Contending Views and Power Struggle Within Islam: the Clash of Religious Discourse and Citizenship in Contemporary Indonesia

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Contending Views and Power Struggle Within Islam: the Clash of Religious Discourse and Citizenship in Contemporary Indonesia Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review, 5 (3), December 2020, pp. 391-407 ISSN 2477-8060 (print), ISSN 2503-4456 (online) DOI: © 2020 Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Contending Views and Power Struggle within Islam: The Clash of Religious Discourse and Citizenship in Contemporary Indonesia Luthfi Makhasin Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia Bowo Sugiarto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia Abstract In the last 20 years, the ‘conservative turn’ toward overtly Islamic identity in Indonesia paved the way for raising political Islamism. This political Islamism aspires to the continuing Islamization, implementation of sharia, and even the establishment of a global caliphate. Emerging Islamist forces such as Front Pembela Islam, Jemaah Tarbiyah, and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia along with the conservative turn, therefore, pose the normative-political challenges to both republican and liberal notions of citizenship. This paper deals with the question of religion and citizenship under the democratic space in contemporary Indonesia. By examining three variants of Islamic citizenship, religion vigilant, pragmatic, and rejectionist citizenship, this paper tries to address the following question: to what extent Islamism challenges the discourse of citizenship in contemporary Indonesia? We argue that while Islamism apparently rises and gains followers, the state and mainstream Muslim organizations (Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah), and their emphasis on Pancasila and commitment to NKRI successfully manage to reconcile Islam and citizenship under democratic space. Keywords Religion; Islam; Citizenship; Vigilant; Pragmatic; Rejectionist INTRODUCTION strengthening religious conservatism The citizenship subject in Indonesia and institutionalization of the is currently filled with the dynamic democratic order. Strengthening attraction between the tendency of religious conservatism does reach not only the personal aspect of religious Luthfi Makhasin is a lecturer at the Department of belief and practice but also the public Political Science, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia. His research focuses on religious aspect by demanding the state to be movement, political Islam and local politics. Email: actively involved in regulating and [email protected]. enforcing religious belief. Blasphemy Bowo Sugiarto is a lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, issues, house of worship establishment Indonesia. His research focuses on political conflict, persecution of minorities anthropology and political identity. Email: deemed misguided such as Ahmadiyah [email protected]. This paper was presented in the International and Shia are examples of this religious Symposium on Indonesian Politics 2019, Universitas conservatism's political manifestation. Negeri Semarang, Indonesia. The authors are grateful Meanwhile, the institutionalization of to all participants for their valuable comments on the early draft of this paper. democratic order is characterized by Received August 14, 2020; Accepted December 15, 2020; Published December 28, 2020. 392 Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review, 5 (3), December 2020, pp. 391-407 freedom, electoral competition and continuous efforts at the state and civil political representation through a society levels to reconcile Islam and representative agency as the legitimate ‘Indonesianness’ as something channel to struggle for and deliver inseparable and even mutually political aspiration. Dahl (2005) argues complementary. that a large-scale democracy requires The concept of Islamism used in this political institutions such as free, fair, writing is defined as ‘religious ideology frequent elections, freedom of with a holistic interpretation of Islam expression, and elected officials. Since whose final aim is the conquest of the the 1998 reform, Indonesian political world by all means’ (Mozaffari, 2007: space is filled with frequent 21). This conception is in line with mobilization and street demonstration Olivier Roy, a France political scientist carrying Islamic collective identity who considers Islamism as a political symbol on the one hand (see for instance ideology. In his opinion, Islamism has at Mietzner and Muhtadi, 2018; Osman, least two main elements, namely 2010; Woodward et al., 2014) and a political virtue as a struggle strategy and general election which always puts central sharia position as value reference nationalist political parties as dominant (Roy, 1994). Meanwhile, the focus is on political power over Islamic political FPI, Jemaah Tarbiyah, and HTI since the parties on the other hand (see for author considers that the three represent instance Hadiz, 2011; Tanuwidjaja, the par-excellence of Islamism in 2010). contemporary Indonesia. We argue that Explaining the relationship between while Islamism apparently rises and religious conservatism and democracy gains followers, the state and in the citizenship political perspective mainstream Muslim organizations helps us understand contemporary (Nadhlatul Ulama/NU and Indonesian politics’ paradox and Muhammadiyah) and their emphasis on complexity, which transcend classical Pancasila and commitment to NKRI discourse of religion-state relations. This successfully manage to reconcile Islam paper starts from the question of to what and citizenship under democratic space. extent Islamism challenges the established discourse of relations RESEARCH METHOD between religion, citizen and state in Data for this paper were collected Indonesia. In the author’s opinion, through library research and mostly are although Islamism as a notion and primary or secondary sources dealing movement is indeed real and with new variants of Islamic groups as developing in Indonesia as represented represented by FPI, Jemaah Tarbiyah by groups such as Front Pembela Islam and HTI, their publicly proclaimed (FPI), Jemaah Tarbiyah, and Hizbut religious discourses, and their counter- Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), actually it is narratives coming from the state and relatively successfully blocked the state mainstream Islamic organizations (NU and civil society organizations with and Muhammadiyah) which emphasize Makhasin & Sugiarto | Contending Views and Power Struggle within Islam: The Clash of… 393 Pancasila as the sole ideology and 28), public religion plays an important Unitary State of the Republic of role in three arenas simultaneously, Indonesia as a final political entity. This namely the state, political society and data was analyzed through discourse civil society. With its role as a public analysis. religion, religion may be used as a LITERATURE REVIEW resource to mobilize support in political Religion and Citizenship competition as well as to get involved in In general, the discussion on the debate regarding public morality, religion is on a different path from that virtue and policy. of citizenship. Debates among political Casanova’s view of public religion scholars on relations between religion, opens the room for discussion on citizen and state conceptually tend to be religion as the basis to form the notion of separate and at a certain level even citizenship. In fact, religion and its negate the role of religion as the basis of institutional instrument play an collective political and cultural important role as the foundation to identities. The view to explain such strengthen citizenship not only as a legal citizenship cannot be separated from status but also as a political agency to secularism's strong influence in shaping participate actively in the democratic politics’ normative view. 1 Prejudgment political process and as the basis of of religion as the source of the problem shared identity which binds individual in the relationship between citizen and as a member of a political community, state cannot be maintained in line with namely nation-state. According to the continued relevance of religion as Parker and Hoon (2013: 165), religious the basis of political and cultural citizenship needs to accommodate and identities. Instead of losing its role, even be side by side with the nation- religion even rises everywhere and state to offer “new moral authority, therefore it is necessary to consider it as certainty, dignity and prosperity”. In one important element in a discussion this conception, membership and on citizenship. participation in a non-governmental Casanova states that the thesis on religious organization is an integral part secularization as the symptom of of citizenship to get involved in public declining religious role in its believers’ life. personal area cannot be maintained In the Indonesian context, Islam has anymore. He states that religion played and will continuously play an oppositely rises and has a bigger role in important role in defining relations social and political life not only in the between religion, state, and citizens. West but also in other developing Islam also contributes to providing countries. According to Casanova (2012: religious and moral bases that legitimize 1 In The Sacred Canopy, Berger proposed that the twin transcendental authority of established religion, and forces of secularization and pluralism were in a pluralism relativizes religion, weakening it’s taken for dialectical relationship that created modernity: grandness and claims to hegemonic and unique truth. secularization generates pluralism, by destroying the 394 Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science
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    DATAR ISI BAB I : PENDAHULUAN ……………………………………………………………….. 23 BAB II : LATAR HISTORIS MTA DI . …. .. 24 BAB III : WAHABISME DAN GERAKAN PURIFIKASI DI PEDESAAN JAWA … …. 55 BAB IV : RESPONS ISLAM MAINSTREAM INDONESIA PADA MTA …….. 110 BAB V : KEBANGKITAN ISLAM POLITIK PADA PEMILU 2014 DI INDONESIA .. …160 BAB VI : PENUTUP …. …… 205 BAB I PENDAHULUAN Di awal abad ke-21, pasca runtuhnya Orde Baru, kesempatan politik semakin terbuka yang dimotori oleh gerakan reformasi Indonesia. Hal tersebut juga mendorong gerakan mobilisasi massa secara transparan dalam ruang publik. Hal ini menimbulkan munculnya berbagai macam gerakan sosial secara massif di Indonesia. Perubahan iklim politik pada Orde Reformasi tersebut, berpengaruh juga terhadap perkembangan kehidupan keagamaan masyarakat Islam di Indonesia. Pengaruh ini dapat dilihat dengan semakin menguatnya identitas dan gerakan kelompok keagamaan di luar mainstream kelompok keagamaan. Dalam perkembangan gerakan sosial keagamaan tersebut, terdapat tiga aspek yang menonjol, yaitu pertama, aspek yang didorong oleh orientasi politis, kedua orientasi keagamaan yang kuat, dan ketiga orientasi kebangkitan kultural rakyat Indonesia.1 Adapun dalam pendekatannya, kaum agamawan dan gerakan keagamaan, menurut AS Hikam, menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan “menegara” dan pendekatan “masyarakat”.2 Terdapat beberapa faktor yang secara bersamaan menggerakkan orang untuk membangun sebuah bangsa yang bersatu. Faktor-faktor tersebut tidak terbatas pada adanya kesamaan pengalaman masa lalu seperti ras, bahasa, dan
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