MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2019 DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU daily Excelsior Established 1965 Fading of Founder Editor S.D. Rohmetra Justice G D Sharma (Retd) tence and authoritativeness". Various Contempo- his self realized line of various gurus. Late Prime dismissed but all of them after the dawn of pop- rary scholars have characterized him as a brilliant Minister Shrimati Indira Gandhi was an ardent ular rule of Kashmir centric political party ashmir Shaivism is a School of the Tantric scholar and saint, the pinnacle of the development devotee of Swami Lakshman Joo and her visit to National. Conference headed by Dr. Farooq Fishiness in avoiding third Shiva Tradition that originated in Kash- of Kashmir Shaivism and "in possession of Yog- used to remain incomplete with- Abdullah were absorbed in Government schools. Kmir between approximately 700-1100 ic realization." Abhinavgupt himself has recorded out paying obeisance to Swami Ji. He had shed his One can understand their bent of mind and this is Common Era (CE). During that time, Kashmir was about the migration of his ancestors from Kannouj mortal coil in this mundane world in the month of also one of the reasons to keep the militancy alive party monitoring the epicentre of intellectual and Spiritual life. in his famous book "Tantraloka" to the following September, 1991 in his Ashram in which in Kashmir valley. This fact is recorded in details Kashmir Shaivism devotees believe in all pow- effect:- still exists unattended in a dilapidated condition in my authored book titled, "Plight of Jammu & henab Bridge, under construction in Akhnoor erful deity Shiva, that is universal shared con- sector and having the distinction of being the Kashmir- The Unknown Files". Now, this is the sciousness. This consciousness is believed to be fu%'ks"k'kkL=lnua fdy e/;ns'kLrfLeUutk;r xq.kkH;f/kdk n~fotUek A right time to establish Sharda Peeth University in Clongest bridge in Northern , looked after within each individual and, similar to a prac- dks I;f=xqIr bfr ukefu:Dxks=% 'kkL=kfC/kpoZ.kdyksn~;nxLR;xks=% AA38AA Kashmir Valley with the dominant object of reviv- by the Jammu and Kashmir Roads and Buildings tice. It centres on revealing the inner self as con- ing Kashmir-Shaivism which embraces common Department, has come under focus for a reason nected with a higher consciousness. The above reFk yfyrkfnR;ks jktk futa iqjeku;r~ iz.k;jHklkr~ d'ehjk[;a fgeky;ew/kZxe~ culture of Kashmiri brotherhood and nullifies the said thought process was also influenced by sev- jehadi theory that Kashmir is a separate Nation. extraneous to the technicalities or the engineering eral Indian Philosophical and Spiritual traditions ArfLeUdqosjiqjpkfjflUrka'kqekSfylkEeq[;n'kZufo: