DRILL NAME: Edging Drill DATE: October, 2009 (update) FUNDAMENTAL Carving Turns/Transitions AREA: GOAL: The goal of this drill is to teach the athlete to roll the on edge properly and tighten the radius of a carved turn. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Coach needs: Drill, wrench, GS gates or brushes/stubbies Athlete needs: GS racing gear (Helmet, GS suit, protection, GS skis, poles, etc.) SETUP: COACHING POINTS: EVALUATION:

Set a 15 gate GS course that is relatively straight and • Initiation Phase - Skier is rolling the skis up on edge with The skier should demonstrate: allows for the weakest skier to carve through the the ankles and knees while maintaining dynamic balance. • Smooth and rhythmical carved parallel course. Subsequent runs move the gates out (1m) to (Athlete experiments with forward movement to engage tip and turns throughout drill make the course progressively more difficult to carve. tighten radius.) • contact throughout drill Important to start on beginner terrain, working up to • Turning phase - Skier is maintaining dynamic balance on an • Ability to execute subtle edging intermediate terrain only as skill progresses. At some engaged edge/edges. ( Athlete experiments with methods to movements at first, leading to more point, everyone will not make the course. tighten radius i.e. Increase pressure by concentrat ing on 1 ski, aggressive edging movements as turn radius increasing pressure on tip, greater angulation, etc.) tightens. 18 -24 m • Completion Phase – The skier is releasing the edge by • The ability to increase pressure between decreasing edge angle and moving weight to new (uphill) ski. the ski and the snow to tighten turn radii. • Crossover point: Center-of-mass continues to move forward • A balanced fore/aft transition, with C-of-M in the direction of the skis. moving forward and ankle flexion throughout. • Looking ahead.


1. Gradually increase gate offset a single panel width (i.e. 1 m) at a time. 2. Change snow conditions (i.e. hardness, smooth to deteriorated, etc.) 3. Increase slope pitch

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