Try the LGBTQI2S movement routine!

Here are some examples of you can do following the LGBTQI2S acronym. Share your own version with us @egalecanada!

Lunges Leg Raises • Stand with your feet • Lying on your back, together. keep your legs straight • Keeping your upper L L and together. body straight, step • Lift them straight up as forward with one leg, high as you can, and lowering your hips until slowly lower them back both knees are bent at down to the floor. a 90-degree angle. • Rise back up and move the foot you stepped forward with back to its original position.

Goblet Glute Bridge • Standing with your • Lying face up on the feet at shoulder-width floor, lift your hips apart, hold an object GG off the ground until against your chest, with your knees, hips, and your elbows tucked in. shoulders form a • As you squat, keep straight line. your heels flat on the • Hold your bridged ground. position for a few • Going as low as you seconds before can before coming lowering your hips to back up, pushing the ground. through your heels.

Bicep Curl Bent Over Rows • Ensure your elbows • Stand with your feet are close to your torso shoulder-width apart. and your palms facing B B • Bend your knees forward. and lean forward • Keeping your upper from the waist. Your arm stationary, exhale knees should be bent, as you curl the object but your back stays up to shoulder level straight. while contracting your • the object in as . close to your chest as you can.

Tricep Tricep Extension • Grip the edge of the • Stand with your feet seat next to your hips. shoulder width apart. • Extend your legs with T T • Hold the object you’re your feet hip-width lifting with both hands apart. and place behind • Slide forward just far your head, aiming for enough that you clear between your shoulder the edge of the chair. blades. • Lower yourself until • Lift your arms so they’re your elbows are bent straight above your between 45 and 90 head, keep your elbows degrees. tucked in. • Slowly push yourself back up to the start position.

Quick Run in Place Quick Arm Circles • Pump your arms. • Stand with your feet • Drive your knees up shoulder-width apart high. QQ and stretch out your • Wear running shoes if it arms. helps you! • Circle your arms forward using small controlled motions. • Reverse the direction of the circles after about 10 seconds.

Interval Two (or three) Sets • Take a measured break • Do two (or three) sets between each set of of each exercise. your exercises. I 2S • Determine the number • Remember to keep of repetitions you want hydrated! each set of exercise to have, whether that be 12 reps or 30 seconds of activity.