss Foreign , When the Rosary Society of dish towels for the church gene Brom Joseph P. Karapa story of Foreign Aid to Pakistan, and Miss Ann Marie Klonecki, "Quiet Battle," a the St. Stanislaus Catholic kitchen. Greece and Taiwan, was the featured film presented by Suchla gave a church met Sunday afternoon Mrs. Rudolph Following the meeting, there the World Affairs Committee of the Winona Business *"The Miraculous- Me- W_8 a social hour, with In the church recreational talk on Group and Professional Women's Club at their dinner meeting i tal." ' 15 members as hostesses and Tuesday evening. rooms, three reports were giv- i Twelve members selected to! Mrs. Vernal Solberg as chair- Miss Verlie Sather , chairman of the committee, pre- en by members attending the take part in the procession at I man. A special prise went to faced the film showing by stating that "Many people in Diocesan convention in Eau the closing night services of I Mrs. Adrian Lisowski. - ¦-. ¦ .¦-¦-- this country ask — What Claire, and two new members LM. UIIH-** . .<* l»«»' » good has foreign aid done? have 113 pain of glasses pre- were added to the society. What have they done with pared for shipment within the Those reporting on the con- ST. CASIMIR'S CHURCH the money and technical next two weeks. So far the Wi- nona club and people of Winona vention were tbe president, aids that have been given to 475 pairs of glasses, Is the money just go- have sent 1, Mrs. Adrian Lisowski, Mrs. them? and bit* of old gold and jewel- Albert Skrodh and Mrs. Au- BAZAAR ing down the drain?" — ry, and glass cases, contact relius Pehler. Many of these questions lenses, and artificial eyes, for Saturday Evening, Nov. 14 at 8 p.m. were answered in the film. use of this extensive project New members added to the The film gave striking ex- which aids the needy wherever society were Mrs. Gerald Slaby Sunday Evening, Nov. 16'at 8 p.m. amples of how people have been agency aid is not available. in Group 16, in place of Mrs. taught to aid themselves. For Miss Schettler reminded mem- Jerome Fonfara, now residing , Nov, 18 instance, the introduction of the bers that they still have an outside the parish, and Mrs. Monday Afternoon Winesap apple into Greece opportunity to win a prize for Eugene Brom in Group 8, in made come striking advances designing a cover for tbe Min- place of the late Mrs. Mary POULTRY HAMS QUILTS ~ m , m M mmi m ¦ * ¦ ¦ ¦ in that country's economy as nesota Business Woman maga- Pierzina. * ~ n n^r*4mJKJkJ V^S*J *S*S *J**S^r v* >* *~ ir ,~' t'* , t* ,^ < " ** ^ *^^ *^^ * ** **I *II * I *I providing another item of food zine. Time limit for entries for MR. AND MRS. BE8N- mm r tmmr m r "mm- Mrs. Jacob Sonsalla will be f ^^mm^^tm^^^t^mmmm *mW'^mmww^mm> -aw ^*" .^* r - ^ ^r ^~ -^ -{Camera Art phote) as well as a most exportable this contest has been extended ARD H ACER , Kellogg, given a gold-colored rosary for Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. item. to Dec. 1. Minn., announce the en- being a 50-year member of Tod- Miss Alma Kemp, chairman MISS SATHER stated that gagement of their daugh- the society. Mrs. Sonsatla'si of the Secret Pal group, an- name was ommitted, when i OUR FACTORY Todd-J ilk'Vow s ' the fronts, and scoop necklines "We think we are the only nounced that the Christmas din- ter, Miss Janet Mary Hag- \ in the bodices. Their crown-like country giving foreign aid, but ner of this intra club group will er, to S. Sgt. Robert G. other 50-year members receiv- ' Exchanged at headpieces were of the same this is not true. Other nations be on Dec. 3 at the Hotel Wi- Matherly, Fairchild Air ed rosaries during the Golden St. Paul's Church color as their gowns. They car- are giving of their monies and nona. Force Base, Washington, Jubilee breakfast. ried . bouquets of red and white their talents in proportion to son of Mr. and Mrs. A. The society conducted a Miss Catherine Jilk , daughter carnations. their income also, so we are MRS. KATHERINE Breitbach Thanksgiving Clothing Drive explained again the workings of E. Capshaw , Seattle, Wash. Clothing SALESROOM ol Mr. and Mrs. Leo V. Jilk, The bride's mother wore a all working together to aid oth- which closed Sunday. kelly-green wool suit and the er countries to become self- the Christmas Bureau, and urg- A January wedding is be- was packed Monday and Tues- Minnesota City, and Charles E. ing planned. Todd, 1222 W. 5th St., son of groom's mother wore a blue sufficient. It costs us one-half ed members to continue their day, by the clothing drive Mrs. Ruby Henderson, Winona , print silk dress. Both had cor- of one percent for the aid given giving at the December dinner committee, headed by Mis, were wed Oct. 31. ' sages of red baby roses and to others, and we are receiving meeting of gifts for the older Julia Thomas. Others assisting white chrysanthemums. much more in added exports." men and women who are in FOUNTAIN CITY BAZAAR were the Mmes. Peter Sonsal- IS OPEN The wedding was at St. Paul's Walter Hinds, instructor in need. ; Best man was Bernard Dun- - ¦jumAuv .ux , ms. spe- la, Aloizy Kulig, Joseph G. Catholic Church , Minnesota music at Winona State College, She also told of the group of City, with the Rev. George lavy, Mt. Horeb. Wis., and cial) — The Women's Guild of Reck, Stanley Klimek, Charles groomsmen were Philip Streng was the soloist, accompanied college students from the three St. John's United Church of Smieja, Joseph Suchla, Marvin - [ Moudry officiating at the nup- by Miss Agnes Bard. He sang colleges who are working on 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. tial high Mass. Tbe parish choir and Willard Anderson. Leo Jilk Christ will conduct its annual Rosenow, Pauline Breska, Al- J Jr. and Marvin O'Grady were a group of songs including "The the "Making Christmas Merry" bazaar and bake sale Saturday phonse Waldera and Peter J. sang and Thomas Flood: Sr. was Pilgrim's Song," "None But the project of repairing and reno- soloist. Organist was Mrs. Mar- ushers. at 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall in Slaby. A dinner for 150 guests was Lonely Heart" — sung in Ger- vating toys and games and MONDAYS and FRIDAYS i vin O'Grady. man, and two salt water songs books for distribution to chil- the church basement. Dessert In addition to bandages and | served at the church hall by and coffee will be served dur- dressings of various specified j The bride was given in mar- women of the parish and friends in settings by Frederic Keel — dren of the area during the [ OF SWEATERS . . . ALL , riage by ber father. She wore "Wanderer's Song, " and "Bill, Christmas holidays. Anyone who ing the sale of baked goods, THOUSANDS > i ' of the bride. A reception, fol- produce, bazaar and gift items. ' ' a floor-length gown of semi-bro- lowing the dinner, was held at the Seaman." wishes to participate in this I Pre-Thanksgiving [' . AT LESS THAN WHQLESALEI cade and satin, styled with a fit- The program was in charge project, either with toys in need The event is open to the public. the home of the bride's parents. , ted bodice with a scoop neck- A rehearsal luncheon was giv- of the World Affairs committee of minor repairs dolls that need line and long sleeves. Her net of which Miss Sather is chair- remodeling and new clothes, or SALE en at the home of the groom's man, and Miss Martha Steele games that are in good condi- TALENT SHOW SET i veil was held by a crown of mother. pearls and apple blossoms. She and Beverly Coe, members. De- tion or even new games, may PETERSON, Minn. (Special ) Following a wedding trip votions preceding the dinner bring such articles to the City | 15% Discount carried a bouc-Uet of red roses through Northern Michigan and — The Peterson Commercial j and white carnations. were given by Miss Janet New- Welfare Office in the City Hall, Club will sponsor a second an- en all merchandise. WINONA into Canada, the couple is at j Miss Suzanne Schneider was comb. Miss Newcomb also won where members of the student nual talent show at the high ( Friday & Saturday enly. ; home at 1222 W. 5th St. a special prize. group will pick them up and maid of honor. Bridesmaids The groom is employed at the school auditorium Nov. 25 at 2 [ Just Arrived! New Shipment I THE CLUB'S year book, pre- complete work on them. "This p.m. Persons interested in en- KNITTING MILLS ! were Mrs. Philip Streng and Golden Frog Supper Club, is an excellent example of the I HUMiMELL ORIGINALS j Mrs. Willard Anderson. Feuntain City, Wis. pared by the research commit- tering should contact Bill Grind- tee composed of Miss Mabel youth of a community partici- land or the i 902 East Second Phone 3395 \ They wore floor-length pea- Prenuptial parties were giv- pating in community activities Peterson vto Serv- SARA'S GIFT SHOPPE cock-blue gowns with bell-shap- en by the waitresses at the Dudley, chairman, and Mrs. ice. Cash prizes will b» award- ! 103 E. Third j , typist, was dis- and bringing leadership and } 3 ed skirts paneled with lace at Golden Frog; by Mrs. Streng, Ruth Schmidt fresh new ideas to a community ed winners. Mrs. Marvin O'Grady , "Miss tributed to the members. This endeavor." Mrs. Breitbach said. Schneider and Miss Marjorie is the 16th year that Miss Dud- Johnson; by Mrs. Anderson, ley has prepared the booklet. Mrs. Ruby Henderson and Mrs. A business meeting was pre- Rushford Mothers Louise Nordsvig. sided over by Miss Rose Schet- tler, president. The club voted Sponsor Carnival to give $20 to the Guidance Hong Kong' Pastor Department of Winona Senior RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special) High School for use in hardship —The annual Rushford Band FRIDAY! cases among the students. OPENING Speaks at Mothers carnival will be held at Announcement was made that the Rushford High School audi- Ladies Aid Society Mrs. Dorothy Ford, president of torium Saturday starting at 4 LAKE CITY, Minn. ( Special) the National Federation of Busi- p.m. WINONA'S NEWEST FABRIC SHOP ... NEW - at BROWN DRUG — The Rev. Peter Chang of ness and Professional Women's The menu is as follows: Bar- - FABRI-COMB — positively Hong Kong, China, pastor in Clubs, Inc., will be guest speak- becues, hot ham sandwiches, combs out all balling — pill- - er on the radio program "What's hot dogs, escalloped potatoes, the Christian Chinese Lutheran the Issue" produced by the ing and matting from sweat- Mission, spoke on the Lutheran potato salad, baked beans, sal- ers and all napped fabrics — Chamber of Commerce of the ads, pies and cakes. R Mission in Hong Kong at a re- Special will restore natural look to United States, on Nov. 22. The prizes will be awarded. , suede — This little item will cent meeting of the Ladies Aid program will be "Youthpower— Society of Trinity Lutheran The midway will feature the make your finest sweaters U.S.A. " following booths: Shooting gal- look like new — satisfaction Church, Lincoln. lery, absolutely guaranteed — This Rev. Chang, who has been in THE NEW-eyes-for-the-needy cake walk , fish pond, pho- is a companion item to that the United States for several committee, comprised of Misses to gallery, fortune teller, floor wonderful LINT-PIC — very Florence Jackson and Mildred shows, shave the balloon and months, is now on his way Bartsch, announced that they many others. 'A simple to use and inexpensive home. John Schwertfeger , son The Calico Cat — Thank you Mrs. C. for sug- of the Rev, Harold Schwertfeg- gesting it to us, er, local pastor , is a teacher in A good suggestion from cus- the new Immanuel Lutheran tomer Mrs. D, — when your English Middle School in Hong child carries her lunch to Kong. school — there is such a short Mrs . Karl Heise gave a re- lunch period — there never port on the Lutheran Women's W00LW0RTH62 East Third St. In Downtown Winona S seems time to wash hands be- Missionary Society meeting held fore and after eating — She Fabric Shop suggested yon scotch tape a at St. Matthews Lutheran Ms. little package of WASH 'N Church in Winona recently. HELD WITH DRI or JIFFY TOWEL to the Members drew names for the (100 inside of the cover of the Christmas party. Hostesses were Hk 66 West Third Street (Below Siebrecht's) lunch box — Will save the Mmes. Chester Hoops and Wil- OVER *¦ | Limit THIS child time , and make for a burt Rabe . Thr much nicer lunch period — BY DEMAND " " AM Why not try it? We appreciate FRIDAY all these little suggestions . VFW Auxiliary FOODS NOVEMBER 13 K "OZEN ^m Q w~^^^^ ¦ One of the cutest little cifts Sets Future Dates m^A^Bk^kwm mBm m* ^^8_1__, * we've received for a long lime »« is the new fashionable PEND- LAKE CITY , Minn. (Special) MAIL ORDERS f l 8 ^— ' -^ ANT — from Rovlon — it is — Future events were discus- Add lie (or PicKaflnt II H ^ .-• % BL a > and Mil II-. , ill £ and tee our of darling — Gold Tone — looks sed when members of the Auxi- C VVl M*|fc namffl y^F Come wonderful selection Carltex Wools, Dan River like a small watch on a gold r £ , Ely Walker Vi liary lo Bernard Fle.sche VFW W chain — when you open it — WOOLWOR TH'S /// A' anc S Post H7-!l met Monday evening ¦ ^^ ^Vv» Wgj ^B/m ' pringmaid Cottons, Cone and Crompton Corduroys plus a host of other ¦ you find a Kcv- in Ihe club house. DOWntOWn / / / -a- M - --- B - aM. lon I/>ve Pat - complete wilh ai Eail Thli . it. // 'f |( famous brand fabrics. We The membership dinner i.s set Y , u cannot I ITIIHI alia. WBm will also feature an array of nylon nets and other W mirror — 1 noticed in the Wlnina, Minn. MVO for Nov. at. Oyster stew will II j\ I monay it chscliaut Chicago Tribune this week a ' ' } I eaunlar ar ior«ica a' lik Vgrnm items for Christmas fineries! fk be served at the Wabasha Coun- f f 1 full page ad Mling that when- j I If '"a mircsanWiaa will La ty Breeders Cooperative meet- ever you wear a sweater that AMERICAN ll j i ¦¦"•""'. Ihe trend is definitely a penil- ing al the club house Dec. H I onI of some typo — This one Tlie auxiliary is sponsoring Imagine a Knife 7/iof Will a STAINLESSCTAIKII ccc / '// will really be different. girl al tlie Eaton Rapids Vcter- Cul ln«k a* .nin Slices •! ' Ue have also received a I mis Home in Michigan. She will An Yihina tnm / /7/ \ f * OPENING SPECIALS complete new line of Jewelry j be sent gifts for her birthday f l A/eila-lA Jg/ _<<_5«r ¦ and for Christmas. | — to be on display this week 1 Group, Values to — We are only making men- ' Hostesses were Mmes . Roland I <*& r& $3.98. 54" Wide _ I /NIAS) toMATots u nto-rtttoon ^^ tion of one of the items this j Taylor and Ray Adams. NOW TH . RS&YvZV */ week - "Little Miss Birth '¦ or-sATi -T _____># -^ m*T, PNuirf n»... _ — " Upholstery Fabrics Stone Bracelets " lor $1.01 ) — KN.FI IOSA (SK ANYINING, IVM I0MS — ' QQ^V 1 the charms me the letters of i v.R FOR \ fl For Our Opening Only ## W I Brothers Night mm^r tL.- rrS 1 ll flGiSTfcfc Ihe month — each divide'1 hy otv.LOPiD WmM/~* \ T^fe) a small birth stnne color of I Noted at Alma UMmlwmi*\ the month — hard to describe tlMCONDITIONAUY GUARANTI ID III ALMA , Wis . The I/Mil •!._,, I PRlIto m Th Ma ic t°b"AVVV_ line — ROIIN Bl.ONDK ami A meet ing ami pmnrain (ol- -r "5 MINt 'TK COLOR." I'll , lowed , (luring which all the ( — all ALL-PURPOSE-... ¦KNIFE . YIJOUARANTIlDLJL' L6HGTHS YOU'll RECOGNIZE observe and lake lots of note* , men were given emblemitfA' mW z. I _ A OR!-* H THE ORIGIN OF THESE / 11 — We like In know what boutonniere.s. Awarded fflH Iflcl.tle. FREE with } THE MOST < V rtUeV SPECIAL BUYS we | prlM ;» »e\«»n| <* " I FOR OUR OPININGI 1 S | sell — and sell rl-jht ' I were George I'lrich , Alma , and every tow knife! X V l* H WRt '!SIjS \ i\ Last but nut least We j Otto Mohnk , Fountain City, Wis., luive always trier! to ijiw uiir [ both 50-ye-nr members , and El- IOU0 W (I0UNI VOf ITS KIND f TUMBLE TABLE i B i iislemers -. "TltK IIKD ; mer Accola , Marvin Fugina , MlltC \, ' rS^ 11 *-bv» * *££>* 1 f Rea«Jy-,o-Wear ) CAIU'ET SKIIVICK" SELP-SHARPENINO INIfl " ^ ^ , B\ Articles B - now j Glcnn Turlon and Ilex Moore. j- n,c ry' Mi we arc going tn have the rod I The chapter received an in STAINLESS STEEL » W N. *¦«»»•• "" l l ( • DWSSIS • HOSIERY BRAS 1 M ^^^ ^= ^~^^^ ^ • carpet lo prin t' it -- ui our vilalion lo attend an initiatio n PEELER ^ \ U,,r window s and --^Ifr^ iagr (^^ ^ fj J«»» r*« ' CORSETS • GLOVES JEWELRY ¦ Co.smelic De- meeting at Durand , Wis ., Mon ^ ^^ \ M C * • 1 partment — We hope you will day. like it — The carpenter.s ¦¦, ,• ¦ Everything Price finishing the work in the bark AU-PURPOSI miii- \ - BLAIR Al XIUAItY ^^^^aalaaaaaHRSaV^^^ * I J^^gmmk % ! la pari of the stoiethis week and | fi KNIPI DOU • JOU IN ONI \ with a nice fresh coat of BLAIR , Wis. ( Special) Tlie VT el-MS e PAeWeSHMMeMATll paint we hope to he "dean I American Ugion Auxiliary will • MCB e MM-ttltt elMMS e tCAUl as a whistle. " OPtN DAIIY » A.M. TO S P.M., FRIDAYS 111 1 EIV I meet Tuesday at ll p.m. in the UMC-UOITMI, reojenilen «f price, (er qualify «n. utitttyl One JL t IHN I SII.ACKI, OWNMS I Two nice iit'W people In Legion rooms. Mrs. Albert compact unit that ptrlWii |uit ebeut every food prepare* help nerve ynu — I'at and Stephenson will present the lop tionjob lA theltitcha-i. Boh Gle-der - Come Me u*, ic , "Membership. " Mrs , Arthur nt BROWN DRI Hi. WOOLWORTH'S ^e ^iv iiaw Knutson and Miss Ida Larson iiiriTTr^' -tr^'^^ ^_y will be hostesses, ^^^ ^ Hart Aid Celebrates 40th Eaglet Ajirfiliary Anniversary at Banquet American Legion Auxiliary Public Sauerkraiit Supper RU.SHPORD, Minn. - St. Meetings ate held the second -at the Eaglet Hall John's Lutheran Ladies' Aid Wednesday of the month at Plans holiday Dinner Dance et Hart. Minn., which was or- 2 p.m. Tbe congregation was 62 years old when the aid was or- Plans for a Holiday Dinner vember and December. Anyone ganized Nov. 12, 1024, at the willing to work is asked to call SATURDAY, NOV. 14 Some of Mrs, J. J. ![anlzed In 1924, having been Dance Dec. 5 were announc- Woilfram, Mrs. John Prosser. Y S;N te l:M p.m. wKh the Rev. Otto Schultz pre- ounded In 1862. ed at the meeting of the Auxili- Servlof sent, observed this ary to Leon J. Wetzel Poet 9 of The Past Presidents Club anniversary THE Am Is affiliated TICKETS—$1.00 PER PERSON Sunday with a banquet attend- with served coffee and doughnuts at the Lutheran Women's Mission- tbe American Legion Tuesday tbe close of the meeting. ed by 180 persons. Pastor . .— ..-,i -.- HI .,-,, ... ary League which has circuit night. wmmmwi Schultz was guest speaker. He jaflBM-BMreaaa^^ » ' »" mmm is now pastor at Guttenberg, and conference raffle, and dis- The dance, which will be a Iowa trict and national conventions. gal* Christmas affair, will be , and will observe his 50th They assist many ahniversary in the ministry the church In preceded by a cocktail hour at this year. worthwhile projects. Mrs. Ed- win Friedrich is conference 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30. /^hoate's A f frtVE CHARTER members first leader. The Henry Burton Orchestra werepresent: Mrs. WilliamErd- will play for dancing from 9 mann and Mrs. Herman Siev- Durand PTA Hears p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets may be _ -S-ssRBBfv ers, Rushford; Mrs. Fred Eg- purchased from Legion and gert and Mrs, Lena Feine, Wi- Talk on School auxiliary members nona; and Mrs.¦ Otto Schultz, Guttenberg. , ' Building Trends It was also announced that the joint meeting and „ Roger Trester served as DURAND, Wis. (Special) - Christ- wmSm ______¦______¦ toastmaster, Mrs. Louis Feine Leo R. Hilfiker of the State inas party for the post and aux- gave a history, the Walther Department of Public Instruc- iliary will be held Dec. 8 at i\S§r _^__ ^__^__^__^__^__^__^__^H League presented an historical tion, was guest speaker at tbe the Legion Memorial Club. Mu- skit and also served the meal, Monday evening meeting of Dur- sical entertainment is planned which was prepared by the PTA. and at the 50-cent-a-pIate dinner _flFr_j__B______women. There was community Mr. Hilfiker talked on tbe _-_-_-_-_-_-_ ' _ -_-_ -_ -_-_ -_-_ -_-_ -_-_ -_-_ -_ -___Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm singing, led by Marcia Feine, which will precede the business present trends of school build- meetings. and the program closed with ing and planning in tbe state ^_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_^_I_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_L ^_a_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_m ^m^m ^m^m^m ^mw%fHSa_i_tf ' a poem read by the Rev. Edwin of Wisconsin and showed a film MRS DAVID KELLER (above) and Mr. Keller are at RECOMMENDATIONS of the Friedrich. ' entitled, "To Build a School home at 21S Hamilton St. They were married Oct. 24 at auxiliary executive board which Present officers of the aid are House." Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Waterloo, Iowa, by Rt. Rev. met Nov. 6 were also presented Mrs. Louis Feine, president, Following his talk, he an- Edward J. O'Hagan. The bride is the former Miss Vic- at Tuesday's meeting. The fol- Mrs. Carroll Kjos, vice-presi- swered questions from the au- toria Hanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hanley, lowing were adopted: The aux- dent, Mrs. J. E. Wolfram, sec- dience. After the meeting a so- iliary will send its president i ^lilSili ^ mmmmmmmmmmm ^^m%%%%%%%%%w Waterloo. The groom is the son of Mrs. Roy Keller, Minne- ^mj wW** _^_^_l_R_^_^_^_^_H^_^r ^^_^_^_^___^_^_^_i retary, Miss Anna Eggert, cial gathering was held in the and the late Mr. Keller. Attendants at the wed- and secretary to the fall con- treasurer. iska, Minn., ference school cafeteria. Monterrey, Mexico, who in Minneapolis Nov. 20- ding were Miss Jacqueline Schuy, 21 and pay $15 per day ex- was maid of honor, and Michael Orlowske, Winona, best man. penses, plus transportation; a A reception for about 200 guests was held af the Colony Club, $5 Christmas Seal Bond will be Waterloo. The couple took a wedding trip to New Orleans, purchased; 9,000 small poppies La. The bride is a graduate of Columbus High School, Water- and 4 dozen large poppies to be loo, and of tlie College of Saint Teresa, where she received a used for decorations during the B.S. degree in nursing. She has been employed at St. Mary's year will be ordered, and $100 of Winona will be sent to the Veterans Hospital, Rochester. Mr. Keller is a graduate _^_^_e _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ H^_^_H B^_^_H State College and is assistant production manager at Lake Gift Shop as the auxiliary's an- Center Switch. nual donation. Mrs. Gladys Watkins spoke briefly about the significance of § ¦ m ^^^^^%l'»a_____?_/"'aB_p»_er-«w^g((P-^^^^ '¦ I Plainview PTA Loya l Wan Vleets poppies to veterans and Mrs. James Hermes Note Anniversary reported on the jJuunjJ UUUUUUU Jjw'uuuuuuu" Sets Dinner Date district membership rally at ¦ ¦ 'i i saiiieia-aasaaaaaaa-gagpiii | i an ai -mam""^"'ammmaam*! Rochester which she attended (Special) WEST PRAIRIE, Wis. (Spe- PLAINVIEW, Minn. cial) — Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Nov. 7. — The Plainview PTA will pre- Van Vleet were honored Sun- Mrs. Adolph Bremer, co-chair- pare and serve the Rochester day on their 25th wedding an- maij of the local membership Dairy dinner which will be held niversary at a family dinner. committee, announced that, to here Nov. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Guests were from Ettrick and date, 218 members have paid Lavern Walch, Plainview, is Lime Ridge, Wis., and St. Paul. 1965 dues. Captains in the menf- the finance chairman of the Mr. Van Vleet and Helen Mae bership contest were asked to L^^ committee in charge of the din- Edgar were married Nov. 7, contact then* teammates to I styied right ner arrangements. Others are 1939 at Decorah, Iowa. speed up recruitment and put Francis Kottschade and Mmes. the Winona auxiliary "over the George Standinger, Nick Schriv- FLY CREEK AID top." j # er, Martin Beyers and Lester BLAIR, Wis. (Special) — The f* Christison. Mrs. Walch asks the Fly Creek Ladies Aid will THE CHAIRMAN of tie com- ^ full cooperation of the 235 PTA meet Friday at 2 p.m. at Zion mittee on education, Mrs. H. J. members. Lutheran Church. Hostesses are Honer, reported on American ' ¦¦ Education Week and called ¦ ¦ Mmes. Orris Olson, Almon at- Weverstad and Ludvig Lovlien. tention to the series of articles CARD PARTY SATURDAY running on the Daily News BLAIR, Wis. (Special) — A Coulee school. editorial page this week. TtflVC. party -will She said that there will be a Jf- card he held Sat- Lunch will be served and urday evening r " Lakes prizes will be awarded. tea for teachers Friday at The ttrm -DUIiJ Oaks and that the public is wel- come to attend. BOYS' SUITS-BY KC BOYSWEAR r JmJ ^^ k , Mrs. Honer also said that she Now at Choate's . . . Boys' smart, 3-button suits of had gone on record with the / I am WBLvMUwf c governor as urging that some- wiWmWmw Rayon and Acetate with crease resistant finish. Solid 1 / / mm& in thing be done about raising ¦'( 4 /mk, WmW^m Colors Olive, Black or Blue Minnesota teachers retirement mW pay. Minnesota is 45th in line with the other states. While present day teachers retirement is adequate, some of the older retired teachers who received BOYS' SPORTCOATS AND BLAZERS - 1 HBI B || 1 BY KC very low pay are getting only BOYSWEAR Uuu u UIUUUUU uu Jliu wuuujuuuuuuuijijij about $100 a month, Mrs. Hon- P^P-Hpf! er stated. Auxiliary support for ^aS^^raKB Boys' Sport Coats and Blazers of wool and wool blends. remedial action was indicated. §HH[^^HH§H Solid colors, checks, stripes and Harris Tweeds. Mrs. Frank Nottleman, com- munity service chairman , thanked all who helped in the Crippled Children's Clinic, and Mrs. Earl Toye reported on B0YS' DRESS PANTS-BY KC BOYSWEAR hospital visitations and cards £¦ JH8r I. I and memorials sent on behalf mwi Boys' Dress Pants of Rayon and Acetate. Regular I I 1 , mWKm of the auxiliary. She also asked and Slums in Black for volunteers for hospital work. MB Emm/ , Grey, Olive or Brown. Washable. I An auxiliary standing fund for cards and postage was estab- lished for Mrs. Toye. In closing the meeting, Mrs. Robert Thaldorf, auxiliary pres- Jf-_i GIVE HIM GIFTS HE CAN WEAR * " ident, called for increased par- | - WmIB §BL USE 0UR CHRISTMAS SHOPPER ACCOUNT * *1 ' *f * ^1 ticipation in the auxiliary by ^ wives and families of World War II members, and she ask- ed for volunteers to assist with ' m '' ¦ . , *...,. ,V five luncheons planned in No- ''Tffl*vrnm'r wW'

STRETCH! STRETCH! S-T-R-E-T-C-H ! •. to I B \\ ^ • make news! ^^^^ ^___^____ v____b ^^m ^___k \ | LIGHT-AS-AIR STRAPS AND Latm *aty iam on Irttim I ^^A V ^H ____L mW I ^^__L \ CONTOUR SHAPED MIDRIFF BANDS ^^___ ^B»a_____BP^^ lovely Fall color*. LET YOU BREATH FREE 'N \_-_mtmmmmmmmmaw_-_-____fl_-_Hl ^_-_HBsnM9_L \ % ^_^ ^^^^^ iBmmWBmL \ m As in W_fl_f ^^_-__i —n Savanfasam EASY. STRETCH STRAPS CAN'T ^Hffl -Hnm \ ^_-_-_-__L \ -__-_-___- -_-___[ ^at-E-R-am \ ^1_-_-_-_-_- L \ ' CURL, TWIST . RIPPLE ! C HOOSE A SWEET MUSIC BRA WARDROBE


¦ 2510 EXTRA-SUPPORT BANDEAU 3.00 ^^yr i *

2590 SOFT POUF-LINED BRA 3.95 252! GENTLE UPLIFT BANDEAU 3.05 V 2500 EMBROIDERED BANDEAU 2.50 I I \ 1 TODAY...TOMORROW—TERRIFIC J/j ^^a^/ I YOU AR1 INVITED TO CHAROK IT YOU AR_C INVITtD TO CHAWQK IT I &0 fJ£___s?»_. I ¦——— ¦— - . . -. ¦ . , , -i- __ _ _ . - ,. -I. ¦" i i ~»——<—>— —II if - HI <• ¦ - ¦ —-* mmamaaaam»^mmammmmammmam>mmmmaa mmf mjaaammmmaaaa mmmm I _.„„____„___ ^ . ZL ^^ I _TTRICK EDUCATION WEEK Pine Creek Rosary Water Color Class ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) * Ettrick Elementary Society Hears Conducted at School con- Meeting tinued parent-teacher confer- Members Convention Reports Cathedral ences this afternoon In obser- Wenonah Chapter vance of American Sister M. Poverello. occupa- Education DODGE, Wis. (Special) - at St. Anne Week. Coffee will be served by Mrs. Paul Jaszewski, president tional therapist Parent-Teacher Review conducted a water col- the Association Hear European Tour of the Rosary Society of Sacred Hospice, School will be in session in or beginners class when the Sil- the by Fiat bus, home was made by air in a Heart Parish at Pine Creek, re- Beaux of the mornings only, A short memor- A 6,000 mile tour, ported on the Christian Home ver Belles and ial service was held made by three members of matter of less then 10 hours. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Wednesday and Family Workshop of the morning for Veterans Day, with Wenonah Chapter Daughters of Miss Marion Wheeler, regent, convention of the Council of met Tuesday in the St. Augus- the American Revolution and of the meeting About SO persons veterans as guests. Posters was in charge Catholic Women in Eau Claire tine room. made by 8th graders, the one husband was relayed which opened with the Pledge participated in the class. have at a recent meeting of the So- been placed in various business to members of the Chapter of Allegiance and a prayer of the business meeting ciety. She explained the Bish- During places. Flowers were sent to Wednesday at the meeting of Thanksgiving, given by the op's Kit for mothers, of young the Senior Citizens group elected , the group at the home of Mrs. , Miss Leslie Gage. Re- the school in recognition of chaplain children. the following officers: Mrs. Wil- the teachers' by the C. D, Tearse. ports of the treasurer, Mrs. Alois Ettrick Mrs. Wesley Staublin Jr. gave liam Krage, president; American Legion and Auxiliary. The Misses Frances and Gert- Howard Packard; Mrs. H. L. a report on the Foreign Relief Koutsky, vice president, and rude Blanchard and Mr. and Dresser, corresponding secre- Workshop, particularly about Mrs. Charles Fischer, secre- Mrs. Harold Selvig, Lewiston, tary and Miss Mary Vance, re- the Madonna Plan for needy tary-treasurer. Minn., traveled from Minnesota cording secretary, were given. mothers and their children. A Mrs. Robert Horton announc- to New York via train and then collection was taken for the dessert MRS. TEARSE, registrar, re- ed that a Christmas to London on the liner Queen project. party will be held Dec. 6 in Elizabeth. In London they were ported that six new members There was a discussion of the have been received into the Holy Family Hall. She invited joined by others of their travel- Thanksgiving Clothing Drive for the residents of St. Anne Hos- 10-SPIID ing group for a seven-week tour chapter since the first of the the needy overseas, which is year. As representative from pice to attend. Mrs. Hubert beginning in May. being conducted this week. Web* will be in charge ef enter- RACER the chapter to the meeting of Members were asked to bring Following a short stop to ac- tbe Urban Renewal study sec- tainment. quaint themselves with direc- clean, usable clothing, bedding chairman at the tion of the Association of Com- and hand tools to the Parish Assisting the $66.95 tors of the tour they, and their merce, Mrs. Packard requested meeting were Mmes. John Heer UY IY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS party, sailed for Amsterdam and Hall to be packed for .shipment Miss Mary members to read recommended Wednesday. and Jack Leaf and the beginning of an extensive books on the work and purposes Lingl. Lunch was served with KOLTER'S ¦SS? tour of tbe Continent, told in Members of Group 1 of which Mrs. Charles Fischer presiding Wi Mankato Ave. Phone MM of this group. Mrs. John Pehler is chairman, words and colored slides at at the tea table. a__B^_^_k«^_^_k^__^^_B__B__Bk the Chapter meeting. A letter from Mrs. Ward Lu- were hostesses. Assisting her cas, chairman of the Laird were Mrs. Andrew Kamrowski, GERMANY with its cities cf Scholarship Fund of Wenonah Rudy Sydlo, Clarence Kline, rail and river traffic, Cologne DAR, stated that three students August Kukowski, Paul Wagner DURING OUR and Coblenz, as the starting of Winona State College are and Eugene Zabinski. WHO'S NEW CLUB OFFICERS . . . Wesley Rydin, treasurer, Mrs. Donald Mc- STOP IN NOW points was reviewed by Miss now recipients of funds from Mrs. Edward Jaszewski won Present at the Tuesday evening card party Mamu, secretary, and Mrs. Malcolm Moore, . A yj Lt t " Gertrude Blanchard and Mrs. the scholarship. sponsored by the Who's New Club at the vice president. Mrs. Douglas Callander, pres- the attendance ¦ prize. Selvig who showed the entire Mrs. Paul Pletke, chairman of YWCA were new officers, from left, Mrs. ident, was not present. (Dally News photo) program ^of beautiful and in- the Mabel Marvin Scholarship teresting color slides. fund, reported that currently La Crescent Home Heidelberg, university city, there are eight students at Club Sets Meeting Who s New Club Card Part/ and the Black Forest as a gate- WSC and 11 in area colleges way to the beauties of Switzer- receiving* scholarships provided LA CRESCENT, Minn. (Spe- w land and the lovely city of from its fund. Four approved cial) -- La Crescent Home and /3mmm F§ Hosts 52 Persons at YWCA SJ > a\\\ mmt. I Ji/ wn Lucerne were shown, Ancient DAR schools and tbe American Garden Club will meet Tues- Liechteustein With its cream col- Field Service are also benefit- day at 8 p.m. at the home of Fifty-two persons attended the Robert Sboup, Leo Goes, David -Tl _Hf v\ > // /A I /// * -±f/ \\J!J / ored oxen and its six hours ted by awards from this source. Mrs. Ralph Jones, 102 North Who's New Club card party at Tushner, Richard Rodney, S. the YWCA Tuesday evening. Jackson, Robert Fischer, Wes- per year of political activity Following the meeting and Hill St. were stops for the party en The membership drive is now Participants at each table play- ley Ryder, Don McManus and program Mrs. Tearse was host- and anyone interested in ed games of their choices. Henry Williams. route to Innsbruck and Cortina, ess for tea at which the Mmes. ri Italy, where a few years ago club is asked to attend this Prizes donated by 14 local Men whining prizes were Don E. E. Christensen and Philip A. meeting. An exchange of Christ- merchants, were won by the fol- Zwiers, George Elliot, Cleve MSMAmti the Olympic winter competitions Baumann presided. Gruler, Henry Williams and /¦haw mm\ were held. mas ideas will take place. Any- lowing: Mmes. John Ford, David one needing transportatoin is Arney, Donald Gray, Hank Victor Bertel. Italy with its renowned sites A prize was awarded to the Naples, Ca- to call Mrs. Richard Goss. • Luecken, John Pendleton, Bruce In Rome, Venice, Homemakers Club ¦ McNally, Walter Thompson, high scorer at each table. Win- TODAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Eri, Sorrento, and Assisi were Holds Meeting Richard O'Bryan, Cleve Gruler, ners were: Mmes. Shoup, Doug- lcluded in the pictures and Job's Daughters las Wood, Norman Trautmanr, Open Tonight and f riday Till 9:00 — Saturday Till 5:00 story related by the travelers. FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis. (Spe- Orest Ochrymowycz, Richard REGISTER FOR FREE PRIZES From Monaco and the Riviera cial) — The Help-Each-Other Initiation Set Strum PTA Plans Schoonover, Stanley Sorem, Hen- ^ LADIES to Aries, France, where they Homemakers Club met recently Bethel 8, Job's Daughters, will Unique Auction ry Luecken and Frances Uecker, •ft* FREi GIFTS FOR THE encountered a summer festival at the home of Mrs. Ray Jur- bold initiation Monday evening Miss Dorothea Huntley and Mr. -fr FREE COFFEE & COOKIES the travelers found lush beauty asindd- with seven members In in the Masonic temple, follow- • STRUM, Wis. — Strum Par- Zwiers, William Heise, Victor in the south of Europe. After attendance. MR. AND *TRS. H. RON- Bertel and Bruce McNally. ing a 6 p.m. dinner. A choice ALD DAHL, Mabel, Minn., ents and Teachers Association stops in Spain and Portugal Mrs. John Kamrowski gave of fried chicken or baked ham will conduct an unusual auc- Coffee and dessert were serv- Special Prices Throughout the Store! and the famed Lourdes, France, the lesson on the topic, "How arnounce tbe engagement of ed throughout the evening. Host- loaf will be offered. their daughter, Miss Ro- tion Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. in the they toured on to Paris. to Make Housework Easier." Members and friends are to Strum Grade School. Ing esses were Mmes. Ford, Mich- Roll call was answered with in- make reservations with Mrs. cbelle L. Dahl, to Chestcn Myhers will be the auctioneer. ael Moor, Arney and Trautmann. AS WITH aH travelers whose dividual tips on the same sub- V. Mottershead, Ch a m- The annual family Christmas Come in for a demonstration tours have taken them to the ¦- ¦ Harris Carlson or Mrs. Maurice Items to go under his ham- ject. . . * by Friday paign, HI., son of Mrs. C. party will be held Dec. 8 at Continent in years past, they Godsey evening. mer will be farm produce, sew- YWCA. of the new generation of Color TV found much change. Handcraft, Mrs. Kamrowski will enter- Practice for officers and the V. Mottershead, Philadel- ing, canned goods, homemade long the selling quality of many tain the club at her home Nov. choir will be held Sunday at phia, Pa., and the late Cap- candy, baking, jellies and jams, areas of Europe has given way 19, when the topic, "Tlie Care 1:30 p.m. tain Mottershead of the Ma- used furniture and many other to the infiltration of machines and Repair of Furniture," will rine Corps. The wedding will articles of value. be presented by the Mmes. LEBANON CHAPTER OES MOTOROLA and prosperity which has lead MONDOVI, Wis. — Lebanon be Dec. 5 at Mabel First "Slave" labor to be sold will Get to the loss of generation-to-gen- Ray Duellman and Pearl Heit- Lutheran Church. Miss Dahl man. Chapter 89, OES, will meet at include baby-sitting, window eration taught skills, once the 8 p.m. Tuesday. On the com- is a graduate of St. Olaf washing, baking, ironing or any pride of distinct areas of Eur- mittee will be Mmes. Norman College, Northfield, and is other job. SOAPSTONE ope. In Paris they were thrilled There will be a special prize Mrs. Reitzel's Hanson, Roy Lee and Sam a lieutenant at the Naval from to see the renovation, now in Skare. The chapter has receiv- Hospital, Newport, R. I. Her of a feeder pig. progress, of old soiled and Birthday Noted ¦ ed two invitations for Monday fiance is attending graduate DADD BR0S weathered buildings. Original night — one at River Falls and school at the University of PLEASANT VALLEY CLUB nvDD STORE* with the new rectangular tube colors of stones and bricks are ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) - the other at Durand, Wis. Both being restored to bring beauty The 80th birthday of Mrs. Oline meetings are at 8 p.m. Those Illinois. Pleasant Valley Social Club V A S HARDWARE mWSSBSmggSSmmWMgmi for residents and visitors. Reitzel was observed Monday wishing to attend are to notify will meet Saturday at 2 p.m. at S76 E. 4th $». Phone 4007 The return to the U.S. and evening at the home of her son- Mmes. Scott Holden or Houser Blair MNC Club the home of Mrs. William in-law and daughter, Mr. and Rockwell by Friday. Haase. 360 Chestnut St. _¦_-_-_-_¦_¦_-_-___¦ ¦¦¦ Mrs. Raider Martin, Lakes Cou- Will Meet Friday ' H_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__y I IHJFIK lee. GIRL SCOUT BOARD BLAIR, Wis. (Special) - Mrs. ALMA, Wis. (Special) — A C. B. Immell will be hostess to Mrs. Reitzel has three daugh- a_H_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_H_^_^_^_^_^_ | _l_-_-_-_-_-_-_H m B r3_}IH ters: Mrs. Emil (Myrtle) Suit- Neighborhood Girl Scout board the Blair Music Needlecraft and H_P i-V^_^_^_^_HI EC ^mwm\ lien, rural Blair, Wis., Mrs. meeting will be held at 8 p.m. Culture Club Friday at 2:15 p.m. Martin (Ruth) and Mrs. Ben- Tuesday at the American Bank Mrs. E. 0. Runnestrand, Et- nie (Zelpha) Erickson, rural Os- Community Room. All troop trrick, Wis., will be in charge of seo. There are seven grand- committee members, leaders the topic, "Winter Flower Ar- PH0HE children and 10 great-grand- and mothers are expected to at- rangements." Members will re- tend and to bring ideas for spond to roll call by naming a llwi B children. Christmas crafts. favorite keepsake. Mrs. Reitzel, who has lived Magnavo x Radio-Dispatched Equipment in Ettrick for 20 years, will leave her mobile home there . Medal YUCKSS-Contampwary H for the winter, to spend some WM . m DOERER'S ASTRO-SONIC ¦¦ - ' atyllrrff. 23'ovwall dlio. tuba \ I time with each of her daughters. ¦ _T ".aM.;274 aq. ln, plotuia fll / " ¦ viawlri-)arse. ' w | •3-ftiHHOrMHHHOr^^ Stereo High Fidelity ' * J—J ?NO TUBES... space-age solid state circuitry (so dependable, it's guaranteed5 years); eliminatesvacuum tubes and component-damagingchassis heat! JUDGE|CWrtrO

DRYCLEANING M *_^_B 1 ''** brilliant —^—^—H—I—^—^—^_—B—M-Jr —Y Wl^^Saaa^lxBm^^ammf/ am _a_a m a^ I_H only after you ve ' STAR SAPPHIRE » ¦¦ ¦ " ¦«• ¦^ S MH I^ I MM tried _^HV_2S_lfl |H 3 Diamonds I (^-p j* , y "Tr^ttPmW ^^^^ *^.«-^*'-^ ^ *^*am'i,- _*il_B*-'—y*^-*--*''*' ¦—¦ la _-B€£S_^-^H_B_-_-_-_. -ittts IV ;:.:- .7-..-^. :* ^!^*. ^ii*aa2*a**S£!Ximi *'**^^* Hny^llH |^jH^^^^^^ B As' is the wit "-** toft r dl,n' l . $OQft50 The Contemporary, Astro-Bonto , K%^^_^_SKSSS,a_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--¦! Milky"^ Way* Only 4«70 model 1-ST631 In Walnut finish. Proved dapendsbllrry. Now Picture Tuba. N|Q|R|GIJ=1 mWmlWr^iSaaaaWimWmmmm.^m tlie . Hand-wired power The picture is rectangular, ONCE YOU HEAR THIS FABULOUS VALUE.. . YOU'LL transformer chassis is full, big, with the natural KNOW WHY TUBE SETS ARE OBSOLETE! precision crafted with shape similar to color DRYCLEANING modern hsnd and dip movies. Many coin-operated drycleaning systems have Ten times the efficiency of tuba sets: Six speakers. soldering for circuit been offered to the public. Perhaps you've tried Include two 12' Bass Woofers, 15-Watts undlstortad connections of New slim sat Motorola one or more of them, and haven't been completely music power, Stereo FM plus Monaural FM/AM Radio,' high reliability. Color/65 cabinets fit close satisfied with the results, We urge you try our STAR SAPPHIRE |_ r__4BR_!V^__&l J_S\M I exclusive Micromatic Player that . lets records last a to the wall. Compare this NORQE system ... and WE GUARANTEE and 2 Diamond! BL%i lB}l-g-M-i-M ^fr ¦ lifetime ... are just a few of Its magnificent features. with the way round-tube SATISFACTION! Come In and lot ui prove to you ttW-DIAMOND Yet, tt costs less than most ordinary tube sets todayl FuM year guarantor c°,or Mt8 8tick out In that our famous NORQE equipment gives you flH_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-_ * l^ PENDANT I ¦ Manufacturer's full year the room- the world's finest drycleaning results. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___¦iAAl C I BeautifullyHind Florentine ¦ a_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ SUtlfD ¦ I ¦ nPJHH Only from Magnatex—became the exclusive guarantee covets free _Sr__iS^__i______B^_wi ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^M 99 Oift Boxed exchange or repair IMH KY^TA Micronvalic Record Plajer banishes disoernible, of any ' ^ ^ " ^ T HII rCKKHeHCHOrCHMH^^ MK _ I tube or part _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_"¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦U_____aa______J._¦ I tP/LMft.t/_ V)T ¦ A\ /AM record and stylus wear—the Disuaeai Stylos is proven III 11 I Oil ™ (oarant-ttd defective in normal use. I L^3_aaiaa_imwS ^^ m 10 yean. If I I U

Come In for a demon- T SHOP FRIDAY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. u NORGE slration of the new Mod„ Y1,CIU_ garwatlon of Color TV' T IU atyimg DRY GLEAMINC & LAUNDRY s .. . * ,<*,. by Color/66 from Motorola. D'• " VILLAGE Hardt's Music Store WINONA FIRE & POWER Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Waakdayi — 10 a.m. to i p.m. Sundays DIRECT FACTORY DEALER 601-403 Hoff St. Phon* VMS EQUIPMENT CO. mmmmmmmmmmm\ X ^Corner Third and Center 116-llg laat 3rd tr. Winona %4 I. Ind St. iMBOaaOftMMrtiHMfiHMHO ^^ -Acr«a fram Sc-cendSt. Parklrif Let

i Chapter 141 Portia Club Endorses Field Galesville Club 1st Scottish Rite f . ¦— •¦» pack. Receiving awards were Stenaven, Richard Halveroo,a OES Meets Commemorates Section Slated David Berg, Kant Olson, Randy Steven KUng, Tom Bush aid Survey Team's Suggestions Joten, Joey Woodhull, Alan Bobbin Olson. Next pack meet*-, At Temple Shakespeare For IS Saturday Lien, Bruce Osegard, Larry Ing will be Dec. 11. Routine business was con- Portia Club unanimously en- making a large contribution to GALESVILLE, Wis. (Special) The first section of the Scot- mmmmmWt^mWt ^^^^M ^i^^mmml^^^^^^^KK ^^^^mWAtMK UKJ ^KAnB^n^mm ^Bmm ^mWBM ducted at the Monday evening dorsed and pledged full sup- community economy, but that port to the basic equipment, — Women of the Galesville Mu- tish Rite will be worked on a meeting of Winona Chapter 141, recommenda- it requiresfacilities , sic Study Club joined in the Order of Eastern Star, at Mas- tions of the University of Min- and personnel beyond preseht class of 15 candidates at the onic Temple. Mrs. Edwin Gree- nesota's Field Survey Team's ones. Winona must meet the commemoration of the 400th an- Masonic Temple Saturday. ^ niversary ol the birth ^l ^^ PRISH HOMI MADI thurst, worthy matron, presided report at a meeting Monday af- needs of Its adult students as of the Beginning at 8 a.m. the fourth mmm mWmV. and introduced Mrs. Willard L. ternoon at the home of Mrs. well as Its' younger citizens, English author, William Shakes- Hillyer, put grand organist of Leo Murphy Jr. tbe speakers said. peare, Monday evening when through 14 degrees will be con- ' ^ I ^ ^ B Country-Style Minnesota, and Miss Claris An- tbey presented a Shakespearean ferred by the Winona Lodge of SPEAKERS were Sunt. A. L. TREY coBChided by agreeing program. derson of Chapter 47, Luverne, Nelson and Frank Alien Jr., that what a school board can Perfection under the general ^^^ B SAUSAGE Minn. a school board director, who do is determined by the status, MRS. A. E. Ronnestrand was direction of Dr. Charlei F. in charge oi bringing the work Stroebel, Rochester, venerable VISITS TO OTHER chapters taked on the topics, "New Hori- interest, and ambition^of the master of the body. were reported — to Tretnpeal- zons in Education" and "Plan- families being served, and that of the author to the club mem- eau, Wis., by Mrs. Hale Stow; ning for the Future." every generation must decide bers in a realistic manner. The work is for candidates to Picjrwlck, Minn., by Mrs. whether It shall levy upon it- Members and guests presented who were unable to attend the FRESH FRISH The program was the third music. Maes. Lloyd Lippert regular fall reunion of the or- Ray Crouch; to Plainview, in a series of the Portia Club's self taxes to pay for the "Ed- and Rumwstrand read dialogues ganization Oct. 26-29. The sec- GROUND BEEF SPARE RIBS Minn., by Mrs. E. S. Moe; to Community Action Study, which ucation of the Boy" or the "Ig- frem several well-known plays, MR. AND MRS. HENSEL ond section of the work, the St. Charlei, Minn., by Mrs. is their topic for 19-4-1965. norance of the Man". Good B. JOHNSON, Blair, Wis., ' Ralph Hubbard; and to Miriam . choosing excerpts from those 15th through 18th degrees, will • Superintendent Nelson, speak- schools, adequately supported, best known. announce the engagement be worked for tbe candidates "* 39c "¦ 29c Pan, St. Paul, by Mrs. Gree- ing in observance of American are both a cause and an effect A contest was held in which of their daughter, Miss Su- thurst. of a strong, healthy community on a Saturday of their choos- Mmes. Harry S. Johnson Jr., Education Week, spoke on the members ware asked to iden- san Lynn Johnson, to Clar- ing. FULLY COOKED general needs of education to- and nation, he said. tify quotationsfrom tbe English ence J. Dubtel Jr., White- It is expected that they will Mot and Greethurst reported on Portia Club members ex- author and from the Bible. Mrs. the area OES conference in day as they apply in this com- hall, Wis., son of Mr. and be ready to join with others at munity. fireBsed the wish that other Arthur Glere had the most per- the regular spring reunion and PICNICS - - - - 29c Rochester Oct. 31. ocal groups will also undertake fect paper. Music selections Mrs. C. J. Dubiel, Inde- Invitations were read from "The hope of our free society pendence, Wis. A January complete the work through the FROZEN FOOD lies in the public schools," be study and discussion of these from Romeo and Juliet were 32nd degree. _-. Sunbeam Chapter 207, Lewiston, timely problems and will con- played by( Mrs. Gene Steffes on wedding is planned. We de custom cur- Mian., to attend Friendship said. "It is here that the so- the piano,' Mrs. Paul Link pre- ¦ LOCkeTS tuT Rent jfa ^fe ciety of tomorrow begins to sider group endorsement and Night last Tuesday and from support of these recommenda- sented three of her high school CUBMA8TER AT TAYLOR ing, smoking sau- « „,, ft. win * Evening Star Chapter 71, La- take shape: here that the pupils in vocal solos; Ryan Newlyweds to Live 5C3i__ BR tions. TAYLOR, Wis. (Special) - ¦ ¦¦ - UI M held 2M lbs. 1C_ PH_I Crescent, Minn,, to attend spark, the strength, the char- Sheeny, Mary Jo Bell and Jane safle--maKingLI , _etc.>t> _._^_e « Wr0'. In North Dakota Robert R. Olson is the new cub- of meatl ^ Friendship Night at 8 p.m. Fri- acter of our democracy is gen- Andersen. Mrs. Link accom- master replacing Merlin Joten, •?^fcaH_TJ day, when the station of Adah erated. To tbe extent that each panied Mrs. Lippert in a flute (Special) will be honored. individual gains these gifts Lady Bugs solo. LAKE CITY, Minn. who now is assistant Scoutmas- Committee reports were made through education, America also — Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hanson ter. Assistant Cubmaster is Ar- by Mmes. Anton Steinke, Lester gains. Install MRS. HENRY Lease, presi- are at home in Langdoh, N.D., nie Lien. Committeemen are Stevens, Walter Dopke, Stow dent, reminded members that following their marriage at St. Basil Osegard, John Joten and HOW to make sore they are gifts for patients at the county John's Lutheran Church, Fron- Pastor W. H. Winkler. Mrs. Ar- WA«KKIK 5 and Greethurst. present in the day-to-day-edu- Officers hospital are to be brought to tenac, Minn., Sept. 23. The Rev. nie Lien, Mrs. Dolores Holeton HOMEMADE SAUSAGES - GROCERIES - LOCKER PLANT MRS. Earle Ragar announced cation of all students is the the next meeting. The meeting Cyril Serwe officiated. and Mrs. Rose Woodbull are 477 W. 5th St., Winona, Minn. Phone 3151 Officers were installed at tbe date has been changed from The bride is the former Miss that a card party will be given problem , remaining to be Tuesday evening meeting of the den mothers. Six boys joined the at Masonic Temple at 7:30 tackled in communities like Wi- the second Monday to the first Barbara Steffenhagen, (1963 Military Order of the Lady Monday in December. There homecoming queen, Lincoln M»JIJ%J*»*a«eilWl^^ p.m. Saturday. She said all nona, across the land. Serving Bugs. It was held at the Team- High School, Lake City) daugh- members, friends and guests are the needs of all, but tailoring will be an exchange of gifts. , invited. A dessert lunch will be sters Club with Miss Virginia It was voted to present a vol- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert education to the needs and abili- Nelson in charge. A potluck din- ume on rose culture to the pub- Steffenhagen. The groom is the served; ties of individuals locally, re- An addendum honoring the ner preceded the meeting with lic library in memory of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar quires more extensive and more Mrs. Mamie Meska as chair- late Miss Rachel Shrake. Hanson/ Faribault/ Minn. I Safranek's Market mmmmmmmmmmm_ & ______Y. * _: worthy matron because of her expert, professional guidance. Miss Julie Geisler, Lake City, 601 East Sanborn Street birthday was presented by the man. The club will present a pre- _¦______!______1 , "Therefore, the services Of Christmas vesper service at the was maid of honor, and William officers, with Mrs. Moe in the University's Survey team Mrs, Ambrose Madigan was Presbyterian Church Dec. 6 at Splicher, Long Beach, Calif., charge. were employed by our local the Installing officer. Persons . p.m. best man. After the meeting, refresh- installed were: Mrs. Ann Lynch, Hostesses serving from a The bride is a graduate of ments were served in the ball- School Board to study tbe ta- growth pattern statiaically; to president; Mrs. Harold Wood- ble dressed in a Thanksgiving LHS, Lake City, and was for- ______R_____P^^^^ room where entertainment was en, senior vice president; Mrs. motif were Mmes. A. F. Kind* merly employed at the Royal (Never Frozen) ^ provided by a group from Wi- study the existing school plants; ^^mmmWmW * advise on the basis of their find- Earl Kreuzer, junior vice presi- Bchy, Louis Halderson, Paul Cafe here. Her husband is a nona State College. Miss Eliza- dent; Mrs. Harry Wigant, treas- Link, Jean Scarseth and Steffes. graduate of Faribault High beth Gunhus and Herbert Dibley ings; to advise in regard to the urer; Mrs. John Kozlowski, School -and Is employed by the sang several duets, accompanied influence of legislation — past secretary; Mrs. Edward Mod* Morrison-Knudson Construction Thanksgiving Turkeys 3P* by Miss Jonelle Millam. Ralph and pertinent; then to submit jeski, conductor; Mrs. Robert Quiet Day Company. \ Bowers was in charge of enter- a full report of their findings Nelson, chaplain; Mrs. Meska, tainment. to the School Roard and the Please order early to insure delivery < citizens of the area." guard, and Mmes. Clarence Observed ' On the refreshment committee Thorp and Madigan and Miss St. Matthew s PTA J Every turkey we handle is ¦ Grade A, Fresh and Perfectly Cleaned. \ were the Mmes D. V. Board- Mr. Allen discussed with club i ' ' • ' ' . ' ;— . ¦ ¦' . — . members the specific f indingsLillian Slegler, trustees. At Church Will Meet Tonight ' ' " . j man, Henry Polachek, Lucille i FRESH GEESE AND DUCKS — FRESH MARYLAND OYSTERS — Xeese and the Messrs. Edwin of this report, the summary of A report was given by Mrs. Quiet Day was observed at The St. Matthew's School j Madgan, hospital chairman. ! Large ROASTING/CHICKENS .. Ib. 39* { ~~~~~~~~~* ~~~j, \ Greethurst, Herbert Schladin- which is five basic recommen- the meeting of the Women's So- PTA will meet today at 7:30 SEXTON S MINCEMEAT ; < ske and Duncan Green. dations: 1.—Change from spe- Halloween favors weft present- ciety of Christian Service of p.m. in the individual class- • HEAVY HENS ...... Ib. 29* cial school district status to ed to the patients at the rest McKinley Methodist Church rooms of the children. ! SPECIAL LARD, for Pie Crust .. Ib. 25* Full Pint ... 65* j an Independent school district; homes and at Community Me- Miss Elsa Klein, first and sec- | dOXTOII S 5WEET RELISH • . r^OZ* JOT 3/r ta^^^^y^vM^^MMWVV»»Vi»» ^--S-a^*»V>^ ' Wednesday afternoon at the ond grade teacher, and Mrs Mt. Calvary ALCW 2.—Construct a new area voca- morial Hospital. Assisting her church. The period of quiet . • —PORK TENDERLOIN— —CHOICE SPRING IAMB — j tional-technical school; 3—Con- were Mmes. Modjeski, Meska, Donald Kiekbusch, kindergarten , __ _-- ______i To Hear Missionary prayer and self-denial was pre- teacher, will speak on trends — struct a new senior high school; and Madigan and Miss Siegler. ceded by a dessert lunch and i FREE DELIVERY — DIAL 2851 — Wo close Wednesday afternoons at 12:30 TREMPEALEAU in reading instruction. A movie, J , Wis. - 4.—Convert the senior high A donation was given to the business meeting in Fellowship "Healing in His Wings," will be American Lutheran Church school and central junior high Kennedy Memorial and also for Hall, Women of Mount Calvary Luth- school into one junior high a wreath to be placed on bis Mrs. James Griffith, assisted eran Church, Trempealeau, will school for the entire school dis- grave from the Lady Bugs and by Mrs. Earl Laufenberger and meet at 8 p.m. today for guest trict ;, 5.*—Convert Jefferson and - Cooties of Minnesota. A special Mrs. Florence Patrick, present- night. "¦: .-" Washington-Kosciusko into ele- party will be held Nov. 80 at ed the program. Devotions The speaker will be Miss Vio- mentary schools. the Labor Temple hall. Mis, were led by the Mmes. Lillian let Zastrow missionary from , MR. ALLEN briefly discussed Lester Dienger is in charge. Bipes, Clarence Currier, Stan- Japan, who will show slides to ley Milton Reed, Dorothy illustrate her remarks. each of the recommendations A Christmas party will be Coe, and accepted questions from held fit the home of Mrs. Koz- Wheeler, Gertrude Schrelber QUALITY The ALCW members of Ta- HIGH TUSHNER'S members. In regard to financ- lowski Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. There and L. M. Ferdinandsen Sr. Y0UR COMPLETE FOOD STORE marack Lutheran Church have THE QUIET DAY offering E AT been invited to this special ing, he said, "several factors will be an exchange of gifts. sfcLAWWWW KDDIICIWEC M l SOI East Third Street Since 1896 indicate the favorable financial Secret pals will be remembered, given provides special gifts, meeting. picture that Winona enjoys. which make possible the expan- Hostesses will be the Mmes. "Our Special School District sion and development of Chris- Robert Hayter, Arden Johnson, 5 is well able to finance the La Crescent Parents tian work and literature pro- Lb Einar Lunde, John Schaffner, needed additions to the present grams in foreign countries. Bananas - - - 10c David Brunkcw and Kenneth Club Meets Monday Mrs. Bruce Reed, president, l eHOCOLATrsTARS ii. 49c ! Hovell. school plant, Mr. Allen said. "Application to the state legis- LA CRESCENT, Minn. (Spe- presided at the business meet- 0 ing, when reports were given. Snoboy Oranges 59c GO TRAIL RIDING lature to bond should receive cial) — The La Crescent Apple ™™i;Z J some action by February, and Arrows Parents Club will meet Mrs. Richard Hassett talked COUP0N '*" DODGE, Wis. (Special ) — action has been taken by the briefly on plans for the Noel f COUPON i f : Monday at 8 p.m. in the Am- JOHNSON S : About 25 horses and riders par- school board to hire bonding erican Legion clubrooms. New Bazaar to be held at the church i ' Ar pDCAH !*-"»• IQr • ' ticipated in two trail rides Sun- consultants and attorneys to officers, Erwin J. Albrecht, Dec. 1, It will feature home- j AG' BRE " " ~ LMf 19c day morning and afternoon at work with City Attorney George president; Robert J. Reihl, vice made gifts, cheeses, baked I GLO COAT - - - - £ 59c l With Thl. i With This Coupon S Coup*, j Echo Lane operated by Mr. Robertson to investigate and president; Mrs. Beverly Bey, goods and candies. Lunch will ! J? ; and Mrs. Eldon Herman a expedite action." secretary, and Mrs. Edward be served in "Santa's Snack 1 COUPON i l COUPON mile north of Pine Creek. There The speakers pointed out that Rabener, treasurer, will pre- Shoppe." The event is open to were riders from Arcadia, Blair, the Area Vocational-Technical side. the public. Centerville, Cochrane, Fountain School, , with the vital task of All parents are automatically Quiet Day hostesses were FOLGER'S FRESH —WHITE ROCK FRESH — WHITE ROCK City, Galesville, Trempealeau teaching marketable, vocational members of the Parents Club if members of Circle S, of which and Pine Creek. Dinner and and technical skills to post high their children arc members of Mrs. Elmer Porter Is chair- COFFEE school and adult members is the drum and bugle corp. man. ROASTING STEWING lunch were served. $M9 37c HENS - - » 29c i ^ CHICKENS " A G ! ° SWIFT'S WELL TRIMMED SWIFT'S PREMIUM - 3-LB. SIZE BA ; M POPCORN PREMIUM CHUCK CANNED ttl* BEEF HAM - -* $1.98 lb ——— ¦ Betty Crocker ROASTS - 59c LEAN _ MEATY — COUNTRY STYLE Brownie Mix ,„ .__ . SIZE PORK RIBS - __ 39c 39C Pork Loin Roast L_. 39c __»«_»_._-_¦____¦_____-__- ————————--— ¦—¦—-—• FRESH - LEAN * CUTLETS .. "c ft*, ™-. o»a«s ...a. """< LEAN - CENT-* CUT 19C .„ P0RK STEAK Lb 55c BEEF ww ¦aw LIBBY'S ,T CUBE™ ., PINEAPPLE STEAKS - lh 79c —— ¦¦ „• si» «•« SIDE PORK - u,49c ENRICHED 3 for aJF-taflnVW fwHITE^ BRIEArij I1/ % I 1 |/' ,^»»-__-_»------—- «--—-—— -"—""¦——————— i Wlmlm OUR OWN HICKORY SMOKED - BACON u 49c CherrTPie' Mix HOCKS " 25c SLAB 2 49c " TUSHNER'S FAMOUS SAUSAGE Sunahln. New- Sfyl. _ . . g _ A$K FQR fl - AJ pQQfJ g . Because ...It Tastes Better.. . Toasts Better Kritpy Crackers ojuaou. ST0RK THROIIGHOUT SfiiSSS nt 29C - 8 - SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA - 8 -

Feetal Dlnty Moore Horrnel Wagner'i Orange IS BETTER Green Beans Beef Stew Chill Con Carne Concentrate The Bread In the Polka-Dot Wrapper 19c a- 39c «, "£' 29c '<& 10c i 30 included: Checking account, savings, $210,37 and ¦ Tolerance Urged $1,496,28; \$£* " , : :—: : U.S. Government bonds, 12,800, Youth Drives Trempealeau making a total of $4400.85. To Plainview Expenses included $1,717 paid pf v School Visitors to the national fund; first aid JahmsJLL Red Cross and water safety program, Limousine lo blood collection cost, $1,- PLAINVIEW, Minn. (Special) $59:80; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ 616.92; home service office, ^¦ ' " " p¦ : '"''' _ " ' ' . ' ¦*' . * * * ' . * ' * . . * * • " — The audience at open house ^ * * * at the Plainview Community Elects Slate $347.79; local disaster rettef. School Monday night was told $159.89; grants, 18.46; loans to High WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) School that both teachers and parents servicemen, $40; Alaskan relief, A Hedge f or Raisers —Mrs.' Bennie Erickson, rural MIDDLETON, Mass. (AP) - should -.practice .tolerance with $6; repayment of , borrowed Osseo, was elected president of , $100, and general man- Winona FFA Those who commute to school students. Chap- funds the Trempealeau County agement, $28.85. with Bradburn Barrows, 18, Laurel M. Pennock, element- ter of the American Cross Jeffer- Red goal for travel in comfort and style for- ary principal at Thomas at a reorganization meeting at The fund campaign , stressed $5,830 ludpino Team eign to today's hot-rodders. son School, Rochester the courthouse here Monday 1965 has been set at , of cooperation, understanding and which $3,057 will go to the na- eef? Bradburn drives a night. She succeeds Mrs. Lu I Futures in B . shiny, patience between teachers and Cross and $£773 will ' Those dealing in the program on a "live" cattle Twesme, Galesville. tional Red . (Editor ' s note: The latest early stage. 3rd in Contest black, 12-cylinder Lincdm lim- parents. They should share a the county chapter. commission basis basis, which has been proposed. Frenchville , be for issue of The Farmer dis- futures on a One Winona Future Fanners ousine that's 19*4 feet long and common concern for education, William Thomas, Twenty-four members of a are understandably optimistic. chairman ; cusses a new proposal to get A FUTURES market Is made of America judgng team won he said. was elected vice organized executive speculate that beef fitted out like a Whitehall, newly a better price f or the f arm- Some even up of persons who buy and sell a trip to the state contest as Teachers, he said, should Mrs. Donald Warner, were present. A fund could become one of the most It has leather upholstery, and Mrs. C. F. Mey- board er' s beef animals: A beef contracts for future delivery of it placed third in District 16 strive for a sense of humor, secretary, campaign meeting will be, held actively traded commodities on competition at Austin Wednes- teakwood paneliig, foot jiillows, er, Independence, treasurer. f utures market, A portion of a commodity. understanding and interest in at the courthouse Jan. 25. any exchange in the world. day. chromium fixtures Mrs, a ' A. Brye, Ettrick, was ? Ihe article f ollows.) Here is how cattle feeders , window students, fairness and kindness, i The meat judging team placed blinds, an intercom system and re-elected chairman of public in- retiring as , economists might use the futures market to and teaching skill. Parents MRS. TWESME. MOST cattlemen third with James McNally and a roll-down window that sepa- formation and press relations. Financial experts are ready Tbe establish the selling price of cat- should be firm and cheerful. chairman after eight years, and bankers talked to by Steve Ford taking eighth and rates the passengers from the A disaster chairman is to be to launch an ambitious new Farmer feel the new plan is tle the day tbey are purchased. Visitors were shown the large worked for the Red Cross dur- ninth high individual spots chauffeur. appointed. Everett Guse pre- I plan to give cattlemen a chance worth trying and wish it well. "Suppose you, as a buyer, pur- group instruction room, con- ing both World War , when to put a guaranteed selling price among the winners. Other mem- sided. packing spokesman, chase 150 steers costing $25 per "This Is Che greatest," verted from the old gym. Riser she brought bandages folded in they are A meat bers of the Winona team were said , blood chairman, on cattle the day however, has stated flatly "it hundredweight laid in today . young Barrows today. "We type seating accommodates 80 Ed Ausderau Galesville to the center at bought. Dave Belter and Dave Schams. , occupying announced that the bloodmobile won't work." You plan to sell those cattle Ronald Littlefield, St. Charles , didn't know such comfort when student- at present Whitehall, and during World The new plan: A futures mar- less than half of the auditorium. from the St. Paul center will be when she worked as a "Our industry is opposed," next July, but are afraid of a was seventh high individually. I was driving my. 1932 hot-rod War II, set for beef. In the rear is the audio-visual in Trempealeau County Feb. 1-4. Red Cross aide at Dr. Herrell DeGraff , president price drop. So, you get in touch In the livestock judging com- with no hood and no roof. volunteer with a broker and sell July petition the Lewiston FFA team ' room. A minimum of 125 pints of Winona General Hospital, hav- EVERETT HARRIS, presi- of the American Meat Institute, "We ve had as many as 17 in beef futures. You hedged by won a trip to the state contest The public is. visiting the blood should be collected each ing completed the Bed Cross dent of the Chicago Mercantile stated at the group's recent an- the car. At drive-in theaters we buying feedlot cattle and selling by placing sixth in competition invite young people from other school this week in observance day, he said. Cities to be vis- nurse aide course. Exchange announced in July nual meeting. "The vast major- , on paper, on the with other FFA teams. Winona cars to join us and sit around in of American Education Week. ited will be Galesville, Blair, In- She has been blood chairman that feasibility of such a market ity of consumers who do not finished cattle, same kind of market. (A specu- was 10th and St. Charles 11th. a crowd. Parent-Teacher conferences are dependence and Osseo. for Galesville, the Town of Gale had been investigated, with speculate in commodity futures in progress. Art classes have lator willing to take the price Members of the Winona team "We've had football rallies, surrounding territory 10 promising results. Latest word have only one measure of bene- made posters for store windows. GUSE, home service officer, and the risk you want to avoid will buy were John Albrecht, James birthday parties and even and has worked for the was that the necessary ground- fit — the cost of meat at the and Mrs. Joseph Pietrek, chair- years, the "paper" cattle. Hobbs, Mike Thill and Leon smokeouts in the car. Red Cross more than 30 years. work had been laid and the meat market. Bowman. man of home nursing, report- Chicago Mercantile Exchange H. W. Herbison, North Dakota "NOW. let's suppose July has Gary Christie, St. Charles, For the unknowing, Barrows St. Mary s to Get ed. Mrs. Lily Reich, Indepen- might begin the nation's first State University agricultural arrived and the steers, de- was fifth high individually and explains that a smokeeut is $800 Grant From dence, county superintendent of For the Best in Fruit trading of beef cattle futures economist, thinks a beef futures livered to market, bring $20 per Roger Beyer, Lewiston, was when a bunch of guys sit around schools, reported on junior Cakes soon, possibly yet this year. market "just might be a handy hundredweight, $5 less than you 10th high. in the car smoking cigars and Sears Foundation Red Cross. Some of the school CANDIED Reaction to the proposed new price stabilizer for cattlemen." paid for these feedlot;cattle. St. Mary' children fill tdts for children s College will re- ' plan is mixed, but optimism He had some reservations as to But you deliver cattle at the ceive an unrestricted grant of overseas, she 'told, and dele- MIXED FRUIT outweighs pessimism at this the practicality of setting up price agreed on last fall. In $800 from the Sears-Roebuck gates are sent each year to the Sliced Pineapple effect, you're selling feedlot cat- Co-op Structure Foundation, Henry Brom, man- junior Red Cross camp at Red, Yellow and green tle and buying back the "pa- ager of the Sears store here, Green Lake. Glazed Cherries per", again on the same kind has announced. John Koetting, Arcadia, re- Red and Green of market. Of course, if the The money is part of $700,000 ported on the swimming and Also citron, orange peel and Ohio FB May Buy July cash market for beef had being distributed this week by water safety program. A total .lemon peel. jumped to $30 you wouldn't Shows Changes the foundation under a new pro- of 248 participated in classes pocket the "windfall." gram of aid to privately sup- for beginning and advanced Smucker's (Editor s note: The Octo- Agriculture, have formed com- ported colleges and universities. swimmers and junior and senior FOR THE rancher, trading in ber 1964 issue of "A gricul- modity groups to gain a strong- In Minnesota, 14 colleges and life saving. Seven have com- JELLIES Food Store Chain beef futures — if it catches on Apple, Cherry, Crabapple and tural Marketing" published er voice in the marketplace. universities will share in grants pleted 50 miles of swimming. (Editor' s note: Several tions to exist, some economic and contracts for his particular Cinnamon-Apple. by the USDA discussed the Feeder pig and dairy heifer totaling $11,700. Altogether in Miss Hazel Bentson, Chip- weeks ago the Ohio Farm pressure is necessary in order kind of cattle are available — need of a f armer producers in Virginia have or- the nation, more than 600 col- pewa Falls, Red Cross field rep- Bureau Federation suggest- to protect the interests of farm- will provide an opportunity to bargaining 5 J™ $1.00 power to help f armers gain ganized sales cooperatives to leges and universities will re- resentative , reported on the ed purchasing a major chain ers. hedge against uncertainties dur- ceive foundation grants. Bargaining associations, oper- better prices f or their prod- present graded, inoculated sim- state conference at Stevens store to help boost the sag- ing the long period between ilar-weight animals on a lot Point in October. She told of Pepperidge Farm ating under full-supply con- breeding and actual marketing ucts. The f ollowing article ging f arm economy. This tracts, could provide an eco- basis to give buyers the kind of cigarettes with all the windows the Red Cross training program of a calf crop. is a condensed version of the up and the blinds down. Goldfish Crackers article, printed in the Nov. nomic advantage to cooperating animals they want, and to get for young people who will serve , barbecue and A common complaint from original article, "Bargaining Ron Melzard 17, Cheese, pizza 10 issue of the Badger Farm firms and could help eliminate a better return from their in- , another as volunteer aides in homes for salted. 250 crackers. those who foresee more harm Power Through Organiza- vestment. companion, said of the smoke- the aged. She urged that the Bureau News, discusses this the over-production which than good in beef futures trad- ") Pk solution to the f arm prob- plagues the agricultural indus- tion. Wisconsin dairy fanners are outs: "It occupies us. It's bet- chapter have an active disaster 39c ing is that it's too complicated merging small cooperatives in ter than sitting around getting ** lemJ try. The need for organization for program. and risky for the average, in- an effort to lower overhead costs into trouble." With bargaining power in the farmer bargaining power has FUND CAMPAIGN chairmen Regal Cookie Assortment Much talk has been heard and experienced layman. and obtain better control over Barrows said he isn't trying to by Sunshine. 5 different cook- hands of farmers and produc- Other skeptics point out that never been more vital than it is elected: Dr. J. E. Phillips, Sum- much news space has been al- tion geared for the actual mar- the marketing of their prod- compete with the school buses, ies all in one package. located to the idea of farmer the onion industry had the today. When we speak of or- ucts. "but the more kids I pack into ner Town, for the northern part Now only We ket, some of the new economic ganization for marketing, we ownership of retail food outlets. hedging "tool" and junked it, Fruit and vegetable the car the more there are to oi the county; Harold Tomter, savings in the food industry, have only to look at retail food producers and that it isn't working to the in North Carolina have chip in for gas." rural Osseo, the central part, Just Arrived — New The Ohio Farm Bureau Fed- made possible by innova- marketing to see a masterful organ- complete satisfaction of the po- ized commodity groups The elder Barrows said he and Albert Scherr, Town of Cale- eration first broached the sub- tions and new technologies, can job. to im- ject officially when their board be returned to farmers. tato industry, which is current- prove the marketing structure had gotten the Lincoln from a donia, the southern part, with Shipment Bauer's of¦' . directors took the idea of The cooperative organizations ly wrapped up in a controver- It is the bigness on the buy- by planned production, volume friend, Merton Barrows of near- Mrs. Erickson to be coordina- purchasing controlling stock in that fanners have built and sial move to get spuds off the ing side, together with other sales, reduction of normal mark- by Tbpsfield, who is no rela- tor . CHOCOLATES Bavarian Mints a major chain store to the paid for, along with the train- futures market. ' ' changes in the marketing sys- eting risk, and change to sales tion, by putting up a 1919 Model Guse, outgoing treasurer, re- , English Mints AFBF board of directors for ed and experienced manage- Proponents will add, however, tem, that makes it so neces- and marketing through central- T Ford and $1 500. ported that available cash June that the reason it didn't work sary for farmers to organize Pecan Hoboes consideration. ment of these cooperatives, can ized marketing facilities and Traveling Salesman Ass't. One of the leading marketing be utilized and made more ef- for onions was that it wasn't their selling efforts. points. I Don't Care Assortment specialists in the country, C. fective with this increased bar- given time to prove its real BUYERS ARE Increasingly Farmer's Daughter Ass't. WilliamSwank , manager of the gaining power. value. THE NEW area, "Improving For the best in chocolates. Ohio Agricultural Marketing as- Milk is one of the major com- demanding large uniform lots the Organizational Structure of CORRECTION HOW big a splash beef makes of specified quality and some sociation, a Farm Bureau affili- modities that could benefit im- the Marketing System," involves This Coupon Appeared Incorrectly in Wednesday's Fresh Selict on the futures market depends assurance of regular delivery. a broad concept of marketing ate, warns that, "Ownership of mediately from this increased Newspaper. It Should Have Read as a retail food chain store will be bargaining power with improv- on a lot of "ifs ," such as wheth- To meet these demands effect- improvement work which Follows: OifAblAA, er it will attract enough specu- ively, producer sales organiza- an empty exercise unless farm- ed prices to producers. might embrace any of the four Direct From the Coast ers take an active interest in lators so it can function day- tions must have volume and traditional categories. It goes bargaining organizations." A PROGRAM of this magni- to-day over a long period as a quality controls. beyond tbe immediate needs of Nabisco Merri Roll* tude has the power to capture dependable market. Through cooperatives, farm- marketing improvement and Mint flavored , cream filled. SWANK WENT on to make the imagination of all the farm- Trading would be in units, ers have been able to bargain looks to the future. FREE 100 -Sr i Delicious with Ice cream. With This Coupon and Your Purchase of some very important points that ers in the country. It will take such as possibly a carload of rather effectively in the mark- I if should be considered by farm- a great deal of cooperation, Projects under this activity I $10.00 ORDER OR MORE 600 to 700-pound choice steer eting of a number of products. are concerned with helping pro- | ers when considering such a hard work , and understanding carcasses, or possibly 43,000 Today about 25 percent of farm 3 Redeemable at All NATIONAL FOOD STORES 1 Buckwheat Grits proposal. ducer groups and local market- on the part of all the Farm Bu- pounds of live steers made up, commodities are sold through §j LIMIT—One ef Each Coupon Per Customer i There is a pressure ing agencies organize selling ¦¦ strong reau members in the country for example, of 43 steers weigh- farm cooperatives. |§ Coty-n ... ., ..c , i Ca.h VU.IY 1/10( | 45c and bargaining efforts to deal e-fcfMNHB-pBgKWMW^ _r "M" toward contract production in ...... ,.-...... ¦¦¦ ¦ , *...... _. ""' ""1 y "\ and could have all the dramatic ing about 1,000 pounds. The dif- If 1 -j, . w *. fl my "'" _ "" V^"* IIHI^M™""^ In addition, improvements in more effectively with the ever- ^ agriculture because of specifica- appeal of any movement agri- ficulty of storing beef carcas- tion buying on the part of re- culture has ever seen. orderly marketing are being increasing buyer power in few- Droste's Cocoa ses or live cattle for any length achieved through marketing er and fewer hands — and to tailers. Without bargaining as- The great advantage, as we of time poses some problems in From Haarlem Holland sociations, farmers won't have see it , to a program of this sort agreements and orders (which meet the needs of these buyers National Food For a different taste in an administration of a beef fu- began in the 1930's) under fed- in a more orderly manner. Store much to say about their con- would be the education that tures market. instant cocoa. tracts except "yes" or "no." eral and state legislation. Technical assistance and farmers would gain in learning Harris of the Chicago Mer- Since most processing firms just how agricultural prices counsel will be provided by state Box and cantile Exchange has stated that Commodity organizations, too, 59c don 't want bargaining associa- markets operate. which do not take title to prod- departments of agriculture to "beef futures could influence groups desiring to achieve these cattle pricing as much as fu- ucts, perform various services , i RASPBERRY , LIME LEMON strengthening the hands ot objectives through any of a mJ^AwK^Av^ Usinger's tures currently influence grain number of available methods — r ORANGE AND MINT __P ___l prices. We are confident that producer members in serving l & _j|J^H_ I the needs of today' such as cooperative action, in- QUALITY MEATS either or both cattle and beef s large mer- Wieners, Polish chandisers. For example: dustry-wide programs such as Sausage. futures will be a success, pro- marketing orders under fed- Braunschweiger, Bratwurst & vided U.S. Federal subsidies and CELERY and sweet corn pro- eral or state authority, or af- the best in Summer Sausage, ____>chenley controls are kept out. " with that old fashioned flavor . , Sherbets ducers in Florida with the aid ^Mk filiation with private firms un- of the Florida Department of der contract. j j i WE ALSO HAVE S ^ ^^ ta ^fl D i KOCH KAESE instant party: iGalesville Chest i Diabetic let Creams Cooked Cheese with Caraway _ cT^to b ^ Jar ft J/**s^^*^»*«*^*V'VVN^*\**«^< -»*rf»»^^ -ANM ^VVSrVVVlVVv 53c f WOLL'S DAIRY RUSHFORD t , \ iDrive Over Top £ Pleasant Valley STRICTLY GRADE A Aunt Julie £ ) GALESVILLE, Wis. (Special) Regular or H _ IM11 If Homogenize*! \ Norwegian — The Galesville Community f lfll_L I\ Quarts and V. Gallons Chest is over the top, Chairman S Guernsey Dairy £ | POTATO LEFSE Orrin Anderson, announced. I 27 VARIETIES i " ¦ ¦ HOME OWNED — Made from a recipe direct Wendell Sacia and his cap- • — HOME OPERATED ¦ from Norway, tains have brought in $2,521.69, HOME STYLE ICE CREAM The goal was $2,500. There still i 12 Flavorful Varietiea I Mott's ; Buy tho milk that's FRESH DAILY at tha atoro er are several collections to be H J turned in , and a few more calls H phone 4*425 for home delivery. gaj HAND-PACKED ICE CREAM < SWEET CIDER to ?l bo LAWN BOY Frozen Brioches : » Six delicious frencli butter ¦ POWER MOWER ¦ CEREAL CR EAM - 33c »¦ ; rolls , ,-,,^ f or Winter Overhaul l--.- ! -Kiwi » Cottage I>k M THESE ARE CASH AND CARRY PRICES AT THE S |M, 59c K ¦ DADD BR0S ¦ DAIRY. DELIVERY PRICES ARE SLIGHTLY MORE. ¦ Stejt r^t, C0RNER SEVENTH V MANKATO I just add friends IfUDD ST0RE ¦ »j^ 4407 and serve Pled up your SUNDAY PAPERS herel ¦ ^ 3gsSrS PHONE V & S HARDWARE ¦ M j y 179 East Fourth Phone 4423 S I OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAItY INCLUDING SUNDAYS m*wo iwiisii , (5 mot.ti% CHAIN numi smiis.® m scaups oismuus i m 6. 4th Sf . Phone 4007 g ] • a I /¦Hi*** ..,-.-< • - *.. THURSDAY Man Drowns The Daily Record NOVEMBER 12, 1*64 New Attorney In Cistern Decision on Dakotas Report CHANDLER, Minn. ( AP) - Bogus $20 Bills Family Sees At Community Winona Deaths Two-State Deaths Funeral services for a rural General Seen Chandler man who drowned in Mastrian ST. PAUL (AP) - Bogus |20 Memorial Hospital Slater M. lunlce Martin R. Schlundt a cistern will be held Friday. bills spotted in North and South Vlalflew neurai MMlcai ana tut-glui Sister Mary Eunice Murphy, LAKE CITY, Minn. (8pedal) The body of Edward Strampe, Dakota in the past week are Pictures of aiikwitsra te 4 ana » «e UJ0 a.m. IN. 73 72, was found in the cistern at examples of a nationally circu- chlMran uneaf 12.) , died at St. Mary's Hospital, - Martin R. Schlundt, 93, died For Johnson Next Week Mafamfty patlento ft* Six ana / M Rochester, Wednesday after- at 8:30 a.m. Wednesdayat Lake the home of Strampe's son, Ver- lated counterfeit note, a Secret ¦lie t.m. (AtfuHa only.) (AP) -Dis- noon after ¦ long illness. City Municipal Hospital where JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP ) non, with whom he lived. The DULUTH, Minn. Service official said Wednesday. trict Judge Donald Odden has Captured Pilot Sister Eunice, he had been hospitalised 10 — Although President Johnson older man had been preparing The spokesman for the St. WIDNISDAY a member of was quoted as saying "I have the cistern for winter by putting reached a decision in the new- SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) Admissions the Sisters of the Third Order daya. trial plea of Norman Mastrian, Paul office of the Secret Service (j.g.) aiked all tha Cabinet to stay," a straw packing around it to said the notes have turned up - The family of Navy Lt. Mrs. Irene Hihn, 77 E. San- Regular of Saint Francis, Con- He was born in Red Wing Dec. questions remained today about keep tbe water from freezing. convicted in the St. Paul slaying Everett Alvarez Jr., captured in born St. gregation of Our Lady of 31, 1870, to Martin and Jose- in Grand Forks, Bismarck and the future of acting Atty. Gen. Chandler is in southwestern of Mrs. T. Eugene Thompson. August by the North Vietnam- LouisW. Riebau, 520 E. Belle- Lourdes, Rochester, WM the phine Schlundt. He married Ida , 't ex- Rapid City . .. ¦ Nicholas deB. Katzenbach. Minnesota, about 20 miles east However the ruling isn ese, was less apprehensive to- view St. former Ellen Murphy, born at Hoffman at St. Patrick's pected to be learned until early The pattern made it appear day about the flier's condition Miss Betty Gorder, Peterson, Wykoff, Minn.. Acting White House press sec- of Pipestone. June 7, ML Church, West Albany, in 1*90. retary Malcolm Kilduff provid- next week. that someone went through the after seeing him in a propagan- Minn. , After completing her novitiate They farmed in Goodhue and cities, passing the fake bills, Mrs. Ethel Nelto-n, 623 Huff ed the presidential quotes to Odden said his decision had da film. ¦ in 1911, she taught In various Wabasha counties and in Mil been dictated into a recording and moved on, the official said. Siy . ¦- . : moved to West Albany where newsmen Wednesday, then add- "It's just wonderful ," ex- Gerald L. Chrlstophersoh, Wi- elementary and secondary ed:. "So it can be assumed they machine but hasn't been trans- The Secret Service said some claimed Delia Alvarez, 23, sister , schools until I960. Sister Eunice they farmed until 1919 and then cribed because his court report- arrests have been made in nona Rt 3 moved hare where be was em- will stay." GOP to Turn of the pilot, after viewing a David F. Slebenaler, Fountain held a bachelor's degree from Within two hours, however, er is ill. The judge said he "will other parts of the country in North Vietnamese film shown College of Saint Teresa and a ployed by the city. She died probably release the order and connection with these particular City, Wis. Aug. 8, 1986. NBC reported that Washington Wednesday night on NBC's David L. Marshall, Winona master's from Catholic Univer- attorney Clark Clifford, a long- the memorandum accompanying bills. The bills carry the serial Huntley-Brinkley report. alty, Washington, D.C. Survivors include six sons, Statt Collage. time friend and adviser to John- To Smaller it next Monday. " number, GCM481-677A. "We're all very happy about Jack E. Fhilbrook, 816 E. San- Among her assignments as Francis, Lake City ; Joseph, St son and counsel to former Pres- Mastrian, of Spring Lake Park this," Delia said. "He looked born St. teacher and principal was St. Paul; Casper, San Antonio, ident Harry S.Truman, would be Miss Josephine Trautner, 26M Tex.; Eugene,Muskegon, Mich.; was convicted this spring in Du- about the same. He always has Thomas School, Winona, 1947- named to succeed Katxenbach, been thin.' E. Sanborn St, 48. Sister Eunice was portress Vernon; Frontenac, and John, who became top man in the Jus- Contributor luth on a change of venue. The Condition Set William M. Kiral, 221 01m- at Saint Anne Hospice, Winona, Cleveland, Ohio; two daughters, tice Department when Robert WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- state said he was the go-between Alvarez, 26, was captured aft- itead St, in 1962^3, until failing health Mrs. Agnes Tushaui, Libby, F. Kennedy resigned two publican treasurer Filllam Mid- who hired Dick W.C. Anderson In Sentencing er his jet fighter plane was hit Kenneth M. Ross, 271 W. Marie to slay Mrs. Thompson, 34, on in March 1963 forced her return Mont , and Mrs, Josephine months ago. dendorf III says the GOP will Mrs. Blanch Barns, formerly by antiaircraft fire during a St. to the motherhouse in Ro- Brow, Pensacola, Fla.; 28 grand- turn once again to the man who March 6, 1963. raid on North Viet Nam Larry J. Hesch, Cochrane, Asked about the report, Kil- of being of 571 E. 2nd St., will not be patro^-^ chester. children, and 59 great-grand- duff aaid the President was answered the party's call tor Thompson, accused boat bases. The raid was inj Wa. little con- the instigator, was convicted of prosecuted on a violation of d- Survivors are three sisters. children; One son, Lawrence, "thoroughly satisfied with hav- financial help — the suspension charge provided she taliation for a gun boat attack Discharges died Nov. l, 1964. tributor. murder and he and Mastrian Shelby J. Lyga, 613 E. Waba- A solemn Requiem Mass will ing Katxenbach in his present stays away from her former on U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Funeral services will be at position." Kilduff added that It was, and will be, a measure are serving life terms in Still- Tonkin Aug. 2. sha St. be said at the mother house water Urison. Thompson's bid residence for six months, Mu- Lowell V. Henderson, 1022 E. 11 a.m. Friday at St. Mary's Johnson was "very pleased with born of necessity, he said in an nicipal Judge John D. McGill Friday at 10:30 a.m. Burial will interview Wednesday. for a new trial was turned The five-minute documentary Sanborn St. be in Calvary Cemetery. Catholic Church, the Rev. Hen- the Cabinet as a whole at this ordered today. showed Alvarez, wearing a ry Russell officiating. Burial "Historically, we've been the down last month by District Mrs. Wayne Stensgard and time" and if any changes were Mrs. Barns and her sister , flight suit, being marched down baby, Peterson, Minn. will be in the church cemetery. to be made, "he would be party of the rich guy," Midden- Judge Rolf Fosseen at Minne- Winona Funerals apolis.- Valeria Kiedrowski, 571 E. 2nd a street at bayonet point. A sec- George Jasnoch, 452 Center His six sons will be pallbear- pleased to let you know." dorf said. "This time he went ond scene showed Alvarez being St. ers. over to the other side. So we Anderson is serving a life St., received suspended sen- John W. Dugan term at Sandstone Federal Pris- tences on their guilty pleas , to questioned by a North Viet Nam Gerald A. Sauve, St. Mary's Friends may call at the Tolz- had to go to the broad middle- officer. College. Funeral services for John W. mann Funeral Chapel until time WEATHER income field, and we went after on. disorderly conduct charges Oct. Arnold Goetzman Wino- Dugan, Winona postmaster, it hammer and tong." 30 in municipal court. How- Mrs. , of service. Rosary will be re- OTHER TEMPERATURES The pilot's parents, Mr. and na Rt. 2. were held today at 9:30 a.m. cited at 8 tonight. Arrange- ever, Mrs. Barns was brought Mrs. Everett Alvarez Sr., anoth- Mrs. Bernard Nissalke, 502 E. at Burke's Funeral Home and By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thus, he said, tbe party will back to the court Nov. 4 on a ments are by Jerry Wise Fu- High Low Pr. continue a vigorous direct-mail er sister, Madaline , and the pi- Belleview St. at 10 a.m. at Cathedral of the neral Service. charge that she violated the lot's wife , Tangee, watched the Miss Judith D. Armstrong, Sacred Heart, the Rt. Rev. Albany, fog 51 45 campaign for the $10-a-year sus- Humphrey Has suspension. She pleaded not Msgr. H. J. Dittman officiating. Albuquerque, cloudy 50 29 ' .. taining contributions to help show alone. They had declined 1023 Gilmore Ave. guilty. to allow newsmen into their Herbert F. Dummer, Nelson, Burial was in St. Mary's Ceme- Atlanta, cloudy ... 72 52 meet an estimated $1.5 million Municipal Court Bismarck, cloudy .. 40 38 budget next year. Mrs. Virginia Torgerson , at- home because, the father said, Wis. tery. Difficult Role torney for Mrs. Barns, noted Mrs. Robert W. Googins and WINONA Boise, rain . 41 33 .10 As the contributions drive they "didn't know what to ex- Graveside military honors today that her client has mov- pect." baby, 259 W. 2nd St. were rendered by an American Forfeitures : Boston, cloudy .... 47 42 .03 pushed ahead, there were these Births Chicago, cloudy ... 71 59 ed away from the house where The film was photographed Legion detail . An honor guard Duayne A. Bothun, 19, Lanes- other Republican developments: As Team Player she lived with her sister, Val- Mr. and Mrs. David Gauvey, Cincinnati, cloudy . 74 60 Republican National Chair- by North Vietnamese camera- was provided by the First Dis- boro, Minn., $35 on a charge — By RICHARD P. POWERS eria, and their aged mother. men and Japanese newsreel 1289 E. Wincrest Dr., a son. trict Postmasters Association. of violating the state open bot- Cleveland, cloudy . 70 55 man Dean Burch was quoted by WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Rine, Denver, The bad feeling has been photographers and obtained by Members of the Legion color tle law Wednesday at 2:20 a.m. clear .. 53 26 0J the National Broadcasting Co. Hubert H. Humphrey , vice pres- .23 W. Howard St., a daughter , Des Moines, clear . 73 57 .. as saying in a Jamaica inter- ident-elect, would seem to face abated since the sisters were NBC from the Nippon Denpa guard and firing squad were: at 3rd and Main streets. separated, Mrs. Torgerson said ; Co. in Tokyo. Donald D. Walchak, 1741 W, , clear .... 71 56 view that he won't be able to a difficult role: how to become BIRTHS ELSEWHERE Frank Nottleman, George Ac- Fairbanks, if the na- and she moved for dismissal of heff , Elmer Hammann, Frank Wabasha St., $10 on a charge snow .... 5 -3 .07 continue as chairman self-effacing and otherwise ad- Fort Worth, clear .' . 75 54 .. tional committee votes "no con- just to being the No. 2 man un- the charge. Bailiff George Mc- ARCADIA, Wis. (Special) - Tushner, Helmut Lueck , Edwin of parking too close to a fire Guire confirmed that no new Honeywell Plans Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Slaby, ru- hydrant in front of his home Helena, cloudy 43 17 fidence" in him at a meeting der President Lyndon Johnson. Prosser, Lyle Haney, W. L. Hel- Honolulu clear . 83 73 scheduled for January. It seems certain to be one of complaints have been made ral Arcadia, a son Friday at a zer, Edgar Lynch, Raymond Sunday at 12.15 a.m. , Plant- in Florida Indianapolis, cloudy 74 60 — Sen. J. Caleb Boggs of Del- the hardest chores that the since the separation. Black River Falls hospital. Dorn, Bernard Boland, Harold BUFFALO COUNTY Judge McGill ordered the dis- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - It DURAND, Wis. (Special)-At Jacksonville, cloudy 78 58 aware suggested that Sen. bouncy, talkative Minnesota^ Thiewes, Howard Clark and ALMA, Wis. (Speical) - One bas faced in his many years in missal of the charge on condi- was announced Wednesday St. Benedict's Community Hos- Donald Gray. Buglers were Syl- Kansas City, clear 76 53 . Thruston B. Morton of Kentucky of two traffic charges filed Los Angeles, cloudy 62 51 .01 would be a good choice for par- public office. He was mayor of tion that Mrs. Barns stay away Honeywell, Inc., will build a pital : vester Verkina and Fred Heyer. against Theodore Rudy, Inde- from her former home for six multi-million dollar plant near Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kreye, Louisville, cloudy .73 61 ty chairman if Burch is re- Minneapolis before being elected Honorary pallbearers were: pendence Rt. 2, was dismissed Memphis, cloudy .. 72 65 placed. Morton was chairman to the Senate in 1948. months. He also ordered that a Tampa, Fla., to produce "high- Pepin, a son, Nov. 2. County Judge Gary ly sophisticated" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fetzer, C. Lewis Wood, D. D. Warren, by Buffalo Miami, clear ..... 78 75 from 1959 to 1961. Persons close to Humphrey policeman accompany Mrs. electronics sys- R. H. Hervey, R. Burr Mann, B. Schlosstein Monday. Barns when she removes the tems. The plant will open in Maiden Rock, a daughter Nov. Milwaukee, rain ... 72 58 T On the financial front, Mid- say he will fulfill the role 100 J. Robert Prondzinski, H. J. Hon- The charge for violating his Mpls.-St. P., fog .62 43 * .. per cent. They sum it up this last of her belongings from the about five months, employing er, Roy G. Wildgrube and Duane driver's license, which required dendorf and other GOP officials house, BaU of $25 was refunded. 900 persons. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Segar, New Orleans, cloudy 76 61 make no secret of the fact that way : "He is a professional. He ElmWood , a daughter Saturday Peterson. the use of glasses, was dis- New York, fog ..... 59 47 .. is a team player." Active pallbearers were : Don- missed on motion of District At- many traditionally Republican Okla. City, clear ... 75 47 .. purses snapped shut following Humphrey has been ac- ald O'Dea, Adolph Bremer, torney Pat H. Motley. Rudy Omaha, clear .... 71 40 customed to answer frankly and IMPOUNDED DOGS G. M. Seibert, C. A. Fockens, forfeited $38 fine and costs the nomination of Sen. Barry (Hours— . to 9 p.m. weekdays j a Philadelphia, fog .. 63 36 .. Goldwater for president — al- openly the questions of newsmen Joseph E, Krier and Francis on a charge of inattentive driv- Phoenix, clear 65 43 and others. Now he will defer to 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturdays with an accident involved. though there still were some and Sundays) J. Vaughan. ing, Ptlnd, Me., rain ... 41 36 .07 large contributions. the "chief." He was arrested Oct. 27. Ptlnd, Ore., rain ... 46 36 .13 For a time during the cam- However, it is fully expected the None impounded. Mrs. Walter W. Chrisfensen Jerry L. Hayes, Mondovi Rt. Have Mrs, Rapid City, cloudy . 58 39 .. paign, the financial situation that the President will lean rgest £ |\ Available for good homes t Funeral services for 2, was sentenced to pay a $35 , cloudy . 76 64 . heavily upon Humphrey for ad- | We La M Walter W. Christensen, 101 Or- St. Louis was bleak. But repeated telev- J Five. fine plus costs for driving too SaJt Lk. City, cloudy 41 28 vice in both domestic and for- ^^v\ and Finest Selection of ¦ rin St., will be held Friday at ised appeals for funds resulted ! _r Hf» \ fast for conditions Oct. 10. San Fran., cloudy .60 57 .3S in hundreds of thousands of let- eign matters. 2 p.m. from the Breitlow Fune- Hill, Former Austin Man Cecil J. Mondovi, was Seattle, cloudy 48 37 01 ters bearing contributions in the Johnson and Humphrey have ral Home. sentenced to pay a $50 fine and Washington, clear . 73 43 $1 to $10 range. .. m TOYS EVER! Ji Christian Science service will costs for driving 13 m.p.h. over worked closely together for Shot in California Winnipeg, cloudy .. 46 36 .03 years, when they were in the \ be read, and burial will be in the speed limit Aug. 15. jr +t Mm 12:15 a.m. - Francis Houg- ' ¦ %* * 'rom pric* ft:* . - .• * tf^i •' t*,t* 'ow - mm! land, 5 barges, up. $9 95 INCLUDES GOSH] I SURE HOPE POP 3:45 a.m. — Dan Luckett, .7 f i^.&f* - * f mr C ARRES SMOtf- OAMA&K barges, down. N?^ # LENSESFRAMES FAMIL Y PLAN! 10% IN9DRANCS i- v DISCOUN 6:30 a.m. — Cayuga , 4 barges , WHEN YOU'RE TIRED \ ^^T'X^r^7 • T ON 2 OH MOKt down. 7 CASE fi\ \ .fe it r • "'« Of CUS5M 6:5$ a.m. — Mobil Li Crosse , Metal Clip «r Slide Case . WINONA * j k£mtm* n>/ m„ nm (£> 2 barges, up. tUp OF HOUSEWORK . .. JmleW i ' Bifocals $3.96 Additional 9:10 a.m. — Wisconsin, 3 - *" (Kryp, Curve, Flattop, Ultex barges, up. jp-... . -—nt We all tat tlrad of day-to-day chorea Irom time ta time . . . —Your Choice) 12:35 p.m. — Dan C, 1 barge, -— INSURANCE 7- n«* th* .utckest way te break routine It take tha family out ^/lA ,^ \ * " • Specialty frame ttylet also available at nominal cost. down. J V to dinner I Tha change el pace seeme to put new Ufa into all f Your choice of white, rote, or aunglaai green tint. at ut. A seed reaaonable place te Shorty .. • «C J j J( \ eat la right here at ' dl AGENCY TODAV'S BIRTHDAY " * • You need never worry again about broken eyewear. One-year Warranty 7 j VT The feed ii treat, and the pricot era extremely aety on tha eld Dennis Wleczorek , Bluff Sid- V billfold. Sa, imila and order an extra place ef pie I available on single vision or bifocals, frames and leniet , S2.O0. Phone 3366 I Jt~~^ ^*^Z*"zJ I ,„ ing. Wis., 11. -— AFFILIATE OF — , airvlci. meammmmmmmmm ^tmmmaa ^ ^. ^^m a^m^ i tonom)r , m ^ Respect to the Memory of ^^**"Zmm* mmmWmmmm\^^mmmmmma ^*^m *^ * wa In •P*^^m^mmmmmmmmm r^ mmmmmmmm ^^1 m^** *•• - h*v* \ mmmmmmmmmmw ^mw ¦______B0eM_^______r^p^B^B _____ ^7 Mavallabla-i-ear aarvica a_Ba_rpBajeeSR_RJaaaW s^H SI^LX _|ajSBir HI an 1 T / .marBincla. l NI ¦» —^ ^-v PHONI F0R CARRYOUT$ 1IB lO k JliI*l - i i Sl ^ '/ I ¦ I-* __ I V / A - . «!*¦_ Cl t(l Mrs. Walter W. 2622 W ^ ^^^^^ Y^__LlL__k______r/ * "" Christensen OUR STORE WILL II CtOSID V OPTICIANS ^ FRIDAY FROM 1 30 P.M. TO 3:00 P.M. ti ( L GROUND FLOOR - 71 WIST THIRD STREET - PHONI 4222 _j______! • A.M. TO i P.M. INCLUDING SATURDA Y - • A.M. TO • P.M. FRIDA Y C SHORTY'S• CORNER MARK end CENTE* STREETS • £ AW1 ^ B ^ ^ All fiyofllataaa Made In Mlnnoiota by Minnesota Technician! P^ Lawrenz Furniture ' Affiliate of Union Shop Mfgt. V\ J 173 last Third Street ^^^ "Safe Eyes Save Lives" ** i .. _ .—„—_ .— . . .. _. W .. ^« F ^mmm i yfegar^M-iaaW^WJA^r-l-TOA JJti\*A*.«».nft"MSi.i i:^;«y. This Area Farmer Likes Charblais Stem Their Reputation #FARM^ Is for Faster Weight Gain Good Fan System By FRANK BRUESKE Agent Urges Needed in Fall Daily News Farm Editor WHALAN, Minn. — "I wasn't In Poultry House getting enough profit for the work involved," said Elmer For- Records for ALMA. Wis. - Fall venti- strom, Whalan, one of the first lation problems in poultry area farmers to go into Charo- houses center mostly around lais (pronounced char-lay) beef avoiding sudden temperature raising. 4-H Projects changes and bird heat stress, Forstrom , who was not satis- ALMA, Wis. — Complete 4-H Archie Brovold , Buffalo County fied with the returns from his dairy project records are the agent, said. An adequate fan Hereford-Angus beef operation only way a member can meas- system that is kept clean and read a story in a farming mag- ure the progress he has made running smoothly will prevent azine about the Charolais steers with his project , Albert Frank- these problems. and the better than average 4-H enstein, Buffalo County Laying flocks do best when gains thev put on. agent, said. you have a steady temperature Purpose of records in a dairy between 55 and 75 degrees. LAST SPRING he decided it project is to help members ac- air was time for a change so he begin- Drafts and clogged fresh complish goals set at the exhaust ports purchased 30 bred half-and-half ning of the project , and to com- inlets, fans and can destroy this balance. Charolais cows and one pure- pare the performance of their bred bull. His herd now totals 59 animals to accepted standards Summer cooling systems supply the birds with including the bull. The calves of performance or to the per- should born last spring are considered two to three cubic feet of fresh formance of other dairy project three-fourths and it will take animals in the club. Complete air per minute. While winter conditions need only one cubic three more generations before records are the only way to he will be producing purebred calves, foot per minute, thus presents figure costs of raising calves. yearlings and cows. the greatest problem because shifts in weather Forstrom said the Charolais RECORD KEEPING has been of its sudden TAME AS A KITTEN . . . this purebred it. Forstrum, who went into the Charolais conditions. cattle originated in France BEEF HERD ... Part of. Forstrom's Chaolais beef designed so that members learn Charolais bull owned by Elmer Forstrum, beef raising this spring, will be building his For best results, use cooling about 200 years ago and , being herd follows him around the pasture. These fast gaining beef more detailed record keeping large and strong, were used as (Daily News photos) systems with thermostats, and who farms one mile south of Whalan is just herd around this animal. the beef of the future for many fanners. skills as they progress through beasts of burden, for beef and animals may become First and second the entire system should be as tame as a kitten, although be doesn't look the project. to supply milk. The first Charo- year members are expected to checked often and kept clean. record the weight of their ani- iais registry was recorded in Dairy Clinic to Beg in mals using a dairy cow weight 1887. measuring tape. Measurements After World War I a French At WSH on Monday Trempealeau taken throughout the project syndicate distributed the ani- "Trends in the Dairy In- year enable members to chart Arcadian Wins mals into Mexico. Shipments dustry," the first of six the progress of their animals. were made in 1930, 1931 and sessions in a dairy clinic, eight Beginning project members 1937 : A total of 37 animals, will be held at 8:30 p.m. bulls and 29 cows. Electric also record the amount and cost Monday in the agriculture of feed used in raising their In State 4-H All Charolais cattle in the room at the Winona Senior calves. This will give members United States have descended a good idea of the costs in- High School. from that group. John Januschka, adult vo- Pays $60,000 volved in raising a dairy herd. ( In addition , dairy members Achievement ACCORDING to the Ameri- ag instructor, said no fee ARCADIA, Wis. Special) - would be charged for the The board of directors of the learn other skills such as de- (Special) — can-International Charolais As- ARCADIA, Wis. sessions. Trempealeau Electric Coopera- horning and vaccination. They Richard Krackow, Arcadia, is sociation, Charolais are one of record when each of these jobs the largest breeds of cattle, In the clinic being held tive has announced that it will one of 35 Wisconsin 4-Hers se- release nearly $60,000 to its was done. lected as state 4-H achievement weigh up to 30 percent more at the Rollingstone School, Members with yearling proj- than other cattle at weaning, "Feeding Dairy Cows," will members during capital credit winners. days Dec, 4 and 5. ects learn to keep records of Frank Campbell , state 4-H have rapid growth and gain 8 to be discussed at the second sires used and breeding dates. announced win- 20 percent faster in feed lots. session at 8:30 p.m. Wed- The second such retirement leader, Madison, it brings the total This will provide them with ex- ners in the various classifica- They can be fully finished and nesday. in two years, perience in using gestation ta- to well over $100,000. During tha tions. They were chosen on the will have produced more meat bles. progress in 4-H from roughage and forage than two years, retail rates were re- basis of their ,000. AS THE project members ad- club work and on their overall most other breeds, the associa- Fillmore County duced by an additional $45 vance to the milking cow proj- contributions to their commu- tion says. REVENUE in excess of oper- ect, they learn how to feed and nities. Charolais fleshen without Homemakers Plan ating expenses for 1947 and 1948 care for the freshening cow as Richard, 20, son of Mr. and waste fat and yield from two is being retired, plus non-oper- well as recording the freshen- Mrs. Henry Krackow, rural to six percent more lean meats Laundry Training ating revenue and margins from ing date. Milk and fat produc- mAmtauiaiaJIfl, —--AC«_- ¦»— in the primal cuts and the net affiliate organizations such as tion records guide the dairy winner in the salable mean averages around PRESTON , Minn. — Remem- Dairyland Power Cooperative, project members in determin- various project 60 to 68 percent. ber the days of the wash boiler for 1845 through 1948 also are ing the amount of concentrate divisions. Forstrom said even farmers homemade soap and scrub being retired. Members receiv- to feed each cow. They learn to Richard start- who raise calves and sell them board? asks Mrs. Geraldine Da- ing service those years may use production records in se- ed his 4-H swine for feeders make more money ley, FillmoFe County home fiick up their checks at the of. lecting herd replacements and project 10 years because the Charolais usually agent. ice Dec 4 and 5. culling the dairy herd. will put on 500 pounds of weight CLOSE-UP . . . Several inquisitive Charo- calves will gain five pounds to every four With present day develop- Advanced members gain ac- ago with one Revenues paid by members Registered Spot- while the regular beef calf will lais animals peer at the photographer who pounds a regular beef animal will put on . .. ments in laundry equipment, in excess of current expenses tual experience in managing the put on only 400. dairy herd for profit. At this ted Poland Chi- is attempting to take their picture. Those using the same ration. laundry supplies and fabrics we are allocated to members on a na gilt. He now point, they must also learn to THE TEXAS Agricultural Ex- find the job of washing much prorata basis of the patronage has a herd of periment St a t i o n at Mc- easier today, but these new de- supplied by that member. These take into account such expenses high quality, as land, taxes and building up- Gregor conducted a weight ex- velopments also have brought funds have been used by the keep. registered hogs. Richard some problems, she adds. cooperative to retire its loan The younger members He lives with his parents on periment over 140 days with 10 only estimate these costs. En- breeds of beef animals. Using 66 Wisconsin 2nd Homemakers have many principal with the federal gov- a 280-acre dairy, sheep and ernment. The cooperative last rollment in the advance dairy Charolais and Charolais crosses, questions: Why do clothes get project is one of the best ways swine farm. yellow or gray? When should executed a loan back in 1855. His dairy project work was the animals averaged a daily Since that time it has handled of exploring a possible career the gain of 2.8 pounds and an aver- I use bleach and what type in dairying, said Frankenstein instrumental in raising In Co-ops, But its plant requirements from . dairy herd butterfat average age total gain of 387 pounds. should I use? How should I wash dacron shirts funds generated within its own some 100 pounds. He owns 12 A total of 88 Angus were in Byi FRANKmhm BRUESKE , wool blan- operations. Past loans are re- David Prissel Heads registered Hampshire sheep as the experiment. They averaged Daily News Farm Editor kets, pleated skirts, etc.? How paid with interest to the federal part of the farm enterprise. 2.1 pounds of daily gain and av- Number Down During tbe past weeks the county farm organizations hot should water be to get treasury. The cooperative has Pepin County 4-H In addition to the livestock erage gain at the end of the test MADISON, Wis. — Second in have been holding their annual meetings. At these meetings clothes really clean? What is advance payments standing in Junior Leaders projects, he has worked with was 300 pounds. The test in- number, fifth in dollar volume they have attacked the other farm groups' attempts to ob- the difference between a soap the amount of $166,000. poultry, horses, rabbits, beef , cluded 24 Shorthorn which had and sixth in number of mem- tain a better price for farm products. As the farm groups and a synthetic detergent? Total plant value of the co- DURAND, Wis. — David Pris- electricity, conservation, wood- an average daily gain of 2.3 and bers. dispute, the processors and the consumers couldn't care Which should I use? How much operative as of Sept. 30, 1964, sel has been elected president of working, leathercraft and jun- average total gain of 327. In- This is how Wisconsin ranks less. Any sharp increase in price to the farmers for their package water softener should was $2,415,479 and its remaining the Pepin County junior 4-H ior leadership projects. He has cluded were 432 Herefords in cooperatives , Francis Haugh •products will mean higher costs to the processor and increas- I use if any? long-term debt stood at $1,103,- leaders. County agri- won Trempealeau which showed a daily gain av- of the Wisconsin Department ed prices to the consumer. But getting all the farmers to To answer these and other 901. The cooperative serves 3,- Susan Vradenburg was elected cultural awards in swine, poul- erage of 2.4 and total average of Agriculture noted today as he agree and unite would be like trying to get all of the people questions Mrs. Daley will con- 600 active members on 1,200 vice president ; Alice Harmon, try, junior leadership, and gain of 331. to attend the same church. duct a series of meetings this miles of distribution lines. secretary; Diana Bauer, treas- reviewed Co-operative Month It can't be done. achievement. All animals were fed the same month on "Laundry Problems urer, and Pat Hill, reporter. On Krackow has attended the Na- amount of ration. which just ended. There are now 1, 125 coopera- Opponents to higher prices for farmers — mainly the Helps." The topic will be pre- NAPLES-iVIONDOVI FU the program committee are Di- tional Dairy Cattle Congress, The Fillmore County farmer • • • ane Weiss, Charles Markman , tives, he pointed out. In char- processors and consumers — say people won't buy as much sented on Tuesday at Lanes- ( and the state Holstein conven- said its hard to believe the gains food if the farm prices go MONDOVI , Wis. Special) - Robert Brantner and Susan Vra- He has held every office acter of business they are brok- up. This is ridiculous. If a person boro Community Hall , Wed- tion. the animals have put on. He wants a piece of steak for lunch, Lylas Frogstad, assistant educa- denburg. in his local 4-H club, and served en down in this manner: Dairy what can he have as a sub- nes Wykoff Community Hall and tion director ¦ said he intends to sell all his stitute? A piece of plastic? What substitute will a restaurant , will be guest as assistant leader. He plans marketing, 267; livestock mar- Thursday at Preston Town Hall, speaker at the Naples-Mondovi Hereford and Angus animals have for a teen-ager who wants a hamburger? People must — to continue his career in farm- keting, 154; poultry and eggs, All meetings will begin at 1:30 Farmers Union meeting at 8:30 V/inona County NFO and concentrate entirely on the and will — continue to eat, regardless of the price of food. ing. 7; tobacco, 2; fruits and vege- p.m. Extension home program p.m. Friday in Mondovi City LEWISTON Charolais. And it is very, very doubtful if anybody will go on a diet be- . , Minn. — Reuben Richard's sheep rated top at tables, 13; furs , 8 , and one each group leaders and anyone inter- Building. Refreshments will be Kiehne, Harmony, will be guest the School and Community Fair His purebred bull is "Majes- cause their food costs them a little more. Processors may at- ested may attend. ty," from the F. W. for logs and maple syrup. served. The public is invited. speaker ' at the Winona County in September . Turner tempt to import more beef but the recent noise raised by NFO meeting at 8:30 p.m: Mon- ranch in Texas. Purebred Char- During 1961-1962, Wisconsin farm organizations concerning beef imports may keep legis- He is a member of the Ameri- agricultural marketing coopera- day at the village hall. Lunch can Lutheran Church and choir olais bulls command high prices lation in hand to prevent more beef to be shipped in. on the auction block tives marketed a net value of will be served. director there. and For- • • * strom said he recently saw half farm products of $552 million. The American farmers, if united , could be the strong- interest in one bull sell for $12,- This placed the state third In est group in the nation. They could ask a price on their 700, the nation . California was the products — and they could get it. But being separated, work- leader with $1.24 billion and ing individually in efforts to obtain a better price, the farm- Lake City Girl FORSTROM also has a liff In- Minnesota with $743 million surance er may have difficulty rising above his present status. The policy on the animal. It placed second. the bull would Farmers Union proposes the help of federal programs to help die before his There are in addition to the ninth birthday, boost the sagging farm prices. The NFO is attempting to or- Wins Scholarship Forstrom would agricultural marketing coopera- receive his full ganize farmers so it can become the bargaining agent for _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__<__F_ H , , purchase price tives, 329 cooperatives purchas- ______M * ^______t LAKE CITY Minn - Ile-ne back . Forstrom them and set prices and contracts with the processors which Bremer , daughter of Mr. and said if the ani- ing and furnishing supplies for Currently mal lived beyond nine years would give the farmers a profit over all expenses, Mrs. Edward H. Bremer , Lake , he farmers and 210 which provide the Farm Bureau A&P would have more than received is considering the purchase of the City, has been awarded a $100 other services to farmers and food chain to get- his money 's worth from it. , which would give them an inside track ______r ' UI'MD_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-V _-_-_-_-_-_-_¦ ting better prices keep- _____¦ scholarship to any college of Charolais are the beef their families. for the farmers and at the same time, s_klA\-F'_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-r . fl^^^^H is ani- ing consumer prices at a reasonable __-_slVil^_l^_-_-_-_r Jmmmmr* her choice. This scholarshi p mals of the future , Forstrom be- Haugh compared Wisconsin level. ^^ awarded at the state level to a cooperative numbers with pre- mmm¦ '^S ^+mmmmmmmmM immWf lieves. With the tighter squeeze across £x 4-H member who has done out- nn the farmers ' wallets and vious years, During the past week• three• news items• have come -__ _i_2_-_M-_-_-_-_-_-F rJ^Hwh-*} .) , the my desk discussing probable solutions to the farm problems. standing work in the foods and increasing demand for beef with "There has been a decrease nutrition projects with empha- The three : A beef futures market; purchase of a food chain less fat , the rapid producing in the number through consoli- ^^______Fl ^ ___ W^ by the Farm Bureau , and organizing for better bargaining, ^* sis on bread baking as it i.s re- Charolais appear to have a good dation and merger of two or lated to meal preparation. future in the area more cooperatives into a single are reprinted on today 's farm pages . The ideas discussed are Ielen has been a member of association," he said. worth rending th** Mt. Pleasant Pheasants 4-H He noted that the number of • Load easier, Club 11 years. She has been en- spread faster ^^^nBWd_-^^BHliu^«! tw Pigeon Falls Play marketing associations has Spring Grove Man second producer delegate. Al- rolled in the junior leadershi p dropped from 300 in 1960 to 127 ternates are Leland Ingvalson with new wide-bed spreaders... seven years as well as many Director Receives in 1964. A decrease was also Heads Houston Co. and Alden Solum, Spring Grove. CCULLOCH other projects, She has given the experience in the supply Charles Peterson. ADA repre- Irom NEW HOLLAND! M several demonstrations at the Universit y Award and service cooperative field. Dairy Committee sentative , presented information 250 CHAIN state fair, Ilene has won sev- "We find a particularly strong on the 1965 advert ising promo- SAW CALEDONIA Get "on target" easier with your loader when Men a bis chun IIW power it i n-ill eral awards , including honor PIGEON FAU„S, ( trend in merger and consolida- , Minn. — Har- Wis. Spe- tional plans. He said, "We are you use a NEW HOLLAND Model 500 Series attain taw price Irom tha manulicturer roll record trophy of the jun- cial) — At (he Trempealeau tion moves in dairy cooperatives old Jetson , Spring Grove, has concentrating our merchandis- Manure Spreader . One atop at tbe world't most popular rhii- under a barn taws. ior division , key award , hread County 4-H leaders award ban- where technical improvements been elected chairman of the ing efforts on 200 market cen- cleaner, tool Ha-vale. light. Cats aa-y. Make* short trophy and several county pin quet held recently, Mrs. Ernest and better transportation has Houston County Dairy Indus- ters which contain 65 percent Theae new S-ioot-vrida models help a-oat ot land claannc prunm-.. finwood awards and has been a conser- you build Sletteland , Pigeon Falls, was made for greater efficiency in of our consumer potential na- your LANDPOWER easier jaater eoBma, Iea*» bars up la 74" as wall at vation camp delegate , tries Committee. , and nt a presented an award of recogni- operations , " Haugh said. tionally. " He added, "Teen-ag- lower coat. HAuli*-** E-rti Drill. Brushcutter and ! tion from the University of Wis- Paul Solum , Spring (W ove, - atlKiuntnla. ers are a big market potential, Available in kolh triple-beajer tSmfc&B** j-5^5 consin for creative leadershi will be vice president of the CYCLON- Wabasha Co. 4-H p Consolidated Breeders and this is why ADA has shitt- ACTION or single-beater RIPSAW-ACTION ¦)» Witt. 17' in dramatics. ~ , ._-. fcaraul 1 county unit of the American ed emphasis toward sponsoring 163- or 205-buihel capacity. m I«H- Mtt OKU She directed See ua soon for lull /\ ** ^ *y+. j Federation to Hea r the prize win- To Hold Meeting at Dairy Association ( ADA). Re- teen-age TV shows," details how fo start spreading nin-j play, "An Over Praised ¦ terns ______State Assistant elected as secretary in seconds with a new spreader Season , '' Riven \>y the Pigeon St. Charles Tuesday is Harold IN MEW ETTRICK HOME L \ __. 1 from NEW HOIXAND. Easy WABASHA , Minn. - Mlanlcj Flyers 411 Club. This group ST. CHARLES. Minn. - One Klr.scht of Caledonia. Each year ETTpICK ( Special) I I | . Wis. - hnancdngl «^ Meinen, assistant ntate 4-H cluh competed with four counties in of many annual business meet- the county ADA appoints two Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Runne- 1XJ_J leader , will speak at the Wa- Ihe district contest , and went to ings of Consolidated Breeders producer delegates to represent ' strand have moved into their FEITEN | basha County 4-H Federation Ihe state finals, Teckla Ander- Cooperative will he held at St. the county at regional meet- newly built dwelling. Mr. and meeting next Thursday at West son , a member of the cast , re- Charles HiRh School at fi p.m. ings as voting delegates. Dur- Mrs. Lester Tranberg will move Albany. New enrollment ) F. A. KRAUSE CO, IMPL CO. I cards ceived an invitation to attend » Tuesday. inR MHi." . Dennis Deters , Spring into the former Runncstrand IIJ W*4kW« it Winona and junior leadei record*, will 'trama workshop at the univer- Oyster stew and chili will be (.'rove and Ted DeWitt of Cale- residence, "greeny Acrei," f. of Winona, Hwy. U-61 | be due. which they pur - Phone 5155 ———-—-- ¦I T sity this summer. served afterwards. donia will serve as first and chased. Holstein Herd Leads 4-H'ers in Sow Fillmore Co. Minnesola Tree Houston County DHIA Projects Heed Board Fills CALEDONIA, Minn. - High herd in October in the Assessor Post Blanks Available Houston County DHIA was owned by Victor and Paul Beck- Fo Go 'Shopping LEWISTON, Minn. PRESTON, Minn. (Special)— - Or- man, Unit 3. Their herd of 28 registered and grade Hol- MADISON, Wis. - Four-H ders for trees from steins average 51.1 pounds of butterfat. The Fillmore County Board of state for- youths who plan to take the est nurseries are being taken They and Kelvin Davy, Hokah, Unit 1, had tht high Commissioners appointed a , sow and litter project next year John S. Halvorson, Assistant cows in the county. Beckman's No. 1*8, a registered Hol- new assessor for next year at should begin shopping now for Tuesday. County Agent, said. stein and Davy's No. 32, a grade Holstein, each produced the monthly meeting high-quality gilts that will meet Ronald Turner, deputy sher- Tree seedlings are sold to 88 pounds of butterfat. project specifications. Or, if a iff , was appointed to succeed individuals to be planted for High herds in tbe other two units in terms of average gilt from your unit I project Oscar Gillund, Preston, who woodlots, windbreaks, shelter- butterfat production were owned by Freddie Beckman, Hous- meets the requirements, you has held the office almost con- belts, erosion control, soil and ton, Unit 1, 45.0, and Robert Deters, Eitzen, Unit 2, 41.2. can save money by using her, tinuously since 1917. water conservation, and for per- The county report: says Fred Giesler, University The petition of Robert Thomp- manent food and cover for UNIT 1 >t Wisconsin swine production son to have his entire farm put wildlife. TOP FIVE HERDS specialist. into the Lanesboro School Dis- Coniferous species available Ha. Ave, UM. was passed. Forty acres Ma. Caw* Sraari Dry Milk »" If you have to buy a gilt, pick trict include, panderose, Norway, frtdaia Bed-men, Hausttft 25 OH * l,2*» «5.a one from only the best-produc- were detached from Preston jack and Scotch pine 1.241 40.1 , white Barton Bulman, Ciladonla 3t CH * ing sows in the herd. They District 233 and 00 acres from Clefw Sehlelch, Caledonia ..... 17 RBS . 1,114 39* spruce and white cedar. Deci- Burton BokJuan, Caledonia ...... 32 OH 4 us 347 should be from litters of 10 to Harmony District 228. duous species include silver Ma 35.8 Hervey BoWt 1. Rad-lnfl, Houston ... 25 OH a 12 pigs and should have a litter Reuben Elton, Harmony, was maple, green ash, caragana TOP FIVE COWS , weaning weight of 350 pounds appointed county weed and seed honeysuckle and black walnut Mtlvln Dary, Hokah .32 OH ,,*5" ** commissioner for next year at Matt Sdlllfz, Caledonia . « GH ' 2,440 88 at 56 days. Ask the breeder to stratified seed . ' GH J $12 per day. Matt Sdiim, Ciladonla • ¦• •• '»» " show you his Wisconsin Swine Five hundred trees must be Uwrence Bauar a Sprague, Cal ...... 23 GH 1,4*0 14 The sum of $61,119.41, which ' GH 7,0» U Selection records or similar per- ordered by ax . ' Harvey Boldf & Ridding, Houston 14 represents gas tax refunds from individual and UNIT REPORT — 931 cows on tart* averages 730 pounds of milk, 3S formance records. species must be in multiples parent last and 37.7 pound, ot butterfat. the state, was transferred from UNIT 2 Litter mates of the gilt you the county bond fund to the of 100. Cost per hundred is $1. TOP FIVE HERDS select should have a carcass Lanesboro hill road project. Because the demand will ex- 13 R aVGJ 1 734 41.2 length of at least 29 inches, 4 ceed the supply , mmmMmemj mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm ^^mmmmRobert * Deters, Elt**m ¦ Ralph Gross, county engineer,, early order- Olaf J. Klome - Sons, Sprlna ©rove 3s R6 3 . *I7 **'• square inches of loin eye and ing is recommended. For more FOUR-H AWARDS. .. Twenty-eightWi- president of the Winona Rotary Club*, and Uoytf A Dtnnla Dattri, Spring Crev* .43 GH 5 1,188 3*3 was authorized to attend the Cyril Troendla, Spring Grove 40 GH 5 Ii022 37.* less than 1.6 inches of back-fat, annual county highways insti- information and order blanks nona County 4-H champions received merit Karen Bracken, Princess Kay of the Milky Fremont Schuttemiler, Caladonia ... 27 GH 4 1,043 3«\S according to the swine special- tute at the University of Minne- contact Bob Schutz, state for- award certificates from the "Winona Rotary Way present Nancy Waldo, one of the 4- TOP FIVE COWS ist. sota Dec. 7-10. ester; the Soil Conservation or ) Olaf J. Kloma a. Son's, Sprl-19 Orove .. Kathy R« ' .BOO U Club Wednesday noon. John Halvorson, left, H'ers, with her awards: (Daily News photo Raymond Boldt t> Ed„ R.E. Irons, Houston ll GH 1,840 77 The gilt should also have the Bids will be opened Dec. 8 the county extension office in * «¦» 1,140 assistant county agent; Everett Edstrom, Robart Deters, EHian ^ 74 correct color markings and oth- on painting the interior of the Lewiston. . . Lloyd ft Dennis Caters, Spring Grove ...... 48 GH 2,330 n Fremont Schult«m«ler, Caledonia .. Becky GH l,»» » er characteristics of her breed. court bouse, which hasn't been milk, UNIT REPORT - 457 cows on tott; average* 772 pounds of Well-developed hams, a thick redecorated since it was built 3,t3 percent test and 30.4 pounds o* butterfat. deep sides also seven years ago loin and smooth, ¦ . Pepin School UNIT 3 make for a higher quality gilt. TOP FIVE HERDS Correctly placed and well-devel- Victor 8* Paul eaekman M *JGH 1 ]¦** «-J Committeemen Editor J» **GH '•»»» ¦ ' *¦* oped feet and legs will give the Yule Promotion Farm Decides (.eater Beckmen * Donald Port . .. '.. - ... ; » **«« * ™ «•* gilt a long life as a brood sow. Rlad I Arthur Johnson 21 RBS 7 7*7 31.7 Committees Named Re-elected Tit 30.. Allan Sather ...... 23 GH * The legs should be straight with TOP FIVE COWS strong pasterns. . MONDOVI, Wis. (Special ) - DURAND, Wis. - The Pepin 2,000 18 ' Victor *. Paul Biekmen .. . '-• *» Christmas promotion commit- County Board of Supervisors ex- Probably most important, the She s Good Salesman Victor ft Paul Beckmann ...... 2-3 RH 2,1*3 «s If tbe farmers had more see better prices for dairy with the Minnesota Dairy Asso- Francis Wilkes, la Crescent 1 J«r»*V V» 13 gilt should have 12 or more tees were appointed by the Mon- pected to complete Us annual ¦• ¦ ¦ young ladies like Princess Kay products and believes that more ciation. Harris ft Todd ...... " •» ' -™ * functional nipples that are uni- dovi Agriculture, Professional session at the courthouse here Victor ft Paul Beelcman , ,_ , ,... 3*2 RH 2.O00 » of milk, and Businessmen's Association today, according to of the Milky Way pushing their advertising and better relations Princess Kay's typical day UNIT REPORT - 3*0 cow* ora fast; averages 754 ^pound* formly spaced. Martin dairy products to the customers, between the farmer and the starts at 7:30 a.m. and may H.9 percent test end «.* pounds ot butt*rfat. Check performance records of at the noon luncheon Tuesday at Pittman, county clerk. they wouldn't be able to pro- consumer will aid in getting continue until midnight, depend- the gilt's sire and dam. For Don's Supper Club. Carl Tuesday Lyman Manor, Pep- duce the increased demand for these prices.' ing upon how many appear- best production, the parents will Aamodt', chairman of the retain in, and George Radle, Arkan- announced that milk. Karen was one of 12 girls who ances she will xnake daring the have weighed 210 pounds at 5% committee, saw, were re-elected to the stores will be open every night This was the opinion of the competed for the Lincoln Coun- day. Saturdays and Sundays are months of age, or will have county school committee. Man- Daily News farm editor as Kar- ty Dairy Princess title this shown a daily gain of 1.6 pounds until 9 starting Dec. 13 through or had been serving by ap- included in her schedule as she Week the 23rd. 4-H ' of pointment since the resignation en-Bracken of Verdi, Minn., summer. After winning, she er from weaning to market weight goes from community to com- —Among ' field of 21 in the Re- CALEDONIA, Minn. (200 ' pounds). Feed require- Committee members are: of Harold Klinger, Pepin. this year s Princess Kay, stop- topped a munity in the state to help pro- Houston gion 11 contest and went on to the top 4-H'ers in ments should be between 3.2 Donald Wiseman and Bert Kis- Holdover members of the ped at the Daily News Wednes- mote the state's dairy industry. 18, Retlaff County is Jan Lee Pohlman, and 3.5 pounds of f eed f oreach selberg, Santa; Gordon , school committee are Matt day during her tour through capture the state title. "I love my work and I like church who has been a member of the pound of gain up to market music; Robert Theiss, Brunner Jr! and John W. the area. Being the only child on ber meeting people," the princess 4-H Weiss, Crooked Creek Hi-Fliers weight. choir music; gifts, William Aase Durand; Ray Sinjen parent's 240-acre farm, Karen said. "1 think the dairy busi- and Lawrence Tomter, and Har- , Stockholm, THE PETITE dairy princess Club eight years. and Clifford Olson had a first-hand opportunity to ness in the state is on the Up- Before buying a gilt, be sure ris Serum and Aamodt, registra- , Pepin. who will log more than 50,000 The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The highway committee learn about dairy farming. swing and will get better." she is blood tested for brucellos- tion. will miles in the state before her Wilfred Pohlman, Caledonia, is and leptospirosis. Give the be elected at the reorganization reign is completed next August SHE HAD intended on enroll- And with this year's Princess Jan Lee has been active with Santa will make his first visit herd a good looking-over for here Nov. 27. session following the April was in the city to help distrib- ing at Mankato State College Kay publicizing the dairy indus- her chicken and health projects any signs of disease. If you are election. The terms of tbe high- ute 4-H awards to the Winona this fall and major in home eco- try, there is only one way for eight years, safety seven, foods in doubt, check with the local FLOWERS BLOOM way commissioner, Elwood County 4-H champions. The nomics. Now she doesn't know. dairy products consumption to sue, clothing five, and junior veterinarian. For more informa- Myers, and service officer hold meeting was sponsored by the She said there is a possibility go — up, up, up. leadership four. tion contact your 4-K club agent ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) — over. Winona Rotary Club she will become an airline host- county extension office. On Veterans Day lawns were . AFTER A NOON luncheon, She has been club reporter, The board moved to have tha Princess Kay would like to ess after "her tour of duty" , president, his- ¦ fresh and green in Ettrick after sponsored by the Rotary Club, vice president sheriff's and justices commit- torian and song leader and has the rain of the previous night. tee get plans for a three-bed- certificates were presented to Whitehall Honor Fall flowers still are blooming 28 4-H'ers. About 12 other club been the county 4-H federation room residence addition te the Wabasha Co. Council historian. in Ettrick yards, and lilac bush- county jail, plus office 12 to 18 members were eligible for the Students Announced chives Jan Lee was county dress re- es are in bud. Parsley, , feet, interrogation room 10) by Wisconsin Tree Elects Mrs. Wand rey awards but could not attend the mint and other herbs still grow vue queen in 1963, won safety WHITEHALL, Wis . (SpeciaD- 10 feet, public toilets and gar- meeting. in gardens in the village. As New President and fire prevention awards in Straight A honor students at age. Receiving awards were : Lor- 1959 I960, has won the Whitehall High School the first • Blanks Available WABASHA, Minn. (Special)— raine Frisch, safety; Carl Girt- and Annual reports from officers i Jan Lee Pohlman ij Key Award, has exhibited at quarter were announced by LOWER RATE ALMA, Wis. — Tree order Mrs. William Wandrey, Plain- ler, shop ; Howard Fischer and will be received at the Febru- view, was elected president of $, mm\\i %m;mmAiw&..j mm *xmm£ Oarral Key, Preston RGH 5t 11 1,053 .15..1 ¦¦-—-M-w-M_-»p**tM**a ^a* ** _-***»*»^-MM-»i_ - ^ ^ I---****.II i m mtmm^mm^m^mamaail^mmamn a i ta __>-»>- -»* Francis Orebln a Son, Hermony .. . GH M 15 100 31.0 LEWISTON, Minn,, 8:30 p.m. FIVE HIGH COWS SN0W TIRES ANCHOR TRUE ANTI-BIOTIC — Winona County NFO, village Frencl* Orebln * Son, -Harmony GH 2,030 »l Otter you the very best in wear, ride and Merlyn ». Darrell Ray, Preston GH 2.0JO /a safety. HELPS YOU FIGHT hall. Everett Junge, Harmony ,GH 2,450 77 Why buy a 2nd or 3rd grade tire when you can'mount WINONA , Minn., 00 p.m. - Everett Junge, Harmony GH 2,150 71 a set of Duralon DS Premiums on your car for prac- Roland Orallng, Spring Valley .. GH 2,310 13 tically the same price. Stop in and look over this top First of six dairy clinic ses- UNIT REPORT — 782 cows on test* average*: 7tt pounds of milk; 3, 45 percent last , ind 37.4 pounda ol bulterlat. «|tia!ity tire , . compare the quality guarantee and Mastitis 3 Ways sions, ag room of oenior high savings . you 'll sec why dollar for dollar "DS Pre- Antibiotic* Sulfonamide* school , UNIT 4 • • FIVE HIGH HERDS miums" are your best tire liuy.s, Like il .says on the Anti-Inflammatory Hormone LEWISTON, Minn,, 8 p.m. - Donald Jache, Wykolf OH » 1 1 .034 37 5 tire, "Supreme Oji/ility"! • a. o. Witt, Spring Valley RGH 13 7 1,005 35. Winona County 4-H leader coun- * Vnlley V»|Hy Donald Jacobson. Cyola ROH 32 * 'la 33.7 . cil , 8 p.m. Walter Blokeale*. Spring Valley Mix 31 a «50 35 3 $lta f arm ' ilia Farm FORMULA NO. 5 ---79c R obert E. Weed. Wykoft OH 11 7 <44 34 4 erica Prlc* 5 cc. disposable syringe comes ready, to inject in Tuesday, Nov. 17 FIVE HIGH COWS 600x13 $13.05 BiiUx U - tlf..*> single, sunitary-to-use plastic syringe. Kelitabakken * Eickholt, Fountiln ,. GBS i .n 107 ST. CHARLES, Minn,, R p.m. Blckhoff, Fountain GBS 1 S'MlxlS $1371 m/m>Kl4 $2t.47 Kalatabakkan * ,750 I* -Consolidated Breeders annual Ollf Hove, Chlttlild .. GH 3,450 15 VOOxIS 91S.35 B7(ixlft )1M3 Calvin Vrlm, Spring Valley .. ,. GH 2,330 ll FORMULA NO. 1 - - 49c Winona County meeting, high ceivln Vrlaia, Spring Velley GH 2,250 1* 70nxM SH OO 710x15 $11.08 * (I cc . (lis{M».salile syringe contain*. - antibiotics — school . R obert E. Wood, Wykolf GH I .B30 /» 7."i(l.\14 Ste.M 7fl0xl5 Sl»,05 2 sulfas. UNIT R-l'ORl - 433 cows on test; aviragaa: 7.» pounda ol milk; 3/4 r Wednesday, Nov , is parcent teat , ind VA pounds of but lariat 800x14 $17.11 B00/lll>(»xl ) (Milk must not to be used for human consutii'itlon UNIT S WHITE WALL PLUS $2.00 for 72 hours nftcr treatment < ¦ WINONA, Minn., 7:30 p.m.- FIVE HIGH HERDS Winonn County 4-H leaders ban- Cugane I. Mllo Broadwater, Preiton . RGH It 7 1,317 48.4 § quet, Hotel Winona. Donn* Tammil, Preston ... . GH «1 a 1,2)7 41.0 YES1—TAX INCLUDED! 2 FREE WITH 10 Millar Brothers, Whalan GH 44 * l ,?at 43.7 iammi^mimmammamm ROLLINGSTONE, Minn, , 8:30 Mirlln Wlsslng, Pnston OH 31 7 1,135 4l.f ' i * Juan Tammel, Prealon . . .. GH 3/ 4 1,041 3*.* p.m. - Second of six dairy clin- FIVE HIGH COWS ic sessions, Rolllngtone School. fiugine 8. Mllo Broadweter, Prailon ,, GRH 2,110 , IM Miller Brothera, Whalan . . OH 3,3M " tl KEEP YOUR REG. TIRES-NO Ted Maler Drugs Tliurttday, Nov. 19 F red Dannstadt, Harmony RH 1,»« •' TRADE-IN NEEDED! ANIMAL HEALTH CENTER AAillii Brolltera, Whalan ,. OH '.\CI0 14 WEST ALBANY', Minn. - Oonna I animal, Prasfo'i c,H 3,440 ?? 3rd m lofeyette Winona Wnbastia County 4-H Federa- Bruce Wllllarm 41 3bm. Mahsl , GH 1,M It UNIT RfcPORl 152 I OIVI on till; averages: Sit pounda el milk, and tion. 30. pounda ot buttartal ¦¦ Hi * * FREE PARKING IN THE REAR * _¦_¦¦¦¦ FORMER CINCINNATI REDS MANAGER Van Gorden: of Chest Cancer Dead His best pitching years at De- again, he went back to Seattle Hutchinson step out, caun and smiling. BRADENTON, Fla. (AP) - learning of the malignancy. He reported at Tampa, Fla., Later, he would get together troit were 1949, when he was 15- in 1959, but he moved to the ' Fred Hutchinson, former man- -" ager of the Cincinnati Reds Feb. 29 for the opening of the with offending players, one at a 7, and 1950, when he was 17-8. Reds on July 9. . Eau Claire s whose baseball career was end- Reds' spring training camp, but time, for a private discussion of On July 2, 1952, he replaced Red Rolfe as manager of the A sixth-place finish in I960 ed abruptly by chest cancer, by July he was forced to pass their faults. Because he never was followed by a pennant in and Tigers. In the next two years, died early today in a hospital. up road trips to Milwaukee exposed one to public embar- 1961, although the Reds lost to The 45-year-old Hutchinson, St. Louis and enter a hospital in rassment, all his players liked his teams finished sixth and fifth and it was back to the mi- the New York Yankees in a five- showing some improvement, Cincinnati. him. game World Series. The Reds waa allowed to go to his home He took another leave Aug. 13 nors in 1955 as manager of Seat- Hutchinson, a native of Seat- tle. were a close third in 1962 and Mr. Frosting to enter Christ Hospital in Cin- on nearby Anna Maria Island fifth in 1983. EAU CLAIRE W — "The "You may find a lot of boys last Saturday. cinnati and never returned to tle, won 25 games for Seattle of Seattle won the pennant that But his condition Hutchinson frosting on the cake." with great leadership ability deteriorated rapidly his job. the Pacific Coast League in his year and from 1956 into the 1958 was married in and he was 1943 to Patricia Finley. They That's Coach Jim Rice's de- and you may find a lot of boys returned to the hospital first year as a pitcher and was season he managed the Cardi- ' in an Before becoming a manager. have four children — Rick, 20; scription of Eau Claire State with great athletir ability, but ambulance Tuesday. named Minor League Player of nals. They finished fourth in ' Hutchinson was a successful the Year by The Sporting News. 1956 and second in 1957. Once Jack, 19; Patty, 16, and Joe, 9. Quarterback Jim Van Gorden, very seldom do you get a boy With his health failing fast, he in the minors and with who guided the Blugolds to two with both. That's Van Gor- had stepped pitcher : down Oct. 19 as Tigers. His major straight Wisconsin State Univer- den," said Rice. ' ^r ^ X manager of the Reds. The job the Detroit of 99 wins, 71 sity Conference football cham- Van Gorden completed a bril- went to Dick Sisler, who be- league record losses, might have been better pionships, liant four year career at Eau came acting manager when four seasons, Claire State leaving the record Hutchinson went on sick leave had he not missed 1942 through 1945, in military Cops Washington books in a shambles. He estab- Kelso HUTCH DIES . . Fred Aug. 13. lished 19 neW school standards service. former man- Hutchinson, baseball's Man- As a manager , Hutchinson Hutchinson, and a half do_en..]n the confer- Cincinnati Reds ¦ f ager of the Year in 1957 for his was sometimes rough and ager of the ence. .. second-place finish with the St. tough, sometimes cool and pa- whose baseball career was The 6-foot, 195 pounder has all Louis Cardinals and again in tient. International Contest ended by chest cancer, died but clinched the total offense 1961 for a pennant winner at When his temper flared, he LAUREL, Md. (AP ) - Kelso, were lost in the shuffle in the dating me and made me change early today. Hutchinson, va- championship among small col- Cincinnati felt tbe first pain of took it out on the furniture in his king of the hill for an unprece- battle for the pinnacle. my course," said Blum. "H cationing at his home on lege players competing in NAIA , finished the season his Illness last Christmas, clubhouse office, not the play- dented four years, refuses to there was any possibility of a Anna Marie Island near schools. He 's 7-year-old legs trav- with 2,331 yards, 1,950 passing Hospital tests confirmed the ers. come down. Kelso reversal cf the decision, I owed Bradenton, Fla., since Sat- eled the fastest time ever on an and 381 rushing for a game presence of a malignant tumor, After losing a game he be- His ground seemed shaky in it to the owners and the racing urday, was returned to the but he continued to direct the lieved he should have won, he American track for 1% miles, average of 259.0. Hie closest Wednesday's $150,000 Washing- public to have the stewards look hospital Tuesday. (AP Pho- Page 16 Jerry Bishop of Aus- Reds until illness forced him to would often stride into his of- 2:23 4-5. at the film." competitor, ton, D.C, International horse The glorious triumph after tofax ) Thursday, November 12. 1964 tin, Texas, had a 233.7 yards a quit. fice, slam the door and start race. Hutchinson sometimes called throwing the furniture around. three previous seconds in the game average last week. , produced out- The Bear because of an explo- Sometimes, windows were bro- The old boy sent his would-be same race gave pause to his Although he has ken. successor, Gun Bow, whose rid- owner and trainer who had been standing statistical marks, Van sive temper, flew to Seattle last value is found in When the storm broke, he er weakly cried foul, reeling by thinking of issuing an abdication Gorden's true Dec. 24 for a two-month series 's record. With of hospital treatments after would shower, shave, dress and 4M> lengths. Six foreign invaders decree in behalf of Kelso. Eau Claire State Mrs. Richard C. duPont, the Van Gorden at the controls, the owner, between crying and joy Blugolds finished with a 5-3 said, "I can't say anything defi- record in 1962, a 7-0 record in nite about whether he'll run 1963 and a 7-2 record this year. Cassius again." He led them to two victories as taking over "It shook up everything," a freshman in 1961, Packers Expect said the quarterback duties late in trainer Carl Hanford. "He' s in the season. Laughing such wonderful condition, it Van Gorden's ability hasn't would be a shame to stop him gone unnoticed. He has received " now. letters from 11 of the 14 teams There is no reason to rush in the National - Football League At Scribes Aerial Warfare Kelso into retirement as long as and from four teams in the GREEN BAY (#> — The fourth period touchdowns in he shows the life he did in the American Football League. BOSTON (AP) - Champion Green Bay Packers expect defeating the 49ers 24-14 in International . As a gelding, he The Dutchman Isn't sure of Cassius Clay is laughing at the an aerial blitz when they in- Milwaukee last month. That has no future of producing chil- boxing writers and other so- vade San Francisco Sunday started a 49er downfall . San being drafted by the pros be- dren and racing for money is cause of his age, 23, which is called experts who have' in- for a National Football Francisco hasn't won a his last claim to fame. stalled challenger Sonny Liston League meeting with the game since. "old" for a college senior. But as the favorite for their heavy- 49ers. However, official NFL sta- He already has picked up $1,- as Stout State Coach Max Spar- weight championship bout next "The 49ers rank as one of tistics reveal that the 49ers 893,362, more than any racing ger puts it: "If the pros don't Monday. the league's best passing rank second only to the Chi- in history. He is draft him, they sure are missing "A thousand newsmen picked teams," Green Bay Coach cago Bears in passing yard- the first to be voted best U. S. the boat." Liston before the last fight," he Vince Lombardi warned his age. The 49ers have gained horse more than once with a Van Gorden, a geography ma- jeered, "but what happened?" charges Wednesday. 1,889 yards through the air fifth in the offing. jor and a physical education minor, would like nothing bet- He noted Liston has been in- Tlie only fear in the Green and the Bears 1,912. The The 13th International was a stalled the favorite again and Bay camp was complacency Packers have passed for 1,- ter than to try his hand at the two-horse Yankee race from the pro game. asked: after two routings of Min- 393 yards. start and the closest at the fin- nesota and Detroit. How- The loss of J. D. Smith "I sure would like at crack at "Don't tbey ever learn?" ish was — 13% lengths behind it," the handsome Van Gorden ever, Lombardi is figuring and Don Lisbon because of Kelso — was Russia's Anilin. Clay, who prefers the name on eliminating any compla- injuries wrecked the San said. "I know the pros are Muhammad Ali, insisted cent feelings this week. Francisco running attack. Dragging in behind were Ire- tough, but I would like a Wednesday he will have the last The Packers scored two The 49ers have managed land's Biscayne, France's Belle RUBDOWN FOR WINNER ... Kelso, tory Wednesday. Cooling him off are Jack chance." laugh. only 801 yards overland, , Venezuela's Primor- winner ef the 13th running of the Washington, Delzell, background, and groom Lawrence Van's pert little wife, Carolyn, dial ' would also like to see him get "Liston's a slow, old man," compared with Green Bay's , Italy s Veronese and Ja- D. C, International at Laurel Race Course, Fit-patrick. (AP Photofax) pan's Ryu Forel. his chance. Clay said. "I can cut him easy. 1,496. gets a rundown back at the bam after vic- I'll slice his face up." Snook, Gordon Veteran quarterback John Acclamation of Kelso by the "If he wouldn't try it, he Clay was honored for the Brodie is the key man as crowd of 37,800 was delayed for would always be wondering," laughs he has given others. The San Francisco emphasizes 20 minutes while the stewards AT 38, SHE'S - QUITE- A GOLFER she said. Harvard Lampoon, a student Big its passing attack because considered a foul filed by Wal- Van Gorden has a big family publication devoted Lead Ten of a lack in runners. How- ter Blum, jockey on Gun Bow. rooting section. Besides his to satire, 13- honored him as Athlete ever, Coach Jack Christian- The stewards didn't see it. wife, he has two daughters, of the month-old Mary and two-month- Year for having brought humor sen has been using rookie old Cathy . back to the gloomy boxing pic- Grid Statistics George Mira often hecause Blum admitted that Kelso 't ture. CHICAGO IAV-Gary Snook of of hometown boos aimed at didn make physical contact Po//y Riley: No Kick "No one has delivered under Th* Lamnonn is hest known Iowa and Dick Gordon of Mich- Brodie. with Gun Bow as the two pressure like Van," said Rice. ' for its annual awards to Holly- igan State hold the upper hand While Mira has been squared away three-sixteenths "He s carried the load. I'd hate wood stars for Worst Perform- in Big Ten football statistics. forced into action , Lombardi of a mile from the finish. to think of replaying the season has been able to Iveep his "But I felt that he was intimi- without him. He's made the dif- ance By A Male Actor, etc. Snook, record-busting passer potentially-fine quarter- " Clay showed no sign of humor Playing Just for Kicks ference. who faces Michigan Saturday, back on the sidelines- learn- His teammates also think while going four rounds with his is tops in passing and total of- ing the pro trade. Dennis FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP ) - that produced victories in every I amateurs against their British highly of him. Pat Page, senior favorite sparmate SPORTS SCORES , Cody Jones. fense, according to conference Claridge, a standout at Ne- "Let me put it this way," major amateur event except the counterparts. guard, said; "When Van is out averages Thursday. NBA smiled Poll , Liston boxed five rounds braska, dons a uniform in y Riley. USGA. She won that first match there everyone just gives a WEDNESDAY"! RESULTS "I always wanted to ride a A native of San Antonio, all went no to play in five more Wednesday, giving him a total Gordon a late-blooming senior each game, but spends his Montreel 4, Chicago 1. little something extra. " New York 4, Boston 2. jackass to the bottom of the of 148 since be started training is the No. 1 ballcarrier as the time charting plays. her golf has been played as a Cup contests and in 1962 was The Wisconsin State Univer- Spartans prepare for a non-con- Toronto 3, Detroit 1. Grand Canyon, and so one day I resident of Fort Worth. named non-playing captain of for the attempt to recover the "Claridge still is bothered TODAY'S GAMES sity Conference coaches have ference thriller with Notre No games scheduled. did. , crown he lost in Miami. by a bad leg, an injury suf- "I won my first tournament the U.S. team. Her team won by nothing but respect for Van Dame . FRIDAY'S GAMES "I'm glad now that I did, but the Women's West Texas, in the greatest margin ever—a Liston wouldn't talk fered in the College All-Star No games scheduled, Gorden. to the 't " writers after his workout. A Each has wide leads in the camp, " Lombardi explain- I wouldn ever want to do it 1942, she said, "just before my triumph, she contends, which "I'd give four tackles for .one NHL again. " camp spokesman said the chal- major statistical departments. ed "It never has healed 16th birthday." Cautioned that provided satisfaction equaled Van Gorden, " said Stout's Spar- Snook has gained 1,374 yards on " WEDNESDAY'S RESULT S The anecdote partially re- , ger. lenger is getting tighter each properly. Boston lit, San Francisco M. this revealed her age, 38 she by none other. 97 completions of 197 passes. In Cincinnati HI, St flects Miss Riley' day and bad a hassle with train- Although he may favor . Louis 114. s attitude to- curled a finger through her hair 34 rushes, he has a minus one Philadelphia 113, Baltimore 114. ward serious, competitive golf and replied : er Willie Reddish Tuesday. the muscle pull, Claridge TODAY'S GAMES a yard , giving him total offense actually is doing things Philadelphia va. Boston at New York. —a sport in which she has par- "It's pretty hard to hide—the yardage of 1,373. Los Angeles at New York. ticipated actively for more than gray tells it. ' Lombardi's way — learning San Francisco st Detroit. Wright. Whitworth Rich Badar of Indiana is sec- the trade. In the meantime, FRIDAY'S GAMES two decades. Since 1955, her tournament ond to Snook in both categor- Bart Starr is handling things Los Angeles al Boston. She is recognized as one of the appearances have been "pro- Favorites in Civitan St . Louis at Cincinnati. mm/mmmft^ ies. He has picked up 917 nicely at quarterback and a finest amateur golfers ever to gressively more curtailed each SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP ) - yards passing and has a minus has veteran Zeke Bratkow- trudge down a fairway in a year." Nevertheless, she has ONE FEWER OFFICIAL ^ Mickey Wright and Kathy Wbit- 35 vushing for a total offense ski ready as an understudy. skirt . workd five or six into her worth — two sharpshooters who of 882. ST. PAUL (AP) - Three of- Pleasant , attractive and artic- schedule annually. deadlocked at 299 last year — Gordon has ripped 541 yards GIVES IP BASEBALL ficials- instead of four will pre- ulate, Polly now devotes most Polly struck her first golf ball " ( AP) are co-favorites to win the an- in 70 plays for a 7.7 average. BERKELEY , Calif. - side this year over Minnesota of her time to her job with an as a child after moving here ' nual San Antonio Civitan Open His closest pursuer in ground Craig M o r t o n. California s Intercollegiate Conference foot- aircraft firm. She holds the title with her family from Oklahoma. Golf Tournament. yardage is Handy Minniear of standout quarterback, says he ball games at pay scales of $30 of departmental assistant to the "I was pretty much a tomboy Play was scheduled to begin Purdue with 1144. Next to Gor- will give up baseball and con- instead of the $25 that was giv- president , a title which she says when we lived in Tulsa , and today in the $10,000 tournament don in average among the reg- centrate on football as he aims en the greater number of arbi- is meaningless. mother didn't think that was too that sports a first prize of $1 ,- ulars is Carl Ward of Michigan for a professional career. ters previously. i. She is involved in public rela- good." .'100. with 5.5 based on 5^______£ with his kind of payments players back , like Tom Brig- Bruhn explained Wednesday KANSAS CITY (AP) - Con- ^Smmmmmmmmmm ^ ***^^ People are different ... ao nre tht-ir money while preparing the Badgers for ham and Boh Richter. The fact cordia, Minn., winner of ita nine For The Sportsman! ^^^m ^^m ^mS^ ^ needa. And nobody do'*** <*iiite JIH much a Unit Saturday 's Big Ten game at they hadn't played in a while games this season, Is the top- thia aa Public Finance. Illinois, showed in the first hall on de- rated football team in the Na- Finest boot ever constructed ... protection to 20° below fense against [Northwestern. Next time you need money . , . dual wills your Sophomore Gary Pinnow , a tional Association of Intercolle- yet comfortable when the temperature rises. Bristolite 's kind of people -who offer the righ t kind of lonn defensive halfback and place "lint once they got loosened giate Athletics for the second Original Thermoboot is designed with a loyer of dead air with atmaible payment* you c«n nfford. kicking .specialist, participated up and began to hit we made a straight week. space between inner and outer shell lo keep body heat lt'a helpful, considerate lonn iw rvice Uulor-mi-de in a two-hour workout after a pretty good comeback . Now Concordia finished its season in, keep cold out. to meet your needa and your aituntion. scure when he twisted an ankle with that action under their with u 39-18 victory over Augs- Other features - two layers of 100% wool-facod Call or come in for your kind of loitn. Tuesday. However , veteran bells and practice this week , we NO KICK . . . Polly Kiley burg, Minn., Saturday. malerial safety man Dave Fronek still obove the onkle, heavy kicker foe You cam dapand oo... are looking for vast improve- of Fort Worth, Tex., has Sam Houston, Tex., State re- cop, Vi " wool was limping from an ankle in- ment in our defense. We 're been a top-flight amateur mained in second place with a 7- felt midsole, tru-traction outsole and steel shank to jury which sidelined him for counting heavily on the return- golfer (or more than two 0 record and Texas A&l is third strengthen sole structure, last week 's game at Northwest- ees to give us a chance . " LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ern decades and finds that com- at 6-0-1. Sam Houston and Texas * ^PUBLIC FINANCE Bruhn , who has suffered petition is vital. She doesn't A&l play each other Saturday. ~~ ^ ^ "We ir in tlir bfj-t shape through five defeats in seven have an interest in casual Others in the top 10: 4 , Lin- CORPORATION we 've been all season , " Bruhn games, said he bad not decided weekend golf. Polly , now field , Ore., 7-0-1; 5, Prairie View • feackad ay 47yaara o' aound financial anitarianca .said as he looked ahead to the on his quarterback against A&M of Texas 6-0; 6, 38 , is shown as she compet- , Florida StoJUL a Badgers' last two games with Illinois. Junior transfer student A&M , 8-0; 7, Findlay, Ohio, 8-1; Out&W ed in ' 163 fa»» 3rd St. Illinois und Minnesota. Jesse Kaye and senior Hal the Women s Ama- 8, Arizona State, Flagstaff , 6-1; Winona J m Chaata Bid* Phona 236S I - "We were at a low ebb two Hrandt are vying for the honor teur Golf Tournament this fi , Westminster, Pa., 7*0; 10, weeks ago for the Michigan this week. •ummcr. (AP Photofax ) Elon, N.C., 6-1 , 72 High Schoolers Red Playing Helen Selke Curling at Ga lesville Badger Solons 1 P.M. New fork * GALESVILLE, Wis. (Special) Stock Prices mm ) —A report on the curling inter- Slock Mart mm_ _B_ _ ^^^__ m^ Role of V*'' K * EL ._M^ i.cah-'.a 1 Pounds 546 to est at Gale-Ettrick High School Take Recess All'd Ch 54% Int'l Ppr 37^ Jlmm- V5? was given at the annual meet- Als Chal 21V. Jns A L 75-4 : * _-__-___» Amrada 84'/4 Kn'ct 92% £:- '^- ^}}: 'm ^_-. ( NBA Dictator ing held Monday by the curling Am Cn 43% Lrld 44% Moves Up in By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pace Keglers club. Until Jan. 13 Aro M&F 18% Mp Hon 127V4 Red Auerbach's approach to The number of students al- Am Mt 15% Mn MM 39% Wednesday marked a quiet MADISON , Wis. (fl-Wiscon- his Boston Celtics and the Cel- ready signed Is 72, according to AT&T ttttt Mn 1 Ont 26 Heavy Trade tics' approach to the National night on the city bowling scene sln lawmakers turned the fourth Am Tb 35% Mn P1L 48'4 iitrSPORTS with only the sunsetters League Norm Valiska, who will be in NEW YORK (AP)-The sleek IT LOOKS A8 IF IT'S GOING to be a "BIG" year In Basketball Association can be round of their 1963 session Wed- Ancda 54% Mn Chm 85/8 St Oil Cal 69% tht action in shirt sleeves? Super Saver to 877. Warnken's lee Bonspiel and the Burns ports of excise tax cuts for pro- intend to hit you with ev- Gen Tel 38% It happened Sunday when the Vikings beat the 49ers, but salvaged 2,531. Bonspiel will be announced at a "We St Oil Ind 42% posal to Congress next year also a group from this area went one better than that erything, including the bucket," Gillette 29% St Oil NJ 89% . , Ace — Don Cierzan rapped later date. _ were part of the Wall Street Hal Camnbell. Bob Anderson. John Hill Faces Familiar 215-569 for Vets Cab and Wi- he told his GOP colleagues. Goodrich 61'A Swft Co 53% backdrop. and Pat Bray decided it was just the nona Heating tumbled 978-2,816. Republicans reclaimed the Goodyear 46% Texaco 88 time ' to shoot a round of golf. HAL-ROD LANES; Commer- governorship in last week s Gould Bat 39% Texas Ins 88% The Associated Press average election with Warren P. Gt No Ry 60% Un Pac 44% of 50 stocks at noon was up .7 Campbell made the greatest news of the cial — Ken Donahue's 583 paced But Teams Are Knowles of New Richmond. But Gryhnd 24% U S Rub 61% at 328.0 with industrials up .8, day at Rushford's Ferndale Country Club by Springer Signs to 987. Robert Dean Vows He Di- they lost control of the 1965 Gulf Oil 62 U S Steel 55% rails up .7 and utilities up recording an eagle on the Jandt totaled 244 for Sams -2- 297-yard par-four 's came State Assembly and their abil- Homestk 47% Weatg El 43% The Dow Jones industrial av- third hole. rect Service and Pappy Much Different up with 2,813. ity to move the new governor's IB Mach 420% Wlworth 29% erage at nodn was up 1.92 at Ha hit with a three wood and then guided Swasey program to enactmennt without Int Harv 84% Yg S fc T 49% 875.51. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Retail — Warner & Will Play a six-iron shot into the cup. 1,058-2,883. Ed Democratic help. Prices rose in moderate trad- The faces were familiar Hopto slashed Who knows, we may have a rash of holes- , but Lilla waxed 224 for Sportsman's ing on tbe American Stock Ex- you needed a scorecard fol- ln*one on Christmas Day? to Tap and Tom Drazkowski total- In the Assembly, Robert Hu- PRODUCE change. low the goalies in Wednesday D-West Allis, who is being • • * ed 590 for Federal Cakes. Football Again ber, ) ( ) Corporate and U.S. govern* night's National Hockey League the next speaker, CHICAGO (AP - USDA - TALKED TO DR. L. A. McCown, Winona McCown MINNEAPOLIS W - Half* tabbed as ment bonds advanced. action. GOP that its ap- Potatoes arrivals 74; total U.S. State baseball coach, the other day and he informed that back Ted Dean, near death less warned the There was Gump Worsley, peals probably would find few shipments for Tuesday 285: Mo Weber assistant diamond instructor at the college not so than two months ago, and still , kicking shots out with oldtime takers. Wednesday 343 supplies mod- Purdue Sutlers on crutches as a dislocated hip Democratic WINONA MARKETS many years ago, has been named head baseball and wrestling finesse — for Montreal not New Republicans erate ; demand slow; market mends, visited the Minnesota Huber called the coach at William and Mary. York. And Terry Sawchuk was obstructionists and "the first dull; cariot track sties: Idaho 8wlfl * Company all over the place — for Toron- Viking football camp here Wed- riiase quotations apply a* to noon *a* Weber , who has served as an instructor at the Art Gaines major party to so vilify a gov- russets 6.30 ; Minnesota North my. to, Detroit. Jacques Plapte Key Injuries, nesday and vowed , "1 will play . baseball camp in Honeywell, Mo., for the past not ernor that no one will be able to Dakota Red River Valley round Buyine noun are iron 8 a.m. tp 4 was his old self — wearing Ran- again. " pm. Monday through Frl-ay . couple of summers, has coaching experience match the record." reds 4.104.25. ger blue, not Canadien red. Doctors aren't so sure. As one All livestock arriving after elosine at Winona, Colorado State and St. Thomas "This is a fine way to start lima will be properly carea for, weighed Worsley, sent to Montreal in put it, "There is no way you can NEW YORK /AP)¦- . (USDA ) ind priced Ihe following -iteming. colleges. Crockett Hobbled " Ma- the mammoth seven-player set any odds on this." out, countered Republican — Butter offerings adequate; Hee*. MINNEAPOLIS (AP)-Avail- Paul Alfonsi of T(*j butchers 090-2!" lbs.) 13.f5-U.JS He also managed a club in the Basin swap which brought Plante to Dr. Robert Telander of Gen- jority Leader demand steady; prices un- League and ran the old Winona Merchants ability of key players may be a Minoqua. lap sows 12.35-12.75 New York in June 1963, played deciding factor when the Minne- eral Hospital in Minneapolis was changed. cattle in the Bl-State League. "If that is the kind of a bat- Tha cattle market: Stairs and heifer* only eight games for the Cana- referring to the fact Dean's fu- ; iliady; cows strong to 15 cents higher. sota Gophers clash with Purdue tle you want then that is the Cheese offerings adequate "At first I thought he was trying for the diens last season before getting ture depends on rehabilitation of demand improved ; prices un- High choice ; 22.75 here Saturday. get " he said. Top beat cow* l.-tl assistant coaching job," said McCown. "This hurt and losing his job to Char- a blood vessel supplying the hip kind you will , - The Gophers likely will be the voters can decide in changed. earners and cutters 1 US-down week he sent me a clipping saying he has lie Hodge, who wound up win- bone. If this doesn't happen, "Then Veal without their best running back Wholesale egg offerings am- Tha veal Keen nAfM_ar1 fia-ar! /tnofsh " ning tha Vezina Trophy. 1966." market is statdy. and again go to the air, while the future looks grim for the 26- Tor choite .. 22.00 Gump spent last year playing ple; demand improved. 0 0 • Molock year-old Dean, who was critical- legislative roadblock Good and choice 12.06-20.00 the Boilermakers may be denied The only (Wholesale selling prices, Commercial end boneri . . 9.00-down League's vote to for Quebec in the American ly injured in automobile ac- WHAT WITH THE NEWS of the National the services ot their best pass an that developed in the brief based on exchange and other League and opened there this cident. Froedtert keep the Braves in Milwaukee next year, probably not many season. But when Hodge pulled catcher, and lean heavily on a three-day session was easily volume sales.) Malt Corporation of you noticed that the major leagues have voted to begin ground attack . Before heading home for Phil- skirted by a conference commit- Hours: 8 .#n to 4 p.m., closed Saturday* a back muscle the Canadians New York spot quotations fol- Submit sample before loading the Purdue camp adelphia, Dean commented: (New Barley) another collegiate league. recalled Worsley and he turned Word from tee report on new legislation to low : mixed colors : standards, Crop We talked to Max Molock about the possibility of the Wednesday was that end Bob "I don't know anybody else who control overnight parking on Mo. 1 barley , 81.11 in a strong 20-save performance ( 34-35%; checks 27-28. no. 2 barley ..... :. 1.06 Winona area being m the running for the beating Chicago 4-1 Wednesday Hadrick is still a doubtful start- really believes I will play city and village streets. wo. s barley 95 «o. a barley .84 loop. "I think we have a good chance," he night. er for the game, and that line- again), but if a man doesn't The two houses bad disagreed Whites : extra fancy heavy keep faith with himself to the ' weight (47 lbs min) fan- said. "They asked whether eight teams in this Sawchuk was exposed to the man Bob Hopp, the Boilermak- on an amendment to the pro- 5M0%; Winona Egg Market pounds, last, who will?" given cy medium (41 lbs average) 30* area could \ guarantee combined attendance draft by the Red Wings last ers biggest player at 251 posal that would have The** quotation apply «* ot " summer and snatched up by is lost for the remainder of the municipalities the specified 31; fancy heavy weight (47 lbs 10:30 a.m. today of 50,000. 1 told them it would be no trouble. min) (40 Grada A (lumbo) 32 Toronto's Punch Imlach, long a season. Hopp was sidelined with right to charge parkers. 37-38; medium lbs av- Gr»de A (Urge) . 7 At any rate, the Southern Minny will hear ) purveyor of hockey players an ankle injury. Officials in Milwaukee, where erage 28-29; smalls (36 lbs av- Gride A (medium) ¦ .1* a representative of the American League dis- Grada A (small) . ,.. .'. thought to be past their peaks. The Gophers' biggest break- such charges are being made, erage ) 27-28; peewees (31 lbs 1- cuss the possibilities of a major-league sup- Grsde B ,1» Third-period goals by Jim away threat, halfback Bill Seven Dead in requested the amendment. average) 20%-22. Grade C 12 ported loop for this area at its meeting at Pappin and Bob Pulford helped Crockett, hobbled through anoth- Another feature of the legis- Browns: extra fancy heavy Owatonna Dec. 7. Bay State Milling Company Sawchuk beat his old mates 3-1 er practice session Wednesday, lation, which now goes to the weight (47 lbs min) 39-40; fancy No. 1 northern spring wheat . .. 1.«7 e e e and ended a nine game unbeat- obviously still bothered by a foot governor , would allow munici- medium (41 lbs average) 30-31; No. 2 northern spring wheat .. 1,85 't w^^m ^mmm Massachusetts No. 3 northern spring wheat ... 1.81 BIG NINE FOOTBALL COACHES haven en string for Detroit. injury that has kept him out of palities to limit their parking fancy heavy weight (47 lbs min) No, 4 northern spring wheat ... 1,57 been a patient lot while waiting for the era Hefte Plante, exiled to Baltimore of all but a few plays for the past restriction posting to signs at 38-39; smalls (38 lbs average ) No, 1 hard winter wheat . 1,87 No. 7 herd winter wheat 1.-5 Of Mickey Bohrabach to end at Red Wing. Well, it's over, but the AHL with a bad knee at the few weeks. their local limits. 27%-28%; peewees (31 lbs aver- No, 3 hard winter wheat 1.51 what is ahead may be worse. season's start , returned to New Tackle Gale Gillingham also age ) 18%-20. MB, 4 hard winter whiat 1.47 Tenement Fire No. 1 rye 1.17 When Bohmbach was injured against Austin last Friday, York Saturday when his re- remained on the doubtful list , Another bill sent to the gov- , Marcel Pallle HOLYOKE , Mass. (AP ) - corrects earlier legisla- CHICAGO (AP ) - Chicago No, 1 rye 1.18 Winger Coach Myron Smith put in Bophomore Bruce Reeck. placement , came with an ankle injury . ernor up with a sprained ankle. The Seven persons—five of them tion grating property tax re- Mercantile Exchange — Butter He responded by completing his first four passes for 73 Minnesota said Wednesday masked veteran blanked Toron- that ticket sales for the Satur- children—perished when a gen- lief to persons over 65. The steady; wholesale buying prices yards before a toss was nabbed by Bob Larson, the same fella ' LIVCSTOCK to 1-0 and then made lt two in day encounter are well below eral alarm midnight blaze, be- measure makes $3 ,000 instead unchanged ; 93 score AA 61%; who plagued Winona High. a row whipping Boston 4-2 lieved set, destroyed a five- 92 A 61%; 90 B 60%; 89 C 60; SOUTH ST. PAUL expectations, with some 12,000 of $6,000 to the maximum an- SOUTH ST, PAUL, "The intercention wasn't his fault , " said Smith. "I sent in Wednesday night. cars SOB 61%; 89 C 6L. Minn. UP-(USDA) tickets remaining. story tenement today. nual income level of persons -Cattla 5,000; calves 1,800; fairly active* the play. He stood up under a lot of pres- Officials said the fire, which eligible to receive the aid. Eggs steady ; wholesale buy- iliti-ghter iter* and heifers steady to ilromg; cows modtrarely active and sure. " apparently started on wooden Five vetoes by Reynolds were ing prices unchanged ; 70 per i)n-y; bull* scarce, fully steady- veal- At least it was nice to think that the rear porches , was the worst in sustained and two bills were Eggs steady; wholesale buy- •n, slaughter calves and feeder* steady* the history of this industrial liider supplies largely consigned for Wingers wouldn't be as tough with Bohmbach Isaacson Set Ripon Going killed in the Senate. ing prices unchanged ; 70 per Friday action1 high choice 1,200 lb steers out of there . city , One of the rejected legislative cent or better grade A whites ll,15| most choice 950-1,250 Ib 23.00. KG-Oi mixed good and choice 21.75-23.25* e e e Four of the victims were proposals would have added a 34; mixed 34; mediums 26; high choice 950-1,000 lb heller s 2275; CALEDONIA'S JOHN HEFTE Is one of For Title Share members of one family. The condensation of the State Blue standards 30; dirties unquoted; mMf choice 150-1,050 Ib 21.00-22.J0; utll* Elimination other three dead were two Book to Wisconsin's list of offi- checks 23%. lly end commercial cows 12.00*13.00) For utility end 11 lettermen working for a starting apot on commercial bulls 16.00-17.30* small brothers and a little girl choice vealers Hamlet Peterson's Luther College basketball cial publications. The other call- 24.00-24.-0; choice eelvee from a third family. ed for extending the Jan. 1 (AP ) -No wheat, H.0O-18.CO; good and choice 650-850 Ib team. In Midwest Loon CHICAGO loader steers 18.50-22 00; stenderd end Hefte is a senior. Five persons were hospital- deadline on a new law requir- oats or soybean sales. Corn No good 14.50-18.50; Holstein feeder steers Ring Tourney By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing a journeyman license of 2 yellow 1.16%; No 3 yellow 12,50-14.00. Luther will open its campaign at Bethel Defending champion Ripon at- ized. Some 50 to 60 persons ei- Hog* 10,000; barrows and gilts rather NEW YORK (AP ) - Ernie plumbers doing work anywhere 1.13%*14% ; No 4 yellow 1.05-11; slow, weights 240 lbs down steady ta , 1. The home opener tempts to from an up- ther fled the building or were College. St. Paul Dec. Terrell's manager called on the in Wisconsin. No 5 yellow 1.05-06. Soybean oil wi**, heavier weights and esws s teady; and the first game in the new basketball area will be against set and gain at least a share rescued down ladders. None of 'seder pig* steady; 1-2 200-220 lb barrow* World Boxing Association today 11.70 mil gills 14,75; mixed 1-3 190-240 lb Iowa Conference foe Simpson College Dec. 4. of the Midwest Conference title the five injured was reported on I4.1514.50i 240-280 lb 14.0O-14.25; 1-2 to get its heavyweight elimina- the danger list. 160- e • e Saturday as the curtain .is low- 100 Ib 13.75-14.25) 1-3 270-340 lb sow* tion tournament going. ered on Wisconsin's 1964 small Fire Chief William W. Ma- 12,5013.00; 2-3 360-400 Ib 11.75-12.50; HOW ABOUT THAT SWAMI? He got dlagnsted with MEA "We 've made no deals with cholc al20-160 lb feeder plas 13.30-14.00. college football season. honey said the fast-spreading Shnep 3,500; trade weekend and didn't bother to predict the outcomes of the active / sleughler anyone and \Ernie Terrell is Ripon, owner of a 6-1 confer- fire "definitely was set." A vol- West Germany Irving Berlin's lambs, feeder lambs, breeding and Winona High-Albert Lea, Cotter-Benilde contests. ready to fighty hnyone the WBA ilaoghter ewes steady; choice and pfime ence record after its 18-game unteer rescue worker quoted a M-110 Ib wooled slaughter lambs 20.00- We gave him one of two to help compute his final football designates foV—Hie^vacant winning streak was snapped by first-floor tenant as saying he 31.00; utility end good sleughler awes record. heavyweight champiorl-bb," Cornell , 30*27, in a shocker last heard what he thinks was an in- 4,!M.J0; choice and fancy 65-80 Ib feed- said Julie Isaacson Eases Nuclear Mother-in-law er lombs 1900-19.731 flood and choice He had a lousy ending, hitting 19 of 28 without handicaps , manager s week, invades Beloit , which has truder in the cellar of the build- breading iwes n.OO-11.00, to finish with 173 of 258 for a percentage of .678. Without the contender ranked No. 1 by won five of seven league meet- ing shortly before the fire was CHICAGO the WBA, CHICAGO Ijfi -(USDA)- Hogs i O.tVK); handicaps he wound up with 15 of 28 for a total of 138 of ings and i.s assured of its first discovered. butchers 25 cantu lowar; 1-2 190-220 Ib Isaacson made the statement Robbed of Gems 258 and a percentage of .535 . winning season since 1956. butchers 15.25-15.50; 50 head at 16.0ft; in heatedly replying to a charge Another volunteer worker, Fleet Pressure mixed 1-3 190-230 lha U.50-13,23; 230-250 Coe and Cornell are tied with NEW YORK (AP) — Another Ibl I4.00-14.7J, 2.3 250-2*0 lbs 13.25-14.00 by Abe Greene, commissioner Ripon for the Midwest Confer- Ronald N. Langlois , 19, said he BONN , Germany (AP) — big Manhattan jewel theft was mixed 1-3 325-400 Ib lows 11 75-12.301* of the WBA. Greene said the was able to get into the burning West Germany is easing its IOO- -00 lbs 11.25-17. 00i 2-3 500-600 lb", 11 00 ence lead. Lawrence has a reported today and this time the 10 11.35, boxing group's proposed elimi- chance to give state rival Ripon building three times and rescue pressure for prompt creation of victim was the mother-in-law of Cattle 1,000; calvis none; tlaunrttar nation tournament was scuttled a big boost while playing at six or seven children. But , he the multinational nuclear fleet songwriter Irving Berlin. ¦tears strong; oood and choice 950-1,500 because the top-rated challeng- said, on his fourth trip flames reportedly in exchange for Ib -2.00-74,75; mixed choice nnd prime WBSTOATB MIXflRS BBTAIL Coe. Lawrence has a 2-5 Police said jewelry valued at m lb slaughter heifer* 24,15; mixed good end choice 875 lbs Westeali w. L, Hal Pod VV. L. Point* ers were offered a deal to take league mark. Cornell is at home began circling behind him and France giving it more time to $111 ,000 was stolen from the 17 75 ¦ oolden •rant) i> • Matilka'a Oo-Nuls 19 11 li on the vwinner of the Cassius against Knox, which has won he had to dash from an upper cut its grain prices to a Euro- Sheep 1,300; wooled and »horn .laugh- Deluxe Stauly 5l>»p 27 * S), Clears 19 11 13 swank five-story house of Mrs. ter lambs mostly ate-idvi wooled *l*iur)h- United Building Canter . ... 10' , U' i Padiral Cake* 19 11 IS Clay-Sonny Liston heavyweight only one conference outing. floor despite the screams of pean Common Market level. Clarence II. Mackay at 15 E. ler awe* fully ttiedyi choic and prime Ooldwlnnir* \*V» \*'/i BT» 18 11 14 title fight at Boston Monday In non-conference games Sat- children . Chancellor Ludwig Erhard 00-104 Ih wooled slaughter lamha 21 Ml- Mirchanti Bank 14 26 Dorn' s IOA 16 14 21 92nd St. sometime between noon 11,1*1; good and choice JO 00 J1 00; good von Bohr Drug MVt IOVS W*t IHople 131* IIVi ItV, night. urday, the Univeralty of Wis- The victims apparently were and members of his Chri • Ian last Sunday and 2:30 p.m. Mon- 1111020.00. Marigold Dairies 12 24 auk'* Beer 11 17 u The WBA stripped Clay of consin-Milwaukee , owner of a 5- trapped on the upper floors Democratic party in the Bun- Milistreemeri 24V*i Meln Tavern 11 17 17 day. nications tycoon and head of the 11* title recognition for signing for 3 record, winds up at home when flames spread inside from destag announced after a party WISTOATfl MIN Sportsman's Tap 12 U 17 Mrs Mackay had been taken old Postal Tclegrflph Co Her Points Fenika Body Shop 11 11 u the title defense against Liston, against strong North Dakota the rear porches and raced up caucus Wednesday that because Weslgali to St. Luke's Hospital for treat- daughter , Ellin , is the wife of Oolden Pood Products )• Lena '* Bar ... it 19 14 the man he dethroned last Feb- State , while Lakeland attempts stairways. of "pending negotiations" on the O'Laughlln Plumbing 14 Bihn-i 10>/i 19v, lit', ment of an undisclosed ailment Irving Berlin. Baab's Standard ll COMMERCIAL ruary. The WBA lists neither to salvage something of a poor U.S.-proposed fleet , "there is no at noon Sunday. She still is 14 Fatfereled Mutual Hll-Bod W. L. Clay nor Liston in Ita latest season against Concordia of cause for the German side to there. New York ha* been plagued Wundirllth Insurance ll tunihli-a cafe .2) 14<4 7 rankings. Terrell, of Philadel- River Forest, 111, Lakeland has William Smith of pressure for the creation ol the ¦tuaaerl's Grocery Winona Rue Cleaning 11 11 by a series of Rem robberies in Wlnone Cleaners J6V*a Orv 's tkelly phia , tops the list. won only one of seven starts. nuclear force. " Police said burglar* apparent- recent months. L-Cove Blr U U' i WH NeilIsville Dead McNally Builders H'/i lift Winona Abstract 71 "Greene 's charges arc abso- The United States had hoped ly entered a building at 11 E. Tho most spectacular oc- 7) Sam's Direct Service 14 14 VALO TO MANAGE Swede's Bar CM lis lervlco 11 11 lutely not true," said Isaacson. NEILLSVILI.E , Wis , m - to conclude a draft agreement 92nd St., went to the roof , curred laat month when a num- Maxwell Home 11 - CLEVELAND lfl - Elmer ¦ ¦ Pappy'i 14'* 1*1. 1 The WBA, after stripping Gay William L. Smith , n prominent by the end of the year with West crossed to the roof of Mrs ber of priceless items — Includ- rlckton's 2' springer Slgne 14 te Valo, a former major league Preddy's Bar 20 of his crown„ Neillsvllle businessman for Britain nnd several Mackay 's brownstone mansion, Senilis Beer llv. UVa named Terrell, outfielder , was named Wednes- Germany , ing some of the -world's most Ma'ike's Block 17 Toye - Kramer Plumbing 11 11 U former heavyweight king Floyd more than 60 years and a for- other members ot the North forced open a hatch, went to the famous gems — were taken Koehlor Auto Body spell* Texace day to manage the Cleveland » ii"i i*"> Patterson mer Republican state leader , third floor and broke Into a bed- Albrichf'i Super Pelr Buk't rutin n, itVa , Cleveland Williams Indians' Dubuque , Iowa , team Atlantic Treaty Organization to from tho Museum of Natural ACB of Houston and Doug Jones of died Wednesday night. assemble the fleet of Polarls- room where Ihe jowelry WHS Athletic CI via W, L. 8UNIBTTBRI In tha Class A Midwest League History . Wlncm Healing Ce 11 11 Weitlal* VV. L Now York, to fight it out In a The 87-year-old Smith was cquipped surface vessels kept. Three men are under arrest II 11 Ichllli Bear 21 ll next season. Schmidt'* tournament to determine a suc- president of the Badger State manned by crews of mixed na- The robbery was reported to in the case but no gems have Har-arnlk'i 5ar 14 14 Asc*. IPC 19 14 Jeirys Plumber* IS '» Bolintf Mff 19 14 cessor to Clay. Since than, QUINN DEFEATED Telephone and Telegraph Co. tionality. police at 2:30 p.m. Monday by a bren recovered. The value of Mirchenli Bank «1 " Jerdara'B 19 14 Jones, onetime top contender , NORFOLK , Va, (AP) - Bob- He gave up a teaching careor Britain 's new Labor govern- handyman employed by Mrs. tha missing items is formally W nene Vila Cab H '* Marf* Market 11 11 MAJO HBTTB Mankata Bar * ... 11 11 has lost to Billy Daniels and by Foster, Washington, D.C , to Join the firm shortly after the ment is now working on new Mackay , Alfred Giambattlsta. filvon as more than 1300,000. Athletic etna VV L. 1 oolii Pharmacy M 19 George Chuvalo. light heavyweight, slopped Don turn of the century. He also proposals on NATO nuclear de- There waa no explana tion trom However, authorities said there si "rev Jon 29". U'i 1 lunkeam Iweeti 7 17 ed Phillips ui* "W ¦ Clay has said repeatedly that Qulnn of St. Paul In 1:07 of the was a director ol the Commer- fense that Prime Minister Har- police aa to the delay in revr-nl- la no way of stating their exact W-rnltmi H u I after he beats Liston again he first round in a scheduled 10- cial Slate Rank and the Neills- old Wilaon may carry with him ing the theft. worth because of their rarity. Wlnnne induilrlis 11 » I Thore are 12 greyhound rac- and was pres- when he visits Washington Dec. Mra. Mackay is the widow of PIsasiM Vallty Dairy llrt UH wants Patterson as hli next rab- round boxing match Wednesday vllle Cunning Co., One wa* the world renowned Super saver MM* *»V» \ ing tracks In Florida. bit. night, ident of the library board. Clarence H. Mackay, a commu- Sta r of India sapphire. DENNIS THE MENACE Partllhor, Sod 49 * BLIND ADS UNCALLED fOR- OUARAMTSIO too duality black dirt IWrtteaOh BROS. - ¦ - ¦¦ ae-ea-.—— -—-_ ¦ ¦ ' -- BIG GEORGE BRF Cleared in Want Ads e-a, a. », io, ii, n. u u, is, »¦ ^ Tel. 4402 tr 4378 Grain, Feed 90) Card of Thanks Hay, — ~~ : .25.000x »- Suit Start Here HAGEDORN — OOOO QUALITY Hay-for tale at myr My Mommy. Dedd-y and I would Ilka to place. Daniel Walski, Galesville, Wit*. BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis, /•tank everyone who remembered ma {Cenfervme). __^ with card*, gifts, visit* and prayers — After two hours of delibera- N 0 T I C ¦ while I was at the University Hospital. Special thanks te tha Pasters. Teachers NOVEMBER tion a Jackson County jury This newspaper will be responsible and Studentt of SI. Murtln' t. -7 Wednesday cleared Black Riv- for only one Incorrect Insertion of Sherl Lynn Hegedorn SPECIAL any classified advertisement pub- Mr. I. AAra. Charles Hegedom er Falls of negligence in a $25,- lished In tha Want Ad section. Check your ad—end call 3321 if a correc- SCHULTZ - TURKEY OOO suit brought against it by tion must be made. I wish to thank all those who visited me, FREE writ cards and gifts and while I waa with each ton of Shoat 40 Mrs. Alice D. Mack, 72. at Community Memorial. A special ttnanks to Dr. Roemer end the nurses. - AR and Shoat 40 MC order- Mrs. Mack said the fracture (First Pub. Thursday, Nov, 5, 1964) Msgr. Grulkowski and Father McNab. ed and paid for in the month Mrs. Paul Sthultl of her hip, sustained Dec. 3, Stele of Minnesota of November. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TS4HAB0L0 — 1960, was caused by faulty side- My thanks for cards, gifts and all who walks. She fell on the street NOTICK OP CALL FOR BIDS visited me at the hospital and home. F. A. KRAUSE CO. FOR TRUCK RENTAL Special thanks to Rev. Mennlcke, Or. near the Jackson County Bank. Femke and nursei. "BREEZY ACRES" Among the eight witnesses Bids Close 10:88 A.M., Pave Tsd-obcld South on New Hwy. 14-41 called—four for each side—was November 20. 19*4 ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA Lott and Found 4 • Open Saturday Afternoons Mrs. Mack. She was on crutch- proposals will bi received by Sealed HOLSTEIN HEIFERS—on* yearling, one es. the Commissioner of Highways for the two-year-old, at the Area Main- a lop of left ear . cut Posts, Lumber 52 State of Minnesote, olf Notify O'Rourk Bros., Lewiston, Logs, Department , ot . James Sutton , Alma Center, tenance Office of the Minn. Tel. 3793. Highways at Rochester, Minnesota, until BLACK WALNUT LOGS— tor »ala. T*l. was jury foreman. Louis Drek* 10:00 A.M., November 20, 1964, for LOST—Holstein heifer, 1 year old, stray- 9631, . . trah. Black River Falls, and leasing to the State on a rental basis ad Irom tarm, cm identify. DoehUrig the following equipment to be used for Bros., Rollingstone, Minn. Tel. Altura Articles for Sale 87 la Vern G. Kostner, Arcadia, 6896. winter and spring maintenance on Trunk . REDUCER, 1 blond a-rir. -were Olmsted, Winona, STAUFFER counsel for the city. Mrs. Highways In Wabasha, tables, antique French chair*, t Ntseai Houston, Fillmore and Mower Counties Personals 7 Mack was represented by Cur* eledrlc roaster*,' children'* and adult's comprising Maintenance Area 6A with clothing, electric mixer, misc. Today ran & Curran, Mauston. Cir- headquarters at Rochester, Minnesota. SAFETY pins do come In handy but wa and Frl. 622 Walnut, cuit Judge Lowell D. Schoen* TABULATION OF BIDS NO. 6A-437 put In zippers that work lust dandy. APPROXIMATELY EIGHT DUMP Warren Betslnger, Tailor. 66V*» W. 3*d. OIL BURNER with thermostat, Whit* garth presided. TRUCKS, WITH DRIVERS AND OPER- enamel rubbish burner, play pan wltt* PILE Is soft and lofty . . . color* re- pad, 6-year crib. 161 High Forest. ATING SUPPLIES. Each truck shall tain brilliance in carpet* cleaned with have minimum load carrying capacities Blue Lustra. Rent electr ic shampooer, I — '¦— I FOUR USED tires 10.00x22", good condl- of V/i Tons and shall have truck bed 81. R. D. Con* Co, - tloni also several used electric motors GRAIN dimensions of not less than seven (7) from Vi hors* thru 5 horse, priced rea- feet In width by twelve (12) feet In WELCOME BACK to our Las Vegas trav- >OU«BtF ATA^eTWfS'r sonablei used Vi" M»nlla rope In 200-ft. MINNEAPOLIS (AP)-Wheat length with vertical sides of not less elers. We've cleared a place In the coils at .03 per ft. Madison Slie, Sox 5- than four (4) feet in height. Trucks barroom for those sacks of money you Winona, Minn. Tel, t-3641. coming down with a COLD! I'm receipts Wed. 93; year ago 72; shall have been purchased when new were supposed to bring along. Ray "No, I'm NOT Meyer, Innkeeper, WILLIAMS HOTEL. SCREW JACK, storm windows and trading basis unchanged; prices after January 1, 1959. Trucks are to ~ screens, 2-wheel utility frailer. 1950 practicing my MOOSE call!" "; Help Wanted—Male 27 Money to Loan 40 unchanged; cash spring wheat be used for hauling snow when re- WHEEL CHAIRS—fir 1every prlce range Ford panel truck, lOO-gal, oil barrel quired. Estimated rental period from adlustable walkeri. For rent or sale. MAN for station attendant, must be mst- with gauge. Tel. 8-1031, . basis, No 1 dark northern 1.77y- December 1. 1964, to May 8, 1965. F-lr'st two month s rental credited to- chanlcally minded, open salary. Write Quick Money . . . Bids to be submitted on an hourly wards purchase price. Crutches, wood . or inquire E-17 Daily. News, SET OF SPALDING golf clubs, 10 Irons, to I.7914; spring wheat one cent ' on any article of value . . . 3 woods, cart and bag; Noralco por- basis. or adlustable aluminum. TED MAIER -business.wants NEUMANN'S BARGAIN STORE DRUGS. A WINONA a man under table tape recorder, microphone end premium each lb over 58-61 lbs; Bidder may bid in one proposal on 35 years -who has potential sales' ability, 121 E. 2nd St. Ttl. 8-2I33 one or more trucks. - ' - - leather carrying case; 3' month old Stocking WHY R USHHHOME for'lunch irhcioo Will offer right man thorough training, Little Red spring wheat one Ihstrucllon cent discount BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON Gibson guitar, case *nd when you can enloy a leisurely lunch- Duties consist of calling on our custom- Dogs, Pets, Supplies 42 books; complete set of machinist each Vi lb under 58 lbs; protein PROPOSAL FORMS SUPPLIED BY time af our convenient downttown ers and prospects in the Winona trade THE UNDERSIGNED. Proposal forms tools with metel chest. Tel. 8-2214 after prems: 11-17 per cent i.77Vi- location. Tempting nourishing foods at area. Wonderful future to r ight man MANCHESTER PUPPY-2 months ok). 12 noon, with Specifications may be obtained budget prices. RUTH'S RESTAURANT, who will be only male employee other Tel. 2403. i.89y4. without charge at the Area Maintenance than the president. Apply only If Inter- ICE SKATE EXCHANGE, hockey met 126 E. 3rd. Open 24 hours a day, BICYCLE SHOP, 402 Appeal Starts Monday No 1 hard Office of the Department of Highways, except Monday. ested In a permanent position and In- Horses, Cattle, Stock flgur*. KOLTER Montana winter at Rochester, Minnesota. terested In the future. Give all Infor- 43 Mankato, Tel. 5665. The 1964 Little Red Stocking Hasslnger, John Amorosen, Mr. ana 'I76y4.-l.8iy4. James C. Marshall LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Dlet Mrs. £. M. Andersen, the Rev. E, . mation about yourself In first reply LARGE HEIFERS—5, due to freshen, ? HAVE YOU SEEN Cherl, th* Poodll; Commissioner of Highways tablets. Week's supply only 98c ef Ttd Which will be held confidential. Wr ite Kitty, Ihe Kitten; Jo-Jo, the Clown; neighbor-to-neighbor campaign Clayton Burgess, Mrs. R. 0. Cox, Dr, Minn. Maler Walgreen Drugs. Angus and 2 Shorthorn. H. J. Scheutt, L. Garber, - SD No 1 hard winter — E-21 Dally News. Pleasant Valley. Tel. 8-2633, Pandy, the Panda; Kate, the Caterpil- will begin in Winona County Daniel Degalller, Dr. G . (First Pub. Thursday, Nov. 5, 1964) ~ Dr. C. M. Johnson, Dr. L. F. Johnston, i72y4-i.78y4. ARE YOU A PRbBLEM DRINKERT- - " lar; or Tlllle, Ihe Turtle? These ador- and workers hope to Man or woman your drinking creates "" " RUSHFORD Little pig Sale at Legion able novelty kits are available now at Monday, the Rev. William T. King, Mrs. Charlei No 1 hard amber durum, State of Minnesota ) ss. MANAGEMENT Park. Nov. 14, 8 to 11 a.m. Contact A. Kublcek, Mrs. William M. Markle, County of Winona > In Probate Court numerous problems. It you need and THE PAINT DEPOT, 167 Center St. complete the drive next week. want help, contact Alcoholics Anony- Casper Ladsten, Tel, Rushford 864-7463, Mr. and Mrs. Cerl E. Ruge, C. W. Sie- choice 173-1.75; discounts, am- No. 15,841 TRAINEE tor Information, , BURN MOBIL FUEL OIL and enloy th* Dr. C. R. Kollofski and N. W. brecht, J. Russell Smith and E. R. ber 3-5 ; durum 7-10. In Re Estate of mous. Pioneer Group c/o General Da ONE select trainee position open for mar- comforr or automatic personal care. Streater. Olaf C Thoreson, Decedent. livery, Winona, Minn. ried man, 1» age 37. Career work, un- ANGUS BULL—serviceable age. Eugene Keep full service—complete burner Schellhas are chairmen of the Corn No 2 yellow 1.13%. Petition ~ Marg, Rt. 2, Winona. (Wilson) OTHERS ara : Altura. Cyril Kramer: Order for Hearing an TRUSSE-3A_D0MINAL BEITS limited opportunity. We answer all re- care. Budget plan arid guaranteed appeal, which solicits funds for Dakota, Mrs. Wayne Kltt; Dresbach, Mrs. Oats No 2 white 56-65%; No 3 to Sell Real Estate SACROILIAC SUPPORTS plies promptly. Send resume to E-lt HOMEDALE Polled Shorthorns, bulls and price. Order today from JOSWICK'S the Children's Home Society of Rudy Janlkowski; Elba, Mrs. Wayne white 53V2-433-«4; The representative of said estate hav- Daily News, females, large type; cattle, all agesi 3 EAST END COAL - OIL CO., 901 E. Stoli; Elba Township, Mrs. Darwin No 2 heavy ing tiled herein a petition to sell certain GOLTZ PHARMACY horned bulls. Keehler Bros., St. Charles, 8th. Tel. 3389. Minnesota, ore of the oldest • - • ¦ - Todd; Fremont Township, Mrs. Robert white 63-67; No 3 heavy white real estate described In said petition; 274 E. 3rd T*L 2547 Minn. . . " That the hearing _ _ USED TVs, portables end eoniol**; child service agencies in the Olson; Hart Township, Mrs. Leo K ryzeo IT IS ORDERED, HOUSEWARES DEPT also used refrigerators, ft a. B Hillsdale Township, Mrs. Raymond Lede- 61-64%. thereof be had on December 9, 1964, a1 REGISTERED polled Hereford bull*, used Business Services 14 weight 1,000 lbs, Reasonable. Clem Bur- ELECTRIC CO., 155 E. 3rd . state All funds are to be buhr ond Mrs. Manual Prigge; Homer Barley , cars 77; year ago 10:30 o'clock A.M., before this Couri - -™ _ _ EASY CAR ' beauty . MANAGER rlchter, Wabasha. Minn. Tel. 565-4305, for service to parentless chil- end Homer Township, Lyle Tainferf; 76; good to choice 1.04 - 1.36; in the probate court room In the court -^lvabllll-y and . BAR BELL plates foTsaii. ir/Tlbi.. as- adop- Lewiston, Mrs. Roger Poole; Minnesota house In Winona, Minnesota, and that vinyl floor coverings by Armstrong. Would prefer some experi- HOLSTEIN BULLS—3, purebred from top sorted weights. Tel. 8-3409 after 6:90 dren, unwed mothers and City, Mrs. Roger Church; low to intermediate 96 - 1.28; notice hereof be given by publication ol Available at WINONA RUG CLEAN- producing dam. Everette Herness, p.m. ING SERVICE, 116 W. 3rd. ence and knowledge of mer- " ~ "" tive agencies within Minnesota. Mount Vernon Township, Erie R. feed 87-95. this order in the Winona Daily News Whitehall, Wis. FREEZE R ' . SALEPnow dolno on, buy Drendcfiahn; Norton Township, Harold fled notice as provided by chandise . . . but will train. " 1 and by me Plumbing, Roofing 21 QUALITY FEEDER PIGS-^100. Wayne for less. FRANK LILLA 8. SONS, 761 VOLUNTEER workers In Wi- Rupprescht,' Pleasant Hill Township, Mrs. Rye No 2 1.20%-1.24%. ¦fr Salary & Commissions 5. Johnson, Hwy. 43, Mabel, Minn. E. Ith. Opening evenings. Gerald Stinson; Richmond Township, Flax No 1 3.22. Dated November 2, 1964. (Farm S. of Tawney) ~ ~ nona and St. Charles and in the Herman Dlekrager; Rollingstone, Leon- E. D. LIBERA, ELECTRIC ROTO ROOTER it Employee Discounts ADMIRAL, 2r', good condltlon, good pic- townships of the ard Rleland; Rollingstone Township, Mrs, Soybeans No 1 yellow 262'A. Probate Judge. For clogged sewers and drains ¦sir Paid Insurance PUREBRED spotted Poland Chlm boars, ture tube; 2 PA amplifiers, 15 end 5 villages and Tel. 9509 or 6436 1 year guarantee large rugged type. Harvey Beldt, lVi watt; record player, radio. Tel. 4783, county will circulate envelopes Don Spelt*. Mrs. Morvlri O'Grady, Mrs, (Probate Court Seal) He Paid Vacations Charles Hohensee and Mrs. Maurice An- J. F. Herrlck, CALL SYL KUKOWSKI miles E. of Houston. Tel. 896-3843. TV—17", new picture tube, 830. Tel. 4785. derson; St. Charles, Mrs. Marvin Vehren- (First Pub. . Thursday, Oct. 29, 1964) Attorney for Petitioner, 40 HOUR WEEK from door to door next week. PUREBRED Yorkshire boari, excellent Fiberglass TV trays kamp and Mrs. Noble Robinson; Saratoga State of Minnesota ) ss. Lanesboro, Minnesote. type, vaccinated for Cholera and Ery- Residents are being asked to Township, Roy Hesby; Stockton, Ralph Septic Tank & Cesspool Set of 4 ... . 87,95 County of Winona ) In Probatl Court sipelas. Betz Bros., Caledonia, Minn. BAMBENEK'S, 9th. A Mankato put their contributions in the Benlcke; No. 15,913 (First Pub. Thursday, Oct. 29, 1964) Cleaning Service Contact or write: Tel. 7.4-2152. Utlca, R. W. Seiferr; Utlce Town- In Re Estate ef ) ss. FEEDERS envelopes, then to pass the en- end Mrs, State of Minnesota Special truck. Sanitary ft Odorless TOP QUALITY Hereford cows, 20 bred ship, Mrs. Robert Luehmann Jessie May Stryker, also known as County of Winona ) In Probate Court A, H. Krieger, GREEN FEEDERS, S145; hay feeder*, Herbert Luehmann; Warren Township, G. S. WOXLAND CO. to calf April 1, pregnancy tasted; 15 835 end up. On display at our yard. velopes to their neighbors. Jessie M. Strykir, Joule Workman No. 15,909 cows with calves at side. Top Shelf Mrs. Marvin EIHnghuysen; Whitewater Stryker, and is Jessie Strykor, R ushford. Minn. Tel. 864-9245 C p Also native lumber. BRUNKOW'S SAW Members of the sponsoring In Re Estate ef om troller Cattle Co., Galesville, WI*. Tel. Center- Township, Mrs. Lea McHugh; Wilson Decedent. William Miller, also known as MILL A LUMBER YARD, Trempea- Everett Balch; Winona ville 539-2131. committee in Winona are: Townsh ip, Mrs. Order for Hearing on Petition tor Probite William M. Miller, Decedent. Jerry's Plumbing H, CHOATE & CO. leau, Wls,_ T*l. 534-6316. Pickett, Mrs. Township, Arnold Goetiman, end Wlseoy HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, fresh and spring- Mr. and Mrs. Jack af Will, Limiting Time to Pile Claims Order for Hearing an Petition for Probate 827 E. 4th Tel. 9394 ' GET SOAP STONITAT Mr. end Mrs. H. A. Township, Arthur Aldingir. Winona, Minn. ing close; also Hereford and Stiorthorn Calvin Fremllng, and for Hearing Thereon ef Will, Limiting Time to File Claims WE STOCK Crane bathroom fixtures In ROBB BROS. STORE Howard Workman having tiled a pe- and for Hearing Thereon bulls, serviceable. Joe Kamrowski, every price and style, closets come In Podge, Wis. 576 E. 4th Te). 400, tition for the probate of the Will of Norman Girtler having filed a petition off-the-floor models for easy floor main- Help—Male or Female 28 _^ Man Indicted said decedent and tor the appointment ot for the probate of the Will of said dece- tenance, pedesta l bases with sleek mod- PUREBRED Duroc boars, also Landrace OK USED FURNITURE STORE Howard Workman as administrator with dent and lor the appointment of Harold ern lines. Lavatories can be round, ~~_ " boars.' Clifford Hoff, Lanseboro, Minn., 273 E. 3rd St. J. Libera as Administrator wills Will An- COOK—S1O0 weekly. WrTt* -W Dally YMCA Names Will annexed, which Will Is on file In oval, square, rectangular, crescent, News, (Pilot Mound). We Buy We Sell Mils Court and open to inspection; nexed, which Will Is on file in this Court In Death of wtiatever you prefer. Tubs are squared, CROSS-BRED gilts. 22, from purebred Furniture—Antiques—Tool* IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing and open to Inspection ; curved,^cornered, designed for any size EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER-wanted and other Items IT IS OROERED, That the hearing for grain elevator and feed mill, Tel. Chester White boar; 2 purebred Chester ¦ ftiereof be had on December 2, 1964, at bait-room. White boars, about 250 lbs.; 164 feeder Tel. 8-3701 ' i 11:15 o'clock A.M., before this Court In thereof be had on November 20, 1964, at Lewiston 3301. State Farmer 10:45 o'clock A.M., before this Court In pigs, 60 Ib. average. Melvln Zlegler, WSC Student the probate court room In the court FRANK O'LAUGHLIN Fountain City, Wis. nSTEREO house in Winona, Minnesota, ind lhat the probate court room in the court house PLUMBING 8. HEATING Situations Wanted—Fern. 29 BRECK EN RIDGE, Minn. In Winona, Minnesota, end that ob|ec- BEAUTIFUL MUSIC by a Motoroi* ob|ectlons to the allowance, of said Will, 207 E. 3rd Tel. 3703 - ' ~ PUREBRED Holstein bulls, serviceable stereo til-il. We have the finest salt-. • H any, be filed before said time of hear- tions to the allowance of said Will, It HOUSEKEEPING JOB-ln or n*ar wT- age, good records and type. Reasonably (AP) — A Wilkin County grand any, be tiled before said time of hear- ~ nona, by dependable girl. Write or lion and largest supply ot set* In th* ing; that the time within which creditors " " priced. J. J. Rosenow, Waumandee, Winona area. Come In or call WINONA Physical Director ing; that the time within which creditors SANITARY Inquire E-14 Dally News. Wis. jury returned a murder in the of said decedent may file their claims of said decedent may file their claims PLUMBING 8. HEATING CO. FIRE 8. POWER CO., 54 E. 2nd. Tel. The population trend to the big be limited to four months from the date be limited to four months from the date 168 E. 3rd St. ¦ 5065. (Across from the new parking third degree indictment Tuesday hereof, and that tha claims so filed be hereof, and that the claims so filed be Member National Association Situations Wanted—Mala 30 ANTIBIOTIC lot.) cities was at least partially re- heard- on March 3, 1965, at 11:15 o'clock ~ night against James R. Johnson, heard on March 12, 1965, at 10:30 o'clock Plumbing Contractors COLLEGE student wants versed today with the announce- A.M., before this Court In tha probate A.M., before this Court In the probate part time env ' INJECTIBLES court room In the court house in Winona, ployment, prefer office work, have ex- DAILY NEWS Maly, a native 25, Moorhead, in the gunshot court room in the court house in Winona, Help Wanted—Female 26 ' Plain Penlcllln (Water-base) ment that Henry Alinnesofa, and rhaf notice hereof be Minnesota^ and that notice hereof be cellent references. Tel. 79«U 10 cc vial 19e New Yorker, has accepted the death of Wolverton farmer A. given by publication of this order in given by publication df this order In the BABYSITTER-5 days a week. Tel. 5669. 100 cc vial 81.50 MAIL ~ " Business Opportunities 37 job as physical director at Wi- the Winona Dally News and by mailed Winona Dally News and by mailed nollce BABYS7fTER^7 to 3, 5 " days a week! Comblotlc (Water-base) Nobel Ljunggren, 57. notice as provided by law. as provided by law. Tel. 7981. 10 ce vial 25e nona's YMCA. Dated October 28, 1964. Dated October 27, 1964. NATIONWIDE Wafer Softening Company 100 cc vial SI.99 SUBSCRIPTIONS Johnson will be arraigned has opening for sales distributor In Wi- ' Maly, 24 and a senior at Wi- E. D. LIBERA, E. O. LIBERA, WAITRESS wanted. Apply In person. 10 cc Syringe with 2 , Probata Judge. Probate Judge. D*iry Bar, 114 E. 3rd. nona area. Complete training with sales needles . . 12.50 May Be Paid At nona State College, said, "I ac- Nov. 23 before District Judge (Probate Court Seal) (Probate Court Seel) guaranteed. Investment of $2,000 to 55. - REGISTERED NURSE, Licensed Practl- 000 for Inventory, based on territory. cepted the job with the 'Y' be- Sam G. Gandrud of Litchfield, Martin A. Bealfy. Harold J. Libera, cal Nurse. Practical Nurse. Apply at TED MAIER DRUGS TED MAIER Attorney (or Petitioner. Attorney for Petitioner. This investment will yield $12,000 lo Animal Health Center DRUGS cause I wanted to settle down who is presiding at the current Watkln's Home. Tel. 8-2944. $15,000 earnings per year. Applicant (Pub. Dati Thursday, November 12, 1964) BABYSITTER—5 days a week. Contact should furnish references. Write P.O. Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 44 Baby Merchandise here. Both my wife and I de- term of court in Breckenridge. Mrs. Paul Engen, 341 Druey Court, Apt. Box 3474, Mllw. 6. Wis. 39 ~ " cided that we'd had enough of Ljunggren died Oct. 25 from B. Come in person or write. FOR SALE—good going business, The YEARLING HENS-700 HyLlnes. Daniel LULLABVE CRIB sPECIAL-futl panel, CALL FOR BIDS ~~ Swlggum, Utica, Minn. Tel. St. Charles the big city." loss of blood after being shot in BABYsTtfER—5 days a week," to Vive Tally-Ho Restaurant, Ideal (or young double drop side, large casters, plas- •932-3063. tic teething raits on all FOR In. by working mother. Tel, 9578 after couple, partia l financing available. Tet. ~ '~ four aides, Maly gradua- the left leg above the knee. 4:». Arcadia 4865 for appointment. DEKALB 20 w**ek ol_n^let*7fully vac- adlustable height metal spring. Com- ~ clneted, light controlled, pare this with cribs selling for 840, ted from a New The shooting occurred on a The Sale and Removal of Buildings in Connection " for " ' raised on slat RELIABLE LADY to live with respected INCOME PROPERTY saIi or trade. floors. Available year around. SPELT2 Now while they last, 129.95. BOR. York hig h county road adjacent to the Wol- lady recovering from stroke. No house- 6 units, city Of Spring Valley. City ZYSKOWSKI FURNITURE, . With the Improvement of Trunk Highway No. 90. water and tewer, modern. Has addi- CHICK HATCHERY, Rolllnststone, Minn. 302 Msr* school to basa> keeping duties. Apply Merchants Na- Tel. 8689-2311, kato Ave. Open evenings. verton man's farm after John- tional Bank , Trust Dept. Tel , 2637. tional land. Will sacrifice for $12,000. ball's minor son and members of his pheas- Located in Dakota, Minnesota CORNFORTH REALTY La Crescent, Minn. Tel. 895-2106 Wanted—Livestock 46 leagues with the S.P. 1580(90.- - 3*1)902 •M 134 — Winona County Reliable girl or woman, Building Materials 61 ant hunting party became in- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS—w "anteU 300-800 SURPLUS BUi -blNG materlalTTlwjyi Cincinnati Reds' volved in a disagreement stem- Sealed bids will be received up to 2:30 o'clock P.M. on November 19, 1944 , b lbs, Write Box 121, Dover, Minn. y aged 18-45, tor sale at W.M.C., Inc.. Conitructlon Stephen T. Qulgley, Commissioner of Administration, for the State of fAlnnesota, organization in ming from alleged trespass on . LOCKER PLANT HOLSTEIN SPRINGING COWS end heif- Co. Yard, foot of Kansas St, Tol. 7239 at Ihe office of the Division of Lands and Right of Way, of th* State Highway Oe- for fulltime 1958. He planned posted land. ers wanted, also open end bred heif- or 5893. Hours 8 to 4, Mon. through (wrtmenf, R oom 521, Stata Highway Building, Sf. Psul 1, Minnesota, for the sale Good going business for ers. E. E. Gremelsbach, Inc., Lewiston, JFrl. to go to college and removal of the following listed buildings, all dimensions being approximate : household help. sale. Retiring. , Tel. Holmen Minn. Tel. 4161. _ during the win- Neg. Type of Building Location " Furn., Rugs, Linoleum Pleasant home with all mod- LA6-2032 between 8 and 5; LEWISTON SALES BARM 64 ter montns ; but 3 A frame she- approx. 12'xl6' . . Dakota, Minnesota ern conveniences No laun- A real good auction market for your Legion Serves . livestock. Dairy cattle on hand all fw?N BEDROOM SUITETantTqlJeTnuch. during his first Maly 2311) A stone and frame barn approx. 60'42' Dakota, Minnesota LA6-3591 after 5. dry or heavy cleaning. week, hogs bought every day. Truck* Tel. 1-3316. two winters out of high school , Mo re Than 300 2312) A frame hog house and well house approx, li' x52' " " Family with 3 school-age available. Sale Thurs. Tel. 2667, USED">URNTTURE-5-pcT kitchen " sultan he worked in New York 23(3) A frame hog house approx. K'x30' " " 825; full size coll spring, 15 BOR- City. children. Farm Implements 48 However , during the 1958 23(4) A frame corn crib approx. 7'xll' " " ZYSKOWSKI FURNITURE, 302 Men- sea- More than 300 were served Please apply to keto Ave. Open evenings. ) 2315) A frame machine shed approx. 70'xl9' " " BULK TANK-230 gal.. In very good con- ~ ~ ~ son with the Geneva (N.Y. at the Veterans Day dinner at dition. Peter C. Bautch, Galesville, RUG F0R SALE—I7xl4'," ipTucaT' 2316) A frame granary approx , 24'xl6' " " Mrs. B, A. Miller eneen club , a teammate had told him the American Legion Memorial Wis. Jel.__Centervllle 539-3536, color, good condition, price reasonable. 23(7) A treme chicken house approx. 40'xl2' i' " " 719 Washington St. ~~ Tel. 5983. about the Hiawatha Valley. Maly Club. 24 A fr/ime *.hed approx CREAMERY >ACKAGE bulk tank, ca- . 8x10' and a concrete shed ap- pacity prox. 6 1 x8' Dakota, Minnesota Tel . -1993 Well-established , 150 gals. Allen George, Hilltop wrote to several schools in this The menu was traditional : i ' Tavern, Fountain City, Wis. Tel. 8687- Good Things to Eat 1 63 area and was most impressed Sauerkraut , weiners , baked 25(1) A l ?-sfary Irame house approx. 32'x2)' j' with a porch Downtown 3886 . approx , 4'xl' ,. ,. .. . Dakota, Minnesota i Help Wanted—Mala 27 POTATOES. Russet Burbank, ~~ " ~Vhe * " 50 lbs. with WSC's brochures and bul- beans and coffeee . See newlTib model XL 12 82.35) black walnuts, hickory nuls, 5 35(2) A frame barn with attached shed approx . 24' x28' , a MAN TO OPERATE Grade A delry firm, Supply & Equipment HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS letins. Co-chairmen were Mrs. Frank chicken house approx. 10'xl-', 2 corn cribs 3'xl4' and Wrlle E-15 Dally News. lbs, «?c. Winona Potato MM.. 116 MM. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE "" Maly started work on double NotUeman and Mrs. Frank Rost. 4 x10' and e trnme shed approx. 4'x5'.3 ' " " • Business 2nd 8, Johnson Til. 543a APPLES—most popular varieties -! rea- sonable priors . Buy them al F. A, majors in physical education Assisting were Mrs. Alvin Bee- Bids will be opened and read ixjbliclv at the time and olaca above -.Decided. Showing nice profit , Excel- , BE YOUR Free Magnetic Flashlight Krause, "Breezy Acres ", S. on new and biology during the off-sea- rtlan, Mrs. LeRoy Roth Mrs . A description of such buildings to be IMITATION OP MOVEMENT OF lent unrealized potential. with Hwy. 14-i>l. - ~' ~ sons of 1960 and '61. Two years Lyne Haney and Mrs. DonaM sold and removed , together wllh spe- BUILDINGS FROM HIGHWAY Includes actual inventory, every carton DRESSED GEESE - pan readyr'orderi cifications and bid forms, may be ob- OWN BOSS from now until Nov ago , Maly said. "My future Gray. RIGHT OF WAY . 22. Garald Thomas, ¦ tained af the Stele Highway Department, fixtures and equipment. TERRAMYCIN Rt. 1, Arcadia, Wli. Tet, 47-F-14, was limited in baseball , so I Division ot Lands and Right of Way, 1. Any building, when loaded, that We have a good downtown About $10,000 cash needed. State For Mastitis decided to stay in school, " R oom 521, Highway Building. St. does not exceed the legal dimensions or Household Articles P-ul 1, Minnesota. service station location Contact our agency about Tube 551c 67 Blair Whist Party axl« weight will not require a trans- buy, Carton ot 12 V>.4I> - The former baseball pitcher Old security In the form ol a certified portation permit, 2. Prospective bidders available that has been es- this excellent "NEVER used anything like "it. say ctiecH, cashiers check, " in various Eastern and Midwest - BLAIR , Wis (Special)-Whist or money order, or buyers are required to ascertain In tablished for over 20 years. TED MAIER DRUGS users of Blue Lustre fnr cleaning car- . to the full amount Ql all biih ol lets Ihfln advance Ihe possibility of movement on pet. Rent electric shampooer, 81, H, ern minor leagues (including fHty dollar*, (JM 0OI; lo Ihe amount of Animal Health Center will be played in homes of 14 . roads olher than trunk highways. 3 The Choale a. Co fifty dollars (S'o . For the right man, a mini- Bismarck (N.D. ) of the North- 001 on all bids Irom issuance of permits for the movement of members of the Blair Lions flfly dollars ($30.00) lo one thousand buildings from the highway right of way mum investment will be re- REMINGTON CHAIN SAWS Musical Merchandise ern League) expects to earn a Club Friday night, Money dollars (S).000,00); and to tha amount 70 raised will be governed as lo size, weight, nf five percent (5**i I of the bid on all quired . HAMMOND electric organ, walnut fplnit, bachelors degree in June, will be used to pay for the distance, route, and traftlc Interference See the PowerLite, 12 lbs., bids over one thousand dollnrt 181,000.00) 601 Main St. Tel . 2849 like new, S695; also quality tone cab- IN THE meantime, "Maly and the general policy of Ihe department second shelter house erected in .t be enclosed m me sealed bid and | J 17-inch roll nose bar, On inet. Tel, 8-2377. mu* regarding the movement of buildings on . Tel. 4140 for an ap- brought his wife , Grace , to Wi- made payable to the State Treasurer ~ the park last summer, John i trunk highways. Movement over any ( display now at The sor.cesstu) bidder shall rrmove the I pointment. Ask for Money to Loan 40 We Service and Stock nona with him after their mar- trunk highway or portion of any trunk I Kuykendall and Kenneth Olson building or buildings from the tn;nk FEITEN IMPL. CO. highway eicept ns Indicated below will •Needles for All riage in lOfil. She, too, is a are co-chairmen. highway right of way on or hetora Jan- Peter Makinen , Market- Loans - Insurance - not be allowed 113 Washington , Winona , Minn native of New York state. The IB uary 19, 19611. He ihell at tm own ex- ( ing Representative. Real Estate RECORD PLAYERS Malys have an lB-month-old boy pense obtain all required Hermes and (a). The fallowing Is to be used only perroltv as a guide* In determining the feasibility Mobil Oil Co. FRANK WEST AGENCY Hardt's Music Store and are expecting another in Blair Honor Roll LIMITATION a .m. In advance (or (tin lalalnu of utility | ilion of bui 'itlitu turkey slag Nov. 20 in Cruci- There will be no classes for ] DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS fixion Auditorium, Datwt : November 12, 19»4 Jamas C . Marshall grade school children. Commlsiloner Sewing Machines Farms, Land for STRICTLY BUSINISS Uied Cars Mobile Homes. Trailers 11 1 Tlmraday, Norember 11, UM WINOMA DAILY NIWI II 73 Sal* OS 109 • - ' ' ' — ' . . i . I1 USBO PFAfF Ztaaa aiwlng michln* J7-ACRB FARAA-U mile N. Of ll FORD— IfSS, reasonably priced, blue, COl/L-B Mobile Home Sale*, Hwy. 1441, ' . " """ in attractive blond console, WINONA ctiarln, Minn. Wendarfut leeattan, ma-f- V-f, Club tedin, 131 E. King, next to Krause Impl. See the beautiful gp sewiNO co„ m HUH SI. TH. wt, ern bulMlnga, good farmland. Tal. m new 10' end 12' wide mobile homoo. fS ***MIIIP''*Uls| 'tl,l'U. M -lt'i_-'*''tP, *<>e9t^Ht**-M-M-W^B ' "' ' ''' |«V ^ n i^ l ac1rle aawlng " "in 4121 after S P.m, tr write ¦ A-nlkle Alto used. Open til t p.m. Mon. thru Pj machine - attraetlva blond console, Large cair Thlede, It. Charles. .. . . Sat. _ i iron head, straight stitch with attaaV ' 1963 CHEVROLET RED TOP Hwy. 61 Mobile Heme taie* I Houses for Sale . y|ttTTM-fll l m ™ lfl^-^*-MaaaM»a1fcl iJ-----_---ft -Li^--_l-^B M mantt. Ttl. 9721 fiflar 4 w**kd»y»). ^9 lee ui betor* you buy . Wa sell null- H P*"' ^ ' you ' ' Ify mtt price 20 yeir* af trailer deal- Stoves, Furnaces, Parts tp mHT ta ant, Un at irate Bel Air 4-door, gf Due to ill health the Mowing personal property mmWt I 7S be tura fa as* thank, HOMIMAMR 'I solid turouoiae Ing*. Hwy. ll near ooodvtaw Water (f cold at Auction on I SlBOLCR IPACI HBATBR and EXCHAN0I, III I. Sff, Tower, Tel. $-3626, « 1 com- ~ finish, 6 cylinder bination oil and gas stovi. Raatsnibl*. fHRKl' aiDROOnU r Hvlr« re0mP4nlM HUNTBRI, VACATIONSRI - Heated 1 425 W Mark St. room, im. kitchen, wall-to-wall eirpat* engine, automatic pickup Campers and tr evil trailer* tot 8 rant or Tuesday November 17 I WOOD AND COAL heatirT7~ " airF" Ing, combination window* .and dears, transmission, ra- **l*. LEAHY'S Buffalo city ¦ *l»o Tel. Cochrane 241-23 ¦ * tar. Hart lahnirtt, St, Cherle*. Minn. oil hot wtter hiat, goad tetartan. tal. dio, 33. Location: 1 mile west of Aususta on "HH" to Rusted I _ - WW. V beater, white- FAMOUS ( ALAOOIW karaiaS h«at«r»" ___ wall tires. Corners Creamery, then north Vi mile. Low coat haal tor many uses, net SIAUTIFUL rtwdirn home. Nit canfrat, Starting at 10:30 A.M. amok*, na small, u hours tn ana gal- extra large Mt> $12,000. Modim *>fem- USED i lon, A perfect fl«h house heater lee Ity horrta, aait central, large eirege 102 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE - 25 cows, • clot* a demonstration at our display room. sulflbli for Hunnesi. Fountain Cffy, No $1995 24 FT. ZEPHER i up springers, 2 due in Jan., 3 due in Feb., 2 due to Alio gat or all heeten, range*, wa- Sitera Drive, beautiful view at the riv- er, u-room, .-family houta, 14V (rant* March, 2 due in April, 7 fresh and open: 1 purebreife. OIL iURNBR CO.. 901 B. Kb It age, $4,500. rani term*. Coty aVraam House Trailer, 1 Holstein bull from the Seltz Farm at Fairchild; 1 yearlin| r.i. /47t. Adolph wichaiowskl. eoftaaa, »«t ffh, enjy UJM. easy farm*. C. than*, HOMIMAKBR'S BX completely modern, I bull; 47 Holstein heifers, 16 to 20 months old. 8 bred to CHANGE, 553 E, 3rd St. VENABLES .resben this winter, balance of these large heifers are CLOSE-OUT B. BUILT IN 1*60. U ft. living room, 75 W. 2nd Tel. 8*2731 good condition. I open; 13 Holstein heifers, 8 months old; 3 Whltefsce plus 3 king-sized bedrooms. All hard- crossed heifers ; ll Holstein heifers 2 to 4 months old; 1 RITE WAY wood flooring, Gas heat. 2-car garage. Open Mon. k Fri. Evenings , On big lot. Choice west central loca- Whiteface heifer, 3 months old. This is a fine herd ef Coal and Wood tion, Full price $214)00, ABTS AGCNCY, F. A. KRAUSE CO. I cattle, large type and all vaccinated. INC., Riiltori, 159 Walnut _ t. Tal. Space Heaters. $-4345 er after hour*-, f. ft. Clay "BREEZY ACRES" i MAO-mERY - 3 TRACTORS - Oliver 88 Diesel, S-9737, Sill Zlebell 4154, B. A. Abts live power, live hydraulic with snap couplers in very ¦ • • - - ' ,New Hwy. 14-61 1 Save up to 50%. 3114. . - . . - . . ' : Wise Buys South on good condition; 1950 M, completely overhauled, transmis- NEW-3 badroom, iirea double garage, Open Saturday Afternoons i transmission, perfect rubber; built-in stove and even, Urge cabin- For Nice Guys ! sion and engine, 9-speed GAMBLES et, dining aria, gat farced air heel, 1949 M, in very good condition ; Massey-Harris self pro- full basement, imndrt/ tub*, Tal. 9743 pelled corn picker in excellent condition; Int. 2 ME corn 1 Rushford, Minn. or $-2592 for *ppolntm*nt. 1955 PONTIAC Auction Salsa I 4-door sedan picker, completely overhauled; new John Deere 33 spread- I "" ATTHACTIVB--S-badroom home, Own- " ~ mU ALVIN KOHNBR f i er; new John Deere 3-section flex drag; Farmhand hy- 1 Typewriter! 77 er leaving town. Hat water heat, mmmmmam.^mamamammmm^imm^mmmmmmmammai^»mmamg^a^^^mi^mmmmmmmm^^ mmmlmw^.^mlmammmmmmmm, 0 Automatic transmission, ^ ^ AUCTIONEER, City ano itaf* licensed 9 ; Case rubber tire wagon -' " beautiful floor*, oak bullt-lni, all cop- ( draulic heavy duty loader and I rf PBWnit¥as and i-dtrtf "machine* fenced yard, oaraoi, whltewall tires, power and bonded, 352 Liberty St. Corner 8 per plumbing, E Stlt and Liberty|. Tel. 4910. ffi rack ; Cultipacker with grass seeder attachment; tractor i lor tala er rant, Reasonable rata*. many otMr eKeaptlonal figures, tea "Take a letter, brakes. Makes a real Iraa delivery, tea Miss Betts — You ARE Miss Betts, power posthole digger; potato planter. I u* for all your of- anytime it IW 4tHh or Tel. 90*0. nice second car. AUCTION!I I Household, Livestock or I fice aappliii, disks, file* or office aren't you?" Genenl. lYLE L. BOBO, Rl. 3, Hout- | ; 2 CHAIN SAWS - 5,4 h.n. Mall; 3 h.p. McCulloch. | ' typewriter Co. Til. MM __«y.l«' ;«fyno F. IUBURBAN LIVING In ultra-modirn ton, Winn. Tei. Hokah N(-3103. IV f 7 NEW BERG STANCHIONS AND STALLS - 1 YOUi" " 4-bedroom, 1-floor home. Complete A Dally NIWI Classified Ad can be teen by thousands of *57 OLDSMOBILE censed fc Bonded. . & ,Of>iI-STdP typewriter enefBusl- potential coifomers. Call 3321. like new; 1953 nett Machine Headauarter*. We service electric kllchm, Including dlshwMher. Super 88 ~ TRUCKS — 1982 GMC V-8 % ton, Chev- I •tl type* of michlne*, ifock ribbon* for All wlndowr of thirmapana plats. Cen- Minnesota i rolet % ton truck, 4-speed trans., 8-ply snow tires. I »rty mik* and size typawrlt*r. WINONA trilly air ctjndltlentd and wllh alec 4-door sedan, automatic DAIRY EQUIPMENT - PEED - MISCELLANEOUS 1 TYPEWRITER SERVICH, 141 _ . 3rd. Ironic filtered air, AH on big tet, In transmission, radio , Land & Auction Sales I Tel. » 3300. valley, |u*t I mil* from elfy llmlfl. Houses for Sale 99 Used Cars 109 Everett J. Kohner 8 E. L. TROXEL PROPERTY 1 Full price $21,000. ABTS AGENCY, " whitewall tires. 15$ Walnut Tel. $-3710 after nourt_,|)4 K BY BUILDERS—5-bedroom and 3-bedroom CHEVROLET-1941, $55. 21* E, 9tti. H. 0. PETERSON, OWNER I Wearing Apparei7~Furs 80 INC., RMltors, 159 Walnut St. Tel. ~i2.30 pTm. 4 miles S. of 8-4365 or efler hours: E. R. day housei. (amity rooms, built-ins, ceramic tet. 8-3977. NOV l3-Frl. - i over that amount Vt baths, double garages. TeL $- 1059. Mondovi on State Hwy. 37, then V. S TERMS : Under $15.00 Cash, | fwd-SK|N Grey mink *ce7f, ilka new. B-2737, Bill Zlebell 4854, E, A. Abts PLYM0UTH-1955 4-door, straight shift, mile E. and 3 mile* S. Dale Bloom, » down, balance in 6 installments, 3% added. § Would make someone a nice Christmas 3)84. owner; Jim Helke, auctlonnn Northern g gift. Tel. 9721. (After 4 weekdays). ~ overdrive, 2 new tires. 519 Ctiatlleld. A UTO Clerked by Gateway Credit, Inc, NEAR DAKOTA J pedr*>om home with WINON- Inv. Co., clerk. m | tar $60. EAST CENTRAL RAMBLE /"\ DOOGB , Auctioneer garage. $5,503 or will rant NOV. IJ-Frl. 10:30 a.m. Garage Auction, ft Jim Heike f Wanted to Buy $1 Available Dec. 1. STyDBBAKER-1957 President, ~ ~ 3-bedroom home, full base- pesltrac- 101 Main St., La Crosse, Wis. John L. mt GOOD USeD AQUA." wltir" tlon, V-l, straight Hick, will sacrifice Russell Schroeder, RTuM wule- THREE-BEDRCOM . $7,590 «r will rent Hofweber, owner; ment wanted. Tel, 1-37. 1, ment, garage, economically for 1250 or bait offer. 273 W. Howard, euctioneer; Community Loan A Fin. — for $70, Immedllte possession. nights. SALES ELECTRIC GUITAR wanted, wlttrim- heated. # £ Co., clerk «g P|lfler, g I. of _ ood condition. Til. 1-2253. FOUR-BEDROOM home In Hokitt, $5,500. CHEVROLET-1957, V-8, stral0ht stick, Open Mon, & Fri. Eve. NOVYU^Sat., 12:30 p.m. 4 mile* §| ACRBAGE or pastor* linifVinted ' lf» Immediate powenlon, own*r must till. Tel. 41 10 2-door, light blue, good ihaoe, $475. _ Dover, Minn., then >h mile W. Dick fl Winona area, prefer cn*k, Tal. HH7. 364 S. Mark. Tel. 3094. 3rd Mankato Tel . 8-3649 Chase, owner; Kohner & Schroeder, 8j COHMFORTH REALTY auctioneers; Thorp Sale* Cc, clerk. m 60GHOUSE-«ult*bl* ¦95-3 Fuimitiure Auiction 1 for Colli*. Glvi de- L* Crwcint, Minn. _Tal. 10A Wanted—Real Estate 102 BUICK, 195$ 2-door scrlpjlon, price and location. Writ* 1111 Special, In vary good NOV. 14—Sat., 12 noon. At the Fallout 1 Located at 1632 West Fifth Street , corner of Fifth and Gilmore Ave., Winona, ^ ^ "" condition; 1953 Plymouth, perfect condi- Shelter, 3 miles N.W. of Houston. Mr. p | MOOEaN J er 3 bedroom hom* on tion, 660 E. Mark. 6. Mrs, Palmer Halvarfon, owners; Ol- % Fairfax Streets in Winona. | WANTED SCRAP contfiet with »1,000 Down. West or IRON A MCTAL, | BOB ,«_ a sor 4 Icvts. auctlonetrn Commercial |§ COW HI DBS, WOOl RAW "UBI. outskirts location preferred. Writ* ' ' ALL State Bank. Hokah, clerk, ¦ HIGHES1 PRICtS PAID B-19 Dally News. . 1959 CHRYSLER || _ NOV. 14—Sat., 1 p.m. 16 milt* STET OI B M W IRON ANO MBTAl CO. WILL PAY HIGHBST CASlTTRiCM Monday, November/- 16 1 »7 w . 2nd. acrou Spur New Yorker Eau Claire, Wis. Arnold Lauterbach, m Oi* Italian C. Tel. tarn FOR YOUR CITY PROP1RTY 4-door sedin. AMERICAN ¦or your convenience I %}~ full power, atr-condi- owner, W. A. Zeck, auctioneer; North- ft UW Center 8t | tlening, white exterior, *hirp is they trn Inv. Co., clerk. . Starting at 12:30 P.M. Lunch on grounds 1 _ we_An Now Again Open an let». || ^ _ I "HANK" JEZEWSKI come. ^ WM. vlUBR ICtiir iRON ft METAl (Wlnerta . Only Rail f state Buyer! BEAUTIES ! NOV, 14-Sat., 12 noon. 4 miles -7"ef § RCA Victor 21-inch table model TV; Leonard refrig* I CO. pays highest prteii for scrip Til, 4311 and 7093 P.O. Box 34) Mondovi on Federal Hwy. 10, then 7 p erator with freezer across top; Monarch 4-burner electric I Iron, metals, hides, wool and raw fur mill* S. en County Trunk BB. Lsvern J 222 w. 2nd. Economy Plus a Accessories, Tires, Parts 104 I 960 BUICK Klopp, owner; Franeli Wirleln, eucion- p range; chrome dinette table; solid oak round dining table ; i Closed Saturdays NYSTROM'S eer; Northern Inv, Co., dark. p couch; upholstered platform _^__ View ' Set ol 4 Chrysler-Plymouth LeSobre - - antique sideboard ; studio I HIGHBST l»RI«S>A~To , LARGE AUCTION -- OrllaT Supplies. I ; Wi cm offer you a three-bedroom CAR FLOOR MATS Open Monday a Friday Nights 4-door sedan automatic Household Furniture, Etc, Black River J fg rocker; library table ; 2 console radios; table radio buf* | for scrap Iron metals, rag*, hide- rambler with big yard, automatic FREE raw furs and wooll transmission, V-8, power Fall*, Wis. Sat.. Nov. 14, 12 :JO. Owner, f fet; 3 steel beds; dresser ; 2 wood rockers; G.E. upright ft heat, bath with vanity, 115,500 to When you take advantage steering, power brakes, ra- Lester R. Johnson. Arneson Auction M vacuum with attachments; electric fan ; several trunks ; $16,500. of our Service. M f Sam Weisrnan & Sons 2 lor $24 dio, heater, tinted glass. Has foot locker; 4 matching wood chairs; 2 matching wood i INCOHP0RATSD SNOW TIRE OPPHR wuy, IO—twon., I p.m, 7. rtiue n. ui ss 450 W. Jrd Tel. 1147 Decidedly Different FIRESTONI STORE BEAUTIES!! a rebuilt engine. Test drive Downiville on Hwy. 25, then W. % mile. M arm chairs ; wicker rocker; steel cot; floor lampjvtable 1 and most liveable, a three-bedroom W, home with two level living ind dining 200 3rd, . Tel. $434) '62 Impala 4-door, 327 cu. it today. Donald Whlnnery property; Johnson fc % lamp ; metal kitchen stool ; electric toaster; dishes; pots i Rooms Without MMIS 8> am, plne-pinilled kitchen with dish- Murray, owners $> auctioneers; Gateway %. in. V-8, Powerglide, radio, Credo Inc. clerk. « and pans kitchen utensils; commode; ironing board; 23* | SLEEPING WM/VMO* -, 1th. washer and dlipe*al, big family $1495 ~ room, scnintd porch. Near public new tires. Only 37,000 NOV. 16-Mon., 1 P.m. Vh miles N. of I qt. pressure cooker, like new; 2 roasters; 2-Burner kerct* i FURNISHBD Rd0M for rent. Gentlemen. and parochia l schools In town. Nelson Tire's miles. Real sharp .. $1895 Holmett, Wis. on County Trunk V, tn % sene stove; metal picnic cooler; 2 casting rods; some i Tel. *St». 1959 BUICK Long Coulee. Arnold Kricfitl, owner; i | fishing tackle ; tackle box; 2 fish spears ; 2 gill nets,' Stone & Clapboard Russell Schroeder, ' auctioneer; Com- || | Apartments, Flats 90 '81 Bel Air 4-door, 6, stand- LeSobre munlfy Lean a. Fin., clerk. small Evinrude outboard motor; fruit jars; meat grinder; ~ ~ Distinguish th* extirlor af thl* big g | 4.r«om apT.," oil rambler, living roam recreation ard, radio. Only 23, LAROE unl^rftl*had batn, and Bargain 000 4-door sedan, automatic NOV. Jt-Mon. 12:30 p.m. Furniture Auc- i wood kitchen range; M.W. washer; wash tubs; step i heat, sunpgrch, $40, Tal. 472*. room each have fireplaces, kitchen Center miles. Nice as can tlon, 1632 W. 5th., Wlnon*. lelmer | built-in range oven, two-car transmission, V-8, radio, ladder ; barbecue grill; coal pile ; wood pile; wine press ; UNFURNISHED 3-roorrt apt., private en- ha* and Brommir Estate; Alvln Kehnir, auc- m | garage, In the city. be $1395 heater, whitewall tires, tint- Rilpri M crock jars and jugs; pair knee boots; waders ; 1 trance, watir lurnlshed, »2J. Immtdl- _tlon*er__; _T. Hengel, cl*rk ata GREAT BUYS ON: ed glass You would be ponemon, Tel. 4726, Quality Home With '61 Chevrolet Nomad Wag- . NOV. 17-fuas. 13 noon. 1 mile S. of | LOTS OF GOOD HAND TOOLS—Hammers; wrenches ; I SIXTH W. 637-2 bedroom upstair* apt., proud to own this one. Burr Oak on Hwy. 52, then 2 miles S| heat and water tumlthed, 2 private fr Passenger Tires on, V-8, standard, radio, B. Arland Emery 4 Maria Perry, % screwdrivers; nails, bolts,: nuts and screws; V* h.p. elec* | entrances, available Dec, 1. $75. Tel. "G\" Financing extra nice. Only ... $1595 $995 owners; Erickson & Knudsen, auc- j$j trie motor; bench emery with motor; 2 screw jacks ; | 4B84 after 4. ' . . You may purcniee thl* almost new Truck Tires tloneers; Thorp Sales Co., clerk. g| three-bedroomrambler with two ce- ft ~ V malls; battery charger ; pipe fittings; wheelbarrow ; small | THIRD E. 40f— lower apt., pri- ramic bi'rti and pine-panelled roc- '81 Mowa 4-door, Power- 1 958 BUICK fT0V. 17-Tues. 12:30 p.m, 3'A miles .f hydraulic jack; tackle block; chains; gas cans; single vate entrance, lurmei oil heat. Adult*. reetlen room, living room with tire- ft Tractor Tires glide N. o' St. Charles on 74, thin 2 miles :;J § Tel. 4877. , radio, bucket seats. W. Walter Casial, owner ,- Kohnor (. and double axes; shovels; large grindstone; wood bits ; | plici, landscaped let, and assume a A beauty. Reduced Century % THREE-ROOM heated apt., hot water, low Interest rat* mortgage. SHOP NOW AT 4-door sedan, power steer- Tilfany, auctioneer*; Thorp Sales Co., |s band saws; planes; 2 blow torches; bench vise; tool boxes | has light, stove, refrigerator furnished. to $1195 clerk. f and chests; 10-gallon milk cans; Garden Mark rotary 1 Available Dec. 1. Hank Olson, 900 E. $800 Down W. 5th & RR. Tracks ing, power brakes, radio, NOV. Tr—Tues. 10.50 a.m. 1 mile W. ?| 7th. Tel. 2017. Will purchase a sturdy brick home of Augusta on "HH" to Russell Corners ty' . power mower , like new; garden and lawn tools; hoses; I ^^_ Many others from $49 to beater, tu-tone beige and ¦WJ-3-room with automafle heat, big vird, stor- Creamery, then N. V4 mile. E. L. % 1952 Dodge Coronet 2-door club coupe; misc. small items | EIGHTH E. up*talr* unfur- age garage, hardwood Wagon $1895 but every car bargain white, excellent whitewall nished apt., private entrance. Heat ind floor*, full Old " Works'" Bldg. Troxel Property; H. 0. Peterson, own- Si biift. Balinca Ilka nnt. too numerous to mention. water furnished, No children. priced. Pick a car and let's tires. New paint job. Sharp. er; Jim Helke, auctioneer! Gateway §jj I Credit Inc., clerk. FOUNTAIN CITY—4 room eof. Avail- AFTRR HOUR! CALLt Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 talk deal. I || ANTIQUES —• Some antique dishes ; 3 fur robes; 1 1 ~ $795 NOV. 1*—Wed. I p.m. 4 mill* N. of I able st awa. fll ttir-UOI. Leo Koil 4MI : ~ captain's chairs; antique meat grinder, dated 1859; 2 billy 1 Laura Flsk Jill ' BOAT HOUSB- i4x1» iiBW hl» yeir, Mondov i on Hwy. 37, then V*» mile E. ?| PTFTH W. MlM-e room* ind bittt. Til. W. L. (Wlb) Helier good location. Tal. HtP, on County Trunk 8. Curtis Everson P clubs; old uniform; 4 copper tumblers; 4 copper mugs; 4741 t-tm | attir a p.m. Bob Silover inv WITH ISA 'll get powerful perfor- Estate, owner; Jim Helke, auctioneer; || you Gateway Credit inc., clerk. cast iron match box ; cast iron kettle ; World War I cornet ; 1 Apartments, Furnhhed OX mance, flashing good look*, dependable j | motorcycling. < ROBB BROS. Motorcycle MILLER NOV. itCvved. lO.- iont.m. Rial Estate 1 several powderhorns; Sessions mantel clock ; 2 lanterns ; i FIRST FLOOR M-om apt., prlvita bath 80 ' Shop, 573 E. 4th, Auction, I miles N., thin 5 miles E. £; misc. small items. I and entrance, suitable for 1 parson. ' - - CHEVROLET CO. WALZ of Mahel, Minn. Peter Resheim *¦ Cor- JS Heat and ullllllts furnished. fSS. Til. \l tf > Trucks, Tract's, Trailers 108 b enda Roshelm Estifes, owniors; Erlck- / Q, TERMS OF SALE: Cash or check. No items to be | 86B7-6M1. CHEVROLET BUICK BUICK-OLDSMOBILE-GMC son I, Knudsen, auctioneers; Lyle Y __ TRUCK HOISTS I NSTALLED AT" Rushford, Minn. Tel. UN4-7711 Nights Erickson Estate J. Auction Co. con- removed until settlement has been made. 1 C^.\- Tsl. 3840 BERG'S Open Monday & Friday p. Buslnen Placet for Rent 92 ducting sale. |* ^ 130 Center 8t 39M W. 4th., Odvw. Tel. 4P3J SELMER BROMMER ESTATE PRIME DOWNTOWN LOCATION - Re- J tall ipica. Available now. I FORD, 19S6 W-ton, fairly good; 1950 and office Chevrolet %-ton 4-ipeed pickup. In- Alvin Kohner, Auctioneer Ralph T. Hengel, Clerk I Stirneman-Selover Co. quire 660 E. Mark. A • i»i l. ire j >mm^mmmm^m^^M^msmmmmawmmmmjmmwm^ Tal. 4064 or 234* IN GOODVIEW '62 INTERNATIONAL Houses for Rent 95 Modern 3-bedroom home- C-132 THREB-SBDROOM home n**r ichool*. t ton capacity with Appolntmint only . Tel. MM}. oil heat, garage, nice lot, TWO-BfiDROOM hcuii, large dining 10 ft. stock rack. room, large living roqm, fireplace, 748 48th Ave. basement, genge. washing ticilltlH. $1995 Tel, %-3M after t p.m. The following personal propery will be sold at public 1 »61 INTERNATIONAL Wanted to Rant 96 ~ Lincoln Agency. Inc. C-1000 TravelaU, _¦ ll ^^ "^Y^^^ _Vr%^PnrfBpB|E!w'^_l f A. 1 mmW^Smm^^V^__***f_____L___vW I if' SLE E P7N9"*~WO0M for young man, very clean . would appreelat* home-like atmo*ph»ri, Real Estate—Insurance Tuiesday, November 17 quiet place lo study. Tel. 7312. $1595 | THREE 'BEDROOM home wanted, living 1 mile south of Burr Oak on Highway 52, then 2 miles 1 room, dining room, kitchen, bath. In cood residential lection; If posilble, OWNER WILL FINANCE! '62 CHEVROLET east or 10 miles north of Decorah on Highway 52, then 2 § close to Junior-Senior High School. Corvair Panel miles east or 3 miles west of Hesper, then 3 miles soutb. 1 Duane D, Sevalllus, 1014 Second Ave., Attractive new 2 bedroom Follow auction arrows. Lunch will be served by the Ladies Fnyetleyllle, T*nn. 4-apeed transmission, I rambler in West location. cf Burr Oak Lutheran Church. I Farms, Land for -«le 98 Beautiful kitchen with cop- very clean , pertone stove, built-in oven, $1295 The sale will start at 12:00 P.M. Sharp. 1 hood and fan, disposal. CATTLE - 27 Holstein and Guernsey cattle, State § 310 ACRES Lovely bath with class en- '60 CHEVROLET Lab. Bangs and T.B. tested for Interstate Shipment. No 1 Located in the town of Gar- closed tub. Delightful base- ' H_ ton C It C. reactors, no suspects. Most of herd calfhood vaccinated. § ment for amusement room Very clean. 1 Holstein heifer , due 1st calf in Dec.; 2 Holstein heifer J, den Valley, 8 miles north- and 3rd bedroom. Beautiful | west of Alma Center. The month. I er, complete (new). 1 with this car. c DAIRY EQUIPMENT - Surge pump and motor , R.V. I 5. Solar bulk tank , Grade A And wa must sell this Winona Truck OS9S I m I 2; "A inch pipeline and stall cocks for 211 cows; 2 Surge I milk house (Chicago Mar- charming and cozy 3 bed- milkers ; can cart on rubber; pails , strainers , brushes, etc. * ket). room rambler, 3 years old Service • MACHINERY - 1052 Allis Chalmers Model V7.D. U 6. Berg barn cleaner, en- and all the appliances are IHC TRUCK SALES I '63 FORD '61 FORD \| | tractor , narrow and wide front with A.C. hydraulic load- § closed loading dock. in! Lovely kitchen with & SERVICE % Country Sedan Country Sedan i» f. er, dirt plate , snow bucket 7 foot ; 2 Allia Chalmers Model 1 7. Paved barn yard, 65 Laird Tel. 4738 everything! Spacious amuaa- V 6-passenger, 250 h.p., Cruls* « „„.„„„«_ m. *, „ _.,.- • \ k W.D. tractors : Allis Chnlmers 2-row cultivator; Allis | 8. (2) SO H. alios with un- meat room. Tile bath with I omatic, power rear window , %¦ Chalmers mounted plow , ;ixl4; Alliti Chalmers mounted «; loaded colored fixtures. Used Csrs 109 K ^S- lsssi0i tutf U*e £ . I * . bath I looks like new . Only 28,000 1 * "™ 1 | "' i?5 'T 1 I 2-row nicker ; Mussoy-Harris semi-mounted mower , 7-ft,; | ft. Large loafing shed. down. $1,800 down and bal- I mUes. We'll stand beiind this New Iaea side delivery ; Kelly-Ryan elevator , 44-ft.; John |- 10. 40x80 Quonset machine i% 0£ ^mgi' . | ance like rent ! You'll like *5 \ Decrc manure spreader , 4-whccl on rubber; 3 steel wng- £ shed. it! CONVERTIBLE 4)IIK on rubber with bed and boxes , (ixlfl; 2 single disks, I 11. Steel corn cribs. ' I $2295 $1395 A | 12-ft.; Van Brunt gruin drill , single disk . 12-ft.; 4-section I 12. Several oth-or good build- WEATHER steel . drag, folding draw bar; 2 steel wagons with feed s , AJTER HOURS I COMET WAGON ings ¦ Buy '60 j if bunks , 14-ft ,; 2 feed Imuks , li ft.; hale rack; tractor 13 farm home. a* 1 I J $ . An all modern now while I No miles at all on newly Installed exchange MM clwins; lieat houser; new umbrella . U 14 . F.H.A , financing to a Pat Heise ... 6709 1 engine. You get a new car warranty on I U UOCS AND KQUIPMI 'INT -- M IIamp-Cross bred | qualified buyer. INDIAN SUMMER Gordon Weishorn . ., 4B84 \ the block assembly. /If feeder pigs , 100 lbs., vuc; 20 Hump-Cross bred feeder | 15 . May be purchased with is still here at pigs, so lbs. , vac ; Pride-of-the-Farm hog feeder, 80 I or without complete line 1 bushtils; hog troughs and pans. | of new and nearly new "! winter prices. , m, LINCOLN I\ '59 Ford Wagon $705 »59 Rambler Wagon $705 11 5 FEED ~ 50 bushels of onts; 4 000 bushels of corn; 1 machinery and 56 Hi- V hi 2,000 fiquaro b/ilcs 1st crop iilfalfa , brome mixed hay (no m AGENCY '60 Studebaker Wagon , .. , $795 ,..„ 1 1 ?' f grade Holstein cows plus 1 958 CHEVROLET m% lcn ni Wagon, V rain): 200 square bales of straw. 1 young stock, Impala Convertible I '57 Ford Wagon ,.. , $295 '« Plymouth | k I '58 Chevrolet Wagon $295 extra nice $795 \ I MISCELLANEOUS - V- h.p, electric motor; gas tank I The owner must sell now Radio, heater, nower steer- | and stand; rubber tiroil wheelbarrow; Kimbco portable 1 ( Doctor's orders). No ask- J ing, whitewall tires. I Buy With Confidence at Winona's Automobile J 1 heater;.fencinp v(|uipment; feed tnnks ; tools ; 4 rolls of 1 , just ' wire cribbing ; forks, shovels , e.te. ing price on this farm V Super Market — We Always Advertise Our Prices • f one selling price, $40,000.00. $898 | 1955 FORD STATION WA(H)N - G ood condition . f Machinery and cattle at In- Telephone Your Want Ads PILE HOME SAWED LUMBER - | ventory value — approxi- OWNERS: ARLAND EMEKY AND MERLE PERRY mately $35,000,00. | Auctionceis: Lyle Hrlckaon utul How ard Knudsen , 1 •0 The Winona Daily News ROBERT BOCKUS, BROKER \mmm£mCHl V» 01 lTe95i \ Owl Moto r Co. Clerk : Thorp Salon Company of Rochester, Minn., 1 I Ford—Iiincoln—Mercury—Comet //L*f I Paul Kvcnson , l.nncsboro, Heprtiacntntlve 1 Midwest Realty Co. 105 Johnson Tel, 2386 \ 4th tt Main Wlnona T M R THORP SALES COMPANY'S EASY TERMS ' I Tel. - Offi ce 597-3669 Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker Oj»en Monday and Friday Thorp Sales Co. , Clerk , Rochester , Minn , I Res. 696-8157 Nights Until 8:00 I BUZZ SAWYER By Roy Cren*

~" " ~~ OICK By Chester Gould g1 ^¦- ¦ ¦ TRACY , •fit. - ; 'i, •' - r "' .' . . -


— THE FLINTSTONES By Hanna-Barbera

DAN FLAGG By Don Sharw6ed

BLONDIE By Chic Young


STEVE CANYON By Milton Canniff

APARTMENT 3-G By Alex Kotiky

REX MORGAN, M. D. By Dal Curtis

NANCY By Ernie Bushmiller

MARY WORTH By Saunders and Ernst

f ~ ymy siai-tMirt fWJI e-itui»;)ir fUUI Mrrto K2JUI Jtrutovi fjUt M "At the Sign of the Street Clock" | | j jf J
