November 2020, Issue 70 The Voice of Postcode 3000 见 22 页 Forever Free Twitter @CBD_News_3000 The council election results are (nearly) in!

An early sample of City of election votes suggest Sally Capp is a warm favourite to be returned as Lord Mayor, but she might still face a challenge from rival Arron Wood on preferences and donkey votes.

words by Sean Car & Jake Pike also appears likely to get up. But per- ELECTIONS haps the biggest surprise is the likely election of Liberal Democrat can- By the time CBD News published its didate and Southbank resident Paul November 2020 edition on October Silverberg. 28, some scrutineer sources had Ms Early predictions have Mr Silver- Capp as a firm favourite, while others berg polling around six per cent in predicted the count would go down what many have put down to a sheer to the wire following the council case of winning over dummy Liberal elections on October 24. voters purely on the basis of having While a winner wasn’t expected the word “Liberal” in his party name. to be announced until Friday, Octo- While the Liberal Party officially October finally saw the end to Victoria’s gruelling lockdowns and local fami- We’re back, baby! ber 30 at the very earliest, some early endorses candidates in neighbouring lies took to Degraves St to enjoy some well deserved freedom, as the CBD and scrutineer data had already suggested cities such as Sydney and Brisbane, Photo by John Tadigiri its many struggling businesses look to open back up in November. some likely certainties with the first the result could provide the impe- five councillor positions locked in. tus for changing its strategy in Mel- With Ms Capp understood to be bourne, with its unofficial candidate polling around 30 per cent on both Philip Le Liu now in a struggle to win FOMO: council activation revealed the leadership and councillor cards, back his seat. her first two councillor candidates in This election also looks to have Kevin Louey and Liberal party mem- been somewhat of a hit to the left, words by Sean Car While research commissioned by the council shows in- ber Roshena Campbell appear to have with The Greens’ second councillor BUSINESS creasing challenges around the likes of crowds and public won the first two spots on council. Olivia Ball facing a nervous wait to transport post COVID, consumers say the city is still the With Arron Wood believed to be reclaim the party’s second seat on best location for events, festivals, museums, galleries, gigs, polling at around 18 per cent and a council, previously held by the re- As Victoria slowly emerges from lockdowns, the City of hospitality and shopping. lower 15 per cent on the councillor tired Cathy Oke. Melbourne will soon look to attract visitors back to the The FOMO campaign, expected to launch in January, card, his first councillor candidate Docklands resident and indepen- CBD and its much-loved venues, restaurants and public will seek to reimagine the city and reconnect people with Jason Chang too appears a certainty. dent candidate Jamal Hakim is pre- spaces with a “big old dose of FOMO (fear of missing many of its favourite tastes, sounds and experiences that He’ll be joined by Greens councillor senting as Ms Ball’s biggest challenge. out)”. they’ve been “missing out” on during lockdowns. Rohan Leppert and the Labor Party’s Despite polling with around 0.3 per In what comes as welcome news to the city’s businesses Showcasing the best Melbourne has to offer to drive a Davyyd Griffiths. cent of the primary vote, his clever and residents following the devastating second wave of real sense of FOMO, planned events and exclusive offers Should Ms Capp’s vote continue preference negotiations could see COVID-19 in Victoria, the council will soon launch a sig- from the city’s favourite venues and businesses will be to hold steady, it would likely see him home. nature marketing campaign to revive the city with a range aimed at drawing people back in a COVID-safe manner. the first ever indigenous councillor Early predictions suggest Mr Le of COVID-safe events and activations. Further details around some of the campaign’s activa- elected to the City of Melbourne in Liu should sneak home on prefer- Titled “FOMO”, details of the campaign seen by CBD tion ideas are expected to be announced later this year but Mark McMillan, who ran third on the ences, however the first candidate on News outline a strategy to drive visitors back to the CBD many initiatives to support the strategy, such as pedestri- Team Capp ticket. the Jennifer Yang ticket Elizabeth and its surrounds through a series of activities and pro- anisation of “little streets” and outdoor dining infrastruc- Arron Wood’s second councillor Doidge is a smokey but would require motions which showcase the city’s range of uniquely Mel- ture, are already being actioned (see story on page 6). candidate in former councillor and bourne experiences. Continued on page 2. Liberal Party member Peter Clarke Continued on page 3.

ELECTIONS, PAGE 05 BUSINESS, PAGE 06 COMMUNITY, PAGE 09 ARTS & CULTURE, PAGE 11 On the election Outdoor dining fast- Locals want space for Creative writing award A campaign trail B tracked C dogs D winners share stories The Voice of Postcode 3000 2 FOMO: council activation revealed

CONTACT Continued from page 1. Suite 108, 198 Harbour Esplanade Docklands 3008 But some promotions earmarked in the strat- egy, such as “FOMO Fridays” and dedicated Tel: 8689 7980 FOMO events, will seek to partner with the city’s precincts and businesses to provide spe- EDITOR cial offers and experiences. Other activations Sean Car flagged incorporate a range of ideas already canvassed publicly such as outdoor entertain- PUBLISHER ment, dining and wayfinding experiences. Hyperlocal News Pty Ltd With the CBD bearing the brunt of Victoria’s ABN: 57 623 558 725 economic decline from the second wave of ADVERTISING coronavirus, talk of plans to revive the city is Hyper-local print works for advertisers nothing new, with Lord Mayor Sally Capp hav- in our digital world because local people ing established a high-profile advisory board in are interested in local news. July to provide ideas to the council. To sell to the CBD community, The City of Melbourne also established contact Jack Hayes on 0401 031 236 or the City of the Future/Recovery Taskforce at [email protected] the start of the pandemic, and in September

Reader contributions are welcome. Send letters, articles and images to: councillors endorsed a COVID-19 reactivation program to draw people back into the city. Our [email protected] and recovery plan. This was supported by a marketing of the city will be intensive, creative joint $100 million recovery fund with the state and highly collaborative, with opportunities for The deadline for the December/January government dedicated to the central city. businesses to participate.” edition is November 19. ❝ October 26 also saw the launch of the “Let’s “We want to see pop-up activities bringing SOCIAL MEDIA We will dramatically increase Melbourne Again” campaign by a host of big life into the city over the vital Christmas period TwitterFollow us on Twitter our marketing program to businesses, creative institutions and the City and our retail and hospitality venues buzzing.” • @CBD_News_3000 of Melbourne, aimed at encouraging people to draw people back into the return to the city. FACEBOOK-SQUARELike us on Facebook City of Melbourne CEO Justin Hanney said cbdnewsmelbourne city. Our marketing of the the coming months would see the rollout of city will be intensive, creative many initiatives from its reactivation and re- For more information: instagramFollow us on Instagram covery plan.

@cbdnews and highly collaborative, with “This summer will be like no other and we’re

planning some fantastic events that you won’t melbourne/covid-19-recovery Opinions expressed by contributors are not opportunities for businesses to want to miss out on,” he said. necessarily shared by the publisher. participate.❝ “Lots of people miss the city and we want to make sure that when they return it’s a vibrant Sean Car [email protected] place.” “We’re planning a number of really exciting EDITOR activations including Creative Laneways, our [email protected] annual Christmas Festival and an extended Melbourne Music Week.” “We will dramatically increase our marketing

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Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 3 The council election results are (nearly) in!

Continued from page 1. Senior media and communication advisor at the VEC, Ruth Murphy said that the new a significant drop in the Capp primary vote, legislation has led to a decrease of 200,000 which appears unlikely. non-resident votes this election across the state The Labor Party’s endorsed team led by party due to non-Australian residents not being auto- veteran Phil Reed also appears to have under- matically added to the state roll. performed, with second councillor candidate “There has been a slight decline in the num- and highly-regarded operator Mary Delahunty ber of non-residents on the roll for the City of missing out on a council spot. Melbourne, because property owners who do But the real interest hangs on the leadership ▲ The potentially elected Team Capp bloc of five: (L-R) McMillan, Campbell, Reece, Capp and Louey. not live in Australia are no longer automatically contest which on early projections has Ms Capp on the roll,” she said. winning with a team of five, joined by her dep- But non-Australian residents who were uty candidate and Labor Party member Nick suggest a vote for stability during a pandemic, “I’m meeting with the CEO of the City of enrolled and had overseas addresses listed re- Reece. with the Lord Mayor having shown a steady Melbourne to ensure that we do not miss a ceived voting packs by priority post. But with many late votes still to come in pair of hands in her first two years since assum- beat, do not miss an opportunity to help city Since the 2018 Lord Mayoral by-election for when CBD News went to print, early predictions ing the role from Robert Doyle. businesses to re-open.” the City of Melbourne, the VEC has worked could yet be undone and Mr Wood, who has the While Mr Doyle recorded above and around “My focus remains on the City of Melbourne, with the Local Government Inspectorate (LGI) luck of the donkey vote, negotiated some great the 40 mark on both the leadership and making sure we can re-open in a COVID safe to inform property managers on voting laws preference deals and ran a solid campaign, is councillor cards in 2016, Team Capp has had way to save lives and livelihoods.” after the LGI found that property managers had still a big chance. to compete with a much for stacked field this With results yet to be formally announced illegally filled out 41 voting packs for landlords. While Team Capp’s decision to not negoti- time around, which has also seen a significantly by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) Voting for another person could come a ate any preference deals was admirable in one higher voter turnout. watch this space! CBD News’s sister publica- maximum sentence of five years imprisonment, sense, it probably wasn’t the smartest political Despite leaving his run late, if Mr Wood does tions Docklands News and Southbank News will but it is almost impossible to detect and the move and it has potentially left her exposed manage to sneak home it would be quite the bring you more comprehensive coverage of all offenders in the 2018 by-election were only should Mr Wood’s vote draw to within 10 per achievement, and one hard not to admire given of the winners and losers in the coming weeks. caught because they signed their own names to cent of her own. what was a solid and well-articulated campaign multiple ballot packs. But while Mr Wood will collect some major from the former Deputy Lord Mayor. If you’re unfamiliar with the voting rights preferences from the likes of The Greens and But either way, he’ll leave a legacy of having Voter confusion in Victoria, landlords have been able to vote sits above Ms Capp on the voting card, a prefer- teamed up with The Greens to remove council- The new local government electoral rules in council elections where they own property ence-donkey vote victory for Mr Wood weighs lor Jackie Watts from the council, who exits the which regulated the October 24 local govern- since 1986, as long as they do not live within the heavily on voters following their how-to-vote council after three terms running on the Gary ment elections have caused some confusion same council area. cards, which is historically low. Morgan ticket. among voters. But the good news is that voting packs for But an election in a pandemic is unchartered What will prove a significant difference this If you received a secondary voting pack from non-resident property owners and ratepayers territory so throw out the rule book as anything time around under Ms Capp as Lord Mayor, the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) for are not mandatory if the council area is not the is possible! is that she’ll wield more power on the council an investment property or building lease this same as your primary address and you will not Either way, if early data doesn’t lie then we with her new bloc of five meaning less paralysis election for the first time, you’re not alone. be fined if you didn’t vote with your secondary would appear to be have a council that is slight- in decision-making. CBD News has received reports of people ballot. ly more conservative, less gender-balanced She said overall, she remained optimistic receiving ballot packs for additional properties That is unless the property is in the jurisdic- and has less residents than non-residents. As about her chances, but wasn’t taking anything they own in Victoria for the first time, despite tion of the City of Melbourne, which due to many predicted, the virtual nature of the cam- for granted. owning the properties for years. the City of Melbourne Act 2001 means that all paign has certainly weighed in favour of those “We all just have to be patient while the count The new 2020 legislation meant that anyone eligible voters are required to vote or risk a fine. with more political capital and profile, with continues,” she said. on the state electoral roll for an additional prop- If you didn’t vote in the council elections, you grassroots campaigns thrown out the window “As we await the final results from the erty before 2020 was automatically added to the can expect a fine of $83 if you can’t convince the thanks to COVID-19. Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC), I con- new system, which is why people have received VEC that you had a valid excuse when they send But should Ms Capp hold on, the result would tinue to carry out the duties of Lord Mayor.” additional ballots this year. out failure to vote notices in January 2021 • REDISCOVERREDISCOVER

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IN-BRIEF EIGHT INSPIRING MELBOURNE BUSINESS CONCIERGE SERVICE The City of Melbourne’s AWARDS FINALISTS expanded Business Concierge service is here for all businesses affected by COVID-19. Phone 9658 9658 and press 1 for business from 7.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. You can also submit your query online and subscribe to our Business in Melbourne newsletter at

FASHION WEEK REIMAGINED Melbourne Fashion Week will return from 23 to 29 November to support local retail, fashion and hospitality industries as they respond to COVID-19. This year, for the first time ever, the program will feature both digital and in-person events, if restrictions allow. Get the latest updates at

OUTDOOR DINING Local hospitality businesses are gearing up to expand trading onto footpaths, carparks, streets and laneways – as soon as COVID-19 restrictions Street art in Southbank by CTO ease. Our free, fast-tracked outdoor dining permits will help businesses operate safely within the health restrictions advised This year’s Melbourne Awards 4 High-school hackathons 7 Pioneering science by the Victorian Government. shine a light on community Nathaniel Diong has spent his This Victorian Infectious Diseases Find out more at melbourne.vic. champions who have shown lockdown helping educators adapt to Reference Laboratory developed the great leadership, kindness and remote learning and running virtual first throat swab for COVID-19 and generosity during COVID-19. hackathons to inspire thousands of was the first lab in the world to grow high-schoolers to build startups with The Melbourne Awards are the City the virus – a crucial step towards COMMUNITY social impact. He also helped run the of Melbourne’s highest accolade, developing vaccines and treatments. SERVICES REOPEN global #StartingGood Virtual Summit, celebrating inspirational people who The lab has also played an essential a free event for social entrepreneurs. The City of Melbourne has dedicate their time and energy to role in the Asia Pacific region’s public begun to reopen a number health response to the pandemic, and making this city a world leader. of its services and facilities, 5 Stirring street art local testing blitzes. The 2020 awards recognise people who Keep an eye out in Southbank for Peter with modified operations and have made a significant contribution ‘CTO’ Seaton’s eye-catching mural that 8 First responders COVID-safe plans in place. in the following categories: business, depicts two masked people in a loving Cherylynn McGurgan travelled with For the latest information on digital innovation, youth, community, embrace. The self-funded artwork made AUSMAT to Wuhan in China, the childcare, pool-lane bookings, essential services, and arts and culture. a splash in the media and resonated epicentre of the outbreak, to retrieve click-and-collect library with millions of viewers around the Read on to discover just a few of hundreds of trapped Australians. services and more, view the world who have been yearning for the finalists. After returning home, she set up frequently asked questions at connection during restrictions. Melbourne’s first screening clinics 1 Virtual school holiday fun at Royal Melbourne Hospital. Even 6 Accessible pet care Home-delivered activity kits for kids contracting COVID-19 did not stop The vets, vet nurses and animal welfare aged 5 to 12 and full days of online fun Cherylynn. As soon as it was safe, officers at Lort Smith have worked and education led by experts have been she was back on the frontline. KEEP IN TOUCH tirelessly to support much-loved a great help for working parents in Melburnian animals and their carers The Melbourne Awards are a To stay connected with all recent months. This innovation was the during COVID-19. They have also taken great opportunity for community the latest news from the City brainchild of KidsCo, a company that on a huge emergency caseload to help changemakers to be recognised, of Melbourne, follow us on ran on-site school holiday programs at keep pets with their families regardless raise their public profile and create social media and subscribe to workplaces before COVID-19. of financial circumstances. valuable networks to further Melbourne magazine online at their goals. 2 Live music in your lounge room Enjoy live music from home thanks To read more about this year’s You can also join conversations to the weekly Isol-Aid Festival on finalists, to influence plans for your Instagram. At the end of each set, the melbourneawards neighbourhood through musicians tag the next artist to perform, Participate Melbourne at sending fans down a rabbit hole of new music discovery. This event draws a growing community each week, with Connect with us more than 18,500 unique viewers. WATCH THE AWARDS /cityofmelbourne 3 Selfless service CEREMONY @cityofmelbourne Driven by sewa (selfless service) @cityofmelbourne the Sikh Volunteers group has been To see the winners of the working harder than ever to support Melbourne Awards announced people of all backgrounds during on television, including the COVID-19. Every day, volunteers have announcement of the Melburnian provided free food and water to people of the Year, tune in to Channel 9 in need, distributing more than 84,000 Lort Smith Animal Hospital at 2pm on Saturday 21 November. meals in the past four months alone.

Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 5 On the campaign trail words by Rhonda Dredge ELECTIONS

The City of Melbourne council elections got underway in October with none of the stunts, meet-the-candidate events or the flamboyant billboards of past contests. Some are calling it the “sanitised elec- tion” with face-to-face canvassing virtually non-existent. There has been some letterboxing by the Victorian Socialists and The Greens. But the prevalence of security entrances in high-rise buildings made it difficult for grass roots parties to reach potential voters. Mary Poulakis and Fiona Sweetman, both local businesswomen in the CBD, have come closest to actually being on the hustings. Mary runs Harrolds department store in Collins St while Fiona runs a walking tour business, Hidden Secrets, from the Nicholas Building in Swanston St. The two running partners had a chance to address potential voters at small businesses that have stayed open during the pandemic while they’ve been taking their daily exercise on the streets. “I’ve been having four coffees a day,” Mary ▲ Local businesswomen Fiona Sweetman and Fiona Sweetman approaching a cafe in Spring St. said. Their aim had been to show the faces behind their businesses, not easy when you’re wearing a mask unless it is lowered to take a sip. Xavier Dupe is one of 250 volunteers for the Both are in favour of a populist style of cam- Victorian Socialists who also used their exer- paign but acknowledge the difficulty of making cise breaks to canvas around Melbourne. connections with voters when they are only Xavier was distributing around the Vic permitted to deliver their election material not Market and he had received a tip-off that the actually chat. residents of a building in La Trobe St had not “I came across a [man at a] mobile repair shop received how-to-vote cards so he caught a tram in Lonsdale St,” Mary said. “He had a creative in from Brunswick during his lunch break. way of trading. I stopped to give him a flyer.” He’s lucky because the letterboxes are outside “He was a young businessman. ‘Is this you?’ the security door and soon the Socialist prefer- he asked. I said ‘yes’. He said, ‘I’ve got 20 votes ences for Lord Mayor and council are on the top ▲ Apsara Sabaratnam letterboxing in her own building. from family and business.’” of other election material. He asked her a policy question that Mary an- He said he had trouble getting into buildings numbers off the census then match them up swered, then he repaired the glass on the front whereas Australia Post, which has keys or codes, people on the roll. of her phone, and she was on her way. is delivering advertising material while political In past elections campaigners have even had Both Mary and Fiona have stood before to parties are unable to distribute pamphlets. conversations with voters over intercom. “It can support male candidates in more flamboyant “I’ve been letterboxing behind a postie,” still be effective,” Aspara said, but she said this times when candidates were prepared to spend Xavier said, “and I’ve seen him deliver ads for ▲ Xavier Dupe on the job for the Victorian Socialists. form of communication had been banned this big money to win over voters. Domino’s.” year. “I was on the bottom of the Robert Doyle There has been no door-knocking either. “The CBD is not an easy place to crack be- ticket,” Fiona said. “I was there for the numbers.” “In previous campaigns we’ve done a lot of “This is an extension of a gated American cause of all these impediments,” she said • Perhaps there’s a new honesty creeping into door-knocking. We reach out like that and have community like Americans have created,” she campaigning that is refreshing. Candidates are had some success,” he said. said. “You can’t access any other floor. You have expressing their frustration with the process, Campaigners are not exactly welcomed by to go to the ground floor and ring the door bell.” Rhonda Dredge some problems unique to the CBD, such as the body corporates who plaster their entrances She bemoans the lack of community. “We’ve difficulty in getting through to corporates that with no smoking, video surveillance and other grown up in a society that wants to keep out JOURNALIST have temporarily closed during the pandemic. forbidding signs. unsavoury characters. Some people own a place [email protected] “If you don’t get the opportunity to speak free- Greens Lord Mayoral candidate Aspara and only come here every couple of years.” ly to people you don’t understand what they’re Sabaratnam has letterboxed her own building The Greens have got through to voters passionate about,” Mary said. “Otherwise it’s in Spring St. Bizarrely the letterboxes are in the by phoning residents on the electoral roll. just motherhood statements.” basement. This takes time. They have to buy the mobile


Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News The Voice of Postcode 3000 6 Outdoor dining fast-tracked words by Meg Hill photography by John Tadigiri BUSINESS

Arrangements to kick start Victoria’s outdoor dining program have been sped up in prepara- tion for Melbourne’s reopening. A new planning exemption was announced by Minister for Planning Richard Wynne on October 21, and by end of the same week the City of Melbourne had issued more than 1000 outdoor dining permits – representing more than 98 per cent of applications received. The planning exemption allows existing cafes, restaurants, bars and pubs – which will reopen by November 1 – to use existing outdoor spaces as well as nearby parks and public land to accommodate and serve patrons without the need for a planning permit. ▲ Ryan and Laura from Axil Coffee Roasters on Bourke St prepare for outdoor dining. In the wake of the exemption announcement, the council was busy establishing ready-made outdoor dining “parklets” across the city, in- council and the prospect of regular night-time cluding in car parking spaces on Flinders Lane events. and Bourke St. “They were giving blanket permits for 12 The Minister for Planning Richard Wynne months which residents felt was way too long, said the exemption was about removing hurdles it didn’t have a temporary feel about it,” Ms for hospitality businesses. Eltham said. “I can announce that the government has Following discussions with residents, the removed all hurdles to allow hospitality to ex- council added an option to shorten permits. pand its operations outdoors,” Mr Wynne said Although residents complained about the at a press conference on October 21. lack of a “temporary feel” to the program, while The new provisions also provide exemptions announcing the new planning exemption on from the need to obtain planning permits for October 21 Premier Daniel Andrews implied construction of temporary buildings, the provi- the program was likely to stick around for lon- sion of car parking, and the sale and consump- ger than the summer. tion of liquor – subject to conditions. Mr Andrews said the government was The exemptions will apply while Victoria “planning changes that will facilitate not just remains under a State of Emergency, and for 12 COVID-safe outdoor dining this summer, but months after the State of Emergency has been what I think may well be a feature of our city lifted. Liquor licence, public health matters and and our state for many summers to come”. public land manager requirements may still Another resident of Punch Lane, Jacquie ▲ An outdoor dining space on Little Collins St outside Lupino Restaurant. need to be met along with council administered Giuffrida, said the arrangements were not local laws – including local planning permits. appropriate for areas with low-rise residential The CBD has been a focus of the future out- areas. consideration when developing the guidelines “The other thing about being outdoors is that door dining program, with a $100 million deal “The city is a diverse place and people seem and assessing applications.” if you’re in the sunlight or if the light is reason- between the state government and the City of to have this idea that everybody in the city is in A Department of Health and Human ably bright ultraviolet light, which comes with Melbourne to fund its roll out in the city. high-rises away from the noise of the street, but Services Victoria (DHHS) spokesperson told the sunlight, is quite good at killing virus.” But not all CBD residents have been happy that’s incorrect,” she said. CBD News the government’s “cautious steps” “And when people are sitting outside, they’re with outdoor dining arrangements proposed “There’s lot of people in low-rise or street lev- towards re-opening was guided by advice from able to be more distant from each other.” since the program was originally announced in el houses like we are in Punch Lane. Our front the Chief Health Officer, data and interstate and “So, all those things together provide a gener- September. doors are on the street and our windows are international evidence. al rationale for preferring outdoor eating as op- A group of CBD residents have met with the on our street, so the prospect of people dining “We know the risk of infection is much posed to indoor eating as a way of minimising Lord Mayor Sally Capp and City of Melbourne outside your front door and bedroom window higher in inside settings which is why we are virus transmission and that general conclusion officers working on the program to discuss would be the same for people in the suburbs encouraging hospitality business to open up is supported by the limited evidence we’ve got concerns. having people dining in their front yards.” outdoors where possible,” the spokesperson about the virus transmission.” • One of those residents, Jenny Eltham, said City of Melbourne Chief Executive Officer said. discussions with council had been constructive Justin Hanney said applications for extended University of Melbourne Professor John but residents were concerned about the speed outdoor dining were being assessed on a case- Mathews, an expert in epidemiology and a with which arrangements were being made. by-case basis and with consideration of differ- former senior public health adviser for the fed- “I think the council has gone through a very ent factors – including the needs of residents. eral government, said the health rationale for good effort in taking on board some of the resi- “Guidelines are available to help businesses outdoor activity was supported by the current Meg Hill dents’ concerns,” Ms Eltham said. operate outside in a way that maintains safety available evidence. JOURNALIST

“I still worry, and I think everyone’s worried, and amenity for residents, businesses and pe- “I think there are a number of issues, one is [email protected] with the fact it’s all being done so quickly.” destrians,” he said. that outdoors there’s more ventilation obvious- Ms Eltham, who lives on Punch Lane in the “We’ve had virtual meetings and phone calls ly, so if there’s airborne virus it’s not going to CBD, said some of the specific concerns were with resident groups and individual residents, get concentrated inside, it will drift away,” he with the lengths of permits being issued by the and their views and needs have been taken into said. Chinatown welcomes outdoor dining words by Wing Kuang easing the indoor dining restrictions. outdoor dining.” BUSINESS “People will only come [to a restaurant] if But he was optimistic that businesses in indoor dining is allowed. Now no one leaves Chinatown could cope with the new challenge. home [and comes to Chinatown],” she said. “Most of them are experienced operators, As COVID-19 restrictions ease, the desire of Ms Wong expected it would cost her business they have been in businesses for a long, long restaurants in Chinatown to reopen and bring around $1000 to set up for outdoor dining. She time,” Mr Doon said. back crowds like the old days is stronger than worried that Cantonese cuisine might not suit Vice president of CPA Eng Lim said the ever. outdoor dining, and it might still be difficult unforeseeable weather in Melbourne could be The precinct’s many restaurant owners wel- for the business to cover its costs with outdoor a challenge for the restaurants, and CPA was come the City of Melbourne’s outdoor dining dining implemented. working closely with the City of Melbourne re- plans as a means of reviving Chinatown but Mr Cheng, an employee of a Cantonese garding the implementation of outdoor dining remain concerned about the economic and cul- restaurant that wished to remain anonymous, in Chinatown and nearby areas. tural realities of outdoor dining. was also concerned Cantonese cuisine wouldn’t She also said CPA was organising events in Chinatown restaurants may host outdoor fit with such a dining style. November and December to encourage visitors dining on Russell St and Bourke St East, two of “We can do Yum Cha outdoors, but it’s weird to come back to Chinatown. This included a the four key dining areas identified by the City to do Cantonese fine dining outdoors, in par- post mid-autumn festival event on December of Melbourne in October. If Victoria continues ticular with a big group of family,” he said. But 19. the remaining low number of COVID-19 cases, still, he supported the plan, “it’s still better than A mini lantern parade, a dragon dance and this might come along with the reopening of nothing.” a lucky draw with a prize of a motor scooter indoor dining with limited seats in November. President of Chinatown Precinct Association would also be hosted at that time. Jackie Wong, a board member of Crystal Jade (CPA) Danny Doon said outdoor dining was “People can really physically zoom into Cantonese Restaurant, welcomed the outdoor “simply a new thing” for Chinatown, whose Chinatown, not a virtual one,” Ms Lim said • dining plan and hoped it would attract foot traf- restaurants and cuisines mostly catered indoors. fic. But she said she was still looking forward to “In Chinatown, at the moment, there’s not much

Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 7 Questions over delays to council housing initiative words by Sean Car stimulus investment in social housing urgently HOUSING It’s understood the council needed to respond to growing homelessness has selected a preferred and included a $41.3 million cut to homeless- ness services from July 2021. A scheme announced by the City of Melbourne operator to manage the Speaking on budget night on October 6, Ms more than a year ago to convert a building building, but delays have Smith described the budget as “senseless and it owns in the CBD into accommodation for cruel”. rough sleepers in collaboration with the corpo- set in surrounding a “Tonight’s budget is devastating,” she said. rate and philanthropic sectors has become beset service provider, which is “In a year with huge increases in unemployment with delays. creating a surge in rental stress and homeless- The initiative, which was announced on being run under a separate ness, the federal government has chosen to slash World Homeless Day on October 10 last year, (DHHS). tender by the Department homelessness funding.” has seen the council partner with a number of CBD News has contacted the City of “The Treasurer had a choice to make, and he groups to find, assess and redevelop suitable Melbourne for comment on several occasions of Health and Human has chosen homelessness for tens of thousands buildings for homelessness shelters and support but has received no response to date. But sourc- Services (DHHS). of Australian families. Without increases in services. es within the council have said it has unnec- social housing and with even less resources In a press release announcing the program, essarily tied itself up in procedural delays and for homelessness services, many families will the council stated, “the vision is to provide a intricate details in delivering the program. become stuck in homelessness for a long time.” greater supply of supported accommodation HAA founding director Rob Pradolin said his “The government has ignored advice from to help people off the streets and provide the organisation and the companies involved were all corners: from top economists, property wrap-around services required to build path- still firmly committed to the project. industry and community sector leaders, as well ways into secure housing for people sleeping “The time for talking is over. We to take ac- as popular support from the community; all rough in Melbourne.” tion and to take action now,” he said. calling for the government to invest in social Major corporate supporters include devel- “HAA is still committed to assist the City of housing to both create thousands of new jobs oper Lendlease, philanthropic groups such Melbourne in creating long term accommoda- each year and to deliver enormous social good.” as Housing All Australians (HAA), service tion for vulnerable Victorians. We have offered, ↥ CBD News understands that the Victorian providers The Salvation Army, VincentCare, over 12 months ago now, the assistance of an state government is due to announce $5 billion Melbourne City Mission and Launch Housing, amazing group of value-aligned corporates, supporters and individuals to contribute to for housing over the next 10 years as part of as well as the professional services such as those that have committed using their skills to assist the initiative for the urgent need to repurpose its state budget, which has been deferred until of PwC Australia. in constructing this accommodation, on a pro buildings to provide appropriate accommoda- November due to COVID-19. The first site earmarked to kickstart the pro- bono basis.” tion and house essential support services. Premier Daniel Andrews has recently indi- gram, a six-storey council-owned building be- “The companies that have made this com- According to a 2014 report, the City of cated that the budget will be “unprecedented in lieved to be valued at around $20 million, was mitment includes Kane Construction, Cox Melbourne owns 74 properties across inner the scale and the nature of the investments” the to be converted into housing for rough sleepers Architecture, Rider Levett Bucknell, Gallagher Melbourne worth more than $2.5 billion. The government plans to make • in coordination with HAA. Jeffs, Umow Lia, Hollerich Town Planning, idea behind pop-up shelters is that an un- While HAA secured the professional services Bonaci Group, de Chateau Chun, Irwin Consult, der-utilised building is converted for a period of a range of private sector organisations free Marshall Day and Norton Rose Fulbright. The of 20 to 30 years until it is sold or the site is of charge to redevelop the building fit-for- total value of this philanthropic gesture by developed. purpose, the City of Melbourne is still yet to these entities is in the order of $3.5 million.” The importance of the program has been finalise service arrangements for the building Under the program, the council will partner heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic, with Sean Car more than a year later. with Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and a recent data from the Australian Institute of EDITOR It’s understood the council has selected a pre- giving account within the foundation’s tax-de- Health and Welfare (AIHW) showing that so- ferred operator to manage the building, but de- ductible fund will be established to take pledges cial housing stock in Australia has continued to [email protected] lays have set in surrounding a service provider, and accept donations for this homelessness decline amid soaring demand. which is being run under a separate tender by initiative. Homeless Australia chair Jenny Smith said the Department of Health and Human Services This partnership will allow corporate October’s federal budget failed to include



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Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News The Voice of Postcode 3000 8 Retail reopens ahead of Christmas trading words by David Schout its “Shop The City” campaign from November BUSINESS 27 to 30, which will work with the city’s major retailers and shopping precincts to promote special offers and provide marketing assistance CBD retailers finally got their wish in late to the city’s retail businesses. October as Premier Daniel Andrews gave the Mr Hanney said businesses could register to green light to reopen two months out from take part in campaign until close of business on Christmas. Wednesday, November 4. After an anxiety-filled year, outlets forced “We are looking forward to safely welcoming to shutter on July 8 reopened on October 28 shoppers back into the city for our annual Shop after a gruelling second wave of lockdowns in the City event, which will run in alignment Melbourne. with our Christmas Festival and Melbourne For 112 days, most CBD retailers were open Fashion Week and correspond with major for click-and-collect only and struggled in an sales shopping days known as Black Friday and environment usually teeming with life. Cyber Monday,” he said. Prior to the pandemic, Melbourne welcomed “It’s an opportunity for shoppers to take almost 1 million people into the central city advantage of great deals while enjoying activa- each day. tions such as pop-up street runways, food and However, pedestrian counters during the sec- drink offerings, freebies and music. It’s been a ond wave revealed CBD foot traffic was down tough year for retail and we are encouraging about 90 per cent compared to the same time people to get behind city businesses and give in 2019. them a much-needed boost over the summer Awaiting election results as the Premier’s an- and Christmas holiday period.” nouncement was made, incumbent Lord Mayor ▲ The hero image from the council’s “Shop The City” campaign website. “All activations will be run in a COVID-safe Sally Capp said the news was a rich reward. manner, adhering to the necessary restrictions “All Melbournians will welcome today’s an- at the time.” • nouncement by the Premier that our city will small and midsize retailers. year’s Christmas windows, continuing the 65- take a major reopening step on Wednesday. “The significant delays and setbacks, along year tradition at Bourke Street Mall Hospitality and retail can reopen safely and with mounting financial concerns, have had a The festive display would have a “very that means cash registers ringing and more heavy impact on the mental health and wellbe- Melbourne” theme this year according to coun- Melburnians back to work,” she said. ing of this hardworking community,” he said. cil CEO Justin Hanney. “Our community has done an amazing job “But this long-awaited opening means that “The Christmas Festival usually provides a to slow the spread of the virus. Melbourne did a COVID-safe normalcy can finally begin to $73 million economic boost for local business- For more information: what we needed to do and so did the Premier. emerge in Victoria. We are pleased at this stage es,” he said. Now it’s time to restart our economy safely to that there are no further retail restrictions than “This year’s Christmas Festival program support businesses and save jobs.” those which have already been communicated, will really focus on supporting the city’s retail Retailers are confident that, as movement most which have proven to keep shopping a safe and hospitality businesses while providing a throughout the city picks up, recovery will experience. This is a point we advocated strong- uniquely Melbourne Christmas atmosphere and David Schout begin. ly for, given the exemplary safety performance experience. Most of the CBD’s office workers, however, of retailers throughout the pandemic.” “We’re looking at ways to bring people back JOURNALIST will remain at home: employers are being told if Mr Zahra paid tribute to the City of into the city to see decorations, light installa- [email protected] their employees can work away from the office, Melbourne’s work around making the CBD tions, enjoy festive music and other experiences they must. ready for a COVID-safe return. to encourage Melburnians to spend in our Australian Retailers Association (ARA) CEO Earlier in October Myer, in conjunction with stores and hospitality venues.” Paul Zahra said 2020 had been a “long haul” for the council, reversed the decision to cancel this The City of Melbourne is also set to launch

Market job a “smart phone detox” words by Rhonda Dredge COMMUNITY

International students are adding flair and imagination to the selling of products at the Queen Victoria Market (QVM) and market stall holders are helping them adjust to life in lock- down Melbourne. When Hyung-Gil Shin arrived to study cre- ative writing at the University of Melbourne he had never worked before. He now has a job selling organic vegetables, but he also has a 1000-word story due in for assessment. “I’m calling it Men with Women,” Hyung- Gil said. He’s met quite a few since starting at Twinkle Berrys in March but the title is all he’s really worked out so far. It wasn’t easy for Hyung-Gil to clinch this prime job at the market. He had three discussions with the stall holder Rob and refused to take no for an answer even though he’d never heard of celery, thought potatoes came in one variety and bought his vegies ready to go at the su- permarket because they were easy to cook. “It’s a long story,” he said, of his road from all- night Netflix addict to early-riser. “When I first ▲ Rob and Hyung-Gil are making a go of it at Twinkle Berrys, a new organic produce store at QVM. came here, I always wanted a part-time job,” he said. “It was really hard. I’d been here two months when I saw an ad on Seek.” “I thought no. It wouldn’t happen. I was frus- totally different. When I first started work, I student when he applied in March. He’d just “I texted him [Rob] and he said ‘Okay. Call to- trated. I couldn’t leave here. I was sitting on the really struggled. When they said bring silver bought the business himself and opened two morrow. Do you have any experience with fruit bench and tried to understand. I still wanted the beet I didn’t know what it was.” weeks before the State of Emergency was and vegetables?’ I said no. He said ‘it’s probably job. I took notes for 5-10 minutes and I went to Hyung-Gil now works five days a week start- declared. not happening. I’m looking for an experienced see him again. I asked him if there was training.” ing at 2am. He said he was getting further from “As long as you are willing to work and learn, guy.’” “I said ‘I can really work hard’. He said okay. reading and writing. everyone’s got to start somewhere,” he said. Hyung-Gil pushed, and Rob suggested he He didn’t say I’m going to hire you. He said “I used to watch a lot of Netflix. I started feel- “We’re both Aquarians.” come in so they could talk face to face. come tomorrow at 5am.” ing symptoms. If you use your brain too much Twinkle Berrys specialises in organic vegeta- Two days later they met each other, and Rob That was six months ago just after the lock- you get back ache and a lot of stress. This [work] bles at affordable prices. A three-kilogram bag asked the same questions. He got the same an- down started. really helps with symptoms. It’s a smart phone of navel oranges was selling for $6.95 and snow swers and Rob said he might contact Hyung-Gil “I love it here,” Hyung-Gil said, “but detox.” peas for $12.95 a kilogram when CBD News in two months. the vegetables in Australia and Korea are Rob was empathetic towards the young visited •

Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 9

▲ More than 50 locals and their dogs gather at Flagstaff Gardens calling on the City of Melbourne to establish an off-leash area in their local park. Locals want space for dogs words by Meg Hill got a fence around it, and the basketball courts “Flagstaff Gardens is one of the busiest parks “I work in a hospital; we do long shifts and our COMMUNITY and tennis courts, so that argument doesn’t re- in the municipality for a range of different uses. dogs are kept at home while we’re at work. The ally hold water.” It is a very popular place for dog walking as well only time for the to meet other dogs is during Joanna, another dog-owner who lives near as children’s play, tennis and bowls, picnicking, walks.” More than 250 locals have signed a petition ask- Flagstaff Gardens, said the nearest off-leash exercise, events and passing through.” Joanna said as CBD residents they were ing for an off-leash area in Flagstaff Gardens. areas were not within walking distance. “We respectfully ask that dog walkers comply encouraged to not own cars, and dogs are not The petition was started by a group of “I’ve lived in the city for 14 years. I moved to with the leashing requirements, ensuring safe allowed on public transport unless muzzled. dog-owners who met through their efforts to this area six years ago and I think four years ago and fair access to the park for all who wish to “I’ve tried calling taxis and Ubers but then we secure an off-leash space. there were a couple of petitions put together,” use it.” have the issue of them refusing us because we They’ve complained they have nowhere to she said. Mr Hanney also said the council was in nego- have pets,” she said. walk their dogs off-leash in the CBD and have “The council just gave a very short, standard tiations with the state government to establish Gavin said that given Flagstaff was one of the asked the council to introduce one. response that said it was a heritage-listed park a land use agreement prior to construction of oldest parks in Melbourne, it was rightly heritage One local dog-owner, Gavin, said he started and there were off-leash areas within the city or a new dog park at the corner of City Rd and protected, but that shouldn’t preclude an off- a petition in March after asking the close-to.” Kings Way in Southbank. leash area for dogs. council for assistance. But City of Melbourne Chief Executive The future Southbank dog park, as well as “As we can see especially during the pandemic “I approached the council back in March this Officer Justin Hanney toldCBD News the the other off-leash areas currently closest to the more and more people are using the park, more year and got a bit of a run around. We’ve all council was undertaking a review of off-leash CBD in Ron Barrassi Park in Docklands and dog-owners are using the park, so I think there’s heard that Flagstaff Gardens can’t have fenced areas and “considering how we might introduce Clayton Reserve in North Melbourne are more a real opportunity here to unite the community,” off areas because it’s a heritage-listed park, but more of these areas while balancing the needs than 30 minutes walking distance from where he said • that argument doesn’t stand anymore,” he said. of other park users”. Joanna and Gavin live, near Flagstaff. “You’ve got things like the lawn bowls that’s “We will be conducting community consulta- “It’s impossible for people in full-time work,” got a fence around it, you’ve got the house that’s tion on the review next year,” Mr Hanney said. Joanna said.

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Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News The Voice of Postcode 3000 10 Biggest candidate forum yet tunes in for election debate words by Meg Hill to determine policies like the outdoor dining ELECTIONS initiative. Tension between the current Lord Mayor Sally Capp and Deputy Lord Mayor Arron Residents3000 and East Enders hosted their Wood became apparent while the questions biggest ever meeting on October 1 – a Lord regarding residents were addressed. Mayoral meet-the-candidates forum. Lord Mayor Sally Capp said she wanted to Eight Lord Mayoral candidates took turns establish a resident’s representative panel, while answering questions at the forum, which was Arron Wood pointed to the strength of exist- also attended by a number of other residents’ ing residents’ groups and dismissed the Lord groups, including the Docklands Representative Mayor’s idea. Group, the Parkville Association, Southbank “Rather than say let’s set up another consul- Residents’ Association, South Yarra Residents’ tation avenue, let’s actually listen, let’s act and Association and We Live Here. get things done rather than just set up another East Enders president Stan Capp facilitated bureaucratic level that can be bounced around the meeting, which had more than 160 people in,” Cr Wood said. in attendance. Cr Wood also criticised the processes of “This is a great recognition, might I say, for resident consultation undergone in preparation our eight candidates who have attracted the for the outdoor dining program as not thorough record for Residents3000 and East Enders,” Mr enough. Capp said. Phil Reed, the Labor for Melbourne candi- “Thank you to the eight of you for giving up date, was the only candidate in attendance to your time tonight. It’s a unique opportunity that state in-principle opposition to resident panels we see, and we look forward to you responding and juries. to questions.” “I’m not a fan of citizen juries or creating The candidates in attendance were Gary extra layers of bureaucracy like that,” he said. Morgan, Nick Russian, Lord Mayor Sally Capp, “I’m a fan of democratically elected council- Arron Wood, Apsara Sabaratnam, Jennifer lors doing the job they’re meant to do and being Yang, Phil Reed and Kath Larkin. responsible to residents on issues like planning Questions were put to the candidates about across the board.” • the interests of residents coming out of lock- down, outdoor dining, resident panels, medi- cally supervised injection rooms, homelessness, noise issues and overshadowing. Resident consultation was an aspect of many For more information: of the questions, like one that asked how can- ▲ A screenshot captured of local residents and Lord Mayoral canidates on October 1. didates would consider and consult residents

More pedestrian works begin words by David Schout Mall, the State Library of Victoria and Queen LOCAL NEWS Victoria Market) that the government and council has shielded from cars to prevent a repeat of the 2017 Bourke St attack. Temporary concrete blocks were installed as Works continue within the CBD for improved an immediate but temporary security measure, pedestrian space and security, ahead of a return before the installation of permanent structures to “COVID normal” city life. including street furniture and planter boxes. In recent months the City of Melbourne and Steel bollards across the road at the expanded state government have taken advantage of a qui- Flinders Street Station forecourt are already in et city centre to initiate works, and in October place. two further projects began. They follow other recently-started work on Elizabeth St, plus the transforming of several CBD “little streets” into pedestrian priority zones.

Spencer street’s extra space One of the CBD’s most cramped pedestrian areas will soon better accommodate those on foot. In October the council began footpath wid- ▲ The eastern side of Spencer St will be improved. ening works on the eastern side of Spencer St, opposite Southern Cross Station. Between Little Bourke and Collins streets, the southbound traffic lane will be cut from two to one, and the cramped footpath will extend out onto what was previously the road. The 740 sqms of extra space will also be filled with planter boxes, bicycle hoops and seating. The works included much needed widening to the Spencer and Collins streets intersection, New laws to protect cyclists one of the state’s busiest. Pedestrian safety wasn’t the only issue on the Earlier this year, more than 15,000 people minds of the authorities in October. crossed the intersection during the morning In good news for cyclists, minimum passing peak, with pedestrians outnumbering vehicles distance laws are finally set to be introduced, by five to one. bringing Victoria in line with the rest of the A pedestrian was struck and killed at the in- country. tersection in 2015, when a garbage truck turned From next year, drivers will need to pass left into Collins St. ▲ An artist impression of the new security bollards outside Federation Square (Picture: City of Melbourne). cyclists at a minimum distance of one metre “Spencer St has historically been one of on roads with speed limits up to 60km/h, and Melbourne’s most congested intersections and 1.5 metres on roads with speed limits above it’s normally used by thousands of pedestrians Surveys conducted prior to its release re- Fed Square bollards 60km/h. every day,” the council’s CEO Justin Hanney vealed that more than two-thirds of people felt Work has also finally begun on the installa- The new law comes after strong campaigning said. CBD footpaths were “overcrowded”. tion of security bollards along Swanston St, from a number of groups, notably the Amy “The increased footpath space around this Given that just 26 per cent of street space outside Federation Square. Gillett Foundation, for safer cycling laws. major transport hub will provide more room to is allocated to footpaths, the council has since Due to be completed by the end of 2019, the RACV’s senior manager transport Peter physically distance and boost confidence that then made no secret its plans to prioritise pe- steel bollards are now on track for a late-2020 Kartsidimas said the new laws provided clarity people can safely return to the city.” destrians in the CBD, over what they view as finish. for all road users. Last year, the council released a 10-year space-inefficient cars. Footpaths, pedestrian crossings and bicycle “This formalises for motorists that you transport strategy which was built on evidence Council modelling suggested the move would lanes may be closed at times. should be doing everything you can to keep cy- that suggested that almost nine in 10 trips with- have minimal impact on the wider transport The Swanston St project is one of nine areas clists in a safe zone. Cyclists will feel safer and in the CBD were done on foot. network. in inner-Melbourne (including Bourke Street like more legitimate road users, too,” he said • Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 11 Creative writing award winners share their stories

The Lord Mayor’s Creative Writing Awards returned in 2020 after a three-year hiatus. CBD News spoke with two prize winners – Yamiko Marama and Andrew Harris – about their stories.

Stalingrad words by Meg Hill completed a fellowship at the Wheeler Centre, ARTS & CULTURE and had her work published in Growing up Andrew Harris was the poetry category win- Queer in Australia alongside Benjamin Law, ner with Stalingrad, an attempt to capture the Nayuka Gorrie, David Marr, Giselle Au-Nhien feeling of Melbourne’s first lockdown. It was difficult to Nguyen and Christos Tsoilkas – among others. “It was difficult to capture the feeling of be- Thirty-Six Hours “I’ve always really loved writing, I used to ing under that first lockdown, which feels like capture the feeling of Yamiko Marama won the overall prize for her fill up diaries with really embarrassing teen a very long time ago now indeed,” he told CBD being under that first narrative non-fiction pieceThirty-Six Hours – a content growing up, but I’ve only started to see News. personal essay exploring identity and culture. it as a career the past couple of years,” she said. “To me it was the small changes to the way lockdown, which feels “The story I wrote was about getting my hair “A big part of that was winning the fellow- we were living that were making the most dif- like a very long time ago braided and my relationship with my hair and ship with the Wheeler Centre, it made me think ference and were the most stark and noticeable.” hair salons in general – and being an Australian about my writing a lot more.” “So, the piece refers to playgrounds and how now indeed. To me it with African heritage,” she told CBD News. During her fellowship Yamiko was mentored they were not accessible to children, and it talks was the small changes to “It’s about trying to navigate different spaces, by Sisonke Msimang – a South African writer about that feeling of being under siege which it having that relationship with culture and with and author of Always Anther Country: A mem- why it’s called Stalingrad.” the way we were living yourself change as you get older, finding differ- oir of exile and home and The Resurrection of Andrew said he also tried to capture that that were making the ent environments and creating environments.” Winnie Mandela. perhaps there is solidarity in the experience, In Thirty-Six Hours Yamiko wrote that she “She [Msimang] was a phenomenal mentor. despite being apart from one another, but that is most difference and spends 36 hours a day at her salon – Emmie’s We were able to talk about writing, talk about also essentially a very lonely kind of experience. were the most stark and African hairdresser. A trip there – for an eight- how you write in a way that both represents “I deliberately ended it with a moment of hour long day of hair braiding – is encapsulated yourself and your community as well,” Yamiko potential hope, but I can’t say I felt any hope at noticeable. through the essay’s themes of identity. said. that time,” he said. “It has a route of which I know the landmarks “It was also just being supported by the Andrew has been writing poetry since year of, the way I know myself; some aspects I know, Wheeler Centre staff and there were 10 people seven and spoke of mentors he’d had over that and recognise clearly, while whole chunks are who won fellowships so having the opportunity time – principally his year seven English teacher regularly un-observed, therefore non-existent,” to meet other writers and share the experience David Thompson and his friend Alex Skovron, Yamiko said. with them.” who are both published poets. She said the piece was meant to present an Yamiko has continued to work in her profes- “I’ve been talking poetry with Alex for at experience that would be new to many, but also sion as a therapist through her writing projects least 15 years, maybe even closer to 20. He once with their own experiences. and also runs a food truck with her partner. She said to me that it evolves slowly. He didn’t start “I don’t think there’s a lot of stories out there is mulling over what her next writing project publishing in earnest until his 40s,” Andrew ↥ by African Australians, there’s lots of amazing will be. said. African Australian writers, but whether they “I’ve got a memoir that I’m slowly working “So, I’ve never been in a rush with poetry.” have access or that platform is a different ques- on, that’s a really slow work in progress,” she For Andrew, who is 36 years old, lockdown tion,” she said. said. has put an end to five years of working in the “Maybe it’s a unique story, I like to think there “Working in mental health I’m very inter- CBD doing business development for engineer- Poetry competition,” Andrew said. were elements that were new to people, but that ested in what’s going on in the system and how ing firms. “I think the Lord Mayor’s Creative Writing narrative of trying to fit in and make sense of over-burdened it is at the moment.” But lockdown is also what inspired his win- Awards are really important to support the arts who you are resonates with a lot of people.” “I don’t want to solely focus on my cultural ning piece – and his second time winning the community in Melbourne, there’s not a lot of Yamiko has only been writing professionally heritage, and I don’t want to focus too much on blind-judged Lord Mayor’s poetry prize. opportunity to motivate people to create a kind for a couple of years but has begun to make her mental health – they’re not the only things I’m “I won it last time it was run, in 2017, and that of profile in this work.” mark on the Australian writing scene. She has interested in, so we’ll see.” same year I also won the My Brother Jack Open “It was a wonderful surprise to win again.” •

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Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News The Voice of Postcode 3000 12 Collins St falcons set to fly words by David Schout ENVIRONMENT

Melbourne’s much-loved peregrine falcons at ❝ 367 Collins St have seen their chicks hatch suc- One result of this is the young cessfully again this spring and online viewers are eagerly (and nervously) awaiting their first actually lose weight and keep attempt to fly. growing their flight feathers.

On October 2 the falcon parents, who for several years have lived in a man-made nest This makes them lighter, so atop the CBD , welcomed three new flying is❝ easier. chicks into the world. Now fledglings, their progress has been fol- lowed by thousands online via a 24-hour stream of the nest 34 floors up. Popularity of the stream has grown steadily in recent years, but in a locked-down Melbourne it has boomed, with tens of thousands glued to their progress. falcons were nesting in the gutters. After the third and final egg was laid on weight and keep growing their flight feathers. likely have been born elsewhere. Those eggs did not hatch, so Dr Hurley in- August 29, they were incubated for 34 days This makes them lighter, so flying is easier. In Both are approximately seven years old and stalled a nesting box in the exact spot to ensure before hatching. fact, a fledgling will have longer wings than its it is believed they have been there since 2018, the next year might be a success. But it is early November that’s set to be cru- parents. It’s a bit like having training wheels on although this could not be confirmed without It wasn’t until 2016 that the live webcam was cial for the fledglings. a toddler’s bicycle,” he said. tagging. installed, and quickly became popular. After developing flight feathers at 24 to 28 And unlike their human counterparts who They will continue to be together once empty The Facebook page now has more than days of age, they will then spend time exercis- may return home after a tough initiation in the nesters; bonded adult pairs, hang out together 18,000 followers. ing their wing muscles. rental market, the young falcons leave the nest for life. The falcons usually nest on cliff faces, and to As they approach their final week in the nest, for good. For their offspring — expected to fly around them the CBD likely resembles a canyon. the adults will give them a none-too-subtle hint “Once they are ready to disperse, each goes mid-November — viewers will be hoping for a To watch the live stream and to learn more that it was time to enter the real world by reduc- their own way. The females tend to disperse happier ending than last year, when one of the about Collins Street’s peregrine falcons ing their food supply. further than the males in order to find their chicks died on camera. • Project leader of the Victorian Peregrine own nest site. This differential dispersal be- Similarly, in 2017, two chicks died after di- Project Dr Victor Hurley said in a previous haviour is common among birds and has the gesting what was thought to be poison from a question-and-answer session on the dedicated effect of reducing the likelihood of inbreeding.” pigeon carcass fed to it by one of its parents. “367 Collins Falcons” Facebook page that this Less than two per cent of peregrines remain The story of the Collins St falcons goes back was all part of the growing-up process. at the nest site in which they hatched to breed in almost 30 years. For more information: “One result of this is the young actually lose future years, meaning the current adults would In 1991 the building’s owners noticed the

Almost 30 years on, can residents again lead CBD recovery? words by David Schout conversion project, in which the city, working ECONOMY with industry partners, converted vacant floors of a historical building into apartments,” they wrote. In the early 1990s, a recession-hit Melbourne “Despite initial scepticism, the city recovered looked to new residents as a vital part of central its investment as rents exceeded expectations city revitalisation. Nearly three decades on, and ‘a long waiting list of prospective tenants’ could this be the blueprint for success again? proved it had succeeded in persuading people It was 1992 and Melbourne’s CBD was, in to live in the CBD.” boxing parlance, on the ropes. Now, almost 30 years on, the city is set to face The recession had hit the city perhaps harder another devastating blow to the economy, this than anywhere else in the country. time due to the coronavirus pandemic. Manufacturing and retail was suffering, pop- COVID-19 has already had a devastating ef- ulation was plateauing, and the buzz that would fect on tourism and international students, with Digital time capsule captures unseen Melbourne later define the city was largely non-existent. uncertainty on when they might return. Pledging to not waste a crisis, the City of The weekday work crowd — for some busi- Melbourne proposed a “Postcode 3000” plan- nesses the majority of their clientele — has words by Giulia Raneri ning policy that encouraged people to pack up irretrievably changed since March, and if some ARTS & CULTURE and move into the CBD. predictions are correct might never return to Supported by the newly-elected Jeff Kennett pre-pandemic levels. During Melbourne’s lockdowns, the City of state government, the ambitious plan aimed to For retail, prospective customers from out- Melbourne has captured a “digital time cap- increase the number of city units from (then) side the CBD might also be more reticent to sule”, a series of photos of some of the city’s just 600, to 8000 over the following 15 years. travel into the city. most iconic and never-before-seen locations. To do so, both levels of government gave in- So, could it be that residents again prove key The project captured both images and foot- centives to convert abandoned office buildings to keeping the local economy afloat? age of life in Melbourne during the mandatory into residential dwellings and new apartment In October, Lord Mayor Sally Capp said it lockdowns. Photographers also caught images towers. was new locals that could fill the void. of spaces that may normally be off limits. A media strategy promoted the CBD as an “There is huge scope for us to have more The time capsule includes more than 20 loca- affordable, safe and convenient place to live. residents,’’ she told The Sunday Age. tions, including iconic landmarks like the Grand Retailers, bar and restaurant owners were “That was a big part of how we recovered and Post Office, Blender Lane Studios, Melbourne drawn to cheaper rent and, as new residents became one of the world’s most liveable cities Museum, St Pauls Cathedral, the Hotel Windsor “This is about showing Melbournians that began to arrive, a new clientele outside the following the recession in the early ‘90s.” and Flinders Street Station lights. the things they love are still here and there’s nine-to-five office crowd. “Residents are the heartbeat and pulse of the Many of the hidden locations caught on cam- always more to discover in our city,” he said. Combined with an active arts and culture city. They underpin so much of the economic era, included the hidden balcony and clock tow- “From new street art in our laneways, to icon- scene, things began to click into motion. confidence of the city because we know there er at Melbourne Town Hall, the UooUoo public ic buildings like the Melbourne Cricket Ground The goal was reached in just 10 years, and are people here who can support local business- art trail in North Melbourne and CitiPower and the State Library Victoria, Melbourne is Melbourne was well on its way to becoming a es and attend exhibitions and go to shows and Substation J in the CBD. Australia’s cultural capital and we’ll come back thriving metropolis. participate in festivals.’’ The image from Town Hall constructed a even stronger.” And to get there, residents played a huge role. As the city looks to adjust to the new true depiction of the scale and grandeur that Across the globe other cities are also taking University of Melbourne researchers Emma “COVID-normal”, the recovery will likely fea- are impossible to see from the ground. The the opportunity to document the lives and Blomkamp and Jennifer Lewis wrote about ture bold decisions to make up what’s been lost image of the uninterrupted skyline provided a experiences of their citizens under lockdown. Postcode 3000 in Successful Public Policy: in 2020. breathtaking view of the city, while also draw- Schools are encouraging children to create time Lessons from Australia and New Zealand, pub- It’s not outrageous to think that growing the ing attention to the inner workings of the clock capsules of their experiences learning from lished last year. CBD community could underpin that • tower’s skeleton and huge frame. home. Their chapter, titled Marvellous Melbourne: City of Melbourne CEO Justin Hanney said To view all the highlights of the project, just Making the world’s most liveable city, outlined despite the quieter scenes around Melbourne, visit What’s On Melbourne on Facebook. The the policy’s success. this project aimed at showing the public all that entire collection will be added to the City of “At its heart was a demonstration building Melbourne could offer. Melbourne’s website in the coming months •

Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 13 The Melbourne Athenaeum’s 181 years words by Meg Hill HISTORY

Approaching its 181st birthday in November, the Melbourne Athenaeum is living through its third pandemic. In 1891 the “Russian Flu” swept across the world. Almost three decades later the 1919 “Spanish Influenza” made an even more dramat- ic run through the world’s population – killing somewhere between 20 and 50 million people. In 1918, when life was reorganised around the Spanish Flu, the Athenaeum art gallery was hosting the Australian Tonalists’ first group ▲ A 1936 drawing of the library’s reading room. exhibition – it was an art movement that would flourish between the wars. That year, masks and social distancing be- came a feature of everyday life like they are today. The start of 2020 saw the Athenaeum re- opening after closure for major refurbishments. It was gearing up for its yearly peak period in ▲ An empty Athenaeum Theatre. March and April when it is one of the CBD’s major hosts of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Eight months of lockdown meant 2020 turned into a very different 181st year for the Athenaeum – but the building has not been empty or idle. ▲ A photo taken of the library in 1957. “While we’ve been closed, plenty of work has been going on behind the scenes,” Athenaeum building manager Sue Westwood said. “Theatre technicians on Job Keeper have turned maintenance workers to give the theatre some much needed loving attention in the au- ditorium and backstage, the restaurant is being renovated and the final touches to a significant library refurbishment are being made.” The Athenaeum, one of Melbourne’s three oldest institutions, is housed in a heritage-listed three storey brick building on Collins St. It leases parts of the building to tenants, including the 900-seat theatre, a restaurant (Bistrot d’Orsay) and a jewellery store. “Those tenants really give us the funding to maintain this heritage building and also to op- ▲ The Melbourne Athenaeum Library. Photo: Grace Petrou ▲ Men read the daily news in 1962. erate our library,” Ms Westwood said. “Of course, during the pandemic theatre and Paul Boath, the theatre operations manager, “The technicians have sort of turned into well as keeping its tenants in a healthy place. hospitality are two of the hardest hit industries. said in a normal April the theatre seated thou- Michelangelos, painting very delicate filigrees,” “From our perspective, as the owners of this So, we as an organisation needed to talk to our sands of people every night. he said. heritage buildings – which is really a communi- tenants and find ways to assist them.” “When you go from an average of 3000 peo- “There’s a young lad we found who was very ty run building – we’re looking forward to have The Athenaeum decided to provide rent re- ple a night for a month or so for the Comedy diligent about colour matching. He will get our tenants with us on the other side,” she said• lief to tenants. Festival to absolutely nothing, it’s a shock,” he bits off the wall and match the colour perfectly “That’s a financial hit to us, but at the mo- said. and we end up with the colour that we always ment we are able to manage it because we also “Each year you gear up for that sort of thing.” wanted to see.” know that those two industries will be probably Mr Boath has been leading the theatre’s team Ms Westwood said the work was important For more information: be two of the last to find a way to reopen,” Ms of technicians in finely detailed maintenance in making sure the heritage-listed buildings Westwood said. work touching up and enhancing the theatre. were not left to sit idle through lockdown, as

Crown jewel on the market PROPERTY ❝ Expressions of interest to purchase one of Melbourne’s most prestigious and history rich Currently owned by the buildings closed at the end of October. It may soon change hands for only the fourth time in wealthy, property-owning its long history. family of the late John The former Cromwell House at 139 Collins St was built in 1886 for Dr. James George Beaney Kearney, the building’s star – an eccentric character from Melbourne’s past. tenant is Louis Vuitton, which

According to the Australian Dictionary of Biography, Dr Beaney – who was nicknamed has a 15-year lease expiring in “Diamond Jim” by the media – had hair “up- 2026. ❝ swept to either side of his head ‘like a pair of horns’”. “His flamboyant dressing, embellished with diamond studs, diamond and ruby rings and a bejewelled gold watch with diamond pendant, made him an admirable subject for caricature. A lover of claret and champagne, he offered Colliers International has described the site generous hospitality to his students and friends; as Melbourne CBD’s “crown jewel”. The out- he sometimes shared a jeroboam of champagne come of its run on the market may be viewed with his assistants after operating sessions,” the by many as a signifier of Melbourne’s economic biography entry reads. strength coming out of lockdown. The building would later become home to the Matt Stagg, one of the agents from Colliers Alexandra Club, a private club for women, for International managing the sale, told the Age more than 60 years. they were expecting “elite global retail investors Currently owned by the wealthy, proper- that ‘collect’ trophy assets in major cities around ty-owning family of the late John Kearney, the the world” to submit bids. building’s star tenant is Louis Vuitton, which It is expected to sell for more than $50 mil- ▲ 139 Collins St. State Library of Victoria, photographer: Spencer Shier. has a 15-year lease expiring in 2026. lion •

Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News The Voice of Postcode 3000 14 Proposal to bring Benaki to Melbourne words by Maeve Bannister PLANNING

Developer ISPT has lodged an application for the redevelopment of the former Land Titles Office (LTO) building which would include a 30-storey tower and the world’s first permanent Benaki Museum outside of Greece. The application for the heritage-listed build- ing at 247-283 Queen St is, according to ISPT, a bid to revitalise the Melbourne landmark and create a new and vibrant heritage precinct. ISPT CEO Daryl Browning said the pro- posed redevelopment of the former LTO would bring significant economic benefits to the state through the construction of the development and its ongoing operation. “[The development] represents the creation of a precinct that values and celebrates a culture of arts, education and knowledge,” he said. ▲ A render of the front of the building. According to ISPT, a substantial number of jobs would be generated by the restoration and an annual gross value added to the state of an estimated $864 million through ongoing oper- ations and $146 million for each year over the construction period. The ISPT would make a new home for the Melbourne Hellenic Museum in the original LTO heritage building as well as providing additional space in a new 30-storey tower on Little Lonsdale St. The new museum would be a collaboration with the world-renowned Benaki Museum, located in Athens, which would provide access ▲ A render of the development. to its extensive collections in Greece. Hellenic Museum CEO John Tatoulis said the new museum would be the result of a George Manginis said the partnership would unique partnership between the three entities. open a new chapter in the museum’s cosmopol- “We’ve all come together because of our itan legacy. collective belief in the need to establish “This wonderful opportunity to work with Melbourne, a truly inclusive first tier cultural the Hellenic Museum and with ISPT to estab- institution of both national and international lish a new, world class cultural institution in significance,” he said. Australia is a once in a lifetime opportunity for ▲ A look at the internal layout. Academic director of the Benaki Museum Dr all of us,” he said •

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A truly local, local

Since speaking with CBD News in 2017, a lot has Following successive changed for CBD resident and small business owner, Melanie Ashe. lockdowns, Ms Ashe Her store – Clementine’s Fine Food and Gifts banded together with on Degraves St, which specialises in bringing fine food and gifts from throughout Victoria to fellow CBD small the CBD – has had its doors closed to the public businesses in making the for the best part of six months. Like many small business owners in the CBD, best of a bad situation, some of whom have been the hardest hit in the and a sewing machine. country, Ms Ashe would be excused for wallow- ing for just a moment. However, true to her nature, Ms Ashe exudes nothing but positivity in her local community and hope for the future. “There has been a real venture back to ba- sics through this whole pandemic. A renewed appreciation for your community, which I feel leads to quality, simplicity and reconnection to the people and small businesses who are the most important fabrics of Melbourne,” Ms ↥ Ashe said. “It has been hard, but that is no different from anyone else in the city.” knew I support roughly 80 other small busi- Living just a minute’s walk from Clementine’s, “It has been magical to see this strengthening Following successive lockdowns, Ms Ashe nesses,” Ms Ashe said. Ms Ashe was always drawn to Melbourne’s of community that has occurred, and I hope we banded together with fellow CBD small busi- “One woman came in and stocked up with most iconic food and retail laneway because of grow it,” she said • nesses in making the best of a bad situation, and birthday presents because she knew that we the mixing pot of different people. a sewing machine. would be locked down for another few months “I wanted a space that had every type of Along with tailors Carl Navè, V and J and wanted to support in the best way she person in it; the city workers, the interstate or Menswear and milliner, Marea Bright, Ms could.” overseas tourists, regional travellers and local Ashe took to covering up the faces of locals in “We’ve relearnt community again. Among visitors. It is the gateway to Melbourne’s lane- For more information visit: the name of public health with beautiful hand businesses and locals in the CBD, there has been ways,” she said. sewed facemasks. a real strength in the local community.” “The concept of Clementine’s has always Nearing its ninth birthday, Clementine’s has Ms Ashe has been an active member of the lo- been to find products that are locally made. No long been the CBD’s champion for locally pro- cal business and resident community through- matter where you come from, whether it be duced and sourced goods from every corner of out her time living in the CBD. from overseas or down the street, people always Jack Hayes the state. She is a former president of City Precinct, an appreciate quality, locally made and produced BUSINESS EDITOR

“When we did open between the two lock- organisation that aims to support small busi- products.” [email protected] downs, some of my regulars came in and simply nesses and foster community within the CBD Spirited with optimism for the future and stocked up. Not just because they wanted to and is a member of local community group geared towards her reopening, supporting lo- support Clementine’s, but also because they Residents 3000. cals of any kind is never far from her mind.


Government needs to invest in housing now

The KPMG evaluation of the post GFC hous- their situation. Housing is the main driver to any analysis. Housing is the major enabler of a ing stimulus was every $1 spent generated $1.30 the better more fulfilling life that everyone as- valuable life. ❝ return in the community. This is the financial pires to and provides a solid foundation for life The housing value proposition when framed Welcome to the fourth of our win. If by housing more people, we can also and opens pathways to the future. in terms of human values, sits alongside notions save money on welfare referrals, prisons, or We all share some common needs - food, of what is important to having a satisfying and 12-part series which will mental health costs etc. there is likely an addi- clothing, and shelter, without which you cannot rewarding life including health and wellbeing, attempt to explore the role tional financial benefit. However, its more than really operate, engage, or participate at a higher safety and security, community participation just the economic argument. level. and belonging, education and skills attainment, that housing can and should The real value proposition is that we need In Australia, most of us have access to ade- jobs and job security, personal validation and play within Australian society more public housing for what it delivers in hu- quate food and clothing, although situations sense of identity, self- fulfilment, achieving man terms to the individuals it houses and for and choices can sometimes impact on this. potential etc, all leading to positive valuable life

and why it is important to the community benefit generally. There are numerous agencies established to well spent. The list goes on.

our economy that we house all Perhaps the most important infrastructure help bridge the gap by providing emergency What is the cost in human terms of not spend the government can engage in now and relief and essentials for people experiencing having safe, secure, and affordable housing Australians,❝ rich or poor. post the COVID-19 pandemic, is to invest in tough times and financial hardship in the short for everyone? We need to get the balance and public housing and facilitate growth in social term. Meeting the very significant cost to obtain investment right. The prize awaits. and affordable housing more generally. There or provide a safe and secure long-term home is a is now a broad coalition calling for significant far more challenging ask. I hope you found the above perspective by Mark investment in social housing and this must be The capital cost of housing, particularly in a interesting and insightful. While what was said high on the list of government priorities as we market which wants and sees property prices may not align with our own view of the world, we This series intends to draw on a range of perspec- navigate through these very difficult times. increasing year on year, is seemingly prohibitive all need to listen and digest what is said by others tives centred around housing and homelessness. It is imperative that any infrastructure to government/s from a budgetary perspective. in order to find common ground. This is why we We will hear a range of views from business, the expenditure adds true value to people’s lives That is despite the accompanying bonus of are focusing on the fact that the provision of not-for-profit sector and hopefully government, – we need to get the best bang for the money increases in sales tax and stamp duties and the shelter is a fundamental human need (not human as to why they believe housing is an important so- being invested. So, it must be about investing ability of government to borrow at record low right) and without that need being met, we have cial and economic building block for Australia’s to generate outcomes now and for generations interest rates. unintended social and economic consequences future prosperity. to come. Government investment in housing Ensuring its citizens are adequately housed that will span generations. As I said in my first This month we have asked Mark Feenane, is not just about economic stimulus but for all should be a not-negotiable and expected priori- article, doing nothing is NOT AN OPTION! We executive officer, Victorian Public Tenants that housing provides, and what it leads to as a ty and measure of government. need to act and we need to act now. All of us need Association to share his thoughts around why platform for life. Housing (shelter) is highly valued by to be part of the solution so please feel free to write the objective around housing all Australians This is an opportunity to set people up for Victorians based on a recent survey conducted to me with your thoughts. • should be considered an economic imperative for success. This challenge to government requires by Essential Poll which showed that, regardless Australia … true leadership and vision. Making life better of whatever the demographic or political lean- for Australians must be the aim; party politics ing, there was significant support across the What is the economic cost compared to the should not be the barrier. Balancing the com- board for increases in all forms of social and Rob Pradolin financial or stimulus benefit of building more peting priorities of government may be chal- affordable housing. More than three-quarters of much-needed public housing? lenging but that is what we elect politicians to Victorians want the state government to “build FORMER GENERAL MANAGER AT Clearly there is a societal cost of not housing FRASERS PROPERTY AUSTRALIA do. It is time for them to step up. significantly more public and community hous- AND FOUNDER OF HOUSING ALL people as evidenced by the burgeoning number Government must be a conduit to helping ing” as part of its response to COVID-19. AUSTRALIANS (HAA) of homeless people in this country but is this people achieve their potential. Unfortunately, Everyone needs a place to call home - having INFO@HOUSINGALLAUSTRALIANS. less important than finding the money to house many people are missing out on the basics and safe, secure, and affordable housing is the prize COM.AU those most in need? lack the opportunity and resources to change of highest value and the greatest cost benefit by

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TAYLOR DALEY CBD News met Taylor Smith with her husband Jarry and His mum made this mask for him and he said it surely gave kids at Flinders Street Station. When asked for the story him the “feel-good-factor”. Daley (IG: @daleysmithmusic) behind the mask, she mentioned that one of her kids had chose to care and support the disabled as a career option autism and her mum redesigned the mask for her as she and recommends it for anyone who wants to know the was passionate to raise awareness of autism. This design special joy one feels in helping the helpless. He’s glad that symbolises it. he chose this line of work as his career.

Masks of the CBD

Photos by John Tadigiri.

COLLIN CHRIS Collin comes from a small town near Toronto, Canada The 70-year-old bought his mask online at Bundarra and his mask has its own story having been purchased in which collaborates with indigenous artists to support Thailand by his friend’s dad who gifted it to him. He said indigenous communities. He loves the design and said he wearing a mask gave him a better understanding of what was proud to support them. Living in Melbourne for the it felt like to be in the shoes of some who were obligated past 30 years after 25 years in South Australia and 15 in to wear one in their professional lives. NSW, he enjoys walks with his dog Jet (who used to be jet black in colour!).


Short-stays exploit family violence loophole

In a new low for a controversial industry, Isolated party apartments despite legal 3. Safety and hygiene measures for open and has been left to the strata manager. short-stay guests have claimed to be victims of ban communal areas and facilities. How has your building fared? The Stage 4 family violence to get around the Stage 3 and 4 lockdown has shown up: issue that the police have been 4. Use of face coverings bans on Airbnb and similar services. responding to during the Stage 3 and 4 restric- • the good – managers working in harmony In banning short-term letting platforms from tions have been parties and conducting drug 5. Four sqm rule with the OC and residents, and taking it in providing holiday accommodation, the DHHS raids. 6. Notification of positive cases their stride; included a “List of Permitted Operations” that Guests have been evicted, charged and fined. If implemented accordingly it now creates • the indecisive – managers changing their perhaps, unwittingly, provided a loophole for We have not heard of any owners of the rele- another reason why apartments in residential mind from supporting the OC to being diehard sort-stay operators, viz: vant apartments being charged – they should buildings should not be used for any other unsure what to do next; and • There were no guidelines as to how these have been. purpose than to accommodate permanent services could be accessed in private Other reports of strangers in buildings, • the bad – managers totally ignoring the residents: residential buildings, or avoiding reception, gaining access via carparks, concerns of residents. etc. have been all too common. • no information on where the people It is simply that the modus operandi Despite some glitches, our buildings are now There is no official record of the person or requiring accommodation could go for of short-term letting is totally at odds generally cleaner, safer, more secure than most reason for being there – and what would hap- assistance. with maintaining a COVIDSafe building. us can ever remember. pen in an emergency? It actually creates a potential health Only one of the nine permitted operations Calls and emails to the COVID-19 hotline for hazard. After the restrictions? – people returning to their own home – was di- advice have mostly gone nowhere. Unfortunately, there is currently no law in rectly applicable to residential strata buildings. Frustrated residents have reported illegal Paying attention to parties and drug busts is Victoria that prevents short-stays in residential The other permitted operations including es- short-stay activity to the COVID-19 Hotline, not enough. There is a ban on short stays and buildings once the restrictions are lifted. sential services, family violence, homelessness, also to Victoria Police via their hotline and in the authorities are not responding to calls to Buildings need to prepare now for how to etc. would have required an agency or some person. The stock reply, if there has been any re- enforce the law. deal with short-stays in a post-lockdown era. other body to facilitate it. sponse at all, was, “we have no authority to act”. Your COVIDSafe plan must have specific The short-stay industry in Victoria has been Stage 4 lockdown How many times have we heard that over the past few weeks! Have DHHS and Victoria rules for registering short-stay guests and the almost eliminated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Additional restrictions and guidelines issued Police trained its operators to read off the same six mandatory requirements shown above. firstly by the absence of tourists and now the for multi-dwelling properties with shared facil- script? legal ban. ities include the following directive: It’s clear that short-stays in apartment build- However, a few intractable operators are “Holiday visitors are currently not permitted ings operate quite differently compared with trying to keep operating for guests armed with in Victoria. This includes short-stay accommo- Barbara Francis & those in free standing holiday-let properties. It’s fake stories. One such fake story relating to dation. Victoria Police are conducting routine Rus Littleson an important difference the government needs family violence was reported to “We Live Here”. enforcement of restrictions and can issue on the to understand. EMAIL: Making a false claim to be a victim of family spot fines of up to $1652 for individuals.” [email protected] violence is much more than an affront to other Also included in the guidelines is a mandate How has your building responded to LEARN MORE AT WELIVEHERE.NET residents; it shows egregious disrespect to gen- for COVIDSafe plans to be implemented: COVID? uine victims of family violence. 1. Development of COVIDSafe plans With no help from the COVID-19 hotline or “we live This new short-stay scam is truly disgraceful. here”TM 2. Restricting access to communal areas the police, residents are telling us that the task

Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 17


Skilling owners’ corporations It was precisely six years ago in the 2014 November edition of Docklands News that an article appeared on “Owners’ corporation groups sprouting”. Three new groups were identified as supporting the particular needs of Victorian owners’ corporations (OCs).

First listed was Owners’ Corporation Network Victoria But what is still missing from our sector are dedicat- (OCNV), which was headed by the then Docklands ed resources and services needed to assist OCs perform Community Association president Roger Gardner. This their legal duties. And support is indeed needed as OCs ▲ Professor Sharon Lewin delivers the blessing of TBM Joan at Parkville. group was said to be modelled on similar interstate bodies are comprised of volunteers who are responsible for and had a stated aim of connecting with these to develop managing the common property of residential buildings. a national network for Australian OCs. In the City of Melbourne, this means they are responsi- The second group listed was the Metropolitan Owners ble for managing assets worth hundreds of millions of Metro Tunnel mega machine Corporation Committee Association (MOCCA), which dollars and are responsible for ensuring the conduct of had Helina Marshall as group coordinator. The aim of required maintenance, proper financial management and MOCCA was to allow OCs to share information and adherence to all associated regulations. Furthermore, the sets course for State Library knowledge, and to learn from each other. And at that time, manner in which these duties are performed will directly they had 11 buildings involved. affect the wellbeing of hundreds of residents and associ- The third group listed was the Chairman’s Council, a ated investors. Work has started to create the latest section of network of OC chairs from buildings managed by the stra- Now compare this level of OC responsibility to di- ta management group, The Knight Alliance. The idea for rectors of community organisations (noting that the the Metro Tunnel – a one-kilometre stretch from this came from a “Chairman’s Supper”, attended by chairs operating budgets of our OCs may far outstrip those of Parkville to the new State Library Station at the from within The Knight Alliance’s property portfolio. many community organisations). Despite this, directors Coming to the present day, November 2020, none of of community organisations can access a suite of support northern end of Swanston St. these groups appear active. tools and resources tailored to their needs. For instance, Indeed, within the City of Melbourne, the Southbank the Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA) Owners’ Corporations Network (SOCN) appears a rare provides dedicated training, information, tools, events, Tunnel boring machine (TBM) Joan shape with work on the station en- example of an active group supporting OCs – meeting ev- qualifications and credentials specifically designed for the was relaunched in mid-October trances and permanent station struc- ery two months to discuss issues relevant to strata living needs of this sector. to begin its journey into the heart tures underground, which commut- in Southbank. However, no comparable support is available to our of Melbourne’s CBD. The new ers will see in 2025, well underway. This said, it is also noted that there are active advocacy OCs. This has meant that, typically, committee members metro-style line features five under- The third and fourth TBMs, Millie groups, such as We Live Here, which lobby on behalf of “learn on the job”, often taking their lead from others (who ground stations and will connect the and Alice (named after Victoria’s first the high-rise living sector on issues affecting liveability, also have not received relevant training). The implications Sunbury line to the Cranbourne and female MP Millie Peacock and war- such as short stays. of this are that our strata buildings are the responsibility Pakenham lines with two 9km-long time medical hero Alice Appleford), of volunteers who have no access to relevant training or tunnels. recently completed the 1.7km stretch support. TBM Joan – named after Victoria’s from Anzac Station to the eastern To redress the current situation, one possibility is to first female premier, Joan Kirner tunnel entrance at South Yarra. setup a Victorian OCN, similar to that which operates in – was the first TBM launched, in They are being returned to the NSW. This group offers knowledge sharing and access to September 2019, and has since Anzac Station site and reassembled Indeed, within the specialised resources such as webinars. They also advo- completed: before starting tunnelling towards City of Melbourne, the cate on behalf of their sector which might go some way to • The western section of the Town Hall Station in 2021. explaining why the NSW state government has a greater Metro Tunnel from the tunnel With all four TBMs now in action Southbank Owners’ focus upon residential strata than does our Victorian entrance in Kensington to the they have installed more than 31,000 Corporations Network state government. For example, the NSW Government new Arden Station in North concrete segments to form the rings is currently developing sector offerings like their “Strata Melbourne. lining the new tunnels and excavated (SOCN) appears a rare Portal” - an online register to collect information from more than 371,000 cubic metres of strata schemes across NSW. According to NSW Minister • The Arden to Parkville section, example of an active rock and soil. Dominello, “As a Government we want to make things connecting Victoria’s world- Construction on the Metro Tunnel group supporting OCs easier for people who live in strata. By unlocking basic renowned medical, research and Project has continued throughout strata information, I believe we can help owners, tenants education precinct. – meeting every two COVID-19 restrictions, with workers and prospective purchasers to make more informed TBM Meg – named after adhering to strict safety measures in months to discuss issues decisions”. Australian women’s cricket captain line with the Victorian Government’s relevant to strata living However, even NSW does not – yet – offer that calibre Meg Lanning – will also soon be re- advice. of OC training believed needed by our OCs. launched towards the CBD, following The Metro Tunnel Project will in Southbank. With the new City of Melbourne Council soon to be a parallel route to Joan. Once TBMs create additional capacity for more known, perhaps this is an area where it can take a lead – Joan and Meg break through at State than half a million passengers a week and make residential living a council priority! Library, they will continue digging during peak periods and transform • under Swanston St to link up with the way Victorians travel around Town Hall Station. Melbourne • TBM Joan was given a traditional Dr Janette Corcoran blessing in honour of St Barbara, the patron saint of tunnelling. Professor APARTMENT LIVING EXPERT Sharon Lewin of the Peter Doherty LEARN MORE ON FACEBOOK.COM/ Institute was invited to carry out the SKYPADLIVING/ ceremony on this occasion. For more information: Parkville Station is fast taking ↥


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The Voice of Postcode 3000 18 ▼ VR staff member with platform refreshment trolley, c1920. RHSV NEG-1798.

Dining in style at Spencer HISTORY Street Station

SpencerQueen Street Station Victoria (now Southern Market Cross Station) has - been the first port of call for country and interstate train travellers since the 1850s.vibrant, colourful,

In the 1920s,a kaleidoscope when this photograph was taken, it bottles of of whatsights appears to be champagne and more or less represented the western edge of the maybe even a decanter of spirits. CBD. Collins St and Bourke St ended at Spencer The “light refreshments” on offer include St andand goods sheds sounds and industrial buildings healthy options like fresh fruit, featured prom- dominated the landscape. Redeveloped in the inently on the top tray – apples, possibly from 1920s, You it was see extended here early to introduce morning suburban Queen the Storchards as it atlooked Harcourt, 120 on theyears Bendigo line. trains, but to generations of Victorians it was There are sandwiches, not pre-packaged as we knownago, as the in point the section of arrival that and departure runs through expect QVM today, butto Victoria pre-cut and St. piled high on for those on long-distance journeys. Today, trays behind glass on the bottom level. I can there areThere bus are terminals few signs and of Skybusesthe modern and era much here. It isimagine It’s how a market dried day up and they’d the streetbe if theyis packed weren’t with more toaround add to this the time busyness (in 1901) of that the Australia station, butbecame sold horse-drawn soon after making delivery and vehicles. I can Theyonly wonderdominate until thea nation, 1950s anwhen event car that and took air placetravel in began Melbourne, to at thethe fillingsscene, horses that werewaiting used. patiently My mindas their goes take over,at the it resonatedExhibition with Buildings, the sound not tooof steam far away. to fishloads paste,are unpacked a favourite ready of for my the mother’s morning (she trains arrivingBut this scene and departing. remains firmly in the 19th centurydidn’t crowds. have anyThey competition!). appear to be Kraftorganised cheese with was al - Whenand historian apart from Graeme the light Davisonpole that dominates wrote of theintroduced most military to Australia precision, in the apparently 1920s, so in perhaps allocated Spencerforeground Street’s just “Hollywood left of centre, heyday” there is in little the hintVR spaces. catering Nothing extended higgledy-piggledy to the latest here. amazing I won - Royal that Historical the market Society’s has grown 2016 and publicationchanged since itimport der, fromthough, the whether US. And it then was there’squite so the orderly iconic at Rememberingwas officially Melbourne opened, he in didn’t 1878. haveBefore the that theVegemite, departure launched time. in 1923 and the favourite of which shed and stall to go to. movement, busyness). Spencercolony’s Street first Railway cemetery Station’s spread Refreshment across much ofgenerations Close yourof “Happy eyes and Little take Vegemites”. a deep breath There and Later, business over, it was time for the grow- None of this can be conveyed in a stills image Roomsthe in site,mind. but He there was is thinking no hint of of that the by grand the time were you the can sweet almost treats, smell too the – scones, aroma Iof think, horse and ma - ers to turn around and head home, with the sun such as the one you see here, but the sheer num- hotels this that scene cropped is captured, up around although what the cemetery was cakes. nure. Advertising It must have of beenthe time very tells smelly us bythat the one end (or the rain) beating down on them, often with ber of delivery carts crammed into that small Melbourne’sdid not largest officially transport close interchange. until 1922, Andsome twoof theof thehealthy day, especiallydrinks on during offer summer.was pasteurised Even so, thata load stores of horsein the manure CBD were as their allowed cargo. to trade on spacetea. Entréehint at - steakthe energy and kidney and activity pudding, taking stewed of thedecades celebrities after the who photo arrived was taken. and departed milk,the promoted gardener in as me a “perfectlaments the food” fact andthat onlyI can’t Sundays.I asked a number of people to sum up placerabbit, just baked a short pork distance and away. Boston Step beans. inside Jointthe – QVM in three words. Here are some of their sheds and the vitality of the market takes over. with greatOff fanfare. in the Yet distance you can (to see the suggestions south) you seethreepence dash down a glass with (about some hessian $1 in today’s bags and buying collect Newspapers of the day tell us that in 1924 the hot: roast sirloin of beef, roast leg of mutton, glimpses of trees and you will notice that there that treasure to use in my garden. responses: Ancient, human, vibrant. Panpipes, Trading is as old as human civilisation and of the glamour of Hollywood in this 1920s pho- power). And then there was the inevitable con- Refreshment Rooms served 1600 meals each and savoury dressing. Or cold: roast beef, roast are no multi-storey buildings in any part of this In the 1970s the Doncaster-Templestowe bratwurst, kilo. Cemetery, vibrant, fascinat- markets like QVM are timeless. They take us tograph of a VR staff member standing beside fectionery and the ubiquitous tobacco, cigars day and could take 120 customers per sitting. mutton, corned beef. Sweets - ginger pudding, scene. The days of high-rise development are Historical Society recorded the memories of ing. Welcome to Melbourne. Urban, piquant, back to ancient times and move us forward his refreshmentmany years trolley away and on ait station is not until platform. ICI House isand local cigarettes. orchardist Nothing Clive Petty, healthy who aboutrecalled those, taking Thereboneyard. were Luscious,60 waitresses kaleidoscopic, on the staff boisterous. (no men, tolemon today cream,and into compote the future. fruit They and are rice. noisy, Served Thereconstructed is nothing in utilitarian another part about of townthe presen in the- latebut fruitan accepted to market, part driving of life through in those the days. night to be exceptCheap, on colourful, the platforms buzzing. or Heart on theof Melbourne. trains) and smelly,with a bustling cup of tea,and coffeefull of life.or cocoaAnd, •as a friend tation 1950s of the that refreshments the “” on offer of today here. become The a Theready Refreshment for a 4am start. Rooms There themselveswere winter nights, were thereExotic, was noisy, even donuts.a nearby Historic, hostel whereimportant, the wait fas-- reminded me recently, “they’re great places for urns (presumablyfeature of the of cityscape. tea and coffee) are elabo- immenselyhe said, when popular it was and so open cold weekthat he days walked from up ressescinating. Noisy, could live. exciting, busy. being anonymous and watching the world go rately decorated.The street No is takeawaysedged on inboth those sides days, by the6am the to hills 7pm. to On keep Saturdays warm, then they put opened his feet from in the TheAnd rooms a little boastedpoetic licence that theyfor these provided respons the- by in all its glory” • of course,market’s so the iconic crockery, sheds. cutleryThere have and glassesbeen many 11am horse’s to 3pm. feed (Remember bag so that thatthe chaff these werewould thekeep bestes: mealPurple in cauliflower, Melbourne forMoreton the money Bay Bugs, – a three yell- Dr. Cheryl Griffin were nochanges doubt over spirited the years,away butto bethe washed sheds remain,up days him when warm. shops closed at Saturday lunchtime courseing butchers. meal for Cacophony only 1/3d (of(about people, $5 inflavours, today’s ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ready forrepresenting use again latercontinuity in the day.but Thealso station’s something and sportIn those was times, king QVM on Saturday was a wholesale afternoons). market buyingsounds), power). aromatic, The exciting.price was A the vibrant biggest commu draw-- VICTORIA Refreshmentof the essenceRooms ofheld this a winebustling, licence, vibrant so asspace. They and were growers closed rented on Sunday, stalls whichin the marketwas church sheds card,nity I welcomingthink, but I’llall. leave Colourful that for (the you people, to decide. the Dr. Cheryl Griffin well asWithout hot beverages, them, QVM you wouldcan see not a numberbe the same. of and wherefamily growers day. It wasand notfruiterers until theand earlygreengrocers 1990s Here’scloth, a samplethe fruit menu: and soupveg and – gravy the soupcharacters), or beef ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF There’s a stillness to this scene that belies the did business. The horses knew the way, so driv- aromatic (smells get me every time; oranges, VICTORIA buzz of activity that will take place in those ers could sleep until they reached the market. pineapples, dead cabbage leaves, coffee, fresh sheds once traders and customers arrive. The horses were so well trained they even knew meat, cheese, jam donuts ...), vibrant (spruiking, RESIDENTS 3000

RESIDENTS 3000 What did Rafael say to Sally? turmoil through drug use and/or mental issues. Rafael reported that city residents recognised ResidentsWill 3000 online president Rafael dominate Camillo was recently retail invited toafter have morning COVID-19? coffee with the the same people who frequent the city, pre- Lord Mayor of Melbourne Sally Capp. sumably homeless, but who seem to time their You have heard the expression “I need some retail therapy.” Right now, approaching the end of lockdown,appearance is that during how eventsyou feel?when there are many people about. They seem to have a dog and the same homeless card and similar hats to collect After a long lockdown with the city shops10 issues that most concern residents 7. residents More trees: the Soability important. to give Councilauthorities to ensurefeed- money. disappearing entirely or wrapped in mothballs backthat on trees whether removed an issue for has building been resolved works and are Residents would like to see more cooperation with windows blanked off or showing empty1. Rubbish collection: What strategies can be howreplaced satisfied with they mature were trees with asthe per result. planning This shelves, are you longing to be able to walk in- implemented to reduce the number of trucks feedbackapproval. provides There areauthorities gaps in thewith city insight when between police and social organisations to dis- side and browse about again? that cause traffic congestion and noise? intonew the trees satisfaction could beof residents planted, and and areas laneways that tinguish between the “professional” beggars and Retail is not just about going to the shop to Is this issue to be part of the Transport couldmade be more improved. friendly. After all, both the council the genuine homeless that need help. Begging buy something. Good retail is an art form. A Strategy 2030? and residents want to make our city the best is illegal. Residents do not want beggars on the 8. CCTV cameras: Residents want more street. Full stop. store with fascinating products to sell, present2.- Liquor licencing: Could the council and the place to live and work that it can be. installed throughout the Hoddle Grid. One wonders why the homeless issue is such ed in a way that makes you feel good. To find Victorian Commission for Gambling and However, what is the City of Melbourne do- the right colour, to see a texture that you like, ing?CCTV It is camerasnot one of to the be app’s monitored valued supporters!by police. It a political hot-potato? Is it that, as a community, Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) work more to be in awe of the way the store is decorated, Ifis nearby necessary councils to be like vigilant Stonnington about keeping and Port the we feel guilty? We feel guilty that our society closely together? The council supports to fossick around to find products on sale or Phillip,CBD safe as wellfor all. as authorities like City West thinks it okay to set up home on the street and 3.00am permits even knowing that VCGLR those that you did not know about. There is Water can pay the subscription, surely the City lie about during the day when “normal” people has a freeze on issuing licences for later 9. Clean city, tidy city, graffiti control: These the practical aspect of trying on clothes, shoes, of Melbourne should? are working or contributing to society in a pos- than 1.00am. Residents do not want 3am are self-evident but include pollution-free glasses and the like or just picking up an item itive way? licencing due to noise and public disruption. Nextair andZoom traffic meeting minimisation.– outdoor dining Improve – the to assess exactly what it is like. These pleasures ItIt is is part also ofdisturbing our charter for toresidents help residents to be dealing be COVID-Safequality of restaurants’ cooking canopies and and necessities mean that retail stores have3. Planning: Residents’ amenity, public spaces, informedwith the about many developments homeless who in their appear city. toThis have an important role to play that cannot fully be smokeAs is our extraction custom, the systems Residents to reduce3000 Forum noise building design that fits in with remaining and air pollution. timeserious we examinemental healththe council’s issues. plans “It is concerning like living in replaced by the online store. heritage architecture and precinct event on the first Thursday of every month, howa mental the outdoor institution” dining some initiative residents is to be say. imple- In the 1800s people would buy products is scheduled for November 5. This event is traditional character. 10. Homelessness: This is a big issue for mented.We feelWe are guilty. quite Butsure that unfortunately, residents will one be or from a paper catalogue, much like internet addressing the proposed “outdoor dining” ini- residents as well as for people who work or interestedtwo or a tofew know residents about safety,cannot hygiene, solve the music prob - shopping today. When the concept of the large4. Police: More foot patrols to discourage tiatives to help revive the city. Imagine, sophis- visit the city. The problem is characteristic andlem. opening It has totimes be governments, in the context police, that beingmedical department store was born, people delighted crime and drug trafficking. ticated city with outdoor eating in small, but of Melbourne’s CBD and has been for years. COVIDpeople, safe social is easier workers, in outdoor developers settings (affordable rather in what they considered to be a wonderful owners, new products, new ideas to revitalise elegant spaces that are designed to be COVID than congregating in confined spaces. 5. Trams: Melbourne’s greatest asset. Non- It is still it is not going away. dwellings) that solve this problem. That is the Sally’s shoppingmission requiresadventure. that This she was listens a revolution to the that our city. Safe. Look what is already happening with a Details of the event will be posted on our polluting and effective people movers. message our Residents 3000 group is sending. people waswho all live, about work the and experience. play in Melbourne’s Going to a store Online shopping is wonderful and conve- floatingEvery time coffee we shop come on acrossthe river! some poor per- website at and our Residents have asked for more accessible Thank you, Sally, for listening to us all CBD. was Rafael not representsjust about spending the residents money. ofStores the had nient for repeat and known items. Online is son,In lying this about meeting, in the we street,will have often two half speakers stoned Facebook and Instagram sites • stops, distribution of rolling stock to give • CBD (postcodethe function 3000) of showing and is constantly the shopper listen what- was here to stay but that does not mean that retail is onfrom drugs the orVictorian simply Commission totally depressed for Gambling about possible. They became places of great creativi- moredead. frequent Far from service it. to people needing roll- and Liquor Regulation (VCGRL), two council ing to residents’ thoughts, passions and con- their situation, it represents a failure of our ty. The opportunity to discover new products. on, roll-off access. More public education representatives and one police officer from Sue Saunders cerns about living in the city. With our regular society to solve these people’s issues and re- There is talk around that COVID-19 will regardingSnap, Send, tram Solve etiquette App re: boarding and the liquor regulation east city branch. Given Dr Sue Saunders Forum 3000 events on the first Thursday of ev- turn them to a normal fulfilling life. Residents VICE PRESIDENT OF RESIDENTS have the effect of killing off the retail stores. disembarking.Residents are familiar with this app. A means the great success of our recent “Meet the Lord VICE3000 PRESIDENT MELBOURNE OF RESIDENTS ery month,We need there retail are plenty stores ofand opportunities particularly we for need to let authorities know if they spot an issue like supportMayoral the Candidates” moves to setmeeting up a homelesson October centre 1, 3000 MELBOURNE membersthose and that their have guests gone to discussinto mothballs their views to re-6. Metrograffiti, Tunnel: illegal Residents parking, support dumped displays rubbish, of trip inwhere Maribyrnong. more than It 225 has people been suggestedattended online, that a on a wideemerge range better of issues.than ever. Rafael Those prepared that have a shut arthazards, works faulty on the sprinklers, acoustic sheds.vandalism and more. homelesswe are looking centre inforward the countryside to seeing many is needed resi- wish listdown for Sally.for good can offer opportunity for new The app has recently been upgraded to give todents help participating rehabilitate in people this upcoming whose lives event. are in Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 19


The Koorie Heritage Trust: An interview with Tom Mosby

The Koorie Heritage Trust (KHT) was established in 1985. Over four decades, it has been through some major transformations. words by Meg Hill in time for the KHT’s 30th birthday. floors of the building, which had its third floor “The close-down happened while we had a Mr Mosby said he came to the role of CEO occupied by the Melbourne Festival. major exhibition that we had scheduled, so we Tom Mosby, who became CEO of the KHT in from a somewhat eclectic career background – After a few years, Apple came looking for a went ahead with it as a virtual exhibition,” Mr 2012, spoke to CBD News about its history and in art and in law. home for a flagship Melbourne store. Mosby said. future. “I’m originally from the Torres Strait, I “They had their eyes on the building that “We also created Koorie Heritage Trust “When I started in the role, we were located moved to Melbourne in 1989,” he said. we’re in, so at one stage we were looking at Online and a whole online program. An import- in King St, but it wasn’t an ideal location simply “My first job was actually as an arts conser- moving across into the building where ACMI ant part of it is Koorie Heritage Trust Voices.” because we were right at the top of the street vator with the Art Gallery of Western Australia and SBS is, there was a floor we were looking at “Basically, when we closed down it became and didn’t get passing traffic,” Mr Mosby told and I was offered a job after that in Melbourne.” taking over,” Mr Mosby said. apparent to us very quickly that we were CBD News. “I worked as an arts restorer and then went “Obviously Apple’s move fell through, and hearing the stories of the general community, He said by the time he started it was clear back to university and studied law. I practiced the Melbourne Festival vacated their floor. This the non-Indigenous community, and what was KHT needed a more central location. as a lawyer for about 10 years in Melbourne, presented to us an opportunity to take over the happening to them.” “The board made the decision to sell the moved to Brisbane for five years, and moved entire building.” “We said we needed to capture the Indigenous building in King St and find new premises and back to Melbourne when I took up the CEO “It was our big ambition – the Koorie experience. It’s a very unique time in our global at that time the Yarra building at Federation role in 2012.” Heritage Trust as its own stand-alone building, history, and if we don’t capture Indigenous Square came up as a possibility.” It was one in a number of location changes being the third cultural pillar at Federation stories during this time in 50 years’ time there “There were other options – we discussed for the Trust – which started in the Museum Square, along with ACMI and the National won’t be any record of how they coped.” • Fitzroy and maybe Docklands – but we very of Victoria when it was housed in the State Gallery of Victoria.” much wanted to be at the centre of the city.” Library building. The KHT another home-to- And despite a year interrupted by a global “It was a reflection that Aboriginal people be burnt down in an arson attack. pandemic, with the Trust closing its doors and communities shouldn’t be on the fringe. Mr Mosby is now seeing the organisation physically – Mr Mosby said that ambition was We needed to be right in the centre – to show through another major period of learning and well on its way to fruition. You can visit the Trust online the importance of Aboriginal people to a met- changing. While working toward that goal the Trust ropolitan city like Melbourne.” When the KHT moved into the Yarra also pivoted to online programming to remain here: The new home launched in September 2015, Building at Federation Square it took over two engaged and relevant. au/whats-on/kht-online/


A review of heritage during the past council term

Although great strides With City of Melbourne council elections tak- lobbying for over the past decade, and hopeful- Although great strides have been taken by ing place at the time of writing, it’s time to have ly also represent long-term values held by the the City of Melbourne in the past four years, have been taken by the a look at the past term of heritage, and what to City of Melbourne. there will be a lot of pressure to remove “red- City of Melbourne in the look for in the next council term. Although heritage losses were less than in tape” and fast track developments in the post The past four years have seen significant action the council terms prior to 2016, partly due to COVID-19 recovery to come, which we hope past four years, there on heritage protection in the city, with studies council action and partly changing develop- will be handled with care whatever the new will be a lot of pressure to of the Guildford and Hardware Lane areas for- ment pressures, we sadly lost the battle for the council makeup looks like. warded and passed, protecting two of our key Palace Theatre on Bourke St, which is currently We hope to see the positive momentum con- remove “red-tape” and fast laneway precincts. under demolition for a hotel that might never tinue though, and Melbourne Heritage Action track developments in the Heritage gradings have also been stream- make a profit. will be there to make sure heritage is put front lined and updated, and modern guidelines for The past four years also saw the closure, and centre in the future of our city • post COVID-19 recovery sensitive restorations and appropriate tower development or demolition of a number of to come, which we hope developments around heritage places have been CBD pubs, including the Celtic Club, Elms enforced. Family Hotel, Metropolitan Hotel, Greater will be handled with care Most significant has been the adoption of the Western Hotel and, most notably the CBD- whatever the new council Hoddle Grid Heritage Review, the first compre- fringe Corkman Inn, demolished by “cowboy hensive review of heritage in the CBD in more developers”. makeup looks like. than three decades, protecting many important The re-development of the Queen Victoria places including the best of our mid-century Market area, originally championed by dis- modern office buildings, and also importantly graced Lord Mayor Robert Doyle, who resigned Tristan Davies recognising Aboriginal heritage and social in 2018, also remains controversial and up for PRESIDENT heritage values as worthy of protection in their much debate in the next council term. MELBOURNE HERITAGE ACTION own rights. Recent council approval of the redevelop- CONTACT.TRISTANDAVIES@ These major amendments represent goals ment of the Walk Arcade may also soon see GMAIL.COM ↥ Melbourne Heritage Action (MHA) have been more heritage and street art walls demolished. Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News The Voice of Postcode 3000 20

CRITIC Corporate novel sold to Hollywood

For those who’ve got addicted to Netflix during the pandemic, the news that a corporate novel set in the CBD is to be made into a TV series should keep them on their couches. words by Rhonda Dredge Melbourne,” Elliot told CBD News, “but I didn’t have any Australian producers approach me.” Maybe the Horse Will Talk is fast-paced, amus- He said that Paramount contacted him direct- ing, clever and relevant to those considering ly after he sent them the novel. how to turn their jobs into something more The mini-series is likely to be set in Chicago meaningful. instead, which has a different climate and Novelist Elliot Perlman used to work in the ethnic mix but “both have rough-and-tumble CBD as a lawyer and is well-known for being corporate sectors,” Elliot said. ▲ Maybe the Horse Will Talk, Elliot Perlman sensitive to workplace politics. Maybe the Horse Will Talk tracks the fortunes Coffee The novel, which was sold to Paramount of commercial lawyer Stephen Maserov as “The workplace is so important in our Pictures late last year, begins with the premise he seeks to save his job at a large legal firm by lives because it’s where we see a human being that many are fighting to hold down jobs they making a sexual harassment case go away for a confronted by the distancing effect of money,” hate. construction company. Elliot said, but it is rarely the topic of fiction in This is not a serious condemnation of the Everything that happens in the novel has Australia. break capitalist system nor a gripe about office work happened in real life, Elliot claimed. He said the Americans liked the book because but the set up for a work that argues in favour “In any kind of corporation, the judiciary, of its scathing exploration of the toxic work- of negotiating your own way towards a better corporate solicitors, the Lord Mayor’s office, place. The novel takes a strong moral stance, deal. even the church, you could find financial cor- but it has been criticised for giving the best A very Apparently, the Americans loved it. ruption. It does happen. It’s reported on all the roles to men. Elliot denies this charge. Much of the action in the novel takes place in time.” “If you’re interested in changing things, smooth blend fictional premises on Collins St and near King As a former commercial lawyer and barrister men are the problem,” Elliot said. “Men who St. for several firms in Bourke and William streets, don’t perpetrate sexual harassment need to be Elliot has signed the contract with Paramount Elliot knows the culture first-hand. appalled so they become the allies of women.” Bakemono, to write and produce the mini-series but unfor- In his first novelThree Dollars, released in He said there are three strong female roles in Drewery Lane tunately it won’t be shot where the action was 1998, he addressed the impact of economic ra- the book. conceived. tionalism on the workplace. It was a pioneer of “The most heroic person in the book is “I would have loved it to be shot in the genre in Australia. Jessica. A lot of actresses will kill to play her.” •


Charcoal Lane A surge of innovation Charcoal Lane was the debut of where the song made its first appearance. is coming For many people this is the song that made them aware of the policy of taking First Nation children away from their parents, sending them Recently, the Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has admitted to being to foster parents. This iconic song of the Stolen Generation is now celebrating 30 years. tired of working from home. During lockdown Archie Roach has been making videos sitting at his kitchen table dis- He even went on to say that in his opinion he As all of us begin to emerge out of working cussing all the songs on Charcoal Lane and the MIAF 20-21 program will be happening next believes video meetings are merely transac- from home and getting back to face-to-face stories behind the songs. They’ve been both winter. tional and that really inspired, creative work interactions, I predict that this is when we’ll see entertaining and enlightening. One animation that deserves to be consid- happens in the casual conversations before and a real surge in creativity and innovation. There Took The Children Away received an ered for next year’s edition of MIAF 20-21 after meetings. will also be a lot more collaborations, strategic Australian Human Rights Award. A beautiful is the cooler than school animated video to I agree with so much of his sentiment. While alliances and even joint ventures as businesses picture book of the song has also been released, Melbourne muso Chris Smith’s title track from showing incredible resilience and adaptability realise that leveraging from one another is a with Archie Roach’s evocative words to the his long-awaited long play album Second Hand during COVID, Melbournians are ready to get great way to accelerate their business recovery. song accompanied by beautiful illustrations Smoke (out now through It Records). back to work. Working from home has provided Afterall, one thing has certainly always been by that depicts the action that Guitar maker Chris Smith has conjured forth many of us with greater flexibility, reduced our true, we are stronger together. happens in the song. This collaboration with a spaghetti western spoken word vignette that “commute” time, and given us the opportunity If you would like to know more about the Archie and Ruby was their last project together. is reminiscent of the style of Andy Prieboy and to pause and rethink our businesses, but it Melbourne Business Network (MBN) and how Courtney Barnett delivers a compelling his band Wall Of Voodoo. Smith’s signature hasn’t been without its challenges and draw- we can support and connect businesses within version of Charcoal Lane on occasion when overdriven fuzzed out guitar drench has been backs. Now that students are back to school, the the City of Melbourne, please reach out to me she performs live, testament to the respect that reined in, is more subtle with a Maton-esque juggle or even struggle of combining work and or visit our website: melbournebusinessnet- musos have towards the legend Archie Roach. acoustic guitar more prominent in the mix. It teaching responsibilities have gone. By now we The book also has stories about Archie’s family • has been awhile between drinks for Chris Smith have all managed to move online with virtual and artwork by other First Nation artists. This and he has delivered a ripper of a song. There’s offerings, e-commerce and are no doubt experts illustrated gem of a book is published by Simon a hint of a Warren Zevon somewhere there too. in online meetings. and Schuster. Pat AuGoGo Rocksteady considers the Second But what about Nedella’s comment about The Australian Centre for the Moving Image Hand Smoke album of Chris Smith’s brilliant. being transactional versus creative? Have we (ACMI) has relaunched its renewed site at The animation to the song Second Hand really only been transactional in our businesses Federation Square replete with a brand-new Smoke is a visual melange of cartographic while at home or have we been able to gener- logo. Now, from the get-go of ACMI’s existence delights, desert flora and fauna, big flashy red ate real creativity and innovation during our the cornerstone of its calendar has been the cut- sedans, curve cowboy boots, hot chocolate, the lockdowns? ting-edge Melbourne International Animation cars that are Paris, rattlesnakes going toe-to-toe I suppose that those answers will differ for Festival (MIAF). Talk to any arts lecturer at with motorcycles, playing darts in a pub and each of us. From my observations, absolutely Swinburne University worth their weight in second hand smoke with people in Victoria Melbourne businesses have been able to create salt and they will tell you that music can play a realising that every day on TV they may be ex- and innovate in these challenging times. We pivotal role in the structure of animation film. For more information periencing someone delivering the Chewbacca have had to, to ensure our economic survival. Animation is one of the highest of art forms defence. A crow and a baby, a rattlesnake in the But perhaps we have had to do it with more about the MBN: and deserves to be viewed on a big screen with medicine cabinet conscious thought and focus that innovation is an awesome sound system. • the intended outcome for our scheduled, struc- The curious thing is that the MIAF posse are tured call or online meeting. Sadly, we have Chris Mineral not fussed about flying under the radar, beyond missed out on the opportunity for spontaneity, Wendi Dawson the consistent thrumming of mainstream soci- the classic water-cooler conversation or even ety. MIAF in effect has edge. [email protected] the chance to meet someone new at a network- WENDI DAWSON IS PRESIDENT This year’s edition of MIAF had to be can- OF THE MELBOURNE BUSINESS ing event, all of which can be the genesis of a NETWORK celled, for obvious reasons, however the anima- truly great idea. tion posse say that in one way or another the

Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News November 2020, Issue 70 21


Setting the standard for a future in high-rise

words by Jack Hayes built using equipment and engineering we will use for our basement.” Following an international architecture Melbourne developer Beulah’s project at 118 competition in 2018, Beulah awarded the City Rd in Southbank will mitigate the issue of winning design to a partnership between unsightly above-ground car parking by taking Cox Architecture – one of Australia’s leading it entirely below ground level, opening up the architecture practices - and UNStudio from street level and above for public amenities such Amsterdam. as green spaces, retail, dining, art galleries and With too much development throughout transportation. the city adding little to the CBD’s public realm In what locals will hope to become standard aside from a striking skyline, locals are hopeful practice for the city, Beulah executive director this community first design becomes the new Adelene Teh said the two towers that made up normal for development in Melbourne. SBB would “push engineering boundaries that “One of the most important reasons for this others had not before us.” design winning the competition was the way “We want to push all parking underground it responded to the attributes and needs of the so that the first eight levels are completely ac- location in a very personal way,” Ms Teh said. cessible to the community to fulfil our vision,” “The public spaces at the base of the towers Ms Teh said. all open out to large public terraces featuring a “We want to create a place where mix of gardens, art spaces and activity spaces, Melbournians can access, explore and use depending on the use inside. Terraces are inter- a wide range of transformative spaces and connected by staircases which can be used to experiences.” walk from floor to floor and for exercise.” ❝ With the site just metres from the Yarra “The stairs are widest at the ground level The developer of Southbank by Beulah (SBB), set to become River occupying the current 6061 sqm BMW where they land next to the newly extended showroom, Ms Teh said several limitations had footpath, which will extend over 20 metres for

Australia’s tallest building, has said its project would set a been overcome by world-class engineering and pedestrians, cyclists and activity.”

new design precedent for high-rise development for the city design. Beulah will also assist the City of Melbourne “We are only metres from the banks of the to complete the Southbank Boulevard upgrade and beyond,❝ well into the future. Yarra. Fortunately, Australia has world-leading to increase public open spaces at the street level engineers and contractors for building base- ments in difficult situations,” Ms Teh said. • “Barangaroo in Sydney’s Darling Harbour, Queens Wharf on the banks of the Brisbane River and Elizabeth Quay in Perth have all been built with basements in waterfront locations.” “Closer to home, the same Melbourne Metro For more information visit: stations currently under construction have been


Making the market your home

words by Jack Hayes “The stall is a few years older than me. I have grown up here since the day I was born,” Mrs For many people, a trip to the Queen Victoria Georgiou said. Market (QVM) conjures a sense of awe and “When I was little, I would run around the wonder. market with kids from other stalls while our Tourists are drawn to more than 140 years parents would work. It was an amazing envi- of history; regulars return for their customary ronment to be in as a kid and is one that I will catch-ups with friendly traders and, for occa- always cherish.” sional visitors, an immediate shot of nostalgia The ever-present family connection between every time they walk through the sheds. the market and Mrs Georgiou does not stop Of the 10 million people that grace the sheds simply at growing up among the stalls to now and halls of the market each year, only a select owning her own. few people can boast of having grown up among Mrs Georgiou met her husband, Suparoek, the hustle and bustle of stalls; Irene Georgiou when he was working at the market while over from Victoria Market Gifts and Engraving is from Thailand to study in Melbourne. one of those people. The pair was introduced by Cameron Short, After taking over the family business from the son of QVM’s Robyn Faulkner from Inner her father in 2013, Mrs Georgiou has continued Essentials. to build their business which started as a “tiny “We first met through mutual friends at the “We have so much fun at the market. I never stall” in 1982. market, then began to hang out a little more, thought I would actually miss work, but it is “Dad moved here from London and decided then started dating and finally got married last going to be great to get back.” to start his own business. He saw the market year,” she said. ❝ With the impending return to retail shopping as the perfect place and became its first-ever “We had our beautiful wedding over in After almost 40 years at the at the market in sight, Mrs Georgiou is excited engraver,” Mrs Georgiou said. Thailand. Thinking back on it now, we were market, Victoria Market to welcome shoppers back to Victoria Market “When he first started, it was just a single incredibly lucky to have timed it before all of Gifts and Engraving. stall using a car battery pack to run everything, this [COVID-19].” Gifts and Engraving has

With on-the-spot engraving only taking a now we have grown to what it is today.” Not immune to the impacts of a global pan- become one of the most matter of minutes, shoppers can continue to

After almost 40 years at the market, Victoria demic herself, Mrs Georgiou said the past six venture throughout the market while a huge Market Gifts and Engraving has become one months had been incredibly challenging for reputable engraving facilities range of stainless-steel gifts is expertly en- of the most reputable engraving facilities in her business. Still, with support from the City ❝ in Melbourne. graved Melbourne. of Melbourne, she has been able to launch her • Specialising in hand engraving of gifts rang- new website. ing from pendants and bracelets to necklaces or “I’m a very social person. The hardest part for animal tags, Mrs Georgiou now has more than me has been staying away from all my friends, 25 years of experience at Melbourne’s most fellow traders and our regulars at the market,” For more information visit: iconic market. Mrs Georgiou said.

Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News The Voice of Postcode 3000 22 更多人行道开始施工

David Schout 在额外的740平方米的空间里,将安装 植物箱、自行车圈和座椅。 在回到墨尔本“疫情下新常态”(COVID 这些工程还包括急需拓宽的Spencer街 normal)的城市生活之前,市内人行道的工 和 Collins街的交叉口,这是维州最繁忙的 程继续施工,以改善步行空间和安全。 街道交叉口之一。 最近几个月,墨尔本市政府和州政府利 联邦广场护柱 用一个安静的市中心开展工程施工,并于10 联邦广场外面沿着Swanston街的安全 月又启动了两个工程项目。 护栏柱的工程也终于开始施工了。 他们接着最近在Elizabeth街上的其它 这些钢柱的安装原本于2019年底完 工程施工,再加上将几条CBD“小街”改造成 工,目前将按计划于2020年底完工。 行人优先区的施工。 届时,相应的步行道、人行道和自行车 Spencer街的额外空间 道可能会关闭。 墨尔本CBD内最拥挤的步行区域之一 包括Bourke街购物中心、维多利亚州 将很快得以改善,更好地适应步行者。 图书馆和维多利亚女王市场在内的九个市内 市政于10月开始,在南十字(Southern 区域之一,Swanston街项目是州政府和市 对骑自行车者的一个好消息是,最终将 路上,司机应以1.5米的间隔距离超越骑自 Cross)车站对面的Spencer 街东侧拓宽人 议会为了防止2017年Bourke街袭击的重演 制定最小通过距离法,使维多利亚州与全国 行车的人。 行道。 而进行的保护工程。 其它地区保持一致。 这项新法律是在许多团体,特别是 在Little Bourke街和Collins街之间,南 保护骑自行车者的新法律 从明年开始,在限速60公里/小时的道 Amy Gillett 基金会,为更安全的自行车法 行的车道将由原来的两条改建为一条,狭窄 行人安全问题并不是政府机构10月份考 路上,司机应以至少1米的间隔距离超越骑 律进行了强有力的努力下出台的。 的人行道将拓宽至以前的车道上。 虑的唯一问题。 自行车的人,在限速60公里/小时以上的道 唐人街迎接室外用餐

Wing Kuang 她说:“人们只有在允许室内用餐的情 但他对唐人街的商家可以应对新的挑战 况下才会来餐馆。现在没有人会离开家(来 感到乐观。 随着COVID疫情限制的放宽,唐人街的 唐人街)。” 杜恩说:“唐人街上的大多数经营者, 餐厅盼望重新开放,像以前一样热闹,该愿 黄女士预计,要设置室外用餐,大约要 都具有从业多年的经验。” 望比以往任何时候更加强烈。 花费$1000。 她担心广东菜可能不适合室 CPA 的副主席林恩(Eng Lim)说,墨尔 该区域的许多餐馆老板都欢迎墨尔本市 外用餐,餐馆可能仍然难以实施室外用餐来 本不可预测的天气可能对室外用餐将是一 政的室外用餐计划,以此来振兴唐人街,但 支付其开销费用。 个挑战,目前CPA正在与墨尔本市政密切合 仍对室外用餐的经济和文化现实感到担忧。 一名希望匿名的粤餐馆员工郑先生也担 作,针对在唐人街和附近区域如何实施室 唐人街的餐馆可能会在Russell 街和 心,广东菜不适合这种用餐方式。 外用餐。 Bourke 街东面举办室外用餐,这是十月 他说:“我们可以在室外做饮茶(Yum 她还表示,CPA将在11月和12月组织活 份墨尔本市政确定的四个主要用餐区中的 Cha)用餐,但在室外做粤菜正餐有些怪怪 动,鼓励访客回到唐人街,这包括12月19日 两个。 如果维多利亚州继续持有少量的 的,特别是一个大家庭聚餐。” 但他仍然支 的中秋节后活动。 COVID病例,那么可能会在11月份重新开放 持这一计划,“它总比没有人好。” 届时还将举行迷你灯会、舞龙表演和抽 有限座位的室内用餐。 唐人街辖区协会(CPA)主席丹尼·杜 奖活动,奖品是一辆小型摩托车。 粤餐馆“翡翠小厨”的董事成员Jackie 恩 (Danny Doon)表示,对于唐人街来说, 林女士说:“人们可以真正地进入到唐 Wong对室外用餐计划表示欢迎,并希望它 室外用餐“只是一件新鲜事”,唐人街的餐馆 人街,而不是虚拟的。” 能吸引人流量。 但是她仍然期待放松室内 和美食主要在室内提供的。“唐人街在当下 用餐的限制。 的室外用餐并不多。”

时空胶囊捕捉着不为人知的墨尔本 柯林斯街的幼鹰即将飞行

Giulia Raneri UooUoo公共艺术和CBD的城市电力变电站 David Schout 后,孵化了34天后才孵出雏鹰。 (CitiPower Substation J)。 11月初对于羽翼还未丰满的雏鹰来说至 在墨尔本封锁期间,墨尔本市政开启 市政厅的图像真实地展现了从地面上 位于墨尔本市柯林斯(Collins)街367号 关重要。 了一个“数码时空胶囊”项目,拍摄了本市一 看不到的壮观规模。 不间断的天际线影像 备受人们喜爱的猎鹰今年春季再次成功孵出 它们的飞羽要通过24至28天才能长出 些最具标志性和一些前所未见地点的系列 为城市提供了壮丽的景色,同时也吸引人们 雏鹰,在线观众急切并紧张地在等待它们的 来,然后还要花时间锻炼翅膀肌肉。 照片。 关注钟楼内部骨架及其巨大框架是如何工 首次尝试飞行。 当它们接近在巢穴中生活的最后一周 该项目捕捉了在强制性封锁期间墨尔本 作的。 10月2日,已经在中央商务区摩天大楼 时,老猎鹰会毫不掩饰地暗示它们,是时候 市的生活图像和短片。摄影师还拍摄到了通 墨尔本市首席执行官贾斯汀·汉尼(Jus- 顶上的一个人造鸟巢里生活了几年的一对猎 通过减少食物供应来进入现实世界了。 常禁止进入的空间图像。 tin Hanney)说,尽管现在墨尔本城市景象比 鹰,迎来了三只新的雏鹰。 维多利亚猎鹰项目负责人维克多·赫尔 时空胶囊包括了20多个地点,也包括带 以前更安静,这个项目是为了向公众展示墨 虽然羽翼未丰,但雏鹰在34层高楼上 利(Victor Hurley) 博士在其“367柯林斯猎 有标志性的地标,例如墨尔本邮政局、街头 尔本市能提供的一切。 鸟巢里的生长过程,受到了成千上万的人通 鹰”脸书上说,这是所有猎鹰成长过程的一 艺术工作室(Blender Lane Studios)、墨尔 要查看该项目的所有亮点,只需访问 过24小时网络追踪关注。 部分。 本博物馆、圣保罗(St Pauls)大教堂、温莎 脸书上的墨尔本动态(What’s On Mel- 近年来,该网络的观看率稳步上升,尤 要观看现场直播并了解更多关于柯林 (Windsor)酒店和Flinders街车站灯。 bourne)。整个系列将在未来几个月被添加 其在这次墨尔本封闭期间,观看量大增,成 斯街猎鹰的信息,请访问367collinsfalcons. 摄影机捕捉到的许多隐秘位置,包括墨 到墨尔本市政府的网站上。 千上万的人关注着它们的成长。 尔本市政厅的隐秘阳台和钟楼,北墨尔本的 8月29日,第三个也是最后一个卵产下

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April 2020, Issue 63 19 THE LARGEST If you are not in this trades and services directory, TERRACES Business Directory then email [email protected] or IN MELBOURNE phone 8689 7980 to get a simple line-listing for three months for FREE!!!

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IN MELBOURNE THE TERRACES OVERLOOKING THE PARK — ARTIST’S IMPRESSION Solutions -- ComplimentaryComplimentaryWebster baristabarista mademade coffeecoffee oror T2T2 teatea st THE LARGEST Enrolments close 31 May, 2019 St Michael’s EnrolmentsNorthSTORY closeMe lbo31 May,ur 2019ne Enrolments close 31st May, 2019 - Broaden your business network ARTIST’S IMPRESSION -- PrivatePrivate OfficesOffices -- MeetingMeeting RoomsRooms - Broaden your business network TERRACESKITCHENKITCHEN && LIVINGLIVING AREASAREAS —— ARTIST’S IMPRESSION Dugdales ** Prices can vary depending on size of residences. - R e g u l a r e v e n t s t h a t g i v e y o u t h e c h a n c e t o u n w i n d , IN MELBOURNESt Michael’s North Melbourne -- CoworkingCoworking美女如雲Maximising-- VirtualVirtual your OfficesOffices profits by - R e g u l a r e vWorking e n t s t h a twith g i v e y o u t h e c h a n c e The t o u Terraces n w i n d , at Melbourne Square deliver premium Melbourne networknetwork Business andand learnlearn Network fromfrom industryindustry leadersleaders residences with private outdoor spaces spanning up Flexible Whyindividuals, become a to 180 sqm. Poised above an expansive 3700 sqm park Principal:Principal: Denise Denise Huss Hussey e y Phone: Phone: 93299206 93299206 -- ConferenceConference466 City SpaceSpace Roadminimising-- BoardroomsBoardrooms your tax Level 20, 600 Bourke Street, Melbourne TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT CALL 1300 888 770 OR 1 WEEK COWORKING “Whe1 WEEKfamiliesr e&VICTORY business. I’m LOUNGEandK withn a wideo rangewn” of retail, fine dining, resort-style South1 WEEK Melbourne COWORKING ww-- ComplimentaryComplimentaryw1.smnt WEEKhmelbourne baristabarista VICTORY coffeecoffee oror T2T2LOUNGE.ed A TERRACE STORYPrincipal: AT MELBSQUARE.COM.AU Denise Hussey Phone: 93299206 [email protected] amenity, childcare and a full-line integrated Woolworths “WheStr eMic I’mhael’s KNonrtoh Mwn”elbourne PH 9603 0066 supermarket, The Terraces deliver an exceptional standard Tel: 9614101 Waterfront Victory5122 Way, Fax: Docklands, 9614 3008Lounge 2964 03 9696 4666 03 8637 5075 of premium city living. This unique release presents an OPEN 7 DAYS exclusive yet limited Melbourne Square opportunity.T: 03 9001 1333 “Where I’m Known” SWA4215BE “Where I’m Known” SolutionsFREE TRIAL WhyMember?FREE become TRIAL a STRICTLY LIMITED Shopping Complimentary property appraisal Flexible NEW RELEASE 416 Collins Street,ENROLMENTS Melbourne VIC 3000 818 Bourke Street, STRICTLY LIMITED ENROLMENTS ENROLMENTSAPARTMENTS DISPLAY SUITE 1ININ WEEK ANYANY OFOF OUROUR MELBOURNEMELBOURNECOWORKING LOCATIONSLOCATIONS 1 WEEK416 Collins VICTORY Street, Melbourne VICLOUNGE 3000 ENROLMENTS - Private Offices - Meeting Rooms OwnersFamily Law Corporation- Broaden your business network NewNOW SELLING Year – NewOPEN Property DAILY Docklands Manager NEW RELEASE Thinking of selling? Contact your Southbank experts today CoworkingBrothelFlexible Gallery Why become a VIC 3008 ENROLMENTS Victory LoungeProfessional property managers can be difficult to find. 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PoisedPoised aboveabove anan expansiveexpansive* Prices| [email protected] 37003700 can sqmsqm vary parkpark depending on size of| 9696residences. 8869 SolutionsFlexible Workspace Why becomeVictory a Member? Lounge andand withwith aa widewide rangerange ofof retail,retail, finefine dining,dining, resort-styleresort-style | [email protected] | 9696 8869 Solutions Member? Email [email protected] Visit MELBOURNE Solutions Victor Chung -Victor RSergio e gChung u l aLopezMember? r e v e n t s t h a tSergio g i v eLopez y oamenity,amenity, u t h childcarechildcare e c h andand a naa full-linefull-line c e t integratedintegrated o u n wWoolworthsWoolworths i n d , - Coworking美女如雲FlexibleSolutionsWorkspace- Virtual OfficesSolutionsWhy becomeVictory a Member?Working with supermarket,supermarket, | [email protected] TheThe TerracesTerraces anan exceptionalexceptionalVictoria standardstandard Street, Melbourne. Vic.| [email protected] 3000 8869 | 9696 8869 of premium city living. This uniqueSELLING release presents an | LEASING | PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1300FlexibleSolutions 788 292Workspace · becomeVictory a LoungeMember? 03- Broaden 8687 2125your business · premium citynetwork living. This unique release presents an YOUR CITY1300 RESIDENTIAL-- PrivatePrivate 788 OfficesOffices 292 · PROPERTY-- MeetingMeeting RoomsRooms SPECIALISTS network03- Broadenand 8687 learn 2125your from business industry · exclusive yetyet network limitedlimitedleaders MelbourneMelbourneA SquareSquare opportunity.opportunity.TERRACE Principal:Principal: Denise Denise Huss Hussey e y Phone: Phone: 93299206 93299206 - Broaden your businessindividuals, network A Victor Chung - Private Offices SergioVictor- Meeting Lopez Chung- Private RoomsOffices - Meeting Rooms Sergio Lopez- Broaden your- Broaden business network your business network Principal:Principal: Denise Denise Huss Hussey e y Phone: Phone: 93299206 93299206 466Workspace- Private City Road Offices - Meeting- Private RoomsOfficesVictory- Meeting Rooms LoungeMember? - Broaden your business"I have network nothingTO BOOK but AN APPOINTMENTpraise for CALL Sam 1300 Fenna 888 770 OR who - ConferenceWorkspace- Private Space OfficesSolutions- Boardrooms- Meeting RoomsVictory LoungeMember? - R e g u l a r e v-- e nBroadenBroaden t s t h a t g i v e y o u t hyouryour e c h a n c ebusinessbusiness t o u n w i n d , network network - Private Offices - Meeting- Coworking Rooms - Virtual Offices APARTMENTS DISPLAY SUITE THE TERRACES OVERLOOKING THE PARK — ARTIST’SARTIST’S IMPRESSIONIMPRESSION - Coworking - Virtual Offices -1 R e g u l aWEEK r e v- e n R t s familiese t hg a t u g i v l e a yr o ue t h v e &e cVICTORY h n a nbusiness. t cs e t o t u h n waAPARTMENTS i n t d ,g i v e y o u t h eLOUNGEDISPLAY c h aDISCOVER SUITE n c e t o u nA wTERRACE i n d , STORY AT MELBSQUARE.COM.AU THE TERRACES OVERLOOKING THE PARK — South1- CoworkingWEEK Melbourne COWORKING- Virtual Offices - Broaden your business networkww- wComplimentary network.smnt and- Rlearn eh gfrommelbourne u l aindustry r barista e v leaders e n t s made t h aNOWNOW t . gcatholic SELLINGSELLING icoffee v e y o u or t hNew eT2OPENOPEN. ced h DAILYteaDAILY a Yearu n c.a e tu o– uNew n w i n Property d , Principal: Manager Denise Hussey Phone: 93299206 YOUR CITY RESIDENTIAL- Coworking-- PrivatePrivate OfficesOffices PROPERTY-- MeetingMeeting Virtual RoomsRooms Offices SPECIALISTS- Broaden your business wnetworkww network.smnt and- R learn eh g from umelbourne la industry r e v eleaders n t s t h a t recently. gcatholic i v e y o u t h esoldSTORY . ced h a nu cmy.a e tu o apartment u n w i n d , Principal: in Melbourne Denise CBD. Huss ey Phone:ve 93299206 Solutions- Coworking - Virtual-- ConferenceConference Offices SpaceSpaceMember?-- BoardroomsBoardrooms - R e g u l a r e v e n t s t h a t g i v e y o u t h e c h a n c e t o u n w i n d , Solutions- Coworking - Virtual OfficesMember? network and learn 11 frombedroombedroom -- $468,900*$468,900* industryProfessional11am–5pm11am–5pm leaders property managers can be difficult to find. Chris Snell lives - Coworking - Virtual Offices - R e g u l a r e v e n t s t h a t g i v e y o u t h e c h-- aComplimentaryComplimentary n c e t o u n- w i nRnetwork d ,e barista barista g u l amade made r e and coffeecoffee v e n oror tlearn s T2T2 t teatea h a from t" gI ihave v e industry y o u tnothing h e cleaders h a n c e tbut o u n wpraise i n d , for Sam Fenna who - Coworking- Coworking - VirtualVirtual Offices Offices - R e g u l a r e v e n t s t h a t g i v e y o u t h e c h a n c e t o u n- w i nR d ,e g u l a r e v e n t s t h a22 bedroombedroom t g i v -- $603,100* e$603,100* y o u t hin eCornerCorner the c Melbourne h PowerPower a n StSt c e CBD t o and u works n w ithe nd Melbourne , CBD. Making the switchT: 03 9001 1333 - Coworking - Virtual Offices- Broaden your business network networkExperience and learn from industry the leaders di erence. network and learn fromUltimately industry leaders, Sam conducted a successful auction - Private Offices - Meeting Rooms - Broaden your business network network and learn from industry leaders network and learn3 3 frombedroombedroom -- $989,800*$989,800* industry&& KavanaghKavanaghleaders StSt - Private- Conference Offices - Meeting Space Rooms - Boardrooms Tel:YOUR 9614 CITY 5122 RESIDENTIAL Fax: 9614 PROPERTY 2964 SPECIALISTSto anTheThe experienced TerracesTerraces at atand MelbourneMelbourne local property SquareSquare manager deliverdeliver has premium premiumnever been easier. - Conference-- ConferenceConference Space SpaceSpace -- BoardroomsBoardrooms Boardrooms networknetwork andand learnlearn Penthouse Penthousefromfrom -- $2,113,600*$2,113,600* industryindustryNewSouthbankSouthbank leadersleaders Year – New Property Manager 03- Conference9696 4666 Space - Boardrooms- R e g u l a r e v e n t s t h a t g i v e- yComplimentary o u t1300 h e c h a n c e553 tbarista o u n w i n613made d , coffee or T2 tea recently Reliablesold service. my Stress free.apartment A professional to trust. Make in the switchMelbourne today. "I have CBD. nothing but praise forveears Sam Fenna of who -- CoworkingCoworking- Conference-- VirtualVirtual Space OfficesOffices - Boardrooms- R e g u l a r e v e n t s t h a t g i v e- yComplimentary o u t h e c h a n c e tbarista o u n w i nmade d , coffee or T2 tea- Complimentary baristawith made an coffeeoutcomeresidencesresidences or withwith T2 privateprivate tea that outdooroutdoor spacesspacesfar spanningspanningsurpassed upup 818 myBourke Street, - Conference Space - Boardrooms network and learn from industry leaders - Complimentary barista made coffee or T2 tea The District Makers Market toto 180180 sqm.sqm. PoisedPoised aboveabove anan expansiveexpansiveKITCHEN & LIVING AREAS37003700 — ARTIST’S sqmsqm IMPRESSION parkpark - Conference Space - Boardrooms network and learn from leaders - Complimentary barista made coffee or T2 tea KITCHEN & LIVING AREAS — ARTIST’S IMPRESSION - Complimentary barista** Prices Prices cancan varyvary dependingdependingmade onon sizesize ofofcoffeeProfessional residences.residences. or T2property tea managers can be difficult to find. Chrisrecently Snell lives sold my apartment in Melbourne CBD. YOUR CITY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SPECIALISTSOPEN-- ConferenceConference 7 DAYS SpaceSpace -- BoardroomsBoardrooms Ultimatelyandand, withSamwith aa widewide rangeconductedrange ofof retail,retail, finefine dining,dining, resort-styleresort-style a successful T: 03 9001 a 1333uctionShopping ve

SWA4215BE Docklands 1300 788 292 · WEEK- Complimentary COWORKING barista made coffee or T2 tea 1 WEEK03-- ComplimentaryComplimentary 8687 VICTORY 2125 LOUNGE baristabarista· mademade coffeecoffeeCall Chrisoror NeedlessT2T2 teaontea 1300 997 to 514say, I have no Saturday & Sunday 1 WEEK- Complimentary COWORKING"I have barista made nothing coffee or T2 tea but praise03 for 8687 Sam 2125 Fenna · in amenity,amenity,the Melbourne childcarechildcare andand CBD aa full-linefull-line and integratedintegrated works the WoolworthsWoolworths Melbourne CBD. Making the switch Shopping , I FREE TRIALEmail [email protected] Visit Ultimately, Sam conductedears a successful of auction FREE TRIAL VIC 3008 with an outcometo supermarket,supermarket,an experienced TheThe TerracesTerraces thatand deliverdeliver local faranan property exceptionalexceptional surpassed managerstandardstandard has nevermy been easier. hesitationTO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT21 CALL Victoriain 1300 recommending 888 Street, 770 OR Melbourne. Vic. 3000 Sam to818 Bourkeanyone Street, ears of 1 WEEK COWORKING recently1 soldWEEK my VICTORY apartment LOUNGE in Melbourne CBD.TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENTofof CALL premiumpremium 1300 888 citycity 770 ORve ThisThis uniqueunique releaserelease presentspresents anan with an outcome that far surpassed my IN ANY OF OUR 1MELBOURNE WEEK COWORKING LOCATIONS 1 WEEK VICTORY1 LOUNGE WEEK416 Collins VICTORY Street,DISCOVERDISCOVER Melbourne AA TERRACETERRACE STORYSTORYReliable VICLOUNGE ATAT 3000 MELBSQUARE.COM.AUMELBSQUARE.COM.AU service. Stress free. A professional to trust. Make the switch today. 1 WEEK COWORKING expectations.exclusiveexclusive yetyet Needless limitedlimited MelbourneMelbourne SquareSquare to opportunity.opportunity. say, I have no FREEUltimately TRIAL, Sam conductedFREE a successful TRIAL auctionwanting New to engage Year –an New Agent Property who not Docklandsexpectations.only Manager Needless to say,ations, I ,have I no , I 1 WEEK COWORKING IN ANY OF1 OUR WEEK MELBOURNE VICTORY LOCATIONSGallery LOUNGE 416416 CollinsCollins Street,Street, MelbourneMelbourne VICVIC 30003000 VIC 3008 For the best fresh produce, gourmet food Archie’s Brothers Cirque Electriq 1 NOW SELLING CoworkingFlexible1 WEEK COWORKING2 NOW SELLING IN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNEwith LOCATIONSanProperty outcomeElevate that far Whysurpassed Your mybecome hesitationimpressesSALES within recommendinga hisears knowledgeGlenn of Donnelly Sam of m:all to 0419 aspects anyone 998hesitation 235 of in recommending Sam to anyone Entertainment ProfessionalAPARTMENTS property managersDISPLAY SUITE can be difficult to find. Chris Snell lives EscortsFlexibleFREE TRIAL NetworkingFREEElevate TRIALWhy Your become UAPARTMENTSMelbourneCall a Chris Resident onDISPLAY 1300 SUITE U Melbourne 997 514 Agent UMaking Property Personal Receive a $5 voucher* 1 WEEK VICTORYin theNOW Melbourne SELLING LOUNGE CBD andOPEN works DAILY the Melbourne CBD. Makingwanting the switchto engage an andAgent specialty who not shopping, only 1 WEEKIN ANY OF OUR COWORKINGMELBOURNE LOCATIONS 416 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 1 WEEK VICTORYwanting to engage LOUNGE an Agent who not only ations, ations, 416 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000Why become a Flexible1 WEEKIN ANY OF OUR COWORKINGMELBOURNE LOCATIONS expectations. Needless to say, I have no Athe TERRACE Sales LEASING& Marketing Lina D’Ambrosio processes m: but 0430 who 929 851is also 1 WEEK COWORKING 1 WEEK VICTORYto anEmail experienced [email protected] LOUNGE and, localI property manager Visit has never been easier. 1 NOW SELLING FREE1 WEEK TRIAL2 NOW COWORKING SELLING FREE 1TRIALNOW UrbanSELLING Lifestyle1 WEEK2 NOW SELLING VICTORYimpresses11 SALESbedroombedroomwith -- $468,900*$468,900* LOUNGEhis knowledgeGlenn11am–5pm11am–5pm Donnelly of m:all 0419 aspects 998impresses 235 of with his knowledgeyou can’t beat of all Queen aspects Vic of Market. 1 WEEK COWORKINGhesitation in recommending1 Sam WEEK to anyone VICTORY 22 bedroombedroom -- $603,100*$603,100*LOUNGECornerCornerTHE TERRACES PowerPower OVERLOOKING StSt THE PARK — ARTIST’S IMPRESSION IN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNE LOCATIONS 416 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 trustworthy,Reliable21 Victoria ethical service. Street, Stress & free.Melbourne. caring. A professional Vic." 3000 to trust. Make the switch today. WorkspaceIN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNE LOCATIONS 416 Collins Street, Melbourne VICUrban 3000 FREE VictoryLifestyleSTORY LoungeTRIAL33 bedroombedroom -- $989,800*$989,800* && KavanaghKavanagh StSt the Sales & Marketing processes but who is also FREE TRIAL Workspace wanting to engage an AgentVictory who not only theLounge Sales PenthousePenthouse& Marketing -- $2,113,600*$2,113,600* ations,SouthbankSouthbank processes but who is also WorkspaceFlexible Rent a brandWhy new Victoryapartment become416 Collins in thea Street, heart LoungeMelbourne VICLEASING 3000 Free Lina Face D’AmbrosioPainting m: 0430 929trustworthy, 851 ethical & caring." The Terraces at Melbourne Square deliver premium Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 1 NOW SELLING 2 NOW SELLING IN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNE LOCATIONS1300 788 292 · impresses withRent his a brand knowledge new03 8687apartment 2125 of · in aspects the heart of UMelbourneSELLING ResidentSaturday | LEASING UMelbourne & Sunday | PROPERTY Agent UMaking MANAGEMENT Property Personal trustworthy, ethical & caring." KITCHEN & LIVING AREAS — ARTIST’S IMPRESSION of Melbourne’s CBD residences with private outdoor spaces spanning up KITCHEN & LIVING AREAS — ARTIST’S IMPRESSION *Call Prices can vary dependingChris on size of residences.on 1300 997 514 of Melbourne’s CBD to 180 sqm. Poised above an expansive* Prices can 3700 vary dependingsqm park on size of residences. Saturday & Sunday FREEFlexible TRIALWorkspacethe SalesWhy & MarketingbecomeVictory aprocesses FREELounge but who and is with also a wide range ofTRIAL retail, fine dining, resort-style 1300 788 292 · FREE TRIAL SolutionsFREE TRIAL03 8687 2125 · - April 2020 Select from a variety of one, two or three Email [email protected] Visit Genzsch Concept Solutions0.4FREE – 1300Alternate 788 292 · A 3 03 8687 2125Elevate · FREEYour amenity, childcare and aTRIAL full-line integrated Woolworths 6 FREE TRIAL supermarket, The Terraces deliver an exceptional standard trustworthy, ethicalSelect from & caring. a variety of" FREEone, two or416 three Collins Street, MelbourneTRIAL VIC 3000 Judy - April 2020 with plenty of aordable parking. FREEIN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNE TRIAL LOCATIONS bedroom apartments with breathtaking416 views Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Member?FREEVendor ofTRIAL 1/11721 Victoria Hardware Street, Melbourne. Lane, Melbourne Vic. 3000 SolutionsFREEIN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNE TRIAL LOCATIONSWhy become a ElevateMember? Your of premium city living. This uniqueSELLING release presents an | LEASING | PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Flexible1300 788 292 · Workspace Solutions03 8687 2125 Victory· Lounge 416 Collins Street, MelbourneTOTO BOOKBOOK VIC ANAN APPOINTMENTAPPOINTMENT 3000 CALLCALL 13001300 888888 770770 OROR 13001300 788 788 292ININ 292 ANYANY· OFOF· OUROUR MELBOURNEMELBOURNE LOCATIONSLOCATIONS03 8687 2125 · apartments03- Broadenwith 8687 breathtaking 2125your416 business views Collins · yetStreet, network limited Melbourne Melbourne Square opportunity.TERRACE VIC 3000 Vendor of 1/117 Hardware Lane, Melbourne - Private Offices - Meeting Rooms and access to resort-style amenities.416 Collins Street, MelbourneADISCOVER VIC A TERRACE 3000 STORY AT MELBSQUARE.COM.AU - Private INOfficesIN ANYANY OFOF OUROUR MELBOURNEMELBOURNE- Meeting- Private RoomsOffices LOCATIONSLOCATIONS- Meeting Rooms - Broaden your- Broaden business network your416 business CollinsJudy Street, network - April Melbourne 2020 VIC 3000 WorkspaceSolutions Victory LoungeMember?Urban and access to resort-styleLifestyle- Broaden amenities. your business network - Private Offices - Meeting Rooms APARTMENTS DISPLAY SUITE THE TERRACES OVERLOOKING THE PARK — ARTIST’S IMPRESSION - Coworking - Virtual Offices UrbanLearn more- R e gand u l a r e vLifestylesubmit e n t s t h a t g i van e y o uenquiry t h e c h a n c e at: t o u n w i n dVendor , ofNew 1/117 Year Hardware – New Property Lane, Melbourne Manager e e 3 SOLD - $702,000 4 SOLD - $530,000 3 SOLD - $702,000 - R e g u l a r 4 e v eSOLD n t s t- h $530,000 aNOW t g SELLING i v e y o u t h eOPEN c h DAILY a n c e t o u n w i n d , - Coworking- Private Offices - Meeting Virtual Rooms Offices Judy - April- Broaden 2020 your businessLearn network more network and and submit learn from an industry enquiry leaders at: STORY - Conference Space - Boardrooms a brand new apartment- R e g u l a r e vin e nthe t s theart h a t g i v e y o u t h e c h a n c e t o u n w i n d , Solutions- Coworking - Virtual OfficesMember? RentMelbourne a brand new Business apartment Network in the heart1 bedroom - $468,900* Professional11am–5pmSelling property managers can be difficult& Leasingto find. Chris Snell lives - R e g u l a r e e n t s t h a t g i v e y o u t h e c h- aComplimentary n c e t o u n- w inetwork nR d ,e barista g u l amade r eand coffee v e n orlearn t sT2 ttea h a from t g i v e industry y o u t h e leaders c h a n c e t o u n w i n d , - Coworking- Coworking - Virtual Virtual Offices Offices Vendor of 1/117Rent Hardware a brand newLane, apartment network Melbourne and in the learn heart 2 frombedroom - $603,100* industryinCorner the leaders Melbourne Power St CBD and works the Melbourne CBD. Making the switch 1 NOW SELLING 71/299 Queen Street, Melbourne e, ut - Private Offices - Meeting Rooms - Broaden your business network network and learn from industryof leaders Melbourne’s CBD 3 bedroom1 - $989,800* to& an Kavanagh experienced St and local property manager has never been easier. e,e ut - Conference Space - Boardrooms Level 20, 600of Melbourne’sBourke Street, CBD MelbournePenthouse - $2,113,600*NOWNewSouthbankThe SELLING Terraces Year at Melbourne - 71/299 – Square New deliver Queen premium Property Street, Melbourne Manager 3 SOLD - $702,000 - Conference4 SpaceSOLD - -Boardrooms $530,000 network and learn from industryReliable leaders service. Stress free. A professional to trust. Make the switch today. of Melbourne’s CBD residences with private outdoor spaces spanning up The District Makers Market - Coworking- Conference- Virtual Space Offices - Boardrooms- R e g u l a r e v e n t s t h a t g i v e- yComplimentary o u t h e c h a n c e tbarista o u n w i nmade d , coffee or T2 tea- Complimentary barista made coffee or T2 tea Window Sound-Proofing Select from a variety of one, two or three to 180 sqm. Poised above an expansive 3700 sqm park The District Makers Market , - Conference Space - Boardrooms network and learn from [email protected] leaders Select from a variety- Complimentary of one, two or three barista made coffeeProfessionalUMelbournethe or T2property teabest Resident managerseKITCHEN & LIVINGhomes AREAS canU — ARTIST’SMelbourne be IMPRESSION difficult to find. Agent Chris2 SnellUMakingNOW livesSaturday SELLING Property & -Sunday 502/390 Personal Little Collins Street, Melbourne 3 SOLD - $702,000 4 SOLD - $530,000 * Prices can vary depending on size of residences.and with a wide range of retail, fine dining, resort-style , - Conference101 Space Waterfront- Boardrooms Way, Docklands, 3008 bedroomSelect fromapartments a variety- Complimentarywith of one,breathtaking two or three views barista 12 madeNOW coffeeCall SELLING Chrisor T2 on tea- 502/390 1300 997 Little 514 Collins Street, MelbourneSaturday & Sunday e, ut 1300 788 292 · WEEK- Complimentary COWORKING barista made coffee or T2 tea 1 WEEK03 8687 VICTORY 2125 LOUNGE · amenity,the SELLING Melbourne childcare and- CBD 71/299a full-line and integrated works Queen the Woolworths Melbourne Street, CBD. Melbourne Making the switch Urban Alley Brewery and access to resort-style amenities. Email [email protected] Visit bedroomand access apartments to resort-style with breathtaking amenities. views to supermarket,an experienced The Terraces and deliver local an property exceptional managerstandard has never been easier. 21 Victoria Street, Melbourne.e, ut Vic. 3000 3 SOLD $702,000 -3/6 Anthony Street, Melbourne Now open 1 NOW SELLINGPhoneand - 71/299access 03 to Queen resort-style 8637 Street, amenities. 5075 MelbourneTO BOOK AN APPOINTMENTof CALL premiumin 1300 888 city 770the living. OR This uniqueCBD. release presents an 1 WEEK COWORKING 1 WEEK VICTORY LOUNGE DISCOVER A TERRACE STORYReliable AT MELBSQUARE.COM.AU service. Stress free. A professional to trust. Make the switch today. , Learn more andFREE submit an enquiryTRIAL at: 23 NOWSOLDexclusive SELLING$702,000 yet limited - Melbourne -3/6502/390 AnthonySquare opportunity.Little Street,Collins MelbourneStreet, Melbourne For the best fresh produce, gourmet food xplabo.” 1300 788 292 · more and submit an03 enquiry 8687 at: 2125 ·, 4 SOLD $530,000SOUNDPROOFING - 1102/39 Queen Street, Melbourne WINDOWS Archie’s Brothers Cirque Electriq 1 WEEK COWORKING IN ANY OF1 OUR WEEK MELBOURNE2 VICTORY LOCATIONSNOW LOUNGE - 502/390 Little416 Collins Collins Street, Melbourne Street, VIC 3000 Melbourne 846 Bourke St, For the best fresh produce, gourmet food Archie’s Brothers Cirque Electriq 1300 788 292 · 03 8687SOLD -2125 $780,000 · Receive a $5 voucher* Escorts1300 788FREE 292 · - $511,000 TRIAL 036 8687 2125 · Chris Resident onDISPLAY 1300 SUITE UMelbourne Archie’s 997 Brothers 514 Agent Cirque U ElectriqMaking Propertyand Personalxplabo.” specialty shopping, Receive a $5 voucher* Real Estate 1 WEEK VICTORY34 SOLDNOW $702,000$530,000 SELLING LOUNGE -3/6- 1102/39OPEN Anthony DAILY Queen Street, Street, MelbourneDocklands Melbourne5 SOLD $511,000For -body 1/117and corporateHardware specialty Lane, and shopping,Melbourne heritage listed 1 WEEKIN ANY OF OUR COWORKINGMELBOURNE LOCATIONS 416 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Receive a $5 voucher* Family Law 3 SOLDOwners $702,000 Corporation-3/6 Anthony1 Street, WEEK Melbourne VICTORYEmail [email protected] LOUNGE Visit you can’t beat Queen Vic Market. 5 SOLD - $511,000 FREE1 WEEK TRIAL6 SOLD COWORKING - $780,000 FREE TRIAL 1 bedroom - $468,900* 11am–5pm 9251 9000 homesyou and can’t apartments beat Queen Vic Market. 1 WEEK COWORKING For a no obligation appraisal1 WEEKof your property VICTORY or a discussion221 bedroom Victoria -around $603,100*LOUNGE Street, the Melbourne.Corner market, Power St call Vic. now3000 6 SOLD $780,000 - 707/501xplabo.” Little Collins Street, Melbourne IN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNE LOCATIONS 416 Collins Street,YOUR Melbourne CITY VIC 3000 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SPECIALISTS 5 SOLD3 bedroom $511,000 - $989,800* - 1/117& Kavanagh Hardware St Lane, Melbourne 4 SOLD $530,000"I have nothingxplabo.”Free -but Face1102/39 praise Painting for Sam Queen Fenna who Street, Melbourne 4 SOLD $530,000 - 1102/39 Queen Street, Melbourne Penthouse - $2,113,600* Southbank Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 5 SOLD - $511,000 6 SOLD - $780,000 recently soldSaturdayFree my apartmentFace &Painting Sunday in Melbourne CBD. ve Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday SOLD - $511,000 SOLDFor - a$780,000 no obligation appraisal of your propertyPearce 1300 or 788a discussion292 · aroundBelle Property the market, Melbourne03 8687 call 2125 & Carlton now · UMelbourneUltimately Resident, Sam conducted UMelbourne a successful Agent a UuctionMaking Property Personal 5 6 SamSaturday Fenna & Sunday KITCHEN & LIVING AREAS — ARTIST’S IMPRESSION 56 SOLD $780,000with an outcome - that707/501 far surpassed Little my Collins Street,ears Melbourne of Saturday & Sunday 5 SOLD $511,000 - 1/117 Hardware Lane, Melbourne SOLD* Prices $511,000 can vary depending on- size 1/117 of residences. Hardware Lane, Melbourne Saturday & Sunday FREEWebster TRIAL FREE TRIALexpectations.0437 Needless309 715 to say, I have no , I Genzsch Concept 0.4 – 1300Alternate 788 292 · A 3 03 8687 2125 · FREE TRIALhesitation in recommending Sam to anyone with plenty6 of aordable parking. FREE TRIAL151-153 Clarendon Street, Southbank Renovations with plenty of aordable parking. For a no obligation appraisal of yourFor property a no obligationor a discussion appraisal around ofthe your market, property call now or a discussion around the market, callFREE now 416 Collins Street, MelbourneTRIALwantingSelling [email protected] to engage 3000 an Agent & whoLeasing not only ations, FREEIN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNE TRIAL LOCATIONS 6 SOLD $780,000 - 707/501 Little Collins Street, Melbourne Belle Property Melbourne & Carlton 6 SOLDNOW $780,000 SELLING - 707/501NOW LittleSELLING Collins Street, Melbourne TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT CALL 1300 888 770 OR 1300 788 292IN ANY· OF OURDugdales MELBOURNE LOCATIONS 03 8687 2125 · 1 Elgin Fenna Street, Carlton2 416 Collins Street, Melbourneimpresses VIC with 3000 his knowledge of all aspects of IN ANY OF OUR MELBOURNE LOCATIONS 416 Collins Street, MelbournetheDISCOVER Sales VIC &A TERRACEMarketing 3000 STORY processes AT MELBSQUARE.COM.AU but who is also DOCKLANDS trustworthy,NEWS ethical & caring." the best homes Belle Property Melbourne & CarltonBelle Property Working with 0437 309 715 Scott McElroy 151-153 Clarendon Melbourne Street,Sam &Southbank FennaCarlton Sam Fenna Semi - Retired Builder individuals, [email protected] Business Network Judy - April0411 2020 889 972 129 Elgin Street, Carlton0437 309 715 families & business. 0437 309 715 Vendorin of 1/117the Hardware CBD.Lane, Melbourne 151-153 Clarendon Street, Southbank Level 20, 600 Bourke Street, Melbourne scott.mcelroyat [email protected] Service e Window Sound-Proofing 151-153 Clarendon Street,[email protected] Southbank 3 SOLD - $702,000 4 SOLD - $530,000 Window Sound-Proofing [email protected] UMelbournel Resident UlMelbourne Agente, U utMaking Property Personal 129 Elgin Street, Carlton Scott McElroy 1 NOW SELLINGCarpentry - 71/299 Queen Street, PaintingMelbourne 846 Bourke St, Urban Alley Brewery 129 Elgin Street, CarltonTel: 9614 5122 Fax: 9614 2964 Experience the di erence. , 2 NOWl SELLINGTiling - 502/390 Little Collinsl Street,Renovations Melbourne Docklands Live Music Urban AlleyNow Brewery open Scott McElroy 04111300 553889 613 972 Now open Phone 03 8637 5075 3 SOLD $702,000 -3/6 Anthony Street,l Melbourne All Jobs Scott McElroy 9251xplabo.” 9000 Wonderland Junior 0411 889 972 4 SOUNDPROOFING WINDOWS 1300 788 292 · [email protected] SOLD $530,000 - 1102/39 Queen Street, Melbourne SOUNDPROOFING WINDOWS Open Saturday & Sunday 5 0411SOLD - $511,000 889 972 6 SOLD - $780,000 03 8687 2125 · Archie’s Brothers Cirque Electriq s1300cott.mcelroy 788 [email protected] · 03 8687 2125 · SOLD $511,000 - 1/117 Hardware Lane, Melbourne For body corporate and heritage listed 1300 788 292 · 03 8687 2125 · BruceReceiveArchie’s aBrothers $5 voucher* Cirque Electriq For body corporate and heritage listed OwnersFors cott.mcelroya no obligation appraisal Corporation [email protected] your property or a discussion around the market, call now 6 SOLD $780,0000402 - 707/501 Little Collins438 ReceiveStreet, 844 Melbourne a $5 voucher* homes and apartments Belle Property Melbourne & Carlton Sam Fenna homes and apartments 0437 309 715 DBU 13652 151-153 Clarendon Street, Southbank [email protected] 129 Elgin Street, Carlton SOUTHBANK NEWS Scott McElroy 0411 889 972 [email protected] SellingNEWS & Leasing the best homes in the CBD. Talk to CBD News owner Sean Car t 0433 930 484 846 Bourke St, Experience the di erence. e [email protected] Music Docklands Live Music 1300 553 613 Wonderland Junior 9251about 9000 how to customise your Open SaturdayWonderland & Sunday Junior campaign to our audience every Open Saturday & Sunday CBD NEWS Entertainmentmonth. Weekend SOUTHBANK NEWSat The District Docklands Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News Talk toSaturday CBD News owner 17 & Sean Sunday Car 18 November t 0433 930 484 JoineTalk [email protected] us tofor CBD a weekend News of owner entertainment Sean Car with live music, DJs, face painting, A apex with small serif length, drawing less attention rides with Wonderland Junior and an eclectic Makers Market. Plus, spend $20 at The Districtaboutt 0433 Docklands how930 484to tocustomise receive a $5*your voucher from Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq. campaigne [email protected] to our audience every month. about howWe’re to customise located right your next to the Melbourne Star campaign to our audience every CBD NEWS Entertainmentmonth. *Terms and conditions apply. See our website forWeekend full details.

atPlease Thesupport our advertisers District because without them we would haveDocklands no CBD News Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no CBD News Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 November Join us for a weekend of entertainment with live music, DJs, face painting, Join us for a weekend of entertainment with live music, DJs, face painting, rides with Wonderland Junior and an eclectic Makers Market. Plus, spend $20 at A apex with small serif length, drawing less attention rides with Wonderland Junior and an eclectic Makers Market. Plus, spend $20 at The District Docklands to receive a $5* voucher from Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq. The District Docklands to receive a $5* voucher from Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq. We’re located right next to the Melbourne Star We’re located right next to the Melbourne Star *Terms and conditions apply. See our website for full details. *Terms and conditions apply. See our website for full details. Your inner Melbourne property specialist.

With over 15 years’ experience servicing the Melbourne property market and 5 offices across the CBD and Southbank, Melcorp Real Estate is ready to assist you with all of your property needs. If you’re thinking of selling or leasing, or would like to know what your property is worth in today’s market, please contact one of our friendly team members. FOR SALE

Private Private 710/55 Queens Rd, Melbourne 1302/454 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda EOI 1303/9-23 Mackenzie St, Melbourne 3 2 2 Sale 3 2 1 1 Sale

Private Private 3004/135 City Rd, Southbank $600,000 903/115 Swanston St, Melbourne 5703/35 Queensbridge St, Southbank 2 2 1 1 1 Sale 3 2 1 Sale FOR LEASE

405/275 Abbotsford St, North Melbourne $725 pw 4001/483 Swanston St, Melbourne $795 pw 6/10 Boundary St, South Melbourne $935 pw 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 1

5306/35 Queensbridge St, Southbank $650 pw 1905/318 Russell St, Melbourne $380 pw 3105/8 Pearl River Rd, Docklands $550 pw 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

Contact us for a free appraisal.

Mark Giuliano Lou Lihari Officer in Effective Head of Department, Control & Sales Director Property Management Scan to view our full range 0405 030 000 03 9663 1117 of properties or learn more [email protected] [email protected] about our services

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