VTT – POliCy BRief 1/2016 Decommissioning of VTT’s FiR 1 research reactor licenceETUKANSI application CONTACTS Kotiluoto Petri Research Team Leader Tel. +358 40 573 3867
[email protected] Airila Markus Senior Scientist Tel. +358 40 350 8669
[email protected] VTT TeChNiCAl ReSeARCh CeNTRe Of fiNlANd lTd Vuorimiehentie 3, Espoo P.O. Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland Tel. +358 20 722 111 www.vttresearch.com Operating licence application for the REG.no 356/0652/2017 FiR 1 research reactor 20 JUNE 2017 1 (5) For the Government LICENCE APPLICATION: DECOMMISSIONING OF THE FiR 1 RESEARCH REACTOR APPLICANT The applicant is VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (hereinafter ‘VTT’), domicile Espoo. VTT is the owner and operator of the FiR 1 research reactor of type TRIGA Mk II (hereinafter ‘Reactor’). For more information on VTT, see Appendices 1, 9 and 10, and for information about the location of the Reactor, see Appendix 2. BACKGROUND The State of Finland procured the Reactor from the United States in 1960 for educational and research purposes at the Helsinki University of Technology. The Reactor has been administered by VTT since 1971. The Reactor has been operated since 1962 for research, education, isotope production and the provision of other services. In 1999–2012, the Reactor was also used for radiotherapy. VTT shut down the Reactor permanently on 30 June 2015. On 8 December 2011, the Government issued a decision granting VTT a licence referred to in section 20 of the Nuclear Energy Act (990/1987) to use the Reactor for radiotherapy, research, education and isotope production until the end of 2023 (this is the current licence in force).