SYNLETT0936-52141437-2096 © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York 2015, 26, 2751–2762 2751 account Syn lett H. Sun, Y. Huang Account Recent Progress in the Development of Multitasking Directing Groups for Carbon–Hydrogen Activation Reactions Huan Sun Yong Huang* Key Laboratory of Chemical Genomics, School of Chemical Biology and Biotechnology, Peking University, Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, P. R. of China
[email protected] Received: 17.05.2015 hydrogen bond (Scheme 1). This property enables the DG to Accepted after revision: 15.07.2015 govern the site selectivity of carbon–hydrogen functional- Published online: 07.09.2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1560169; Art ID: st-2015-a0376-a ization reactions. Many DGs, ranging from strongly chelating to weakly Abstract Selective carbon–hydrogen activation reactions can be ac- binding, have been developed for a wide range of carbon– complished in a predictive manner using directing auxiliaries. However, hydrogen coupling and annulation reactions.3 However, it the majority of directing groups discovered to date are difficult to re- move or to transform into a desirable functionality. Recently, remov- must be pointed out that this approach is a double-edged able, cleavable, and redox-neutral directing groups have been devel- sword because although it provides precise site selectivity, oped that significantly broaden both the substrate scope and synthetic it suffers from the fact that the DG remains as a functional diversity of carbon–hydrogen functionalization reactions. In this short entity in the product of the reaction. For example, DGs for account, we summarize recent progress we have made in the develop- 2 ment of multitasking (removable, cleavable, redox-neutral, manipula- sp -carbon–hydrogen functionalization reactions are typi- ble) directing groups for carbon–hydrogen activation reactions.