Part 1 Extreme Tattooing
01-Goode-45291.qxd 7/2/2007 3:22 PM Page 1 PART 1 EXTREME TATTOOING 1 01-Goode-45291.qxd 7/2/2007 3:22 PM Page 2 BOD MOD TO THE MAX! An Introduction to Body Modification as Deviance s we saw in the Introduction,deviance is a matter of definition.People make sense of the Abehavior, beliefs, and physical characteristics of others in a variety of ways so that those behaviors, beliefs, and characteristics become social objects; in other words, they are socially constructed.Which kinds of social objects they become, and to whom, will depend to a large extent on social context: In what contexts do these behaviors take place, how are these beliefs expressed, and who possesses these traits or characteristics? Along similar lines, other kinds of social objects—people’s hairdos, their clothes, the makeup they choose to wear, the size of their feet—are all bodily objects, but they become what they are to us through the same process of social definition. Thus, people learn to see heavy eye liner, skinny neckties, beehive hairdos, and polyester leisure suits as appropriate, attractive, silly, fun—or grotesquely outdated—and/or vintage aspects of the ways people can present themselves. In fact, most of us spend a considerable amount of time in any given week changing the ways we look.We might wear a t-shirt or a sweatshirt bearing our favorite team’s logo after a win but choose not to after a loss. We rarely wear the same out- fit when we go to a job interview as we do when lounging around the living room, watching television.
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