The Lower School 2016-2017

An Introduction Lower School, Staff Contact Details

Head of Lower School Mr S Tanna

Head of Year 7 Mr S C J Middleton [email protected]

Head of Year 8 Mr K R Jepson [email protected]

Lower School Secretary Mrs L C Hillgrove [email protected]

Telephone Lower School Office 020 8299 9283 Main College Switchboard 020 8693 3601 Welcome to the Lower School

The Lower School is one of the five schools that make up the College. It comprises of Years 7 and 8 and there are approximately 125 boys in each year group. We have our own site at the southern end of the College campus with 12 classrooms, the Lower School Office, the Library and IT suite. This provides a spacious yet secure learning environment in which the boys feel comfortable and can thrive.

Year 7 marks the start of secondary school education when 50 or so boys from our Junior School are joined by some 75 new boys. We deliver an intellectually stimulating yet accessible curriculum that sparks endeavour and interest in all the subjects that the boys study. Lessons take place in the Lower School unless they are subjects that require specialist facilities such as Science, Drama, Music, Art, DT and Computing.

The boys’ happiness and wellbeing is at the centre of all that we do and the start of Year 7 focuses on helping boys settle in and make strong friendships; that in many Mr Sameer Tanna cases will last them a lifetime. The boys’ main point of contact in the Lower School Head of Lower School will be their Form Tutor, who (wherever possible) will remain with the form in both Year 7 and Year 8.

The boys will spend an ‘induction’ day with the form Tutor and other members on their form on 31 August. This day will give boys a chance to get to know each other, and to familiarise themselves with the layout of the Lower School before the formal start of the Michaelmas Term. In the first half of the Michaelmas Term, each Year 7 form will spend a week at our Outdoor Centre in the Brecon Beacons National Park. This trip helps develop self-confidence, perseverance and tenacity when faced with challenges – life skills that are just as important as the academic skills learned in the classroom.

The small size of the Lower School helps to create an intimate atmosphere where boys feel very welcome. There will be, however, some significant changes that take place in the Year 7 classroom. Firstly, is the introduction of Senior School staff to the boys. Boys will be taught a wide range of subjects by a large number of specialist teachers and so will have to adapt to a number of different teaching styles. Secondly, boys will be given much more responsibility regarding their prep (60 minutes per day) and organising their free time.

Boys and parents are kept informed of academic progress by assessment grades each half term. Grades are awarded in each subject for both the perceived effort a boy is making (grade 1 to 4) and the level of attainment achieved, based on preps and tests (grade A to D). In addition there are formal Parents’ Evenings at various points through the year. In terms where there is not a Parents’ Evening, a full report is written. Parents with any academic or pastoral concerns are encouraged to contact their son’s Form Tutor at any point in the year.

We look forward to welcoming your son to the Lower School in September.

Mr Sameer Tanna Head of Lower School People in the Lower School

The Form Tutor is responsible for general welfare, as well as your son’s academic and pastoral progress during his two years in the Lower School. The Form Tutor is the primary source of information and guidance and will get to know each boy very well. Each Year group also has a Year Head; parents with concerns are encouraged to contact the Form Tutor and/or the Year Head at any time during their son’s time in the Lower School. Mr Simon Mr Kevin Middleton Jepson Head of Year 7 Head of Year 8 Mrs Lisa Hillgrove is the Lower School Secretary and Mr Barry Gower is the Lower School Caretaker.

Lower School Form Tutors for 2016-17 are listed below Year 7 Year 8 7C Mr Wilson 8B Mr Allen 7E Mr Trevill 8C Mr Wood 7L Mr Whaymand 8E Mr Davies 7R Mr Burbidge 8L Miss Cooke 7S Mr Shirazi 8R Miss Horsfield 7W Ms Berry 8S Mrs Crossley 8W Mrs Kelly

The House System The College operates a Day House system which develops co-curricular involvement, establishes healthy competition and extends friendships. There are eight Houses, all named after eminent figures who were friends and acquaintances of our Founder, . A variety of competitions take place throughout the year. The Housemaster sees the boys weekly to help organise events and report back on notable successes and generate a House spirit. Boys thoroughly enjoy this competition which helps develop their organisation and leadership skills. The Lower School House Cup is awarded at the end of the year.

Each House has a boy from Year 8 who is nominated as House Captain. There are Inter-House competitions in the following areas:

Art Football Poster Design Athletics General Knowledge Rugby Basketball Hockey Squash Chess Journalism Swimming Cricket Music Table Tennis Cross Country Pat Ball Water Polo Debating Photography Drama Poetry Through the House competitions, we very much hope that all will enjoy making a full contribution to the sporting and cultural life of the Lower School.

Activities There is a broad range of activities for all boys to follow during their time in the Lower School. Opportunities in sport, music and drama are offered throughout the year but there are also a number of additional activities run by teachers and Upper School boys.

These include: Magic Club, Warhammer, Classics Society, Lower School Science Club, German Club, Engineers’ Club, Table Tennis, Pottery, Minecraft Club, Nintendo Appreciation Society, Taekwondo, Book Clubs, Water Polo, Film Club, Debating Club... the list is endless! Guidelines for Parents and Boys

The College Code The College is a large community. We urge all its members (pupils, teachers and of Conduct operational staff alike) to make the most out of the opportunities given during our time at the College and consequently derive the greatest possible benefit from being here. Our code of conduct is designed to promote harmony and efficient functioning of the College community. We are all expected to:

Be helpful, tolerant and respectful towards everyone in the Dulwich community

Avoid behaviour or comments which could lead to any distress Behave with courtesy and in a manner which reflects well on us and the College Make sure that our appearance does credit to us and the College Be punctual Respect both the property and environment of the College Show consistency and common sense in observing the particular rules

The Rules are reproduced in full in the termly Calendar. Boarders will be provided with separate rules by their Boarding House Masters which apply to life as a boarder.

Reward and Punishment In the Lower School a commendation system operates to encourage boys to produce high-quality work and to behave sensibly and with care for others. Teachers award commendations electronically online and these are emailed to parents. The boys value this system greatly and respond accordingly. At the end of each term, a prize is awarded to the boy in each Form with the most commendations.

Boys may be placed in detention on Wednesday lunchtime for minor matters of misbehaviour or failure to submit prep on time or to a satisfactory standard. Detention for serious matters of misbehaviour takes place after school on Thursdays and the Year Head will contact parents to discuss any incident which warrants this.

Religion and Spirituality Dulwich is a Church of England Foundation, welcoming boys of all faiths in developing their spiritual and religious awareness. There are many opportunities for meeting, worship and discussion. Assemblies and acts of worship are a regular part of College life and reflect the diverse nature of the College community which currently includes Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist students. The College Chaplain works closely with the College Counsellor and other caring agencies in the pastoral life of the College.

Games Games are compulsory for all boys who are physically fit. A boy who is unfit must inform his Form Tutor. Application for total exemption on grounds of ill-health must be accompanied by a medical certificate. Spectacles, if worn for games, should be made of unbreakable material.

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The School Day: Roll Call 08:35 to 08:45 Monday - Friday Period 1 or Assembly 08:50 to 09:25 Period 2 09:30 to 10:05 Period 3 10:10 to 10:45


Period 4 11:10 to 11:45 Period 5 11:50 to 12:25 Period 6 12:30 to 13:05


Registration and Period 7 14:30 to 15:10 Period 8 15:15 to 15:50

Saturday Commitments There are no formal lessons on Saturdays. At all levels many of our important inter-school sporting fixtures take place on Saturdays. The College is justly proud of its outstanding record of sporting achievements. The keenness of the boys in representative team squads is uniformly high and we ask for your co-operation in ensuring that, should your son be chosen to represent the College on a Saturday, he should regard this as his first duty. Full details of College matches are always included in the termly Calendar, so that potential clashes can be spotted early.

Mobile Telephones Telephones and other electronic equipment must be switched off throughout the working school day and kept safely in the lockers provided.

Medical Care The Dr Richard Penny Medical Centre is a purpose built facility which is staffed by qualified nurses. It provides professional nursing care during the school day for all boys at the College. It can deal both with illness and physical injury. It is supported by the School Medical Officer, Dr Rosemary Leonard, who is a partner in a local group practice.

The Medical Centre has an in-patient facility and 24-hour nursing cover to care for boarders who are unwell. Day boys who are taken ill at school will be cared for until they are fit enough to return to class or arrangements are made for them to be collected and taken home.

The Medical Centre is open during term times from Monday to Friday 08:00 - 17:30 and to cover sports fixtures on Saturdays.

Children with minor ailments should attend in the morning or lunchtime breaks for treatment. The Medical Centre also deals with any injuries or accidents that occur, and, if need be, arranges transfer to the local hospital or minor injuries unit. Parents or guardians will be notified as soon as possible should this occur. Apart from emergency care a range of services are offered, such as dressings, removal of sutures and support of pupils with chronic medical conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes). Pupils who need pastoral or emotional support are also welcomed at the Medical Centre.

It is essential for the College to have access to a boy’s medical details in case he is taken ill or is injured at school. Parents are therefore asked to complete the Medical Form and return it promptly to the medical centre. The Medical Centre may pass on any relevant information to the members of the House, teaching and sports staff who have responsibility for the welfare and supervision of the boy, with the consent of the pupil and family.

If at any time you wish to discuss the health needs of your son, please do not hesitate to contact the Medical Centre.

Medical Officer: Dr. Rosemary Leonard MBE MA MB BChir MRCGP DRCOG (from the Rosendale Practice) Sister in Charge: Mrs Carmel Baxter-Wilks RGN RHV MSc Advanced Nursing Practice Telephone: 020 8299 9269

Pupils’ Bicycles If cycling to or from the College, boys are strongly advised to wear a safety helmet and a reflective outer garment, even when cycling within College grounds. Boys may not cycle for recreational purposes within College grounds.

Boys must register their bicycle with the Facilities Manager. A boy’s swipe card will then be programmed so that he can leave his bicycle securely padlocked in the designated area. He will need to make a note of the frame number of his cycle in case of loss or damage.

Coach Services Parents who wish their sons to travel to the College by coach are asked to contact the Foundation Schools Transport Office as soon as possible. The telephone number is 020 8299 9262. Late coaches for boys involved in after school activities run Monday – Thurday at 5:30pm. There is no late coach on a Friday.

Travel Boys should always behave well and dress smartly when travelling to and from school. New boys should check with the Transport Office (which is situated on the ground floor of the Shackleton Building) on the first day they travel where their coach pick-up point is in the afternoon. Boys who need to may wait in the Lower Hall or the Library until 5:15pm. Boys who travel by train are not allowed to use Sydenham Hill Station, nor to take the rear route to and from Station via Acacia Grove.

Temporary Absence Should parents plan to be away from home during term time, they must make of Parents appropriate arrangements for the welfare of their sons, and the Head of School must be informed of these (including necessary contact telephone numbers) in writing beforehand.

School Meals At Dulwich College we aim to provide fresh, healthy, varied, tasty lunch and dinner menus, stimulating an interest in food and nutrition. We know that eating well is important to function at our best during each day and for our well-being throughout life.

Our dining halls serve a good range of healthy food — something for all tastes and needs. Boys have large appetites and we aim to give them choices they enjoy which also satisfy. We are committed to a healthy food culture; all our catering takes place in-house so we know what is on our plates.

Before school, breakfast is available in the Christison Hall from 8:00am to 8:30am providing a Full English or continental option, with freshly-cut fruit, porridge, hot beverages, homemade yogurts, cold sliced meats and cheese, and fresh fruit juices. This can be paid for by purchasing tickets from the Commissariat for £3.40 per day.

For Lower School pupils, lunch is included in the College fees and is provided daily in the Christison Hall. Our extensive lunchtime menu offers several hot options, with traditional and international dishes, along with a salad bar selection, a choice of hot and cold desserts, baguettes and an abundance of fresh fruits.

Please note that from Year 9 there is a separate charge for boys who wish to continue to have school lunch.

School Fees from Tuition Fee: £6,305 per term September 2016 Boarding Fee: £13,160 per term (£12,339 for weekly boarders) including tuition. Fees must be paid in one of the following ways:

(a) By Direct Debit in full at the beginning of each term or (b) By Direct Debit in three equal monthly instalments during each term or (c) By certain Credit/Debit Cards in full at the beginning of each term.

The College reserves the right to suspend pupils whose fees are not paid (or for whom no Direct Debit or Credit/Debit Card arrangement has been made). The fee for a boy attending the College for any part of a term must be paid for the whole of that term.

Personal Accident Parents will be pleased to know that under special arrangements with the College’s Insurance and School insurers, all boys are automatically included in both a Personal Accident Insurance Fees Refund Scheme Scheme and a Fees Refund Scheme. The latter, under certain circumstances, provides a refund of fees in the event of absence through illness, etc.

Full details of both these schemes will be supplied with the first fee account, or are available earlier on request to the Fees Administrator. There is no additional charge for membership of these schemes.

Insurance of Parents should note that the Governors cannot accept liability for boys’ personal Personal Property property while at the College. Householders’ personal insurance policies are usually extendable to cover property in a school or ‘second residence’.

Parents are therefore asked to check that their own policy gives adequate cover for whatever possessions their son(s) may have at the College at any time. Founder’s Day

Each year, the College celebrates the life and spirit of Edward Alleyn, who founded the original College of God’s Gift in 1619. Founder’s Day usually falls on the last Saturday of the summer term and all staff and boys are expected to attend on the day and to participate in some event or activity.

Lower School activites during the day include Lower School Prizegiving, a wide range of charity fundraising initiatives and House cricket matches.

The day ends with a spectacular outdoor concert and firework display which takes place on the Front Lawns at 8:00pm. The Raymond Chandler Library

Named after one of the College’s most famous , the Raymond Chandler Library is central to the academic and cultural life of the Lower School. From your son’s induction on the first day it will play an important part in his career at Dulwich and in his academic and co-curricular endeavours over the next two years.

The Library is key to encouraging and supporting your son’s independent learning and academic achievement. The Library is well resourced with everything he needs to complete his work including books and magazines and there is access to more than 30 online resources including encyclopaedias, dictionaries and databases of articles across the curriculum. The Librarians will teach your son research skills in Well-being lessons and generally guide and assist him both during lessons and whilst studying independently.

The Raymond Chandler Library is home to a variety of different activities to encourage your son to acquire good reading habits and a life-long love of reading. All boys read from the recommended reading list: The Reading Wheel experiencing a variety of genres; and a form competition: Around the World which promotes further breadth of reading from and about other cultures.

Two further publications have been compiled to develop readers: Books to Enjoy in the Lower School consists of titles reviewed and recommended by members of the Book Clubs; and Prequels, Sequels, Trilogies and Sagas which lists the correct order to read fiction written in a series.

Book Club is open to everyone. The year groups meet separately to talk about new books, make peer recommendation, read and review books on the Carnegie Medal shortlist and enjoy fun activities like quizzes both here and at other schools.

Boys can become Pupil Librarians assisting the Library staff by shelving and processing new stock. Pupil Librarians are awarded badges and the very best are awarded ties at Prize-giving.

All boys can take part in the practice sessions for the Kids Lit Quiz – an annual international competition about literature for children and young adults. We enter two teams in the regional heats and in recent years have won once enabling us to compete in the national final and twice been runners-up.

Our author visits are hugely popular and help to instill a love of reading. Recent guests have included Sam Hepburn, Matt Dickinson, Paul Dowswell and Alex Scarrow. We celebrate Black History Month and other seasonal events and celebrations with displays, lunchtime speakers, activities and parties.

Founded in 2000, the Dulwich Despatch is produced at least twice a year by staff and boys in the Library. We hope that all boys will contribute and get involved in its production; it is an excellent introduction to the world of journalism, and several contributors have gone on to found their own publications when in the Middle and Upper Schools. This year contributors have also been able to attend a one-day journalism course at a national newspaper.

The Library is a vibrant and lively place where something new is always happening.

The Raymond Chandler Librarians are Mrs Gail Bottomley and Mrs Liz .

The College on-line MyDulwich is the College’s intranet site. It contains important notices and news, photographs and a calendar of daily events. Boys can find information about sporting and academic achievements as well as details about talks and meetings. Revision resources and information about examinations are regularly posted here and there are links to timetables, pupil targets, policies and rules.

All boys are issued with an email account on joining the College, and this should be checked regularly. There is a file size limit on the email mailbox; this should be kept under control by regularly deleting old messages from the Inbox and Sent folder.

All of MyDulwich can be accessed from home. Instructions on how to do so can be found at

Many academic departments have online sites. These may include syllabuses and schemes of work, notices, revision materials and learning resources in a range of media.

The Lower School has its own site as part of the Parents’ Portal. This contains information including weekly notices, key documents and deadlines.

The co-curricular life of the College is well catered for online. Sports information, including fixtures and results, is updated regularly. The music and drama departments are both well represented. All boys are welcome to contribute to MyDulwich with news or notices – email: [email protected]. For help using any of the online services at the College, contact the Digital Communications Team ([email protected]).

Boys are reminded that use of the College computers and network is governed by an Acceptable Use Policy. Acceptance of this is given every time you log on. The full policy is available on the College website.

Dulwich Post Dulwich Post is the College text message and email communications service. Parents are regularly sent email messages about College matters. Parents have a mail box where past messages are saved for reference.

The Learning Support There are four full-time Learning Support teachers at the College, led by Mrs Department Burrows in the Lower School. All new boys are screened for learning diificulties at the beginning of Year 7. Those diagnosed with a specific learning difficulty may be given one-to-one tuition if needed.

The Learning Support team work closely with all members of staff to achieve a good understanding of how best to help boys with a specific learning difficulty. Very often there is a professional recommendation to encourage these boys to touch-type and to use a laptop for their work. They may also have the right to a special concession that allows additional time and the use of a laptop in public examinations.

The College Counsellor Janet de Heger, the College Counsellor, is available Monday to Wednesday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Boys may make an appointment either through the nurses in the Medical Centre or directly themselves by emailing Janet at [email protected], or calling 020 8299 9215.

Parents’ Cars Parents who bring their sons to school in the morning or collect them in the afternoon by car may set their sons down or pick them up from the North Gravel, the car parking area closest to the South Circular. For reasons of safety parents are not allowed to drive their cars further into the College grounds. Dulwich College Music Department

Individual Music Tuition The following instruments are taught: piano, jazz piano, organ, harpsichord, violin, viola, cello, double-bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, tuba, euphonium, percussion and guitar. Individual singing lessons are also available. Theory lessons may be individual or shared. In the latter case the cost will be pro rata.

The fee for individual tuition on any of the above instruments is £197.40 (from September 2016) for 10 weekly lessons of 30 minutes. Music fees are charged in advance by the visiting music teacher who will send parents a contract and termly invoice.

Individual music lessons are normally given during school hours, with the proviso that no boy may miss more than two periods of any one school subject in the course of a term. Boys in Year 11 and the Sixth Form are not allowed to miss any of their examination subjects. Teachers are under no obligation to make up lessons missed through pupils’ absence.

A whole term’s (or 10 lessons’) notice in writing must be given to the Director of Music if a pupil wishes to withdraw from individual tuition, otherwise payment of the fees for the next term will be required.

Music Lesson Application Forms are available from the Music Department Office and can also be downloaded from MyDulwich. These should be completed and returned to the Music Department as soon as possible.

An attendance record card is issued to each pupil and weekly timetables are posted on the music notice boards.

Written progress reports are sent to parents twice yearly. A boy who is not making satisfactory progress may be advised to discontinue lessons.

Pupils are encouraged to prepare for the examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music or Trinity College - the examinations being held towards the end of each term (Trinity College London in the Michaelmas and Summer Terms only). The College will provide an official accompanist who will arrange a single rehearsal before the exam. Additional rehearsals if required should be negotiated with the Head of Keyboard and a standard fee will be charged.

All boys who play an orchestral instrument are welcome to join one of the College orchestras or ensembles. Singers are expected to join one or more of the choral ensembles.

Although the College has a number of wind and stringed instruments available for hire, it is obviously much to the advantage of the pupil that he should obtain his own instrument as quickly as possible. The period of hiring is normally limited to one year, and parents are required to indemnify the College against damage to or loss of instruments on hire. The hire charge is £50 per term, including the holidays. Parents are strongly advised to include their own musical instruments in the ‘All Risks’ section of their household contents insurance policy. Secure rooms are provided in the Music School for instrument storage and boys should use these at all times.

All enquiries about music lessons should be made to the Music School Manager:

Ms Lisa Tsang Tel: 020 8299 9258 Email: [email protected]

A list of visiting music staff can be found on the College website. Regular Musical Activities

Rehearsals are held weekly as follows:

Monday 0810 Jazz Group 0815 Chamber Groups 1250 Purcell String Orchestra (Junior Strings) 1330 Concert Band 1330 Chamber Orchestra 1600 Symphony Orchestra 1600 Concert Orchestra

Tuesday 0815 Percussion Ensemble 0815 Chamber Groups 1045 AB Grade 4 Aural Class - Room 11 (after half term) 1330 Madrigal Choir (Yrs 4-13) 1330 Improvisation Class 1330 AB Grades 7 & 8 Aural Classes - Room 10 (after half term) 1400 Trinity Grades 4 & 5 Aural Classes - Room 12 (after half term) 1600 Chapel Choir Sectionals

Wednesday 0800 Brass Consort 0815 Chamber Groups 1045 AB Grade 5 Aural Class - Room 11 (after half term) 1050 AB Grade 6 Aural Class - LMR (after half term) 1250 Year 3 Choir 1300 Junior Guitar Ensemble - Recital Room 1310 Accompanying with TJB Room 10 1400 Black and Blues 1400 Chamber Groups 1600 Alan Morgan Chamber Orchestra 1600 Britten String Ensemble (Intermediate) 1600 Symphonic Wind Band

Thursday 0810 Saxophone Orchestra 0815 Chamber Groups 1050 Trinity Grades 6 & 7 Aural Classes - UMR (after half term) 1330 Barrios Guitar Ensemble 1330 Chapel Choir (Yrs 4-13) 1330 Lower School Concert Choir (Michaelmas Term only) 1600 Big Band 1600 Alleynian Blues 1600 Other Big Band

Friday 0815 Chamber Groups 0800 Brass Sinfonia 1250 Junior Wind Band 1250 Junior Percussion Club 1310 Segovia Guitar Ensemble (Senior) 1330 Flute choir 1345 Chamber Groups The Commissariat

Dulwich College has for your convenience a uniform shop on campus; this is known as the Commissariat. The Commissariat has been operating on campus for over 80 years and for most pupils is a part of everyday life in Dulwich College. It is adjacent the new Science building and next to the red telephone box. The Commissariat is the only shop that sells Dulwich College uniform so an appointment is vital if you are new to the College. Term time opening hours: 08:15 - 16.15 Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 13:00 Saturday (term time) Holidays: 09:00 – 16:00 Monday to Friday, Saturday (closed) The Commissariat operates an appointment system for new pupils to ensure you achieve the uniform standards set by Dulwich College. Please call the Commissariat once you are sure of a date you will be able to attend. We will accommodate appointments from June 1st 2016 but you will need to make sure that you set aside at least an hour. Towards the end of the summer holiday the shop will become very busy and long waits can be expected. To book an appointment at your convenience call 020 8299 9222 and speak to any of the team or email the.commissariat@ We look forward to seeing you at the Commissariat this summer. (Please note that the Commissariat will be closed for a stock take the week commencing Monday 11th July).

Uniform Year Price from Offers DC Blazer*** All years £65.00 DC crested Pullover/Slipover*** All years £18.00 Charcoal Grey Trousers elastic waist Year 7yrs – 13yrs £12.00 Charcoal tailored trousers Year 13 + £26.00 BOGOHP DC School Tie 45’’/54’’*** All years £4.85 DC Boarder tie 54’’*** (house specific) All boarders £4.85 White Shirts (2 pack) All years £20.00 BOGOHP Black Socks (5pp) All years £7.00 School shoes, smart/black All years £28.00 DC Hymnal *** All years £15.00 PE, Games and Sports Year Price from PE Shirt (house colours)*** All years £26.00 PE Shorts*** All years £16.50 White Socks (2pp) All years £4.00 Trainers All years £28.00 Games Shirt*** All years £40.00 Games Shorts*** All years £15.00 House colours socks*** All years £8.50 Squad socks*** All years £8.50 Rugby Boots All years £37.50 DC Tracksuit Top*** All years £40.00 DC Tracksuit Bottoms*** All years £22.00 Speedo Black Jammers All years £15.00 Safety studs for rugby are available from the Commissariat. Rugby football boots and speedo black jammers are not compulsory for those boys taking fencing or rowing as their Games options. Mouth guards (boil and bite, see below for All years £8.50 more info on mouth guards) Music Bags Sheet music carrier 10.00 DC Ruck Sack*** All years 30.00 DC Holdall*** All years 30.00 *** Can only be bought in the Commissariat. All items above are stocked in the Commissariat and can be bought there for your convenience.

Mouthguards It is College policy for all boys to wear mouthguards when playing rugby and hockey. 19

Games and Physical All available from the Commissariat. Education Equipment for the Michaelmas Term Dulwich College PE shorts and white socks

House shirt

1 pair of white trainers (non marking sole)

Dulwich College games shirt

Dulwich College black games shorts

Games socks (in House colours)

Rugby football boots

Black swimming trunks or shorts

Dulwich College track suit

Safety studs for rugby are available from the Commissariat.

Mouthguards It is College policy for all boys to wear mouthguards for the playing of rugby and hockey.

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25th (1st Dulwich College) Scout Group

Group Manager Dr N D Black

History Scouting was introduced to the College in 1929 by the late H V Styler, for many years Head of Mathematics. Leadership has continued to be provided from both within the teaching staff of the College and from Old Alleynians and other volunteer helpers. The Scout section provides activities for boys in Years 6 to 9 and the Explorer Scouts from Year 10 until boys leave the College. Departing boys are encouraged to join the Scout Network which supports the Group.

Aims The aim of the Scout Association is to encourage the mental, physical and spiritual development of its members through an enjoyable and adventurous progressive training programme involving outdoor activities, adventure, teamwork and service to the community.

Meetings & Activities Scout Troop 1 meets on Mondays from 16:15 - 18:15. Scout Troop 2 meets on Fridays from 18:30 - 20:30.

Explorers meet on Tuesdays from 18:30 - 20:30.

Meetings are held at the Trevor Bailey Sports Ground.

We organise frequent weekend activities which include camping, canoeing, mountainwalking, cycling, caving, rock-climbing and more.

The main Summer Expedition for Explorer Scouts is normally held during July. Dates and venues are published in the New Year.

Places are normally made available to all boys joining the College in older years. Boys are welcome in the College Group regardless of whether they have had previous Scouting experience.

Subscription An annual subscription (currently £95.00) is payable to help cover week to week running expenses and membership fees to the Scout Association for insurance purposes. Details are sent to parents once a Scout has become a member of the group.

Applications If your son wishes to join the College Scout Group, you are asked to complete the form enclosed with this booklet, and to return it as soon as possible.

Applications can also be made via email to [email protected] The Friends of Dulwich College 24

A welcome from the FDC Dear Parents

The Friends Aso yourf D boy/su ljoinw theic studenth C bodyol lofe Dulwichge College, you will automatically become a member of the Friends of Dulwich College so we wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what the FDC does and how A welcome from the to get involved. Chairman, Sarah Murray The FDC has two key objectives: to bring the College Community together throughDear Pa anumberrents of social events and to raise money for the benefit of the College, and local charities. We organise various social events throughout the year including the International Evening in September, the Junior and SeniorWelc Schoolome t oQuiz The nights Frien inds February of Dulw iandch C March,ollege and. Th eour en manyclose informald leaflet tells parent get-togethers. you all about us, what we do and how you can get involved. We also run the College Nearly New Shop and a number of fundraising events including the Christmas Fair held at the end of the November, and theO Summerver the p Galaast y Dinnerear ou rin f uMay.ndr Theaisi nmajorityg effor tofs hourav efundraising allowed u ssupports to fund many projectsproje cdesignedts, inclu dtoin enhanceg a Dire thecto rcurriculum in Reside nandce ffurtheror the theDra opportunitiesma departm ent, a available for our boys, now and in the future. new bike for the Velo Club and also an Ergo for the Rowing Club. As well Oura sactivities funding and clu beventss and are so cdesignedieties w eby a lthoseso aw whoard wantgran tots helpfor s outcho sool trips; please do tell us any other ideas and thoughts you have that could bring ourth communityese help t ocloser fund togethertrips to mandus raiseeum sfunds, spo rtots support kit for tourour boys.s and We ca aremp ing alwaysequi plookingment fforor volunteers,field trips – eitherthe l itost joinis e nthedl ecommittee,ss! be a class rep or year coordinator, be involved in the organisation of events or to just spend a few hours helping out. Every little bit helps!

To Afinds yo uout c anmore, see ora ngety t iinm touch,e spen pleaset on F rvisitien dthes a c“Collegetivities wLife”ill hsectionelp yo uofr son get thet hmaine be from his time at twebsitehe Coll andege .click I ho onpe “Friendswe’ll ha vofe Dulwichthe opp ortunity to College”, or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to getting to mknoweet person soon.

[email protected] Outline Calendar Dates

Every term you will receive a copy of the full calendar for the term. The calendar is also available on the College website. Term dates are already published (see below) and are also available on the website. Please make a careful note of these dates, so that you will not need to ask for permission for your son to be absent during term time. The final day of term includes an assembly which is an important reflection of the College as a community. Boys should not leave school early, unless permission has been granted by their Head of School.

Michaelmas term 2016

Year 7, 9 & Remove Induction Day Wednesday 31 August Term begins Thursday 1 September Half Term Saturday 15 October - Sunday 30 October Term ends Friday 16 December at 12 noon

Lent term 2017

Year 7 Entrance Exams Monday 9 January Term begins Wednesday 11 January Half Term Saturday 18 - Sunday 26 February Term ends Friday 31 March at 12 noon

Summer term 2017

Term begins Tuesday 25 April Bank Holiday Monday 1 May Half Term Saturday 27 May - Sunday 4 June Founder’s Day preparations NO SCHOOL Friday 30 June Founders Day Saturday 1 July Term ends Thursday 6 July at 12 noon 17 (w)170mm x (h)115 mm

17 (w)170mm x (h)115 mm

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31 (w)170mm x (h)115 mm 35 (w)170mm x (h)115 mm 31 (w)170mm x (h)115 mm

Dulwich College Dulwich Common, London, SE21 7LD Telephone: +44 (0)20 8299 9283 Email: [email protected] Web: Registered Charity No 1150064