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Exploring Extended with ILLIXR: A New Playground for Architecture Research Muhammad Huzaifa Rishi Desai Samuel Grayson Xutao Jiang Ying Jing Jae Lee Fang Lu Yihan Pang Joseph Ravichandran Finn Sinclair Boyuan Tian Hengzhi Yuan Jeffrey Zhang Sarita V. Adve University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [email protected]

ABSTRACT paper makes the case that the emerging domain of virtual, augmented, and , collectively referred to as ex- As we enter the era of domain-specific architectures, systems 1 researchers must understand the requirements of emerging tended reality (XR), is a rich domain that can propel research application domains. Augmented and (AR/VR) on efficient domain-specific edge systems. Our case rests on or (XR) is one such important domain. This the following observations: paper presents ILLIXR, the first open end-to-end XR (1) Pervasive: XR will pervade most aspects of our lives system (1) with state-of-the-art components, (2) integrated — it will affect the way we teach, conduct science, practice with a modular and extensible multithreaded runtime, (3) medicine, entertain ourselves, train professionals, interact providing an OpenXR compliant interface to XR applica- socially, and more. Indeed, XR is envisioned to be the next tions (e.g., game engines), and (4) with the ability to report interface for most of [2, 54, 72, 115]. (and trade off) several quality of experience (QoE) metrics. (2) Challenging demands: While current XR systems exist We analyze performance, power, and QoE metrics for the today, they are far from providing a tetherless experience complete ILLIXR system and for its individual components. approaching perceptual abilities of humans. There is a gap Our analysis reveals several properties with implications for of several orders of magnitude between what is needed and architecture and systems research. These include demanding achievable in performance, power, and usability (Table1), performance, power, and QoE requirements, a large diversity giving architects a potentially rich space to innovate. of critical tasks, inter-dependent execution pipelines with (3) Multiple and diverse components: XR involves a number challenges in scheduling and resource management, and a of diverse sub-domains — video, graphics, , large tradeoff space between performance/power and human machine learning, optics, audio, and components of robotics perception related QoE metrics. ILLIXR and our analysis — making it challenging to design a system that executes each have the potential to propel new directions in architecture and one well while respecting the resource constraints. systems research in general, and impact XR in particular. (4) Full-stack implications: The combination of real-time constraints, complex interacting pipelines, and ever-changing algorithms creates a need for full stack optimizations involv- 1. INTRODUCTION ing the hardware, compiler, , and algorithm. (5) Flexible accuracy for end-to-end experience: The Recent years have seen the convergence of multiple disrup- end user being a human with limited perception enables a tive trends to fundamentally change computer systems: (1) rich space of accuracy-aware resource trade-offs, but requires With the end of Dennard scaling and Moore’s law, application- the ability to quantify impact on end-to-end experience. driven specialization has emerged as a key architectural tech- Case for an XR system testbed: A key obstacle to archi- nique to meet the requirements of emerging applications, tecture research for XR is that there are no open source (2) computing and data availability have reached an inflec- benchmarks covering the entire XR workflow to drive such tion point that is enabling a number of new application do- research. While there exist open source codes for some in- mains, and (3) these applications are increasingly deployed dividual components of the XR workflow (typically devel- on resource-constrained edge devices, where they interface oped by domain researchers), there is no integrated suite directly with the end-user and the physical world. that enables researching an XR system. As we move from In response to these trends, our research conferences have the era of general-purpose, homogeneous cores on chip to seen an explosion of papers on highly efficient accelerators, domain-specific, heterogeneous system-on-chip architectures, many focused on machine learning. Thus, today’s computer benchmarks need to follow the same trajectory. While pre- architecture researchers must not only be familiar with hard- vious benchmarks comprising of suites of independent ap- ware principles, but more than ever before, must understand plications (e.g., Parsec [7], Rodinia [16], SPEC [10, 39], emerging applications. To truly achieve the promise of ef- SPLASH [100, 103, 124], and more) sufficed to evaluate ficient edge computing, however, will require architects to general-purpose single- and multicore architectures, there broaden their portfolio from specialization for individual ac- celerators to understanding domain-specific systems which 1 may consist of multiple sub-domains requiring multiple ac- Virtual reality (VR) immerses the user in a completely digital environment. (AR) enhances the user’s real celerators that interact with each other to collectively meet world with overlaid digital content. Mixed reality (MR) goes beyond end-user demands. AR in enabling the user to interact with virtual objects in their real Case for Extended Reality (XR) as a driving domain: This world.

1 is now a need for a full-system-benchmark methodology, ILLIXR on desktop and embedded class machines with CPUs better viewed as a full system testbed, to design and eval- and GPUs, driven by a game engine running representative uate system-on-chip architectures. Such a methodology must VR and AR applications. Overall, we find that current sys- bring together the diversity of components that will interact tems are far from the needs of future devices, making the with each other in the domain-specific system and also be case for efficiency through techniques such as specialization, flexible and extensible to accept future new components. codesign, and approximation. An XR full-system-benchmark or testbed will continue to (3) Our system level analysis shows a wide variation in enable traditional research of designing optimized acceler- the resource utilization of different components. Although ators for a given XR component with conventional metrics components with high resource utilization should clearly be such as power, performance, and area for that component, but targeted for optimization, components with relatively low additionally allowing evaluations for the end-to-end impact utilization are also critical due to their impact on QoE. on the system. More important, the integrated collection of (4) Power breakdowns show that CPUs, GPUs, and mem- components in a full XR system will enable new research ories are only part of the power consumption. The rest of that co-designs acceleration for the multiple diverse and de- the SoC and system logic, including data movement for dis- manding components of an XR system, across the full stack, plays and sensors is a major component as well, motivating and with end-to-end user experience as the metric. technologies such as on-sensor computing. Challenges and contributions: This paper presents ILLIXR, (5) We find XR components are quite diverse in their use of the first open-source XR full-system testbed; an analysis of CPU, GPU compute, and GPU graphics, and exhibit a range performance, power, and QoE metrics for ILLIXR on a desk- of IPC and system bottlenecks. Analyzing their compute top class and embedded class machine; and several implica- and memory characteristics, we find a variety of patterns and tions for future systems research. subtasks, with none dominating. The number and diversity of There were two challenges in the development of ILLIXR. these patterns poses a research question for the granularity at First, ILLIXR required expertise in a large number of sub- which accelerators should be designed and whether and how domains (e.g., robotics, computer vision, graphics, optics, they should be shared among different components. These and audio). We developed ILLIXR after consultation with observations motivate research in automated tools to identify many experts in these sub-domains, which led to identifying acceleratable primitives, architectures for communication a representative XR workflow and state-of-the-art algorithms between accelerators, and accelerator interfaces and and open source codes for the constituent components. programming models. Second, until recently, commercial XR devices had pro- (6) Most components exhibit significant variability in per- prietary interfaces. For example, the interface between an execution time due to input-dependence or resource head mounted device (HMD) runtime and the contention, thereby making it challenging to schedule and or Unreal game engines that run on the HMD has been closed allocate shared resources. Further, there are a large number as are the interfaces between the different components of system parameters that need to be tuned for an optimal the HMD runtime. OpenXR [111], an open standard, was XR experience. The current is mostly ad hoc and released in July 2019 to partly address this problem by pro- exacerbated by the above variability. viding a standard for XR device runtimes to interface with Overall, this work provides the architecture and systems the applications that run on them. ILLIXR leverages an community with a one-of-a-kind infrastructure, foundational open implementation of this new standard [77] to provide analyses, and case studies to enable new research within each an OpenXR compliant XR system. However, OpenXR is layer of the system stack or co-designed across the stack, still evolving, it does not address the problem of interfaces impacting a variety of domain-specific design methodologies between the different components within an XR system, and in general and for XR in particular. ILLIXR is fully open the ecosystem of OpenXR compliant applications (e.g., game source and is designed to be extensible so that the broader engines and games) is still developing. Nevertheless ILLIXR community can easily contribute new components and fea- is able to provide the functionality to support sophisticated tures and new implementations of current ones. The current applications. ILLIXR codebase consists of over 100K lines of code for Specifically, this work makes the following contributions. the main components, another 80K for the OpenXR interface (1) We develop ILLIXR, the first open source XR system, implementation, several XR applications and an open source consisting of a representative XR workflow (i) with state- game engine, and continues to grow with new components of-the-art components, (ii) integrated with a modular and and algorithms. ILLIXR can be found at: extensible multithreaded runtime, (iii) providing an OpenXR https://illixr.github.io compliant interface to XR applications (e.g., game engines), and (iv) with the ability to report (and trade off) several qual- 2. XR REQUIREMENTS AND METRICS ity of experience (QoE) metrics. The ILLIXR components represent the sub-domains of robotics (odometry or SLAM), XR requires devices that are lightweight, mobile, and all computer vision (scene reconstruction), machine learning day wearable, and provide sufficient compute at low ther- (), image processing (camera), graphics (asyn- mals and energy consumption to support a high quality of chronous reprojection), optics (lens distortion and chromatic experience (QoE). Table1 summarizes values for various aberration correction), audio (3D audio encoding and decod- system-level quality related metrics for current state-of-the- ing), and displays (holographic displays). art XR devices and the aspiration for ideal futuristic devices. (2) We analyze performance, power, and QoE metrics for These requirements are driven by both human anatomy and usage considerations; e.g., ultra-high performance to emulate

2 Table 1: Ideal requirements of VR and AR vs. state-of-the-art devices, HTC Vive Pro for VR and HoloLens 2 for AR. VR devices are typically larger and so afford more power and thermal headroom. The HTC Vive Pro offloads most of its work to an attached server, so its power and area values are not meaningful. The ideal case requirements for power, area, and weight are based on current devices which are considered close to ideal in these (but not other) respects – Snapdragon 835 in the VR headset and APQ8009w in the North Focals small AR glasses.

Metric HTC Ideal VR Microsoft Ideal AR Vive Pro [22, 49] HoloLens 2 [22, 49, 110] Resolution (MPixels) 4.6 [44] 200 4.4 [76] 200 110 [44] Full: 52 diagonal Full: Field-of-view 165×175 [36, 122] 165×175 (Degrees) Stereo: Stereo: 120×135 120×135 Figure 1: The ILLIXR system and its relation to XR applications, the Refresh rate (Hz) 90 [44] 90 – 144 120 [104] 90 – 144 OpenXR interface, and mobile platforms. Motion-to-photon < 20 [18] < 20 < 9 [97] < 5 latency (ms) Power (W) N/A 1 – 2 > 7 [41, 46, 105] 0.1 – 0.2 Silicon area (mm2) N/A 100 – 200 > 173 [19, 46] < 100 ILLIXR represents a state-of-the-art system capable of run- Weight (grams) 470 [123] 100 – 200 566 [76] 10s ning typical XR applications and providing an end-to-end XR user experience. Nevertheless, XR is an emerging and evolv- ing domain and no XR experimental testbed or commercial the real world, extreme thermal constraints due to contact device can be construed as complete in the traditional sense. with human skin, and light weight for comfort. We identified Compared to specific commercial headsets today, ILLIXR the values of the various aspirational metrics through an ex- may miss a component (e.g., provides hand tensive survey of the literature [49, 72, 73]. Although there is tracking) and/or it may have additional or more advanced no consensus on exact figures, there is an evolving consensus components (e.g., except for HoloLens 2, most current XR on approximate values that shows orders of magnitude differ- systems do not have scene reconstruction). Further, while IL- ence between the requirements of future devices and what is LIXR supports state-of-the-art algorithms for its components, implemented today (making the exact values less important new algorithms are continuously evolving. ILLIXR there- for our purpose). For example, the AR power gap alone is fore supports a modular and extensible design that makes it two orders of magnitude. Coupled with the other gaps (e.g., relatively easy to swap and to add new components. two orders of magnitude for resolution), the overall system The system presented here assumes all computation is gap is many orders of magnitude across all metrics. done at the device (i.e., no offloading to the cloud, server, or other edge devices) and we assume a single user (i.e., 3. THE ILLIXR SYSTEM no communication with multiple XR devices). Thus, our Figure1 presents the ILLIXR system. ILLIXR captures workflow does not represent any network communication. We components that belong to an XR runtime such as Oculus VR are currently working on integrating support for networking, (OVR) and are shipped with an XR headset. Applications, edge and cloud work partitioning, and multiparty XR within often built using a game engine, are separate from the XR sys- ILLIXR, but these are outside the scope of this paper. tem or runtime, and interface with it using the runtime’s API. Sections 3.1– 3.3 next describe the three ILLIXR pipelines For example, a game developed on the Unity game engine for and their components, Section 3.4 describes the modular an Oculus headset runs on top of OVR, querying information runtime architecture that integrates these components, and from OVR and submitting rendered frames to it using the Section 3.5 describes the metrics and telemetry support in OVR API. Analogously, applications interface with ILLIXR ILLIXR. Table2 summarizes the algorithm and implementa- using the OpenXR API [111] (we leverage the OpenXR API tion information for each component in the three pipelines. implementation from Monado [77]). Consequently, ILLIXR ILLIXR already supports multiple, easily interchangeable does not include components from the application, but cap- alternatives for some components; for lack of space, we pick tures the performance impact of the application running on one alternative, indicated by a * in the table, for detailed ILLIXR. We collectively refer to all application-level tasks results in this paper. Tables3–8 summarize, for each for such as user input handling, scene , physics, ren- these components, their major tasks and sub-tasks in terms dering, etc. as "application" in the rest of this paper. of their functionality, computation and memory patterns, and As shown in Figure1, ILLIXR’s workflow consists of three percentage contribution to execution time, discussed further pipelines – perception, visual, and audio – each containing below and in Section5 (we do not show the sensor related several components and interacting with each other through ILLIXR components and IMU integrator since they are quite the ILLIXR communication interface and runtime. Figure2 simple). illustrates these interactions – the left side presents a timeline for an ideal schedule for the different components and the 3.1 Perception Pipeline right side shows the dependencies between the different com- The perception pipeline translates the user’s physical mo- ponents (enforced by the ILLIXR runtime). We distilled this tion into information understandable to the rest of the system workflow from multiple sources that describe different parts so it can render and play the new scene and sound for the of a typical VR, AR, or MR pipeline, including conversations user’s new position. The input to this part comes from sen- with several experts from academia and industry. sors such as cameras and an inertial measurement unit (IMU)

3 from deg/sec to rad/sec, and timestamps the readings for use by other components, such as VIO and IMU integrator. 3.1.3 VIO Head tracking is achieved through Simultaneous Localiza- tion and Mapping (SLAM), a technique that can track the user’s motion without the use of external markers in the envi- ronment, and provide both the position and orientation of the Figure 2: Interactions between ILLIXR components. The left part shows an user’s head; i.e., the or 6DOF pose ideal ILLIXR execution schedule and the right part shows inter-component of the user. There are a large number of algorithms that have dependencies that the ILLIXR scheduler must maintain (Section 3.4). Solid been proposed for SLAM for a variety of scenarios, including arrows are synchronous and dashed are asynchronous dependencies. for robots, drones, VR, and AR. We support both Open- Table 2: ILLIXR component algorithms and implementations. GLSL stands VINS [33] and Kimera-VIO [99]. In this paper, we use Open- for OpenGL Shading Language. * represents the implementation alternative VINS as it has been shown to be more accurate than other for which we provide detailed results. popular algorithms such as VINS-Mono, VINS-Fusion, and OKVIS [33]. Both OpenVINS and Kimera-VIO do not have Component Algorithm Implementation mapping capabilities, and are therefore called Visual-Inertial Perception Pipeline Odometry (VIO) algorithms. Table3 overviews OpenVINS Camera ZED SDK* [107] C++ by describing its tasks.2 Camera RealSense SDK [47] C++ IMU ZED SDK [107] C++ IMU Intel RealSense SDK [47] C++ 3.1.4 IMU Integrator VIO OpenVINS* [92] C++ VIO only generates poses at the rate of the camera, which VIO Kimera-VIO [51] C++ IMU Integrator RK4* [92] C++ is typically low. To obtain high speed estimates of the user’s IMU Integrator GTSAM [37] C++ pose, an IMU integrator integrates incoming IMU samples Eye Tracking RITnet [15] Python,CUDA from the IMU to obtain a relative pose and adds it to the VIO’s Scene Reconstruction ElasticFusion* [21] C++,CUDA,GLSL Scene Reconstruction KinectFusion [52] C++, CUDA latest pose to obtain the current pose of the user. ILLIXR has Visual Pipeline two IMU integrators available: one utilizes GTSAM to per- form integration [13, 26] and the other uses RK4, inspired by Reprojection VP-matrix reprojection w/ pose [116] C++, GLSL Lens Distortion Mesh-based radial distortion [116] C++, GLSL OpenVINS’ IMU integrator [33]. We use the RK4 integrator Chromatic Aberration Mesh-based radial distortion [116] C++, GLSL in this paper. Adaptive display Weighted Gerchberg–Saxton [94] CUDA Audio Pipeline 3.1.5 Eye Tracking Audio Encoding Ambisonic encoding [62] C++ We used RITnet for eye-tracking [15] as it won the OpenEDS Audio Playback Ambisonic manipulation, C++ eye tracking challenge [32] with an accuracy of 95.3%. RIT- binauralization [62] net is a deep neural network that combines U-Net [98] and DenseNet [45]. The network takes as input a grayscale eye to provide the user’s acceleration and angular velocity. The image and segments it into the background, iris, sclera, and processing components include camera and IMU processing, pupil. Since neural networks are well understood in the ar- head tracking or VIO (Visual Inertial Odometry) for obtain- chitecture community, we omit the task table for space. ing low frequency but precise estimates of the user’s pose 3.1.6 Scene Reconstruction (the position and orientation of their head), IMU integration for obtaining high frequency pose estimates, eye tracking for For scene reconstruction, we chose KinectFusion [83] and determining the gaze of the user, and scene reconstruction ElasticFusion [121], two dense SLAM algorithms that use for generating a 3D model of the user’s surroundings. We an RGB-Depth (RGB-D) camera to build a dense 3D map of elaborate on some of the key components below. the world. In this paper, we focus on ElasticFusion (Table4), which uses a surfel-based map representation, where each 3.1.1 Camera map point, called a surfel, consists of a position, normal, ILLIXR can work with any commercial camera. We pro- color, radius, and timestamp. In each frame, incoming color vide support for both ZED Mini and Intel RealSense cameras. and depth data from the camera is used to update the relevant For this paper, we use a ZED Mini [106] as it provides IMU surfels in the map. readings, stereo RGB images, and depth images all together 3.2 Visual Pipeline with a simple API. The camera component first asks the cam- era to obtain new stereo camera images and then copies these The visual pipeline takes information about the user’s new images into main memory. pose from the perception pipeline, the submitted frame from the application, and produces the final display using two parts: 3.1.2 IMU asynchronous reprojection and display. ILLIXR’s IMU component queries the IMU at fixed inter- 3.2.1 Asynchronous Reprojection vals to obtain linear acceleration from the and angular velocity from the . In addition to retrieving 2Due to space constraints, we are unable to describe here the details the IMU values, this component converts the angular velocity of the algorithms in the components of ILLIXR.

4 Table 3: Task breakdown of VIO. Table 6: Task breakdown of hologram.

Task Time Computation Memory Pattern Task Time Computation Memory Pattern Feature detection 15% Integer stencils per pyramid Locally dense Hologram-to-depth 57% Transcendentals; Dense row-major; Detects new level stencil; globally Propagates pixel FMADDs; spatial locality in pixel features in the new mixed dense and phase to depth plane TB-wide tree data; temporal locality camera images sparse reduction in depth data; reduction in scratchpad Feature matching 13% Integer stencils; GEMM; Locally dense Matches features linear algebra stencil; globally Sum Sums phase < Tree reduction Dense row-major; across images mixed dense and differences from 0.1% reduction in scratchpad sparse; mixed hologram-to-depth dense and random feature map Depth-to-hologram 43% Transcendentals; Dense row-major; no accesses Propagates depth FMADDs; pixel reads; pixels plane phase to pixel -local written once Filter 62% Gauss-Newton refinement; Mixed dense and reduction Estimates 6DOF QR decomposition; GEMM; sparse feature pose using camera linear algebra map and filter and IMU matrix accesses measurements movement, resulting in less perceived latency. The prediction Other 10% Gaussian filter; histogram Globally dense is performed by obtaining the latest pose from the IMU in- Miscellaneous tasks stencil tegrator and extrapolating it to the display time of the image using a constant acceleration model. Reprojection is also used Table 4: Task breakdown of scene reconstruction. to compensate for frames that might otherwise be dropped because the application could not submit a frame on time to Task Time Computation Memory Pattern the runtime. Reprojection is critical in XR applications, as any perceived latency will cause discomfort [23, 74, 118]. Camera Processing 5% Bilateral filter; invalid Dense Processes incoming depth rejection sequential In addition to latency compensation, the reprojection com- camera depth image accesses to ponent performs lens distortion correction and chromatic depth image aberration correction. Most XR devices use small displays Image Processing 18% Generation of vertex map, Globally dense; placed close to the user’s eyes; therefore, some optical solu- Pre-processes RGB-D normal map, and image local stencil; image for tracking and intensity; image layout change tion is required to create a comfortable focal distance for the mapping undistortion; pose from user [53]. These optics usually induce significant optical dis- transformation of old map RGB_RGB → tortion and chromatic aberration – lines become curved and RR_GG_BB; colors are non-uniformly refracted. These optical affects are Pose Estimation 28% ICP; photometric error; photometric Estimates 6DOF pose geometric error error is globally corrected by applying reverse distortions to the rendered im- dense; others age, such that the distortion from the optics is mitigated [116]. are globally Our reprojection, lens distortion correction, and chromatic sparse, locally dense aberration correction implementation is derived from [120], which only supports rotational reprojection.3 We extracted Surfel Prediction 38% Vertex and fragment Globally sparse; Calculates active shaders locally dense the distortion and aberration correction, and reprojection surfels in current frame shaders from this reference, and implemented our own ver- Map Fusion 11% Vertex and fragment Globally sparse; sion in OpenGL that integrates reprojection, lens distortion Updates map with new shaders locally dense correction, and chromatic aberration correction into one com- surfel information ponent (Table5). Table 5: Task breakdown of reprojection. 3.2.2 Display

Task Time Computation Memory Pattern The fixed focal length of modern display optics causes a FBO 24% Framebuffer bind Driver calls; vergence-accommodation conflict (VAC), where the user’s FBO state management and clear CPU-GPU eyes converge at one depth, which varies with the scene, communication and the eye lenses focus on another, which is fixed due to OpenGL State Up- 54% OpenGL state Driver calls; the display optics. VAC is a common cause of headaches date updates; one CPU-GPU and fatigue in modern XR devices [14, 31, 93, 113]. One Sets up OpenGL state drawcall per eye communication possible solution to this problem is computational holography, Reprojection 22% 6 matrix-vector Accesses uniform, Applies reprojection MULs/vertex vertex, and fragment wherein a phase change is applied to each pixel using a Spatial transformation to buffers; 3 texture Light Modulator [68] to generate several focal points instead image accesses/fragment of just one. Since humans cannot perceive depths less than 0.6 diopters apart [65], typically 10 or so depth planes are sufficient. The per-pixel phase mask is called a hologram. Asynchronous reprojection corrects the rendered image In ILLIXR, we use Weighted Gerchberg–Saxton (GSW) [60] submitted by the application for optical distortions and com- to generate holograms (Table6). We used a reference CUDA pensates for latency from the rendering process (which adds implementation of GSW [94], and extended it to support a lag between the user’s movements and the delivery of the RGB holograms of arbitrary size. image to the user). The reprojection component reprojects the latest available frame based on a prediction of the user’s 3We are currently developing positional reprojection.

5 Table 7: Task breakdown of audio encoding. for effective resource management and scheduling while Task Time Computation Memory Pattern maintaining the inter-component dependencies, resource con- straints, and quality of experience. Normalization 7% Element- Dense row-major INT16 to FP32 wise FP32 The ILLIXR runtime schedules resources while enforc- division ing dependencies, in part deferring to the underlying Encoding 81% Y[ j][i] = Dense column-major scheduler. Currently, asynchronous components are sched- Sample to soundfield mapping D × X[ j] uled by launching persistent threads that wake up at desired Summation 11% Y[i][ j]+ = Dense row-major intervals (thread wakes are implemented via sleep calls). HOA soundfield summation Xk[i][ j] ∀k Synchronous components are scheduled whenever a new in- put arrives. We do not preempt invocations of synchronous components that miss their target deadline (e.g., VIO will pro- 3.3 Audio Pipeline cess all camera frames that arrive). However, asynchronous The audio pipeline is responsible for generating realis- components can miss work if they do not meet their target tic spatial audio and is composed of audio encoding and deadline (e.g., if timewarp takes too long, the display will playback (Table7 and Table8). Our audio pipeline uses not be updated). We do not claim that ILLIXR schedules libspatialaudio, an open-source Higher Order Ambisonics resources optimally, only that it does so correctly (consider- library [62]. ing dependencies), and it is an extensible platform for future research. To achieve this extensibility, ILLIXR is divided 3.3.1 Encoding into a communication framework, a set of plugins, and a We perform spatial audio encoding by encoding several plugin-loader. different monophonic sound sources simultaneously into an The communication framework is structured around event Ambisonic soundfield [42]. streams. Event streams support writes, asynchronous reads, and synchronous reads. Synchronous reads allow a consumer 3.3.2 Playback to see every value produced by the producer, while asyn- chronous reads allow a consumer to ask for the latest value. During playback, Ambisonic soundfield manipulation uses Plugins are shared-object files to comply with a small the user’s pose (obtained from the IMU integrator) to rotate interface. They can only interact with other plugins through and zoom the soundfield. Then, binauralization maps the the provided communication framework. This architecture manipulated soundfield to the available speakers (we assume allows for modularity. Each of the components described headphones, as is common in XR). Specifically, it applies above is incorporated into its own plugin. Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs) [27], which are The plugin loader can load a list of plugins defined at run- digital filters to capture the modification of incoming sound time. A plugin is completely interchangeable with another as by the person’s nose, head, and outer ear shape. Adding long as it writes to the same event streams in the same man- such cues allows the digitally rendered sound to mimic real ner. Future researchers can test alternative implementations sound, helping the brain localize sounds akin to . of a single plugin without needing to reinvent the rest of the There are separate HRTFs for the left and right ears due to system. Development can iterate quickly, because plugins are the asymmetrical shape of the human head. compiled independently and linked dynamically. 3.4 Runtime ILLIXR can plug into the Monado OpenXR runtime [77] to support OpenXR applications. While not every OpenXR Figure2 shows an ideal execution timeline for the different feature is implemented, we support pose queries and frame XR components above and their temporal dependencies. On submissions, which are sufficient for the rest of the compo- the left, each colored rectangle boundary represents the period nents to function. This allows ILLIXR to operate with many of the respective component — ideally the component would OpenXR-based applications, including those developed using finish execution before the time for its next invocation. The game engines such as Unity, Unreal, and (currently right side shows a static representation of the dependencies only Godot has OpenXR support on Linux, our supported among the components, illustrating the interaction between platform). the different pipelines. We say a consumer component exhibits a synchronous de- pendence on a producer component if the former has to wait 3.5 Metrics for the last invocation of the latter to complete. An asyn- The ILLIXR framework provides a multitude of metrics chronous dependence is softer, where the consumer can start to evaluate the quality of the system. In addition to report- execution with data from a previously complete invocation ing standard performance metrics such as per-component of the producer component. For example, the application is frame rate and execution time, ILLIXR reports several qual- asynchronously dependent on the IMU integrator and VIO ity metrics: 1) motion-to-photon latency [118], a standard is synchronously dependent on the camera. The arrows in measure of the lag between user motion and image updates; Figure2 illustrate these inter-component dependencies, with 2) Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) [119], one solid indicating synchronous dependencies and dashed asyn- of the most commonly used image quality metrics in XR chronous. studies [56,75,101]; 3) FLIP [3], a recently introduced image An XR system is unlikely to follow the idealized schedule quality metric that addresses the shortcomings of SSIM; and in Figure2 (left) due to shared and constrained resources and 4) pose error [130], a measure of the accuracy of the poses variable running times. Thus, an explicit runtime is needed used to render the displayed images. The data collection in-

6 Table 8: Task breakdown of audio playback.

Task Time Sub-task Computation Memory Pattern Rotation Soundfield rotation using Psychoacoustic filter FFT; frequency domain convolu- Butterfly pattern for FFT/IFFT; dense row-major 35% pose Applies frequency-domain filter tion; IFFT sequential accesses for convolution HOA rotation Transcendentals; FMADDs Sparse column-major accesses; some temporal Rotates virtual channels locality Zoom Soundfield zoom using pose 5% — Linear algebra Dense column-major sequential accesses Binauralization HRTF application 60% — Identical to psychoacoustic filter Identical to psychoacoustic filter frastructure of ILLIXR is generic and extensible, and allows mode, the lowest possible preset. We used two different the usage of any arbitrary image quality metric. We do not configurations – a high performance one (Jetson-HP) and a yet compute a quality metric for audio beyond bitrate, but low power one (Jetson-LP). We used the maximum available plan to add the recently developed AMBIQUAL [81] in the clock frequencies for Jetson-HP and half those for Jetson-LP. future. These configurations approximate the hardware and/or the Overall, we believe the runtime described in this paper TDP rating of several commercial mobile XR devices. For gives researchers a jumping-point to start answering questions example, One [57] used a Jetson TX2 [85], which related to scheduling and other design decisions that trade is similar in design and TDP to our Xavier configuration. off various QoE metrics with conventional system constraints HoloLens 2 [41, 46, 105] and the Snapdragon such as PPA. 835 [1] used in Oculus Quest [91] have TDPs in the same range as our two Jetson configurations. 4. EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY Our I/O setup is as follows. For the perception pipeline, we connected a ZED Mini camera [106] to the above platforms The goals of our experiments are to quantitatively show via a USB-C cable. A user walked in our lab with the camera, that (1) XR presents a rich opportunity for computer architec- providing live camera and IMU input (Table2) to ILLIXR. ture and systems research in domain-specific edge systems; For the visual pipeline, we run representative VR and AR (2) fully exploiting this opportunity requires an end-to-end applications on a game engine on ILLIXR (Section 4.3)– system that models the complex, interacting pipelines in an these applications interact with the perception pipeline to XR workflow, and (3) ILLIXR is a unique testbed that pro- provide the visual pipeline with the image frames to display. vides such an end-to-end system, enabling new research di- We currently display the (corrected and reprojected) im- rections in domain-specific edge systems. ages on a desktop LCD monitor connected to the above hard- Towards the above goals, we perform a comprehensive ware platforms. We use a desktop monitor due its ability to characterization of a live end-to-end ILLIXR system on mul- provide multiple resolution levels and refresh rates for exper- tiple hardware platforms with representative XR workloads. imentation. Although this means that the user does not see We also characterize standalone components of ILLIXR using the display while walking with the camera, we practiced a appropriate component-specific off-the-shelf datasets. This trajectory that provides a reasonable response to the displayed section details our experimental setup. images and used that (live) trajectory to collect results.4 Fi- 4.1 Experimental Setup nally, for the audio pipeline, we use pre-recorded input (see Section 4.2). There are no existing systems that meet all the aspirational We run our experiments for approximately 30 seconds. performance, power, and quality criteria for a fully mobile There is some variability due to the fact that these are real XR experience as summarized in Table1. For our charac- user experiments, and the user may perform slightly different terization, we chose to run ILLIXR on the following two actions based on application content. hardware platforms, with three total configurations, repre- senting a broad spectrum of power-performance tradeoffs 4.2 Integrated ILLIXR System Configuration and current XR devices (the CUDA and GLSL parts of our The end-to-end integrated ILLIXR configuration in our components as shown in Table2 run on the GPU and the rest experiments uses the components as described in Table2 run on the CPU). except for scene reconstruction, eye tracking, and hologram. A high-end desktop platform: We used a state-of-the-art The OpenXR standard currently does not support an interface desktop system with an Intel Xeon E-2236 CPU (6C12T) and for an application to use the results of scene reconstruction a discrete RTX 2080 GPU. This platform’s thermal and only recently added an interface for eye tracking. We, design power (TDP) rating is far above what is deemed ac- therefore, do not have any applications available to use these ceptable for a mobile XR system, but it is representative of components in an integrated setting. Although we can gen- the platforms on which current tethered systems run (e.g., erate holograms, we do not yet have a holographic display HTC Vive Pro as in Table1) and can be viewed as an ap- setup with SLMs and other optical elements, and there are proximate upper bound for performance of CPU+GPU based no general purpose pre-assembled off-the-shelf holographic near-future embedded (mobile) systems. displays available. We do report results in standalone mode An embedded platform with two configurations: We used for these components using off-the-shelf component-specific an NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier development board [84] datasets. consisting of an Arm CPU (8C8T) and an NVIDIA Volta GPU. All experiments were run with the Jetson in 10 Watt 4We plan to support North Star [79] to provide an HMD to the user.

7 Table 9: Key ILLIXR parameters that required manual system-level tuning. Freesound [28] for audio encoding and playback. For VIO Several other parameters were tuned at the component level. and scene reconstruction, many off-the-shelf datasets are Component Parameter Range Tuned Deadline available [12, 38, 95, 108]. We used Vicon Room 1 Easy, Camera (VIO) Frame rate = 15 – 100 Hz 15 Hz 66.7 ms Medium, and Difficult [12] for VIO. These sequences present Resolution = VGA – 2K VGA – varying levels of pose estimation difficulty to the VIO algo- Exposure = 0.2 – 20 ms 1 ms – rithm by varying both camera motion and level of detail in IMU (Integrator) Frame rate = ≤800 Hz 500 Hz 2 ms Display (Visual pipeline, Frame rate = 30 – 144 Hz 120 Hz 8.33 ms the frames. We used dyson_lab [21] for scene reconstruction Application) Resolution = ≤2K 2K – as it was provided by the authors of ElasticFusion. Field-of-view = ≤ 180° 90° – Audio (Encoding, Frame rate = 48 – 96 Hz 48 Hz 20.8 ms Playback) Block size = 256 – 2048 1024 – 4.5 Metrics Execution time: We used NSight Systems [88] to obtain the overall execution timeline of the components and ILLIXR, Configuring an XR system requires tuning multiple pa- including serial CPU, parallel CPU, GPU compute, and GPU rameters of the different components to provide the best end- graphics phases. VTune [48] (desktop only) and perf [80] to-end user experience on the deployed hardware. This is a provided CPU hotspot analysis and hardware performance complex process involving the simultaneous optimization of counter information. NSight Compute [86] and Graphics [87] many QoE metrics and system parameters. Currently tuning provided detailed information on CUDA kernels and GLSL such parameters is a manual, mostly ad hoc process. Table9 shaders, respectively. We also developed a logging frame- summarizes the key parameters for ILLIXR, the range avail- work that allows ILLIXR to easily collect the wall time and able in our system for these parameters, and the final value CPU time of each of its components. We used this framework we chose at the end of our manual tuning. We made initial to obtain execution time without profiling overhead. We de- guesses based on our intuition, and then chose final values termined the contribution of a given component towards the based on both our perception of the smoothness of the system CPU by computing the total CPU cycles consumed by that and profiling results. We expect the availability of ILLIXR component as a fraction of the cycles used by all components. will enable new research in more systematic techniques for Power and energy: For the desktop, we measured CPU performing such end-to-end system optimization. power using perf and GPU power using nvidia-smi [89]. 4.3 Applications On the embedded platform, we collected power and energy using a custom profiler that monitored power rails to calcu- To evaluate ILLIXR, we used four different XR applica- late both the average power and average energy for different tions: Sponza [78], Materials [34], Platformer [35], and a cus- components of the system: CPU, GPU, DDR (DRAM), SoC tom AR demo application with sparse graphics. The AR ap- (on-chip microcontrollers), and Sys (display, storage, I/O). plication contains a single light source, a few virtual objects, Motion-to-photon latency: We compute motion-to-photon and an animated ball. We had to develop our own AR appli- latency as the age of the reprojected image’s pose when cation because existing applications in the XR ecosystem all the pixels started to appear on screen. This latency is the predominantly target VR (outside of Microsoft HoloLens). sum of how old the IMU sample used for pose calcula- The applications were chosen for diversity of rendering com- tion was, the time taken by reprojection itself, and the wait plexity, with Sponza being the most graphics-intensive and time until the pixels started (but not finished) to get dis- AR demo being the least. We did not evaluate an MR applica- played. Mathematically, this can be formulated as: latency = tion as OpenXR does not yet contain a scene reconstruction timu_age + trepro jection + tswap. We do not include tdisplay, the interface. time taken for all the pixels to appear on screen, in this cal- ILLIXR is currently only available on Linux, and since culation. This calculation is performed and logged by the Unity and Unreal do not yet have OpenXR support on Linux, reprojection component every time it runs. If reprojection all four applications use the Godot game engine [64], a popu- misses vsync, the additional latency is captured in tswap. lar open-source alternative with Linux OpenXR support. Image Quality: To compute image quality, we compare the outputs of an actual and idealized XR system. We use the 4.4 Experiments with Standalone Components Vicon Room 1 Medium dataset, which provides ground-truth For more detailed insight into the individual components poses in addition to IMU and camera data. We feed the IMU of ILLIXR, we also ran each component by itself on our desk- and camera data into the actual system, while feeding in top and embedded platforms using off-the-shelf standalone the equivalent ground-truth to the idealized system. In each datasets. With the exception of VIO and scene reconstruction, system, we record each image submitted by the application the computation for all other components is independent of as well as its timestamp and pose. Due to the fact that the the input; therefore, the specific choice of the input dataset coordinate systems of OpenVINS and the ground truth dataset is not pertinent. Thus, any (monochrome) eye image for eye are different, we perform a trajectory alignment step to obtain tracking, any frame for reprojection and hologram, and any aligned ground-truth poses [130]. We then feed the aligned sound sample for audio encoding and playback will produce poses back into our system to obtain the correct ground-truth the same result for power and performance standalone. In images. our experiments, we used the following datasets for these Once the images have been collected, we manually pick the components: OpenEDS [32] for eye tracking, 2560×1440 starting points of the actual and idealized images sequences pixel frames from VR Museum of Fine Art [102] for time- so that both sequences begin from the same moment in time. warp and hologram, and 48 KHz audio clips [29, 30] from Then, we compute the actual and idealized reprojected images

8 15 500 120 48 20 1.5 105 42 0.06 15 4.72 0.05 9.53 0.30 0.04 4.69 0.23 0.24 5.13 0.24 0.03 4.96 12 400 0.03 90 36 15 3.99 1.0 9 Sponza 300 75 30 10 3.88 3.29

0.04 0.06 0.07 0.06 60 24 Sponza 0.07 Materials 10 6 200 45 18 Materials Platformer 0.02 5 0.5 Rate (Hz) 30 12 Time (ms) Platformer 3 100 5 AR Demo 0.08 0.06 0.06 15 6 0.04 AR Demo 0.73 0.84 0.72 0.52 0.52 0.34 0.15 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.0 Camera VIO IMU Integrator App Reprojection Playback Encoding Camera VIO IMU Integrator App Reprojection PlaybackEncoding Perception (Camera) Perception (IMU) Visual Audio Perception (Camera) Perception (IMU) Visual Audio (a) Desktop (a) Desktop

15 500 120 48 105 42 40 125 13.63 0.16 57.85 0.60 0.53 11.72 0.66 15.68 0.46 0.15 0.15 12 400 13.31 3 0.11 90 36 0.17 30 100 9 300 75 30 60 24 0.10 75 2

20 27.26 6 200 45 18 0.33 0.16 0.11 50 0.20 18.10 Rate (Hz) 30 12 Time (ms) 0.05 1

10 6.14 3 100 25 13.14 2.68 13.46 0.46 0.56 0.29 0.30 2.81

15 6 2.28 3.45 3.25 2.24 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 Camera VIO IMU Integrator App Reprojection Playback Encoding Camera VIO IMU Integrator App Reprojection PlaybackEncoding Perception (Camera) Perception (IMU) Visual Audio Perception (Camera) Perception (IMU) Visual Audio (b) Jetson-HP (b) Jetson-HP

15 500 120 48 80 8 105 42 150 35.17 0.53 151.32 1.34 12 400 1.49 1.49

0.6 1.32

90 36 60 26.85

21.86 6 27.44 0.46

75 30 69.98 9 300 0.45 100 0.4 0.38 60 24 40 4

6 200 45 18 47.10 0.59 0.57 0.61 50 0.51 Rate (Hz) 0.2 42.73 30 12 Time (ms) 20 3 100 2 11.53 20.37 7.21 3.28 5.38 7.74 5.95 15 6 8.44 0.53 0.57 0.51 0.33 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Camera VIO IMU Integrator App Reprojection Playback Encoding Camera VIO IMU Integrator App Reprojection PlaybackEncoding Perception (Camera) Perception (IMU) Visual Audio Perception (Camera) Perception (IMU) Visual Audio (c) Jetson-LP (c) Jetson-LP

Figure 3: Average frame rate for each component in the different pipelines Figure 4: Average per-frame execution time for each component for each on each application and hardware platform. The y-axis is capped at the target application and hardware platform. The number on top of each bar is the frame rate of the pipeline. standard deviation across all frames. The red horizontal line shows the maximum execution time (deadline) to meet the target frame rate. The line is not visible in graphs where the achieved time is significantly below the using the collected poses and source images. The reprojected deadline. images are the ones that would have been displayed to the user. If no image is available for a timestamp due to a dropped frame, we use the previous image. Finally, we compare the component to execution time resources, we also present the actual and idealized warped images to compute both SSIM contribution of the different components to the total CPU and FLIP. We report 1-FLIP in this paper in order to be execution cycles. consistent with SSIM (0 being no similarity and 1 being Component frame rates. Figures3(a)-(c) show each com- identical images). ponent’s average frame rate for each application, for a given Pose Error: We use the data collection mechanism described hardware configuration. Components with the same target above to collect actual and ground-truth poses. We calculate frame rate are presented in the same graph, with the maxi- Absolute Trajectory Error (ATE) [108] and Relative Pose Er- mum value on the y-axis representing this target frame rate. ror (RPE) [55] using OpenVINS’ error evaluation tool [92]. Thus, we show separate graphs for components in the percep- tion, visual, and audio pipelines, with the perception pipeline further divided into two graphs representing the camera and 5. RESULTS IMU driven components. Focusing on the desktop, Figure 3a shows that virtually 5.1 Integrated ILLIXR System all components meet, or almost meet, their target frame rates Section 5.1.1–5.1.3 respectively present system-level re- (the application component for Sponza and Materials are the sults for performance (execution time and throughput), power, only exceptions). The IMU components are slightly lower and QoE for the integrated ILLIXR system configuration. than the target frame rate only because of scheduling non- determinism at the 2 ms period required by these components. 5.1.1 Performance This high performance, however, comes with a significant ILLIXR consists of multiple interacting streaming pipelines power cost. and there is no single number that can capture the entirety of Moving to the lower power Jetson, we find more com- its performance (execution time or throughput). We present ponents missing their target frame rates. With Jetson-LP, the performance results for ILLIXR in terms of achieved only the audio pipeline is able to meet its target. The visual frame rate and per-frame execution time (mean and standard pipeline components – application and reprojection – are both deviation) for each component, and compare them against severely degraded in all cases for Jetson-LP and most cases the target frame rate and corresponding deadline respectively for Jetson-HP, sometimes by more than an order of magni- (Table9). Further, to understand the importance of each tude. (Recall that the application and reprojection missing

9 25.0 nents is comfortably within the target deadline, several frames 22.5 VIO App 20.0 do miss their deadlines; e.g., VIO in Jetson-LP. Whether this 17.5 affects the user’s QoE depends on how well the rest of the 15.0 system compensates for these missed deadlines. For example, 12.5 even if the VIO runs a little behind the camera, the IMU part Time (ms) 10.0 of the perception pipeline may be able to compensate. Simi- 7.5 5.0 larly, if the application misses some deadlines, reprojection 2.0 may be able to compensate. Section 5.1.3 provides results for 1.5 system-level QoE metrics that address these questions. 1.0 Distribution of cycles. Figure6 shows the relative attribu- 0.5

Time (ms) tion of the total cycles consumed in the CPU to the different 0.0 Camera Integrator Playback ILLIXR components for the different applications and hard- IMU Reprojection Encoding ware platforms. These figures do not indicate wall clock time Figure 5: Per-frame execution times for Platformer on desktop. The top since one elapsed cycle with two busy concurrent threads graph shows VIO and the application, and the bottom graph shows the will contribute two cycles in these figures. Thus, these fig- remaining components. Note the different scales of the y-axes. ures indicate total CPU resources used. We do not show GPU cycle distribution because the GPU timers significantly 100% Encoding perturbed the rest of the execution – most of the GPU cy- 80% Playback cles are consumed by the application with the rest used by Reprojection 60% Application reprojection. 40% Integrator Focusing first on the desktop, Figure6 shows that VIO IMU 20% VIO and the application are the largest contributors to CPU cy- 0% Camera cles, with one or the other dominating, depending on the S M P AR S M P AR S M P AR Desktop Jetson HP Jetson LP application. Reprojection and audio playback follow next, becoming larger relative contributors as the application com- Figure 6: Contributions of ILLIXR components to CPU time. plexity reduces. Although reprojection does not exceed 10% of the total cycles, it is a dominant contributor to motion-to- photon latency and, as discussed below, cannot be neglected vsync results in the loss of an entire frame. In contrast, other for optimization. components can catch up on the next frame even after missing Jetson-HP and Jetson-LP show similar trends except that the deadline on the current frame, exhibiting higher effective we find that the application’s and reprojection’s relative con- frame rates.) tribution decreases while other components such as the IMU Although we assume modern display resolutions and re- integrator become more significant relative to the desktop. fresh rates, future systems will support larger and faster dis- This phenomenon occurs because with the more resource- plays with larger field-of-view and will integrate more com- contrained Jetson configurations, the application and reprojec- ponents, further stressing the entire system. tion often miss their deadline and are forced to skip the next Execution time per frame. Figures4(a)-(c) show the frame (Section 3.4). Thus, the overall work performed by average execution time (wall clock time) per frame for a given these components reduces, but shows up as poorer end-to-end component, organized similar to Figure3. The horizontal line QoE metrics discussed later (Section 5.1.3). on each graph shows the target execution time or deadline, which is the reciprocal of the target frame rate. Note that the achieved frame rate in Figure3 cannot exceed the target frame 103 100% Sponza SYS Power rate as it is controlled by the runtime. The execution time Materials 80% SOC 102 Platformer Power per frame, however, can be arbitrarily low or high (because 60% AR Demo DDR we don’t preempt an execution that misses its deadline). The Power 40% GPU 101 number at the top of each bar shows the standard deviation Power (Watts) Power 20% CPU across all frames. Power 100 0% The mean execution times follow trends similar to those for S M P AR S M P AR S M P AR S M P AR S M P AR S M P AR frame rates. The standard deviations for execution time are Desktop Jetson HP Jetson LP Desktop Jetson HP Jetson LP surprisingly significant in many cases. For a more detailed (a) Total Power (W) (b) Power Breakdown view, Figure5 shows the execution time of each frame of Figure 7: (a) Total power (note log scale) and (b) relative contribution each ILLIXR component during the execution of Platformer to power by different hardware units for each application and hardware on the desktop (other timelines are omitted for space). The platform. components are split across two graphs for clarity. We expect variability in VIO (blue) and application (yellow) since these computations are known to be input-dependent. However, 5.1.2 Power we see significant variability in the other components as well. Total Power. Figure 7a shows the total power consumed This variability is due to scheduling and resource contention, by ILLIXR running each application on each hardware plat- motivating the need for better resource allocation, partition- form. The power gap from the ideal (Table1) is severe on all ing, and scheduling. A consequence of the variability is that three platforms. As shown in Figure 7a, Jetson-LP, the lowest although the mean per-frame execution time for some compo- power platform, is two orders of magnitude off in terms of

10 Table 10: Motion-to-photon latency in milliseconds (mean±std dev), without Table 11: Image and pose quality metrics (mean±std dev) for Sponza. tdisplay. Target is 20 ms for VR and 5 ms for AR (Table1). Platform SSIM 1-FLIP ATE/degree ATE/meters Application Desktop Jetson-hp Jetson-lp Desktop 0.83 ± 0.04 0.86 ± 0.05 8.6 ± 6.2 0.33 ± 0.15 Sponza 3.1 ± 1.1 13.5 ± 10.7 19.3 ± 14.5 Jetson-hp 0.80 ± 0.05 0.85 ± 0.05 18 ± 13 0.70 ± 0.33 Materials 3.1 ± 1.0 7.7 ± 2.7 16.4 ± 4.9 Jetson-lp 0.68 ± 0.09 0.65 ± 0.17 138 ± 26 13 ± 10 Platformer 3.0 ± 0.9 6.0 ± 1.9 11.3 ± 4.7 AR Demo 3.0 ± 0.9 5.6 ± 1.4 12.0 ± 3.4 include tdisplay (4.2 ms). Table 10 and our detailed per-frame data shows that the the ideal power while the desktop is off by three. As with per- desktop can achieve the target VR MTP for virtually all formance, larger resolutions, frame rates, and field-of-views, frames. For AR, most cases appear to meet the target, but and more components would further widen this gap. adding tdisplay significantly exceeds the target. Both Jetsons Contribution to power from different hardware com- cannot make the target AR MTP for an average frame. Jetson- ponents. Figure 7b shows the relative contribution of differ- HP is able to make the VR target MTP for the average frame ent hardware units to the total power, broken down as CPU, for all applications and for most frames for all except Sponza GPU, DDR, SoC , and Sys. These results clearly highlight (even after adding tdisplay). Jetson-LP shows a significant the need for studying all aspects of the system. Although MTP degradation – on average, it still meets the target VR the GPU dominates power on the desktop, that is not the MTP, but both the mean and variability increase with increas- case on Jetson. SoC and Sys power are often ignored, but ing complexity of the application until Sponza is practically doing so does not capture the true power consumption of XR unusable (19.3 ms average without tdisplay and 14.5 ms stan- workloads, which typically exercise all the aforementioned dard deviation). Thus, the MTP data collected by ILLIXR is hardware units – SoC and Sys consume more than 50% of to- consistent with the visual observations reported above. tal power on Jetson-LP. Thus, reducing the power gap for XR Offline metrics for image and pose quality. Table 11 components would require optimizing system-level hardware shows the mean and standard deviation for SSIM, 1-FLIP, components as well. ATE/degree, and ATE/distance (Section 3.5 and 4.5) for 5.1.3 Quality of Experience Sponza on all hardware configurations. (We omit other appli- cations for space.) Recall that these metrics require offline

30 analysis and use a different offline trajectory dataset for VIO 25 Jetson LP Jetson HP Desktop (that comes with ground truth) from the live camera trajec- 20 tory reported in the rest of this section. Nevertheless, the 15 visual experience of the applications is similar. We find that 10 Time (ms) 5 all metrics degrade as the hardware platform becomes more 0 constrained. While the trajectory errors reported are clearly consistent with the visual experience, the SSIM and FLIP Figure 8: Motion-to-photon latency per frame of Platformer. values seem deceptively high for the Jetsons (specifically the Jetson-LP where VIO shows a dramatic drift). Quantifying Quality of an XR experience is often determined through image quality for XR is known to be challenging [50, 129]. user studies [4,6, 132]; however, these can be expensive, While some work has proposed the use of more conventional time consuming, and subjective. ILLIXR, therefore, provides graphics-inspired metrics such as SSIM and FLIP, this is still several quantitative metrics to measure QoE. We report both a topic of ongoing research [63, 128]. ILLIXR is able to results of visual examination and quantitative metrics below. capture the proposed metrics, but our work also motivates Visual examination. A detailed user study is outside the and enables research on better image quality metrics for XR scope of this work, but there were several artifacts in the experiences. displayed image that were clearly visible. As indicated by the performance metrics, the desktop displayed smooth images 5.1.4 Key Implications for Architects for all four applications. Jetson-HP showed perceptibly in- Our results characterize end-to-end performance, power, creased judder for Sponza. Jetson-LP showed dramatic pose and QoE of an XR device, exposing new research opportu- drift and clearly unacceptable images for Sponza and Materi- nities for architects and demonstrating ILLIXR as a unique als, though it was somewhat acceptable for the less intense testbed to enable exploration of these opportunities, as fol- Platformer and AR Demo. As discussed in Section 5.1.1, the lows. average VIO frame rate for Jetson-LP stayed high, but the Performance, power, and QoE gaps. Our results quanti- variability in the per-frame execution time resulted in many tatively show that collectively there is several orders of mag- missed deadlines, which could not be fully compensated by nitude performance, power, and QoE gap between current the IMU or reprojection. These effects are quantified with representative desktop and embedded class systems and the the metrics below. goals in Table1. The above gap will be further exacerbated Motion-to-photon latency (MTP). Table 10 shows the with higher fidelity displays and the addition of more com- mean and standard deviation of MTP for all cases. Figure8 ponents for a more feature-rich XR experience (e.g., scene shows MTP for each frame over the execution of Platformer reconstruction, eye tracking, hand tracking, and holography). on all hardware (we omit the other applications for space). While the presence of these gaps itself is not a surprise, Recall the target MTP is 20 ms for VR and 5 ms for AR we provide the first such quantification and analysis. This (Table1) and that our measured numbers reported do not provides insights for directions for architecture and systems

11 research (below) as well as demonstrates ILLIXR as a one- can be driven by end-user experience. Our results also moti- of-a-kind testbed that can enable such research. vate work on defining more perceptive quantitative metrics No dominant performance component. Our more de- for image quality and ILLIXR provides a testbed for such tailed results show that there is no one component that dom- research. inates all the metrics of interest. While the application and VIO seem to dominate CPU cycles, reprojection latency is 5.2 Per Component Analysis critical to MTP, and audio playback takes similar or more The results so far motivate specialization of ILLIXR com- cycles as reprojection. Since image quality relies on accurate ponents to meet the performance-power-QoE gap as seen poses, frequent operation of the IMU integrator is essential to through the end-to-end characterization. This section exam- potentially compensate for missed VIO deadlines. As men- ines the components in isolation to provide insights on how tioned earlier, Hologram dominated the GPU and was not to specialize. We performed an extensive deep dive analy- even included in the integrated configuration studied since sis of all the components. Tables3–8 summarize the tasks it precluded meaningful results on the Jetson-LP. Thus, to within each component, including the key computation and close the aforementioned gaps, all components have to be memory patterns. Figure 10 illustrates the contribution of considered together, even those that may appear relatively the tasks to a component’s execution time. Figure9 shows inexpensive at first glance. Moreover, we expect this diversity the CPU IPC and cycles breakdown for each component in of important components to only increase as more compo- aggregate. Space restrictions prevent a detailed deep dive for nents are included for more feature rich experiences. These each component, but we present two brief case studies. observations coupled with the large performance-power gaps above indicate a rich space for hardware specialization re- 100% 4 search, including research in automated tool flows to deter- 80% 3 60%

2 IPC mine what to accelerate, how to accelerate these complex 40% and diverse codes, and how to best exploit accelerator-level 20% 1 parallelism [40]. Cycle Breakdown (%) 0% 0 VIO Eye Scene Reproj. Hologram Audio Audio Full-system power contributions. Our results show that Tracking Reconst. Encoding Playback addressing the power gap requires considering system-level Retiring Bad Speculation Frontend Bound Backend Bound IPC hardware components, such as display and other I/O, which consume significant energy themselves. This also includes Figure 9: Cycle breakdown and IPC of ILLIXR components. numerous sensors. While we do not measure individual sen- sor power, it is included in Sys power on Jetson, which is Component Diversity The components present unique significant. This motivates research in unconventional archi- characteristics. Figure9 shows a wide range in both IPC and tecture paradigms such as on-sensor computing to save I/O hardware utilization for the different components. Figure 10 power. shows that the tasks are typically unique to a component Variability and scheduling. Our results show large vari- (Section3). ability in per-frame processing times in many cases, either Task Diversity There is a remarkable diversity of algo- due to inherent input-dependent nature of the component (e.g., rithmic tasks, ranging from feature detection to map fusion VIO) or due to resource contention from other components. to signal processing and more. These tasks are differently This variability poses challenges to, and motivates research amenable for execution on the CPU, GPU-compute, or GPU- directions in, scheduling and resource partitioning and allo- graphics. cation of hardware resources. As presented in Table9, there Task Dominance No component is composed of just one are a multitude of parameters that need to be tuned for opti- task. The most homogeneous is audio encoding where am- mal performance of the system. This paper performs manual bisonic encoding is 81% of the total – but accelerating just tuning to fix these parameters; however, ideally they would that would limit the overall speedup to 5.3× by Amdahl’s law, adapt to the performance variations over time, co-optimized which may not be sufficient given the power and performance with scheduling and resource allocation decisions designed to gap shown in Section 5.1. VIO is the most diverse, with seven meet real-time deadlines within power constraints to provide major tasks and many more sub-tasks. maximal QoE. ILLIXR provides a flexible testbed to enable Input-Dependence Although we saw significant per-frame such research. execution time variability in all components in the integrated End-to-end quality metrics. The end-to-end nature of system, the only components that exhibit such variability ILLIXR allows it to provide end-to-end quality metrics such standalone are VIO and scene reconstruction. VIO shows as MTP and see the impact of optimizations on the final dis- a range of execution time throughout its execution, with a played images. Our results show that per-component metrics coefficient of variation from 17% to 26% across the studied (e.g., VIO frame rate) are insufficient to determine the impact datasets [12]. Scene reconstruction’s execution time keeps on the final user experience (e.g., as in Jetson-LP for Sponza). steadily increasing due to the increasing size of its map. Loop At the same time, there is a continuum of acceptable experi- closure attempts result in execution time spikes of 100’s of ences (as in Sponza for desktop and Jetson-HP). Techniques ms, an order of magnitude more than its average per-frame such as approximate computing take advantage of such ap- execution time. plications but often focus on subsystems that make it hard to Case Study: VIO OpenVINS consists of 7 tasks, each assess end user impact. ILLIXR provides a unique testbed to with their own sub-tasks and unique characteristics. The com- develop cross-layer approximate computing techniques that pute patterns span stencils, linear algebra, Gauss-Newton, and QR decomposition, among others. The memory patterns are

12 Misc Other Feat. Map 10% 7% Fusion Detection Image Reprojection 11% FBO 15% Processing Feat. Batch Copy 22% 24% Rotation 18% Feat. Init Matching 19% Convolution D2H 35% 14% 43% 13% 46% Surfel Prediction H2D Binauralization 38% 57% 60% Activation Pose Estimation OpenGL State Update Ambisonic Encoding SLAM MSCKF 28% 28% 54% 81% Zoom 20% 23% 5%

(a) VIO (b) Eye Tracking (c) Scene Recon- (d) Reprojection (e) Hologram (f) Audio Encoding (g) Audio Playback struction

Figure 10: Execution time breakdown into tasks of key components on the desktop. There is a large diversity in tasks and no task dominates. equally diverse, spanning dense and sparse, local and global, community and several works have shown promising special- and row-major and column-major accesses. These properties ization results for individual components of the XR pipeline: manifest themselves in microarchitectural utilization as well. Processing-in-Memory architectures for graphics [125,126], For instance, the core task of feature matching, KLT, has an video accelerators for VR [58, 59, 70, 71], 3D point cloud ac- IPC of 3, which is significantly higher than the component celeration [24,127], stereo acceleration [25], computer vision average of 2.2 due to its computationally intensive integer accelerators [112, 133], and SLAM chips [69, 109]. However, stencil. These properties suggest that most sub-tasks may these works have been for single components in isolation. require separate accelerators. Furthermore, these accelerators Significant work has also been done on remote rendering [9, must be designed to accommodate for significant variations 61, 66, 67, 75, 131] and 360 video streaming [5, 20, 43, 96]. in execution time. While these works do consider full end-to-end systems, they Case Study: Audio Playback Audio playback is an exam- only focus on the rendering aspect of the system and do not ple of a component for which building a unified accelerator consider the interplay between the various components of the is straightforward. Psychoacoustic filter and binauralization system. Our work instead provides a full-system-benchmark, have identical compute and memory characteristics, while consisting of a set of XR components representing a full XR HOA rotation and zoom have similar (but not identical) char- workflow, along with insights into their characteristics. Our acteristics. Consequently, a traditional audio accelerator with goal is to propel architecture research in the direction of full systolic arrays, specialized FFT blocks, and streambuffers domain-specific system design. should suffice for all four sub-tasks. There have been other works that have developed bench- Key implications for architects The diversity of com- mark suites for XR. Raytrace in SPLASH-2 [124], VRMark [117], ponents and tasks, the lack of a single dominant task for FCAT [90], and Unigine [114] are examples of graphics ren- most components, and per-frame variability pose several chal- dering benchmarks, but do not contain the perception pipeline lenges for hardware specialization. It is likely impractical nor adaptive display components. The SLAMBench [8, 11, to build a unique accelerator for every task given the large 82] series of benchmarks aid the characterization and analysis number of tasks and the severe power and area constraints of available SLAM algorithms, but contain neither the visual for XR devices: leakage power will be additive across accel- pipeline nor the audio pipeline. Unlike our work, none of erators, and interfaces between these accelerators and other these benchmarks suites look at multiple components of the peripheral logic will further add to this power and area (we XR pipeline and instead just focus on one aspect. identified 27 tasks in Figure 10, and expect more tasks with Chen et al. [17] characterized AR applications on a com- new components). modity smartphone, but neither analyzed individual compo- This motivates automated techniques for determining what nents nor considered futuristic components. to accelerate. An open question is what is the granular- ity of acceleration; e.g., one accelerator per task or a more general accelerator that supports common primitives shared 7. CONCLUSION among components. Besides the design of the accelerators We developed ILLIXR, the first open source end-to-end themselves, architects must also determine accelerator com- XR testbed to democratize XR systems research. Our analysis munication interfaces and techniques to exploit accelerator enabled by ILLIXR shows a number of interesting results for level parallelism. architects – demanding performance and power requirements; Finally, although not explicitly studied here, algorithms for a large diversity of critical tasks; significant input dependent the various components continue to evolve and there are mul- computation that challenges scheduling and specialization; tiple choices available at any time (ILLIXR already supports and a diversity in bottlenecks throughout the system, from such choices). This motivates programmable accelerators graphics and compute requirements to power and resource with the attendant challenges of developing a software stack contention. ILLIXR and our analysis have the potential to for such a system. ILLIXR provides a testbed to perform all propel many new directions in architecture research. Some of the above research in the context of the full system. research avenues enabled include: generation of high-level, programmable, specialized compute and memory primitives for shared specialized hardware; SoC design with accelera- 6. RELATED WORK tor level parallelism; inter-accelerator communication and There is an increasing interest in XR in the architecture coherence architectures; programming languages, IRs, and

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