Commonwealth of Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Office

Environmental Notification Form

For Office Use Only EEA#: MEPA Analyst:

The information requested on this form must be completed in order to submit a document electronically for review under the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act, 301 CMR 11.00. Project Name: 88 Black Falcon Avenue Street Address: 88 Black Falcon Avenue Municipality: Watershed: Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinates: Latitude: 42°20'37.76"N (Zone 19) E: 333298; N: 4689936 Longitude: 71° 1'25.97"W Estimated commencement date: 4th qtr 2022 Estimated completion date: 1st qtr 2025 Project Type: Lab/Office Addition Status of project design: 10% Proponent: DIV Black Falcon, LLC Street Address: c/o The Davis Companies, 125 High Street, Suite 2111 Municipality: Boston State: MA Zip Code: 02110 Name of Contact Person: Geoff Starsiak Firm/Agency: Epsilon Associates, Inc. Street Address: 3 Mill & Main Place, Suite 250 Municipality: Maynard State: MA Zip Code: 01754 Phone: (978) 897‐7100 Fax: (978) 897‐0099 E-mail: [email protected]

Does this project meet or exceed a mandatory EIR threshold (see 301 CMR 11.03)? Yes No

If this is an Expanded Environmental Notification Form (ENF) (see 301 CMR 11.05(7)) or a Notice of Project Change (NPC), are you requesting:

a Single EIR? (see 301 CMR 11.06(8)) Yes No a Special Review Procedure? (see 301CMR 11.09) Yes No a Waiver of mandatory EIR? (see 301 CMR 11.11) Yes No a Phase I Waiver? (see 301 CMR 11.11) Yes No (Note: Greenhouse Gas Emissions analysis must be included in the Expanded ENF.)

Which MEPA review threshold(s) does the project meet or exceed (see 301 CMR 11.03)? [CMR 11.03(3)(a)(5)] – Because a Chapter 91 License is required, New non‐water dependent use or Expansion of an existing non‐water dependent structure, provided the use or structure occupies one or more acres of waterways or tidelands. [301 CMR 11.03(6)(a)(6)] ‐‐ Generation of 3,000 or more New adt on roadways providing access to a single location.

Which State Agency Permits will the project require? Department of Environmental Protection: Chapter 91 Waterways License(s); Massachusetts Historical Commission: State Register Review, State Historic Preservation Officer review for Army Corps of Engineers General Permit approval; Massachusetts Water Resources Authority: Sewer Use Discharge Permit (as may be required by tenants); Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority: Silver Line Drydock Avenue bus stop

Effective January 2011

improvements approval; Office of Public Safety and Inspections: Building Permit; Flammable Storage License, Certificate of Occupancy. Separately, the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) will seek Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) approval of a First Amendment to the Massport/MassDEP Memorandum of Understanding dated March 15, 2001 with respect to certain South Boston properties owned by Massport, as well as MassDEP approval of a Final Waterfront Development Plan for the Project Site.

Identify any financial assistance or land transfer from an Agency of the Commonwealth, including the Agency name and the amount of funding or land area in acres: The approximately 10.5‐acre Project Site is leased by the Proponent from Massport under a long‐term ground lease.

Summary of Project Size Existing Change Total & Environmental Impacts LAND Total site acreage 10.52 New acres of land altered 0 Acres of impervious area 10.52 0 10.52 Square feet of new bordering vegetated wetlands alteration 0 Square feet of new other wetland alteration 0 Acres of new non-water dependent use of tidelands or waterways 10.52 STRUCTURES Gross square footage 353,950 +330,500 684,450 Number of housing units 0 0 0 Maximum height (feet) 75 +62 137 TRANSPORTATION Vehicle trips per day Unadjusted 3,448 +3,440 6,888 Adjusted 2,100 +2,098 4,198 Parking spaces 555 +174 729 WASTEWATER Water Use (Gallons per day) 30,300 +27,027 57,327 Water withdrawal (GPD) 0 0 0 Wastewater generation/treatment (GPD) 27,546 +24,570 52,116 Length of water mains (miles) 0 0 0 Length of sewer mains (miles) 0 0 0 Has this project been filed with MEPA before? Yes (EEA #______) No

Has any project on this site been filed with MEPA before? Yes (EEA #11604) No

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GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION – all proponents must fill out this section


Describe the existing conditions and land uses on the project site:

The Project Site comprises an approximately 10.52‐acre parcel of land located within the South Boston Designated Port Area (DPA) and is bounded by the Reserved Channel to the south, Boston Harbor to the east, land of the City of Boston Economic and Industrial Corporation (EDIC) and the Boston Harbor to the north, and Drydock Avenue, a roadway owned by EDIC, to the west. The Project Site is owned in fee by Massport and leased to the Proponent under a long‐term ground lease. The EDIC land located directly to the north of the Project Site is currently ground leased by EDIC to the Coastal Cement Corporation, Inc. (Coastal Cement), a water‐dependent industrial use. The Project Site also includes certain appurtenant easement rights held by Massport over adjacent EDIC land to facilitate pedestrian and vehicular access to Drydock Avenue.

The Project Site contains a three‐story building which comprises approximately 353,950 sf of Gross Floor Area (GFA), as such term is defined in the Boston Zoning Code (Zoning Code), as well as 243 surface parking spaces and 312 open deck parking spaces which accommodate a total of 555 vehicles. The open deck parking area is accessed by a two‐ way vehicular ramp on the western edge of the building. On the north side of the building there exist approximately 83 loading bays. The existing building currently houses a roster of tenants that includes water‐dependent industrial uses and supporting DPA uses, such as office and accessory uses thereto. The Project Site also includes a public viewing area on its eastern end, as well as a fish cleaning station and public pathway which is part of the Harborwalk. These public amenities along the Reserved Channel, including a public restroom that is provided inside the building, are provided pursuant to an existing Chapter 91 license for the Project Site. The north apron is in continuous use by the building’s water‐dependent‐industrial and other tenants, primarily for truck access to the 83 loading bays on the north side of the building. The north apron is also used for materials lay‐down and staging. Because of such loading, staging and vehicular access activities, the rail tracks on the north apron have not been used for decades.

During the cruise season, primarily during the months of April to November, passenger cruise ships berth within the Reserved Channel at the Flynn Cruiseport Boston Terminal adjacent to the Project Site. On cruise passenger boarding and disembarkation days, the south apron area of the Project Site adjacent to the Reserved Channel, an area that contains 136 tenant parking spaces, is utilized by, and is under the control of, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security through its Transportation Security Administration (TSA), as is the surface parking area located to the west of the existing building (known as Ground Transportation Area No. 2 [GTA2]). A total of 204 parking spaces are taken out of service on passenger boarding and disembarkation days and on those days, the tenants assigned to those parking spaces must park in other Massport locations nearby and use a shuttle service to travel to the Project Site. Consequently, and as discussed below, the Project will not only facilitate improved cruise port operations, passenger services and pedestrian circulation, but also operations of the existing building.

Although the watersheet seaward of the pier aprons is not part of the Project Site, the watersheet accommodates five ship berths, two along the north apron and three along the south apron. The three berths on the south apron are most commonly utilized by cruise ships. The two berths along the north apron are frequently used by Coastal Cement for the docking of cement barges making deliveries to that facility. Those barges typically dock once per week, most often at the western‐most berth immediately adjacent to the Coastal Cement facility. When there is high demand for dockage in the port, the north apron berths may accommodate cruise ships and other vessels. (See Attachment A, Figure 5 for a Berth Utilization Plan.)

Massport’s South Boston properties located within Chapter 91 jurisdiction to contain non‐water dependent or mixed uses are governed by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated March 15, 2001 entered into by Massport with MassDEP. Consistent with Massport’s goals for the Project Site, and as discussed in further detail below, Massport is proposing that the MOU be amended by means of a Massport separate filing with MassDEP to include the Project Site as part of the Special Planning Area delineated in the MOU. That MOU will be subject to a public review period and MassDEP approval. Subsequent to the execution of that First Amendment by Massport and MassDEP, and in accordance with the process outlined in that MOU, Massport will propound a Preliminary Waterfront Development Plan for the Project Site, for public review and MassDEP comment, and then a Final Waterfront Development Plan for public review and MassDEP approval.

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Describe the proposed project and its programmatic and physical elements:

The Proponent proposes the construction of a vertical addition containing four new floors and approximately 327,600 sf of GFA directly atop the existing three‐story building. The addition is proposed to accommodate laboratory, research and development and office uses, and uses accessory thereto. An additional approximately 2,900 sf of GFA will be added to the existing building and surrounding site, comprising minor changes proposed to the existing building to add elevators, additional circulation areas, and loading space. The Project will also include additional changes to the property, most notably the demolition of the existing parking ramp and its reconstruction adjacent to the existing building, and additional decking for parking (approximately 53,900 sf) to accommodate up to 174 new parking spaces. Following completion, the Project Site is proposed to accommodate up to 729 parking spaces.

The relocation of the parking ramp and related improvements will have a significant benefit to cruise port operations, which have increased significantly over the past decade. The relocation of the ramp to a location directly adjacent to the existing building will substantially increase the area of GTA2 (by approximately 55%), provide more flexibility for vehicular circulation, and allow for additional passenger buses and more efficient taxi and RideApp vehicle queuing. The ramp relocation will also allow for the creation of public restrooms adjacent to GTA2, underneath the ramp, as well as a storage room for Massport’s use to support GTA2 operations. These improvements and the ability to more efficiently and effectively manage buses, taxis and other vehicular traffic will significantly improve the experience for cruise passengers and the ability to service cruise ship needs.

Primary access to the second and third floors of the existing building, as well as to the four new floors above, will continue to exist on the north side of the building from the structured parking level (level 2). There will be a new vertical access tower and second level pedestrian walkway connecting the main entrances to the MBTA Silver Line bus stop on Drydock Avenue (described further below). The walkway will feature plantings, bollard lighting and hardscape areas designed to enhance the pedestrian experience and protect pedestrians from traffic circulation (at present, pedestrians must walk up the ramp alongside vehicles). In addition, the Project team is evaluating the inclusion of landscape elements and the programming of outdoor spaces on the Project Site.

The existing building hosts water‐dependent and other industrial and commercial uses that provide direct economic and operational support for water‐dependent industrial uses at the Project Site and more generally, in the DPA. Those existing uses, authorized by MassDEP License No. 13408, and other water‐dependent industrial uses at the Project Site will continue to operate during construction and after completion of the Project. The Proponent will work with Massport and MassDEP to ensure that the Project complies with the applicable provisions of the Waterways Regulations as modified by the upcoming Final Waterfront Development Plan (which will include the Project Site as part of the MOU‐defined Special Planning Area), including the future licensing of the existing and proposed uses, as further described below.

Vertical glass expressions which extend the full height of the building will mark the north and south entry points. These entrances will also be connected internally to offer access to elevator lobbies and building amenities including bicycle storage spaces and showers / locker rooms for cyclists employed at the building. Upper floor loading will occur at the north side via dedicated first level loading docks. The service docks will align with the existing east and west elevator cores. Floor 4 will offer west and east‐facing roof terraces and floors 5 ‐ 7 will offer east‐facing roof terraces, each for use by tenants of the building and their employees and visitors.

The building addition will be supported by a new exterior structural exoskeleton designed to minimize existing tenant disruption during construction and to pay homage to the building’s origin as a working ship loading structure for the U.S. Army. The exoskeleton design also minimizes new encroachments to the existing apron, which is important to maintaining existing marine operations on the south apron.

A related component of the Project will be the reconstruction of the intersection of Drydock Avenue, Black Falcon Avenue, and the Site drive in order to create a safer and more efficient four‐way intersection for vehicular users, MBTA buses, bicyclists and pedestrians (including cruise ship passengers). The improvements, as shown in Attachment A, Figure 6, may require the relocation of a structure on the Coastal Cement site, but will reduce the number of existing curb cuts and improve traffic flow and operations by consolidating access to 88 Black Falcon Avenue and the Flynn Cruiseport. The realigned intersection and improved pedestrian access will also allow for safer

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pedestrian travel on the north apron as well. The MBTA Silver Line bus stop at Drydock Avenue will also be improved, which was recommended in the MBTA’s Better Bus program. These intersection improvements will be subject to Massport’s securing from EDIC, the property interests necessary to construct the intersection improvements, as well as the Proponent’s securing the approvals of applicable governmental authorities, including EDIC and Massport. The Proponent is working with tenants of the EDIC who will be affected by the proposed intersection improvements to ensure that their operations will not be materially impaired.


The sections below describe the Project’s anticipated impacts on the environment.


The Project is anticipated to generate approximately 2,098 adjusted vehicle trips per day (approximately 3,440 new unadjusted vehicle trips per day). During the weekday a.m. peak hour, the Project is expected to generate 140 new entering vehicle trips and 38 new exiting vehicle trips; during the weekday p.m. peak hour, the Project is expected to generate 38 new entering vehicle trips and 145 new exiting vehicle trips. Vehicle trips include automobiles, taxicabs, and RideApp services such as Uber and Lyft. The convenience of the MBTA’s Silver Line 2 Route (SL2) and Route 4 service through the EDIC’s Marine Industrial Park, as well as the Route 7 service along Summer Street, will encourage transit travel to and from the Project Site. Approximately 21% of daily trips are expected to be made via transit and approximately 22% of daily trips are expected to be made via walking or biking. The additional trips are not anticipated to adversely affect transit service operations in the area.

The Project Site has 555 existing private parking spaces for use by employees and visitors, resulting in a parking ratio of 1.57 spaces per 1,000 sf. After completion of the Project, the future parking supply will increase to an overall total of approximately 729 parking spaces, resulting in a lower parking ratio of 1.07 spaces per 1,000 sf. When three cruise ships are docked at the Flynn Cruiseport Terminal, which occurs approximately 10‐15 days per year, the south apron and GTA2 become a TSA secure area, and parking on the south apron is prohibited by the TSA, as described above. Under current conditions, the ban results in approximately 204 unavailable spaces for an on‐site parking ratio of 0.99 spaces per 1,000 sf. After construction of the Project, the TSA restriction will make approximately 234 spaces unavailable, resulting in a parking ratio of 0.73 spaces per 1,000 sf. The Proponent will install electric vehicle charging stations in connection with the Project.

To enhance and encourage transit ridership and help mitigate potential impacts of the Project, the Proponent proposes to redesign the intersection of Drydock Avenue/Black Falcon Avenue/Site Driveway, construct a new bus shelter, add landscaping at the MBTA Silver Line bus stop at Drydock Avenue/Black Falcon Avenue, and accommodate a new bus lane adjacent to the stop in order to allow MBTA pickup and drop‐off activity to occur without hindering traffic at the Flynn Cruiseport and other area destinations. This bus stop improvement was requested by the MBTA following public feedback received through the MBTA’s Better Bus initiative. The redesign of the intersection will include new ADA curb ramps, sidewalks, crosswalks, and a safe pedestrian sidewalk along the site driveway to the building entrance. These improvements will make walking safer and more attractive while providing a safe pedestrian path between the bus stop and the building and also benefit cruise port operations by eliminating traffic congestion caused by single lane bus operations.

The Project also includes new public amenities to enhance the public realm and Flynn Cruiseport operations such as new restrooms and wayfinding signs at the west end of the Project Site, as well as a new Massport storage space to accommodate GTA2 operational equipment. The Proponent will also work collaboratively with the Seaport Transportation Management Association (TMA) and City of Boston in evaluating the feasibility of creating a new water transportation facility and water ferry service near the Pier 10 public open space. When completed, the Project will contain secure storage tenant employees, including locker and shower facilities. The Project will include outside bicycle storage racks for Project visitors. Finally, the Proponent is committed to implementing Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures to reduce dependence on single‐use automobiles and encourage alternate modes of transportation. TDM measures to be undertaken by the Proponent include promoting transit services in marketing and tenant orientation materials, joining the Seaport TMA, encouraging its tenants to promote transit and bicycle alternatives for their employees, and designating an on‐site transportation coordinator to oversee transportation issues, such as service and loading, deliveries, and parking. These measures reflect the

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