Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2019 No. 171 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was spread to our neighbors in Maryland ginia Tech, University of Delaware, the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- and New Jersey as well. Universities of Rhode Island, Temple, pore (Mr. POCAN). The spotted lanternfly feeds on sap, Rutgers, Cornell, and the Northeastern f leaving all the plants that it touches IPM Center. weakened. The residue that the spotted With continued education and re- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO lanternflies leave behind promotes search into this invasive pest, we can TEMPORE mold growth which destroys many get closer to finding a solution to deal- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- plants and crops. The spotted ing with the spotted lanternfly and al- fore the House the following commu- lanternfly has a diverse appetite, feed- leviating Pennsylvania’s agricultural nication from the Speaker: ing on more than 70 different kinds of producers of this threat. WASHINGTON, DC, plants. From fruit trees to hardwoods f and nursery industries, so many of the October 29, 2019. USMCA I hereby appoint the Honorable MARK sectors of Pennsylvania’s agricultural POCAN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this industry are subject to these pests. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The day. In Pennsylvania alone, it is esti- Chair recognizes the gentleman from , mated $18 billion in agriculture is at North Carolina (Mr. BUDD) for 5 min- Speaker of the House of Representatives. risk. The Pennsylvania Department of utes. f Agriculture has issued a checklist that Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to urge my Democratic colleagues MORNING-HOUR DEBATE all residents should consult to check for spotted lanternfly egg masses. across the aisle to end their partisan The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- These things include camping equip- impeachment inquiry and instead focus ant to the order of the House of Janu- ment, firewood, outdoor children’s on an issue that will actually improve ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- toys, like playscapes and sandboxes, the lives of our constituents and super- nize Members from lists submitted by and more. By the end of the year, most charge the already roaring American the majority and minority leaders for adult spotted lanternflies will be dead. economy; that is, bringing the United morning-hour debate. However, residents are encouraged to States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the The Chair will alternate recognition rid their property of any egg masses USMCA, to this floor for a vote. between the parties. All time shall be that they find by dowsing them in alco- Mr. Speaker, ratifying this landmark equally allocated between the parties, hol. trade deal would generate a whole host and in no event shall debate continue Thankfully, research is being done to of benefits, including growing the econ- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other look into the best ways to combat this omy by tens of billions of dollars and than the majority and minority leaders pest and eradicate it from the Com- supporting hundreds of thousands of and the minority whip, shall be limited monwealth of Pennsylvania. The U.S. American jobs and giving farmers more to 5 minutes. Department of Agriculture’s National access to sell their products beyond our f Institute of Food and Agriculture re- borders. cently awarded the Pennsylvania State According to a recent report from the THE SPOTTED LANTERNFLY University a $7.3 million grant to sup- International Trade Commission, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The port a team of researchers from a vari- USMCA would raise the United States’ Chair recognizes the gentleman from ety of disciplines. It is a good invest- GDP by more than $68 billion and cre- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 ment if we can save $18 billion worth of ate nearly 200,000 new jobs. The study minutes. agriculture damage. also found that the USMCA would have Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. These funds will be combined with an a positive impact on trade by increas- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to draw at- additional $5 million in investments ing U.S. exports and imports to Canada tention to an invasive pest that is from growers and landowners—private and Mexico by billions of dollars. wreaking havoc on farms and forests citizens who agreed to work with re- The benefits don’t stop there. The nationwide and is giving Pennsylvania searchers on this project. Researchers agreement would benefit farmers agricultural producers a major head- and extension educators from Penn across the country and in my district ache. I am talking about the spotted State will be joined by additional ex- in North Carolina. Under the USMCA, lanternfly. This native Asian insect perts from the USDA Agricultural Re- U.S. dairy farmers would be able to has been found in at least 14 different search Service, the USDA Animal and more than triple their access to the Ca- counties in Pennsylvania and has Plant Health Inspection Service, Vir- nadian dairy market. This would be a

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.000 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 huge win for Iredell County, the top system, dedicate more resources for Congratulations, Jonny. We are dairy producing county in North Caro- prevention and treatment of alcohol proud you call Minnesota’s Sixth Dis- lina, as our dairy producers will gain and substance abuse on college cam- trict and the State of Minnesota your wider access to a bigger marketplace. puses, strengthen grants for teachers home. We will continue to cheer you on Along with dairy, the USMCA would and school leaders around recruitment as you play the game we all love. boost North Carolina’s poultry pro- and retention, and establish a commis- ON BEHALF OF MINNESOTA’S AGRICULTURE ducers—a $37 billion industry that sup- sion to study mental health issues fac- INDUSTRY, THANK YOU ASHLEY KOHLS ports nearly 150,000 jobs in my State. ing college students. Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Early estimates show that poultry ex- These measures as well as others are today to thank Ashley Kohls from the ports to Canada will grow astronomi- what make the College Affordability Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Associa- cally because the agreement increases Act a down payment on our higher edu- tion for her commitment and service to tariff rate quotas for U.S. poultry and cation system that just makes sense. our State’s agriculture community and egg exports to Canada. The agreement I urge swift passage for my col- to congratulate her on her new role as also eliminates barriers facing U.S. leagues in the committee today, and I Director of Government Affairs for the dairy and poultry exports to Canada hope we can move this bill to the floor Cattlemen’s Association. which will further unleash economic and the President’s desk even faster. During her time as the executive di- growth. As my good friend, Chairman Elijah rector of the Minnesota State Cattle- Mr. Speaker, there is a reason the Cummings, said: Our children are mes- men’s Association and a member of our USMCA enjoys broad support from sengers we send to the future we will Agriculture Advisory Committee, Ash- Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. stake- never see. ley has worked closely with our office, holders, as well as a majority of this It is time to invest in their future educating members and our staff about House on both sides of the aisle: Be- and give all Americans the good, qual- agriculture and cattle farming, in par- cause the upside for our country is un- ity higher education that they deserve. ticular. As a cattle farmer herself, Ash- disputed. f ley and her husband, Craig, run a Ratifying this agreement would be a A LASTING LEGACY FOR fourth-generation family farm with historic victory for our economy, for ZIMMERMAN their children, Avery and Bennet. Ashley is a strong leader and an ex- our workers, and for our farmers. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The President and his team should be Chair recognizes the gentleman from ample to young women who are inter- commended for a job well done, and ested in the agricultural industry. As Minnesota (Mr. EMMER) for 5 minutes. now it is time for this House to quit Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise an example, she participated as a pan- stalling and to act. The window to pass today to congratulate Zimmerman elist at our annual Young Women the USMCA is closing, and I stand City Administrator Randy Piasecki Leadership Program where she shared ready to vote for this deal and to get it who recently celebrated his 25th anni- with the high school-aged women what across the finish line. versary with the city. it is like to run a farm, be a mother, I ask my Democratic colleagues to Wherever you are in Zimmerman, and run a large-scale advocacy associa- suspend their blind hatred of this you can see Randy’s work. Randy had a tion. It was an honor to have her par- President and bring the USMCA to the major hand in improvements and de- ticipation. floor for a simple up-or-down vote. We velopment of the city. From Zimmer- Ashley, Nebraska is going to be need to stop thinking about this in man Middle High School to the latest lucky to have you. We wish you and terms of giving President Trump a po- apartment complex in downtown Zim- your family the best. litical victory and start thinking about merman, Randy has facilitated its con- THE HONORABLE MAYOR TOM RYAN: A TRUE giving the American people an eco- struction and completion. In his office, PUBLIC SERVANT nomic victory. That is why we all were Randy proudly displays an article Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise sent here in the first place. boasting Zimmerman as one of the 10 today to recognize and congratulate Mr. Speaker, let’s pass the USMCA fastest growing cities in Minnesota, in Mayor Tom Ryan, a great public serv- now. major part thanks to him. ant for the city of Blaine in Min- f The legacy of his work proves how nesota’s Sixth Congressional District. much Randy loves Zimmerman. We Mayor Ryan’s life is the definition of MAKING COLLEGE MORE hope he continues for many years to public service. AFFORDABLE grow the city with the thoughtfulness Mayor Ryan grew up in St. Paul. He The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and care he has shown for nearly three was drafted and served in the U.S. Chair recognizes the gentleman from decades. Army in South Korea. He was honor- Maryland (Mr. TRONE) for 5 minutes. Congratulations, Randy, and thank ably discharged in 1966 and returned Mr. TRONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise you for your 25 years of service to the home to Minnesota where he settled in today in support of the College Afford- people and city of Zimmerman. what is now the city of Blaine. For dec- ability Act, a comprehensive overhaul HOMETOWN HOCKEY PLAYER SUCCEEDS IN THE ades he has served the city as a coun- of our higher education system that NHL cilman and now mayor. He also serves will lower the cost of college and im- Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise as co-leader of Blaine’s Beyond the prove higher education for students of today to recognize and celebrate a Yellow Ribbon program which provides all backgrounds, because right now graduate of Blaine High School in my community support to our servicemem- students are paying increasingly more district, St. Cloud Husky Jonny bers and their families. for an education that is giving them Brodzinski, for signing a contract with Recently, Mayor Ryan received the less. the NHL San Jose Sharks. Seven Seals Award from the Employer I know that because I have heard it. Following Jonny’s successful career Support of the Guard and Reserve. This I have heard from constituents in my at Blaine High School, he went on to award recognizes his commitment to district that we need to do better when play for St. Cloud State University, help servicemembers find work upon it comes to the rising cost of tuition which is also in Minnesota’s Sixth Con- their return home. and the overall quality of higher edu- gressional District. He skated there for Mr. Speaker, I thank Mayor Ryan, cation. three seasons with the great Huskies. for the city of Blaine, and for our serv- That is why I am taking action. His hometown watched and cheered icemembers, and congratulations him Since coming to Congress, I have him on as he advanced to the American on his Seven Seals Award. worked closely with my colleagues on Hockey League to play for the Ontario RECOGNIZING PRESIDENTIAL EXCELLENCE the Education and Labor Committee to Reign and celebrated when he was AWARD WINNER PROFESSOR EUGENIA PAULUS lead four pieces of legislation that will signed by the Los Angeles Kings, offi- Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise be included in this act. cially making him an NHL hockey today to recognize Professor Eugenia The legislation will expand edu- player. As he joins the San Jose Paulus for her Presidential Award for cational opportunities for all individ- Sharks, we will be there to show our Excellence in Science, Mathematics uals impacted by the criminal justice support. and Engineering Mentoring. Professor

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.003 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8545 Paulus teaches chemistry at North The four officers of the Tega Cay Po- In 2000, he moved to the Rosebud Res- Hennepin Community College in Min- lice Department lived out the words of ervation, where he was able to gain a nesota’s Sixth Congressional District. Winston Churchill, who said, there are deeper understanding of the art of the Professor Paulus has been mentoring times when doing your best is not good Northern Plains Tribes. Because of the students at North Hennepin Commu- enough; we must do what is required. unique skills and specific knowledge nity College and participating as a Sergeant Vince Holland, Officer Matt gained, Steve was hired as faculty in science fair judge for local high schools Boyd, Officer Matt Connolly, and Offi- the Lakota Studies Department of through the North Hennepin mentoring cer Billy Donahue are shining examples Sinte Gleska, where he taught college program for approximately 15 years. of the saying, ‘‘to live is to serve.’’ students for 12 years. During this time, Professor Paulus has f In 2005, he became the cultural spe- mentored about 100 students with cialist for the Native American Advo- HONORING STEVE TAMAYO FOR amazing results. Students partici- cacy Program on the Rosebud Reserva- LIFETIME CONTRIBUTION TO NA- pating in her mentoring program are 40 tion in South Dakota. This was a spe- TIVE AMERICAN CULTURE percent more likely to graduate than cial time for Steve because he was in a the Minnesota average. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The place that was the ancestral homeland This Presidential Award is not the Chair recognizes the gentleman from of his mother’s family. first time Professor Paulus has been Nebraska (Mr. BACON) for 5 minutes. That same year was an important recognized for her success with stu- Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise point in his professional life. A group dents. In fact, she was previously today to honor Mr. Steve Tamayo in of conservators from the Smithsonian awarded for extraordinary under- recognition of Native American Herit- Institution stumbled upon him while graduate teaching from the Carnegie age Month for his lifetime contribu- tanning a buffalo hide in his front Foundation for the Advancement of tions in the arts and the preservation yard. Six months later, he was headed Teaching. She has also received the an- of Native American culture. for Washington, D.C., for a 6-month in- nual Student Life Faculty Excellence Steve’s passion has been fueled by ternship. Award which she received from North the desire to restore what was taken Since that time, Steve has been one Hennepin Community College. away from the indigenous people of of the main consultants from the Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Pro- this land. For centuries, cultural Plains Tribes for the National Museum fessor Paulus on receiving the Presi- teachings have been passed down of the American Indian. He has been dential Award. She deserves it. through art. Symbols, colors, patterns, part of numerous exhibitions, including and construction techniques are nar- f an exhibit scheduled to run for 15 years ratives that reflect values and beliefs called ‘‘As We Grow,’’ featuring his- b 1015 of traditional Native American life. toric games and toys of the Plains Indi- American history is bound in the an- RECOGNIZING VINCE HOLLAND, ans. tiquity of its Native people. MATT BOYD, MATT CONNOLLY, In 2015, Steve traveled to Wash- We are proud of the role Mr. Tamayo BILLY DONAHUE ington, D.C., to erect a teepee that he has played in ensuring that we can all painted on The Mall and presented to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The learn and appreciate this rich heritage. President Obama, which is now part of Chair recognizes the gentleman from Steve Tamayo was one of four chil- the Smithsonian’s collection. (Mr. NORMAN) for 5 dren raised by loving parents He had the opportunity to paint two minutes. Fortunato and Beulah Tamayo. As a buffalo robes for Willie Nelson and Neil Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise migrant worker, Fortunato grew up Young at the ‘‘Harvest the Hope’’ con- today to say that September 10, 2019, working the fields from Texas to Mon- cert in Neligh, Nebraska, to honor was a very special day for an infant tana. Notwithstanding this lack of them for their work in preserving our child who had been severely neglected schooling, he was successful in obtain- Nebraska land. by her mother. And had it not been for ing a job and taking care of his family. Steve’s work has helped to educate the quick action by members of the Steve describes his mother as a kind our country about our history, the cul- Tega Cay Police Department located in and compassionate woman despite her ture, and the struggles of Native Amer- South Carolina, the abuse would have difficult childhood as a survivor of the ican people. continued. American Indian boarding school trag- Today, Steve leads study groups on Four officers—Sergeant Vince Hol- edy. Steve’s parents encouraged their all four reservations in Nebraska and land, Officer Matt Boyd, Officer Matt children to have a strong work ethic, nine reservations in South Dakota. He Connolly, and Officer Billy Donahue— to focus on getting an education, and travels to schools and museums responded to a call at 6 p.m. from em- to pursue the opportunities they were throughout the country to help train ployees of the Tega Cay Walmart who not afforded. students, docents, conservators, and were concerned about a mother who After graduating from Thomas Jef- curators on the significance of tradi- was with an infant who, in the words of ferson High School in May 1984, Steve tional Native arts, as well as the dan- the officers, was ‘‘filthy’’ and in dire enlisted in the U.S. Army, serving with gers of cultural appropriation. need of help. the 101st Airborne Division. After re- Steve is on the Artists in Schools and The officers immediately reacted to turning to Omaha, he sought out Na- Communities roster for the Nebraska the situation by cleaning the infant tive elders to guide him in his pursuit Arts Council. He serves as the cultural and giving food, diapers, and other aid of cultural knowledge. consultant for the Omaha Public to the child. The officers stayed with In 1988, his first teacher was Cleo Schools’ Native Indigenous Centered the child while the South Carolina De- Frazier from Yankton Sioux Reserva- Education program. He works as the partment of Social Services was noti- tion of South Dakota. She resided in cultural specialist for the Nebraska fied and the child was taken into emer- the Omaha area and took time to teach Urban Indian Health Coalition. Steve gency custody by the agency, along Steve and his older brother about in- has also been an adjunct instructor for with two other children who were re- digenous life. This relationship fos- the University of Nebraska Omaha and moved from the home. tered Steve’s quest to learn as much as Metropolitan Community College. The mother was charged with three possible about the history and stories In 2014, he was honored by Nebraska felony drug charges, shoplifting, and of indigenous people. Governor Dave Heineman at the Ne- cruelty to a child. In the words of Chief This led him to an elder named How- braska Arts Council’s Governor’s Arts Steve Parker, ‘‘That little baby did ard Wolf, a World War II veteran from Awards when he was presented the Her- nothing wrong.’’ the Umo N Ho N Nation of Nebraska. itage Art Award. His proudest moment Because of the action of these brave Under elder Wolf’s guidance, Steve was when his mother saw him receive officers who showed compassion and learned about art and regalia, includ- that award. empathy, three children are now out of ing the traditional materials, construc- Steve has also become a source of danger and living in a safe environ- tion, and the history surrounding Na- pride and empowerment for his chil- ment. tive American artifacts. dren. Of his six children, his eldest

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.004 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 daughters, twins Nicole and Rebecca, the disabled, to those in the LGBTQ which maintained censorship over the work in the field of Native American community and beyond. press. D. Hamilton Jackson knew that advocacy, health, and education. Steve He was a champion of the Voting in order for a people to truly have free- and his wife, Susan, love their children Rights Act of 1965. He got into Con- dom, the press must also be free. and their numerous grandchildren. gress in 1964. He understood the value Traveling to Denmark to advocate on Mr. Speaker, I thank Steve for all of of giving people, no matter who you behalf of the workers of the Virgin Is- his contributions. Because of his work, were, the right to vote. I will talk lands, he took it upon himself to also generations to come will learn about about that more extensively in the fight for the emancipation of the press. the culture and contributions of the in- days to come, but I remember when we His passionate advocacy was fruitful, digenous people. sat and reauthorized that legislation and upon his return to the territory, he f with a Republican President, what a published the first newspaper in the wonderful experience of coming to- Virgin Islands not controlled by the REMEMBERING THE HONORABLE gether around voting as we wrote legis- government. JOHN CONYERS, JR. lation that George W. Bush signed en- This act empowered the people of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The thusiastically, with an overwhelming Virgin Islands and opened the door for Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from vote in the House and an overwhelming generations of Virgin Islanders to Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. vote in the Senate. allow their voices to be heard in the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, We even honored many different peo- formal medium of press. yesterday evening, I joined Ambas- ple from around the Nation, including D. Hamilton Jackson challenged the sador Etienne at the French Embassy naming it after the Honorable Barbara status quo and the prevailing laws of to acknowledge the DC JazzFest. But I Jordan and many others in that time- his time to secure a future for the is- also was there, more importantly, to frame to reinforce the value of voting. lands he loved. pay tribute to the Honorable John Con- John did that in a bipartisan manner, a D. Hamilton Jackson used his new- yers. lesson that we can learn even today. He found right for the free press to create Yesterday, I took a minute on the never compromised his principles, but The Herald. As editor, he used that floor to indicate that I would be speak- he stood for the of bipartisanship publication to uncover corruption and ing about him over a period of days and for justice. educate the working class. Frustrated He was here for the Legal Services weeks because his 53 years as a mentor with neglect from the Danish Govern- Corporation Act. Can you imagine that and beloved colleague deserve that ment, Jackson used The Herald to if you were poor 50 years ago, you tribute. But yesterday, I was probably build support for the transfer of the wouldn’t have any representation, not at a place John Conyers enjoyed the Virgin Islands from Denmark to the in the criminal system or sense, but in most. Many people may not know that United States. the civil system—being evicted, having he was a jazz enthusiast and maybe The American flag that flies over the problems with healthcare and dealing prepared to become a jazz musician in Virgin Islands today is a fruit of the with your health insurance, or having his early years as a young, young man. seed that D. Hamilton Jackson sowed a matter that required legal represen- His father, a strong union organizer, a on his quest for liberty and greater op- tation so that you could have justice. UAW worker, thought that might not portunity for Virgin Islanders. be the best approach for his young son, The Legal Services Corporation was I believe the oldest of their four chil- something very near and dear to John b 1030 dren. Conyers. The Virgin Islands continue to em- John, being a dutiful son, went on to Let me move quickly to talk about body the spirit of D. Hamilton Jackson Wayne State and graduated from its his work dealing with the PATRIOT and his work. law school as well. That was our gift to Act after 9/11. Yes, we wanted to be Rena Brodhurst has spent her life protecting ourselves against terrorists, the American people. walking the path of Jackson as a I want to take a moment to be able but John Conyers was a voice that said champion of Virgin Islands Free Press to highlight the very undercore, if you that civil liberties of the American as the owner and editor of the St. Croix people are crucial, and we will not will, the underpinnings of the leader- Avis. Educated on St. Croix and then trample in this committee, the Com- ship of John Conyers, a progressive be- attending college, she followed her mittee on the Judiciary, on their fore the term could even be defined. family’s tradition of fighting to defend rights of privacy and their rights of lib- I don’t believe that he looked at him- a free press. erty. He believed in that. self in that way, but I think he looked Her father, Mr. Brodhurst, was once Let me also say that in the bank- convicted of contempt of court after at himself as one who would break ruptcy bill, when so many people were publishing an unsigned letter critical through doors that others could not. pushing to get a bill done that would Of course, he was one of the original of a court decision and social condi- leave out women and children, divor- tions of his time. However, the right to cofounders of the Congressional Black cees, leave out the poor who also need- free press prevailed with the U.S. Third Caucus. But he rose to be chairman of ed to have some way of organizing Circuit making clear that the constitu- two committees, the Committee on their debt, in fact, he was a champion tional right to freedom of speech in the Oversight and Reform and the Com- for that. mittee on the Judiciary, and he became Finally, Mr. Speaker, a champion for press was not one that would be in- the dean of this House, this entire the reparations bill that most people fringed upon in the United States. House of Representatives. don’t understand, an idea they would Rena, herself, has sued the govern- I don’t think that would be what his understand later, he was our champion. ment to protect the right to publish own desire of tribute would be. I use He spoke for those who were silenced. freely without retribution. A strong the terminology that he not only spoke woman, mother, and friend, she acts as for the voiceless, but he spoke for per- f a true Virgin Islands queen, unbroken sons who were actually silenced. That CELEBRATING LIBERTY DAY and a fierce defender of free press. means that they tried to speak, but The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Today, a new generation steps up to they were silenced. They were rejected. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from carry the torch of D. Hamilton Jack- They were pushed back. They had not the Virgin Islands (Ms. PLASKETT) for 5 son. State of the Territory founder the power to be heard. minutes. Amaziah George, a Marine Corps vet- How amazing it is to have found Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, this eran, brings Virgin Islands press to the someone of the African American her- week, the Virgin Islands celebrates world through his online social media itage and tradition who had gone Liberty Day and honors David Ham- paper. through life in a segregated America to ilton Jackson and his relentless pur- His passion for making the voice and be able to speak for voices that were suit of free press for the people of the concerns of millennial Virgin Islanders varied and different, who needed to Virgin Islands. heard make him a trailblazer of his hear that someone cared about them, From the 1700s until the 1950s, the generation. With his willingness to from Native Americans to Latinos, to Virgin Islands was owned by Denmark, speak truth, the secret stories that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.006 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8547 others are unwilling to discuss, this told again and again that we wouldn’t So, today is the right day to recog- veteran is really a fighter and a soldier do it because we have this great alli- nize the first genocide of the 20th cen- of truth. ance with Turkey. tury. We should have done it earlier. These individuals have dedicated Earlier this month, Turkish forces We should do it every year on the anni- themselves to truthfully informing the shelled to the left and then to the right versary in April. But it starts here and people of the Virgin Islands about their of an American base. It seemed clear to now, and, finally, America can stand community and the world outside of many that they were ready to kill up along with so many other countries our small corner of it. They are truly Americans. America withdrew. And that have recognized that genocide. legacies of D. Hamilton Jackson. this was not some well-planned, care- f We must continue this work, as Vir- ful, deliberate withdrawal. We left be- gin Islanders still have limited con- cause of the Turkish shelling and the BILLS ADDRESSING GUN stitutional rights as determined by the Turkish threats. VIOLENCE Insular Cases of the early 1900s. Those Great alliance? It has been a great al- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Supreme Court decisions relegate peo- liance for Turkey. We defended them Chair recognizes the gentleman from ple living within the territories to a from communism. We defended them (Mr. RUSH) for 5 minutes. separate and unequal status. from the Soviet Union. We provided Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today The cases posture that people living them $23 billion in aid. And we are the to address two critical bills that would in territories are inferior races that reason why there is not an independent mandate studies to examine, one, cannot understand Anglo-Saxon prin- Kurdistan in northern . whether tasers are a safer alternative ciples of law. It keeps American citi- They shelled to the left; they shelled to firearms and, two, how innovative zens living in places like the Virgin Is- to the right of an American military technology can enhance the safety of lands, Guam, and Puerto Rico as disen- outpost. firearms. From 1915 to 1923, the Ottoman Em- franchised from the full American ex- My bill, H.R. 4740, the TASER Access, pire massacred 1.5 million Armenians, perience. Safety, and Effectiveness Review Study the first genocide of the 20th century. As a young constituent of mine re- Act, or TASERS Act, will direct the There is no doubt that this occurred. cently wrote in an essay outlining the Consumer Product Safety Commission Even the administration testified be- importance of free press, ‘‘only a free to coordinate a multiagency study fore our committee last week. comparing the effectiveness and the press can ensure the people’s access to The massacre of 1.5 million Arme- safety of firearms and of tasers. By information and build a well-informed, nians in 1915, et cetera, was one of the studying tasers, Mr. Speaker, we can transparent, and accountable society,’’ greatest crimes of the 20th century, determine whether they can be a safe, and that ‘‘we, the people, owe it to our and this is not in dispute. There is no effective, and, most importantly, non- country to demand and defend the free- dispute that that mass death con- lethal weapon of self-defense. dom of such a priceless heritage.’’ stituted a genocide because Raphael Mr. Speaker, H.R. 4784 would direct What a wonderful sentiment from a Lemkin, who invented the word ‘‘geno- the National Institute of Justice to up- young person. cide,’’ said the Armenian genocide was date its 2013 study on gun safety tech- Free press, we must cherish and pro- an example—the first example, per- nologies. The 2013 NIJ study noted that tect it as a most American of values haps—of what he was talking about. and as one of the most fragile pillars of It is time that we recognize the geno- several innovative gun-locking tech- democracy here and around the world. cide because genocide denial is the last nologies were close to coming onto the In the words of D. Hamilton Jackson, act of the genocide. First, you oblit- market in our Nation. I challenge us to walk in his spirit and erate a people; then, you seek to oblit- Newer gun-locking or smart-gun challenge the status quo for the better- erate their memory; and, finally, you technologies require fingerprints or ment of our people and our Nation. Let seek to obliterate the memory of the other advanced mechanisms to unlock us all embody the motto of his news- obliteration. the firearms. Unfortunately, Mr. paper, The Herald: ‘‘Liberty, equality, But genocide denial is also the first Speaker, vehement protests and inac- fraternity.’’ step in the next genocide. When Hit- curate information about drastic cost f ler’s cadres wondered whether they increases from the gun lobby have pre- could get away with the Holocaust, he vented this technology from becoming RECOGNIZING THE ARMENIAN widely available. GENOCIDE assured them: Who today speaks of the annihilation of the Armenians? Mr. Speaker, smart-gun technology The SPEAKER pro tempore. The And it is time to recognize this geno- has the potential to stop firearms from Chair recognizes the gentleman from cide to remove a stain on America’s being used by those who shouldn’t pos- California (Mr. SHERMAN) for 5 min- honor because, up until now, we have sess them. A 2019 Department of Jus- utes. hidden and refused to acknowledge the tice survey found that 56 percent of Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, today truth. We have been silent, all in an ef- prisoners who possessed a firearm dur- is a great day because, after decades of fort to appease Turkey. ing their offense obtained it through il- struggle, this House will recognize the Turkey committed a genocide in licit channels. Additionally, Mr. Armenian genocide, just in time to be World War I and denies it to this day. Speaker, a study in the American Jour- viewed by the last survivors of the first Germany committed a genocide during nal of Public Health concluded that genocide of the 20th century. World War II and has acknowledged it over 1,500 stolen guns were recovered in Two weeks ago, I came to this floor from the 1940s. connection with violent crimes be- and I said now is the time, finally, to Germany has moved on to be a pros- tween 2010 and 2016. recognize the Armenian genocide be- perous and strong democracy. Turkey Updating the Department of Justice’s cause it was no longer the time to kow- continues to deny the genocide, then 2013 study would be a critical step for- tow to Turkey. Since then, many of us passes law prohibiting the discussion of ward into determining how smart-gun have approached the Speaker and urged the genocide; and that leads to censor- technology can be incorporated into her to put this bill on the floor. ship, authoritarianism, undercuts the the multifaceted approach needed to But this great day belongs to NANCY rule of law, leads to corruption and a reduce gun violence. PELOSI, our Speaker, who made the de- country that has great problems. Congress must always seek to har- cision to bring it to the floor, where we Where would Germany be if it denied ness the power of innovation and inno- will pass this resolution, H. Res. 296, the Holocaust to this day? Where vative technology to make Americans which I and so many others introduced would we be if we denied the genocide safer. The studies these bills would to this House in April of this year. And, of so many Native American Tribes? mandate are a critical first step in of course, I have cosponsored and been Turkey will be a great ally of the evaluating how we can use technology an original cosponsor of every Arme- United States only when it recognizes and innovation to prevent gun vio- nian genocide resolution since 1997. the first genocide of the 20th century, lence. We always should have recognized only when it allows free discussion of Mr. Speaker, I am proud to sponsor the Armenian genocide, but we were its own history by its own people. both of these measures and encourage

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.008 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 my colleagues to join me in supporting future security and their reputations Mr. BUDD led the Pledge of Alle- them. at risk because, unfortunately, rather giance as follows: f than being hailed as the heroes that I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the they truly are, they are being vilified; United States of America, and to the Repub- EMERGENCE OF AMERICAN and that is dangerous, and it is con- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, HEROES cerning to me. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Some of the people that vilify them f Chair recognizes the gentleman from praise people like Flynn and Manafort, WELCOMING RABBI EVAN Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) for 5 minutes. who sold our country out for their own HOFFMAN Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, we are in personal advancement and riches. interesting times. I think it was Confu- America, beware, and honor those The SPEAKER. Without objection, cius who said to live in interesting who stand up for you. the gentleman from New York (Mr. ENGEL) is recognized for 1 minute. times is a great opportunity. It is. f Unfortunately, the rule of law and There was no objection. democracy are at stake. And as they RECESS Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise are and as the Intel Committee, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- today to thank my dear friend and con- Foreign Affairs Committee, and the ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair stituent, Rabbi Evan Hoffman, for giv- Oversight and Reform Committee have declares the House in recess until noon ing the opening prayer today. hearings—and later, there will be pub- today. Rabbi Hoffman has led Congregation lic hearings—we are seeing American Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 47 Anshe Sholom in New Rochelle, New heroes emerge. minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- York, since 2012. He graduated Yeshiva Today, an American hero, a lieuten- cess. College summa cum laude, where he re- ant colonel who earned a Purple Heart, ceived ordination from Rabbi Isaac f will be testifying. Colonel Vindman lis- Elchanan’s Theological Seminary. tened to the conversation between b 1200 Rabbi Hoffman is an accomplished author, writing the weekly essay series President Zelensky and President AFTER RECESS Trump, and he will testify as to what titled ‘‘Thoughts on the Parashah,’’ as happened. It won’t be a memorandum; The recess having expired, the House well as the editor of English language it will be what really took place on was called to order by the Speaker at publications for Talmud Israeli. that call and why it alarmed him so noon. Rabbi Hoffman was raised in Great much. f Neck, New York, and is an avid New York Mets fan. Rabbi Hoffman and his The administration doesn’t want PRAYER Colonel Vindman to testify, but he is wife, Sari, are the proud parents of two testifying because he is a patriot, be- Rabbi Evan Hoffman, Congregation wonderful children, Eliyahu and Elana. cause it is his duty, and because he Anshe Sholom, New Rochelle, New Madam Speaker, I thank my friend knows what is at stake. York, offered the following prayer: for the wonderful prayer this morning. What is at stake is democracy. What Almighty God, bless the work of the f United States House of Representa- is at stake is our Constitution. What is ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER at stake is our Republic. tives. Fortify our legislators’ constitu- tional commitments and grant them PRO TEMPORE b 1045 the wisdom to draft laws that best The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. We have had other people testify, the serve the interests of the American PAYNE). The Chair will entertain up to Ambassador who was removed 2 people. O Lord, in a time of polariza- 15 further requests for 1-minute speech- months early because she refused to go tion and rancorous dispute, we beseech es on each side of the aisle. along with what was taking place, and Thee to help our elected officials main- f Ms. Fiona Hill. These are heroes. These tain decorum, civility, commonality of are patriots. purpose, and a sense of shared Amer- HOUSE APPROVAL OF VETERAN Unfortunately, on some news net- ican destiny. TREATMENT COURT COORDINA- works that are mouthpieces for the ad- Heavenly Father, guide our Rep- TION ACT ministration, they have had their pa- resentatives so that they might serve, (Mr. HIGGINS of New York asked and triotism questioned, and they have in the eyes of the citizenry, as role was given permission to address the been vilified. models of reconciliation and coopera- House for 1 minute.) This is the beginning of despotism. tion. We pray that in a future time the Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Mr. When heroes who come forth with prophet’s words might be said in ref- Speaker, I rise today to applaud the proud careers of service in the State erence to this Congress: ‘‘Restore your House approval of the Veteran Treat- Department or the military, without a judges as in days of old, your coun- ment Court Coordination Act legisla- blemish on their record, and without selors as at the beginning.’’ tion led by Chairman , of trying to benefit financially from any- Bless our Nation with peace and pros- which I am a proud cosponsor, direct- body at all, except doing their job for perity, our citizens with health and ing grants, training, and assistance for the United States of America, are ques- happiness, and our national institu- communities to establish and operate tioned because they come forth to tes- tions with strength and stability. May veteran treatment courts. tify as to information that threatens this be Your will, and let us say: amen. In 2008, Buffalo City Court Judge our Constitution, that shows abuse of f Robert Russell established the very power and an effort to not comply with first veteran treatment court in the our Constitution and carrying out con- THE JOURNAL Nation. Today, there are over 400 such gressionally-mandated spending to pro- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- courts. These specialized courts pro- tect a country fighting Russian aggres- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- vide veterans, many battling substance sion in their own territory. ceedings and announces to the House abuse or post-traumatic stress dis- These are not people like Manafort, her approval thereof. order, with a tactical path to avoid jail and Flynn, and Carter Page, who want- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- and take command of their future. ed and got money from Ukrainians, and nal stands approved. At their side are fellow veterans, also Turks, and Russians, and others to ben- f known as battle buddies, who serve as efit themselves from countries that do volunteer mentors, as well as judges not have our interests at heart. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and professional staff who can connect So, as we live through these inter- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman these warriors with VA benefits. Sup- esting times, let us appreciate the he- from North Carolina (Mr. BUDD) come port for veteran treatment courts al- roes that are emerging, giving testi- forward and lead the House in the lows the Nation to give veterans what mony, and putting their jobs and their Pledge of Allegiance. they have given us: freedom and peace.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.009 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8549 PRESIDENT TRUMP RECEIVES RECOGNIZING MENINAK CLUB OF CONGRATULATIONS TO SARAH BIPARTISAN JUSTICE AWARD JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA DAVIS, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK’S FIRST FEMALE CHIEF (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina (Mr. RUTHERFORD asked and was RANGER asked and was given permission to ad- given permission to address the House dress the House for 1 minute and to re- for 1 minute.) (Mr. BUDD asked and was given per- vise and extend his remarks.) mission to address the House for 1 Mr. RUTHERFORD. Mr. Speaker, I minute and to revise and extend his re- MR. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. recognize the Meninak Club of Jack- Speaker, congratulations to President marks.) sonville, Florida, which is celebrating Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Donald Trump for receiving the Bipar- 100 years of service and camaraderie tisan Justice Award for his historic to recognize Lexington, North Caro- within our northeast Florida commu- lina, native Sarah Davis for recently success on criminal justice reform at nity. Columbia’s Benedict College. becoming Yellowstone National Park’s Meninak members are often leaders first female chief ranger. This is a huge This is another example of President of business, military, and civic organi- milestone, and our Davidson County Trump’s ‘‘promises made, promises zations who join together to make a community could not be more proud of kept,’’ accomplishing what former ad- positive impact on others. For a cen- her. ministrations have failed to achieve, tury, they have made a difference in Over the past two decades, Sarah has also proving the importance of doing the lives of many through their annual held various leadership roles, including what is right and focusing on issues charity project and numerous scholar- at North Carolina’s own Guilford truly affecting the American people. ships for students, including $25,000 in Courthouse National Military Parks It is always exciting for South Caro- Youth Leadership Grants each year. and also Blue Ridge Parkways. Sarah linians when President Trump visits. Since 1933, Meninak has also spon- is well suited for this position as she My wife, Roxanne, and I were grateful becomes the 18th chief ranger in more to welcome President Trump at the Co- sored the Ocean Marathon Swim, a 3.5- mile swim competition for members of than 100 years of Yellowstone National lumbia Metropolitan Airport at Spring- Park. dale with Governor Henry McMaster the American Red Cross Volunteer Life Saving Corps at Jacksonville Beach. When asked to describe her leader- and First Lady Peggy McMaster; Lieu- ship qualities, the superintendent said: tenant Governor Pamela Evette and Their many charitable works include ‘‘She is an outstanding leader, with a her husband, David; and Senator TIM building affordable homes for those in track record of high performance, stra- SCOTT. The President was warmly wel- need, working with the Salvation tegic thinking, and collaboration.’’ comed. Army during Christmastime, and men- Mr. Speaker, please join me in con- I am grateful to Benedict College toring local disadvantaged folks in gratulating Sarah Davis of Lexington, President Roslyn Clark Artis for her Jacksonville. North Carolina, on her new position at dedicated service. I congratulate the Meninak Club for Yellowstone National Park. We wish In conclusion, God bless our troops, 100 years of ‘‘lending help where none her the best of luck. and we will never forget September the is available.’’ f 11th in the global war on terrorism. SUPPORT ARMENIAN GENOCIDE f RESOLUTION f (Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts asked MAKING HIGHER EDUCATION AC- and was given permission to address FUND THE NEXT GENERATION OF CESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE the House for 1 minute.) SKILLED WORKERS FOR ALL STUDENTS Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. Mr. (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given (Mr. MORELLE asked and was given Speaker, I rise today in strong support permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 of H. Res. 296 that commemorates the minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- Armenian genocide through official marks.) marks.) recognition and remembrance. Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, in More than 100 years ago, an esti- Mr. MORELLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise mated 1.5 million Armenians were mas- Rhode Island and across the country, today to highlight a critical piece of the manufacturing industry employs sacred by the Ottoman Empire. There legislation that my colleagues and I in is no argument that this undeniable Americans in high-paying, high-skilled the Committee on Education and Labor jobs while driving innovation and bol- crime against humanity occurred. It is are currently marking up next door, not an opinion or an interpretation of stering our national defense. the College Affordability Act. Unfortunately, manufacturers in my events. It is fact. For too many students across our Na- home State have informed me that Yet, despite the overwhelming con- tion, the dream of pursuing higher edu- they can’t find enough qualified can- sensus of historians and scholars, there cation remains out of reach. Rising tui- didates to fill job openings, and their are those who would deny the awful tion costs and financially debilitating current workforce is aging. This is truth that this was a genocide. To loans prevent young people from reach- something that is facing manufactur- those, I would say if you do not recog- ing their full potential, and that is ers, I know, across the country. nize the darkest pages of history, you simply unacceptable. will never fully learn the lessons they To address this challenge, I have That is why we are working to pro- hold. been a strong advocate for career and Today, I stand with my constituents technical education, and yesterday, I vide relief for students through the College Affordability Act. This reau- from across my district, but particu- introduced the Retain Innovation and larly from Watertown, Massachusetts, Manufacturing Excellence Act. thorization of the Higher Education Act restores Federal investments in home to a thriving Armenian diaspora This bill, which is a companion to my public colleges, increases the value of community, to urge this House to pass good friend Senator SHELDON WHITE- grant opportunities, and makes stu- H. Res. 296 and recognize this crime HOUSE’s bill in the Senate, will help dent loans easier to pay off. against humanity for what it was, a manufacturers train new workers by genocide. providing funds to retain retiring em- Nothing should stand in the way of f ployees long enough to train their re- the success of our children’s edu- placements. cational opportunities, especially not RECOGNIZE OCTOBER AS GERMAN- Our Nation’s manufacturers are a the fear of crippling long-term debt. AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH cornerstone of our economy, and I am Mr. Speaker, I am on my way back to (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania proud to introduce this bill during the committee room to continue our asked and was given permission to ad- Manufacturing Month to build the next work to make higher education acces- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- generation of skilled workers. sible and affordable for all students. vise and extend his remarks.)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.012 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. ment printed in part A of the report of the the bill and amendments thereto to final Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Committee on Rules accompanying this res- passage without intervening motion except October as German-American Heritage olution, shall be considered as adopted in the one motion to recommit with or without in- Month. I am proud to co-chair the Con- House and in the Committee of the Whole. structions. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as SEC. 3. At any time after adoption of this gressional German-American Caucus the original bill for the purpose of further resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to with my good friend and colleague Con- amendment under the five-minute rule and clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House gressman BILL KEATING. The mission of shall be considered as read. All points of resolved into the Committee of the Whole the caucus focuses on highlighting Ger- order against provisions in the bill, as House on the state of the Union for consider- man contributions to our country. amended, are waived. No further amendment ation of the bill (H.R. 2181) to provide for the This past summer, Congressman to the bill, as amended, shall be in order ex- withdrawal and protection of certain Federal cept those printed in part B of the report of KEATING and I introduced H. Res. 446, a land in the State of New Mexico. The first the Committee on Rules. Each such further bipartisan resolution recognizing the reading of the bill shall be dispensed with. amendment may be offered only in the order All points of order against consideration of importance of the alliance between the printed in the report, may be offered only by the bill are waived. General debate shall be United States and Germany and to un- a Member designated in the report, shall be confined to the bill and amendments speci- derscore our shared commitment to de- considered as read, shall be debatable for the fied in this section and shall not exceed one mocracy. The resolution reaffirms our time specified in the report equally divided hour equally divided and controlled by the support of the Wunderbar Together ini- and controlled by the proponent and an op- chair and ranking minority member of the tiative, which brings together more ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, Committee on Natural Resources. After gen- and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- eral debate the bill shall be considered for than 250 partners nationwide for more sion of the question in the House or in the than 1,000 different events to celebrate amendment under the five-minute rule. The Committee of the Whole. All points of order amendment printed in part D of the report of German American contributions to cul- against such further amendments are the Committee on Rules accompanying this ture, science, arts, business, and more. waived. At the conclusion of consideration of resolution shall be considered as adopted in Today, there are more than 50 mil- the bill for amendment the Committee shall the House and in the Committee of the lion Americans of German descent liv- rise and report the bill, as amended, to the Whole. The bill, as amended, shall be consid- ing in the United States. Our relation- House with such further amendments as may ered as read. All points of order against pro- have been adopted. The previous question ship is one of common values, shared visions in the bill, as amended, are waived. shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as No further amendment to the bill, as amend- interest, and rich history. amended, and on any further amendment Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to ed, shall be in order except those printed in thereto to final passage without intervening part E of the report of the Committee on join Congressman KEATING and I in motion except one motion to recommit with Rules. Each such further amendment may be supporting H. Res. 446 and celebrating or without instructions. offered only in the order printed in the re- SEC. 2. At any time after adoption of this our longstanding relationship with port, may be offered only by a Member des- resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to Germany as friends and allies. ignated in the report, shall be considered as clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House read, shall be debatable for the time speci- f resolved into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for consider- fied in the report equally divided and con- b 1215 ation of the bill (H.R. 1373) to protect, for trolled by the proponent and an opponent, current and future generations, the water- shall not be subject to amendment, and shall PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION shed, ecosystem, and cultural heritage of the not be subject to a demand for division of the OF H.R. 823, COLORADO OUTDOOR Grand Canyon region in the State of Ari- question in the House or in the Committee of RECREATION AND ECONOMY zona, and for other purposes. The first read- the Whole. All points of order against such ACT; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- ing of the bill shall be dispensed with. All further amendments are waived. At the con- ATION OF H.R. 1373, GRAND CAN- points of order against consideration of the clusion of consideration of the bill for bill are waived. General debate shall be con- amendment the Committee shall rise and re- YON CENTENNIAL PROTECTION port the bill, as amended, to the House with ACT; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- fined to the bill and shall not exceed one hour equally divided and controlled by the such further amendments as may have been ATION OF H.R. 2181, CHACO CUL- chair and ranking minority member of the adopted. The previous question shall be con- TURAL HERITAGE AREA PRO- Committee on Natural Resources. After gen- sidered as ordered on the bill, as amended, TECTION ACT OF 2019; AND PRO- eral debate the bill shall be considered for and on any further amendment thereto to VIDING FOR PROCEEDINGS DUR- amendment under the five-minute rule. It final passage without intervening motion ex- ING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEM- shall be in order to consider as an original cept one motion to recommit with or with- BER 1, 2019, THROUGH NOVEMBER bill for the purpose of amendment under the out instructions. SEC. 4. On any legislative day during the 11, 2019 five-minute rule the amendment in the na- ture of a substitute recommended by the period from November 1, 2019, through No- Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, by di- Committee on Natural Resources now print- vember 11, 2019— rection of the Committee on Rules, I ed in the bill. The committee amendment in (a) the Journal of the proceedings of the call up House Resolution 656 and ask the nature of a substitute shall be considered previous day shall be considered as approved; for its immediate consideration. as read. All points of order against the com- and mittee amendment in the nature of a sub- (b) the Chair may at any time declare the The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- House adjourned to meet at a date and time, lows: stitute are waived. No amendment to the committee amendment in the nature of a within the limits of clause 4, section 5, arti- H. RES. 656 substitute shall be in order except those cle I of the Constitution, to be announced by Resolved, That at any time after adoption printed in part C of the report of the Com- the Chair in declaring the adjournment. of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant mittee on Rules accompanying this resolu- SEC. 5. The Speaker may appoint Members to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the tion. Each such amendment may be offered to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- House resolved into the Committee of the only in the order printed in the report, may ration of the period addressed by section 4 of Whole House on the state of the Union for be offered only by a Member designated in this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of consideration of the bill (H.R. 823) to provide the report, shall be considered as read, shall rule I. for the designation of certain wilderness be debatable for the time specified in the re- SEC. 6. Each day during the period ad- areas, recreation management areas, and port equally divided and controlled by the dressed by section 4 of this resolution shall conservation areas in the State of Colorado, proponent and an opponent, shall not be sub- not constitute a calendar or legislative day and for other purposes. The first reading of ject to amendment, and shall not be subject for purposes of clause 7(c)(1) of rule XXII. the bill shall be dispensed with. All points of to a demand for division of the question in SEC. 7. Each day during the period ad- order against consideration of the bill are the House or in the Committee of the Whole. dressed by section 4 of this resolution shall waived. General debate shall be confined to All points of order against such amendments not constitute a legislative day for purposes the bill and amendments specified in this are waived. At the conclusion of consider- of clause 7 of rule XV. section and shall not exceed one hour equal- ation of the bill for amendment the Com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ly divided and controlled by the chair and mittee shall rise and report the bill to the tlewoman from Florida is recognized ranking minority member of the Committee House with such amendments as may have for 1 hour. on Natural Resources. After general debate been adopted. Any Member may demand a Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, for the the bill shall be considered for amendment separate vote in the House on any amend- under the five-minute rule. The amendment ment adopted in the Committee of the Whole purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- in the nature of a substitute recommended to the bill or to the committee amendment tomary 30 minutes to the gentlewoman by the Committee on Natural Resources now in the nature of a substitute. The previous from Arizona (Mrs. LESKO), pending printed in the bill, modified by the amend- question shall be considered as ordered on which I yield myself such time as I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.014 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8551 may consume. During consideration of mately 1 million acres of public land Arizona currently produces $6.6 bil- this resolution, all time yielded is for surrounding Grand Canyon National lion in nonfuel minerals, which makes the purpose of debate only. Park, the crown jewel of our National it the second largest State in the pro- GENERAL LEAVE Park System—of course, not counting duction of minerals in the United Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, I ask Everglades National Park or Biscayne States. Yet, this bill would perma- unanimous consent that all Members National Park in south Florida. nently lock up about 1 million acres of may have 5 legislative days in which to In south Florida, we are all too fa- public lands in Arizona, hampering the revise and extend their remarks. miliar with what can happen if we fail economic potential of my State. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there to protect our most vulnerable and The area impacted by this bill also objection to the request of the gentle- most unique lands and waters. Whether contains the largest tract of uranium woman from Florida? the Everglades, Big Cypress, and the deposits in the country. Restricting ac- There was no objection. Miami River or the Grand Canyon, cess to these deposits puts our national Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, the Chaco Culture National Historical security at risk because we have to Rules Committee met last night and Park, and public lands in Colorado, we rely on foreign countries to provide us reported House Resolution 656, pro- have a deep obligation to conserve and uranium. viding for consideration of H.R. 823, the restore these lands. And science tells It is also important to note that Colorado Outdoor Recreation and us, as the climate crisis intensifies, much of the lands affected by this bill Economy Act; H.R. 1373, the Grand these efforts have never been more ur- are in Arizona’s Fourth Congressional Canyon Centennial Protection Act; and gent. District, represented by my good H.R. 2181, the Chaco Cultural Heritage Mr. Speaker, I proudly support these friend, Congressman GOSAR. Yet, Mr. Protection Act, each under a struc- historic steps forward. Let us pass GOSAR has expressed very clear opposi- tured rule. these bills. tion to this bill. The rule provides each bill with 1 Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of These three bills ignore the economic hour of general debate equally divided my time. benefits of domestic energy production. and controlled by the chair and the Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, I thank Energy development brings high-pay- ranking member of the Committee on Representative SHALALA for yielding ing jobs, facilitates manufacturing and Natural Resources. The rule makes in me the customary 30 minutes, and I investment, and provides government order 13 amendments total: 10 Repub- yield myself such time as I may con- revenues. Energy development in the lican amendments and 3 Democratic sume. United States also makes energy more amendments. The rule also provides Mr. Speaker, energy and mining are affordable for everyone. each bill with a motion to recommit. critical drivers of the American econ- The average salary paid in the nat- Finally, the rule provides recess in- omy and quality of life. These indus- ural gas and oil development fields is structions from November 1 through tries create thousands of well-paying $113,000 a year; and the energy industry November 11. jobs. supports 300,000 jobs. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support The United States cannot reach or Domestic oil production has allowed of the bills in this rule: H.R. 823, H.R. sustain our potential without devel- Americans to spend 28 percent less in 1373, and H.R. 2181. These important oping our natural resources. But, fuel, resulting in nearly $1,000 in sav- bills recognize the need to protect today, we are debating three bills that ings per family in 2017 alone. To my unique and irreplaceable American put American energy, American qual- constituents, that is a lot of money. landscapes—public lands that belong to ity of life, and American national secu- I believe in an all-of-the-above en- all of us, not to the highest bidder and rity at risk. ergy approach. In my home State of not to any individual Representative or It seems just yesterday that I was Arizona, this is a reality and a neces- party. here at this very same podium speak- sity. We have to rely on multiple and President Theodore Roosevelt once ing much of these same words. In fact, diverse energy sources to ensure afford- said: ‘‘Of all the questions which can it was just last month. At that time, I able and reliable energy. come before this Nation . . . there is spoke out against bills banning off- I support nuclear, hydroelectric, none which compares in importance shore drilling. coal, sun, wind, and other alternative with the great central task of leaving Now this majority wants to pass sources, and I also support domestic oil this land even a better land for our de- sweeping bans on even more domestic and natural gas production. scendants than it is for us.’’ natural resources. This time they want An all-of-the-above approach, like And that is what these three bills at- to ban American energy from Colorado, that in Arizona, would benefit Amer- tempt to do. They represent the cul- New Mexico, and my home State of Ar- ican families and their quality of life. mination of years of locally driven ef- izona. In contrast, the bans that the Demo- forts. These bills protect some of our As I said last month, they want to crats propose would harm the U.S. most iconic lands and resources. ban it all; and American families, in- economy, threaten our national secu- H.R. 823 is the result of collaborative cluding Arizona families, will pay the rity, and increase energy prices and efforts among a diverse set of local price. rates on consumers. stakeholders with a shared interest in b 1230 I urge opposition to the rule, and I providing long-term protections for reserve the balance of my time. public lands in Colorado. The bill H.R. 823 withdraws areas in Colorado Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, I have builds on earlier proposals to protect from mineral development. This bill no further speakers. I am prepared to roughly 400,000 acres of public lands for particularly impacts its Third Congres- close. the benefit of the people of Colorado sional District, represented by Con- I reserve the balance of my time. and all Americans. gressman SCOTT TIPTON. Sixty-five per- Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, I yield H.R. 2181 would withdraw lands with- cent of the lands affected by this bill myself such time as I may consume. in a longstanding, 10-mile buffer zone are in his district, yet, this bill does If we defeat the previous question, I around the Chaco Culture National not have his support, nor the support of will offer an amendment to the rule to Historical Park. This withdrawal any of the Republican members of the make in order a resolution to prevent would protect an ancestral site for the Colorado delegation. any moratorium on the use of hydrau- Puebloan and Tribal communities. It Similarly, H.R. 2181 withdraws Fed- lic fracking on Federal lands unless au- would prevent damage to previously eral lands in New Mexico from resource thorized by Congress. undiscovered cultural resources. Chaco development. It also terminates all Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- Culture National Historical Park, a non-producing oil and gas leases on sent to insert into the RECORD the text UNESCO World Heritage Site, was the those lands. of my amendment, along with extra- hub of trade and culture for thousands Finally, H.R. 1373, I believe, is a neous material, immediately prior to of ancestral Puebloans from 1850 to 1250 misleadingly-titled land grab that the vote on the previous question. A.D. deals with land far outside the Grand The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Lastly, H.R. 1373 would permanently Canyon. I believe it is deeply mis- objection to the request of the gentle- prohibit new mining claims on approxi- guided. woman from Arizona?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.016 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 There was no objection. cans, and they are just too precious to PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, this reso- exploit. OF H. RES. 296, AFFIRMING THE lution would affirm that States should I would like to close, once again, by UNITED STATES RECORD ON THE maintain primacy for the regulation of quoting our conservation President, ARMENIAN GENOCIDE hydraulic fracturing and prevent any Teddy Roosevelt. ‘‘We have fallen heirs Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, by di- President from imposing a ban on hy- to the most glorious heritage a people rection of the Committee on Rules, I draulic fracturing. ever received, and each one must do his call up House Resolution 655 and ask In recent weeks, many of the Demo- part if we wish to show that the Nation for its immediate consideration. cratic candidates for President have is worthy of this good fortune.’’ The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- pledged to ban hydraulic fracturing in lows: the United States, a campaign promise Mr. Speaker, today we are doing our part. H. RES. 655 straight out of the ‘‘keep it in the Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- ground’’ playbook. Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on lution it shall be in order without interven- While this widely-used practice is the rule and the previous question. tion of any point of order to consider in the often vilified by extreme environ- The material previously referred to House the resolution (H. Res. 296) affirming mentalists and proponents of the Green the United States record on the Armenian by Mrs. LESKO is as follows: New Deal, in fact, hydraulic fracturing Genocide. The resolution shall be considered is heavily regulated by the States and AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 656 as read. The previous question shall be con- governed by stringent industry stand- sidered as ordered on the resolution and pre- At the end of the resolution, add the fol- amble to adoption without intervening mo- ards throughout the country. lowing: tion or demand for division of the question American households and businesses except one hour of debate equally divided have benefited significantly from the SEC. 8. That immediately upon adoption of this resolution, the House shall resolve into and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- shale gas revolution. After the intro- the Committee of the Whole House on the nority member of the Committee on Foreign duction of hydraulic fracturing tech- state of the Union for consideration of the Affairs. niques, U.S. gas bills fell by $13 billion resolution (H. Res. 659) affirming that States The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- collectively every year from 2007–2013. should maintain primacy for the regulation tleman from Massachusetts is recog- All the while, natural gas production of hydraulic fracturing for oil and natural nized for 1 hour. using fracking is driving emissions re- gas production on State and private lands Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, for ductions, resulting in the lowest emis- and that the President should not declare a the purpose of debate only, I yield the sion levels in a generation. In fact, moratorium on the use of hydraulic frac- customary 30 minutes to the gen- methane emissions have decreased 15 turing on Federal lands (including the Outer Continental Shelf), State lands, private tleman from Texas (Mr. BURGESS), percent since 1990 as natural gas pro- lands, or lands held in trust for an Indian pending which I yield myself such time duction increased over 50 percent. Tribe unless such moratorium is authorized as I may consume. During consider- Thanks to hydraulic fracturing, the by an Act of Congress. The first reading of ation of this resolution, all time yield- U.S. is leading the way in emissions re- the resolution shall be dispensed with. All ed is for the purpose of debate only. ductions through innovation in the en- points of order against consideration of the GENERAL LEAVE resolution are waived. General debate shall ergy sector. In 2017, U.S. carbon emis- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I ask be confined to the resolution and shall not sions reached the lowest level since unanimous consent that all Members 1992, and per capita emissions reached exceed one hour equally divided and con- trolled by the chair and ranking minority be given 5 legislative days to revise and the lowest level since 1950. member of the Committee on Natural Re- extend their remarks. Also, banning domestic oil and gas sources. After general debate the resolution The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there production will return the U.S. to a shall be considered for amendment under the objection to the request of the gen- time when we relied on foreign coun- five-minute rule. All points of order against tleman from Massachusetts? tries for oil and gas. Remember the provisions in the resolution are waived. There was no objection. 1970s? We do not want to put our coun- When the committee rises and reports the Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on try in a national security risk. resolution back to the House with a rec- Monday, the Rules Committee met and Mr. Speaker, in closing, the bills be- ommendation that the resolution be adopted, reported a rule, House Resolution 655, fore us today are harmful to American the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the resolution and amendments providing for consideration of H. Res. jobs, American quality of life, and thereto to adoption without intervening mo- 296 under a closed rule. American security. The message under- tion. If the Committee of the Whole rises and This resolution also provides 1 hour lying these bills is the false notion that reports that it has come to no resolution on of general debate controlled by the domestic energy production is harmful. the resolution, then on the next legislative Chair and ranking minority member of I cannot disagree more. Domestic en- day the House shall, immediately after the the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ergy production creates hundreds of third daily order of business under clause 1 Mr. Speaker, this rule is about U.S. thousands of well-paying jobs, lowers of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of leadership, standing for human rights, electricity bills, and prevents us from the Whole for further consideration of the and whether we are going to turn a resolution. being dependent on foreign actors. blind eye to atrocities, even if they Utilizing America’s natural resources SEC. 9. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not took place 100 years ago. is a commonsense step for America’s apply to the consideration of H. Res. 659. H. Res. 296 is a resolution formally energy future. America must be able to Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, I yield recognizing and memorializing the Ar- utilize its natural resources for our back the balance of my time, and I menian genocide. And let me say, it is economy and for our national security. move the previous question on the res- about time. 1.5 million Armenians died We should encourage an expansion of olution. at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in domestic energy production, but, in- the emerging Nation of Turkey over a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The stead, my Democrat colleagues in the century ago. Tens of thousands of Ar- question is on ordering the previous majority seek to limit them. menians were violently expelled from question. Mr. Speaker, I urge ‘‘no’’ on the pre- their ancestral homelands. vious question, ‘‘no’’ on the underlying The question was taken; and the These truths are important. Ac- measure, and I yield back the balance Speaker pro tempore announced that knowledging them is important. Yet, of my time. the ayes appeared to have it. the United States has only tinkered Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, on that I around the edges of recognizing this re- myself the balance of my time. demand the yeas and nays. ality. Some of our Nation’s closest al- Mr. Speaker, with all due respect to lies already have—31 nations, in fact— my distinguished colleague and friend The yeas and nays were ordered. countries like Canada, Italy, France, from Arizona, these bills recognize that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Poland, Sweden, Germany, even Russia some places, lands that belong to Colo- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- have recognized this genocide. radans, to Arizonans, to the ancestral ceedings on this question will be post- Mr. Speaker, here is a map of those Pueblo peoples, belong to all Ameri- poned. nations, and you can tell that the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.017 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8553 United States stands out; and I say Instead of standing up for the people we voted last night in the Rules Com- that with great sadness. who have fought alongside U.S. troops mittee to bring this to the floor today. White House statements and Con- in Syria, President Trump gave Turkey Representative SCHIFF introduced this gressional resolutions over the years the green light to try and wipe the resolution on April 8 of this year, 2019, have referred to mass atrocities and Kurds off the map. The President even so we are left to wonder why we wait other euphemisms; but nothing in re- complimented President Erdogan, call- until there are 11 legislative days until cent times has fully recognized it by ing him a friend, a tough man, a hell of expiration of the continuing resolution calling it what it actually was, a geno- a leader. to fund the entirety of the Government cide. Just last week, 9 days after the of the United States on the discre- Mr. Speaker, we need to speak the President first announced sanctions tionary side, why we are willing to sus- truth. Forty-nine of our 50 States have against Turkey, he unilaterally lifted pend that to consider a nonbinding res- formally recognized the Armenian all the sanctions against Turkey—9 olution. genocide, but the Federal Government days. Are you kidding me? Democrats continue to bring to the has not. Never in my life did I think I would floor legislation that is either not ur- This is a dark stain on our human see the day when a President of the gent or has no chance of passing the rights record. The United States should United States would pave the way for a Senate and becoming law. There are bi- stand foursquare for human rights. nation to systematically slaughter our partisan policy areas in which Repub- Anything short of that sends exactly allies, remove sanctions from a coun- licans stand ready to work with Demo- the wrong message to abusers around try engaging in ethnic cleansing with- crats for the benefit of the American the globe. out holding anyone to account, or put Mr. Speaker, I represent a congres- people. The most pressing issue, of U.S. troops stationed abroad in harm’s course, is the continuing resolution ex- sional district in central Massachu- way all while giving Russia not only a setts. It is home to the oldest Arme- piration. PR victory but control over territory While the House did pass 10 of the 12 nian community in America. The first that just days before had been safe, se- Armenian orthodox church in America appropriations bills, they were con- cure, and free from the control of ISIS structed largely without Republican was built in Worcester, Massachusetts, terrorists and Assad’s murderous re- my hometown. People still worship in input on the Appropriations Com- gime. mittee, resulting in highly partisan it today. Standing up for human rights is not When I was first elected in 1996, we provisions that actually prevented any a Democratic or Republican issue; it is had rows and rows of pews filled with Republicans from being able to support an American issue. Even in an age of survivors of the Armenian genocide sit- these bills when they came to the floor. heightened partisanship, this Congress ting at the front of the church during One of the most important appropria- must still be capable of speaking with our annual April remembrance of the tions bills providing funding for the one voice against genocide and crimes Armenian genocide. Sadly, almost 2 Department of Homeland Security has against humanity, no matter when years ago, the last of our survivors, not received consideration by the full they took place. I urge all of my col- Rose, passed away. House. We are facing a humanitarian leagues to support this rule and the un- I have learned so much from this and security crisis at our southern bor- derlying resolution so we can show the community. And to those who insist der. That is real. That is right now. world that we still are. that now is not the time for us to rec- This situation got so bad in early sum- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ognize the Armenian genocide; I have mer that Congress had to pass a supple- my time. to ask in return, when will it be the Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I thank mental appropriations bill to last right time? When the very last sur- year’s appropriation just to provide the Mr. MCGOVERN for yielding me the cus- vivor of the genocide has passed away? basic necessities for those in the Cus- tomary 30 minutes, and I yield myself Those who want the world to forget, toms and Border Protection custody. such time as I may consume. those who want to deny genocide, they Mr. Speaker, today, we consider a While this temporary funding influx believe that history will be erased with resolution to once again assert the po- helped alleviate a number of people in the last eyewitness to genocide. our border facilities and the Office of Mr. Speaker, I must be honest. As sition of the House of Representatives with respect to the Armenian genocide Refugee Resettlement shelters, it did many political leaders have proclaimed not make any policy changes that ‘‘never again’’ over the years, the Ar- that occurred between 1915 and 1923. This resolution cites previous United would actually address the root cause menian American community has been of this crisis. left to wonder when ‘‘never again’’ States recognition of the killing of Ar- menians, including in 1951, 1975, 1981, If Democrats are unwilling to provide would finally become ‘‘enough is funding to secure our border, we should enough.’’ and 1984. Numerous resolutions have been in- consider disincentivizing people from b 1245 troduced in the House and Senate that making the dangerous journey in the With this resolution, the United did not pass both Chambers. In addi- first place. There are people who die States will join the ranks of the many tion, Congress has twice designated along the way. Others are seriously in- nations, parliaments, and institutions April 24 as a National Day of Remem- jured or become ill. Still others become that have fully recognized and com- brance of Man’s Inhumanity to Man, victims of human trafficking. memorated the Armenian genocide. We specifically referencing Armenia. The Additionally, the cartels are prof- will speak out clearly in favor of United States has clearly indicated its iting big time off of these vulnerable human rights. Finally, we will say loud support to the Armenians. individuals, taking a cut from two- and clear that enough is enough. While there is historic precedent for thirds of southern border flows. The Mr. Speaker, as we acknowledge this recognizing the Armenian genocide, penalty for not paying off the cartel is genocide from 100 years ago, I am glad passing such a resolution today could death. Rather than incentivize this this House is separately considering complicate the situation with a NATO type of activity, could we not focus our H.R. 4695 on suspension this week. This ally. Previously, this has resulted in efforts on combating the drivers of ir- bill recognizes the blood that is being protests at and around the Incirlik Air regular migration from El Salvador, spilled today in northern Syria. Be- Base that have affected our men and Guatemala, and Honduras? We can also cause of Turkey’s ruthless aggression, women in uniform who were stationed send a message that if you come to the hundreds of civilians have been killed. there. United States without legal docu- Thousands more have been displaced. While the desire to recognize the Ar- mentation, you will not be permitted Erdogan’s government has targeted menian genocide is laudable, these to remain herein definitely. the Kurds, one of our strongest and events took place over 100 years ago. It To change this, Congress could pass a most courageous allies in the fight remains unclear why we are urgently bill to reform our asylum laws and pro- against ISIS. What is going on there considering this resolution. The Com- vide more resources to clear the back- can only be described as ethnic cleans- mittee on Foreign Affairs did not con- log of immigration cases, a backlog ing. duct a hearing or hold a markup before that is approaching 1 million cases.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.021 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 Another area where Congress could Canada Agreement on trade, the I don’t know if the gentleman was in be spending our valuable time is dis- USMCA. This was negotiated to replace the Rules Committee last night when cussing solutions for the cost of pre- the North American Free Trade Agree- our colleague from California, ANNA scriptions and pharmaceuticals. There ment. This agreement is possibly the ESHOO, movingly and tearfully talked is bipartisan consensus that we could most impactful policy that Congress about her family’s experiences during cap out-of-pocket costs for our seniors could pass this year. that time, when she lost ancestors and in Medicare part D. This is a policy The administration has negotiated her parents came to the United States that we can and should draft together. with Canada and Mexico over the past to try to have a better life. But I don’t In fact, we had a bipartisan Committee 2 years to produce the best trade deal know how we can just kind of brush on Energy and Commerce and Com- possible. The USMCA increases market this off as not a big deal. mittee on Ways and Means request for access for American exports. It levels It is a big deal. It is a big deal to Ar- information on the topic of restruc- the playing field for the American menian Americans, and it is a big deal turing part D last May. worker and brings important intellec- to anybody who cares about human If we work together in a thoughtful, tual property protections into the 21st rights in this country. bipartisan, bicameral manner on re- century. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the structuring the part D benefit, the Millions of jobs and billions of dol- gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. President would sign that legislation. lars’ worth of trade are waiting on the SHALALA), a distinguished member of He has even said that is a top priority. passage of this bill. If Speaker PELOSI the Rules Committee. brought the USMCA to the floor today, And our constituents would see lower b 1300 out-of-pocket drug costs. it would pass before the week was out. But what do we get? We get H.R. 3, Unfortunately, the Democratic major- Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, I thank Speaker PELOSI’s partisan drug pricing ity is slow-walking this USMCA and the gentleman for yielding. bill, which sidelines achievable drug doing harm to our Nation’s farmers, Mr. Speaker, I rise to support the pricing policies that were in the works workers, and small businesses. There is resolution affirming the United States’ prior to the release of H.R. 3. no reason to continue to delay a vote record on the Armenian genocide. This Additionally, last week marked the on this agreement. resolution is long overdue on the geno- 1-year anniversary of President In addition, securing the USMCA cide of 1.5 million Armenians and thou- Trump’s signing the SUPPORT Act would give the United States addi- sands of Maronites, Chaldeans, Ama- into law. This legislation provides real- tional authority with the ongoing ne- lekites, Assyrians, and others who were istic solutions that span the breadth of gotiations with China. part of the Ottoman Empire. Providing full appropriations for the the opiate crisis, from prevention and Mr. Speaker, my grandparents left Federal Government, addressing the treatment to education and enforce- the Ottoman Empire to escape that humanitarian and security crisis at our ment. This legislation will improve genocide just ahead, but their relatives southern border, working to lower pre- treatment for those with substance use were not as lucky. My grandparents scription drug prices and provide con- disorders, fight deadly fentanyl, bolster were Maronites. tinued support to combat the opioid the efforts of our agents at the inter- I remember my grandmother’s tears epidemic, negotiating a strong Federal national mail facilities, and provide as she spoke of their Armenian friends privacy law, and passing the USMCA and the many Maronites and Amalek- vital resources for new and innovative are all urgent policy priorities that alternatives for the treatment of pain. ites who were slaughtered by the Otto- could receive bipartisan support. And man Empire. In a time when our country seems so yet, we are delaying action on these divided, Congress was able to put polit- As a child, I remember the tears and necessary measures to consider a non- the suffering of our Armenian neigh- ical differences aside and put patients urgent, nonbinding resolution that first to find solutions to address this bors and the many members of the simply reaffirms what has remained other communities whose tears I could crisis. clear United States policy regarding As it stands now, the SUPPORT Act not erase. Armenia. As a child, I could not erase those is another tool in the toolbox for com- I hope my fellow Democrats on the tears, but for them, I proudly support munities and Federal agencies to suc- Rules Committee and in the House of this resolution. cessfully combat the opioid epidemic. Representatives will soon prioritize Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I re- We could be having discussions on how legislation that will help the American to build on that success and ensure people. I urge opposition to the rule, serve the balance of my time. timely and effective implementation of and I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield the SUPPORT Act so we could con- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Cali- tinue to help those affected by the myself such time as I may consume. fornia (Mr. SHERMAN), who has been a more than 130 American overdose My colleague from Texas talked leader on this issue for many years. deaths each and every day. Instead, we about a lot of different subjects in his Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, after are spending our time considering a opening remarks. I have to say that I decades of struggle, this House will rec- nonurgent, nonbinding resolution. am a little bit disappointed—well, ognize the Armenian genocide just in American consumers are concerned more than a little bit. I am dis- time for it to be seen by the last few about their online privacy. The passage appointed and somewhat offended at survivors of the first genocide of the of California’s Consumer Privacy Act the implication that this is not an im- 20th century. has led to a patchwork of State privacy portant matter. We should have recognized that geno- laws that do not reflect the reality Let me remind him that 1.5 million cide again and again long ago, but we that the internet doesn’t know State Armenians died at the hands of the didn’t because we were told that we lines. Ottoman Empire and the emerging na- had a great alliance with Turkey. We need one national standard, per- tion of Turkey. Let me remind him of Earlier this month, Turkish forces haps consider Federal preemption, and the countless hundreds of thousands of shelled near and deliberately bracketed promote a cross-border data flow as people who had to flee because of that American bases. Americans fled in un- American businesses seek to do busi- oppression. Let me also remind him seemly haste. Great ally. ness at home and abroad. You could that it is not the official policy of the It has been a great alliance for Tur- even argue that e-commerce is the rea- United States Government. If it were, key. We defended them from com- son that the Founders drafted the Com- that map that I showed you would have munism in the 1940s, defended them merce Clause in the first place. included us as a nation formally recog- from the Soviet Union for decades, and Again, Republicans stand ready to nizing the Armenian genocide. provided them with $23 billion in aid. work with Democrats, but we have not My friend may not think it is impor- It is critical that we counteract Tur- been invited to engage in any sub- tant, but as somebody who cares deeply key’s genocide denial, because genocide stantive discussions. about human rights, it is important denial is the last act of a genocide— Congress also could pass and, in fact, that we respect historical accuracy and first you obliterate a people, then you must pass the United States-Mexico- that we respect the truth. seek to obliterate their memory, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.023 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8555 finally you seek to obliterate the mem- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Turkey has a long history of repress- ory of the obliteration—and because 3 minutes to the gentleman from New ing ethnic minorities, including the genocide denial is also the first step in Jersey (Mr. PALLONE), the co-chair of Kurds, whom they are killing as we the next genocide. the Congressional Caucus on Armenian speak. And it doesn’t matter whether When Hitler’s cadres wondered if Issues. they are Christians or Muslims; many they could get away with the Holo- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I thank of the Kurds are their Muslim breth- caust, he was able to assure them: Mr. MCGOVERN for bringing this rule up ren. Who, after all, speaks today of the an- today, and I rise in support of the rule I am also a strong supporter of the nihilation of the Armenians? to bring up the Armenian genocide res- bipartisan Turkey sanctions bill that We must recognize this genocide to olution. will also be considered this week. remove the stain on America’s honor As said—and I just came It is unfortunate that it took the because, up until now, we have refused back from Armenia at the same time— abandonment of our allies in northern to acknowledge truth and we have been we were at the genocide memorial in Syria to get to this point, but I am silent, all in an effort at appeasement. Yerevan. I was actually there a few pleased to see that we are working The fact is that many other coun- years ago, on the 100th anniversary of across the aisle to finally push back tries have recognized the genocide, in- the genocide, with our two Armenian against the bully that is President cluding Belgium, Canada, Greece, Members of Congress, and Erdogan. Italy, Argentina, and Germany. And . We cannot trust the Turkish, Rus- when France had the courage to pass a I have to say, it was unfortunate for sian, or Syrian Governments to uphold genocide recognition resolution, they us. We were proud to be there for the peace and protect innocent lives in the were threatened with a boycott of all 100th commemoration, but we still region. We must stand up to authori- their exports. In fact, what happened were very upset over the fact that the tarian leaders like Erdogan, Putin, and was a fourfold increase in French ex- United States had not recognized the Assad to defend our regional partners ports to Turkey. Armenian genocide in recent years. and innocent lives. The only thing worse than unneces- And, of course, this has been a goal of Again, Mr. Speaker, I want to thank sary appeasement is appeasing a power the Armenia caucus and the Armenia the chairman for bringing up this rule. diaspora for over 30 years that this day, that will not actually respond. I want to thank Chairman SCHIFF, the Today, Germany is a great and pros- this historic day, would finally occur. sponsor of this resolution; Chairman Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the perous democracy, a great ally of the ENGEL; the House leadership; and other Speaker of the House of Representa- United States. Where would Germany members of the congressional caucus tives, NANCY PELOSI, who has made this be if, to this day, they denied the Holo- for their support of strong American day possible. caust? This resolution is important. It com- leadership and for their work to finally Turkey will be a great ally of the memorates the victims of the Arme- get this passed. United States and a prosperous and nian genocide at the hands of the Otto- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield modern nation only when Turkey rec- man Turks over 104 years after it took myself such time as I may consume. ognizes the first genocide of the 20th place. Mr. Speaker, if we defeat the pre- century. For too long, Congress has failed to vious question, Republicans will amend Mr. Speaker, I commend the gen- recognize the indisputable fact that the the rule to suspend the ongoing im- tleman for bringing up this rule and for Ottoman Turks perpetrated the first peachment inquiry until we achieve answering the question why this is so genocide of the 20th century. This operational control of our southern important to do this today. crime against humanity would serve as border. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I re- the blueprint for other genocides in the As I previously stated, we are experi- serve the balance of my time. Nazi concentration camps and mas- encing a humanitarian and security Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield sacres in Poland, Germany, and eastern crisis on the southern border. In Au- 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Europe and, more recently, in Bosnia gust, Customs and Border Protection California (Ms. JUDY CHU). and Rwanda. apprehended over 64,000 individuals Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Mr. Today, we will finally acknowledge who lacked legal documentation to Speaker, I have just returned from Ar- what historians have documented with enter this country. Apprehensions are menia, where I went to the Armenian clear evidence: that the Turkish cam- on track to reach over 1 million indi- Genocide Museum. I cannot get the pic- paign of slaughter and forced displace- viduals attempting to cross into the tures that I saw out of my mind: Arme- ment of millions of Armenians, Greeks, United States along our southern bor- nian women and children murdered in Assyrians, and other religious minori- der this fiscal year. mass graves, Armenian leaders hung as ties was, in fact, a genocide. The House should prioritize securing examples to others, Armenians forced The passage of this resolution is an our southern border and stemming the onto long death marches without food important step in raising awareness flow of irregular migration over a po- or water. and showing the world that we have a litically motivated impeachment in- There were 1.5 million Armenians commitment to human rights and the quiry. Until operation of the border killed in this genocide in 1915. I saw the dignity of every human life. control is achieved, the House should documents of the many who had wit- In the words of George Santayana: suspend the impeachment inquiry. nessed it, including U.S. diplomat ‘‘Those who cannot remember the past Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- Henry Morgenthau, and yet over 100 are condemned to repeat it.’’ sent to insert the text of my amend- years later, the U.S. has never offi- We stand today to show that the ment in the RECORD, along with extra- cially acknowledged it. House of Representatives will not be neous material, immediately prior to This vote to finally acknowledge the complicit in covering up past atrocities the vote on the previous question. Armenian genocide should have come in the 20th century nor turn our back The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sooner, because of people in my district when ethnic or religious minorities are objection to the request of the gen- like Joseph ‘‘Bebo’’ Manjikian. When I threatened in the 21st century. tleman from Texas? met him, he was 104, but from his We must also urge Turkey to come to There was no objection. wheelchair, he told me about the many terms with its own history and look be- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I re- family members he lost in the geno- yond the thinly veiled facade of denial serve the balance of my time. cide. Bebo passed away before he could that covered up one of the most hor- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield see this day. He didn’t forget them, and rific crimes in world history. myself such time as I may consume. neither can we. We must urge Turkey to join the rest Mr. Speaker, I have to say to the Mr. Speaker, for the sake of Bebo and of the world in recognizing the sanctity gentleman from Texas (Mr. BURGESS) so many others, I urge my colleagues of human life, even if it is someone who that, again, it is frustrating to hear his to vote ‘‘yes’’ on this resolution. doesn’t look like you, speaks a dif- comments. I mean, we are talking Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I re- ferent language, or attends a different about a resolution recognizing the Ar- serve the balance of my time. house of worship. menian genocide; 1.5 million people

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.037 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 were murdered. I think it is generally a Mr. Speaker, I would again urge my bill for this bill that would have passed bipartisan resolution. colleagues, in a bipartisan way, to sup- under suspension when we, in fact, Mr. Speaker, I want to commend not port the underlying bill and to reject have some pretty important things out only Chairman ENGEL and Chairman any attempts to try to politicize this there hanging over us. SMITH, who is a Republican, for their process. One of those things, of course, is testimony before the Rules Committee; And, again, we do this out of respect funding the entire Federal Government I want to thank Congressman SCHIFF, for those victims of the genocide, for so we don’t end up in another govern- who is the main author of this; but our its survivors, for the Armenian Amer- ment shutdown, and the other is to colleague in the Rules Committee, ican community, for the Armenian somehow resolve this question of im- Congresswoman LESKO, came out very community all over the world, and we peachment that has bogged down this strongly in favor of this resolution. do it because the United States of body for months, if not years. It would be nice if there were a cou- America is supposed to be committed Mr. Speaker, as I previously outlined, ple of moments here that didn’t always to a very high standard of human there are other important, time-sen- have to be politicized, and I think this rights. sitive priorities. Once again, we have 11 legislative days remaining before the resolution should be one of those mo- b 1315 ments. continuing resolution expires. In place This is important; this is serious; and If we stand for anything, we need to of a nonurgent, nonbinding resolution, we shouldn’t bring politics into a reso- stand out loud and four square for we could be finding a way to ensure lution dealing with the recognition of a human rights. that our government remains open and genocide. So I obviously have a dif- To not appropriately acknowledge a that Americans continue to receive the ferent opinion on how people should genocide only paves the way for future Federal benefits, services, and pay- vote on the previous question. thugs, dictators, and authoritarians to checks on which they depend. I ask my fellow Democrats to Mr. Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 minutes to commit similar atrocities, believing the gentlewoman from California (Ms. that somehow the United States, the prioritize the needs of the American SA´ NCHEZ). most powerful country in the world, people, and I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the Ms. SA´ NCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise will just look the other way. previous question and ‘‘no’’ on the rule. today in strong support of this resolu- I hope that we have strong, bipar- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tion to recognize the Armenian geno- tisan support on this resolution. of my time. 1 Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield cide. Mr. Speaker, I am happy to yield 1 ⁄2 myself such time as I may consume. This tragedy is one of the most pain- minutes to the gentleman from Oregon The gentleman wonders why we ful moments in our world’s history. We (Mr. BLUMENAUER). didn’t bring this legislation up under owe it to the more than 2 million vic- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I suspension of the rules. To be honest tims and their decendents never to for- appreciate the gentleman’s courtesy, with you, I think there was a concern get. and I appreciate his words. by Democrats and Republicans on the It is heartbreaking that some choose Mr. Speaker, for years, we have Foreign Affairs Committee that we to deny our past rather than to learn danced around this. It is complex with might not have all the votes that we from this painful moment in history. It the Turks, in terms of the relationship needed to pass them under suspension is an insult to millions who died and that we have tried to deal with. But de- nying genocide has not helped resolve of the rules. the millions who risked their lives to Mr. Speaker, the Government of Tur- those issues. It hasn’t changed the be- escape violence. key employs very well-paid lobbyists havior of the Turks. Denial is all too easy. It is harder to here in Washington, and they have Look at what is happening with the face the truth, and facing the truth is been working quite diligently trying to Kurds today. Failure to acknowledge the right thing to do. defeat this. So I hope we have a vote When we rewrite the darkest chap- this horrific episode is a burden for us that is overwhelming, but we don’t ters of our history, we open the door to all—standing up for human rights, ac- know. knowledging the truth, giving a sense them happening again. The United Secondly, I don’t know why the gen- of closure and solace to the people who States cannot be complicit in that de- tleman would object to bringing this endured this horrific activity, and nial. up under a rule. It gives more time for making sure that we are united in our Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Members on both sides of the aisle to opposition to those genocidal activi- send a resounding message to the world be able to speak on this, and a lot of ties. that we stand with the Armenian com- Members do. We had a lot of Democrats Sadly, unless and until the Turks munity: We will not forget; we will not on our side who wanted to speak. We own their history, acknowledge it, they obscure. have others who are going to speak are not going to be able to move past Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield when the underlying bill comes up. So it. This is a chapter that needs a spot- myself 1 minute. I don’t quite get it. light shone on it. Mr. Speaker, I would just point out Let me say, again, for the RECORD, that this Congress has acted on this in I appreciate this formal acknowledg- this is not the official policy of the the past. H.J. Res. 148 passed in the ment by the House of Representatives. United States. If it was, President 94th Congress. A joint resolution to I think it is a first step toward healing, Trump would publicly acknowledge the designate April 24, 1975, as a National and it is an important step toward pre- Armenian genocide. Day of Remembrance of Man’s Inhu- venting tragedies like this in the fu- By the way, I am not picking on manity to Man passed the House April ture. President Trump. The same could be 8, 1975. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to support said for President Obama. I can go And then again, H.J. Res. 247 from it, and I look forward to its passage on right down the list of Presidents. the 98th Congress, a joint resolution to the floor of the House. The deal is, this is not the official designate April 24 as a National Day of Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield policy. If it was, we wouldn’t be here. Remembrance of Man’s Inhumanity to myself the balance of my time. It really is somewhat disappointing Man, passed the House 10 September Mr. Speaker, I also would like to that the gentleman doesn’t quite ap- 1984. point out that the gentleman had said preciate how impactful this is and how Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of that he did not want to see this issue important it is. my time. politicized. I would just simply note Mr. Speaker, the horrors of human Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield that this resolution could have been rights abuses can be mind-numbing, myself such time as I may consume. brought to the floor under suspension whether they occurred 100 years ago, Mr. Speaker, again, it really is frus- of the rules and likely passed with a like the Armenian genocide, or are trating to hear my colleague try and large bipartisan majority under sus- happening today in Syria at the hands dismiss this. There has not been a reso- pension of the rules. of Erdogan’s government. lution calling this a genocide and out- The difficulty that I have today is I get it. It is easier to turn away than lining all the facts before. that we are spending the time on a rule to see the impact of brutality, the loss

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.026 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8557 of life, the maiming of civilians, in- [Roll No. 587] Fleischmann King (NY) Rooney (FL) Flores Kinzinger Rose, John W. cluding children, in the devastated YEAS—224 Fortenberry Kustoff (TN) Rouzer communities. It can turn your stomach Adams Gomez Pallone Foxx (NC) LaHood Roy and break your heart, but we must not Aguilar Gonzalez (TX) Panetta Fulcher LaMalfa Rutherford lose our capacity for outrage. That 1.5 Allred Gottheimer Pappas Gaetz Lamborn Scalise Gallagher Latta Schweikert million Armenians died at the hands of Amash Green, Al (TX) Pascrell Axne Grijalva Payne Gianforte Lesko Scott, Austin Gibbs Loudermilk the Ottoman Empire in the emerging Barraga´ n Haaland Perlmutter Sensenbrenner Gohmert Lucas Shimkus nation of Turkey should outrage all of Bera Harder (CA) Peters Gonzalez (OH) Luetkemeyer Simpson Beyer Hastings Peterson us. Gooden Marshall Smith (MO) Bishop (GA) Hayes Phillips Formally recognizing this genocide is Gosar Massie Smith (NE) Blumenauer Heck Pingree Granger Mast Smith (NJ) the right thing to do. I wish we took Blunt Rochester Higgins (NY) Pocan this step long ago, but it is always the Bonamici Himes Graves (GA) McCarthy Smucker Porter Graves (LA) McCaul Spano right time to do the right thing. Boyle, Brendan Horn, Kendra S. Pressley F. Horsford Graves (MO) McClintock Stauber I urge my colleagues: Let’s speak Price (NC) Green (TN) McHenry Stefanik Brindisi Houlahan Quigley Brown (MD) Hoyer Griffith McKinley Steil with one voice. Let’s join some of our Raskin Brownley (CA) Jackson Lee Grothman Meadows Steube closest allies in recognizing the Arme- Rice (NY) Bustos Jayapal Guest Meuser Stewart Richmond nian genocide. Let’s finally remove Butterfield Jeffries Guthrie Miller Stivers Rose (NY) this dark stain on the record of the Carbajal Johnson (GA) Hagedorn Mitchell Taylor Rouda United States of America. Ca´ rdenas Johnson (TX) Harris Moolenaar Thompson (PA) Roybal-Allard Hartzler Mooney (WV) Thornberry I say this all the time: The core of Carson (IN) Kaptur Case Keating Ruiz Hern, Kevin Mullin Tipton our being as a nation should be uphold- Casten (IL) Kelly (IL) Ruppersberger Herrera Beutler Murphy (NC) Turner ing a high standard of human rights. Castor (FL) Kennedy Rush Higgins (LA) Newhouse Upton Sa´ nchez We should always be counted on to Castro (TX) Khanna Hill (AR) Norman Wagner Chu, Judy Kildee Sarbanes Holding Nunes Walberg speak out when people’s human rights Cicilline Kilmer Scanlon Hollingsworth Olson Walden are being denied. We certainly should Cisneros Kim Schakowsky Hudson Palazzo Walker be counted on to adhere to historical Clark (MA) Kind Schiff Huizenga Palmer Walorski Schneider Hunter Pence Waltz accuracy. Clarke (NY) Kirkpatrick Clay Krishnamoorthi Schrader Hurd (TX) Perry Watkins This happened, and it is time that it Cleaver Kuster (NH) Schrier Johnson (LA) Posey Weber (TX) become the official policy of the United Clyburn Lamb Scott (VA) Johnson (OH) Ratcliffe Webster (FL) Johnson (SD) Reed Wenstrup States of America to recognize that it Cohen Langevin Scott, David Connolly Larsen (WA) Serrano Jordan Reschenthaler Westerman did happen and call it for what it was, Cooper Larson (CT) Sewell (AL) Joyce (OH) Rice (SC) Wilson (SC) and it was a genocide. Correa Lawrence Shalala Joyce (PA) Riggleman Wittman Costa Lawson (FL) Sherman Katko Roby Womack Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Keller Rodgers (WA) Woodall vote ‘‘yes’’ on the previous question, Courtney Lee (CA) Sherrill Cox (CA) Lee (NV) Sires Kelly (MS) Roe, David P. Yoho Kelly (PA) vote ‘‘yes’’ on the rule, and vote ‘‘yes’’ Craig Levin (CA) Slotkin Rogers (AL) Young King (IA) Rogers (KY) Zeldin on the underlying bill. Crist Levin (MI) Smith (WA) The material previously referred to Crow Lewis Soto NOT VOTING—18 Cuellar Lieu, Ted Spanberger by Mr. BURGESS is as follows: Cunningham Lipinski Speier Bass Hice (GA) Moulton Beatty Hill (CA) Ryan AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 655 Davids (KS) Loebsack Stanton Carter (TX) Huffman Thompson (CA) Davis (CA) Lofgren Stevens At the end of the resolution, add the fol- Cartwright Long Timmons Davis, Danny K. Lowenthal Suozzi lowing: Davis, Rodney Marchant Williams Dean Lowey Swalwell (CA) ´ Gabbard McEachin Wright SEC. 2. Upon adoption of this resolution, DeFazio Lujan Takano DeGette Luria the Committees on the Judiciary, Ways and Thompson (MS) DeLauro Lynch Means, Financial Services, Oversight and Titus b 1352 DelBene Malinowski Reform, and Foreign Affairs and the Perma- Tlaib Delgado Maloney, So the previous question was ordered. nent Select Committee on Intelligence shall Tonko Demings Carolyn B. The result of the vote was announced suspend pursuing matters referred to by the Torres (CA) DeSaulnier Maloney, Sean as above recorded. Speaker in her announcement of September Deutch Matsui Torres Small 24, 2019, until such time as the United States Dingell McAdams (NM) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The achieves operational control of the southern Doggett McBath Trahan question is on the resolution. Trone border. Doyle, Michael McCollum The question was taken; and the F. McGovern Underwood Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Engel McNerney Van Drew Speaker pro tempore announced that back the balance of my time, and I Escobar Meeks Vargas the ayes appeared to have it. Veasey move the previous question on the res- Eshoo Meng Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, on that Espaillat Moore Vela I demand the yeas and nays. olution. Evans Morelle Vela´ zquez The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Finkenauer Mucarsel-Powell Visclosky The yeas and nays were ordered. question is on ordering the previous Fletcher Murphy (FL) Wasserman The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Foster Nadler Schultz 5-minute vote. question. Frankel Napolitano Waters The question was taken; and the Fudge Neal Watson Coleman The vote was taken by electronic de- Speaker pro tempore announced that Gallego Neguse Welch vice, and there were—yeas 223, nays the ayes appeared to have it. Garamendi Norcross Wexton 191, not voting 17, as follows: Garcı´a (IL) O’Halleran Wild Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, on that Garcia (TX) Ocasio-Cortez Wilson (FL) [Roll No. 588] I demand the yeas and nays. Golden Omar Yarmuth YEAS—223 The yeas and nays were ordered. Adams Carbajal Costa NAYS—189 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Aguilar Ca´ rdenas Courtney ant to clause 9 of rule XX, this 15- Abraham Bost Cole Allred Carson (IN) Cox (CA) Aderholt Brady Collins (GA) Amash Case Craig minute vote on ordering the previous Allen Brooks (AL) Comer Axne Casten (IL) Crist question on House Resolution 655 will Amodei Brooks (IN) Conaway Barraga´ n Castor (FL) Crow be followed by 5-minute votes on: Armstrong Buchanan Cook Bera Castro (TX) Cuellar Arrington Buck Crawford Beyer Chu, Judy Cunningham Adoption of House Resolution 655, if Babin Bucshon Crenshaw Bishop (GA) Cicilline Davids (KS) ordered; Bacon Budd Curtis Blumenauer Cisneros Davis (CA) Ordering the previous question on Baird Burchett Davidson (OH) Blunt Rochester Clark (MA) Davis, Danny K. Balderson Burgess DesJarlais Bonamici Clarke (NY) Dean House Resolution 656; and Banks Byrne Diaz-Balart Boyle, Brendan Clay DeFazio Adoption of House Resolution 656, if Barr Calvert Duncan F. Cleaver DeGette ordered. Bergman Carter (GA) Dunn Brindisi Clyburn DeLauro The vote was taken by electronic de- Biggs Chabot Emmer Brown (MD) Cohen DelBene Bilirakis Cheney Estes Brownley (CA) Connolly Delgado vice, and there were—yeas 224, nays Bishop (NC) Cline Ferguson Bustos Cooper Demings 189, not voting 18, as follows: Bishop (UT) Cloud Fitzpatrick Butterfield Correa DeSaulnier

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.028 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 Deutch Lawrence Rose (NY) Mitchell Rogers (KY) Thompson (PA) The vote was taken by electronic de- Dingell Lawson (FL) Rouda Moolenaar Rooney (FL) Thornberry vice, and there were—yeas 222, nays Doggett Lee (CA) Roybal-Allard Mooney (WV) Rose, John W. Tipton Doyle, Michael Lee (NV) Ruiz Mullin Rouzer Turner 191, not voting 18, as follows: F. Levin (CA) Ruppersberger Murphy (NC) Roy Upton [Roll No. 589] Engel Levin (MI) Rush Newhouse Rutherford Wagner Escobar Lewis Sa´ nchez Norman Scalise Walberg YEAS—222 Nunes Schweikert Eshoo Lieu, Ted Sarbanes Walden Adams Golden Omar Olson Scott, Austin Espaillat Lipinski Scanlon Walker Aguilar Gomez Pallone Evans Loebsack Schakowsky Palazzo Sensenbrenner Walorski Allred Gonzalez (TX) Panetta Finkenauer Lofgren Schiff Palmer Shimkus Waltz Axne Gottheimer Pappas Fletcher Lowenthal Schneider Pascrell Simpson Watkins Barraga´ n Green, Al (TX) Pascrell Foster Lowey Schrader Pence Smith (MO) Weber (TX) Bera Grijalva Payne Frankel Luja´ n Schrier Perry Smith (NE) Webster (FL) Beyer Haaland Perlmutter Fudge Luria Scott (VA) Posey Smith (NJ) Bishop (GA) Harder (CA) Gallego Lynch Scott, David Ratcliffe Smucker Wenstrup Peters Westerman Blumenauer Hastings Peterson Garamendi Malinowski Serrano Reed Spano Blunt Rochester Hayes ´ Wilson (SC) Phillips Garcıa (IL) Maloney, Sewell (AL) Reschenthaler Stauber Bonamici Heck Garcia (TX) Carolyn B. Shalala Rice (SC) Stefanik Wittman Pingree Womack Boyle, Brendan Higgins (NY) Pocan Golden Maloney, Sean Sherman Riggleman Steil F. Himes Woodall Porter Gomez Matsui Sherrill Roby Steube Brindisi Horsford Yoho Pressley Gonzalez (TX) McAdams Sires Rodgers (WA) Stewart Brown (MD) Houlahan Young Price (NC) Gottheimer McBath Slotkin Roe, David P. Stivers Brownley (CA) Hoyer Quigley Green, Al (TX) McCollum Smith (WA) Rogers (AL) Taylor Zeldin Bustos Jackson Lee Raskin Grijalva McGovern Soto Butterfield Jayapal NOT VOTING—17 Rice (NY) Haaland McNerney Spanberger Carbajal Jeffries Richmond Harder (CA) Meeks Speier Bass Hice (GA) Ryan Ca´ rdenas Johnson (GA) Rose (NY) Hastings Meng Stanton Beatty Hill (CA) Thompson (CA) Carson (IN) Johnson (TX) Hayes Moore Stevens Carter (TX) Huffman Timmons Case Kaptur Rouda Heck Morelle Suozzi Cartwright Marchant Williams Casten (IL) Keating Roybal-Allard Higgins (NY) Mucarsel-Powell Swalwell (CA) Davis, Rodney McEachin Wright Castor (FL) Kelly (IL) Ruiz Himes Murphy (FL) Takano Gabbard Moulton Castro (TX) Kennedy Ruppersberger Horn, Kendra S. Nadler Thompson (MS) Rush b 1401 Chu, Judy Khanna Horsford Napolitano Titus Cicilline Kildee Sa´ nchez Houlahan Neal Tlaib So the resolution was agreed to. Cisneros Kilmer Sarbanes Hoyer Neguse Tonko Scanlon The result of the vote was announced Clark (MA) Kim Jackson Lee Norcross Torres (CA) Clarke (NY) Kind Schakowsky Jayapal O’Halleran Torres Small as above recorded. Clay Kirkpatrick Schiff Jeffries Ocasio-Cortez (NM) A motion to reconsider was laid on Cleaver Krishnamoorthi Schneider Johnson (GA) Omar Trahan the table. Clyburn Kuster (NH) Schrader Johnson (TX) Pallone Trone Cohen Lamb Schrier Kaptur Panetta Underwood f Connolly Langevin Scott (VA) Keating Pappas Van Drew Cooper Larsen (WA) Scott, David Kelly (IL) Payne Vargas PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Correa Larson (CT) Serrano Kennedy Perlmutter Veasey OF H.R. 823, COLORADO OUTDOOR Costa Lawrence Sewell (AL) Khanna Peters Vela RECREATION AND ECONOMY Courtney Lawson (FL) Shalala Kildee Peterson Vela´ zquez Cox (CA) Lee (CA) Sherman Kilmer Phillips Visclosky ACT; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- Craig Lee (NV) Sherrill Kim Pingree Wasserman ATION OF H.R. 1373, GRAND CAN- Crist Levin (CA) Sires Kind Pocan Schultz YON CENTENNIAL PROTECTION Crow Levin (MI) Slotkin Kirkpatrick Porter Waters ACT; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- Cuellar Lewis Smith (WA) Krishnamoorthi Pressley Watson Coleman Cunningham Lieu, Ted Kuster (NH) Price (NC) Welch ATION OF H.R. 2181, CHACO CUL- Soto Davids (KS) Lipinski Spanberger Lamb Quigley Wexton TURAL HERITAGE AREA PRO- Davis (CA) Loebsack Langevin Raskin Wild Speier TECTION ACT OF 2019; AND PRO- Davis, Danny K. Lofgren Stanton Larsen (WA) Rice (NY) Wilson (FL) Dean Lowenthal Larson (CT) Richmond Yarmuth VIDING FOR PROCEEDINGS DUR- Stevens DeFazio Lowey Suozzi ING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEM- ´ DeGette Lujan Swalwell (CA) NAYS—191 DeLauro Luria BER 1, 2019, THROUGH NOVEMBER Takano DelBene Lynch Abraham Crenshaw Holding 11, 2019 Thompson (MS) Delgado Malinowski Aderholt Curtis Hollingsworth Titus The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Demings Maloney, Allen Davidson (OH) Hudson Tlaib DeSaulnier Carolyn B. Amodei DesJarlais Huizenga ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- Tonko Deutch Maloney, Sean Armstrong Diaz-Balart Hunter ished business is the vote on ordering Torres (CA) Arrington Duncan Hurd (TX) Dingell Matsui the previous question on the resolution Doggett McAdams Trahan Babin Dunn Johnson (LA) Trone Bacon Emmer Johnson (OH) (H. Res. 656) providing for consider- Doyle, Michael McBath F. McCollum Underwood Baird Estes Johnson (SD) ation of the bill (H.R. 823) to provide Van Drew Balderson Ferguson Jordan Engel McGovern for the designation of certain wilder- Vargas Banks Fitzpatrick Joyce (OH) Escobar McNerney Veasey Barr Fleischmann Joyce (PA) ness areas, recreation management Eshoo Meeks Vela Bergman Flores Katko areas, and conservation areas in the Espaillat Meng Vela´ zquez Biggs Fortenberry Keller Evans Moore State of Colorado, and for other pur- Visclosky Bilirakis Foxx (NC) Kelly (MS) Finkenauer Morelle Bishop (NC) Fulcher Kelly (PA) poses; providing for consideration of Fletcher Mucarsel-Powell Wasserman Bishop (UT) Gaetz King (IA) the bill (H.R. 1373) to protect, for cur- Foster Murphy (FL) Schultz Bost Gallagher King (NY) rent and future generations, the water- Frankel Nadler Waters Fudge Napolitano Watson Coleman Brady Gianforte Kinzinger shed, ecosystem, and cultural heritage Brooks (AL) Gibbs Kustoff (TN) Gaetz Neal Welch Brooks (IN) Gohmert LaHood of the Grand Canyon region in the Gallego Neguse Wexton Buchanan Gonzalez (OH) LaMalfa State of Arizona, and for other pur- Garamendi Norcross Wild ´ Buck Gooden Lamborn poses; providing for consideration of Garcıa (IL) O’Halleran Wilson (FL) Bucshon Gosar Latta Garcia (TX) Ocasio-Cortez Yarmuth Budd Granger Lesko the bill (H.R. 2181) to provide for the Burchett Graves (GA) Long withdrawal and protection of certain NAYS—191 Burgess Graves (LA) Loudermilk Federal land in the State of New Mex- Abraham Biggs Byrne Byrne Graves (MO) Lucas ico; and providing for proceedings dur- Aderholt Bilirakis Calvert Calvert Green (TN) Luetkemeyer Allen Bishop (NC) Carter (GA) Carter (GA) Griffith Marshall ing the period from November 1, 2019, Amash Bishop (UT) Chabot Chabot Grothman Massie through November 11, 2019, on which Amodei Bost Cheney Cheney Guest Mast the yeas and nays were ordered. Armstrong Brady Cline Cline Guthrie McCarthy Arrington Brooks (AL) Cloud Cloud Hagedorn McCaul The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Babin Brooks (IN) Cole Cole Harris McClintock tion. Bacon Buchanan Collins (GA) Collins (GA) Hartzler McHenry The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Baird Buck Comer Comer Hern, Kevin McKinley question is on ordering the previous Balderson Bucshon Conaway Conaway Herrera Beutler Meadows Banks Budd Cook Cook Higgins (LA) Meuser question. Barr Burchett Crawford Crawford Hill (AR) Miller This is a 5-minute vote. Bergman Burgess Crenshaw

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.009 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8559 Curtis Joyce (PA) Rogers (AL) Crow Kim Porter Luetkemeyer Rice (SC) Stewart Davidson (OH) Katko Rogers (KY) Cuellar Kind Pressley Marshall Riggleman Taylor Davis, Rodney Keller Rooney (FL) Cunningham Kirkpatrick Price (NC) Massie Roby Thompson (PA) DesJarlais Kelly (MS) Rose, John W. Davids (KS) Krishnamoorthi Quigley Mast Rodgers (WA) Thornberry Diaz-Balart Kelly (PA) Rouzer Davis (CA) Kuster (NH) Raskin McCarthy Roe, David P. Tipton Duncan King (IA) Roy Davis, Danny K. Lamb Rice (NY) McCaul Rogers (AL) Turner Dunn King (NY) Rutherford Dean Langevin Richmond McClintock Rogers (KY) Upton Emmer Kinzinger Scalise DeFazio Larsen (WA) Rose (NY) McHenry Rooney (FL) Wagner Estes Kustoff (TN) Schweikert McKinley Rose, John W. DeGette Larson (CT) Rouda Walberg Ferguson LaHood Scott, Austin DeLauro Lawrence Roybal-Allard Meadows Rouzer Walden Fitzpatrick LaMalfa Sensenbrenner DelBene Lawson (FL) Ruiz Meuser Roy Walker Fleischmann Lamborn Shimkus Delgado Lee (CA) Ruppersberger Mitchell Rutherford Walorski Flores Latta Simpson Demings Lee (NV) Rush Moolenaar Scalise Fortenberry Lesko Smith (MO) DeSaulnier Levin (CA) Sa´ nchez Mooney (WV) Schweikert Waltz Foxx (NC) Long Smith (NE) Deutch Levin (MI) Sarbanes Mullin Scott, Austin Watkins Fulcher Loudermilk Smith (NJ) Dingell Lewis Schakowsky Murphy (NC) Sensenbrenner Weber (TX) Gallagher Lucas Smucker Doggett Lieu, Ted Schiff Newhouse Shimkus Webster (FL) Gianforte Luetkemeyer Spano Doyle, Michael Lipinski Schneider Norman Simpson Wenstrup Gibbs Marshall Stauber F. Loebsack Schrader Nunes Smith (MO) Westerman Gohmert Massie Stefanik Engel Lofgren Schrier Olson Smith (NE) Wilson (SC) Gonzalez (OH) Mast Steil Escobar Lowenthal Scott (VA) Palazzo Smith (NJ) Wittman Gooden McCarthy Steube Eshoo Lowey Scott, David Palmer Smucker Womack Gosar McCaul Stewart Espaillat Luja´ n Serrano Pence Spano Woodall Granger McClintock Stivers Evans Luria Sewell (AL) Perry Stauber Yoho Graves (GA) McHenry Taylor Finkenauer Lynch Shalala Posey Stefanik Young Graves (LA) McKinley Thompson (PA) Fletcher Malinowski Sherman Reed Steil Zeldin Graves (MO) Meadows Thornberry Foster Maloney, Sherrill Reschenthaler Steube Green (TN) Meuser Tipton Fudge Carolyn B. Sires Griffith Miller Torres Small Gallego Maloney, Sean Slotkin NOT VOTING—23 Grothman Mitchell (NM) Garamendi Matsui Smith (WA) Bass Hill (CA) Scanlon Guest Moolenaar Turner Garcı´a (IL) McAdams Soto Beatty Huffman Stivers Guthrie Mooney (WV) Upton Garcia (TX) McBath Spanberger Burgess Jordan Thompson (CA) Hagedorn Mullin Wagner Golden McCollum Speier Carter (TX) Marchant Timmons Harris Murphy (NC) Walberg Gomez McGovern Stanton Cartwright McEachin Wasserman Hartzler Newhouse Walden Gonzalez (TX) McNerney Stevens Frankel Miller Schultz Hern, Kevin Norman Walker Gottheimer Meeks Suozzi Gabbard Ratcliffe Williams Herrera Beutler Nunes Walorski Green, Al (TX) Meng Swalwell (CA) Hice (GA) Ryan Wright Higgins (LA) Olson Waltz Grijalva Moore Takano Hill (AR) Palazzo Watkins Haaland Morelle Thompson (MS) b 1416 Holding Palmer Weber (TX) Harder (CA) Moulton Titus Hollingsworth Pence Webster (FL) Hastings Mucarsel-Powell Tlaib So the resolution was agreed to. Horn, Kendra S. Perry Wenstrup Hayes Murphy (FL) Tonko The result of the vote was announced Hudson Posey Westerman Heck Nadler Torres (CA) Huizenga Reed Wilson (SC) Higgins (NY) Napolitano Torres Small as above recorded. Hunter Reschenthaler Wittman Himes Neal (NM) A motion to reconsider was laid on Hurd (TX) Rice (SC) Womack Horn, Kendra S. Neguse Trahan the table. Johnson (LA) Riggleman Woodall Horsford Norcross Trone Johnson (OH) Roby Yoho Houlahan O’Halleran Underwood f Johnson (SD) Rodgers (WA) Young Hoyer Ocasio-Cortez Van Drew Joyce (OH) Roe, David P. Zeldin Jackson Lee Omar Vargas COMMUNICATION FROM THE Jayapal Pallone Veasey NOT VOTING—18 Jeffries Panetta Vela CLERK OF THE HOUSE Bass Hill (CA) Ratcliffe Johnson (GA) Pappas Vela´ zquez The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Beatty Huffman Ryan Johnson (TX) Pascrell Visclosky Carter (TX) Jordan Thompson (CA) Kaptur Payne Waters fore the House the following commu- Cartwright Marchant Timmons Keating Perlmutter Watson Coleman nication from the Clerk of the House of Gabbard McEachin Williams Kelly (IL) Peters Welch Representatives: Hice (GA) Moulton Wright Kennedy Peterson Wexton Khanna Phillips Wild OFFICE OF THE CLERK, b 1409 Kildee Pingree Wilson (FL) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Kilmer Pocan Yarmuth Washington, DC, October 29, 2019. So the previous question was ordered. Hon. NANCY PELOSI, The result of the vote was announced NAYS—187 The Speaker, House of Representatives, as above recorded. Abraham Comer Guest Washington, DC. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Aderholt Conaway Guthrie DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the CUELLAR). The question is on the reso- Allen Cook Hagedorn permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II Amash Crawford Harris of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- lution. Amodei Crenshaw Hartzler The question was taken; and the tives, the Clerk received the following mes- Armstrong Curtis Hern, Kevin sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Oc- Speaker pro tempore announced that Arrington Davidson (OH) Herrera Beutler tober 29, 2019, at 10:58 a.m.: the ayes appeared to have it. Babin Davis, Rodney Higgins (LA) Bacon DesJarlais Hill (AR) That the Senate passed S. 134. Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, on that I Baird Diaz-Balart Holding With best wishes, I am, demand the yeas and nays. Balderson Duncan Hollingsworth Sincerely, The yeas and nays were ordered. Banks Dunn Hudson CHERYL L. JOHNSON. The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Barr Emmer Huizenga Bergman Estes Hunter f 5-minute vote. Biggs Ferguson Hurd (TX) The vote was taken by electronic de- Bilirakis Fitzpatrick Johnson (LA) AFFIRMING THE UNITED STATES vice, and there were—yeas 221, nays Bishop (NC) Fleischmann Johnson (OH) Bishop (UT) Flores Johnson (SD) RECORD ON THE ARMENIAN 187, not voting 23, as follows: Bost Fortenberry Joyce (OH) GENOCIDE [Roll No. 590] Brady Foxx (NC) Joyce (PA) Brooks (AL) Fulcher Katko Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, pursuant YEAS—221 Brooks (IN) Gaetz Keller to House Resolution 655, I call up the Adams Brown (MD) Clark (MA) Buchanan Gallagher Kelly (MS) resolution (H. Res. 296) affirming the Aguilar Brownley (CA) Clarke (NY) Buck Gianforte Kelly (PA) United States record on the Armenian Allred Bustos Clay Bucshon Gibbs King (IA) Axne Butterfield Cleaver Budd Gohmert King (NY) Genocide and ask for its immediate Barraga´ n Carbajal Clyburn Burchett Gonzalez (OH) Kinzinger consideration in the House. Bera Ca´ rdenas Cohen Byrne Gooden Kustoff (TN) The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Beyer Carson (IN) Connolly Calvert Gosar LaHood Bishop (GA) Case Cooper Carter (GA) Granger LaMalfa tion. Blumenauer Casten (IL) Correa Chabot Graves (GA) Lamborn The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Blunt Rochester Castor (FL) Costa Cheney Graves (LA) Latta ant to House Resolution 655, the resolu- Bonamici Castro (TX) Courtney Cline Graves (MO) Lesko tion is considered read. Boyle, Brendan Chu, Judy Cox (CA) Cloud Green (TN) Long F. Cicilline Craig Cole Griffith Loudermilk The text of the resolution is as fol- Brindisi Cisneros Crist Collins (GA) Grothman Lucas lows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.008 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 H. RES. 296 The gentleman from New York (Mr. Mr. Speaker, in the year 2000, and Whereas the United States has a proud his- ENGEL) and the gentleman from New again in the year 2015, I chaired two tory of recognizing and condemning the Ar- Jersey (Mr. SMITH) each will control 30 congressional hearings on the Arme- menian Genocide, the killing of 1.5 million minutes. nian genocide. In 2000, the House was Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 The Chair recognizes the gentleman moving to pass a bipartisan resolution to 1923, and providing relief to the survivors from New York. of the campaign of genocide against Arme- by Congressmen Radanovich and nians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, GENERAL LEAVE Bonior, H. Res. 398. Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- After hearing fact-based, eloquent Christians; imous consent that all Members may testimony from Congressmen James Whereas the Honorable Henry Morgenthau, have 5 legislative days in which to re- Rogan and David Bonior, followed by United States Ambassador to the Ottoman vise and extend their remarks and to the State Department, history profes- Empire from 1913 to 1916, organized and led insert extraneous material on H. Res. sors, and then witnesses from both the protests by officials of many countries 296. Armenian and the Turkish side, my against what he described as the empire’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ‘‘campaign of race extermination’’, and was subcommittee successfully marked up instructed on July 16, 1915, by United States objection to the request of the gen- H. Res. 398 for consideration by the full Secretary of State Robert Lansing that the tleman from New York? committee. ‘‘Department approves your procedure . . . There was no objection. Ambassador Marc Grossman, how- to stop Armenian persecution’’; Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ever, testified at the hearing that Whereas President Woodrow Wilson en- self such time as I may consume. President Bill Clinton was against the couraged the formation of the Near East Re- Mr. Speaker, the resolution before us Armenian genocide resolution. That lief, chartered by an Act of Congress, which is an important measure to set the opposition proved to be very signifi- raised $116,000,000 (over $2,500,000,000 in 2019 record straight on the atrocities suf- dollars) between 1915 and 1930, and the Sen- cant, and as we were moving with the fered by the Armenian people at the highest expectations toward passage, ate adopted resolutions condemning these hands the Ottoman Empire in the early massacres; President Clinton’s National Security 20th century. Whereas Raphael Lemkin, who coined the Advisor, Sandy Berger, took the ex- We know what happened in this dark term ‘‘genocide’’ in 1944, and who was the traordinary step of admonishing period of history. Between 1915 and earliest proponent of the United Nations Speaker Hastert not to bring it to the 1923, 1.5 million Armenians were mur- Convention on the Prevention and Punish- floor. And he caved. The resolution ment of Genocide, invoked the Armenian dered. This was a genocide, and it is never even got a vote. case as a definitive example of genocide in important that we call this crime what In 2007, Chairman Tom Lantos, like the 20th century; it was. Whereas, as displayed in the United States Many American politicians, dip- Chairman Henry Hyde before him, re- Holocaust Memorial Museum, Adolf Hitler, lomats, and institutions have rightly ported the resolution out of com- on ordering his military commanders to at- mittee, sponsored by Congressmen tack Poland without provocation in 1939, dis- recognized these atrocities as a geno- cide, including America’s Ambassador SCHIFF and Radanovich; although it missed objections by saying ‘‘[w]ho, after all, never got out of the committee in 2000, speaks today of the annihilation of the Ar- to the Ottoman Empire at the time, but he wanted it to. That was H. Res. menians?’’, setting the stage for the Holo- Henry Morgenthau, and later, Presi- caust; dent Ronald Reagan. 106. That too never made to the floor. Whereas the United States has officially It is time that we set the record Mr. Speaker, that changes today. The recognized the Armenian Genocide, through straight. Only by shining a light on the Affirming the United States RECORD on the United States Government’s May 28, 1951, darkest parts of our history can we the Armenian Genocide, H. Res. 296, is written statement to the International learn to not repeat them. And properly a sense of Congress resolution that Court of Justice regarding the Convention on commemorates the Armenian genocide the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime acknowledging what has occurred is a necessary step in achieving some meas- through official recognition and re- of Genocide, through President Ronald Rea- membrance. gan’s Proclamation No. 4838 on April 22, 1981, ure of justice for the victims. and by House Joint Resolution 148, adopted H. Res. 296 sticks to the historical The resolution wisely notes that the on April 8, 1975, and House Joint Resolution facts. It is a good, commonsense meas- United States has officially recognized 247, adopted on September 10, 1984; and ure with broad bipartisan support. the Armenian genocide through the Whereas the Elie Wiesel Genocide and I want to thank Mr. SCHIFF, the reso- U.S. Government’s May 1951 written Atrocities Prevention Act of 2018 (Public lution’s author, as well as Ms. ESHOO, statement to the International Court Law 115–441) establishes that atrocities pre- Ms. SPEIER, Ms. SHALALA, Mr. MCGOV- of Justice regarding the Convention on vention represents a United States national ERN, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. the Prevention and Punishment of the interest, and affirms that it is the policy of Crime of Genocide through President the United States to pursue a United States SMITH, and the many other bipartisan Government-wide strategy to identify, pre- champions of this issue for their per- Ronald Reagan’s proclamation, Num- vent, and respond to the risk of atrocities by sistent, steadfast pursuit of recogni- ber 4838, on April 22, 1981, and by H.J. ‘‘strengthening diplomatic response and the tion for the suffering the Armenian Res. 148, adopted in 1975, and H.J. Res. effective use of foreign assistance to support people endured. 247, adopted in September of 1984. appropriate transitional justice measures, I strongly support this measure, and The resolution also points out that including criminal accountability, for past I urge all my colleagues to do the the U.S. played a major role in the hu- atrocities’’: Now, therefore, be it same. With its passage, we put Con- manitarian relief efforts and, of course, Resolved, That it is the sense of the House the Near East Relief agency saved tens of Representatives that it is the policy of the gress on the right side of history, prop- United States to— erly acknowledging and condemning of thousands of Armenians and others. (1) commemorate the Armenian Genocide this horrific genocide. As a matter of fact, the historian, How- through official recognition and remem- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ard Sachar, noted it ‘‘quite literally brance; my time. kept an entire nation alive,’’ and that (2) reject efforts to enlist, engage, or other- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. is reflected in the resolution. wise associate the United States Govern- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I Yet, today, the Armenian genocide is ment with denial of the Armenian Genocide may consume. the only genocide of the 20th century or any other genocide; and Mr. Speaker, when the term ‘‘geno- where survivors, family, and all those (3) encourage education and public under- standing of the facts of the Armenian Geno- cide’’ was created in 1944 to describe who care about this important issue, cide, including the United States role in the the systematic destruction of an entire have been subjected to the ongoing humanitarian relief effort, and the relevance people. Its author, Raphael Lemkin, outrage of a massive, well-funded, ag- of the Armenian Genocide to modern-day explained the term by saying: ‘‘It’s the gressive campaign of genocide denial, crimes against humanity. sort of thing Hitler did to the Jews and openly sustained and lavishly funded The SPEAKER pro tempore. The res- the Turks did to the Armenians.’’ by the State authority, in this case, olution shall be debatable for 1 hour, When he ordered the invasion of Po- the Government of Turkey. equally divided and controlled by the land in 1939, Adolf Hitler said: ‘‘Who, The Turkish Government under- chair and ranking minority member of after all, speaks today of the annihila- writes a disgraceful disinformation the Committee on Foreign Affairs. tion of the Armenians?’’ campaign to confuse the historical

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.011 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8561 record. It often employs lobbyists in She was one of the lucky ones who This resolution, Mr. Speaker, recog- this town to carry that message for- survived. nizes the horrific and systematic ef- ward. Let me remind my colleagues that forts to commit genocide against the Mr. Speaker, my 2015 hearing marked the Genocide Convention of 1950, which Armenian people a century ago. There the 100th year since the beginning of the Turkish Government has ratified, can be no denial of the Armenian geno- the genocide; and I appropriately enti- makes clear—here is what the Geno- cide, which is evidenced by historical tled it: A Century of Denial: The Arme- cide Convention says, and the Arme- documentation and the emotional scars nian Genocide and the Ongoing Quest nian genocide fits this to a T. still borne by the descendants of its For Justice. The definition says this: ‘‘Genocide survivors. It was a campaign of ethnic As Pope Francis said at his Mass means any of the following acts com- cleansing committed by the Ottoman marking the 100th year of genocide: mitted with intent to destroy, in whole Empire during and after the First ‘‘Concealing or denying evil is like al- or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, World War, and it led to the deaths of lowing a wound to keep bleeding with- or religious group, as such: 1.5 million Armenians alongside other out bandaging it.’’ Killing members of the group; targeted groups. Mr. Speaker, the facts of the geno- Causing serious bodily or mental Mr. Speaker, Mr. SMITH referenced cide were reported throughout the harm to members of that group; Ambassador Morgenthau, who was our world as they were happening, corrobo- Deliberately inflicting on the group Ambassador at this period of time. He rated immediately afterward by sur- conditions of life calculated to bring said this: ‘‘When the Turkish authori- vivors and even some of the perpetra- about its physical destruction in whole ties gave the orders for these deporta- tors, and have been amply documented or in part. . . . ‘’ tions, they were merely giving the by the historians, and in one particular b 1430 death warrant to a whole race; they un- book that I have read, by Ambassador derstood this well, and in their con- Morgenthau, who was our U.S. Ambas- In the case of the Armenians, it versations with me, they made no par- sador contemporaneously, at the time, wasn’t in part. It was in whole. They ticular attempt to conceal the fact.’’ to the Ottoman Empire. wanted the Armenians eviscerated He went on to say: ‘‘I am confident In 1915, as we know, there were about from the face of the Earth. that the whole history of the human 2 million Armenians living in what was Let me just point out to my col- race contains no such horrible episode then the Ottoman Empire, now Tur- leagues, despite Turkish Government as this.’’ Of course, we were, tragically, key. They were living in the region threats—and they do make threats. At to see an even greater Holocaust, in that they had inhabited for 2,500 years my hearing, the Ambassador made terms of numbers of lives lost, just or more. threats in the year 2000. Frank remem- some 30 years later. By 1923, however, over 90 percent of bers that. It was outrageous. In addition, Mr. Speaker, the British these Armenians had disappeared. Most Well, 28 countries and 49 U.S. States, Ambassador to the United States, in an of them, an estimated 1.5 million, were including my own State of New Jersey, October 1915 speech, said this: ‘‘The slaughtered. Most of them were death- have passed a law, resolution, or dec- massacres are the result of a policy marched into the desert, or shot, and laration recognizing the Armenian which, as far as can be ascertained, has many of the women were raped. The re- genocide. been entertained for some considerable mainder, the remnant was forced into I ask Members to support this resolu- time’’—I want to read this language— exile. tion. It is bipartisan, and it needs to be ‘‘considered for some considerable time U.S. Ambassador Morgenthau wrote: done. by the gang of unscrupulous adven- ‘‘When the Turkish authorities gave Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of turers who are now in possession of the the orders for these deportations, they my time. Government of the Turkish Empire. were merely giving the death warrant Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 They hesitated to put it in practice to a whole race; they understood this minute to the gentleman from Mary- until they thought the favorable mo- well, and, in their conversations with land (Mr. HOYER), the majority leader. ment had come, and that moment me, they made no particular attempt (Mr. HOYER asked and was given seems to have arrived about the month to conceal the fact.’’ permission to revise and extend his re- of April.’’ The Encyclopedia for the Armenian marks.) The reason I bring that up is this res- Genocide states: ‘‘During the march, Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank olution is not anti the present Turkish many Armenians were killed indis- the gentleman from New York (Mr. Government. The sanctions bill will criminately by Ottoman forces, which ENGEL), the chairman of the com- stand for that. This is about something left a trail of corpses along the route of mittee, for yielding. I thank Mr. SMITH that happened historically, that if not the march. To break the will of the for his career-long advocacy of human recognized may well happen again. marchers, the killings were performed rights and protecting the most vulner- When you say, ‘‘Never again,’’ you with swords, resulting in great blood- able, not only in this country but must recognize what the ‘‘never again’’ shed.’’ And as they continued the throughout the world. is. march, they were marched into the Mr. SMITH and I had the opportunity I have talked to Turkish Ambas- Syrian desert where they died from to travel behind the Iron Curtain when sadors and others for over a quarter of starvation. it existed, talking about human rights, a century as a Member of the Congress At the Center for Holocaust, Human talking about the right to immigrate, of the United States and said to them Rights & Genocide Education exhibit the right to worship, the right to free- this is not about your government; this at Brookdale Community College, dom of speech. We talked about the is about, as the British Ambassador which my good friend and colleague Helsinki Final Act. He and I were both says, a gang of thugs who took over from New Jersey, Mr. PALLONE, knows members of the Helsinki Commission your government over 100 years ago. so well as well, they have many re- for a couple of decades together. He I regret that our Turkish friends membrances of people in our State and and I visited Turkey together, talking have not recognized this as our German elsewhere who were survivors. about particularly the freedom of the friends have recognized their genocide Well, one of those survivors put it press and how many members and how and said this was wrong because if they this way, and I quote her: ‘‘Life was a many journalists were imprisoned. tell their people this is wrong, it is matter of trying to survive. Every Mr. SMITH, Mr. ENGEL, and I, and cer- more likely that it will not be re- morning a cart would come around and tainly Mr. SCHIFF, and so many others peated. take away the sick and the dead to be have been supporters of this resolution Mr. Speaker, as the House joins in dumped into a common grave. They for a very long time. It has not come to condemnation of that genocide and me- had taken my brother because he was a the floor. One of my duties as the ma- morializes its victims, let us also keep little sick. My crying and weeping were jority leader is to bring bills to the our attention focused on populations of no avail, especially because I was floor, and I am proud, along with the today that are being subjected to eth- sick and petrified of being put on the chairman and the ranking member, to nic cleansing and forced relocation. cart.’’ bring this bill to the floor. From the Rohingya to the Uighurs,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.043 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 from the people in Darfur to the Kurd- resentatives refused to be enlisted in What we can do, what we must do, ish population being forced from their the cause of genocide denial. Mr. Speaker, is state the facts. We can homes in Syria as we speak, we must This April would have marked the say that the Ottoman Empire com- declare, loudly and clearly: Never 104th anniversary of the Armenian mitted this grotesque crime against again. Never again. Sadly, ‘‘never’’ is genocide, the systematic murder of 1.5 the Armenians, but their campaign of now. million Armenians, and the displace- extermination failed, and that, above In particular, our Kurdish allies, who ment of millions more by the Ottoman all, we will never forget and will never fought so courageously to help us de- Empire from 1915 to 1923. Many other again be silenced. feat ISIS, are being forced to leave religious and ethnic minorities in the I am grateful for the leadership of their homes by Turkey’s campaign to Ottoman Empire met similar fates, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. MCCAUL, the gentleman seize control of northern Syria. Let to- among them the Greeks, Assyrians, from Florida (Mr. BILIRAKIS), and the day’s action in this House be a re- Chaldeans, and others. gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. minder, Mr. Speaker, to President More than a century later, it is our SMITH), and so many Members on both Erdogan and his government: The solemn responsibility to remember sides of the aisle who have fought for United States is watching. The Amer- those who were lost, to seek justice recognition for decades. I urge every ican people will not turn our eyes and restitution, and to educate Ameri- Member of the House to join today in away. Neither will we turn our eyes cans and those around the world about supporting H. Res. 296. away from the millions of others in the crime of genocide. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Syria who have been displaced and the The facts of the genocide are horrific Speaker, I reserve the balance of my hundreds of thousands who have been and undisputed by historians. They time. killed, who have been bombed, gassed, were recorded by American diplomats Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 and brutalized by the Assad regime and serving in the Ottoman Empire at the minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- time who bore witness in official cables its enablers. fornia (Ms. ESHOO), an important lead- That is why it is important to recog- to the annihilation of the Armenian er on these issues for many years. population in the Ottoman Empire, a nize the genocide perpetrated against b 1445 the Armenian people so that we will crime that at the time had no name. Though it lacked a name, there was recognize other such actions, which be- Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, first I no doubt in the observers of the time cause of their race or their color or would like to pay tribute to the chair- that they were witnessing a crime on a their ethnicity or some other distinc- man of the Foreign Affairs Committee, massive and industrial scale. The U.S. Mr. ENGEL, for helping to bring this to tion subject them to mass murder. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Mr. Speaker, we need to let the the floor; to everyone that is part of, Henry Morgenthau, would recall later: American people’s Representatives from both sides of the aisle, the Arme- ‘‘I am confident that the whole history give a clear message to our Armenian nian caucus in the House; and to my of the human race contains no such sister, friend, Congresswoman JACKIE brothers and sisters, to our Kurdish horrible episode as this. The great mas- brothers and sisters: We see you. We SPEIER, who shares this heritage with sacres and persecutions of the past me. will not abandon you. Never again. seem almost insignificant when com- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support pared with the sufferings of the Arme- Speaker, I yield myself 1 minute. of this resolution, H. Res. 296, which af- nian race in 1915.’’ firms the Armenian genocide. I thank my colleague and good It was only decades later that Raph- This is a historic day in the House of friend, Mr. HOYER, for his comments. ael Lemkin, a Holocaust survivor, Representatives, and it is one that I We did travel so many times to the So- coined the term ‘‘genocide’’ to describe have been waiting for for 27 years. viet Union, to the Eastern Bloc coun- the atrocities that have been visited Between 1915 and 1923, 1.5 million Ar- tries, and to Turkey. We raised issues upon the Jews as well as the Arme- menians—and this is a historical fact methodically, persistently. But this nians. issue has always been one of those un- I have sat with survivors of the geno- that many people are not aware of, resolved, festering sores that if we cide, men and women, their numbers that there were hundreds of thousands could get it right—and this House dwindling year after year, and heard of Assyrians, Greeks, Arameans, going on record I think is the begin- them recall the destruction of their Maronites, and other Christians who ning of that process. So I thank him lives and the loss of all they had were systematically slaughtered by the for his leadership over these years, for known. As children, they were forced Ottoman Empire. his friendship, and, above all, for that from their homes and saw their fami- This is deeply personal for me. I am very eloquent statement. lies beaten, raped, and murdered. They the only Member of Congress of Arme- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of fled across continents and oceans to nian Assyrian decent and one of only my time. build lives in this Nation, in Armenia, three of Armenian heritage in the Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 and around the world. House of Representatives—I think in minutes to the gentleman from Cali- For them and for their descendants, the entire Congress, Senate and House. fornia (Mr. SCHIFF), the author of this the word ‘‘genocide’’ is sacred because Some of you know that I had mem- important resolution, the vice chair of it means that the world has not and bers of my own family who were among the Congressional Armenian Caucus, will not forget. To deny genocide, on those that perished, and my parents and the chair of the Permanent Select the other hand, is profane. It is, in the fled with theirs to America. As my fa- Committee on Intelligence. words of Elie Wiesel, ‘‘a double kill- ther said: The best idea that was ever Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I thank ing.’’ born was America. the gentleman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, it is always the right What all of those who were per- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support time to recognize genocide, but it is secuted have in common was that they of H. Res. 296, which I introduced along particularly so today. For when we see were Christians, and that is why they with Representative BILIRAKIS to rec- the images of terrified Kurdish families were hunted down and slaughtered. ognize and commemorate the Arme- in northern Syria, loading their posses- This resolution not only honors my nian genocide. sions into cars or carts and fleeing ancestors, but all of those who perished This is a vote that I have fought for their homes headed to nowhere except in the first genocide of the 20th cen- 19 years to cast. My wonderful col- from Turkish bombs and marauding tury. leagues, ANNA ESHOO and JACKIE militias, how can we truly say the The United States has been missing SPEIER, have fought far longer than I crimes of a century ago are in the past? in action on the honor roll of over two have. It is one that tens of thousands of We cannot. We cannot pick and dozen countries, 14 of which are NATO my constituents, my Armenian Amer- choose which crimes against humanity allies, and 49 States in our country ican constituents, have waited decades are convenient to speak about. We can- that have formally recognized the Ar- to see. It is a moment that so many not cloak our support of human rights menian genocide. Today, we can end have worked and struggled and prayed in euphemisms. We cannot be cowed over 100 years of silence by passing this for, a moment when the House of Rep- into silence by a foreign power. resolution.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.044 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8563 Mr. Speaker, there is also a historic within and without the borders of Tur- specific ongoing atrocities. We must parallel as we are considering this reso- key. not stand silent as Turkey attempts lution, and that is that Turkey is pur- With our vote today, the United the ethnic cleansing of the Kurds in suing the ethnic cleansing of Kurds in States takes a long long overdue step Syria. Syria, as we meet today. to stop Turkey from hiding the truth Even Russia’s President Putin had As Pope Francis declared when he of its actions. The Armenian genocide said the Armenian people ‘‘went visited the Armenian genocide memo- must be acknowledged by all, and in through one of the greatest tragedies rial in Yerevan in 2016: ‘‘Memories doing so, we can hope to prevent the in human history.’’ should not be watered down or forgot- next genocide. Iran’s former Vice President stated: ten; memory is a source of peace and of Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. ‘‘The Ottoman Turkey Government the future.’’ Speaker, I reserve the balance of my perpetrated genocide in 1915.’’ So today we remember and we say to time. If our rivals can talk about this, if all those who perished: We remember. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 they can take a stand, certainly we We love you. minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- can. Mr. Speaker, we set an example for fornia (Ms. SPEIER), co-chair of the Armenian genocide, we must say it the young people of our country that Congressional Caucus on Armenian here: It happened, and it will never the moral authority of the United Issues. happen again. We must make that com- States is well and alive as we pass this Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I thank mitment. resolution. Chairman ENGEL, Chairman MCCAUL, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. and Mr. SMITH, and have a deep sense Speaker, I yield such time as he may Speaker, I yield myself 30 seconds. of gratitude to Congressman SCHIFF for consume to the gentleman from Flor- Mr. Speaker, first of all, I want to introducing H. Res. 296; and to my sis- ida (Mr. BILIRAKIS), the cosponsor of thank ANNA ESHOO for her leadership ter, my Armenian sister, Congress- the resolution. throughout many decades on this issue. woman ESHOO, for helping us plot this Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, it has It was her idea to bring it up on the strategy to get this bill to the floor. been more than 100 years since the floor today. I want to thank her for April 24, 1915, is a day that lives in atrocities committed against innocent that. Of course she had to work within infamy in the hearts and minds of mil- Armenians and other ethnic and reli- the leadership to get it done, but I lions of Armenians worldwide. It is a gious minorities at the hands of the thank her for recommending that. day that I grew up understanding from Ottoman Empire. Mr. Speaker, I want to remind Mem- my Armenian mother to be one of the The Ottoman Empire genocidal cam- darkest in history. It is the day that paign from 1915 to 1923 killed 1.5 mil- bers that, in 2018, ANNA ESHOO and I wrote the Iraq and Syria Genocide Re- the Ottoman Government embarked on lion Armenians, men and women and lief and Accountability Act. It was a systematic slaughter of 1.5 million children, as well as Greeks, Assyrians, signed by President Trump into law. Armenians, two-thirds of the Armenian Chaldeans, and Syriacs throughout a That provided two things: humani- population. series of executions and death marches. This genocide is recognized in coun- Finally, today, we are entering into tarian relief for the tens of thousands tries around the world, including Can- the United States RECORD the Arme- of Christians and Yazidis fleeing from ada, France, and Germany. It is recog- nian genocide and the historical fact. ISIS; it also provided an accountability nized in 49 States in our Union as the Today, we end a century of inter- piece to collect for, hopefully, utiliza- first genocide of the 20th century, yet national silence. There will not be an- tion in future court cases against the the House of Representatives hasn’t other period of indifference or inter- perpetrators of these heinous crimes. national ignorance to the lives lost to So, Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the recognized both that the genocide oc- curred and that the Ottoman Empire systematic murder. gentlewoman for that work that we did Genocides, wherever and whenever together and, again, for her leadership perpetrated it. Elie Weisel once called denying geno- they occur, cannot be ignored, whether on this issue. cide—and in particular, the Armenian they took place in the 20th century by Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of genocide—a double killing, because it the Ottoman Turks or mid-20th cen- my time. not only exterminates a group of peo- tury by the Third Reich and in Darfur. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 ple, it murders the memory of that Genocide must be acknowledged for minute to the gentlewoman from New crime. Congress must ensure that what it is: a scourge on the human York (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY), the memory is not destroyed and those race. acting chairwoman of the Committee lives are honored. Genocide is genocide, Mr. Speaker, on Oversight and Reform. As a child, I listened to my mom even if our so-called strategic allies Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New speak of the atrocity with pain and perpetrated it. York. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gen- fear. She is gone now, but her pain President Ronald Reagan explicitly tleman for yielding and for his leader- lives on in me to this very day. referred to the Ottoman Empire’s ac- ship on the committee and for this res- By righting this terrible wrong, one tions as the genocide of the Armenians olution, and also ANNA ESHOO and that has festered for far too long, we in a 1981 Holocaust Remembrance Day Chairman SCHIFF and so many of my are alleviating that pain and sending a speech. friends and colleagues for their long ef- message that history can’t be rewrit- Over 30 nations have formally recog- forts to pass it on both sides of the ten. We are stating, in no uncertain nized the genocide, including France, aisle. terms, that America will no longer Germany, and even Russia. Today, Mr. As a member of the Congressional abandon Armenians with feeble excuses Speaker, the United States is going to Caucus on Armenian Issues and the made for a so-called ally. We are af- acknowledge it as well. Representative of a large and vibrant firming that truth is truth. I found Pope Francis’ words and ex- Armenian community in New York Thousands of documents totaling plicit use of the term ‘‘genocide’’ to be City, I strongly support H. Res. 296, af- 37,000 pages in the National Archives another wake-up call for the world. We firming the United States’ record on support the truth: Armenians were must acknowledge the atrocities of the the Armenian genocide. exterminated by Ottoman forces and past so that we might, hopefully, pre- 104 years ago, 1.5 million Armenians Turkish sympathizers. vent them in the future. were murdered by the Ottoman Empire In 1918, former President Theodore Our darkest moments as a human in the first genocide of the 20th cen- Roosevelt sent a letter saying: race have come during times when tury. Ever since, Armenian commu- Because the Armenian massacre was the those who knew better stood silently, nities from across the world, including greatest crime of the war, failure to act making excuses for passivity and al- those in my district, have been forced against Turkey is to condone it and means lowing injustice and persecution to to fight for recognition and justice for that all talk of guaranteeing future peace is reign. Turkey’s denial in so many ways, from nonsense. Turkey’s current actions in northern the illegal invasion of Cypress by Tur- Usually, these words serve as a gen- Syria against our Kurdish allies is ex- key to the vicious attacks on Kurds eral warning, but today they apply to tremely concerning, and we cannot

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.046 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 stand by and let egregious human could get away with the Holocaust, he occurred. For too long, we have al- rights violations happen. Turkey’s of- was able to reassure them by saying: lowed foreign interests to lobby the fensive into Syria is unacceptable be- Who today speaks of the annihilation United States in favor of turning the havior from a U.S. ally and so-called of the Armenians? other way and not wholly recognizing secular democracy, as well as a NATO Denying genocide in the past will the truth of the Armenian genocide. member. It is simply deplorable, Mr. lead to more genocides in the future. That ends today. Speaker. Today, Germany is a great and pros- In Rhode Island, we have a very We also need to make sure that other perous democracy because it has come proud Armenian community that has genocidal campaigns being waged in to grips with its own past. Where would demonstrated extraordinary resilience. the Middle East are also properly rec- Germany be today if it denied the Hol- They deserve for Congress to acknowl- ognized. ISIS is a perpetrator of geno- ocaust? edge the history of their people and the cide. Christians and other minorities Turkey will become a prosperous and truth of the Armenian genocide. That are being killed solely because of their a modern nation only when it recog- will happen today. religion, and no modern society should nizes the first genocide of the 20th cen- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to sit silently in the face of such barbaric tury. The best thing we could do for support this resolution. brutality. Turkey is to acknowledge the genocide Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Again, I am thankful that we are fi- and urge them to do likewise. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my nally recognizing these atrocities and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time. these acts against the Armenian peo- time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 ple. Like the earliest Christians, the Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I reserve minute to the gentleman from Cali- Armenians proved themselves not only the balance of my time. fornia (Mr. COSTA), another wonderful survivors of persecution, but also mas- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. member of the Foreign Affairs Com- ters of their destinies. Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gen- mittee. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to tleman from California (Mr. SHERMAN). Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I am proud support this bill. Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank to support H. Res. 296, which would es- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 the gentleman for yielding, and this is, tablish permanent United States rec- minutes to the gentleman from Cali- indeed, a bipartisan speech. ognition and the ongoing remembrance fornia (Mr. SHERMAN), the chairman of The fact is that many other coun- of the Armenian genocide. the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, tries have recognized this genocide, I thank Chairman ENGEL, Ranking and Nonproliferation on our Foreign and they have done so under tremen- Member MCCAUL, Mr. SMITH, and all of Affairs Committee. He has been a lead- dous Turkish pressure. For example, the supporters of this resolution. er on this issue for years. France was told that they would not be In 1915, the Ottoman Empire, as we able to export to Turkey if they recog- all know, embarked upon the system- b 1500 nized the genocide. They did, and, in atic deportation and murder of 1.5 mil- Mr. SHERMAN. American honor de- the subsequent 6 years, French exports lion Armenians. These innocent men, mands that we end our complicity in to Turkey quadrupled. women, and children became the first genocide denial. This genocide has been recognized by genocide, as we know, in the 20th cen- Four arguments are made against Argentina, Germany, Italy, Belgium, tury. this resolution: and the list goes on and on. It is time Many of these survivors settled in The first is that it is not true. No one for America to also recognize the my district in the San Joaquin Valley, can even make that argument any- truth. where they lived and their children more. 1.5 million Armenians and count- I look forward to the day, which is have enjoyed the blessings of liberty less Syrians, Greeks, and others mas- not true today, when scholars and indi- and lived the American Dream. This in- sacred by the Ottoman Government. viduals in Turkey can talk about the credible, diverse valley that I have the Second, they argue that Turkey is genocide and can come to grips with honor to represent we sometimes refer such a great ally that we should turn a their own past instead of being threat- to as the Land of William Saroyan, a blind eye to what happened last cen- ened with incarceration for even men- noted Armenian author. And Fresno tury. Earlier this month, Turkish tioning this debate, because Turkey State University is the only university forces shelled both to the left and to will not have the rule of law and de- in the United States that has a memo- the right of American military bases. mocracy until you are free to discuss rial dedicated to the Armenian geno- American soldiers fled in unseemly the first genocide of the 20th century cide, a very moving memorial to their haste. What a great ally Turkey is. on Turkish soil. ancestors. Then we were told: Well, the Foreign Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Yet, this brutal atrocity has not re- Affairs Committee hasn’t had hearings. minute to the gentleman from Rhode ceived the official recognition it de- We have had countless hearings on this Island (Mr. CICILLINE), a valued mem- serves. So, today, it is proper and fit- for decades, including, also, a 4-hour ber of the Foreign Affairs Committee. ting that we do so. markup where we passed it through the Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise This is a moral issue. I call upon my committee, and the only argument in support of H. Res. 296, a resolution colleagues to join me and more than made on the other side there was Tur- introduced by my friend Mr. SCHIFF to 110 cosponsors in supporting this long key was such a great ally. Well, last recognize the horror of the genocide overdue passage by the United States week, we had hearings in our com- perpetuated against the Armenian peo- House of Representatives. mittee that demonstrate that Turkey ple by the Ottoman Empire between Mr. Speaker, the horrors of the Ar- is not such a great ally of the United 1913 and 1925, killing 1.5 million mar- menian genocide can never, ever, ever States. tyrs. be undone. Yet, by acknowledging the And, finally, we were told—and this There is no question that the Otto- suffering of the victims through offi- is insulting, I think—during the rules man Empire carried out a systemic cial recognition of the Armenian geno- debate by someone arguing against the campaign of persecution, forced re- cide, we can ensure that at least future rule that it is not worth our time: 1.5 moval, starvation, and murder against generations will never forget. million dead. Armenians, along with other Christian Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. The fact is that genocide denial is minorities living under Ottoman rule. Speaker, I continue to reserve the bal- the last act of a genocide. First, you This campaign was documented in ance of my time. obliterate a people; then you obliterate realtime by American diplomats and Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, it is now their memory; and, finally, you seek to has been acknowledged in various my pleasure to yield 1 minute to the obliterate the memory of the oblitera- forms by previous administrations and gentleman from California (Mr. TED tion. Congresses, the last in 1984. LIEU), another respected member of the And, also, genocide denial is the first In order to prevent future genocides Foreign Affairs Committee. step in the next genocide. When Hit- and mass atrocities, it is vital that we Mr. of California. Mr. ler’s cadres wondered whether they never forget those that have already Speaker, I thank Chairman ENGEL and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.047 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8565 Congressman SMITH for their leader- PALLONE and SPEIER, and all who have scent who continue to strengthen our ship. worked relentlessly on this critical res- country. The United States of America should olution, which states that Democrats b 1515 never be afraid to tell the truth, and and Republicans join to: yet, for too long, we did not recognize ‘‘Commemorate the Armenian geno- It is our duty to honor that history the Armenian genocide. That ends cide through official recognition and with an honest, factual statement rec- today. The House of Representatives is remembrance; ognizing the massacre of 1.5 million Ar- going to formally recognize the Arme- ‘‘Reject efforts to enlist, engage, or menians as the 20th century’s first genocide. This resolution cannot undo nian genocide. otherwise associate the United States Over a century ago, the Ottoman Em- Government with denial of the Arme- the horrors that the victims endured or the pain that their descendants carry pire began a plan to systematically ex- nian genocide or any other genocide; with them, but we have an obligation terminate Armenians from their land. and to speak candidly about the past. That 1.5 million Armenians were killed ‘‘Encourage education and public un- is directly tied to our moral respon- across the Turkish countryside. No derstanding of the facts of the Arme- sibilities of the present. amount of revisionist history or lob- nian genocide, including the United The United States must never accept bying can change those facts. States role in the humanitarian relief crimes against humanity, and we must Today is a historic today. Today, we effort, and the relevance of the Arme- do everything in our power to prevent tell the truth and we honor the Arme- nian genocide to modern-day crimes and stop atrocities unfolding in real nian genocide. against humanity.’’ time. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. To honor the memory of those lost What is currently taking place in Speaker, I continue to reserve the bal- and the suffering of those who sur- Syria—the killing of the Kurds at the ance of my time. vived, we firmly and unequivocally de- hands of the Turkish President Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, it is now nounce all attempts to devalue or min- Erdogan—is unacceptable, and it is far my honor to yield 1 minute to the gen- imize these heinous crimes. past time for the Turkish Government tlewoman from California (Ms. PELOSI), Mr. Speaker, I urge a strong vote for to accept its responsibility for the sys- the Speaker of the House. this resolution, which is a statement to tematic extermination of Armenians in Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank America’s commitment to human the past century and to commit to pro- the gentleman for yielding, and, more rights and to the truth. tect the dignity of every human life in importantly, I thank him for bringing We are blessed in our country with a this century. this very important legislation to the large Armenian American population, I encourage my colleagues to join in floor today. some serving—Congresswoman SPEIER, supporting this long overdue recogni- I thank Mr. SMITH for his ongoing Congresswoman ESHOO, and others—in tion of the Armenian genocide. Mr. commitment to justice in the world in this House. Every year, we come to- Speaker, your vote is not only for the terms of respecting the dignity and gether to observe the sadness of the Armenians but to prevent genocide in worth of people and not ignoring atroc- genocide, but today, Mr. Speaker, we the future. ities when they happen, now and a long have the opportunity. And may we Let us note that the Ottoman Turks time ago. It is a pleasure to work with have the strength and courage to al- did not succeed. The Armenians are him always. ways denounce hate, violence, and big- still here in the United States, in the Mr. Speaker, we have tried this bill otry; to right the wrongs of history; Republic of Armenia, in Artsakh, and out of committee more than one time, and to build a future of hope, peace, the American people and their Rep- and now it has come to the floor. It is and freedom for all mankind. That is resentatives will continue to be with an honor to speak on it, and it is a who we are as Americans. you. great day for the Congress that we Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. have that privilege. and others for giving us the oppor- Speaker, I reserve the balance of my Mr. Speaker, I rise to join my col- tunity to state our values. time. leagues in solemn remembrance of one Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 of the great atrocities of the 20th cen- Speaker, I continue to reserve the bal- minute to the gentlemen from Mary- tury, the systematic murder of more ance of my time. land (Mr. SARBANES). Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Speaker, I than 1.5 million Armenian men, Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 thank the gentleman for yielding. women, and children by the Ottoman minutes to the gentleman from New Today the House of Representatives Empire. Jersey (Mr. PALLONE), the co-chair of will affirm, finally, that we recognize Too often, tragically, the truth of the congressional Armenian caucus, the horrors of the Armenian genocide this staggering crime has been denied. who has, for many, many years, been at and are committed to remembering the Today, let us clearly state the facts on the forefront of championing this very victims of this crime against human- the floor of this House to be etched for- important resolution. ity. ever into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I thank Our moral standing in the world re- The barbarism committed against the Mr. ENGEL for all of his work on this, quires us to acknowledge the truth of Armenian people was a genocide. and I, of course, thank all of the mem- the Armenian genocide. For too long, As international observers wrote at bers of the Armenian caucus. One of we have acquiesced in Turkey’s policy the time, it was a ‘‘campaign of race the reasons that we founded the Arme- of genocide denial, unwilling to risk extermination,’’ one that we as Mem- nian caucus was the recognition of the the ire of our so-called ally. bers of Congress and as freedom-loving Armenian genocide. However, Turkey’s actions against people have a moral obligation to But I also have to mention that, I the Kurds in Syria have reinforced never forget. think, as everyone knows, without what many of us have long known: If we ignore history, then we are des- Speaker PELOSI, this would never have Erdogan’s Turkey does not stand for tined to witness the mistakes of the come to the floor today. It is, ulti- human rights or religious freedom, but past be repeated. The recent attacks by mately, her decision to bring it to the instead spreads authoritarianism wher- the Turkish military against the Kurd- floor, and I want to thank her im- ever it goes. Erdogan’s disdain for de- ish people are a stark and brutal re- mensely. mocracy and contempt for an ally was minder of the danger in our own time. Official recognition of the Armenian on display 2 years ago when his body- That is why it is critical, year in and genocide is a powerful reminder that guards attacked peaceful demonstra- year out, to reaffirm our dedication to we will not turn away when we know tors right here in our Nation’s Capital. recognizing the Armenian genocide and full well that crimes against humanity I am pleased that later today the to placing the U.S. Congress firmly on have been perpetrated. We stand here House will vote to impose sanctions on the side of honesty in our history. today to pay tribute to the victims of Turkey for its actions in Syria. This For that, I thank Chairman SCHIFF, this horrific chapter of history, to the resolution and that bill are tied to- Chairman ENGEL, Congresswoman perseverance of those who survived, gether. They are both powerful state- ESHOO, Armenian Caucus Co-chairs and to the Americans of Armenian de- ments that we respect fundamental

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.049 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 human rights and that we desire to Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I Their judgments are supported by 53 Nobel stand on the right side of history. am reminded of the time both Mr. laureates who signed an open letter to the Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. ENGEL, Mr. SMITH, and I traveled to the Government of Turkey on April 9, 2007. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my Sudanese Embassy to protest the geno- Mr. Speaker, the historical record is clear, time. cide in Darfur. We can do no less. and the Armenian Genocide is a tragic fact. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 It is not just 10 years ago, it is more It must be acknowledged and remembered minute to the gentlewoman from than 100 years ago, at least, that we so that it will never be repeated. Michigan (Mrs. LAWRENCE). saw this genocide. There is no embassy As a member of the Congressional Caucus Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, that maybe will arrest us now, but I on Armenian Issues, I know that the refusal of today, finally, a congressional resolu- say to Turkey: It is finally time for modern-day Turkey to acknowledge one of the tion that will pay tribute to the Arme- you to acknowledge this genocide. worst examples of man’s inhumanity in the nian, the Syrian, the Greek, the Tragically, you have restarted and re- 20th Century haunts survivors of the Armenian Chaldean, and other lives lost, and the ignited the dastardly acts of genocide Genocide, as well as their families. determination of those who survive. against the Kurds. As a Member of Congress, I believe this is To many Americans of Armenian de- I am glad today on this day that we not only an affront to the memory of the vic- scent who continue to strengthen our are acknowledging that one genocide tims and to their descendants, but it does a country today, we honor those con- can be no worse than another genocide. disservice to the United States as it seeks to tributions with an honest statement of Silence on one genocide is silence on stand up for the victims of violence today. history, recognizing the massacre of 1.5 all genocides. The issue of recognizing the Armenian Armenians as the 20th century’s first Mr. Speaker, I stand here today to genocide and helping the Armenian people is genocide. support H. Res. 296 to acknowledge the neither a partisan nor geopolitical Issue. In the spirit of honoring these vic- Armenian genocide by the United Rather, it is a question of giving the Arme- tims, I am proud to cosponsor H. Res. States of America. nian people the justice they deserve. 296, an official recognition of the Arme- Mr. Speaker, as a senior member of the In doing so, we affirm the dignity of human- nian genocide. Committees on the Judiciary and on Home- kind everywhere. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. land Security, and as a sponsor of the legisla- It has been said that ‘‘all it takes for evil to Speaker, I reserve the balance of my tion, I rise in strong support of H. Res. 296, a triumph, is for good men to do nothing.’’ time. resolution ‘‘Affirminq the United States Record This is one of the reasons I am proud to Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 on the Armenian Genocide,’’ and I thank Mr. have joined with so many of my colleagues in minute to the gentlewoman from Texas SCHIFF, the gentleman from California and the cosponsoring the resolution affirming the oc- (Ms. JACKSON LEE). Chairman of the House Permanent Select currence of the Armenian genocide throughout Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I Committee on Intelligence, and Mr. ENGEL, the my career in Congress and I will continue to thank the gentleman and acknowledge Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign do for as long as it takes. Mr. SCHIFF and my dear friend, ANNA Affairs for their collaboration and hard work in In recognizing the Armenian Genocide, we ESHOO, and all of those, Mr. PALLONE, bringing this important legislation to the floor. do not seek to persecute any person or state; and of all the Members who have stood Mr. Speaker, the United States record on we seek to build a path that will lead to rec- tall and strong, Mr. SMITH and Mr. the Armenian Genocide goes back more than onciliation between Armenians and Turks. ENGEL, for this very important state- a century, in fact to July 16, 1915, when In doing so, we will remain true to our na- ment. Henry Morgenthau, United States Ambassador tion’s highest aspirations for justice and Let me, as a member of the Arme- to the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1916, or- peace. nian Caucus, indicate that I rise with a ganized and led protests by officials of many It was President Lincoln who called upon heavy heart, but I rise with an appre- countries against what he described as the the ‘‘better angels of our nature’’ when he said ciation and an excitement that we have empire’s ‘‘campaign of race extermination’’, in his Second Inaugural Address that all Amer- come to this point. and was instructed on July 16, 1915, by icans should ‘‘do all which may achieve and It is important to acknowledge that United States Secretary of State Robert Lan- cherish a just and lasting peace among our- as this was occurring, the United sing that the ‘‘Department approves your pro- selves and with all nations.’’ States’ record on the Armenian geno- cedure . . . to stop Armenian persecution.’’ Mr. Speaker, the Armenian Genocide has cide goes back more than a century, in The United States has a proud history of been officially recognized by 42 states, which fact, to July 16, 1915, when Henry Mor- recognizing and condemning the Armenian have gone on public record rejecting any claim genthau, United States Ambassador to Genocide, the killing of 1.5 million Armenians or assertion that denies the occurrence of one the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1916, by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923 of history’s worst crimes against humanity. organized and led protests by officials and providing relief to the survivors of the I believe it is time for us to join these na- of many countries against what he de- campaign of genocide against Armenians, tions in that endeavor by passing H. Res. 296, scribed as the empire’s campaign of Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, the ‘‘Affirmation of the United States Record race extermination. He was instructed Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians. on the Armenian Genocide Resolution.’’ on July 16, 1915, by United States Sec- Mr. Speaker, the Armenian Genocide rep- Mr. Speaker, I ask for a moment of silence retary of State Robert Lansing that resents the first genocide of the 20th Century, in memory of the millions of silenced voices the ‘‘department approves your proce- where Ottoman Turkish authorities ordered the and interrupted lives of those Armenians who dure . . . to stop Armenian persecu- systematic annihilation of more than 1.5 mil- perished between 1915 and 1923 in the geno- tion.’’ lion Armenians, and which Turkey carried out cide committed by the Ottoman Empire. I rise in support of finally having this from 1915 to 1923 through massacres, depor- I urge all Members to join me in voting for Nation take this stand. Bloodshed and tations, and death marches where hundreds of this critically important resolution, H. Res. 296. genocide should not be tolerated no thousands were herded into the Syrian Desert Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. matter how long we have come to that. to die of thirst and starvation. Speaker, it is my understanding that And so I stand with the words that we Sadly, to this day this chapter of history has there are no further speakers other now, therefore, will commemorate as yet to be admitted by the Government of Tur- than the chairman, and I would like to the United States of America the Ar- key. close. menian genocide through official rec- Many international observers, including then Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time ognition and remembrance. We will re- Ambassador and later U.S. Treasury Sec- as I may consume. ject efforts to enlist, engage, or other- retary Henry Morgenthau, witnessed the night- As I mentioned earlier, the Encyclo- wise associate the United States Gov- mare firsthand and reported detailed accounts pedia of the Armenian Genocide states: ernment with the denial of the Arme- of the atrocities to their governments. During the march many Armenians were nian genocide or any other genocide. Respected organizations and eminent schol- killed indiscriminately by the Ottoman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The forces, which left a trail of corpses along the ars and historians agree and recognize the Ar- route of the march. To break the will of the time of the gentlewoman has expired. menian Genocide, including the Elie Wiesel marchers, they used swords, resulting in Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield the Foundation for Humanity and the renowned great bloodshed. Marchers who survived gentlewoman from Texas an additional International Association of Genocide Schol- these attacks faced starvation, as no provi- 30 seconds. ars. sions whatsoever were made. Many elderly

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.051 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8567 and infirm marchers died in this way during I would like to say a special thanks gration of this military system undermines the the march. This significantly reduced num- to the tenacious leaders of the Arme- commitments made by all NATO allies to bers of marchers who, upon finally making it nian National Committee of America, move away from Russian military systems. into the Syrian desert, were put into con- centration camps and then released into the the Armenian Assembly and the Arme- Passing this resolution for the sole purpose of scorching desert with no food or water and to nian diaspora for persistently encour- poking Turkey in the eye will only serve as an- a certain death. aging Congress to step up and pass this other reason for Turkey to pursue a separation Mr. Speaker, despite having ratified kind of resolution. After a century of from NATO. the Genocide Convention back in 1950, denial, obfuscation, and lies by Turkey, Mr. Speaker, I will be voting present on the Turkish Government has waged an it is time to affirm and reiterate the House Resolution 296 as I believe we have amazingly deceitful campaign of denial truth of the Armenian genocide and failed to do our due diligence in investigating and has done so over the course of dec- honor the victims, the survivors, and this matter and exploring the possible unin- ades using a variety of means to bully, their families. tended consequences that may arise upon intimidate, and punish Turkish citi- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance passage of this resolution. zens who dare to acknowledge the of my time. Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise genocide committed by the Ottoman Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- today in strong support of H. Res. 296, Affirm- Empire beginning in 1915. self the balance of my time for the pur- ing the United States record on the Armenian Ankara also seeks to intimidate na- pose of closing. Genocide. I am honored to have supported tions. Many nations have refused to be Mr. Speaker, the resolution before us this resolution my entire tenure in Congress. intimidated and to be bullied: Poland, is an important measure for Congress Although it should not have taken this long, Germany, the Holy See, Italy, Russia, to set the record straight and to call today is a historic day in that the House is fi- France, Holland, Portugal, the Czech out the atrocities suffered by the Ar- nally acknowledging the Armenian Genocide, Republic, Denmark, Paraguay, Bolivia, menian people at the hands of the recognizing the heroic efforts of many in our Brazil, Austria, Bulgaria, the European Ottoman Empire in the early 20th cen- government to help the Armenian people, and Parliament, Luxembourg, Sweden, tury as a genocide. honoring the victims of this tragedy. Chile, Argentina, Lithuania, Ven- I, again, want to thank the author of H. Res. 296 acknowledges the systematic ezuela, Slovakia, Canada, Uruguay, this measure, Mr. SCHIFF, along with and deliberate annihilation of millions of Arme- Switzerland, Lebanon, Belgium, the many champions for the Armenian nians by the Ottoman Empire. The resolution Greece, and Cyprus all have come out people in the House. I want to con- recognizes the courage and leadership shown strongly and acknowledged the Arme- gratulate the Armenian American com- at the time by our ambassador Henry Morgen- nian genocide. We need to do the same munity which has worked for so many thau, our government, and the American peo- today. years to try to get this resolution to ple who provided relief and shelter to the vic- Over the years, several U.S. Presi- the House floor and then get it passed. tims of the genocide. Thousands of victims, dents have acknowledged the cruelty We are really making history today, mostly women and children, were saved by and the carnage. But it was Ronald and I thank my colleagues on both the people of our nation who gave humani- Reagan who called it an Armenian sides of the aisle: Mr. SMITH, and all tarian assistance to the refugees. genocide. He said: ‘‘Like the genocide the others who spoke. I think this is Many of the Armenians who fled this crisis of the Armenians before it, and the very important, and I think we will be immigrated to the United States where they found the freedom and prosperity that our na- genocide of the Cambodians, which fol- sending a very, very strong message all tion provides. The descendants of these geno- lowed it—and like too many other per- around the world. secutions of too many other people— Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to cide survivors have created the strong, vi- the lessons of the Holocaust must vote ‘‘yes’’ on this important resolu- brant, and patriotic Armenian-American com- never be forgotten.’’ tion, and I yield back the balance of munity that our nation is blessed with today. To be sure, Presidents Carter, Bush, my time. We must honor the sacrifice of their fore- Clinton, and Bush, said strong words. Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise fathers and reaffirm the U.S. record on the Ar- They had strong words to describe it. today to express my concerns with House menian Genocide. President Bush called it the ‘‘forced I would like to thank the many advocates in Resolution 296, which will be debated on the exile and the annihilation’’ of 1.5 mil- and outside of Congress who have played an House floor today. lion Armenians. integral role in ths legislation. Our colleagues This counterproductive resolution does not President Obama had promised to Congressman and Congressman tell the full story of the region during World recognize the genocide but didn’t. A have been tireless advocates War I and reopens a wound between Greeks, Los Angeles Times story on April 21, for this resolution and should be applauded for Turks, Armenians, Kurds, and other ethnic 2015, says it all: ‘‘Armenian hopes their work in getting us here today. The Arme- groups in the region. Favoring the preferred crushed as Obama decides not to use nian-American community has stayed com- storyline of one of these groups without con- the word ‘genocide’.’’ mitted to recognizing the incredible injustice sidering information provided by other ethnic It does matter, Mr. Speaker. Geno- their ancestors suffered even while many chal- groups in the region would serve as a failure cide is a very precise term. It has real lenged their bearing witness to the truth. meaning in international law because on our part to do our due diligence and hear Armenian-Americans have sought formal of the Genocide Convention, and all out all sides on this matter of historic signifi- recognition of this genocide, not only to help Presidents and Members of Congress, I cance. No hearings have been held on this heal their own community, but to ensure geno- hope, will stand up and say that word. resolution and it has come to the floor without cide never happens again. The Armenian- Let me remind my colleagues, be- being marked up by the House Committee on American community is always first to speak cause it is referenced again in the reso- Foreign Affairs. out regarding modern-day crimes against hu- Looking into the future, this resolution fails lution, that back in 1984 we passed a manity, such as in Rwanda and Darfur. joint resolution to designate April 24, to help improve relations between the states Mr. Speaker, like Armenian-Americans I ask 1985—it didn’t pass in the Senate, but it of Turkey and Armenia. Last year, the Arme- my colleagues to support this resolution, not did pass here—and it said in part that nian government annulled normalization proto- only to recognize the genocides of the past, April 24, 1985, is designated as ‘‘Na- cols that were signed by the two governments but to prevent genocide in the future. tional Day of Remembrance of Man’s on October 10, 2009. It is in our best national The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time Inhumanity to Man’’ and authorized security interests that we work with both gov- for debate has expired. the President to observe the day of re- ernments to help facilitate the revival of the Pursuant to House Resolution 655, membrance for all the victims of geno- normalization of relations between the two na- the previous question is ordered on the cide, and especially for the 1.5 million tions in order to keep the region at peace resolution and the preamble. people of Armenian ancestry who were without any escalation towards conflict. The question is on the adoption of the victims of genocide perpetrated in Lastly, the passage of this resolution will the resolution. Turkey between 1915 and 1923. only drive our NATO ally, Turkey, into the The question was taken; and the So I say to my colleagues who are open arms of Vladimir Putin and Russia. Al- Speaker pro tempore announced that watching, we have gone on record be- ready, the Turkish government has purchased the ayes appeared to have it. fore. Let’s not be intimidated by Tur- and taken delivery of the Russian developed Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, on that I key, Erdogan, and others. S–400 anti-aircraft weapons system. The inte- demand the yeas and nays.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.052 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8568 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 The yeas and nays were ordered. (8) the United States Government should gious and ethnic minority communities in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- utilize diplomatic and military tools to en- northern Syria; and ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- sure the enduring defeat of ISIS; (II) is not hindering counter-terrorism op- ceedings on this question will be post- (9) the United States should stand by crit- erations against ISIS; and ical allies and partners; (B) not later than 15 days before issuing poned. (10) Russian and Iranian political and mili- such a waiver, submits to the appropriate f tary influence in Syria present a threat to congressional committees a justification re- United States national security interests; lating to such determination. b 1530 and (2) RENEWAL OF WAIVERS.—The President ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (11) the United States Government, in con- may, on a case-by-case basis, renew a waiver PRO TEMPORE cert with the international community, under paragraph (1) for an additional period should hold accountable members of the Syr- of not more than 90 days if, not later than 15 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ian regime and the Governments of the Rus- days before such a waiver expires, the Presi- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair sian Federation and Iran for atrocities dent determines it is vital to the national se- will postpone further proceedings against the Syrian people. curity interests of the United States to do so and submits to the appropriate congressional today on the motions to suspend the SEC. 3. SANCTIONS AGAINST SENIOR TURKISH OFFICIALS. committees a justification relating to such rules on which a recorded vote or the determination. yeas and nays are ordered, or votes ob- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 15 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, SEC. 4. PROHIBITION ON ARMS TRANSFERS TO jected to under clause 6 of rule XX. TURKISH MILITARY UNITS IN SYRIA. the President shall impose the sanctions de- (a) PROHIBITION.—No United States defense The House will resume proceedings scribed in section 14 with respect to the fol- articles, defense services, or technology on postponed questions at a later time. lowing foreign persons in connection with under the Arms Export Control Act (22 f Turkey’s military invasion of northern Syria U.S.C. 2751 et seq.) may be transferred to the on October 9, 2019: Government of Turkey if such articles, serv- PROTECT AGAINST CONFLICT BY (1) The Minister of National Defense of TURKEY ACT ices, or technology could be used in oper- Turkey. ations by the Turkish Armed Forces in Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I move to (2) The Chief of the General Staff of the northern Syria. suspend the rules and pass the bill Turkish Armed Forces. (b) EXCEPTION.—The prohibition under sub- (3) The Commander of the 2nd Army of the section (a) shall not apply to transfers for ul- (H.R. 4695) to impose sanctions with re- Turkish Armed Forces. spect to Turkey, and for other pur- timate end use by the United States military (4) The Minister of Treasury and Finance or for use in military operations approved by poses, as amended. of Turkey. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The Clerk read the title of the bill. (b) ADDITIONAL SANCTIONS.— (c) NO USE OF EMERGENCY AUTHORITY.—The The text of the bill is as follows: (1) LIST.—Not later than 30 days after the authority of the President to waive statu- H.R. 4695 date of the enactment of this Act, the Sec- tory congressional review periods under the retary of State, in consultation with the Arms Export Control Act in cases in which Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Secretary of Defense and the Director of Na- an emergency exists shall not apply to the resentatives of the United States of America in tional Intelligence, shall submit to the transfer of defense articles, defense services, Congress assembled, President and appropriate congressional or technology to the Government of Turkey. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. committees a list of the following foreign SEC. 5. SANCTIONS AGAINST FOREIGN PERSONS This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Protect persons in connection with Turkey’s mili- PROVIDING ARMS TO TURKISH Against Conflict by Turkey Act’’ or the tary invasion of northern Syria on October 9, ARMED FORCES IN SYRIA. ‘‘PACT Act’’. 2019: (a) REPORT.— SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. (A) Senior Turkish defense officials in- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 30 days It is the sense of Congress that— volved in the decision to invade northern after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, in consultation with (1) the United States and Turkey have been Syria. the Secretary of Defense and the Director of treaty allies since 1952, when Turkey became (B) Senior Turkish military officials lead- National Intelligence, shall submit to the a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- ing attacks against the Syrian Democratic President and appropriate congressional ganization (NATO); Forces (SDF), Kurdish and Arab civilians, or committees a list of any foreign persons de- (2) being a NATO member means that Tur- other religious or ethnic minority commu- termined to knowingly have provided, on or key is treaty bound to safeguard the prin- nities in northern Syria. after such date of enactment, defense arti- ciples of democracy, individual liberty, and (C) Turkish officials significantly facili- cles, defense services, or technology (as such the rule of law and, importantly, should be tating Turkey’s military invasion of north- terms are defined and described in the Arms united with other NATO allies in efforts for ern Syria. Export Control Act) to the Government of collective defense and the preservation of (D) Any Turkish official or member of the Turkey if such articles, services, or tech- peace and security; Turkish Armed Forces who is responsible nology could be used in operations by the (3) Turkey’s military invasion of northern for, complicit in, or has directly or indi- Turkish Armed Forces in northern Syria. Syria on October 9, 2019, is an unacceptable rectly engaged, or has attempted to engage, (2) UPDATES.—The list required under para- and unnecessary escalation of tensions with in any of the following relating to Turkey’s graph (1) shall be updated every 60 days or as the potential to cause a severe humanitarian military invasion of northern Syria: new information becomes available, until crisis and undo the collective gains made in (i) A violation of the law of armed conflict. the sanctions under this section are termi- the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq (ii) A gross violation of internationally nated in accordance with section 7. and Syria (ISIS) by the United States and recognized human rights. (b) IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS.—The Presi- the 81 countries and organizations of the (2) UPDATES.—The list required under para- dent shall impose the sanctions described in Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, including graph (1) shall be updated every 60 days, section 14 with respect to any foreign per- NATO and the European Union (EU); until the sanctions under this section are sons identified on the list and related up- (4) Turkey should immediately cease at- terminated in accordance with section 7. dates required under subsection (a). tacks against the Syrian Democratic Forces (3) IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS.—Not later (c) EXCEPTION.—The sanctions imposed (SDF), Kurdish and Arab civilians, and other than 15 days after submission of the list re- pursuant to this section shall not apply to religious and ethnic minority communities quired under paragraph (1) and each update transfers for ultimate end use by the United in northern Syria and recall its forces back relating thereto in accordance with para- States military or for use in military oper- to Turkey; graph (2), the President shall impose the ations approved by the North Atlantic Trea- (5) targeted sanctions against Turkey are sanctions described in section 14 with respect ty Organization. an appropriate response in order for Turkey to foreign persons identified in such list and (d) WAIVER.— to be held accountable for its military inva- related updates. (1) IN GENERAL.—The President may waive, sion of northern Syria; (c) WAIVER.— on a case-by-case basis and for a period of (6) Turkey’s military invasion of northern (1) IN GENERAL.—The President may waive, not more than 90 days, the imposition of Syria is the latest example of the weakening on a case-by-case basis and for a period of sanctions under this section with respect to and problematic United States-Turkey bilat- not more than 90 days, the imposition of a foreign person if the President determines eral relationship and undermines the secu- sanctions under this section with respect to it is important to the national security in- rity of the United States and its NATO al- a foreign person if the President— terests of the United States to do so and, not lies, including that of Turkey; (A) determines that— later than 15 days before issuing such a waiv- (7) the SDF have been critical partners to (i) it is vital to the national security inter- er, submits to the appropriate congressional United States and allied counter-ISIS and ests of the United States to do so; and committees a justification relating to such broader counterterrorism efforts in Syria, (ii) Turkey— determination. and the United States should continue this (I) has halted attacks against the SDF, (2) RENEWAL OF WAIVERS.—The President partnership with the SDF; Kurdish and Arab civilians, and other reli- may, on a case-by-case basis, renew a waiver

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.053 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8569 under paragraph (1) for an additional period SEC. 8. IMPOSITION OF CERTAIN SANCTIONS congressional committees as circumstances of not more than 90 days if, not later than 15 UNDER COUNTERING AMERICA’S AD- warrant. days before such a waiver expires, the Presi- VERSARIES THROUGH SANCTIONS (2) ELEMENTS OF THE REPORT.—The report, dent determines it is important to the na- ACT AGAINST TURKEY. and any update thereto, required under para- tional security interests of the United States (a) DETERMINATION.—For the purposes of graph (1) shall include the following ele- to do so and submits to the appropriate con- section 231 of the Countering America’s Ad- ments: gressional committees a justification relat- versaries Through Sanctions Act (22 U.S.C. (A) A description of the impact of Turkey’s ing to such determination. 9525), Turkey’s acquisition of the Russian S- military invasion of northern Syria on the 400 air and missile defense system beginning ability of ISIS to reconstitute a physical ca- SEC. 6. TARGETED FOREIGN FINANCIAL SANC- July 12, 2019, shall be considered to be a sig- TIONS. liphate. nificant transaction described in such sec- (a) HALK BANKASI OR HALKBANK.—Not later (B) A description of the impact of the inva- tion. than 15 days after the date of enactment of sion on the Russian Federation’s military (b) SANCTIONS.—Not later than 30 days this Act, the President shall impose the and political influence in Syria. after the date of the enactment of this Act, sanctions described in section 14(1) with re- (C) A description of the impact of the inva- the President shall impose five or more of spect to Halk Bankas( or Halkbank or any sion on Iran’s ability to increase its military the sanctions described in section 235 of the successor entity thereof. and political influence in Syria. Countering America’s Adversaries Through (b) FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS.— (D) A comprehensive assessment of the Sanctions Act (22 U.S.C. 9529) with respect to (1) IN GENERAL.—If the Secretary of State, United States Government’s activities to the Government of Turkey. in consultation with the Secretary of De- counter Iranian and Russian Federation in- fense, Secretary of Treasury, and Director of SEC. 9. PLANS AND REPORTS TO ADDRESS NA- fluence in Syria. TIONAL SECURITY THREATS CAUSED National Intelligence, determines that any BY TURKEY’S MILITARY INVASION (E) An outline of planned joint actions by foreign financial institution, in addition to OF NORTHERN SYRIA. the Department of State and the Department the foreign financial institutions specified in Not later than 60 days after the date of the of Defense, in consultation with the heads of subsection (a), has knowingly facilitated sig- enactment of this Act— the other appropriate Federal agencies, re- nificant transactions for the Turkish Armed (1) the Secretary of Defense shall submit to garding all stabilization funds or activities Forces or defense industry relating to Tur- the appropriate congressional committees— for Syria, and an explanation of how such key’s military invasion of northern Syria on (A) a plan to ensure that ISIS detainees funds and activities can contribute to sta- October 9, 2019, the President shall, not later and families held in Syria remain under bilization in the current environment and than 60 days after any such determination, proper custody, in accordance with inter- without limited United States troop pres- impose the sanctions described in section nationally recognized human rights require- ence in northern Syria. 14(1) with respect to any such foreign finan- ments, and in a manner that does not threat- (F) The creation and use by the Govern- cial institution. en United States security interests; and ment of Turkey of ‘‘safe zones’’ to justify the (2) WAIVER.— (B) a report on the impact that Turkey’s involuntary or uninformed return of Syrian (A) IN GENERAL.—The President may waive, military invasion of northern Syria is having refugees from Turkey to Syrian territory, to on a case-by-case basis and for a period of on counterterrorism operations in Syria; and justify the forced displacement of Syrians not more than 90 days, the imposition of (2) the Secretary of State shall submit to inside Syria, or to prevent Syrians from sanctions under this subsection if the Presi- the appropriate congressional committees a seeking international protections. dent— plan for how the United States will assist (G) The role of the Government of Turkey (i) determines that— the Syrian Democratic Forces, Kurdish and and Turkish-backed forces in facilitating hu- (I) it is vital to the national security inter- Arab civilians, and other religious and eth- manitarian actors, including international ests of the United States to do so; and nic minority communities affected by Tur- nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), for (II) Turkey— key’s military invasion of northern Syria on cross-border work from Turkey and in ensur- (aa) has halted attacks against the Syrian October 9, 2019. ing efficient, open supply lines for humani- tarian assistance and personnel through bor- Democratic Forces, Kurdish and Arab civil- SEC. 10. REPORT ON NET WORTH OF TURKISH ians, and other religious and ethnic minority PRESIDENT RECEP TAYYIP der crossing points on the Turkey-Syria and communities in northern Syria; and ERDOGAN. Iraq-Syria borders, and facilitating safe pas- (bb) is not hindering counter-terrorism op- Not later than 120 days after the date of sage of humanitarian assistance to Syrians erations against ISIS; and the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of inside Syria based on need. (ii) not later than 15 days before issuing State, in consultation with the Secretary of (H) The actions of the Government of Tur- such a waiver, submits to the appropriate the Treasury and the Director of National key and Turkish-backed forces in the oper- congressional committees a justification re- Intelligence, shall submit to the appropriate ation of all camps for families displaced by lating to such determination. congressional committees a report on the es- conflict as civilian facilities, and ensuring (B) RENEWAL OF WAIVERS.—The President timated net worth and known sources of in- that camp residents, in particular women may, on a case-by-case basis, renew a waiver come of Turkish President Recep Tayyip and children, are treated as civilian victims under subparagraph (A) for an additional pe- Erdog˘ an and his family members (including of conflict in accordance with international riod of not more than 90 days if, not later spouse, children, parents, and siblings), in- law and standards. than 15 days before such a waiver expires, cluding assets, investments, other business (I) The actions of the Government of Tur- the President determines it is vital to the interests, and relevant beneficial ownership key and Turkish-backed forces in taking ef- national security interests of the United information. fective measures to protect civilians and ci- States to do so and submits to the appro- SEC. 11. REPORT ON TURKEY’S MILITARY INVA- vilian infrastructure, including health facili- priate congressional committees a justifica- SION OF NORTHERN SYRIA. ties, water pumping stations, and restricting tion relating to such determination. (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of use of explosive weapons in populated areas. SEC. 7. TERMINATION AUTHORITY. Congress that— SEC. 12. STRATEGY TO PREVENT THE RESUR- (a) SECTIONS 3, 4, AND 5.—The authority to (1) the Russian Federation and Iran con- GENCE OF THE ISLAMIC STATE OF impose sanctions under sections 3 and 5 (and tinue to— IRAQ AND SYRIA (ISIS) AND ITS AF- the sanctions imposed pursuant to such sec- (A) exploit a security vacuum in Syria; and FILIATES. tions) and the prohibitions under section 4 (B) pose a threat to vital United States na- (a) STRATEGY REQUIRED.—Not later than 60 shall terminate if the President determines tional security interests; and days after the date of the enactment of this and submits to the appropriate congressional (2) continued Turkish military activity in- Act, the Secretary of State, in consultation committees a finding that— side Syria will negatively impact the na- with the Secretary of Defense, the Adminis- (1) Turkey has halted attacks against the tional security interest and regional sta- trator of the United States Agency for Inter- Syrian Democratic Forces, Kurdish and Arab bility of the United States. national Development, and the heads of civilians, and other religious and ethnic mi- (b) REPORT REQUIRED.— other appropriate Federal agencies, shall nority communities in northern Syria; (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 30 days jointly submit to the appropriate congres- (2) Turkish forces not involved in coordi- after the date of the enactment of this Act, sional committees a strategy to prevent the nated operations with NATO allies or the the Secretary of State, in consultation with resurgence of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS have with- the Secretary of Defense, the Administrator (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria. drawn from northern Syria; and of the United States Agency for Inter- (b) ELEMENTS OF THE STRATEGY.—The (3) Turkey is not hindering counter-ter- national Development, and the heads of strategy required under subsection (a) shall rorism operations against ISIS. other appropriate Federal agencies, shall include the following elements: (b) SECTION 6.—The authority to impose fi- submit to the appropriate congressional (1) A summary of the United States na- nancial sanctions under section 6 (and the committees a report on Turkey’s military tional security interests in Iraq and Syria sanctions imposed pursuant to such section) invasion of northern Syria on October 9, 2019, and the impact a resurgence of ISIS would shall terminate if the President determines including the impact of the withdrawal of have on such interests. and submits to the appropriate congressional United States troops from northern Syria. (2) A assessment of current training and committees the finding described in sub- The Secretary of State shall provide an up- support programs by Federal agency or de- section (a)(1). dated report or briefing to the appropriate partment, specifically focused on countering

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.015 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 ISIS and other terrorist organizations, in- been subjected to enforced disappearance by visa or other entry documentation is or was cluding non-lethal assistance, training, and such stakeholders. issued. A revocation under this subparagraph organizational capacity for the Syrian (b) REPORT.— shall take effect immediately and automati- Democratic Forces, the Iraqi Security (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days cally cancel any other valid visa or entry Forces, the Kurdish Peshmerga, and others after the date of the enactment of this Act, documentation that is in the foreign person’s to counter gains by ISIS and its affiliates. the Secretary of State shall submit to the possession. (3) A description of United States Govern- appropriate congressional committees a re- (C) EXCEPTION TO COMPLY WITH UNITED NA- ment efforts to support, develop, and expand port that describes the causes and con- TIONS HEADQUARTERS AGREEMENT.—Sanctions local governance structures in areas in Syria sequences of civilian harm occurring during under this paragraph shall not apply to an previously liberated from ISIS control. Turkey’s military invasion of northern individual if admitting such individual into (4) An estimate of the number of current, Syria, including violations of the law of the United States is necessary to permit the active ISIS members in Iraq and Syria, in- armed conflict and gross violations of inter- United States to comply with the Agreement cluding an assessment of those being held in nationally recognized human rights, as a re- regarding the Headquarters of the United detainee camps or prisons. sult of the actions of all parties to the con- Nations, signed at Lake Success June 26, (5) A comprehensive plan to address ISIS flict. 1947, and entered into force November 21, detainees currently being held in Syria and (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required under 1947, between the United Nations and the Iraq, including the following elements: paragraph (1) shall include the following ele- United States, or other applicable inter- (A) The designation of an existing official ments: national obligations of the United States. within the Department of State to serve as a (A) A description of civilian harm occur- SEC. 15. IMPLEMENTATION. senior-level coordinator to coordinate, in ring in the context of Turkey’s military in- (a) IN GENERAL.—The President— conjunction with the lead and other relevant vasion, including— (1) may exercise all authorities provided to agencies, all matters for the United States (i) mass casualty incidents; and the President under sections 203 and 205 of Government relating to the long-term dis- (ii) damage to, and destruction of, civilian the International Emergency Economic Pow- position of ISIS foreign terrorist fighter de- infrastructure and services, including— ers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out tainees, including all matters in connection (I) hospitals and other medical facilities; this Act; and with— (II) electrical grids; (2) shall issue such regulations, licenses, (i) repatriation, transfer, prosecution, and (III) water systems; and and orders as are necessary to carry out this intelligence-gathering; (IV) other critical infrastructure. Act. (ii) coordinating a whole-of-government (B) A description of violations of the law of (b) PENALTIES.—The penalties provided for approach with other countries and inter- armed conflict committed during Turkey’s in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the national organizations, including military invasion by all forces involved in International Emergency Economic Powers INTERPOL, to ensure secure chains of cus- the Turkish-led coalition and all forces Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) shall apply to any person tody and locations of ISIS foreign terrorist fighting on its behalf and by any other com- who violates, attempts to violate, conspires fighter detainees; batants in the conflict, including— to violate, or causes a violation of any prohi- (iii) coordinating technical and evidentiary (i) alleged violations of the law of armed bition of this Act, or an order or regulation assistance to foreign countries to aid in the conflict; prescribed under this Act, to the same extent successful prosecution of ISIS foreign ter- (ii) specific instances of failure by the par- that such penalties apply to a person that rorist fighter detainees; and ties to the conflict to exercise distinction, commits an unlawful act described in sub- (iv) all multilateral and international en- proportionality, and precaution in the use section (a) of that section. gagements led by the Department of State force in accordance with the law of armed SEC. 16. EXCEPTION RELATING TO IMPORTATION and other agencies that are related to the conflict; OF GOODS. current and future handling, detention, and (iii) arbitrary denials of humanitarian ac- (a) IN GENERAL.—The authorities and re- prosecution of ISIS foreign terrorist fighter cess and the resulting impact on the allevi- quirements to impose sanctions under this detainees. ation of human suffering; Act or any amendments made by this Act (B) A description, which may be in classi- (iv) extra-judicial executions and deten- shall not include the authority or require- fied form, of ISIS senior leadership and in- tion-related abuses; and ment to impose sanctions on the importation frastructure and efforts to target leadership (v) other acts that may constitute viola- of goods. (b) GOOD DEFINED.—In this section, the figures. tions of the law of armed conflict. term ‘‘good’’ means any article, natural or (C) A comprehensive description of United (C) Recommendations for establishing ac- man-made substance, material, supply or States activities utilizing social media and countability mechanisms for civilian harm, manufactured product, including inspection other communication technologies to violations of the law of armed conflict, and and test equipment and excluding technical counter ISIS’s propaganda, influence, and gross violations of internationally recog- data. ability to recruit fighters domestically and nized human rights perpetrated by Turkish SEC. 17. HUMANITARIAN WAIVER. internationally, including with private tech- and pro-Turkish forces in Syria, including The President may waive the application nology companies, and how such activities the potential for prosecuting individuals per- of any provision of this Act (other than sec- are being coordinated across the United petrating, organizing, directing, or ordering tion 16) for the purpose of providing humani- States Government. such violations. tarian assistance if the President certifies to (D) A description of the efforts of the SEC. 14. SANCTIONS DESCRIBED. United States Government, including eco- the appropriate congressional committees The sanctions described in this section are that such a waiver is important to address a nomic sanctions, to deny financial resources, the following: including revenues from natural resources humanitarian need and consistent with the (1) ASSET BLOCKING.—The President shall national security interests of the United extraction, sale of antiquities, kidnapping, exercise all of the powers granted by the States, not later than 15 days before issuing extortion, taxation, smuggling, access to International Emergency Economic Powers such a waiver, the President submits to such cash storage sites, and access to inter- Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (except that the committees a justification relating to such national financial networks, to ISIS and its requirements of section 202 of such Act (50 determination. affiliates, in conjunction with international U.S.C. 1701) shall not apply) to the extent partners and financial institutions. SEC. 18. UNITED STATES REFUGEE PROGRAM necessary to block and prohibit all trans- PRIORITIES. (E) A description of United States Govern- actions in all property and interests in prop- (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State, ment efforts to support credible war crimes erty of a person if such property and inter- in consultation with the Secretary of Home- prosecutions against ISIS fighters. ests in property are in the United States, land Security shall designate, as Priority 2 (F) A plan to ensure the delivery of human- come within the United States, or are or refugees of special humanitarian concern— itarian assistance. come within the possession or control of a (1) Syrian Kurds, stateless persons who ha- SEC. 13. REPORT ON ACCOUNTABILITY FOR VIO- United States person. bitually resided in Syria, and other Syrians, LATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, (2) ALIENS INADMISSIBLE FOR VISAS, ADMIS- who partnered with, or worked for or di- INCLUDING THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT, AND OTHER HARM TO CI- SION, OR PAROLE.— rectly with, the United States Government VILIANS IN SYRIA DURING TURKEY’S (A) VISAS, ADMISSION, OR PAROLE.—A for- in Syria for an aggregate period of not less MILITARY INVASION. eign person is— than 1 year; (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of (i) inadmissible to the United States; (2) Syrian Kurds, stateless persons who ha- Congress that— (ii) ineligible to receive a visa or other doc- bitually resided in Syria, and other Syrians, (1) Turkish and pro-Turkish forces should umentation to enter the United States; and who were employed in Syria, for an aggre- end all practices involving arbitrary arrests, (iii) otherwise ineligible to be admitted or gate period of not less than 1 year, by— enforced disappearances, torture, arbitrary paroled into the United States or to receive (A) a media or nongovernmental organiza- executions, and other unlawful treatment; any other benefit under the Immigration and tion based in the United States; and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.). (B) an organization or entity that has re- (2) all stakeholders in Turkey’s military (B) CURRENT VISAS REVOKED.—The visa or ceived a grant from, or entered into a coop- invasion of northern Syria should reveal the other entry documentation of a foreign per- erative agreement or contract with, the fate or the location of all persons who have son shall be revoked, regardless of when such United States Government; or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.015 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8571 (C) an organization that— (B) an entity organized under the laws of hold Turkey accountable for how they (i) was continuously physically present in the United States or any jurisdiction within have conducted this bloody campaign, Northeast Syria between 2011 and the date of the United States, including a foreign branch President Trump has given them a free the enactment of this Act; and of such an entity. pass. When the head of ISIS was finally (ii) has partnered with an organization de- SEC. 20. SUNSET. scribed in subparagraph (A) or (B); killed, President Trump, unfortu- This Act shall terminate on the date that nately, thanked the Turks, thanked (3) the spouses, children, sons, daughters, is three years after the date on which sanc- siblings, and parents of aliens described in tions imposed pursuant to this Act have ter- the Turkish Government. That doesn’t paragraph (1); or minated. sit right with me. (4) Syrian Kurds, stateless persons who ha- First, the administration arranged a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- bitually resided in Syria, and other Syrians, sham cease-fire that gave Erdogan all ant to the rule, the gentleman from who have an immediate relative (as defined he could have wanted. Then, Turkey New York (Mr. ENGEL) and the gen- in section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Immigration entered into an agreement with Vladi- and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(2)(A)(i)) tleman from Texas (Mr. MCCAUL) each mir Putin that ceded America’s influ- or a family member described in section will control 20 minutes. ence in the region to Russia. And then, 203(a) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 203(a)) who is The Chair recognizes the gentleman President Trump lifted sanctions on physically present in the United States. from New York. (b) ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION AS A REF- Turkey once the Kurds fled. GENERAL LEAVE UGEE.—An alien may not be denied the op- President Trump has let Erdogan off portunity to apply for admission as a refugee Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- scot-free for a heinous assault that is under this section solely because such alien imous consent that all Members have 5 destabilizing the region and threat- qualifies as an immediate relative of a na- legislative days in which to revise and ening international security. President tional of the United States or is eligible for extend their remarks and include ex- Trump and President Erdogan are re- admission to the United States under any traneous material on H.R. 4695. other immigrant classification. sponsible for the catastrophe in north- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there east Syria. They both must be held ac- (c) MEMBERSHIP IN CERTAIN SYRIAN ORGANI- objection to the request of the gen- ZATIONS.—An applicant for admission to the countable. United States under this section may not be tleman from New York? On October 16, the House passed a deemed inadmissible solely because the ap- There was no objection. measure rebuking President Trump for plicant was a member of, or provided support Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- this disastrous policy—passed, I will to, the Syrian Democratic Forces. self such time as I may consume. note, with overwhelming bipartisan (d) EXCLUSION FROM NUMERICAL LIMITA- Mr. Speaker, I have described the ad- support. TIONS.—Aliens provided refugee status under ministration’s approach to inter- this section shall not be counted against any Now, the United States needs to national affairs as ‘‘fly by the seat of make sure that Turkish President numerical limitation under section 201, 202, your pants’’ foreign policy, but over 203, or 207 of the Immigration and Nation- Erdogan faces consequences for his be- ality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151, 1152, 1153, and 1157). time, we have seen a pattern emerge. havior. Because President Trump has (e) IDENTIFICATION OF OTHER PERSECUTED The President of the United States failed to demonstrate American leader- GROUPS.—The Secretary of State, or the des- stokes a crisis and then steps in with ship in this regard, it is now on Con- ignee of the Secretary, is authorized to clas- some sort of half measure in a failed gress to step up and impose con- sify other groups of Syrians, including vul- attempt to look like a great deal is sequences on Turkey. nerable populations, as Priority 2 refugees of happening. The PACT Act, which is this act, un- special humanitarian concern. You can’t be the arsonist and the derscores the devastating consequences (f) SATISFACTION OF OTHER REQUIRE- fireman at the same time. And the sit- MENTS.—Aliens designated as Priority 2 refu- of Turkey’s invasion and President gees of special humanitarian concern under uation in Syria right now may be the Trump’s decision to step back and let this section shall be deemed to satisfy the clearest example of this and the most it happen. It employs targeted smart requirements under section 207 of the Immi- disastrous. sanctions to incentivize Erdogan to gration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1157) Around 2 weeks ago, President stop his military offensive, cease vio- for admission to the United States. Trump gave Turkey’s President lence against Syrian Kurdish commu- SEC. 19. DEFINITIONS. Erdogan the green light to launch a nities, and withdraw from Syria. In this Act: military invasion of northern Syria, These sanctions are specifically de- (1) ADMISSION; ADMITTED; ALIEN.—The and that is precisely what Turkey did. signed to target the Turkish officials terms ‘‘admission’’, ‘‘admitted’’, and ‘‘alien’’ What followed was a gruesome cam- and institutions responsible for the have the meanings given such terms in sec- paign slaughtering our Syrian Kurdish tion 101 of the Immigration and Nationality bloodshed in Syria without senselessly Act (8 U.S.C. 1101). partners who fought alongside the hurting the Turkish people. After all, (2) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- United States against ISIS. Already it is Erdogan, not the Turkish people, TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional nearly 200,000 people, including women, who is responsible for this horror. committees’’ means— children, and families, have been dis- Erdogan is an authoritarian thug. His (A) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the placed, driven from their ancestral rule has left a glaring black mark on Committee on Armed Services, and the Com- homes—ethnic cleansing at its worst. Turkey’s historic secular, democratic mittee on Financial Services of the House of The deal we signed with Erdogan has traditions. We need to pressure him Representatives; and led directly to this ethnic cleansing in (B) the Committee on Foreign Relations, while ramping up diplomacy in the the Committee on Armed Services, and the northern Syria’s indigenous Kurdish hopes of getting Turkey back on the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban region. It is really a disgrace. These right track as a NATO ally. That is one Affairs of the Senate. people fought with us. These people of the goals of this measure. (3) FOREIGN PERSON.—The term ‘‘foreign took bullets for us. These people were This bipartisan legislation also re- person’’ means an individual or entity that our loyal and faithful allies. For the quires the Trump administration to de- is not a United States person. United States to turn our backs on velop concrete strategies for com- (4) GROSS VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONALLY them, or to start a chain of events that bating ISIS, protecting Syrian Kurdish RECOGNIZED HUMAN RIGHTS.—The term ‘‘gross would hurt them, really is a very dark violations of internationally recognized communities, and ensuring Syrians human rights’’ has the meaning given such day in our country’s history. who partnered with American forces, term in section 502B(d)(1) of the Foreign As- As the Kurds fight to survive this on- as well as NGOs and humanitarian or- sistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2304(d)(1)). slaught, they have been forced to aban- ganizations, can be safely resettled in (5) KNOWINGLY.—The term ‘‘knowingly’’ don their watch over the prisons hold- the United States. with respect to conduct, a circumstance, or a ing thousands of ISIS fighters. Over 100 This is a smart response to address result, means that a person has actual of these terrorists have reportedly es- the calamity caused by Turkish forces knowledge, or should have known, of the caped. Now, the situation in northeast in Syria. It is up to Congress to act to conduct, the circumstance, or the result. Syria is a humanitarian and national make it clear where the American Gov- (6) UNITED STATES PERSON.—The term ‘‘United States person’’ means— security crisis. ernment stands. (A) a United States citizen or an alien law- In a region already rife with conflict, I want to thank my friend Ranking fully admitted for permanent residence to Turkey’s military operation is wreak- Member MCCAUL for working with me the United States; or ing even more havoc. And rather than to introduce this legislation, and I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.015 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8572 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 hope all of our colleagues will join us I acknowledge that provisions of the bill fall within your jurisdiction. I will also sup- in supporting it. fall within the jurisdiction of the Committee port the appointment of Committee on the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of on Financial Services under House Rule X, Judiciary conferees during any House-Senate my time. and that your Committee will forgo action conference convened on this legislation. on H.R. 4695 to expedite floor consideration. Lastly, I will ensure that our exchange of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, I further acknowledge that the inaction of letters is included in the Congressional COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, your Committee with respect to the bill does Record during floor consideration of the bill. Washington, DC, October 28, 2019. not waive any future jurisdictional claim Thank you again for your cooperation re- Hon. RICHARD E. NEAL, over the matters contained in the bill that garding the legislation. I look forward to Committee on Ways and Means, fall within your jurisdiction. I also acknowl- continuing to work with you as the measure House of Representatives, Washington, DC. edge that your Committee will be appro- moves through the legislative process. DEAR CHAIRMAN NEAL: I am writing to you priately consulted and involved as this or Sincerely, concerning H.R. 4695, the Protect Against similar legislation moves forward, and will ELIOT L. ENGEL, Conflict by Turkey Act. I appreciate your support the appointment of Committee on Chairman. willingness to work cooperatively on this Financial Services conferees during any legislation. House-Senate conference convened on this HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, I acknowledge that provisions of the bill legislation. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, fall within the jurisdiction of the Committee Lastly, I will ensure that our exchange of Washington, DC, October 28, 2019. on Ways and Means under House Rule X, and letters is included in the Congressional Hon. ELIOT L. ENGEL, that your Committee will forgo action on Record during floor consideration of the bill. Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, H.R. 4695 to expedite floor consideration. I Thank you again for your cooperation re- House of Representatives, Washington, DC. further acknowledge that the inaction of garding the legislation. I look forward to DEAR CHAIRMAN ENGEL: This is to advise your Committee with respect to the bill does continuing to work with you as the measure not waive any future jurisdictional claim you that the Committee on the Judiciary moves through the legislative process. has now had an opportunity to review the over the matters contained in the bill that Sincerely, fall within your jurisdiction. I will also sup- provisions in H.R. 4695, the ‘‘Protect Against ELIOT L. ENGEL, Conflict by Turkey Act’’ that fall within our port the appointment of Committee on Ways Chairman. and Means conferees during any House-Sen- Rule X jurisdiction. I appreciate your con- sulting with us on those provisions. The Ju- ate conference convened on this legislation. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Lastly, I will ensure that our exchange of diciary Committee has no objection to your COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES, including them in the bill for consideration letters is included in the Congressional Washington, DC, October 29, 2019. Record during floor consideration of the bill. on the House floor, and to expedite that con- Hon. ELLIOT ENGEL, sideration is willing to forgo action on H.R. Thank you again for your cooperation re- Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House garding the legislation. I look forward to 4695, with the understanding that we do not of Representatives, Washington, DC. thereby waive any future jurisdictional continuing to work with you as the measure DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing con- moves through the legislative process. claim over those provisions or their subject cerning H.R. 4695, the ‘‘Protect Against Con- matters. Sincerely, flict by Turkey Act’’ or the ‘‘PACT Act’. In In the event a House-Senate conference on ELIOT L. ENGEL, order to permit the H.R. 4695 to proceed ex- this or similar legislation is convened, the Chairman. peditiously to the House Floor, I agree to Judiciary Committee reserves the right to forgo formal consideration of the bill. request an appropriate number of conferees HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, The Committee on Financial Services to address any concerns with these or simi- COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, takes this action to forego formal consider- lar provisions that may arise in conference. Washington, DC, October 29, 2019. ation of H.R. 4695 with our mutual under- Please place this letter into the Congres- Hon. ELIOT L. ENGEL, standing that, by foregoing formal consider- sional Record during consideration of the Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, ation of H.R. 4695 at this time, we do not measure on the House floor. Thank you for Washington, DC. waive any jurisdiction over the subject mat- the cooperative spirit in which you have DEAR CHAIRMAN ENGEL: In recognition of ter contained in this or similar legislation, worked regarding this matter and others be- the desire to expedite consideration of H.R. and that our Committee will be appro- tween our committees. 4695, the Protect Against Conflict by Turkey priately consulted and involved as this or Sincerely, (PACT) Act, the Committee on Ways and similar legislation moves forward with re- JERROLD NADLER, Means agrees to waive formal consideration gard to any matters in the Committee’s ju- Chairman. of the bill as to provisions that fall within risdiction. The Committee also reserves the the rule X jurisdiction of the Committee on right to seek appointment of an appropriate Ways and Means. number of conferees to any House-Senate HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, The Committee on Ways and Means takes conference involving this or similar legisla- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, this action with the mutual understanding tion that involves the Committee’s jurisdic- Washington, DC, October 28, 2019. that we do not waive any jurisdiction over tion and request your support for any such Hon. CAROLYN B. MALONEY, the subject matter contained in this or simi- request. Acting Chairwoman, Committee on Oversight lar legislation, and the Committee will be Finally, I would appreciate your response and Reform, House of Representatives, appropriately consulted and involved as the to this letter confirming this understanding, Washington, DC. bill or similar legislation moves forward so and I would ask that a copy of our exchange DEAR CHAIRWOMAN MALONEY: I am writing that we may address any remaining issues of letters on this matter be included in the to you concerning H.R. 4695, the PACT Act. within our jurisdiction. The Committee also Congressional Record during Floor consider- I appreciate your willingness to work coop- reserves the right to seek appointment of an ation of H.R. 4695. eratively on this legislation. appropriate number of conferees to any Sincerely, I acknowledge that provisions of the bill House-Senate conference involving this or , fall within the jurisdiction of the Committee similar legislation. Chairwoman. on Oversight and Reform under House Rule Finally, I would appreciate your response X, and that your Committee will forgo ac- to this letter confirming this understanding HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, tion on H.R. 4695 to expedite floor consider- and would ask that a copy of our exchange of COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, ation. I further acknowledge that the inac- letter on this matter be included in the Con- Washington, DC, October 28, 2019. tion of your Committee with respect to the gressional Record during floor consideration Hon. JERROLD NADLER, bill does not waive any future jurisdictional of H.R. 4695. Committee on the Judiciary, House of Rep- claim over the matters contained in the bill Sincerely, resentatives, Washington, DC. that fall within your jurisdiction. I will also RICHARD E. NEAL, DEAR CHAIRMAN NADLER: I am writing to support the appointment of Committee on Chairman. you concerning H.R. 4695, the Protect Oversight and Reform conferees during any Against Conflict by Turkey Act. I appreciate House-Senate conference convened on this HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, your willingness to work cooperatively on legislation. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, this legislation. Lastly, I will ensure that our exchange of Washington, DC, October 28, 2019. I acknowledge that provisions of the bill letters is included in the Congressional Record Hon. MAXINE WATERS, fall within the jurisdiction of the Committee during floor consideration of the bill. Thank Committee on Financial Services, House of Rep- on the Judiciary under House Rule X, and you again for your cooperation regarding the resentatives, Washington, DC. that your Committee will forgo action on legislation. I look forward to continuing to DEAR CHAIRWOMAN WATERS: I am writing H.R. 4695 to expedite floor consideration. I work with you as the measure moves to you concerning H.R. 4695 the Protect further acknowledge that the inaction of through the legislative process. Against Conflict by Turkey Act. I appreciate your Committee with respect to the bill does Sincerely, your willingness to work cooperatively on not waive any future jurisdictional claim ELIOT L. ENGEL, this legislation. over the matters contained in the bill that Chairman.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.055 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8573 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, destabilizing actions and act as a re- For these reasons, I urge support of COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM, sponsible partner. this bill and thank Chairman ENGEL Washington, DC, October 28, 2019. With that in mind, let’s recap how we for, once again, coming to a bipartisan Hon. ELIOT ENGEL, got here today. resolution. When, once again, they said Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, On October 9, Erdogan’s forces House of Representatives, Washington, DC. it couldn’t be done, we got it done, and DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing to you charged across the border, unleashing a I thank him for that. concerning H.R. 4605, the Protect Against potential humanitarian crisis for the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Conflict by Turkey (PACT) Act. There are people in northern Syria. The assault my time. certain provisions in the legislation which has expanded Assad and Putin’s grip on Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I thank fall within the Rule X jurisdiction of the Syrian territory. Committee on Oversight and Reform. the ranking member for his kind In the interest of permitting your Com- As I said 2 weeks ago, I am concerned words. mittee to proceed expeditiously on this bill, this incursion will damage U.S. inter- Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the I am willing to waive this Committee’s right ests in the Middle East and the Syrian gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON to sequential referral. I do so with the under- people, including the Kurds, our ally. LEE). standing that by waiving consideration of The only beneficiaries of more violence Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I the bill, the Committee on Oversight and Re- and more chaos in Syria are America’s form does not waive any future jurisdic- again rise with appreciation for the adversaries, and that is Vladimir chairman of this committee and the tional claim over the subject matters con- Putin, Bashar al-Assad, Iran, and ter- tained in the bill which fall within its Rule ranking member of this committee and X jurisdiction. I request that you urge the ror groups like ISIS. echo the importance of this bipartisan Speaker to name Members of this Committee On October 17, the administration resolution. to any conference committee which is named brokered a cease-fire with Turkey, I would like us to go down memory to consider such provisions. which has held to date. This has helped Please place this letter into the Congres- lane, for those of us who have had the to stabilize the situation and prevent a privilege of being here, including Mr. sional Record during consideration of the worst-case scenario from taking place. ENGEL. measure on the House floor. Thank you for I applaud the Vice President and Sec- the cooperative spirit in which you have We are reminded of a secular Turkey, retary Pompeo for that delicate nego- worked regarding this matter and others be- a Turkey where all were welcomed. We tiation with President Erdogan, and I tween our respective Committees. remember visiting some of the beau- believe that our bipartisan resolution, Sincerely, tiful and wonderful treasures of Tur- CAROLYN B. MALONEY, which disapproved of the Turkish in- key, as we met with government offi- Acting Chairwoman. cursion last week, I believe, helped in cials and heard them reinforce their Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I yield these negotiations. commitment to democracy, to the idea myself such time as I may consume. Our bill today—my bill with Mr. of freedom of religion, and that is ap- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. ENGEL—codifies the administration’s propriate for a 70-year member of 4695, the Protect Against Conflict by agreement in Ankara and will help to NATO. Turkey Act. strengthen the President’s hand in en- We are very grateful for their com- The death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi suring that Turkey upholds its com- mitment to NATO. There are many this past weekend is a major win in our mitments. counter-ISIS campaign, and I con- Our bill imposes penalties on Turkey who continue to advocate for Turkey’s gratulate our brave special operators if it continues its offensive in northern presence in NATO so that NATO could for a job well done, the men and women Syria. Specifically, it sanctions Turk- be comprehensive and unique. But we of our intelligence community, and our ish officials involved in the military find ourselves now in the grips of a sin- President for a bold decision. operation in Syria. It blocks U.S. weap- gle-minded individual who does not see The world is better off without this ons sales to Turkey that could be used the beauty of democracy, does not see sick and deranged leader of the so- in Syria and sanctions foreign entities the beauty of diversity and the wel- called caliphate. Baghdadi still has selling such weapons to Turkey. It coming of those from many places to thousands of followers committed to sanctions banks supporting Turkey’s Turkey, or the orderly process and the terrorism. While their leader’s death is defense sector in the Syria campaign. strong role they can play in the Mid- a huge blow, we must stay vigilant to Our bill also requires the administra- east. keep them from reconstituting or car- tion to develop plans to adjust our Yet, on a midnight call or a late- rying out attacks in the West and to counterterrorism strategy to respond night call on a Sunday night, speaking our homeland. to the changing situation on the to this administration, the Turkish With that, we cannot allow Turkey’s ground. President didn’t consult or maybe offer invasion to hinder, in any way, our I am pleased that the administration options. What we have gleaned from counter-ISIS campaign. heard our call for a residual force in the media is that they said: We are My friend, Chairman ELIOT ENGEL, Syria. I can think of nothing more dan- coming into Syria. and I coauthored this legislation to gerous than withdrawing all of our In the midst of them coming into give the White House additional con- troops in Syria, as we saw when we Syria, they created a humanitarian cri- gressional support to sanction Turkey sis with fleeing women and children, for its recent actions and the leverage withdrew, under the previous adminis- tration, from Iraq to 10,000 forces. That destroying homes, taking people away to ensure Turkey upholds the vital from their homeland, and just doing cease-fire negotiated by Vice President is when we saw the rise of ISIS and the so-called caliphate. havoc. PENCE. There must be order in the world, re- In the President’s own words: We will have a residual force in Syria spect and dignity, and a respect for the ‘‘Should Turkey fail to honor its obli- working with the SDF and the Kurds to sanctity of life. gations, including the protection of re- help defeat and make sure ISIS is never ligious and ethnic minorities . . . we again a threat to the homeland. I am glad to rise in support of this reserve the right to reimpose crippling Finally, it identifies Turkey’s pur- legislation, to target Turkey for sanc- sanctions.’’ chase of the Russian S–400 system as a tions that will not be lifted until Tur- In addition, our bill ensures there are transaction subject to sanctions under key withdraws from northern Syria. Presidential waivers to provide flexi- the Countering America’s Adversaries The bill requires concrete strategies bility for the administration on how al- Through Sanctions Act, or CAATSA. from the administration for combating most all the sanctions are adminis- That is very important. How can you ISIS and protecting Syrian Kurdish tered. be a NATO ally and purchase Russian communities and an analysis of human This bill incentivizes Turkey to com- military equipment? rights violations committed by Turk- ply with the cease-fire. If they do not, We let Turkey into NATO to protect ish forces, as well as a refugee pro- there will be consequences in the form them from the Soviet Union, and now gram. of crippling sanctions. our NATO ally is buying Russian mili- It goes with my earlier designation Turkey is also a vital NATO partner, tary equipment and, through its inva- that this is a humanitarian crisis in re- and I am hopeful they will cease their sion into Syria, threatening our allies. sponse to the needs of the people.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.016 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 b 1545 sion of northern Syria and imposes against it and carnage at the hands of the Turkish mili- This is not an act of war. This is to tough, targeted sanctions and highlights the tary under the leadership of autocrat President seek peace. This bill freezes assets and negative consequences of Turkey’s invasion Recep Erdogan. imposes a mandatory visa ban against and the President’s acquiescence to this act of I urge the President, as Commander-in- senior officials of Turkey, including aggression. Chief, to reinstate and resume the tried and the Minister of National Defense, who Under the legislation, most of the sanctions true practice of orderly and systematic con- apparently would not listen. will not be lifted until Turkey withdraws from sultation with national security professionals, Additionally, the PACT Act prohibits northern Syria and the bill requires concrete specifically the Secretary of State, the Sec- all arms transfers that Turkey could strategies from the Administration for combat- retary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint use in Syria—bloodshed against the ting ISIS, protecting Syrian Kurdish commu- Chiefs of Staff, the intelligence community, our people, not peace. nities, an analysis of human rights violations key allies and foreign policy experts. Finally, the PACT Act imposed tar- committed by Turkish forces as well as a ref- For nearly 75 years, since the end of World geted sanctions on Halkbank, a Turk- ugee program designation for Syrians who War II, the United States has been the indis- ish bank with ties to President partnered with or worked directly for the U.S. pensable nation in the world and because of Erdogan. in Syria. the leadership asserted by the United States, We would have wished to be around Specifically, the PACT Act freezes assets international peace has been preserved and the diplomatic table to resolve the freezes and imposes a mandatory visa ban global conflagration avoided. issues in Syria. We might have been on against senior officials of Turkey, including the This task has never been easy or inexpen- the verge of doing that. There was a Minister of National Defense, the Chief of sive, except when compared to the alternative calmness on the border, the northern General Staff of Turkish military, the Com- of violence, bloodshed, and chaos. border. We had a certain number of mander of Turkish 2nd Army, which has led President Kennedy recognized this and ob- troops. the Syrian incursion; the Minister of Treasury served in his 1961 Inaugural Address that ‘‘In Great opportunities remained before and Finance, who by the way is Turkey Presi- the long history of the world, only a few gen- Turkey, but unwise and unilateral de- dent Erdogan’s son-in-law); and additional erations have been granted the role of defend- cisions were made. Part of that was the senior Turkish defense officials involved in the ing freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I withdrawing of our Armed Forces from invasion of Syria and anyone committing do not shrink from this responsibility—I wel- northern Syria. human rights abuses. come it.’’ But I think it is clear to those of us Additionally, the PACT Act prohibits all arms I urge all Members to join me in voting for who do want peace that there was a transfers that Turkey could use in Syria and this critically important bipartisan legislation, way of doing it. These sanctions should makes unavailable the use of the emergency vote to pass the PACT Act. send a very strong message to Syria provision of Arms Export Control Act (AECA) Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 that we are, one, recognizing the that the President might otherwise have used minutes to the gentleman from Florida Kurds. to get around congressional holds on arms (Mr. BILIRAKIS). The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. sales to Turkey. Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I offer CROW). The time of the gentlewoman Finally, the PACT Act imposed targeted congratulations again to Chairman has expired. sanctions on Halkbank, a Turkish bank with ENGEL and Ranking Member MCCAUL Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield the ties to President Erdogan, and additional Turk- for this very important Turkey sanc- gentlewoman from Texas an additional ish banks facilitating transactions for the Turk- tions bill. 30 seconds. ish military’s operations in Syria. Mr. Speaker, for nearly 13 years, I Ms. JACKSON LEE. These sanctions Mr. Speaker, I have devoted my congres- have felt like I have been one of the should send a strong message to Syria sional career working to advance initiatives lone voices in the wilderness decrying that, one, we in the United States take that will bring peace to troubled regions of the the actions of Turkey as it systemati- seriously the intrusion of Turkey into globe. cally denies its citizens basic human the Kurdish area. For example, I strongly supported the two- rights by invading and occupying an It should send a strong message to state solution to bring peace between Pal- EU country, the Republic of Cyprus; President Erdogan to recognize that he estinians and Israelis. stripping religious minorities of their cannot bully his way through in the re- Similarly, I worked with my colleagues and religious freedom; persecuting journal- gion. the executive branch to end the genocide and ists and academics for writing about It should also send a strong message bloodshed in Darfur and for peace, stability, the Armenian genocide; and invading to Iran and Russia and to our ISIS foes and reconciliation in Afghanistan. and provoking hostilities on a daily that America is serious about peace, About this time two years ago, I had just re- basis in the Eastern Mediterranean. but doing it in a manner that provides turned from important meetings in the Middle As co-chair of the International Reli- as safe a pathway for peace as possible. East where I was part of an eight-member gious Freedom Caucus, I am especially I would hope and would have wanted congressional delegation to the United Arab grateful for this PACT Act calling for the decision that the President made Emirates and Egypt. the administration to outline how it on the phone call never to have oc- Mr. Speaker, the unwise and unilateral deci- will assist religious and ethnic minori- curred. It did occur. sion to withdraw U.S. armed forces from ties affected by war crimes perpetrated Unfortunately, President Erdogan Northern Syria and abandon the Kurds, per- by Prime Minister Erdogan. was a partner in this, and we must haps our most indispensable ally in the region Additionally, in my role as co-chair make a very strong statement that the is a mistake of incalculable damage. of the Hellenic Caucus, I have called United States will not stand for this Instead of furthering United States interests, for the administration to halt the de- kind of bullying and that we will en- the decision to withdraw American troops from livery of F–35s to Turkey, given its sure that we will find peace, but in the Northern Syria undermines them and purchase of Russia’s S–400 missile de- right way. emboldens Russia, Iran, Syria, and ISIS, all fense system. Mr. Speaker, with that, I support implacable foes of the United States. I am pleased this bill goes further H.R. 4695. At the same time the decision squanders and imposes 231 sanctions for Turkey’s Mr. Speaker, as a senior member of the the progress made to date by the United intransigence. Committees on the Judiciary and on Home- States, working with the Kurds, to defeat ISIS I urge support of this legislation so land Security, and as a sponsor of the legisla- and destroy its caliphate and props up the that we can send a unified, bipartisan tion, I rise in strong support of H.R. 4695, the bloody Assad regime in Syria and puts at risk message to Turkey that, if you want to ‘‘Protect Against Conflict By Turkey’’ or PACT thousands of innocent men, women, and chil- be considered a strategic ally of the Act, and I thank the Chairman and Ranking dren. United States, a true ally, you have to Member of the House Committee on Foreign Mr. Speaker, the President’s decision weak- act like one. Affairs for their bipartisan collaboration and ens the United States because trusted allies Mr. Speaker, I want to again thank hard work in bringing this important legislation will no longer rely upon the commitment of our the chairman, the ranking member, to the floor. country to defend freedom or keep its word, and the entire Foreign Affairs Com- I strongly support the PACT Act because it and worst of all, it consigns the Kurds, our de- mittee for bringing up this very impor- holds Turkey accountable for its brutal inva- voted and dedicated friends, to certain death tant bill.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.058 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8575 Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I reserve It is sad that we are here. As a mili- distinguished ranking member of the the balance of my time. tary member, I spent some time at the committee, Mr. MCCAUL, for their lead- Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Incirlik Air Base in Turkey in ‘06, or ership in bringing this important, bi- minutes to the gentleman from Texas maybe a little before in ‘05. I think we partisan bill to the floor. (Mr. HURD). all, as Members of this body, have Mr. Speaker, as we all know, 3 weeks Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I probably been there in our travels and ago the President unleashed an esca- thank my friend from Texas for yield- see some amazing potential for a coun- lation of chaos and insecurity in Syria ing, and I am proud to rise today in try that really straddles two con- when he gave Turkey the green light to support of the bipartisan PACT Act to tinents and plays such an important attack our Kurdish partners, threat- hold Turkey accountable for its desta- role in the future. But it is sad to see ening lives, risking regional security, bilizing and dangerous decision to in- what has happened. and undermining America’s credibility vade northern Syria and attack Amer- So, I reluctantly have to rise today as a trustworthy ally. ica’s Kurdish allies. in support of H.R. 4695, the Protect And then, instead of holding Turkey After years of fighting side by side Against Conflict by Turkey Act, also accountable for its aggression, the with American forces against ISIS, known as the PACT Act. President reversed his sanctions in ex- Syrian Kurds are now under siege and I cosponsored this because I am wor- change for a so-called cease-fire, which fleeing their homes. According to the ried about the direction of President the Turks clearly stated was not a United Nations, over 180,000 people Erdogan and the direction he is taking cease-fire. have been displaced, including 80,000 the Republic of Turkey. Today, Democrats and Republicans children. Many are fleeing to the The leader of a country with so much come together to demonstrate the Kurdistan region of Iraq, which already to offer the world should not be strong, smart leadership that has sore- hosts over 200,000 refugees from the Syrian civil war. cozying up to the likes of Vladimir ly been lacking from the White House, Turkey’s reckless actions have cre- Putin and Bashar al-Assad—Vladimir as the House passed this tough, tar- ated a humanitarian crisis that will Putin, who oversees a failing nation, geted sanctions bill to hold the Turks strain our partners in the region and quite honestly, and is not the future. accountable for their attacks on our provide ISIS with an opportunity to re- Yet that is exactly what Erdogan is Kurdish partners. emerge as a threat to the United doing when he decided to invade Syria. We salute Chairman ENGEL and States. Far too many men, women, and chil- Ranking Member MCCAUL once again The international community must dren have died at the hands of Assad, for their leadership on this PACT Act come together to provide assistance to Putin, and Khamenei. and on the resolution opposing Presi- Kurds and refugees in both Syria and It is unthinkable that a leader of a dent Trump’s decision on Syria, includ- Iraq. NATO nation will be joining the list of ing H.J. Res. 77, a bipartisan, bi- The U.S. Special Envoy for Syria also murderous thugs; but, given the latest cameral resolution which passed the told Congress last week that there developments in Syria, many of our House on a 354–60 vote. have been several incidents of poten- Kurdish partners will likely die be- Here are the facts: tial war crimes committed by Turkey cause of Erdogan’s offensive. Our Kurdish partners freed millions or its proxies, including the use of These are the same Kurdish fighters of people and tens of thousands of white phosphorus, which can be used as who, while we lost less than 20 soldiers square miles from the grip of ISIS. a chemical weapon on civilians and in in the fight against ISIS from combat, Throughout the fight, they sustained extrajudicial killings. lost over 10,000 of their own men and nearly 11,000 casualties. We cannot stand idly by while Tur- women. Until recently, our Kurdish partners key undermines the fight against ISIS, These are the same Kurdish fighters protected America’s security and the attacks our Kurdish allies, and puts who spent the past 5 years hunting security of the region as more than hundreds of thousands of innocent ci- ISIS leader Abu al-Baghdadi alongside 10,000 ISIS fighters and tens of thou- vilians in harm’s way. our men and women in uniform, and we sands of ISIS family members were These sanctions are an appropriate saw that come to fruition in a great under their control. response that holds Turkey responsible way this weekend. Yet, in a matter of weeks, the Presi- for its actions and provides incentives Without their constant pressure on dent has put our progress at risk. Even for President Erdogan to change the ISIS networks, our operators may with the death of al-Baghdadi, ISIS re- course. have never had the chance to bring him mains a serious and resurgent threat. One thing I learned during my time to justice—not to mention the fact The death of a top ISIS leader does not as an undercover officer in the CIA is that Turkey, inevitably, threatened to mean the death of ISIS. that America only succeeds when our attack our troops in northern Syria. Scores of fighters remain under un- enemies fear us and our allies trust us. That is why I am proud to cosponsor certain conditions in Syrian prisons As members of NATO, both the U.S. this. By applying targeted sanctions and Turkey have committed to unite and at risk of a jailbreak. Nearly 800 against those directly responsible for their efforts for collective defense and ISIS supporters and family members for preservation of peace and security. the operations, we are sending a mes- have reportedly escaped. To say that I hope our Turkish counterparts will sage to the Erdogan government that Turkey and Syria still adequately recommit to these principles and work the U.S. will hold them liable for their guard the prisoners is outrageous and with us to address shared security con- actions. If he does not want to act like dangerous. cerns and protect the successes of joint a NATO nation, then his government At the same time, more than 250,000 U.S.-Kurdish efforts to drive ISIS out will feel the repercussions of such deci- Kurdish civilians have fled their homes of Syria. sions. because of Turkish attacks. Dozens of Mr. Speaker, I thank my friends, the I thank Chairman ENGEL and Rank- civilians, in addition to possibly hun- gentleman from New York and the gen- ing Member MCCAUL for their steadfast dreds of brave Kurdish fighters, have tleman from Texas, for their work and leadership of the Foreign Affairs Com- been killed. their commitment on this important, mittee, and I commend them for their The only winners from the Presi- bipartisan bill, and I urge my col- ability to work in a bipartisan manner dent’s disastrous decision in Syria are leagues to support it. to advance measures in America’s in- ISIS, the Syrian Government, Iran, and Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I continue terest. Russia. to reserve the balance of my time. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 With these targeted, strong sanc- Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minute to the gentlewoman from Cali- tions, America is holding accountable minutes to the gentleman from Illinois fornia (Ms. PELOSI), our Speaker of the top Turkish officials responsible for (Mr. KINZINGER), a member of the For- House. human rights abuses, including attack- eign Affairs Committee. Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank ing our Kurdish partners. Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I the gentleman for yielding, and I thank We are penalizing Turkish financial thank the ranking member for yield- Mr. ENGEL, distinguished chairman of institutions that perpetuate President ing. the Foreign Affairs Committee, and the Erdogan’s corruption and abuses, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.059 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 are preventing the sale of arms to Tur- writing this important bipartisan bill. H.R. 1623 key for use in Syria. And it is even more than just a part- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- As the House passes this legislation, nership. It is working together on both resentatives of the United States of America in we again call upon the President to sides of the aisle to do good for the Congress assembled, support the Kurdish communities and American people. That is really what SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS; PURPOSE. work to ensure that the Turkish mili- this should all be about, particularly (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as tary acts with restraint, and we require when we are talking about foreign af- the ‘‘Help America Run Act’’. (b) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- the Trump administration to finally fairs. So I want to thank Mr. MCCAUL lowing: present a clear strategy to defeat ISIS. for working closely with me and for (1) Everyday Americans experience bar- Mr. Speaker, I know we have bipar- really making this a real collaborative riers to entry before they can consider run- tisan support for this legislation. bill. ning for office to serve their communities. Again, I salute Ranking Member The measure before us represents (2) Current law states that campaign funds MCCAUL and Chairman ENGEL for what the Foreign Affairs Committee cannot be spent on everyday expenses that bringing this legislation to the floor, does best, bipartisan, commonsense would exist whether or not a candidate were running for office, like rent and food. While which is a vote to support the sacrifice legislation that advances American in- of our military and our allies and a the law seems neutral, its actual effect is to terests and American values on the privilege the independently wealthy who vote to restore strength, strategy, and global stage. want to run, because given the demands of sanity to our national security policy. The PACT Act holds Turkey account- running for office, candidates who must I think that a very strong, bipartisan able for its bloodshed in Syria. It calls work to pay for childcare or to afford health vote in the House, similar to the one on Erdogan to immediately stop his insurance are effectively being left out of the we had on H.J. Res. 77, will send a very campaign of ethnic cleansing to expel process, even if they have sufficient support clear message that we can come to- Syrian Kurds and other minority to mount a viable campaign. (3) Thus current practice favors those pro- gether—and we will come together—in groups from their homeland, and to the interest of our national security; in spective candidates who do not need to rely start living up to the democratic val- on a regular paycheck to make ends meet. the interest of Americans’ values, ues that we expect from a NATO ally, The consequence is that everyday Americans which are part of our strength; and, values that, right now, are under con- who have firsthand knowledge of the impor- again, to fight terrorism wherever it stant attack in Turkey. tance of stable childcare, a safety net, or exists so that it does not reach our Mr. Speaker, it is a sad coincidence. great public schools are less likely to get a shores. Today is the 96th anniversary of the seat at the table. This governance by the few founding of the Republic of Turkey. is antithetical to the democratic experi- b 1600 ment, but most importantly, when law- For nearly a century, the Turkish peo- Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I yield makers do not share the concerns of every- myself such time as I may consume. ple have fought hard to grow and pre- day Americans, their policies reflect that. I want to echo Madam Speaker’s serve democracy in their country, and (4) These circumstances have contributed comments. When we stand united on Erdogan has done such incredible dam- to a Congress that does not always reflect the floor of the Congress, as Ameri- age to that legacy. everyday Americans. I call on all my colleagues to join me reported in 2019 that fewer than 5 percent of cans, that is when we send the strong- representatives cite blue-collar or service est message overseas to adversaries. and Mr. MCCAUL in supporting this leg- islation and sending a strong message jobs in their biographies. A 2015 survey by I want to thank Mr. ENGEL for his the Center for Responsive Politics showed strong work in working with me to get that the will that the median net worth of lawmakers was to a positive place where we can actu- not condone Turkey’s horrific atroc- just over $1 million in 2013, or 18 times the ally get to a solution to what has been ities against the Kurds. Not only will wealth of the typical American household. a challenging and very fluid situation. we not condone it, we oppose it; we will (5) These circumstances have also contrib- It is always an honor to work with the speak out about it; and we will try in uted to a governing body that does not re- gentleman on the Foreign Affairs Com- every way we can to stop it. flect the nation it serves. For instance, women are 51% of the American population. mittee. I urge my colleagues to support this very important measure, and I yield Yet even with a record number of women In these times of crises we are, I be- serving in the One Hundred Sixteenth Con- lieve, strongest on the world stage back the balance of my time. gress, the Pew Research Center notes that when the executive and legislative The SPEAKER pro tempore. The more than three out of four Members of this branch speak in one voice. question is on the motion offered by Congress are male. The Center for American In his testimony before our com- the gentleman from New York (Mr. Women And Politics found that one third of mittee, Ambassador Jeffrey, the Spe- ENGEL) that the House suspend the women legislators surveyed had been ac- cial Envoy to Syria said: rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4695, as tively discouraged from running for office, often by political professionals. This type of I saw firsthand the effect of congressional amended. discouragement, combined with the prohibi- sanctions when we visited with the Turkish The question was taken. tions on using campaign funds for domestic negotiating team; that these sanctions have The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the needs like childcare, burdens that still fall been helpful in getting the Turks to agree to opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being disproportionately on American women, par- the cease–fire. in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ticularly disadvantages working mothers. And I believe the resolution that we Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, on that I These barriers may explain why only 10 passed helped get Turkey to the cease– demand the yeas and nays. women in history have given birth while fire as well. The yeas and nays were ordered. serving in Congress, in spite of the preva- Finally, I want to thank our partners The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lence of working parents in other profes- in the Syrian Democratic Forces for ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- sions. Yet working mothers and fathers are best positioned to create policy that reflects their ongoing dedication to countering ceedings on this motion will be post- ISIS. And I want to say to the SDF, the lived experience of most Americans. poned. (6) Working mothers, those caring for their from the Nation’s Capitol, on the f elderly parents, and young professionals who House floor, that the American people rely on their jobs for health insurance should are grateful for everything you have HELP AMERICA RUN ACT have the freedom to run to serve the people done for us, for everything you have of the United States. Their networks and net worked for, and everything you have Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I move worth are simply not the best indicators of sacrificed to keep the world safer. to suspend the rules and pass the bill their strength as prospective public servants. Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members to (H.R. 1623) to amend the Federal Elec- In fact, helping ordinary Americans to run support this important legislation, and tion Campaign Act of 1971 to provide may create better policy for all Americans. I yield back the balance of my time. for the treatment of payments for child (c) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this Act care and other personal use services as to ensure that all Americans who are other- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- wise qualified to serve this Nation are able self as much time as I may consume for an authorized campaign expenditure, to run for office, regardless of their eco- the purpose of closing. and for other purposes, as amended. nomic status. By expanding permissible uses I would like to again thank Ranking The Clerk read the title of the bill. of campaign funds and providing modest as- Member MCCAUL for his partnership in The text of the bill is as follows: surance that testing a run for office will not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.060 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8577 cost one’s livelihood, the Help America Run There was no objection. hold. One could see how Americans feel Act will facilitate the candidacy of rep- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Congress might be out of touch. resentatives who more accurately reflect the myself such time as I may consume. This bill is a step to building trust in experiences, challenges, and ideals of every- I rise in support of H.R. 1623. This Congress as by and for the people. The day Americans. measure is important. The Help Amer- bill would help advance economic di- SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF PAYMENTS FOR CHILD CARE AND OTHER PERSONAL USE ica Run Act will amend the Federal versity and other types of diversity, SERVICES AS AUTHORIZED CAM- Election Campaign Act with common- too. PAIGN EXPENDITURE. sense reforms to help everyday Ameri- Even with the record number of (a) PERSONAL USE SERVICES AS AUTHORIZED cans run for office. women serving in the 116th Congress, CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE.—Section 313 of the Current law does not directly address only 1 in 4 Congresspeople are women. Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (52 whether people who choose to run for This isn’t because women don’t want to U.S.C. 30114) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: office can use their campaign funds to run. ‘‘(d) TREATMENT OF PAYMENTS FOR CHILD cover the cost of childcare. This has led The Center for American Women and CARE AND OTHER PERSONAL USE SERVICES AS several individuals to have to appeal to Politics found that one-third of women AUTHORIZED CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE.— the Federal Election Commission for legislators surveyed had been actively ‘‘(1) AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES.—For pur- evaluations on a case-by-case basis and discouraged from running for office, poses of subsection (a), the payment by an creates a burden for candidates with often by political professionals. This authorized committee of a candidate for any school-aged children. type of discouragement, combined with of the personal use services described in This bill addresses that barrier and the existing prohibitions on using cam- paragraph (3) shall be treated as an author- other family-related barriers for can- ized expenditure if the services are necessary paign funds for domestic needs like to enable the participation of the candidate didates who have experiences like most childcare, burdens that still fall dis- in campaign-connected activities. everyday Americans. proportionately on American women, ‘‘(2) LIMITATIONS.— The Help American Run Act makes particularly disadvantages working ‘‘(A) LIMIT ON TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAY- running for office easier for working parents. MENTS.—The total amount of payments made mothers and fathers who need sitters Running for office should not be lim- by an authorized committee of a candidate for their small kids. It would support ited to the wealthy or those who have for personal use services described in para- established professionals caring for an no familial responsibilities. That is graph (3) may not exceed the limit which is aging parent and help cover children’s anathema to the democratic experi- applicable under any law, rule, or regulation on the amount of payments which may be health insurance on the campaign ment, and it makes for bad policy. made by the committee for the salary of the trail. This bill is a simple, cost-free, com- candidate (without regard to whether or not I know it would help moms like monsense measure to make America’s the committee makes payments to the can- , the sponsor of this bill. representatives look more like the ev- didate for that purpose). She is championing this cause today as eryday Americans we are here to rep- ‘‘(B) CORRESPONDING REDUCTION IN AMOUNT the very first single mother of young resent. For that reason, I am proud to OF SALARY PAID TO CANDIDATE.—To the ex- children ever to serve in the U.S. Con- support it. tent that an authorized committee of a can- gress. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of didate makes payments for the salary of the These Americans caring for their candidate, any limit on the amount of such my time. payments which is applicable under any law, kids and their parents intimately know Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. rule, or regulation shall be reduced by the the dread of opening those envelopes Speaker, I yield myself such time as I amount of any payments made to or on be- full of prescription drug bills. They may consume. half of the candidate for personal use serv- know what it is like to weigh the risk I, too, rise in support of H.R. 1623, the ices described in paragraph (3), other than of running for office to serve the Na- Help America Run Act, a bill drafted personal use services described in subpara- tion against the risk of losing their by my colleague across the aisle, graph (D) of such paragraph. children’s health insurance coverage. newly-elected Congresswoman from the ‘‘(C) EXCLUSION OF CANDIDATES WHO ARE OF- It is precisely those everyday Ameri- great State of California, Ms. KATIE FICEHOLDERS.—Paragraph (1) does not apply with respect to an authorized committee of a cans that I want to see join us at the PORTER. candidate who is a holder of Federal office. decisionmaking table. Those who have I want to commend Ms. PORTER for ‘‘(3) PERSONAL USE SERVICES DESCRIBED.— firsthand knowledge of what it means this important legislation that I be- The personal use services described in this to have stable childcare, good schools, lieve will allow, as Chairperson LOF- paragraph are as follows: and secure healthcare are exactly the GREN said, more people of all socio- ‘‘(A) Child care services. people I want making decisions on both economic strata, to be able to run for ‘‘(B) Elder care services. sides of this aisle. It makes our coun- office. ‘‘(C) Services similar to the services de- try profoundly richer to have those Strong candidates should not be lim- scribed in subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B) which are provided on behalf of any de- with the diversity of economic experi- ited by their circumstances to the pendent who is a qualifying relative under ences in these Chambers. I know that point that it prevents them from rep- section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of firsthand. resenting their communities in Con- 1986. As the daughter of a truck driver and gress. Representatives of this body ‘‘(D) Health insurance premiums.’’. a cafeteria cook, I worked on the night should and do come from all back- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments shift at the Eastman Kodak plant in grounds to allow for equal representa- made by this section shall take effect on the Palo Alto to get ready for college. tion of all who make up this institu- date of the enactment of this Act. Those experiences shaped me into the tion and this great Nation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- person and Member I am today, and I I believe this bill will make that hap- ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from believe coming from a family like mine pen by allowing the candidate who is California (Ms. LOFGREN) and the gen- shouldn’t disqualify you. In fact, it not currently a Member of Congress to tleman from Illinois (Mr. RODNEY makes you a better policy maker who pay for specific necessary services like DAVIS) each will control 20 minutes. understands what our constituents are childcare and dependent care, that will The Chair recognizes the gentle- really facing. enable a congressional candidate to woman from California. The fact is that diversity of experi- participate in all campaign-connected GENERAL LEAVE ence leads to better policy. In 2019, the activities. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I ask New York Times reported that fewer This is a decision between the can- unanimous consent that all Members than 5 percent of Representatives cite didates and the donors that give to may have 5 legislative days in which to blue-collar or service jobs in their biog- their campaign. All we are asking to do revise and extend their remarks and in- raphies. with this piece of legislation is to allow clude extraneous material on the meas- A 2015 survey by the Center for Re- candidates to publicly disclose ure under consideration. sponsive Politics showed that the me- childcare expenses on their FEC re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there dian net worth for lawmakers was just ports. Everyone is going to know what objection to the request of the gentle- over $1 million in 2013, or 18 times the they paid. Everyone is going to know woman from California? wealth of the typical American house- what it went for, and that is an issue

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.022 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8578 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 they can discuss with the people who to cybersecurity for digital devices. how they take on this challenge, how are funding their campaigns. But the law does not make it clear that they get a chance to serve this great What this bill does not do—let me re- childcare is among those allowed ex- country, how they get a chance to join peat, Mr. Speaker. What this bill does penses. us, this is going to be their opportunity not do is put more money in the pock- Like so many laws, there is an as- to say: I am going to go out and spend ets of current Members of Congress. In- sumption of a female caregiver behind a lot of time raising money because stead, it allows for an equal oppor- every male elected official. In part be- many of these campaigns—I can tell tunity for new representation, pro- cause of that, moms who continue to you how much mine cost. It cost mil- viding more Americans who aspire to shoulder the majority of childcare re- lions upon millions of dollars and a lot represent their communities in Con- sponsibilities also struggle to run for of time. When you are gone, you are gress the chance to do just that. Congress. raising more money to run because This is not a radical idea. We should Until women are fully and equally campaigns are too expensive. We un- absolutely want to give everyone an present in Congress, women’s perspec- derstand that. We get that. We agree equal opportunity to run, to be able to tives will continue to be underrep- on that. serve, if elected, in this great institu- resented. The result is a weaker democ- This is a chance to say: I am going to tion; including single parents who want racy for the people. get out there and get on the dance to run for Federal office but cannot af- I am proud that this bill previously floor and take that chance. Too many ford the necessary childcare for the passed the House as part of H.R. 1, the people who may want to run for office grueling campaign schedules that ev- For the People Act. Now, with the sup- won’t do it because they are afraid to eryone in this institution knows exists. port of my congressional colleagues on lose. I think everyone has to have the Again, I want to thank Congress- both sides of the aisle, the House is chance to take away any excuse to be woman PORTER for her hard work on taking this additional step to support able to step out and put their name on this legislation. I look forward to see- women and candidates with families by the ballot to have a chance to do what ing it implemented, and I reserve the passing the Help America Run Act. we do. balance of my time. Access to childcare services was a If I, the son of a high school dropout Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 problem I faced like so many other sin- and a guy who graduated high school minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- gle parents long before I decided to run who walked into a fast-food restaurant in 1959 and had a dream to own his own fornia (Ms. PORTER), the author of this for office. Every parent, not just those bill. running for Congress, deserves to have one day, if I, who had no family ever in Ms. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I am a access to quality, affordable childcare. politics or government, can come and single mom. When I ran for Congress The Help America Run Act should be stand on this floor and work with col- last year, I spent thousands and thou- only the beginning. leagues like Chairperson LOFGREN and sands of dollars on childcare. Today isn’t just about passing legis- Congresswoman PORTER to help put Running for Federal office requires lation to open up the Halls of Congress good legislation like this through, any- 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100-hour workweeks, for single moms or single dads. It is body in this great country can do it. It is a great opportunity to show the and I worked nearly every single day, about creating pathways for every par- next generation that we care enough including every single weekend. I also ent and every American, regardless of about them to be able to show them worked challenging hours, often start- socioeconomic status, to be able to achieve their goals. We all deserve a how to do exactly what we do. ing at 5:30 a.m. and ending with cam- Let’s all come together. Let’s make Congress that reflects the diversity of paign events stretching late into the this happen today. It is a great oppor- families and households in our country. evening. I juggled more than a dozen tunity for us to stand here on the floor This bill will help America run and, childcare providers for nearly 2 years, and show the American people the Re- in the process, will help America’s Con- without whom I would have never publicans and Democrats do agree on gress run better. made it to Congress. issues, and we do work together. I Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. I have three children. When I started mean, maybe the news will cover it, Speaker, I yield myself such time as I my campaign, Betsy was 6, Paul was 9, maybe they won’t. We might be able to may consume. and Luke was 11. Leaving them alone debate Nickelback or something and What an impassioned speech by our was not an option; and bringing them get them to cover it today. on the campaign trail was impossible colleague. But do you know what? We know or inappropriate. This isn’t just a problem for one gen- what happens here. We know we have For the past two centuries, Congress der running for Congress. It is a prob- opportunities. We know that we are has written many, many laws about lem for all families. It is a problem able to put good policies like this to- what women may or may not do. But that I faced when my kids were young- gether. We know that friendships do until this year, women’s representation er when I first ran for office a little exist on both sides of the aisle in this 1 in Congress was less than 20 percent. over 6 ⁄2 years ago. It is what to do with institution. With the election of the historic class young children who can’t go anywhere This is a great bill. This is an oppor- of 2018, we hit 23.4 percent, 102 women, on their own at that time. tunity. I thank all of my colleagues and that number is still egregiously With twin boys aged 12, I don’t nec- who are supporting this. low. essarily know that I trusted them Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of going somewhere on their own. I don’t b 1615 my time. know if I trusted them at home alone, Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield There are even fewer moms in Con- at the same time. It is, what do you do myself such time as I may consume. gress and even fewer moms of young to make sure your family gets the su- Listening to my colleague, the rank- kids and even fewer single moms of pervision and the supervisory opportu- ing member, reminded me of when I young kids, as in just me. nities that you need? ran for Congress the very first time. A major barrier to women running This is an opportunity for us to show My children were in elementary school. for elected office is their inability to anybody who wants to follow in what Really, the high point of every day was afford the amount or type of childcare our forefathers of this great Nation put going to the elementary school, Horace needed in a campaign. That is why I in- forth in our Constitution creating the Mann Elementary in downtown San troduced the Help America Run Act, House of Representatives to be able to Jose, and standing with the other which will explicitly allow candidates be a House for the people and by the mothers while we said the Pledge of Al- for Federal office to use campaign con- people to represent this great United legiance, the flag outside. tributions to pay for childcare as well States. This is going to be an oppor- I think, for parents, being a parent as other types of dependent care, such tunity for anyone, no matter what gives you a viewpoint that is helpful as eldercare. their path is in life, if they have chil- when you come to the Congress of the Right now, candidates can use cam- dren at home, if they are a single mom, United States. You don’t forget what paign funds for a whole gamut of ex- if they are a single dad, if they are a regular people are going through at penses, from pizza for exhausted staff family with kids, if they are wondering home when you are a parent.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.064 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8579 I also remember my first day in Con- its resources when this simply should only a commonsense provision that is gress. My mother had passed away sev- be a clear, straightforward policy. going to be a choice, a choice for can- eral years before, but my dad was still Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, re- didates to use if they choose. That is alive, a retired beer truck driver. He claiming my time, I yield myself such something that we ought to all come had never been on an airplane in his time as I may consume. together and make happen. I think the gentlewoman has made a life. We got him on a plane, and we had Look, there are great people on both very good point that this is discre- a friend sit next to him. He was sitting sides of the aisle in this institution. I tionary on the part of the candidate, in that gallery, watching his daughter want more of them. I want more people but it is a point that we also need to become a Member of the United States who want to be able to do what we do. make: This has nothing to do with tax- Congress. This is going to be an opportunity to I think for those of us who came from payers funds. This is no money from the government, no money from the show them, too, that this institution humble roots, we never forget where we isn’t nearly as dysfunctional as the came from, and it informs our perspec- taxpayers. This is a candidate, where a candidate has raised funds and how news media says it is. Most of what we tive on where the country should go. do here is actually done on a pretty bi- I yield such time as she may consume they spend their campaign funds. I know that there had been some con- partisan basis, but it doesn’t make the to the gentlewoman from California news. (Ms. PORTER), the author of the bill. fusion among some earlier in the day Ms. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I thank that was unfortunate and has now been Hopefully, today, maybe one of the the ranking member for his bipartisan- corrected. This is only a matter of a folks covering us is going to talk about ship and his cooperation on this be- campaign expenditure. Really, what we did together, maybe. I am cause democracy is not a partisan childcare has to be as important as going to cross my fingers. Maybe they value. Democracy is about letting pizza, to me, at least more important, will understand that this is what we every voice in this country be heard. but that is up for a candidate to decide. need to highlight instead of the non- Those voices should reflect the diver- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of sense that happens when the two par- my time. sity of this country, both ties and the extremes scream at each Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. socioeconomically and geographically, other. Speaker, can I inquire how much time A good bill, again, from Congress- but also in terms of family status. we have remaining on debate? I think everyone in America should The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- woman PORTER, and it is great to work be grateful that my children were well tleman from Illinois has 14 minutes re- with her, and a great bill from Chair- supervised during the campaign, and I maining. The gentlewoman from Cali- person LOFGREN. I appreciate the op- am grateful that I was able to piece to- portunity to serve with each and every fornia has 81⁄2 minutes remaining. gether the childcare that I needed to Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. one of my colleagues. run. But this bill is not about any one Speaker, I yield myself such time as I I will ask, again, for every Member to of us. It is about the benefits that may consume. support this today loudly on the floor, every one of us here and every Amer- I love debate like this. It is an oppor- and I yield back the balance of my ican will get from having a more di- tunity for us, again, to show how we time. verse Congress, from having voices can work together, both sides of the Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield heard that sometimes are not heard. aisle, and put good policies forward myself such time as I may consume. There are millions and millions and that are going to affect the ability for millions of single parents, men and people to serve in this institution. Mr. Speaker, one thing that we ne- women, in this country, and there is Hearing the talk about kids when glected to point out is that, in addition one in the United States Congress. running for Congress, it actually takes to a childcare option, if a candidate, Whether that will change next year or me back. Many folks may see me walk- and it is generally a female candidate, in 10 years, I don’t know, but I want ing around the Capitol tunnels with is caring for elderly parents, this could every American who wants to serve in earbuds in, in the early mornings about also be used for eldercare while going this body, who wants to come together 5:30 our time, 4:30 back home, because to a campaign event. That is also both to work for the good of the American my wife is a nurse. They work on a dif- son’s and daughter’s care for aging par- people, to have the opportunity to ferent schedule. That is my time that I ents, but, oftentimes, it is the daugh- make that happen and not to have to get to talk to her. She was a nurse and ters who end up providing the choose between being a parent and left for work very early in the morning eldercare. being a good parent and caring about when our kids were growing up. And If someone is running for Congress your kids, and being a good American my job as a congressional staffer, I had and is providing for that eldercare, and being a good Congress Member. a great boss who made sure that he they obviously can’t go to the cam- Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Will told me every day to put my kids first. paign event with someone who is bed- the gentlewoman yield? I cannot thank our colleague JOHN ridden or in need of constant attention. Ms. PORTER. I yield to the gen- SHIMKUS, who I worked for, for 16 This would allow for that very impor- tleman from Illinois. years, enough for telling me to put my tant possibility, just as childcare is. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. family first. It is a guy like that who Unless the author wishes a further Speaker, I ask Ms. PORTER this: Your not only makes me a better Member of comment, I would urge adoption of this legislation doesn’t tell candidates they Congress being around him, but he amendment with bipartisan support, have to spend money on this, right? helped me learn how to be a better dad. and I yield back the balance of my Ms. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, the legis- Until I got elected, my job each day time. lation provides an opportunity and a was to get my kids ready, sometimes a choice for each candidate to decide, in little more labor intensive when they their own campaign and from their own were a little bit younger than they b 1630 donors, whether or not they want to were when they were older. Although it The SPEAKER pro tempore. The use these funds for childcare. was kind of easier when I was holding question is on the motion offered by Many people will choose not to, just twin boys in seats rather than chasing the gentlewoman from California (Ms. like many of us choose as candidates them, but dropping them off at LOFGREN) that the House suspend the not to seek reimbursement for pizza or childcare, before we dropped them off rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1623, as not to seek reimbursement for any at school. During the summer, if we amended. number of allowable FEC expenses. But didn’t have childcare opportunities, if I this bill is also going to stop the FEC didn’t have the opportunity to take The question was taken; and (two- from having to again and again and them and drop them off, neither my thirds being in the affirmative) the again—every time a parent of young wife nor I could have gotten to the jobs rules were suspended and the bill, as children wants to run, from having to that we enjoyed pursuing so much. amended, was passed. make that expensive and time-con- In today’s day and age, with so many A motion to reconsider was laid on suming appeal to the FEC and waste two-parent working families, this is the table.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.066 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 SFC SEAN COOLEY AND SPC GENERAL LEAVE collided with a merchant ship off the CHRISTOPHER HORTON CON- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I ask coast of Singapore in 2017, killing 10 GRESSIONAL GOLD STAR FAM- unanimous consent that all Members sailors, including Petty Officer Logan ILY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM ACT may have 5 legislative days in which to Palmer from my district. My office was Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I move revise and extend their remarks and in- able to help this Gold Star family navi- to suspend the rules and agree to the clude extraneous material on the meas- gate the confusing Department of De- resolution (H. Res. 107) establishing the ure under consideration. fense policies relating to next-of-kin Congressional Gold Star Family Fel- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there travel for noncombat-related deaths lowship Program for the placement in objection to the request of the gentle- and other important procedures that offices of Members of the House of Rep- woman from California? follow a tragedy like this. resentatives of children, spouses, and There was no objection. Over the years since that tragedy, I have become friends with Petty Officer siblings of members of the Armed Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Palmer’s parents, Theresa and Sid, and Forces who are hostile casualties or myself such time as I may consume. deeply value our friendship, which is who have died from a training-related This resolution establishes the Con- one of the reasons why I am so honored injury, as amended. gressional Gold Star Family Fellow- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ship Program, which will provide fel- to be on the floor advocating for the tion. lowships in congressional offices for passage of this bill. The text of the resolution is as fol- immediate family members of the I have also worked to change the lows: Armed Forces who have given their next-of-kin family travel policies at the DOD and am currently working in H. RES. 107 lives in service to this country. a bipartisan way with Members across Resolved, Members of the Armed Forces do not the aisle to codify those changes that SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. serve by themselves. They are sup- This resolution may be cited as the ‘‘SFC ported by children, spouses, siblings, are already in existence. Let’s codify Sean Cooley and SPC Christopher Horton and others who often go months or them into law so they don’t change Congressional Gold Star Family Fellowship longer without seeing their loved one again when administrations change. Program Act’’. while that loved one is deployed. I will continue to use my office to as- SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD STAR FELLOW- It is incumbent on all Americans, but sist those who have given so much. SHIP PROGRAM. particularly those of us who have the That is why I believe in this program (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established that will allow Gold Star spouses, chil- in the House of Representatives the Congres- privilege of serving in Congress, to sup- port military families, and none more dren, and siblings the opportunity to sional Gold Star Family Fellowship Program work for a congressional office in D.C. (hereafter in this resolution referred to as so than our Gold Star families. the ‘‘Program’’) under which, under the di- Gold Star families have experienced or a district office. rection of the Chief Administrative Officer of the worst type of heartbreak, sacrifice, We already have a model for success the House of Representatives, an eligible in- and loss, and they deserve our unwav- in Congress to shape this program dividual may serve a 12-month fellowship in ering recognition, compassion, and sup- after. It is the Wounded Warrior Fel- the office of a Member of the House of Rep- port. The Congressional Gold Star lowship Program that lies within the resentatives (including a Delegate or Resi- Office of the Chief Administrative Offi- Family Fellowship Program is one dent Commissioner to the Congress). cer and has provided many opportuni- small way for us in Congress to provide (b) EXCLUSION OF APPOINTEES FOR PUR- ties over the years for veterans to POSES OF LIMIT ON NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN that support. serve in the House of Representatives. MEMBER OFFICES.—Any individual serving a This program will offer an oppor- Currently, there is a Wounded War- fellowship under the Program in the office of tunity for members of Gold Star fami- rior fellow who works in my Maryville, a Member shall not be included in the deter- lies to gain firsthand experience in Illinois, office, Peter Arsenault. He is mination of the number of employees em- Congress through a yearlong fellowship doing a great job. Peter helps veterans ployed by the Member under section 104(a) of in a congressional office. These fellow- the House of Representatives Administrative in my district every day and under- ships can take place either here in Reform Technical Corrections Act (2 U.S.C. stands the assistance and the help that Washington or back home in a district 5321(a)). they need to navigate the bureaucracy (c) PLACEMENT IN MEMBER OFFICES IN DIS- office and will allow Gold Star families within the Federal Government. TRICT OF COLUMBIA OR CONGRESSIONAL DIS- to both participate in and learn about Mr. Speaker, I do want to give a spe- TRICT OF MEMBER.—An individual may serve the democracy their loved one gave the a fellowship under the Program at the Mem- cial thank-you and a shout-out to our ultimate sacrifice to protect. colleague and my very good close ber’s office in the District of Columbia or the Nothing can ever fill the void left by Member’s office in the congressional district friend, , the gentleman the Member represents. the loss of a loved one who was killed from Mississippi, for his work on tak- (d) ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL DEFINED.—In this serving the Nation, but we in Congress ing this fellowship program from an section, the term ‘‘eligible individual’’ should be doing everything we can to idea into a reality. TRENT did every- means the child (including a stepchild), help lift up those who have suffered spouse, or sibling of— thing to make sure that this became this unfathomable loss. law, that this bill passed the House and (1) a person who dies in the line of duty Mr. Speaker, I am proud to support while serving as a member of the Armed made it on its way to become law. the establishment of this program. I Mr. Speaker, I also want to thank Forces (including the reserve components urge my colleagues to support this res- and the National Guard), regardless of the the Gold Star families for their partici- duty status of the member while serving, un- olution, and I reserve the balance of pation in making this process a reality, less such death was the result of the willful my time. too, and for those family members who misconduct of the member; or Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. could be here in the gallery to see this (2) a veteran who dies from a service-con- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I important program come to fruition. nected disability (as defined in section 101 of may consume. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of title 38, United States Code) during the 4- Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Chair- year period beginning on the date of the last my time. person LOFGREN for, again, working Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield discharge or release of the veteran from the with me on this issue—it is such a very Armed Forces. myself such time as I may consume. (e) REGULATIONS.—The Program shall be important piece of legislation—because Mr. Speaker, I am glad that the carried out in accordance with regulations I am proud to rise with her today in ranking member has mentioned the promulgated by the Committee on House Ad- support of H. Res. 107, the SFC Sean Wounded Warrior Program that, I be- ministration. Cooley and SPC Christopher Horton lieve, has been enormously successful. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Congressional Gold Star Family Fel- Practically every week, I am signing ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from lowship Program Act. little termination letters. And why? California (Ms. LOFGREN) and the gen- Since being elected to Congress in Because these wounded warriors have tleman from Illinois (Mr. RODNEY 2013, my team has worked over 1,000 gotten jobs, promotions, permanent po- DAVIS) each will control 20 minutes. cases on behalf of veteran constituents sitions, exactly what we wanted. The Chair recognizes the gentle- in central-southwestern Illinois, in- So not only will this help the fami- woman from California. cluding when the USS John McCain lies, Gold Star families, gain insight

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.068 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8581 into the workings of the United States Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to the town of Waha, South Carolina, and Congress, but it will also be a platform support this resolution. gather everyone to come to the church for them to, if they wish, expand their Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I re- and pray. employment opportunities, just as our serve the balance of my time. She said they stayed and they prayed Wounded Warrior Program has done so. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. in the church all night long. But she Mr. Speaker, I thank the author of Speaker, may I inquire as to how much said a couple of days later, when they the bill. I thank the ranking member time remains. I am sure I talked longer went back to the church, she looked, for moving this forward. I am glad that than I thought. and several of those names now had this is bipartisan, as well the prior bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- gold stars, including the pastor, the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of tleman from Illinois has 141⁄2 minutes pastor’s son. I remember her telling my time. remaining. the impact that it had upon those fam- Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. ilies. Speaker, I am happy to take this op- Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the gen- Many of these families are dev- portunity to offer one of our great col- tleman from Georgia (Mr. astated, not only at the loss of their leagues from the great State of Ne- LOUDERMILK), my good friend, another loved one who gave their life for our braska the opportunity to speak in veteran who serves in this great insti- freedom, but at the life they will have favor—like TRENT KELLY from Mis- tution with us. I am honored to be able to endure, the responsibilities that sissippi—one of the former generals, or to serve with him on the House Admin- they will take on solely for that fam- current generals, who serves in our Na- istration Committee. ily. tion’s military, but whom we also have Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, I b 1645 the great privilege of serving with here thank the gentleman, my friend and in this institution, General DON BACON. colleague, the ranking member, for I got to know a family when I was in Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the yielding this time. the State legislature whose son was gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. BACON). This is one of those pieces of legisla- killed in Iraq during the war on terror. Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I want to tion that really touches your heart. I was able to name an intersection take the time to thank Ms. LOFGREN As a veteran, I have had the oppor- after Justin Johnson. His story went and Mr. DAVIS for guiding this discus- tunity to serve with some of America’s on because his family were such patri- sion, this debate today, and TRENT finest, and I have also experienced the ots, even though his mom was a Gold KELLY for submitting a great bill. loss and the families that have lost Star Mother at that point. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this loved ones in defense of this Nation. His father wanted to complete the resolution which honors the memory of But my story with the Gold Star goes mission for which his son started and two great American warriors: Army back to even when I was a child. You reenlisted back into the National Sergeant First Class Sean Cooley and see, my dad was a veteran. He was a Guard. Unfortunately, his unit was not Army Specialist Chris Horton. These medic in World War II. He was involved going to be deployed, so he asked to be heroes rest in honored glory, servants in the D-Day invasion. He went all the actually transferred to a unit that was to our great Republic, who answered way through from Normandy, through going to deploy, which the Army did. the call and gave their lives fighting France, into Belgium, and then on into He went and fulfilled the mission that for our freedoms and to give hope to Germany. his son wasn’t able to complete. others fighting for a better future in I remember when I was young, I was I have seen and I have worked with Iraq and Afghanistan. going through this photo album that these families and know the tragic sit- We could never repay the debt we my mom had, and as I was flipping uations they are in. And, as others owe, but we can honor them by caring through seeing the pictures that my have, there is actually a wounded war- for their families. This is why this res- dad brought back from World War II, rior on our staff, Chase Sanger, an olution to establish the Gold Star there was this interesting picture of a Army airborne veteran, who is one of Family Fellowship Program in the banner hanging inside of a church. the finest that our Nation has pro- House is so important and has my full And I remember when I asked her duced. support. about this, because my children re- To be able to extend this on to the Since becoming a Member of the cently, just a few years ago, were going families of those heroes, I think is not House, I have made it my mission to through the album not long before my only admirable, but it is something work across the aisle to ensure Con- mom and my dad passed away. They that we should have done a long time gress does its part to honor our heroes saw that same picture and they asked ago. I salute my colleague, General and care for the families who bear the the same question I asked: What is Kelly, for bringing this forward. I give daily burden of their loss. this? This banner had names, various it my utmost support, and I think this To our Gold Star and surviving fami- names of people, and next to the names is well overdue. lies, I recall President Lincoln’s words was a silver star or a gold star. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I re- to a grieving mother who lost five sons I remember when my children asked serve the balance of my time. in the Civil War: ‘‘I pray that the Heav- the question: ‘‘What does this mean?’’ Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. enly Father may assuage the anguish My mom, who was a teenager at the Speaker, I yield myself such time as I of your bereavement, and leave you time, said: ‘‘This banner was in the en- may consume. only the cherished memory of the loved trance of our church, and the names on Mr. Speaker, again, this is one of and lost, and the solemn pride that it were all the boys from our church those rare opportunities where we get must be yours to have laid so costly a that were serving in the European or to talk about our heroes. sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.’’ the Pacific theater. And the silver star The worst vote I think any of us As we approach Veterans Day, this at the time indicated that they were would ever have to take is a vote to au- action is timely and sends an impor- deployed into the combat area.’’ thorize to send young men and women tant message of support to our mili- But then she kind of got teary-eyed, off to war, off to battle, to protect the tary families and to the American peo- and she said: ‘‘But when it was a gold freedoms and the liberties that many ple. star, it meant that they had been of us in this country take for granted The daring raid this weekend which killed in action.’’ every single day. We expect freedom ended the life of the world’s most want- I remember her telling about the D- and liberty to exist in the United ed terrorist is a reminder of how much Day invasion, because they knew that States of America, but it doesn’t hap- we—indeed, the entire free world—owe something was going to happen. They pen without the courage and the sac- to our military, our military service- knew we were going to invade, but they rifice of so many families throughout members and their families. didn’t know exactly when. And the our Nation’s history. I cannot imagine. Mr. Speaker, I wish to personally night of the invasion, when President I have never had the chance to take thank my good friend and wingman on Roosevelt took to the airwaves and led that vote in 61⁄2 years, and I hope and the Armed Services Committee, Mr. the Nation in a prayer for the invasion, pray every day that I don’t personally KELLY, for introducing this measure. her father told her to go throughout ever have to take it. But many in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.069 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 institution, who have been here and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. loved one. Sometimes it is the primary have served here, have had to make Speaker, may I inquire as to how much income earner from the family be- that vote. time remains? cause, quite often, the spouse is at I could not imagine what our Gold The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- home taking care of the children and, Star families go through when they get tleman from Illinois has 7 minutes re- all of a sudden, they are the primary that knock on the door. But to know maining. breadwinner, their loved one is gone. that the legacy of their young sons and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. They are left with these bills. They are daughters is going to live on in a fel- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- left with, a lot of times, situations be- lowship program here in the United tleman from Indiana (Mr. BAIRD), my yond just the grief of what they are States House of Representatives—be- colleague and wounded warrior, a hero. feeling at the loss of their family mem- cause General TRENT KELLY and his I am glad I get the opportunity to ber, they have to deal with these un- team and an idea from his constituents serve with heroes like the gentleman bearable situations. is now moving forward in the next step from Indiana. Providing them with an opportunity to become law—that is one thing that Mr. BAIRD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today for the spouse or their children to find we can do here in the House of Rep- in strong support of the Congressional employment in something that they resentatives to honor those families Gold Star Family Fellowship Program feel is also meaningful, because many who have sacrificed so much. Act sponsored by my colleague, Mr. of them have such a patriotic heart, We often imagine the future of what KELLY. they want to continue to serve. would have happened if these young Mr. Speaker, our men and women in One of the things that I have often men and women would have been able uniform are part of a long line of patri- said to many of my veterans and to come back home, families torn apart ots whose unwavering commitment to friends who have served is that when by tragedy at a time when their sac- our Nation has preserved the rich leg- we take that oath of office, there are a rifice gave us the freedoms and lib- acy of freedom that we each enjoy lot of things that we swear to, to up- erties that we enjoy being able to serve every day. hold and defend the Constitution of the here. Our military families are the forces United States, up to and including giv- We have an opportunity today to say behind our Armed Forces, and it is our ing our own lives, if necessary. But one thank you again. This is our oppor- duty to also support and care for them, thing that is not in that oath of office tunity to show those families that especially when their loved one pays is an expiration date. their sons and daughters perishing dur- the ultimate sacrifice in service to our Many veterans and their families, ing battle, or noncombat-related Nation. even at the end of their regular service, deaths, like Petty Officer Logan Palm- I am proud to support this legisla- still feel that need and that desire to er from Harristown, Illinois, in my dis- tion, named after two fallen American serve. This will give an opportunity for trict, let’s say thank you to them. soldiers, Sergeant First Class Sean those family members to continue to Let’s let their memory go on. Cooley and Specialist Christopher Hor- serve their country in a meaningful ton. This resolution will provide fel- Let’s let the next generation of peo- way. lowships in congressional offices to Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I con- ple who, like Chairperson LOFGREN and Gold Star family members, giving I, we started out as congressional staff- tinue to reserve the balance of my them the opportunity to drive policy ers. Do you know what, I think both of time. change here in Washington and serve Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. us are here because of that experience. our country in their own way. Speaker, I yield such time as he may And to have this program, this Gold Our fallen men and women in uni- consume to the gentleman from Mis- Star Fellowship Program, allow young form stepped forward and answered the sissippi (Mr. KELLY), and I can’t tell men and women, who have been af- call to serve. It is our turn to do our you how proud I am to yield to the fected by so much, come into our insti- part to honor their legacy of service sponsor of this legislation, somebody tution, who knows, maybe they will be and sacrifice by keeping the ones that who deserves a lot of thanks for mov- the next chairperson and ranking mem- we leave behind in the forefront of our ing this bill forward. ber of the House Administration Com- minds as we make decisions in this Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. mittee, and maybe their constituents, body. Speaker, this is one of my most mo- like General KELLY’s constituents, will With passage of this legislation, we mentous occasions here in the House of give them a great idea like this, and will send a message to our Gold Star Representatives. We are recognizing maybe they will be able to move it on families that they are not forgotten, the men and women who died in service the next step in becoming law. and the American people stand behind of this great Nation and understanding Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairperson them and support them. that when they left here, they left fam- LOFGREN again for allowing us the op- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to ilies behind. portunity, and I reserve the balance of support this resolution. These are two—Sean Cooley and my time. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I con- Chris Horton—who died in service of Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I yield tinue to reserve the balance of my this great Nation. I have got their pic- myself such time as I may consume. time. tures up here to show what warriors Mr. Speaker, like Mr. DAVIS, I do be- Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. they were. But they left families be- lieve that this fellowship will provide a Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- hind. rewarding experience for the families tleman from Georgia (Mr. We are establishing this Gold Star who decide to participate, whether it is LOUDERMILK), my good friend. Fellowship Program to honor these in Washington, to participate and ob- Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, I men, and many other men and women serve in the making of legislation, or thank my colleagues on both sides of like them, who have given their all to whether it is in our district offices, the aisle for bringing this measure for- defend this Nation. going to bat for veterans, standing up ward and giving us an opportunity to Ronald Reagan used the words of for people who need help from a con- do something so important for these Thomas Jefferson when he said, the gressional office. It is very rewarding, families. blood of patriots is needed from time to but also very educational. And I know I am sure many of you, as you watch time to refresh the tree of liberty— that it will be a rewarding experience the television, see the different organi- something to that effect. We have to for those families who participate. zations that have evolved over the past make sure that we always honor those I thank the author of the bill, Mr. several years to provide assistance to who give the ultimate sacrifice for this KELLY, for his persistence in getting those families. One particular organi- great Nation. this done and making adjustments as zation provides assistance in paying off We have many Gold Star families input came in so that we can have con- the mortgages for these families. here today. My friend Jane Horton sensus and proceed on this. I bring that up just as an illustration came up with the idea for this bill. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of to the aspects of what these Gold Star This is her husband who is pictured in my time. families go through at the loss of their this bill. Thank God that we have men

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.071 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8583 and women who not only serve this Na- my esteemed colleague from Illinois, and their Votes will be taken in the following tion, but families who serve this Na- staffs for helping us get this bill to the floor. order: tion by allowing their family member From the immortal words of Thomas Jeffer- Agreeing to House Resolution 296; to serve. Such bravery and such patri- son and Ronald Reagan, ‘‘The tree of liberty and ots. As long as we have them, this Na- must be refreshed from time to time with the Motions to suspend the rules and tion will always sustain. blood of patriots and tyrants.’’ pass: When we lose these types of patriots H. Res. 107, The Sergeant First Class Sean H.R. 4695; and who are willing to give everything to Cooley and Specialist Christopher Horton Agree to H. Res. 107, if ordered. this beautiful, wonderful Nation, then Congressional Gold Star Family Fellowship The first electronic vote will be con- we no longer will have a Nation. Free- Program Act takes a monumental and vitally ducted as a 15-minute vote. Pursuant dom is not free. But the least we can do important step toward educating the members to clause 9 of rule XX, remaining elec- is allow their family members to learn of this chamber on the true costs of armed tronic votes will be conducted as 5- how to get engaged in the congres- conflict. minute votes. sional process on a national and stra- Named after two warriors who lost their lives tegic level and to influence our deci- fighting America’s enemies, this program pro- f sion so that we take care of those great vides the spouses, the children, and the sib- AFFIRMING THE UNITED STATES patriots who left this country behind. lings of those who gave their lives in service RECORD ON THE ARMENIAN We will never forget, and we will to our great nation in armed conflict or com- GENOCIDE never leave behind a fallen comrade or bat-related training, a paid fellowship with the their survivor. So for our Gold Star Congressperson of their choice, here in Wash- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- families, thank you and God bless you. ington, or in their home district. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- Their sacrifice was not in vain. When our servicemembers make the ulti- ished business is the vote on adoption Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. mate sacrifice, there is no award, no amount of the resolution (H. Res. 296) affirming Speaker, I yield back the balance of of money or no program that can ever make the United States record on the Arme- my time. their families whole again. But what this pro- nian Genocide, on which the yeas and nays were ordered. b 1700 gram does do, is it gives the families left be- hind a chance to participate in our great The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I think democratic process at the national level. tion. this has been an excellent debate high- Their experiences, their trials, and their The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lighting the bipartisan support for this tribulations will now have a voice in these hal- question is on agreeing to the resolu- fellowship, a bipartisan gratitude to lowed halls. A voice that will serve as a con- tion. those who served and those who gave stant reminder that it is the military family that The vote was taken by electronic de- their lives for this country and for the is the backbone of this great Republic and vice, and there were—yeas 405, nays 11, families they left behind. There is no when we make the decision to send our na- answered ‘‘present’’ 3, not voting 13, as honor big enough that we could pos- tion’s best to war, we must always be pre- follows: sibly give to them, but this fellowship pared to take care of those left behind. [Roll No. 591] is a token. It is a token that is impor- General George Patton once said that ‘‘it is YEAS—405 tant, and it is something that we have foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Abraham Castor (FL) Doyle, Michael done in a bipartisan way. Rather we should thank God that such men Adams Castro (TX) F. Mr. Speaker, I hope that every Mem- lived.’’ Aderholt Chabot Duncan ber of this body will be supportive of it, Aguilar Cheney Dunn I stand here today Mister Speaker and truly Allen Chu, Judy Emmer and I yield back the balance of my thank God for our men and women in uniform Allred Cicilline Engel time. who are willing to sacrifice their lives for this Amash Cisneros Escobar Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Amodei Clark (MA) Eshoo great nation. Armstrong Espaillat support of H. Res. 107—the SFC Sean Clarke (NY) I would like to especially thank Mrs. Jane Arrington Clay Estes Cooley and SPC Christopher Horton Congres- Horton for her tireless effort and dedication to Axne Cleaver Evans sional Gold Star Family Fellowship Program the families of the fallen and all the Gold Star Babin Cline Ferguson Bacon Cloud Finkenauer Act. families in the Gallery this afternoon. Balderson Fitzpatrick As the Representative of Fort Bragg, NC, Clyburn Your service and your sacrifice are a true Banks Cohen Fleischmann Barr Fletcher the epicenter of the universe, and one of the inspiration to us all. Collins (GA) Barraga´ n Flores fastest growing veteran populations in the Comer The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bass Fortenberry Conaway country, I am all too familiar with what it question is on the motion offered by Bera Foster Connolly means to be a ‘‘Gold Star Family’’. Our com- Bergman Frankel the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Cook munity has many of these families who have LOFGREN) that the House suspend the Beyer Fudge Biggs Cooper Fulcher lost a loved one in the line of duty while serv- rules and agree to the resolution, H. Bilirakis Correa Gaetz ing our country and we remember them each Res. 107, as amended. Bishop (GA) Costa Gallagher and every day. Bishop (NC) Courtney Gallego The question was taken. Cox (CA) This resolution before us today would give a The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Bishop (UT) Garamendi Blumenauer Craig Garcı´a (IL) renewed sense of optimism to some of these opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Blunt Rochester Crawford Garcia (TX) family members by providing them the unique in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Bonamici Crenshaw Gianforte Bost Crist Gibbs opportunity to take part in a 12-month con- Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Crow gressional fellowship in a Congressional office. Boyle, Brendan Gohmert Speaker, I object to the vote on the F. Cuellar Golden This fellowship would be modeled after other ground that a quorum is not present Brindisi Cunningham Gomez successful programs to include the wounded and make the point of order that a Brooks (AL) Curtis Gonzalez (OH) Davids (KS) warrior fellowship that already exists. quorum is not present. Brown (MD) Gonzalez (TX) Brownley (CA) Davidson (OH) Gooden Many of our offices have benefited by add- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Buchanan Davis (CA) Gottheimer ing various types of fellows to our staff and I’m ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Buck Davis, Danny K. Granger sure we would all stand to benefit from having ceedings on this motion will be post- Budd Davis, Rodney Graves (GA) Dean a gold star family member as well. Nothing will Burchett Graves (LA) poned. Burgess DeFazio Graves (MO) ever be able to replace the loss of a loved The point of no quorum is considered Bustos DeGette Green (TN) one, but today we have the opportunity to pro- withdrawn. Butterfield DeLauro Green, Al (TX) vide an opportunity to those who have already Byrne DelBene Griffith f Delgado sacrificed so much. I would ask all of my col- Calvert Grijalva ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Carbajal Demings Grothman leagues to support this resolution and look for- Ca´ rdenas DeSaulnier Guest ward to its passage and having a gold star PRO TEMPORE Carson (IN) DesJarlais Guthrie family fellow in my office soon. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pro- Carter (GA) Deutch Haaland Cartwright Diaz-Balart Hagedorn Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, I’d ceedings will resume on questions pre- Case Dingell Harder (CA) like to thank the Chairwoman from California, viously postponed. Casten (IL) Doggett Hartzler

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.072 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 Hastings Mast Schiff Ratcliffe Timmons Wright Bustos Graves (GA) McBath Hayes Matsui Schneider Thompson (CA) Williams Zeldin Butterfield Graves (LA) McCarthy Heck McAdams Schrader Byrne Graves (MO) McCaul Hern, Kevin McBath Schrier ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Calvert Green (TN) McClintock Herrera Beutler McCarthy Schweikert The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Carbajal Green, Al (TX) McCollum Higgins (LA) McCaul Scott (VA) the vote). The Chair will remind all Ca´ rdenas Griffith McGovern Higgins (NY) McClintock Scott, Austin Carson (IN) Grijalva McHenry Hill (AR) McCollum Scott, David persons in the gallery that they are Carter (GA) Grothman McKinley Himes McGovern Sensenbrenner here as guests of the House and that Cartwright Guthrie McNerney Holding McHenry Serrano any manifestation of approval or dis- Case Haaland Meadows Hollingsworth McKinley Sewell (AL) approval of proceedings is in violation Casten (IL) Hagedorn Meeks Horn, Kendra S. McNerney Shalala Castor (FL) Harder (CA) Meng Horsford Meeks Sherman of the rules of the House. Castro (TX) Harris Meuser Houlahan Meng Sherrill ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Chabot Hartzler Miller Hoyer Meuser Shimkus The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Cheney Hastings Mitchell Hudson Miller Simpson Chu, Judy Hayes Moolenaar Huizenga Mitchell Sires the vote). The Chair will remind all Cicilline Heck Mooney (WV) Hunter Moolenaar Slotkin persons in the gallery that they are Cisneros Hern, Kevin Moore Hurd (TX) Mooney (WV) Smith (MO) here as guests of the House and that Clark (MA) Herrera Beutler Morelle Jackson Lee Moore Smith (NE) Clarke (NY) Higgins (LA) Moulton Jayapal Morelle Smith (NJ) any manifestation of approval or dis- (NY) Mucarsel-Powell Jeffries Moulton Smith (WA) approval of proceedings is in violation Cleaver Hill (AR) Mullin Johnson (GA) Mucarsel-Powell Smucker of the rules of the House. Cline Himes Murphy (FL) Johnson (LA) Mullin Soto Cloud Holding Murphy (NC) Johnson (OH) Murphy (FL) Spanberger b 1726 Clyburn Hollingsworth Nadler Johnson (SD) Murphy (NC) Spano Cohen Horn, Kendra S. Napolitano Jordan Nadler Speier Mr. MEADOWS changed his vote Collins (GA) Horsford Neal Joyce (OH) Napolitano Stanton Comer Houlahan Neguse Joyce (PA) Neal Stauber from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Mrs. MURPHY of Florida and Mr. Conaway Hoyer Newhouse Kaptur Neguse Stefanik Connolly Hudson Norcross Katko Newhouse Steil SMITH of Missouri changed their vote Cook Huizenga Nunes Keating Norcross Steube from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Cooper Hunter O’Halleran Keller Norman Stevens Correa Hurd (TX) Ocasio-Cortez Kelly (IL) Nunes Stewart So the resolution was agreed to. Costa Jackson Lee Olson Kelly (MS) O’Halleran Stivers The result of the vote was announced Courtney Jayapal Palazzo Kelly (PA) Ocasio-Cortez Suozzi as above recorded. Cox (CA) Jeffries Pallone Kennedy Olson Swalwell (CA) Craig Johnson (GA) Palmer Khanna Palazzo Takano A motion to reconsider was laid on Crawford Johnson (LA) Panetta Kildee Pallone Taylor the table. Crenshaw Johnson (OH) Pappas Kilmer Palmer Thompson (MS) Crist Johnson (SD) Pascrell Kim Panetta Thompson (PA) f Crow Johnson (TX) Payne Kind Pappas Tipton King (IA) Pascrell Titus ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Cuellar Jordan Perlmutter King (NY) Payne Tlaib PRO TEMPORE Cunningham Joyce (OH) Perry Kinzinger Pelosi Tonko Curtis Joyce (PA) Peters Kirkpatrick Perlmutter Torres (CA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Davids (KS) Kaptur Peterson Krishnamoorthi Perry Torres Small Chair will remind all persons in the Davidson (OH) Katko Phillips Davis (CA) Keating Pingree Kuster (NH) Peters (NM) gallery that they are here as guests of Kustoff (TN) Peterson Trahan Davis, Danny K. Keller Pocan LaHood Phillips Trone the House and that any manifestation Davis, Rodney Kelly (IL) Porter LaMalfa Pingree Turner of approval or disapproval of pro- Dean Kelly (PA) Posey Lamb Pocan Underwood ceedings is in violation of the rules of DeFazio Kennedy Pressley Lamborn Porter Upton DeGette Khanna Price (NC) Langevin Posey Van Drew the House. DeLauro Kildee Quigley DelBene Kilmer Raskin Larsen (WA) Pressley Vargas f Larson (CT) Price (NC) Veasey Delgado Kim Ratcliffe Latta Quigley Vela Demings Kind Reed Lawrence Raskin Vela´ zquez PROTECT AGAINST CONFLICT BY DeSaulnier King (IA) Reschenthaler Lawson (FL) Reed Visclosky TURKEY ACT DesJarlais King (NY) Rice (NY) Lee (CA) Reschenthaler Wagner Deutch Kinzinger Rice (SC) Lee (NV) Rice (NY) Walberg The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Diaz-Balart Kirkpatrick Richmond Lesko Rice (SC) Walden ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- Dingell Krishnamoorthi Riggleman Levin (CA) Richmond Walker ished business is the vote on the mo- Doggett Kuster (NH) Roby Doyle, Michael Kustoff (TN) Rodgers (WA) Levin (MI) Riggleman Walorski tion to suspend the rules and pass the Lewis Roby Waltz F. LaHood Roe, David P. Lieu, Ted Rodgers (WA) Wasserman bill (H.R. 4695) to impose sanctions Dunn Lamb Rogers (AL) Lipinski Roe, David P. Schultz with respect to Turkey, and for other Emmer Lamborn Rogers (KY) Loebsack Rogers (KY) Waters purposes, as amended, on which the Engel Langevin Rooney (FL) Lofgren Rooney (FL) Watkins Escobar Larsen (WA) Rose (NY) Long Rose (NY) Watson Coleman yeas and nays were ordered. Eshoo Larson (CT) Rose, John W. Loudermilk Rose, John W. Weber (TX) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Espaillat Latta Rouda Lowenthal Rouda Webster (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Estes Lawrence Rouzer Evans Lawson (FL) Roy Lowey Rouzer Welch question is on the motion offered by Lucas Roy Wenstrup Finkenauer Lee (CA) Roybal-Allard Luetkemeyer Roybal-Allard Westerman the gentleman from New York (Mr. Fitzpatrick Lee (NV) Ruiz Luja´ n Ruiz Wexton ENGEL) that the House suspend the Fleischmann Lesko Ruppersberger Luria Ruppersberger Wild rules and pass the bill, as amended. Fletcher Levin (CA) Rush Lynch Rush Wilson (FL) Flores Levin (MI) Rutherford Malinowski Rutherford Wilson (SC) This is a 5-minute vote. Fortenberry Lewis Ryan Maloney, Ryan Wittman The vote was taken by electronic de- Foster Lieu, Ted Sa´ nchez Carolyn B. Sa´ nchez Womack vice, and there were—yeas 403, nays 16, Foxx (NC) Lipinski Sarbanes Frankel Loebsack Scalise Maloney, Sean Sarbanes Woodall not voting 12, as follows: Marchant Scalise Yarmuth Fudge Lofgren Scanlon Marshall Scanlon Yoho [Roll No. 592] Fulcher Long Schakowsky Massie Schakowsky Young Gaetz Lowenthal Schiff YEAS—403 Gallagher Lowey Schneider NAYS—11 Adams Barraga´ n Boyle, Brendan Gallego Lucas Schrader Aderholt Bass F. Garamendi Luetkemeyer Schrier Baird Cole Pence Aguilar Brady Garcı´a (IL) Luja´ n Schweikert Brady Foxx (NC) Bera Rogers (AL) Allred Brindisi Garcia (TX) Luria Scott (VA) Brooks (IN) Harris Bergman Thornberry Amash Brooks (AL) Gianforte Lynch Scott, Austin Bucshon Meadows Beyer Amodei Bilirakis Brooks (IN) Gibbs Malinowski Scott, David ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—3 Armstrong Bishop (GA) Brown (MD) Gohmert Maloney, Sensenbrenner Arrington Bishop (NC) Brownley (CA) Golden Carolyn B. Serrano Gosar Johnson (TX) Omar Axne Buchanan Gomez Maloney, Sean Sewell (AL) Bishop (UT) Babin Buck Gonzalez (OH) Marchant Shalala Blumenauer NOT VOTING—13 Bacon Bucshon Gonzalez (TX) Marshall Sherman Blunt Rochester Beatty Hice (GA) McEachin Balderson Budd Gooden Mast Sherrill Carter (TX) Hill (CA) Banks Bonamici Burchett Gottheimer Matsui Shimkus Gabbard Huffman Barr Bost Burgess Granger McAdams Simpson

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.029 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8585 Sires Thompson (PA) Walorski A motion to reconsider was laid on notified not less than 15 days prior to such Slotkin Thornberry Waltz obligation. Smith (MO) Tipton the table. Wasserman (2) MATTERS TO BE INCLUDED.—Such notifi- Smith (NE) Titus Schultz f Smith (NJ) Tlaib cation shall include the following: Waters (A) A description of the source of such Smith (WA) Tonko Watkins MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEM- funds, including any funds reprogrammed or Smucker Torres (CA) Watson Coleman BRANCE OF THE HONORABLE Soto Torres Small transferred by the Department of State to be Weber (TX) JOHN CONYERS, JR. Spanberger (NM) Webster (FL) made available for such pavilion. Spano Trahan Welch (Mrs. LAWRENCE asked and was (B) An estimate of the amount of invest- Speier Trone given permission to address the House ment such pavilion could bring to the United Stanton Turner Wenstrup Stauber Underwood Westerman for 1 minute.) States. Stefanik Upton Wexton Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, I (C) A description of the strategy of the De- Steil Van Drew Wild stand here today with the Michigan partment to identify and obtain such match- Wilson (FL) Steube Vargas delegation and my beloved members of ing funds from sources other than the United Stevens Veasey Wilson (SC) States Government, in accordance with sub- Stewart Vela Wittman the Congressional Black Caucus to pay section (b). Stivers Vela´ zquez Womack honor and tribute to the life of John (D) An analysis of the human rights record Suozzi Visclosky Woodall Conyers. He passed away this past of the . Swalwell (CA) Wagner Yarmuth Takano Walberg Yoho weekend. (E) A certification that each entity receiv- Taylor Walden Young As we know, John Conyers was the ing amounts for a contract, grant, or other Thompson (MS) Walker dean of this Congress. He served 53 agreement to construct, maintain, or other- NAYS—16 years. He served as chairman of the wise service such pavilion— Committee on Oversight and Govern- (i) is not in violation of the labor laws of Abraham Ferguson Massie the United Arab Emirates, the Foreign Cor- Allen Gosar Norman ment Reform as well as the Judiciary. rupt Practices Act of 1977 (Public Law 95– Baird Guest Omar We stand here today to recognize his 213), and any other applicable anti-corrup- Biggs Kelly (MS) Pence Cole LaMalfa fight for civil rights, his fight to have tion laws; and Duncan Loudermilk the Martin Luther King birthday cele- (ii) does not employ, or otherwise utilize, a NOT VOTING—12 bration, his fight against apartheid, his victim of trafficking (as defined in section fight to ensure that we in this country 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Beatty Hill (CA) Timmons Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7102)). Carter (TX) Huffman Williams never lost sight of our criminal justice (d) FINAL REPORT.—Not later than 180 days Gabbard McEachin Wright that is not equal, and his fight for jus- Hice (GA) Thompson (CA) Zeldin after the date on which a United States pa- tice for all. vilion at Expo 2020 Dubai is opened, the Sec- b 1736 We often remember him walking retary of State shall submit to the appro- So (two-thirds being in the affirma- around with his kind manner in this priate congressional committees a report tive) the rules were suspended and the House, and I ask at this time if we that includes— bill, as amended, was passed. could have a moment of silence. (1) the number of United States businesses Would everyone please stand. that participated in such pavilion; and The result of the vote was announced (2) the dollar amount and source of any as above recorded. f matching funds obtained by the Department. A motion to reconsider was laid on b 1745 (e) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- the table. TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term f EXPOSITIONS PROVIDE ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ OPPORTUNITIES ACT OF 2019 means the following: SFC SEAN COOLEY AND SPC (1) The Committee on Foreign Affairs and CHRISTOPHER HORTON CON- Mr. PHILLIPS. Madam Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and pass the the Committee on Appropriations of the GRESSIONAL GOLD STAR FAM- House of Representatives. ILY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM ACT bill (H.R. 4842) to authorize the Sec- (2) The Committee on Foreign Relations retary of State to provide funds for a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- and the Committee on Appropriations of the United States pavilion at Expo 2020 Senate. finished business is the question on Dubai, and for other purposes, as (f) SUNSET.—This section ceases to be effec- suspending the rules and agreeing to amended. tive on September 30, 2021. the resolution (H. Res. 107) establishing The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. the Congressional Gold Star Family The text of the bill is as follows: SCANLON). Pursuant to the rule, the Fellowship Program for the placement H.R. 4842 gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. PHIL- in offices of Members of the House of LIPS) and the gentleman from Florida Representatives of children, spouses, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in (Mr. YOHO) each will control 20 min- and siblings of members of the Armed Congress assembled, utes. Forces who are hostile casualties or SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. The Chair recognizes the gentleman who have died from a training-related This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Expositions from Minnesota. injury, as amended. Provide Opportunities Act of 2019’’ or ‘‘EXPO GENERAL LEAVE The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Act of 2019’’. Mr. PHILLIPS. Madam Speaker, I tion. SEC. 2. STATE DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZATION The SPEAKER pro tempore. The FOR PAVILION AT EXPO 2020 DUBAI. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- question is on the motion offered by (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding section bers have 5 legislative days in which to the gentlewoman from California (Ms. 204 of the Admiral James W. Nance and Meg revise and extend their remarks and in- LOFGREN) that the House suspend the Donovan Foreign Relations Authorization clude extraneous material on H.R. 4842. rules and agree to the resolution, as Act, Fiscal Years 2000 and 2001 (22 U.S.C. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there amended. 2452b), there is authorized to be appropriated objection to the request of the gen- The question was taken; and (two- for each of fiscal years 2020 and 2021 funds for tleman from Minnesota? a United States pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, There was no objection. thirds being in the affirmative) the subject to subsections (b) and (c). rules were suspended and the resolu- (b) COST-SHARE REQUIREMENT.—Funds Mr. PHILLIPS. Madam Speaker, I tion, as amended, was agreed to. made available pursuant to subsection (a) to yield myself such time as I may con- The title of the resolution was the Department of State for a United States sume. amended so as to read: ‘‘Resolution es- pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai shall be made Madam Speaker, I rise today to sup- tablishing the Congressional Gold Star available on a cost-matching basis, to the port the Expositions Provide Opportu- Family Fellowship Program for the maximum extent practicable, from sources nities Act, or the EXPO Act of 2019. placement in offices of Members of the other than the United States Government. When I took the oath of office on House of Representatives of children, (c) NOTIFICATION.— January 3 of this year, my extraor- (1) IN GENERAL.—Funds made available pur- spouses, and siblings of members of the suant to subsection (a) to the Department of dinary team and I set an ambitious Armed Forces who die in the line of State for a United States pavilion at Expo goal: To visit every city and town in duty or certain veterans who die from 2020 Dubai may be obligated only after the Minnesota’s Third Congressional Dis- service-connected disabilities.’’. appropriate congressional committees are trict within the first 6 months of my

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.031 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8586 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 service; and to listen and learn from Madam Speaker, we could not have Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative the local leaders who know our com- brought this bill to the floor without and associated debt traps have set the munities best, and bring their voices to help. I would like to thank Speaker stage for economic and diplomatic co- Washington, because representation be- PELOSI, Leader HOYER, and Leader ercion and military expansion. That is gins with listening. MCCARTHY for their support and their one of the reasons I introduced the In Bloomington, Minnesota, we heard staffs’ work on this important bill. BUILD Act last Congress—and through something unexpected, and I knew we I would also like to thank Ranking bipartisan support it got passed and had to help. The city of Bloomington is Member MCCAUL for his support and was signed into law—that creates the determined to bring the eyes of the his staff’s expertise in crafting the bill. United States International Develop- world to Minnesota by bidding for host And thanks also to Chairman ENGEL ment Finance Corporation. city of the 2027 World Expo. and his staff, especially Janice If we, the American government, are For generations, the United States Kaguyutan, who was instrumental in not there, how can we compete against has showcased our leadership, innova- helping us get to the finish line. China’s Belt and Road Initiative? tion, and industrial advancement The root of this effort started in Min- As part of this program, China has through brilliant displays called pavil- nesota with former Minnesota Sec- tried to build military bases in the ions at world expos around the world. retary of State and now Global Min- South Pacific to cut us off from part- But for the past 3 decades, the U.S. has nesota President, Mark Ritchie. He was ners like Australia and New Zealand, fallen short of its historic leadership and will always be steadfast in his ad- and they are going to continue this ex- role and fundraising for 7 of the last 10 vocacy on behalf of Minnesota. pansion. American pavilions has been paltry. Most of all, I am grateful to the city In Africa, they have a military base In fact, the United States is the only of Bloomington, Minnesota, especially next to ours in Djibouti. China has G7 country that relies on private dona- Mayor Gene Winstead and City Man- even made major roads in the Western tions to guarantee its presence at ager Jamie Verbrugge, for their coun- Hemisphere, controlling both sides of world expos, and the only country that sel and advocacy on behalf of all Min- Teddy Roosevelt’s Panama Canal. relies entirely on private funding for nesotans. I was down in the countries of Chile the creation of its pavilion. Madam Speaker, this is how democ- and Argentina not too long ago, and Madam Speaker, that has left a vacu- racy should work; Democrats and Re- China is looking and trying to push um, which our strategic competitors, publicans in Congress, working with really hard to bring 5G cable from like Russia and China, have been all stakeholders, constituents, and a gov- China to South America. This is some- too happy to fill. ernment agency to craft legislation thing that American leadership can- As a result, American cities like which will benefit both localities and not—we cannot stand by idly. And if we Bloomington, Minnesota, and Houston, the Nation as a whole. are not there at the World Expo to pro- Texas, have been overlooked for So I urge my colleagues to support mote our U.S. International Develop- hosting rights; missing important op- this important, bipartisan measure, ment Finance Corporation, how else portunities to build strong inter- and I reserve the balance of my time. are we going to get this word out? This national relationships, showcase the Mr. YOHO. Madam Speaker, I yield is something that is a national secu- strength of American ingenuity, and myself such time as I may consume. rity interest. boost local economies. Madam Speaker, I rise today to dis- In addition, China has also cornered A critical component in competing cuss the importance of strong U.S. dip- the market on rare earth minerals. for host city status is a country’s pa- lomatic engagement to counter aggres- They control over 85 percent of the vilion at the current world expo. In sion from our adversaries. API, which is the active pharma- this case, the next opportunity to The World Expo is the largest diplo- ceutical ingredients, in all the vita- make the case for an American host matic exhibition and an invaluable op- mins, antibiotics, and drugs that we city is the Dubai 2020 World Expo, hap- portunity to demonstrate American take. They have 100 percent of the vita- pening next October. leadership to an audience of over 25 mins and minerals used in our live- That is why I am honored to stand million visitors. The United States has stock feed. China, when they ship that with the city of Bloomington, Global proudly participated in the World Expo product back, it is impure. It doesn’t Minnesota, the entire Minnesota House since 1851 and has hosted 11 expos. meet FDA standards. delegation, and a group of like-minded Over a 6-month period, the United China has been at the forefront of 5G colleagues from both sides of the aisle, States will showcase our values and technology, as I mentioned. In fact, like Ranking Member MCCAUL, and our commitment to rule of law. With- Huawei, which the U.S. has deemed a Representatives PETE OLSON, LIZZIE out the United States’ attendance at national security threat, has received FLETCHER, and my colleague, TED YOHO important international forums like the contract for this expo. to change all of that with the Expo- the World Expo, we risk losing out to As we work to combat this continued sitions Provide Opportunities Act, the countries like China and Russia. and ever-increasing aggression, we EXPO Act of 2019. In fact, China has committed over must ensure that our partners know Our bill does three things. First, it $100 million for their participation in the United States intends to remain provides authorization for the State the 2020 World Expo with the goal of present. Department to use funds to build a pa- promoting their Belt and Road Initia- The United States’ absence at impor- vilion for the 2020 Dubai World Expo, so tive. And get this: Huawei 5G tech- tant international forums like the that cities in the U.S., like Bloom- nology is the provider for the whole World Expo only gives China the oppor- ington and Houston, can compete to be World Expo. They have also signaled tunities to spread their ideals; ones the host city at the 2027 World Expo. interest in competing to host a future they claim are merely ‘‘socialism with Next, it requires the State Depart- expo. Chinese characteristics.’’ But make no ment to seek out matching funds from China is at the forefront of our stra- mistake, it is communism through and the private sector in order to alleviate tegic long-range diplomatic, security, through. the cost burden. and economic policies here in Wash- We cannot let China fill a void left by Finally, it requires a series of reports ington. We must stop Communist the United States. The stakes are too from the State Department which shall China from achieving global domi- high. contain the following items: nance. Make no mistake. This is their And understand this: If the United One, an estimate of the investment a goal. States doesn’t show up—there are only pavilion could bring to the United Under Xi Jinping’s leadership, the two countries that don’t show up. One States; Chinese Communist Party is chal- is the United States and the other is Two, a report on the human rights lenging America’s leadership like never Syria. I don’t want to be in that cat- record of the United Arab Emirates; before; stepping up territorial aggres- egory. and sion against our partners and allies, This is a bill that we ask everybody Three, ensures that all applicable openly engaging in unfair and illegal to support. It is good for America. It is labor laws in the UAE are followed dur- business practices, and exporting au- good for American business, and it is ing construction of our pavilion. thoritarian ideologies across the globe. great for national security.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.080 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8587 Madam Speaker, in closing, I urge Trump’s personal and political agenda aged to say a simple ‘‘hello’’ to stu- my colleagues to support this bill. and abuse of power, Secretary Perry dents they might see every day but not I yield back the balance of my time. should do what is right, and imme- usually speak to or to hold the door for Mr. PHILLIPS. Madam Speaker, I diately comply with the House’s inves- someone they don’t know. yield myself as much time as I may tigation. America deserves nothing In honor of Kindness Month, I, too, consume for the purpose of closing. less. have committed to reaching across the I thank the gentleman from Florida The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- aisle to say hello and strike up con- (Mr. YOHO), my good friend, for his re- bers are reminded to refrain from en- versations with colleagues I may not marks as well. gaging in personalities toward the know that well. Madam Speaker, I urge my col- President. We all have something to learn from leagues to support this very important f the Interboro students as we work to- and bipartisan bill which allows Amer- gether to create a world that is more b 1800 ica to compete on the world stage. respectful, fair, and kind for this gen- As I said before, representation HONORING EDWARD POE BOSTIC eration and the next. starts with listening and if we pass this bill, we will have shown the American (Mr. BURCHETT asked and was given f people that Democrats and Republicans permission to address the House for 1 RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT can put their differences aside, listen minute and to revise and extend his re- OF MAJOR GENERAL JEFFERSON to their constituents, and get some- marks.) S. BURTON Mr. BURCHETT. Madam Speaker, I thing done. (Mr. BISHOP of Utah asked and was Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- rise today to honor Edward Poe Bostic, an American hero and Korean war com- given permission to address the House ance of my time. for 1 minute.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bat veteran who passed away in August of this year at 87 years of age. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, on question is on the motion offered by November 7, Utah will honor a soldier’s the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. Mr. Bostic joined the Marine Corps at the age of 16 during the Korean war. He soldier. PHILLIPS) that the House suspend the For the past 7 years, the men and rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4842, as fought at the amphibious invasions and battles at Inchon and Seoul. He also women of the Utah National Guard amended. have been inspired by Major General The question was taken; and (two- participated in the Blockade of Jefferson S. Burton. General Burton thirds being in the affirmative) the Wonsan, the longest naval blockade in was chosen for his battle-tested grit rules were suspended and the bill, as modern history, and the Battle of and resolve. amended, was passed. Chosin Reservoir, known as the Frozen A motion to reconsider was laid on Chosin due to the harsh winter weather In 2003, this fourth-generation Utahn the table. conditions. led the 14–57th Engineer Battalion into Iraq. Living under constant threat of f Mr. Bostic was proud to serve his country and proud to be a marine. IEDs and ambush, General Burton was THE TIMING OF SECRETARY RICK Mr. Bostic retired from Y–12 Martin even tasked with luring the hyenas, PERRY’S RESIGNATION Marietta in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, bears, and lions of the Baghdad Zoo (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given after a 40-year career. He was an active back into their enclosures after the permission to address the House for 1 member of the Campbell County Honor Iraqi Republican Guard released them minute.) Guard; commander of the Disabled into the streets. Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise American, Veterans Appalachian Chap- His troops tell me that General Bur- to express deep concern about the tim- ter 105; and commander of the Camp- ton is a leader who takes the time to ing of Secretary Rick Perry’s resigna- bell County Young Marines. teach and mentor others, helping them tion, and his simultaneous refusal to There are real heroes in this world, recognize their own potential. provide key information on his many Madam Speaker, and they aren’t music General Burton is highly educated. trips to Ukraine, more than any other stars, famous athletes, or Hollywood He is kind. He is deeply spiritual. But Cabinet member. He has played a cen- actors. Our country’s heroes are the what he values most is his wife, Charn, tral role in U.S.-Ukraine relations men and women of our Armed Forces whose support has allowed him to throughout the Trump Presidency. like Mr. Bostic, who served and sac- serve. Thus far, Secretary Perry has refused rificed for our freedom. General Burton often tells his sol- to cooperate with lawful subpoenas It is my honor to recognize Edward diers: ‘‘I am asking a lot, but we will issued to him by the Intelligence Com- Poe Bostic as the Tennessee Second accomplish the mission.’’ mittee and other committees of this District’s October 2019 Veteran of the After 37 years of service, we say to Congress. As chair of the Energy and Month. General Burton: Mission accomplished. Water Development, and Related Agen- f f cies Subcommittee of the Committee PRAISING THE HONORABLE on Appropriations, while I have had a CELEBRATING KINDNESS MONTH ELIJAH EUGENE CUMMINGS productive relationship with Secretary (Ms. SCANLON asked and was given Perry in the past, from strengthening permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given our National Laboratories, to sup- minute.) permission to address the House for 1 porting the growing range of energy so- Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, last minute and to revise and extend his re- lutions, I feel his recent behavior raises week, we celebrated the life of service marks.) serious questions. of our colleague Elijah Cummings. He Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I rise Madam Speaker, American taxpayers always said our children are the living today to honor Congressman Elijah Eu- have a right to know what Secretary messengers we send to a future we will gene Cummings after his sudden pass- Perry was doing on his frequent travel never see. Nothing could be truer. ing on October 17. to Ukraine as a public servant be- In addition, students and young ad- Much has been said about his legacy holden to the public trust. Americans vocates inspire me every single day, so and dedication to the people of Mary- have a right to know what he observed, I want to share with all of you an ini- land’s Seventh District, but I rise to who he was meeting with, and who was tiative that students in my district honor his humility and incredible love benefiting from the contacts and deals launched this month. Students at the for our country. he was making. Interboro School District are wrapping Not knowing that he was near the The Constitution entrusts the House up their celebration of Kindness end of his life, I was honored to have of Representatives with holding the ex- Month, a program inspired by Sandy several very personal conversations ecutive branch accountable. That is Hook Promise in an effort to reduce with Congressman Cummings. He was what we must do. bullying and reduce school violence. struggling with health issues and knew As U.S. foreign policy in Ukraine has Since the beginning of October, I could relate. But he was concerned been sidelined in favor of President Interboro students have been encour- with more than just his health at that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.081 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 moment. He was concerned about our ly see that this man cared about his are talking about millions of people. country. Nation. The estimates are as high as 16 million. America has come a long way during We should respect the men and Some say more, some say less. We are his lifetime, but he knew it would not women of the United States military, talking about a $1 trillion economy take much to undo the progress that particularly a Purple Heart recipient, a within the community. we have made, and he was worried wounded warrior who fought for his It just makes good sense for us not to about it. It was an honor to have such country and was wounded. discriminate against people who want a conversation with an American icon, I thank him for coming forward as a to put their money into the economy, civil rights legend, and my father on patriot, as a man in the United States who want to put their work product the floor of Congress. It is a moment I military, as one who has no issue with into the economy, who want to help will treasure forever. any person. He simply wants to tell the America succeed. It does not make f truth. good sense for this level of discrimina- Since we need just a little bit of ex- tion to exist, but it does. HONORING HEAD START pression here today, I conclude my re- One of the salient messages that we AWARENESS MONTH marks by saying: Go Astros. I wish wanted to impart at this hearing today (Mr. COX of California asked and was them well. That is what America is was the message that you are not given permission to address the House about. alone. There are persons who are allies for 1 minute.) f of the LGBTQ community who are Mr. COX of California. Madam going to stand with you, who are going STAND AGAINST INVIDIOUS Speaker, I rise today in honor of Head to stand for you, and who are going to DISCRIMINATION Start Awareness Month. stand against the invidious discrimina- Since 1965, Head Start has been one The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. tion being perpetrated upon you. of our best tools in the war on poverty, SCANLON). Under the Speaker’s an- Life is an inescapable network of mu- helping over 35 million children from nounced policy of January 3, 2019, the tuality tied to a single garment of des- ages 0 to 5 reach their full potential gentleman from Texas (Mr. GREEN) is tiny. through high-quality early education. recognized for 60 minutes as the des- The Muslim community is being, has This month, as we paid tribute to the ignee of the majority leader. been, and most likely will continue to game-changing program, I rise to Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speak- be discriminated against until there is honor Head Start programs in Califor- er, and still I rise because I love my some change in this country. We have nia’s 21st Congressional District and country. had from the highest office in the land the vital work they do to support Cen- And I rise tonight also because we an indication that Muslims should be tral Valley communities. had a hearing today in the Committee banned from the country. An attempt This summer, I brought my esteemed on Financial Services. We had the was made to perfect such a ban of Mus- colleague Congresswoman BARBARA hearing today because of words that lim persons from the country. LEE to the Rosa Parks Learning Center Dr. King called to our attention. He re- Life is an inescapable network of mu- in Hanford, a top-tier Head Start cen- minded us that, in a real sense, all of tuality. If you can ban one religion, ter operated by the Kings Community life is related. He said that life is an in- you can ban another. Muslims today— Action Organization. It was truly an escapable network of mutuality tied to only fate knows which it will be tomor- honor to see talented Central Valley a single garment of destiny. What im- row. We must protect every religion if educators at work and to join them in pacts one directly impacts all indi- we want our religion to be protected. the classroom. We even got to read a rectly. This is the way life works, the mutu- couple of books to the classes, as well. He went on to say that I can never be ality. What impacts one directly im- We all know that even part-time all that I ought to be until you are all pacts all indirectly. early childhood education has a lasting that you ought to be, and you can b 1815 impact on young kids, helping them de- never be all that you ought to be until velop reading, writing, math, and even I am all that I ought to be. People of color are being discrimi- social skills on an accelerated This hearing was held because we nated against in an invidious way. In timeline. wanted to highlight and recognize the the Latinx community, the family sep- I am also proud to support legislation fact that invidious discrimination ex- aration that took place at the border like the Community Services Block ists for persons who are members of the was unconscionable. Grant Act so we can keep providing LGBTQ community. Tonight, I want to It is hard to believe that this country quality education to all of our kids re- talk about this invidious discrimina- that holds out the welcome torch, the gardless of ZIP Code. tion not only as it relates to the Statue of Liberty, this country that f LGBTQ community, but also as it re- has brought in immigrants from across lates to other communities within our the globe would turn away children SALUTING LIEUTENANT COLONEL country. In fact, all of these commu- who are fleeing harm’s way in the way ALEXANDER VINDMAN nities are a part of humanity. that we did it; this country that has a (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was With reference to the LGBTQ com- history rooted in immigration would given permission to address the House munity, we had empirical evidence do such a thing, babies crying for their for 1 minute and to revise and extend that proved beyond reasonable doubt mothers as they are being torn out of her remarks.) that members of this community are their arms. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, being discriminated against when they It is a sad thing when you con- the State of Texas has a large number apply for loans. They are being charged template it. It is a very sad thing when of Active-Duty men and women and higher interest rates and a greater per- you see it perfected. veterans. I rise today to salute Lieu- centage than persons who are not We cannot allow this to happen to tenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, members of the LGBTQ-plus commu- children who are coming here trying to who appeared in uniform today to the nity. They are being discriminated flee harm’s way, because the truth be United States Congress to tell the against on their jobs. They are being known, but for the grace of God, there truth. discriminated against when they apply go I and possibly you. We all can have Unfortunately, there were those who for jobs if it is known or suspected that dates with destiny that we cannot con- wanted to analyze Lieutenant Colonel they are members of the LGBTQ-plus template in the present. Vindman’s early beginnings. As a 3- community, discriminated against in So we ought to protect the rights of year-old, he came from another coun- being promoted, in pay raises. people who are fleeing harm’s way, who try. But I think it is important to say The LGBTQ-plus community is being are only asking for what the law pro- what he is: a patriot. discriminated against, and it does not vides in this country. And the law in I read his testimony. It was straight- make good sense to do this. It is irra- this country does provide for people forward, detailed. It certainly was tional. But it also does not make good who are fleeing harm’s way to come without exaggeration. You could clear- dollars and cents to do this because we and say, ‘‘I am here. I am here because

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.084 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8589 I need help. Will you help me? Will you ish, but once you arrive, the contract Life is an inescapable network of mu- give me the opportunity to dem- is in English. tuality tied to a single garment of des- onstrate that I qualify for the oppor- There are many who would say, well, tiny; what impacts one directly im- tunity to become a part of this coun- what is wrong with that? pacts all indirectly. try?’’ rather than summarily turn peo- Well, here is what is wrong with that. This discrimination must end be- ple away or send out a clarion message, If you know that you are going to com- cause it not only impacts the persons ‘‘We have no more room. Don’t come. municate in English when you bind the who are being discriminated against— Go back.’’ person with the contract, why would the LGBTQ, the Muslims, the people of This is not the country that does you entice the person to come in in color, the African Americans, the this. Spanish? If you know that you have no Latinx, the Asians—it not only im- To borrow a phrase from a great and intentions of conducting your business pacts these people directly, it impacts noble American who has made his tran- in Spanish, why would you entice the all of us indirectly, because Dr. King sition, the Honorable Elijah Cum- person to come in with Spanish? was right then and his words of profun- mings: We are better than this. This This is a form of perfidy. It is ill will. dity still ring with truth today: It is not the way people of good will country understands that we must con- I can never be all that I ought to be until tinue to be the light for the world when treat other members of society. We re- you are all that you ought to be, and you can it comes to righteousness. spect people to the extent that we want never be all that you ought to be until I am When it comes to African Americans, them to understand what they are all that I ought to be. we have a history, a long history of in- doing. All of this has been called to the at- vidious discrimination, a very long his- In the area of housing, we have tried, tention of Members of this House be- tory. A Civil War was fought because of on a contract, to have language that cause I believe that there is still work the invidious discrimination being per- simply says: What language would you to do with reference to the question of prefer to do business in? We indicate petrated, the hate, if you will, that was impeachment. that you do not have to complete this being perpetrated upon African Ameri- I have said on this floor before when portion of this document if you choose cans. I spoke here last, and I say again, we not to—this is a person who is apply- And today, within the last several cannot allow invidious discrimination ing—and we also indicate that this is months, perhaps a year or so, we have to be weaponized so that people suffer not going to be binding upon the per- had the Chief Executive Officer pro- to the extent that the weaponization is son who has presented the contract. We claim that we have some s-hole coun- creating the suffering. are trying to get some sense of the lin- tries, countries that are predominated And it starts at the top. And because guistic needs that are prevalent in our by persons from Africa, where Africans it starts at the top, this House has a society, just trying to get some sense. duty to start at the top. And if we do are the indigenous population. However, that language that we had our duty and start at the top, we will But persons in this country, persons worked and toiled to put in place has understand that just as we can im- of color, of African ancestry, are being been rejected. It has been rejected, and discriminated against as I speak, as is we are trying to protect it. peach a President for issues related to the case with the others that I have I have traveled to many places in my national security, we can impeach a mentioned earlier, I might add, also lifetime. I have had the good fortune to President for issues related to invid- being discriminated against. travel to many other continents and ious discrimination. And there are people who say, when many countries, and in so doing, I have The Republicans did it in 1868—Re- we talk to people about the issues that always appreciated the fact that people publicans. Some things bear repeating: are of concern to them, we ought to would try to communicate with me in Republicans impeached a President in talk about kitchen table issues. Well, I English. In each and every country, 1868 based upon issues rooted in invid- can tell you without question, reserva- there were people who would assist me ious discrimination. tion, hesitation, or equivocation, when in English. There may have been some We had just fought a Civil War, and African Americans talk about kitchen exceptions, but generally speaking, those who were called freedmen—freed table issues, they talk about invidious English. persons, if you will—were working with discrimination. They may not use this People moving through airports in a Freedmen’s Bureau to try to acquire terminology, but the import of what distant places can have the announce- the same rights as others. But there they say is the same. ments made in English. was a President, Andrew Johnson, who They say: I am being discriminated I have gone to hotels where the per- was of the opinion that they did not against on the job. sons who were working in the hotels in merit the same rights, and he fought They say: I have suffered discrimina- foreign countries could speak multiple against the Freedmen’s Bureau. He tion when I have tried to apply for a languages. One of them would be fought to maintain white supremacy. loan. English. But radical Republicans, radical Re- They say: I have suffered discrimina- People have catered to us across the publicans, radical Republicans, radical tion when I have sought to get a pro- globe. We have had the welcome mat Republicans stood up to him. They im- motion. extended to us because we are Ameri- peached him, and President Johnson They talk about discrimination. It is cans and we speak English and they changed his tune, to borrow a phrase. a kitchen table issue. But there are want to do business with us. They want Oh, he was still the bigoted racist of those who don’t see it as such, or if to roll out the welcome mat. Unfortu- his time, but he did tone down. And he they do, they don’t talk about it as nately, we have not shown a similar did not get reelected, by the way. such. It is a kitchen table issue: invid- characteristic. He was a successor to Abraham Lin- ious discrimination in the African It is my belief that we ought to show coln, but he did not get elected—I American community. a level of respect to other people who should not say, ‘‘reelected.’’ He was There is invidious discrimination in come to this country. Many of them Vice President, and he did not get the Asian community. We have been are here to do business. Many of them elected President. working to try as best as we can to are here as immigrants. Many of them The point is this: Radical Repub- deal with the question of linguistics. are here for lawful purposes, yet we do licans cared enough for newly freed We have seen this happen in the not concern ourselves with the linguis- people—radical Republicans. They Latinx community, the Latino commu- tics. cared about invidious discrimination. nity, as well. People will advertise in We have had difficulty putting up We had just fought a war. They stood one language, and when you come into street signs in communities that are in up. the place of business, they will conduct multiple languages. There are many By the way, I have an opinion that I business in another language. people who oppose this. will share with you. So you are induced to come in and When I have traveled through air- I believe that the Republicans in this transact business, let’s just use this as ports and through other countries, I House right now would do a similar an example, in Spanish, induced to have seen the signs in multiple lan- thing if a Democrat happened to oc- come in and transact business in Span- guages, including English. cupy the White House and behaved the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.086 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 way the current occupant behaves. I way of getting back to bigotry as I love my country; I didn’t come to believe that Republicans of this time usual, back to bigotry as usual when it Congress to make this speech. I love would respond the same way the Re- is a talking point, not an action item, my country; I didn’t come to Congress publicans of that time, in 1868, re- when you don’t have to vote on Arti- to impeach a President. But because I sponded. cles of Impeachment that deal with love my country, I am making this I believe that if any person in the bigotry. That is too hard. speech. And because I love my country, White House who was there with the I understand that we want to get I have brought Articles of Impeach- title of Democrat behaved the way the back to bigotry as usual, when we can ment. current occupant behaves, that person say that we are for principles above Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance would be impeached, and Republicans politics, when we can proclaim that we of my time. would lead the charge. do not put party above country. I un- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- bers are reminded to refrain from en- b 1830 derstand. I want to get back to bigotry as usual. I am sorry that I am one of gaging in personalities toward the Life is an inescapable network of mu- the impediments. But I assure you, my President. tuality tied to a single garment of des- dear friends, I can’t let it go. I can’t. I f tiny; what impacts one directly im- know what the suffering is like. pacts all indirectly. BUILD ROBUST ECONOMY TO KEEP I suppose it is my destiny to be here PROMISES The inaction that we take today will to call these things to our attention. produce an action in our future. Our We can ignore them. We can tolerate The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- failure to act today is going to say to this bigotry. But remember this: Those uary 3, 2019, the Chair recognizes the the next occupant: You cannot con- who tolerate bigotry perpetuate it. clude that this is the last person who There are people and organizations gentleman from Arizona (Mr. will disregard all the protocols and that have built their reputations fight- SCHWEIKERT) for 30 minutes. Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Madam Speaker, rules. You cannot assume this. You can ing bigotry. Yet, when there was an op- this is one of those moments where, in only assume that we have this one, and portunity to vote to deal with bigotry you can hope that there will not be an- listening to my friend, Mr. GREEN, we at the highest office in the land, well, are friends. We, I think, always voted other, but there can be. the argument was the Senate won’t If we show that there are no guard- against each other on most everything, convict so why would we do it. but we were always civil to each other. rails, if we demonstrate that we don’t Well, it is the same argument for dis- have the courage to do what Article II, That is sometimes hard to commu- crimination as it relates to national se- nicate with a lot of our brothers and Section 4, of the Constitution man- curity, as it relates to abuse of power. dates, in my opinion, our inaction sisters, our folks at home, that you can The same argument, but we now put sometimes have very contentious today will result in future actions that principle above politics—the same ar- would be harmful to this Nation. issues that we absolutely disagree on, gument. but it doesn’t mean that we have to be This is our calling. Only we can bring There are those who said that: Well, justice to all of these that I have called jerks to each other. you know what will happen if you re- We have a family motto—I don’t to your attention tonight who are move the current occupant. know if it works for someone on the being discriminated against. We can’t Well, the same argument could be left—‘‘conservative but not a jerk bring the kind of justice that is needed made now. But it is because we have a about it.’’ And we try very hard. by ignoring the harmful discrimination different issue, it is not invidious dis- Let’s see if we can actually do some- that is taking place. crimination. thing that actually is interesting and More than 50 percent of Americans, We now can put principle above poli- real on the math. Because our other according to a Quinnipiac poll of just a tics. We now are not concerned with saying is: It is about the math, and the couple of months ago, I believe, maybe who the next occupant might be. We math always, ultimately, wins. 3 or 4, indicated that more than 50 per- now say that the Senate has to just do The reason we often start these pres- cent of the people in this country be- its job and that we are going to do our entations with this board up is if you lieve that the President is a racist. We job. look at our future, instead of the chaos ignore it because it is uncomfortable. Things have changed, and thank God that this place seems to be bathing in It is easier for us to take on the chal- they have. I am appreciative that they so far this year, and care about what is lenge of national security. have changed. I really am. This is why happening to the country, care about Well, invidious discrimination that I am calling to our attention the neces- people like my little 4-year-old daugh- causes white supremacists to march up sity to have an Article of Impeachment ter, who turned 4 last week, best little and down the street screaming ‘‘blood related to invidious discrimination. girl ever—what is her future going to and soil,’’ invidious discrimination There are those who believe that, in be like? that allows persons to traverse the this country, invidious discrimination When you look at the CBO data, country so that they can murder peo- has become a tool, a tool to be used by there are some really important data ple of a certain hue from a certain political parties, a tool to be used to points that are not Republican, not place, that is harmful to this country. rally the vote, to get out the vote, to Democratic. They are math. This level of invidious discrimination create a constituency to vote, just a In the next 5 years, just the growth should not be tolerated by this Nation. tool to be used. And that tool is being of Social Security, Medicare, and We have a responsibility to stand up managed so that the political parties healthcare entitlements, just the for those who are not in this Chamber can continue to play their games—a growth, every 5 years, equals the De- to stand up for themselves. This is our tool. fense Department spending. That calling. I am here tonight on behalf of I don’t want to manage; I want to means, every 10 years, two full Defense all of these who I have called to your end. I do not want to see us manage in- Departments is just the spending attention. I stand for them. vidious discrimination. I want to see us growth. I may stand alone, but it is better to end it. We expect, over the next 10 years, 91 stand alone than not stand at all. I That is why I stand here tonight. Life percent of the spending growth for stand for them because I know the is an inescapable network of mutuality your Federal Government will be So- harm that they can and have suffered. tied to a single garment of destiny. cial Security, Medicare, and healthcare And I believe that we ought to have at What impacts one directly impacts all entitlements. least one Article of Impeachment that indirectly. Over the next 30 years, if you remove deals with invidious discrimination. I Dr. King’s probably most famous Social Security and Medicare, we have believe it; I encourage it; and I support words were: ‘‘Injustice anywhere is a $23 trillion in the bank. If you roll So- it. threat to justice everywhere.’’ Injus- cial Security and Medicare back in, we I understand that we want to get tice in any community in this country are $83 trillion in debt. That is not in- back to bigotry as usual. I understand is a threat to justice in every commu- flation-adjusted. If you inflation adjust that, to a limited extent, I stand in the nity in this country. it, it is somewhere in the 50s.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.087 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8591 The point I am making is: Could this But what is interesting is if you look these microphones, and we talk about body ever engage, in this environment, at the growth of the economy, particu- all the things we want to do. on the real headwind that is up against larly in 2018, almost every social pro- But what happens when you can’t do our society and against all of us? We gram, whether it be Social Security the things because the current prom- have a moral obligation to keep our disability, which has some other com- ises are consuming everything? commitments on those earned benefits, plications, and there were some policy So remember our earlier comment, if those earned entitlements, whatever changes, to TANF, food stamps, they you remove Social Security, remove you want to call it. But how do you are all down, which should be almost Medicare, and look at the 30-year win- build a robust enough economy, a vi- joyous. dow, you will have about $23 trillion in brant enough economy, to keep our b 1845 the bank. When you move Social Secu- promises? rity and Medicare back in, then you That is why we put up this slide. We But, once again, the chart I am show- start to see where we are at, Madam have been working on this for years. ing here, I don’t know why there is not Speaker. We try to make an argument that if more talking about this because just a The goal here is to keep our prom- you do certain economic policies—tax couple years ago when we did tax re- ises, produce enough economic expan- policies, trade policies, immigration form, we were told this couldn’t hap- sion, and engage in a number of tech- policies, regulatory policies—the adop- pen. We had lots of experts come and nology and healthcare disruptions to tion of fairly aggressive changes in testify, lots of folks writing apoca- make the math work. technology to crash the price of lyptic articles, and lots of testimony Is that Republican or Democrat? It is healthcare—incentives for labor force and debate here on the floor. neither. It is actually what is really So for those of us who took a beating participation, incentives for someone good for our society. But it is the re- over our math—which turned out to be who is older—if they are healthy and ality. choose to stay in the labor force, there right—do we ever get an apology? So let’s actually touch on just a cou- Or is it just another occasion where are all sorts of things to do here, even ple of these things. I am sorry, this is the lunacy is allowed to engage in the down to being honest about the demo- the best slide I have on this subject rage machine and yet when we actually graphics of the country on how fast we area. It is a little noisy, but a Demo- see the math, feelings are more valu- are getting older, the fact our birth- crat Member and I have been working rates have, in many ways, collapsed. able than the truth? It breaks my heart, because how do on this, trying to actually promote Now you have incentives for family continued investment in things like di- formation and population stability. It you do good things for society if you are not allowed to have honest con- abetes. It turns out that if you can fol- is complex. It seems to offend everyone low this noisy chart, we are modeling when you start saying: ‘‘We have a versation about the math? So, once again, let’s go back to the that the projected costs of Medicare, complex problem.’’ Guess what? There about 30 percent of it is diabetes. is not a simple, trite solution. It is basics. Do you see the red? What would happen if we could actu- complex. The first pie chart is 1960, and you ally have either a technology break- Let’s talk a little bit about the good see about 34 percent of our spending is through on everything, helping our news, the proof that tax policy, par- brothers and sisters with obesity issues ticularly, can have pretty substantial what you would call being on auto- pilot. Today, actually now, over 70 per- to being able to grow pancreatic cells effects on the society. and reactivate somebody’s pancreas so Last Friday, the Treasury posted up cent of our spending is functionally it is producing insulin? its numbers. You don’t call them reve- formulaic. So we come to the floor, and Those investments are worthwhile nues; you call them receipts. I was cor- we vote on appropriations bills. But we because they have such a dramatic rected on my first day on the Ways and actually don’t vote on that red, be- multiplier effect. We are actually right Means Committee. cause those are benefits you get, Guess what happened post-tax re- Madam Speaker, when you turn a cer- now in our office trying to do the re- form? Do you remember the apocalypse tain age, when you fall under a certain search of Alzheimer’s. that was coming? Right here, at this income, things that are automated. What would happen if we had a suc- microphone over here, we were told of But yet look at what is happening. cessful treatment for even some of the the apocalypse that was going to hap- Take a look. If you remove Defense, categories of dementia or even the pen financially to the country with the think about that, so if you remove the postponement of Alzheimer’s and what tax reform. The highest revenues in 15 percent that is Defense, and you it actually means? U.S. history, we had 4 percent growth start to realize that mandatory spend- So these are occasions where trying in true revenues, true receipts. Infla- ing, the 15 percent of the budget is De- to build a formula, saying, okay, we al- tion-adjusted, it is the second highest fense, there is only another 15 percent ready know tax policy is working in ex- in U.S. history. that is all the rest of government: panding the economy—and at the end We had a really interesting year in health research, the FBI, the CIA, the we are going to talk about all the good 2015. There was a number of anomalies, agencies, the Forest Service, and ev- things happening there—we already but a very high spike in revenues. It is erything else, are actually only about know that these trade deals, like the second highest, inflation-adjusted, 15 percent of our spending. Your gov- USMCA, our model right now says it is in U.S. history, 4 percent growth in re- ernment is functionally an insurance half a point of GDP growth. You would ceipts. company with an army. I know that think this body would just be giddy to The problem is that we had about a 7- sounds a little trite, but it is sort of a get that passed, because growth is plus percent growth in spending, and little bit funny and actually quite true. moral, Madam Speaker. It also really you do that gap year after year after So how do you deal with the reality? helps us have the resources to keep our year. Now, to be honest, of that growth Well, the reality of it is back to that promises. in spending, I believe over half of it very first board. There is a path. It will How about many of the other things was on autopilot. It was the population require Democrats and Republicans to we work on, where if you are going to growth of our brothers and sisters who actually understand a calculator, un- build an immigration system, do you are baby boomers, the 74 million of us derstand the benefits of growth, and design an immigration system that who started to move into our benefit growth being moral, but growth also maximizes economic expansion for our years. doing stunningly good things for Amer- society? Back to my first comments, it is hap- icans, and also that growth gives us a That is why there are so many eco- pening. It is just demographics. fighting chance not to break the 95 per- nomic modelers who are talking about The other part was spending deci- cent debt-to-GDP ratio that we are moving, like the rest of the world is, sions here where one side wanted to fix heading towards very, very soon, so un- toward talent-based immigration sys- underinvestment in the military. Well, derstanding where this debt is coming tems. The beauty of it is, obviously, for every dollar there, you had to do from. you don’t care about somebody’s reli- certain types of social entitlement Now, why this is important is, all day gion or color or whom they cuddle with spending. long Members of Congress come behind or all these other things, you care

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.089 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 about the talents they bring to our so- the Democrats’ version, the ACA, on But the fact of the matter is, how ciety to help us grow, because we have who should get subsidized and who many pharmaceuticals that are per- trillions and trillions and trillions of should have to pay. And then, of fectly good, that if they had been pack- dollars of promises. We need the eco- course, the Republican alternative, aged properly, could have been re- nomic expansion to keep our promises. which was not on who gets subsidized turned? Do you see, Madam Speaker, it is a and who should have to pay, but who So as a body we support recycling for broken record that needs to play over should pay and who should get sub- everything else, but I had a Democrat and over, because we live in a world of sidized. Member come up to me and say: Oh, I distractions and almost rage around We have been debating the financing am just not comfortable with that. here right now, and yet these are the of healthcare, not the disruption of How about if it had a genuine, sub- types of issues that are critical. These things we can do technology-wise and stantial price index? are the types of issues we should all incentive-wise to crash the price. You How about if it became a way to help run on. So that is an example there. have already seen the charts. Medicare our brothers and sisters who don’t have So let’s actually talk about a little is three-quarters of the unfunded liabil- access to some of these pharma- bit of creativity. Last week we had ities. I just showed you that almost 30 ceuticals, a price-efficient way to get something called H.R. 3 in the Ways percent of it is just diabetes coverage. them? and Means Committee. It is referred to How do you get this body to focus on How about if it was just good for the by some people in the vernacular as the reality of the math and move to- environment? reference pricing. Take a handful of ward solutions that actually solve It turns out the technology exists. European countries, find their statis- these problems? There are a number of organizations tical mean, give it a variance of from So if you are going to try to be cre- out there that are already experi- 100 to 130, and you have to price within ative around here, what you find out is menting with cartridges that stay ab- there. If you price outside that range, by the time you make your first sen- solutely sterile, so that those that are then you get a 95 percent tax, if you tence of: Here is an idea, you already unused are returnable. It is a type of are the pharmaceutical manufacturer have folks on the other side shutting it multilayer blister pack that stays ab- or seller. down saying: I am not comfortable solutely sterile that makes them re- Okay, Madam Speaker, except within with that. turnable; liquid type of pharma- just a couple moments, a number of So I am just going to put up another ceuticals that are in single-shot doses, smart people in the room were laying board, just as a simple thought experi- meaning, the other ones are return- out saying, okay, you could scam it ment. So work with me here. able. It is a thought experiment. this way, you could actually do a re- Fifty percent of the pharmaceuticals But because it didn’t fit the nar- bate over here, you could actually that will be picked up at pharmacies rative of let’s beat the crap out of the backdoor—so raise the price on these today, the experts tell us, will not be pharmaceutical companies—and, look, pharmaceuticals, lower the price on used or will not be used properly. I am not saying they are saints—but it these, so the country of France, when One more time. Half the pharma- didn’t fit the narrative to have some- they are buying, their mean cost is the ceuticals that will be picked up today thing that was creative. It was like same. And there was no willingness in will not be used or will not be used talking to a blank wall. That is a prob- the room by the majority Democrats to properly. Think of that. If we could ac- lem around here. I am willing to listen. tually have some impact on that, if have a conversation of, this doesn’t ac- b 1900 tually accomplish what you want, and you want to do something on drug CBO has already come and modeled to prices, Madam Speaker, that is one. Can I get my brothers and sisters us that there will be a substantial fall- Do we argue about that? who claim we want to do good things off in new drugs that are the disruption We don’t argue on that fact. It just for society? ‘‘We want to lower phar- that we are trying to get. doesn’t fit into the narrative. So we maceutical prices. We are going to put Madam Speaker, do you remember have the technology today where we every creative idea on the table, except how in the previous slide we were just know when the pill bottle is opened. for the ones that aren’t theirs.’’ It talking about the miracle, if you had a We actually have the machines that if doesn’t work that way. cure for diabetes? What would happen your mom or your grandmom needs So last bit, in the previous couple of if you had Alzheimer’s? this pill at 8 a.m. and this pill at 12 weeks, we have come to the floor What about some of the ones we noon, there is a little machine that here—and we chose not to bring all the know are here already? There is the does, not only dispense it, but will talk boards—but it is something that I per- single-shot cure that cures hemophilia, to her and actually also do a cellphone sonally struggle with. If I had come to one of the most expensive for an indi- notification, and if the little cup hold- this body a couple of years ago and vidual medical condition in our soci- ing the pill isn’t moved, it will actually said—and I hate this term, but it is the ety. It can be up to around $600,000 a even send you a text message as a fam- proper term—our brothers and sisters year, a single-shot cure is here. ily member. in the quartiles where they didn’t fin- We should actually have been having Think about that. That is a tech- ish high school, or a single individual a discussion of how you finance it, so nology over here that has almost noth- without a college education, we would every one of the 8,600—that is the best ing to do with actually being part of have meetings in the Joint Economic number I have right now—of our broth- pharma, but actually would help us on Committee where they were doing ers and sisters who have hemophilia A, that portion of that 50 percent that is modeling, and we were functionally we can cure them, not over years, but not being used properly. writing them off in society, saying over months. How about the other portion of that these populations are going to be part It turns out for our brothers and sis- 50 percent that just isn’t used at all? of—I don’t have a better term—the per- ters who are in the chronic popu- We have actually been trying to do manent underclass. lation—5 percent of the population is the math, saying: How about for high- What has happened the last 2 years? the majority of our healthcare spend- value pharmaceuticals, put them in It turns out those lowest quartiles, ing. sterile packaging. Put them in single- those three or four lowest quartiles, So what about the concept of a dis- use packaging and let them be return- are the fastest-rising incomes in our ruption like we were talking, a able for the high-value ones. Because society—single women, no partner at healthcare disruption, where you start on one hand, we will get testimony of home, 2018, a 7.6 percent growth in in- curing individuals who have these folks who are outraged that these come. chronic conditions and they are no small molecule pharmaceuticals are If I had stood behind this microphone longer part of the chronic population ending up in the water supply and in a couple of years ago and said this is that is the majority of our healthcare other places being flushed down the what is going to be happening in our spending? toilets. Just this weekend we had pre- society, I would have gotten crazy calls Instead of having the absurd debate scription drug take-back day in so saying I had lost my mind. But it hap- we have had in this body for 10 years, many of our communities. pened.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.090 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8593 For those who live in Arizona, I be- S. 134. An act to amend title 18, United 9999-56] received October 25, 2019, pursuant to lieve, in the last five quarters, we have States Code, with regard to stalking; to the 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. had a couple of quarters where we have Committee on the Judiciary. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- ergy and Commerce. had the fastest-growing income in the f 2778. A letter from the Director, Regu- entire country, and it is not the folks ENROLLED BILL SIGNED latory Management Division, Environmental at the top. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- What happens when you have a coun- Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the cy’s direct final rule — New Hampshire: try that has more jobs than available House, reported and found truly en- Final Approval of State Underground Stor- workers? For those who follow num- rolled a bill of the House of the fol- age Tank Program Revisions, Codification, bers, if I had come to this room a cou- lowing title, which was thereupon and Incorporation by Reference [EPA-R01- ple of years ago and said we are going signed by the Speaker: UST-2019-0421; FRL-10001-60-Region 1] re- to blast beyond 63 percent labor force ceived October 25, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. H.R. 1396. An act to award Congressional 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 participation when all the models said Gold Medals to Katherine Johnson and Dr. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and we would be a couple of points below Christine Darden, to posthumously award Commerce. that and continue to fall—there are Congressional Gold Medals to Dorothy 2779. A letter from the Director, Regu- amazing things happening out there. Vaughan and Mary Jackson, and to award a latory Management Division, Environmental You would think there would be a lit- Congressional Gold Medal to honor all of the Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- tle joy for a body that claims we care women who contributed to the success of the cy’s final rule — Pendimethalin; Pesticide National Aeronautics and Space Administra- Tolerances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0619; FRL- about working men and women, for a tion during the Space Race. body that claims we care about those 10000-06] received October 25, 2019, pursuant f to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, who have had a really rough previous Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on decade. You would think there would SENATE ENROLLED BILL SIGNED Energy and Commerce. be joy in this body. 2780. A letter from the Director, Regu- Look at the math. Look at the fas- The Speaker announced her signa- latory Management Division, Environmental cinating things when—okay, we will ture to an enrolled bill of the Senate of Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- get the unemployment numbers— the following title: cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Cali- what?—this coming Friday. Look at S. 693.—An act to amend title 36, United fornia; Ventura County Air Pollution Con- States Code, to require that the POW/MIA trol District [EPA-R09-OAR-2019-0422; FRL- something that is called the U–6 data, 10000-88-Region 9] received October 25, 2019, and then start to see these fascinating flag be displayed on all days that the flag of the United States is displayed on certain pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law numbers out there, when you get some Federal property. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- of the really broad data on how many mittee on Energy and Commerce. of our friends and neighbors who have f 2781. A letter from the Director, Regu- developmental issues, handicaps that ADJOURNMENT latory Management Division, Environmental have been barriers for them to partici- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Madam Speaker, pate in the workforce. They are moving cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Massa- I move that the House do now adjourn. chusetts; Transport State Implementation into the workforce because businesses The motion was agreed to; accord- Plans for the 1997 and 2008 Ozone Standards are so desperate for workers that they ingly (at 7 o’clock and 4 minutes p.m.), [EPA-R01-OAR-2008-0108; FRL-10001-37-RE- are making accommodations. You under its previous order, the House ad- gion 1] received October 25, 2019, pursuant to would think that creates a little bit of 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. journed until tomorrow, Wednesday, joy. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- Is that Republican or Democratic? It October 30, 2019, at 10 a.m. for morning- ergy and Commerce. is American. We should be joyful. hour debate. 2782. A letter from the Director, Regu- latory Management Division, Environmental When we see the numbers of His- f Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- panics, African Americans, women, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; OR: 2018 these other populations, all of these ETC. Permitting Rule Revisions [EPA-R10-OAR- subgroups that we love to break up our 2019-0269; FRL-10001-52-Region 10] received math into, all of them are record highs, Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive October 25, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tied for record highs. Why isn’t there communications were taken from the 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 joy? Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and When you look at what has happened 2774. A letter from the Director, Regu- Commerce. 2783. A letter from the Director, Regu- latory Management Division, Environmental to wages, why isn’t there joy? latory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- The reality is that the economic ex- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- cy’s final rule — Significant New Use Rules pansion that is helping so many of the cy’s final rule — Fenbuconazole; Pesticide on Certain Chemical Substances (17-4) [EPA- working men and women in this coun- Tolerances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0300; FRL- HQ-OPPT-2017-0560; FRL-10000-69] (RIN: 2070- 9999-58] received October 25, 2019, pursuant to try also means your government has AB27) received October 25, 2019, pursuant to 5 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. had the highest receipts—income—in U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. U.S. history, blowing the wheels off of 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- ergy and Commerce. all the predictions, proving the sort of ergy and Commerce. 2784. A letter from the Director, Regu- Malthusian, malcontents were wrong. 2775. A letter from the Director, Regu- latory Management Division, Environmental Something is working out there. latory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Why isn’t this body fixated on fig- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval: Lane uring out what is working and doing cy’s final rule — Sulfoxaflor; Pesticide Tol- County, Oregon; 2019 Permitting Rule Revi- more of it? Instead, Congress has now erances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0599; FRL-9998-88] sions [EPA-R10-OAR-2019-0426; FRL-10001-56- received October 25, 2019, pursuant to 5 become a place where we do public pol- Region 10] received October 25, 2019, pursuant U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, icy by feelings instead of a calculator. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- As my father used to say—and I am Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on ergy and Commerce. Energy and Commerce. terrified I am quoting my father—my 2776. A letter from the Director, Regu- 2785. A letter from the Director, Regu- father used to say, ‘‘The math always latory Management Division, Environmental latory Management Division, Environmental wins.’’ Madam Speaker, the math al- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- ways wins. cy’s final rule — Isotianil; Pesticide Toler- cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Cali- Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- ances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0047; FRL-10000-79] fornia; Calaveras County Air Pollution Con- ance of my time. received October 25, 2019, pursuant to 5 trol District [EPA-R09-OAR-2019-0147; FRL- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 10001-32-Region 9] received October 25, 2019, f 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law SENATE BILL REFERRED ergy and Commerce. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 2777. A letter from the Director, Regu- mittee on Energy and Commerce. A bill of the Senate of the following latory Management Division, Environmental 2786. A letter from the Director, Regu- title was taken from the Speaker’s Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- latory Management Division, Environmental table and, under the rule, referred as cy’s final rule — Mandipropamid; Pesticide Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- follows: Tolerances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2019-0062; FRL- cy’s final rule — Air plan Approval; Georgia;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC7.092 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019

Revisions to Sulfur Dioxide Ambient Air gia, and Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Geor- FLEISCHMANN, Mr. GAETZ, Mr. Quality Standards [EPA-R04-OAR-2018-0819; gia): GIANFORTE, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. KEVIN FRL-10001-49-Region 4] received October 25, H.R. 4895. A bill to reauthorize the Com- HERN of Oklahoma, Mr. KING of Iowa, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public modity Futures Trading Commission; to the Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. LATTA, Mr. Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture. MARCHANT, Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. Committee on Energy and Commerce. By Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia (for MEADOWS, Mr. MOONEY of West Vir- 2787. A letter from the Director, Regu- himself, Mr. TRONE, Mrs. MILLER, and ginia, Mr. NORMAN, Mr. ROY, Mr. latory Management Division, Environmental Mr. MCKINLEY): SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. STAUBER, Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- H.R. 4896. A bill to amend title 23, United Mr. WATKINS, Mr. WEBER of Texas, cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval and Des- States Code, to establish a program to im- Mr. WESTERMAN, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. ignation of Areas; FL; Redesignation of the prove infrastructure development in Appa- SHIMKUS, Mr. HICE of Georgia, Mr. Hillsborough County 2010 1-Hour Sulfur Di- lachia, and for other purposes; to the Com- CLINE, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. oxide Nonattainment Area to Attainment mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- CRAWFORD, and Mr. JOHNSON of Lou- [EPA-R04-OAR-2018-0522; FRL-10001-35-Re- ture. isiana): gion 4] received October 25, 2019, pursuant to By Mr. LIPINSKI: H.R. 4903. A bill to amend title 18, United 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. H.R. 4897. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- States Code, to prohibit discrimination by 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- enue Code of 1986 to increase the amount ex- abortion against an unborn child on the ergy and Commerce. cluded from gross income by reason of dis- basis of Down syndrome; to the Committee tributions from governmental retirement on the Judiciary. f plans for health and long-term care insur- By Mr. BLUMENAUER (for himself, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON ance for public safety officers; to the Com- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. NORTON, Mr. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS mittee on Ways and Means. HUFFMAN, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. By Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee (for MCGOVERN, Mr. POCAN, Mr. DEFAZIO, Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of himself, Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Ten- and Ms. BONAMICI): committees were delivered to the Clerk nessee, and Ms. KUSTER of New H.R. 4904. A bill to reduce spending on nu- for printing and reference to the proper Hampshire): clear weapons and related defense spending calendar, as follows: H.R. 4898. A bill to amend the Public and to prohibit the procurement and deploy- Health Service Act to establish a rural ment of low-yield nuclear warheads, and for [Omitted from the Record of October 28, 2019] health center innovation awards program other purposes; to the Committee on Armed Ms. WATERS: Committee on Financial and a rural health department enhancement Services. Services. H.R. 3111. A bill to make adminis- program, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mrs. BUSTOS: trative reforms to the National Flood Insur- mittee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 4905. A bill to direct the Secretary of ance Program to increase fairness and accu- By Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee Transportation to carry out a program to racy and protect the taxpayer from program (for himself, Mrs. BUSTOS, and Mr. provide secured loans to private entities to fraud and abuse, and for other purposes; with KUSTOFF of Tennessee): carry out projects for the transportation of an amendment (Rept. 116–261). Referred to H.R. 4899. A bill to amend the Public anthropogenic carbon dioxide, and for other the Committee of the Whole House on the Health Service Act to establish the National purposes; to the Committee on Transpor- State of the Union. Health Service Corps Rural Provider Loan tation and Infrastructure. Ms. WATERS: Committee on Financial Repayment Program, and for other purposes; By Ms. DEGETTE (for herself and Mr. Services. H.R. 3167. A bill to reform and re- to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. REED): authorize the National Flood Insurance Pro- By Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee H.R. 4906. A bill to provide patient protec- gram, and for other purposes; with an (for himself and Mr. KUSTOFF of Ten- tions with respect to the cost of insulin; to amendment (Rept. 116–262, Pt. 1). Referred to nessee): the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee of the Whole House on the H.R. 4900. A bill to amend the Public and in addition to the Committee on Ways State of the Union. Health Service Act to establish a national and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for [Submitted October 29, 2019] telehealth program, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, consideration of such provisions as fall with- Mr. NEAL: Committee on Ways and Means. and in addition to the Committee on Ways in the jurisdiction of the committee con- H.R. 3398. A bill to provide low-income indi- and Means, for a period to be subsequently cerned. viduals with opportunities to enter and fol- determined by the Speaker, in each case for By Mr. GALLAGHER (for himself, Mr. low a career pathway in the health profes- consideration of such provisions as fall with- MCADAMS, Mr. TIMMONS, Mr. CASE, sions, to extend and expand demonstration in the jurisdiction of the committee con- and Mr. PETERS): projects, and for other purposes; with an H.R. 4907. A bill to save and strengthen cerned. amendment (Rept. 116–265). Referred to the critical social contract programs of the Fed- By Mr. SERRANO (for himself, Miss Committee of the Whole House on the State eral Government; to the Committee on Over- GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Rico, Mr. of the Union. sight and Reform, and in addition to the YOUNG, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. SOTO, DISCHARGE OF COMMITTEE Committees on Rules, and the Budget, for a Mrs. MURPHY of Florida, Mr. period to be subsequently determined by the [Omitted from the Record of October 28, 2019] GALLEGO, Mr. WALTZ, Ms. PLASKETT, Speaker, in each case for consideration of Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Committee on Transportation and In- CRIST, Mr. KING of New York, Ms. tion of the committee concerned. frastructure discharged from further SHALALA, Mr. BACON, Ms. WASSERMAN By Mr. GALLEGO (for himself, Mr. SCHULTZ, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mrs. consideration. H.R. 3167 referred to the COOK, Ms. HAALAND, Mr. COLE, Mr. RADEWAGEN, Mr. SWALWELL of Cali- Committee of the Whole House on the KHANNA, and Mr. GRIJALVA): fornia, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. POSEY, Mr. H.R. 4908. A bill to amend title 38, United State of the Union. CICILLINE, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. States Code, to prohibit the collection of a f VARGAS, Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, Mr. health care copayment by the Secretary of KATKO, Mr. BANKS, Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Veterans Affairs from a veteran who is a SABLAN, Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Mr. member of an Indian tribe; to the Committee Under clause 2 of rule XII, public LEWIS, Mr. LAMALFA, Mrs. DEMINGS, on Veterans’ Affairs. bills and resolutions of the following Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. By Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota: titles were introduced and severally re- SAN NICOLAS, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, H.R. 4909. A bill to expand the scope of the Mr. CARBAJAL, Ms. BROWNLEY of Cali- ferred, as follows: matters required to be evaluated by the fornia, Mr. FOSTER, Mr. BEYER, Mr. Commodity Futures Trading Commission in By Mr. QUIGLEY (for himself and Mr. RASKIN, Mr. HASTINGS, Ms. WILD, Mr. considering the costs and benefits of its pro- COLLINS of Georgia): PETERSON, and Mr. SPANO): posed regulations and orders, and for other H.R. 4894. A bill to amend the Federal H.R. 4901. A bill to enable the admission of purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture. Funding Accountability and Transparency Puerto Rico as a State of the Union, and for By Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire (for Act of 2006, to require the budget justifica- other purposes; to the Committee on Natural herself, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Mr. tions and appropriation requests of agencies Resources. MALINOWSKI, Mr. QUIGLEY, and Mr. be made publicly available; to the Com- By Mrs. AXNE: HUFFMAN): mittee on Oversight and Reform, and in addi- H.R. 4902. A bill to amend the Department H.R. 4910. A bill to prohibit the use of emi- tion to the Committee on the Budget, for a of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to nent domain for the construction or expan- period to be subsequently determined by the establish the Advanced Research Projects sion of a natural gas pipe line through land Speaker, in each case for consideration of Agency-Terra, and for other purposes; to the conserved by certain land trusts and local such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Committee on Agriculture. governments, and for other purposes; to the tion of the committee concerned. By Mr. ESTES (for himself, Mr. ABRA- Committee on Energy and Commerce. By Mr. PETERSON (for himself, Mr. HAM, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. ALLEN, Mr. By Mr. SCHWEIKERT (for himself and CONAWAY, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Geor- BABIN, Mr. BANKS, Mr. BRADY, Mr. Ms. SA´ NCHEZ):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L29OC7.000 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8595 H.R. 4911. A bill to amend title IV of the Article 1, Section 8, clause 3 of The U.S. Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Social Security Act to allow the Secretary of stitution. lation pursuant to the following: Health and Human Services to award com- By Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia: Article I, section 8 of the Constitution of petitive grants to enhance collaboration be- H.R. 4896. the United States tween State child welfare and juvenile jus- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GALLEGO: tice systems; to the Committee on Ways and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4908. Means. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. VAN DREW: By Mr. LIPINSKI: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4912. A bill to prohibit the H.R. 4897. Article I, Sect 8, Clause 18 recoupment of Federal disaster and emer- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota: gency assistance from individuals and house- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4909. holds, and for other purposes; to the Com- Article 1 Section 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- By Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee: lation pursuant to the following: ture. H.R. 4898. (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3) By Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire: H. Res. 659. A resolution affirming that lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4910. Under Article I, Section 8, the Necessary States should maintain primacy for the reg- Congress has the power to enact this legis- and Proper Clause. Congress shall have ulation of hydraulic fracturing for oil and lation pursuant to the following: power to make all laws which shall be nec- natural gas production on State and private Article I, Section 8: That Congress has the essary and proper for carrying into Execu- lands and that the President should not de- Power . . . To make all Laws which shall be tion the foregoing Powers and all Powers clare a moratorium on the use of hydraulic necessary and proper for carrying into Exe- vested by this Constitution in the Govern- fracturing on Federal lands (including the cution the foregoing Powers, and all other ment of the United States, or any Depart- Outer Continental Shelf), State lands, pri- Powers vested by this Constitution in the ment or Officer thereof. vate lands, or lands held in trust for an In- Government of the United States, or in any By Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee: dian Tribe unless such moratorium is au- Department or Officer thereof. H.R. 4899. thorized by an Act of Congress; to the Com- By Mr. SCHWEIKERT: Congress has the power to enact this legis- mittee on Natural Resources, and in addition H.R. 4911. lation pursuant to the following: to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, with respect Congress has the power to enact this legis- for a period to be subsequently determined to the power to ‘‘lay and collect Taxes, Du- lation pursuant to the following: by the Speaker, in each case for consider- ties, Imposts, and Excises,’’ and to provide Article 1, Section 1 of the United States ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- for the ‘‘general Welfare of the United Constitution, providing—‘‘All legislative risdiction of the committee concerned. States.’’ Powers herein granted shall be vested in a By Mr. MCGOVERN (for himself, Mr. By Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee: Congress of the United States, which shall HASTINGS, Mrs. TORRES of California, H.R. 4900. consist of a Senate and House of Representa- Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. RASKIN, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- tives.’’ SCANLON, Mr. MORELLE, Ms. SHALALA, lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. VAN DREW: and Mr. DESAULNIER): Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, with respect H.R. 4912. H. Res. 660. A resolution directing certain to the power to ‘‘lay and collect Taxes, Du- Congress has the power to enact this legis- committees to continue their ongoing inves- ties, Imposts, and Excises,’’ and to provide lation pursuant to the following: tigations as part of the existing House of for the ‘‘general Welfare of the United Article I, Section 8 Representatives inquiry into whether suffi- States.’’ f cient grounds exist for the House of Rep- By Mr. SERRANO: resentatives to exercise its Constitutional H.R. 4901. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS power to impeach Donald John Trump, Congress has the power to enact this legis- President of the United States of America, lation pursuant to the following: Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors and for other purposes; to the Committee on The Congress has the power to enact this were added to public bills and resolu- Rules. legislation pursuant to Article IV, Section 3, tions, as follows: By Mrs. DAVIS of California: of the U.S. Constitution, which provide as H.R. 3: Mr. MEEKS, Mr. ESPAILLAT, and Mr. H. Res. 661. A resolution authorizing the follows: LYNCH. Office of General Counsel of the House of New States may be admitted by the Con- H.R. 35: Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. Representatives to retain private counsel, ei- gress into this Union;... The Congress H.R. 38: Mr. STAUBER. ther for pay or pro bono, in support of the shall have Power to dispose of and make all H.R. 141: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New ongoing inquiry into whether sufficient needful Rules and Regulations respecting the York. grounds exist for the House of Representa- Territory or other Property belonging to the H.R. 333: Mr. SUOZZI. tives to exercise its Constitutional power to United States H.R. 372: Mr. TED LIEU of California. impeach President Donald John Trump; to By Mrs. AXNE: H.R. 388: Mr. BUCSHON. the Committee on House Administration. H.R. 4902. H.R. 451: Mr. ESPAILLAT. By Ms. GABBARD: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 541: Mr. CLEAVER. H. Res. 662. A resolution urging the release lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 554: Mr. SHERMAN and Mr. MEEKS. of information regarding the September 11, Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution H.R. 587: Mr. KELLER and Mr. BABIN. 2001, terrorist attacks upon the United By Mr. ESTES: H.R. 616: Mrs. RODGERS of Washington and States; to the Committee on Oversight and H.R. 4903. Mr. DESJARLAIS. Reform. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 649: Mr. CRAWFORD and Mr. BERA. lation pursuant to the following: f H.R. 737: Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. Section 8 of Article I to make all laws nec- H.R. 763: Mr. YARMUTH. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY essary and proper for carrying into execution H.R. 836: Mrs. ROBY and Mr. SENSEN- STATEMENT the powers vested by the Constitution BRENNER. Section 5 of the 14th Amendment H.R. 837: Mr. KIND and Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. BLUMENAUER: the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 4904. H.R. 912: Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. SWALWELL of tives, the following statements are sub- Congress has the power to enact this legis- California, Mr. MOOLENAAR, Ms. KUSTER of mitted regarding the specific powers lation pursuant to the following: New Hampshire, Mr. RASKIN, and Ms. CASTOR of Florida. granted to Congress in the Constitu- Article I, Section 8 H.R. 945: Ms. KELLY of Illinois. tion to enact the accompanying bill or By Mrs. BUSTOS: H.R. 4905. H.R. 961: Mr. STANTON. joint resolution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1042: Mrs. LURIA. By Mr. QUIGLEY: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1043: Ms. DELAURO. H.R. 4894. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 1110: Mr. OLSON. Congress has the power to enact this legis- granted to Congress under Article I, Section H.R. 1119: Mr. TED LIEU of California. lation pursuant to the following: 8, Clause 18 of the United States Constitu- H.R. 1120: Mr. TED LIEU of California. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. tion. H.R. 1140: Ms. DEAN, Ms. WILSON of Florida, Constitution By Ms. DEGETTE: Mr. SARBANES, Mr. CUNNINGHAM, Mr. GREEN By Mr. PETERSON: H.R. 4906. of Texas, Mr. ALLRED, Mr. PASCRELL, Mrs. H.R. 4895. Congress has the power to enact this legis- DINGELL, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. SEAN PAT- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: RICK MALONEY of New York, and Mr. YOUNG. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 1153: Mr. LUJA´ N. The ability to regulate interstate com- By Mr. GALLAGHER: H.R. 1154: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. merce and with foreign nations pursuant to H.R. 4907. H.R. 1161: Mr. PENCE.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L29OC7.100 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019

H.R. 1166: Mr. PHILLIPS and Mr. LIPINSKI. H.R. 2594: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama and Mr. H.R. 4203: Mr. SCHWEIKERT. H.R. 1329: Ms. UNDERWOOD. YOUNG. H.R. 4219: Mr. BURCHETT. H.R. 1349: Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 2602: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 4228: Mr. HARDER of California and Mr. H.R. 1374: Mr. RESCHENTHALER and Mr. H.R. 2620: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. WELCH. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. H.R. 2662: Mr. DOGGETT. H.R. 4230: Mr. PAPPAS and Ms. STEVENS. H.R. 1379: Mr. TAKANO, Mr. JOYCE of , H.R. 2683: Ms. TITUS. H.R. 4248: Ms. WILD. Mr. SMUCKER, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, and Mr. H.R. 2689: Mr. YOUNG. H.R. 4249: Mrs. BUSTOS. KATKO. H.R. 2693: Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. COLE, Mr. H.R. 4304: Mr. RUTHERFORD and Mr. COOK. H.R. 1380: Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. DELGADO, Ms. LEE of California, Mrs. MIL- H.R. 4307: Mr. CISNEROS. H.R. 1424: Mr. ALLRED. LER, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. SOTO, Mr. H.R. 4331: Mrs. RODGERS of Washington, H.R. 1434: Mr. ABRAHAM. BUCSHON, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. GIANFORTE, Mr. PAPPAS, Mr. RYAN, and Mrs. WAGNER. H.R. 1530: Mrs. LEE of Nevada. Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, H.R. 4350: Mr. POSEY and Mr. WESTERMAN. H.R. 1533: Mr. CASE. Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH, and Mr. FERGUSON. H.R. 4399: Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio and Mr. H.R. 1550: Mr. ABRAHAM. H.R. 2694: Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois BUDD. H.R. 1572: Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL. and Mr. KHANNA. H.R. 4436: Ms. HAALAND. H.R. 1601: Mr. COMER. H.R. 2700: Mrs. WAGNER. H.R. 4458: Mr. HUIZENGA, Mr. EMMER, Mr. ED IEU H.R. 1647: Mr. T L of California. H.R. 2771: Mr. HUIZENGA. BUDD, Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio, Mr. STEIL, and H.R. 1695: Ms. DELAURO. H.R. 2775: Ms. WATERS. Mr. RIGGLEMAN. H.R. 1713: Mr. AGUILAR and Ms. H.R. 2788: Mr. CASE. H.R. 4492: Mrs. BEATTY. SPANBERGER. ITZPATRICK H.R. 2808: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. H.R. 4506: Mr. F and Ms. H.R. 1762: Mr. PASCRELL. ´ H.R. 2812: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. BARRAGAN. H.R. 1763: Mr. RUTHERFORD, Mr. DIAZ- H.R. 4508: Mrs. RODGERS of Washington and H.R. 2881: Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. CICILLINE, and BALART, Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. VAN DREW, and Ms. TITUS. Mr. ALLRED. Mr. LUCAS. H.R. 4527: Ms. HOULAHAN. H.R. 2896: Mr. BERA and Mr. CARBAJAL. H.R. 1771: Mr. CICILLINE. H.R. 4580: Mrs. HARTZLER. H.R. 2903: Mr. ABRAHAM. H.R. 1780: Mr. GOTTHEIMER. H.R. 4581: Mrs. HARTZLER. H.R. 2970: Mr. RASKIN. H.R. 1814: Mr. BLUMENAUER and Mr. MAR- H.R. 4636: Mr. MAST, Mr. CURTIS, Mr. ROO- H.R. 2985: Mr. MARSHALL, Ms. BLUNT ROCH- SHALL. NEY of Florida, Mr. YOHO, Mr. FITZPATRICK, ESTER, Mr. STEUBE, and Ms. KUSTER of New H.R. 1816: Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI and Mr. Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. PHILLIPS, Hampshire. TONKO. Mr. CASTRO of Texas, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, H.R. 3077: Ms. DEAN, Mr. TONKO, Mr. H.R. 1819: Mrs. RODGERS of Washington, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, and Mr. MORELLE, Mr. LAMB, Mr. SIRES, Mr. FOSTER, Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. MALINOWSKI, and Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. LYNCH, Mr. TRONE, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. SHERMAN. H.R. 4646: Mr. FITZPATRICK and Ms. CISNEROS, Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL, Mr. H.R. 1840: Mr. COHEN and Mr. LOEBSACK. BARRAGA´ N. LAMALFA, Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania, Mr. H.R. 1854: Mr. MASSIE and Mr. GRIFFITH. H.R. 4650: Mr. PAYNE. MEEKS, and Mr. VISCLOSKY. H.R. 1897: Mr. FOSTER. H.R. 4686: Mr. HAGEDORN. H.R. 3082: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 1903: Ms. ADAMS and Ms. KAPTUR. H.R. 4692: Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. H.R. 3103: Mr. OLSON and Ms. HERRERA H.R. 1953: Mr. HASTINGS. H.R. 4694: Mr. HECK. H.R. 1961: Mr. TED LIEU of California. BEUTLER. H.R. 4695: Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, Ms. H.R. 2093: Mr. POCAN. H.R. 3107: Mr. PALAZZO, Mr. LONG, Ms. CRAIG, Mr. CICILLINE, Ms. FOXX of North H.R. 2117: Mr. MCGOVERN. SPANBERGER, and Mr. HECK. Carolina, and Mr. VAN DREW. H.R. 2137: Mr. LOEBSACK. H.R. 3114: Ms. WATERS. H.R. 4713: Mr. TAYLOR. H.R. 2146: Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. H.R. 3128: Mr. GROTHMAN and Mr. HIMES. H.R. 4719: Mr. PAPPAS. SWALWELL of California, Ms. WASSERMAN H.R. 3162: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. H.R. 4736: Mrs. RODGERS of Washington. ´ SCHULTZ, Mr. KHANNA, and Ms. Barraga´ n. H.R. 3180: Mr. LUJAN. H.R. 4738: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. H.R. 2148: Ms. WATERS and Mr. BISHOP of H.R. 3182: Mr. CASE, Mr. YOUNG, and Mrs. H.R. 4753: Mr. MULLIN. Georgia. KIRKPATRICK. H.R. 4754: Mr. HURD of Texas, Mr. GALLEGO, H.R. 2153: Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Penn- H.R. 3224: Mr. CISNEROS. Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. CICILLINE, sylvania, Mr. NADLER, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. H.R. 3250: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. PERRY, Mr. ROONEY of Florida, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mrs. WATSON COLE- H.R. 3287: Mr. of Oklahoma. KEATING, and Mr. HILL of Arkansas. MAN, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. COSTA, Mr. H.R. 3373: Mr. JEFFRIES. H.R. 4767: Mr. HILL of Arkansas. DESAULNIER, Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire, H.R. 3414: Mrs. AXNE. H.R. 4779: Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. COHEN, Mr. BRINDISI, Ms. MENG, Mr. H.R. 3425: Mrs. AXNE. H.R. 4782: Mr. TAYLOR. VARGAS, Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Mr. H.R. 3460: Ms. LEE of California. H.R. 4788: Mrs. AXNE. of New York, Mr. H.R. 3463: Mr. ROUDA, Ms. FRANKEL, Mr. H.R. 4794: Mr. BRINDISI and Mr. DELGADO. SWALWELL of California, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. LARSON of Con- H.R. 4801: Mr. CUELLAR and Mr. Mr. PALLONE, Mr. COOPER, Ms. ESCOBAR, Mr. necticut, and Mr. RICHMOND. RESCHENTHALER. PERLMUTTER, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. H.R. 3495: Mr. VARGAS, Mr. SMITH of Mis- H.R. 4802: Mr. SHERMAN. SPANBERGER, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, souri, Mr. CLINE, and Mr. FITZPATRICK. H.R. 4820: Ms. MENG and Mr. VAN DREW. Mrs. LURIA, Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. H.R. 3529: Mrs. LURIA. H.R. 4862: Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. ROGERS of Ken- DEFAZIO, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. H.R. 3559: Mr. KATKO and Mr. DIAZ-BALART. tucky, Mr. ALLRED, and Mr. FITZPATRICk. HARDER of California, Ms. SLOTKIN, Mr. H.R. 3598: Mr. PAPPAS. H. J. Res. 2: Ms. DELBENE and Mr. TAKANO. CLAY, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. BEYER, Mrs. H.R. 3654: Ms. CRAIG. H. Con. Res. 10: Mr. SIRES, Mr. BURGESS, FLETCHER, Ms. DEGETTE, Mr. TRONE, Ms. H.R. 3657: Mr. CASE and Mr. WATKINS. and Mr. BIGGS. HAALAND, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. PRICE of North H.R. 3712: Ms. JAYAPAL. H. Con. Res. 20: Mr. KELLER. Carolina, Mr. CASTEN of Illinois, Ms. LOF- H.R. 3742: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey and Mr. H. Con. Res. 37: Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana, GREN, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. POCAN, Mr. CARSON of MEEKS. Mr. BUDD, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mrs. AXNE, Mr. Indiana, Ms. GARCIA of Texas, and Mr. H.R. 3763: Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. YOHO, and Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. CARBAJAL, Mr. CISNEROS, Mr. CICILLINE. RESCHENTHALER. MARSHALL, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, and Mr. CAR- H.R. 2166: Ms. TITUS. H.R. 3797: Mr. WALDEN. SON of Indiana. H.R. 2258: Mr. KHANNA. H.R. 3824: Mr. FOSTER, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS H. Con. Res. 65: Ms. DELBENE. H.R. 2322: Mr. PETERS. of Illinois, and Mr. COLE. H. Con. Res. 68: Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio and H.R. 2382: Mr. YOHO. H.R. 3851: Mrs. AXNE, Mrs. TRAHAN, Mr. Mr. WALKER. H.R. 2404: Mr. POCAN. TURNER, Mr. LATTA, and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H. Res. 17: Mr. SWALWELL of California, Mr. H.R. 2412: Mr. DUNCAN. H.R. 3896: Mr. GALLEGO and Ms. CRAIG. RASKIN, and Mr. BERA. H.R. 2434: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. DEGETTE, H.R. 3910: Ms. UNDERWOOD. H. Res. 23: Ms. WILSON of Florida. Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Mrs. DINGELL, and H.R. 3911: Mr. FORTENBERRY and Ms. JACK- H. Res. 107: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois Mr. CARSON of Indiana. SON LEE. and Ms. SPANBERGER. H.R. 2435: Mr. PASCRELL, Mrs. BEATTY, and H.R. 3956: Mr. QUIGLEY. H. Res. 189: Ms. TITUS, Mr. SHERMAN, and Mr. RUTHERFORD. H.R. 3957: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. H.R. 2478: Mr. KEATING. H.R. 3975: Mr. KINZINGER. H. Res. 230: Mr. CICILLINE. H.R. 2482: Mr. CASE. H.R. 4038: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. H. Res. 255: Ms. CHENEY. H.R. 2491: Mr. SERRANO. H.R. 4056: Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, H. Res. 269: Ms. FRANKEL. H.R. 2501: Mr. SIMPSON. and Ms. STEVENS. H. Res. 296: Mrs. RODGERS of Washington, H.R. 2529: Mr. PAPPAS. H.R. 4141: Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. STANTON, Mr. SOTO, and Mr. BABIN. H.R. 2573: Mr. LUCAS, Mr. ROONEY of Flor- H.R. 4144: Mr. SOTO. H. Res. 349: Mr. HECK and Mr. MOULTON. ida, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. SOTO, Mr. ADERHOLT, H.R. 4183: Mr. SHERMAN. H. Res. 374: Mr. CORREA, Mr. PHILLIPS, Ms. Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma, and Mr. H.R. 4194: Mr. KILMER and Mrs. BROOKS of CHENEY, Mr. WESTERMAN, Mr. DUNN, and Mr. CROW. Indiana. BISHOP of Georgia.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.032 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8597 H. Res. 517: Mr. RYAN and Ms. KELLY of Illi- DEUTCH, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. limited tax benefits, or limited tariff nois. FITZPATRICK, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mrs. TORRES benefits were submitted as follows: H. Res. 546: Mrs. LURIA, Mr. SHERMAN, and of California, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. HURD of Texas, Mr. PHILLIPS. Mr. POCAN, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. SHERMAN, The amendment to be offered by Rep- H. Res. 585: Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. PHILLIPS, and Mr. CASTRO of Texas. resentative CURTIS, or a designee, to H.R. H. Res. 631: Mrs. WALORSKI. f 823, the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and H. Res. 633: Mr. GOODEN. Economy (CORE) Act, does not contain any H. Res. 642: Mr. SCHRADER, Ms. BONAMICI, CONGRESSIONAL EARMARKS, LIM- and Mr. HUFFMAN. ITED TAX BENEFITS, OR LIM- congressional earmarks, limited tax bene- fits, or limited tariff benefits as defined in H. Res. 649: Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. ITED TARIFF BENEFITS GONZALEZ of Texas, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Ms. clause 9 of rule XXI. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. SHALALA, Ms. Under clause 9 of rule XXI, lists or MUCARSEL-POWELL, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Mr. statements on congressional earmarks,

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Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2019 No. 171 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was Unlike current House efforts, the the Department of Defense. We need to called to order by the President pro Grassley-Wyden Prescription Drug fund the tools and training that our tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). Pricing Reduction Act fits the bill. It men and women in uniform need to f is bipartisan, and President Trump has carry out their missions. We need to endorsed it. My Republican colleagues give our military commanders the re- PRAYER in the House recently pointed to it—in sources to keep pace with major com- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- other words, the Grassley-Wyden bill— petitors like China, which has nearly fered the following prayer: during an Energy and Commerce Com- doubled its military spending over the Let us pray. mittee hearing as the only path for- past decade. Eternal God, from the rising of the ward to lower prescription drug prices. In recent days, our Democratic col- sun until its setting, You remain the I welcome this support from Repub- leagues have been publicly railing same. We find solace in your change- licans in the House of Representatives. against the administration’s approach less faithfulness. Your mercies sustain I yield the floor. to Syria and the Middle East, without, us each hour. f I would note, offering much of a strat- Lord, do not keep silent as our law- egy of their own. But if they vote to makers grapple with the great issues of RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER block defense funding later this week, our time. Reveal Your purposes to they will literally be obstructing the them, guiding them on the paths of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- very funding to carry out the missions courage and obedience. Lord, remind jority leader is recognized. they say are so important. them that You appointed them to their f The last few days have shown us es- work, and they are accountable to You. APPROPRIATIONS pecially clearly that American forces May they not forget that You are the remain in harm’s way every day, and Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Supreme Judge of the Universe, in their missions do not pause just be- whose presence humanity must one day this week will provide an opportunity for our Democratic colleagues to prove cause some politicians don’t find it stand. convenient to fund them. We owe the We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen. that their longstanding goal of im- peaching the President is not—not— Pentagon the budgetary certainty it f getting in the way of their ability to needs to maintain the readiness of our PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE legislate. The Speaker of the House and military forces and to invest in the ca- The President pro tempore led the the Democratic leader have taken pabilities needed to sustain our mili- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: pains to insist that their party’s im- tary edge into the future. We also need to be good, reliable I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the peachment obsession will not block im- United States of America, and to the Repub- portant business for the American peo- partners to our friends and allies. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ple. Get this. This appropriations bill indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Well, we are going to find out. As would fund $250 million in military as- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. soon as the Senate completes the do- sistance for Ukraine under the Ukraine HYDE-SMITH). The Senator from Iowa. mestic funding legislation we are cur- Security Assistance Initiative. If that Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I rently considering, we will turn back sounds familiar, that would be the ask unanimous consent to speak as in toward national defense and give Sen- exact same program that Democrats morning business for 1 minute. ate Democrats another chance to ad- are currently trying to impeach the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without vance the funding for our Armed President for allegedly slow-walking. objection, it is so ordered. Forces, which they chose to filibuster So welcome to Washington, where f just last month. Democrats try to impeach President In other words, this week will bring a Trump for supposedly slow-walking aid PRESCRIPTION DRUG COSTS litmus test. Are Washington Demo- for Ukraine and simultaneously fili- Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, crats so consumed by impeachment buster the funding for the exact same as Democrats in the House of Rep- that they cannot even fund our men Ukraine program in the Senate. Wel- resentatives work to pass Speaker and women in uniform? Do our service- come to Washington. PELOSI’s prescription drug bill, I re- members really need to be pawns in the I think it is safe to say that would mind my colleagues that for any bill to Democrats’ fight with the White elevate irony to a whole new art form. become law, it must be bipartisan and House? I hope it doesn’t come to that. I hope, President Trump must be able to sign It is hard to imagine a more basic instead, that our colleagues on the it. legislative responsibility than funding other side of the aisle will land on the

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.000 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 same side when it comes to support for families, including those with pre- given the opportunity to develop its the men and women who keep us safe existing conditions, by helping to bring own plan for hemp oversight. and for our vulnerable international down the soaring premiums and restore I am grateful that Secretary Perdue partners who look to us for leadership. the dwindling options that accepted my invitation for a Kentucky f ObamaCare’s failures have brought hemp tour so he could see our progress about. up close and learn from Kentucky HEALTHCARE I urge the Senate to reject this mis- hemp farmers and regulators as USDA Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, guided resolution. We don’t need developed its policies. on another matter, this week, we will healthcare policy from the supporters This year alone, hemp is growing on vote on another effort by our Demo- of ‘‘Medicare for None,’’ Democrats’ more than 26,000 acres in Kentucky, cratic colleagues to undo successful grand scheme to take away the health across 101 of our 120 counties. It sup- Trump administration policy. In recent insurance plans of 180 million Ameri- ports hundreds of jobs and tens of mil- days, our colleagues across the aisle cans and replace it with a one-size-fits- lions in sales. have forced two failed votes on similar all government plan. Americans de- I impressed upon USDA the need to resolutions. One would have cut taxes serve more say, not less. finalize this new framework before the for the wealthiest residents in blue f 2020 growing season. I would like to States at the expense of working fami- thank Secretary Perdue and the USDA HEMP lies everywhere else. The other would for fulfilling this commitment with the have resurrected an Obama-era pro- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, announcement we are expecting later posal to bury American energy under on one final matter, when I joined this morning. I look forward to review- redtape. President Trump last year as he signed ing USDA’s guidelines and hearing Both of those efforts failed, but our the farm bill, we marked a new chapter from hemp stakeholders around Ken- Democratic colleagues are back at it— for an historic American crop. In a vic- tucky. back at it—with another bad policy. tory for growers, processors, and manu- Our work to support the future of This time, they would like to reverse facturers across the country, especially hemp is hardly over. There are ongoing Trump administration guidance that in my home State of Kentucky, my ini- conversations with the FDA on CBD has reduced healthcare premiums for tiative for full hemp legalization be- products and ongoing work to help American families and reaffirmed pro- came law. growers and retailers to access credit tections for those with preexisting con- This morning, the U.S. Department ditions. and financial products. There will in- of Agriculture plans to take the impor- evitably be ups and downs as this new Section 1332 of ObamaCare gives tant next step. Secretary Perdue will States the opportunity to escape some industry develops, but today’s an- release a new USDA regulation to im- nouncement is another crucial step. It of that law’s worst burdens. States plement my initiative and move hemp have the opportunity to apply for waiv- is a privilege for me to stand with Ken- closer to being treated just like every tucky farmers every step of the way. ers that allow for more types of health other commodity. This new policy will insurance plans and more options for Together, we will continue charting help farmers around the country con- hemp’s course well into the future. consumers. tinue pioneering this crop into the 21st More than a dozen States have al- century. f ready had these waivers approved, not I am proud to say that Kentucky is just red States. Democratic Governors RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME prepared to take the lead. For genera- in places like Colorado, Delaware, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under tions, our growers and producers have Rhode Island have applied for and re- the previous order, the leadership time made the Bluegrass State an agricul- ceived these waivers. Where Governors is reserved. tural powerhouse, well-positioned at of both parties are embracing this op- the forefront of hemp’s resurgence. f portunity, good things are happening. According to one analysis, in the seven Following the downturn in tobacco, it CONCLUSION OF MORNING States where new waivers were imple- was my tobacco buyout legislation BUSINESS mented during the Trump administra- that helped farmers transition toward new opportunities, and a growing num- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning tion, it seems that premiums de- business is closed. clined—declined—by 7.5 percent. ber are looking to this past crop—one The Trump administration guidance grown by Washington, Jefferson, and f Henry Clay—as they plan for the fu- continues this success and gives States COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, even more of what they asked for— ture. As the buyout payments came to an AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- even more flexibility to escape MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- ObamaCare’s burdens and more choices end, I secured the creation of hemp pilot programs in the 2014 farm bill, ISTRATION, INTERIOR, ENVIRON- for consumers and lower premiums. MENT, MILITARY CONSTRUC- But, apparently, our Democratic col- empowering farmers and researchers to begin a multiyear experiment with TION, VETERANS AFFAIRS, leagues are not terribly fond of letting TRANSPORTATION, AND HOUSING States shake off the unhelpful stric- hemp’s capabilities. Thanks to leaders like Agriculture AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AP- tures of ObamaCare. Perhaps, it makes PROPRIATIONS ACT, 2020 their signature law look bad that Gov- Commissioner Ryan Quarles and his ernors of both parties are so eager to predecessor, now-Congressman JAMES The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under escape it. COMER, Kentucky was leading the the previous order, the Senate will re- That can’t be their public argument. charge. The results were clear. The sume consideration of H.R. 3055, which In their effort to reduce this flexi- pilot program was working. So we the clerk will report. bility, some Democrats are rehashing knew the 2018 farm bill had to take the The senior assistant legislative clerk tired, old claims about a conspiracy to next step. read as follows: hurt Americans with preexisting condi- I am grateful to Agriculture Com- A bill (H.R. 3055) making appropriations tions. Republicans have been clear, and mittee Chairman PAT ROBERTS, who in- for the Departments of Commerce and Jus- we have been consistent. We support cluded my hemp initiative in the bill tice, Science, and Related Agencies for the protections for Americans with pre- that is now law. I would also like to fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, and for existing conditions. thank the many Members on both sides other purposes. The CMS Administrator, Seema of the aisle, including Senator RON Pending: Verma, has specifically stated that ‘‘a WYDEN, who have helped in this effort Shelby amendment No. 948, in the nature section 1332 waiver cannot undermine as well. of a substitute. coverage for people with pre-existing My hemp provisions in the farm bill McConnell (for Shelby) amendment No. conditions.’’ That is the head of CMS. directed USDA to craft a new regu- 950, to make a technical correction. In fact, it is this Trump administra- latory framework so hemp could be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tion’s policy that will help American cultivated nationwide, with each State ator from Illinois.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.001 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6207 VENEZUELA Ironically, while the President’s De- Let everyone be clear where the real Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I partment of State has issued travel failure to help Venezuelans actually want to comment on an incident that warnings advising Americans not to rests. occurred late last week on the floor of visit Venezuela because of the danger, ORDER OF BUSINESS the Senate regarding temporary pro- this President still will not protect Madam President, at the request of tected status, known as TPS, for peo- Venezuelans within the United States the Republicans on the Senate side, ple from the country of Venezuela. who are afraid to return. later today, I will be making a unani- TPS can be provided by the President I have met many such Venezuelans in mous consent request relative to the to nationals of a country when that my home State of Illinois, and I can healthcare issue, which was raised by country is experiencing violence or a tell you they are desperately worried Senator MCCONNELL earlier. I am told catastrophe that makes returning to about returning to the chaos, violence, they are not quite ready this morning, the country unsafe. This is a protec- and hopelessness of the current Ven- so I am going to defer that offer until tion offered by America under many ezuela. later in the day when they will be different administrations to help those Since the White House refuses to act, ready, and we can have a colloquy on who might be in the United States the House of Representatives passed a the floor of the U.S. Senate. when a calamity occurs in their home bipartisan bill granting temporary pro- I yield the floor. countries. It has often been granted for tected status to Venezuelans this last RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER countries suffering outbreaks of war or July by a 272-to-158 margin. Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. The natural disaster, which leads me to the BOB MENENDEZ of New Jersey, MARCO Democratic leader is recognized. issue of Venezuela. RUBIO of Florida, and I have introduced Currently, the United States is work- APPROPRIATIONS a similar Senate bill, but the majority Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, ing with regional partners to foster an leader, Senator MCCONNELL, refuses to end to a disastrous dictatorial regime even as the Senate works through a bring up any bill that might not meet grouping of appropriations bills on the still claiming power in Venezuela. the approval of President Donald I was there last year, and I saw what floor this week, the Republican leader Trump, even a bill offered by leaders in has been falsely accusing Democrats of was heartbreaking, considering that his own political party. this was once a proud Latin American delaying the overall process. He just Senator MENENDEZ and I have tried seems to be in a box and pulls things democracy. to call up the House bill for passage People are literally starving in Ven- out of thin air. only to face objection repeatedly from ezuela. They faint in the workplace The crux of the issue, as everybody Senate Republicans. from lack of nutrition. Hospitals don’t knows, is that the Republican leader- have electric power or the most basic Last week, to deflect blame from ship in the Senate and on the Appro- medicines. I visited a children’s hos- President Trump and the Senate Re- priations Committee has refused to sit pital in Caracas, and they told me they publicans who object to our bill, the down and negotiate with Democrats on didn’t have any antibiotics or the basic junior Senator from Florida came to bipartisan allocations to the various cancer drugs necessary for the children the floor with his own approach. He agencies. This has always been how we who came to their hospital. blocked the bipartisan House Ven- have done the appropriations bill when Millions are fleeing Venezuela as ref- ezuela TPS bill from passing and of- we have succeeded—Democrats and Re- ugees into neighboring countries. fered a dubious amendment, under- publicans sitting down together and There is brutal political repression. Op- mining TPS for others as the price for negotiating the 302(a)s and (b)s, but, posing the dictator, Maduro, is a vir- helping the Venezuelans. In other here, the Republicans, without con- tual guarantee of house arrest or words, he said: Well, perhaps we can sultation of the Democrats, just unilat- worse. Staggering government corrup- help Venezuelans as long as it is at the erally proposed taking over $12 billion tion and a systematic dismantling of expense of others who are in similar from critical health programs and mili- that country’s democracy are taking status from other countries. tary families to pay for the President’s place on a regular basis and resulted in His proposal would in fact signifi- border wall—a wall President Trump election results which were incredible cantly weaken the entire temporary promised Mexico would pay for. and not believed by anyone in the re- protected status. For example, his pro- Democrats, of course, are not going gion when they were announced a few posal would require congressional ap- to proceed to a defense bill that steals months back. proval of any extension of TPS beyond from our troops to pay for a border I have been supportive of this admin- the original period, and it would limit wall the American people don’t want istration’s efforts to work with other such extension to an arbitrary 18- and aren’t supposed to pay for, but in nations to support the interim Presi- month period. this Republican hall of mirrors, that dency of Juan Guaido and provide as- Ultimately, the proposal from the means Democrats are ‘‘delaying a pay sistance to millions of fleeing Ven- junior Senator from Florida is using raise for our troops,’’ as the leader ezuelans. the plight of Venezuelans to basically charged yesterday, even though that is While I fear this issue has escaped gut the existing Temporary Protected not true, and I believe he knows very President Trump’s attention, one sim- Status Program. well that the pay raise is strongly bi- ple step he can take is to grant tem- We have seen folks on the other side partisan. porary protected status to Venezuelans of the aisle resort to this when it came The truth is simple. As the leader currently in the United States. Some to DACA—Republicans in the Senate knows, the annual pay raise will go are here as students and others are trying to use a vulnerable population, into effect regardless of whether we here on work visas, but they are on such as the young people who were pass Defense appropriations or the temporary status. What I am asking raised in the United States and want a NDAA. the President to do is to give them chance to work their way to citizen- In fact, the Department of Defense temporary protected status so they ship, as bargaining chips for an anti- just confirmed to the Senate Demo- will not have to return to Venezuela immigrant agenda. Once again, these cratic appropriators yesterday that the while the danger still lurks. Members are simply refusing to stand pay raise for our troops will take effect Despite repeated requests by myself up to the President when he fails on on January 1, without requiring any and many of my colleagues on both these issues. further legislation. The troops and sides of the aisle, President Trump has The solution, indeed, is simple. This their families will see a 3.1-percent pay repeatedly refused. He goes to audi- administration should grant temporary raise in January. I know the President ences in Florida and talks about con- protected status on its own to the Ven- ties the majority leader in a box, in a fronting the Venezuelan dictatorship, ezuelans, but it refuses. Senate Repub- knot, and he sort of flails around and then he turns around and refuses to licans could pass the bipartisan House doesn’t know how to get out of it be- give protection to the Venezuelans in bill to grant Venezuelans temporary cause he is afraid to tell President the United States who need this pro- protected status, but the Senate Re- Trump what he is doing will not pass, tection. publicans refuse. but instead he blames Democrats—that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.003 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 seems to be his wont these days—but it plans spend barely 40 percent of pre- The senior assistant legislative clerk is just totally false. It is not according miums on healthcare—just 40 percent. proceeded to call the roll. to just me but according to the Depart- Just think about that. Republicans Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, I ment of Defense. want to use taxpayer dollars to fund ask unanimous consent that the order He even went a step further. In the these junk plans. Is that money going for the quorum call be rescinded. Republican hall of mirrors, Democrats toward paying for people’s healthcare? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without might even be ‘‘delaying military as- No. It is going to pad insurance com- objection, it is so ordered. sistance for Ukraine.’’ Can you believe pany profits. H.R. 3055 the majority leader would say some- Tomorrow, the Senate will face a Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, I thing like this? The comments are simple choice on whether or not to de- am delighted that the Senate is taking laughable. It was the Trump adminis- fend protections for Americans with up four very important appropriations tration that delayed hundreds of mil- preexisting conditions. My Republican bills, one of them I discussed at length lions of dollars’ worth of already appro- friends can either stand with the last week; that is, the Transportation- priated, urgently needed military as- Trump administration and use tax- HUD appropriations bill, which I au- sistance to Ukraine earlier this year— payer dollars to pad profits for insur- thored along with my ranking member, a fact now being investigated by the ance companies or stand up for Amer- Senator JACK REED of Rhode Island. In House impeachment inquiry. ican families who struggle to afford forging that bill, we gathered informa- The fact is, the only purported delay healthcare. tion from 75 of our fellow Senators, in the appropriations process is Repub- CLIMATE CHANGE who had 950 requests. We went through licans insisting on taking money from Mr. President, finally, on climate, each of the requests very carefully, and our military to spend on a border last week, I announced a bold new plan we have built a bill that is truly bipar- wall—something Democrats will not to rapidly phase out gas-powered vehi- tisan, that reflects the priorities of countenance. That is it. cles for clean vehicles. We need a plan this body, and that I trust will be ap- If the Republican appropriators of this scale and ambition to reduce proved as part of this package later dropped that request and sat down with one of the largest drivers of carbon this week. Democrats, the negotiated bipartisan emissions—transportation—while at I also want to take the opportunity way forward—which is the only way the same time creating tens of thou- today, as I am managing the four bills appropriations can proceed—I am sure sands of new jobs and reinvigorating in the unavoidable absence of the full we could line up the rest of the bills for American auto manufacturing. committee chairman, Senator SHELBY, the year. So let’s cut the nonsense. Predictably, the deep-pocketed spe- to talk about some of the other appro- Leader MCCONNELL, have the honor cial interests in Big Oil and Gas are al- priations bills that have been brought and decency and courage to tell Presi- ready lining up to oppose this plan. before us. dent Trump that he is going to bolix up Over the years, Big Oil and Gas have As the Presiding Officer is well the whole process again, just as he did spent millions of dollars in lobbying to aware, the Appropriations Committee the last time. We can roll up our kill climate-friendly legislation and is a committee that makes a real effort sleeves and get to work if he would do protect their bottom lines. A headline to work together to put aside petty just that. ran yesterday announcing: ‘‘Big Oil partisanship and, instead, listen to one We are already working on the non- gears up to fight Schumer electric ve- another and work for the common controversial bills, and we could do it hicle plan.’’ good. We make an extraordinary effort for the rest, if and when our Repub- Well, I have three words for Big Oil: to find common ground. How I wish lican friends decide to meet us halfway. Bring it on. Bring it on, because this that could be done throughout Wash- HEALTHCARE fight is too important. Climate change ington today. But the Appropriations Mr. President, tomorrow, Senate is happening right now, and it is result- Committee remains a bastion of com- Democrats will use a provision of the ing in more severe weather, sea-level mon sense, of collegiality, and of work- Congressional Review Act to force a rise, and drastic changes to our agri- ing together to seek common ground. vote on one of the most crucial policy culture. That is why we have had such success questions we have faced all session— As we speak, California is suffering in reporting so many of the appropria- the future of healthcare protections for from some of the worst wildfires it has tions bills, and I am very proud that Americans with preexisting conditions. ever seen. Scientists tell us that if we the T-HUD bill, as we call the transpor- The Trump administration has tried do not take drastic action to alter our tation and housing bill, was one of several different ways to undermine current path, we will not be able to those that was reported unanimously these protections and sabotage our avoid the most damaging consequences by a vote of 31 to 0. healthcare system. of climate change. For the next few moments, I would One of the most damaging efforts is Bring it on, because this plan is sup- like to talk about another bill that had this rule that gives the States the ported not only by the environmental unanimous support on the committee, green light to use taxpayer dollars to community and climate action groups and that is the CJS appropriations push junk health insurance plans. but by labor unions like the UAW, the bill—Commerce, Justice, and Science. These plans are hardly worth the paper IBEW, the AFL–CIO, and by large auto- Let me begin by acknowledging the they are printed on. Many don’t cover makers like Ford and GM. They all hard work of the chairman, Senator maternity care, prescription drugs, know that the future is moving toward MORAN, and the ranking member, Sen- mental health, or preventive services. clean cars, and we ought to get there ator SHAHEEN, for their work in bal- Many could offer insurance companies before China and create tens of thou- ancing the many priorities that are in- a way around the requirement to pay sands of new good-paying jobs right cluded in this bill. Once again, we saw for your treatment if you develop a here in the United States. the chairman and the ranking member preexisting condition. Bring it on. If the special interests of working together as a team in a bipar- Just imagine signing up for one of Big Oil and Gas want to oppose thou- tisan—indeed, a nonpartisan—way in these plans and then you discover that sands of good-paying jobs for American order to find common ground. your child’s heart condition or cancer workers, if they want to oppose Amer- I would like to comment on a few of or lifesaving prescriptions drugs were ica’s leading the world in the indus- the provisions of the bill that I think not covered when you need it most? tries of the future, if they want to op- are particularly important. First, I am That shouldn’t be allowed to happen. pose protecting our planet for our chil- encouraged that the bill continues to Republicans and this administration dren and grandchildren, then, they are provide strong support for the National are trying to allow it to happen. on the wrong side of history, and we Sea Grant College Program, despite the As you can imagine, many insurance will fight them every single step of the administration’s desire to eliminate companies love the idea. Data from the way. this program. The committee actually National Association of Insurance I suggest the absence of a quorum. provided an increase of $7 million over Commissioners shows that the top The PRESIDING OFFICER. The last year’s funding level. The Univer- three companies that issue these junk clerk will call the roll. sity of Maine Sea Grant Program is a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.004 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6209 national leader in ocean research and, We will find American and Canadian critical to preventing the heroin and as you know, is very important to the lobstermen, both in that area or close opioid epidemic that plagues my State Presiding Officer from Florida as well. by, with our lobster men and women of Maine and many others. Naming just (Mr. SCOTT of Florida assumed the following strict conservation methods, a few, the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Chair.) such as throwing back the lobsters that Program and the Drug and Veterans Within the sea grant program, there are too small or the big breeder lob- Treatment Courts are essential to the is $2 million for critical lobster re- sters, only to see their Canadian coun- multifaceted approach it will take to search, building on the $2 million that terparts keep those lobsters and, in stem this epidemic. was included last year. The sea grant some cases, they are undoubtedly the I appreciate that the subcommittee program recently announced seven re- very lobsters that have been thrown has once again rejected cuts to the search awards supported by this fund- back into the sea by our lobster men COPS Anti-Heroin Task Force, a pro- ing, four of which were awarded to and women. So those conflicting con- gram that has helped Maine’s Drug En- Maine entities in recognition of their servation measures between American forcement Agency target illegal opioid extraordinary expertise and research. and Canadian fisheries have caused sales. These investments will help us to bet- Mainers to grow increasingly con- I want to finally highlight the in- ter understand how the lobster stock is cerned that their Canadian counter- creased funding for the Byrne-JAG and reacting to changing environmental parts are threatening the sustain- COPS hiring programs, and for the Re- conditions and ensure that this iconic ability of critical fishing stocks, as gional Information Sharing Systems industry—indeed, one of the very sym- well as that fragile right whale popu- known as RISS. Many of Maine sheriffs bols of the State of Maine—continues lation. have come and talked to me about the to thrive. The bill that has been reported by importance of the RISS Program. It The problem is that we are seeing in- the Appropriations Committee encour- supports a cooperative effort of infor- creasing warming of the Gulf of Maine. ages NOAA to work cooperatively with mation sharing to fight crimes at all In fact, it is warming the second fast- State, national, and Canadian fishery levels and has been particularly useful est of any body of water in the world. officials on these important issues. to Maine’s rural counties. There are That has brought new kinds of sea life; I also want to express my thanks to also important investments supporting for example, there is an invasive green the subcommittee for rejecting the the FIRST STEP Act, which we passed crab that has never existed in Maine President’s proposed elimination of the late last year. It will help implement waters. So we are watching the impact Economic Development Administra- the goals of the new law, particularly very carefully, particularly on our lob- tion, known as the EDA, and instead with respect to rehabilitative programs ster industry. providing a reasonable increase. The at the Bureau of Prisons. We need to I am also glad that the bill investments made through the EDA make sure those who are being released prioritizes the development of tech- provide vital financial support for rural from our jails and prisons have the nologies to better track the right Mainers to boost economic growth and skills and tools they need to pursue a whale population. The number of right whales is problematic. While it is not create more jobs. It has been an essen- lawful life and not resort to their pre- as low as it was a few years ago, it is tial partner with States, with local vious habits that landed them in jail. still troublesome that the population governments, and with the private sec- That is why the educational and job continues to be under stress. tor in boosting areas of Maine’s econ- training programs we have in Maine NOAA Fisheries has targeted the omy. and elsewhere are so important and Maine lobster industry with poten- The bill also focuses attention on an will be expanded by this bill. tially very onerous right whale regula- issue that I know the Presiding Officer Those are just a few of the terrific tions, despite the government’s inabil- is very aware of because of his member- provisions that are in the CJS appro- ity to adequately monitor the move- ship on the Aging Committee, which I priations bill. Again, I commend the ment of these right whales. am privileged to chair, and that is the chairman, the ranking member, and We must better understand where the serious problem of financial fraud di- the entire Appropriations Committee right whales are and where they are rected at our seniors. The GAO, a few for their hard work. not. This, too, is important in terms of years ago, estimated that our seniors The PRESIDING OFFICER. I recog- our warming waters. The major food lose nearly $3 billion a year to finan- nize the majority whip. supply for the right whales has moved cial fraud. I think that is just the tip of REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN to the north toward Canada, and that the iceberg because many seniors are Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, before I is why the entanglements we have too embarrassed to report the fraud begin, I want to say I was sad to hear seen—which we all deplore—have in- they have suffered. It is important. It of the death of former Senator Kay volved Canadian gear. I think that is is vital that the Justice Department Hagan yesterday. Kay represented the very important to recognize. continue to fight financial fraud. State of North Carolina in the Senate. There have also been some Canadian I am delighted that the former Attor- She was a very dedicated public serv- ship strikes. Our lobster men and ney General, Jeff Sessions, imple- ant. I think she was someone whom all women have been such careful stewards mented my recommendation that every of us who were here at the time en- of the resource, and that has been true U.S. attorney’s office should have des- joyed working with and always was a for generations. Lobstering is often a ignated a financial fraud attorney who very bright presence. As I said, she was family business, passed on from genera- can bring cases and help to protect our tremendously dedicated to the people tion to generation. The lobster men seniors. We need to aggressively pros- she represented and the issues she and women of Maine care deeply about ecute illegal robocallers and increase cared so deeply about. Our thoughts our lobster stocks and about ensuring efforts to collect unpaid fines and pen- and prayers are with her and her fam- that lobsters are there for generations alties imposed on them by Federal ily today. I ask all Members to con- to come. They have been extraordinary agencies. It is only our national efforts tinue to lift her family up. conservationists. They invented the V- that can go after a call center that is H.R. 3055 notching of lobsters, the sizing to located in India, for example, as some Mr. President, I also congratulate make sure that lobsters that are big of them have been. While to the Justice the Senator from Maine on the work and breeders are tossed overboard or Department, the individual amounts she is doing on the appropriations proc- those that are too small are returned may seem small, they are devastating ess as it is moving forward. She chairs to the water. Unfortunately, our Cana- to a senior who has worked hard to a very important subcommittee on the dian counterparts often do not follow save money for their retirement years. Appropriations Committee and also is those same cooperative conservation In addition, when you aggregate all involved in so many other issues. measures, and there is an area off the those losses, they result in literally One thing she was speaking about coast of Maine that is known as the billions of dollars. that I certainly wanted to mention was gray zone, where it is in dispute whose The bill also provides increased in- the work she does to protect seniors waters—whether it is the United States vestments to law enforcement at all across this country. It is a very vulner- or Canada’s—the gray zone is. levels—partnerships that are especially able population—vulnerable to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.006 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 fraud attempts made by bad actors out waivers will ‘‘allow States to Democratic Governor—has applied for there. She mentioned robocalls. She greenlight substandard, junk insurance a 1332 waiver this year. So are Demo- has been a leader on the legislation to plans.’’ Well, let me remind my col- cratic Senators here suggesting that try and ban the types of robocalls that leagues that these plans that they de- these Governors want to undermine the prey on our senior citizens and lead to ride as ‘‘junk plans’’ are the very same protections for people with preexisting all that fraud that happens—the bil- short-term, limited-duration plans that conditions? I don’t think so. lions of dollars she referenced every were permitted in 7 out of the 8 years Numerous Americans are struggling single year. It is important because of the Obama administration. to afford their ObamaCare premiums, there are so many perpetrators of Another refrain that we will hear and many others have been priced out schemes out there that are designed to from my Democratic colleagues is that of the ObamaCare market altogether. prey on and take advantage of those the administration’s guidance will per- It only makes sense to give States as populations in our country, particu- mit States to waive certain health ben- much flexibility as possible to address larly our elderly who are susceptible to efits, or what we call EHBs. I remind ObamaCare’s problems and expand in- that. I thank her for her leadership on them that the surance access for their residents. Yet that, as well as many other issues that itself permits the waiving of EHBs by the Democrats are so set on maxi- are involved in the appropriations bill States. The Trump administration mizing Washington’s control of Ameri- she mentioned earlier. guidance does not change this. Again, can’s healthcare that they are deter- mined to oppose any ObamaCare flexi- HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS while the Democrats would have people Mr. President, later this week, we are believe the Republicans are destroying bility even if that flexibility results in going to vote on a Democratic resolu- essential health benefits, States can al- there being lower premiums for the tion to repeal guidance the President ready choose to waive them but, to American people. Today’s resolution is just another ex- issued to give States more flexibility date, have not. ample of the Democrats’ prioritizing to design insurance plans that meet Most of the States that have applied their political ideology over the wel- the needs of their residents. Democrats for waivers have wanted to use them fare of the American people, and I hope have tried to portray this resolution as for reinsurance programs in order to drive down premiums. Again, waivers it will be defeated. a move to protect people with pre- I yield the floor. existing conditions. That is just a give States some relief from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- smokescreen. Democrats know very ObamaCare’s one-size-fits-all require- ator from Ohio. well that Republicans are committed ments, which allows them to try out Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ap- to protecting those with preexisting new ways to drive down prices and help preciate my colleague from South Da- conditions. individuals afford care. It is about kota’s talking about this issue before In reality, this is just another polit- choice. It is about empowering Ameri- us this week, which is these 1332 waiv- ical messaging bill. It is also another cans to decide what type of coverage ers, and he is absolutely right. Millions attempt by Democrats to maximize meets their needs. of Americans are getting less expensive Washington control of American’s We might not be having this con- healthcare. Isn’t that the whole idea healthcare. In keeping with their push versation today if ObamaCare had lived here, that healthcare needs to be af- toward socialism, Democrats want to up to the rosy promises that were made fordable and that we need to have good, make very sure the States don’t have when it was passed. Yet I don’t have to quality healthcare? the chance to escape from any of tell anyone that it didn’t come any- There is nothing in these waivers—by ObamaCare’s bureaucracy. where close to living up to those prom- the way, many of which are going to Let me back up a minute and talk ises. ObamaCare was supposed to give States that have Democratic Gov- about the waiver and guidance from Americans without health insurance ernors—that prohibits people from get- the President the Democrats are at- access to affordable care while it pre- ting coverage for preexisting condi- tacking. Section 1332 of the Affordable served the health insurance of the mil- tions. In fact, that is the law of the Care Act—the law the Democrats en- lions of Americans who were satisfied land, so that these 1332 waivers cannot acted on a completely partisan basis— with the plans they already had. As ev- take away people’s rights to healthcare allows States to apply for waivers from eryone knows, what actually happened should they have preexisting condi- certain ObamaCare requirements. The was quite different. tions. requirements that can and cannot be Millions of Americans lost their I think this is the sort of thing we waived are the same today as they plans. Health insurance premiums went ought to be supporting in this Cham- were the day ObamaCare passed. Let up, not down. Also, premiums and out- ber, there being more affordable me repeat that. The ObamaCare re- of-pocket costs on the exchanges were healthcare and healthcare for people quirements that can or cannot be unaffordable for many people from the who otherwise couldn’t afford it. waived are the same today as they very first day. The average monthly APPROPRIATIONS were the day ObamaCare passed. premium for a family plan on the ex- Mr. President, my colleague from The 2018 guidance from the White changes has increased by $742 over the Maine, Senator COLLINS, is on the House did not change anything about past 4 years. That is close to the aver- floor. We discussed earlier that we are what requirements can and cannot be age mortgage payment in my home actually legislating today. I think that waived under section 1332. Let me be State of South Dakota. So it is not sur- it is great because we are passing very clear, 1332 waivers do not allow prising that States would be looking spending bills. The Senate will pass States to waive ObamaCare’s pre- for ways to help families afford care four different spending bills, and she existing condition protections; they do through these 1332 waivers. will manage all four of them. These are not allow health plans to utilize pre- Waivers are, in fact, helping to lower bipartisan bills that will end up getting existing condition coverage exclusions; premiums. Seven States that received passed here in this Chamber this week they do not allow health plans to waivers saw the average premiums for that will then go over to the House refuse coverage for people with pre- a benchmark silver plan drop by 71⁄2 where they will be conferenced with existing conditions; and they do not percent from 2018 to 2019. States are the five bills they have passed. The allow plans to charge individuals more using these 1332 waivers to make bills aren’t that far apart in terms of based on a preexisting health condi- healthcare more affordable and the total amount of money each bill tion. ObamaCare premiums less burdensome. has in the so-called 302(b) category, but So what do 1332 waivers do? The They are not using the waivers to do there are some differences. We will waivers give States the opportunity to anything to undermine protections for work those out, and we will, hopefully, take action to stabilize insurance mar- people with preexisting conditions, get those to the President for his sig- kets and try out new ways of providing which is something, as I said earlier, nature. That is how this place should coverage to individuals who might not they cannot legally do anyway. operate. otherwise be able to afford insurance. It is worth noting that more than one H.R. 3055 My colleagues across the aisle would State with a Democratic Governor— Mr. President, Senator COLLINS’ bill have the American public believe these not a Republican Governor but a is the transportation bill. This one is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.008 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6211 particularly important to my State of eryone has. I have literally met with 10 years from now, 2028, with there Ohio and to other States around the dozens of small businesses around our being a potential negative impact of country that are desperate for some State and have had roundtable discus- $2.5 trillion. more funding for infrastructure. sions. So the skills gap is already there, Specifically, in her transportation I have asked them specifically: What but, unfortunately, it is widening. If we bill, she deals with these bridges that happened with regard to the tax relief? don’t do something about it, we are need to be replaced that are obsolete, Where is it going? It is going toward going to have a lot more unfilled man- and many are dangerous. We have one better equipment and better tech- ufacturing jobs—good jobs with good in Ohio, called the Brent Spence nology. Therefore, there is better pro- pay. Bridge, which is not only obsolete but ductivity from workers. It is going to The best known early training for has no shoulder anymore because it higher wages, and it is going to better these kinds of jobs is called career and keeps having to be widened to accom- benefits for workers. technical education, or CTE. Some of modate the traffic. So it makes it very For the past 18 months, we have seen you might remember it as being called dangerous. We have been trying for more job openings in America than vocational education. I will say that years to get the funding for that. This there have been people who have been today’s vocational education is not bill has some funding that will help looking for work. Think about that. yesterday’s. It is high technology. It is with regard to these kinds of bridges Consistently, every month for the past great equipment. It is providing the that have heavy traffic but are unsafe. 18 months, we have had more job open- level of skills that young people actu- This is what we ought to be doing ings out there than there have been ally need to understand what is out around here. Let’s get this done. It is people who have been looking for work. there in the real world and to get a job. infrastructure. It is something we At no time in this century has that This is a very important part of what should be able to agree on as Repub- happened. This is precedent-setting, we are doing as a country, and I see it licans and Democrats because it is and it is a good thing. It is all good all over Ohio. good for the people we represent. So I news, but it is not the whole story. Recently, I toured the Vantage Ca- thank the Senator from Maine for her Part of the story is that we are still reer Center in Van Wert, OH, where work on that. seeing a lot of individuals who are juniors and seniors in high school from WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT missing the benefits of this economic more than a dozen school districts Mr. President, I am here to talk expansion. Why? In part, they don’t study things like carpentry, like auto- about the historic workforce needs we have the skills that are needed to take motive technology, like welding, like have in this country and, if we do the advantage of this economic growth. criminal justice. right things to respond to it, the his- You have more jobs out there than you A few weeks ago, I was able to speak toric opportunity we have to bring peo- have people who are looking. Yet you to over 1,000 impressive CTE students ple out of the shadows and into work have this skills gap that keeps us from here in Washington, DC, who were ad- by providing them with the skills they being able to have the right people in vocating for their program. In fact, need to be able to access the jobs that the right place for the right jobs. they talked to a lot of the Representa- are out there. I hear from a lot of employers who tives here in the Senate. The group is Pro-growth Federal policies, includ- say they cannot continue to grow if called SkillsUSA, and their rally every ing the tax reform we passed here, the they cannot find these workers. Some year is really inspiring. tax cuts, the regulatory relief, and companies even say they are going to some of the things we have done with have to leave Ohio or leave the United These young people are eager to get regard to opening up more energy re- States if they don’t have the this training. They want to get the sources, are helping to boost job cre- workforces because a workforce, like training in order to get the jobs that ation, increase wages, and grow our other inputs, is very important to our are out there. We need to get more economy. As an example, the most re- having a competitive economy. So we young people engaged in that, more cent data from the Commerce Depart- have to solve this problem. parents signing off on that, and more ment shows that the economy grew by In Ohio and elsewhere, there are now high school counselors signing off on a healthy 2.6 percent in the first half of thousands of job openings for positions that. this year and that official unemploy- for welders and machinists in factories, I cofounded and cochair what is ment is now down to 3.5 percent. That for medical technicians in hospitals, called the CTE Caucus here in the Con- is the lowest it has been in 50 years. So and for computer programmers and gress. It is focused on holding up and the economy is moving. coders in almost every sector of our lifting career and technical education. To me, what is most exciting is that economy. This morning, if you go to We have gone from two Senators to we are seeing solid wage growth for the ohiomeansjobs.com, you will see some now 29 Senators in our CTE Caucus. first time in years. In just over the of these jobs advertised. There are Our goal is to increase the awareness of past couple of years, nonsupervisory about 150,000 jobs out there. These jobs CTE programs generally and make sure employees, including blue-collar work- that you will see are what economists people know this is a good education ers, have seen about a 6-percent in- call middle-skills jobs. They don’t re- option for them, to get more students crease in their wages. That is about quire one to have a college degree, but interested in career training, and to $1.30 per hour. Think about that. After they do require one to have some train- provide the resources and the opportu- a decade—really, a decade and a half— ing and expertise after high school. nities to connect these young people in my home State of flat wages, which What we have to do is to close that with skilled jobs that offer good pay are wages that haven’t keep up with in- skills gap by providing more of this and benefits. We have passed some good flation, we now see real wage growth. training and education for these work- legislation to do that. Now, over 2 years, 6 percent at $1.30 an ers. The supply of skilled workers in Last year, the President signed into hour means something to the people I this category—students who pursue law my Educating Tomorrow’s Work- represent, but it will also be com- post-high school certificates—falls way force Act. That bill and the Perkins pounded year after year if we continue short of the demand that is out there, grants in the States that are currently this. and it is holding back our economy providing $1.3 billion in funding every This is all great news for the people from fulfilling its potential. year for ambitious, federally funded I represent. They have been frustrated. In the most recent skills gap study high schools help to encourage high They work hard, play by the rules, do from 2018, Deloitte and the Manufac- quality. They make sure that the CTE the right thing, and then they can’t get turing Institute highlighted this wid- programs are high-performing. Yet ca- ahead. Now they are starting to get ening problem. As of August, there reer and technical education goes well ahead, and that is good. I hear from were roughly 484,000 unfilled manufac- beyond these great high school pro- small business owners in Ohio who turing jobs across America. Yet the grams. have been able to do a lot with the tax study found that the skills gap may Certificate-granting, workforce- cuts and tax reform by creating new leave an estimated 2.4 million manu- training programs post-high school are jobs and making new investments. Ev- facturing jobs unfilled between 2018 and another key way to close that skills

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.009 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 gap. In fact, it is probably the most im- wrapped up, I held two separate As we work to reauthorize the Higher portant way because you can get an in- roundtables—one at Brainerd Indus- Education Act this year, passing the dustry-recognized certificate that can tries in Dayton, OH, and one at Talon JOBS Act is the top priority for Sen- lead directly to a job. Think of the Products in Cleveland, OH—talking ator KAINE and me. It is also supported many workforce training programs about this issue with business owners, by Chairman ALEXANDER and Ranking that are being offered at your local with administrators from our commu- Member MURRAY of the Health, Edu- community college or at your local nity colleges, with students them- cation, Labor, and Pensions Com- technical or trade school. selves, with workers who are on the mittee, and we strongly appreciate For these post-high school training job. Guess what. All of these groups their support. opportunities, we have a problem, and agree that the JOBS Act is a great idea I hope colleagues on both sides of the we have a solution. The problem is that whose time has come. They all agree aisle will join us to get this legislation they are expensive, and a lot of young that the skills training programs cre- enacted. It just makes too much sense people can’t afford them. The oppor- ate a path to good-paying jobs, and not to do it. tunity is to allow Pell grants to be they want the help. If we make career and technical edu- used for these kinds of training pro- What is more, we know that a lot of cation a priority and if we enact the grams. Currently, we use the Pell business owners will help these em- JOBS Act, as I have discussed today, grants to help expand access to college- ployees, once they get that job, to be we are going to address the No. 1 issue level education here in America. For able to go back to school if they want we are now hearing from employers all low-income families, their kids can go to, maybe to get a 2-year or a 4-year around the country, and we are going to college on Pell grants. Unfortu- degree, maybe even to get a master’s to help so many thousands of Ameri- nately, they can’t use the Pell grants degree, say, in engineering, to take cans have a better opportunity going to take this short-term, 15-week train- their education to the next level. forward. ing program and see the light at the The fact that you do a short-term We are going to help our economy at end of the tunnel in order to get the training program to get a job doesn’t a time when we need to have this work- good-paying jobs at the end of it and mean you are not going to go back to force there in order to have the econ- have no debt. college, and that might be appropriate, omy continue to grow. The bipartisan JOBS Act, which I in some companies, for many individ- There is momentum in Ohio today, have cosponsored with Senator TIM uals. In fact, a representative from with businesses expanding and seeking KAINE, of Virginia, will allow us to do Clark State Community College, Crys- skilled workers, but the skills gap is an just that. It will allow us to do the tal Jones, who was in attendance in impediment. We need to seize this op- same thing we do with college with Dayton, OH, said that she specifically portunity, keep our economy moving these shorter term training programs believes a lack of Pell grant assistance in the right direction, and help Ohioans that will give you a high-quality, in- for young people looking to get train- develop the skills to grow in the career dustry-recognized credential. Under ing certificates is a significant barrier. of their choice and to fulfill their po- current law, low-income students are She said it makes it more difficult in tential in life. eligible for Federal Pell grants if they their efforts to ensure that employers I yield the floor. attend college for an associate’s degree get the skilled workers they need. She The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- or a bachelor’s degree but not if they said the JOBS Act will help. ator from Minnesota. Crystal is right. The JOBS Act has choose to enroll in an accredited skills AMENDMENT NO. 1044 been endorsed by the National Skills training program for under 15 weeks. In Ms. SMITH. Mr. President, I thank Coalition, the Association for Career this economy and in this day and age, my colleague from Ohio for raising and Technical Education, the Business these issues about the skills gap. This that doesn’t make sense at all. Roundtable, and so many other groups. I am supportive of Pell grants for col- is something that is very important in We are told that it is the No. 1 priority lege. You should know that more than Minnesota, as well, and I agree with of the Association of Community Col- half the young people who take out him. I think this should be a place lege Trustees and of the American As- Pell grants for college don’t end up get- sociation of Community Colleges. where we could find some bipartisan ting the college degrees or the certifi- A lot of us here in this Chamber sup- agreement. So I thank him for his cates or anything that helps them to port our community colleges. They do words today. get those jobs. Whereas, in these short- an awesome job. Well, this is their top Mr. President, today I rise to talk term training programs, it is highly priority, so we should listen to them. about another gap that I would like to likely, based on the experience we have I am also pleased that the JOBS Act ask my colleagues for help in filling. looked at, that they will get those cer- was included in President Trump’s fis- For many Americans, the 35-day gov- tificates, and they will get those jobs. cal year 2020 budget proposal. I thank ernment shutdown during the last holi- The JOBS Act is needed right now to the President for that, and I thank the day season is a distant memory. The meet the needs out there. These kinds administration for supporting it, as I national parks have reopened with of workforce training programs provide thank so many other outside stake- their usual programming; airports are students with the academic and tech- holders who are promoting this idea. running normally; and Federal employ- nical skills, knowledge, and training Let’s allow Pell to be used for short- ees are back on the job with the back- necessary to succeed in their future ca- term training programs that we need. pay they had lost through no fault of reers. They encompass the kinds of The reason this JOBS Act has such their own because of the Federal Gov- high-quality, rigorous job training pro- strong support is that it is the best ernment shutdown. grams that are easily transferable to proposal out there right now to help But for one group of workers, things those jobs that are in demand right fill this skills gap that we have. It will are not back to normal. These are the now, whether it is learning how to con- cover programs that, at a minimum, low-wage workers employed by Federal duct HVAC installation, how to oper- require 150 hours and 8 weeks to com- contractors serving in cafeterias, pro- ate a factory machine—which includes, plete. Alternative proposals are out viding building security, and keeping by the way, being able to program a there, but they severely limit the pro- Federal buildings clean. These Federal computer that helps run that ma- grams by requiring many more hours— contractors work shoulder to shoulder chine—or how to program computers 320 hours, as an example, in one pro- with Federal employees, and though generally, how to be a coder, how to gram. they are often invisible, they play a ensure you have the skills to be in one Our community colleges in Ohio tell crucial role in keeping the Federal of our great healthcare tech jobs that me that none of their short-term train- Government working for Americans. are open right now. ing programs—none of them—would Thousands—potentially hundreds of These programs teach students the qualify for that number of hours—pro- thousands—of these workers at Federal practical, transferable skills that keep grams like welding, precision machin- facilities all across the country were our economy moving. I hear about this ing, CDL programs for truck drivers, not allowed to work during the Federal every time I am home in Ohio. During electrical trades. They all need the Government shutdown. They went the recent work period that just JOBS Act, and they need it now. without paychecks during the height of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.010 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6213 the holiday season. They skipped Well, actually, there is an existing TRUMP ADMINISTRATION Christmas gifts. They missed tuition mechanism for accomplishing exactly Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I payments. And they even, in some what we need to do here, and it is want to start by thanking our col- cases, were unable to afford the insulin called equitable adjustment. league, the Senator from Minnesota, they need to stay alive if they live with I have also made clear to my col- Ms. SMITH, for her steadfast support for diabetes. leagues who have asked questions this group of Federal contract employ- Unlike Federal employees, these em- about this that I am happy to work ees who were left behind, and I plan to ployees of Federal contractors didn’t with anyone who has suggestions for address my remarks to that subject in get backpay when the government re- what we can do to further improve this one moment. opened. They were ready and willing to proposal. But we have been told across Before I do that, I just want to call work every single day of those 35 days the board that this is a good way of ac- on every Senator to stand up against of the shutdown, but they couldn’t, complishing this—an equitable way, a the vicious character assassination through no fault of their own, and they way that would have good account- that is taking place against patriotic paid the price. That is just not right. ability—and that it would work. Americans testifying under oath in the Making ends meet in a low-wage job Over the last 10 months, I have been House. is hard enough, and making ends meet proud to stand with Federal contract Today we are hearing, in the House, when you miss two paychecks—when employees who have been fighting for the testimony of Lieutenant Colonel those paychecks are taken away from this amendment and to stand with so Vindman. Here is an individual who you—is nearly impossible. Families many others around the country. served as an officer in the U.S. Army, who didn’t get the income they were Tragically, in July, one of our an infantry officer overseas, including expecting were forced to borrow from strongest voices for these workers, in South Korea and Germany and a de- friends. They were forced to rely on the SEIU 32BJ President Hector Figueroa, ployment to Iraq for combat oper- help of others. They had to make dif- passed away unexpectedly at age 57. ations, where he was wounded in an ficult choices, and many of them are Hector was an amazing advocate for IED attack and awarded a Purple still in a financial hole that was not workers all over this country. He knew Heart. Just a little while ago, the House created by them and that they can’t how important it is to solve this Fed- heard sworn testimony from Ambas- dig themselves out of. eral contractor backpay problem, and sador William Taylor, who is currently So, colleagues, I rise today to ask he understood viscerally exactly what our Acting Ambassador to Ukraine. He you to help me in righting this injus- difference it would make in the lives of also served in the U.S. Army. He served tice, and I am glad to be joined on the people who lost that income. It should in Vietnam; he served in Germany. Senate floor by several of my col- not be lost forever. Later, in a different capacity, he served leagues who also have been strong ad- Hector led 170,000 janitors, food serv- in Baghdad as the director of the Iraq vocates for these workers. Senator ice workers, and others in their efforts Reconstruction Management Office. He BROWN from Ohio, Senator VAN HOLLEN to secure decent wages and better served in Kabul, Afghanistan, coordi- from Maryland, Senator KAINE from working conditions, and he played a nating international assistance. He was Virginia, along with many of my col- crucial role in making sure that these leagues, have helped to try to right selected by Secretary Pompeo to be our workers’ voices were heard on Capitol Acting Ambassador in Ukraine. this wrong. In this way, we have intro- Hill and in State legislatures. Hector duced bipartisan legislation to provide So we can disagree on a whole lot of was a source of inspiration for both things. We can also reach different con- modest backpay to these workers. workers and public officials, and I miss The House included our backpay lan- clusions based on the facts. But I hope him as a partner in this effort. guage in the appropriations package every Member, including, importantly, Colleagues, recently we also lost an- that is on the Senate floor today. It is our Republican Senate colleagues, will other partner in this fight. Chairman in the bill that the House passed. Un- stand up against the character assas- Elijah Cummings from Maryland was a fortunately, Senator MCCONNELL’s sub- sination being launched at these wit- longtime champion for Baltimore stitute amendment strips out this crit- nesses who are giving testimony under workers, and he was the leader of the ical provision that would provide back- oath and under penalty of perjury. pay to these Federal contract workers. primary House committee on Federal It is absolutely disgraceful—this kind Today, what I am proposing is that workplace issues. of character assassination, impugning we come together in a bipartisan way In March, Chair Cummings led a let- people’s motives. These are patriotic and that we add back the backpay lan- ter with 48 House Members saying that Americans. guage—put it back in the legislation— ‘‘we must act to ensure . . . federal At the very least, we should agree on and I have filed an amendment that contractor employees are made whole.’’ that. would accomplish this. So I rise today to urge my colleagues AMENDMENT NO. 1044 I have talked with many of my col- that Federal contract workers should Mr. President, I also believe we leagues on both sides of the aisle here be made whole, as Chair Cummings should agree on this important initia- in the Senate Chamber, and I have to worked so hard to accomplish. tive that has been brought before this tell you, I have not found a single per- Let’s not forget Chair Cummings’ body by Senator SMITH to do justice son who was willing to say—who even message. Let’s not forget the passion and be fair to contract workers who wants to say—that these Federal con- and the work of Hector Figueroa. Let’s perform a lot of thankless and often tractors don’t deserve backpay. In fact, not forget about these workers. Let’s unnoticed tasks for the Federal Gov- more often than not, when I talk to my follow on the advocacy of these people ernment but who are essential to its colleagues, they will say: Didn’t we and so many others to pass backpay for workings. These are cafeteria workers. take care of that? Federal contract workers and make These are janitors. These are folks who Well, colleagues, we didn’t take care sure that these hard-working Ameri- work in Federal offices not just in of that, and now we have an oppor- cans get the backpay they deserve. Washington, DC, but all over the coun- tunity to fix this gap. We have an op- I am so grateful to be joined on the try. portunity to do something for these floor today by several of my col- When we had that unnecessary and Federal contract workers who are leagues, including Senator CHRIS VAN shameful 35-day government shutdown, proud Federal Government employees HOLLEN, who has been such a strong ad- we not only locked out a lot of Federal in almost every sense of the word. vocate for Federal Government con- workers from doing their jobs, not only Our proposal would allow contractors tract workers in making sure that they did the Small Business Administration to fund backpay for their employees do not have to pay the price for this freeze approvals of small business through a well-known and often-used shutdown, which happened through no loans, which were important to many contracting process known as equitable fault of their own. I am very glad to be businesses around the country, not adjustment. here with Senator VAN HOLLEN today. only did the Department of Agriculture Often people will say: Oh, TINA, this I yield the floor. shutter the farm service centers in is a good idea, but it would be so dif- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- rural communities, not only did thou- ficult to accomplish this. ator from Maryland. sands of homeowners face long delays

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.012 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 in loan processing approvals from the If you are a Virginia Senator, and if During the shutdown, I asked Vir- FHA, but these Federal contract work- you are a Maryland Senator, you meet ginians to share stories with me, and ers who, in many cases, are living pay- Federal contractors on any occasion all many did. These are Federal employees check to paycheck, went without pay around the State. We often think of the who were affected by the shutdown, but for 35 days, and they never recouped Federal contractors as significantly lo- it was not just the employees who that pay. cated in the DC-Metro area or in shared it, it was also these contractors. We did the right thing in this body Hampton Roads, but some of the small- Of course, I did hear a number of sto- for Federal Government employees. We est counties in Virginia have signifi- ries of Virginians coming together. I recognized that the government was cant Federal contractors. So I am very had a chance to go work as a volunteer shut down through no fault of their happy to join my colleagues and ap- at the DC Central Kitchen, and what own. There was nothing Federal work- plaud Senator SMITH’s efforts in this struck me is how many of the volun- ers did to cause the government shut- regard. teers were people who had been fur- down. They wanted to be at work doing All Americans were affected by the loughed. They weren’t being paid, and their jobs for the American people, and unnecessary shutdown at the end of they wanted to serve their fellow we recognized that. We recognized that last year—people trying to go to parks Americans, but because they were they should not be penalized for some- to enjoy time with their families or being locked out of their office, they thing they had nothing to do with. We visiting other Federal installations decided to go to the Central Kitchen should do the same thing now for Fed- that were down. We saw the lines of and work serving meals to their Fed- eral contract workers. That is exactly Federal employees waiting outside of eral colleagues. Alongside some of the stories that what this measure will do. Jose Andres’s DC Central Kitchen in were coming together, I did hear tough These contract workers typically cold January weather. Federal employ- stories about people who ended up for- make between $450 to $650 a week. ees, many in uniform, were trying to going necessary expenses. I will just These are not people living high on the get free meals. read a couple to you. These are all Some of the most affected, as my col- hog. These are people getting by day to from Virginians who are Federal con- leagues have explained, were workers day. tractors. One of them is Ms. Lila Johnson. She who were suddenly without paychecks Michael, from Herndon said: is from Hagerstown, MD. She worked through no fault of their own. These Like many of your constituents, I work as as a cleaning services contractor for workers—800,000 of them—worked di- a government contractor for a small busi- the Department of Agriculture for over rectly for the Federal Government. We ness. My entire household income depends on 20 years. She is the primary bread- were able to secure backpay for those serving government clients, which I am un- winner for her family and is helping workers and in a very positive way. able to do in light of the government shut- raise two grandchildren. During the This is something that the body did to- down. My company is losing revenue every shutdown, she struggled with her rent, gether, which I think is important. We day and has arrived at the point where we must force employees to use vacation, take her car payments, and her life insur- not only got a backpay bill for Federal leave without pay, or be furloughed. Unlike ance payments on top of keeping food workers for those affected by the last federal employees who will almost certainly on the table. She lost $1,600. That may shutdown, but we put in a guarantee receive back pay once the shutdown is re- not sound like a lot to some Senators, that in any future shutdown they solved, my employees and I have no such re- but I can tell you it is a lot of money would get their pay. Once you have course. I’ve lived in the Washington DC area for someone living paycheck to pay- done that as a guarantee, why have a for almost 25 years and worked exclusively in serving the government industry, and this check, trying to meet the bills, and shutdown? If you have guaranteed that is the first time I’ve been compelled to con- who is the family’s primary bread- people will be paid, why would you lock tact my elected officials. winner. them out of their office and deprive Bottom line: I’m struggling. My employees What this bill is about is making them of the ability to serve their fel- are struggling. Our families are struggling. sure Lila Johnson, and others like her, low Americans? Small business[es] are the engine of eco- are not penalized for something they Hundreds of thousands of contract nomic growth and stability in our region and had nothing to do with, harmed by workers were not included in that the shutdown is destroying us. Please work with all parties to reopen the government as something that was totally beyond backpay bill, and thus they have been soon as possible. left behind. Many of these Americans their control. Sukumar, from Great Falls said: I thank Senator SMITH. I thank our are paid on an hourly basis. They are I am the CEO of a small business in Vir- colleague Senator BROWN and my col- not annual salary employees, and they ginia which is 100% focused on federal con- league from Maryland Senator CARDIN. do live paycheck to paycheck. When tracts. After two weeks of shutdown and no I also want to remember, as my col- the shutdown hit, they went home end in sight, we are nearing a point where league from Minnesota did, Elijah without pay for weeks—5 weeks—and were are losing revenue (because our people Cummings, who passed away recently— no word on when or whether their job can’t work), invoices are not getting paid by a great Marylander. I knew Elijah for would start back up again. the Government and we are facing a dire over 20 years. He committed himself to The people I meet who are in this cash flow situation. This will affect our abil- ity to make payroll needing to borrow mon- many causes important to social jus- category are very hard-working. They ies at higher interest rates and increase the tice, both for Marylanders and for are security guards; they are cafeteria perils of shutting down our business. Many every American, and this was one of workers; they are cleaning staff; they of our furloughed employees are having a them. This is one of the things that he are IT workers—people whose diligent tough time paying bills and making ends just recognized was fundamentally un- functioning in their jobs sort of keep meet. Some of them are contemplating a pri- fair—people who were scraping to get the lights on and the enterprise going. vate sector career, leading to the loss of val- by paycheck to paycheck being pun- Missing a whole month’s pay is not a uable talent to serve the government. ished for something they had nothing trivial thing for most American fami- Virginia, from McLean said: to do with—wanting to show up for lies, and many of the families had to I am a federal contractor working in Wash- work, wanting to show up for work borrow, rely on friends and families to ington D.C. and a lifelong Virginia resident. I have been furloughed due to the govern- every day but being shut out and then get by, and used the services of soup ment shutdown, and because of my status as denied their paycheck. Let’s remedy kitchens or clothes closets. Many like- a contractor will not be receiving compensa- this wrong, and let’s make sure we ly are still carrying debt incurred be- tion after this is over. . . . This is not a va- adopt this measure. cause of the shutdown. Some had to cation for me, nor is it a vacation for any Thank you. make withdrawals from their Federal federal worker. . . . It’s impossible to plan I thank the Senator from Minnesota. Thrift Savings Plans, with penalty and for lost pay when you are unsure how much I yield the floor. interest because of that. pay you might be losing, and it’s impossible The PRESIDING OFFICER. I recog- The individuals were affected, but it to amend deadlines when you aren’t sure how many projects are going to go unat- nize the Senator from Virginia. is also, bluntly, their families, and tended to and for how long. Many argue that Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I thank even the communities and local busi- federal workers should have savings to pre- my colleagues for their eloquent words nesses in and around where there are pare themselves for the shutdown but I am a on behalf of the Federal contractors. these contracting employees. young person, this is my first job.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.013 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6215 A Washington Post article from Jan- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The President doesn’t understand uary detailed the struggles of many ator from Ohio. and doesn’t seem to care to understand low-wage workers, including one who Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I thank that working people couldn’t just send lives in the District, Julia, a con- Senator KAINE for his work on this and a letter to creditors, saying: Please ex- tracted janitor for the last 27 years, speaking out on it. It is an issue of jus- cuse me this month, Mr. Landlord or most recently at the Department of tice, an issue of fairness, and an issue Ms. Landlord, from paying rent or pay- Agriculture, who cares for her elderly that—I mean, how can you be against ing my mortgage or paying for my mother with dementia. She has had to this? I don’t even pretend to under- medications at the local CVS. They use the last of her sick days to keep stand it. take money out of their savings, if money coming in. All told, she lost Senator SMITH, who is still relatively they have any savings. It is awfully $1,000 in savings, went into debt, and new to this body, has taken a leader- hard to have savings at $10, $12, and $14 relied on the charity of churches for ship role on an issue that is as impor- an hour. They take money out of those free meals. tant in terms of human rights as any I savings. Or, more likely, in the case of Again, these are people who make can imagine this body has taken up, these contractors who earn $10, $12 and the life choice—they could have made this fight for Federal contract workers $14 an hour, they turn to family mem- other choices, but they make the life who suffered because of President bers; they run up their credit cards; choice to serve our government, mean- Trump’s disastrous shutdown earlier they go to payday lenders; and they ing serving by, of, and for the people. this year. never get out from under that, as you They did that not for grand fame or When you think about this, these are know. glory or riches, but they do have an ex- workers making $8, $10, and $12—I Some of them—many, many of pectation that they will not be gratu- know most of my colleagues don’t them—are still dealing with the debt. I itously kicked around—maybe a thank- know anybody—well, actually, they remember talking to cafeteria workers you or maybe just being treated fairly. know people who make $8, $10, and $12 in Senator KAINE’s State in Arlington. I think we did take a step forward an hour, they have just never actually Federal contractor workers who serve when we passed the backpay bill to asked them their names and talked to food in our Smithsonian museums are guarantee that Federal workers would them about their lives to find that out. not Federal workers. Most people who be treated fairly. I think Senator We dress well. We have great go to the Smithsonian figure people who are serving the food and cleaning SMITH’s amendment, which I am proud healthcare benefits. We have good to be an original cosponsor of, that I wages here, and most of the people who the place or cleaning the offices and hope we will have a chance to take up, serve us: the cafeteria workers here, exhibits are probably government em- would remedy the situation with re- the people who come in at night when ployees, but they are not. One worker told me: I have to pay spect to these workers. This is not for we leave and clean our offices—in this rent, and I have other bills. I have a every contractor. This is the Fair Com- case, many of them are Federal em- college student in his second semester, pensation for Low-Wage Workers Act, ployees, but some of them are contract employees. That simply means—go to and he needs help with his books. so it is specifically focused on com- The president of one SEIU local, the Cleveland airport and talk to the pensation for the contractors who re- which represents janitors and security people who drive the carts taking peo- ceive low wages, those who are most officers, said that those workers and ple to and from their planes or talk to vulnerable and were most affected by their families ‘‘will continue to relive the people who push the wheelchairs of losing salary for 5 weeks. the trauma on a daily basis until they people who have a little trouble getting Here is the good news: The House in- are compensated for 35 days of in- on and off the planes. Those people cluded this provision in its appropria- come’’—35 days of income they went don’t work for United Airlines. They tions bill this past summer. It is not in without. They are already living on the the appropriations bill we are now con- don’t work for Cleveland Hopkins air- edge, and this body, because of its inac- sidering in the Senate. port or Dulles or National or the air- tion, because of its head in the sand, I implore the majority leader and all port in whatever it is called—sorry, because of its—pardon my language— of my colleagues to do for these low- Senator SMITH—in Minneapolis-Saint boneheadedness, simply ignores them wage Federal contractors what we did Paul. They work for contractors so and just washes their hands. They say, for Federal employees: recognize the often, and those are the people we are ‘‘I don’t know who they are, and I don’t hardships the shutdown caused these talking about. Those are the people know their names, so we are not going workers and their families and add who are ignored. They are making $8, to do anything to help them,’’ even backpay for Federal contractors, which $10, $12 an hour. We don’t pay attention though it was the Trump shutdown is the bill we are getting ready to vote to them in this body. We don’t know that betrayed these workers. on. their names. We don’t speak for them The same President betrays workers This would be a little step forward too often. Senator SMITH, Senator by denying the overtime pay they have and a precedent. We haven’t nec- KAINE, and I are speaking for them be- earned. The same President puts people essarily done this in the past, but just cause we know what happened to them. in the Supreme Court who put their as the guarantee of backpay for Fed- I think Americans don’t realize that thumb on the scale of justice always to eral employees, I believe, starts to thousands of janitors and cafeteria support corporations over workers, al- build in a little bit of firewall against workers and security guards spent ways to support Wall Street over con- a shutdown, I actually think having a weeks out of work because of Trump’s sumers, and always to support health rule, a norm, that we would provide disastrous shutdown. They are em- insurance companies over patients. Put backpay for low-wage Federal contrac- ployed by private contractors, not the on top of that the Trump tax cuts—a tors also starts to provide a little bit of government, and they are paid too lit- massive giveaway to the wealthiest 1 a firewall against a shutdown. tle to begin with, and they have no way percent. I think we should all be anti-shut- of making up those lost hours and lost I spoke to a group of union members down, and having mechanisms that wages. today. They want a transportation bill. make it harder to shut the government Missing a paycheck—you know, a lot They want an infrastructure bill. They down, or less likely that we would shut of people in this country can absorb know what the bridge looks like con- it down, is something we should all missing a paycheck if they are in the 1 necting my State in Cincinnati over support. percent or the 2 percent or the 5 per- the Ohio River with that of the Repub- Without us intervening and doing cent or the 10 percent wealthiest peo- lican leader down the hall—Senator right by these workers, many of them ple, certainly the billionaire President MCCONNELL’s State. They know the will take years to recover from the fi- and his multimillionaire—except for needs there. I have to say, we got no nancial hole the shutdown put them in. those Cabinet members who are bil- money because of this tax cut that my I ask my colleagues to join together lionaires—Cabinet with their massive friends over here voted for, most of and support Senator SMITH and her investment portfolios. But for most which went to the wealthiest 1 percent. amendment. Americans—most Americans—missing Because of the Trump shutdown, With that, I yield the floor. a paycheck is a big deal. these workers we are talking about

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.014 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 went without paychecks. He has done created Centers of Excellence. As you know, Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, this nothing to fix it. It comes back to the these new Centers were authorized and cre- isn’t part of the remarks I had planned dignity of work. All work has dignity. ated in the 2018 Farm Bill. The work of these for, but let me just surprise the Sen- Dr. King said that no job is menial if it Centers is a critical part of the future re- ator from Ohio and say I agree with search in several strategic areas that our pays an adequate wage, but it also Universities will do on behalf of the country. him. We need to pass a transportation means getting to go to work every day I understand that the amendment being bill. and earning that pay. considered by the Senate would provide half He mentioned some of the union For these contract workers, their of the authorized annual funding for the new workers he was talking to this morn- work has dignity. If the President un- Centers. While we certainly appreciate that ing, and they want Congress to func- derstood that, he would make sure effort, we strongly encourage the Congress tion as it should, which means we they would get their paychecks. The to fully fund the Centers to their authorized should pass our appropriations bills, House already passed backpay for con- level. These Centers were promised to our the Transportation, Housing and Urban Universities almost 30 years ago and while Development bill that the Senator tractors 4 months ago. we are pleased that they are close to being a I ask my colleagues to join us on functioning reality, without this initial from Maine is the bill manager on. We Senator SMITH’s amendment because if funding they will not get off-the-ground. ought to do all of our appropriations you love this country, you fight for the Again, we strongly support Senator BROWN bills, including keeping our commit- people who make it work. and Senator JONES’ efforts and look forward ment to our men and women in the (Mr. CRUZ assumed the Chair). to working with you to have this amendment military by passing the Defense appro- included in the final version of the FY 2020 AMENDMENT 1088 priations bill. Agriculture Appropriations Bill. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I rise to Unfortunately, we know that politics Sincerely, has overwhelmed our ability to func- speak about Amendment 1088, which I KENT J. SMITH, Jr., Ph.D., introduced with Senator JONES. The Chair, Council of 1890 tion here in Congress, and the Demo- amendment is straightforward. It pro- University Presi- crats, for some reason, decided to fili- vides $5 million to fund Centers of Ex- dents, President, buster the Defense appropriations bill cellence at 1890 land-grant universities. Langston Univer- just recently. This amendment—I want to underscore sity. What I worry about is this obsession this—includes an offset. Mr. BROWN. Dr. Smith notes that with politics and dividing the Nation 12 Let me tell you why I introduced they have been promised these Centers months before the next general elec- this. The authorization for these Cen- of Excellence for 30 years. The Senate tion, when everybody who is a reg- ters of Excellence was included in the needs to act, and it needs to include istered voter will have a chance to vote 2018 farm bill. I offered it as an amend- my amendment to right this wrong. on the next President of the United ment in the Senate Agriculture Com- I remind my colleagues that the 1890 States. We are going to let that domi- mittee. It could be critical for schools land grants were created because many nate our discussions to the failure of like Central State, west of Columbus, States, rather than allowing African- our ability to actually pass appropria- in Ohio. The chairman and the ranking American students to attend the 1862 tions bills, fund the military, and fund member of the Ag Committee sup- land-grant universities, decided to set a highway bill, which would provide ported it. The Senate majority leader up, in the name of segregation in those much needed infrastructure develop- supported it, as did the chair of the Ag States, a separate system of colleges ment all across our country, including Appropriations Subcommittee. The en- and universities. the fast-growing States like those the tire committee supported it. It passed The 1890s schools, as my colleagues Presiding Officer and I happen to come by a voice vote. know, despite providing a pathway to from. Then we passed the farm bill and sent the middle class for generations of So I hope that the growing sense I it to the President. We got 87 votes mostly African-American students, have that we are simply going to quit from this body for the farm bill. That have been ignored or, at best, under- functioning a year out before the elec- is more than ever, I believe, any farm funded since their creation. tion, because of the obsession over poli- bill has ever passed the Senate. These I have tried to figure out why my tics and impeachment mania, does not centers will focus on important chal- amendment is not just automatically prove to be true. But the storm clouds lenges facing the agriculture sector set. Again, it was authorized by the Ag- are on the horizon, and I am becoming and its workforce. riculture Committee; it passed the increasingly convinced that, unfortu- I ask unanimous consent that the Senate unanimously; it was signed by nately, that is the only thing Speaker letter of support from Dr. Kent Smith, the President. Why isn’t this amend- PELOSI and the House Democrats care president of Langston University in ment acceptable? The majority can’t about, and our ability to actually get Oklahoma on behalf of the Council of be opposed because the House funded our work done is going to be tragically 1890 University Presidents, be printed this program; the majority has cleared squandered. in the RECORD. amendments that duplicate House DEATH OF ABU BAKR AL-BAGHDADI There being no objection, the mate- money. It can’t be because my amend- Mr. President, let me talk about rial was ordered to be printed in the ment is too expensive, as the majority, some good news. Of course, this week- RECORD, as follows: I am told, is willing to clear a Thune- end, the world celebrated as the hunt ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC & Hoeven amendment that funds Tribal for the leader of ISIS—the latest ter- LAND-GRANT UNIVERSITIES, colleges—which is a good thing—at the rorist organization that has dominated Washington, DC, October 29, 2019. same level as my amendment. the news—finally came to an end, and Hon. RICHARD SHELBY, I have worked with the committee to President Trump announced the suc- Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on Appro- find an offset for my amendment, and cessful raid by U.S. troops that led to priations, Washington, DC. even though the authorization is for the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Hon. PATRICK LEAHY, $10 million a year, at the committee’s world’s No. 1 terrorist. This, of course, Vice Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on Ap- propriations, Washington, DC. urging, I have reduced it to $5 million, is reminiscent of that effort under the Hon. JOHN HOEVEN, and still, for whatever reason, they Obama administration to take out Chairman, Senate Agriculture Appropriations can’t see clear to support this. Osama Bin Laden years after he led the Subcommittee, Washington, DC. I know if this came up for a floor effort to kill 3,000 Americans on 9/11 in Hon. JEFF MERKLEY, vote, we would pass it overwhelmingly. New York and here in Washington at Ranking Member, Senate Agriculture Appro- I don’t know why we need to do that . priations Subcommittee, Washington, DC. rather than just accept this. With the elimination of the ISIS ca- DEAR CHAIRMAN SHELBY; VICE CHAIRMAN I urge my colleagues to include this liphate earlier this year, it was only a LEAHY; CHAIRMAN HOEVEN; AND RANKING commonsense, fully paid-for amend- matter of time before al-Baghdadi MEMBER MERKLEY: On behalf of the Council of 1890 Presidents, I am writing to express ment in the appropriations bill. would run out of places to hide. I want our support for Senator BROWN and Senator I yield the floor. to say how much I admire and appre- JONES’ amendment to the FY 2020 Agri- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ciate the courage and the dedication of culture Appropriations bill to fund the newly ator from Texas. the men and women who contributed to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.015 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6217 this raid and who actually made it hap- back home about the number of Texans development to the shelf of your medi- pen. This is an amazing combination of who are struggling to cover the cost of cine cabinet. We have seen some things talent, training, intelligence, and co- their prescription medication. We that are pretty alarming. There are operation with our partners in the Mid- know that deductibles, particularly pharmaceutical CEOs earning big bo- dle East that led to this incredible and under the Affordable Care Act, have nuses, of course, as sales go up. I am successful effort. I am grateful to our gotten to be very high. not opposed to CEOs getting paid well military leaders, our intelligence pro- As a matter of fact, it is not uncom- for new lifesaving and innovative fessionals, our servicemembers, and mon to hear people say that they have drugs, but I am if they do it at the ex- our allies who have been tirelessly a deductible of $5,000 or more. The pense of consumers. We have seen phar- working for this goal for years. copays they have to pay for prescrip- macy benefit managers who negotiate I applaud President Trump for mak- tion drugs, strangely enough, in their backdoor rebates and drive up out-of- ing the difficult decision to put Amer- deductible—the $5,000 you would have pocket costs. Of course, there are also ican troops in harm’s way. Fortu- to pay under your Affordable Care Act pharmaceutical companies that game nately, it did not result in any loss of policy—they get none of the benefit of the patent system to stave off competi- life or injuries, I am told, for the the negotiated discount or rebates that tion as long as possible. troops who actually executed the raid, the drug companies get with prescrip- In one of our Finance Committee but let’s give credit where credit is tion pharmacy benefit managers. That hearings, I was able to ask the CEO of due. Just as President Obama deserved does not flow to the consumer. Actu- AbbVie about their product HUMIRA, credit for making the difficult decision ally, consumers are being treated much which is the most commonly prescribed to take out Obama Bin Laden, Presi- worse than the insurance companies drug in America today, I believe. It is dent Trump should be entitled to credit and the pharmaceutical companies are the poster child for the kind of games- for making the difficult but important and deriving virtually no benefit. manship that I think ought to infu- and correct decision to take out ISIS’s I have heard stories. We had one par- riate all of us. leader. ticularly profound story about a Because of the decisive action and woman whose son is diabetic. He be- HUMIRA is a wonderful drug. It is flawless execution of troops on the came an adult, and she described how used to treat arthritis and a number of ground, it was a great day for freedom- purchasing his insulin affected many of other conditions, and it has been avail- loving people and for all Americans his decisions, such as moving out of the able for about 15 years. One might that the world’s No. 1 most wanted house, getting a job, whether or not to think that would be sufficient time to man was brought to justice. marry, basically because he had to cover the patent period and that a Coincidentally, yesterday, I was in manage the high cost of the copay for more generic or biosimilar alternative Austin speaking to the Mortgage Bank- the insulin that was necessary to pre- might be available, which would be ers Association, and Admiral McRaven serve his life. cheaper, much to the benefit of con- came on right after me. It was an Unfortunately, as in many cases, peo- sumers. You would be wrong. amazing coincidence and a real treat ple end up self-rationing their drugs to AbbVie currently has 136 patents and for the mortgage bankers who, after I make them last longer, and that is at 247 applications on HUMIRA. In fact, got through talking to them, got to a great health risk to them, to skip the maze of patents on HUMIRA is so hear from the man who led the raid doses or to take less or to otherwise complex that there is no biosimilar that brought down Osama bin Laden in not follow their doctor’s orders. available in America. This jumbled 2011. It was a remarkable moment to People are frustrated and confused. network of patents makes it nearly im- reflect on our Nation’s ongoing fight to They are increasingly worried about possible for a competitor to come into eradicate terrorism and the great lead- how they and their loved ones are the market. To date, there are five ers and the great professionals who going to continue to cover these rising competitors to HUMIRA in Europe— have contributed to our efforts to keep costs, and they want to know what five—but not in America, not to the America safe. Congress intends to do about it. I fre- benefit of American consumers. All of It is important that we all remember quently tell the folks back home that these five competitors that sell a bio- that the fight is not yet won and that the most frustrating moments in Wash- similar alternative to HUMIRA in Eu- it actually may never be finally con- ington, DC, are when the White House rope are blocked from selling it in the cluded. We must remain committed to and Congress agree and when Repub- United States until 2023. That is not an working with our allies in the region licans and Democrats agree that some- accident. and around the world to continue to thing is a problem and needs to be Again, I don’t begrudge companies eliminate terrorism wherever we can done, but nothing gets done. That is a that discover lifesaving and innovative and prevent its resurgence. hard one to explain. Everybody says drugs getting the coverage of a patent As I indicated earlier, later this yes, we need to deal with high prescrip- for the appropriate period of time be- week, the Senate will begin voting on tion drug costs, but we don’t seem to cause that is where they recoup their spending bills to fund the Department be capable of getting things done. of Defense so that they can continue I am always happy to share updates research and development costs, and this fight, and it would be ironic, in- about the progress we make within our unfortunately not all of these drug dis- deed, if our Democratic colleagues committees, such as the Finance and coveries turn out with a good story. thwarted our efforts to fund the De- Judiciary Committees I serve on. Un- But this strikes me as gamesmanship partment of Defense once again in the fortunately, when it comes to getting a and an abuse of the system. Patents wake of this incredible accomplish- bill across the floor of the U.S. Senate, were intended to guard intellectual ment by those professionals. it has proved to be an insurmountable property and encourage researchers to Last month, Democrats blocked us challenge. pour time and resources into devel- from even considering the defense We have spent a lot of time hearing oping these new drugs. These spending bill. They decided their seem- from patients, healthcare providers, drugmakers aren’t just using the pat- ingly never-ending disputes with Presi- drugmakers, and other experts about ent system to protect their intellectual dent Trump transcend national secu- prescription drug costs, and it is ad- property; they are abusing it, to the rity. mittedly a very complex topic, but I detriment of consumers, to increase I hope this weekend’s announcement think a lot of the folks involved in the their bottom line. has brought this decision into some business sort of enjoy that black box Earlier this year, I introduced a bill perspective. We need to quickly pass they operate in and they are afraid of with our colleague from Connecticut, the defense spending bill to ensure that the transparency that would actually Senator BLUMENTHAL, to take aim at our military will not be impacted by reveal who is getting the money and this practice. The Affordable Prescrip- these political games. why it is that the savings don’t flow to tions for Patients Act disarms the so- HEALTHCARE consumers. called patent thickets to enable com- Mr. President, on another matter, I We have been looking at every stop a petitors to come to market sooner. continue to hear from my constituents drug takes in route, from research and This bill streamlines the litigation

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.016 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 process by limiting the number of pat- today so that our constituents—all of crashed shortly after takeoff in Indo- ents these companies can use so com- our constituents—in Texas, New York, nesia, killing all 189 passengers and panies can spend less time in the court- Maine, and all over the country can crew on board. Just 5 months later, in room. Competitors would be able to re- begin to enjoy some relief from their March of this year, an Ethiopian Air- solve patent issues faster and bring mounting out-of-pocket drug costs. lines flight crashed and killed 157 pas- their drugs to market sooner. Better I yield the floor. sengers and crew. It is simply unac- competition, I am convinced, means The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ceptable that both of these crashes in- better prices for patients. ator from Maine. volved the same aircraft, the Boeing Our country is a leader in pharma- UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT 737 MAX, and were likely caused be- ceutical innovation, partly because we Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I would cause of the new system known as offer robust protection for intellectual ask unanimous consent that rather MCAS, as well as the pilots’ unfamil- property. And that is a good thing, but than recessing at 12:30 p.m., we recess iarity with the system and a lack of we have to do more to stop the bad ac- at 12:35 p.m. training. More egregious was the fact tors taking advantage of those innova- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that the changes that were made to tion protections in order to maintain objection, it is so ordered. MCAS sectors certification for this sys- their monopoly at the expense of the Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I want tem had already been delegated by the American people. That is exactly what to associate myself with the comments FAA to Boeing. It is clear that Boeing the legislation I have introduced with that were just made by the Senator did everything it could to avoid having Senator BLUMENTHAL would do. By the from Texas on the important issue of to provide additional training or make way, it passed unanimously out of the lowering the cost of prescription drugs. pilots even aware of the MCAS system. Senate Judiciary Committee. Not only the Finance Committee and Like the Presiding Officer, I have The Affordable Prescriptions for Pa- the Judiciary Committee but also the met with some of the families of the tients Act doesn’t stifle innovation, it Senate Health, Education, Labor, and victims of these crashes, and their pain doesn’t limit patent rights, and it Pensions Committee have all reported and grief are truly heartbreaking. I am doesn’t cost taxpayers a dime. In fact, good bills that would help provide re- committed to ensuring that we never just the opposite is true. The Congres- lief from the ever-escalating costs of experience anything like this ever sional Budget Office released a cost es- prescription drugs. again. timate for this bill and found that it Like the Senator from Texas, I, too, As chairman of the T-HUD Sub- would lower spending by more than have introduced a bipartisan bill with committee, I have been working with half a billion dollars over 10 years. And Senator TIM KAINE to prevent the gam- my ranking member, Senator JACK that is just savings to the Federal Gov- ing of the patent system in which a REED, to do our part in improving avia- ernment for Medicare and Medicaid; brand-name pharmaceutical company tion safety. We need to hold account- there undoubtedly would be additional will wait until the last moment and able not only Boeing but also the FAA savings for consumers in their private then erect a thicket of new patents and any other entities that may have health insurance. precisely to prevent a lower cost ge- played a role in these crashes. Despite the fact that this legislation neric or biosimilar from coming to the In July, our T-HUD Subcommittee received the unanimous support of the market. held an oversight hearing of the FAA Judiciary Committee in June, it has It is a shame that apparently the mi- where we questioned the Acting Dep- yet to make it to the Senate floor for nority leader is blocking bills from uty Administrator and the Associate a vote. As it turns out, I am informed coming to the floor in this area despite Administrator for Aviation Safety on that the minority leader, the Senator their widespread bipartisan support, the agency’s review of the MAX air- from New York, Mr. SCHUMER, is lead- according to what the Senator from craft, as well as the agency’s aircraft ing the charge in blocking the Senate’s Texas has just said. This is an issue we certification processes. Since that ability to consider that bill. should address. Ninety percent of our time, numerous recommendations have Our colleague the minority leader seniors take at least 1 prescription been issued by the National Transpor- loves to say that the Senate is a legis- drug, and 36 percent of them take 4 or tation Safety Board and the Joint Au- lative graveyard because we haven’t more in a month’s time, and they are thorities Technical Review, which con- voted on a number of ultrapartisan particularly burdened by the high cost sisted of technical experts from leading bills passed by the House, but when it of prescription drugs. international aviation regulators. comes to passing the bills that actually I, too, have looked at the manufac- First and foremost, it is imperative have bipartisan support—bills that ture of HUMIRA, the best-selling drug that both Boeing and the FAA admit could actually pass both Chambers and in the world—a drug that brings some the mistakes made with the MAX air- become law—it looks as though the mi- $18 billion in profit to AbbVie, the craft and remedy those serious errors nority leader has become the grave- manufacturer. That is fine that AbbVie in order to gain the public’s trust in digger-in-chief. Why he would refuse to has been able to recoup the consider- the aircraft again. Just today, Boeing’s allow a vote on a bill cosponsored by able R&D that went into what truly is CEO testified before Congress and ad- one of his own Members that would a miraculous drug for people with rheu- mitted that Boeing ‘‘made mistakes lower drug costs for patients across the matoid arthritis, psoriasis, and some and got some things wrong.’’ However, country and save more than half a bil- inflammatory bowel diseases, but when we have yet to hear what specific lion dollars over 10 years for taxpayers the patent period has expired, they changes the FAA will require from is beyond me. It seems like a no- should not be allowed to block a lower Boeing prior to bringing the MAX back brainer. Again, I am afraid that poli- cost generic or in this case biosimilar into service and what long-term tics may have once again interfered from coming to the market. Yet that is changes they will make to their avia- with our Democratic colleague’s inter- exactly what has happened. tion and aircraft certification process. est in making sound public policy. AVIATION SAFETY Ranking Member JACK REED and I While our Democratic colleagues Mr. President, let me turn to speak continue to send letters and inquiries continue their crusade to remove the on another important issue that is ad- to the FAA for additional information President from office, the American dressed in the Transportation appro- regarding the agency’s Organization people’s lives aren’t getting any easier. priations bill that is on the Senate Designation Authorization Program, or Their lives aren’t on hold such that floor right now, and that is aviation the ODA Program, as well as state- they could just simply wait out the safety. I know the Presiding Officer has ments made by FAA officials at our politics that seems to crowd out good done a great deal in this area, and the July hearing, which appeared to be in- public policy in Washington, DC. We CEO of Boeing is testifying on Capitol complete at best and possibly outright know for sure that their prescription Hill today. wrong. medications aren’t getting any cheap- The importance of aviation safety in We need to make sure the FAA is a er. So I would urge our colleague, the light of the crashes of the two Boeing check on the delegation process—a true Senate minority leader, to quit block- 737 MAX aircraft cannot be overstated. check—and is not captured by the in- ing the bipartisan bill I have discussed Last October, Lion Airlines Flight 610 dustry that it regulates. Safety has to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.017 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6219 be the No. 1 priority for FAA—way Frequency—you have heard that there were millions of them, billions of ahead of making sure that manufactur- term before—is nothing more than how them—are made in the same way. ers can meet their deadlines for air- many cycles a radio wave goes through There is a special kind of radio wave craft delivery. Safety has to come first. in one second. So we have out there— that is just perfect for fifth-generation As a result of the work we conducted we can’t see them, for they are invis- wireless technology. This is called the on our T-HUD Subcommittee and our ible—thousands, millions of these radio C band. The C band is between 3.7 oversight hearing, Ranking Member waves that are, once again, going like gigahertz and 4.2 gigahertz. That is the REED and I have provided increased this. frequency. I think of it as being a cer- funding for aviation safety and aircraft Now, what does that have to do with tain type of radio wave that is perfect certification activities. The need for 5G? So 5G is nothing more than a cer- for C band that can be sent through the additional staffing has been confirmed tain type of radio wave. I will come air to effectuate 5G. That certain radio by the Joint Authorities Technical Re- back and talk a little bit about the 5G wave and the air and the right to exe- view report, which determined that in a second. cute that service belongs to the Amer- FAA’s certification office for Boeing When I make a cell phone call to the ican people, and the FCC is in charge of had inadequate staff involved in the Presiding Officer, my voice is being it. MAX certification program. converted into an electrical signal, as The FCC auctions these radio waves In addition, the Joint Authorities she knows. It is being sent to her phone all the time. When those at a radio found that FAA needs to expand its through a radio wave. Once it gets my company or a television company or an staffing for human factors and human signal carried by the radio wave, her internet company say, ‘‘I need to use system integration work as it relates telephone converts it back into my some of those radio waves,’’ they go to to aircraft certification. In other voice. That is all a cell phone is. the FCC. The FCC says: OK, we are words, if there is a new system, we can- I say: Hello, Madam President. going to auction that radio wave off be- My voice is then converted into an not allow training on that system to be cause we believe in competition and be- electrical signal that is sent by a radio bypassed and mention of that system cause these radio waves belong to the wave to her telephone. That is how a to not be included in the manuals that American people, and so we want to get accompany the aircraft. Pilots have to cell phone works. What is 5G? ‘‘5G’’ stands for ‘‘fifth- the best price. know, going into that cockpit, exactly In the last 25 years, the FCC has con- what could happen, and they need generation wireless technology.’’ The very simple answer to ‘‘What is ducted over 100 auctions of radio training on simulators. waves. The FCC doesn’t call them radio Clearly, a lot of work needs to be 5G?’’ is that it is an incredibly fast radio wave that can carry a huge waves. It calls them spectrum. You done on this issue. I believe we have have heard the term ‘‘spectrum auc- taken some important first steps in the amount of data. I mean, it is lightning fast. Even if you have fourth genera- tion.’’ The FCC has done a public auc- T-HUD bill that is before us. tion—over 100 of them—of these var- I yield the floor. tion, it is 10-times faster than anything ious radio waves, or bands of spectrum, f we have right now. Fifth generation’s waves are going to be 10-times faster and has brought in $123 billion for the RECESS and will carry way more data, way American people. It has done an incred- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under more information. It is going to change ible job. the previous order, the Senate stands the world, not just the United States of Now we are about to assign the spe- in recess until 2:15 p.m. America. It is going to change the cial radio waves for 5G. I don’t blame Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:35 p.m., world. It is going to change space. them for trying. Yet there are three recessed until 2:15 p.m. and assembled You have heard about the Internet of foreign-owned satellite companies, two when called to order by the Presiding Things. 5G is going to be able to hook foreign companies from Luxembourg—I Officer (Mrs. CAPITO). up all kinds of devices that will be able love Luxembourg; it is a great coun- f to talk to each other simultaneously. try—and one foreign corporation from Once we get 5G in America, I will be Canada—I love Canada—that have gone COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, able to open my garage door from a to the FCC and said they can do an AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- half a mile away. The Presiding Officer auction faster than the FCC can. MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- will be able to set the timer on her cof- We need to get these 5G radio waves ISTRATION, INTERIOR, ENVIRON- fee pot from here in the Senate if she out to the wireless companies really MENT, MILITARY CONSTRUC- wants to. Surgeons will be able to con- fast. These three foreign satellite com- TION, VETERANS AFFAIRS, duct surgery thousands of miles away panies have said: If you will just give TRANSPORTATION, AND HOUSING from each other through the internet. us those radio waves, we will auction AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AP- We will have driverless cars. Do any of them off for you, and we will do it a lot PROPRIATIONS ACT, 2020—Contin- you ever get money out of an ATM? faster than you can. ued They are going to be gone. We will not When I first read about this, I said: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- need ATMs anymore. You will be able Am I reading this right? The FCC has ator from Louisiana. to get the money through a held over 100 auctions. They have RADIO WAVES smartphone. Through 5G technology, brought in $123 billion. We have these Mr. KENNEDY. Madam President, I farmers will be informed well in ad- radio waves for 5G that the experts say want to talk for a few minutes about vance of when there are diseases en- are worth $60 billion, and instead of money, 5G, and radio waves. croaching upon their crops. We will not auctioning them off and letting every- A radio wave is nothing more than have to sign our names anymore. 5G body fairly compete, these three for- electromagnetic radiation that moves will make possible what are called per- eign corporations want the FCC to give through the air. That is all a radio sonal heat signatures. It is going to them the airwaves and let them auc- wave is. Imagine a pond, and think of a change the world. tion them off, and the foreign compa- radio wave as a ripple, or wave, in that Remember, 5G is just a radio wave. nies get to keep the money. I am as- pond. The wave kind of goes like this. Who owns that radio wave and the air tounded. I said: Gosh, I couldn’t ask for It has a peak and a valley and then a that it goes through? The people of something like that with a straight peak and a valley. Eventually, it gets America do. Every country owns its face. shorter and shorter. That is what a own radio waves. If there is any doubt, But do you know what is even more radio wave is. There are different kinds the Communications Act of 1934 says incredible? The FCC is thinking about of radio waves. I don’t know how many, that the United States of America— doing it. They are thinking about but there are a bunch, and they are dif- you and I—own that radio wave and the doing it. They are thinking about tak- ferentiated by the lengths of the peaks ability to send that radio wave from ing $60 billion that belongs to the and the valleys. my cell phone to the Presiding Offi- American people and just giving it to Remember? The radio wave is doing cer’s cell phone. this alliance of companies—two from this. As it goes to the top and comes to You will not be surprised to learn Luxembourg and one from Canada—and the bottom, that is called a cycle. that not all radio waves—I told you saying ‘‘Here. It is yours. Go auction it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.019 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 off’’ even though they have never con- got the job is seniority, OK? Nonethe- I don’t always agree with this Presi- ducted a spectrum auction in their less, I got it, and the FCC is under my dent. On this item, he is right. My hope lives. Do you know how much $60 bil- jurisdiction. I have been holding hear- is that he will stick to his guns and not lion is? I did the math. And our FCC is ings, and I am going to hold more hear- trade that away in a trade negotiation thinking about doing it. ings. with China. What I find really incredible is that So far, the only reason that anybody I also know that getting spectrum the President just issued this Execu- can give me to take these 5G airwaves aligned the right way has been one of tive order—well, he did it a little while and give them to a foreign corporation our challenges because other nations ago—buy American and hire American. is that they think they can do it faster, have been able to, frankly, in Asia and I was so proud when I saw this Execu- despite the fact that we will have liti- elsewhere, align spectrum better, so tive order—buy American and hire gation and despite the fact that they the underpinnings are better positioned American. It doesn’t mean we don’t have never done an auction before. than we are. So how we do this is 100 love our world’s neighbors, but Amer- The best way to resist temptation, in percent right. ica first. And what is our FCC thinking my opinion, is a proper upbringing, a Let me also say that whether it is about doing? They are thinking about strong set of values, and witnesses. We Louisiana or Virginia, one of the issues giving our spectrum to three foreign need to have a public auction of this I hear the most—I am not talking far companies and letting them keep the internet, of the 5G radio waves. Every- world; I am talking small towns and $60 billion. Talk about swampy. body needs to compete. If we don’t midsize cities in Virginia, and I am These are also foreign companies. want a foreign company to get control sure the same is the case in Lou- Now, I don’t mean that in a pejorative of it—and I don’t—we can put it in the isiana—the issue is—Democrat, Repub- sense, and I love Luxembourg, and I bid specs. Huawei need not apply. Not lican, and Independent—when am I love Canada. They had a French com- personal, but as long as you spy for going to get broadband in an accessible pany in here too. The French company China, you can’t work here. way? has bowed out, at least for a while. But We need a level playing field. We If we don’t make sure that we think our job is not to maximize profits for need to have competition. Competition this through on spectrum and recog- foreign corporations; our job is to help is a moral good. Everybody needs to nize the national security implications our people. get an equal bite at the apple. This and also recognize that if we roll out This 5G has national security impli- doesn’t need to be done in a backroom, 5G and leave, in my State, 18 percent of cations. Before we give away these 5G swampy deal. I am not saying that the population behind who doesn’t even airwaves to a foreign corporation, we anybody’s brother-in-law is going to have broadband, their ability to com- need to know whom they are going to get taken care of here. I am not saying pete in the 21st century is going to be give it to. What if they give it to that, but it sure looks swampy. And we dramatically undermined. China? What if they say ‘‘Well, we will need to do it exactly like we have done So I hope I will have a chance to visit conduct our own auction’’ and they for the 100 past broadband spectrum with my friend the Senator from Lou- give it to Huawei? auctions. isiana and see if we might be able to There is another reason that this I am saying that not only to our Sen- work together on some of these issues. whole approach is foolhardy. 5G is ate colleagues here, but I hope I am For a while, at least before the FCC going to be great for the cities. That is speaking clearly enough to the FCC. auctioned off that spectrum, it was left where it is going first. But what about Do the right thing. Don’t give away $60 in other hands, and suffice it to say the people who don’t live in the city? billion that belongs to the people of that I know how much that spectrum is What I would like to see us do and I am America to two companies in Luxem- worth. encouraging the FCC to do is to hold a bourg and one other one in Canada. It I thank my friend the Senator from public auction, take some of that $60 is wrong. Louisiana for his comments. billion they are going to get, and use it I suggest the absence of a quorum. f for rural broadband to make sure the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The people who live in rural areas get clerk will call the roll. PROVIDING FOR CONGRESSIONAL taken care of as well as the people who The senior assistant legislative clerk DISAPPROVAL UNDER CHAPTER live in the cities because our wireless proceeded to call the roll. 8 OF TITLE 5, UNITED STATES technology companies are going to Mr. WARNER. Madam President, I CODE, OF THE RULE SUBMITTED have to be encouraged. They make a ask unanimous consent that the order BY THE SECRETARY OF THE whole lot more money selling in a city for the quorum call be rescinded. TREASURY AND THE SECRETARY than they do out in the rural areas. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERV- Remember, this foreign corporation objection, it is so ordered. ICES RELATING TO ‘‘STATE RE- group says they can do an auction fast- Mr. WARNER. Madam President, I LIEF AND EMPOWERMENT WAIV- er, even though they have never done am going to speak on another matter ERS’’ an auction in their lives. They say: We in just a moment, but I want to thank Mr. WARNER. Madam President, I can do it faster, and we have to beat my friend the Senator from Louisiana. will turn to a different matter. China. So give us the radio waves. We There are a number of subjects that I move to proceed to Calendar No. will do a quick auction. We get to keep are debated on this floor that I may 278, S.J. Res. 52. the $60 billion, but we will get it out know a little bit about, may not know The PRESIDING OFFICER. The there. much at all about, but on the subject clerk will report the motion. There is just one problem: All those he was just addressing, the question of The senior assistant legislative clerk wireless technology companies that spectrum and the challenges and the read as follows: didn’t get to bid—every single one of threats around 5G—I can still claim this—I am proud of the fact that I Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 278, S.J. them is going to file suit if we don’t do Res. 52, a joint resolution providing for con- a public auction. So we are going to spent a longer time in business than I gressional disapproval under chapter 8 of have this tied up in court for 20 years. have in politics. My whole career was title 5, United States Code, of the rule sub- We are going to be so far behind China. spent in the business of mobile commu- mitted by the Secretary of the Treasury and China is going to have lapped us sev- nications, wireless communications. I the Secretary of Health and Human Services eral times. We are going to think we spent the last 3 or 4 years on the Intel- relating to ‘‘State Relief and Empowerment are in first place, but we are really ligence Committee in a bipartisan way Waivers’’. going to be in last place. looking at both the challenge and the Mr. WARNER. Madam President, I I have held hearings—not because of opportunity in 5G, and let me assure know of no further debate. anything that I did or any competence you that some of the items the Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there on my part. I am chairman of the Fi- from Louisiana has raised in terms of further debate on the motion? nancial Services and General Govern- the security threats that will be posed The motion was agreed to. ment Subcommittee of the Appropria- if we end up with the wrong vendor in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tions Committee, and the only reason I 5G are an enormous problem. clerk will report the joint resolution.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.021 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6221 The senior assistant legislative clerk would stand by that work. We are now pensions, but this is on the front burn- read as follows: going to be put to the test. My hope er now. When this happens, everything A joint resolution (S.J. Res. 52) providing would be that this Miners’ Act amend- else will tumble and snowball with it. for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 ment would be included in the appro- The American Miners Act would of title 5, United States Code, of the rule priations bill. I will do everything I can amend the current Surface Mining Con- submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury in my power to urge my colleagues to trol and Reclamation Act of 1977 to and the Secretary of Health and Human consider it. transfer the funds. These are funds Services relating to ‘‘State Relief and Em- Again, I thank the Senator from that are in excess of the amounts need- powerment Waivers’’. West Virginia. I will turn it back to ed to meet the existing obligations The PRESIDING OFFICER. There the Senator from West Virginia, but I under the Abandoned Mine Land fund. will now be up to 10 hours of debate also want to again acknowledge the So you know what AML is—the equally divided between the proponents Senator from Pennsylvania, who has Abandoned Mine Land fund—for every and opponents. also been a leader on this. Let’s make ton of coal that is mined, there is a Mr. WARNER. I yield the floor. sure we commit to get this done. certain percentage of that put aside to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Thank you. take care of the reclamation that is ator from Oklahoma. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- going to be done if it is abandoned so (The remarks of Mr. INHOFE per- ator from West Virginia. we don’t leave the environment in a taining to the introduction of [S. 2731] Mr. MANCHIN. Madam President, I horrible shape, and that is what we are printed in today’s RECORD under thank Senator WARNER. I appreciate work towards. ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and very much the hard fight to get in the This fund has some excess funds. We Joint Resolutions.’’) middle of this with me and everybody are still meeting those obligations. We Mr. INHOFE. With that, I yield the else that is in this room right now that are using those excess funds to try to floor. is in this fight because we have a lot of prevent this insolvency. It also raises The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- people’s lives at stake. the cap on these fund transfers from ator from West Virginia. I came to the floor and warned that, $490 million a year to $750 million to AMERICAN MINERS ACT without passing this bill, the American make sure that the pension plan has Mr. MANCHIN. Madam President, I Miners Act, the UMWA pension fund sufficient future funding also. The want to first say thank you to my col- would be insolvent by 2022, and that funding for coal miners’ pensions is al- leagues Senator WARNER and Senator timeline could be accelerated to within ready there. It is already there. This is CASEY for joining me on the floor today a year if one of the major coal compa- the product that they have worked and and also to Senator JONES, Senator nies declared bankruptcy. Last night, developed and basically extracted. So BROWN, Senator KAINE, and the Pre- that happened. we are working in the same realm of siding Officer for standing with all of Murray Energy, the largest coal com- what their livelihood has been—and it us to protect the coal miners. pany in the United States, filed for is exactly what our amendment will When coal companies go bankrupt, bankruptcy, making it the eighth coal do—it will reallocate those funds that coal miners’ benefits are the bottom of company in the past 12 months to do they worked for. the priority list, which is why we are so. Murray Energy has contributed 97 Everybody that receives a paycheck, here today to introduce the American percent of the money going into the which is over 10.6 million hard-working Miners Act amendment to the appro- UMWA pension fund annually. With men and women, they take home less priations minibus to protect coal min- Murray’s bankruptcy filing, the UMWA wages and instead invest their pen- ers’ pensions and healthcare. pension fund will become insolvent sions. As I was telling you, they invest At this time, I yield my time to my even faster. They are telling me, by into these multiemployer pension good friend from Virginia, Senator this time next year, there will have to funds, and they take money out, and WARNER, and I will come back later. be drastic cuts into people’s pension they expect it to be there. Senator WARNER. checks and, if not, eliminated. When it is not and the bankruptcy The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Most of those checks, I would remind courts allow them to walk away, the ator from Virginia. everybody watching and listening, are miners and the workers are put on the Mr. WARNER. Madam President, $600 or less, and most of them are for back burner, and that has got to first of all, I have done this a number widows from their husbands that have change. When workers expect the of times. I know you care. I know my passed away. They still depend on them wages that they have contributed to be colleague from Pennsylvania cares, but for their basic necessities of life. there when they retire as they were nobody has kept this issue alive more Once the United Mine Workers Pen- promised and it evaporates, there is no often and more consistently than JOE sion fund becomes insolvent, this is answer. It is all in bankruptcy. Be- MANCHIN from West Virginia. going to start the snowballing effect. cause of the bankruptcy, they are told I am only going to take a minute or The crisis will truly go into a snowball that they are sorry they lost all the two, then I have to step off. I appre- effect and impact every other multiem- money they have invested. It is not ciate our leader on this issue giving me ployer and pension fund for America. their fault. They gave the company ev- a little time. To say that this does not affect all of erything they had. In a few minutes, he will point out America is wrong because anybody Under the current law, workers’ pen- that last night, we had another coal that goes to work and pays into a ben- sions are not protected, and executive company go bankrupt, Murray Energy. efit package, with their employer and investment firms exploit the code That potentially leaves 70,000 folks matching it, is in this same condition to benefit from filing for bankruptcy. without a pension. and in this same vulnerability. That is If you have never read anything about In Virginia, we have about 7,000 min- going to be another day that I am bankruptcy, read one case, Sears & ers who are dependent upon UMWA going to be speaking about this and Roebuck. If you want to find out the funds for their healthcare retirements. what we can do to prohibit that from unraveling of America and what hap- Another company, Westmoreland Coal, happening also. pens to 250,000 workers that gave their has already gone bankrupt as well, That is why it is essential that we life to this company and how basically where literally folks are weeks away protect the coal miners’ pensions investors came in and raiders came in from losing their benefits. now—not next year, not the year after, and took advantage of every person’s The truth is, this issue may not af- but now—and the reason for that is it pension plan, that is the one case you fect everybody across the country, but is going to be too late if we do it any want to read, Sears & Roebuck. the people it does affect, it affects in a later than now. That is why I am here today to intro- way that oftentimes undermines wid- The only problem is that we have a duce the American Miners Act as an ows and pensioners—their very ability little bit of a stumbling block with the amendment to the appropriations to maintain their livelihoods. majority leader, Senator MCCONNELL. I minibus the Senate is voting on this Our country made a commitment know he is concerned about other pen- week because it is imperative that we back in 1947 to honor miners, and we sions. We are all concerned about other do it now. We cannot wait.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.022 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 Since the majority leader won’t The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. their family and to their employer. All allow the American Miners Act to BLACKBURN). The Senator from Penn- they have asked of us is to keep our come to the floor for a vote, which is sylvania. promise. It is not hard to do it either. his prerogative, my colleagues and I Mr. CASEY. Madam President, I All you have got to do is put your hand are here today to introduce the Amer- commend and salute the work of Sen- up and say, ‘‘I support that bill,’’ or ‘‘I ican Miners Act as an amendment to ator MANCHIN, the senior Senator from support that amendment.’’ It is not the appropriations minibus that the West Virginia, for his work on behalf of hard to do. It doesn’t take a lot of floor Senate is planning to pass this week. American workers generally, but, in time either to have these matters con- If we include the American Miners particular, his passionate advocacy and sidered. Act in the minibus, we would protect his hard work to make sure that we, in Now, what are we facing today? The coal miners’ pensions now before it is this body, the , bankruptcy filing of Murray Energy, too late, and we will protect other pen- that we do everything we can to keep which stems largely from competition sions from starting to unravel and the our promise. from cheaper alternatives like natural snowball effect. We will also protect I pick up from where he left off. As gas and decline in exports. This could the PBGC, which is a guarantee from he has so often said when he came to bring the pension and healthcare cov- the Federal Government. If not, all of this floor, as he did today, to talk erage for our coal miners to the very this is going to come into fruition, about the people whose retirement se- brink and to result in us not keeping which will be horrible for the workers curity is on the line, this debate ap- our promise. Failure to act could result of America, the most important of the plies to a whole range of workers, but in devastating consequences for these economy in this country, and a lot of when you consider just coal miners and coal miners in communities across people will be hurt by that. their families, who have given the Pennsylvania and West Virginia. We These coal miners and their families country so much, I am reminded of a heard from the senior Senator from deserve peace of mind knowing that story from my home area, northeastern Virginia, Senator WARNER, and indeed the pension they paid into paycheck Pennsylvania. all across the country. after paycheck is secure. There are so We produce, in a few counties in Now, there is another bill that deals many. Less than $600 is the average northeastern Pennsylvania, the hard with pensions more generally, the coal, anthracite coal. The great novel check of a miner’s retirement. Most of Butch Lewis Act. Now, the House of Stephen Crane came to that region that is retired miners’ widows. They passed the Butch Lewis Pension Act—I in the 1890s. He would go on to become have passed on from the hard work am adding the word ‘‘Pension’’ into it. famous for writing the novel, ‘‘The Red they did. The widows are still there It is called the Butch Lewis Act. The Badge of Courage.’’ But Stephen Crane, trying to manage what they have, House passed that 3 months ago, and when he was a young man—and he which is very small at times. This is the majority leader, Senator MCCON- never made it to his 30th birthday, so just a stifling of what they need, and to NELL, has chosen not to have a vote on he was an accomplished writer even as take this away will be very detri- that bill. I don’t understand that. I am a young man—he wrote an essay about mental to their lives, the quality of not sure that there are many people a coal mine in Scranton, my hometown that do, but I would hope—I would their lives, and the family. in Lackawanna County. We can give them that peace of mind In that essay, he described going into hope—that he would reconsider and today if we can agree, in a bipartisan a coal mine and what he saw. At one have a vote on the Butch Lewis Act. way, to do the right thing for the peo- point in the essay, he said that the We should also have a vote on the ple that made America, the working mine was a place of inscrutable dark- American Miners Act, the legislation men and women, and especially the ness, a soundless place of tangible lone- that Senator MANCHIN has worked so coal miners. They get up every day, liness. Then he went on to describe hard on. We know that in the House, as they go to work, and they produce the what the coal miners did—what really well, a bipartisan effort led by Chair- energy. the children were doing, little boys in man GRIJALVA and Chairman SCOTT, we And I will say this: When you think the mine and men in the mine. Then, know that the Health Benefits for Min- about a coal miner and what they have at the end of the essay, he listed all the ers Act of 2019 and the Miners Pension given and the families that committed ways a miner could die in those mines Protection Act were voted out of the and dedicated to live their lives in in the 1890s. Natural Resources Committee last these coal communities, they basically Now, I know we made progress over week by a voice vote. never complained. They have done the the generations and over the decades, So, in the House, they are doing heavy lifting. They mined the coal. but even in modern times, coal mining voice votes to advance legislation to They made these buildings and built has been very dangerous and very dif- help these workers, to help miners, and the guns and ships. They built the fac- ficult work, work that I can’t even here, there is not even a vote—voice tories that built the middle class. They begin to imagine. I never had to do it, vote, rollcall vote, any kind of vote. We have been there every step of the way but my ancestors did. These miners not are not asking for days of floor time. from this great country of the United only worked in those dangerous condi- All we are asking for is a short time for States of America to become the super tions and not only put their lives on debate, but mostly, we are just asking power of the world, and we owe them at the line to do that work, but they also for a vote. That vote is real simple: least to give them the money back did it with a sense of keeping their Keep your promise. Keep our promise they paid into it. promise. and the promise our country made to It is not your taxpayer money but They made a promise to their em- these miners and the promise that our the money they paid into it. Don’t let ployer that they would work hard employers make to workers every day somebody steal it. Wall Street doesn’t every day, and they kept that promise. of the week. There is still a lot of work have a right to that money, but they They made a promise to their families to do on pensions generally, as outlined have taken it as if it was their own lit- that they would work hard to provide a by some of these bills, but they have tle treasure chest. It is just wrong. living for their families—in some cases, kept their promise over and over again. We are introducing this amendment, provide a living for several generations It is about time we kept our promise. and we hope that we have bipartisan of their families—and they kept that I yield the floor. support. I would appreciate it very promise. Some of them even made a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- much. I appreciate my dear friend from promise to their country to serve in ator from West Virginia. Pennsylvania, who has the same hard- war all the way from World War I and Mr. MANCHIN. Madam President, working people. all the way to our most recent con- first of all, I thank Senator CASEY be- It doesn’t matter where your State flicts. A lot of them died in Vietnam. A cause he comes from the same coal is. If you have good, hard-working coal lot of them died in battlefields all over mining regions that I come from and miners and they and their families the world, in World War II and other the hard-working families and commu- have sacrificed for this country, they conflicts. nities they have there. It is unbeliev- need a Senator such as Senator CASEY. They kept their promise to their able the commitment and dedication With that, I yield the floor. country. They kept their promise to these people have had their entire life

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.028 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6223 and the patriotism they have. Most of Ironically, it is the Republicans who, My wife is a breast cancer survivor. them have served. Most of them have today, are delivering on so many of the She has had three operations, chemo- been there. Most of them will always Democrats’ empty promises about therapy twice, and dozens of radiation be there. ObamaCare because Republicans are treatments. I know, as a doctor and as In 1946, this promise was con- actually doing things to lower the cost a husband, how important it is for pa- summated by Congress and the Presi- of care and the cost of health insurance tients to have protections of their pre- dent of the United States, and all they for American families. existing conditions. Republicans re- have said, up until that time there— I like to think of Republicans as main 100 percent committed to pro- my grandfather and all my family EMTs arriving on the scene of the tecting people with preexisting condi- members working the mines—they had ObamaCare train wreck. We didn’t tions. We will protect them today, to- nothing. So if you ever heard that cause the accident. We are trying to morrow, and always. song, ‘‘I owe my soul to the company help the victims, and the victims live The House Energy and Commerce store,’’ they really did. There was in States all across this country. For Committee Chairman, GREG WALDEN, never any money that transferred. nearly 3 years, Republicans have tried asked the Centers for Medicare and They had scrip, and by the time they to treat the victims of ObamaCare and Medicaid Services for clarification re- buy everything from the company tried to help people who have been hit garding this section 1332. Adminis- store, their pay basically was eaten up. by skyrocketing health insurance pre- trator Seema Verma responded: ‘‘To be There was nothing left. miums. very clear, the 2018 guidance does noth- In 1946, they said there has got to be Last week we saw a major break- ing to erode the [healthcare law’s] pre- more, and that is when it came in. Tru- through. For the second year in a row, existing condition provisions, which man was determined not to let this on average, we saw insurance pre- cannot be waived under section 1332.’’ country fall into a recession or a de- miums on the ObamaCare exchanges Madam President, I ask unanimous pression after the war by keeping the actually come down. They have actu- consent that the full text of the CMS mines working because we needed the ally come down. Well, it is very wel- Administrator’s letter be printed in the energy for that. They have produced come news for people who have to pay RECORD. this energy in a patriotic way every these premiums. Yet, what we see is There being no objection, the mate- time. If we can’t even keep our promise that the 2020 Democratic candidates, rial was ordered to be printed in the to them through an act of Congress, when you listen to them, don’t seem to RECORD, as follows: then God help us all. That is what we be concerned about lowering the costs. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN are here to ask for. They are too busy pushing this astro- SERVICES, CENTERS FOR MEDICARE We implore all of our friends—the nomically expensive $34 trillion Medi- & MEDICAID SERVICES Senator from Wyoming is here now, care for All health insurance Hon. GREG WALDEN, and he comes from a coal mining re- healthcare scheme—one that by Repub- Ranking Member, Committee on Energy and gion. We are asking everyone just to licans and Democrats alike has been Commerce, House of Representatives, Wash- ington, DC. help us do the right thing for the work- called a pipe dream. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE WALDEN: Thank you ing people who built this country. That To put the cost into perspective, this for your continued interest in new state is what our request is, and it has to be total dollar figure has been estimated flexibility available under guidance recently done this week; if not, I guarantee you by people on the Republican side of the issued interpreting section 1332 of the Pa- this problem is going to grow much aisle, the Democratic side of the aisle, tient Protection and Affordable Care Act larger much quicker and more than folks who looked at what promises are (PPACA) (the 2018 guidance). Working within anybody wants to bite off and chew. I being made, and all have come to the the limitations of the PPACA, this 2018 guid- ask all my colleagues to please help us conclusion that the cost will be greater ance is an important element of the Admin- than what we spend right now in this istration’s actions to expand options and get this miners act to the floor. We can lower costs for patients around the country. take care of this pension and keep country on Medicare, Medicaid, and I wanted to take this opportunity to set the other pensions from tumbling behind. Social Security combined. Add it all record straight and reaffirm this Adminis- I yield the floor. up, and it does not even reach the point tration’s commitment to lowering The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- of what the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth healthcare costs, increasing consumer ator from Wyoming. Warren Medicare for All plan would choices, and protecting our most vulnerable S.J. RES. 52 cost. citizens. including those who have pre-exist- Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, I Interestingly, when taking a look at ing conditions. To be very clear, the 2018 guidance does come to the floor today to once again the proposal, they actually want to nothing to erode the PPACA ’s pre-existing discuss healthcare in America and, spe- take away from the American people— condition provisions, which cannot be waived cifically, to oppose S.J. Res. 52, which the 180 million people who have earned under section 1332. Section 1332 does not per- is the latest congressional disapproval health insurance through work—they mit states to waive Public Health Service resolution. want to take that away from 180 mil- Act requirements such as guaranteed avail- What is happening here is that the lion Americans and put them all on a ability and renewability of health insurance, Democrats are trying to block the ef- one-size-fits-all, government-run pro- the prohibition on using health status to forts Republicans are making to actu- gram. Even union workers, who, as vary premiums, and the prohibition on pre- existing conditions exclusions. Furthermore. ally lower the cost of health insurance. part of their contract negotiations, ne- a section 1332 waiver cannot be approved We are working on ways to lower the gotiated the health insurance they that might otherwise undermine these re- cost of health insurance for American want, would lose their hard-fought quirements. This Administration stands families, and the Democrats are trying healthcare benefits if it were ever to committed to protecting people with pre-ex- to block it. become law. isting conditions. Let me explain. People certainly un- We see Democrats backing what I be- Under the PPACA, we have seen dramati- derstand that after the Obama lieve is a very foolish resolution of dis- cally higher premiums and decreased options healthcare law was passed, healthcare approval. They are attacking part of for millions of consumers, in large part due to the law’s overly prescriptive mandates insurance premiums all across the President Obama’s healthcare law. We and excessive Federal government takeover country went way up. I strongly oppose are talking about ObamaCare section of areas traditionally under state oversight. the passage of this resolution, and I 1332. This section of the law helps give In 2019, the average monthly premium for a strongly opposed the passage of this States more flexibility. The Presiding benchmark plan for a family of four on law, which many of the Democrats run- Officer’s State and mine like to have HealthCare.gov is now over $1,500, which can ning for President are now willing to flexibility to provide better coverage easily exceed a family’s mortgage. There are admit has failed. and to bring premium costs down. many areas of the country with far higher It is interesting that the Democrats We need to set the record straight on monthly premiums. For example, a 60-year- now just say: Scrap the whole thing, one key point. Section 1332 never can old couple living in Grand Island, Nebraska, making $70.000 a year, will need to pay over and go with a one-size-fits-all, govern- be used to waive protections for the $3,000 per month for the lowest cost silver ment-run healthcare program in which American people, such as for people plan available. That’s almost $38.000 per year people will pay more to wait longer for with preexisting conditions. They can for a plan with an 11,100 deductible. That’s worse care. never waive those. It is not happening. over half their income.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.029 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 For millions of Americans, coverage this ing conditions. We remain focused on im- about 16 percent. In Delaware, with a expensive is not a realistic option, and many proving our nation’s health care system by Democratic Governor and two Demo- choose to go without coverage at all. In fact, empowering states to innovate and develop cratic Senators, the rates will fall after average premiums rose by 21 percent, new solutions to expand access to affordable about 13 percent. In Montana, with one 1.3 million unsubsidized people walked away and high value coverage options, and we look from the market in 2017 last year the prior forward to working with you to achieve Democratic Governor and one Demo- administration oversaw open enrollment. these goals. Should you have questions, cratic Senator, one Republican Sen- While these higher premiums force some peo- please contact the CMS Office of Legislation. ator, rates will fall by 8 percent. In ple to go uninsured, coverage is generally Sincerely, Rhode Island, with a Democratic Gov- not optional for people with a pre-existing SEEMA VERMA. ernor and two Democratic Senators, condition and so, without a subsidy, someone Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, rates will fall by about 6 percent. with a pre-existing condition must face the the letter proves that all patients will So in State after State where Demo- full burden of the PPACA’s skyhigh pre- be protected. Section 1332 simply gives cratic Governors applied for and were miums. This Administration has not forgot- granted a waiver, they have seen rates ten the people facing this hardship. States some leeway—a little wiggle Section 1332 of the PPACA provides the room for following the law and how to go down. Yet Democratic Senators on discretion to approve a section 1332 state use and apply the law best in their own the other side of the aisle are offering waiver plan if the following four statutory States. a resolution to remove these waivers, guardrails are met: affordability, com- All State waivers must meet the fol- to remove the guidance from the prehensiveness, coverage, and federal deficit lowing conditions: They must provide Trump administration that is resulting neutrality. Section 1332 allows states to de- coverage at least as broad as is cur- in rates of insurance and the costs velop new healthcare programs and solutions rently offered under the healthcare going down. that would be not permissible without a sec- Of course we need to fix healthcare in tion 1332 waiver. law; they must provide coverage and Unfortunately, guidance issued under the cost-sharing at least as affordable as this country, but we need to take a prior Administration in December 2015 (the under the healthcare law; they must scalpel to our healthcare problems, not 2015 guidance) regarding section 1332 waivers provide coverage to at least as many a meat cleaver, which is what we see had the effect of significantly restricting the people as under the healthcare law; and the Democrats doing. innovation states could pursue. The prior they must not increase the Federal def- The Obama healthcare law was a Administration imposed a one-size-fits-all icit. train wreck. Republicans opposed it all approach to these waivers, making it dif- the way. We are still treating the vic- ficult for states to address the specific needs The section 1332 waivers leave protec- tions for preexisting conditions tims of this wreck, and we want to help of their residents. them for years into the future by In October, the Administration issued unharmed. They are not just popular guidance under section 1332 of the PPACA to with Republican Governors. It is inter- changing and coming out with guid- provide states with significant opportunities esting that the people applying for ance that will make it easier and give to chart a different course for their markets these 1332 waivers are Democratic Gov- flexibility to the States, whether their through expanded flexibility. Section 1332 ernors from around the country. They legislature is Republican or Demo- and the 2018 guidance ensure that consumers are at odds with what the Democrats in cratic, to help lower the high cost of who wish to retain coverage similar to that ObamaCare insurance. the Senate are trying to do. They are provided under the PPACA can do so, but I find it outrageous that Senate pursuing waivers. They are asking the they empower states to take steps to sta- Democrats are wasting precious bilize their markets and allow more afford- Trump administration for waivers for healthcare debate time. They should be able coverage options that may be more at- their States as well. Why would these working with us to find solutions to tractive to individuals and families priced Democratic Governors come to the out of the current market, including people lower the cost of care, to lower the cost Trump administration and ask for of prescription drugs, to provide more with pre-existing conditions. waivers? It is because they work. The Over the past two years, this Administra- accountability and more transparency tion has approved seven section 1332 waivers reason the Democratic Governors are so that patients can make more in- authorizing reinsurance programs to help coming to the Trump administration formed decisions. fund claims for people with high healthcare asking for waivers is that they work. Even as we address this issue and costs. These reinsurance programs provide In fact, a number of States are using vote on this joint resolution tomorrow, much needed premium relief for people in these waivers today to help lower the it is time to really take a look at what the market and, in particular, for people cost of health insurance. the Democrats are saying in the Senate with pre-existing conditions without other Let’s look at the States whose sec- coverage options. These section 1332 waivers as opposed to what the Democrats who tion 1332 waivers have been approved are in the statehouses are doing across were all approved under the prior, more re- since the Trump administration guid- strictive 2015 guidance. I believe, given the the country. expanded flexibility discussed in the 2018 ance was issued. Let’s look at just the I say, let’s make sure the States can guidance, states will be able to develop addi- States that have applied for waivers keep the relief they are asking for and tional healthcare programs and solutions since the new Trump administration are getting by rejecting what the that work for their residents. guidance was issued. Again, these waiv- Democrats in the Senate are proposing. As you know, some have criticized the ers were approved using the very same Let’s keep working to give patients state flexibility offered under the 2018 guid- guidance that the Democrats in the ance, claiming that states will pursue sec- what they need, which is the care they Senate now want to have repealed. need from a doctor they choose at tion 1332 waivers that undermine their own It is astonishing. The States with individual market risk pools and make cov- lower costs. erage more expensive for their own residents 1332 waivers since the Trump adminis- I yield the floor. with pre-existing conditions. Again, I want tration came out with its guidance are The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- to make clear that a section 1332 waiver can- Colorado, Delaware, Montana, North ator from Arizona is recognized. not undermine coverage for people with pre- Dakota, and Rhode Island. Nearly all Ms. SINEMA. Madam President, I existing conditions. Moreover, any section have Democratic Governors—four out rise today to address one of the biggest 1332 waiver will need to carefully account for of the five do—and have Democratic concerns facing everyday families in any impact on the individual market risk Senators in many cases or they have Arizona: making healthcare more af- pool and guarantee that access to coverage is both. fordable and maintaining critical at least as comprehensive and affordable as would exist without the waiver. Take a look at what has happened for healthcare protections. So, if a state seeks to pursue the use of the proposed premiums for 2020—what Sometimes the issues discussed on more affordable options, such as cata- they are expected to be in States under the Senate floor appear far removed strophic plans or short-term limited dura- the leadership of Democratic Gov- from the concerns of everyday Ameri- tion plans, under a section 1332 state waiver ernors who have asked for and have cans, but not today. Today’s debate fo- plan, the state must ensure access to cov- been granted waivers from the Trump cuses the Senate’s attention on the erage that is overall as affordable and com- administration and what the impact is most important issue for many Arizo- prehensive for people who remain in the indi- on insurance premiums in these States. nans and offers elected officials the op- vidual market risk pool. Thank you again for your shared interest In Colorado, with a Democratic Gov- portunity to reject partisan political in bringing down healthcare costs and pro- ernor and one Democratic Senator, the games in favor of commonsense solu- tecting our fellow Americans with pre-exist- rates are going to fall this next year by tions.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.003 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6225 Not long ago, insurance companies like Chantal, who has a preexisting tests we may have soon ahead as a Sen- were allowed to deny care or over- autoimmune disease that without ate when we will need to uphold and charge Americans based on the fact treatment would cause her to become defend the role of this institution. that those Americans had been sick be- blind; Arizonans like Corrine from I am on the floor to issue a challenge fore or had been born with a chronic Phoenix, whose daughter was born with to all of my colleagues. If an impeach- condition. a congenital heart condition—before ment trial does take place in the Sen- Arizonans who had been previously the law protected people with pre- ate, all of us must decide to approach treated for skin cancer or diabetes existing conditions, Corrine’s family it as Americans—less as people rep- were told that no insurance company was unable to find an insurer who resenting any parochial or partisan or would cover them or that the insurance would cover their family—and Arizo- particular interest, less as Democrats plans they purchased would not cover nans like John from Casa Grande, who or Republicans or Independents, and in- their preexisting conditions, despite signed up for a plan that he was told stead as Senators. If we are called to promises of comprehensive coverage. covered preexisting conditions only to serve as jurors in an impeachment Beyond major illnesses, Arizonans with find out after he paid his first month’s trial, all of us must show our Nation even common conditions, such as high premium, that his particular pre- and the world that this body—that this blood pressure, high cholesterol, asth- existing condition wouldn’t qualify for institution—has not been completely ma, and even acne, were denied the coverage. overtaken by the divisive political era coverage they needed. Until recently, There are 2.8 million Arizonans under in which we live. Nothing less than the insurance companies had also been al- the age of 65 just like Chantal, Corrine, Senate’s very legitimacy will be at lowed to charge consumers high prices and John who live with preexisting stake. for insurance plans only to leave out health conditions. That is half of all Our Founders warned about the chal- coverage for essential health benefits nonelderly Arizonans whose healthcare lenge of this moment. They warned that virtually all Americans eventu- is at risk. These Arizonans remind us specifically that foreign powers im- ally need, such as prescription drug exactly what is at stake and exactly properly influencing our American costs, ambulance costs, and hospital what is wrong with partisan politics in Government were, in the words of Alex- stays—critical needs that consumers Washington today. For too long, too ander Hamilton, ‘‘the most deadly ad- rightly expect will be covered. many elected officials here have fo- versaries of republican government.’’ Insurance is supposed to be there cused on how they can score political This is why our Constitution entrusts when people need it. Hard-working points to help them win the next elec- Congress with the enormous power of Americans who play by the rules and tion, all at the expense of the health potential removal through impeach- pay their monthly premiums shouldn’t and security of everyday families. ment. have the rug pulled out from under Arizonans are rightly worried that James Madison called impeachment them at the very moment they need the dysfunction and chaos they see ‘‘indispensable . . . for defending the healthcare. That is why such discrimi- coming from Washington could threat- Community [against] the incapacity, nation against people with preexisting en their family’s coverage, and that is negligence or perfidy of the chief Mag- health conditions is now banned and unacceptable. istrate’’—a reference to the President. why health insurance plans are now re- It is time to get partisan politics out Alexander Hamilton argued that the quired to cover essential health bene- of Arizonans’ healthcare. I call on both Senate was the proper body to hold an fits. That is why it is so disturbing parties to quit the partisan games, impeachment trial. The Founders en- that the administration and some come together, and stop the sale of trusted us to protect our country from Members of Congress have begun mov- junk plans that fail to protect people ‘‘the misconduct of public men’’ and ing backward, allowing insurance com- with preexisting conditions. We must ‘‘the abuse or violation of some public panies to again sell plans to Americans protect access to healthcare for these trust.’’ that lack the very health protections millions of Arizonans and tens of mil- George Mason put forward the pre- consumers need. lions of Americans, and we must make Congress has a lot of work to do to healthcare more affordable for every- cise language that appears in our Con- make healthcare affordable and protect day families. stitution, the language of ‘‘high crimes access for American families and busi- I urge my colleagues to vote yes on and misdemeanors’’ and urged that im- nesses, from lowering premiums to S.J. Res. 52. peachment must be a remedy to re- stopping surprise medical billing, but I yield the floor. move even a President, asking: ‘‘Shall partisan approaches will not solve The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- any man be above Justice?’’ Our these challenges. We can and must ator from Delaware. Founders insisted that no one—no work across the aisle to pass bipartisan IMPEACHMENT one—in our Nation, in our constitu- solutions, such as increasing the num- Mr. COONS. Madam President, I tional order, not even our President, is ber of doctors to address provider come to the floor as a proud Member of above the law. This fundamental prin- shortages, lowering costs for home this Chamber of the Senate and as ciple remains the very linchpin of our health services, expanding mental someone who believes earnestly in our government. healthcare, and eliminating the health role in our country’s constitutional Based on what we know today from insurance tax. order. I am on the floor because a real press reports about the President’s ac- I have partnered with colleagues on and significant challenge to this body tions and from notes of a conversation, both sides of the aisle to sponsor legis- and each of our Members is potentially I believe it is critical that the House lation that achieves these goals, but al- in the very near future. conduct a thorough impeachment in- lowing insurance companies to return Right now, the House of Representa- quiry. If the House does vote impeach- to their old practices will only hurt ev- tives is holding an impeachment in- ment articles, Members of the Senate eryday Arizona families. These health quiry, focused on grave and significant will have to live up to the responsibil- plans lack key protections. They are charges against our President related ities which the Framers of our Nation often called junk plans and for good to the very threats to our democracy of entrusted to us. The eyes of history reason. Junk plans mislead Arizo- foreign interference that our Founders will be upon us. nans—selling something billed as feared the most. I am not here to argue Let me be clear. I am not saying that health insurance when, in fact, it is over whether President Trump’s ac- if the House should vote articles of im- better described as a bill of goods. tions deserve impeachment or perhaps peachment, it will be the Senate’s duty When Arizonans who are sold these even removal from office. It is, I think, to vote to remove him. It will be, in- plans need to actually use the coverage inappropriate to reach that point. In- stead, the responsibility of every single they paid for, the rug gets pulled out stead, I am here today, as the inquiry Senator to carry out their duty to from under them yet again. proceeds in the House, to urge my col- serve as impartial jurors with their I hear from hard-working Arizonans leagues in the Senate—Republicans, principle focus—their oath—to uphold on a daily basis who deserve access to Independents, and Democrats—to take and defend the Constitution and noth- critical health protections; Arizonans seriously the moment we are in and the ing else informing our decisions.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.031 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 This is a challenge to all of my col- the challenges we face, deliberate with and a relentless fundraiser for commu- leagues. Both Republicans and Demo- an eye toward history, an ear toward nity groups and campaigns alike. crats must appreciate the gravity of our constituents, and a heart focused Whether it seemed doable or not, when this process as we call on our col- on our Constitution, and prove that, in she saw a need, she would fill it. leagues to do the same. Democrats, this body, we answer to the Constitu- When people felt like Delaware need- equally with Republicans, must not tion, not to any particular or partisan ed a more active advocacy organization allow our vigorous disagreements with loyalty to our President or to any or they were concerned about civil lib- this President and our colleagues to in- other elected official. The health of our erties and civil justice and civil rights, fluence our judgment and cloud it. We very institutions and of democracy Sonny and others founded and have to understand that this process— itself is at stake. launched the Delaware Chapter of the this likely future moment—is far more REMEMBERING SONIA SCHORR SLOAN ACLU. When she became increasingly important than our own individual po- Madam President, in my home State concerned about the restrictions on ac- litical fortunes. An impeachment trial of Delaware, we have just lost a dear cess to reproductive rights, she of a President would be a true test of friend and a remarkable leader. launched and ran a capital campaign to the integrity and capabilities of the Sonia Schorr Sloan was a force of na- build a brandnew facility for Planned Senate—our commitment to follow the ture. ‘‘Sonny,’’ as we affectionately Parenthood of Delaware. She was in- facts, to consider the evidence, and to called her, dedicated her life to con- volved in the creation and launch of an apply the rule of law. It will be a test fronting social injustices, and her ac- AmeriCorps program, Public Allies of that we, as a body, cannot afford to tivism, her philanthropy, her Delaware, and the Cancer Support fail. mentorship, and her public service Community of Delaware. She was in- It is important to begin the process made my home State of Delaware a volved in so many different civic and of establishing what that process better place for everyone. So I rise to community organizations and in so might look like as soon as there are celebrate and honor her work, her spir- many campaigns that they are more impeachment articles, if that is the di- it, and her impact on so many of us. than I could relate in my time on the rection the House takes. The basic Her story began on April 1, 1928. She floor. Her legacy of service to our State, rules are clear as stated in the Con- was born in Wilmington, DE, to par- which began more than 60 years ago, stitution: The House is given the ‘‘sole ents Sigmund and Rosalia Schorr. Sig- steadily grew over the next 50, 60 years. power of impeachment,’’ and the Sen- mund Schorr was a well-known She eventually formed her own fund- ate ‘‘the sole power to try,’’ as jury, Wilmingtonian haberdasher, who was raising firm, and according to Sonny, ‘‘all impeachments.’’ If the House votes elected to the Delaware General As- it raised over $100 million for various sembly and later served for many years to impeach, the Senate must conduct a nonprofits and agencies. She was able as president of the New Castle County trial and either convict by two-thirds to pick and choose the causes she Board of Elections. Rosalia, her moth- or acquit on whatever counts are pre- championed and didn’t do anything for er, worked as a public schoolteacher sented. which she lacked passion. Her work At that trial, the Chief Justice of the and was very active with community touched our whole community, from U.S. Supreme Court will preside; the and civic groups, like the Young Wom- the Food Bank of Delaware and the House managers will present the case; en’s Hebrew Association and the Gar- West End Neighborhood House to the the President’s counsel presents his de- deners Guild of the Arden Club. Sonny YWCA of Delaware and the Delaware fense; and the Senators serve as the credited her parents for raising her in College of Art and Design. jury. The manner in which our leaders, an atmosphere of active community in- Besides supporting these many Leader MCCONNELL and Leader SCHU- volvement. causes, Sonny invested in the people in MER, direct the Senate in the event of Throughout her life, she was excep- whom she believed. She was a mentor a trial will be the most important test tionally bright and gifted. As an hon- from the very first days of when a in a generation of whether our Senate ors graduate of Wilmington High young, then-29-year-old remains capable of enforcing the law, School, she pursued a bachelor’s degree launched his campaign first for county living up to the Constitution, and up- in bacteriology and graduated magna council and then for the U.S. Senate, holding the responsibilities our Found- cum laude from Syracuse University in and she played a central role in Joe ers bestowed upon us. 1949. She was accepted to Jefferson Biden’s first election in 1972 to this I will remind you of the opening vote Medical College in Philadelphia, where body. Sonia Sloan mentored countless in the Senate of the impeachment trial she earned her master’s degree in other people and dozens of other elect- for President Clinton. The vote that microbiology. She was the very first ed officials, not just my predecessor set the rules under which that trial woman to graduate from Jefferson in and the Vice President. She was a men- would proceed was unanimous. It was its 125-year history and was the first tor to this young candidate as well 100 to 0. An impeachment trial, should student to complete graduate work when I first ran for office. it come in the near future here, must there. After teaching several years at Equally, if not more importantly, she not be gamed or politicized or sub- Temple University School of Medicine, was a tireless and engaged mentor for jected to brinksmanship, and any trial she became the very first woman hired folks no one has heard of—folks not should be governed by rules that are by DuPont to work in the prestigious elected but folks in need. She was a passed on a broad and bipartisan basis, central research department in Wil- mentor for a young man who had just animated by justice over partisanship. mington, which is where many great been released from our local juvenile In many ways, an impeachment trial inventions were made. detention center. Sonny helped him get would mean that our institution of the While at DuPont, she got involved a State identification card, helped him Senate would itself also be on trial. We with the Young Democrats and met fel- get a new job, and helped him get a as a body need to show the American low scientist Gilbert Jacob Sloan of new bicycle—a reliable means of trans- people and the world that we are more nearby Fairfax. Sonny and Gil, who portation. She helped him, mentored than just 100 elected politicians who were, frankly, inseparable for the rest him, and supported him until he was have been brought here by partisan of their lives, fell in love. A few years able to get back on his feet. whim or by a bare majority of our later, they were married at Temple She recorded books for the blind. At States but, instead, by a body whose Beth Emeth on Memorial Day of 1957. one point, she even agreed to put up sum is much more than its individual Together, they raised two wonderful the deed of her own home to bail out a parts. We must act as stewards to- sons, Victor and Jonathan. Vietnam war protester from jail. These gether for our democracy. History is During this period, Sonny became were the sorts of things Sonny did that watching us, all of us—Democrats, more and more involved with local many have never heard of. Independents, Republicans. How we re- community groups and political orga- She won too many awards in our spond will shape and impact our Senate nizations. Sonny’s commitment to pub- State to name, but she was inducted and our Nation for years to come. lic service was a hallmark of her life. into the Hall of Fame of Delaware In the days, weeks, or months to She was a skilled and forceful advo- Women. Yet she wasn’t the sort of per- come, I hope my colleagues will rise to cate, a tireless campaign organizer, son to hold up these accomplishments.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.032 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6227 Aside from her civic engagements, she bors, and the thousands whose lives tremendous harm to families. In Utah, loved to run and was often seen jogging you have touched. You have affected just in August, nearly $2.2 million around Rockford Park, which is near the lives of countless Delawareans. I worth of methamphetamine was con- my home. She adored cooking for her am truly grateful to have known you fiscated—seized—in the State of Utah family; she collected stamps; she could and to have been a part of your work to that was heading to Colorado. That $2.2 play the flute and piano; and she loved make our State and our world a better million was enough meth to provide 1.1 to read. place. You will forever have my deep- million individual doses in Colorado. It Upon learning that Sonny had passed est thanks. was on its way, and it would have done away at age 91, one friend remarked Back in October of 1969, in con- great harm. that Sonny still had so many stories to cluding an anti-war rally, Sonia read a I have introduced an amendment share and so much energy and passion Jewish prayer with some touching and, that would add $1 million to the COPS to give. I think, fitting final words: Anti-Methamphetamine Program. This Another friend called her a beacon of Bless our country, that it may always be a $1 million increase would allow one light and a pillar of courage whose stronghold of peace, and its advocate among more fully funded grant to go to an light will shine for many years to the nations. May contentment reign within area, to a State, to a drug program to come. its border, health and happiness within its help reduce and to break up this cycle She never stopped taking a chance on homes. Strengthen the bonds of friendship of meth. young candidates and on first-time among the inhabitants of all lands, and may We have heard from the people in candidates. the love of Your name hallow every home Colorado. We have heard from the sher- and every heart. A friend of mine, recently elected iffs. We have heard from our commu- State Senator Laura Sturgeon, said: These are touching and fitting words. nities to do more. I believe this amend- Sonny Sloan took a chance on me, even Sonny, bless you and thank you. ment does more to help to address the though I had no political experience, I yield the floor. epidemic of meth and the lives it is name recognition, or resources. Once The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- shattering in Colorado, and I hope my people heard she was in my corner, en- ator from Colorado. colleagues will be able to support this dorsements and support poured in. I am H.R. 3055 issue. who I am because of my parents, but I Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I In particular, I thank Senator am where I am, representing the come to the floor to talk about several DAINES, Senator TESTER, Senator Fourth District in the State Senate, amendments I am working on in rela- GILLIBRAND, Senator BALDWIN, and because of Sonia Sloan. tion to the Commerce, Justice, Senator JONES, who have all joined me It is clear that she accomplished Science, and Related Agencies; the Ag- in adding $1 million, fully paid for and many firsts, broke many barriers, and riculture; the Interior and Environ- offset within the bill, in order to help paved endless paths for many people. ment, and Related Agencies; and the She had strong and passionate feelings combat this epidemic of meth in our Transportation, Housing and Urban De- country and certainly in our States about countless issues, but the em- velopment, and Related Agencies ap- powerment of women, the election of like Colorado. propriations bills that this body will be Another amendment I have been women to office, and the advancement working on shortly. working on is the bulletproof vest of women in our society was absolutely The first amendment I am offering to amendment. We have seen far too at the forefront. the legislation addresses a very serious As she so often said, ‘‘Women’s issues many attacks on our law enforcement issue; that being the rising scourge of are not just women’s issues; they are over the past several years. This legis- methamphetamine around the country. everybody’s issues.’’ lation would provide a $1.1 billion fund One of the last times I got to see Methamphetamine—meth—use is for our Nation’s law enforcement offi- Sonny was at a dinner in her honor in something we talked a lot about a dec- cers with type 3 bulletproof vests. March of this year. It was there that I ade ago. Conversations turned to opioid These vests are capable of stopping joined hundreds of friends and neigh- abuse in this country—and rightfully more powerful rifle ballistics and, bors to recognize her legacy of service, so—and focused on opioids, but unfor- therefore, would allow more officers to from her efforts to end the Vietnam tunately meth use is now increasing come home at the end of the day from war to her advocacy for women’s dramatically in States like Colorado as their service. That is what we need to rights. She lived her life committed to we continue to address the opioid epi- be focusing on—how to protect the men a deep belief she shared with many of demic. and women in blue in our communities. us—to focus on what you can do to When I traveled across Colorado over I am proud to have joined legislation change just one life for the better be- the summer and last week and through earlier this year that has been signed cause, as the Talmud teaches, when the August work period, I heard from into law that permanently reauthorizes you change one life, you can change rural sheriffs across the State who the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant the world. Sonny did that thousands of were especially concerned about the se- Program, and I hope we continue to times. vere impact that meth was having on build and offer our support to those She was tough and determined, funny our small communities. Headlines this who defend that thin blue line. and smart. She never hesitated to offer summer and as recently as this week The crown jewel of our conservation very direct input to those of us she talked about the increase in meth use programs, the Land and Water Con- knew needed correction or direction, across Colorado and the country. servation Fund, has benefited Colorado but she could equally offer compelling From 2011 to 2018, treatment admis- and this country so significantly over and comforting advice. She has been sions for meth across Colorado in- the past several decades. It is some- and will continue to be that voice of creased by nearly 40 percent. In 2018, thing that has affected every State in conscience inside my head, challenging 318 people died in Colorado from meth the country in our being able to pre- me not to settle for the easy but to overdoses. That is a 750-percent in- serve and protect some of our most push for what seems difficult or even crease over 10 years. From 1999 to 2018, pristine environments across this great impossible. there has been a 1,450-percent increase land. Last spring, we were able to work Her dedication for fighting for justice in meth deaths in Denver alone. In together in a bipartisan effort to per- was rivaled only by her tireless love for 2018, which was just last year, the Den- manently authorize the Land and Gil, Victor, Jonathan, her five grand- ver Police made nearly 1,500 meth-re- Water Conservation Fund. daughters, and five great-grand- lated arrests. Indeed, there were more This legislation, which is the amend- children. She was the best of what we meth arrests in Denver than there were ment I will be offering to the bill, are as Delawareans. Her sharp intel- arrests for heroin and cocaine com- would fully fund the Land and Water ligence, her fierce resolve, and her un- bined. Conservation Fund. So, while we have wavering dedication to people and Meth causes property damage. It done a great thing in permanently au- causes will be impossible to replace. damages our families. It can cause, cer- thorizing the Land and Water Con- So, to Sonny, I wish to say: We will tainly, permanent damage to the indi- servation Fund, we need to fully fund all miss you—family, friends, neigh- vidual who is using meth, and it causes the Land and Water Conservation

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.036 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 Fund. This amendment would do just from those in the ski areas that are In partnering with universities, like that and fully fund the Land and Water trying to accommodate even more and the University of Colorado at Boulder, Conservation Fund. more people who visit our great ski NIST can continue to expand their Why is this important? areas. work on issues like quantum in ren- The outdoor economy, that of pro- I am also working on an amendment ovated and new state-of-the-art re- tecting our public lands, is so critical to the legislation that deals with RTD, search facilities. That benefits the to the State of Colorado. The outdoor which is our public transit system in United States and will retain and grow economy alone in Colorado generates Denver, and the Front Range. our competitive advantage around the $28 billion in consumer spending and $2 Years ago, the Department of Trans- globe. billion in State and local tax revenue. portation was working on an effort Another issue that I continue to hear It employs close to 230,000 people just that refunded some programs in Colo- about in Colorado, that we were able to in Colorado alone, which makes Colo- rado. The RTD, more than 20 years address through the appropriations rado the year-round destination for early, had basically paid off the loan on package before us, is affordable hous- visitors. If you are interested in skiing, one of these projects. The RTD was ing. It is an urban issue; it is some- there are already 40 inches of snow in told it would be reimbursed by the De- thing that you face in Boulder or Den- Summit County, and several ski re- partment of Transportation if it paid ver or Colorado Springs. But it is an sorts have opened up already. It is this off. Unfortunately, even though it issue that I hear in some of the small- snowing right now in Colorado, so this has paid it off early, it has not been re- est communities, as well as the biggest amendment is all the more important imbursed. communities. as people look to our State for the con- If you look at the effort and the So Senator YOUNG and I have been tinued enjoyment of the great out- project it accomplished with this loan, working on an amendment that deals doors. the Denver Union Station project is with affordable housing. We know we I have a bipartisan amendment with one of the highlights of urban renewal have a relationship between the lack of seven of my colleagues—Senators BEN- in the country. The RTD got the loan affordable housing and issues relating NET, DAINES, TESTER, BURR, HEINRICH, successfully paid off early—a great suc- to health, education, nutrition, and job COLLINS, and SHAHEEN—that will fully cess. Now it needs that money back in outcomes. And those issues, combined fund the Land and Water Conservation order to continue investing in Colo- with homelessness and lack of afford- Fund for fiscal year 2020, and I hope rado. I am working with Senator BEN- able housing, combine with other this Chamber will support the legisla- NET to make sure this money gets back issues to create strains on government tion. to Colorado, which is one of the amend- and other social services. I am also working on an amendment ments we have filed. The amendment we have offered will that will address the ski area fees that Mr. GARDNER. The National Insti- help us better understand those chal- our ski resorts pay to the Federal Gov- tute of Standards and Technology is lenges and the root causes of and lack ernment in order to operate on public one of the Nation’s premier research of affordable housing, and help us un- lands and have their ski runs on public agencies in the Federal Government. derstand the effects of the affordable lands. Many times, the ski resorts, the Colorado is lucky to house the second- housing crisis on health and education ski areas, are the largest employers in largest contingent of NIST staff in and employment as well. It will help us to understand what our mountain communities and con- Boulder, where they work on issues work we need to do to solve the prob- tribute significantly to the economy like telecommunications, biosciences, lem or whether there are smaller pro- and to the health and stability of our forensics, and quantum information grams that are already working to ex- local communities. science and technology. There are 122 of our ski areas that pand, to help, do even more good. NIST’s Boulder campus, and their af- These are a number of bills related to operate on National Forest System filiated NIST/JILA partnership, has the great State of Colorado, and in this lands. They generate, roughly, $37 mil- won three Nobel Prizes and three Na- country and I think will do a lot of lion in rental fees for the Treasury. Yet tional Medals of Science. These pre- good, and as we process these appro- staffing levels for those very recreation eminent experts were charged with priations bills in a bipartisan fashion, programs are 40-percent lower than continuing to build on the successes in we will be able to improve and help in they were in the year 2000. Just as the National Quantum Initiative Act, addressing some major issues. more and more people are enjoying our which passed into law just this last With that, Madam President, I yield public lands, we see fewer and fewer Congress. the floor. people who are employed by the Fed- But in order to remain competitive HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS eral Government to deal with those globally, competing against countries Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, public lands, to process the permitting like China, the United States has to today I wish to discuss this administra- needs, and to address the needs of our continue its robust investments in tion’s perpetual actions to weaken pro- public lands. science and research and development, tections for people with preexisting Fire borrowing has been an issue that and that is going to require investing conditions. has gobbled up some of the funding in our science facilities as well. Last fall, the administration issued that has helped manage our forests. We When I was able to travel to the guidance for the Patient Protection have put a bipartisan fix in place that NIST facilities in Boulder, I witnessed and Affordable Care Act—ACA—that will no longer allow that money to be a trash can and giant trash bag used to would loosen the statutory guardrails gobbled up, but we need to find a solu- collect rainwater from a leaky roof. for 1332 State waivers. The guidance tion as to the ski area fee retention as Nobel scientists—prize-winning sci- encourages states to increase access to well so we can allow that money to entists working there. It is harmful to ACA non-compliant coverage. stay within the forest in which it is think that it is okay for this great The actions of the administration generated. country to have Nobel Prize-winning cannot make this message any clearer: Now that we have the fire borrowing scientists working in a facility that President Trump does not support pro- fix, we can put the ski area fee bill in can’t even keep them dry because the tections for people with pre-existing place and have even more dollars re- roof leaks. conditions. turned to the forest from which those While I am grateful to the Appropria- Because of the ACA, health insurance fees are generated so we can address tion Committee’s attention to increas- companies cannot refuse to cover the staffing issues and other complex ing the construction and facilities someone or charge someone more just issues we face in our national forests. budget for NIST in recent years, we because they have a prexisting condi- This bill alone would allow a portion of have a lot more work to do. That is tion. Among the most common pre-ex- that $37 million to be returned to the why, in light of the National Quantum isting conditions are high blood pres- forests from which they were gen- Initiative, I introduced an amendment sure, behavioral health disorders, high erated. That means more timely per- to the Appropriations bill to provide an cholesterol, asthma/chronic lung dis- mit application processing at the For- additional $161 million for construction ease, heart conditions, diabetes, and est Service and better customer service and renovation costs for NIST projects. cancer.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.037 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6229 In 2017, HHS released a report stating worked and is working, and how the The ACA has helped keep costs down that as many as 133 million non-elderly Trump administration’s actions seek by requiring insurance companies to Americans have a preexisting condi- to overturn the progress we have made provide preventive care at no charge so tion. The Maryland Health Benefit Ex- to strip consumer protections like pro- that the small things do not turn into change estimates that there are ap- tections for preexisting conditions bigger, expensive medical problems, proximately 2.5 million nonelderly away from patients. We can’t afford as like surgery. Marylanders with a preexisting condi- a country to go back to the days before Yet President Trump continues to tion, 320,000 of which are children. the ACA. Nearly 130 million non-elder- put all of this progress at risk. The Unfortunately, the Trump adminis- ly Americans relay on the protections rule that we are voting to invalidate tration is taking actions that directly provided by the ACA to guarantee that this week is just one such example. In threaten these 133 million Americans, no insurer could deny them coverage. his first year in office, President actions, which can lead to them being The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Trump failed to pass his bill to repeal denied access to healthcare. ator from Rhode Island. the ACA when he had Republican ma- The Trump administration’s updated Mr. REED. Madam President, today I jorities in both the House and the Sen- guidance on section 1332 waivers skirts would like to address my colleagues to ate. the intention of the law. Originally discuss one of the latest attempts from Despite widespread opposition to section 1332 of the ACA provided States the Trump administration to under- these efforts, the administration has with the flexibility to test new health mine and sabotage the Affordable Care since moved forward with its sabotage coverage programs, as long as innova- Act. This week, the Senate will vote on strategy in the absence of a legislative tion waivers met certain criteria. a Congressional Resolution of Dis- win. President Trump ended Federal States applying for 1332 waivers had to approval—CRA—on a Trump adminis- funding for a key ACA program which show that their proposal provided resi- tration final rule that gives States helps keep plans more affordable for dents with health coverage with at broad latitude to ignore the consumer those in the private market by cov- least the same level of protections protections of the Affordable Care Act. ering some costs for patients with the guaranteed by the ACA, that was at The rule essentially gives patients in most expensive medical conditions. least as affordable, and covered at least those States the choice between health Next, the administration put forth a comparable number of State resi- insurance that doesn’t provide cov- new rules which allowed more junk dents as currently covered under the erage when it is needed the most—so- plans, plans which can charge more for ACA. called junk plans—or being priced out preexisting conditions and that can For example, Maryland was able to of the health insurance market en- refuse to cover needed health services. use a 1332 waiver to establish a State tirely. Now, the rule subject to this week’s reinsurance program, which lowered in- As we have already seen, Republican vote goes one step further in allowing surance premiums by as much as 22 lawmakers in some States are more States to expand these partisan at- percent from 2018 premiums. than eager to dismantle the protec- tempts to weaken the ACA, increase However, the Trump administration tions of the Affordable Care Act and costs on consumers, and increase the has issued guidance that redefines the bring back the days of insurance com- uninsured rate. If this was not enough, guardrails of section 1332 and will now panies being in charge, putting profits a single court case, championed by par- allow States to include plans that do above the health of consumers in those tisans looking for a political win, could not comply with the ACA’s consumer States. overturn ACA as soon as next year. protections. The guidance also encour- In fact, about 20 such States have If President Trump’s strategy suc- ages states to allow premium tax cred- gone a step further by moving forward ceeds, many Americans will suffer. its for non-ACA compliant plans, plans a lawsuit seeking to invalidate the Preexisting condition protections will that don’t offer essential health bene- ACA in its entirety. This is not a theo- go away, and over 50 million Americans fits or protect those with preexisting retical threat to our healthcare sys- with preexisting medical conditions conditions. tem. Over the next year, we will see a will go back to being priced out of cov- The updated 1332 guidance allows final ruling on this lawsuit, and a rul- erage. State waiver applications to ignore ing in favor of these States will be The Medicaid expansion that helps statutory guardrails to ensure that nothing short of catastrophic. States cover more than 12 million coverage is not less affordable under a Not only will this upend the Americans will also go away. Young waiver, especially for those with high healthcare system as we know it in adults will be kicked off their parents’ healthcare spending. This new guid- those States, this ruling would apply insurance. Women could be charged ance also sets a dangerous precedent, to every State, even those like my more, as would older Americans. Peo- where a State waiver could skew num- home State of Rhode Island, which has ple will lose access to mental bers to disproportionately count junk done an outstanding job of imple- healthcare, and prescription drug costs plans in a State’s total number of lives menting the ACA, expanding coverage, for seniors will go up. covered. and making healthcare more affordable In Rhode Island, it is estimated that The updated 1332 guidance again for all. approximately 100,000 people could lose makes it very clear that President The Affordable Care Act has given in- coverage if President Trump’s lawyers Trump and this administration do not dividuals and families more choice, convince the courts to cut down the support affordable insurance for those more affordable options, and more con- ACA. The State will lose hundreds of with preexisting conditions. I was trol over their healthcare. With these millions of dollars in Federal funding proud to join Senator WARNER in intro- new options for health coverage, the for healthcare, all to satisfy President ducing a Congressional Review Act res- uninsured rate in Rhode Island has Trump’s and congressional Repub- olution to overturn the administra- reached historic lows, hovering around licans’ desire for a political win at the tion’s 1332 waiver guidance to ensure 4 percent. expense of the American people. protections for individuals with pre- Today, because the ACA is the law of We cannot afford to go back to the existing conditions. the land, insurance companies can no days when insurance companies were in The harm done by this administra- longer deny you coverage for pre- control. We cannot wait until the tion towards individuals with pre- existing conditions or put an annual Trump administration and Congres- existing conditions will lead to higher lifetime cap on how much they will pay sional Republicans come up with a costs of care for the millions of Ameri- for your care. Because of the ACA, plan. cans. This resolution is a clear oppor- young adults can stay on their parents’ The ACA was signed into law almost tunity to show our opposition to the plans until they turn 26 years of age, 10 years ago and still its opponents actions of the Trump administration to and women cannot be charged more have no alternatives. deny coverage for individuals with pre- based on their gender. Also, under the Americans with preexisting condi- existing conditions. ACA, basic healthcare services like tions, those who are fighting illnesses, My Democratic colleagues and I are maternity care and behavioral and parents with children with complex calling attention to ACA, which has mental healthcare must be covered. medical needs, young people who need

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.002 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 coverage while they explore new career our bipartisan work on critical She was an extraordinary woman— opportunities, these people—our con- healthcare issues such as lowering drug such decency, such care, such compas- stituents, our neighbors, our families— costs. The American people—my con- sion, such humanity. I deeply, deeply do not have the time to wait for Repub- stituents and yours—expect better. mourn her passing. licans to come up with a solution for a I implore my colleagues on the other To Chip and all of her family, my sin- problem they, themselves, are creating. side of the aisle to stand up to this ad- cerest condolences on the passing of an We should instead be spending our ministration’s reckless plans to upend extraordinary woman who graced this time working on solutions to today’s our healthcare system and work with Chamber with decency and dignity, and problems. There are pressing issues us to improve our healthcare system I know—I know—her example of cour- that Congress should be spending time instead. age, strength, and love will continue to addressing to improve health in this Madam President, before I conclude sustain and inspire her family and country. my remarks, I would like to make those of us who were privileged enough Prescription drug costs continue to some comments on the death of my to serve with her. skyrocket. In fact, addressing prescrip- dear colleague Senator Kay Hagan, and May she rest in peace. tion drug costs alone would go a long I would ask unanimous consent that I yield the floor. way towards bringing down healthcare these remarks be placed in the appro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- costs overall; yet, if the ACA goes priate section of the CONGRESSIONAL ator from Oklahoma. away, this will be for naught. It won’t RECORD in which other tributes of Sen- UNITED STATES-MEXICO-CANADA TRADE matter if the drug companies are re- ator Hagan are placed. AGREEMENT quired to negotiate fair prices for drugs The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. LANKFORD. Madam President, a and are prevented from gouging cus- objection, it is so ordered. couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege tomers. Without affordable health in- REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN to stand at Iron Horse Industrial Park. surance, consumers will continue to be Mr. REED. Madam President, Kay It is a brand-new industrial park just priced out of lifesaving drugs and Hagan was an extraordinary individual, outside of Shawnee, OK. It is run by treatment. a great Senator from the State of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, and for Further, without the ACA, require- North Carolina, and a great person. almost 10 years, they have had the ments that plans must cover prescrip- I had the opportunity to express my dream of opening up a location in Okla- tion drugs would go away. Indeed, be- thoughts to her husband Chip, whom I homa, where there could be foreign fore the ACA, many plans did not cover talked with yesterday. We will all miss trade; different countries could come needed prescription drugs, leaving pa- her advocacy, her spirit, her support of in to do manufacturing there, and they tients to pay entirely out of pocket for military families, small businesses, would be able to work through raw ma- lifesaving treatments and interven- students, and Americans everywhere, terials and products and sales. It has tions that prevent more expensive con- particularly in her home State of been a remarkable dream for them. North Carolina. ditions down the road. I stood on a platform with the leader- I had the pleasure of serving with her Congress has made significant bipar- ship of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, in this body and the Armed Services tisan progress over the last couple of members of the Shawnee community, and Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- years on the opioid epidemic, providing sitting right next to folks from the Ca- fairs Committees, and we traveled to- considerable funding to States to help nadian Consulate and a Canadian busi- gether to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Paki- people access treatment to get on the ness owner who is opening up a manu- stan in 2010. path to recovery. All of us here in the Senate are sad- facturing plant in just a couple of However, one of most effective inter- dened by this loss, and we send all of months, right there on that spot, to be ventions in the epidemic has been the our thoughts to Chip and her family. the first company in that location to ACA’s Medicaid expansion, helping I must share a vivid memory. Sen- start doing international trade in that those with substance abuse disorders ator Hagan and I were in Afghanistan, part of Oklahoma. get treatment and get back on their and, again, this dauntless, courageous That location of Pro-Pipe will start feet. Senator—we were together on a manufacturing pipe that they will send Without the ACA, the bipartisan laws moonrise infantry patrol, moving from all over the place. It is a Canadian Congress has passed in response to the a forward operating base far away from company, but it will have about 40 or opioid epidemic will be nowhere near Kabul, far away from the center of our 45 jobs that are Oklahoma jobs that are enough in both effort and funding to activities in a remote corner of Af- there. successfully combat this crisis. ghanistan. We were moving from the Now, why do I mention that? I men- We have also seen new data from the base to a meeting with local Afghan tion that because it was a reminder— Centers for Disease Control and Pre- fighters. again, as I sat on that platform next to vention showing growing rates of sui- As we rolled down this dusty road, I Canadians, the Japanese delegation cide in this country, especially among looked over and pointed and said, that was there, the Taiwanese delega- young people—nothing short of an epi- ‘‘Kay, see all those beautiful red flow- tion that was there, and others from demic. I have been working with my ers?’’ She said, ‘‘Yes, they are very at- multiple other countries—about how colleagues across the aisle, such as tractive. What are they?’’ I said, ‘‘Well, integrated we really are. Senator KENNEDY from Louisiana, to they are opium poppies.’’ If I took you to Shawnee, OK, there increase funding for the National Sui- You see, we were in the middle of a are some great people—and it is a fan- cide Prevention Lifeline, and with Sen- battle in which we had to support our tastic community—the first thing you ator GARDNER to make the Lifeline Afghan allies but at the same time not would think of probably wouldn’t be more accessible. This is important alienate the Afghan population. It was international trade, but it should be work. We need to ensure that, when one of the complex issues involved in now. someone courageously reaches out to that struggle. She understood that. But In Oklahoma, our top two trading get help in a time of crisis, that we are she understood also the sacrifice and partners are Canada and Mexico. We able to connect them with affordable service of the men and women who have an overwhelming amount of trade mental healthcare for the long term. were there that day with us in the mid- just with those two countries. In fact, Without the ACA, that care may be out dle of a combat zone, and she fought we exported $2.4 billion worth of goods of reach. for them relentlessly. just to Canada and Mexico last year. There is certainly more we can be Many of them were constituents from We are a very connected economy, doing to increase access to healthcare, Fort Bragg, NC, from Camp Lejeune, and working through the trade issues and I have been working with my col- from other places around that State. is incredibly important to us. That is leagues to do just that. However, al- She had a deep and abiding influence in why this new trade agreement that re- lowing the administration to continue that, and she was not afraid to go forth places NAFTA, which is now decades its efforts to destroy the ACA not only to dangerous places to see what they old and needs a revision, is so impor- undermines healthcare for the most were sharing in terms of danger and tant, because our Oklahoma economy vulnerable Americans, but also all of deprivation. depends a lot on how we trade. A lot of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.038 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6231 our jobs are connected through agri- mentum in trade with Canada and Mex- have been significant. They have been culture, manufacturing, digital sales, ico that we should not have to wait. significant for decades. The last five other financial services that are con- Now, some in the House say this is Presidents have all tried to deal with nected through trade to Canada and about not giving President Trump a some of the problems with China and Mexico. They cooperate with us; we co- win, so they don’t want to vote on it trade, their theft of intellectual prop- operate with them. because it will give President Trump a erty, their violations of basic dignity So a new trade agreement started in win. This is not about the President of for their workers. The environmental the negotiation process. It started in a country. In fact, Mexico has already policies they have in China has been August of 2017. The Trump administra- changed Presidents since the time of deplorable. tion, the administration in Mexico and this agreement. This is about giving We should address the issues of trade in Canada all sat down and decided to the American people a win. This is, with China, and we should address how reopen NAFTA after the Trump admin- quite frankly, to be selfish, about the we can further not only cooperate but istration put tremendous pressure on people of Oklahoma getting a win. It is deal with some of the inequities of Canada and Mexico to update this additional jobs, it is additional protec- workers and deal with some of the in- agreement. tions, it is additional opportunities to equities of environmental policy and Initially, everyone said they didn’t do investment that we would like to be certainly deal with the theft of intel- want to change a thing, and from Au- able to see for my State and for the lectual property. gust 2017 until September of 2018, our people of my State, so I can’t encour- As China is one of the worst human three countries negotiated a new trade age enough the House to take this up. rights violators in the world, in our agreement that all three countries now I do want to also compliment the ad- trade negotiations, we should talk have come back in their leadership and ministration for taking this agreement about things like free press, freedom of said: That is a better deal than what on. Three years ago, no one thought religion, and opportunities for the NAFTA was. That works better for ev- this agreement could be done nor Uighurs, who are literally bound up in eryone. It provides new elements on should be done, and now, when it is in concentration camps being reeducated things like digital trade that wasn’t an the process of being finalized, everyone to be more Chinese rather than being issue in the 1990s. E-commerce wasn’t a seems to be nodding their head, saying: able to live out their faith as Muslims thing at the time; now, it is. So there That is better. Let’s keep going. there in China. are digital trade updates. The administration has also recently There are many issues we need to There are also areas about innova- struck a deal with Japan. Japan is a deal with that go beyond just dollars. tion and intellectual property that trade partner already, just like Canada It is how we actually interact with help protect inventors in all three and Mexico, but we have had some each other. So for the administration, countries to protect what they have in- problems with Japan. The United as they are finalizing the final mo- vented and to make sure the benefits States exported $14 billion in food and ments of how they are going to deal come back to those inventors and back agricultural products to Japan just in with a trade deal with China, I con- to those countries. 2018—$14 billion. But out of that $14 bil- tinue to encourage them to keep doing There are also new protections for lion, right at half, $7.2 billion of those the work. The last five Presidents have labor. There have been longstanding had a need to address some of the all tried to resolve issues with China. issues in labor practices in Mexico. issues about tariffs and about some ad- Keep going. We have to be able to get This addresses some of those things ditional protections. So this new trade this done, but hold China to account on and some basic human rights elements agreement that the administration just human rights issues, while we are also for Mexico. struck with Japan is exceptionally dealing with economic issues. This is It also adds new environmental re- helpful to us. It takes out half of the our moment to address those critical quirements so that we would take on tariffs—either reduces them or elimi- needs. as a whole of North America in the way nates them entirely—of our ag trade With that, I yield the floor. we do manufacturing, the way we do back and forth with Japan. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CAS- fishing, the way that we handle marine Why is that a big deal for Oklahoma? SIDY). The Senator from Washington. litter, the way that we handle sustain- You may say Oklahoma is a long way HEALTHCARE able forest management, all of those from Japan. It is, except we ship a lot Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, this things would be addressed in this trade of beef that way, and we could ship a afternoon, I join with a number of my agreement. lot more. colleagues to put Republicans on no- It is a very comprehensive agree- This agreement specifically deals tice that their healthcare charade is ment—the USMCA agreement—and it with things like beef, pork, poultry, coming to an end. is very important that we actually get sorghum, wheat. Those are products Tomorrow, the Senate will go on the it passed. I hope you didn’t miss the that are all coming right out of my record and make clear, once and for all, timeline that I laid out. The negotia- State, and it is exceptionally impor- whether they stand with patients and tion started in August of 2017. The ne- tant that this agreement has been families who are counting on them or gotiation finished in September of 2018. done. with President Trump and big insur- Since October of 2018, that agreement Now, this agreement doesn’t have to ance companies. has been waiting on a vote in the come through Congress. It is an execu- Tomorrow, Democrats will force the House of Representatives. tive agreement. It is not like the Senate to vote on our bill to reverse Mexico has already long since passed USMCA. It is done. So we have already President Trump’s rule that under- it. They have not only passed the seen a gain in Oklahoma based on that mines protections for people with pre- agreement, they have passed the laws trade agreement in Japan. The encour- existing conditions and promotes junk doing the implementing language. agement I can make to the administra- health plans and higher costs for fami- They have long since passed it. Every- tion is: Keep doing this. lies. one is waiting for the United States to We have further negotiations we need For too long, Republicans have been pass this trade agreement that will to have completed in the Pacific. While making empty promises on healthcare, help us in labor issues, help us in man- they have done step one with Japan, while taking harmful steps that make ufacturing, help us in ag exports, help there is more to be done with Japan on things worse for patients and families. us in our digital trade, help us in envi- lowering other tariffs, but we would Time after time, Democrats have ronmental policy. We are all waiting also like to see a trade agreement with asked Republicans to work with us to on the House of Representatives to New Zealand. We would also like to see actually make healthcare work better take it up. a trade agreement with other partners for patients and families, but, time We are now past a year that the in the Pacific where we still need trade after time, Senate Republicans have House has had this. It has to start, con- deals done. Keep going, and keep ex- said no. In fact, there has been no stitutionally, in the House, and I can- panding markets. greater cheerleader for President not say strongly enough how important The big issue right now is with Trump’s relentless attacks on families’ this is to be able to maintain our mo- China. Our trade issues with China healthcare and no greater obstacle to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.039 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 passing solutions to repair the damage Letting President Trump’s rule stand know that life doesn’t come with those than Senate Republicans. could leave millions of patients with guarantees, and when the worse does This isn’t just a hypothetical con- higher premiums, higher out-of-pocket happen, when illness or injury strikes, versation. Any day now—any day costs, and no affordable options to get these plans are, more often than not, now—we could get a ruling on the par- the healthcare they need. barely worth the paper they are writ- tisan lawsuit brought by President Our vote tomorrow to reverse this ten on. Trump that would undermine rule that takes protections away from This can lead to two very bad out- healthcare for over 100 million people patients and gives power back to insur- comes. The first is that the patient by ending protections for people with ance companies offers a very clear test chooses to receive the critical care preexisting conditions, stripping away about who Senators are actually fight- they need, but, because the short-term coverage families got through the ex- ing for. People across the country are junk plan doesn’t cover the care, the changes and Medicaid expansion and going to be watching tomorrow and patient ends up being stuck with an in- letting young adults get kicked off of taking note of who is pushing for solu- credibly high out-of-pocket medical their parents’ insurance before they tions to protect their care and who is bill, or the patient, upon learning that turn 26. blocking them, who is trying to repair the junk plan doesn’t cover critical A Republican win on this could abso- the damage President Trump has care, chooses not to get the care they lutely drive up costs by scrapping the caused and who is trying to cause even need, which leads to adverse outcomes caps on patients’ out-of-pocket costs, more harm, who is fighting for their or an unplanned trip to the emergency while bringing back lifetime and an- healthcare and who is fighting against room, the cost of which may be footed nual caps on their benefits—even for it. by the taxpayer. those insured through their employer— I hope each and every one of my Re- If you are someone with a preexisting and ending essential health benefits publican colleagues think long and condition, such as asthma, diabetes, or that require insurers to cover prescrip- hard about the promises they have cancer, you could be charged more, tion drugs, maternity care, mental made to their constituents and how sometimes truly astronomical healthcare, emergency care, and more. they are going to look them in the eye amounts, for insurance that will not When Senate Democrats took a stand after the vote tomorrow. I hope each of even cover many of your most basic against this dangerous lawsuit and in- benefits or you can be denied certain troduced this legislation to fight for them finally decides to do the right thing and stand up for families’ benefits altogether. patients and protect their care, Senate If that sounds familiar, it is because healthcare, even if it means being a Re- Republicans ducked for cover and did it is the same situation people with publican who stands up against Presi- not bring it to a vote, just like they preexisting conditions were in before dent Trump. have done with Senate Democrats’ ef- the passage of the Affordable Care Act. I believe issues as important as fami- forts to bring down drug prices through That is why I am calling on all of my lies’ healthcare should come before impactful steps like Medicare negotia- colleagues on both sides of the aisle to party, and I hope we will see tomorrow tion, or to restore funding to help peo- vote to repeal the Trump administra- that Republicans agree. ple find the care that is right for them tion’s rule that authorizes these junk Thank you. when open enrollment starts this week, plans, threatening protections for mil- or make coverage more affordable for I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- lions of Americans with preexisting working families. conditions and increasing healthcare Democrats in the House have already ator from New Hampshire. Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, first, I costs all across the board. made progress on some of these steps, If there is one thing that Republicans thank my colleague, the distinguished from successfully joining the lawsuit and Democrats should all agree on, it Senator from Washington, for her lead- to fight for patients to passing legisla- is that we must ensure that people ership on the issue of providing tion that would restore navigator fund- with preexisting conditions are pro- healthcare to all Americans. In a de- ing, reverse President Trump’s harmful tected and that they can be covered— mocracy where everyone counts, every- junk insurance rule, and more. people like Bernadette Clark of Man- one should have access to high quality, Republicans in the Senate have bla- chester, whose youngest son is living affordable care. tantly failed to live up to their promise with cerebral palsy, a complex medical I rise today to discuss the Trump ad- to fight for families’ healthcare instead condition, and would not have access ministration’s efforts to undermine our of working with us on these steps to to the type of health insurance that health insurance system and scam help our families and protect patients she and her family need if not for the healthcare consumers by allowing with preexisting conditions—to do protections that the Affordable Care harmful health plans to be sold to what families sent us here for. They Act afforded to people with preexisting unsuspecting, vulnerable Americans. have buried each of these solutions in conditions. their legislative graveyard so that they Since the President’s first day in of- Doctors, nurses, hospitals, and pa- don’t even have to admit on the record fice, his administration has taken tients universally oppose these junk that they aren’t doing anything to help measure after measure that makes it plans because they know how dan- protect families’ care—well, not tomor- harder for patients to access necessary gerous these plans are for the health row. Tomorrow, Democrats are going care, weakens our healthcare system, and well-being of our people. to bring forward a bill to ensure pro- and increases costs. I urge every Senator to stand with tections for preexisting conditions that This latest effort to expand access to Granite Staters and all Americans in Leader MCCONNELL cannot bury and what are appropriately referred to as opposing the Trump administration’s Republicans can’t hide from. ‘‘junk’’ health insurance plans would latest attack on our healthcare sys- Tomorrow, every single one of us is allow insurance companies to discrimi- tem. going to have to go on the record about nate against Americans who experience Thank you. where we really stand on families’ preexisting conditions and would also I yield the floor. healthcare and protections for pre- leave patients with higher healthcare The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- existing conditions. Tomorrow, we will costs and worse insurance coverage. ator from Vermont is recognized. be voting on Democrats’ legislation to Junk plans don’t cover even basic Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, as the reverse a step President Trump took to benefits, such as prescription drugs, Senator knows, Senator SHELBY and I work a tool that was meant to encour- substance use disorder treatment, or have been working very hard on the ap- age innovation into one that encour- maternity care. People often don’t re- propriations bills. I commend his staff ages States to eliminate protections alize how inadequate these plans are and my staff for all the work they have for patients with preexisting condi- until they are in the middle of a med- done. It is not just the bill’s first page tions, increases costs, undermines es- ical crisis. and the number at the end that counts. sential health benefits, and promotes Unless you can guarantee that you There is a whole lot that goes in in be- harmful junk insurance plans that can will never get sick, never break a limb, tween. charge vulnerable patients more and or never get into an accident, these There are a number of policy consid- cover less. plans are a bad deal for you. We all erations that are in there. There are

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.040 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6233 things that Senators from both parties ance plans. These waiver rules are part Justice—our Nation’s highest law en- want that make a great deal of sense of the Trump administration’s ongoing forcement authority—continues to and both parties are for it, and we are attempt to make an end run around refuse to defend the law of the land, putting those together. I would hope, Congress and dismantle the Affordable the Affordable Care Act, in Federal having done all that, it means that Care Act through the regulatory proc- court. Instead, the Justice Department within the next day or so we can get at ess. has argued that the Affordable Care least four of these appropriations bills I think it is important to understand Act should be struck down, resulting in passed. the shortcomings of these junk plans the loss of coverage for millions of I remind everybody that the last that the administration is promoting. Americans. The estimate is that if the time Senator SHELBY and I went These plans are allowed to deny cov- Affordable Care Act is struck down, 20 through this exercise, we passed most erage to someone who has a preexisting million Americans will lose their of the bills, if not unanimously, vir- condition. They also allow insurance healthcare. tually unanimously. I think it helps companies to charge higher premiums In New Hampshire, approximately the Senate. It shows that we are doing if somebody has a preexisting condi- 90,000 Granite Staters have obtained our work and that we can set aside par- tion. They are not required to cover health insurance coverage through ei- tisan differences and do what is best the Affordable Care Act’s essential ben- ther the Affordable Care Act or Med- for the country. efits, such as maternity care, sub- icaid expansion. Across the country, The other body has been working stance use disorder treatment, or pre- more than 17 million Medicaid expan- very hard in the House of Representa- scription drugs. In New Hampshire, sion enrollees and 11 million people in tives on their appropriations bills. where we have a real challenge with the marketplace health plan depend on Their Appropriations Committee is led the opioid epidemic, without coverage the ACA for their coverage. So these by two of the finest members I have for substance use disorders, we have families can see their coverage ripped away if the Department of Justice gets served with: NITA LOWEY, the chair thousands of people who would not be its way in the courtroom. from New York, and , the able to get treatment for their sub- If the Department is victorious in its ranking member from Texas—one a stance use disorders. litigation, they will also take away the Democrat and one a Republican—both These plans are allowed to place arbi- best tool we have for combating the of whom believe in the Congress and trary limits on the dollar value of serv- opioid epidemic—the Medicaid expan- have our support, and they worked ices that will be covered annually, and sion. In New Hampshire, more than they also don’t have to comply with hard. I say that just because I have had 11,000 people have substance use treat- the Affordable Care Act’s caps on how so many Members ask me how it is ment thanks to Medicaid expansion. much insurers can require that pa- going. I think it is going better than Access to those services will be gone tients pay out of pocket. In short, anybody thought it might at this point without the Affordable Care Act. At a earlier. We will get it done. these junk plan policies are often not time when so many families are strug- I suggest the absence of a quorum. worth the paper they are written on, gling with sky-high prescription drug The PRESIDING OFFICER. The but for some reason, these are plans prices, a victory by the Department of clerk will call the roll. that are favored by this administra- Justice in this case would increase pre- The senior assistant legislative clerk tion. scription drug costs for Granite State proceeded to call the roll. The administration’s 1332 waiver seniors, who currently save an average Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I ask rules effectively rewrite the law to of $1,100 a year thanks to the ACA’s unanimous consent that the order for allow the Affordable Care Act premium Medicare Part D drug discount pro- the quorum call be rescinded. tax credits to be used to purchase junk The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without gram. plan coverage. So rather than help sub- That is not all. If the courts strike objection, it is so ordered. sidize comprehensive healthcare cov- down the Affordable Care Act, insurers S.J. RES. 52 erage as was intended in the act—cov- would once again be able to exclude Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, since erage that will actually allow people to coverage for prescription drugs, and President Trump was sworn in, he has get the healthcare services they need— the FDA’s approval pathway for less made it his mission to dismantle the what the Trump administration waiver expensive biosimilar medication would Affordable Care Act. Last Congress, does is have those taxpayer subsidies be invalidated. time and again, we saw the House and cover junk plans that generally do not I have been watching these ads on be- Senate majorities try—and fail—to re- provide the care that people need. half of President Trump and the ad- peal the law of the land, the Affordable Allowing taxpayer dollars to sub- ministration that talk about his com- Care Act. sidize junk plan coverage is not only mitment to lowering prescription drug After their attempt to repeal the Af- dangerous for consumers, who can be prices and the importance of the path- fordable Care Act failed in the Senate, duped into purchasing junk plans, but way for biosimilar medications that the Trump administration made it it also poses a threat to the stability of are basically generic drugs for bio- abundantly clear that they would do the insurance market. By aggressively logics. Yet this pathway to approve everything possible to sabotage the act pushing enrollment in junk plans, this those less costly biosimilar medica- through regulations and administra- administration is seeking to split the tions would be invalidated if the Af- tive action. Through this sabotage, the insurance market into two: one market fordable Care Act gets struck down. administration has undermined the for younger and healthier individuals The stakes are really just too high critical protections healthcare pro- and a second, much more expensive for us to continue the partisan bick- vides for people with preexisting condi- market for older individuals and people ering around the Affordable Care Act. tions. with chronic health conditions. This is We should be coming together to tell I just want to reiterate my support not the outcome that people in New the Justice Department to defend the for the Congressional Review Act dis- Hampshire and patients across this law of the land. That is why I filed an approval resolution that I worked on country want or deserve. amendment to the Commerce, Justice, with Senator WARNER, and I congratu- That is why I intend to vote in favor Science appropriations bill that would late him for his leadership. What that of the Congressional Review Act reso- prohibit the Justice Department from resolution points out is that pre- lution, which will overturn these rules using Federal funds to argue against existing conditions and short-term in- that are sabotaging the Affordable the Affordable Care Act in court. That surance plans, also known as junk Care Act. is why we need to support the Congres- plans, are inconsistent. I am proud to Unfortunately, the waiver rules are sional Review Act vote that we will support the disapproval resolution that not the only grave threat that this ad- have this week, which would ensure we will vote on this week that would ministration is posing to access to that people with preexisting conditions reverse this administration’s so-called healthcare coverage and protections are not going to be cut off of their 1332 waiver rules. for people with preexisting conditions. health insurance when they are tricked Those rules allow for the use of tax- In addition to the sabotage of the ACA into buying junk plans through this ad- payer dollars to subsidize junk insur- that is going on, the Department of ministration’s deceptive advertising.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.042 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 This Friday is the start of the 2020 able Care Act. Since it has been signed statement, though true. The United open enrollment season for the Health into law, House and Senate Repub- States is 1 of only 13 countries in the Insurance Marketplace coverage under licans have voted more than 100 times world where maternal death rates are the Affordable Care Act. At this impor- to repeal the Affordable Care Act. worse now than they were 25 years ago. tant juncture, we should be sending a Their efforts have failed. There was one Fortuitously, the Presiding Officer is very clear message that the Depart- most dramatic effort, which many of us a medical doctor. I know he has de- ment of Justice should defend the law can recall happened just a couple of voted a good part of his professional of the land and that the administra- years ago, right here in the well of the career to serving people of low income, tion’s promotion of junk plans should Senate when the late Senator John limited means. not continue. If we fail to do so, we are McCain, Republican of Arizona, came You think when you hear that num- going to be endangering vital access to to the floor in the middle of the night ber about maternal mortality in the care for millions—tens of millions—of and cast a ‘‘no’’ vote. He believed, and United States, it cleverly must be asso- Americans. I think he was right—I am sure he was ciated with economic levels, income I yield the floor. right when he said: You can’t be just levels, wealth levels, education levels. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- against something; you have to be for It turns out it is not. Nationwide, more ator from Illinois. something. The Republican side of the than 700 women die every year as a re- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 916 aisle has no alternative to the Afford- sult of pregnancy, and more than 70,000 Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, it is my able Care Act. They are just against it. suffer near-fatal complications. More honor to come to the floor to speak on They don’t like it. They don’t like the than 60 percent of maternal deaths are an issue that is important for so many name of it. They don’t like ObamaCare. preventable. Americans. They don’t like Obama’s administra- Sadly, the tragedy of maternal mor- Let me start at the outset—before I tion. They just vote no over and over tality is even more pronounced when it move to unanimous consent on a spe- again. comes to mothers of color. In the cific piece of legislation—by saying Right now, there is a pending lawsuit United States, women of color are that I believe that the change in the that even would try to eliminate the three to four times more likely than Affordable Care Act, which prohibited entire Affordable Care Act, including White women to die as a result of preg- discrimination against people because the protection for people with pre- nancy. In Illinois, they are six times of preexisting conditions, is one of the existing conditions. Eighteen Repub- more likely than White women to die. most fundamental changes in health lican-led States, including the State of When I researched this, I went to the insurance in America. Who among us Texas, brought the suit after congres- University of Chicago and asked the doesn’t have a member of their family sional Republicans eliminated the OB/GYNs there to look into the stats, or a friend with a preexisting condi- CRA’s individual mandate. President look into the studies, and tell me what tion? Trump’s Department of Justice sup- is behind this. They said: Senator, There was a time, of course, when be- ports this bill to eliminate the Afford- there is no correlation among income, cause of that, people were denied any able Care Act. If this lawsuit is suc- education attainment, and this death coverage or charged exorbitant cessful, nearly 20 million Americans— rate among women. It is only a ques- amounts of money. Overwhelmingly, 600,000 of them living in Illinois—could tion of color. We are losing new moms, we understand that if we are going to lose their health insurance, and nearly and, sadly, we are losing babies as well. have a health insurance system that 133 million Americans with preexisting Every year, more than 23,000 infants really serves the entire Nation, we can- conditions—3 million in Illinois—could die in the United States, largely due to not allow health insurance companies once again be at risk of discrimination factors that could be prevented. Black to pick and choose. by health insurance companies. As if infants are twice as likely to die as Prior to the Affordable Care Act’s that weren’t bad enough, President White infants—a disparity that is passage in 2010, health insurers used to Trump has also proposed new rules greater than it was in the year 1850 in charge people with preexisting condi- that would allow States to discrimi- this country. tions higher monthly premiums or sim- nate against Americans with pre- That is why Representative KELLY, ply deny them coverage all together. existing conditions. my colleague Senator DUCKWORTH, and Health insurance companies used to This week, the Senate will be voting I introduced the MOMMA’s Act. First impose annual lifetime caps on what on a Congressional Review Act resolu- and foremost, our bill would expand they could pay for. These arbitrary tion to overturn the Trump adminis- the length of time that a new mom can limits disproportionately hurt people tration’s latest assault on Americans keep her Medicaid healthcare coverage. with preexisting conditions who often with preexisting conditions. Senator Currently, Medicaid has to cover needed ongoing intensive medical care, WARNER of Virginia has offered a reso- women only for 2 months postpartum— and insurance companies before the Af- lution of disapproval, cosponsored by after the baby is born. Our bill would fordable Care Act used to refuse cov- every single Senate Democrat. If any expand that to a full year. erage for certain healthcare services Senator on the Republican side really Next, the MOMMA’s Act would im- that people with preexisting conditions wants to help people with preexisting prove access to doulas, as well as im- needed—prescription drugs, hospital conditions, join us. Make this a bipar- prove implicit bias and cultural com- visits, mental health and substance tisan effort to tell President Trump petency training among healthcare abuse treatment, maternity and new- and his administration it is wrong. We providers. Too often, Black women are born care. should not discriminate against people just not listened to or taken seriously The Affordable Care Act changed all with preexisting conditions. by healthcare providers. Doulas can of that. There are no more denials or I hope that Senate Republicans will provide education, advocacy, and sup- higher premiums for preexisting condi- consider supporting a piece of legisla- port for women whose voices are being tions, which is an amazing break- tion known as the MOMMA’s Act. I am ignored. through. There are no more annual or cosponsoring it; in fact, I am the lead Lastly, our bill would improve hos- lifetime caps on benefits and no more sponsor in the Senate. The House spon- pital coordination reporting on mater- refusals to cover maternity benefits or sor is Congresswoman of nal healthcare outcomes. doctors’ visits. Illinois. It would ensure that all preg- Leader MCCONNELL has made it clear Ten years ago, every single Demo- nant women get the care they need. that he has no intention of allowing crat—I was one of them—voted in favor Why is this important to raise in a the Senate to debate and pass legisla- of the Affordable Care Act, and I would modern country like America, with our tion, instead, rendering the Senate to do it again today. It was a law that en- great natural and medical resources? what has been characterized as a ‘‘leg- sured these protections for people with Because the United States is 1 of only islative graveyard.’’ Senator MCCON- preexisting conditions really meant 13 countries in the world where mater- NELL says with pride that he will be the something and were enforceable. nal mortality rates are worse now than Grim Reaper—his words—the Grim Ten years ago, every single Senate they were 25 years ago. I want to re- Reaper. Nothing will pass in the Sen- Republican voted against the Afford- peat that because it is an incredible ate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:41 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.044 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6235 But I hope he will make an exception to include my amendment, which is at right after I was elected to the Senate, for the MOMMA’s Act, which is cur- the desk. I convinced Jim to come out of retire- rently moving through the House of I ask unanimous consent that the ment and be my State director for Ken- Representatives. Whether you are pro- amendment be considered and agreed tucky. I am truly grateful that he said choice or whether you are right to life, to; that the bill, as amended, be consid- yes because, for nearly a decade, Jim shouldn’t we all stand together—Demo- ered read a third time and passed; and has served in that role and has been crats, Republicans, and Independents— that the motion to reconsider be con- one of my most trusted advisers. and say: Let’s do something to elimi- sidered made and laid upon the table. Anyone who knows Jim knows that nate this unacceptable level of mater- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Will the he is a force to be reckoned with. He is nal mortality in the United States. Senator so modify his request? fiercely loyal, a real problem solver, Let’s do something to save these ba- Mr. DURBIN. Reserving the right to and a highly accomplished legal mind. bies. Let’s agree on that part if we object, the Senator from Iowa is my Moreover, he is an incredibly kind per- can’t agree on anything else. friend. We throw that word around here son who cares deeply about his friends Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- on the Senate floor, and it usually and colleagues. When I ran for Presi- sent that the Finance Committee be doesn’t mean much, but it is true. We dent, Jim spearheaded the approval of discharged from further consideration are friends. I respect him very much. I a caucus for Kentucky so I would not of S. 960 and the Senate proceed to the think he is a good father, good grand- be kept from the ballot for President immediate consideration; that the bill father, and I think the time will and the U.S. Senate. be considered read a third time and come—and I hope soon—when we can Recently, Jim has decided to transi- passed; and that the motion to recon- sit down and take his proposal and my tion from the daily State director du- sider be considered made and laid upon proposal and put them together and ties into more of an advisory role. Con- the table with no intervening action or make a bill we will both be proud of. sidering he tried to retire over 10 years debate. We have done that before, even to the ago, I think it is well-deserved. No The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there point of getting the President to sign matter in what capacity, I will always objection? the bill into law. be thankful to have Jim as a part of The Senator from Iowa. For the time being and because his my team as an ally and an adviser. Mr. GRASSLEY. Reserving the right proposal cuts some Medicaid benefits He has dedicated so much of his time to object, this bill is in the jurisdiction that are a great concern to me, I am to the pursuit of liberty and freedom, of a committee that I am chairman of, going to object in the hope that we can to defending the principles that made the Senate Finance Committee. I think use this opportunity and this moment this Nation great, and to supporting a the Senate Finance Committee has a as a basis for sitting down and finding pro-Kentucky policy agenda. reputation for doing things in a very a bill we can agree on. Thank you, Jim, for your service to bipartisan way and moving a lot of im- I object. Kentucky and to this country. portant legislation. For example, we The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- I yield the floor. moved a bill out of committee to, hope- tion is heard on the modification. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- fully, get consideration on the floor. It Is there objection to the original re- jority leader. quest? is a very bipartisan bill that reduces ORDER OF BUSINESS the cost of prescription drugs. We did Mr. GRASSLEY. I object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, that on a 19-to-9 vote. I ask unanimous consent that debate There are a lot of other things we are tion is heard. time for S.J. Res. 52 expire at 12:15 p.m. working on, including some trade legis- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. on Wednesday, October 30, and that lation. We want to consider, hopefully, MCSALLY). The Senator from Ken- notwithstanding rule XXII, the cloture in a bipartisan way the U.S.-Mexico tucky. motions filed during yesterday’s ses- agreement. We also have an agreement TRIBUTE TO JIM MILLIMAN sion of the Senate ripen following the out on encouraged savings and things Mr. PAUL. Mr. President, I rise to disposition of S.J. Res. 52. of that nature. honor and pay tribute to one of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there I want to respond to my friend by re- most tenacious and dedicated Kentuck- objection? minding him how our committee ians I have had the pleasure of know- Without objection, it is so ordered. works. Last night was the first time ing, Mr. Jim Milliman. that I heard there was an interest in Jim began his career in 1964 after f moving Senator DURBIN’s bill. The bill graduating from the University of MORNING BUSINESS has not been through the committee Notre Dame. He subsequently grad- process, and, therefore, there has been uated magna cum laude from the Uni- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, no opportunity to weigh in with what versity of Louisville School of Law in I ask unanimous consent that the Sen- we know and to determine what we 1970. He married Nan Milliman, and ate be in a period of morning business, need. they made their home in Louisville, with Senators permitted to speak There are a number of programs fo- KY. They have been married for 48 therein for up to 10 minutes each. cused on reducing maternal mortality, years. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and it is unclear how this bill coordi- When I first met Jim, I knew him as objection, it is so ordered. nates with those efforts. This bill one of Kentucky’s finest attorneys, f makes a number of long-term changes who represented Brown & Williamson to Medicaid, and the policy and budg- during the tobacco litigation and the ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, etary impacts are unknown. State Republicans in election law mat- OCTOBER 30, 2019 I am offering a counterproposal in ters. I knew him as an accomplished Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, the Medicaid Program to address ma- managing partner of the Louisville- I ask unanimous consent that when the ternal health and identify underserved based law firm, Middleton Reutlinger. I Senate completes its business today, it areas. Additional funding is provided also knew him as the fiery conserv- adjourn until 10 a.m., Wednesday, Octo- for existing Maternal and Child Health ative cohost who often sat opposite ber 30; further, that following the pray- Services Block Grants. This focus is Congressman on WAVE er and pledge, the morning hour be fully offset by a policy that saves 3 TV’s political show ‘‘Hot Button.’’ He deemed expired, the Journal of pro- money by focusing our limited re- was known for his spirited debate and ceedings be approved to date, the time sources on moms and babies, rather for not backing down. for the two leaders be reserved for their than spending on prisoners at a higher After having over 40 successful years use later in the day, morning business percentage in our most vulnerable pop- in commercial litigation and receiving be closed, and the Senate resume con- ulations. numerous awards from his peers, such sideration of S.J. Res. 52, under the I am going to offer Senator DURBIN as being named one of the top 50 attor- previous order. this proposal that I just described. I neys in Kentucky, Jim decided to re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ask the Senator to modify his request tire—from the law, at least. In 2010, objection?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.045 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6236 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 Without objection, it is so ordered. clearinghouse containing all of the best I learned that from my parents, both f practices for designing safer schools. of whom were public school teachers. I The techniques contained in the school see it happening today through my ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT safety clearinghouse will come from three grandkids. In this country, we Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, the brightest engineers, architects, re- promise all of our kids a good edu- if there is no further business to come searchers, and educators in the coun- cation. We now need to promise a safe before the Senate, I ask unanimous try. It will be like a library that education as well. consent that it stand adjourned under schools can trust when making critical The School Safety Clearinghouse Act the previous order, following the re- decisions and when talking about phys- is a step that we can take right now, marks of Senators PERDUE, CASSIDY, ical upgrades in their environment. It right here in this body, to fulfill that and CASEY. is imperative that schools have the responsibility. We have no time to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without best design information because design waste. Every day, students across the objection, it is so ordered. flaws in school buildings are placing country attend schools to learn, grow The Senator from Georgia. our students and faculty at risk every up, and build their lives. The longer we f day. wait to secure our schools, the higher When drafting this bill, our office SCHOOL SAFETY the chance that some of those students met with Max Schachter, whose son, will not come home. Mr. PERDUE. Madam President, Nel- Alex, was tragically killed in the This is not all we need to do; this is son Mandela once said: ‘‘Education is Stoneman Douglas High School mas- just a first start, Madam President. If the best weapon with which to change sacre in Parkland, FL, not that long this bill helps to make one school safer the world.’’ ago. On that awful day, the murderer or saves one life, it will be worth it. Today, this morning, 51 million stu- fired through the window in Alex’s Let’s get it done. Thank you. dents woke up and went to a public classroom door and murdered Alex and I yield back. school in the United States. Each stu- two of his classmates. Senselessness. Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President was dent carried a spark with which to Had the glass been stronger or had the presiding before and I heard several light up the world in their futures. Un- window been designed with an ob- speeches by my colleagues on the fortunately, today, given the realities structed view, Alex might be alive Democratic side of the aisle speaking that we have seen over the last few today. about the 1332 waiver process that the years, some of these students are at Madam President, fixing design flaws Trump administration is using to lower risk. like these are simple matters that we insurance premiums, and the kind of Last week was designated as Amer- need to take a step toward today to common refrain is: This is a terrible ica’s Safe Schools Week. It was meant make our schools safer. Most schools thing. We are eroding protections in as a time to reflect on the steps we are understand this, and they are doing ev- the Affordable Care Act, and we should taking to protect our children every erything they can to close the security preserve the Affordable Care Act as it day. Upon reflection, however, one lapse. is. This is so ironic because the people thing has become very clear: In many In August, I saw this firsthand when who want to get rid of Obamacare right cases, considering the current realities, I toured Mashburn Elementary School now are running for President on the our public schools have not been de- in Forsyth County—with Georgia’s Democratic side of the ticket. First Lady Marty Kemp—which has signed physically to deal with the stu- If you ask BERNIE SANDERS if he dent safety issue. taken incredible steps with grants from wants to get replace Obamacare, he the State, that the Governor made The consequences of this are heart- raises his hand. If you ask ELIZABETH available, to enhance their safety breaking. We have heard this story too WARREN if she wants to replace many times: Parkland, FL, 17 lives; measures. Obamacare and force people to give up Using this grant money made avail- Newtown, CT, 27 lives; Columbine, CO, their employer-provided insurance, she able by Governor Brian Kemp, 13 lives. These were some of the dark- raises her hand. Mashburn has restructured all their est days in our country’s history. None Now, why do the Presidential can- entryways, reinforced the doors to of us will ever forget the terror, the didates—Democratic Presidential can- every classroom, and launched new tears, and the devastation that these didates sit there and say: Hey, let’s get emergency readiness protocols. As a re- and other communities have felt. For rid of Obamacare? And when the ad- sult, Mashburn is better able to pre- the parents and the relatives of those vent tragedy from occurring. ministration does something to lower affected, it is a nightmare from which And the best thing, it has in recent premiums, my Democratic colleagues many will never wake up. years actually developed a very close stand up and decry this kind of assault This can’t be allowed to continue. relationship with the local police force upon whatever value they are speaking There is an implicit agreement that and sheriff’s department. At Mashburn, to. when we drop our children off at a they have a sheriff’s deputy in school What I think is the Democratic can- school, we know they are going to be every day. didates running for President are so kept safe. In many cases today, we are Every school in the country wants to aware that healthcare costs under not fulfilling that agreement. There upgrade their safety. The problem is Obama have skyrocketed. Let me see if are a lot of steps we must take in order that many schools don’t simply have I can find my figures here, but it’s to face this crisis. I am confident that the information they need to make the quite remarkable. if we come together in a bipartisan best choices. The School Safety Clear- Let’s just speak a little bit about fashion and focus on doing what actu- inghouse Act will close this informa- what has happened. Since 2013, the de- ally works, we can make our schools tion gap once and for all. ductible for someone with single cov- safer. This is not a top-down government erage has increased by 53 percent. And The U.S. Senate has a chance to get program by the way. The School Safety despite deductibles going up, say, this started right now. Last month, in Clearinghouse Act will never have an $10,000, premiums have increased 20 a bipartisan effort, Senators DOUG unfunded mandate or make any rec- percent. So the patient’s out-of-pocket JONES, THOM TILLIS, and SHELLEY ommendations or force any school to exposure is increasing both in the de- MOORE CAPITO joined me in sponsoring take any action it doesn’t want. Rath- ductible and with their premium. For a the School Safety Clearinghouse Act. er, the School Safety Clearinghouse family of four in Louisiana—we looked This bipartisan bill is a critical first Act will empower them to make the de- on healthcare.gov just walking here— step that will help to protect students cisions for themselves. $25,000 for the policy with an over and faculty in our public schools in Here in America, it doesn’t matter if $10,000 deductible. America. you have big dreams or humble ones; Now, this is not affordable. So clear- The School Safety Clearinghouse Act this is the land of opportunity. Every- ly there is a concern about afford- will codify a recommendation from one has the right to pursue their own ability. That is what the Trump admin- President Trump’s Federal Commission happiness. A good education, as we istration has been trying to address. on School Safety to create a Federal know, is the best way to start that. And frankly, that is what BERNIE

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.046 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6237 SANDERS and ELIZABETH WARREN wish Like the Greek myth Tantalus—where civil rights and his beloved community to have Americans sacrifice their em- we get the word ‘‘tantalize’’ from— in Baltimore, MD left an indelible ployer-sponsored insurance to address. where the prize is always just beyond mark on our Nation. Congressman But my Democratic Senate col- the reach, just beyond the reach, al- Cummings died on October 17, 2019 in leagues don’t want to do this. They ways there to tempt, but you can never Baltimore, MD. He was 68 years old. would rather have all the protections have. Representative Cummings was born of Obamacare, even if you cannot af- So you have a family making $120,000 on January 18, 1951, in Baltimore, MD. ford the policy. And truly, that is what a year having to pay $25,000 for insur- He was the third of seven children born we are doing now. And now, we get to ance, with a $10,000 deductible. They to sharecroppers, Robert Cummings speaking about the waivers that the are sacrificing so many things. It is and Ruth Elma Cummings, who moved Trump administration is giving, some- tantalizing, but we are sure this is a north from South Carolina in search of how they are saying these are terrible better state of affairs. better opportunities for their family. things. Now, what the administration has Representative Cummings graduated Let me point out that, in the seven done, they have given States flexibility from Baltimore City College High States with 1332 waivers granted under to craft affordable options for families School and went on to earn a bach- the Trump administration, health in- that do not have subsidies. It respects elor’s degree in political science from surance premiums have decreased by the fact that some States are different Howard University in Washington, DC, 7.5 percent. Some States have had a than other States. Imagine that. where he served as student government double-digit reduction. Maryland, for Alaska is different than Rhode Is- president and graduated Phi Beta example—and I will come back to land—Alaska, if you laid it across a Kappa. Representative Cummings ob- Maryland—has had a 30-percent reduc- map of the lower 48, would stretch from tained a juris doctorate from the Uni- tion in their health insurance pre- Georgia to California, but has fewer versity of Maryland School of Law in miums under the 1332 waiver given by people than Rhode Island, and Rhode 1975. Throughout his career, he re- the Trump administration. North Da- Island, which is a postage stamp com- ceived 13 honorary doctoral degrees kota had a 20-percent reduction. pared to Alaska. Those States are dif- from universities throughout the coun- And what about if you didn’t get a ferent, so allow them to have different try. waiver? In my State, which didn’t healthcare systems. Representative Cummings’ career in apply for a waiver, premiums are ex- By the way, when we do this, we are public service began in 1983 when we pected to rise 10 percent this coming assured by the administration that was elected to the Maryland House of year—10 percent. So the family of four they continue to enforce protections Delegates. Representative Cummings paying $25,000 a year with a $10,000 de- for those with preexisting conditions proudly served in this role for 14 years, ductible will pay $27,500 next year, with and all other things that we as Ameri- eventually becoming the State legisla- a $12,500 deductible, meaning they will cans, that we as Republicans, that I as ture’s first African-American speaker be out almost $40,000—$40,000 for their a physician who have spent my life car- pro tempore. In 1996, he was elected to health insurance. ing for the uninsured, value—so that, if represent Maryland’s 7th District in I suspect there is a lot of families in healthcare is not affordable, it is not the House of Representatives as a my State that wouldn’t have minded if available. And what we have seen by member of the 104th Congress. Rep- we applied for a waiver if we could just the folks on the left who are concerned resentative Cummings focused on legis- lower premiums, instead of seeing out- about healthcare costs is a doubling lative priorities that promoted equal- of-pocket expense continue to rise. down on government control. ity and economic development, includ- Now, there is a little bit of an irony They want to go for Medicare for All. ing: criminal justice reform, lowering here. Maryland has a legislature domi- They want to take away your em- prescription drug prices, and combat- nated by Democrats, and they actually ployer-sponsored insurance. But at ting the opioid epidemic, among oth- got a 1332 waiver. So my Democratic least they acknowledge that cost is a ers. As a respected Congressman, he be- colleagues who are speaking about how problem. What my Senate colleagues came a ranking member of the Com- terrible these waivers are, they should are not doing, the ones who are speak- mittee on Transportation and Infra- look back to States which Democrats ing today, is acknowledging that cost structure and the chairman of the control who are applying for these is a problem, and you can have the House Committee on Oversight and Re- waivers. greatest plan in the world and, if it is form. I am told that Montana has a waiver, unaffordable, then that greatness is As the chairman of the House Com- Montana with a Democratic Governor ironic. It is on a piece of paper, but it mittee on Oversight and Reform, Rep- who is running for President on the is not real in someone’s life. resentative Cummings was a powerful Democratic side of the ticket. Appar- What we have seen is that States, voice who achieved a reputation as a ently, that person felt it was some- when they come to the Federal Govern- skilled consensus builder. He under- thing that he would sign into law and ment requesting permission to put in a stood accountability and protecting otherwise approve because it would be program which is specific to the cir- those who courageously spoke the beneficial to the people in the State. cumstances in their State, they are not truth to protect our Nation. He fought I don’t know why, in the Senate, my only covering the citizens in their daily to ensure our democracy was not Democratic Senate colleagues want State, continuing to have protections only intact but striving to live up to Americans to pay more for insurance. for those with preexisting conditions, its promise. At the foundation of his Why do they insist on continuing to but they are also lowering premiums fight was advocacy for justice and advocate for policies which make by as much as 30 percent. And that is a equal opportunity for all. healthcare, health insurance, so good thing, and I have no clue why my Representative Cummings made it unaffordable? Democratic colleagues do not want to his personal responsibility to champion This is personal for me. Besides being see premiums lowered by 30 percent. civil rights issues, particularly voting an American wanting all to have cov- Madam President, thank you, and I rights. His fierce advocacy was fueled, erage, for 25 years, I worked in a hos- yield the floor. in part, by the words of his mother who pital for the working poor, for the un- (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the on her death bed, implored him to en- insured, trying to bring healthcare to following statement was ordered to be sure the right to vote was preserved. those who could not otherwise afford printed in the RECORD.) He would heed her words by delivering it. It has been my life mission, if you f his own stirring calls to action. He un- will, as a physician, to try and get derstood the significance of the right healthcare to those who cannot have REMEMBERING ELIJAH CUMMINGS to vote in our democracy and worked it. ∑ Ms. HARRIS. Madam President, our tirelessly to oppose voter suppression, And so when folks want to give them Nation mourns the loss of one of the condemn discriminatory anti-voting this great policy, but you can’t afford country’s greatest leaders, Representa- tactics, and launch critical investiga- it, but don’t worry, it is a great policy tive Elijah Eugene Cummings, whose tions when voters—particularly people if you can afford it, I have to smile. life’s work as a fervent champion for of color—faced discriminatory voting

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.047 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 challenges. Representative Cummings’ Through his testimony, Todd skillfully staff and an elected board. The dis- visionary leadership and service has shared the undeniable link between ag- tricts set policy, monitor existing in- and will continue to strengthen our de- ricultural production and the Wyoming festations, work with the public to de- mocracy for generations to come. way of life and Wyoming’s commit- velop a comprehensive list of risks, and Representative Elijah Cummings’ ment to protecting our precious re- act quickly when new species are de- steadfast dedication to the city of Bal- sources. tected. Often, Weed and Pest super- timore, the State of Maryland, and our I believe you can tell the strength of visors wear many hats; depending on entire country will continue to inspire an organization by the dedication the hour, they are grant writers, weed others for generations to come. An im- shown by its members and staff. Todd sprayers, staff managers, and policy ex- passioned speaker, he was truly a voice Fornstrom is serving his third elected perts. for the voiceless. As a mentor, he term as president. Executive Vice Wyoming Weed and Pest coordinator, helped so many young people live in President Ken Hamilton recently cele- Slade Franklin, detailed the important their purpose and make the world a brated his 36th anniversary with the work of the council when I invited him better place. He fought for the soul of organization, Media and Member Rela- to testify before the Environment and Nation and selflessly dedicated his life tions Director Kerin Clark just passed Public Works Committee earlier this to empowering and uplifting his con- 25 years, and Brett Moline has served year. In his testimony, Slade shared stituents. Farm Bureau for 13 years. Every one of the coordination that is required to en- Representative Cummings is survived the 23 counties in Wyoming has a local sure invasive species are not able to by his wife, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Farm Bureau organization to build pol- gain an advantage in States where Cummings, his children, and a host of icy and address local issues. The coun- lands are managed by multiple juris- family and friends. It was a great ty committees are key parts of the dictions. Slade knows that invasive honor to attend his powerful funeral communities they serve. species do not respect fence lines, and and memorial service with many of my Without question, farmers and ranch- during his decade-long leadership of colleagues and friends. ers faced many challenges when the the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, Representative Cummings often said Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation was he has forged important relationships that ‘‘children are the living messages founded in 1920. Just as they did 100 with local, State, and Federal agencies. that we send to a future we will never years ago, farmers and ranchers con- His leadership has been integral in see.’’ A light is gone from our world, tinue to work together today to many of the State’s successes. but Representative Cummings’ legacy produce abundant, high-quality food It is without hesitation that I say will shine bright through all the indi- and fiber for their neighbors and com- Wyoming’s forests and plains would viduals he touched and all the move- munities around the world. I can only look much different today if the Wyo- ments he helped build.∑ imagine the challenging discussions ming Weed and Pest Council had not that prompted the first meeting in f unified in 1973. While the State has 1920, but I am certain early members struggled with cheatgrass and Russian CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF left that meeting with the same con- olive, they have been hugely successful THE WYOMING FARM BUREAU fidence they will leave the 100th meet- in preventing new infestations of FEDERATION ing. invasive mussels and limiting spread of Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, Working in agriculture is not simply a job. It is a calling, and sometimes, a other grasses, like ventenata. Each in just a few weeks, the Wyoming Farm municipal water manager, rancher, Bureau Federation will hold their an- challenging way of life. I rise today with great appreciation for the work hiker, forester, hunter, and miner owes nual meeting in Laramie, WY. This a debt of gratitude for the good work of year is unique, as the organization Wyoming farmers and ranchers have done, and continue to do, for our great the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council. marks their 100th meeting and cele- Whether they work from horseback, brates ten decades of service to farmers State. My wife, Bobbi, joins me in con- gratulating each member of the Wyo- ATV, the air, or a desk, I rise today to and ranchers across the State. Without honor the dedicated professionals to question, the agriculture industry in ming Farm Bureau Federation on their 100th anniversary. work to keep our ecosystems healthy. the State, and in the region, has seen My wife, Bobbi, joins me in thanking immense benefit from the important f them and wishing the Wyoming Weed work the Federation employees do ANNIVERSARY OF THE WYOMING and Pest Council another 75 years of every day. WEED AND PEST COUNCIL success. Today, the Wyoming Farm Bureau is Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, I f integral in gathering public opinion rise today to recognize a significant REMEMBERING MORRIS ANDREWS and disseminating information to anniversary for the Wyoming Weed and farmers and ranchers across the state. Pest Council. When they meet in a few Ms. BALDWIN. Madam President, I Officially, their mission identifies short weeks, the council will celebrate rise today to honor the life and legacy ‘‘The primary goal of WYFB is to take 75 years of service to Wyoming eco- of Morris Andrews, a revered champion appropriate actions to protect private systems and communities. While the of teachers, children, and public edu- property rights and help members council is partially funded by the State cation in Wisconsin. achieve an equitable return on their in- of Wyoming, the council’s success lies Morris Andrews was born in Big Rap- vestment.’’ Just as they did in 1920, the in dedication of staff, volunteers, sea- ids, MI, on November 26, 1935. As a tal- organization brings individuals to- sonal employees, and partners who ented student athlete, Andrews grad- gether to identify common threats to dedicate themselves to eradicating uated from Big Rapids High School and their way of life. Wyoming Farm Bu- invasive species and noxious weeds. went on to play football at Central reau worked closely with the national Invasive species threaten the delicate Michigan University, graduating with organization during the 2015 waters of balance in nearly every ecosystem. a bachelor’s degree in secondary edu- the United States rulemaking process Around the world, invasive species cation. He earned his master’s degree to effectively communicate the nega- cause billions of dollars in damage to from Indiana University in physical tive impacts the rule would have on the environment and to economies education. those who are the primary caretakers each year. They threaten watersheds, Morris taught high school govern- of our Nation’s natural resources. forests, and grasslands. They crowd out ment, coached football, and organized As chairman of the Environment and important native species, increase the teachers throughout the country. He Public Works Committee, I invited the risk of catastrophic wildfires, intro- came to Wisconsin to lead the Wis- Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation duce disease, and fundamentally under- consin Education Association Council, president, Todd Fornstrom, to share mine the natural cycle of life. Dedi- WEAC, in 1972, initiating a trans- his story. Todd emphasized the need to cated experts work each day to stem formation in the way teachers were protect clean, plentiful water sources the tide of new introductions. valued in the State. Morris brought while providing predictability for Each of the 23 counties in Wyoming pride, power, and respectable wages to States, counties, and communities. has a Weed and Pest District, run by the teaching profession.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.005 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6239 After the protracted and bitter TRIBUTE TO TONY EARL fice, working with his advisor on wom- Hortonville teachers strike in 1974, Ms. BALDWIN. Madam President, I en’s issues, Roberta Gassman. It was an Morris helped craft a mediation/arbi- rise today to recognize former Wis- extraordinary opportunity that in- tration law that replaced the right to consin Governor Tony Earl on the oc- spired me to pursue a career in public strike with collective bargaining. This casion of the 50th anniversary of his service. In addition to his advocacy for new way of settling public sector labor election to the Wisconsin State Assem- women, Tony was a trailblazer in the disputes ushered in decades of labor bly and the beginning of a remarkable fight for LGBT equality. He was among peace. career of public service. Governor Earl the first Governors to appoint a liaison Under his leadership, WEAC set the is a progressive champion in Wisconsin to the LGBT community he established standard for recognizing the impor- politics and government. He success- the first Governor’s Council on Lesbian tance of teachers in shaping the future fully fought to clean up our polluted and Gay issues, which provided much for generations of students. As teach- waters and protect our environment. needed oversight of anti-discrimination ers’ rights increased, so did graduation He is passionate about building a soci- laws that had been recently adopted in rates and test scores. Wisconsin ACT ety where no one is left behind, and he Wisconsin. Working for Governor Earl scores rose to the top of the national listens to and fights for those whose taught me the importance of doing charts for decades. Morris also initi- voices are too often not heard. what is right, regardless of political ated advancements in education that Anthony Scully Earl was born in St. popularity. Tony personifies our strong are now taken for granted, including Ignace, MI, and enjoyed his childhood Wisconsin values of kindness, deter- uniform graduation requirements, gen- on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. As the mination and hard work. der equity in school athletics, uni- son of a grocery store owner, Tony was I am grateful to Tony Earl for all of versal special education programs, influenced by his father’s strong work his contributions to the State of Wis- school nursing services, and remedial ethic. He took this work ethic with consin. I am pleased to join thousands reading programs for underachieving him to Michigan State, where he grad- of people across our State in recog- students. uated in 1958. After earning his law de- nizing Tony’s dedication to public serv- Morris never shied away from a fight gree at the University of Chicago, Tony ice and achievements over the past 50 worth winning. One never had to guess served our country in the U.S. Navy for years. whose side he was on. He knew what 4 years. f Following his military service, he was best for teachers, students, and ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS education, and he knew how to get it moved to Wausau, WI, in 1965 and im- for them. By organizing and empow- mediately became an integral part of ering teachers, he shifted the balance the community. He served as an assist- TRIBUTE TO SEAMAN 2ND CLASS of political power in Wisconsin away ant district attorney of Marathon MARTIN ROY County for a year before becoming the from well-heeled corporate interests ∑ Ms. HASSAN. Madam President, toward K–12 students, their parents, first full-time city attorney for Wausau from 1966 to 1969. Following the nomi- today I would like to recognize the and the dedicated educators who teach birthday of U.S. Navy Seaman 2nd them. nation of Wisconsin Congressman Mel- vin Laird to serve as Secretary of De- Class Martin Roy of Manchester NH. When Morris began his tenure in 1972, fense and the special election of Dave Mr. Roy was born on November 11, 1914, WEAC had 40,000 members and little in- Obey to succeed Laird in Congress, in Armagh, Canada, a day that would volvement in State politics or edu- Tony himself was elected to fill Dave become Armistice Day in 1918 and was cation policy. When he retired 20 years Obey’s seat in the Wisconsin State As- later renamed to Veterans Day in 1954. later, he left a 62,000-member power- sembly. Tony was so respected by his Mr. Roy moved to the United States as house with a $10 million budget and a colleagues that he was elected major- a teenager and worked in the mills in staff of 175 that was a major player in ity leader after only 1 year in the as- Lowell, MS as a mechanical repairman. the State legislature and at the ballot sembly. In 1943, Mr. Roy enlisted in the U.S. box. He was later tapped by Governor Pat- Navy and served during World War II. Morris didn’t rest after his retire- rick Lucey to serve as Secretary of the He was onboard the USS Franklin, also ment from WEAC in 1992. He remained Department of Administration, fol- known as Big Ben, on March 19, 1945, committed to his passions of orga- lowed by service as Secretary of the when a Japanese pilot dropped two nizing and advocacy, providing sage ad- Department of Natural Resources. He bombs on the ship. The bombs caused vice to candidates of both parties run- chaired the Center for Clean Air Policy explosions and fires that triggered am- ning for office and speaking assertively and directed the Great Lakes Protec- munition, bombs, and rockets. Along for those without a voice. Morris also tion Fund. In recognition of his pas- with 700 surviving crewmembers, Mr. left an indelible mark on the State sionate stewardship of Wisconsin’s nat- Roy helped throw the remaining explo- through his work on behalf of the ural beauty and his commitment to en- sives overboard and saved the ship. Urban League of Greater Madison, Fair vironmental protection, the State of When he was honorably discharged in Wisconsin, and the campaign to build Wisconsin recently renamed the 1945, Mr. Roy received a letter of the Monona Terrace Convention Cen- Peshtigo State Forest in his honor. thanks signed by James Forrestal, ter. In 1982, Tony Earl was elected Gov- then Secretary of the Navy who would There is only one endeavor that sur- ernor of Wisconsin. As Governor, Tony later become the first Secretary of De- passed his commitment to teachers, was principled, courageous, and bold. fense. children, and public schools: his dedi- He was a passionate advocate for equal- On February 22, 1946, Mr. Roy mar- cation to Kris, his wife of 25 years, and ity, and his leadership had a profound ried Louise Boutin, whom he had met his siblings, children, and grand- impact, particularly on women. Recog- while working in the mills. They had children. Beneath his gruff exterior nizing that people working in female- two children, Paul and Cecile, and lived a man with a gentle heart who dominated fields were often paid less moved to Suncook, NH in the early cared deeply about his family, friends, than workers in comparable male- 1950s. and colleagues. dominated jobs, Tony established a Mr. Roy took a job at the Suncook Morris Andrews believed in his heart commission to conduct a comprehen- Mills and, using his mechanical skills, and soul that a solid education system sive study of the comparable worth of he, along with a friend developed a pat- was the very foundation of a strong de- State government jobs and then used ent to repair looms in the mill. In addi- mocracy. He dedicated his life to en- that data to establish pay equity for tion, for many years Mr. Roy owned suring both education and democracy State employees. He led by example and operated two convenience stores, thrived in Wisconsin. His legacy lives and his work informed decisions by one in Lowell and another Suncook. A on in the successes of generations of other governmental entities and the man of many interests, Mr. Roy also leaders educated in Wisconsin public private sector. trained thoroughbred horses over a schools. He can rest in peace knowing Early in my career, I had the privi- nearly 20-year period and traveled the he indeed made a significant difference. lege of interning in Governor Earl’s of- New England circuit, owning eight

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:01 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.010 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 horses at one time. Upon his so-called H.R. 2781. An act to amend title VII of the the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission retirement, Mr. Roy worked part time Public Health Service Act to reauthorize and the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Ac- as a janitor and repairman in the local certain programs relating to the health pro- cess Commission with access to certain drug bank, never ceasing to work hard and fessions workforce, and for other purposes. payment information, including certain re- H.R. 3942. An act to apply requirements re- bate information; to the Committee on Fi- give back to his community. lating to delivery sales of cigarettes to nance. Mr. President, I hope you will join deliverv sales of electronic nicotine delivery H.R. 2115. An act to amend titles XI and me in wishing a dedicated, patriotic, systems, and for other purposes. XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide and multi-talented Granite Stater, H.R. 4067. An act to amend the Consumer greater transparency for discounts provided Martin Roy, a very Happy 105th birth- Financial Protection Act of 2010 to direct the by manufacturers, to include real-time ben- day.∑ Office of Community Affairs to identify efit information as part of a prescription causes leading to, and solutions for, under- drug plan’s electronic prescription program f banked, un-banked, and underserved con- under the Medicare program, and for other MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE sumers, and for other purposes. purposes; to the Committee on Finance. H.R. 4334. An act to amend the Older Amer- At 12:01 p.m., a message from the H.R. 2440. An act to provide for the use of icans Act of 1965 to authorize appropriations funds in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund House of Representatives, delivered by for fiscal years 2020 through 2024, and for for the purposes for which the funds were Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, other purposes. collected and to ensure that funds credited announced that the House has passed H.R. 4860. An act to amend the Securities to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund are the following bills, in which it requests Act of 1933 to subject crowdfunding vehicles used to support navigation, and for other the concurrence of the Senate: to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Ex- purposes; to the Committee on the Budget. change Commission, and for other purposes. H.R. 647. An act to amend the Public H.R. 2502. An act to amend title 40, United ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Health Service Act to increase the number of States Code, to require certain prospectuses permanent faculty in palliative care at ac- At 2:24 p.m., a message from the for public buildings to be made publicly credited allopathic and osteopathic medical House of Representatives, delivered by available, and for other purposes; to the schools, nursing schools, social work schools, Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- Committee on Environment and Public and other programs, including physician as- nounced that the Speaker has signed Works. H.R. 2514. An act to make reforms to the sistant education programs, to promote edu- the following enrolled bills: cation and research in palliative care and Federal Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money S. 693. An act to amend title 36, United laundering laws, and for other purposes; to hospice, and to support the development of States Code, to require that the POW/MIA faculty careers in academic palliative medi- the Committee on Banking, Housing, and flag be displayed on all days that the flag of Urban Affairs. cine. the United States is displayed on certain H.R. 728. An act to amend title VIII of the H.R. 2781. An act to amend title VII of the Federal property. Public Health Service Act to reauthorize Public Health Service Act to extend ad- H.R. 1396. An act to award Congressional vanced education nursing grants to support certain programs relating to the health pro- Gold Medals to Katherine Johnson and Dr. fessions workforce, and for other purposes; clinical nurse specialist programs, and for Christine Darden, to posthumously award other purposes. to the Committee on Health, Education, Congressional Gold Medals to Dorothy Labor, and Pensions. H.R. 886. An act to direct the Attorney Vaughan and Mary Jackson, and to award a General to establish and carry out a Veteran H.R. 4067. An act to amend the Consumer Congressional Gold Medal to honor all of the Financial Protection Act of 2010 to direct the Treatment Court Program. women who contributed to the success of the H.R. 1306. An act to amend the Disaster Re- Office of Community Affairs to identify National Aeronautics and Space Administra- covery Reform Act of 2018 to develop a study causes leading to, and solutions for, under- tion during the Space Race. regarding streamlining and consolidating in- banked, un-banked, and underserved con- formation collection and preliminary dam- The enrolled bills were subsequently sumers, and for other purposes; to the Com- age assessments, and for other purposes. signed the President pro tempore (Mr. mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- H.R. 1775. An act to establish a task force GRASSLEY). fairs. on NOTAM improvements, and for other pur- H.R. 4860. An act to amend the Securities f poses. Act of 1933 to subject crowdfunding vehicles H.R. 1781. An act to amend titles XVIII and MEASURES REFERRED to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Ex- change Commission, and for other purposes; XIX of the Social Security Act to provide The following bills were read the first the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and and the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Ac- and the second times by unanimous Urban Affairs. consent, and referred as indicated: cess Commission with access to certain drug f payment information, including certain re- H.R. 647. An act to amend the Public bate information. Health Service Act to increase the number of MEASURES DISCHARGED H.R. 1865. An act to require the Secretary permanent faculty in palliative care at ac- The following joint resolution was of the Treasury to mint a coin in commemo- credited allopathic and osteopathic medical discharged from the Committee on Fi- ration of the opening of the National Law schools, nursing schools, social work schools, Enforcement Museum in the District of Co- and other programs, including physician as- nance by petition, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. lumbia, and for other purposes. sistant education programs, to promote edu- 802(c), and placed on the calendar: H.R. 2115. An act to amend titles XI and cation and research in palliative care and S.J. Res. 52. Joint resolution providing for XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide hospice, and to support the development of congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of greater transparency for discounts provided faculty careers in academic palliative medi- title 5, United States Code, of the rule sub- by manufacturers, to include realtime ben- cine; to the Committee on Health, Edu- mitted by the Secretary of the Treasury and efit information as part of a prescription cation, Labor, and Pensions. the Secretary of Health and Human Services drug plan’s electronic prescription program H.R. 728. An act to amend title VIII of the relating to ‘‘State Relief and Empowerment under the Medicare program, and for other Public Health Service Act to extend ad- Waivers’’. purposes. vanced education nursing grants to support f H.R. 2423. An act to require the Secretary clinical nurse specialist programs, and for of the Treasury to mint coins in commemo- other purposes; to the Committee on Health, MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME ration of ratification of the 19th Amendment Education, Labor, and Pensions. The following bill was read the first to the Constitution of the United States, giv- H.R. 886. An act to direct the Attorney time: ing women in the United States the right to General to establish and carry out a Veteran vote. Treatment Court Program; to the Com- H.R. 4334. An act to amend the Older Amer- H.R. 2440. An act to provide for the use of mittee on the Judiciary. icans Act of 1965 to authorize appropriations funds in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund H.R. 1306. An act to amend the Disaster Re- for fiscal years 2020 through 2024, and for for the purposes for which the funds were covery Reform Act of 2018 to develop a study other purposes. collected and to ensure that funds credited regarding streamlining and consolidating in- f to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund are formation collection and preliminary dam- used to support navigation, and for other age assessments, and for other purposes; to ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED purposes. the Committee on Homeland Security and The Secretary of the Senate reported H.R. 2502. An act to amend title 40, United Governmental Affairs. that on today, October 29, 2019, she had States Code, to require certain prospectuses H.R. 1775. An act to establish a task force presented to the President of the for public buildings to be made publicly on NOTAM improvements, and for other pur- available, and for other purposes. poses; to the Committee on Commerce, United States the following enrolled H.R. 2514. An act to make reforms to the Science, and Transportation. bill: Federal Bank Secrecy Act and antimoney H.R. 1781. An act to amend titles XVIII and S. 693. An act to amend title 36, United laundering laws, and for other purposes. XIX of the Social Security Act to provide States Code, to require that the POW/MIA

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:01 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.009 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6241 flag be displayed on all days that the flag of Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Secretary’s Recognition Procedures for the United States is displayed on certain ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- State Agencies’’ (RIN1840–AD36 and RIN1840– Federal property. titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; California; AD37) received in the Office of the President f Calaveras County Air Pollution Control Dis- of the Senate on October 24, 2019; to the Com- trict’’ (FRL No. 10001–32–Region 9) received mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and EXECUTIVE AND OTHER during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Pensions. COMMUNICATIONS fice of the on Octo- EC–3044. A communication from the Acting The following communications were ber 25, 2019; to the Committee on Environ- Assistant Administrator of the Diversion laid before the Senate, together with ment and Public Works. Control Division, Drug Enforcement Admin- EC–3036. A communication from the Direc- istration, Department of Justice, transmit- accompanying papers, reports, and doc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- uments, and were referred as indicated: Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- titled ‘‘New Single-Sheet Format for U.S. Of- EC–3028. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ficial Order Form for Schedule I and II Con- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; California; Ven- trolled Substances (DEA Form 222)’’ Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tura County Air Pollution Control District’’ ((RIN1117–AB44) (Docket No. DEA–453)) re- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- (FRL No. 10000–88–Region 9) received during ceived in the Office of the President of the titled ‘‘Fenbuconazole; Pesticide Toler- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of Senate on October 21, 2019; to the Committee ances’’ (FRL No. 9999–58) received during ad- the President of the Senate on October 25, on the Judiciary. journment of the Senate in the Office of the 2019; to the Committee on Environment and EC–3045. A communication from the Asso- President of the Senate on October 25, 2019; Public Works. ciate Director for Legislative Affairs, Office to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, EC–3037. A communication from the Direc- of Legislative and Intergovernmental Af- and Forestry. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, fairs, Department of Commerce transmit- EC–3029. A communication from the Direc- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ‘‘FY2018 Annual Report on Small Entity Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Georgia; Revi- Compliance Guides’’; to the Committee on ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- sions to Sulfur Dioxide Ambient Air Quality Commerce, Science, and Transportation. titled ‘‘Isotianil; Pesticide Tolerances’’ (FRL Standards’’ (FRL No. 10001–49–Region 4) re- f No. 10000–79) received during adjournment of ceived during adjournment of the Senate in the Senate in the Office of the President of the Office of the President of the Senate on REPORTS OF COMMITTEES the Senate on October 25, 2019; to the Com- October 25, 2019; to the Committee on Envi- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- ronment and Public Works. The following reports of committees estry. EC–3038. A communication from the Direc- were submitted: EC–3030. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- on Energy and Natural Resources, with an Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- amendment in the nature of a substitute: ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Massachusetts; S. 1570. A bill to provide flexibility to allow titled ‘‘Mandipropamid; Pesticide Toler- Transport State Implementation Plans for greater aquifer recharge, and for other pur- ances’’ (FRL No. 9999–56) received during ad- the 1997 and 2008 Ozone Standards’’ (FRL No. poses (Rept. No. 116–155). journment of the Senate in the Office of the 10001–37–Region 1) received during adjourn- S. 2044. A bill to amend the Omnibus Pub- President of the Senate on October 25, 2019; ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- lic Land Management Act of 2009 to establish to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, dent of the Senate on October 25, 2019; to the an Aging Infrastructure Account, to amend and Forestry. Committee on Environment and Public the Reclamation Safety of Dams Act of 1978 EC–3031. A communication from the Direc- Works. to provide additional funds under that Act, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–3039. A communication from the Direc- to establish a review of flood control rule Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, curves pilot project within the Bureau of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Reclamation, and for other purposes (Rept. titled ‘‘Pendimethalin; Pesticide Toler- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- No. 116–156). ances’’ (FRL No. 10000–06) received during ad- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; OR: 2018 Permit- By Mr. INHOFE, from the Committee on journment of the Senate in the Office of the ting Rule Revisions’’ (FRL No. 10001–52–Re- Armed Services, without amendment: President of the Senate on October 25, 2019; gion 10) received during adjournment of the S. 2731. An original bill to authorize appro- to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, Senate in the Office of the President of the priations for fiscal year 2020 for military ac- and Forestry. Senate on October 25, 2019; to the Committee tivities of the Department of Defense, for EC–3032. A communication from the Direc- on Environment and Public Works. military construction, and for defense activi- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–3040. A communication from the Direc- ties of the Department of Energy, and for Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, other purposes. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- f titled ‘‘Sulfoxaflor; Pesticide Tolerances’’ ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- (FRL No. 9998–88) received during adjourn- titled ‘‘New Hampshire: Final Approval of EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- State Underground Storage Tank Program COMMITTEE dent of the Senate on October 25, 2019; to the Revisions, Codification, and Incorporation Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and by Reference’’ (FRL No. 10001–60–Region 1) The following executive reports of Forestry. received during adjournment of the Senate nominations were submitted: EC–3033. A communication from the Direc- in the Office of the President of the Senate By Mr. INHOFE for the Committee on tor of the Regulatory Management Division, on October 25, 2019; to the Committee on En- Armed Services. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- vironment and Public Works. Army nomination of Col. Andrew C. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–3041. A communication from the Direc- Hilmes, to be Brigadier General. titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval and Designation of tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. James Areas; FL; Redesignation of the Hillsborough Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- B. Hecker, to be Lieutenant General. County 2010 1-Hour Sulfur Dioxide Non- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Navy nomination of Capt. Gregory C. attainment Area to Attainment’’ (FRL No. titled ‘‘Significant New Use Rules on Certain Huffman, to be Rear Admiral (lower half). 10001–35–Region 4) received during adjourn- Chemical Substances (17–4)’’ ((RIN2070–AB27) Navy nomination of Rear Adm. Bruce L. ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- (FRL No. 10000–69)) received during adjourn- Gillingham, to be Rear Admiral. dent of the Senate on October 25, 2019; to the ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Mark C. Committee on Environment and Public dent of the Senate on October 25, 2019; to the Schwartz, to be Lieutenant General. Works. Committee on Environment and Public Army nomination of Col. Karl Konzelman, EC–3034. A communication from the Direc- Works. to be Brigadier General. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–3042. A communication from the Acting Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Randy A. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Secretary of Labor, transmitting, pursuant George, to be Lieutenant General. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- to law, a report entitled ‘‘The Department of Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Edwin J. titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval: Lane County, Or- Labor’s 2018 Findings on the Worst Forms of Deedrick, Jr., to be Lieutenant General. egon; 2019 Permitting Rule Revisions’’ (FRL Child Labor’’; to the Committee on Finance. Army nomination of Lt. Gen. James E. No. 10001–56–Region 10) received during ad- EC–3043. A communication from the Dep- Rainey, to be Lieutenant General. journment of the Senate in the Office of the uty General Counsel for Ethics, Office of Navy nomination of Vice Adm. Charles A. President of the Senate on October 25, 2019; Postsecondary Education, Department of Richard, to be Admiral. to the Committee on Environment and Pub- Education, transmitting, pursuant to law, lic Works. the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Student Assist- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, for the EC–3035. A communication from the Direc- ance General Provisions, The Secretary’s Committee on Armed Services I report tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Recognition of Accrediting Agencies, The favorably the following nomination

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.016 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 lists which were printed in the Army nomination of Guadalupe Resendez, Navy nominations beginning with Kelly W. RECORDS on the dates indicated, and Jr., to be Lieutenant Colonel. Agha and ending with Amy L. Younger, ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- Army nomination of Katrina A. Parlow, to which nominations were received by the Sen- be Lieutenant Colonel. pense of reprinting on the Executive ate and appeared in the Congressional Army nominations beginning with Leslie Record on September 19, 2019. Calendar that these nominations lie at E. Akins and ending with D014484, which Navy nominations beginning with Kwadwo the Secretary’s desk for the informa- nominations were received by the Senate and S. Agyepong and ending with Shaun E. Wil- tion of Senators. appeared in the Congressional Record on Oc- liams, which nominations were received by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tober 15, 2019. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- objection, it is so ordered. Army nominations beginning with Mat- sional Record on September 19, 2019. thew W. Caspari and ending with Glen E. Air Force nomination of David B. Martin, Navy nominations beginning with Bradley Templeton, which nominations were received to be Lieutenant Colonel. E. Cherry and ending with Neil W. Whitesell, Air Force nominations beginning with by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- which nominations were received by the Sen- Matthew W. Styles and ending with Lindsey sional Record on October 15, 2019. ate and appeared in the Congressional Army nomination of Kenneth J. Biskner, P. Davis, which nominations were received Record on September 19, 2019. to be Colonel. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Navy nominations beginning with Hernan Army nominations beginning with Nayari sional Record on September 19, 2019. R. Borja and ending with Brian E. Yee, which N. Cameron and ending with Juan A. Air Force nomination of Shayla A. Canty- nominations were received by the Senate and Villatoro, which nominations were received Smith, to be Lieutenant Colonel. appeared in the Congressional Record on Air Force nominations beginning with by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- September 19, 2019. Travis M. Allen and ending with Christopher sional Record on October 15, 2019. Navy nominations beginning with Ben- Army nomination of Deleno M. Harper, Jr., D. Underwood II, which nominations were re- jamin T. Anderson and ending with Matthew to be Major. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the A. Stroup, which nominations were received Army nomination of James M. McCandless, Congressional Record on September 19, 2019. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- to be Colonel. Air Force nomination of Brandon R. Bur- sional Record on September 19, 2019. Army nomination of Jens K. Pederson, to Navy nominations beginning with Nick den, to be Major. be Colonel. Air Force nominations beginning with Ste- Avila and ending with Athanasios R. Army nominations beginning with Greco Varvoutis, which nominations were received ven D. Gresswell and ending with Tessa L. E. Carreras and ending with Paul E. Winterton, which nominations were received by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Gebhardt, which nominations were received sional Record on September 19, 2019. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- sional Record on October 15, 2019. Navy nominations beginning with Michael sional Record on October 15, 2019. Adamski, Jr. and ending with Austin C. Air Force nomination of Jason M. Zhao, to Army nomination of James H. Feaster, to be Major. West, which nominations were received by be Colonel. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Air Force nomination of Samuel H. Army nomination of Christa M. Chewar, to Bridges, to be Lieutenant Colonel. sional Record on September 19, 2019. be Colonel. Navy nominations beginning with Jason C. Air Force nominations beginning with Army nomination of Erik A. Ernest, to be Timothy J. Curry and ending with Ryan J. Abell and ending with James M. Zweifel, Major. which nominations were received by the Sen- Garlow, which nominations were received by Army nomination of Joshua D. Helsel, to ate and appeared in the Congressional the Senate and appeared in the Congres- be Major. Record on September 19, 2019. sional Record on October 15, 2019. Army nomination of Scott T. McCartney, Navy nominations beginning with Garrett Air Force nominations beginning with to be Major. L. Adams and ending with Iris P. Wood, Brian P. Berlakovich and ending with Scott Army nomination of Broderick L. Gardner, which nominations were received by the Sen- J. Rumisek, which nominations were re- to be Major. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Army nomination of Kara S. Krulewicz, to ate and appeared in the Congressional Congressional Record on October 15, 2019. be Major. Record on September 19, 2019. Army nomination of Timothy M. Donelson, Army nomination of Tatchie O. Manso, to Navy nomination of Joseph L. Coffey, to be to be Major. be Major. Captain. Army nomination of Cesar A. Patino, to be Army nomination of Eduardo Olvera, to be (Nominations without an asterisk Major. Major. were reported with the recommenda- Army nomination of John J. Vogel, to be Army nomination of Francisco Rincon, to tion that they be confirmed.) Colonel. be Major. Army nomination of Lance A. Brown, to be Army nomination of Wallace W. Rollins, to f Colonel. be Major. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Army nomination of Gregory J. Hirschey, Army nomination of Taylor S. Schenck, to JOINT RESOLUTIONS to be Colonel. be Major. Army nomination of Michael C. Haith, to Army nomination of William D. Swenson, The following bills and joint resolu- be Lieutenant Colonel. to be Lieutenant Colonel. tions were introduced, read the first Army nomination of Christopher O. Dor- Marine Corps nomination of James M. Ste- and second times by unanimous con- sey, to be Major. phens, to be Major. sent, and referred as indicated: Army nomination of Galen Cipperly, to be Marine Corps nomination of Carlos T. Major. Jackson, to be Colonel. By Ms. ERNST (for herself and Mr. Army nomination of Wayne J. Harsha, to Navy nomination of Michael J. Tagaloa, to PAUL): be Colonel. be Commander. S. 2722. A bill to prohibit agencies from Army nominations beginning with Paula Navy nomination of Patcho N. Santiago, to using Federal funds for publicity or propa- A. Boice and ending with Chunae Zoh, which be Captain. ganda purposes, and for other purposes; to nominations were received by the Senate and Navy nomination of Bryan A. Boldon, to be the Committee on Homeland Security and appeared in the Congressional Record on Lieutenant Commander. Governmental Affairs. September 19, 2019. Navy nomination of Michael D. Cribbs, to By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Ms. Army nomination of Brian E. Burk, to be be Lieutenant Commander. SMITH): Colonel. Navy nomination of Brackery L. Battle, to S. 2723. A bill to amend the Federal Food, Army nomination of Rhianna K. Riggs, to be Lieutenant Commander. Drug, and Cosmetic Act to reduce drug stor- be Major. Navy nomination of Joel D. Myers, to be ages, and for other purposes; to the Com- Army nomination of Fatima H. Khan, to be Lieutenant Commander. mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Major. Navy nominations beginning with Bryan Pensions. Army nomination of Demetrius E. Walton, M. Allred and ending with Kendra M. Yates, By Mr. COTTON (for himself, Ms. to be Major. which nominations were received by the Sen- SINEMA, Mr. TILLIS, and Mr. JONES): Army nominations beginning with Gregory ate and appeared in the Congressional S. 2724. A bill to amend the Sarbanes-Oxley B. Batdorff and ending with Eric W. Widmar, Record on September 19, 2019. Act of 2002 to exclude the audits of privately which nominations were received by the Sen- Navy nominations beginning with Mario D. held, non-custody brokers and dealers that ate and appeared in the Congressional Adame and ending with Anthony M. Young, are in good standing from certain require- Record on October 15, 2019. which nominations were received by the Sen- ments under title I of that Act, and for other Army nominations beginning with Joseph ate and appeared in the Congressional purposes; to the Committee on Banking, A. Burton and ending with Ronald C. Vicars, Record on September 19, 2019. Housing, and Urban Affairs. which nominations were received by the Sen- Navy nominations beginning with William By Mr. ROUNDS (for himself, Ms. ate and appeared in the Congressional H. Abbitt and ending with Ruben B. Zweiban, SMITH, Mr. THUNE, Mr. TESTER, Ms. Record on October 15, 2019. which nominations were received by the Sen- MCSALLY, and Ms. CORTEZ MASTO): Army nomination of Eric L. Rahman, to be ate and appeared in the Congressional S. 2725. A bill to modify the procedures for Colonel. Record on September 19, 2019. loan guarantees provided for Indian housing,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:01 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.023 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6243 and for other purposes; to the Committee on United States merchant mariners of S. 696 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. World War II, in recognition of their At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and dedicated and vital service during name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. Mr. WYDEN): World War II. KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 2726. A bill to amend the Federal Elec- tion Campaign Act of 1971 to provide for the S. 206 696, a bill to designate the same indi- treatment of payments for child care and At the request of Mr. TESTER, the vidual serving as the Chief Nurse Offi- other personal use services as an authorized names of the Senator from Tennessee cer of the Public Health Service as the campaign expenditure, and for other pur- (Mr. ALEXANDER) and the Senator from National Nurse for Public Health. poses; to the Committee on Rules and Ad- Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI) were added as S. 890 ministration. cosponsors of S. 206, a bill to award a At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the By Mr. MARKEY (for himself and Mr. Congressional Gold Medal to the fe- SANDERS): name of the Senator from New York S. 2727. A bill to reduce spending on nu- male telephone operators of the Army (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- clear weapons and related defense spending Signal Corps, known as the ‘‘Hello sponsor of S. 890, a bill to authorize the and to prohibit the procurement and deploy- Girls’’. Sergeant at Arms to protect the per- ment of low-yield nuclear warheads, and for S. 285 sonal technology devices and accounts other purposes; to the Committee on Armed At the request of Ms. ERNST, the of Senators and covered employees Services. name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. from cyber attacks and hostile infor- By Mr. HAWLEY: CORNYN) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 2728. A bill to establish a Department of mation collection activities, and for Homeland Security counterintelligence vet- 285, a bill to require U.S. Immigration other purposes. ting task force, and for other purposes; to and Customs Enforcement to take into S. 948 the Committee on Homeland Security and custody certain aliens who have been At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the Governmental Affairs. charged in the United States with a names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. By Ms. DUCKWORTH (for herself and crime that resulted in the death or se- WYDEN) and the Senator from South Mr. RISCH): rious bodily injury of another person, Dakota (Mr. THUNE) were added as co- S. 2729. A bill to require Federal agencies and for other purposes. to report to Congress on non-compliance sponsors of S. 948, a bill to provide in- S. 479 with the requirements applicable to the Of- centives to physicians to practice in fice of Small Business and Disadvantaged At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the rural and medically underserved com- Business Utilization of the Federal agency, names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. munities, and for other purposes. BROWN) and the Senator from Kansas and for other purposes; to the Committee on S. 1007 Small Business and Entrepreneurship. (Mr. ROBERTS) were added as cospon- At the request of Mr. WARNER, the By Mr. PETERS: sors of S. 479, a bill to revise section 48 names of the Senator from New Mexico S. 2730. A bill to establish and ensure an in- of title 18, United States Code, and for (Mr. HEINRICH) and the Senator from Il- clusive transparent Drone Advisory Com- other purposes. mittee; to the Committee on Commerce, linois (Mr. DURBIN) were added as co- Science, and Transportation. S. 521 sponsors of S. 1007, a bill to amend the By Mr. INHOFE: At the request of Mr. BROWN, the Horse Protection Act to designate ad- S. 2731. An original bill to authorize appro- name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. ditional unlawful acts under the Act, priations for fiscal year 2020 for military ac- ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. strengthen penalties for violations of tivities of the Department of Defense, for 521, a bill to amend title II of the So- military construction, and for defense activi- the Act, improve Department of Agri- cial Security Act to repeal the Govern- culture enforcement of the Act, and for ties of the Department of Energy, and for ment pension offset and windfall elimi- other purposes; from the Committee on other purposes. nation provisions. Armed Services; placed on the calendar. S. 1032 S. 636 By Mr. BENNET: At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the S. 2732. A bill to amend the Department of names of the Senator from North Caro- Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to es- name of the Senator from New York lina (Mr. BURR) and the Senator from tablish the Advanced Research Projects (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- Arkansas (Mr. COTTON) were added as Agency-Terra, and for other purposes; to the sor of S. 636, a bill to designate Ven- cosponsors of S. 1032, a bill to amend Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and ezuela under section 244 of the Immi- Forestry. the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to gration and Nationality Act to permit By Mr. ROMNEY (for himself, Mr. modify the definition of income for nationals of Venezuela to be eligible MANCHIN, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. JONES, and purposes of determining the tax-ex- for temporary protected status under Ms. SINEMA): empt status of certain corporations. S. 2733. A bill to save and strengthen crit- such section. S. 1119 ical social contract programs of the Federal S. 642 Government; to the Committee on Homeland At the request of Mr. ALEXANDER, the At the request of Mr. UDALL, the Security and Governmental Affairs. name of the Senator from Montana name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself and (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. Mr. SCHUMER): of S. 642, a bill to award a Congres- 1119, a bill to amend the Richard B. S. 2734. A bill to provide a duplication of Russell National School Lunch Act to benefits fix for Sandy CDBG–DR recipients, sional Gold Medal to Master Sergeant and for other purposes; to the Committee on Rodrick ‘‘Roddie’’ Edmonds in recogni- prohibit the stigmatization of children Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. tion of his heroic actions during World who are unable to pay for meals. f War II. S. 1438 S. 652 At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the name of the Senator from Arizona (Ms. S. 117 name of the Senator from New Hamp- MCSALLY) was added as a cosponsor of At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- S. 1438, a bill to amend title 39, United name of the Senator from Rhode Island sponsor of S. 652, a bill to require the States Code, to extend the authority of (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- United States Postal Service to con- the United States Postal Service to sponsor of S. 117, a bill to prohibit dis- tinue selling the Multinational Species issue a semipostal to raise funds for crimination against individuals with Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp breast cancer research. disabilities who need long-term serv- until all remaining stamps are sold, S. 1703 ices and supports, and for other pur- and for other purposes. At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the poses. S. 670 names of the Senator from Arizona S. 133 At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the (Ms. SINEMA), the Senator from Mary- At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the name of the Senator from Tennessee land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN), the Senator name of the Senator from Montana (Mr. ALEXANDER) was added as a co- from Virginia (Mr. KAINE), the Senator (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor sponsor of S. 670, a bill to make day- from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the of S. 133, a bill to award a Congres- light savings time permanent, and for Senator from Minnesota (Ms. SMITH) sional Gold Medal, collectively, to the other purposes. and the Senator from New Hampshire

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.035 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 (Mrs. SHAHEEN) were added as cospon- S. 2003 of S. 2599, a bill to amend the Depart- sors of S. 1703, a bill to amend the In- At the request of Mr. MANCHIN, the ment of Agriculture Reorganization ternal Revenue Code of 1986 to reform name of the Senator from Alabama Act of 1994 to provide assistance to the low-income housing credit, and for (Mr. JONES) was added as a cosponsor manage farmer and rancher stress and other purposes. of S. 2003, a bill to require the Federal for the mental health of individuals in S. 1723 Communications Commission to des- rural areas, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the ignate a 3-digit dialing code for vet- S. 2603 name of the Senator from California erans in crisis. At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- S. 2103 name of the Senator from Washington sponsor of S. 1723, a bill to amend the At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the (Mrs. MURRAY) was added as a cospon- Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Man- name of the Senator from North Da- sor of S. 2603, a bill to amend the Immi- agement Act of 1996 to provide for the kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- gration and Nationality Act to end the establishment of a Ski Area Fee Reten- sponsor of S. 2103, a bill to improve ac- immigrant visa backlog, and for other tion Account. cess to affordable insulin. purposes. S. 1757 S. 2166 S. 2641 At the request of Ms. ERNST, the At the request of Mr. WICKER, the At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the names of the Senator from Arkansas name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. name of the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. COTTON) and the Senator from MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN) were added as S. 2166, a bill to designate Regional sponsor of S. 2641, a bill to promote cosponsors of S. 1757, a bill to award a Ocean Partnerships of the National United States national security and Congressional Gold Medal, collectively, Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- prevent the resurgence of ISIS, and for to the United States Army Rangers tion, and for other purposes. other purposes. S. 2663 Veterans of World War II in recogni- S. 2216 At the request of Mr. MORAN, the tion of their extraordinary service dur- At the request of Mr. PETERS, the ing World War II. names of the Senator from Arizona name of the Senator from Arizona (Ms. MCSALLY) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1781 (Ms. SINEMA) and the Senator from S. 2663, a bill to amend title 49, United At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI) were added as States Code, with respect to apportion- names of the Senator from New York cosponsors of S. 2216, a bill to require ments to small transit intensive cities, (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) and the Senator the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to and for other purposes. from Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN) were formally recognize caregivers of vet- added as cosponsors of S. 1781, a bill to erans, notify veterans and caregivers of S. 2671 authorize appropriations for the De- clinical determinations relating to eli- At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, partment of State for fiscal years 2020 gibility for caregiver programs, and her name was added as a cosponsor of through 2022 to provide assistance to El temporarily extend benefits for vet- S. 2671, a bill to build safer, thriving Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras erans who are determined ineligible for communities, and save lives by invest- through bilateral compacts to increase the family caregiver program, and for ing in effective violence reduction ini- protection of women and children in other purposes. tiatives. S. 2680 their homes and communities and re- S. 2446 At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the duce female homicides, domestic vio- At the request of Ms. SINEMA, her names of the Senator from Maine (Ms. lence, and sexual assault. name was added as a cosponsor of S. COLLINS) and the Senator from Arizona S. 1817 2446, a bill to provide certain coverage (Ms. MCSALLY) were added as cospon- of audiologist services under the Medi- At the request of Mr. BROWN, the sors of S. 2680, a bill to impose sanc- care program, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from Montana tions with respect to foreign support (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor S. 2561 for Palestinian terrorism, and for other of S. 1817, a bill to amend the Richard At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, purposes. B. Russell National School Lunch Act the name of the Senator from Delaware S. 2691 to improve nutritional and other pro- (Mr. CARPER) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. UDALL, the gram requirements relating to pur- of S. 2561, a bill to amend the Lacey name of the Senator from New York chases of locally produced food. Act Amendments of 1981 to clarify pro- (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- S. 1908 visions enacted by the Captive Wildlife sponsor of S. 2691, a bill to establish At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Safety Act, to further the conservation the position of Ombudsman for Border the name of the Senator from Maine of certain wildlife species, and for and Immigration Enforcement Related (Mr. KING) was added as a cosponsor of other purposes. Concerns in the Department of Home- S. 1908, a bill to amend the Richard B. S. 2565 land Security. Russell National School Lunch Act to At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the S.J. RES. 59 improve the efficiency of summer name of the Senator from Vermont At the request of Mr. MCCONNELL, meals. (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- the name of the Senator from Ten- S. 1941 sor of S. 2565, a bill to establish a Glob- nessee (Mr. ALEXANDER) was added as a At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the al Climate Change Resilience Strategy, cosponsor of S.J. Res. 59, a joint resolu- name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. to authorize the admission of climate- tion expressing the sense of Congress MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of displaced persons, and for other pur- on the precipitous withdrawal of S. 1941, a bill to amend the Richard B. poses. United States Armed Forces from Russell National School Lunch Act to S. 2570 Syria and Afghanistan, and Turkey’s establish a permanent, nationwide At the request of Ms. SINEMA, the unprovoked incursion into Syria. summer electronic benefits transfer for names of the Senator from New Mexico S. RES. 73 children program. (Mr. UDALL) and the Senator from At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the S. 1970 Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON) were added as name of the Senator from Connecticut At the request of Ms. HIRONO, the cosponsors of S. 2570, a bill to award a (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- name of the Senator from New Mexico Congressional Gold Medal to Greg sponsor of S. Res. 73, a resolution call- (Mr. HEINRICH) was added as a cospon- LeMond in recognition of his service to ing on the Kingdom of to sor of S. 1970, a bill to secure the rights the United States as an athlete, activ- immediately release Saudi Women’s of public employees to organize, act ist, role model, and community leader. Rights activists and respect the funda- concertedly, and bargain collectively, S. 2599 mental rights of all Saudi citizens. which safeguard the public interest and At the request of Mr. TESTER, the AMENDMENT NO. 994 promote the free and unobstructed flow name of the Senator from Minnesota At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the of commerce, and for other purposes. (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from California

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.029 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6245 (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED sponsor of amendment No. 994 intended and for other purposes. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS to be proposed to H.R. 3055, a bill mak- AMENDMENT NO. 1133 By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and ing appropriations for the Departments At the request of Mr. THUNE, the Ms. SMITH): of Commerce and Justice, Science, and S. 2723. A bill to amend the Federal Related Agencies for the fiscal year names of the Senator from Maine (Ms. COLLINS) and the Senator from Maine Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to re- ending September 30, 2020, and for duce drug storages, and for other pur- other purposes. (Mr. KING) were added as cosponsors of amendment No. 1133 intended to be pro- poses; to the Committee on Health, AMENDMENT NO. 1003 posed to H.R. 3055, a bill making appro- Education, Labor, and Pensions. At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise priations for the Departments of Com- name of the Senator from Vermont today to introduce legislation with my merce and Justice, Science, and Re- (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- colleague from Minnesota, Senator lated Agencies for the fiscal year end- sor of amendment No. 1003 intended to TINA SMITH, to help prevent drug short- ing September 30, 2020, and for other be proposed to H.R. 3055, a bill making ages. Our legislation has the support of purposes. appropriations for the Departments of the American Hospital Association, the Commerce and Justice, Science, and AMENDMENT NO. 1151 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Related Agencies for the fiscal year At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, her the American Society of Clinical On- ending September 30, 2020, and for name was added as a cosponsor of cology, the American Society of other purposes. amendment No. 1151 intended to be pro- Health-Systems Pharmacists, Premier, AMENDMENT NO. 1044 posed to H.R. 3055, a bill making appro- and the Institute for Safe Medication At the request of Ms. SMITH, the priations for the Departments of Com- Practices. names of the Senator from Pennsyl- merce and Justice, Science, and Re- I often hear from patients, phar- vania (Mr. CASEY), the Senator from lated Agencies for the fiscal year end- macists, and physicians who find them- New Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ), the Sen- ing September 30, 2020, and for other selves caught in the middle of a drug ator from California (Mrs. FEINSTEIN), purposes. shortage, with very little certainty of AND when the problem might be resolved. the Senator from Vermont (Mr. S - AMENDMENT NO. 1164 ERS) and the Senator from Michigan For example, Wayne is a kidney and At the request of Mr. SCOTT of South (Mr. PETERS) were added as cosponsors bladder cancer patient who called my of amendment No. 1044 intended to be Carolina, the names of the Senator Portland office about a shortage of proposed to H.R. 3055, a bill making ap- from Maine (Ms. COLLINS), the Senator BCG. Wayne received several treat- propriations for the Departments of from Alabama (Mr. JONES), the Senator ments, went into remission, and then Commerce and Justice, Science, and from North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER), the was declined additional preventive Related Agencies for the fiscal year Senator from Georgia (Mr. PERDUE), treatments that his doctor rec- ending September 30, 2020, and for the Senator from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ ommended due to this shortage. Wayne other purposes. MASTO) and the Senator from North sees his physician every 90 days, but he Carolina (Mr. TILLIS) were added as co- AMENDMENT NO. 1113 lives with the constant fear that his sponsors of amendment No. 1164 in- At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the bladder cancer could return, and the tended to be proposed to H.R. 3055, a name of the Senator from Vermont time and uncertainty between his ap- bill making appropriations for the De- (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- pointments weigh heavily on him. partments of Commerce and Justice, I have also heard from patients living sor of amendment No. 1113 intended to Science, and Related Agencies for the with a rare immunological disorder be proposed to H.R. 3055, a bill making fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome appropriations for the Departments of and for other purposes. who were affected by an IV Benadryl— Commerce and Justice, Science, and diphenhydramine—shortage, as well as Related Agencies for the fiscal year AMENDMENT NO. 1182 an Epi-pen shortage. One of these pa- ending September 30, 2020, and for At the request of Mr. PETERS, the tients, a former nurse, spoke about the other purposes. name of the Senator from Michigan helplessness her family felt in trying to AMENDMENT NO. 1122 (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- manage the shortage and was incred- At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, the sor of amendment No. 1182 intended to ulous that shortages like these could name of the Senator from North Da- be proposed to H.R. 3055, a bill making be happening in a country like ours. kota (Mr. CRAMER) was added as a co- appropriations for the Departments of She said, ‘‘I am an in-charge kind of sponsor of amendment No. 1122 in- Commerce and Justice, Science, and person, but I cannot fix this.’’ tended to be proposed to H.R. 3055, a Related Agencies for the fiscal year Physicians and hospitals try their bill making appropriations for the De- ending September 30, 2020, and for best to manage these shortages behind partments of Commerce and Justice, other purposes. the scenes but are understandably frus- Science, and Related Agencies for the AMENDMENT NO. 1184 trated. Drug shortages add $230 million fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, a year to U.S. drug costs and $216 mil- and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. KAINE, the name of the Senator from Maryland lion a year in increased labor costs. AMENDMENT NO. 1128 (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- One of Maine’s largest health systems At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the sponsor of amendment No. 1184 in- reports that they address approxi- name of the Senator from Maryland tended to be proposed to H.R. 3055, a mately two new impactful shortages a (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- bill making appropriations for the De- week and have had to commit 3.5 sponsor of amendment No. 1128 in- partments of Commerce and Justice, unbudgeted full time employees to ad- tended to be proposed to H.R. 3055, a Science, and Related Agencies for the dress them. bill making appropriations for the De- fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, Another health system was experi- partments of Commerce and Justice, and for other purposes. encing 11 critical shortages and 30 less Science, and Related Agencies for the critical, ongoing shortages. For one fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, AMENDMENT NO. 1199 drug, the hospital pharmacist was able and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the to procure a supply of the drug in AMENDMENT NO. 1129 name of the Senator from Massachu- shortage but had to switch to a more At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- expensive product at ten times the name of the Senator from Tennessee sponsor of amendment No. 1199 in- cost. (Mr. ALEXANDER) was added as a co- tended to be proposed to H.R. 3055, a Our legislation, the Mitigating Emer- sponsor of amendment No. 1129 in- bill making appropriations for the De- gency Drug Shortages Act of 2019, tended to be proposed to H.R. 3055, a partments of Commerce and Justice, takes several steps to help FDA man- bill making appropriations for the De- Science, and Related Agencies for the age drug shortages. In the event of a partments of Commerce and Justice, fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, likely drug shortage, our legislation Science, and Related Agencies for the and for other purposes. gives FDA the authority to prioritize

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:01 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.031 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 review of abbreviated new drug appli- brave Special Operations forces suc- kind, an authorization bill that passes cations and manufacturing inspections. cessfully executed a dangerous mission every year. It also improves the timely and effec- to get ISIS leader al-Baghdadi, and it We always have disagreements with- tive coordination between those con- was successful. It was the right call by in and between parties on the future of ducting manufacturing inspections and President Trump to bring down one of national security, but we have always the FDA Office of Drug Shortages. the most dangerous terrorists the managed to overcome those divisions Our bill strengthens reporting re- world has ever seen, and it was success- to support our military. This year is quirements for pharmaceutical compa- ful. not going to be any different. nies to disclose the root causes and ex- It also underscored the importance of Earlier this year, I worked with my pected duration of shortages. It also re- the annual Defense authorization bill. Democratic colleague Senator JACK quires manufacturers to have contin- There is no better time to pass an REED to produce a bipartisan NDAA in gency and redundancy plans to ensure NDAA—that is the national defense au- the Senate. We did a great job. We the ongoing supply of essential medica- thorization bill—that puts our service- spent hours on it, but we ultimately tions. This is critical as we learn the members and their families first than passed it out of committee almost lessons from Hurricane Maria in 2017 in after a perilous operation dem- unanimously—Democrats and Repub- Puerto Rico. Approximately 10 percent onstrating the bravery, service, and licans alike. We brought it to the floor, of drugs prescribed in the United sacrifice of our troops, because it took and we passed it. States are manufactured in Puerto a lot of people to pull this off. But to It is not the bill where JACK REED Rico. ensure that we give the men and and JIM INHOFE would necessarily agree Our bill also requires the Depart- women in the Armed Forces the tools on every aspect, but these are tough ments of Health and Human Services they need to fight and win no matter decisions, and we had to make deci- and the Department of Homeland Secu- what, we are filing a ‘‘skinny bill’’ sions, so we made decisions. Con- rity to conduct a risk assessment of today. Let me explain what that is. sequently, when it came up to the national security threats associated We have to have a defense authoriza- floor, it passed by 86 to 6. Only six peo- with the lack of adequate domestic ca- tion. It has to happen. It is one that ple opposed it in this entire body. The same has to be true with any pacity and capability for the manufac- has happened for 58 years in a row. It kind of agreement on fiscal year 2020 turing and distribution of certain crit- has to happen. It has happened for 58 NDAA. That bill would require 60 votes ical drugs, their active pharmaceutical years in a row. If it has happened for 58 in the Senate. It will require Repub- ingredients—APIs—and associated years in a row, it is going to continue lican votes in the House. The bill that medical devices used for preparation or to happen. We all know that. came out of the House, from the House administration. Today, China and India The problem with that is, everybody committee on the Defense authoriza- are the world’s largest suppliers of ac- knows it is going to pass. Con- tion bill, didn’t have one Republican tive pharmaceutical ingredients. sequently, people put more and more voting for it. Obviously, it has to have Finally, our legislation requires the things on the bill, and many of the Republicans in the House vote for it. It Secretary to develop recommendations things have nothing to do with the has to pass by a 60-percent margin. to incentivize manufacturers to enter military because they know the bill is There is no other way it can be done. the market for shortages as well as im- going to pass. What happens is, then prove consumer notification of drug We continue making progress. We they decide to get everything in there, know we can’t pass a bill with as many shortages. and consequently there are so many I thank Senator SMITH for joining me partisan provisions as we saw in the people lined up with different things in this effort to help combat this stub- House bill—things like unprecedented they want to put on the Defense au- born and persistent problem for pa- restrictions on the President’s ability thorization bill that we have not been tients and physicians. I encourage my to defend America, defend the Nation, able to come to an agreement. and putting social agenda above the colleagues to support its adoption. This has happened in the past. What Thank you, needs of our troops. Unfortunately, the happens is, in the event of the Defense same problem that is slowing progress By Mr. INHOFE: authorization bill—this would be the on the NDAA is also stalling the appro- S. 2731. An original bill to authorize largest bill of the year, the most sig- priations process. appropriations for fiscal year 2020 for nificant bill of the year—if, for some When I supported the Bipartisan military activities of the Department reason, we are not able to pass it, mili- Budget Act of 2019, I argued that a of Defense, for military construction, tary operations will stop. lower topline was acceptable if it got and for defense activities of the De- A skinny bill is simple. It extends us on-time passage of the NDAA and partment of Energy, and for other pur- necessary authorities for military op- the defense funding, but now we are poses; from the Committee on Armed erations, takes care of servicemembers facing a delayed NDAA and the real Services; placed on the calendar. and their families, and authorizes es- possibility of a full-year continuing Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, for 58 sential military construction and ac- resolution. This is unacceptable. years, the Congress has passed the Na- quisition programs. That is it. That is The Department of Defense has never tional Defense Authorization Act with one paragraph. That is all it does. That operated under a full-year CR. A CR is large bipartisan margins, and I believe part has to pass. At the end of the day, a continuing resolution. A CR would we are going to do so again this year. that is what we have to do by the end simply be disastrous. What it says is, In fact, we must. If it were up to me, it of this year, by the end of December. we are going to do the same thing for would have already been done by now. There is this old document that no- the military and the rest of the govern- People have to realize that this is the body reads anymore; it is called the ment as we did last year. Well, the most important bill of the year. It is Constitution. If you read that, it says needs have changed. We have new pro- one that we have to do. We have to do what we are really supposed to be grams that have to be authorized and it by the end of the year—and that is doing, what is really important. have to be voted on. It would be a huge the end of December—or we are not I say to my friend from West Vir- waste of taxpayers’ money if we were going to fund our military. I mean, ginia, out of all the things we do, some- unable to get this thing done. that is how serious it is. times they are not all that significant. We know a full-year CR would press I will keep working with my col- This is that significant. That is why pause on hundreds of new weapons pro- leagues in the House and the Senate to this is important. It is going to pass. grams and leave tens of billions of dol- get this done. I am going to say that We ought to make sure it passes. lars in the wrong places. again because there is an ugly rumor By introducing this as a skinny bill, We had a meeting where we had Gen- out there to the contrary. We are still it takes out everything that has noth- eral Martin testify. He is the Vice working to get a comprehensive bill ing to do with the military, and we just Chief of Staff of the Army. For the done. We are going to keep working on pass the bill to take care of our troops. Army alone, he said we would be look- it. Here on Capitol Hill, the NDAA—Na- ing at delays to new-start programs It is even more important because of tional Defense Authorization Act—is and increased costs of 37 programs, to- what happened over the weekend. Our an institution itself, the last bill of its taling $7 billion. That is according to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:01 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.022 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6247 the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army. have come to the conclusion that a am going to introduce it an hour from That is the Army alone. The total fail- third world war may be imminent, and now. It is the only thing we can do ure is going to be somewhere around they are not sure whose side they want right now to make sure we can take $22 billion that would be lost. to be on. care of our troops if we are not able to All said, this would put work rebuild- This chart I am showing right here is get the comprehensive bill completed. ing our military even further behind a picture of hypersonic weapons. These That is the reason for it. I will be in- and waste enormous amounts of tax- are state-of-the-art weapons. These are troducing it. payer dollars. missiles that travel at five times the Every provision in that bill is a pro- The national defense strategy—that speed of sound. This is something we vision to enhance our military efforts, is this book. This is kind of interesting were ahead on during the beginning of to pay our troops, and to take care of because this book was put together by the previous administration, and we our country the way we have been able Democrats and Republicans, all with are now behind. Right now, China is to do in the past. expertise and a background in the mili- parading dozens of massive hypersonic f tary, equal number of Democrats and missiles, and we have haven’t even AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND Republicans, and they all agreed that built one yet. this was going to be our defense strat- There they are. That is a picture I PROPOSED egy. They have a National Defense haven’t seen until today. Those are SA 1213. Mr. BLUNT (for himself, Ms. KLO- Strategy Committee. That national de- hypersonic weapons, and they were on BUCHAR, Mr. GARDNER, and Ms. CORTEZ fense strategy provided a clear vision Tiananmen Square on October 1, 2019. MASTO) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- of the serious challenges it faces and A lot of people didn’t know that they posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, the necessity of ‘‘urgent change at sig- are—they have not just caught up with making appropriations for the Departments nificant scale.’’ That is what Secretary us; they have passed us. We haven’t of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Re- Mattis stated. built one yet, and there they are. lated Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- Failure to pass an NDAA and accept- People don’t realize where China and tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes; which ing a full-year CR would stop our Na- Russia are. That is China, but Russia was ordered to lie on the table. tion’s defense strategy in its tracks. It continues to develop new and dan- SA 1214. Mr. HOEVEN (for himself and Ms. would undo all the good work we have gerous nuclear weapons, while it ex- BALDWIN) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- done with Secretary Esper, the Presi- pands its influence in the Middle East posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, dent of the United States, the Pen- and elsewhere. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. tagon, as well as our partners, to fol- I have no doubt that a united Amer- SA 1215. Ms. MCSALLY (for herself and Ms. low the recommendations of the NDS ica can face these challenges. I fear SINEMA) submitted an amendment intended Commission report. that a divided America—a country that to be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- This is not just inside-the-beltway allows defending America to be a par- posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, gridlock. The world is watching. Our tisan issue—cannot. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. allies and our enemies are watching. The path to a final defense bill is, as SA 1216. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself and Mr. PORTMAN) submitted an amendment They want to know if America is seri- it always has been, bipartisan. The De- intended to be proposed to amendment SA ous about its role in the world and its fense authorization bill has histori- 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. own national defense. cally enjoyed broad bipartisan support, 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on the Failure to pass basic legislation on a and that is not an accident. Both par- table. timely basis to support our military ties have compromised to get a bill SA 1217. Mr. REED submitted an amend- sends a terrible signal that undermines worthy of our troops and worthy of our ment intended to be proposed to amendment our national security. Think of the sig- troops’ sacrifices. SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill nal that sends to our troops who are I hope we get to a place where we can H.R. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. out there risking their lives to defend find common ground to give our troops SA 1218. Mr. TILLIS (for himself and Mr. us here at home. and military a comprehensive bill. BURR) submitted an amendment intended to Caring for our troops is about the That is what we want to continue to be proposed to amendment SA 948 proposed only thing anyone in this town agrees do. by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; on. If we lose that bipartisan support, We have been working on this bill for which was ordered to lie on the table. it will be hard to get it back, and we a long period of time. Normally, it SA 1219. Mr. CORNYN submitted an need it now more than ever. doesn’t take this long. We have gotten amendment intended to be proposed to China and Russia. This is interesting it down to what they call the four lead- amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- because we didn’t used to be that con- ers. I am one of those four leaders who dered to lie on the table. cerned about them. I would say that have been trying to put this together, SA 1220. Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Mrs. during the Obama administration, his but we have not been able to get it FEINSTEIN) submitted an amendment in- priorities were not the same. He was done. tended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 very honest about it. He had other pri- What we are doing with this bill is we proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, orities. So we didn’t do the job we are putting the bill up. We are going to supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. should have done at that time for our get it on the floor so we can be ready. SA 1221. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA military. China and Russia are not Here is the problem: If we don’t do it, 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. waiting around for us to end our dis- we can sit around and do nothing 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on the agreements with each other. through the month of November, and table. During the last administration, when December gets here, all of a sud- SA 1222. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment under Obama, our military funding de- den, we are going to be faced with the intended to be proposed to amendment SA creased by 25 percent. Between the fact that we are going to have some 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. years of 2010 and 2015, we decreased the bill that takes care of just the mili- 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on the amount of funding for our military in tary, not all the other stuff that is on table. SA 1223. Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Ms. that administration by 25 percent. the bill. To do this, you have to pass it SMITH, Mr. CASEY, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. MENEN- Meanwhile, China had increased spend- out of committee. You have to take it DEZ, Mr. BOOKER, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. WYDEN, ing by 83 percent over the last decade. to the floor of the Senate. You have to Mr. BROWN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Ms. HIRONO, Ms. Think about it. China increased its pass it out. Then, if you get that far, BALDWIN, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Mr. CASSIDY) spending by 83 percent, and we reduced the House has to do the same thing. submitted an amendment intended to be pro- ours by 25 percent. Then we go into conference, and we posed to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. They are continuing a campaign of confer on this thing. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which aggression, building islands in the Obviously, that is going to take not was ordered to lie on the table. SA 1224. Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mr. South China Sea. Our allies over in the just days but weeks. So to prepare for BOOKER) submitted an amendment intended South China Sea are watching what the unlikely possibility that we don’t to be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- China is doing there and around the get together, we do have the skeleton posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, world and what we are not doing. They bill that we are going to introduce. I supra; which was ordered to lie on the table.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.024 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 SA 1225. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an mortality, and for other purposes; which was of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2131(f)(1)(A)) publicly avail- amendment intended to be proposed to referred to the Committee on Finance. able on the website of the Corporation. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY f SEC. ll06. ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR TRAVEL to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- AUTHORIZATION FEE INCREASE. dered to lie on the table. TEXT OF AMENDMENTS Section 217(h)(3)(B)(i)(I) of the Immigra- SA 1226. Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. SA 1213. Mr. BLUNT (for himself, Ms. tion and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, KLOBUCHAR, Mr. GARDNER, and Ms. 1187(h)(3)(B)(i)(I)) is amended by striking and Ms. HARRIS) submitted an amendment ‘‘$10’’ and inserting ‘‘$17’’. intended to be proposed to amendment SA CORTEZ MASTO) submitted an amend- 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. ment intended to be proposed to SA 1214. Mr. HOEVEN (for himself 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on the amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. and Ms. BALDWIN) submitted an amend- table. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making ment intended to be proposed to SA 1227. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and appropriations for the Departments of amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. Mr. BENNET) submitted an amendment in- Commerce and Justice, Science, and SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making tended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 Related Agencies for the fiscal year proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, appropriations for the Departments of supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. ending September 30, 2020, and for Commerce and Justice, Science, and SA 1228. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mr. other purposes; which was ordered to Related Agencies for the fiscal year BROWN, Mr. CASEY, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. lie on the table; as follows: ending September 30, 2020, and for BLUMENTHAL, Ms. WARREN, and Mr. MARKEY) At the appropriate place, insert the fol- other purposes; which was ordered to submitted an amendment intended to be pro- lowing: lie on the table; as follows: posed to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. TITLE ll—TRAVEL PROMOTION SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which At the appropriate place under the heading was ordered to lie on the table. SEC. ll01. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘OPERATIONS’’ under the heading ‘‘FEDERAL SA 1229. Mr. PETERS (for himself, Ms. This title may be cited as the ‘‘Brand USA AVIATION ADMINISTRATION’’ in title I of divi- STABENOW, Mr. JONES, and Mr. TESTER) sub- Extension Act’’. sion D, insert the following: ‘‘Provided fur- mitted an amendment intended to be pro- SEC. ll02. THE CORPORATION FOR TRAVEL ther, That of the funds appropriated under posed to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. PROMOTION. this heading, not less than $5,000,000 shall be SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which Subsection (b) of the Travel Promotion Act used for a veterans pilot training competi- was ordered to lie on the table. of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2131(b)) is amended— tive grant program.’’. SA 1230. Ms. SMITH submitted an amend- (1) in paragraph (2)(A)— ment intended to be proposed to amendment (A) in clause (ii), by inserting ‘‘or SA 1215. Ms. McSALLY (for herself SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill foodservice’’ after ‘‘restaurant’’; and Ms. SINEMA) submitted an amend- H.R. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on (B) in clause (v), by inserting ‘‘, such as ment intended to be proposed to the table. outdoor recreation or theme parks’’ before amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SA 1231. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment the semicolon at the end; and SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making intended to be proposed to amendment SA (C) in clause (viii), by inserting ‘‘commer- appropriations for the Departments of 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. cial or private’’ before ‘‘passenger air sec- 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on the tor’’; Commerce and Justice, Science, and table. (2) in paragraph (5)(A)— Related Agencies for the fiscal year SA 1232. Mr. INHOFE (for himself and Ms. (A) in clause (iii), by inserting ‘‘speaking ending September 30, 2020, and for DUCKWORTH) submitted an amendment in- conventions, sales missions,’’ after ‘‘trade other purposes; which was ordered to tended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 shows,’’; lie on the table; as follows: proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, (B) in clause (iv), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the On page 311, line 2, insert ‘‘Provided further, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. end; That not later than 90 days after the date of SA 1233. Mr. INHOFE (for himself and Mr. (C) in clause (v), by striking the period at enactment of this Act, the Chief of the For- BROWN) submitted an amendment intended the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and est Service shall submit to the Committees to be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- (D) by adding at the end the following: on Appropriations and Natural Resources of posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, ‘‘(vi) to promote tourism to the United the House of Representatives and the Com- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. States through digital media, online plat- mittees on Appropriations and Energy and SA 1234. Ms. McSALLY (for herself and Mr. forms, and other appropriate medium.’’; and Natural Resources of the Senate a report de- BOOKER) submitted an amendment intended (3) in paragraph (7)(C), by striking ‘‘3 days’’ tailing the status of efforts to accelerate for- to be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- and inserting ‘‘5 days’’. est ecosystem restoration under the Four posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, SEC. ll03. ACCOUNTABILITY MEASURES. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. Forest Restoration Initiative:’’ after Subsection (c) of the Travel Promotion Act ‘‘7303(f):’’. SA 1235. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2131(c)) is amended— amendment intended to be proposed to (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘$500,000’’ SA 1216. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY and inserting ‘‘$450,000’’; and to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- herself and Mr. PORTMAN) submitted an (2) in paragraph (3)— amendment intended to be proposed to dered to lie on the table. (A) by redesignating subparagraph (I) as SA 1236. Mr. TILLIS (for himself, Mr. subparagraph (K); amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. GARDNER, and Mr. GRAHAM) submitted an (B) in subparagraph (H)(iii), by striking SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making amendment intended to be proposed to ‘‘and’’ at the end; and appropriations for the Departments of amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY (C) by inserting after subparagraph (H)(iii) Commerce and Justice, Science, and to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- the following: Related Agencies for the fiscal year dered to lie on the table. ‘‘(I) a list of countries the Corporation SA 1237. Mr. BRAUN submitted an amend- ending September 30, 2020, and for identifies as emerging markets for tourism ment intended to be proposed to amendment other purposes; which was ordered to to the United States; SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill lie on the table; as follows: ‘‘(J) a description of the efforts the Cor- H.R. 3055, supra; which was ordered to lie on poration has made to promote tourism to At the appropriate place in title VII of di- the table. rural areas of the United States; and’’. vision B, insert the following: SA 1238. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, Mr. SEC. 7ll. (a) There is appropriated CASEY, Mr. KAINE, Mr. JONES, Mr. WARNER, SEC. ll04. EXTENSION OF FUNDING FOR BRAND USA. $600,000 to carry out section 6306 of the Agri- Ms. SINEMA, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, culture Improvement Act of 2018 (7 U.S.C. Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. BROWN, Mr. DURBIN, and Subsection (d) of the Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2131(d)) is amended— 2204b–3). Ms. HARRIS) submitted an amendment in- (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of tended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 (1) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ‘‘2020’’ and inserting ‘‘2027’’; this Act, the amount appropriated under this proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, Act to the Department of Agriculture under supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. (2) in paragraph (3)(B)(ii), by striking ‘‘70 percent’’ and inserting ‘‘50 percent’’; and the heading ‘‘OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL SA 1239. Mr. ROMNEY submitted an OFFICER’’ shall be reduced by $600,000. amendment intended to be proposed to (3) in paragraph (4)(B), by striking ‘‘2020’’ and inserting ‘‘2027’’. amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY SA 1217. Mr. REED submitted an ll to the bill H.R. 3055, supra; which was or- SEC. 05. PERFORMANCE PLAN. amendment intended to be proposed to dered to lie on the table. Not later than 90 days after the date of the SA 1240. Mr. GRASSLEY submitted an enactment of this Act, the Corporation for amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. amendment intended to be proposed by him Travel Promotion shall make the perform- SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making to the bill S. 916, to improve Federal efforts ance metrics established pursuant to sub- appropriations for the Departments of with respect to the prevention of maternal section (f)(1)(A) of the Travel Promotion Act Commerce and Justice, Science, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.033 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6249 Related Agencies for the fiscal year SA 1221. Mr. LEE submitted an ending September 30, 2020, and for ending September 30, 2020, and for amendment intended to be proposed to other purposes; which was ordered to other purposes; which was ordered to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. lie on the table; as follows: lie on the table; as follows: SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making On page 223, between lines 13 and 14, insert At the appropriate place in title VII of di- appropriations for the Departments of the following: vision B, insert the following: Commerce and Justice, Science, and SEC. 7ll. (a) There is appropriated SEC. 7ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other Related Agencies for the fiscal year $2,000,000 to carry out section 30 of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2036d). provision of this Act, the amount appro- ending September 30, 2020, and for priated under the heading ‘‘SALARIES AND EX- (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of PENSES’’ under the heading ‘‘ANIMAL AND other purposes; which was ordered to this Act, the amount provided under the PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE’’ in title lie on the table; as follows: heading ‘‘AGRICULTURE BUILDINGS AND FA- I shall be increased by $1,000,000, to remain At the appropriate place under the heading CILITIES’’ under the heading ‘‘AGRICUL- available until expended, which shall be for ‘‘OPERATIONS’’ under the heading ‘‘FEDERAL TURAL PROGRAMS’’ in title I shall be re- surveillance, testing, prevention, and re- AVIATION ADMINISTRATION’’ in title I of divi- duced by $2,000,000. search relating to Eastern equine encepha- sion D, insert the following: ‘‘Provided fur- litis in impacted States. ther, That the Administrator of the Federal SA 1225. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of Aviation Administration shall use funds ap- amendment intended to be proposed to this Act, the amount appropriated under this propriated under this heading to publish amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. Act to the Department of Agriculture under guidance describing how a pilot may share SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making the heading ‘‘OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL flight expenses with passengers in a manner appropriations for the Departments of OFFICER’’ shall be reduced by $1,000,000. consistent with Federal law, including regu- Commerce and Justice, Science, and lations, as required under section 515 of Pub- Related Agencies for the fiscal year SA 1218. Mr. TILLIS (for himself and lic Law 115–254.’’. Mr. BURR) submitted an amendment in- ending September 30, 2020, and for tended to be proposed to amendment SA 1222. Mr. LEE submitted an other purposes; which was ordered to SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the amendment intended to be proposed to lie on the table; as follows: bill H.R. 3055, making appropriations amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. On page 458, line 18, insert ‘‘the family uni- fication program under section 8(x) of the for the Departments of Commerce and SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making Act,’’ after ‘‘the Act,’’. Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations for the Departments of for the fiscal year ending September 30, Commerce and Justice, Science, and SA 1226. Mr. MARKEY (for himself, 2020, and for other purposes; which was Related Agencies for the fiscal year Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mrs. ordered to lie on the table; as follows: ending September 30, 2020, and for FEINSTEIN, and Ms. HARRIS) submitted On page 223, between lines 13 and 14, insert other purposes; which was ordered to an amendment intended to be proposed the following: lie on the table; as follows: SEC. 7ll. Notwithstanding subsections (d) to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. At the appropriate place under the heading and (e) of section 5 of the Commodity Credit SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making OPERATIONS’’ under the heading ‘‘FEDERAL Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714c) or ‘‘ appropriations for the Departments of AVIATION ADMINISTRATION’’ in title I of divi- any other provision of law, beginning in crop Commerce and Justice, Science, and year 2020, tobacco shall be an eligible agri- sion D, insert the following: ‘‘Provided fur- ther, That the amount herein appropriated Related Agencies for the fiscal year cultural commodity under the Market Fa- ending September 30, 2020, and for cilitation Program conducted pursuant to shall be reduced by $100,000 for each day after that section. December 31, 2019, that the guidance describ- other purposes; which was ordered to ing how a pilot may share flight expenses lie on the table; as follows: SA 1219. Mr. CORNYN submitted an with passengers in a manner consistent with At the appropriate place in title I of divi- amendment intended to be proposed to Federal law, including regulations, is not sion C, insert the following: published as required under section 515 of amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. OIL AND GAS PROGRAM LEASE SALE Public Law 115–254.’’. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making REQUIREMENT appropriations for the Departments of Ms. STABENOW (for herself, SEC. 1ll. SA 1223. None of the funds made available to the Commerce and Justice, Science, and Ms. SMITH, Mr. CASEY, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. Related Agencies for the fiscal year Secretary of the Interior by this or any MENENDEZ, Mr. BOOKER, Mrs. MURRAY, other Act may be used to conduct a lease ending September 30, 2020, and for Mr. WYDEN, Mr. BROWN, Ms. sale pursuant to section 20001(c)(1) of Public other purposes; which was ordered to DUCKWORTH, Ms. HIRONO, Ms. BALDWIN, Law 115–97 (16 U.S.C. 3143 note) that does not lie on the table; as follows: Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Mr. CASSIDY) sub- contain a national minimum acceptable bid On page 237, line 7, insert ‘‘: Provided fur- mitted an amendment intended to be amount sufficient to produce Federal re- ther, That the Service shall issue guidance to proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- ceipts to the Treasury, net of any State field offices for streamlining consultations share, of not less than an amount equal to 50 posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Spe- percent of the amount required by section cies Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) relating 3055, making appropriations for the De- 2001(b) of H. Con. Res. 71, the concurrent res- to Federal actions that authorize, fund, or partments of Commerce and Justice, olution on the budget for fiscal year 2018, as carry out an activity that is covered by an Science, and Related Agencies for the agreed to on October 26, 2017. approved Habitat Conservation Plan, is per- fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, mitted under section 10(a)(1)(B) of that Act and for other purposes; which was or- SA 1227. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself (16 U.S.C. 1539(a)(1)(B)), and affects a species dered to lie on the table; as follows: and Mr. BENNET) submitted an amend- that is listed as a threatened or endangered At the appropriate place in title VII of di- ment intended to be proposed to species under that Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) vision B, insert the following: amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. and covered by the approved Habitat Con- SEC. 7ll. (a) There is appropriated SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making servation Plan’’ before the period at the end. $5,000,000 to carry out section 222 of the De- appropriations for the Departments of SA 1220. Ms. COLLINS (for herself partment of Agriculture Reorganization Act Commerce and Justice, Science, and of 1994 (7 U.S.C. 6923). and Mrs. FEINSTEIN) submitted an Related Agencies for the fiscal year (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of ending September 30, 2020, and for amendment intended to be proposed to this Act, the amount provided under the amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. heading ‘‘AGRICULTURE BUILDINGS AND FA- other purposes; which was ordered to SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making CILITIES’’ under the heading ‘‘AGRICUL- lie on the table; as follows: appropriations for the Departments of TURAL PROGRAMS’’ in title I shall be re- At the appropriate place in title I of divi- Commerce and Justice, Science, and duced by $6,000,000. sion C, insert the following: Related Agencies for the fiscal year SEC. 1lll. GAO STUDY ON OUTDOOR RECRE- ending September 30, 2020, and for SA 1224. Mr. CORNYN (for himself ATION. and Mr. BOOKER) submitted an amend- (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: other purposes; which was ordered to (1) COVERED AGENCY.—The term ‘‘covered lie on the table; as follows: ment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. agency’’ means— On page 338, line 22, at the appropriate (A) the Department of Agriculture; place insert the following: ‘‘Provided further, SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making (B) the Department of the Interior; That of the funds appropriated herein, not appropriations for the Departments of (C) the Corps of Engineers; less than $3,700,000 shall be made available Commerce and Justice, Science, and (D) the National Marine Fisheries Service; for the Women’s History Initiative.’’. Related Agencies for the fiscal year and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.026 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 (E) the Office of National Marine Sanc- SA 948 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the SEC. 3. BACK COMPENSATION FOR LOW-WAGE tuaries of the National Oceanic and Atmos- bill H.R. 3055, making appropriations EMPLOYEES OF GOVERNMENT CON- pheric Administration. TRACTORS IN CONNECTION WITH for the Departments of Commerce and THE LAPSE IN APPROPRIATIONS. (2) OUTDOOR RECREATION.—The term ‘‘out- Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (a) IN GENERAL.—Each Federal agency sub- door recreation’’ means all recreational ac- ject to the lapse in appropriations that tivities undertaken for pleasure that— for the fiscal year ending September 30, began on or about December 22, 2018, shall (A) generally involve some level of inten- 2020, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: adjust the price of any contract of such tional physical exertion; and agency for which the contractor was ordered (B) occur in nature-based environments At the appropriate place in title VII of di- to suspend, delay, or interrupt all or part of outdoors. vision B, insert the following: the work of such contract, or stop all or any (b) STUDY REQUIRED.—The Comptroller SEC. 7ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other part of the work called for in such contract, General of the United States shall conduct a provision of law, of the funds of the Com- as a result of the lapse in appropriations to study that— modity Credit Corporation, the Secretary of compensate the contractor for reasonable (1) identifies each program carried out by a Agriculture (referred to in this section as the costs incurred— covered agency that directly impacts the ‘‘Secretary’’) may use for the cost of loan (1) to provide compensation, at an employ- outdoor recreation sector, including each guarantees not more than $30,000,000 to carry ee’s standard rate of compensation, to any program that affects the management and out the interest rate reduction program es- employee who was furloughed or laid off, or conservation of, and access to, the land, tablished under section 351 of the Consoli- who was not working, who experienced a re- waters, and natural resources of the Unites dated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 duction of hours, or who experienced a reduc- States; and U.S.C. 1999). tion in compensation, as a result of the lapse (2) describes, for each program identified (b)(1) Not later than 90 days after the date in appropriations (for the period of the under paragraph (1), the spending level for lapse); or that program during each of the 20 fiscal of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall advertise to current borrowers the process (2) to restore paid leave taken by any em- years preceding the year in which the report ployee during the lapse in appropriations, if is submitted. and opportunity by which a borrower may, pursuant to section 331A(a) of the Consoli- the contractor required employees to use (c) REQUIRED COORDINATION.—In conducting dated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 paid leave as a result of the lapse in appro- the study under subsection (b), the Comp- priations. troller General of the United States shall co- U.S.C. 1981a(a)), request deferral of principal and interest in order to forgo foreclosure. (b) LIMITATION ON AMOUNT OF WEEKLY COM- ordinate with the outdoor recreation indus- PENSATION COVERED BY ADJUSTMENT.—The (2) The Secretary shall submit a quarterly try, nongovernmental organizations, the Bu- maximum amount of weekly compensation reau of Economic Analysis of the Depart- report describing the number of requests of an employee for which an adjustment may ment of Commerce, and other interested under paragraph (1) submitted, approved, and be made under subsection (a) may not exceed stakeholders. denied to— the lesser of— (d) REPORT.—Not later 240 days after the (A) the Committee on Agriculture, Nutri- (1) the employee’s actual weekly com- date of enactment of this Act, the Comp- tion, and Forestry of the Senate; pensation; or troller General of the United States shall (B) the Committee on Agriculture of the (2) $965. submit to the appropriate committees of House of Representatives; (c) TIMING OF ADJUSTMENTS.—The adjust- Congress a report that describes the results (C) the Committee on Appropriations of ments required by subsection (a) shall be of the study conducted under subsection (b). the Senate; and made as soon as practicable after the enact- (D) the Committee on Appropriations of ment of this Act. SA 1228. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, the House of Representatives. (d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Mr. BROWN, Mr. CASEY, Mrs. GILLI- (c) For purposes of providing equitable re- (1) The term ‘‘compensation’’ has the BRAND, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Ms. WARREN, lief under section 366 of the Consolidated meaning given that term in section 6701 of Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. title 41, United States Code. and Mr. MARKEY) submitted an amend- 2008a), the Secretary may consider a good (2) The term ‘‘employee’’ means the fol- ment intended to be proposed to faith claim of a borrower of misunder- lowing: amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. standing due to ambiguous or unclear guid- (A) A ‘‘service employee’’ as that term is SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making ance or a change in normal procedure to be defined in section 6701(3) of title 41, United appropriations for the Departments of reliance on the advice of the Secretary under States Code, except that the term also in- Commerce and Justice, Science, and subsection (b)(2) of that section. cludes service employees described in sub- Related Agencies for the fiscal year (d) The amounts made available under this paragraph (C) of that section notwith- ending September 30, 2020, and for section are designated by Congress as being standing that subparagraph. other purposes; which was ordered to for emergency requirements pursuant to sec- (B) A ‘‘laborer or mechanic’’ covered by section 3142 of title 40, United States Code. lie on the table; as follows: tion 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. At the appropriate place in title IV of divi- U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)(i)). This division shall take effect upon the sion C, insert the following: date of enactment of this Act. NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS AND NATIONAL SA 1230. Ms. SMITH submitted an SEC. 5. BUDGETARY EFFECTS. HERITAGE CORRIDORS amendment intended to be proposed to (a) CLASSIFICATION OF BUDGETARY EF- FECTS.—Notwithstanding Rule 3 of the Budg- SEC. 4ll. (a) Section 512 of Title V of Di- amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. vision J of P.L. 108–447 is amended by strik- et Scorekeeping Guidelines set forth in the ing ‘‘on the date that is 15 years after the SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making joint explanatory statement of the com- date that funds are first made available for appropriations for the Departments of mittee of conference accompanying Con- this title.’’ and inserting ‘‘after September Commerce and Justice, Science, and ference Report 105–217 and section 250(c)(8) of 30, 2022.’’ Related Agencies for the fiscal year the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit (b) Section 608 of Title VI of Division J of ending September 30, 2020, and for Control Act of 1985, the budgetary effects of P.L. 108–447 is amended by striking ‘‘the ex- this division shall not be estimated— other purposes; which was ordered to (1) for purposes of section 251 of such Act; piration of the 15-year period beginning on lie on the table; as follows: the date that funds are first made available and for this title.’’ and inserting ‘‘September 30, At the end, add the following: (2) for purposes of paragraph (4)(C) of sec- tion 3 of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act 2022.’’ DIVISION E—FAIR COMPENSATION FOR of 2010 as being included in an appropriation (c) Section 109 of Title I of Public Law 103– LOW-WAGE CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES Act. 449, as amended by Public Law 111–11, title ACT OF 2019 VIII section 8201(c), is further amended by (b) DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EF- striking ‘‘$15,000,000’’ and inserting SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. FECTS.—The budgetary effects of this divi- ‘‘$17,000,000’’. This division may be cited as the ‘‘Fair sion, for the purpose of complying with the (d) Section 810(a)(1) of Title VIII of Divi- Compensation for Low-Wage Contractor Em- Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by reference to the latest sion B of Appendix D of Public Law 106–554, ployees Act of 2019’’. statement titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of as amended by Public Law 115–31, Division G, SEC. 2. APPROPRIATION. PAYGO Legislation’’ for this division, sub- Title I section 115(b), is further amended by There is hereby appropriated, out of any mitted for printing in the Congressional striking ‘‘$12,000,000’’ and inserting money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- Record by the Chairman of the House Budget ‘‘$14,000,000’’. priated, such sums as may be necessary, to Committee, provided that such statement remain available until expended, for each has been submitted prior to the vote on pas- SA 1229. Mr. PETERS (for himself, Federal agency subject to the lapse in appro- sage. Ms. STABENOW, Mr. JONES, and Mr. priations that began on or about December TESTER) submitted an amendment in- 22, 2018, for adjustments in the price of con- SA 1231. Mr. LEE submitted an tended to be proposed to amendment tracts of such agency under section 3. amendment intended to be proposed to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.039 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6251 amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. General shall submit a report to the Com- (1) for each of fiscal years 2017 through 2019, SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making mittee on Appropriations and the Committee including an accounting of holdings and ex- appropriations for the Departments of on the Judiciary of the Senate detailing the penditures by each Federal agency with re- efforts of the Department of Justice to com- spect to the land holdings. Commerce and Justice, Science, and bat and enforce animal fighting and animal Related Agencies for the fiscal year welfare statutes, which shall include— SA 1238. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, ending September 30, 2020, and for (1) a break down of the number of per- Mr. CASEY, Mr. KAINE, Mr. JONES, Mr. other purposes; which was ordered to sonnel dedicated to animal welfare crimes on WARNER, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. a full-time basis, including their respective lie on the table; as follows: VAN HOLLEN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. departmental component; At the appropriate place in title IV of divi- BROWN, Mr. DURBIN, and Ms. HARRIS) sion C, insert the following: (2) a list of all cases involving animal wel- fare crimes that the Department of Justice submitted an amendment intended to PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS TO PROHIBIT THE has prosecuted since 2014; be proposed to amendment SA 948 pro- USE OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES FOR (3) a list of investigations that were re- posed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. MANAGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRA- ferred to the Department of Justice that STRUCTURE ON FEDERAL LAND 3055, making appropriations for the De- have been delayed or declined to be pros- partments of Commerce and Justice, SEC. 4 . None of the funds made avail- ll ecuted by the Department of Justice and the able by this Act may be used to prohibit a Science, and Related Agencies for the reason for any deferral or declination; and telecommunications provider from using an fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, (4) a qualitative description of how the De- unmanned aerial vehicle for surveying, and for other purposes; which was or- partment of Justice coordinates the efforts maintaining, or managing telecommuni- of the Department with other governmental dered to lie on the table; as follows: cations infrastructure on Federal land. partners to ensure proper enforcement of At the appropriate place, insert the fol- lowing: SA 1232. Mr. INHOFE (for himself animal welfare laws. SEC. llll. AMERICAN MINERS ACT OF 2019. and Ms. DUCKWORTH) submitted an SA 1235. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an (a) TRANSFERS TO 1974 UMWA PENSION amendment intended to be proposed to amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. PLAN.— amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. (1) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (i) of section SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making 402 of the Surface Mining Control and Rec- appropriations for the Departments of appropriations for the Departments of lamation Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 1232) is Commerce and Justice, Science, and Commerce and Justice, Science, and amended— Related Agencies for the fiscal year Related Agencies for the fiscal year (A) in paragraph (3)(A), by striking ending September 30, 2020, and for ending September 30, 2020, and for ‘‘$490,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$750,000,000’’; other purposes; which was ordered to other purposes; which was ordered to (B) by redesignating paragraph (4) as para- lie on the table; as follows: graph (5); and lie on the table; as follows: (C) by inserting after paragraph (3) the fol- At the appropriate place in title I of divi- At the appropriate place in paragraph (2) lowing: sion D, insert the following: under the heading ‘‘TENANT-BASED RENTAL ‘‘(4) ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS.— SEC. ll. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 625(c)(1) ASSISTANCE’’ under the heading ‘‘PUBLIC AND ‘‘(A) CALCULATION.—If the dollar limitation of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (Pub- INDIAN HOUSING’’ in title II of division D, in- specified in paragraph (3)(A) exceeds the ag- lic Law 115–254) is amended— sert the following: ‘‘the family unification gregate amount required to be transferred (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘or’’ program under section 8(x) of the Act,’’. under paragraphs (1) and (2) for a fiscal year, after the semicolon; the Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the pe- SA 1236. Mr. TILLIS (for himself, Mr. an additional amount equal to the difference riod and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and GARDNER, and Mr. GRAHAM) submitted between such dollar limitation and such ag- (3) by adding at the end the following: an amendment intended to be proposed gregate amount to the trustees of the 1974 ‘‘(E) an organization representing aircraft to amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. UMWA Pension Plan to pay benefits required users, aircraft owners, or aircraft pilots.’’. under that plan. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making made by subsection (a) shall take effect as if appropriations for the Departments of ‘‘(B) CESSATION OF TRANSFERS.—The trans- included in the enactment of the FAA Reau- Commerce and Justice, Science, and fers described in subparagraph (A) shall thorization Act of 2018 (Public Law 115–254). Related Agencies for the fiscal year cease as of the first fiscal year beginning after the first plan year for which the funded ending September 30, 2020, and for SA 1233. Mr. INHOFE (for himself percentage (as defined in section 432(j)(2) of other purposes; which was ordered to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) of the 1974 and Mr. BROWN) submitted an amend- lie on the table; as follows: UMWA Pension Plan is at least 100 percent. ment intended to be proposed to At the appropriate place in title I of divi- ‘‘(C) PROHIBITION ON BENEFIT INCREASES, amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. sion A, insert the following: ETC.—During a fiscal year in which the 1974 SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making SEC. lll. None of the funds appropriated UMWA Pension Plan is receiving transfers appropriations for the Departments of by this Act may be used to enforce the safe- under subparagraph (A), no amendment of Commerce and Justice, Science, and guard measure imposed under section 203 of such plan which increases the liabilities of Related Agencies for the fiscal year the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2253) with re- the plan by reason of any increase in bene- ending September 30, 2020, and for spect to bifacial solar modules pursuant to fits, any change in the accrual of benefits, or other purposes; which was ordered to Presidential Proclamation 9693, issued on any change in the rate at which benefits be- January 23, 2018 (83 Federal Register 3541). come nonforfeitable under the plan may be lie on the table; as follows: adopted unless the amendment is required as On page 53, line 12, strike ‘‘initiatives;’’ SA 1237. Mr. BRAUN submitted an a condition of qualification under part I of and insert ‘‘initiatives: Provided, That not amendment intended to be proposed to subchapter D of chapter 1 of the Internal more than 2 percent of any grant awarded amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. Revenue Code of 1986. using funds made available under this para- SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making ‘‘(D) TREATMENT OF TRANSFERS FOR PUR- graph may be used by a State administrative POSES OF WITHDRAWAL LIABILITY UNDER agency for administrative costs;’’. appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and ERISA.—The amount of any transfer made under subparagraph (A) (and any earnings SA 1234. Ms. MCSALLY (for herself Related Agencies for the fiscal year attributable thereto) shall be disregarded in and Mr. BOOKER) submitted an amend- ending September 30, 2020, and for determining the unfunded vested benefits of ment intended to be proposed to other purposes; which was ordered to the 1974 UMWA Pension Plan and the alloca- amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. lie on the table; as follows: tion of such unfunded vested benefits to an SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making At the appropriate place, add the fol- employer for purposes of determining the appropriations for the Departments of lowing: employer’s withdrawal liability under sec- Commerce and Justice, Science, and SEC. 90ll. REPORT ON MAINTAINING FEDERAL tion 4201 of the Employee Retirement In- Related Agencies for the fiscal year LAND HOLDINGS. come Security Act of 1974. Not later than 120 days after the date on ‘‘(E) REQUIREMENT TO MAINTAIN CONTRIBU- ending September 30, 2020, and for which the President submits to Congress the TION RATE.—A transfer under subparagraph other purposes; which was ordered to budget of the United States for fiscal year (A) shall not be made for a fiscal year unless lie on the table; as follows: 2020, the President shall submit to Congress the persons that are obligated to contribute At the appropriate place in title II of divi- a report that describes— to the 1974 UMWA Pension Plan on the date sion A, insert the following: (1) all Federal land holdings; and of the transfer are obligated to make the SEC. 2ll. Not later than 90 days after the (2) the total cost of maintaining the Fed- contributions at rates that are no less than date of enactment of this Act, the Attorney eral land holdings described under paragraph those in effect on the date which is 30 days

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.039 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 before the date of enactment of the Com- in pay status, and the number of terminated 2017’’ each place it appears in clause (ii) and merce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural vested participants and beneficiaries; inserting ‘‘the date of the enactment of the Development, Food and Drug Administra- ‘‘(XVI) the information contained on the Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, tion, Interior, Environment, Military Con- most recent annual funding notice submitted Rural Development, Food and Drug Adminis- struction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, by the plan under section 101(f) of the Em- tration, Interior, Environment, Military and Housing and Urban Development Appro- ployee Retirement Income Security Act of Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transpor- priations Act, 2020. 1974; tation, and Housing and Urban Development ‘‘(F) ENHANCED ANNUAL REPORTING.— ‘‘(XVII) the information contained on the Appropriations Act, 2020’’, ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Not later than the 90th most recent Department of Labor Form 5500 (4) by striking ‘‘January 1, 2017’’ in clause day of each plan year beginning after the of the plan; and (ii) and inserting ‘‘January 1, 2019’’; and date of enactment of the Commerce, Justice, ‘‘(XVIII) copies of the plan document and (5) by adding at the end the following new Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, amendments, other retirement benefit or an- clause: Food and Drug Administration, Interior, En- cillary benefit plans relating to the plan and ‘‘(vi) RELATED COAL WAGE AGREEMENT.—For vironment, Military Construction, Veterans contribution obligations under such plans, a purposes of clause (ii), the term ‘related coal Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and breakdown of administrative expenses of the wage agreement’ means an agreement be- Urban Development Appropriations Act, plan, participant census data and distribu- tween the United Mine Workers of America 2020, the trustees of the 1974 UMWA Pension tion of benefits, the most recent actuarial and an employer in the bituminous coal in- Plan shall file with the Secretary of the valuation report as of the plan year, copies dustry that— Treasury or the Secretary’s delegate and the of collective bargaining agreements, and fi- ‘‘(I) is a signatory operator; or Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation a re- nancial reports, and such other information ‘‘(II) is or was a debtor in a bankruptcy port (including appropriate documentation as the Secretary of the Treasury or the Sec- proceeding that was consolidated, adminis- and actuarial certifications from the plan retary’s delegate, in consultation with the tratively or otherwise, with the bankruptcy actuary, as required by the Secretary of the Secretary of Labor and the Director of the proceeding of a signatory operator or a re- Treasury or the Secretary’s delegate) that Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, may lated person to a signatory operator (as contains— require. those terms are defined in section 9701(c) of ‘‘(I) whether the plan is in endangered or ‘‘(ii) ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION.—The report the Internal Revenue Code of 1986).’’. critical status under section 305 of the Em- required under clause (i) shall be submitted (c) REDUCTION IN MINIMUM AGE FOR ALLOW- ployee Retirement Income Security Act of electronically. ABLE IN-SERVICE DISTRIBUTIONS.— 1974 and section 432 of the Internal Revenue ‘‘(iii) INFORMATION SHARING.—The Sec- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 401(a)(36) of the Code of 1986 as of the first day of such plan retary of the Treasury or the Secretary’s Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by year; delegate shall share the information in the striking ‘‘age 62’’ and inserting ‘‘age 591⁄2’’. ‘‘(II) the funded percentage (as defined in report under clause (i) with the Secretary of (2) APPLICATION TO GOVERNMENTAL SECTION section 432(j)(2) of such Code) as of the first Labor. 457(b) PLANS.—Clause (i) of section day of such plan year, and the underlying ac- ‘‘(iv) PENALTY.—Any failure to file the re- 457(d)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of tuarial value of assets and liabilities taken port required under clause (i) on or before 1986 is amended by inserting ‘‘(in the case of into account in determining such percent- the date described in such clause shall be a plan maintained by an employer described age; treated as a failure to file a report required in subsection (e)(1)(A), age 591⁄2)’’ before the ‘‘(III) the market value of the assets of the to be filed under section 6058(a) of the Inter- comma at the end. plan as of the last day of the plan year pre- nal Revenue Code of 1986, except that section (3) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments ceding such plan year; 6652(e) of such Code shall be applied with re- made by this subsection shall apply to plan ‘‘(IV) the total value of all contributions spect to any such failure by substituting years beginning after December 31, 2019. made during the plan year preceding such ‘$100’ for ‘$25’. The preceding sentence shall (d) BLACK LUNG LIABILITY TRUST FUND EX- plan year; not apply if the Secretary of the Treasury or CISE TAX.— ‘‘(V) the total value of all benefits paid the Secretary’s delegate determines that (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 4121(e) of the In- during the plan year preceding such plan reasonable diligence has been exercised by ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— year; the trustees of such plan in attempting to (A) by striking ‘‘after the temporary in- ‘‘(VI) cash flow projections for such plan timely file such report. crease termination date’’ in paragraph (1) year and either the 6 or 10 succeeding plan ‘‘(G) 1974 UMWA PENSION PLAN DEFINED.— and inserting ‘‘during any temporary in- years, at the election of the trustees, and the For purposes of this paragraph, the term crease inapplicable period’’, and assumptions relied upon in making such pro- ‘1974 UMWA Pension Plan’ has the meaning (B) by amending paragraph (2) to read as jections; given the term in section 9701(a)(3) of the In- follows: ‘‘(VII) funding standard account projec- ternal Revenue Code of 1986, but without re- ‘‘(2) TEMPORARY INCREASE INAPPLICABLE PE- tions for such plan year and the 9 succeeding gard to the limitation on participation to in- RIOD.—For purposes of paragraph (1), the plan years, and the assumptions relied upon dividuals who retired in 1976 and there- term ‘temporary increase inapplicable pe- in making such projections; after.’’. riod’ means— ‘‘(VIII) the total value of all investment (2) EFFECTIVE DATES.— ‘‘(A) the period beginning on January 1, gains or losses during the plan year pre- (A) IN GENERAL.—The amendments made 2019, and ending on December 31, 2019, and ceding such plan year; by this subsection shall apply to fiscal years ‘‘(B) the period beginning on the earlier ‘‘(IX) any significant reduction in the num- beginning after September 30, 2016. of— ber of active participants during the plan (B) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.—Section ‘‘(i) January 1, 2029, or year preceding such plan year, and the rea- 402(i)(4)(F) of the Surface Mining Control and ‘‘(ii) the first January 1 after 2007 as of son for such reduction; Reclamation Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. which there is- ‘‘(X) a list of employers that withdrew 1232(i)(4)(F)), as added by this subsection, ‘‘(I) no balance of repayable advances made from the plan in the plan year preceding shall apply to plan years beginning after the to the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, such plan year, and the resulting reduction date of the enactment of this Act. and in contributions; (b) INCLUSION IN MULTIEMPLOYER HEALTH ‘‘(II) no unpaid interest on such ad- ‘‘(XI) a list of employers that paid with- BENEFIT PLAN.—Section 402(h)(2)(C) of the drawal liability to the plan during the plan Surface Mining Control and Reclamation vances.’’. year preceding such plan year and, for each Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 1232(h)(2)(C)) is amend- (2) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment employer, a total assessment of the with- ed— made by this subsection shall apply to sales drawal liability paid, the annual payment (1) by striking ‘‘the Health Benefits for after December 31, 2019. amount, and the number of years remaining Miners Act of 2017’’ both places it appears in in the payment schedule with respect to such clause (ii) and inserting ‘‘the Commerce, SA 1239. Mr. ROMNEY submitted an withdrawal liability; Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Devel- amendment intended to be proposed to ‘‘(XII) any material changes to benefits, opment, Food and Drug Administration, In- amendment SA 948 proposed by Mr. accrual rates, or contribution rates during terior, Environment, Military Construction, SHELBY to the bill H.R. 3055, making the plan year preceding such plan year; Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Hous- appropriations for the Departments of ‘‘(XIII) any scheduled benefit increase or ing and Urban Development Appropriations Commerce and Justice, Science, and decrease in the plan year preceding such plan Act, 2020’’; Related Agencies for the fiscal year year having a material effect on liabilities of (2) by striking ‘‘, would be denied or re- the plan; duced as a result of a bankruptcy proceeding ending September 30, 2020, and for ‘‘(XIV) details regarding any funding im- commenced in 2012 or 2015’’ in clause (ii)(II) other purposes; which was ordered to provement plan or rehabilitation plan and and inserting ‘‘or a related coal wage agree- lie on the table; as follows: updates to such plan; ment, would be denied or reduced as a result At the appropriate place in title VII of di- ‘‘(XV) the number of participants and of a bankruptcy proceeding commenced in vision B, insert the following: beneficiaries during the plan year preceding 2012, 2015, 2018, or 2019’’; SEC. ll. (a) Section 907(a) of the Federal such plan year who are active participants, (3) by striking ‘‘the date of the enactment Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. the number of participants and beneficiaries of the Health Benefits for Miners Act of 387g(a)) is amended—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.038 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6253 (1) in paragraph (1), by adding at the end other material made or derived from to- is in excess of 5 percent, 20.2 cents (and a the following: bacco, but that are intended or reasonably proportionate amount at the like rate on ‘‘(C) SPECIAL RULE FOR ELECTRONIC NICO- expected to be used with or for the human any such percentage which is not a whole TINE DELIVERY SYSTEMS.—Beginning 90 days consumption of a tobacco product.’’. number).’’. after the date of enactment of the Com- (2) Section 9(1) of the Comprehensive (b) Section 5702 of the Internal Revenue merce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Smokeless Tobacco Health Education Act of Code of 1986 is amended— Development, Food and Drug Administra- 1986 (15 U.S.C. 4408(1)) is amended by striking (1) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘and roll- tion, Interior, Environment, Military Con- ‘‘section 900(18)’’ and inserting ‘‘section your-own tobacco’’ and inserting ‘‘roll-your- struction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, 900(20)’’. own tobacco, electronic nicotine delivery and Housing and Urban Development Appro- SEC. ll. (a) Not later than 1 year after systems, and e-liquids’’, and priations Act, 2020, an electronic nicotine de- the date of enactment of this Act and annu- (2) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘or roll- livery system or any of its components or ally thereafter, the Secretary of Health and your-own tobacco’’ each place it appears and parts (including e-liquid) shall not contain, Human Services (referred to in this section inserting ‘‘roll-your-own tobacco, electronic as a constituent (including a smoke con- as the ‘‘Secretary’’), in consultation with the nicotine delivery systems, and e-liquids’’. stituent) or additive, an artificial or natural Director of the National Institutes of Health, (c) The amendments made by this section flavor (other than tobacco) or an herb or the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, the Di- shall apply to articles removed after the date spice, including strawberry, grape, orange, rector of the Centers for Disease Control and which is 90 days after the date of enactment clove, cinnamon, pineapple, vanilla, coconut, Prevention, and other heads of appropriate of this Act. licorice, cocoa, chocolate, cherry, coffee, agencies, as the Secretary of Health and SEC. ll. (a) Any person who— menthol, or mint that is a characterizing fla- Human Services determines appropriate, (1) on the date of the enactment of this vor of the electronic nicotine delivery sys- shall submit to the Committee on Health, Act, is engaged in business as a manufac- tem or e-liquid. Nothing in this subpara- Education, Labor, and Pensions and the turer of electronic nicotine delivery systems graph shall be construed to limit the Sec- Committee on Appropriations of the Senate or e-liquids, and retary’s authority to take action under this and the Committee on Energy and Commerce (2) before the applicable date, submits an section or other sections of this Act applica- and the Committee on Appropriations of the application under subchapter B of chapter 52 ble to any artificial or natural flavor, herb, House of Representatives, and publicly post of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to en- or spice not specified in this subparagraph.’’; on an internet website, a report on the pub- gage in such business, and lic health risks of tobacco use that in- may, notwithstanding such subchapter B, (2) by adding at the end the following: cludes— continue to engage in such business pending ‘‘(7) ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY SYSTEM (1) the public health implications of the final action on such application. Pending STANDARDS.—Not later than 1 year after the use of tobacco products, with a focus on elec- such final action, all provisions of chapter 52 date of enactment of the Commerce, Justice, tronic nicotine delivery systems and other of such Code shall apply to such applicant in Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, alternative tobacco products; the same manner and to the same extent as Food and Drug Administration, Interior, En- (2) emerging trends in tobacco use, includ- if such applicant were a holder of a permit to vironment, Military Construction, Veterans ing the use of tobacco flavors and new to- manufacture electronic nicotine delivery Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and bacco products; systems or e-liquids under such chapter 52. Urban Development Appropriations Act, (3) updates on the public health awareness (b)(1) On electronic nicotine delivery sys- 2020, the Secretary shall promulgate regula- campaign authorized by subsection (b); and tems or e-liquids manufactured in or im- tions setting forth standards on the permis- (4) recommendations for Congress. ported into the United States which are re- sible design of electronic nicotine delivery (b) The Secretary shall conduct a public moved before the applicable date and held on systems, and issue guidance for manufactur- awareness campaign to educate the public such date for sale by any person, there is ers to implement such standards. Such about the public health implications of using hereby imposed a tax in an amount equal to standards, at a minimum, shall— electronic nicotine delivery systems (as de- the tax which would be imposed under sec- ‘‘(A) prohibit refillable components or fined in section 900 of the Federal Food, tion 5701 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 parts; Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 387)). on the article if the article had been removed ‘‘(B) prohibit any electronic nicotine deliv- (c) To carry out subsection (b), for each of on such applicable date. ery system designed to look like combustible fiscal years 2021 through 2024, there shall be (2)(A) A person holding electronic nicotine cigarettes or commonplace, nonmedical de- transferred to the Secretary, from the Gen- delivery systems or e-liquids on the applica- vices, such as pens or USB flash drives; and eral Fund of the Treasury, the lesser of— ble date to which any tax imposed by para- ‘‘(C) require each electronic nicotine deliv- (1) the amount equal to the amount col- graph (1) applies shall be liable for such tax. ery system and its components and parts to lected under 5701(h) of the Internal Revenue (B) The tax imposed by paragraph (1) shall be tamper-proof.’’. Code of 1986 during the previous fiscal year; be paid in such manner as the Secretary (b)(1) Section 900 of the Federal Food, or shall prescribe by regulations. Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 387) is (2) $115,000,000. (C) The tax imposed by paragraph (1) shall amended— SEC. ll. (a) Section 5701 of the Internal be paid on or before the date that is 120 days (A) by redesignating paragraphs (8) Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— after the applicable date. through (22) as paragraphs (10) through (24); (1) by redesignating subsection (h) as sub- (3) Notwithstanding the Act of June 18, and section (i), and 1934 (commonly known as the Foreign Trade (B) by inserting after paragraph (7) the fol- (2) by inserting after subsection (g) the fol- Zone Act, 48 Stat. 998, 19 U.S.C. 81a et seq.), lowing: lowing new subsection: or any other provision of law, any article ‘‘(8) ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY SYS- ‘‘(h) ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY.— which is located in a foreign trade zone on TEM.— ‘‘(1) ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY SYS- any tax increase date shall be subject to the ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘electronic TEMS.— tax imposed by paragraph (1) if— nicotine delivery system’— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—On electronic nicotine (A) internal revenue taxes have been deter- ‘‘(i) means noncombustible tobacco prod- delivery systems (as defined in section 900(8) mined, or customs duties liquidated, with re- ucts, including vapes, vaporizers, vape pens, of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act spect to such article before such date pursu- hookah pens, electronic cigarettes (also (21 U.S.C. 387(8))), manufactured in or im- ant to a request made under the 1st proviso known as ‘e-cigarettes’ or ‘e-cigs’), and e- ported into the United States, there shall be of section 3(a) of such Act, or pipes that deliver an aerosolized e-liquid imposed a tax equal to $1.01 per electronic (B) such article is held on such date under that may contain nicotine, as well as vary- nicotine delivery system. the supervision of an officer of the United ing compositions of flavorings, propylene ‘‘(B) EXCEPTION.—This paragraph shall not States Customs and Border Protection of the glycol, vegetable glycerin, and other ingredi- apply to any single-use electronic nicotine Department of Homeland Security pursuant ents; and delivery system. to the 2d proviso of such section 3(a). ‘‘(ii) includes components and parts, such ‘‘(2) E-LIQUID.—On e-liquids (as defined in (4) Rules similar to the rules of section as e-liquids, tanks, cartridges, pods, wicks, section 900(9) of such Act) or single-use elec- 5061(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of and atomizers. tronic nicotine delivery systems, manufac- 1986 shall apply for purposes of this sub- ‘‘(B) COMPONENTS AND PARTS.—The term tured in or imported into the United States, section. ‘components and parts’, with respect to an there shall be imposed a tax equal to— (5) All provisions of law, including pen- electronic nicotine delivery system, means ‘‘(A) in the case of a product which con- alties, applicable with respect to the taxes the objects intended or reasonably expected tains less than 5 percent nicotine by volume, imposed by section 5701 of the Internal Rev- to be used with, or for, the human consump- $1.01, and enue Code of 1986 shall, insofar as applicable tion of a tobacco product that are not acces- ‘‘(B) in the case of the product which con- and not inconsistent with the provisions of sories. tains a percentage of nicotine by volume this subsection, apply to the floor stocks ‘‘(9) E-LIQUID.—The term ‘e-liquid’ means which is equal to or greater than 5 percent, taxes imposed by paragraph (1), to the same liquid nicotine, nicotine containing liquids an amount equal to the sum of— extent as if such taxes were imposed by such (including liquid nicotine combined with ‘‘(i) $1.01, plus, section 5701. The Secretary may treat any colorings, flavorings, or other ingredients), ‘‘(ii) for each percentage point of nicotine person who bore the ultimate burden of the and liquids that do not contain nicotine or by volume contained in such product which tax imposed by paragraph (1) as the person

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.040 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 to whom a credit or refund under such provi- payment. Such report shall include informa- mittee will hold a Full Committee sions may be allowed or made. tion on— Hearing titled ‘‘Aviation Safety and (c) For purposes of this section— ‘‘(i) the specific uses of such payment; the Future of Boeing’s 737 MAX.’’ (1) Any term used in this section which is ‘‘(ii) an assessment of quality improve- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS also used in section 5701 or 5702 of the Inter- ments and clinical outcomes resulting from nal Revenue Code of 1986 shall have the same such activities; and The Committee on Foreign Relations meaning as such term has in such section. ‘‘(iii) estimates of cost savings resulting is authorized to meet during the ses- (2) The term ‘‘applicable date’’ means the from such activities. sion of the Senate on Tuesday, October day after the date which is 90 days after the ‘‘(4) DURATION.—No payment shall be made 29, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. to hold a hearing on date of enactment of this Act. under this subsection after fiscal year 2024. nominations. (3) The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- ‘‘(5) FUNDING.— SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE retary of the Treasury or the Secretary’s ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph The Senate Select Committee on In- delegate. (B), State expenditures on activities under telligence is authorized to meet during this subsection shall be treated as medical the session of the 116th Congress of the SA 1240. Mr. GRASSLEY submitted assistance for purposes of subsection (a). U.S. Senate on Tuesday, October 29, an amendment intended to be proposed ‘‘(B) LIMITATION ON FUNDS.—The total 2019, from 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m., in room by him to the bill S. 916, to improve amount of payments made under this sub- SH–219 in the Senate Hart Office Build- Federal efforts with respect to the pre- section shall not exceed $2,500,000,000 for fis- ing to hold a closed roundtable. vention of maternal mortality, and for cal years 2020 through 2024. This subsection constitutes budget authority in advance of f other purposes; which was referred to appropriations Acts and represents the obli- the Committee on Finance; as follows: gation of the Secretary to provide for the PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR Strike all after the enacting clause and in- payment of amounts provided under this sub- Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask sert the following: section.’’. unanimous consent that Craig Rad- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. SEC. 4. REGULAR FMAP APPLIED IN CASE OF cliffe, counsel on my staff, be per- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Healthy Ma- CERTAIN MEDICAID EXPANSION IN- DIVIDUALS. mitted floor privileges for the remain- ternal Opportunities Matter Act of 2019’’ or der of the day. the ‘‘Healthy MOM Act’’. Section 1905(y) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(y)) is amended— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without SEC. 2. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR MATERNAL objection, it is so ordered. AND CHILD HEALTH PROJECTS. (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘subject to paragraph (3),’’ after ‘‘Notwithstanding Mr. PAUL. Mr. President, I ask unan- Section 501 of the Social Security Act (42 subsection (b),’’; and imous consent for floor privileges for a U.S.C. 701) is amended by adding at the end (2) by adding at the end the following new the following new subsection: member of my staff, Rob Givens. paragraph: ‘‘(d) In addition to the amounts appro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘(3) EXCEPTION.—With respect to amounts priated under subsection (a) and retained objection, it is so ordered. expended by a State described in paragraph under section 502(b)(1)(A), out of any money f (1) for medical assistance for items and serv- in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, ices furnished on or after January 1, 2020, to CONDEMNING THE HORRIFIC AT- there is appropriated to the Secretary a newly eligible individual described in sub- $200,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2020 TACK IN DAYTON, OHIO, AND EX- clause (VIII) of section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i) who through 2024, to support increased efforts to PRESSING SUPPORT AND PRAY- is an inmate in a public institution and is a improve maternal and child health in ac- ERS FOR ALL THOSE IMPACTED patient in a medical institution, paragraph cordance with the projects described in sub- BY THAT TRAGEDY (1) shall not apply with respect to such paragraphs (A) through (E) of section amounts expended for such items and serv- Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I 501(a)(3).’’. ices and the Federal medical assistance per- ask unanimous consent that the Judi- SEC. 3. MEDICAID DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM centage for such State under subsection (b) TO INCREASE ACCESS TO MATERNAL ciary Committee be discharged from HEALTH CARE IN UNDERSERVED shall apply with respect to such amounts ex- further consideration and the Senate AREAS. pended for such items and services.’’. now proceed to S. Res. 367. Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without U.S.C. 1396b) is amended by adding at the end AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO objection, it is so ordered. the following new subsection: MEET The clerk will report the resolution ‘‘(bb) DEMONSTRATION PROJECT TO INCREASE by title. ACCESS TO MATERNAL HEALTH CARE IN UN- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I have The senior assistant legislative clerk DERSERVED AREAS.— four requests for committees to meet read as follows: ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In addition to the pay- during today’s session of the Senate. A resolution (S. Res. 367) condemning the ments provided under subsection (a), the They have the approval of the Majority horrific attack in Dayton, Ohio, and express- Secretary shall provide for payments to ing support and prayers for all those im- States for State activities to improve access and Minority leaders. pacted by that tragedy. to maternal health care and prevent mater- Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph nal mortality in underserved areas (includ- 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- There being no objection, the com- ing rural areas) in the manner described in ate, the following committees are au- mittee was discharged, and the Senate paragraph (5). thorized to meet during today’s session proceeded to consider the resolution. ‘‘(2) PERMISSIBLE USE OF FUNDS.—The fol- of the Senate: Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I lowing are examples of State activities for COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES ask unanimous consent that the reso- which funds provided under this subsection lution be agreed to, the preamble be may be used: The Committee on Armed Services is authorized to meet during the session agreed to, and that the motions to re- ‘‘(A) Developing and implementing innova- consider be considered made and laid tive reimbursement models for providers of of the Senate on Tuesday, October 29, maternal health care services. 2019, at 9:30 a.m., in open session to upon the table. ‘‘(B) Increasing maternal health profes- consider the nominations of Ms. Lisa The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sional recruitment efforts. W. Hershman to be Chief Management objection, it is so ordered. The resolution (S. Res. 367) was ‘‘(C) Expanding access to telemedicine for Officer of the Department of Defense; agreed to. women with high-risk pregnancies. Mr. Dana S. Deasy to be Chief Informa- ‘‘(3) APPLICATION; TERMS AND CONDITIONS.— The preamble was agreed to. tion Officer of the Department of De- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—No payments shall be (The resolution, with its preamble, is made to a State under this subsection unless fense; and Mr. Robert J. Sander to be printed in the RECORD of October 21, the State applies to the Secretary for such General Counsel of the Department of 2019, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) payments in a form, manner, and time speci- the Navy. f fied by the Secretary. COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND ‘‘(B) TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—Such pay- TRANSPORTATION ALLIES INTERNATIONAL ments are made under such terms and condi- The Committee on Commerce, PROTECTION AND ENHANCE- tions consistent with this subsection as the Science, and Transportation is author- MENT INITIATIVE ACT OF 2019 Secretary prescribes. ‘‘(C) ANNUAL REPORT.—Payment to a State ized to hold a meeting during the ses- Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I under this subsection is conditioned on the sion of the Senate on Tuesday, October ask unanimous consent that the Sen- State submitting to the Secretary an annual 29, 2019, at 10 a.m., in room 216 of the ate proceed to the immediate consider- report on the activities supported by such Hart Senate Office Building. The Com- ation of Calendar No. 237, S. 1678.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.040 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6255 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cial partnerships with countries in the Indo-Pa- The bill (S. 1678), as amended, was or- objection, it is so ordered. cific region and around the world; dered to be engrossed for a third read- The clerk will report the bill by title. (2) consider, in certain cases as appropriate ing, was read the third time, and The senior assistant legislative clerk and in alignment with United States interests, passed. read as follows: increasing its economic, security, and diplomatic engagement with nations that have demon- f A bill (S. 1678) to express United States strably strengthened, enhanced, or upgraded re- REAFFIRMING THE VITAL ROLE support for Taiwan’s diplomatic alliances lations with Taiwan; and around the world. (3) consider, in certain cases as appropriate OF THE UNITED STATES-JAPAN There being no objection, the Senate and in alignment with United States interests, ALLIANCE IN PROMOTING proceeded to consider the bill, which reducing its economic, security, and diplomatic PEACE, STABILITY, AND PROS- had been reported from the Committee engagement with nations that take serious or PERITY IN THE INDO-PACIFIC on Foreign Relations, with an amend- significant actions to undermine Taiwan. REGION AND BEYOND, AND FOR (b) CONSULTATION.—Not less than 30 days be- OTHER PURPOSES. ment to strike all after the enacting fore increasing or decreasing the United States clause and insert in lieu thereof the Government’s economic, security, or diplomatic Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I following: engagement with another nation as a result of ask unanimous consent that the Sen- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. an action taken by that nation to either ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Taiwan Allies strengthen or undermine ties with Taiwan, the endar No. 233, S. Res. 183. International Protection and Enhancement Ini- Secretary of State shall consult with the appro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tiative (TAIPEI) Act of 2019’’. priate congressional committees with respect to objection, it is so ordered. the proposed United States action or actions. SEC. 2. DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH TAIWAN. The clerk will report the resolution (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the following (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this findings: Act shall be construed to supersede or otherwise by title. (1) The of 1979 (Public alter obligations to comply with the notification The senior assistant legislative clerk Law 96–8) states that it is the policy of the procedures applicable to reprogramming pursu- read as follows: United States ‘‘to preserve and promote exten- ant to section 634A of the Foreign Assistance A resolution (S. Res. 183) reaffirming the sive, close, and friendly commercial, cultural, Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2394–1). vital role of the United States-Japan alli- and other relations between the people of the SEC. 4. POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES WITH RE- ance in promoting peace, stability, and pros- United States and the people on Taiwan’’. GARD TO TAIWAN’S PARTICIPATION perity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond, (2) The Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 states IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZA- and for other purposes. that it is the policy of the United States ‘‘to TIONS. maintain the capacity of the United States to re- It should be the policy of the United States— There being no objection, the Senate sist any resort to force or other forms of coercion (1) to advocate, as appropriate— proceeded to consider the resolution, that would jeopardize the security, or the social (A) for Taiwan’s membership in all inter- which had been reported from the Com- or economic system, of the people on Taiwan’’. national organizations in which statehood is mittee on Foreign Relations, without (3) Taiwan is a free, democratic, and pros- not a requirement and in which the United amendment and with an amendment to perous nation of 23,000,000 people and an impor- States is also a participant; and strike the preamble, and insert the tant contributor to peace and stability around (B) for Taiwan to be granted observer status in other appropriate international organiza- part printed in italic, as follows: the world. Whereas the United States and Japan granted (4) Since the election of President Tsai Ing- tions; each other formal recognition on March 31, 1854, wen as President of Taiwan in 2016, the Govern- (2) to instruct, as appropriate, representatives with the signing of the Treaty of Peace and ment of the People’s Republic of China has in- of the United States Government in all organi- Amity, and established full diplomatic relations tensified its efforts to pressure Taiwan. zations described in paragraph (1) to use the in 1858; (5) Since 2016, the Gambia, Sao Tome and voice, vote, and influence of the United States Whereas, for the past 70 years, the alliance Principe, Panama, the Dominican Republic, to advocate for Taiwan’s membership or ob- between the United States and Japan has Burkina Faso, El Salvador, the Solomon Is- server status in such organizations; and played a vital role in ensuring peace, stability, lands, and Kiribati have severed diplomatic re- (3) for the President or the President’s des- and economic development in Asia and beyond; lations with Taiwan in favor of diplomatic rela- ignees to advocate, as appropriate, for Taiwan’s Whereas the United States and Japan are tions with China. membership or observer status in all organiza- (6) Taiwan currently maintains full diplo- tions described in paragraph (1) as part of any deeply committed to the common values of free- matic relations with 15 nations around the relevant bilateral engagements between the dom, democracy, rule of law, and free market world. United States and the People’s Republic of economics; (7) Taiwan’s unofficial relations with the China, including leader summits and the U.S.- Whereas the United States-Japan alliance, United States, Australia, India, Japan, and China Comprehensive Economic Dialogue. forged nearly six decades ago with the signing of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Secu- other countries are of significant benefit in SEC. 5. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON TRADE NEGO- strengthening Taiwan’s economy and preserving TIATIONS WITH TAIWAN. rity, is the cornerstone for advancing a free and its international space. It is the sense of Congress that the United open Indo-Pacific region, and contributes inter- (8) According to President Tsai Ing-wen, the States should engage in bilateral trade negotia- nationally to peace and stability; severance of diplomatic ties with Taiwan in tions with Taiwan, with the goal of entering Whereas the United States and Japan are in- favor of diplomatic relations with China is into a free trade agreement that is of mutual dispensable partners in combating the prolifera- ‘‘part of a series of diplomatic and military acts economic benefit and that protects United States tion of weapons of mass destruction, improving of coercion’’ by China. workers and benefits United States exporters. global health, countering human trafficking (9) The Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of and promoting human rights, assisting the vic- SEC. 6. APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- tims of conflict and disaster worldwide, and 2018 (Public Law 115–409) states that— TEES DEFINED. contributing to global economic development; (A) it is United States policy ‘‘to support the In this Act, the term ‘‘appropriate congres- Whereas the alliance is a testament to the close economic, political, and security relation- sional committees’’ means— ability of great nations to overcome the past and ship between Taiwan and the United States’’; (1) the Committee on Foreign Relations and jointly work to create a more secure and pros- and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; perous future; (B) the President should— and Whereas our two countries, coming from dif- (i) ‘‘conduct regular transfers of defense arti- (2) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the ferent cultural backgrounds, have created an cles to Taiwan that are tailored to meet the ex- Committee on Appropriations of the House of active and dynamic relationship beneficial to isting and likely future threats from the Peo- Representatives. both peoples; and ple’s Republic of China, including supporting Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I the efforts of Taiwan to develop and integrate Whereas cultural and people-to-people ties be- asymmetric capabilities, as appropriate, includ- ask unanimous consent that the com- tween the United States and Japan are long- ing mobile, survivable, and cost-effective capa- mittee-reported substitute amendment standing and deep, as exemplified by the 1912 bilities, into its military forces’’; and be agreed to, the bill, as amended, be gift from the People of Japan to the People of (ii) ‘‘encourage the travel of high-level United considered read a third time and the United States of the beautiful cherry trees States officials to Taiwan, in accordance with passed, and that the motion to recon- that grace our Nation’s capital, signifying the the Taiwan Travel Act’’. sider be considered made and laid upon unbreakable bond between the two nations: SEC. 3. STRENGTHENING OF OFFICIAL OR UNOF- the table. Now, therefore be it FICIAL TIES WITH TAIWAN. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Resolved, That the Senate— (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of (1) reaffirms the endorsement of long- Congress that the United States Government objection, it is so ordered. standing United States policy to pursue should— The committee-reported amendment close and cooperative ties with Japan in the (1) support Taiwan in strengthening its offi- in the nature of a substitute was Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018 (Pub- cial diplomatic relationships as well as unoffi- agreed to. lic Law 115–409), signed into law on December

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.048 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 31, 2018, and the vital role of the United (The resolution, with its preamble, is mands a lot of attention, but lately, States-Japan alliance in promoting peace, printed in the RECORD of June 5, 2019, frankly, not enough attention here in stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) the Senate. I will focus, in particular, region and beyond; on one report that we are issuing today (2) underscores the importance of the close f that will talk about one aspect of some people-to-people and cultural ties between REMEMBERING THE 25TH ANNI- our two nations; of the problems we are having in our VERSARY OF THE BOMBING OF healthcare system right now that a lot (3) calls for the strengthening and broad- THE ARGENTINE ISRAELITE MU- ening of diplomatic, economic, and security of Americans might not be aware of. ties between the United States and Japan; TUAL ASSOCIATION (AMIA) JEW- They probably will be more aware and ISH COMMUNITY CENTER IN when they hear more about the report (4) further calls for the continued coopera- BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA, that I have. tion between the Governments of the United AND RECOMMITTING TO EF- I think we should start from the States and Japan in addressing global chal- FORTS TO UPHOLD JUSTICE FOR basic premise that we have made tre- lenges that threaten the security of people THE 85 VICTIMS OF THE AT- mendous progress in the last number of everywhere in the new Reiwa era of ‘‘beau- TACKS tiful harmony’’. years in access to healthcare, in Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I healthcare coverage. We know, for ex- ask unanimous consent the resolution ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ample, that between the years 2010, the be agreed to, the committee-reported ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- year that the Patient Protection and amendment to the preamble be agreed endar No. 235, S. Res. 277. Affordable Care Act was passed, and to, the preamble, as amended, be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the end of 2016—so, basically, just a agreed to, and that the motions to re- clerk will report the resolution by matter of 6 years—something on the consider be considered made and laid title. order of 20-plus million Americans upon the table. The bill clerk read as follows: gained health insurance coverage. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without A resolution (S. Res. 277) remembering the went from roughly the number of unin- objection, it is so ordered. 25th Anniversary of the bombing of the Ar- sured in the country being a little The resolution (S. Res. 183) was gentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) more than 47 million in 2010 to a little agreed to. Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, more than 27 million in 2016. Argentina, and recommitting to efforts to Over the course of just 6 to 7 years, 20 The committee-reported amendment uphold justice for the 85 victims of the at- million fewer people were uninsured. to the preamble was agreed to. tacks. That is a great measure of progress on The preamble as amended was agreed The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there an issue where most people said there to. objection to proceeding to the meas- was no way you could get 20 million (The resolution, with its preamble, is ure? more people insured. Very few Ameri- printed in the RECORD of May 2, 2019, There being no objection, the Senate cans thought that was possible until it under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) proceeded to consider the resolution. actually happened. f Mr. CASSIDY. I ask unanimous con- Unfortunately, that progress—the REAFFIRMING THE STRONG PART- sent that the resolution be agreed to, progress being the diminution or the NERSHIP BETWEEN TUNISIA AND the preamble be agreed to, and the mo- reduction of the uninsured popu- THE UNITED STATES AND SUP- tions to reconsider be considered made lation—is, unfortunately, not just flat- PORTING THE PEOPLE OF TUNI- and laid upon the table. tening out, but it is actually getting SIA IN THEIR CONTINUED PUR- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without worse. The number of uninsured Ameri- SUIT OF DEMOCRATIC REFORMS objection, it is so ordered. cans is actually going up now. That is a giant step backward in a country Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I The resolution (S. Res. 277) was that not only reduced the uninsured ask unanimous consent that the Sen- agreed to. number by 20-plus million but pro- ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- The preamble was agreed to. (The resolution, with its preamble, is vided, in the same bill, the Patient endar No. 234, S. Res. 236. Protection and Affordable Care Act. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The printed in the RECORD of July 17, 2019, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) The patient protection part of that clerk will report the resolution by ushered in all kinds of reforms for f title. those with insurance—those who had The senior assistant legislative clerk MEASURE READ THE FIRST insurance before 2010 and those who read as follows: TIME—H.R. 4334 were paying their premiums but had A resolution (S. Res. 236) reaffirming the Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I their lives and their coverage in the strong partnership between Tunisia and the understand there is a bill at the desk, hands of insurance companies that had United States and supporting the people of power over their lives, to the extent Tunisia in their continued pursuit of demo- and I ask for its first reading. cratic reforms. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that an individual with a preexisting clerk will read the title of the bill for condition would not be treated and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there would not be covered because of that objection to proceeding to the meas- the first time. The bill clerk read as follows: preexisting condition. The Patient Pro- ure? tection and Affordable Care Act There being no objection, the Senate A bill (H.R. 4334) to amend the Older Amer- icans Act of 1965 to authorize appropriations changed that for tens and tens and tens proceeded to consider the resolution. of millions of Americans, in addition to Mr. CASSIDY. I know of no further for fiscal years 2020 through 2024, and for other purposes. the coverage gains that I just men- debate on the measure. tioned. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Mr. CASSIDY. I now ask for a second reading, and in order to place the bill Just for a point of reference, I will further debate? mention the recent numbers. The Cen- on the calendar under the provisions of The question is on agreeing to the sus Bureau, back in just September of rule XIV, I object to my own request. resolution. this year, said—and I am quoting from The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- The resolution (S. Res. 236) was a report from Kaiser Health News, by tion is heard. agreed to. Mr. Phil Galewitz, who is talking about The bill will receive the second read- Mr. CASSIDY. I ask unanimous con- the census report. He said the fol- ing on the next legislative day. sent that the preamble be agreed to lowing: and that the motions to reconsider be I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- For the first time in a decade, the numbers considered made and laid upon the of Americans without health insurance has table with no intervening action or de- ator from Pennsylvania. risen—by about 2 million people in 2018—ac- bate. HEALTHCARE cording to the annual U.S. Census Bureau re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. CASEY. Madam President, I rise port released Tuesday. objection, it is so ordered. tonight to talk about healthcare, This ‘‘Tuesday’’ means a day in Sep- The preamble was agreed to. which is an issue that obviously com- tember.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC6.007 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6257 The Census found that 8.5 percent of the ther you don’t care about that or you disabilities, have the therapies, treat- U.S. population went without medical insur- think that is actually a measure of ments, and the protections they need ance for all of 2018, up from 7.9 percent in progress. because they have a disability or some- 2017. We have some work to do in the U.S. times more than one disability. That is What he was referring to is that the Senate and the U.S. House of Rep- the Medicaid program. Census Bureau had said that the num- resentatives and in the administration What does the administration want ber of uninsured went up by 1.9 million to make sure that when they measure to do? They want to cut it by $1.5 tril- people. That didn’t happen just by acci- this again later in 2019 or in 2020, that lion. No one here should support that dent. It happened because of some of number is coming down, that we are re- kind of a cut, but not only do some the steps taken by the administration ducing the uninsured, and that we are people here support it by their silence, and by those that support the adminis- reducing the number of children who by their assent, many here are cham- tration. are uninsured. pions of that, strongly advocating for We have to be focused on reversing It is going to be difficult to do that that kind of a cut, so we have to fight that decline, getting the number of un- and to make progress on that when you against that, too—the cuts to Medicare insured down, getting more Americans consider what the administration, sup- and Medicaid. covered, and making sure that more ported by Republicans in the House and Then there is threat No. 3—No. 1 Americans have basic protections. the Senate, have done lately. They being the threat of the lawsuit, No. 2 What is particularly egregious and have done three things that are setting being the threat of the cuts to Medi- disturbing about this trend is that us backward. care and Medicaid—the third threat is those suffering the most tend to be One is supporting a lawsuit in the the sabotage that has been undertaken children. For example, in another anal- Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which from day one of the administration. On ysis by Georgetown University, it says will destroy the Affordable Care Act. It the Republican side, I would hope that that ‘‘4.3 million kids were uninsured will destroy it. We should be arguing someone would speak up against this. I in 2018—a statistically significant in- against that lawsuit. It is highly like- haven’t heard much. I have been listen- crease of 425,000.’’ ly, or at least likely, I will say—I don’t ing. I haven’t heard much about those What Georgetown was telling us in want to be that pessimistic—that that who might claim to not be in favor of that analysis is that that diminution lawsuit will prevail and the Affordable sabotage. of those who were insured or who have Care Act will be wiped away and de- Here is one example of sabotage in insurance is rising by more than 400,000 clared unconstitutional by the circuit the report I referred to earlier. We just among children. So the United States court or maybe by the Supreme Court issued this report today: ‘‘HEALTH of America made great strides in the down the road if the Supreme Court CARE SABOTAGE ONLINE: A WARN- mid-1960s, when the Medicaid Program were to take that case up on appeal. ING TO CONSUMERS.’’ Here is what was enacted into law, which helped to That is not good for America for lots we did: We started calling all over reduce the number of children who of reasons. All those Americans—more Pennsylvania and doing research on were uninsured and helped to reduce than 130 million—who have a pre- what was advertised for these short- the number of children who did not existing condition will be out of luck if term duration healthcare plans known have access to quality healthcare and that lawsuit prevails. The protections in the vernacular here in Washington ushered in a brand-new healthcare pro- for preexisting conditions will be taken by the phrase ‘‘junk plans.’’ Why do we gram for children and people with dis- away after having been granted for the say they are junk? Well, we say that abilities and seniors needing long-term first time, basically, a decade ago, to because these plans were only allowed care. That is the Medicaid Program. tens and tens of millions of Americans. to be in place for 3 months, but the ad- You could call it the ‘‘Kids, Seniors, A lot of other adverse consequences ministration changed that rule. Now, and Disability Program for come from that lawsuit succeeding, so these plans are available. You can pur- Healthcare.’’ The same country, the every Member of the Senate should be chase a plan like this for 1 year, and United States of America, then made against that lawsuit. then you can renew it for up to 3 years. greater progress decades later when the Now, some say: Well, we have a bet- What happens? Well, often, people are Children’s Health Insurance Program ter idea. Well, come forward with your deceived into signing up for plans that came into effect. It was voted on here better idea and figure out a way, if you don’t have the protections that they in the 1990s with bipartisan support, can, to provide coverage for 20 million thought they would have. They don’t sustained over time by bipartisan sup- people, to provide protections for those have the protections that I think most port, and sustained in many States by who have a preexisting condition—pro- Americans have come to expect. Republican and Democratic Governors. vide the same protections in a different Here is the first finding in the report: But despite the Medicaid Program and way, if you can, but don’t say to the ‘‘When searching online for health in- the advances for children, despite the country that we are supporting a law- surance plans, it is difficult to differen- Children’s Health Insurance Program suit that will take all those protec- tiate between paid advertisements and and the advances for children, and de- tions away when you don’t have any- search results.’’ spite the advances brought about by thing to replace it with, you have noth- Now, we just had an example today of the Patient Protection and Affordable ing that has been enacted into law or a man in Pennsylvania who told us Care Act and the advances for children nothing that has been proposed that that, when he went online and did some in that, now we are seeing a reversal. will be commensurate with the cov- investigation and then was talking to Are we going to be satisfied? Are we erage gains and protections of the Pa- someone on the phone who was selling going to say that we are the country tient Protection and Affordable Care him insurance, they said: ‘‘It’s got all that we want to be and that we claim Act. We can be weeks away from that the protections of the Affordable Care to be if now we are moving backward lawsuit succeeding. That is problem Act.’’ But, of course, it didn’t, and he on children’s health insurance, and No. 1—threat No. 1, I call it. was deceived. 425,000 fewer children have healthcare Threat No. 2 are the proposed cuts to There are a lot of stories of people in 2018, and that that is what we are Medicare and Medicaid. The adminis- being deceived by false advertising and going to settle for in the United States tration proposed cutting the Medicaid by misleading advertising. Even if of America? program that I just referred to a couple going to a page after having done a That is an abomination. That is a of minutes ago, the children’s dis- search and on that page it might say stain on our country. Anyone who is ability and long-term nursing home ‘‘healthcare.gov,’’ which is the right not in the business of reversing that care program—that is what Medicaid place to go if you want to enroll, but and getting that number up—covering does, helps people get into nursing sometimes, healthcare.gov has nothing more children and making sure that homes. It helps a lot of middle-class to do with it. It is advertised as what children have healthcare coverage— families afford long-term nursing care. healthcare.gov offers, but it doesn’t shouldn’t be involved in any govern- It helps about 40 percent of American offer that. It offers a junk plan, and ment and shouldn’t run for public of- children with healthcare and helps a people are in real trouble when they fice if that is what your attitude is. Ei- lot of children, especially children with sign up for the wrong plan.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.052 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 29, 2019 So the first thing folks should do is HealthCare.Gov. Some will go on a sured rate is climbing as families run make sure that they carefully examine site, and some people don’t realize they afoul of new paperwork and as fear these paid advertisements so they are not on HealthCare.Gov. They are rises among immigrants.’’ don’t get into a plan that is going to on healthcare.org. That is an old way So a series of steps taken by the ad- prevent them from getting the cov- of referring to the site. HealthCare.Gov ministration has caused the number of erage they need. is the correct one. That is tip No. 1. Be children who are uninsured to go up. The second finding that we concluded careful of that. That is and should be unacceptable to is: ‘‘Paid advertisements for health in- No. 2: ‘‘Be aware of how the search any American. surance are often misleading and fail engine designates advertisements.’’ Be Finally, I want to conclude with one to fully disclose very important infor- aware that something that looks offi- thought about preexisting conditions. mation.’’ cial is just an advertisement. Be care- When we vote this week, we will have The third and final finding is the fol- ful about that. an opportunity to push back against lowing: ‘‘Advertisements often use No. 3: ‘‘Always look at the website some of the sabotage, to make it less ‘HealthCare.Gov’ in the website title address, typically displayed in green likely that people will be misled, to and descriptions despite having no af- font, before clicking on a link.’’ So be make it less likely that people will be filiation with HealthCare.Gov.’’ careful about the website address. enrolled in some junk insurance plan. So people see that on the top of the No. 4: ‘‘Pay attention to the words One of the adverse consequences of page, and it is not designated in the used in the website title and descrip- being in the wrong plan, getting the correct way so that you can actually tion.’’ Title and description. For exam- wrong information, and being misled, get to the correct site. You are sent to ple, the difference between being deceived, is a lack of coverage for some other site, and before you know HealthCare.Gov and healthcare.org. a preexisting condition. So if you have it, you are clicking on to plans that So folks can take a look at these tips asthma or diabetes or arthritis or high don’t give you the coverage you think and be ready to enroll through blood pressure under the old rules, you are getting. HealthCare.Gov in a way that will give under the old law, you could be dis- So there is a lot of misinformation. them the coverage they want when criminated against because you had a There is a lot of scam artistry or a lot they are making that basic choice. preexisting condition. So an insurance This is what sabotage looks like. of other ways to describe it because company can legally discriminate When you change a rule from one ad- they have more time to do it. They against you. ministration to the other, instead of used to only have a 3-month time pe- The law changed in 2010, fortunately, having a 3-month rule giving these in- riod. It wasn’t really a good business so that discrimination was pushed back terim plans a chance to operate in a model to try to mislead people into against, and we finally had a cir- shorter timeframe and you enlarge your junk plan if you only have 3 cumstance for families who didn’t have that to a year, you are sabotaging the months. Now, they have 1 year or they to worry about preexisting condi- system when you do that. You are not may have more than 1 year if the indi- tions—or at least didn’t have to worry providing people a chance for better about coverage for treatment for a pre- vidual were to reenroll for a total of 3 healthcare, you are making it much years. So instead of having 3 months more likely that folks will be deceived existing condition. Lo and behold, you find examples in for this short-term insurance, which because those who are trying to make your home States. A couple of months was never meant to be permanent, money here saw this opportunity. As ago, I was with one of my constituents, which was only meant to be an interim soon as they saw that 3 months going Rev. Shirley Cornell. She told me policy, now these scam artists, these to 1 year, they saw a golden oppor- about how the Affordable Care Act had purveyors of fraud in many instances, tunity to make money and rip people completely changed her husband’s life. have a lot more time to rip you off and off, and it is working. A lot of people get you on to a plan that doesn’t pro- are becoming victims of it. So that is She told me that her husband’s $8,000 vide the kind of protection that you sabotage. deductible dropped by about one-third and your family need. The other sabotage is limiting the after enrolling in insurance under the So what are we going to do about it? enrollment period. I just mentioned Affordable Care Act. She said: ‘‘We We should do a couple of things. We, that open enrollment period starts on were one experience away from chaos first and foremost, should remind peo- Friday, but it is 6 weeks. It used to be and possibly bankruptcy.’’ Because of ple that this is the time, starting this longer than 6 weeks. So you are lim- the protections in place for a pre- Friday, November 1, for open enroll- iting the time within which someone existing condition, Reverend Cornell ment. Folks will have 6 weeks in that can avail themselves to get healthcare, doesn’t have to worry about that. She open enrollment period. That is good, the opportunity to change a plan or do may have to worry about a lot of other and we should make sure people are anything like that. things, but that is one thing she aware when that open enrollment Another way that sabotage has doesn’t have to worry about. starts; but while they are searching played out is a limitation on the adver- Unfortunately, if this sabotage keeps and making this very consequential de- tising. Guess what, if you limit the ad- marching forward, she may have to cision for themselves or their family, vertising by cutting the advertising worry. A worry that was lifted from so they should be warned about and be budget—at one point, it was cut by 90 many families just less than a decade educated about what can happen to percent—guess what, fewer people ago now may burden them once again. them if they are on a site that will not know about their opportunities to en- There is no reason why we have to go provide the care and the coverage that roll by way of HealthCare.Gov or to back to those days when an insurance they need. have the opportunity not just for cov- company could deny a child coverage There is an old expression: ‘‘Fore- erage but often to have a subsidy that because that child had a preexisting warned is forearmed.’’ We want to fore- will help you pay for the coverage. So condition or could deny an adult treat- warn people so they are ready and they that is another way that the adminis- ment or coverage because they had a will be vigilant. tration is engaged in sabotage, and it is preexisting condition. There is no rea- Here are a couple of things that we working because, as I mentioned, 1.9 son why we have to go back to those can do. We provide a couple of tips to million Americans or fewer Americans days; yet some around here seem to avoid enrolling in one of these junk are insured today than 2 years ago, so want to go back to those days. plans. No. 1: ‘‘To get help picking the it is working, unfortunately. The best way to make sure that we health insurance coverage that fits I mention the coverage loss that is don’t is to fight against what the ad- your needs, visit HealthCare.Gov.’’ hitting children. There is a New York ministration has been doing, to fight In fact, when you type in to do a Times story dated October 22, just last against the lawsuit, to fight against search, you should type week. The headline is: ‘‘Medicaid Cov- the sabotage, and to fight against the www.HealthCare.Gov. That is the best ers a Million Fewer Children. Baby Eli- budget cuts. I know some don’t want to way to get to the right site. So just jah was one of them.’’ do that. They seem to want to continue make sure you are on HealthCare.Gov The subheadline says ‘‘Officials point to support what the administration is and not something that looks like to rising unemployment, but the unin- doing.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.053 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6259 I hope that folks will take advantage some success in putting the junk plan ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. of this opportunity in the next 6 weeks, artists out of business so that they TOMORROW starting on Friday, November 1, and can’t deceive people into getting insur- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under use the open enrollment period and ex- ance that they expect would provide the previous order, the Senate stands amine these issues with an eye towards them more coverage. adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow. not being deceived, not being brought I yield the floor. Thereupon, the Senate, at 6:41 p.m., down a road where you won’t get the adjourned until Wednesday, October 30, coverage you need. Maybe we can have 2019, at 10 a.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29OC6.054 S29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1357 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY PROCE- scope and duration of any examination or tion of H. Res. 660, the chair shall have the DURES IN THE COMMITTEE ON presentation. In making such determination, discretion to impose appropriate remedies, THE JUDICIARY notwithstanding Rule II of the Committee on including by denying specific requests by the the Judiciary Rules of Procedure, the chair President or his counsel under these proce- may schedule a Committee meeting subject dures to call or question witnesses. HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN to the notice procedures for a Committee G. These procedures supersede paragraphs OF MASSACHUSETTS meeting under clause 2(g)(3)(A) and (B) of (1), (2), and (4) of the investigative proce- dures adopted by the Committee on Sep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House rule XI. tember 12, 2019. C. WITNESSES Tuesday, October 29, 2019 H. For purposes of these procedures, Com- If and when witnesses are to be called, the mittee counsel shall include consultants re- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, pursu- following additional procedures shall be ap- tained by the Committee. ant to Section 4(a) of House Resolution 660, plicable to hearings held for that purpose: 116th Congress, I hereby submit the following 1. The President and his counsel shall be f impeachment inquiry procedures in the Com- invited to attend all hearings, including any IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL CY- held in executive session. mittee on the Judiciary for printing in the CON- 2. Objections relating to the examination BERSECURITY CAREER AWARE- GRESSIONAL RECORD. of witnesses or to the admissibility of testi- NESS WEEK IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY PROCEDURES IN THE mony and evidence may be raised only by a COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY PURSUANT TO witness or his counsel, a member of the Com- HON. H. RES. 660 mittee, Committee counsel or the Presi- OF FLORIDA A. INITIAL PRESENTATIONS dent’s counsel and shall be ruled upon by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chair or presiding member. Such rulings 1. The Committee on the Judiciary (‘‘Com- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 mittee’’) may receive at a hearing presen- shall be final, unless overruled by a vote of tation(s) from counsel(s) designated by the a majority of the members present. In the Mr. POSEY. Madam Speaker, November chairs and ranking minority members for case of a tie vote, the ruling of the chair 11th marks the start of National Cybersecurity the majority and minority of a committee shall prevail. Career Awareness Week. This week-long 3. At the discretion of the chair, in con- which provides a report, records or other ma- campaign focuses on the local, regional and terials to the Committee under section 2 or sultation with the ranking minority mem- ber, notwithstanding clause 2(j)(2) of rule XI, national interest to engage the community on 3 of H. Res. 660. not only the importance of cybersecurity but 2. In addition, the Committee may receive upon recognition by the chair for such pur- from Committee counsel for the majority pose under this section during any hearing career opportunities in the field. and minority at a hearing a presentation designated pursuant to H. Res. 660 and these Cybersecurity IT workers play a vital role in consisting of (i) a written statement detail- procedures, the chair and ranking minority upkeeping the integrity of our systems, net- ing, in paragraph form, information believed member shall be permitted to question wit- works, and programs as well as pioneering by the counsel to be pertinent to the inquiry, nesses for equal specified periods of longer new ways to promote system strength against (ii) a general description of the scope and than 5 minutes, as determined by the chair. unforeseen threats. In a highly interconnected manner of the presentation of evidence, and/ The time available for each period of ques- and increasingly globalized world, there has or (iii) a detailed presentation of the evi- tioning under this section shall be equal for never been a more important time than now to the chair and the ranking minority member. dentiary material, other than the testimony raise awareness. of witnesses. The chair may confer recognition for mul- tiple periods of such questioning, but each Unfortunately, America is facing a critical 3. The President’s counsel shall be fur- shortage of people trained in cybersecurity. nished a copy of the report(s), record(s) or period of questioning shall not exceed 90 other materials referenced in section 2(5) and minutes in the aggregate. Only the chair and There are currently over 300,000 jobs nation- (6) or section 3 of H. Res. 660, and any mate- ranking minority member, or Committee ally that need to be filled in the cybersecurity rial furnished to the Committee pursuant to counsel yielded to by the chair or ranking workforce and globally, an expected shortfall this section. The President and his counsel minority member, may question witnesses of 1.8 million cybersecurity professionals by shall be invited to attend and observe the during such periods of questioning. At the 2022. This deficit can easily be filled by Amer- initial presentations, and the President’s conclusion of questioning pursuant to this ican talent and continued commitment to mak- counsel may ask questions, subject to in- section, the Committee shall proceed with ing educational resources available early. structions from the chair or presiding mem- questioning under the 5-minute rule pursu- ant to clause 2(j)(2)(A) of rule XI. In my own district, we are doing our part by ber respecting the time, scope and duration educating the public about what role cyberse- of the examination. 4. The President’s counsel may question any witness called before the Committee, curity plays in their everyday lives and how B. ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE subject to instructions from the chair or pre- impactful a career in cybersecurity can be. To 1. Any Committee member may bring addi- siding member respecting the time, scope raise the awareness of the importance of pur- tional evidence in writing to the Commit- and duration of the examination. suing a career in cybersecurity, several of our tee’s attention. D. At the discretion of the chair, in con- 2. The President’s counsel shall be invited local colleges along with the Brevard School sultation with the ranking minority mem- District, EDC Space Coast and Florida Tech to respond, orally or in writing as shall be ber, the Committee may receive a con- determined by the chair, in consultation cluding presentation from the President’s Corridor to name a few, will come together to with the ranking minority member. counsel and Committee counsel for the ma- discuss the role of cybersecurity in our econ- 3. Should the President’s counsel wish the jority and minority. omy, in enhancing public safety and national Committee to receive additional testimony E. The chair, in consultation with the security. or other evidence, he or she shall be invited ranking minority member, shall make a pub- I ask my colleagues to join me in recog- to submit written requests and precise sum- lic announcement of the date, time, place nizing National Cybersecurity Career Aware- maries of what he or she would propose to and subject matter of any Committee hear- ness Week. show, and in the case of a witness precisely ing or meeting to consider matters set forth and in detail what it is expected the testi- in these procedures as soon as practicable f mony of the witness would be, if called. On and in no event less than twenty-four hours HONORING WILLIAM CARL the basis of such requests and summaries before the commencement of the hearing or LAUBSCHER and of the record then before it, the Com- meeting, except as specified in paragraph mittee shall determine whether the sug- B(3) and notwithstanding Rule II of the Com- gested evidence is necessary or desirable to a mittee on the Judiciary Rules of Procedure. HON. full and fair record in the inquiry, and, if so, F. Should the President unlawfully refuse OF MISSOURI whether the summaries shall be accepted as to make witnesses available for testimony IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES part of the record or additional testimony or to, or to produce documents requested by, Tuesday, October 29, 2019 evidence in some other form shall be re- the investigative committees listed in the ceived, subject to instructions from the chair first section of H. Res. 660 in furtherance of Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, or presiding member respecting the time, the investigations described in the first sec- I proudly pause to recognize William Carl

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 21:45 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD19\OCTOBER\E29OC9.REC E29OC9 E1358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2019 Laubscher. William is a very special young ers Academy Board of Trustees. In this role, IN RECOGNITION OF DENTON man who has exemplified the finest qualities he notably oversaw improvements to its cam- COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AU- of citizenship and leadership by taking an ac- pus and played an instrumental role in trans- THORITY RENAMING OLD TOWN tive part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop forming the school into a coed institution. STATION IN HONOR OF CHARLES 1376, and earning the most prestigious award Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues EMERY AND HIS RETIREMENT of Eagle Scout. in the House join me in honoring Edward J. William has been very active with his troop, Moses, Esq. A devoted family-man, and highly HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS participating in many scout activities. Over the respected figure in our Central New York com- OF TEXAS many years William has been involved with munity, Edward Moses has served with great IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scouting, he has not only earned numerous distinction in the legal profession and is highly Tuesday, October 29, 2019 merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- deserving of this honor. ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Wil- f Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise liam has led his troop as an Assistant Senior today in tribute to Mr. F. Charles Emery II of Patrol Leader, become an Ordeal member of WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE CENTENNIAL Lewisville, Texas on the event of his retire- the Order of the Arrow, and holds the rank of COMMEMORATIVE COIN ACT ment as Chairman of the Board of the Denton Warrior in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. William has County Transportation Authority. SPEECH OF also contributed to his community through his Charles and his wife Elaine, both of whom Eagle Scout project. William funded and HON. I have considered friends for decades, have mentored a First Lego League Robotics team OF TEXAS served Denton County in a variety of ways at Crossroads Academy, a charter school in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and left an indelible mark on our community. Kansas City, Missouri, building the competition In addition to a successful career in real es- Monday, October 28, 2019 practice table for student’s school and the tate development, Charles was a member of travel table for the competitions. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise the Lewisville City Council, an active member Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join in strong support of H.R. 2423, the ‘‘Women’s of the Lewisville and Dallas Chambers of me in commending William Carl Laubscher for Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Coin Act, Commerce, and a member of a variety of his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of as amended.’’ boards and commissions that touched almost America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- H.R. 2423 directs the Department of the every facet of our region. ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Treasury to mint and issue up to 400,000 $1 A man of great faith, Charles has been a f silver coins that are emblematic of the women dedicated member of the Denton Bible who played a vital role in rallying support for Church, where he and Elaine are long-time HONORING EDWARD J. MOSES, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. supporters of its choir program. Charles is ESQ. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott also a proud veteran, having served our coun- organized the first Women’s Rights Conven- try in the and Air Na- HON. tion in Seneca Falls, New York. tional Guard. And I know Charles would not let OF NEW YORK Sixty-eight women and 32 men signed the me forget his dedication to his beloved alma IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Declaration of Sentiments at the Convention in mater, Texas A&M University. July 1848. However, in a life that includes many Tuesday, October 29, 2019 The Declaration of Sentiments was modeled achievements, Charles’ most lasting contribu- Mr. KATKO. Madam Speaker, I rise today to after the Declaration of Independence and de- tion to our region may be his role as the father honor Edward J. Moses, Esq., who was re- clared that ‘‘all men and women are created and chief architect of the Denton County cently named the ‘‘2019 Distinguished Law- equal’’, linking women’s rights directly to the Transportation Authority, which provides vital yer’’ by the Onondaga County Bar Associa- founding ideals of the United States. public transportation services throughout North tion. On August 18, 1920, Tennessee became Texas. In his career extending over 50 years as an the 36th and final State needed to pass the Charles worked tirelessly with state law- attorney, Edward Moses has been known for 19th Amendment, ensuring its ratification pur- makers to fine-tune the legislation signed by his uncompromising ethic, client-focused ap- suant to Article V of the Constitution of the then-Governor Rick Perry in 2001 that created proach, and loyalty to his firm Mackenzie United States. Denton County Transportation Authority as an Hughes, LLP, where he has spent his entire The 19th Amendment was ratified on Au- entity. He then spent the next year going door- legal career. Across the legal profession, Ed- gust 26, 1920, when Secretary of State Bain- to-door in every corner of Denton County in ward Moses has garnered admiration from his bridge Colby issued a proclamation announc- support of a local ballot measure to confirm peers, competing lawyers, and respected ing it has become part of the Constitution of creation of the agency. It was approved with judges. For this reason, in 2016 and 2018, Ed- the United States. a 73 percent majority. I remember early in my ward Moses received the distinction of ‘‘Syra- The ratification of the 19th Amendment Congressional career, Charles did not hesitate cuse Lawyer of the Year’’ in corporate law. marked the single largest extension of voting to lend his expertise on local transportation In 1968, Edward Moses began his career in rights in United States history, enfranchising issues. law with Mackenzie Hughes, LLP, immediately 27,000,000 American women in the United Once Denton County Transportation Author- following his graduation from Syracuse Univer- States. ity was formed, Charles agreed to serve as sity College of Law. However, within only two This act is a way to honor and commemo- Chairman of the Board of Directors and for the weeks of his start date, Edward Moses put his rate the work of women’s suffrage activists in next 17 years, he proceeded to lead the agen- career on hold to fulfill the commitment he the late 19th and early 20th centuries. cy down a path of providing quality services to made to the United States Coast Guard. For It will increase public awareness and appre- a transit-dependent constituency in a finan- ten weeks, he attended boot camp at Cape ciation for the history of the women’s suffrage cially sustainable manner. After concentrating May, New Jersey, before returning home to movement. on bus service for the first 10 years of exist- Central New York in 1969. Ultimately, it will encourage all women in the ence, Charles and his colleagues at Denton Edward Moses and his wife, Elana, have United States to exercise their hard-won fran- County Transportation Authority expanded the five sons and reside in Otisco, New York. He chise and to become involved in civic life, if agency’s footprint to include commuter rail is known for his commitment to his family— they so chose. with the 2011 opening of the 21-mile A-Train, and while he frequently works six days a Without these pioneers for social change which connects Denton County to the Dallas week, he never misses a family dinner or and justice, women like me and my fellow col- Area Rapid Transit Light rail system in sporting event for his sons. leagues would not have gotten to where we Carrollton. Devoted to his faith, Edward Moses is active are today. Charles quickly became a staple in the in St. Patrick’s Church in Otisco. Additionally, Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join North Texas transportation community and of- he is a deeply involved alumni of Christian me in supporting H.R. 2423 to require the fered his insights and service to a number of Brothers Academy and Georgetown Univer- Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in 19th entities, including the Dallas Regional Mobility sity, where he received his undergraduate de- commemoration of ratification of the Amend- Coalition, the Regional Transportation Council gree and played football, lacrosse, and base- ment to the Constitution of the United States, of the North Central Texas Council of Govern- ball. For nearly 40 years, Edward Moses has giving women in the United States the right to ments, and the Tarrant Regional Transpor- served with distinction on the Christian Broth- vote. tation Coalition.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29OC8.001 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1359 For his efforts, Charles was recognized with built storage shelving for the KC Pet Project Hall School of Journalism and Communica- the ‘‘Outstanding Public Transportation Board animal shelter in Kansas City, Missouri. tion’s Outstanding Graduate of the Year. Member Award’’ in 2007 by the American Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join In 1979, the Itawamba County Times in Ful- Public Transportation Association, the premier me in commending Brandon Jacob for his ac- ton, Mississippi hired Walters as a news writ- association representing the interests of the complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- er. Later that same year, he accepted a job in public transportation industry in North Amer- ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Hamilton, Alabama at a brand newspaper ica. highest distinction of Eagle Scout. called the Hamilton Progress. In 1987, Walters left the Hamilton Progress It is a privilege to recognize my friend f Charles Emery for his dedication and commit- for the position of managing editor of the Jour- ment to his fellow North Texans, and I con- PERSONAL EXPLANATION nal Record newspaper, also in Hamilton. He gratulate him on this well-earned honor. has held this position for the past 32 years. During his more than three decades at the f HON. A. DONALD McEACHIN Journal Record, his leadership has helped RECOGNIZING BIANCA MADERAL OF VIRGINIA steer the paper and the community during IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES much change, progress and even tragedy. Tuesday, October 29, 2019 From the completion of interstate 1–22 HON. DONNA E. SHALALA through Marion County, the 2011 tornado out- OF FLORIDA Mr. MCEACHIN. Madam Speaker, I was un- break that left several dozen people in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES avoidably detained on October 22, 2019 dur- county dead, to the 2016 Hamilton office ing roll call no. 571, On Ordering the Previous Tuesday, October 29, 2019 shootings, Walters has been there to help the Question, H. Res. 646, Providing for consider- paper and his staff write the first draft of Mar- Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I rise in ation of the bill (H.R. 2513) Corporate Trans- ion County history. honor of Bianca Maderal. A young adult un- parency Act. Had I been present, I would have As an editor, Walters has been a vocal ad- dergoing cancer treatment, Bianca founded voted ‘‘yea.’’ I was also unavoidably detained vocate of Alabama’s open records and open Fight Like a Kid, a nonprofit organization dedi- during roll call no. 572, On Agreeing to the meetings act and has kept county and munic- cated to supporting children with cancer. Resolution, H. Res. 646, Providing for consid- ipal governments accountable to adhere by Bianca was diagnosed with a brain tumor in eration of the bill (H.R. 2513) Corporate them. Walters also cultivated a higher stand- 2016 when she was a senior in high school. Transparency Act. Had I been present, I would ard of journalism in Marion County. Under his Since then, she has been a constant source of have voted ‘‘yea.’’ I was also unavoidably de- leadership, the paper moved from submission- inspiration and support for other children bat- tained during roll call no. 573, On Agreeing to based coverage to having reporters prioritize tling cancer. She continues to receive treat- the Amendment, H.R. 2513, Burgess of Texas county commission meetings and city and ment at the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Part B Amendment No. 1. Had I been present, town council meetings, bringing local news Miami. Between chemotherapy sessions, she I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ I was also unavoid- and issues to print for the public’s awareness. can be found putting together care packages ably detained during roll call no. 574, On Walters has received numerous media for pediatric cancer centers across the coun- Agreeing to the Amendment, H.R. 2513, Caro- awards from the Alabama Press Association, try, donating funds to pediatric cancer re- lyn B. Maloney of New York Part B Amend- including his most-prized award, the APA Fea- search, and helping other children with their ment No. 4. Had I been present, I would have ture Story of the Year, which he was honored diagnoses. voted ‘‘aye.’’ I was also unavoidably detained with for his article ‘‘Dr. Charlie Pyle’s Hamilton As Fight Like a Kid puts it, sometimes real during roll call no. 575, On Agree to the Hillbillies Semi-Pro Baseball Team.’’ superheroes live in the hearts of small children Amendment, H.R. 2513, Davidson of Ohio Walters has also been named Kiwanis Cit- fighting big battles. Bianca has become a Part B Amendment No. 5. Had I been present, izen of the Year and has served as the Ham- superhero not only to the other children at I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ I was also unavoid- ilton CJ’s president, where he was a longtime Nicklaus Children’s Hospital but also to their ably detained during roll call no. 576, On Mo- member and helped organize numerous fund families and to cancer patients across the tion to Recommit with Instructions, H.R. 2513, raisers, such as wrestling nights and air shows country. Corporate Transparency Act. Had I been at the Marion County Rankin-Fite Airport. Fight Like a Kid is an incredible organization present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ I was also Walters married his wife of 39 years, Sheri created by a truly inspirational young woman. unavoidably detained during roll call no. 577, Gilliland, on July 19, 1980. They have two It really is cancer’s turn to be afraid. On Passage, H.R. 2513, Corporate Trans- sons: Sloan, 34, of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Sloan and his wife Erin have two sons, Thad, 5, f parency Act. Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ I was also unavoidably detained Crosby, 2, and another child expected in Feb- HONORING BRANDON JACOB during roll call no. 578, On Motion to Suspend ruary 2020; his youngest son, Chance, 33, the Rules and Pass, as Amended, H.R. 2426, lives in Birmingham. The Walters family are HON. SAM GRAVES Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforce- members of the First Baptist Church of Ham- ment Act of 2019. Had I been present, I would ilton, where Les Walters has taught Sunday OF MISSOURI have voted ‘‘yea.’’ school for youth and college-aged adults. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES also serves on the church’s publicity com- f Tuesday, October 29, 2019 mittee. RECOGNIZING MR. JAMES LESLEY As a member of Congress, representing Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, WALTERS Marion County and northwest Alabama, I want I proudly pause to recognize Brandon Jacob. to acknowledge and honor Mr. Walters and his Brandon is a very special young man who has years of service to his community, his state exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship HON. ROBERT B. ADERHOLT and our First Amendment. I wish Les Walters and leadership by taking an active part in the OF ALABAMA all the best in his well-earned retirement. Boy Scouts of America, Troop 1376, and earn- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. f Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Brandon has been very active with his PERSONAL EXPLANATION troop, participating in many scout activities. Mr. ADERHOLT. I would like to recognize Over the many years Brandon has been in- the retirement of someone who has spent his HON. RODNEY DAVIS career bringing news and information to thou- volved with scouting, he has not only earned OF ILLINOIS numerous merit badges, but also the respect sands of people. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of his family, peers, and community. Most no- Mr. James Lesley (Les) Walters was born to tably, Brandon has led his troop as the Assist- James and Lottie Walters in April of 1956 in Tuesday, October 29, 2019 ant Senior Patrol Leader, become an Ordeal Andalusia, Alabama. He was the valedictorian Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Madam member of the Order of the Arrow, and holds of his 1974 graduating class at Red Level Speaker, I was with Land of Lincoln Honor the rank of Warrior in the Tribe of Mic-O–Say. High School. After high school, Waters went Flight at Arlington. Had I been present, I would Brandon has also contributed to his commu- on to attend college at Troy state University. have voted NAY on Roll Call No. 587, and nity through his Eagle Scout project. Brandon Upon graduation in 1978, he was named the NAY on Roll Call No. 588.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.005 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2019 CELEBRATING THE 150TH ANNI- nam Era. The courage, patriotism, and her- DIGNITY IN AGING ACT OF 2019 VERSARY OF COLLEGE FOOT- oism that our servicemembers displayed when BALL faced with the danger of serving in the Viet- SPEECH OF nam War speaks to the character and strength HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE HON. CHARLIE CRIST of these individuals and our nation. OF TEXAS OF FLORIDA I am honored to be a part of the Vietnam IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES War Commemorative Committee. The brave Monday, October 28, 2019 Tuesday, October 29, 2019 men and women who served our nation during Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in the Vietnam War set aside their ambitions, left strong support of H.R. 4334, the ‘‘Dignity in Mr. CRIST. Madam Speaker, I rise today to their families, and risked their lives for our celebrate the 150th anniversary of college Aging Act of 2019.’’ country. This project is a token of our gratitude H.R. 4334 reauthorizes the Older Americans football in the United States. For fans, college for their selfless service and steadfast, unwav- Act (OAA), which authorizes funds to state football is a coming together to honor ering devotion to our nation and the American and local programs to ensure aging seniors athleticism, hard work, and your favorite team. people. The legacy of all those who served have access to food, transportation, and other For players, it’s an irreplaceable opportunity to during the conflict remains an inspiration to basic services they need to live independently hone work ethic, gain leadership skills, be- our nation. To the families of our and with dignity. come part of a close-knit team, and play for servicemembers who stood by faithfully as The number of Americans over age 65 is your school. As a former college quarterback, your loved ones departed to defend our free- expected to reach 70 million by 2030, rep- I’m thankful for the opportunities playing this doms overseas, I offer my sincere gratitude for resenting a 71 percent increase from today’s amazing sport provided, and as a Floridian I’m your shared commitment to duty and service. 41 million older adults. thrilled when Florida’s teams win. From storied I will continue to work each day to serve all Elder and long-term care is rapidly becom- institutions to rising stars, Florida’s collegiate those who have served us so valiantly. Our ing one of the most daunting healthcare chal- football programs are unmatched, as is their veterans have made incredible sacrifices in lenges of our day. fans love for the game. Madam Speaker, may honor of our nation. It is a debt we can never By 2050, the global population of people college football continue to thrive for another repay, and one we can never forget. It is es- older than 60 is expected to jump to two bil- 150 years. sential that we provide all our veterans with lion. In the United States, the number of Ameri- f the care and support they so richly deserve. cans over the age of 65 is expected to double HONORING JEFFREY KINNEER As the Representative for New Hampshire’s from roughly 50 million today to nearly 100 LAUBSCHER Second Congressional District, I will continue million by 2060. to work on behalf of our courageous Vietnam While the United States is currently ranked HON. SAM GRAVES veterans, servicemembers, and military fami- among the top countries in the world for the OF MISSOURI lies who have given so much for our country. elderly, there are significant variations across IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May we honor and celebrate all our soldiers, the country in access to healthcare and quality and may God bless the United States of of life. Tuesday, October 29, 2019 America. As of November 1st, 2019, I was On average, the older adult population Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, honored to present Vietnam Commemorative spends $18,424 annually per person, with I proudly pause to recognize Jeffrey Kinneer Pins to the following constituents: more than one-third of those expenditures oc- Laubscher. Jeffrey is a very special young Michael H. Eastman, Richard C. Dellerba, curring after the age of 85. man who has exemplified the finest qualities Richard Kimball Smith, David Paquette, Wil- The Medicaid program accounted for more of citizenship and leadership by taking an ac- liam Allan Stashluk, Paul B. Dullea, Ronald that 40 percent of overall U.S. nursing home tive part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop Stephen Clark, William Warren Walker, Robert costs in 2012, and 65 percent of these costs 1376, and earning the most prestigious award E. Thebodo, Robert Arnold Edstrom. in graying states like Pennsylvania. of Eagle Scout. Together with Medicare, these programs James William Dryer, George A. Travers, Jeffrey has been very active with his troop, comprise more that 31 percent of all U.S. Charles Machado, Carl Daniel Fredrickson, participating in many scout activities. Over the health expenditures. Jr., Ronald J. Cote, Michael L. Gray, David many years Jeffrey has been involved with An aging America will experience increas- Lawrence Nelson, Jr., Robert Francis Stanley, scouting, he has not only earned numerous ingly severe and complex health conditions. Rodney A. Stanley, William Joseph Brodeur. merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Almost half of the U.S. population is ex- pected to have at least one chronic disease by ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Jef- David Eugene Norton, Raymond Paul 2020. frey has led his troop as the Senior Patrol Boudreau, Guy A. Tremblay, William F. Chap- man, Charles Michael Sirosky, Steven F. The number of aging individuals with three Leader, become a Brotherhood member of the or more chronic conditions has also increased Order of the Arrow, and holds the rank of Cady, Eric Frederick Parthum, Lowell Bohnert, James E. Neister, John Vincent Madden. significantly within the last ten years, and this Warrior in the Tribe of Mic-O–Say. Jeffrey has is expected to grow to 40 percent among the also contributed to his community through his Louis Maurice Belanger, Joseph Vincent 65 and over population by 2030. Eagle Scout project. Jeffrey built and installed Cannava, Norman Wayne Blake, Andrew J. By 2050, the number of Americans needing privacy screens for the portable restrooms for LaCourse, John Francis DiBernardo, John Jo- long-term services and supports (LTSS) will the NKCA Baseball Association at the A.J. hansen, Thomas R. Sawyer, Lawrence Wayne more than double to 27 million. Wilson Sports Complex in Kansas City, Mis- Barchard, Harold Francis Shea, Jr., Richard L. Our approach to caring for the aging is fis- souri. Lavoie. cally unsustainable for taxpayers and con- Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join Alfred Anthony Monterio, Joseph Frank sumers alike. me in commending Jeffrey Kinneer Laubscher Cannata, Donald J. Burns, George R. Hall, Absent changes to a fragmented system of for his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts Roger John Hubert, Phillip J. Miller, Richard care delivery which rewards high-cost rather of America and for his efforts put forth in Stewart Tatem, Lloyd H. Hamilton, Clyde than high-quality care, the burden of achieving the highest distinction of Eagle Francis Bubar, Walter Gerald Cibulski, Jr. healthcare spending for the aging population Scout. will soon become unsustainable for taxpayer- Michael Joseph Golden, William Thomas funded programs like Medicare and Medicaid, f McClellan III, Edmund J. Gleason, Louis R. as well as individual consumers paying out-of- Hagan, Ronald Paul Morrissey, Joseph K. Ire- HONORING VIETNAM VETERANS pocket. land, Gerald Joseph Bushway, Henry Stephen Between 2015 and 2025, annual Medicare HON. ANN M. KUSTER Masciocchi, Robert A. Duncan, Sr., Kathleen spending is projected to double to $1.2 trillion McLeod Duncan. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE dollars. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thomas W.R. Thibault, Sr., James Edward The median annual out-of-pocket costs for Miles, Arthur John Demeis, Bruce Edward Americans age 65 will rise to $6,200, nearly Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Richardson, Francis Joseph Cuddy, Jr., Susan double what it was in 2010. Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Madam Ann Cuddy, Robert William Perry, Sr., Wilfred Unless policymakers act now, aging Ameri- Speaker, I rise today to honor the brave Amer- Clinton Gonyo, Margaret Lee Clarke, Edward cans and their loved ones will soon experi- icans who served our country during the Viet- E. Rochford. ence unsustainably high costs for healthcare

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.010 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1361 coverage as well as significant declines in the neapolis-St. Paul International Airport Air Re- ship space before settling at its current ad- access to and quality of care. serve Station in Minnesota after serving in the dress on Hartford Street. No matter what loca- As Medicare and the Older Americans Act Air Force for 32 years. As Commander, he led tion, the congregation was home wherever reach their fiftieth anniversaries continue to the 1,500-member wing and supported our they could gather together for worship. It is improve aging America’s access to affordable, Armed Forces for resupply missions in forward evident in their mutual support for one another high-quality care, it will be necessary to iden- areas and aeromedical and refugee evacu- and commitment to serving the community’s tify, evaluate, and scaleup policy interventions ations. His command and leadership was crit- most vulnerable that the flock at Christ Cathe- that work. ical in the defense of our country. dral Baptist Church is a family. For more than Today’s health care workforce is inadequate Col. Polashek graduated from Coe College twenty years, the church has given back to the to meet the needs of older Americans, many in Cedar Rapids, Iowa before commissioning community by hosting meal services for those of whom have multiple chronic physical and into the Air Force as a graduate of Officer in need and ministering to people struggling mental health conditions and cognitive impair- Training School in Lackland Air Force Base, with substance abuse. In short, the flock at ments. Texas. Col. Polashek served and was de- Christ Cathedral has drawn strength from 10 percent of Harris Counties population is ployed to support operations including Oper- each other as they have come together to 65 years and older. ation Desert Shield/Storm and Operation Iraqi worship and celebrate, and they have used It is critical for the United States Congress Freedom/Enduring Freedom. As a command their strength in service to others. to stand with aging seniors who need access pilot, he logged more than 5,800 flight hours Please join me in recognizing Christ Cathe- to food, transportation, and other basic serv- including over 500 combat hours. He has re- dral Baptist Church on this milestone as we wish them many more years of service to ices. ceived several prestigious awards for his serv- come. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join ice, including the Meritorious Service Medal me in supporting H.R. 4334 to help older en- and Aerial Achievement Medal. f sure that aging seniors are provided with es- Today, I urge lawmakers to join me in PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE sential services they need to live independ- thanking Col. Polashek for his 32 years of HONORABLE JOHN CONYERS ently. service in the United States Air Force and f wish him well in future endeavors. SPEECH OF f REVEREND SUAREZ HON. HONORING COLTEN MICHAEL OF CALIFORNIA HON. FRANCIS ROONEY PICKERAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, October 28, 2019 OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SAM GRAVES Ms. BASS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay a special tribute to Congressman John Con- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES yers. He was one of the 13 founding members Mr. ROONEY of Florida. Madam Speaker, I of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). He rise today to honor Reverend Israel Suarez for Tuesday, October 29, 2019 served for 53 years in the U.S. House of Rep- his over 40 years of community service to Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, resentatives—making him one of the longest- Southwest Florida. Reverend Suarez is the I proudly pause to recognize Colten Michael serving House members in U.S. history and founder and CEO of Nations Association Pickeral. Colten is a very special young man the first African American to hold the title of Charities. Reverend Suarez and Nations Asso- who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- dean. ciation have given four decades helping dis- zenship and leadership by taking an active Congressman John Conyers, Jr., was born advantaged residents and youth in Southwest part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 87, in Detroit, Michigan, on May 16, 1929, the eld- Florida by providing food for struggling fami- and earning the most prestigious award of est of four sons of John and Lucille (Simpson) lies, scholarships assistance for college-bound Eagle Scout. Conyers. Congressman Conyers attended De- youths, job counseling and placement help, Colten has been very active with his troop, troit public schools and graduated from North- and drug prevention programs, all impacting participating in many scout activities. Over the western High School in 1947. After graduating thousands of lives over the years. many years Colten has been involved with from high school, Mr. Conyers served in the In 2019, Reverend Suarez’s focus has been scouting, he has not only earned numerous National Guard from (1948 to 1950) and then to serve primarily at-risk youth through men- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- joined the U.S. Army for four years. Congressman Conyers later attended officer toring, drug and suicide prevention, academic ily, peers, and community. Most notably, candidate school and was commissioned as a assistance, leadership development, commu- Colten has contributed to his community second lieutenant. During his time in the nity service, and financial literacy. In 1990, through his Eagle Scout project. Colten in- Army, he served in Korea for a year. He was President George H.W. Bush awarded Rev- spected and restrung three swimming lane honorably discharged in 1954 and served erend Suarez with a Points of Light Award and lines at the Cameron Aquatic Center in Cam- three more years in the Army Reserves. in 1994 the News-Press named Reverend eron, Missouri. He was inspired by his friend Dr. Martin Lu- Suarez and his wife Ruth, the ‘People of the Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join ther King, Jr., to run for office and was elected Year’. me in commending Colten Michael Pickeral for to the House of Representatives in 1964. His Every year, Reverend Suarez and Nations his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of first hire was civil rights hero Rosa Parks. She Association Charities provide an annual America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- served as an aide to Mr. Conyers for 22 years Thanksgiving meal distribution event, Christ- ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. from 1964 until she retired in 1988. During his mas Celebration, and a ‘‘Back to Basics f time in Congress, Representative Conyers Health Fair’’ that provides free medical chaired the Government Oversight and Re- HONORING THE 25TH ANNIVER- screenings to hundreds of families in our com- form Committee (formerly the Government Op- SARY OF CHRIST CATHEDRAL munity. erations Committee) and was the first African BAPTIST CHURCH I thank Reverend Suarez for his years of American to serve on the House Judiciary service to our community. Committee and to become its chair. f HON. As a human rights and civil rights champion, OF MICHIGAN Mr. Conyers opposed the death penalty and HONORING THE SERVICE OF COL. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fought for police brutality oversight. He was a ANTHONY POLASHEK Tuesday, October 29, 2019 lead co-sponsor of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Mr. Conyers also assisted in passing HON. COLLIN C. PETERSON Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today in the Help America Vote Act (2002), the Vio- OF MINNESOTA tribute to Christ Cathedral Baptist Church, a lence Against Women Act (1994), the Motor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES house of worship located in Detroit, Michigan, Voter Bill (1993), the Jazz Preservation Act on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary. (1987), and the Martin Luther King, Jr., Holi- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 The members of Christ Cathedral Baptist day Act (1983). Mr. PETERSON. Madam Speaker, on No- Church first came together to worship in 1994. His legislative record extends to introducing vember 2, Colonel Anthony G. Polashek is re- The congregation grew so quickly in its first the Medicare For All Act, legislation to estab- tiring from the 934th Airlift Wing at the Min- year that they were forced to find a new wor- lish a government-sponsored, single-payer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.012 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2019 healthcare option to control costs. Additionally, ing roll call no. 579, On Ordering the Previous FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE Representative Conyers also championed the Question, H. Res. 650, Providing for consider- COORDINATION ACT issue of reparations by introducing a bill to es- ation of H.R. 4617, the Stopping Harmful Inter- tablish a commission to study the effect of ference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy SPEECH OF slavery and race relations in America, which Act. Had I been present, I would have voted HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE he fought for consideration every year. ‘‘yea.’’ I was also unavoidably detained during OF TEXAS His fight for justice also extended to inter- roll call no. 580, On Agreeing to the Resolu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES national issues, as well. Mr. Conyers was an tion, H. Res. 650, Providing for consideration early leader in the anti-Vietnam War move- of H.R. 4617, the Stopping Harmful Inter- Monday, October 28, 2019 ment, in addition to the anti-Iraq War move- ference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in ment. He was also a vocal opponent of South Act. Had I been present, I would have voted strong support of H.R. 1306, the ‘‘Federal Dis- Africa’s apartheid policies. Congressman Con- ‘‘yea.’’ I was also unavoidably detained during aster Assistance Coordination Act.’’ yers joined Congressman Ron Dellums and roll call no. 581 , On Agreeing to the Amend- H.R. 1306 amends the Disaster Recovery other CBC Members in confronting President ment, H.R. 4617, Lesko of Arizona Part B Reform Act to help federal agencies stream- Nixon about imposing sanctions against South Amendment No. 2. Had I been present, I line and consolidate information collection and Africa. When it became clear he would not would have voted ‘‘no.’’ I was also unavoid- Preliminary Damage Assessments following act, Congressman Conyers joined Congress- ably detained during roll call no. 582, On Mo- disasters. man Dellums in introducing legislation to that tion to Recommit with Instructions, H.R. 4617, H.R. 1306 also establishes a federal work- end and was even arrested at a protest in SHIELD Act. Had I been present, I would have ing group to identify areas of overlap in per- front of the South African embassy. voted ‘‘no.’’ I was also unavoidably detained forming the assessments used to administer He impacted so many people in his district during roll call no. 583, On Passage, H.R. disaster assistance for individuals, house- and throughout the country. America is a bet- 4617, SHIELD Act. Had I been present, I holds, states, tribes, and territories. ter country today because of the legislative would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ I was also unavoid- It is critical for the United States Congress and advocacy work of Representative John ably detained during roll call no. 584, On Mo- to stand with the women and men who have Conyers, Jr. tion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as been affected by disasters across the United f Amended, H.R. 777, Debbie Smith Reauthor- States. ization Act of 2019. Had I been present, I In 2017, Hurricane Harvey dumped a record CONGRATULATING THE BREESE would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ 275 trillion pounds of rain on the Houston MATER DEI HIGH SCHOOL BOYS’ area. GOLF TEAM f An estimated 13 million people were af- PERSONAL EXPLANATION fected, nearly 135,000 homes damaged or de- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS stroyed in the historic flooding, and up to a OF ILLINOIS HON. WILLIAM R. TIMMONS, IV million cars were wrecked. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF SOUTH CAROLINA This year, Tropical Storm Imelda has Tuesday, October 29, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dumped 10 inches of rain in Houston, and at Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Tuesday, October 29, 2019 least 40 inches of rain in other parts of south- to recognize the achievements ofthe Breese Mr. TIMMONS. Madam Speaker, I missed east Texas, making it one of the wettest Mater Dei High School boys’ golf team, which votes last week (10/21 to 10/23) due to full- storms in history. recently brought home the Illinois Class 1A time military duties with the South Carolina Air These natural disasters represent the impor- state championship. National Guard. Had I been present, I would tance of H.R. 1306 to properly mitigate dis- It was a very closely contested tournament have voted: NAY on Roll Call No. 568; YEA aster relief services and provide appropriate October 19 to 20 at Prairie Vista Golf Course on Roll Call No. 569; YEA on Roll Call No. assistance to impacted communities. in Bloomington. At the end of the first round, 570; NAY on Roll Call No. 571; NAY on Roll Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join the Mater Dei Knights found themselves trail- Call No. 572; YEA on Roll Call No. 573; NAY me in supporting H.R. 1306 to help federal ing Carmi-White County’s 320 score at the top on Roll Call No. 574; YEA on Roll Call No. agencies streamline information collection and ofthe leaderboard by a single stroke, with 575; YEA on Roll Call No. 576; NAY on Roll damage assessments following disasters. Belleville Althoff Catholic one shot behind Call No. 577; YEA on Roll Call No. 578; NAY f them in third place. on Roll Call No. 579; NAY on Roll Call No. HUNTERDON HELPLINE’S 50TH In the second—and final—round, Mater Dei 580; YEA on Roll Call No. 581; YEA on Roll ANNIVERSARY and Althoff both shot 322, while Carmi-White Call No. 582; NAY on Roll Call No. 583; and County carded a 347 total to fall out of conten- YEA on Roll Call No. 584. HON. tion. The Knights’ 643 gave them a one-stroke f victory over their rivals from Althoff and the OF NEW JERSEY school’s second state golf title. Long-time CELEBRATING THE OPENING OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Coach Dennis Trame also led Mater Dei to the MINOCK-WHITLOCK PARK Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Class A championship in 1993. Mr. MALINOWSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise My hearty congratulations go to Coach HON. RASHIDA TLAIB today to recognize Hunterdon Helpline’s 50th Trame and team members Carter Goebel, OF MICHIGAN Anniversary, a valuable and important organi- Grant Goebel, Nathan Rivera, Ian Berndsen, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zation serving Hunterdon County, Somerset Blake Kloeckner, and Tanner Gerdes, as well Tuesday, October 29, 2019 County and beyond. as to Athletic Director Ron Schadegg and Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Hunterdon Helpline offers a wide array of Principal Dennis Litteken. services, including Literacy Services for adult Madam Speaker, these student-athletes recognize the Minock-Whitlock Park as the learners, Workconnectivity to connect employ- have represented themselves, their school, residents of Detroit celebrate its opening. The residents of Detroit’s Warrendale neigh- ees to employers, senior and disability pro- and their community in the best tradition of borhood have worked tirelessly to open a grams for socialization and well-being, the high school athletics. I wish them all continued community park. We owe special thanks to the Community Translation Center to assist those success. Matney family for their leadership in this whose first language is other than English, 24- f project. The goal of creating a community Hour Homeless Response in Hunterdon and PERSONAL EXPLANATION gathering space that can be enjoyed by all Somerset Counties; compassionate listening; community members has been realized. suicide prevention; and First Assist, a com- HON. A. DONALD McEACHIN Minock-Whitlock Park will be an asset to the prehensive information and referral service of- OF VIRGINIA neighborhood and the community at-large, fered 24–7, 365 days of the year. Special commendations are extended to a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES emphasizing the importance of coming to- gether as a community. host of volunteers who continue to give gener- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Please join me in tribute to the Detroit resi- ously of their time, energy and resources to Mr. MCEACHIN. Madam Speaker, I was un- dents who made this park possible in honor of Hunterdon Helpline through their invaluable ef- avoidably detained on October 23, 2019 dur- the grand opening of Minock-Whitlock Park. forts as members of the Board of Trustees,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.015 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1363 fundraisers, senior callers and visitors, literacy HONORING THE 140TH ANNIVER- of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mis- instructors, office assistance, and as outreach SARY OF SAINT JOHN EVAN- sissippi. He is currently serving as the State speakers and presenters. GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Army Aviation Officer at Joint Force Head- I am proud of the tireless work Hunterdon quarters for the Mississippi Army National Helpline does for the people of New Jersey’s HON. RASHIDA TLAIB Guard. His military service took him all around 7th Congressional District. OF MICHIGAN the world to areas including South Korea, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Japan, St. Croix, Columbia, Barbados, and f Uzbekistan. He was deployed to Iraq in 2004 Tuesday, October 29, 2019 to serve in Operation Iraqi Freedom II. During CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today in his career, Colonel Powell received many ac- SARY OF THE FIRST INTERNET tribute to Saint John Evangelical Lutheran colades for his outstanding service, including MESSAGE Church, a house of worship in Detroit, Michi- the Bronze Star Medal and the Meritorious gan, as its members celebrate the church’s Service Medal. one hundred fortieth anniversary, as well as After retirement, Colonel Powell will con- HON. TED LIEU Pastor Reverend Richard E. Robinson’s twen- tinue his passion for flying as a pilot for PHI OF CALIFORNIA ty-five years in ministry. Air Medical and will fly for AirCare through the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church University of Mississippi Medical Center in was founded in 1879 under the leadership of Jackson. He will wed his fiance´e Lea Pente- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Dr. Theol Emil Hardrat. The church and con- cost and looks forward to spending time with gregation quickly turned their focus to pro- his children, London Addison Powell, Dane Mr. TED LIEU of California. Madam Speak- viding schooling for children. Throughout Whitney Powell II, Douglas Alexander Pente- er, today I rise to mark the 50th anniversary changes in leadership and building changes, cost, and Carson Reese Pentecost. of the first message sent over the early inter- the church and its school have persevered. On behalf of a grateful Nation, it is my net and the important role played by the Uni- Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church has honor to recognize the selfless service and versity of California, Los Angeles. created a lasting legacy of prayer, praise, fel- sacrifice of a fellow Mississippian, Colonel On this day in 1969, the team working on lowship, and mutual aid that continues today Dane W. Powell. I wish him the best in his the Advanced Research Projects Agency Net- under the leadership of pastor Reverend Rich- well-deserved retirement. work, or ARPANET, led by Professor Leonard ard E. Robinson. His twenty-five year career in f Kleinrock, attempted to send a login command ministry brought him to serve the Saint John to the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo congregation, where he has touched the lives HONORING MR. EGON J. SALMON Park, California. After sending and confirming of many. Whether praying for a good harvest, receipt of the first two letters, ‘‘l’’ and ‘‘o’’, the celebrating love in marriage, or marking the HON. MAX ROSE attempt to send a ‘‘g’’ crashed Stanford’s com- passing of a dear friend and loved one from OF NEW YORK puter. this world, the members of Saint John Evan- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And so, the first message sent over a com- gelical Lutheran Church have drawn strength Tuesday, October 29, 2019 puter network turned out to be unintentionally from each other. meaningful: ‘‘LO’’ as in ‘‘Lo and behold.’’ As Please join me in tribute to Reverend Rich- Mr. ROSE of New York. Madam Speaker, I Kleinrock said, ‘‘We didn’t plan it, but we ard E. Robinson and the members of Saint rise today to ask all of my colleagues to join couldn’t have come up with a better message: John Evangelical Lutheran Church on this im- me in honoring the extraordinary courage and short and prophetic.’’ portant milestone. sacrifice of Egon J. Salmon, a veteran of World War II, on the 80th anniversary of his Kleinrock developed the mathematical the- f first attempt to flee Nazi Germany to the ory that would facilitate packet switching as a PERSONAL EXPLANATION United States. graduate student at the Massachusetts Insti- Egon J. Salmon was born on June 4, 1924, tute of Technology. The ability of a network to in Rheydt, Germany, near the borders of Hol- transmit signals in discrete bundles of informa- HON. land and Belgium. When Egon was nine years tion instead of through a single burst under- OF WISCONSIN old, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Ger- pinned much of the way the world commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many, leading Egon to face mounting anti- nicates today. One erratic connection from Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Semitism throughout his schooling, particularly one end of California to the other gave way to with the passage of the 1935 Nuremberg trillions of bytes of data flowing around the Mr. KIND. Madam Speaker, I was unable to Laws. On Nov. 9, 1938, Egon was an eye- world every second. have my votes recorded on the House floor on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 due to a family witness to Kristallnacht, the night of broken As one of four Members of Congress who matter. Had I been present, I would have glass, when more than 250 synagogues in majored in computer science, I would like to voted in favor of H.R. 4617. As a cosponsor Germany were destroyed. recognize the contributions of Dr. Kleinrock of this legislation, I believe it would create crit- Egon’s father Paul, who fought in the cav- and the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering ical safeguards to protect our elections. I alry for the Kaiser in World War I and owned for laying the foundations for information shar- would also have voted in favor of H.R. 777, a major textile firm, was rounded up and ar- ing and communication in the 21st century which would reauthorize a key DNA backlog rested along with 30,000 Jewish men. He was and the years to come. grant program. taken by the Nazi SS to Dachau, the first Nazi f concentration camp, and was released four f weeks later on the condition that he imme- RECOGNIZING COLONEL DANE W. diately leave Germany. Paul entered the PERSONAL EXPLANATION POWELL United States on a visitor’s visa but was placed on a waiting list for a permanent visa. HON. HON. TRENT KELLY He then left for Cuba to await the arrival of his OF MISSISSIPPI wife and two children in hopes of returning to OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While Paul waited in Cuba for the family’s Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Tuesday, October 29, 2019 U.S. quota number to be called, Egon, his Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, mother Erna and 9-year-old sister, Edith, Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, regrettably, I today I recognize Colonel Dane W. Powell of booked passage on the SS St. Louis to Ha- was unable to attend the vote series for Octo- the Mississippi Army National Guard for his vana on May 13, 1939. They were not per- ber 28, 2019. Had I been present, I would extraordinary dedication and service to our mitted to disembark and on June 4th, Egon have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 585, H.R. Nation. Colonel Powell will soon retire from an spent his 15th birthday watching the lights of 2440 Full Utilization of the Harbor Mainte- impressive 33-year career. Miami while the ship was sent back to Nazi nance Trust Fund Act, and YEA on Roll Call Colonel Powell, a lifelong Mississippian, Germany. No country, including the United No. 586, H.R. 2115 Public Disclosure of Drug joined the Mississippi Army National Guard in States, would accept the Jewish refugees. Discounts Act. 1986 after his graduation from the University They were finally given haven in Brussels,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 20:34 Jan 09, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 U:\E29OC9.REC E29OC9 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2019 Belgium, until a U.S. visa arrived in March of better opportunity for success than here in tives, and I congratulate the leaders and mem- 1940. The family left for the United States just America. bers of the chamber upon this outstanding before the Nazis invaded Belgium. With much On November 1, 2019, the following people, achievement. persistence and against all odds, the Salmon representing many nations throughout the f family joined a small group of German Jewish world, will take their oaths of citizenship in refugees on Staten Island. To support his fam- Hammond, Indiana: Vilma Aguilar, Ekaterina EDUCATING MEDICAL PROFES- ily Paul became a door-to-door salesman and Shouldice, Ana Maria Bowie, Rosa Martha SIONALS AND OPTIMIZING went into the import-export business. Perez Elizalde, Meguila Sesante Alvarez, WORKFORCE EFFICIENCY AND Egon attended New Dorp High School on Damilare Mustapha Jimoh, Felipe Briseno, READINESS FOR HEALTH ACT OF Staten Island and was drafted into the U.S. Ivonett Alejandra Suarez, Alfredo H. Luna, 2019 Army upon graduating. He trained for combat Zarish Raza, Elena Alexandrovna Burtseva, SPEECH OF duty in South Carolina and was granted U.S. Ivonne Cecilia Rocha, Connor MacDonald citizenship before being sent overseas to McCoy, Elena Ancevski, Francine Ingabire, HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE North Africa and then to Naples, Italy, in 1943. Ahmad Haisam Zarzour, Alexander Donghui OF TEXAS Egon served in the U.S. Army in the Italian Lee, Maria Asuncion Mansilla, Nyamar Chan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Campaign until 1945, overcoming great preju- Nhial, Arnulfo Loera, Vincent Balinda, Zulema Monday, October 28, 2019 dices against Germans and Jews in his unit. Lissette Lee, Paul Edward Nyongani, He was placed in a unit that occupied Austria Robenson Petit Bien, and Payal Dilipbhai Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise for nine months, using his ability to speak Ger- Patel. in strong support of H.R. 2781, the ‘‘EM- man to benefit his new country. He was Although each individual has sought to be- POWER for Health Act of 2019.’’ awarded the combat infantry badge and three come a citizen of the United States for his or H.R. 2781 reauthorizes funding at the battle stars for his service. her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- Health Resources and Services Administration After he returned to Staten Island, Egon tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, (HRSA) for health professions workforce, edu- joined his father’s business and then estab- each is inspired by the fact that the United cation, and training programs. lished Salmon Real Estate in 1956, which con- States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- This legislation expands efforts to increase tinues to operate to this day. Egon served as scribed it, a country ‘‘. . . of the people, by diversity, improve geriatrics education and president of the Staten Island Board of Real- the people, and for the people.’’ They realize training, and grow the pediatric health care tors and was a New York City Tax Commis- that the United States is truly a free nation. By workforce. sioner. With his wife Marie, a native Staten Is- seeking American citizenship, they have made The legislation also creates a new author- lander, Egon took an active role in the Jewish the decision that they want to live in a place ization of $5 million to increase workforce di- Community Center of Staten Island. In 2016, where, as guaranteed by the First Amendment versity in the professions of physical therapy, Egon and Marie established the Egon J. Salm- of the Constitution, they can practice religion occupational therapy, audiology, and speech- on and Family Commemoration of as they choose, speak their minds without fear language pathology. Kristallnacht and the St. Louis at Wagner Col- of punishment, and assemble in peaceful pro- By 2032, the United States may face a lege in New York to strengthen Staten Island’s test should they choose to do so. shortage of over 100,000 physicians; If health first Holocaust Center and to remind those of Madam Speaker, I respectfully ask you and care access were equitable across race, all faiths in his beloved borough to ‘‘Never my other distinguished colleagues to join me health insurance coverage, and geographic lo- Forget.’’ in congratulating these individuals who will be- cation, we would require almost 100,000 more The story of Egon Salmon and his family is come citizens of the United States of America physicians today. the epitome of the American dream. He fled on November 1, 2019. They, too, will be Groups such as the National Black Nurses persecution in search of a better life and sac- American citizens, guaranteed the inalienable Association have been advocating for a more rificed for his new home in the United States rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- diverse workforce to ensure access to the Army. He gave back to his community by ness. We, as a free and democratic nation, highest quality of healthcare for persons of starting a business and creating jobs, and his congratulate them and welcome them. color. family continues to serve our community to f The Kinder Institute at Rice University in this day. So Madam Speaker, today I ask my Houston has determined that the greater colleagues in the House to join me in com- CONGRATULATING THE CHAMBER Houston area is becoming increasingly di- mending Egon Salmon and his family and verse. thank them for their heroism and service to HON. JOHN JOYCE The Kinder Institute noted that in 2010, the the United States. OF PENNSYLVANIA Houston metropolitan area became the na- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion’s most racially/ethnically diverse large metropolitan area in the nation. CONGRATULATING INDIANA’S Tuesday, October 29, 2019 While the largest growth has been among FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DIS- Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- Latinos, other racial/ethnic groups in the met- TRICT’S NEWEST CITIZENS er, it is with great pride that I congratulate the ropolitan region have also either increased or Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce of Gettys- remained the same. HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY burg, Pennsylvania on the occasion of its This growth and expanding racial/ethnic di- OF INDIANA 100th annual meeting. versity can bring social, economic and health IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In September of 1918, Gettysburg business- system challenges that exacerbate disparities. man Roy Funkhouser organized a group of Efforts to increase diversity in the work force Tuesday, October 29, 2019 local businessmen to support economic devel- will lead to more respect and understanding, Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is with opment in Gettysburg, commencing the serv- more creativity and innovation, less of a lan- great pleasure and sincerity that I take this ice of the Chamber of Commerce. In the past guage barrier and social challenges, and an time to congratulate twenty-five individuals century, the chamber has expanded its reach overall better patient outcome and satisfaction. who will take their oaths of citizenship on No- to serve the entirety of Adams County. This act will ensure that patients in Harris vember 1, 2019. This memorable occasion will Throughout its history, the Gettysburg County and around the country have access be held at the United States Courthouse and Chamber of Commerce has led and supported to skilled physicians and medical profes- Federal Building in Hammond, Indiana. important projects. From helping to establish a sionals—regardless of where they live. America is a country founded by immi- county library in 1931 to supporting the victims By reauthorizing key Title VII funding, it will grants. From its beginning, settlers have come of Hurricane Andrew and commencing Adams increase access to physicians and other pro- from countries around the world to the United County’s Small Business Appreciation week viders in underserved areas, and promote States in search of better lives for their fami- tradition, the membership of the chamber has training opportunities for physicians to main- lies. Oath ceremonies are a shining example made a lasting legacy in our region. tain and improve their skills. of what is so great about the United States of With more than 600 members, the Gettys- I applaud Rep. SCHAKOWSKY for introducing America—that people from all over the world burg Chamber of Commerce is a strong advo- this legislation to help to better support the can come together and unite as members of cate for entrepreneurs and the workforce of health of the citizens of the United States. a free, democratic nation. These individuals Adams County. It is my privilege to represent Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to realize that nowhere else in the world offers a the chamber in the U.S. House of Representa- join me in supporting H.R. 2781 to amend title

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29OC8.010 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1365 VII of the Public Health Service Act to reau- lowing his fellow soldiers to reload their weap- the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Just re- thorize certain programs relating to the health ons. While this action saved the lives of many cently, the United States government con- professions workforce, and for other purposes. soldiers, it cost Specialist Odierno his own. ducted a secret mission that led to the ISIS f At only twenty years old; Specialist Odierno leader’s demise. Fittingly, the mission was made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of his named after Kayla to let the world know, she RECOGNIZING DR. MATTHEW C. fellow soldiers and our great nation, but his did not die in vain. WINKLEMAN OF HARRISBURG, IL spirit and grit did not fall on the battlefield that Kayla was a brave missionary and activist day. The men who witnessed his heroic ac- hailing from my district, specifically Prescott, HON. JOHN SHIMKUS tions continue to tell the story of selflessness Arizona. She was dedicated to serving others OF ILLINOIS and bravery, including Lieutenant Toby Alvaro, through her humanitarian work, regardless of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who believes Specialist Odierno should not the danger. Her humanitarian work allowed Tuesday, October 29, 2019 only have received the Silver Star, but the her to provide medical assistance to individ- Medal of Honor for his actions. uals in Turkey which then led her to Aleppo, Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise to Syria. This is a region where most humani- recognize Dr. Matthew C. Winkleman of Har- Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Specialist Odierno’s service and sac- tarian workers would not go but Kayla was not risburg, Illinois for having been honored with like most people. En route to Aleppo, she was the Distinguished Service Award by the Illinois rifice, ensuring that when a servicemember falls in defense of our great country, our entire abducted, held captive, tortured, and eventu- Academy of Family Physicians. ally perished at the hands of al-Baghdadi. The Dr. Winkelman received this prestigious nation stands in honor. f mission that killed the ISIS leader was a his- award because of his long-standing dedication torically destabilizing moment for ISIS. Abu to providing outstanding primary care. Dr. HONORING GARY BATTON, CHIEF Bakr al-Baghdadi died a coward while Kayla Winkleman’s focus on expanding access to OF THE CHOCTAW NATION OF Mueller died because of her courage and health care to Southern Illinois over the past OKLAHOMA, FOR RECEIVING THE dedication to others. No one will forget her decades has ensured that quality care has al- GLOBAL CITIZEN AWARD FROM selflessness and her desire to positively im- ways been available to those in need. Estab- HAPPY WORLD FOUNDATION pact the lives of many. lished by Dr. Winkleman, the Primary Care I congratulate the special forces unit that Group of Harrisburg, which has since evolved HON. took down the depraved Abu Bakr al- to become SIH Medical Primary Care Group Baghdadi. It is my hope that Kayla’s family OF OKLAHOMA Harrisburg, is among his many initiatives de- finds comfort and peace knowing that justice IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES signed to ensure high-quality primary care. Es- has been served and that Kayla’s memory will pecially important to this goal has been the Tuesday, October 29, 2019 live in the hearts of Americans for years to successful recruitment of other dedicated phy- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to come. We cannot take back what happened to sicians to the clinic. honor a fellow Oklahoman and Native Amer- Kayla. We can only hope that this mission and Dr. Winkleman’s focus on primary care has ican, Gary Batton, for receiving the Global Cit- its righteous results honor her life and mem- led him to host medical students from South- izen Award from the Happy World Foundation. ory. ern Illinois University School of Medicine to After receiving a bachelor’s degree from f expose them to the need and opportunity Southeastern Oklahoma State University in which family medicine offers. Several students RECOGNIZING WINTERSET MIDDLE 1989, he accepted the position of Deputy Di- have followed Dr. Winkleman’s example and SCHOOL FOR 2019 NATIONAL rector of the Choctaw Nation Housing Author- themselves gone into rural family medicine. BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL AWARD Madam Speaker, it is with great pleasure I ity. He then went on to serve his tribe as Ex- stand to recognize Dr. Winkleman for his lead- ecutive Director of health and later appointed HON. CYNTHIA AXNE Assistant Chief in 2007. On April 28, 2014, ership in health care in Southern Illinois. His OF IOWA Gary Batton became the 47th Chief of the dedication to this cause has benefited thou- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Through his ca- sands, and I am pleased that he has been se- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 lected by the Illinois Academy of Family Physi- reer, Chief Batton has represented the Choc- Mrs. AXNE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to cians to receive their 2019 Distinguished Serv- taw Nation and the State of Oklahoma through ask the House of Representatives to join me ice Award. numerous national boards and committees. Currently, he serves on the Oklahoma Hall of in recognizing Winterset Middle School in f Fame Board, the State Chamber of Oklahoma Winterset, Iowa for receiving a 2019 National IN HONOR OF ARMY SPECIALIST Board, the Texoma Medical Center Board of Blue Ribbon School Award. JOHN W. ODIERNO OF FARMING- Directors, among other roles. The National Blue Ribbon School Award DALE As a proud Oklahoman and member of the recognizes outstanding schools based on their Chickasaw Nation, I have always been pas- educational environment, academic success, HON. LEE M. ZELDIN sionate about advocating on behalf of Native and closure of achievement gaps between stu- dent populations. Only four Iowa schools were OF NEW YORK Americans here in Washington, D.C. There- chosen this year. Winterset Middle School IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fore, I am very grateful that there are Oklaho- mans like Gary Batton who have committed serves just over 400 students in 4th through Tuesday, October 29, 2019 themselves to promoting Native American her- 6th grades. Under Principle Wendy Sawyer, Mr. ZELDIN. Madam Speaker, I rise today itage. He has rightfully earned recognition for the school was nominated for and won the to honor Army Specialist 4th Class John W. his role as an ambassador for Native Ameri- National Blue Ribbon Schools Program as an Odierno of Farmingdale, New York. Even at a cans, and I hope that he continues his great Exemplary High Performing School. young age, Specialist Odierno was compelled work in the years to come. Winterset Middle School prides themselves to defend others, protecting his family, friends I urge my colleagues to join me in honoring on their caring and supportive culture focused and even his little brother in the school yard. Dennis Gary Batton and his lifelong work to on student growth and development. Nine However, when Specialist Odierno was drafted promote and preserve Native American cul- years ago when they first opened, Winterset during the Vietnam War, his call to defend oth- ture. Middle School was a ‘‘School in Need of As- ers transitioned from the schoolyard to the f sistance’’. Just shy of a decade later, they’ve battlefield. shown what hard work and dedication can do On March 21 , 1967, while serving as squad IN HONOR OF KAYLA MUELLER by winning this award and making us proud. leader during a search and destroy mission in The faculty ’s dedication to their profession the central highlands of Kon Tum Province, HON. PAUL A. GOSAR and students has made them the exemplary Specialist Odierno and his company were met OF ARIZONA school they are today. I am proud to be able with intense machine gun and rifle fire from an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to represent these teachers, educators, admin- entrenched North Vietnamese battalion. Spe- istrators, parents, and students in Iowa’s 3rd cialist Odierno and his company found them- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 District. The school attributes this hard-won selves trapped and outnumbered. Mr. GOSAR. Madam Speaker, today I would victory to their close-knit community, research- Despite being wounded, Specialist Odierno like to recognize Kayla Mueller, a courageous, based teaching strategies, and treating every defended his position for twenty minutes, al- selfless individual who died at the hands of child as their own—and I couldn’t agree more.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.024 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2019 It is an honor to commemorate the out- and leadership skills have helped farmers in Americans we believe in having the will to standing achievement of Winterset Middle north central Indiana build an incredible foun- succeed; we believe in teamwork; we value School. I have great respect and admiration dation for growth and innovation. His spirit, grit and determination; we embrace our indi- for our educators and am particularly thankful commitment, and expertise will be greatly vidual roles as we work to advance an idea, for the strong foundation they are giving our missed, but his legacy will surely be carried concept, or organization bigger than our- kids. As the mother of two boys, I know that on. selves. College football has drawn participants a quality education is crucial to success. I Steve has been an excellent educator, ad- from every corner of America, and we see the hope the well-rounded training and techniques vocate, mentor, and leader. With his term as diversity of our nation in the faces of the play- they found successful in the classroom be- District 4 Director coming to an end, I want to ers and coaches on the field every Saturday. come a model for the district and the country. thank him for all he has done to make sure Madam Speaker, I would like to congratu- I applaud Winterset Middle School for their our farmers have what they need to thrive. He late the schools, teams, coaches, players, and hard work and dedication, and I congratulate is an inspiration to us all and an outstanding fans who participate in college football on the them on their success. role model to future generations. celebration of this incredible milestone. I hope f Farmers are the backbone of our economy, that the next 150 years of college football and having people like Steve in these leader- bring all of us just as much passion, joy, and PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF DRUG ship roles truly puts Indiana in a strong posi- fulfillment as the last 150 years have. DISCOUNTS AND REAL-TIME tion to continue leading the nation in agricul- f BENEFICIARY DRUG COST ACT tural innovation and production and feeding the world. CONGRATULATING THE SPEECH OF Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join WAYNESBORO LIONS CLUB HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE me in wishing Steve the best as he embarks OF TEXAS on this next chapter in life. HON. JOHN JOYCE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, October 28, 2019 RECOGNIZING THE 150TH ANNIVER- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise SARY OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL Tuesday, October 29, 2019 today in strong support of H.R. 2115, the Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- ‘‘Public Disclosure of Drug Discounts Act.’’ HON. JOHN SHIMKUS er, it is with great pride that I congratulate the H.R. 2115 will require the Centers for Medi- OF ILLINOIS Waynesboro Lions Club of Waynesboro, care & Medicaid Services (CMS) to publish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pennsylvania on its 90th anniversary. certain payment information regarding phar- Chartered on November 6, 1929, the Tuesday, October 29, 2019 macy benefit managers (PBMs) and prescrip- Waynesboro Lions Club has faithfully exe- tion drugs. Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise to cuted its mission to serve the residents of the H.R. 2115 also requires the CMS to publish commemorate and recognize the 150th Anni- Waynesboro community by providing support certain information, as reported by PBMs, re- versary of the first college football game and to charitable organizations such as the lating to generic dispensing rates, drug dis- the importance of college football to our coun- Waynesboro Fire Department, the Alexander counts and rebates, and payments between try. Hamilton Free Library, Boy Scouts of America, PBMs, health plans, and pharmacies, in ac- That first game, played on November 6, Girl Scouts of America, and the YMCA. cordance with specified confidentiality require- 1869, featured Rutgers College (now Rutgers In addition to serving its local community, ments. University) defeating the College of New Jer- Waynesboro Lions Club has supported the In Harris County, 17.7 percent of the popu- sey (now Princeton University) by a score of Lion Club network in neighboring communities lation is on Medicaid and 7.5 percent of the 6–4. Since then, more than five million Ameri- by sponsoring the Chambersburg Evening population is on Medicare. cans have participated in college football, a Lions Club, Penn National Lions Club, H.R. 2115 will increase transparency within game that is now woven into the very fabric of Waynesboro Area Lioness Lions Club, and the aggregate rebates, discounts, and price our country. American Football has become Waynesboro Area Middle School LEO Club. concessions that pharmacy benefit managers the most popular sport in our great nation, and Please join me in congratulating the (PBMs) negotiate with drug manufacturers. without the developmental landscape provided Waynesboro Lions Club as it celebrates nine This bill will also implement an electronic, by the college competitive format, that would decades of dedication to our region. real-time benefit tool that can integrate with at never have been possible. f least one prescriber’s electronic prescribing Thanks to the influence of U.S. President system or electronic record so beneficiaries Theodore Roosevelt, the college game insti- RECOGNIZING THE INVESTITURE can have better information about their drug tuted the single most influential rule change in OF GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVER- plan at the point of prescribing. the history of American Football: the introduc- SITY PRESIDENT, DR. KYLE Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to tion of the forward pass. Notre Dame players MARRERO join me in support of H.R. 2115 to help federal Gus Dorais and Knute Rockne perfected the agencies streamline information collection to forward pass from a gimmick into a unique HON. RICK W. ALLEN beneficiaries of Medicare and Medicaid. and defining feature of the game. On Novem- OF GEORGIA f ber 1, 1913, in a game against Army, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Notre Dame Fighting Irish unleashed one of HONORING INDIANA FARM BU- the first sophisticated passing attacks to win in Tuesday, October 29, 2019 REAU DISTRICT 4 DIRECTOR an upset by a score of 35–13. Later, in 1914, Mr. ALLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to STEVE MAPLE legendary University of Illinois Head Coach acknowledge the investiture of Georgia South- Robert Zuppke used an early version of the ‘‘T ern University’s 14th President, Dr. Kyle HON. formation’’, which became the blueprint for Marrero. OF INDIANA modem college and professional football of- I am grateful for Dr. Marrero’s commitment IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fenses. to higher education, and specifically to Geor- Since then, college football has grown in gia’s students. With Georgia Southern offering Tuesday, October 29, 2019 scope and spectacle over the years. It has 141 degree programs to 26,400 students Mrs. WALORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise served as a proving ground for innovation in across three campuses, serving at the helm is today to congratulate Steve Maple on his 12- the game and on the field, and has produced no easy task—but Dr. Marrero is certainly up year career as Indiana Farm Bureau District 4 U.S. Presidents, Rhodes Scholars, actors, to the challenge. Director. chief executives of businesses, entrepreneurs, Prior to serving Georgia Southern, Dr. For many years, Steve has been dedicated academics, and elected officials off the field. Marrero served other academic institutions in- to serving Hoosier family farmers, but his pas- Watching or playing college football allows cluding the University of West Georgia and the sion for agriculture began long before his time us—even if just for the span of a few short University of West Florida. His track record for at the Farm Bureau. He has contributed a hours—to put our differences aside and cele- innovation and building data-informed strategic great deal to the strength of the Hoosier farm- brate a game that in many ways embodies the plans will benefit our community for years to ing community, and his invaluable perspective spirit of what makes us great as a country. As come.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.029 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1367 As a member of the House Education and We were all elected to the people’s house nance Tax collected and the annual amount of Labor Committee, I am particularly excited to work on behalf of the American people. Re- appropriations from the Harbor Maintenance about Dr. Marrero’s previous partnerships be- fusing to have a fair and open debate, as well Trust Fund. tween local educators and community leaders as a recorded vote on H. Res. 647, is a se- According to the Department of Commerce to establish a common vision for PreK–16 stu- vere disservice to the American people, and in 2012, Texas exports totaled $265 billion. dent success. an affront to the democracy upon which our In Houston, one of the greatest engines the Dr. Marrero’s past successes building uni- country was founded. local and national economy is the port. versity-wide efforts to create a collaborative f The Port of Houston is a 25-mile-long com- culture of high performance, evidence-based plex of diversified public and private facilities leadership, and employee engagement will FULL UTILIZATION OF THE HAR- located just a few hours’ sailing time from the keep Georgia Southern at the forefront of BOR MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND Gulf of Mexico. higher education. ACT As a senior member of the Homeland Secu- On behalf of Georgia’s 12th Congressional SPEECH OF District, I want to thank Dr. Marrero for his rity Committee, and the former chair of the leadership and congratulate him on his inves- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Transportation Security Subcommittee, I un- titure. OF TEXAS derstand that the challenge of protecting our f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nation’s vital assets such as transportation in- Monday, October 28, 2019 frastructure requires the finest technology and PERSONAL EXPLANATION the highest levels of intelligence. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 2440, the ‘‘Full Utili- With the nation’s largest petrochemical com- HON. zation of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund plex supplying over 40 percent of the nation’s OF LOUISIANA Act.’’ base petrochemical manufacturing capacity, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 2440 creates a discretionary spending what happens at the Port of Houston affects the entire nation. Tuesday, October 29, 2019 limit adjustment for full utilization of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to ensure that funds The Port Commissioners and the Port Au- Mr. SCALISE. Madam Speaker, I rise today are used to support navigation and maintain thority staff are keenly aware of their role in regarding my absence from the House on federally authorized harbors. ensuring that this investment in human inge- Monday, October 21, 2019. Had I been This bill makes certain amounts in the trust nuity and economic power receives the protec- present for Roll Call No. 568, I would have fund available, without appropriation, to pay tion it needs. voted ‘‘nay’’ on the motion to table consider- 100 percent of the eligible operations and We have the best emergency response ves- ation of H. Res. 647, a resolution to condemn maintenance costs of specified portions of the sel available to Houston to protect this na- and censure Congressman ADAM SCHIFF for Saint Lawrence Seaway and up to 100% of tional asset and treasure. making false statements at the House Intel- the eligible operations and maintenance costs While the Port of Houston generates be- ligence Committee hearing on September 26, assigned to commercial navigation of all U.S. 2019. tween $70–$100 million per year in HMT reve- harbors and inland harbors. nues and needs $50–$60 million for mainte- As a co-sponsor of the censuring resolution, The Harbor Maintenance Tax and the Har- I strongly support efforts to bring it to a vote nance dredging per year, the Army Corps of bor Maintenance Trust Fund were established Engineers (ACOE) is typically allocated only on the House floor. Unfortunately, as my col- in 1986 to fund the operation and mainte- leagues across the aisle continue to conduct $30 million for dredging in the Houston Ship nance of Federal ports and harbors. Channel, causing severe draft restrictions an impeachment inquiry in secret, this is yet The Harbor Maintenance Tax is charged which greatly effects ship traffic negatively in another example of their refusal to be trans- against the value of imports and domestic the Ship Channel. parent with the American people. Just as they cargo arriving at U.S. ports that have feder- have refused to go on record and vote on im- ally-maintained harbors and channels and de- It is critical for the United States Congress peachment, my colleagues across the aisle posited into the Harbor Maintenance Trust to address this issue and ensure that funds are refusing to hold one of our colleagues ac- Fund. are spent to support navigation and maintain countable for making false and disparaging Appropriations from the Harbor Maintenance federally authorized harbors. representations of the President of the United Trust Fund are primarily used for maintenance Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join States. Congress has a Constitutional respon- dredging, dredged material disposal areas, jet- me in supporting H.R. 2440 to ensure that sibility to be fair and transparent, and refusing ties, and breakwaters. monies collected into the Harbor Maintenance to do so has very grave consequences for the Since 2002, there has been a growing gap Trust Fund are able to be spent for our critical future of our country. between the annual amount of Harbor Mainte- port and harbor needs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.034 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Daily Digest Senate supporting the people of Tunisia in their continued Chamber Action pursuit of democratic reforms. Page S6256 Routine Proceedings, pages S6205–S6259 Argentine Israelite Mutual Association Jewish Measures Introduced: Thirteen bills were intro- Community Center Attack: Senate agreed to S. Res. duced, as follows: S. 2722–2734. Pages S6242–43 277, remembering the 25th Anniversary of the Measures Reported: bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Associa- S. 1570, to provide flexibility to allow greater aq- tion (AMIA) Jewish Community Center in Buenos uifer recharge, with an amendment in the nature of Aires, Argentina, and recommitting to efforts to up- a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 116–155) hold justice for the 85 victims of the attack. S. 2044, to amend the Omnibus Public Land Page S6256 Management Act of 2009 to establish an Aging In- Measures Considered: frastructure Account, to amend the Reclamation Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agen- Safety of Dams Act of 1978 to provide additional cies Appropriations Act: Senate continued consid- funds under that Act, to establish a review of flood eration of H.R. 3055, making appropriations for the control rule curves pilot project within the Bureau Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and of Reclamation, with an amendment in the nature of Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 116–156) tember 30, 2020, taking action on the following S. 2731, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year amendments proposed thereto: Pages S6206–20 2020 for military activities of the Department of Pending: Defense, for military construction, and for defense Shelby Amendment No. 948, in the nature of a activities of the Department of Energy. Page S6241 substitute. Page S6206 Measures Passed: McConnell (for Shelby) Amendment No. 950, to make a technical correction. Page S6206 Condemning the Horrific Attack in Dayton, Ohio: Committee on the Judiciary was discharged State Relief and Empowerment Waivers—Agree- ment: Senate began consideration of S.J. Res. 52, from further consideration of S. Res. 367, con- providing for congressional disapproval under chap- demning the horrific attack in Dayton, Ohio, and ter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule sub- expressing support and prayers for all those impacted mitted by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Sec- by that tragedy, and the resolution was then agreed retary of Health and Human Services relating to to. Page S6254 ‘‘State Relief and Empowerment Waivers’’, after Taiwan Allies International Protection and En- agreeing to the motion to proceed. Pages S6220–35 hancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act: Senate passed A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- S. 1678, to express United States support for Tai- viding that debate time for the joint resolution ex- wan’s diplomatic alliances around the world, after pire at 12:15 p.m., on Wednesday, October 30, agreeing to the committee amendment in the nature 2019, and that notwithstanding Rule XXII, the mo- of a substitute. Pages S6254–55 tions to invoke cloture filed during the session of United States-Japan Alliance: Senate agreed to Monday, October 28, 2019, ripen following disposi- S. Res. 183, reaffirming the vital role of the United tion of the joint resolution. Page S6235 States-Japan alliance in promoting peace, stability, A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and be- viding for further consideration of the joint resolu- yond. Pages S6255–56 tion at approximately 10 a.m., on Wednesday, Octo- ber 30, 2019. Page S6235 United States-Tunisia Partnership: Senate agreed to S. Res. 236, reaffirming the strong part- Messages from the House: Page S6240 nership between Tunisia and the United States and Measures Referred: Page S6240 D1174

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Measures Read the First Time: Page S6240 BUSINESS MEETING Enrolled Bills Presented: Pages S6240–41 Committee on Armed Services: Committee ordered favor- Executive Communications: Page S6241 ably reported 1,780 nominations in the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps. Executive Reports of Committees: Pages S6241–42 Additional Cosponsors: Pages S6243–45 BOEING 737 MAX Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Pages S6245–47 Committee concluded a hearing to examine aviation Additional Statements: Pages S6239–40 safety and the future of Boeing’s 737 MAX, after re- ceiving testimony from Robert L. Sumwalt, III, Amendments Submitted: Pages S6247–54 Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board; Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S6254 Christopher A. Hart, Chairman, Joint Authorities Privileges of the Floor: Page S6254 Technical Review; and Dennis Muilenburg, The Adjournment: Senate convened at 10 a.m. and ad- Boeing Company, Chicago, Illinois. journed at 6:41 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Wednesday, October 30, 2019. (For Senate’s program, see the re- NOMINATIONS marks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded page S6235.) a hearing to examine the nominations of Roxanne Cabral, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Repub- Committee Meetings lic of the Marshall Islands, Kelly C. Degnan, of Cali- fornia, to be Ambassador to Georgia, Robert S. Gil- (Committees not listed did not meet) christ, of Florida, to be Ambassador to the Republic NOMINATIONS of Lithuania, and Yuri Kim, of Guam, to be Ambas- sador to the Republic of Albania, all of the Depart- Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a ment of State, after the nominees testified and an- hearing to examine the nominations of Lisa W. swered questions in their own behalf. Hershman, of Indiana, to be Chief Management Of- ficer, who was introduced by Senator Young, Dana INTELLIGENCE S. Deasy, of Virginia, to be Chief Information Offi- cer, and Robert John Sander, of Virginia, to be Gen- Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed eral Counsel of the Department of the Navy, all of hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony the Department of Defense, after the nominees testi- from officials of the intelligence community. fied and answered questions in their own behalf. Committee recessed subject to the call. h House of Representatives Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she Chamber Action appointed Representative Pocan to act as Speaker pro Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 19 pub- tempore for today. Page H8543 lic bills, H.R. 4894–4912; and 4 resolutions, H. Recess: The House recessed at 10:47 a.m. and re- Res. 659–662, were introduced. Pages H8594–95 convened at 12 noon. Page H8548 Additional Cosponsors: Pages H8595–97 Guest Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: Guest Chaplain, Rabbi Evan Hoffman, Congregation H.R. 3398, to provide low-income individuals Anshe Sholom, New Rochelle, New York. with opportunities to enter and follow a career path- Page H8548 way in the health professions, to extend and expand Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act, demonstration projects, and for other purposes, with Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act, and an amendment (H. Rept. 116–265). Page H8594 Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Protection Act of 2019—Rule for Consideration: The House agreed to H. Res. 656, providing for consideration of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D29OC9.REC D29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with DIGEST D1176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 29, 2019 bill (H.R. 823) to provide for the designation of cer- Expositions Provide Opportunities Act of 2019: tain wilderness areas, recreation management areas, H.R. 4842, amended, to authorize the Secretary of and conservation areas in the State of Colorado; pro- State to provide funds for a United States pavilion viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1373) to at Expo 2020 Dubai. Pages H8585–87 protect, for current and future generations, the wa- Senate Referral: S. 134 was referred to the Com- tershed, ecosystem, and cultural heritage of the mittee on the Judiciary. Page H8593 Grand Canyon region in the State of Arizona; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2181) Senate Message: Message received from the Senate to provide for the withdrawal and protection of cer- by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the tain Federal land in the State of New Mexico, by a House today appears on page H8559. yea-and-nay vote of 221 yeas to 187 nays, Roll No. Quorum Calls—Votes: Six yea-and-nay votes devel- 590, after the previous question was ordered by a oped during the proceedings of today and appear on yea-and-nay vote of 222 yeas to 191 nays, Roll No. pages H8557, H8557–58, H8558–59, H8559, 589. Pages H8550–52, H8558–59 H8583–84, and H8584–85. There were no quorum Affirming the United States record on the Ar- calls. menian Genocide: The House agreed to H. Res. Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- 296, affirming the United States record on the Ar- journed at 7:04 p.m. menian Genocide, by a yea-and-nay vote of 405 yeas to 11 nays with 3 answering ‘‘present’’, Roll No. Committee Meetings 591. Pages H8559–68, H8583–84 H. Res. 655, the rule providing for consideration FUTURE OF DEFENSE TASK FORCE of the resolution (H. Res. 296) was agreed to by a HEARING: THEORIES OF VICTORY yea-and-nay vote of 223 yeas to 191 nays, Roll No. Committee on Armed Services: Full Committee held a 588, after the previous question was ordered by a hearing entitled ‘‘Future of Defense Task Force yea-and-nay vote of 224 yeas to 189 nays, Roll No. Hearing: Theories of Victory’’. Testimony was heard 587. Pages H8552–58 from public witnesses. Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following measures: MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE Protect Against Conflict by Turkey Act: H.R. Committee on Education and Labor: Full Committee 4695, amended, to impose sanctions with respect to began a markup on H.R. 4674, the ‘‘College Afford- Turkey, by a 2/3 yea-and-nay vote of 403 yeas to 16 ability Act’’. nays, Roll No. 592; Pages H8568–76, H8584–85 REPURPOSING THE C-BAND TO BENEFIT Help America Run Act: H.R. 1623, amended, to ALL AMERICANS amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on to provide for the treatment of payments for child Communications and Technology held a hearing en- care and other personal use services as an authorized titled ‘‘Repurposing the C-Band to Benefit all Amer- campaign expenditure; Pages H8576–79 icans’’. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. SFC Sean Cooley and SPC Christopher Horton Congressional Gold Star Family Fellowship Pro- PROTECTING THE RFS: THE TRUMP gram Act: H. Res. 107, amended, establishing the ADMINISTRATION’S ABUSE OF SECRET Congressional Gold Star Family Fellowship Program WAIVERS for the placement in offices of Members of the Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on House of Representatives of children, spouses, and Environment and Climate Change held a hearing en- siblings of members of the Armed Forces who are titled ‘‘Protecting the RFS: The Trump Administra- hostile casualties or who have died from a training- tion’s Abuse of Secret Waivers’’. Testimony was related injury; Pages H8580–83, H8585 heard from public witnesses. Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘Estab- lishing the Congressional Gold Star Family Fellow- REAUTHORIZATION BRAND USA AND ship Program for the placement in offices of Mem- THE U.S. SAFE WEB ACT bers of the House of Representatives of children, Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on spouses, and siblings of members of the Armed Consumer Protection and Commerce held a hearing Forces who die in the line of duty or certain veterans entitled ‘‘Reauthorization Brand USA and the U.S. who die from service-connected disabilities.’’; and SAFE WEB Act’’. Testimony was heard from public Page H8585 witnesses.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D29OC9.REC D29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with DIGEST October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1177 FINANCIAL SERVICES AND THE LGBTQ+ State Office of the Attorney General; and public wit- COMMUNITY: A REVIEW OF nesses. DISCRIMINATION IN LENDING AND BUSINESS MEETING HOUSING Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Immi- Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on gration and Citizenship held a business meeting on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled the Request for a Department of Homeland Security ‘‘Financial Services and the LGBTQ+ Community: A Departmental Report on the Beneficiaries of H.R. Review of Discrimination in Lending and Housing’’. 631. The Request for a Department of Homeland Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Security Departmental Report on the Beneficiaries of MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES H.R. 631 was agreed to. Committee on Financial Services: Full Committee began THE IMPACT OF CURRENT IMMIGRATION a markup on H.R. 4458, the ‘‘Cybersecurity and Fi- POLICIES ON SERVICE MEMBERS AND nancial System Resilience Act’’; H.R. 4634, the VETERANS, AND THEIR FAMILIES ‘‘Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Immi- Act of 2019’’; H.R. 4841, the ‘‘Prudential Regulator gration and Citizenship held a hearing entitled ‘‘The Oversight Act’’; and H.R. 4863, the ‘‘United States Impact of Current Immigration Policies on Service Export Finance Agency Act of 2019’’. Members and Veterans, and their Families’’. Testi- THE FY20 BUDGET: EXAMINING THE mony was heard from public witnesses. ADMINISTRATION’S POLICY OBJECTIVES LEGISLATIVE MEASURES FOR A TURBULENT MIDDLE EAST Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on Na- Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on the tional Parks, Forests, and Public Lands held a hear- Middle East, North Africa, and International Ter- ing on H.R. 139, the ‘‘Springfield Race Riot Na- rorism held a hearing entitled ‘‘The FY20 Budget: tional Historic Monument Act’’; H.R. 486, the Examining the Administration’s Policy Objectives ‘‘Chicano Park Preservation Act’’; H.R. 3250, the for a Turbulent Middle East’’. Testimony was heard ‘‘Julius Rosenwald and the Rosenwald Schools Act of from David Schenker, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of 2019’’; H.R. 3824, the ‘‘Cahokia Mounds Mississip- Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State; and Mi- pian Culture National Historical Park Act’’; and chael T. Harvey, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for H.R. 4139, to provide for the boundary of the Palo the Middle East, U.S. Agency for International De- Alto Battlefield National Historic Park to be ad- velopment. justed, to authorize the donation of land to the ONE YEAR LATER: IMPLEMENTATION OF United States for addition to that historic park, and THE TSA MODERNIZATION ACT for other purposes. Testimony was heard from Rep- resentatives Rodney Davis of Illinois, Vargas, Danny Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on K. Davis of Illinois, Vela, and Bost; R. David Vela, Transportation and Maritime Security held a hearing Deputy Director, National Park Service, Department entitled ‘‘One Year Later: Implementation of the of the Interior; Juan Mendez III, Mayor, Brownsville, TSA Modernization Act’’. Testimony was heard from Texas; and public witnesses. Patricia F.S. Cogswell, Acting Deputy Adminis- trator, Transportation Security Administration, De- A SEA OF PROBLEMS: IMPACTS OF PLASTIC partment of Homeland Security; and William Rus- POLLUTION ON OCEANS AND WILDLIFE sell, Director, Homeland Security and Justice, Gov- Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on ernment Accountability Office. Water, Oceans, and Wildlife held a hearing entitled ANTITRUST AND ECONOMIC ‘‘A Sea of Problems: Impacts of Plastic Pollution on OPPORTUNITY: COMPETITION IN LABOR Oceans and Wildlife’’. Testimony was heard from MARKETS public witnesses. Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Anti- TRUMP’S WRONG TURN ON CLEAN CARS: trust, Commercial, and Administrative Law held a THE EFFECTS OF FUEL EFFICIENCY hearing entitled ‘‘Antitrust and Economic Oppor- ROLLBACKS ON THE CLIMATE, CAR tunity: Competition in Labor Markets’’. Testimony COMPANIES AND CALIFORNIA was heard from Noah Phillips, Commissioner, Fed- Committee on Oversight and Reform: Subcommittee on eral Trade Commission; Doha Mekki, Counsel to the Environment held a hearing entitled ‘‘Trump’s Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice; Wrong Turn on Clean Cars: The Effects of Fuel Effi- Rahul Rao, Assistant Attorney General, Washington ciency Rollbacks on the Climate, Car Companies and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 16:42 Jan 08, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD19\OCTOBER\D29OC9.REC D29OC9 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D1178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 29, 2019 California’’. Testimony was heard from Senator Whitehouse; Samuel Liccardo, Mayor, San Jose´, Cali- Joint Meetings fornia; and public witnesses. No joint committee meetings were held. CREATING THE CLEAN ENERGY f WORKFORCE COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR WEDNESDAY, Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Innova- OCTOBER 30, 2019 tion and Workforce Development held a hearing en- titled ‘‘Creating the Clean Energy Workforce’’. Tes- (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) timony was heard from public witnesses. Senate MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Committee on the Budget: to hold hearings to examine the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Full Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, 2 p.m., SD–608. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Subcommittee Committee held a markup on H.R. 1497, the on Water and Power, to hold hearings to examine the use ‘‘Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of of technology and innovation to increase water security 2019’’; H.R. 4719, the ‘‘FISH SAFE Act’’; and H. and enable economic development in the West, 10 a.m., Con. Res. 37, expressing support for designation of SD–366. October 28 as ‘‘Honoring the Nation’s First Re- Committee on Environment and Public Works: to hold hear- sponders Day’’. H.R. 1497 and H.R. 4719 were or- ings to examine the nomination of Sean O’Donnell, of dered reported, as amended. H. Con. Res. 37 was or- Maryland, to be Inspector General, Environmental Protec- dered reported, without amendment. tion Agency, 10 a.m., SD–406. Committee on Finance: Subcommittee on Health Care, to MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES hold hearings to examine Medicaid, focusing on compli- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Full Committee held a ance with eligibility requirements, 2 p.m., SD–215. Committee on Foreign Relations: to hold hearings to exam- markup on H.R. 4852, the ‘‘GIVE Act’’; H.R. 4356, ine the nomination of John Joseph Sullivan, of Maryland, the ‘‘Protecting Families of Fallen Servicemembers to be Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Department Act’’; H.R. 4183, the ‘‘Identifying Barriers and Best of State, 10 a.m., SD–419. Practices Study Act’’; H.R. 4360, the ‘‘VA Overpay- Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: ment Accountability Act’’; H.R. 3996, the ‘‘VA De- Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emer- sign-Build Construction Enhancement Act of 2019’’; gency Management, to hold hearings to examine the un- H.R. 1424, the ‘‘Fallen Warrior Battlefield Cross authorized and unaccountable government, 1:45 p.m., Memorial Act’’; H.R. 3224, the ‘‘Deborah Sampson SD–342. Act’’; H.R. 4771, to permit appellants to appear in Committee on the Judiciary: to hold hearings to examine disability compensation cases before the Board of the nominations of Patrick J. Bumatay, of California, and Veterans Appeals by picture and voice transmission Lawrence VanDyke, of Nevada, both to be a United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, Philip M. from locations other than VA facilities; H.R. 2227, Halpern, to be United States District Judge for the the ‘‘Gold Star Spouses and Spouses of Injured Southern District of New York, and Barbara Bailey Servicemembers Leasing Relief Expansion Act of Jongbloed, to be United States District Judge for the 2019’’; and H.R. 3530, the ‘‘Improving Confidence District of Connecticut, 10 a.m., SD–226. in Veterans Care Act’’. H.R. 4771, H.R. 2227, H.R. Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, to hold hear- 4183, H.R. 3530, and H.R. 3224 were ordered re- ings to examine promoting the useful arts, focusing on ported, as amended. H.R. 4852, H.R. 4356, H.R. how Congress can prevent the issuance of poor quality 4360, H.R. 3996, H.R. 1424, were ordered re- patents, 2 p.m., SD–226. ported, without amendment. House PROTECTING WHISTLEBLOWERS AND Committee on Agriculture, Full Committee, markup on PROMOTING ACCOUNTABILITY: IS VA H.R. 4895, to reauthorize the Commodity Futures Trad- DOING ITS JOB? ing Commission, 9:30 a.m., 1300 Longworth. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on Over- Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Re- sight and Investigations held a hearing entitled search, hearing entitled ‘‘Reviewing the State of Organic Agriculture—Producer Perspectives’’, 10 a.m., 1300 ‘‘Protecting Whistleblowers and Promoting Account- Longworth. ability: Is VA Doing Its Job?’’. Testimony was heard Committee on Education and Labor, Full Committee, con- from Tamara Bonzanto, Assistant Secretary for Ac- tinue markup on H.R. 4674, the ‘‘College Affordability countability and Whistleblower Protection, Depart- Act’’, 10:15 a.m., 2175 Rayburn. ment of Veterans Affairs; and Michael Missal, In- Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on spector General, Department of Veterans Affairs. Health, hearing entitled ‘‘Safeguarding Pharmaceutical

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Supply Chains in a Global Economy’’, 10 a.m., 2123 Res. 649, expressing the support of the United States for Rayburn. the grassroots development programs the Inter-American Subcommittee on Energy, hearing entitled ‘‘Building a Foundation has undertaken for the past 50 years; and H. 100 Percent Clean Economy: Solutions for the U.S. Power Res. 546, disapproving the Russian Federation’s inclusion Sector’’, 10:30 a.m., 2322 Rayburn. in future Group of Seven summits until it respects the Committee on Financial Services:, Full Committee, con- territorial integrity of its neighbors and adheres to the tinue markup on H.R. 4458, the ‘‘Cybersecurity and Fi- standards of democratic societies, 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn. nancial System Resilience Act’’; H.R. 4634, the ‘‘Ter- Committee on Homeland Security, Full Committee, hearing rorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of entitled ‘‘Global Terrorism: Threats to the Homeland, 2019’’; H.R. 4841, the ‘‘Prudential Regulator Oversight Part II’’, 10 a.m., 310 Cannon. Act’’; and H.R. 4863, the ‘‘United States Export Finance Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Over- Agency Act of 2019’’, Time TBA, 2128 Rayburn. sight and Investigations, hearing entitled ‘‘Sexual Harass- Committee on Foreign Affairs, Full Committee, markup ment at the Department of the Interior’’, 10 a.m., 1324 on H.R. 2153, the ‘‘Keeping Girls in School Act’’; H. Longworth. Res. 189, recognizing the importance of sustained United Full Committee, hearing entitled ‘‘Discussion Draft States leadership to accelerating global progress against Bill, Amendments to PROMESA Act of 2019—Day maternal and child malnutrition and supporting United Two’’, 2 p.m., 1324 Longworth. States Agency for International Development’s commit- Committee on Oversight and Reform, Subcommittee on ment to global nutrition through its multi-sectoral nutri- tion strategy; H. Res. 230, expressing the sense of the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, hearing entitled ‘‘The House of Representatives that the United States con- Administration’s Decision to Deport Critically Ill Chil- demns all forms of violence against children globally and dren and Their Families’’, 10 a.m., 2154 Rayburn. recognizes the harmful impacts of violence against chil- Committee on Rules, Full Committee, hearing on H. Res. dren; H.R. 1771, the ‘‘Divided Families Reunification 660, directing certain committees to continue their ongo- Act’’; H. Res. 410, encouraging reunions of divided Ko- ing investigations as part of the existing House of Rep- rean-American families; H. Res. 349, reaffirming the resentatives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist vital role of the United States-Japan alliance in pro- for the House of Representatives to exercise its Constitu- moting peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific tional power to impeach Donald John Trump, President region and beyond; H.R. 4754, the ‘‘Taiwan Allies Inter- of the United States of America, and for other purposes national Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) [Original Jurisdiction Markup], 3 p.m., H–313 Capitol. Act of 2019’’; S. 178, the ‘‘Uyghur Human Rights Policy Committee on Small Business, Full Committee, hearing Act of 2019’’; H. Res. 585, reaffirming support for the entitled ‘‘Force of Nature: The Power of Small Businesses Good Friday Agreement and other agreements to ensure in America’s Recreational Infrastructure’’, 11:30 a.m., a lasting peace in Northern Ireland; H.R. 554, the ‘‘Saudi 2360 Rayburn. Educational Transparency and Reform Act of 2019’’; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Full Com- H.R. 2881, the ‘‘Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2019’’; mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘The Boeing 737 MAX: Exam- H.R. 3763, the ‘‘Promoting United States International ining the Design, Development, and Marketing of the Leadership in 5G Act of 2019’’; H. Res. 446, reaffirming Aircraft’’, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. German-American friendship and cooperation under the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Health, Wunderbar Together-Germany and the U.S. initiative; hearing entitled ‘‘Native Veterans’ Access to Healthcare’’, H.R. 1819, the ‘‘War Crimes Rewards Expansion Act’’; 10 a.m., HVC–210. H.R. 4802, to amend the State Department Basic Au- Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial thorities Act of 1956 to authorize rewards under the De- Affairs, hearing entitled ‘‘Preparing for Blue Water partment of State’s reward program relating to informa- Claims—VA Status Update on Implementation’’, 2 p.m., tion regarding individuals or entities engaged in activities HVC–210. in contravention of United States or United Nations sanc- Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, Full Committee, tions, and for other purposes; H.R. 4862, the ‘‘United hearing entitled ‘‘Solving the Climate Crisis: Opportuni- States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Extension Act’’; H. ties in Agriculture’’, 2:30 p.m., 210 Cannon.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Wednesday, October 30 10 a.m., Wednesday, October 30

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Wednesday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Wednesday: Consideration of H.R. ation of S.J. Res. 52, State Relief and Empowerment 1373—Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act. Consid- Waivers, and vote on the joint resolution at 12:15 p.m. eration of H.R. 2181—Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Following disposition of S.J. Res. 52, Senate will vote Protection Act of 2019. Consideration of H.R. 823—Col- on the motion to invoke cloture on Shelby Amendment orado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act. No. 948, to H.R. 3055, Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Graves, Sam, Mo., E1357, E1359, E1360, E1361 Peterson, Collin C., Minn., E1361 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1358, E1360, E1362, E1364, Posey, Bill, Fla., E1357 Aderholt, Robert B., Ala., E1359 E1366, E1367 Rooney, Francis, Fla., E1361 Allen, Rick W., Ga., E1366 Joyce, John, Pa., E1364, E1366 Rose, Max, N.Y., E1363 Axne, Cynthia, Iowa, E1365 Katko, John, N.Y., E1358 Scalise, Steve, La., E1367 Bass, Karen, Calif., E1361 Kelly, Trent, Miss., E1363 Shalala, Donna E., Fla., E1359 Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E1358 Kind, Ron, Wisc., E1363 Shimkus, John, Ill., E1362, E1365, E1366 Cole, Tom, Okla., E1365 Kuster, Ann M., N.H., E1360 Timmons, William R., IV, S.C., E1362 Costa, Jim, Calif., E1363 Lieu, Ted, Calif., E1363 Tlaib, Rashida, Mich., E1361, E1362, E1363 Crist, Charlie, Fla., E1360 Malinoowski, Tom, N.J., E1362 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E1364 Davis, Rodney, Ill., E1359 McEachin, A. Donald, Va., E1359, E1362 Walorski, Jackie, Ind., E1366 Gosar, Paul, Ariz., E1365 McGovern, James P., Mass., E1357 Zeldin, Lee M., N.Y., E1365

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