Looking inside the Insider Movement By: Georges Houssney President, Horizons International The Insider Movement is a fairly recent term used to describe a variety of contextualized missions strategies and approaches.

What is the Insider Movement? Becky Lewis wrote: “an ‘insider movement’ is any movement to faith in Christ where a) the gospel flows through pre-existing communities and social networks and where b) believing families, as valid expressions of the , remain inside their socio-religious communities, retaining their identity as members of that community while living under the Lordship of Christ and the authority of the .” • She continues, ‘insider movements’ can take place within any socioreligious context, Western or not (such as Russian Orthodox, Mormon, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Chinese Communist, etc.), as long as believers remain inside their families, networks and communities, retaining the socioreligious identity of that group. We must examine the trends:

“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

I John 4:1 • Kevin Higgins

• “while all non-Christian evidence both human and demonic rebellion, they also reflect the activity of God. Therefore, because “God is at least potentially at work in other religions, then the contention of insider movement advocates that disciples can remain within their religious context is potentially true in any situation.” • [2] Kevin Higgins, “Inside What? Church, Culture, and Insider Movements in Biblical Perspective,” SFM 5 (August 2009): 90-91. PROBLEMS WITH INSIDER MOVEMENT Should we settle for any method or are we to test the spirits and make sure we are biblically correct? • “The harvest is plentiful and workers are few.” Matthew 9:37; Luke 10:2 • “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)

1. Wrong Diagnosis • The various approaches within the Insider Movement base their philosophy of ministry on a paradigm designed by John Travis (Pseudonym), namely, the C1-C6 Scale.

2. Wrong Paradigm C1 C2 • Traditional church using • Traditional church using non-indigenous language. indigenous language.

C1-C6 Scale C3 C4 • Contextualized Christ- • Contextualized Christ- centered communities centered communities using Muslim’s language using Muslim’s language and non-religiously and biblically permissible indigenous cultural cultural and Islamic forms. forms.

C1-C6 Scale • needs to be reformed, not abandoned. • Islam an improvement on the pagan idolatry of pre-Islamic Arabia • Muslims and Christians worship the same God • Qur’an is not as bad as some make it to be

3. Wrong View of Islam • C5- Christ-centred communities of “Messianic Muslims” who have accepted Jesus as ‘Lord and Saviour’. Believers remain legally and socially within the Islamic community. Aspects of Islam incompatible with the Bible are rejected or if possible, reinterpreted. Believers may remain active in the mosque. Unsaved Muslims may view C5 believers as deviant and may expel them from the Islamic community. • -If sufficient numbers permit, a C5 mosque, or ‘Jamaat’ may be established.

“After 30 years of studying the Qur’an I find it overwhelmingly • Gospel message contained in the pro-Christ, pro-Bible and pro-Christian.” Qur’an

Fouad Accad

4. Wrong View of the Qur’an • The Insider Movement uses the Qur’an as the basis of their message, which they claim is consistent with a true understanding of Islam.

5. Wrong Use of the Qur’an

• Violates principles of Biblical interpretation • Violates principles of Islamic interpretation

6. Weak Hermeneutics • Making the gospel message more palatable and less offensive

7. Diluted Gospel • Confusing Islam as a religion with the culture of Muslims

8. Confusion Between Culture and Religion • They have surrendered the biblical image of Jesus to the Jesus of the Qur’an • A great prophet, but not the Son of the Living God • Not the Savior of the world • Not God’s only mediator between God and man

9. Weak Christology “Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach • Bible translators in the languages Christ crucified: a of Muslims removing the phrase stumbling block to “Son of God” and the fatherhood Jews and foolishness of God from their translations to Gentiles.”

I Corinthians 1:22-23.

“Son of God” • Muslim laws against Ridda (leaving Islam) violate people’s God-given rights to free choice and expression • The Insider Movement denies Muslims their inalienable right to choose their religion and enjoy full benefits like all other citizens

10. Succumb to Violations of Human Rights “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must • By keeping “followers of Isa” bring them also. They inside Islam, Insiders are in effect too will listen to my promoting the Muslim Umma voice, and there shall and by the same token be one flock and one undermining the unity of the One shepherd.” Holy Universal Church.

[Reference} 11. Low View of the Universal Church • Problems: • Christian or convert to • Insiders want Islam? followers to retain • Following a prophet? their Muslim identity • Both take an • Not “Christian” but explanation “Follower of Isa” • The name of Jesus is our identity

12. Undermines the New Identity in Christ • Insiders are bold in infiltrating the battle zone and exposing themselves to Satan’s tactics. • Official convert to Islam • Dress like Muslims • Attend mosque • Fast during Ramadan • Participate in Islamic rituals • Pray the shahada (confession)

13. Undermines Spiritual Warfare • Insiders deny converts the opportunity to fully participate in open Christian fellowship.

14. Undermines Fellowship of the Saints “Since you died with Christ to the basic • Remaining within Islam and principles of this practicing the rituals denies them world, why, as though the understanding of God’s grace you still belonged to it, and the truth that we are not do you submit to its saved by works but by faith rules…” based on God’s love and grace which is a gift of God. (Colossians 2:20-23)

15. Legalism v. Grace • The tactic of appearing as Muslims and accepting the Qur’an and Muhammad without revealing the full truth that Islam is an evil system is deceptive.

16. Truth in Advertising or Deception? • “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” John 15:20 • “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19:29 • “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.” Mark 8:35 17. Avoids Extraction and Persecution “When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was • Conversion is not a cultural, with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. social or psychological My message and my phenomenon. True conversion is preaching were not with wise and persuasive the work of the Holy Spirit. words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power…”

I Corinthians 2:1-4 18. Downplays the Role of the Holy Spirit • Insiders are offering Muslims the idea of a Jesus sacrificed (Qurban) to guarantee you forgiveness of sins. This renders Jesus as a sacrificed scapegoat, not a risen Lord.

19. Promotes a Cheap Gospel • Insiders are offering Muslims the idea of a Jesus sacrificed (Qurban) to guarantee you forgiveness of sins. This renders Jesus as a sacrificed scapegoat, not a risen Lord. 20. Confusion between church and kingdom

HANDLING THE WORD OF GOD CORRECTLY All false teaching boils down to misinterpretations of the Bible. • As people entrusted with the gospel, we need to make every effort to protect its purity and expose false teaching. • Although the Insider Movement has some positive elements, it is generally contrary to the Word of God and needs to humbly re-evaluate its approach. • We who try to uphold the gospel need to not be distracted by false teaching but rather be motivated to preach the unadulterated truth of the gospel and expect it to transform all those who come in touch with it.

Final Word Horizons INTERNATIONAL www.horizonsinternational.org www.biblicalmissiology.org www.engagingislam.org