A MAGAZINE FOR AIRLINE EXECUTIVES 2008 Issue No. 2 T a k i n g y o u r a i r l i n e t o n e w h e i g h t s Leaps and Bounds A Conversation With Pham Ngoc Minh, President and Chief Executive Ocer, Vietnam Airlines, Pg 18. Special Section Airline Mergers and Consolidation American Airlines’ fuel program saves 10 more than US$200 million a year Integrated systems significantly 31 enhance revenue Caribbean Nations rely on air 38 72 transportation © 2009 Sabre Inc. All rights reserved.
[email protected] profile profile Photos courtesy of Vietnam Airlines A Conversation With … Pham Ngoc Minh, President and Chief Executive Officer, Vietnam Airlines ore than five decades ago, Vietnam Despite the airline’s many accomplish- tourism industries. What are some of the key Airlines began service with a mere five ments and continued evolution, it faces daily chal- changes the airline has undergone during Maircraft, which, based on its steady lenges such as out-of-control fuel costs, a possible the last several decades that has led to such growth and success, was all the foundation it shortage of pilots, government-regulated domes- success? needed. Since then, the thriving Vietnamese tic fares, aircraft delays and steep competition. Answer: Several key initiatives that carrier, once known as Vietnam Civil Aviation, has But these issues won’t keep Vietnam contributed to the success of Vietnam Airlines grown significantly and continues to do so. Today, Airlines President and Chief Executive Officer include adopting the latest technology in fleet it operates 49 aircraft — with plans to expand to Pham Ngoc Minh from pushing ahead to brighter expansion to have a young and modern fleet, 104 aircraft by 2015 — and serves 20 domestic days for his airline.