Learning Support & Capacity Building Programme 30 Alfred Place, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka T1 : +94 (0)11 257 4182 T2 : +94 (0)11 493 8896 Fax:+94 (0)11 493 8897 E
[email protected] W www.redr.org.uk FIELD LEVEL LEARNING IN SRI LANKA CASE STUDY 2007 Learning Support & Capacity Building (LSCB) Programme in Sri Lanka DLSO Case Study Paula Thomson December 2007 1 Introduction In response to the Tsunami (26 December 2004) which resulted in massive loss of life and property along the Sri Lankan coast line, RedR UK, in affiliation with the Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies Sri Lanka (CHA) established a Learning Support and Capacity Building Programme (LSCB). Formal humanitarian training programmes and District (field level) Learning Support Offices (DLSO) form the backbone of the programme. The concept of providing resources and structured support for humanitarian learning was new to Sri Lanka. This case study considers the goals, roles, principles and approaches of the District Learning Support Offices (DLSO) operating in 4 districts in Sri Lanka against good practice field level learning. Interviews and an examination of literature about good practice field level humanitarian inform the case study. Background Why a Learning Support and Capacity Building Programme in Sri Lanka? Humanitarian agencies’ response to the tsunami disaster that struck Sri Lanka on 26 December 2004 causing the displacement of 500,000 people has featured inadequate, inconsistent and inappropriate humanitarian responses, with compromised quality in the delivery of services 1 . Government and NGOs remain inadequately prepared to respond to the rapidly changing needs of posttsunami reconstruction and recovery activities.