DC/CA Guide Updated References The version of the DC/CA Guide you are about to access was produced in 2014. Since its publication, there have been changes in Pony Club that affect various references and information found in the Guide. The Regional Administration Document Review Committee is currently working on a complete review and update of the Guide to be released in 2018. In the meantime, when utilizing the current version, please keep the following in mind: Website: The Pony Club website moved providers and has been reorganized. Links and direction to website pages found in the Guide are no longer correct. The “Forms” page referenced in the Guide no longer exists. All information, forms, and materials are held on the appropriate informational webpage. Please use the search feature on the website to find the specific information you are seeking. NOTE: To locate information on restricted pages of the website, you must be logged into the site. USPC Policies have been renumbered and reorganized. On the Policy webpage there is a link to access a listing of the old policy numbers with their new policy numbers and location. USPC By-laws have had multiple updates, of which some included renumbering. The By-laws are not long, but if you have any problems finding a By-law reference, please contact the Regional Administration Director –
[email protected]. Financial Management: All clubs and regions are to be on the Centralized Financial Reporting System as of January 1, 2018. The CFRS is not mentioned in the Guide. For further information, please visit the Treasurer’s Resource Page.