Common Weed Hosts of Insect-Transmitted Viruses of Florida Vegetable Crops1 Gaurav Goyal, Harsimran K

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Common Weed Hosts of Insect-Transmitted Viruses of Florida Vegetable Crops1 Gaurav Goyal, Harsimran K ENY-863 Common Weed Hosts of Insect-Transmitted Viruses of Florida Vegetable Crops1 Gaurav Goyal, Harsimran K. Gill, and Robert McSorley2 Weed growth can severely decrease the commercial, virus attacks bell pepper, tomato, spinach, cantaloupe, recreational, and aesthetic values of crops, landscapes, and cucumber, pumpkin, squash, celery, and watercress. waterways. More information on weeds can be found in References to appropriate publications are provided for Hall et al. (2009i). Other than affecting crop production easy cross-reference and more details about the virus by reducing the amount of nutrients available to the main under consideration. Common viruses with their family crop, weeds can also influence crop production by acting as and genus names are provided in Table 2. Information is reservoirs of various viruses that are transmitted by insects. also provided for each vegetable that was reported infected Several insects transmit different viruses in different crops, by the virus, and on the insect vectors that transmit the but aphids and whiteflies are among the most important virus. Some viruses, such as Tomato mosaic virus, are not virus vectors (carriers of viruses) on vegetable crops in transmitted by vectors. Others, such as Bean common Florida. The insect vectors feed on various parts of weeds mosaic virus, can be transmitted by vectors or through seed. that are infected by a virus and acquire the virus in the Detailed information about viruses and their transmission process. They then can feed on uninfected agricultural has been summarized by Adams and Antoniw (2011). crops and transmit the virus to them. Insects are often Common and scientific names of weeds that act as virus attracted to weeds and survive on them because weeds can sources are listed in Table 3. provide food for insects when preferred food is scarce, or weeds can provide shelter from adverse conditions such as Removal of weeds that act as virus sources may be helpful bad weather or pesticide applications. Several weeds have in reducing the initial infestation by a virus of the main been reported as virus hosts by Kucharek and Purcifull crop in the same field as well as other fields that are near (2001). The current publication includes additional and the weeds. Removal of volunteer plants from field borders updated material since that time and provides links to may also help in management of viral diseases (Momol and further information on specific viruses that affect vegetable Pernezny 2006). crops. Certain volunteer vegetable plants can also act as sources of viruses that endanger the main crop. While a number of weeds in and around fields of different crops can act as virus sources for the main vegetable crop, Information on weed hosts of various vegetable viruses can some of them are particularly important because of their be found in Table 1. Virus names are often based on the ability to host a number of different viruses. A few of these name of the vegetable they attack; however, certain viruses are balsam apple (Figure 1), creeping cucumber (Figure 2), affect many different vegetables, e.g., Cucumber mosaic groundcherry (Figure 3), dayflower (Figure 4), American 1. This document is ENY-863, one of a series of the Department of Entomology and Nematology, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date April 2012. Reviewed February 2018. Visit the EDIS website at 2. Gaurav Goyal, postdoctoral research associate; Harsimran K. Gill, postdoctoral research associate; and Robert McSorley, retired professor, Department of Entomology and Nematology; UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. For more information on obtaining other UF/IFAS Extension publications, contact your county’s UF/IFAS Extension office. U.S. Department of Agriculture, UF/IFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Nick T. Place, dean for UF/IFAS Extension. black nightshade (Figure 5), hairy indigo (Figure 6), and citron (Figure 7). The American black nightshade is com- mon in Florida (MacRae 2010), and it is possible that some of the references to “nightshade” in Table 1 or to “black nightshade” may actually refer to this plant. Recognition of these common virus host plants is important because they may be reservoirs for viruses, allowing them to survive during the off-season when the main vegetable crops are not grown. Figure 3. Cutleaf groundcherry (Physalis angulata). Credits: Brent Sellers (Hall et al. 2009b), UF/IFAS Figure 1. Balsam apple (Momordica spp.). Credits: Brent Sellers (Hall et al. 2009a), UF/IFAS Figure 4. Dayflower (Commelina spp.). Credits: Gaurav Goyal, UF/IFAS Figure 2. Creeping cucumber (Melothria pendula). Credits: Gaurav Goyal, UF/IFAS Figure 5. American black nightshade (Solanum americanum). Credits: Gaurav Goyal, UF/IFAS Common Weed Hosts of Insect-Transmitted Viruses of Florida Vegetable Crops 2 Adkins, S., S. E. Webb, P. D. Roberts, C. S. Kousik, P. A. Stansly, B. D. Bruton, D. Achor, R. M. Muchovej, and C. A. Baker. 2010. A review of Ipomoviruses and Watermelon decline in Florida, pp. 333–337. In P.A. Stansly and S.E. Naranjo (eds.), Bemisia: Bionomics and management of a global pest. Springer Publishing, New York. Baker, C., S. Webb, and S. Adkins. 2008. Squash vein yellowing virus, causal agent of watermelon vine decline in Florida. Plant Pathology Department Circ. 407. Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant industry, Gainesville, FL. http://www.freshfrom- Bracero, V., and L. I. Rivera. 2003. “DNA analysis confirms Macroptilium lathyroides as alternative hosts of bean golden yellow mosaic virus.” Plant Disease 87:1022–1025. Brown, L. G., and G. W. Simone. 1994. Tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus. Plant Pathology Circ. 366. Florida Dept. Figure 6. Hairy indigo (Indigofera hirsuta). of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Division of Plant Credits: Robert McSorley, UF/IFAS Industry, Gainesville, FL. http://www.freshfromflorida com/ pi/enpp/pathology/pathcirc/pp366.pdf Dikova, B. 1946. “Establishment of tobacco rattle virus (trv) in weeds and Cuscuta.” Biotechnology and Biotechnology Equipment 20:42–48. Ferreira, S. A., and R. A. Boley. 1992. Cucumber mosaic virus. Crop Knowledge Master. Department of Plant Pathology, CTAHR, University of Hawaii, Manoa. http:// Ferrell, J. A., G. E. MacDonald, and B. J. Brecke. 2009. Benghal Dayflower (Commelina benghalensis L.), Identifica- tion and Control. SS-AGR-223. Gainesville: University of Figure 7. Citron (Citrullus lanatus). Credits: Gaurav Goyal, UF/IFAS Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. http:// References Cited Fukumoto F., F. Terami, and M. Ishii. 1993. Zucchini yellow Adams, M. J., and J.F. Antoniw. 2011. “Descriptions of mosaic virus isolated from wax gourd (Benincasa hispida plant viruses.” Association of Applied Biologists, Rothamsted Cogn.) and balsam pear (Momordica charantia L.) (in Research, Harpenden, UK. Japanese). Proceedings of Kanto Plant Protection Society 40:101–103. Adkins, S., and E. N. Rosskopf. 2002. “Key West nightshade, a new experimental host for plant viruses.” Plant Disease Gilman, E. F. 2011. Asclepias curassavica Butterflyweed, 86:1310–1314. Milkweed, Silkweed. FPS-49. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. http:// Adkins, S., S. E. Webb, C. A. Baker, and C. S. Kousik. 2008. “Squash vein yellowing virus detection using nested polymerase chain reaction demonstrates that the cucurbit Groves, R. L., J. F. Walgenbach, J. W. Mayor, and G. G. weed Momordica charantia is a reservoir host.” Plant Kennedy. 2002. “The role of weed hosts and Tobacco thrips, Disease 92:1119–1123. Common Weed Hosts of Insect-Transmitted Viruses of Florida Vegetable Crops 3 Frankliniella fusca, in the epidemiology of tomato spotted Hall, D. W., V. V. Vandiver, and J. A. Ferrell. 2009i. Weeds wilt virus.” Plant Disease 86:573–582. in Florida: Introduction. Excerpt from weeds in Florida. SP 37. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Hall, D., V. V. Vandiver, and B. A. Sellers. 2009a. Balsam- Agricultural Sciences. Apple, Momordica charantia L. Excerpt from Weeds in Florida. SP 37. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute Jenner, C. E., and J. A. Walsh. 1996. “Pathotypic variation of Food and Agricultural Sciences. in turnip mosaic virus with special reference to European fw028 isolates.” Plant Pathology 45:848–856. Hall, D. W., V. V. Vandiver, and B. A. Sellers. 2009b. Cutleaf Johnson, C. S. 2011. Tobacco. Disease and Nematodes: Ground-Cherry, Physalis angulata L. Excerpt from Weeds in Tobacco. Department of Plant Pathology, Southern Florida. SP 37. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute Piedmont, AREC. of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Section_3_Diseases_and_Nematodes-6.pdf fw031 Koike, S. T., and R. M. Davis. 2009. Lettuce mosaic virus. Hall, D. W., V. V. Vandiver, and J. A. Ferrell. 2009c. Horse- UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. Agriculture and Nettle, Solanum carolinense L. Excerpt from Weeds in Natural Resource, University of California. http://www.ipm. Florida. SP 37. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. fw040 Kucharek, T., and D. Purcifull. 2001. Aphid-transmitted viruses of cucurbits in Florida. Plant Pathology Department Hall, D. W., V. V. Vandiver, and J. A. Ferrell. 2009d. Jimson Circ. 1184. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Weed, Datura stramonium L.
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