COOL RELIGION Nobody can argue with the 's teachings - no premarital sex, marriage and fidelity, family values, education, and help and giving for others, love of country, unity among peoples and nations, global thinking. THE LATE REVEREND DR.

VLGAR I OCTO ~ «Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail» Leonardo da Vinci COVER


his Aug. 9 to 13, some 30,000 leaders, members and followers of the Unifica· Ttion Church from over 65 countries gather in Seoul, the South Korean capital, for a "Peace, Security and Developmenr summit under the aegis of the Universal Peace Federation, (UPF). The huge gathering is actually a com· memoration of the second death anniversary of Unification Church"s and UPPs charismatic foonder and evangelist, the late Reverend Dr. Sun Mytmg Moon. It also marks the 60th year of the Unificat1011 Church. Both the Unification Church and the UPF were founded by Reverend Moon and his wife. UPF is not church-based. It oper­ ates like an NGO in propagating the ideals, doctrines. and ideas of Its late founder. Reverend Moon died two years ago. Sep!. 3, 2012, a Monday, in Gapyeong, South Korea, from complications of pneu­ monia and kidney failure. He was 92. The Unification Church Dr. Moon founded is one of the most traditional and conservative. Nobody can argue with its ideals and teachings - no premarital sex. belief in marriage, fidelity in marriage, famity II is headed by Dr. Lek Thjaveetermsakul, values, education, and help and giving lor vice president of UPF Asia. others. love of country, unily among peoples Mrs. Ursula Mcl ackland, a German na· and nations, global thinking, among other tional, is the secretary general of UPF Asia. traditional but solid values. Or. Robert Kittel is the director for education "A people without tradition will fail. of UP Asia. He is an American. Tradition is the soul that allows a peopJe The Philippine operation is headed by to continue; a peo~e without a soul can­ Or. Julius Malicdem. not survive," Reverend Moon wrote. Also, A key feature of the Church is what is '"a people will fall if it does not educate its called Blessing, a wedding of two people descendants. Education gives us the power whose marriage had been arranged by Rev­ lo live wilh new know~dge and objectives." erend Moon himself, by shuffling pic1ures of "The family whose members love each Ha!lyu, the Korean wave. This is Korea's soft in a coal briquette storage room in 1962 the prospective newlyweds. The weddings other is a model of how humanity can live power to sell Its phones. cars and religion. and called it Tongil Industries. The next ·were in keeping with a central tenet of together in harmony; he wrote in Chapter Dr. Moon propagated and expanded his venture was a fishing boat, because "water his theology, a mix of Eastern philosophy, 8 of his autobiography, "As a Peace Lov­ religion with the passion of a true believer, is the source of life'" and two-thirds of the biblical teachings and what he called God's ing Global Citizen", a bestseller. "A global the vision of a strategic thinker, and the world is water. Next. Moon focused on revelations to him: said The New York leader is someone who loves humanity as audacity of a warrior. ..Mr. Moon courted exporting dancers because dance has a Times, adding: he loves his own family.• world leaders, financed newspapers and 5,000-year tradition. DR. l£K JULIUS Mal\cdem, DR. ROBERTS. URSULA Mclackland, "'In the church's view, Jesus had failed founded numerous innocuously named civic Or. Moon envisoned Tong1I would grow, Tbaveetennsakul, UPF Philippine Kittel, Director of Secretary Genral of in his mission to purify mankind because Cool organizations," said the New York Times' along with Korea's defense and automobile secretary-general of National Leader Peace Education, UPF ASIA he was crucified before being able to marry This makes the Unification Church such 2,750-word obituary on him. industries. the UPF in Thailand UPF Asia and have children. Mr. Moon saw himself as a cool religion, from a counlry that has of Born dirt poor and incarcerated and From Korea, Moon's religion leap­ completing the unfulfilled task of Jesus: to late been the source of cool pop culture tortured as a young man m North Korea, his frogged to Japan. South Korea's enemy. A months. He wanted to implant his religion counted differently from those who have restore humankind to a state of perfection by and products - Gangnam Style, Korean Iv birthplace, the yoong Moon worked hard and church was established in Japan in October in 40 countries in just two years- the US, attended its preachings or teachings whose producing sinless children, and by blessing dramas, K-pop songs, as well as the smart became enormously wealthy. 1959, by Bong Choon Choi. The following Canada, Central and South America, and number are ten to 15 times more. couples who would produce them." phones. pads, tvs, cameras and other "When conducting business, we must year, missionaries were sent to the United Europe, ihe cultural sphere of lhe Vatican." The Unification Church has strong, .. Marriage was a key part of achieving 21st gadgets of technology behemoths like always be honest, and we must never States. "He saw the US as the world's satva­ By the early 1970s. Reverend Moon had well-educated leaders. In Asia, the church satvation, and for a couple the marriage was Samsung and LG. Not to be outdone are take a profit of more than 30%," he wrote. lion," said the New York Times. sent missions to 127 countries. is led by Dr. Chung Sik Yong. the regional as much a commitment to the church as it the cars of Hyundai and Kia. Money earned ..must be spent prayerfully ... In 1965, Reverend Moon himself em­ Today, the Unification Church's reach president of the Universal Peace Federa· was to each other.'" The onslaught of such Korean products with a clear purpose and intent.• His busi­ barked on a global tour, his first trip outside and influence are dimcult to fathom. There tion. Underhim are19countries. Oneofthe It is estimated that Reverend Moon must and cultural icons has been described as the ness began with a Japanese-made lathe Korea, and visited 40 countries in ten are no exact figures. Core members are oldest UPF churches in Asia is in Thailand. have married more than 300,000 couples.

14 B iz~t·w~ A!'lia I Aug. 18 - 25. :Wl4 Bizl\ews Asia /1\ug. 18- 2.l , 2014 15 COVER Reverend Moon a True Father


un Myung Moon (Korean; born Mun Yong-myeong; Feb. S25, 1920- Sept. 3, 2012) was a Korean religious leader, business magnate and media mogul. A self-proclaimed messiah, Moon was the founder of the Uni­ fication Church and of its widely noted "Blessing" or mass wedding ceremony. Moon's extensive business in­ terests included News World Com­ munications, an international news media corporation which founded and owns other media in several countries, and Tong ii Group, a South Korean business group (chaebol) active in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, tourism, and publishing. Born in what is now North Ko­ rea, Moon and his family converted to Christianity when he was a child. In 1954, he founded the Unifica­ tion Church in Seoul, South Korea based on conservative, family-ori­ ented teachings from new interpretations of the Bible. Moon outlined these principles in his book, "Explanation of the Divine Principle." In the 1960s and 1970s, Moon was a leading figure in a wave of new religious movements that raised controversy on several issues. Followers, who were then sometimes called "Moonies", considered Moon their True Father while critics labeled him a cult leader.

16 BizNewflo :\sia I Aug. 18 · 2;). 2014 COVER

Determined to spread his influence out his unfinished work by becoming parent In 1950, during 111e Korean War he escaped based Christianity wtth Eastern philosophies Marriage. Han. caUed Mother or True Mother In church doctrine , the wedding (or beyond religion and improve the church's to all of humani1y. and fled to Pusan, South Korea. In 1953, like Confucianism and Korean shamanism. by followers, and her husband, together are marriage re-dedication) ceremony re­ image with the public, Moon became ac­ In 1941 , Moon began studying electncal Moon and Che> divorced and he had a child It makes the core statement that Moon was referred to as the True Parents by members moves couples from the lineage of sinful tive in conservative politics, courted world engineering at Waseda University in Japan. with another woman in 1954. sent from the East to be the messiah and of the Unification Church. humanity and grails them into God's sin­ leaders, founded numerous civic organiza­ During this time he cooperated with Com­ finish Jesus' mission. less lineage. tions and expanded his business interests muntst Party members in the Korean inde­ Founding of Unification Moon stated that during the vision he Blessing ceremonies After the third generation of intra­ and affiliated organizations. An ardent pendence movement against Imperial Japan. Church in South Korea had when he was 15, Jesus Christ called Moon was renowned for presiding over Unification Church blessed marriages, anti-communist and advocate for Korean In 1943, he returned to Seoul to marry Sun Moon emerged from his years in the la­ upon him to carry out his unfinished work mass '"blessing ceremonies". the most fa­ any children born w ill be free from the reunification, his support helped tum The Kil Che> and they had a son, Sung Jin Moon. bor camp as a staunch anti-communist. His - his failure to marry. Jesus was divine but mous ritual of the Unification Church. The consequences of original sin. For single Washington Times into a respected news­ Following World War II, Korea was divided teachings viewed the Cold War between de­ not God: he was supposed lo be 111e second ceremonies gained international attention members of the church, the ceremony is paper in conservative circles. along the 38111 parallel into two trusteeships: mocracy and communism as the final conflict Adam who would create a perfect family by for joining thousands of identically dressed the culmination of a process towards an the United States and the Soviet Union. between God and Satan, will1 divided Korea joining with the ideal wife and creating a pure brides and grooms - many who had never arranged marriage. Romantic liaisons are Early Ille In 1946, Moon was living in Pyongyang, as its primary front line. At his new church, family that would have begun humanity"s met before - in matrimony. Meant to highlight forbidden until the members are ready to Sun Myung Moon was born Mun Yong­ then the administrative center of the Soviet he preached a conservative, family-oriented liberation from the sinful condition caused the church's emphasis on traditional moral­ be matched. myeong on Feb. 25, 1920, in modern-day occupation zone, and in 1948 became the value system and his interpretation of the by Eve's illicit sex with Satan When Jesus ity, they brought Moon lame and notoriety Moon matched couples from differing Nortl1 P'yOng'an Province, North Korea, at a capttal of North Korea. Pyongyang was the Bible. In 1954, Moon formally founded the was crucified before marrying, he redeemed in equal measure. races and nationalities as part of his behef time when Korea was under Japanese rule. center of Christian activity in Korea until 1945. Unification Church as the "Holy Spirit Associa­ mankind spiritually but not physically. That 36 couples participated in the first cer­ that all of humanity should be united: "Inter­ He was 111e younger of two sons in a farming From the late forties 166 priests and ollier tion for the Un~ication of Wortd Christianity" in task was left to the "True Parents• - Moon emony in 1961 for members of the early national and intercuttural marriages are the family of eight children. Moon's family rejected religious figures were killed or disappeared Seoul. He quickly drew young acolytes who and his future wrfe - who would hnk mamed church in Seoul, South Korea. T he cer­ quickest way to bring about an ideal world the Shinto faith pushed by the country's in concentration camps, including Francis helped to build the foundations of church af­ couples and their families to God. emonies continued to grow in scale; over of peace. Japanese rulers and followed Conlucianist Hong Yong-ho, bishop of Pyongyang and all filiated business and cultural organizations. 2,000 couples participated in the 1982 one "People should marry across national beliefs until he was around 10yearsold, when monks of Tokwon abbey. Moon was arrested Marriage t o , True Parents at New York's Madison Square Garden, the and cultural boundaries with people from they converted to Christiani1y and joined the by the Norlli Korean authortties on allegations Moon as messiah Moon married his second wife, Hak Ja first outside South Korea. In 1997, about countries they consider to be their enemies Presbyterian Church. When he was 15, Moon of spying for Soull1 Korea and given a live­ •rhe Divine Principle,• the main text Han, on April 11 , 1960, soon alter she turned 30,000 couples took part in a ceremony in so that the world of peace can come that said that Jesus Christ anointed him to carry year sentence to the HOngnam labor camp. explaining Moon's theology, blends Bible- 17 years old, in a ceremony called the Holy Washington, DC. much more quickly "

18 llizN"" A•in / Aug. 18 -25. 2014 lt i1Ncw~ /\ biu I Au._:. 13 ~ 2!>. 2014 19 COVER COV~ I {

World fame nations. In 1991, he met with Kim II Sung, In 2004, al a ceremony on March 23, MPs. Moon has held dialogues between In the 1970s, Moon, who had seldom the North Korean President, to discuss in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, in members of the Israeli Knesset and the before spoken to the general public, gave a ways to achieve peace on lhe Korean Washington, D.C .. Moon crowned himself Paleslinian Parliamenl as part of his Middle series of public speeches to audiences in the peninsula, as well as on International with what he called the "Crown of Peace', East Peace lnitiatlves. United States, Japan, and South Korea. The relations, tourism, etc. In 1994 , Moon in the presence of numerous U.S. repre­ largest were a rally in 1975 against North was officially invited to the funeral ol Kim sentatives. Some lawmakers who attended Business and media Korean aggression in Seoul and a speech II Sung. in spite of the absence of diplo­ subsequently told reporters that they had News World Communications, Is an In­ at a11 ttvent u1gani.l.ed lJy lh~ Unification matic relations between North Korea and been misled as to the nature of the event ternational news media corporo:ition founded Church in Washington D.C. South Korea. Moon was postllumously awarded North by Moon in t 976. It owns United Press In 1971, Moon moved to the United Korea's Natlonal AeurnUcation Prize in 2012 International. The World and I, Tiempos States, which he had first ,;sited in 1965. He Twenty first Century events and a meritorious award by K-League. On del Mundo (Latin America), The Segye llbo remained a citizen of the Republic of Korea In 2000, Moon sponsored a United the first anniversary of Moon1s death, North (South Korea), The Sekai Nippo (Japan), the and maintained a residence in South Korea. Nations conference which proposed the Korean leader Kim Jong-unexpressed con­ Zambezi Times (South Africa), The Middle In 1972, Moon founded the International formation of •a religious assembly, or dolences to Han and the family saying: "Kim East Times (Egypt). Conference on lhe Unity of the Sciences, council of religious representatives, within Jong-un prayed for the repose of Moon, who Until 2008 it published the Washington a series of scientific conferences. The first the structure of the United N atio ns.~ In lhe worked hard for national concord, prosperity D.C.-based newsmagazlne Insight on the conference had 20 participants, while the same year, he joined with Nation of Islam and reunification and world peace." News. Until 2010, it owned the Washington largest conference In Seoul In 1982, had leader Louis Farrakhan in sponsoring the In 2013, Zimbabwean Prime Minister Times. On Nov. 2, 2010, Sun Myung Moon 808 participants from over 100 countries. Miilion Family March in Washington D C. . Morgan Tsvangirai stated: "I remain greatly and a group of former Times editors pur­ Participants included Nobel laureates John a foUow·up event to the Million Man March inspired by people like Reverend Dr. Sun chased the Times from News World. Eccles (Physiology or Medicine 1963, who held In 1995 Myung Moon, whose work and lifo across Tongil Group is a South Korean busi­ chaired the 1976 conference), and Eugene continents continue to impact positively on ness group (chacbol "Tongi!" is Korean for Wigner (Physics 1963). Universal Peace Federation the lives of millions of others In the world." "unification," th e name of the Unification In 1974, Moon asked church members On Sept. 12, 2005, at the age of 85, Church in Korean is "Tongilgyo."), founded in the United States to support Presidenl Moon inaugurated the Universal Peace Politics In 1963 by Moon as a nonprofit organiza­ Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal Federation with a 120-city world speaking In 1964 Moon founded the Korean tion which would provide revenue for the when Nixon was being pressured to resign tour. At each city, Moon delivered his speech Culture and Frea· church. Us core focus his offlCe. titled "God's Ideal Family - the Model for dom Foundation, was manufacturing Church members prayed and fasted in World Peace". which promoted but In the 1970s and support of Nixon f0< three days In front of In April 2008, Moon appointed his young­ the interests of A:, d wt 1980s it expanded by the United States Capnol, under the mono· est son to be the new leedeo South Korea and founding or acquiring "Forgive, Love and Unite: On Feb. 1, 1974 of the Unification Church and the worldwide sp onsored Radio businesses in pharma­ Nixon publicly thanked 1he-n f0< their support Unification Movement, saying, •1hope IMJry­ Free Asia. Former Global Citizen ceuttcals, tourism, end and officially received Moon. This brought one helps him so that he may fulfil his duty as U .S . Presidents publishing. 1he church into widespread public and media the successcr of the True Parents." Harry S. Truman, Amo n g Tongll attention. In 2009, Moon's autobiography, "As a Dwight D . Eisen­ Group's chief holdings In 1982, The Washington Times was Peace-Loving Global Cllizen• (Korean. As hower and Richard are: The llwha Com­ founded by News World Commun1cat1ons. Peace-Loving World), was published by Nixon were honor­ pany, which produces an international media conglomerate Gimm-Young Publishers 1n South Korea. ary presidents or ginseng and related associated with Moon which also owns The book became a best-seller 1n Korea directors at vark>us products; llshin Stone, newspapers in South K orea, Japan, and Japan. times. building materials; and and South America, as well as the news By 2010, Moon had given much of the In 1980, Moon Tongil Heavy Indus­ agency Unlled Press International. Bo Hi responsibility for the Unification Church's asked church tries, machine part s Pak, Moon's chief aide, was the found­ rehg1ous anc business activities to his chit· members to found including hardware for ing president and the founding chairman dren, who were then in their 30s and 40s. CAUSA Interna­ the South Korean mlll­ of the board. The political views of The In 2012, lhe South Korean press reported tional as an anti­ tary. Washington Times are often described that Moon traveled worldwide in his pnvate communist edu· as conservative. The Washington Times jet which cost $50 million. catlonal organiza­ Sushi restaurants was a favorite read for President Ronald tion, based in New The church Is the Reagan, but never a llnancial success. Illness and death York. In the 1980s, largest owner of U.S. By 1991, Moon said he spent about $ 1 On Aug. 14, 2012, after suffering from It was active in 2 1 sushi restaurants and billion on the paper (by 2002 roughly pneumonia earlier in the month, Moon countries. In the In lhe Kodiak region of 51 .7 billion), which he called "the instru­ was admitted to Saint Mary's Hospital at U nited States It Alaska, Is the area's ment In spreading the truth about God to The Catholic University of Korea in Seoul. sponsored educa­ largest employer. The the world" On Aug. 15, 2012, he was reported to be tional conferences church owns the only In August 1985, seven years before the gravely ill and was put on a respirator at the for Christian leaders as well as seminars automobile manufacturing plant in North Ko­ fall of Soviet Un10n, the Professors World intensive care unit of St. Mary's Hospital. and conferences for Senate staffers and rea, Pyeonghwa MotO

20 Bi,N••• Asia I . lu~. L!I - 25. iol4 llizNPeace Cup. ARANETA WEDDING. Dr. and Mrs. Chung Sik Yong, UPF Asia Chairman officiate the The FIFA itself has funded more than 52 Renewal ol marriage Vows ol more than 13,0DD couples In the Interfaith Peace Blessing million for the Peace Cup since 2003. Ceremony at the Araneta Coliseum Jan. 12, 2013. DURING Foundation Day Celebration In Korea February 2013.

2 2 lliz.'./cws .'\ !"ia I Aug. IH - 25, 2014 BizNews Asin I Aug. 18 - 25, 20 11 23 Reverend Moon's Unification Church By WIKIPEDIA

he Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, founded as the Holy TSpirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, and commonly called the Unification Church or Uniftcationism is the religious group founded in South Korea in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon. Since its founding, the church has expanded throughout the wortd with most members living in East Asia. Unificationist beliefs are derived from the Christian Bible and are explained in the church's textbook, the DMne Principle. The Unification Church teaches that God is the Creator and Heavenly Parent. whose duaJ nature combines both masculinity and femininity and whose center is true love.

The Blessing The Blessing ceremcmy of the Unification Church, a wedding or marriage rededication ceremony, is a church tradition which has attracted wide pubtic attention. The church has engaged in intertaith activities with other religions, including mainstream C hristianity and Islam, despite theological differences. The Unification Church has sponsored many organizations and projects over the years; including businesses, news media, projects in education and the arts, and politi· cal and social activism. The church was led by Moon until his death on Sept. 3, 2012. His widow Hak Ja Han had assumed the leadership of the church and has become its spiritual ~ader. The church's philosophy for establishing the Kingdom of Heaven is family·centered.

Origins In Korea Unification Church members believe that Jesus Christ appeared to Mun Yong­ myong (his birth name) when Rev. Moon was 16 years old on Easter morning of 1935 (April 17) and asked him to accom­ plish the work lelt unlinished because of his crucifixion. After a period of prayer and conskteration, Moon accepted the mission, later changing his name to Mun Son-myong (Sun Myung Moon). The church's official teachings, "The Divine Principle,· was first published as Wolli Wonbon (Original Text of the Divine

24 lfoNm•s Asitt I Aug. 16- 25. 2011 Main Providential Events and Pr09ran1S In 2014 Towards Vision 2020 Our Goal Is for the Blessing to Become a National Movement of Salvation

, ,.,_, , CARP , FFWl'U , .... ; .... > YFWP , UPF ,. TrMMessWI , ,.,_, > IPLC ,. Trti.tMftsiah , AClC -­ ) z-i! Gen ,. A.Q.C , lnterl11!h , lntMaith

Principle) in 1945. However, the earliest Unification Church activity in South Amer­ manuscript was Jost in North Korea during ica began in the 1970s with missionary work. the Korean War. Later, the church made large investments in A second, expanded version, Wolli Hesol, civic organizations and business projects. or "Explanation of the Divine Principle, "was induding an international new spaper. published in 1957. Finally, its most propagat­ In the 1970s, Moon gave a series of pub­ ed text, the Exposition of the Divine Principle lic speeches in the United States, including was published in 1966. one in Madison Square Garden in New York Sun Myung Moon preached in northern City in 1974 and two in 1976: in Yankee Sta­ Korea after the end of Wortd War II and in 1946 dium in New York City, and on the grounds was imprisoned by the oommunist regime in of the Washington Monument in Washington, North Korea. He was released from prison by D.C., where Moon spoke on "God's Hope for the advance of American and United Nattons AmP.rir..::11" to 300,000 people forces during the Korean War, and moved In 1975, the Unification Church held one south along with many other North Koreans. of the largest peaceful gatherings in history, He built his first church from mud and card­ with 1.2 million people in Yoido, South Korea. board boxes as a refugee in Pusan. Moon formally founded the UrnHcation 1980s Church in Busan on May 1, 1954, calling In the 1980s, Moon instructed church it "The Holy Spirit(ual) Association for the members to take part in a program called Unification of World Christianity.• "Home Church~ in which they reached out to The church expanded rapidly in South neighbors and community members through Korea and by the end of 1955 had 30 church public service. centers throughout the nation. In its earty days, In 1982 the first large scale blessing the church was known as "the wailing church" ceremony held outside of Korea took place or "the church of tears" because of the pas­ in Madison Square Garden in New York City sionate sermons given by the Rev. Sun Myung with 2075 couples. In t 988, Moon matched Moon and his followers learning the way of 2.500 Korean members with Japanese mem­ service and sacrifice for God and humanity. bers for a Blessing ceremony held in Korea, partly in order to promote unity between the International expansion two nations. In 1958, Moon sent missionaries to Ja­ In 1984, Bntish sociologist Eileen Barker pan, and in 1959, to America. Moon moved published The Making of a Moonie: Choice to the United States in 1971 (although he or Brainwashing?, based on her seven-year remained a citizen of the Republic of Korea). study of Unification Church members in the Missionary work took place in Washing­ United Kingdom and the United States. ton, O.C ., New York, and California. UC mis­ She rejected the then popular "b rain­ sionaries found success in the San Francisco washing" theory as an explanation for con­ Bay Area, where the church expanded in version to the Unification Ch urch. The book Oakland, Berkeley, and San Francisco. By was given the Distinguished Book Award lor 1971, the Unification Church of the United t 985 by the Society for the Scientific Study States had about 500 members. By t 973, it of Religion. had some presence in all 50 states and a lew In 1987, scholars with American Psycho­ thousand members. logical Association rejected the hypotheses of The church also sent missionaries to those who accused the Unification Church of Europe. The church entered Czechoslovakia brainwashing and coercive persuasion, stat­ in 1968 and remained underground until the ing that their "conclusions. .. cannot be said to 1990s. be scientific in any meaningful sense".

26 Bi7.'4cws Asia I .\ug. 18 - 2S. :W14 Ri7Nl"ws Asia I Aug. 18 - 2S. 2014 2 7 COVER COVEH national movement of salvation

Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival 2, 100 Couples (August 11, 2012)

1990s and other properties there. In 1998, the blessing previously given only to Unification In April 2008, Moon, then 88 years old, quake in Japan, he donated$ 1.7 million to have continued, although some unprofitable In 1991, Moon announced that church Unification Movement launched lts opera­ Church members. appoin1ed his youngest son, Hyung Jin the Japanese Red Cross. business projects have been reduced or members should return to their hometowns tions in North Korea with the approval of As of December 1994, Unification Moon, to be the leader of the church and On Aug. 15, 2012, Moon was reported to discontinued. and undertake apostolic work there. Mas­ the Government of South Korea, which Church had invested $ 150 million in movement, saying, "I hcpe everyone helps be gravely ill and was put on a respirator at The Family Federation for World Peace simo lntrovigne, who studied the Unification had prohibited business relationships Uruguay. Members own the country's him so that he may fulfil his duty as the suc­ the intensive care unit of St. Mary's Hospital and Unification has continuously held its Church and other new re ligious movements, between North and South before; and built largest hotel, one of its leading banks, the cessor of the True Parents." at The Catholic University of Korea in Seoul. marriage blessings each year. said that this confirmed that full-time mem­ a church there. second-largest newspaper and two of the At the same time he appointed his He died there on Sept. 3, 2012. Sociologist Eileen Barker has reported bership is no longer considered crucial to On May 1, 1994 (the 40th anniversary largest printing plants. daughter as the president of that Unificationists have undergone a trans­ church members. of the founding of the Unification Church), In 1996, the Unification Church started the Unification Church of the United States. Events after Moon's death formation in their world view from millenial­ Starting in the 1990s, the Unification Moon declared that the era of the Unifica­ the Tiempos Del Mundo, a newspaper in In 2009, Moon's autobiography, "As a In 2012 Moon was posthumously ism to utopianism. Church expanded its operations into Rus­ tion Church had ended and inaugurated a Spanish circulating in 16 countries of Latin Peace-Loving Global Citizen" (Korean), was awarded North Korea's National Reunifica­ Recent church activities have included sia and other formerly communist nations. new organization: the Family Federation America; "a newspaper for half a Hemi­ published by Gimm-Young Publishers in tion Prize. building projects and a revival tour. Han made a radio broadcast to the nation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU). sphere", The New York Times called it. South Korea. The book became a bestseller On the f irst anniversary of Moon's In 2014 Sarah M. Lewis wrote that the from the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. It would include Unification Church in Korea and Japan. death, North Korean president Kim Jong­ Unification Church's greatest present Influ­ By 1994, the church had about 5,000 members and membef'S of other religious or­ 21st century In December in Pyongyang, to mark un expressed condolences to Han and the ence comes from church affiliated groups members in Russia. About 500 Russian ganizations working toward common goals, In 2005 Moon appointed his son Kook the 20th amiversary of Sun Myung Moon's family saying: "Kim Jong-un prayed for the such as the Universal Peace Federation, students had been sent to USA to partici­ especially on issues of sexual morality and Jin Moon chairman of Tongil Group, which visit to the DPRK, de jure President Kim repose of Moon, who worked hard for na­ which include non-church members working pate in 40-day workshops. reconciliation between people of different represents church-owned businesses in Yong-nam hosted the new President in tional concord, prosperity and reunification for common interests and goals. Starting in 1992 the church estab­ religions, nations, and races. The FFWPU South Korea and other nations. the official residence.T he latter donated and world peace." lished business ties with communist North co-sponsored Blessing ceremonies in In 2007, the Unification Church com­ 600 tons of flour to North Korean children Following Moon's death his widow Hak Exposition of the Divine Princfple Korea and owned an automobile manu­ which thousands of non-Unification Church pleted the construction of a peace center in of Jeongju Province, the birthplace of Sun Ja Han has been considered the spiritual The Divine Principle or Exposition of facturer (Pyeonghwa Motors), a hotel, married couples were given the marriage Pyongyang, North Korea. Myung Moon. Also, after the 20t1 earth- leader of the church. Most church activities the Divine Principle (Korean, translit. wonli

28 BizNcws Asia/ .'\ug. 18 - 25. 2014 BizKews 1\sia I Aug. L3 - 25, 2014 29 COVER COVER Glimpses from 15-City Philippines Interfaith Peace Bies ng and Memorial Tour (April 4-22, 2014)

CABANATUAN City, Aprll 20, 2014 (1 ,037 people! TRECE MARTIREZ City, Aprll 21 , 2014 (800 people) MARILAO Bulacan, Aprll 22, 2014 (1 ,900 people! QUEZON City, Aprll 22, 2014 (3,000 people!

30 liiz~t'.'\~!I A11iu I Au~. l8 - 2!;. 2014 BizNt:,,s Ai;iu I Aui:.. n~ -2S, 20Jtl 31 COVER

Interfaith Peace Blessillfl Festlval In the Phlllppines held last January 11 , 2014 at the Ynares Center in Anttpolo City wit h over 13,000 people In attendance ganglon) is the main theological textbook of "Give-and-take action· (reciprocal in­ The introduction to the "Divine Principle" 1ng resurrection which will occur in the Last rection is not the same as reincarnation. The "Divine Principle" goes on to explain the Untt1cation Church. teraction) and "subject and object position" says about Moon: Days. The "Divine Principle" reveals the true She emphasized that lailure to make the three types of indemnity conditions. Equal It was co-written by church founder Sun (1nlt1ator and responder) are "key interpre­ For several decades he wandered meaning of these two. dislinctlOO has led many dead people to try conditions of indemnity pay back the full Myung Moon and ea~y disciple Hyo Won tive concepts", and the sell is designed to through the spirit wo~ so vast as to be be­ The first resurrection means to pass to "reincarnate", but wound up only possess­ value of what was lost Eu and first published in 1966. A translation be God's object. The purpose o f human yond imagining. Ho trod a bloody path of suf­ death to life by living 1n accordance with ing other people - to their mutual detriment. The biblical verse ~1fe for hie, eye for enutled Divine Principle was published in existence is to return joy to God. fering in searcll of the truth, passing through God's Will, within the dominion of God's eye, tooth for tooth" (Exod 21 :23-24) is English in 1973. The "'four-position foundation" is "anoth­ tribulations that God alone remembers. lnlinite love. The person who was originally Indemnity quoted as an example of an equal indemnity er Important and interpretive concept", and Since he understood that no one can f1nd separated from God (dead) comes alive by Indemnity. in the context of Urnftcation condition. Lesser conditions of indemnity Unification theology explains in part the emphasis on the family. the ultimate truth to save humanity without rece1vmg "lile elements" lrom God, which Church beliefs, is a pan of the process by provide a benefit greater than the price that The book lays out the core of Unification Eugene V. Gallagher commented: "The first passing through the bitterest of trials. are God's word and God's love. Chapter which human beings and the world are IS paid. theology, and is held to have the status of Divine Principle's analysis of the Fall sets he fought alone against millions of dBVllS, 5 of "Divine Pnnopte• interprets the Bibli­ restored to God's ideal. Faith, baptlSlll, and holy communK>n are scripture by believers. Following the format the stage for the mission of Rev. Moon, who both in the spiritual and physical W0<1ds, and cal account of Luke 9·60, aceo

8. There is no 130K Rally in January 2015 stoooing the 2. Plan to Hold 130K Rally in :Januarv (National Celebration of Tru e Parents' Birthday) 2015 Blessing (National Celebration of Tr ue Parents' Birthday) Whirlwind! "Interfaith Peace Family Blessifll Festival" 167 Holy Grounds Venue: Mariklna Sports Complex Interfaith Blessing to Date: January 17, 2015 Reach out to 500,000 participants Possfbflfty of having tn 3 or 4 different venues in 2015 --- / 32 Biz 'le•> Asia I Aug. 18 - 2.'i, 2014 BizNe•• A ~ia I Aug. 18- 25, 201 1 3 3 Ti1r> Ill•\-, \y lllli':>tl (1 d Ph.:1pp1nP ttf>.idqL1cirttr',(hu1(h.nllbt t 'lt ll>t) ?O JO 1011,11 Rt' ,tor <1l HHl

about. Indemnity. at its core, is required of and leader Sun Myung Moon The Blessing ceremony riage and fidelity in marriage and to prevent humans because God is pure, and purity and his wife Hak Ja Han. ~ was first held in 1961 for 36 child exploitation; they care for victims of cannot relate directly with impurity. Indemni­ Church members regard ~ couples in Seoul, South Korea Thailand's massive sex trade as well fication is the vehicle that allows a "just and Moon as the Second Coming by the Moons shortly after their In 1996, Unification Church gathered righteous" God to work through mankind. of Christ, and he and his wife own marriage in 1960. All the 3,500 signatures during its anti-porn cam­ Jesus' statement that God had forsaken as the "True Parents" of hu- couples were members of the paign. As a church official said, ~pornogra · him (Matt.27:46) and Christianity's history mankind, who have realized the church. Rev. Moon matched all phy makes love seem temporal, pure love of martyrdom are mentioned as examples ideal of true love as the incarna­ of the couples except 12 who goes beyond the sexual relationship.'' of this. tion of God's Word. were already married to each The Divine Principle then states that The members of the Unifi­ other before joining the church. Ceremonies human beings, not God or the angels, are cation Movement generally ad­ Later blessing ceremonies The ~ Fa m i ly Pledge" of the Unification the ones responsible for making indemnity dress or refer to Rev. and Mrs. were larym in !3<.:ale but fol­ Churc.:tl is an eight-part promise of church conditions. Moon as "Father" and "Mother" lowed the same pattern. All members to focus on God and His kingdom. Christian commentators have criticized or "True Father& and "True participants were Unification Eight verses of the Family Pledge include the concept of indemnity as being contrary Mother." Their children are Church members and Rev. the phrase Mby centering on true l ove .~ For to the Christian doctrine of salvation by faith. known as tt-e ..T rue Children." Moon matched most of the the first 40 years of the church's existence, Radio and television evangelist Bob Sun Myung and Hak Ja couples. members recited the pledge on Sunday Larson said, "Moon's doctrine of sinless Han are regarded to have In 1982. the first large mornings at 5:00 a.m. Now they recite it ev­ per1eclion by 'indemnity', which can apply achieved the status of True scale Blessing (of 2,000 cou­ ery 8 days, on Ahn Shi II: Day of Settlement even to deceased ancestors, is a denial Parents on J an. 1, 1968, ples) outside of Korea took and Attendance, w hich is the Unification of the salvation by grace ottering through at t he end o f their "7-year place In Madison Square Gar­ Church's equivalent of a Sabbath. Jesus Christ." course" of marriage together, den. New York City. In t 988, The first part says, "Our family, the Christian historian Ruth Tucker said: representing the perfection of Moon matched 2,SC

34 BizKews Asia I Aug. 18 - 25. 2014 B i :r. l\ ~w:; A:;iu / 1\ug. Hl - 25, 2014 35 COVER COVER

if we are to advance into a world of peace. A school is a holy place where truth Is Religions and their factions must stop their taught. What are the most important truths meaningless fighting, tind a middle ground tor that should be taught in school? The first is their differing opinions, and develop concrete to know God and recognize His existence in The ultimate purpose ways to advance the world of peace. the work! around us. For humanity to be happy in the future, The second is to know the fundamental material affluence alone will not be sufficient. origin of human beings, our responsibilities, of 21st century religion It is urgent that the struggles of modern and how to fulfill our responsibilities for the ideologies, cultures, and races be overcome sake of the world. through inte rreligious understanding and The third is to realize the purpose for the spiritual harmony. existence of human beings and to then ere· By REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON If we continue the era of people congre­ All my life I have made the following ap­ ate an Ideal world for that existence. These gating together only by religion or race, then peals to the wide variety of religious people I things can be understood only after they have humanity cannot avoid a repetition of war. The have met around the world: First. respect the been taught with sincerity and dedication over (Excerpts from Reverend Moon's autobio­ age of peace absolutely cannot come unless traditions of other religions and do everything a long period. graphy, "As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen} we transcend cultural customs and traditions. you can to prevent conflict and discord among Education today is focused o n creating No ideology, philosophy, or religion that religions. Second, all religious communities a winner-take-all society where those who has influenced humanity in the past is capable should cooperate with each other to serve finish first are rewarded with a monopoly on of bringing 3.bout the peace and unification the world. Third, the leaders of all religions happiness. This is not the right way to educate he twentieth century was a time of tre­ that is needed for the future. We need a new shoutd work together to develop a structure c hildren. mendous change. ideology and philosophy that goes beyond that will let us accomplish our mutual mission Education must be a means for creat­ TMore happened in that hundred-year Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. For my of establishing world peace. ing a world where all humanity can live well period than during the past two thousand entire life, I have called on people until my The right eye is there for the left eye, and together. The philosophies and methods of years. 1t was the century when there were voice is hoarse to transcend their religious the left for the sake of the right. The two eyes education that have dominated us until now two world wars and when communism rose factions and even their religions. together exist for the sake of the whole body. must be changed to ones that let us advance to great strength and then disappeared. T here are more than two hundred The same can be said for every other part toward humanity's common goals. It was also the century when humanity countries in the world. and each has its own of the body. Nothing exists for its own sake. If the United States were to educate only turned its back on God and buried itself in national borders. A border separates one Relig ion, too, does not exist for its own for the sake of the United States, and Britain material things. What about the twenty-first country from another, but countries separated sake but for the sake of love and peace. Once on!y for sake of Britain, then humanity's future century, then? by borders cannot endure eternally. world peace is accomplished, there will be no would be dark. Some say that advances in science Only religion can overcome national further need for religion. The ultimate purpose Educators must not teach how to live self­ have proven that many religious beliefs borders. However, religions that should be of religion is to bring about the reality of a hu· ishly but instead impart the w isdom needed are mere superstition and irrelevant to the bringing people together have instead divided man community filled with love and peace to resolve the myriad social problems we modern world. themselves into many factions that are busy This is God's Will. face today. I contend, however, that the role of reli­ fighting each other. It is not easy to create an environment The role of religious scholars is even g ion will always be relevant as long as the They have tatlen into a serrish thought where people's hearts are filled with a crav· more Important. Religious scholars do not spiritual aspect of human beings remains a process thal puts their religion or faction first. ing for peace. Continuous education is the need to be teaching complex theories and reality and a wmld of peace has not been They are oblivious to the fact that the world only solution. the superio rity of their own religions. Instead, established. has changed and a new era of selflessness This is the reason that I devote myself to they need to g ive their students the wisdom What is the purpose of religion? U is to has dawned. projects in the field of education. We founded to love humanity and build a world of peace. bring about God's ideal world. The reason It will not be easy to tear down the re­ the Sunhwa Arts School even before our They need to teach the prmcip le of religions evangelize is because they desire ligious walls that have stood for thousands church had developed enough to stand on selflessness. We cannot expect a future of to increase the number of citizens under of years, but these walls must come down its own. happiness for humanity if scholars do not take God's sovereignty. the lead in teaching our descendants the prin­ If everyone were to live under God's ciples of peace. Humanity is one brotherhood soveretgnty, we would have a world of peace and sisterhood, and the world is one family. where there would be no war or division. The The most important wisdom needed by ultimate destination of the path followed by humankind comes from knowing God's heart reltgions should be peace. and His ideal. God created this world out of a desire For this reason, the role of religion contin­ for love and peace. If we create division by ues to be important, especially in the twenty· insisting that o ur own religion ls the only first century, when science and technology path to salvation, we go against God's seem to be replacing the role of religion in desire. God wants everyone in the world understanding how the universe operates. to work ha rd for peace, reconciliation, and Religions around the world must under· coexistence. stand the destination of the human journey If people say that coming to church and Immediately cease all major and minor creates division in their family, then I do not struggles. hesitate to tell them that they should put They should not be fighting for the pur­ their tam1ly first. Religion is only a means pose of protecting their own honor. Religions to bring about God's pertect world; it is not must pool their wisdom and combine their an e nd in itself. energies and work diligently to build the Humankind's destiny is to bring together ideal world. all the points of view that are now divided They must forget the past struggles filled against each other. with hatred and work out peaceful solutions. The philosophy that will lead humanity No matter how much we have done for world 1n the future must be ab e to bring together . peace. there is always more to be done. all religions and philosophies. The days .. .. _ Religious people, whose m ission is to have ended when one country stands at THE FIRST Unification Church, built by Reverend Moon In Pusan Korea, In 1951. It is made JESUS CHURCH group In Seoul. Sun Myung Moon Is standing second from right. Elder Kim lead humanity into the ideal world, must not the forefront and leads humanity. The era from mud bricks and cardboard boxes. Hee-son Is at the top. Kwak No-pll, who was arrested with Moon as a suspected communist, forget for a moment that truly their only mis· of nationalism has also ended. Is seated bottom right. sion is to be apostles of peace.

36 Bizf\cwi; Asi

3 8 BizKPws Asia I Aug. 18 - 25. 2014 Bi.1.Ne\\ S Asi11/A11j.:. I B - 2:), 2014 39 COVER COVER

Building a world ofpeace cannot be done with one-time Dreaming of a charitable acts or donations. Only sincere love and continuous sacrifice is capable peaceful world of creating a world ofpeace. We must be willing to offer everything. By REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON roads. When a road is built, people use it to travel. It is used to transport culture and Building the International ideology. That is why when a road is built it (Excerpts from Reverend Moon's autobio­ changes the course of history. Peace Highway does more graphy, ':4s a Peace-Loving Global Citizen") When the International Peace Highway than just provide the world is completed, the world can be physically bound together as one. The road will make with a physical means or years I have called for a world where this possible. I cannot overemphasize the ofcommunication. Human all religions live together as one, all races importance of bringing the world together. beings are created so that their Flive as one, and all nations exist as one. Some may think that this is an idea ahead For thousands of years history has seen of its time. mind and body become one. the continuous increase of divisions. Each Religious people, however, foresee the time a different religion was adopted or a new future and prepare for it. So it is only natural regime came into power. more boundaries that we are ahead of our time. The world Building a world of peace cannot be done were drawn and wars were fought. may not understand us and may cause us to with one-time charitable acts or donations. Now, however, we live in an age of glo­ suffer, but religious believers must persevere Only sincere love and continuous sacrifice balism. For the sake of the future we must to lead the way to the future. is capable of creating a world of peace. We become one. Completing the International Peace must be willing to offer everything. One way I propose to facilitate that is Highway will require the cooperation of many Building the International Peace Highway lhrough the International Peace Highway, a nations. China, which was a victim of Japa­ does more than just provide the world with a huge undertaking. It will link Korea and Japan nese aggression, may not welcome the idea physical means of communication. Human by an undersea tunnel and create a bridge of being connected to Japan by a highway. beings are created so that their mind and across the Bering Strait that separates Rus­ Japan and Korea, however, cannot con­ body become one. sia and North America. nect to the rest of the world without going Something similar is true tor the world we These great links can unify the world. through China, so we need to make efforts live in. The world can be completely unified When the highway is completed it will be to win China's trust. only when there is both physical communica­ possible to travel by car from Africa's Cape Who will do this? Those of us who will tion and communication of heart. of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from take spiritual ownership over the International The United Nations has done much for London to New York. There will be no road­ Peace Highway in the twenty-first century world peace. More than sixty years after its blocks; the entire world will be interconnected need to take the lead in this effort. founding, however, the Unrted Nations is los­ as if by capillary vessels. How about bridging the Bering Strait? ing sight of its original purpose and is now an The world will become one integrated It will cost a great deal, but this should not organization that works for the interests of a community, and everyone will be able to cause concern. The amount of money that few powerful countries. travel freely across international borders. the United States has spent in Iraq would The UN was created to solve the conflicts Borders that give free passage to anyone will be more than enough to build such a bridge. that arise in the world, so it must put the lose their significance as borders. Something We must stop waging war and forcing people world's interests before the interests of one similar will be true for religion. to suffer. side or the other. As the frequency of exchanges among It is perverse to start wars and squander It only leads to turther contlict when a religions increases, greater mutual under­ hundreds of billions of dollars. The time has powerful country insists on its own way and standing will arise, conflict will disappear, and come for us to beat our swords into plow­ uses force to pursue it. Unfortunately, the the walls of separation will crumble. When shares and our spears into pruning hooks. UN today is unable to do much about such different types of people live together in a The International Peace Highway is a situations. single global communi1y. barriers between project to bring the world together as one. To In this light, I have proposed a restruc­ races will come down. become one means more than simply con­ turing of the United Nations as a bicameral Interaction between races will occur necting continents by tunnels and bridges. institution. In addition to the General Assem­ despite differences in appearance and lan­ It refers to an equalization of the world's bly there would be a rel igious, or cultural, guage. This cu ltural revolution will bring the standards of living. When someone monopo­ assembly or council. world into one. lizes a technology and keeps the profit for This body would consist of respected The Silk Road was not simply a trade himself, the balance of the world is upset. The spiritual leaders in fields such as religion, route that people used in order to sell silk International Peace Highway will rear­ culture, and education. The members of this and buy spices. lt was also a vehicle for the range the current inequality by creating interreligious assembly would need to dem­ peoples of the East and West to meet and for access to existing natural and human re­ onstrate an ability to transcend the limited Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity to meet. sources. This will bring about a leveling of interests of particular rel igions and cultures These different cultures intermingled and wealth. Leveling means that a little is taken and to speak for the spiritual and moral pur­ gave rise to a new culture. The International off places that are high and added to places poses of all humanity. Peace Highway will play a similar role in the that are low. I maintain that the two chambers, working twenty-first century As a result, the two have the same height. together in mutual respect and cooperation, Rome could thrive because all roads led This will require sacrifice from those with nialla, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia , Pakistan , India, Sri Lanka, will be able to make great advances in usher­ to Rome. This illustrates the importance of greater material possessions or knowledge 11 Vietnam until it reaches China. The land routes are red, and the water routes are blue. ing in a world of peace. •

40 HizNt'l\ S Asia/ Aug. 18 -2.:>, 2014 Bi7.N~w i;; A ~ ia I Au g. 18 - 25. 2014 41