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duet cover aug-sept v3.indd 1 05/08/2011 6:37 PM ocial Development Network

Duet Ad.indd 5 03/08/2011 9:30 AM note FROM SDN Dear Reader

EDITORIAL ADVISORS hank you for your support gatherings. This issue, we’ll teach you SDN of DUET. In the annual Duet how to read body language cues. Readers’ Survey, we are Starting this issue, we will also Head T Teo Poh Leng pleased to know that out of more include a little pop quiz to help you than 400 responses, over 80 per cent evaluate your relationship in a light- Assistant Director Corinne Tan Cheng Hong of you found the magazine benefi cial hearted way. Find out if your date is in equipping you with dating and “the one” for you by answering simple Marketing Communications Senior Executive relationship skills, while about questions (p32). Seow Hwee Min 40 per cent had passed DUET to Check out the upcoming event Marketing Communications your single friends! listings for more interesting activities Offi cers We will continue (p33-39). There are Jean Chua Hwee Khoon to do our best to make also exciting learning April Tan Lee Ngoh DUET an interesting adventures that you “HAPPINESS CAN read and useful resource can enjoy with your EDITORIAL BE FOUND, EVEN for you. We hope you date or friends, be it art MEDIACORP PTE LTD IN THE DARKEST will like the revamped appreciation, dancing, OF TIMES, IF ONE Senior Editor DUET which features learning more about Agatha Koh Brazil ONLY REMEMBERS fresh designs, additional ’s heritage or TO TURN ON Editor segments and more baking up a storm, in Ronald Rajan THE LIGHT.” attractive promotions! the Out & About section Assistant Editor In this issue, DUET (p6). So head out and Nellie Tay looks at how love is a have fun! Writer journey of discovery and learning. Just like what Professor Albus Fairoza Mansor Every relationship is a growing Dumbledore said in the movie Harry Senior Designers process to discover more about Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Isabelle Yeoh, Johnson Lim ourselves and what love means to us. “Happiness can be found, even in Executive Photographer Hear what our cover models and other the darkest of times, if one only Ealbert Ho singles have to say about what love has remembers to turn on the light.” Senior Photographer taught them (p4). Finally, don’t forget to check out Kelvin Chia Watch out for our new section exclusive promotions on p28. Photographer Discover, where you’ll learn interesting From ArtScience Museum tickets, Hong Chee Yan insights and gain the know-how to accessories, ice cream cakes to sports Contributors enrich your life, as well as how to courses, there is something for every Ng Yi Lian, Julia Wang, strike conversation topics at social DUET reader. Enjoy the treats! Evon Chng, Sheralyn Tay, Stella Thng, Wu Wanjing Managing Director Jessie Sng


Duet is published quarterly for members of SDN by MediaCorp Pte Ltd. Copyright is held by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Printed by KHL. MICA (P) 243/11/2004 Ms Teo Poh Leng Editorial & advertising sales enquiries should be directed to: Head (SDN) MediaCorp Pte Ltd. Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Andrew Road, Singapore 299939. Tel: 6333-3888/Fax: 6254-2886. For general enquiries, call SDN’s hotline at 6838-3988. All returned mails should be directed to: SDN, *SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, #05-02, Singapore 237978.

1 Note v3.indd 1 05/08/2011 6:40 PM contents AUG–OCT 2011

TRAVEL 3 Rediscover nature at these 26 LETTERS 10 farm stay retreats. SUCCESS STORY Read what singles have Give love a chance and you to say about DUET might just fi nd happiness, say Fan Tang Meng and 4 Joanna Fan. YOUR SAY Singles share lessons they’ve learnt from their past relationships.

12 18 DISCOVER BUZZ Learn to read your One is good, two is better. date’s body language. Find out why. 13 20 PERSONALITY CHAT 30 Communication and trust Singles share how ASK THE EXPERT are important for a lasting relationships have Tips from Dr Love on relationship, says actress broadened their horizons. handling matters of Zhou Ying. the heart. 6 22 OUT & ABOUT 14 GETTING 31 Activities for you to REVAMP TO KNOW PERSONALS embark on an exciting Have a makeover Experts share tips on Get to know other singles journey of discovery. wish? Let our experts scoring that fi rst date. from LoveByte.org.sg help you.

9 24 32 HAPPENINGS RELATIONSHIP QUIZ Check out the fun Check out the common Find out if your date is singles had on 18 June phrases that men and interested in a relationship. at the Sunset Sail. women don’t seem to get. 33 COVER PHOTO: Ealbert Ho ART DIRECTION: Isabelle Yeoh EVENTS Want to get a FREE FASHION STYLIST: Evon Chng Your guide to the latest FASHION ASSISTANT: Ling Cai Hong events on the dating scene. HAIR & MAKEUP: Melissa Yeo & Aie copy of DUET? Zhou using MAC Cosmetics MODELS (FROM TOP L-R): On Khalid: Shirt from Furmuse, Jeans from GAP. On Tze Jiun: Dress from Wicked Laundry, Necklace from Wicked Simply register at www.lovebyte.org.sg. Laundry. On Zee: Shirt from This privilege is for singles 20 years old Furrmuse, Chinos from GAP. On Genecia: Dress by Supertrashed from and above (Singapore Citizens and Permanent Wicked Laundry. Residents only). Terms and conditions apply. PHOTOSHOOT LOCATION: Marina @ Keppel Bay

2 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

2 Contents V3.indd 2 05/08/2011 6:40 PM letters getting to know WRITE IN TO US

MEET SOMEONE NEW End that dry spell!

It’s been months since you last went on a date. Say goodbye to the lean season and get yourself back in the game with these tips from our experts. by STELLA THNG

RE-EVALUATE YOUR EXPECTATIONS 1“I used to only go out with guys who were older and taller than me, and had already established a career,” admits May Leong, 38, who works in the beauty industry and was used to model part-time. “Over the years, I’ve met several decent guys who I refused to date because they lacked one criterion or another.” After several heartbreaks, May came to realise that this ‘must-have’ attributes were not that important after all. “I married a guy who’s not as tall as I am. He’s the sweetest and most sincere guy I’ve known!” Violet Lim, co-founder of SDNTrust accredited agency Lunch Actually, shares a similar tale. A client of hers used to have a long list of expectations. Then true love struck — and surprisingly, that special someone didn’t fulfi check list. “My client later shared with me that things l her I read DUET for the fi rst time recently, and like salary, education, and height were actually superfi In my current relationship, it seems expectations. At the end of the day, what really mattered Engineer Thomas Lim, 41, can vouch for that. “I met was that they had similar values, a similar outlook in life, cial two women while getting a drink at the vending machine, and they enjoyed each other’s company.” at a public sports complex that I had decided to check out recently. Now, we have an unoffi found “End that dry spell!” from the May-July SHAKE UP YOUR ROUTINE IN LITTLE WAYS Wednesday evening. Even if nothing cial romantic jogging worksdate every out, that I am always the one who ‘gives 2 Violet often sets her clients some special homework: I’m glad I’ve made two new friends.” to write down their weekly routine. “It’s important that singles look at what they’re doing — or not doing — REVITALISE YOUR LIFE to widen their social circles. Once you realise how you’ve 3 Consider a little upgrade or revamp. It might just give issue very informative. It made me realise that come to be stuck in a rut, it becomes much easier to bring you the jumpstart you need. “Always wanted to learn in’. I thought this is what I should some variety into your life.” a new language? What are you waiting for? Been sporting And it all starts from making small changes to your the same old hairstyle for the last 20 years? It’s time to visit routine. “For example, if you go to the gym every Monday, a quality stylist and get a new look. It’d probably make you Wednesday and Friday, why not go on other days instead? look fresher and younger too!” says Violet. the best way to approach a date is to let If you’ve been getting your daily fi x of coffee from the same Another tip: Violet suggests that you check out do as a woman, but the fact is that place, try a different café,” suggests Violet. “Simple and options where the gender balance is in your favour. For easy adjustments like these will ensure that you meet people example, signing up for belly dancing classes which only whom you wouldn’t usually encounter.” accept women won’t offer an avenue to meet potential men. “And if you are a guy, the car club may not be the best place to meet women!” 22 DUET I am unhappy. The articles in Buzz nature take its course and be realistic. * MAY–JUL 2011 We should moderate our expectations to PHOTO: Corbis — “Think about time” and “Speak avoid disappointment if things don’t go as planned. the same ‘language’” — started I’ve learnt that I can improve my chances of fi nding a partner by putting in a me thinking

little effort to tweak my lifestyle. The tips given will be my secret weapon to whether my LOOK GOOD If you’re concerned about the seven-year itch, it may be way too late. A survey by the personal grooming company Remington is all it takes for couples to partner and 3shows that seven months scoring more dates! I hope my next fi rst date will be successful. become complacent about their relationship. Ninety per cent of the women surveyed stopped dressing up to impress, while 88 per cent of the men ‘fess up’ to putting in less effort to look well- Kenny Kwek I are on the groomed. Almost half say they would even break wind in front of their other half. Sounds familiar? Don’t fall prey to the seven-month itch. Jazz up your love life by reminding each other to dress — and act — like you’re in the fi rst fl ush of love! ‘same page’. SPEAK THE SAME ‘LANGUAGE’ cant other is What you say to your signifi how you say it reveals more “Fun fare” important, but Congratulations Kenny! You’ve won yourself $80 worth of Takashimaya set 2about your relationship. Studies show that people who speak in similar styles are more compatible. Researchers at the University of Texas used a computer programme to check the similarity in vouchers and a box of Panax Notoginseng supplements from Ren Xin Tang. me wondering language styles between couples, and to determine how this affected their relationship. In the fi rst study, college students were paired for speed dating. It was found that those with similar language styles were four times as likely to if we are having keep in touch, compared to students whose language styles were not in sync. The second study tracked online chats between dating couples over a period buzz of 10 days. Almost 80 per cent of the couples with WHAT’S UP WITH LOVE fun together matching writing styles were still together after three months, compared to only 54 per cent of the couples whose writing styles didn’t match.

Want to fi nd out if you and your partner have DID YOU KNOW? or I’m just matching language styles? Check out the online ‘Lack of social relationships is a risk factor for death’ application “In Synch: Language Style Matching” — now, that’s a scary discovery from a study by at www.utpsyc.org/synch/ Brigham Young University which predicts a person’s Spice it odds of living or dying. up! pretending to be Having a low level of social interaction (eg living alone or feeling lonely) is worse than not exercising, It’s great to read about Check out these research fi I feel discouraged and it’s twice as harmful as obesity. You’ll also suffer fun and enjoyable lasting ndings relationship. to ensure a risks equivalent to smoking 15 sticks of cigarettes daily or being an alcoholic. On the other hand, having by STELLA THNG happy in order a good level of interaction with others — be it with programmes which wheneverw my friends, family, neighbours or colleagues — improves your odds of survival by as much as 50 per cent! “When someone is connected to a group and feels responsible for other people, that sense of purpose and to maintain our meaning translates to taking better care of themselves enable singles to practise friends tell me and taking fewer risks,” explain the authors of the study. Now that’s surely a reason to head out and make some connections! 11 relationship. While MAY–JUL 2011 volunteerism on their travels, about the negative DUET * such as “Holidays with a aspects of dating, I’ve not reached a decision as to how heart”. Perhaps you can also THINK ABOUT TIME such as their dates’ Think about money, and you’ll somehow fi ll your schedule with more work; think about time, and you might fi nd yourself longing to spend it with the people you1 love — this, according to a recent study by the University of I should proceed, the articles have organise some activities for Pennsylvania in the United States. sloppy attire, being Online and face-to-face experiments were conducted with two groups of participants. Group 1 was shown sentences containing words related to time, such as ‘clock’ and ‘day’. Group 2 was shown words linked to money, like ‘wealth’ and taught me that you have to enjoy the singles to help the needy. ‘dollar’. Both groups were asked to plan how they wanted to neglected by their spend their next 24 hours, and were then followed to see how they actually behaved. It was discovered that those in Group 1 spent their day socialising with friends and loved ones and were happier, while those in Group 2 chose to work instead and in dating process in order to be happy For example, volunteers turn, reported feeling less happy. partners, as well The moral of the story: When you mentally prep yourself to devote time to relationships, it becomes a self-fulfi lling prophecy. Start thinking and make those ‘love appointments’ come true. can clean the homes of You’ll be happier for it too! Istockphoto PHOTOS: as communication in a relationship. Thank you DUET for 10

DUET MAY–JUL 2011 * p elderly who live alone, breakdowns. The helping me to be more aware of what visit villages overseas articlea “Spice it up!” I really want from a relationship. where they can teach less privileged gives me hope thath even the most Ellycia Wang children, distribute clothes and challenging relationships can survive books, or help build a school. Singles the test of time if you just change will then be able to show personal your mindset or put in a little effort. attributes — such as kindness, I also like the success story “A Gokon helpfulness and being responsible fairytale” which shows that women — that other singles look for in a can make the fi rst move too! partner. We would also be promoting Mabel Lim a gracious society. Wendy Leong

Thank you Wendy! We will let the SDNTrust accredited dating agencies We want to know of your event ideas so that they may consider introducing such hear from you! events. Starting next issue, we will In less than 100 words, tell us whathhikfhiifDUET you thinkkfhii of this issue of fDUET DUET. also feature a variety of interest- The best letter will get $50 worth of Takashimaya vouchers and a based group activities that singles limited edition Risis Decision Maker. can participate or initiate on their Email us at [email protected], together with your name, own, and which will enable them to NRIC, contact number and address before 15 September 2011. make new friends in the process.

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 3

3 Letters.indd 3 05/08/2011 6:41 PM yoursay LOVE CONFESSIONS

Lessons in Love Singles share what they’ve learnt and discovered from their relationships. by FAIROZA MANSOR

Genecia Luo 29, ENTREPRENEUR “Being in a relationship has taught me that I need to love myself fi rst to fi nd love. Also, a partnership is needed in order for a relationship to work out.”

A former beauty queen, Genecia now runs training academy InQueenz. Acknowledging that while some might fi nd her “intimidating”, Genecia says that those who get to know her will fi nd her “personable, fun-loving, and down to earth”. Despite her busy schedule, Genecia makes time to rollerblade, scuba dive and travel. While her ideal partner is someone who is “wise, intelligent, understanding and supportive”,supportive”, to hher,er it all boils down to chemistrychemistry for ssparks to fl y.

Ooi Boon Keong 33, PHOTOGRAPHER “Everyone needs their own space in a relationship, though the extent of this spspace varies. You shouldn’t feel obliged to ininclude your partner in everything you do. This can prove to be suffocating, and the relationship may lose its shine.”

Zeng Lingzhi, Zee 27, COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGNER “I’ve learnt that some sacrifi ces are inevitable for a successful relationship to happen. Trust is also crucial.”

Give Zee some time to warm up to you. Once you do, you will take to this cool-headed guy who enjoys playing basketball and strumming his guitar. While he prefers to be cautious when it comes to letting people into his heart, Zee looks for someone with whom he can be completely comfortable. “My ideal partner would be someone with whom I can be myself and have endless conversations with,” he says. PHOTOS: Ealbert Ho

4 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

4-5 Your Say.indd 4 05/08/2011 6:41 PM Muhammad Khalid 28, INVESTIGATION OFFICER Sean Chan “A relationship is all 26, ACCOUNTS about sincerity, trust, MANAGER understanding and “Unrealistic forgiveness. Both individuals expectations lead have to accept each to disappointments. other’s characters and So, always cherish habits, and must be able your relationship and to adapt to the savour it.” other’s lifestyle.”

Some would say that Khalid is the epitome of Mr Sunshine. Always positive when the going gets tough, this health buff Evelyn Chen is into extreme sports such 25, STUDENT as wakeboarding. “Don't sweat This soft-spoken guy the small stuff. adds that his dream is Remember that to backpack around the your boyfriend isn't and will world someday. never be a mind-reader.”

LLii TTzeze JJiun 29, MANAGERMAN “It’s“It’s iimportantm that we see ourour partner’s positive qualitiesquali along with the negativeneg ones. Instead of worryingwo about things youyou cannot control, a smartersm strategy is to dispeldis your negative thoughtstho and give the relationshipre everything you’veyoy got. Love doesn’t needn to be perfect; it justju needs to be honest andan true.”

A sself-professed TV junkie, Karman Tse JiunJiu sees herself as a typical 33, DESIGNER GeminiGem who sometimes can’t “Sometimes boyfriends can be makemak up her mind. Shy by a pain when you’re shopping. nature,natu Jiun loves to paint with Unless your boyfriend is David oils,oils, aand practises yoga in her Beckham, who loves shopping freefree ttime.im Her ideal soulmate is and looks pretty while he’s at someonesomeon who is grounded and it, couples should not shop dependable.dependab Having strong arms for together to avoid fi ghts.” herher to lleanea on is a plus too, she jokes.

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 5

4-5 Your Say.indd 5 05/08/2011 6:42 PM out&about HAPPENINGS AROUND TOWN

Embark on a journey of discovery! Add spice to your outings by incorporating exciting learning adventures that you can enjoy with friends, your date and fellow Enriching kindred spirits. by FAIROZA MANSOR Escapades

BE INSPIRED Grab a friend and delve into the world of Surrealist and Impressionist art at the lotus-inspired ArtScience Museum at . Feast your eyes on more than 250 works by Salvador Dalí, one of the 20th century’s best-known artists and an iconic fi gure of the Surrealist movement. Explore the Spanish master’s creations, such as his famous representation of melted clocks in Dance of Time. Other highlights include Woman Afl ame (a sculpture ARTSCIENCE MUSEUM uniting two of Dalí's obsessions — chest of 10 Bayfront Avenue. drawers and fi re), and the Mae West Lips Sofa Tel: 6688-8868. 10am to 10pm daily (inspired by legendary Hollywood actress Mae (Last admission at 9pm). West's sensual lips). $30 admission charge Next, proceed to Van Gogh Alive – The for adults Exhibition, which makes its international debut www.marinabaysands.com/ singapore-entertainment/ here. The exhibition showcases more than activities/art-science- 3,000 pieces of Vincent Van Gogh’s artworks, museum/ which represent the artist’s most prolifi c phase of work between 1880 and 1890. Take in the Dalí: Mind of a Genius – artistically choreographed sequence of sights The Exhibition: On till 30 Oct. and sounds in this unique production that fuses Van Gogh Alive – art with audio-visual technology. The Exhibition: On till 9 Oct.

INDULGE IN SWEET TREATS THE BAKING LOFT Savour sweet memories while learning options such as low-fat strawberry Soho2@Central, how to create scrumptious delights, souffl é or dairy-free carrot and 12 Eu Tong Sen Street, such as cupcakes, artisan breads and walnut muffi ns.

#05-169. Tel: 6221-2303. PHOTOS: iStockphoto; Corbis; ArtScience Museum, MBS Photo; iFly Singapore; Division, National Heritage Board Education and Outreach Workshops range from chocolates, at The Baking Loft. Each Alternatively, if baking isn’t $90 to $130 per class. class at the boutique culinary centre your forte, sign up for a culinary www.thebakingloft.com consists of four to eight people, which demonstration. Meet and chat with allows for more interaction between fellow foodies as you watch one the chef and students. of the chefs from the centre Impress your date with an prepare delicious dishes such as irresistible high tea spread of Earl poached salmon fi llet in herb- Grey or chocolate macaroons made infused oil served with white during the workshop. The health- asparagus and tomato broth; conscious can opt for a workshop passion fruit and lavender which features healthier dessert souffl é and many more.

6 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

6-8 Out & About v3.indd 6 05/08/2011 6:42 PM IT’S TIME TO BOOGIE Discover the joy of dancing at Footwork, a series of introductory TAKE THE PLUNGE dance classes organised as part of the Venture outside your comfort annual Esplanade da:ns Festival. Take zone and chase away those your pick from the wide selection of fi rst date butterfl ies by getting an dance styles, from all-time favourites adrenaline rush at ’s newest like Latin Samba, Cuban Salsa, multi-million dollar attraction — Argentine Tango, Waltz, Swing and iFly Singapore. Experience the thrill Jazz, to new routines such as K-Pop, of free-falling in the world’s largest Burlesque and Adult Ballet. indoor skydiving simulator. The wind Sign up with some friends and tunnel stands at 17.22 metres boogie to the beat. Or impress your (almost fi ve storeys) and has a diameter of iFLY SINGAPORE date with some sleek dance 5.02 metres. And if that doesn’t sound thrilling 43 Siloso Beach Walk, moves taught by professional enough, its tall acrylic glass wall makes #01-01. Tel: 6571-0000. dance instructors. Each it possible for fl yers to also enjoy an Beginner fl ight packages session lasts 90 minutes. include training and two unobstructed view of the South China Sea. skydive sessions, and start iFly is open to fi rst-time fl yers, as at $89 per person. www.ifl ysingapore.com well as professional skydivers. Don’t fret about taking the plunge. You’ll be in the safe hands of experienced instructors, FOOTWORKFOOTWORK all of whom have undergone intensive 13 Augg – 10 Sep. training in compliance with the rules and EsplanadeEsplanade RRehearsale Studio. regulations of the International Bodyfl ight 1 EsplanadeEsplanade Drive. Association (IBA). Tel:Tel: 6828-8377.6828-837 $12$12 (excluding(excludin Sistic bookingbookingfg ffee).ee) www.dansfestival.comwww.dansfes ,g

URBAN EXPLORATION The nation celebrates Singapore’s Culture vultures can take a stroll 46th birthday this year, so this down the streets of Little India and is as good a time as any to discover the eclectic mix of temples, discover our heritage sites. Be mosques and churches. Bond with enthralled by the untold stories your buddies over talking points such behind each landmark along as the Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple the various trails that have been (the fi rst temple constructed in the conceptualised by the National Serangoon area and dedicated to the Heritage Board and its partners. Hindu deity, Kali), Leong San See History buffs can head to the Temple or “Dragon Mountain Gate Fort Canning Trail at Fort Canning Temple” (one of the oldest Chinese Park. Check out the exhibition Buddhist temples in Singapore), and area, showcasing past records and many more. archaeological digs that prove the Other trails include the walking For more information, visit existence of a 14th-century tours of , Bukit Timah http://heritagetrails.sg Malay Kingdom. and Jalan Besar.

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 7

6-8 Out & About v3.indd 7 05/08/2011 6:43 PM out&about HAPPENINGS AROUND TOWN

Gather some friends and save your dates for these exciting upcoming Pencil them in! events around town. MOONFEST — JACKY CHEUNG ½ A MID-AUTUMN CENTURY TOUR — SINGAPORE CELEBRATION At age 50, Hong Kong's Delight in the colourful "God of Songs" Jacky Cheung array of programmes which continues to wow fans with features traditional Chinese his favourite classics. art forms and performances. Take part in the annual Date: 26 – 30 August 2011 Lantern Walkabout on Time: 8pm 10 September to enjoy the Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium sights with your date. Admission: Tickets priced at $88*, $98*, $138*, $148*, $168*, $198*, $208*, $228* from SISTIC. Date: 6 – 11 September 2011 Venue: Esplanade Admission: Free and ticketed. Visit www.moonfest.com.sg for more information. LOUD FESTIVAL This musical extravaganza features Asia’s King of Mando-Pop Jay Chou, popular band Sodagreen, sultry karaoke favourite Landy Wen and gifted SWAN LAKE newcomer Cindy Yen. ON ICE Date: 7 October 2011 Witness this classic love Time: 8pm story in the exhilarating UNDER THE Venue: Singapore Indoor new interpretation of Stadium BANYAN TREE Admission: Tickets priced Tchaikovsky's famous Cosy up to your date under at $88*, $128*, $168*, $198*, ballet. the stars at this movie event. from SISTIC.

Date: 30 August – Catch thrillers such as The (*excludes SISTIC fee) 4 September 2011 Tingler and 13 Ghosts in an Time: Tuesday to Friday, open-air setting brought to 7.30pm; Saturday & Sunday, you by the National Museum THE HOSSAN 1.30pm & 7.30pm Cinémathèque. Venue: Grand Theatre at LEONG SHOW Marina Bay Sands Date: 2 – 3 September 2011 Let Hossan Leong tickle Admission: Tickets priced at Time: 8pm your funny bone in the $95*, $115*, $145*, $175* for Venue: Stamford Green, third installment of evening shows; $75*, $95*, National Museum of Singapore his stand-up comedy $145*, $175* for matinee and Admission: Free. Visit show which features * $700 for a VIP Box which sits www.nationalmuseum.sg for brand new skits. These 4, from SISTIC. more information. include his hilarious take on Singapore's 2011 General Election.

Date: 8 – 18 September 2011 Time: Tuesday to Friday, 8pm; Saturday to Sunday, 3pm & 8pm Venue: Drama Centre Theatre Admission: Tickets priced at $35*, $48*, $55* for Preview Show on 8 Sept 2011; $38*, $58*, $68* for the rest of the shows, from SISTIC. PHOTOS: Jacky Cheung: “UnUsUaL Entertainment”, Swan Lake: “BASE Entertainment”, Under The Banyan Tree: “Image courtesy of Park Circus Limited”, Circus “Image courtesy of Park PHOTOS: Jacky Cheung: “UnUsUaL Entertainment”, Swan Lake: “BASE Under The Banyan Tree: Law” Photography by Mark TV, Moonfest: The Esplanade Co Ltd.”, Loud Festival: “UnUsUaL Entertainment”, Hossan Leong Show: “Dream

8 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

6-8 Out & About v3.indd 8 05/08/2011 6:43 PM happenings CATCH ALL THE ACTION

Participants had a blast bonding over music when bongos, maracas and tambourines were handed out. “I used to play the drums when I was in the school band, so I found the percussion session really interesting.” Pravin, 28, aerospace engineer likes this

sail Friendship starts from a handshake. Participants broke the ice by practising Japanese, Thai and even Hip Hop handshakes during the game International Handshake. Some also took the opportunity to make small talk. “I defi nitely had a lot of fun. The games got people out of their comfort zone.” Jamie, 35, teacher likes this

What better way to spend Participants got a sneak peek of the show a breezy afternoon than Songs of the Sea when the boat chugged cruising on a beautiful boat past Sentosa Island. New found friends and making new friends? gasped at the visual feast as fi reworks and water jets shot into the sky. About 130 eligible bachelors “The event was interesting and well and bachelorettes got to enjoy put together. I made a number of new scenic views and more at the friends.” Sunset Sail! Reka, 29, customer service agent likes this

No event is complete without music. New 125 Friends Like This found friends bobbed their heads to the catchy tunes dished out by the live band, as they enjoyed the sumptuous buffet dinner. “I’ve attended other social events before but this was a unique experience.” Jamie Hui Xia Tanny Tanny, 30, marketing manager likes this

Picture perfect views coupled with lovely Pravin Reka new friends make for a fantastic outing. New friendships were struck while others explored Highlights the boat and admired the gorgeous views. “It’s my second time • Live band entertainment by on a boat. My friend OneHeartBeat percussion band is enjoying herself • Icebreaker: International somewhere else handshake game while I take in

• A sumptuous buffet dinner the lovely sights.” — Hui Xia, 29, ICA offi cer likes this

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 9

9 Happenings.indd 9 05/08/2011 6:43 PM LET'S GET AWAY

Back toNature

Restore your sense of wellbeing and enjoy the little pleasures of life, be it with friends, colleagues or a special someone, at these back-to-basics farm stay retreats that offer a chance to rediscover nature. by SHERALYN TAY

OUTBACK ADVENTURE Enjoy panoramic plantation views Whether it is heading out on a of fruit trees (soursop, guava, banana, mountain hike, bamboo rafting on coconut and dragonfruit) and wild tranquil waters, a quiet stroll through fl owers, and behold the shenanigans of lush greenery or an awe-inspiring wild ducks from a two-storied ‘fl oating session of stargazing, Kahang chalet’ that can be moved and anchored Organic Rice Eco Farm offers it all. within the farm’s 10-hectare lake. The rural retreat in Kahang Town, Adventure seekers can also test Malaysia, is a mere two-hour drive their teamwork at a water obstacle from Singapore, about 36km from course as they navigate their way Kluang and situated amid 105 hectares through a maze of ropes that has of farmland. been built over a man-made pond. Learn about organic farming Better yet, spend a day climbing and experience the simple beauty of Gunung Belumut — a 1,010m-high the natural world. Try your hand at mountain located 25km east of Kluang. planting rice and fi shing at the Madek The climb takes about four hours A half-day tour of the farm River nearby, or simply marvel at the each way. As you trek, keep a lookout starts from S$20. for the Sg Yong Falls, a seven-tiered range of wildlife — from birds and fi sh A 2D/1N stay for two to butterfl y species — which makes waterfall that offers pristine waters persons starts from S$76. this idyllic location a must-visit. and a bit of cool respite along the way. www.organic-kahang.com

10 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

10-11-travel.indd 10 05/08/2011 6:44 PM RUSTIC SANCTUARY If a rough-and-tumble adventure is not your idea of a getaway, retreat from the urban jungle of city life and enjoy a quiet stay at D'Kranji Farm Resort. The resort is located at Singapore’s ‘farm belt’ of Lim Chu Kang and combines the rustic charms of kampung life with modern conveniences. The resort’s Balinese-themed villas are small but provide a cosy sanctuary for two, complete with unique open-air en suite bathrooms. Larger groups can opt for The Barn, a larger room that fi ts three. Explore the fruit and vegetable plantations located within the expansive fi ve-hectare resort, while you keep an A Superior Farm Queen eye out for the amazing Pisang Seribu package for two persons or ‘thousand fi nger banana’ plant that starts from S$185nett per villa per night. lives up to its name with its spectacular www.dkranji.com.sg growth of small bananas.

Take the chance to explore the area further with a day tour of the surrounding farms, such as Green Rose Aeroponics Farm, Bollywood Veggies, Hay Dairies goat farm and the Jurong Frog Farm. It’s a great chance to learn about the technology, innovation and dedication that keep Singapore’s local farms going and growing. Back at the resort, partake in some prawn fi shing within the premises, or indulge in a truly restful treat at the resort’s in-house spa. Complete your stay with a seafood feast at the De’ Beer Seafood Restaurant.

A FARMER’S LIFE can experience life on vegetable Ditch those group tours for a farms, tea plantations, rice paddies Farm stays are free, but unique personalised travel experience. and fruit fi elds, and even on farms that volunteers will have to pay If you are looking for a combination of grow herbs for making essential oils. for their own fl ights. volun-tourism, farm stay and cultural Besides having an opportunity to work A small membership fee goes towards maintaining exchange, World Wide Opportunities the land, you’ll also get to understand the network. WWOOF on Organic Farms (WWOOF) soil management, crop rotation and Taiwan membership fee: volunteer network offers you the chemical-free weed prevention. US$26 (S$31.40) chance to live in, and work on authentic That’s not all. You might even have www.wwooftaiwan.com More information on organic farms around the world. the chance to make scarecrows, farmstays in other countries WWOOF is a non-profi t harvest rice and sell veggies — and at www.wwoof.org organisation that links hundreds of experience the simple, homely charms like-minded travellers to farm hosts of the countryside. with the aim of teaching people about the organic movement and farming. Travellers volunteer their services to a farm that provides shelter and meals. In doing so, they get to experience true farm life, by taking part in the day-to-day running of a farm and learning about the culture of the particular country. Nature enthusiasts can select from a range of farms in different countries. In Taiwan, for example, volunteers PHOTOS: iStockphoto, Corbis, Wilson Pang

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 11

10-11-travel.indd 11 05/08/2011 6:44 PM discover KNOWLEDGE IS POWER

He likes me, she likes me not…? Teo Ser Lee, founder of etiquette consultancy Protocol Academy and former beauty queen, gives a head-to-toe guide on how to read your date’s body language and decipher those non-verbal cues. by STELLA THNG

HAIR: A woman who likes a man tends to fl ip or touch her hair while exposing her wrist and giving her date of Truth sideway glances. On the other hand, Body a man will usually smoothen his hair, straighten his collar or arrange his cuffl inks to look neat and smart in front of the woman he likes. and even giggle at everything you helpful. If he likes you, he’ll probably say. Interested men will laugh hold your hand. EYES: There are different eye signals genuinely and heartily. If your date plays with for different purposes: a straight gaze A tight smile with the side his/her food or utensils, between the eyes for business, looking of the lips raised usually it could mean he/she is between the eyes and lips when indicates that the person bored or not interested socialising, and looking downwards is insincere. in the food. But if he/she towards the body to suggest intimacy. fondles with the stem of A sideway glance, raised eyebrows ARMS: Open arms the wine glass, it suggests and smile shows interest. But if the show that a person is that he/she is interested sideway glance comes with a frown or relaxed and welcoming, in you. downturned corners of the mouth, that while crossed arms show shows hostility. that he/she feels defensive. Keeping LEGS: Both men and women show A man will look straight at a your arms close to your body creates interest by keeping their toes pointed woman if he likes her — this is his a barrier; you’re hinting to the other towards their date. If she’s sitting, she hunter instinct. On the person to give you space. may cross her legs and show off her other hand, a woman will calves or even play with her shoes and steal a glance at a man HANDS: A woman dangle them from her toes. she likes and quickly who is interested in a avert her eyes when he man may not necessarily POSTURE: This depends on your looks back. And if your show it by touching him, date’s personal posture but generally, date’s pupils are dilated, but may rub her thigh if your date is interested in what you it means that he/she is or play with her hair or are saying, he/she will probably come defi nitely interested. accessories instead. Men, into your intimate zone, which is less on the other hand, are than one arm’s length. If he/she sits LIPS: If a woman deliberately wets more straightforward. If your date has with a very straight back, don’t worry. her lips — whether it’s with lipstick, his hand at your elbow or the back of This shows confi dence, not that he or gloss or even saliva — and keeps them your waist while guiding you across a she is feeling uptight around you. An slightly open, she’s probably keen on crowded restaurant or the road, he’s attentive date might even sit upright

you. She will also be very attentive probably just being gentlemanly and with his/her body leaning towards you. PHOTOS: 8days, iStockphoto

12 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

12-Discover.indd 12 05/08/2011 6:45 PM personality NOTE ON LOVE Love me, trust me Actress Zhou Ying, 26, has What’s your schedule like these days? What kind of person would you been dating her fi rst love I’ve just fi nished fi lming the travelogue consider when looking for a soulmate? for almost fi ve years. While Mission Possible, which features four It would be someone with a strong hosts besides myself — Fann Wong, sense of responsibility who will fulfi ll she confesses that she isn’t Dennis Chew, Chen Li Ping and Guo his promises to his partner. a romantic at heart, she Liang. It will be shown on XinMSN. believes that communication From September to next January, What was your fi rst crush like? and trust are important for a I will be in Malaysia fi lming a period I met him when I was 22. He’s a sporty lasting relationship. by NELLIE TAY drama about the lives of Chinese guy who is 1.8m tall and I’ve been labourers who were sold off to work in dating him for four and a half years! Singapore. I play a samsui woman. I can’t exactly put my fi nger on what drew me to him; we just have What kind of projects would you the right chemisty. like to take on in the future? I’ve always had roles whose characters What do you think makes a were demure. But I don’t believe in good relationship? restricting myself and I love characters Mutual trust, understanding and which give me room to develop my forgiveness are very important in acting chops. For a change, I would a relationship. I believe loyalty is like to take on roles where the also a very important asset, as many character is jovial, loud and energetic. relationships often fall apart because there’s a third party involved. What is your favourite romantic movie? Would you say you are a Love and Other Drugs. It stars Jake romantic at heart? Gyllenhaal who falls in love with Anne I used to read romance novels in high Hathaway’s character, even though he school, but I’m not a romantic person. fi nds out she has Parkinson’s disease. I get put off if a guy I’m not interested I don’t like fantasy fi lms such as the in attempts to impress me with grand Harry Potter series. I prefer fi lms that gestures. When I was studying in get you thinking about life. university, there was a guy who made me a huge poster which had fl ower petals on it and the words “I like you”. When I saw it, I ran away!

What can couples do to discover more about each other while dating? Couples should spend more time communicating in order to better understand each other. It takes time to know a person’s positive and negative traits. Whether or not a person makes a suitable partner depends on whether there are common values, and whether each is prepared to accept a different lifestyle.

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 13

13- Personality v2.indd 13 05/08/2011 6:45 PM SMASHING NEW LOOKS

Tan Chor Chia 31, AUDIT MANAGER Before If you’re a regular fi tness enthusiast, there’s a fair chance you might come across Chor Chia jogging at MacRitchie Reservoir or dragon boating at Kallang on a weekend. This adventure-seeker also loves to go trekking, having walked on the wild side in countries such as Malaysia or Indonesia. Though Chor Chia doesn't consider herself a shopaholic, she does admit to indulging in a spot of retail therapy every month or so. Her fave fashion picks include brands such as G2000, Iora and Dano.

HER MAKEOVER WISH “My friends think I should try more daring fashion styles such as wearing miniskirts. At work, I prefer to wear long skirts and stick to plain blouses and skirts with minimal prints,” says Chor Chia. She dislikes black outfi ts because “they don’t stand out”. This confi dent girl also admits that she doesn’t see a need to wear dresses other than for special occasions.

HER NEW LOOK Perhaps Chor Chia can consider wearing more dresses to work to vary her look. She looks elegant in this muted sleeveless chiffon dress which features lovely frill details. The white ribbon belt shows off her fi gure while an exquisite bead necklace accentuates the feminine look. Her new hairdo also adds a touch of glamour; Chor Chia looks perfect for a hot date.

All Dressed Up Evon Chng Hair and Make-up: Manisa (9295-3027) Tan Chor Chia’s clothes and accessories by Glitter Glam. DUET gets Tan Chor Chia to break out of her monotonous wardrobe for

a sophisticated new look. Hong Chee Styling: Yan

1434 DUET DUET * FEB–APR Aug–Oct 2011 2011 Photos:

14-15-REVAMP-female.indd 14 05/08/2011 6:46 PM Flaunt Those Feminine Charms Let your inner fashionista shine with these pretty picks. by NELLIE TAY




1 4 (From left) Cream Compact Foundation SPF 15 from Extra Virgin Minerals, 8.5g, $39.90

6 Liquid Foundation SPF 5 30 from Extra Virgin Minerals, 30ml, $36.90

Loose Powder Foundation SPF 25 from Extra Virgin Minerals, 5g, $36.90

2 Sunglasses from New Look, $13.90

7 3 Gold Ring from New Look, $13.90

4 8 Pearl and Chain Bracelet from FemmeX, $23.90

5 Earrings from Glitter Glam, price unavailable

6 Dusty Pink Satchel from Glitter Glam, $49.90 9 7 Pink Belt from FemmeX, $21 Tipbox 8 Purple Dress from Opt for Glitter Glam, $39.90 gold-coloured r accessories to add 9 a touch of glamour to your look. Nude Heels from New Look, $79.90

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 15

14-15-REVAMP-female.indd 15 05/08/2011 6:46 PM SMASHING NEW LOOKS

Rick Peh 33, AUDIT MANAGER Before Those in Latin dance circles might be already familiar with Rick’s blistering dance moves. Just last year, Rick and his dance partner came in second at the SGDF Singapore National DanceSport Championships (SGDF Latin Grade A). This affable guy, who has more than 10 years of experience in Latin dance, usually trains about three times a week. And while Rick is used to donning loud fl amboyant outfi ts on the dance fl oor, he prefers wearing pastel coloured long-sleeved shirts and black pants when he’s at work.

HIS MAKEOVER WISH To try a different look outside his comfort zone of long-sleeved shirts, polo T-shirts and jeans. “My younger brother often says that my dressing tends to be too prim and proper, or that the colours of my outfi ts don’t match,” says Rick who gets his outfi ts from Domanchi, Calvin Klein and Nike.

HIS NEW LOOK T-shirts with graphic prints can add some spunk and character to your outfi t, and Rick looks ready to rock his date with cool confi dence. Jazz up your look with eye-catching accessories such as belts or a wrist band as seen in Rick’s look. A lightweight denim jacket completes the look, adding form and build to Rick’s stature. RockStar DUET shows Rick Peh how to shine with confi dence in this spunky chic outfi t. Photos: Hong Chee Yan Styling: Evon Chng Hair and Make-up: Manisa Tan (9295-3027) Rick’s clothes by Newlook , bracelet from Muse . Spectacles, stylist’s own.

16-17 REVAMP-male v2.indd 16 05/08/2011 6:47 PM Channel Your Inner Rebel Maintain that streetside edge with these cool accessories. by NELLIE TAY

3 1 4 2


1 White Musk® Sport Anti-Perspirant Deodorant 6 from The Body Shop, 75 ml, $20.90

2 Green Studded Belt from Fabrick, $29.90

3 Checkered Wallet from Topshop, price unavailable 7 4 Watch from Topshop, 8 price unavailable

5 Brown Bracelet from Smudge, $45.90

6 Brown 3-way Bag from Furmuse, POA, price unavailable

Tipbox 7 Grey High-cut Sneakers from New Look, $109.90 details can Subtle add to your 'punk' 8 persona and jazz up your Shirt from Fabrick, look. $29.90

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 17

16-17 REVAMP-male v2.indd 17 05/08/2011 6:47 PM buzz WHAT’S UP WITH LOVE One is good, Two is better Research fi ndings tell you why. by JULIA WANG

GET MARRIED, LIVE LONGER! A recent study done by Cardiff University in 43% of married respondents reported Wales found that married people generally that they were “very happy” compared enjoy longer lifespans. Women, for instance, to just 24% of unmarried individuals. derived psychological benefi ts from being hitched because they tend to place a heavy importance on their relationships. Men MARRIED UNMARRIED meanwhile tend to reap tangible health benefi ts from tying the knot because their COUPLES INDIVIDUALS partners often exert a positive infl uence on their lifestyle choices. Couples shouldn’t be complacent about their relationships though. The Cardiff University study also found that singles had better mental health than those in strained relationships.

9 10 of married men and

women aged 48 live till 65, Source: A 2005 survey from the Pew Research Centre in Washington D.C. while 6 10 of single men and 8 10 of single A married man longer with heart than an women live till 65. disease can unmarried expect to man with live a healthy heart YEARS

— Research by Scott Halzman, Clinical Assistant Professor and author of The Secrets of Happy Families: Eight Keys to Building a Lifetime of Connection and Contentment.

18 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

18-19 Buzz v4.indd 18 05/08/2011 6:48 PM RESENTMENT IS DOUBLE DATES = HARMFUL TWICE THE FUN While it’s inevitable for couples If the spark is going out of your to have their disagreements, relationship, your best bet to the University of Minnesota has keep it sizzling is to go on a found that a person benefi ts double date. A study done if the argument with his/her by Wayne State University partner is contained and there in Michigan, found that is no lingering resentment dating couples who after a confl ict has been involved other couples resolved. Couples will be able in their social lives to be more accepting of each reported happier and more other’s fl aws when they don’t satisfying relationships as have unreasonable, unspoken couples learnt more new expectations of each other. things about their partners through group dates. Quick Tip

One simple way to minimise resentment after a quarrel is to Quick Tip avoid using the phrase, “I told you so”, even if you were right. Instead of a typical date for After a confl ict, have a short chat four at a restaurant, up the ante to assess whether your partner with more interesting activities. has any lingering issues that he/ COUPLE AMBIGUITY? Consider the 25m-high treetop she wishes to address. Take If you think that most couples walk at MacRitchie Reservoir, or the opportunity to share your share every little detail about an adrenaline-pumping activity concerns and show that you do their lives with each other, think such as wakeboarding. care about how he or she feels. again. Good communication isn’t always a strong point for couples, according to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Instead, people in a relationship tend to assume that their partner already has all the information they need. As a result, they tend to leave out key pieces of information when talking to their partner — something they would be less prone to doing if they were chatting with a stranger.

Quick Tip

Reduce ambiguity when ARE YOU HAPPY? communicating with your According to a new study partner. For example, if you’d done by Yale University, like to make dinner plans with him/her after work, don’t just people who feel MORE say, “Had dinner yet?” when what accepted and loved you really mean is “I haven’t had dinner. I’m about to grab some by others value now, would you like to join me?” material possessions LESS. PHOTO: iStockphoto, Corbis

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 19

18-19 Buzz v4.indd 19 05/08/2011 6:48 PM chat LAWS OF ATTRACTION A journey of discovery Relationships offer a chance for you to learn more about yourself and also to broaden your horizons. Singles share Love their thoughts. by NELLIE TAY

Do you think having a partner can Jean: I believe this is expected in a In your past relationships, what change a person? relationship. A couple will discover were some attributes that your Edwin: Defi nitely. Both parties will more about each other as the partner taught you, and what do surely have some infl uence over each relationship progresses; what they you think were some attributes that other. But to what extent a person like or do not like their partner to do, you imparted to your partner? changes really depends on his or her for instance. Your expectations of a Edwin: I’m usually less vocal about my personality, and the extent to which he partner also become clearer with feelings. My ex, whom I had dated for or she is willing to change. each relationship. a few months last year, taught me to be Nagavelloo (Naga): While I’m not Shao Nan: Though both parties may more expressive about my feelings. sure whether I would want to change try to change each other at the start of Naga: I haven’t had a serious my partner, I’m open to changing a new relationship, they will eventually relationship before, but if I do, I’d help myself for my partner. I believe that try to change themselves or their my partner realise that it doesn’t hurt someone has to make the fi rst move lifestyles to sustain the relationship to keep an open mind. to show that he or she is willing to because of the love and respect that Jean: I used to be short-tempered. adapt and compromise to make the they have for each other. Sometimes, I’d be upset if certain relationship work. Only then will the other follow suit.


Jean Tan 27, AUDIT MANAGER PHOTO: Kelvin Chia

20 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

20-21 Chat v4.indd 20 05/08/2011 6:49 PM expectations were not met — and we learnt more about how we could understanding. If everyone insists on I paid a great price for it. I broke up encourage each other to achieve their own expectations of what their with a boyfriend whom I was rather certain fi tness goals. partner should be like, it would be fond of. Later, I met people who taught Jean: Couples can take part in hard for a relationship to work. me to see things from a different overseas community projects or Jean: He should be someone who perspective and keep my temper in adventure expeditions. They will loves me for who I am. As Boyzone check. I learnt that communication is discover more about each other’s once sang: “Love me for a reason. very important in a relationship. You habits during these trips. Let the reason be love.” (Laughs.) can’t assume that your partner will be Shao Nan: I agree. Such trips give able to read your mind. you more opportunities to observe What would you do to resolve Shao Nan: I’ve learnt that a couple how your partner treats others. problems in a relationship? should work together to reach a Edwin: Rather than impose your compromise. What would your ideal partner expectations on the relationship, be like? we can try to put ourselves in our What are some activities that Naga: While I prefer women with partner’s shoes. We could also be more couples can take part in to discover outgoing personalities, I won’t restrict proactive. For example, if your partner more about each other? myself to dating such women. is sick, you could take the initiative to Naga: They could pick up dance It depends on the chemistry we share. head over to her home to take care of classes. Couples should take part Shao Nan: Someone who is her rather than wait for her to ask. in activities that both parties have understanding and is on the same Naga: When a couple has confl icts, never taken part in before. This way, wavelength as me. there are two ways to resolve the they can start their learning journey Edwin: I don’t think an ‘ideal’ partner issue. You can either talk things together afresh, while getting to know exists. More importantly, whether through or stop harping on it and let a different side of themselves. a relationship works depends on the issue rest. Edwin: I like sports and I love to whether both parties are suitable Jean: My ex gave me a book Men Are run. When I was in a relationship last for each other and share a mutual From Mars, Women Are From Venus. year, I used to jog with my girlfriend The book states that women might along East Coast Park. In the process, prefer to talk and resolve issues on the spot, whereas men might think that it is a small matter and prefer to retreat into their own “space”. I think it is good for a couple to spend some Shao Nan time apart to cool off. This gives both 29, MARKETING parties more time to think about how EXECUTIVE they can resolve the issue. Shao Nan: I will give my partner feedback and clarify with him if I have interpreted his words correctly.

Nagavelloo s/o Ponmudi (Naga) 25, TEACHER

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 21

20-21 Chat v4.indd 21 05/08/2011 6:49 PM gettingtoknow MEET SOMEONE NEW

Scoring That First Date

You’ve taken that fi rst step towards expanding your social circle by attending group gatherings or dating events. While making new friends, someone special has caught your attention. Read on for tips from our dating experts to secure that fi rst one-on-one date. by NG YI LIAN

IS HE/SHE INTERESTED? in the early stages of the new found a mix of different media to engage the You’ve been on a couple of group friendship when there is mutual interest person you are interested in, your best dates so far. While you’ve made more as that can wane quickly if not pursued.” bet probably lies with SMSes as your friends, the chemistry that you share However, if both parties are shy main form of communication. with one of them in particular seems by nature, keep a look out for body This provides the recipient with a little more special. You two seem to language. “If your date is interested, the option of reading your messages hit off. Both of you enjoy interesting his/her body language will be open without the ‘confrontational’ aspect of architecture, prefer chardonnay — they wouldn’t be folding their a phone call and the expectations of an over pinot noir and get a kick out arms and while conversing, will lean immediate reply via instant messaging. of dancing to the tunes of Michael forward and maintain lots of eye To show your sincerity, Violet Lim, Jackson. What should you do? contact,” says Deon. (Turn to p16 for CEO of SDNTrust accredited agency “If the opportunity arises during a more expert tips on how to read those Lunch Actually and Eteract.com group setting and you feel inclined to non-verbal cues.) believes that there should be at least get to know someone better, waste no one conversation that takes place over time and ask him/her out even if it’s just BEST FORM OF APPROACH the phone. after the fi rst meeting,” advises Deon If the person you want to ask out isn’t Non-immediate forms of Chan, managing director of SDNTrust yet comfortable with a one-on-one communication, such as Facebook accredited dating agency Love Express fi rst date, give him/her some time to messages and emails, are not strongly Services. “There should be a certain warm up to you. While dating experts recommended because “not everyone level of urgency in dating; especially agree that it is perfectly fi ne to employ reads their emails or logs on to PHOTOS: iStockphoto, Getty Images 20 DUET Aug–Oct 2011 22 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

22-23 getting to know V2.indd 22 05/08/2011 6:51 PM co-founder of Love Express Services. friend might not be as enthusiastic Violet agrees, “Discussing your about developing the relationship as A SIMPLE common interests is great because you are. Rejection can be a bitter pill you can then suggest doing something to swallow but it may just be for the GIFT SUCH AS together that you both enjoy.” best, say the dating experts. CHOCOLATES “When someone is not interested OR A SINGLE KEEP IN TOUCH in us, it’s easy to dwell on it, beat FLOWER “If there’s a response to the SMSes ourselves up and try to fi gure out WOULD BE you’ve sent, continue a string of casual why,” says Violet. “But there are many and spontaneous messages and fi nd possibilities as to why the feeling isn’t NICE an opportunity to set a date with the mutual and sometimes the reasons person whom you’re interested in,” may not lie with us.” says Joan. “Call or SMS about a day Matthew advises: “You can choose before the date to remind him/her to look at the situation from a different about your appointment.” perspective. You were both strangers Violet suggests following your but now you’ve formed a new date’s lead. “If the other party seems friendship. You haven’t lost anything. to be forthcoming with his/her replies, Instead, you’ve gained a new friend.” then just go with the fl ow. However, He adds that when you take if the person is taking it slow, please romantic expectations out of a fi rst do not scare him/her away with your date, both parties can feel more at ease impatience by asking, ‘Why haven’t with each other. “As much as we want you replied to the SMS that I sent 10 to portray our best sides, we should minutes ago?’” also be ourselves during the date. This is because if romantic feelings do MANAGE YOUR arise eventually, you would want your EXPECTATIONS potential partner to know you are the As with all relationships, there’s real deal, without having to deal with always a chance that your new found surprises in future.”

Ease those fi rst date jitters with tips from dating experts Facebook everyday,” says Joan Ong, co-founding director of SDNTrust accredited agency Champagne JSG. WHEN SHOULD I together, it gives you an opportunity “It may also signal to the recipient PROPOSE A FIRST DATE? to suggest an after-tea activity. that you lack a sense of urgency and a “There’s no perfect time for strong interest towards him/her.” this,” muses Violet. “Different SHOULD I GET A GIFT things work for different people. FOR OUR FIRST DATE? WHAT TO SAY If you feel that there’s a strong “A simple gift such as chocolates Once you’ve mustered up the courage connection, you can ask your or a single fl ower would be nice,” to text the person you’re interested in, new-found friend out says Joan. “But avoid overwhelming the next bugbear is knowing what to immediately!” If not, hold out her with a huge bouquet of roses say. For a great conversation starter, for more opportunities for on the fi rst date. She may interpret look to the common interests that you communication to develop a the gesture as pressure for a and your potential date share. stronger common ground before romantic end to the evening,” says “You would have found out about you ask someone out. Matthew. He adds that the time his or her hobbies and passions during spent together during a fi rst date the group dates, so continue a thread of WHAT ACTIVITIES should be used to connect on a conversationsconversations vviaia SMS SHOULD I SUGGEST? platonic level. from there,there,”” advises Meeting up for weekend tea is Violet also suggests preparing Matthew CChan,han, probably a good fi rst date idea as homemade gifts for your date, the duration is not too long, and it such as cookies if you love enables you to converse without to bake. “Self-made gifts show having to concentrate too much on your thoughtfulness and reveal your food. If both of you hit it off a different yet attractive side and would like to spend more time of you.”

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 23

22-23 getting to know V2.indd 23 05/08/2011 6:51 PM relationship IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO He says, She says We’ve all been guilty of misinterpreting our partners’ words at times, and before we know it, things get blown out of proportion. Dating experts clear the air on some common phrases that often have different meanings for men and women. by NG YI LIAN

Women hate it Joan Ong, co-founding director This could show a man that women are when he says… of Champagne JSG, agrees: “Nothing not always the insecure and possessive gets resolved in a heated moment partners men assume them to be. “WE’LL TALK WHEN so it is a good idea to talk about the YOU’VE CALMED DOWN.” issue at hand after both parties have “OK, WHATEVER YOU SAY.” Many women fl ip when they hear calmed down.” It drives women mad whenever such replies from their boyfriends. men say this to pacify them during a A woman could feel that this is her “LOOK AT THAT PRETTY disagreement. Women tend to pick partner’s way of telling her that she’s GIRL OVER THERE.” on their partner’s body language overreacting and being unreasonable. These are not the wisest words to and tone of voice and assume their Experts Say: “It doesn’t necessarily say, as most women are born with a boyfriends are exasperated with them. mean that the man is simply brushing natural inclination to be jealous. But Experts Say: “Men are very literal off his partner or subtly insinuating men sometimes do like to test their creatures who tend to say what they that she is overreacting; they could girlfriends’ reactions to potentially mean, but they often forget women simply be saying it as it is,” says Ada ‘explosive’ statements. are not.” explains Joan. “Women like Wong, co-founder of The Dating Loft. Experts Say: Women should not get things in balance — they want their “Also, if the men were trying to brush pulled into this situation by reacting men to be decisive yet considerate.” their girlfriends off, they could simply negatively and angrily. “The man Sounds like a tough position to be in, say ‘I don’t want to talk about it’.” could just be pushing his girlfriend’s but relationships are after all about buttons to see how she responds,” giving and receiving. “Men should be explains Matthew Chan, co-founder exact in their replies, though they can of Love Express Services. “Perhaps consider ending their answers on a women could show their confi dence more positive note, like ‘But I’m happy by replying: ‘Yeah, she’s not bad. But to do that if that’s what you prefer’”, look at that gorgeous man instead!’” advises Joan.

24 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET 24 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

24-25 relationship V2.indd 24 05/08/2011 6:51 PM WOMEN TEND TO BE EMOTIONAL CREATURES Men hate it when a deeper level, and more importantly, WHO DERIVE she says… show their concern for them,” advises INTIMACY AND Joan. Women tend to be soft-hearted by BONDING FROM “WE NEED TO TALK.” nature, so a little nudging and probing These four words have been known to will defi nitely get you somewhere. COMMUNICATION make a grown man sweat. Most of the Deon advises: “The best way to dissolve time when they hear these, men think misunderstandings or confl icts with they’ve messed up and try to avoid a women is to keep talking.” painful “nagging session”. Experts Say: It doesn’t necessarily “YOU SHOULD KNOW warrant a sense of doom. “This WHY I’M UPSET.” can just be an opener for a serious These words often signal to men that discussion where she wants to hear a treacherous path lies ahead — make her man’s perspectives on certain the wrong guess and they risk an issues,” says Ada. The phase “we even heavier punishment from their need to talk” also sets a mature and girlfriends. And more often than not, respectful tone to the conversation, a man really does not know why his compared to a petty screaming start. girlfriend is upset. Deon adds: “Men do not have Experts Say: “Women tend to to view this negatively. They can accumulate grievances and then treat this as a feedback session to blow up when it reaches a critical understand each other better.” point,” explains Joan. “That’s why men are often taken aback when “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND their girlfriends get upset over what HOW I FEEL.” they think is a trivial disagreement. Men might feel disappointment or In reality, the girlfriend has been anger when their partner accuses them withholding her unhappiness for a of neglecting their feelings, in spite while.” Instead of making wild guesses of their efforts to maintain a good at what’s upsetting her, prod gently relationship. However, men should but persistently. “Women seek to be note that women tend to be emotional understood. Their initial refusal to tell creatures who derive intimacy and you about their unhappiness could bonding from communication. stem from the fact that they don’t Experts Say: “Instead of feeling want to be seen as demanding and threatened and accused, men unreasonable,” says Joan. “A woman should see this as an opportunity to may eventually share her thoughts communicate with their partners on after some egging from her boyfriend.”


“Men and women generally communicate on different wavelengths because they are wired differently,” explains Violet Lim, CEO of Lunch Actually and Eteract.com. “Women tend to communicate more indirectly. They expect men to be just like their female friends and have a sixth sense when it comes to understanding them. “Communication between men and women would be better if women could be more direct in their requests and if men took the effort to probe more into their partner’s answers rather than taking their replies at face value.” PHOTO: Getty Images

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 25

24-25 relationship V2.indd 25 05/08/2011 6:51 PM it’s amatch TRUE STORIES TO INSPIRE

Ditch that Love checklist It helps to keep an open mind and give love a chance to bloom. Just ask Fan Tang Meng and Joanna Fan who attest that love can grow with time. by JULIA WANG Soon-to-be-wedded couple Fan Tang Meng and Joanna Fan

f Joanna Fan, 28, had gone with NOT LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT every date, despite living in Boon Lay. her initial instincts, she probably Their fi rst date was at the Singapore It was this chivalry and gentlemanly Iwouldn’t be in the midst of her Zoo. “I met Tang Meng along with behaviour that eventually won wedding preparations today. On her my sister and another male friend,” Joanna over. fi rst encounter with husband-to-be Fan recalls Joanna, an engineer. Joanna’s Tang Meng, 30, in an online chatroom friend immediately sensed that Tang CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES on SDN’s Lovebyte website in early Meng was interested in her, but Joanna The couple believe that differences 2010, she brushed him off. herself was not particularly bowled don’t necessarily have to lead to “I wasn’t interested to chat with over by him. “I’m quite cautious and acrimony. “Before you meet someone, Tang Meng at fi rst,” she reveals. “After practical by nature,” says Joanna. you tend to have this long checklist of all, Chinese tradition dictates that it’s “I’m not the sort who just jumps into qualities she should have,” says Tang not good to get together with someone things without knowing what I’m Meng. “But when you fi nally meet her, who has the same surname as you.” getting into.” you might throw away that list because Luckily for the couple, Tang Meng It took several more dates before the relationship just feels right for you!” persisted. “Perhaps I found her all the Tang Meng, a systems administrator, Joanna agrees, and says, “Tang more intriguing. I wasn’t put off and won her heart. Besides being patient Meng has taught me that it’s the little redoubled my efforts to talk to her,” he and giving Joanna the space she things a person does for the other in a says with a laugh. Eventually Joanna needed to consider the budding relationship that count. All these add relented and the pair soon added each relationship, Tang Meng always made up to something quite substantial.” other on MSN and started chatting on the effort to accompany Joanna to Despite their different a regular basis. her home in Tampines at the end of personalities, the couple are thankful

26 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

26-27-successStory v2.indd 26 05/08/2011 6:52 PM that they haven’t had a major His advice for those who have yet to fi nd KEEP AN disagreement in the time they’ve been their soulmate? “Keep an open mind when OPEN together. “The trick is to choose your striking up friendships. Don’t be too obsessed battles. Why nitpick over small things with fi nding the ‘perfect’ partner. MIND WHEN that won’t matter in the long run?” “Having a set criteria for your ideal partner STRIKINGS UP muses Tang Meng. limits your choices. Meeting and being with FRIENDSHIPS. someone different has broadened my dating DON’T BE TOO THREE PROPOSALS experiences and made for a more interesting OBSESSED The couple will hold their wedding relationship. What’s more important is having this November. However, the road to mutual respect and understanding.” WITH FINDING getting his bride was a bumpy one for THE ‘PERFECT’ Tang Meng. “I proposed to her three PARTNER. times!” he reveals with a chuckle. — Tang MengT “On the fi rst two occasions, shehe toltoldold me she wasn’t ready. But I kneww sheshhee was the person I wanted to be witwith,itthh,, so I was willing to wait for as longg aass it took.” It was third time lucky for Tang Meng when he popped the question again on their fi rst Valentine’s Day celebration this year. “We had dinner on the eve of Valentine’s Day, as he had to go for reservist the next day. After dinner, we took a stroll at the Chinese Garden — and that’s when he brandished a ring box,” recalls Joanna. Tang Meng adds: “I asked her if she wanted me to get down on one knee as the ground was muddy because it had rained. Fortunately she told me it wasn’t necessary.” Joanna said “yes” at the stroke of midnight.

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 27

26-27-successStory v2.indd 27 05/08/2011 6:52 PM asktheexpert NEED SOME LOVE ADVICE?

Money not enough Hopeful for a I am a guy who earns $3,000 a month. I feel that it is better to stay relationship single and enjoy what I do now, rather than struggle to provide I met a woman online Q for my partner. Most women in Singapore are capable, educated recently. In our regular and independent, and many of them command a higher pay than I do. I feel Q chats over the past few that I am unable to provide for their needs. Should I consider getting into weeks, we have confi ded in a relationship? each other. I want to take our Dr Love: Many women work these days; some earn more than their spouses. relationship beyond online chats. There are many dual-income families in which the husband and wife both However, she does not want to contribute fi nancially. Not all women would expect you to provide fully for meet me and says that it is “too them. There are women who look for more important qualities such as soon”. I have told her that I am self-confi dence, a sense of responsibility and the desire for self-improvement. interested in a relationship. While People also get married for various reasons such as love, companionship and she treats me as a friend for now, emotional support. While it is good that you wish to provide for the family I am confused by her messages should you settle down, you should not put undue stress on yourself. You can which can be fl irtatious at times. communicate your expectations for the relationship (fi nancial or otherwise) She also tells me not to worry about and plan your future with your partner when your relationship progresses. her other suitors as she does not intend to pursue a relationship with them. Is she stringing me along? What should I do? Why I’m single Whatever your profession, it is Dr Love: Your love interest has I am a 38-year-old woman more important to live a happy and indicated that she only treats you as who has not had any meaningful life. It is normal to be a friend and she is also chatting with Q experience of being in tired after a day’s work, but life is other guys. Is it worth spending so love. Maybe it’s because I am not just about work. Consider what much time on someone who is not not an outgoing person. I have a you enjoy doing to make your life willing to commit to a relationship demanding job. On weekends, more interesting. You can join an just yet? It is good that you are I prefer to stay at home rather interest group or a workshop to aware of your goal to have a real than go out with my friends. I feel meet people with similar interests to relationship with a person rather than that most men like pretty young enrich your life. This will also provide an online chat buddy. The next step women who know how to dress. In additional opportunities for you to would be to identify what you can comparison, I often wear T-shirts meet other people, and maybe your do to achieve that goal. Look out for and jeans. What should I do? potential life partner. Stay positive dating events or social activities that Dr Love: You seem to have low and be optimistic! you are interested in. Participating in self-esteem and certain assumptions these activities would be a better bet of what the opposite gender likes towardsds realising youryoour goal.goal. — which may not be true. As the saying goes, “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. While physical appearance may play a part during the initial attraction, inner beauty ask and qualities are just as important. Also, a person can look attractive and presentable in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Perhaps you can browse dr love through fashion magazines to get an DUET’s resident relationship idea of how you can jazz up your look. guru Dr Linda Haverkamp-Heng For example, you can wear a scarf or is here to hear you out and offer a vest to add to your look. Put some effort into grooming yourself. Taking useful advice. care of your skin and hair can make a difference too. Log on to www.lovebyte.org.sg and click on “Ask Dr Love” to submit your question.

30 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

30 Ask the expert.indd 30 05/08/2011 6:53 PM personals FROM LOVEBYTE.ORG.SG Make a new friend!

Head out for some sporting fun with Angela or kick back with easy-going Mukesh. by FAIROZA MANSOR

Angela Goh Mukesh Nanda 29, ASSISTANT 31, TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT PROPERTY VALUER LoveByte Nickname: Mickeynanda LoveByte Nickname: Easy-going Mukesh might just be the perfect Calbee travel buddy for you. Mukesh, who holds a This sprightly thrill- MBA in International Business Studies, loves to seeker, who has a discover and learn more about different cultures. diploma in Business In recent years, the countries he has travelled Studies, leads a very to include Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, active lifestyle and Australia and China. His nose for adventure spends a lot of her free time extends to food as well, and Mukesh says he’s trying various sports. “I like to always game for savouring new delicacies. integrate sports into my daily life. I’ve This soft-spoken man is also a movie buff who learnt squash, golf and archery, and I jog three enjoys action, thriller, animated and comedy fi lms. times a week. This is how I burn my high level On weekends, Mukesh usually indulges in a spot of energy.” of badminton with friends. Angela has also spent the last six years honing Describing himself as her skills at pool. “Playing pool requires patience, “thoughtful, friendly and concentration and forward planning — skills that cheerful”, Mukesh believes are relevant and pertinent in everyday life,” says in love at fi rst sight, the affable woman who also goes prawn fi shing and says he’s ready to most weekends. grab the opportunity The youngest of three sisters, Angela reveals when he sees it. that it would be great if her partner is someone He would like to who has a good voice and can play a musical date someone who is instrument. “I like to see men express their friendly and caring. feelings during a musical performance,” says the self-declared romantic who believes that honesty is the most important component in a relationship.

LOVE IS… overcoming differences, LOVE IS… about communication, trust, accepting shortcomings and appreciating the and sharing. You should be accommodating other person for who he or she is. towards the people you care about. TO IMPRESS MY DATE, I ONCE… walked THE BEST WAY TO WIN MY HEART IS… in the rain with a guy who was the romantic not to try to change me. I’ll never change my sort. I ditched my umbrella when he said: partner’s habits or lifestyle. I’ll accept and “Rain is the gift of nature”. Unfortunately I appreciate her just the way she is. caught a cold the following day. The price we MY IDEA OF THE PERFECT DATE IS… have to pay for romance! Dinner at a nice restaurant, capped off with MY IDEA OF THE PERFECT DATE IS… sentimental love songs. Music is soothing being in the right company. It’s not about to the soul and the lyrics of songs such as where or what, but who I get to spend “Wonderful Tonight” and “Always On My quality time with. Mind” are touching and meaningful.

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 31

31 Personals.indd 31 05/08/2011 6:54 PM quiz NEED SOME LOVE ADVICE? Is your date ‘The One’? You fi nd yourself increasingly attracted to the person you’ve been seeing and hope to take your relationship further. Find out in thisthiss light-heartedlight-hhearted quizquiz if thethee feelingfeeling is mutual.mutual. by NG YI LIALIANN

1. You are supposed to meet for dinner, but your date… a) Suggests postponing it to the following week as some friends from abroad may be visiting. b) Keeps rescheduling the appointment. c) Texts to remind you of it and ask if you would like directions to the dinner venue.

2. You chat with each other… a) Twice or thrice a week, usually 5. You have caught a stomach over instant messaging or SMS. fl u virus and have to lay low for If you answered… b) Once a week, usually a week. You inform your date over emails. over SMS. He/she replies… MOSTLY As c) Almost every day via SMS and/ a) Some time later and asks how Your date seems interested to get to or phone calls. you are feeling, suggesting know you better, but the relationship some homemade remedies that is not at the stage where he/she is interested to pursue a romantic you can try. relationship. It’s good to go for a few 3. You watched a movie b) A few hours later with a polite more dates to get to know each other together and you disagree with message saying “Take care and better and see how things develop. your date’s view about the rest well.” movie’s ending. He/she… c) Immediately answers to MOSTLY Bs a) Frowns and changes the topic. convey sympathy, and asks if Your date doesn’t seem to show a b) Embarks on an hour-long you’ll like him/her to bring over romantic interest towards you. If he/ she doesn’t have a change of heart debate with you. some herbal tea or fruits. after one or two dates, it’s best to c) Listens to you intently, nods focus your attention elsewhere. and asks questions about the Adopt a positive perspective instead reasons behind your view. 6. When having a face-to-face of viewing yourself as unattractive. conversation, your date... There are many varied factors as to a) Listens to you, nods and smiles why two people click. 4. Something urgent cropped politely, but isn’t active in MOSTLY Cs up and you have to cancel your conversing. Your date often shows understanding, appointment with your date. b) Checks his/her phone concern and respect towards you, He/she… incessantly and/or avoids your and seems interested to take your a) Suggests to postpone the date. gaze when communicating relationship beyond friendship. b) Is nonchalant about the change with you. You may want to take a chance and of events. c) Leans forward, tilts his/her ask if he/she wishes to develop the c) Shows concern and asks if you head slightly to the side and relationship when you feel the time is ripe. need help. looks into your eyes. PHOTO: iStockphoto

32 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

32 Quiz.indd 32 05/08/2011 6:54 PM Photo: Ealbert Ho Art Direction: Isabelle Yeoh Styling: Evon Chng, Ling Cai Hong (Assistant) Hair and Makeup: Melissa Yeo & Aie Zhou using MAC Cosmetics Models: Zee Zeng, Genecia Luo. On Zee: Shirt and pants from Furrmuse. On Genecia: Dress from Topshop. Photoshoot location: Takumi Restaurant

33 listing opener.indd 33 05/08/2011 6:54 PM To register for event(s): • Log on to www.lovebyte.org.sg; or ENRICH YOUR LIFE • Contact the relevant event organiser (details on p40). Event details are correct at time of print. For a complete listing of events/activities organised by SDN’s partners, please log on to www.lovebyte.org.sg

<< 20 Aug (Sat) CROON YOUR WAY TO SOMEONE’S HEART by CHAMPAGNE JSG MP: TBC. 1pm – 4pm. $45. GS: 20. CD: 17 Aug. Perhaps the way to love lies in a good voice. Identify your singing partner’s voice while blindfolded. Each pair will also compete in a talent contest. Price includes light refreshments.

AUGUST 20 Aug (Sat) >> 26 Aug (Fri) AMAZING RACE AND ORIENTATION! SHOPPING GAME @ by SINGLES MINGLE MARINA BAY The Arts House @ by LOVE EXPRESS Old Parliament, 1 Old Marina Bay. 1pm – 4pm. $49. Parliament Lane. GS: 24. CD: 17 Aug. 7pm – 9.30pm. $50. Race around Marina Bay in GS: 50. CD: 23 Aug. mixed teams as you look for Become a Premium Member clues. Cap the day with a of Singles Mingle at this event shopping adventure at which includes a buffet dinner, Four Seasons Gourmet Market. an exclusive guided tour of Price includes Japanese the Old Parliament House and teatime bento set. the chance to socialise with other singles.

27 Aug (Sat) 27 Aug (Sat) 28 Aug (Sun) COCKTAIL DEMONSTRATION THE ARTSCIENCE MUSEUM NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY AND SNACKS @ AMICI AND DINNER AT MARINA BAY @ by SINGLES MINGLE by LOVE EXPRESS by CLIQUE WISE Amici @ Holland Village, Marina Bay. 5pm – 9pm. $79. Gallery Cafe @ Marina Barrage, 275 Holland Avenue. GS: 24. CD: 24 Aug. #02-04. 6.30pm – 9.30pm. $65. 3pm – 5pm. $50. Chill out over a sumptuous dinner GS: 30. CD: 25 Aug. GS: 20. CD: 24 Aug. at The Sail @ Marina Bay, followed Let photographer Donald Pwee Watch a demonstration on the by an exciting evening at the give you tips on how you can capture classic art of making cocktails. ArtScience Museum — complete Singapore’s vibrant nightscape. Meet new acquaintances and with treasure trails and Price includes light refreshments. test your bartending skills. blockbuster exhibitions. Price includes dinner and museum ticket.

34 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

34-39 Event listing.indd 34 05/08/2011 6:55 PM Game Dining Travel Party Movie Sports Enrichment Museum Dating Nature GS: Group Size CD: Closing Date MP: Meeting Point TBC: To Be Confi rmed

<< 20 Aug (Sat) 20 Aug (Sat) BRITISH HIGH TEA MAKE SUSHI by CLIQUE WISE & NEW FRIENDS! The Jackson Plan @ 40 Duxton by EXCLUSIVE MATCH Hill. 3.30pm – 6pm. $55. GS: 30. 9A Clover Way. 2pm – 5pm. $38. CD: 17 Aug. GS: 40. CD: 17 Aug. Meet new friends at the hottest Learn how to make your own sushi gastropub at Duxton Hill. Indulge delights with rice, vinegar and nori your inner Anglophile with (seaweed), topped with a fi lling traditional British treats at a of your choice. romantic lush setting. Price includes light refreshments. Price includes food and 1 drink. Choose from tea, coffee or lemonade.

<< 27 Aug (Sat) 27 Aug (Sat) CANOE POLO MAKE CUPCAKES ORIENTATION MATCH & NEW FRIENDS! by THE DATING LOFT by EXCLUSIVE MATCH Pandan Reservoir. 9A Clover Way. 2pm – 5pm. $36. 9am – 12pm. $59. GS: 40. CD: 24 Aug. GS: 20. CD: 25 Aug. Have a sweet tooth?ooth? Learn hhowow Test your teamwork at canoe polo to make dainty and as you try to throw the ball into a delicious cupcakeskes net suspended two metres above that will impresss the water. your friends andd win over new ones too. Price includes light refreshments.nts.

30 Aug (Tues) 30 Aug (Tues) >> ROMANTIC BOARDWALK @ SINGAPORE JOURNEY CHANGI CUM SEASIDE DINNER ON WHEELS by LOVE EXPRESS by SINGLES MINGLE Changi Ferry Point Terminal. Around Singapore. 4.30pm – 7.30pm. $49. 10am – 4pm. $40. GS: 24. CD: 24 Aug. GS: 30. CD: 25 Aug. Stroll along one of the longest Spend the day exploring boardwalks in Singapore as you Singapore’s romantic corners and take in the morning breeze. Enjoy discovering new makan places. dinner at a seaside restaurant and Price includes snacks and drinks. indulge in delicious local and Car owners receive $10 off Western fare. registration fee. Price includes dinner. PHOTOS: iStockphoto, Stock.XCHNG

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 35

34-39 Event listing.indd 35 05/08/2011 6:55 PM ENRICH YOUR LIFE

<< 3 Sep (Sat) 3 Sep (Sat) INDULGENT CAPTURE THAT MOMENT TREAT AT TOP OF by CHAMPAGNE JSG MARINA BAY SANDS MP: TBC. 3pm – 6pm. $68. by LOVE EXPRESS GS: 20. CD: 1 Sep. Marina Bay Sands. Pick up tips from a professional 7.30pm – 10pm. $69. photographer as you hit the streets GS: 30. CD: 30 Aug. with other photography enthusiasts. Share your photos afterwards over Indulge in a sinfully a coffee chill-out session. rich chocolate buffet which features Price includes coffee and cakes. various types of this Participants should bring their delicious treat. own point-and-shoot/DSLR cameras.

4 Sep (Sun) << 9 Sep (Fri) SHINE WITH HUMOUR DINNER, MUSIC & by CLIQUE WISE DRINKS NITE @ TAPESTRY ROOM SCWO, Level 1 Training Room SEPTEMBER @ 96 Waterloo Street. by SINGLES MINGLE 3.30pm – 6.30pm. $60. Tapestry Room @ Level 3, GS: 50. CD: 30 Aug. Bukit Batok Civil Service Ever wished you Club. 7.15pm – 9.30pm. $36. were the life of the GS: 40. CD: 6 Sep. party? Learn how Let your hair down and enjoy you can develop some music at a cosy wine bar, confi dence in your while you party with new-found sense of humour friends. at this laughter- Price includes light dinner and fi lled workshop. free fl ow of drinks. Price includes refreshments.

17 Sep (Sat) 17 Sep (Sat) 22 Sep (Thu) PAINTBALL, GO-KART DATE@TALKS GROUP DINNER DATE JOHOR — CHOICE OF LIFE PARTNER @ SAPPORO RAMEN by CLIQUE WISE by EXCLUSIVE MATCH by SINGLES MINGLE Johor. 8am – 11pm. 9A Clover Way. 2pm – 5pm. TripleOne Somerset, #02-15. $98. GS: 36. CD: 14 Sep. $30. GS: 36. CD: 14 Sep. 7pm – 9.30pm. $42. Get ready for a heart-pumping Find out all you ever wanted GS: 28. CD: 19 Sep. round of paintball, followed to know about dating and Enjoy authentic Japanese cuisine, by shopping, great food and relationships. Mingle with new Sapporo-style, in the heart of adrenaline-packed karting! friends as you learn more about Singapore. Celebrate the upcoming Price includes lunch and how you can fi nd the right weekend with new acquaintances dinner, coach fare, rental of partner in life. over dinner and drinks. paintball equipment and Price includes light 1 round of go-kart. refreshments.

36 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

34-39 Event listing.indd 36 05/08/2011 6:55 PM Event details are correct at time of print. For a complete listing of events/activities organised by SDN’s partners, please log on to www.lovebyte.org.sg

3 Sep (Sat) << 4 Sep (Sun) HEALTHY HIKING @ SUNDAY LUNCH AND BUKIT TIMAH HILL TOY MUSEUM TOUR by SINGLES MINGLE by MY PERFECT LINK Bukit Timah Hill. Mint Museum of Toys. 9.30am – 11.30am. $22. 12.30pm – 3.30pm. $50. GS: 20. CD: 31 Aug. GS: 40. CD: 31 Aug. Take a hike up Bukit Timah Hill Take a nostalgic trip back to and enjoy the fresh air alongside your childhood and exchange new friends. memories with your new friends. Price includes light Price includes museum ticket. refreshments.

10 Sep (Sat) 10 Sep (Sat) 17 Sep (Sat) TEA @ BOAT QUAY WITH CROSSFIRE LASERTAG RIDE THE WAVES TERRACOTTA WARRIORS by THE DATING LOFT — MEGA VERSION! by LOVE EXPRESS MP: TBC. 3pm – 5pm. $69. by CHAMPAGNE JSG UOB Centre @ Boat Quay. GS: 28. CD: 7 Sep. MP: TBC. 4pm – 11pm. $295. 1.30pm – 4pm. $49. Build up your team spirit through a GS: 36. CD: 14 Sep. GS: 24. CD: 7 Sep. high-adrenaline round of Crossfi re Sail in style on a mega yacht. Get up close with China’s LaserTag. Show off your leadership Swim or relax on deck with original terracotta warriors and analytical thinking skills while like-minded friends at the Asian Civilisations having a blast. as you take in the sights. Museum. Buried for over Price includes yacht ride, 2,000 years, their discovery dinnerner anandd wwines.ines. is considered to be one of the biggest archaeological fi nds of the 20th century. Price includes museum ticket, exhibition fee and tea/coffee.

24 Sep (Sat) 244 Sep (Sat)) MUAY THAI WORKOUT! WORKOUT BOOTCAMP by THE DATING LOFT by LOVE EXPRESS Bolly Dancing Studios @ Southbank @ North Bridge 261 Waterloo Street, #01-12 Road. 10am – 1.30pm. Waterloo Centre. 2pm – 4pm. $39. GS: 24. CD: 21 Sep. $59. GS: 20. CD: 21 Sep. Kickstart your weekend with It’s a great way to make new friends an outdoor workout run by a while keeping fi t. Learn how to certifi ed trainer. Let like-minded box like a professional under the friends inspire you to good health. tutelage of experienced coaches in Price includes trainer fee. this introductory Muay Thai course. PHOTOS: iStockphoto, Stock.XCHNG

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 37

34-39 Event listing.indd 37 05/08/2011 6:55 PM ENRICH YOUR LIFE

<< 1 Oct (Sat) 1 Oct (Sat) AN EVENING OF WINE FUN SAILING AND FRIENDS MAKING! by LOVE EXPRESS by EXCLUSIVE MATCH Marina Barrage. MP: TBC. 4pm – 7.30pm. $45. 3.30pm – 6pm. $69. GS: 36. CD: 28 Sep. GS: 24. CD: 27 Sep. Toast to new friends and Sail away at the romance while learning more Marina Barrage and about wines, wine tasting and enjoy beautiful views food pairings from a professional of Marina Bay Sands, wine expert certifi ed by the Wine the and Spirit Education Trust (UK). and Gardens by Price includes light refreshments. the Bay. Price includes refreshments, boat rentalntaal aandndnd skipper fee.

7 Oct (Fri) 8 Oct (Sat) OCTOBER STRIKE A DATE BEER TASTING AND @ YA KUN BREWERY TOUR by SINGLES MINGLE by CHAMPAGNE JSG Ya Kun@Thomson Plaza, TP: TBC. 3pm – 6pm. $80. 301 Upper Thomson Road. GS: 20. CD: 5 Oct. 7pm – 9.30pm. $32. Learn about the long GS: 36. CD: 4 Oct. history of beer on this Kick back on a relaxed Friday exclusive brewery tour. night. You have eight minutes You’ll taste, appreciate per round to get to know each and learn to make your participant better. own beer at home. Price includes free fl ow of coffee/ Price includes tea, eggs and toast. refreshments.

22 Oct (Sat) << 26 Oct (Sat) ICE CREAM & SEASIDE LUNCH AND CHOCOLATE TASTING LEISURE CYCLING @ CHANGI by THE DATING LOFT by LOVE EXPRESS 110 Killiney Road. Changi Ferry Point Terminal. 3pm – 5pm. $59. GS: 26. 10.45am – 2.30pm. $59. CD: 20 Oct. GS: 24. CD: 21 Oct. Learn more about organic, After a delicious Western lunch dairy free ice cream made from by the seaside, cycle down brown rice milk, fruits and nuts. Changi Coastal Road and watch Have a taste of the low-carb and planes take off from nearby diabetic friendly options that Changi Airport. are available. Price includes lunch and bicycle rental.

38 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

34-39 Event listing.indd 38 05/08/2011 6:56 PM Event details are correct at time of print. For a complete listing of events/activities organised by SDN’s partners, please log on to www.lovebyte.org.sg

2 Oct (Sun) 7 Oct (Fri) POTTERY WORKSHOP REAL STEEL: (2 SESSIONS) MOVIE DINNER DATE by CHAMPAGNE JSG by CLIQUE WISE MP: TBC. 10am – 1pm. Level 6 Preview Lounge @ $92. GS: 18. CD: 28 Sep. Cathay Cineleisure Orchard. Express your artistic side 7pm – 11pm. $50. with the ancient art of GS: 60. CD: 3 Oct. pottery. This 2-session Join new friends at a buffet dinner, workshop will teach then watch the action-packed sci-fi you how to shape movie Real Steel about a robot and fi re your own boxing promoter who thinks he clay masterpiece. has found a champion in a Price includes discarded robot. workshop Price includes movie, buffet dinner materials. and free fl ow of fruit punch.

8 Oct (Sat) 15 Oct (Sat) 16 Oct (Sun) KICKBOXING MANIA HORTPARK FABULOUS 20 STARRY STARRY NIGHT-KITE by THE DATING LOFT THEMED GARDENS TOUR by CLIQUE WISE Bolly Dancing Studios @ by LOVE EXPRESS Gallery Café @ Marina Barrage, 261 Waterloo Street, HortPark. 10.30am – 1pm. $39. #02-04. 7.30pm – 9.30pm. $50. #01-12 Waterloo Centre. GS: 24. CD: 12 Oct. GS: 40. CD: 12 Oct. 2pm – 4pm. $59. Enjoy a guided tour of the themed Cap off the weekend under the GS: 20. CD: 5 Oct. ggardens,, which includes more than glittering night sky. Pick up the Sweat it out at this fun 1,1,0000000 sspespeciesecies ooff pplantslants aand trtrees.eeess. increasingly popular night kite fl ying. combat-based class that mixes PriPricecee inincludesncluludes gargardenden totoururr anandnd Who knows, you might just fi nd kickboxing, tai chi, karate and guguiguidede feefefee.. romance under the stars. self-defence routines. Price includes light refreshments and 1 kite.

29 Oct (Sat) 29 Oct (Sat) 29 Oct (Sat) AMAZING FOOD RACE HALLOWEEN DINNER PARTY 1 DAY MAKAN, — THE NIGHT RACE by CLIQUE WISE SIGHTSEEING AND SHOPPING TOUR by CHAMPAGNE JSG Vintry @ Clarke Quay, 3A River MP: TBC. 4pm – 10pm. $55. Valley Road #01-01. 5pm – 7pm. by SINGLES MINGLE GS: 24. CD: 26 Oct. $68. GS: 80. CD: 25 Oct. Kluang, Yong Peng and Team up with new friends as you Eat, drink and make merry with Johor Bahru. 6.15am – 9pm. embark on a treasure hunt for local other creatures of the night this $98. GS: 40. CD: 15 Oct. delicacies, using the clues provided. Halloween at Clarke Quay. Mingle Enjoy farm tours and lunch in Price includes light snacks to and make new acquaintances while Kluang. Head on to Yong Peng kickstart the race. in disguise. Costumes are optional. and Jusco at Tebrau City for some shopping fun. End the day with a sumptuous dinner at Johor Bahru. Price includes meals and insurance. PHOTOS: iStockphoto, Stock.XCHNG

DUET Aug–Oct 2011 39

34-39 Event listing.indd 39 05/08/2011 6:56 PM listing OF SDNTRUST ACCREDITED AGENCIES

6838-0298 (Gracelyn/Joan) 6823-1232 6726-9856 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 317 Outram Road, #02-36 Republic Plaza I, 9 Raffl es Place, Jurong Point Post Offi ce, Concorde Shopping Centre Level 58, S048619 PO Box 092, S916404 (Holiday Inn Atrium) S169075 www.loveexpress.com.sg www.singlesmingle.sg www.champagnejsg.com Love Express welcomes everyone who Singles Mingle offers a range of Champagne JSG offers dating services is serious about fi nding their special holistic services that includes events ranging from pre-date preparation, someone. They specialise in arranging and activities, matchmaking, pre- group dating events, exclusive date fun and quality events, courses and marital programmes, solemnisation, matching to relationship workshops. pre-matched one-on-one dates. and more.

9380-1280 (Jackiey) 6532-0010 [email protected] [email protected] My Mail Box 888836, S919191 9 Penang Road, #08-09, 6557-2440 www.cliquewise.sg Park Mall S238459 [email protected] www.lunchactually.com Clique Wise is the company behind 47B Circular Road, S049402 Wow-Her.com. They use personality Lunch Actually screens your dates and www.thedatingloft.com classifi cation to bring singles coordinates and confi rms the meet-up. Enjoy pre-event and image together with our innovative Date Get acquainted over lunch, coffee or consultation, and small-group dinners Profi ling System. after-work drinks. matched and hosted by Dating Loft’s experienced consultants. Their online portal, GetThemDates.com, also organises events and allows you to play Cupid for yourself and your friends! 6858-3197 / 9450-5808 [email protected] [email protected] 9 Penang Road, #08-09, 9 Selegie Road, Selegie House Park Mall S238459 #01-19, S180009 www.eteract.com www.myperfectlink.com 8223-8895 Brought to you by the team from [email protected] My Perfect Link offers personalised Lunch Actually, Eteract.com is the VBox 882355, S919191 dating services and group dating events. pioneer of online speed dating in Asia. www.vivaone.com.sg Date online at their bilingual dating Meet singles in the comfort of your website which offers computerised VivaOne hopes to impart useful own home using video, audio or even profi ling and personality matching. life skills to singles, along with text messages. professionally facilitated networking opportunities.

6227-0307 [email protected] 9A Clover Way, S579081 www.myexclusivematch.com.sg

Exclusive Match’s online dating portal O2match.com brings you from online to offl ine meet-ups in a well-facilitated environment.

40 Aug–Oct 2011 DUET

40 AA listing v2.indd 40 05/08/2011 6:57 PM Readers Quiz

1. What is the best strategy to let your date know that you are interested to know him/her better? a) Be persistent and SMS your date frequently to remind him/ her about your appointment next week. b) Drop your date an email to ask him/her out and hope for a response. c) Talk to your date about your common interests and wait for an opportunity to ask him/her out.

2. Singles who took part in the Sunset Sail on 18 June 2011 got to… a) Listen to songs played by the HeartBeat percussion band. b) Practise Japanese, Thai and even Hip Hop handshakes during International Handshake Game. c) Enjoy sumptuous food at a Japanese restaurant at Sentosa island. Read DUET and stand to win Golden Village movie gift 3. The Loud Festival will be held on 7 October 2011 at the... vouchers. There are 5 pairs a) Singapore Indoor Stadium. to be won! b) Esplanade. c) Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre — Send your answers to the quiz, with your Marina Bay Sands. name, IC, contact number and address 4. A woman might show her interest in a man by… to [email protected] a) Constantly checking her phone while he is talking to her. (Subject: DUET Readers Quiz). b) Flipping her hair and leading forward towards him when Closing date: 8 September 2011 he talks. *Terms & Conditions Apply c) Crossing her arms and maintaining eye contact.

This quiz is open only to DUET readers who 5. Actress Zhou Ying has just fi nished fi lming the travelogue… are in SDN’s database. To be part of the wide a) Mission Possible network of SDN, sign up at www.lovebyte.org. sg and enjoy access to information on events, b) Lodge With Me dating resources and other online functions. c) Lead Me On

DUET READERS QUIZ RESULTS (MAY – JUL 2011) Congratulations to the winners! You’ve won a pair of tickets to the musical comedy I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change (worth $138).

1) Caleb Chew SXXXX420H 4) Lim Miao Qing Jane SXXXX825G 2) Teh Yufen SXXXX040J 5) Juliana Lim SXXXX935B 3) Cindy Han SXXXX845C

IBC-Reader Quiz.indd 26 05/08/2011 6:39 PM ocial Development Network

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