Sustainability Appraisal for Revised Local Plan DPD 2011 – 2029 Incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment
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Sustainability Appraisal for Revised Local Plan DPD 2011 – 2029 Incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment Appendices November 2013 Council Borough Valley Test SA November 2013 Appendix 1: Identifying other relevant policies, plans, programmes and sustainability objectives (Task A1) Appendix 2 of the Scoping Report provides tables setting out the relevant policies, plans, programmes and sustainability objectives. The below tables provide an update to this, accounting for plans, policies and programmes that have been published since the approval of the Scoping Report. The tables provided list plans, policies, programmes and objectives that have been identified as relevant to the Development Plan Document (note it is not the intention to cover all policies, plans and programmes – the focus is on those most relevant to the scale under consideration). General Policies, Plans, Programmes and Sustainability Objectives Relevant Policy /Plan/ Programme Summary of Objectives and Requirements Councilof Implications and how this might be taken on the Policy / Plan / Programme board International United Nations Conference on Sustainable This moved on from previous conferences This provides a context for the discussion of Development (Rio+20), UN, 2012 seeking to renew commitments to (and sustainable development at a European and support the mainstreaming of) sustainable national scale on a range of topics linked to [ development, including economic, social and sustainable development. html] environmental considerations. The role of a green economy was notedBorough and the need to work together in relation to addressing climate change. The Johannesburg Declaration on This moved on from the Rio Summit and This provides a context for the discussion of Sustainable Development, UN, 2002 involved the reaffirming of the commitment to sustainable development at a European and sustainable development. It recognised the national scale, which has filtered down [ need toValley look at the long term issues and through national policy and guidance, summit_docs/131302_wssd_report_reissue address a range of issues together, including particularly in relation to the use of natural d.pdf] poverty and the use of natural resources. resources. Aarhus Convention, UN, 1998 TestThis Convention relates to access to This has an impact on consultation information and public participation. It arrangements and engagement with identifies that there is an obligation to future stakeholders in the production of the LDF. [ generations and that sustainable development p/documents/cep43e.pdf] can only be achieved through the involvement of all stakeholders. Appendix 1: Page 1 SA November 2013 Relevant Policy /Plan/ Programme Summary of Objectives and Requirements of Implications and how this might be taken on the Policy / Plan / Programme board Renewed EU Sustainable Development This highlights that sustainable development The content of this document has generally Strategy, EU, 2006 (and 2009 Review) is an overarching objective of the EU. The been filtered down through guidance available strategy sets out a number of objectives on at a national and regional level. Some of the [ environmental protection, social equality and areas for action (such as climate change, 6/st10/st10117.en06.pdf cohesion, economic prosperity, and meeting sustainable transport, resource use) have a and international responsibilities. The strategy also direct relevance to issues that can be highlights notes the principles of polluter pays considered as part of the LDF. ITY_OFFPUB/KS-78-09-865/EN/ and the precautionary principle. KS-78-09-865-EN.PDF] National Council Securing the Future: Delivering UK The Government’s strategy for Sustainable This provides the national priorities for Sustainable Development Strategy, HM Development aims to enable all people sustainable development, which can provide a Government, 2005 throughout the world to satisfy their basic steer for consideration in the LDF. needs and enjoy a better quality of life without [ compromising the quality of life of future stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/69412/p generations. The strategy builds on the b10589-securing-the-future-050307.pdf] previous work published in 1999. Five principles have been identifiedBorough along with four agreed priorities, namely, sustainable consumption and production, climate change and energy, natural resource protection and environmental enhancement, and sustainable communities. Mainstreaming Sustainable Development: This setsValley out the Government’s vision for This provides a broad framework of The Government’s vision and what this sustainable development, including considerations in relation to sustainable means in practice, DEFRA, 2011 consideration of the green economy, climate development, not all would be directly relevant change, protecting and enhancing the natural but the broad themes provide a guide. [ environment, fairness and improving documents/mainstreaming Testwellbeing. -sustainable-development.pdf] Planning for Growth: Ministerial Statement, This statement is a material planning This Statement gives greater weight to Minister of State for Decentralisation, 2011 consideration. It sets out that there is an economic development and proposals that expectation that development and growth promote growth. Both of these considerations Appendix 1: Page 2 SA November 2013 Relevant Policy /Plan/ Programme Summary of Objectives and Requirements of Implications and how this might be taken on the Policy / Plan / Programme board [ should be supported, except where this would will need to be taken into account in terms of planning-for-growth--6] compromise key sustainable development the approach to development (particularly principles. It also sets out that appropriate economic development) and proposals for weight should be given to the need to support additional allocations for economic economic recovery, with significant weight development. attached to the need to secure economic growth and employment. National Planning Policy Framework, This replaces previous national planning This document will have implications for the DCLG, 2012 policy statements and guidance. It promotes preparation of Development Plan Documents, the principle of sustainable development and including a range of social, economic and [ provides broad guidance on social, economic environmental considerations. DPDs should system/uploads/attachment_data/file/ and environmental matters. It provides 12 coreCouncil be prepared in accordance with this. 6077/2116950.pdf] principles, with further elaboration on a range of matters. Paragraph 8 of the NPPF sets out that in order to achieve sustainable development, ‘economic, social and environmental gains should be sought jointly and simultaneously’. Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, CLG, This provides national guidance in relation to This document will have implications for the 2012 traveller sites in termsBorough of both policy preparation of Development Plan Documents. development and determination of planning DPDs should be prepared in accordance with [ applications. It is set out that the overarching this. s/ aim is to ‘ensure fair and equal treatment for planning-policy-for-traveller-sites] travellers, in a way that facilitates the traditional and nomadic way of life of travellers while respectingValley the interests of the settled community’. National Planning Practice Guidance, Provides further guidance to be read along This document will have implications for the DCLG, 2013 (Beta version) side the National Planning Policy Framework preparation of Development Plan Documents, on a range of topics that link to the promotion including a range of social, economic and [ sustainable development. At present this is environmental considerations. It includes uk/] a draft document. information on preparation of local plans and undertaking sustainability appraisals which can be taken into consideration. It is not certain how the final document will differ from Appendix 1: Page 3 SA November 2013 Relevant Policy /Plan/ Programme Summary of Objectives and Requirements of Implications and how this might be taken on the Policy / Plan / Programme board the draft document. Planning Practice Guidance for renewable This guidance aims to provide advice on the This document will have implications for the and low carbon energy, DCLG, 2013 consideration on renewable and low carbon planning process, which may include the technologies, including how they can be preparation of Development Plan Documents, [ considered as part of plan development and with a focus on energy technologies. It s/planning-practice-guidance-for- determination of planning applications. This focuses on practical considerations and how renewable-energy] includes the identification of key they should be taken into account through the considerations that should be taken into planning process. This will need to be taken account. into account alongside the National Planning Policy Framework. Sub-Regional / County Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton,