Anatomical Investigations of the Male Reproductive System of Selected Species of Macrosiphini
Bulletin of Insectology 61 (1): 179, 2008 ISSN 1721-8861 Anatomical investigations of the male reproductive system of selected species of Macrosiphini Karina WIECZOREK Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland Abstract Histological sections and whole mount preparations of five species of Macrosiphini [Impatientinum asiaticum Nevsky, Hypero- myzus (Hyperomyzus) pallidus Hille Ris Lambers, Myzus (Myzus) cerasi (F.), Rhopalomyzus (Judenkoa) loniceare (Siebold) and Uroleucon obscurum (Koch)] were examined. Key words: Hemiptera, Aphidoidea, Aphididae, Macrosiphini, male reproductive system. In previous research on the structure of the male repro- References ductive system of aphids, about 70 species from various subfamilies have been described, mainly Lachninae BLACKMAN R. L., 1987.- Reproduction cytogenetics and de- (Wojciechowski, 1977), Chaitophorinae (Wieczorek and velopment, pp 163-191. In: Aphids, their biology, natural Wojciechowski, 2004), and Calaphidinae (Głowacka et. enemies and control (MINKS A. K., HARREWIJN P., Ed).- El- sevier, Amsterdam, The Netherland. al., 1974; Wieczorek and Wojciechowski, 2001; Wiec- BOCHEN K., KLIMASZEWSKI S. M., WOJCIECHOWSKI W., zorek, 2006). 1975.- Budowa męskiego układu rozrodczego Macrosipho- In contrast, Aphidinae are the largest and most diverse niella artemisiae (B.De Fonsc.) i M. millefolli (De Geer) group of aphids whose male reproductive system is least (Homoptera, Aphididae).- Acta Biologica Uniwersytet Slaski studied. In Pterocommatini the structure of the male re- w Katowicach, 90: 73-81. productive system has been analysed in Pterocomma GŁOWACKA E., KLIMASZEWSKI S. M., SZELEGIEWICZ H., WOJ- populeum (Kaltenbach) (Wieczorek and Wo- CIECHOWSKI W., 1974.- Uber den Bau des mannlichen Fort- jciechowski, 2005) and Pterocomma salicis (L.) (Wiec- pflanzungssystems der Aphiden (Homoptera, Aphidoidea).- zorek and Mróz, 2006), in Aphidini in Rhopalosiphum Annales Universitas Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, 29C: 133-138.
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