Adana, Massacre In, 57–59 Alice in Hungerland, 143 American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, 139, 140 American Commit
the genocide of the armenians • 191 INDEX Adana, massacre in, 57–59 reasons for, 81–82; survivors, 83–84; Alice in Hungerland, 143 Turkish explanations for, 85, 87, 92; American Committee for women and children, abuse of, 98–106; Armenian and Syrian Relief, 139, 140 World War I and, 87, 89, 90, 91 American Committee for Relief in the Near East Armenian Genocide: News Accounts from the (ACRNE), 139, 141 American Press: 1915–1922 (Zakarian), 76 American Red Cross, 45 Armenian Revolutionary Federation American Relief Administration (ARA), 160 (Dashnakstutiun), 31, 42–43, 48–50, 51, 59 Aroosian, Arax, 4 Anatolia, 85 Assyrians, treatment of, 110 Andreasian, Dikran, 125–126 Axis Rule in Occupied Europe (Lemkin), 186 Ararat, Mt., 12 Arendt, Hannah, 175 Arlen, Michael J., 4, 5, 181–182 Balakian, Krikoris, 92–93 Argentina, the Disappeared in, 12 Balakian, Peter, 3–4, 12, 31–33, 42–43 Armenakan Party, 31 Balkan League, 65 Armenia, Balkans, fighting in the, 28–29 history of, 23–24; Bank Ottoman, 48–49, 50 map of historic, 22; Republic of, 147–148, 162–164 Barton, Clara, 45 Barton, James L., 139, 140 Armenian(s), fighting in the Balkans and position of, 28–30; Berlin, treaty of, 28–29, 31, 171 identity, 10–13; Bey, Essad, 73 organizing for change following the Treaty of Berlin, 31–33; Bitlis, 84 views of the Great Powers toward, 23–24; Black Dog of Fate (Balakian), 3, 12 we (Armenians) versus they (Turks), 68–70 Bloody News from My Friend (Siamanto), 58 Armenian Genocide, choices and, 113–144; Boettrich, Lieutenant Colonel, 94 denial of, 174–179;
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