E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2019 No. 171 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was spread to our neighbors in Maryland ginia Tech, University of Delaware, the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- and New Jersey as well. Universities of Rhode Island, Temple, pore (Mr. POCAN). The spotted lanternfly feeds on sap, Rutgers, Cornell, and the Northeastern f leaving all the plants that it touches IPM Center. weakened. The residue that the spotted With continued education and re- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO lanternflies leave behind promotes search into this invasive pest, we can TEMPORE mold growth which destroys many get closer to finding a solution to deal- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- plants and crops. The spotted ing with the spotted lanternfly and al- fore the House the following commu- lanternfly has a diverse appetite, feed- leviating Pennsylvania’s agricultural nication from the Speaker: ing on more than 70 different kinds of producers of this threat. WASHINGTON, DC, plants. From fruit trees to hardwoods f and nursery industries, so many of the October 29, 2019. USMCA I hereby appoint the Honorable MARK sectors of Pennsylvania’s agricultural POCAN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this industry are subject to these pests. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The day. In Pennsylvania alone, it is esti- Chair recognizes the gentleman from NANCY PELOSI, mated $18 billion in agriculture is at North Carolina (Mr. BUDD) for 5 min- Speaker of the House of Representatives. risk. The Pennsylvania Department of utes. f Agriculture has issued a checklist that Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to urge my Democratic colleagues MORNING-HOUR DEBATE all residents should consult to check for spotted lanternfly egg masses. across the aisle to end their partisan The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- These things include camping equip- impeachment inquiry and instead focus ant to the order of the House of Janu- ment, firewood, outdoor children’s on an issue that will actually improve ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- toys, like playscapes and sandboxes, the lives of our constituents and super- nize Members from lists submitted by and more. By the end of the year, most charge the already roaring American the majority and minority leaders for adult spotted lanternflies will be dead. economy; that is, bringing the United morning-hour debate. However, residents are encouraged to States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the The Chair will alternate recognition rid their property of any egg masses USMCA, to this floor for a vote. between the parties. All time shall be that they find by dowsing them in alco- Mr. Speaker, ratifying this landmark equally allocated between the parties, hol. trade deal would generate a whole host and in no event shall debate continue Thankfully, research is being done to of benefits, including growing the econ- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other look into the best ways to combat this omy by tens of billions of dollars and than the majority and minority leaders pest and eradicate it from the Com- supporting hundreds of thousands of and the minority whip, shall be limited monwealth of Pennsylvania. The U.S. American jobs and giving farmers more to 5 minutes. Department of Agriculture’s National access to sell their products beyond our f Institute of Food and Agriculture re- borders. cently awarded the Pennsylvania State According to a recent report from the THE SPOTTED LANTERNFLY University a $7.3 million grant to sup- International Trade Commission, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The port a team of researchers from a vari- USMCA would raise the United States’ Chair recognizes the gentleman from ety of disciplines. It is a good invest- GDP by more than $68 billion and cre- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 ment if we can save $18 billion worth of ate nearly 200,000 new jobs. The study minutes. agriculture damage. also found that the USMCA would have Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. These funds will be combined with an a positive impact on trade by increas- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to draw at- additional $5 million in investments ing U.S. exports and imports to Canada tention to an invasive pest that is from growers and landowners—private and Mexico by billions of dollars. wreaking havoc on farms and forests citizens who agreed to work with re- The benefits don’t stop there. The nationwide and is giving Pennsylvania searchers on this project. Researchers agreement would benefit farmers agricultural producers a major head- and extension educators from Penn across the country and in my district ache. I am talking about the spotted State will be joined by additional ex- in North Carolina. Under the USMCA, lanternfly. This native Asian insect perts from the USDA Agricultural Re- U.S. dairy farmers would be able to has been found in at least 14 different search Service, the USDA Animal and more than triple their access to the Ca- counties in Pennsylvania and has Plant Health Inspection Service, Vir- nadian dairy market. This would be a b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8543 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.000 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 huge win for Iredell County, the top system, dedicate more resources for Congratulations, Jonny. We are dairy producing county in North Caro- prevention and treatment of alcohol proud you call Minnesota’s Sixth Dis- lina, as our dairy producers will gain and substance abuse on college cam- trict and the State of Minnesota your wider access to a bigger marketplace. puses, strengthen grants for teachers home. We will continue to cheer you on Along with dairy, the USMCA would and school leaders around recruitment as you play the game we all love. boost North Carolina’s poultry pro- and retention, and establish a commis- ON BEHALF OF MINNESOTA’S AGRICULTURE ducers—a $37 billion industry that sup- sion to study mental health issues fac- INDUSTRY, THANK YOU ASHLEY KOHLS ports nearly 150,000 jobs in my State. ing college students. Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Early estimates show that poultry ex- These measures as well as others are today to thank Ashley Kohls from the ports to Canada will grow astronomi- what make the College Affordability Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Associa- cally because the agreement increases Act a down payment on our higher edu- tion for her commitment and service to tariff rate quotas for U.S. poultry and cation system that just makes sense. our State’s agriculture community and egg exports to Canada. The agreement I urge swift passage for my col- to congratulate her on her new role as also eliminates barriers facing U.S. leagues in the committee today, and I Director of Government Affairs for the dairy and poultry exports to Canada hope we can move this bill to the floor Nebraska Cattlemen’s Association. which will further unleash economic and the President’s desk even faster. During her time as the executive di- growth. As my good friend, Chairman Elijah rector of the Minnesota State Cattle- Mr. Speaker, there is a reason the Cummings, said: Our children are mes- men’s Association and a member of our USMCA enjoys broad support from sengers we send to the future we will Agriculture Advisory Committee, Ash- Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. stake- never see. ley has worked closely with our office, holders, as well as a majority of this It is time to invest in their future educating members and our staff about House on both sides of the aisle: Be- and give all Americans the good, qual- agriculture and cattle farming, in par- cause the upside for our country is un- ity higher education that they deserve. ticular. As a cattle farmer herself, Ash- disputed. f ley and her husband, Craig, run a Ratifying this agreement would be a A LASTING LEGACY FOR fourth-generation family farm with historic victory for our economy, for ZIMMERMAN their children, Avery and Bennet. Ashley is a strong leader and an ex- our workers, and for our farmers. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The President and his team should be Chair recognizes the gentleman from ample to young women who are inter- commended for a job well done, and ested in the agricultural industry. As Minnesota (Mr. EMMER) for 5 minutes. now it is time for this House to quit Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise an example, she participated as a pan- stalling and to act. The window to pass today to congratulate Zimmerman elist at our annual Young Women the USMCA is closing, and I stand City Administrator Randy Piasecki Leadership Program where she shared ready to vote for this deal and to get it who recently celebrated his 25th anni- with the high school-aged women what across the finish line. versary with the city. it is like to run a farm, be a mother, I ask my Democratic colleagues to Wherever you are in Zimmerman, and run a large-scale advocacy associa- suspend their blind hatred of this you can see Randy’s work.
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