Vision for Kent

Kent people in partnership for a better tomorrow

The document for Kent Partners Vision for Kent, version 2, published April 2006 Contents

Foreword 1 Vision for Kent in context 2 Partners 3 The Vision for Kent 4 Background 5 Who is this document for? 5 Sustainable Community Strategies 6 What is Kent like today? A snapshot 8 Future challenges for Kent 10 Kent in the wider world 13 Kent Partnership related initiatives 14 Delivering and monitoring the Vision 15 Kent working in Partnership 16 The Eight Themes: 18 Economic success – opportunities for all 18 Learning for everyone 21 Improved health, care and wellbeing 24 Environmental excellence 27 Stronger and safer communities 30 Enjoying life 33 Keeping Kent moving 36 High quality homes 39 What happens next? 42 Further information and contact details 42 Plans and strategies 43 Other Partners 47

Front cover photo courtesy (from left to right) first photo - Locate in Kent, fourth photo - Ady Kerry, sixth photo - East Kent Partnership Foreword

Kent is a county with a long and proud history and an exciting future. It is also a county with strong public, private, voluntary and community sector partnerships that come together in the Kent Partnership in a determination to tackle the challenges facing Kent.

The challenges for our county are based on maximising the economic opportunities arising from Kent’s location between - a growing world city - and continental Europe. At the same time we must use these new economic opportunities and harness the strength of our partnership across Kent to tackle the deep-seated social, health, environmental and educational challenges facing our county.We must also ensure everyone has access to a decent education and opportunities for learning.

Kent is in a period of change, facing increased development, house building and regeneration. We must take the opportunity to revitalise our towns while ensuring that all new development is of the very highest quality, creating communities that are attractive, safe, and friendly. We must also protect and enhance our county’s heritage, our Garden of countryside, our coast and our traditional villages and market towns.We must raise the quality of life for all, making Kent a county that people are proud of, where communities, families and individuals prosper and enjoy life, and where people really want to live.

Paul Carter Chairman of Kent Partnership and Leader of Kent County Council

The Vision for Kent 1 Vision for Kent in context

Vision for Kent relationship to other strategies, plans and priorities

National Vision Local Priorities Area for Agreement Sustainable Kent Community Regional Strategy Priorities Rest of Action Kent Community Partnership Strategy Action Plan Plan Local } Priorities District Kent & Medway Community Structure Plan Strategies Local District or Development Neighbourhood/ Frameworks Parish Priorities

Monitoring, reviewing and Scrutiny Outcomes reporting

2 The Vision for Kent Partners

The Kent Partnership, the Local Strategic Partnership for Kent, has representatives from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors. It directs and oversees progress on the Vision for Kent and has a key role in encouraging community leadership, new initiatives and the effective delivery of services.

The Kent Partnership includes:

Canterbury Christ Church University Kent and Medway Learning & Skills Council Leaders and Chief Executives of 12 District Councils Channel Corridor Partnership Kent & Medway Strategic Health Authority Medway Council Churches Together in Kent Kent Association of Parish Councils MORI Creative Foundation Kent CAN North West Kent Racial Equality Council Crown Prosecution Service Kent County Council Pfizer East Kent Partnership Kent Council for Voluntary Youth Services Port of Dover English Nature Kent Drug and Alcohol Team Primary Care Trust Collaborative Environment Agency Kent Fire & Rescue Service Saga Federation of Small Businesses Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce SEEDA GOSE Kent Police Thames Gateway Kent Partnership Job Centre Plus Kent Probation Service West Kent Partnership Kent & Medway Economic Board Land Securities Development University of Kent

District Councils and Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) have also been closely involved in the Vision for Kent, including:

Ashford Borough Council Kent Thameside LSP Swale Borough Council Ashford LSP Maidstone Borough Council Swale LSP Canterbury City Council Maidstone LSP Thanet District Council Canterbury LSP Medway LSP Thanet LSP Dartford Borough Council Sevenoaks District Council Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council Dover District Council Shepway District Council Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Dover LSP Shepway LSP West Kent Partnership LSP Gravesham Borough Council

The Vision for Kent 3 The Vision for Kent

The Vision for Kent is the community strategy for The Vision the county. It sets the direction of travel for all the key players who are working to improve the Kent will be a county… quality of life for everybody in Kent.The Vision provides an overview of what Kent is like now, p where a vibrant and successful economy and targeted regeneration are delivered and sustained outlines some of the challenges we face and acts p where learning is stimulated and supported for everyone - for life, for employment and as an umbrella document for the activities of all for enjoyment the key partners in Kent. It aims to pull us in a p where people lead healthier lives and enjoy high quality services that meet their needs for health, common direction.We do not want to reproduce care and wellbeing the existing plans and strategies of all our p where a high quality environment and countryside are protected and enhanced for current partners but to identify common objectives within and future generations each of them.We also aim to add value by sharing p where communities are stronger, safer and confident in the face of change information and resources; by not creating new p where residents and visitors enjoy life through an enhanced and accessible range of recreational, targets but by signposting other strategies and sporting, artistic, and cultural opportunities plans which have their own targets; by building on p where jobs and services are easily accessible for all sections of the community and congestion and what we have got rather than starting from pollution are reduced scratch. It is a long-term vision and one that we p where housing needs are met and decent, high quality homes help create attractive, safe and all need to help to achieve. friendly communities

We have divided the Vision into eight key themes. These have their own vision statements and their own assessment of where we are today, where we would like to get to and signposts to activities that will help us achieve the overall vision.There are also some key future challenges that cut across the eight themes and will require a more joined-up approach.These will be the areas that the Kent Partnership focuses on in the coming years.

4 The Vision for Kent Background

The original Vision for Kent, published in 2002, set In reviewing the Vision for Kent we have used and other partners in Kent, as well as those out how we aimed to improve the economic, information from a wide range of sources to get a bordering Kent.We have tried to make those links social and environmental wellbeing of the County picture of what is happening across Kent, what and ensure synergy between what we are of Kent over the next 20 years.This revised Vision people think and where there might be gaps or all doing. for Kent builds on what we have achieved and challenges facing us.We have also used evidence captures the changing nature of some of the on local priorities identified in district community The principles of equality of opportunity for all issues facing us. consultations and we have also built on the and independent living for those who need lessons learnt from the original process. Feedback support have informed the development of Vision The Vision for Kent provides the framework for indicated that housing needed a more prominent for Kent. An equalities impact assessment has all other plans and strategies in Kent.Although it role, and we have sought to address this.We have been carried out to look at positive action to sets out a 20-year vision, the pace of change is so also aligned themes more closely in the case of promote equality, diversity and supporting fast that it is important that we regularly review health and communities.The previous work independence. and check our planned course and make any indicated a need for much closer collaboration amendments necessary. with Local Strategic Partnerships, local authorities

Who is this document for?

This document is primarily intended for the document and distributed to communities in a variety of ways and on an ongoing basis - partners and key stakeholders in Kent who have a across Kent. how we think what we are doing will help meet part to play in delivering this Vision.A summary those aspirations. Continuing to listen to the distilling the key messages for the wider public, We hope and believe this document reflects the people of Kent, and reviewing the Vision in outlining what they can do to help or how they aspirations of the people of Kent and we response to what we hear, will be vital to ensure can get involved, will be published alongside this recognise the importance of letting them know – that it remains a truly sustainable community strategy.

The Vision for Kent 5 Sustainable Community Strategies

A recent government review recommended that minimise climate change, protect and enhance the next generation of community strategies the environment and make efficient use of should be explicitly developed as sustainable natural resources community strategies. Sustainable communities p Well designed and built - featuring a high are places where people want to live and work, quality built and natural environment, creating now and in the future.They embody the a sense of place with a diversity of housing principles of sustainable development which types and mix of uses means that they: p Well connected - with good transport services and communication linking people to jobs, p Integrate social, economic and environmental schools, health and other services interests and make progress on all three fronts p Thriving - with a flourishing and diverse local together, not promoting one at the expense of economy the others p Well served - with public, private, community p Meet the needs of existing generations without and voluntary services that are appropriate to compromising the ability of future generations people’s needs and accessible to all to meet their needs p Fair for everyone - including those in other p Respect the needs of other communities communities, now and in the future regionally, nationally and internationally to make their communities sustainable. The Kent Partnership endorses this definition and recognises that the adequate provision of Sustainable communities are defined as being:17 infrastructure and services to ensure that development is sustainable is fundamental to its p Active, inclusive and safe - fair, tolerant and achievement. Government guidance also cohesive with a strong local culture and other emphasises the need to secure contributions shared community activities from new development to enable delivery of p Well run - with effective and inclusive infrastructure and services necessary to ensure participation, representation and leadership sustainable communities. In accordance with the p Environmentally sensitive - actively seeking to objectives set out in this community strategy, the Kent Partnership will support efforts to achieve this wherever appropriate. Kent County Council 17 ODPM

6 The Vision for Kent will play a central role, leading production of a revised Development Contributions Guide to support the process.The Guide sets out information to inform the emerging Local Development Framework (LDF) documents of boroughs and districts within Kent, in addition to shaping the sub-regional requirements for Kent to be included in the South East Plan (the Regional Spatial Strategy or RSS).

The link between community strategies and LDFs is critical and we support efforts to strengthen it. LDFs go beyond traditional land use planning and, as a result of planning reforms, are required to give wider, spatial expression to community strategies.The same reforms have established sustainable development as a statutory purpose of the planning system, making it ever more important that community strategies and LDFs are more closely aligned.This linkage needs to be extended through other processes, notably the future development of Local Area Agreements (known in Kent as the Kent Agreement), which should take their lead from the community strategy. In a two-tier area like Kent, with county It is vital that this common understanding is reconciliation can be achieved.We will make the and borough/district councils, this is potentially a consistent and robust.To help achieve this, in baseline data and appraisal framework complex issue and we are committed to ensuring reviewing the Vision for Kent, we have carried out underpinning this exercise available to Kent’s that a common understanding of sustainable an informal sustainability appraisal looking at the boroughs and districts and encourage them to development, and how it can be progressed via economic, social and environmental challenges use it to inform both Local Development complementary community strategies across the and attempting to reconcile areas of conflict.The Frameworks and future iterations of their own county, is developed. section in each theme entitled ‘joining up our community strategies. thinking’ illustrates some of the ways this

The Vision for Kent 7 What is Kent like today? A snapshot

To understand the challenges facing us in the people.The east of Kent, on the other hand, has future, we need to take stock of where we are major areas in need of regeneration and today.Throughout the review of the Vision for significant pockets of deprivation but many assets Kent people have focussed on what makes in the form of the potential of coastal towns, a Kent distinctive. spectacular environment and a rich heritage. Proximity to London and Europe makes Kent So what does makes Kent distinctive? There are unique while creating problems of congestion and major differences between the west and east of high volumes of through traffic and freight. Kent the county.The west of Kent has a reputation for contains two of the government’s major growth being fairly affluent, but this masks pockets of areas in Thames Gateway and Ashford and faces deprivation and problems with affordability.There significant growth in the rest of the county.This are also issues facing the west of the county in provides opportunities to create new, sustainable relation to high levels of commuting to London, communities and to attract investment, but brings the need to protect green belt and relatively high challenges in terms of protecting the p 77% of Kent people live in urban areas and numbers of retired and economically-inactive environment, integrating new and existing towns and 23% in rural areas communities and providing the infrastructure to p Kent is known as the “Gateway to Europe” and support growth. has the longest coastline of any English county p More than half the UK’s goods pass through In delivering this Vision we must remember the Dover things that make Kent distinctive and diverse and p Kent is a popular choice for tourists and build on them for future generations to enjoy. visitors, with tourism valued at nearly £1.6 billion a year A few key facts and figures that give a snapshot of p Kent has two Areas of Outstanding Natural the county as it is today: Beauty, 22 International Wildlife Sites, 102 Sites of Special Scientific Interest and 10 Special p Kent is divided into 12 local authority districts Landscape Areas and the neighbouring unitary authority p Kent has two stretches of heritage coast, more of Medway than 18,000 listed buildings and more than 500 p Kent has 18 towns, one city, and more than Conservation Areas 300 parishes p Agricultural land makes up 70% of Kent

8 The Vision for Kent p Kent has seven main natural character areas – p Kent is home to some 13,000 rare and the Greater Thames Estuary, North Kent Plain, threatened species of plant and animal Kent Downs,Wealden Greensand, Low Weald, p 13.5% of Kent’s working population commutes High Weald and the Romney Marshes to London and a further 17% to other areas p Kent is one of the largest counties in the UK outside Kent (mainly Surrey and Sussex) with a population of 1.3 million p 60% of residents have said they are “very p Black and Minority Ethnic people make up satisfied” with Kent as a place to live, citing low 3.5% of Kent’s population levels of crime, clean streets and p Over the past 10 years there has been an 11% road/pavement repairs as most important increase in the number of households due to p Average household income in Kent is lower population rise and migration into Kent. Over than in the rest of the south east a quarter of these households are home to p Kent is below the regional average for skills - one person 28% of the working population have p Three-fifths of Kent residents have lived in the no qualifications county for more than 21 years p Kent has a comparatively low unemployment rate of 1.8% (it is 2.4% for the rest of the UK) p The average Kent household makes 1.2 but this is above the regional average of 1.4% shopping trips a year across the Channel by p 17.2% of the population is over 65 (and rising) ferry or tunnel and 20.2% is 15 or under (and falling) p Turn out at the 2005 local elections was 46% p Kent residents produce 1.25 tonnes of waste per household a year (and rising) Kent is a unique county with many p 30% of household waste is recycled opportunities, but we need to be careful of and composted the impact of change and ensure that all p 51% of us say we are “too busy” to get the people of Kent have the best involved in community activities (MORI) opportunities for a high quality of life and p Rail travel to parts of east Kent from London that Kent remains a place where people can take longer than it takes to travel to want to be. Yorkshire p Kent’s cars together drive more than 16 million miles on a typical weekday. p 10,000 foreign lorries per day travel through Kent to get to the Continent

The Vision for Kent 9 Future challenges for Kent

While the Vision for Kent is divided The growth agenda - Kent faces enormous pressure in into eight distinct themes, the the numbers of houses it will have to accommodate to meet review has highlighted a number of government targets. The growth areas in Ashford and Thames strategic, long-term challenges that Gateway, as well as the ongoing growth in housing across the cut across many or all of these rest of Kent, will have a significant impact on the county.As themes. None of these challenges well as new growth we have areas that are in need of can be addressed by a single theme, regeneration, in particular our coastal towns, a major asset yet but the total of the work envisaged to reach their full potential. How do we deliver the essential in all the themes should address infrastructure to support sustainable development? How do them. Ensuring that these we reconcile our ambitions for growth, a better quality of life challenges are kept at the forefront and a high quality environment? And how do we ensure that of our minds will be a priority for new communities are integrated with existing ones? the Kent Partnership.

Economic change - Kent currently has low employment growth, low household income and high deprivation compared to the rest of the south east. How do we utilise our unique proximity to London and continental Europe? How should we respond to economic change and globalisation? How do we persuade new businesses to invest in Kent and develop home-grown enterprise? How do we attract the right people with the right skills for the jobs in Kent and help people reach their full potential through education and training? How do we raise Kent’s economic performance in line with the rest of the south east without further degrading our environment? And how do we deal with trade in the rest of Europe and beyond and make the Courtesy in Kent of Locate most of opportunities for Kent’s residents? Courtesy of Locate in Kent

10 The Vision for Kent Environmental and climate change - Kent’s unique countryside, coast, natural resources and wildlife remain among its most prized assets, but all face considerable pressure from pollution, development and particularly climate change.The scientific consensus that climate change is happening is supported by Kent's recent experience of extreme weather.What are the implications of rising sea level for our coastal county? What are the threats to our economy, communities and wildlife from droughts, floods and more extreme weather? And how can we reduce Kent's contribution to climate change while preparing for those seemingly inevitable impacts? Courtesy Ady Kerry

An ageing population - demographic Diversity and choice - trends show that our population is getting Kent has many distinct and older and living longer, while fewer people diverse communities, both are having children. Many older people will of interest and of place.We want to work longer than the current need to encourage cohesive retirement age. Many provide invaluable communities and ones that services through volunteering and helping are able to deal with out in their local communities.Will older change. People also want to people want to re-skill? How can we tap have some control over the into the wealth of skills and knowledge way services are delivered, possessed by an ageing population? How which can vary depending can we extend leisure facilities for life? on the area in which they How can we ensure access to continued live.There is a drive for personalisation and choice. How can we learning for older people? Will the develop strong and active communities and tackle inequalities while working age need to be extended? How maintaining Kent's diversity? How can we provide the right services will pensions be funded in the future? to the right people in a way that gives them some control? And how What will be the extra costs of care, can we build communities that are stable while accommodating rapid support and maintaining independence? cultural, social, economic and environmental change?

The Vision for Kent 11 Engaging communities - increasing the public's involvement in decision making and devolving power to individuals and local organisations is increasingly important. How can we better understand and reflect what the people of Kent need to improve their quality of life? How can we strike a balance between their competing demands? How can we deliver services and information to people at the most appropriate level and in the most efficient way? And how can we empower people to take an active part in local democracy, in decision-making and in supporting their own communities? How can we build the capacity within communities to engage in that decision making?

Promoting Independence - These are the key strategic issues that there is an established partnership emerged time and again from the review as approach to making a real central to the quality of life for the people of difference to poorer communities Kent over the next 20 years.There are in Kent. It works in the most references to many of these issues running as disadvantaged localities and with a thread through the different themes; while the most disadvantaged groups in this risks a degree of repetition, it was felt to the population by building be vital to reinforce their importance and bespoke approaches to tackling demonstrate how they relate specifically to the issues that lead to those each theme. people living lives of dependency. How can we ensure that people Many of these challenges may appear beyond with a range of disadvantages are our control, but we should not feel powerless. supported to lead fulfilled and There are individual and collective actions we independent lives and contribute can take that will make a big difference over to their communities? How can the next 20 years.We may not be able to do we best give individuals control everything we would like to do and there will and power over the support they receive from a wide range of agencies? How can we best support be some difficult choices to make, but tackling people with disabilities in a way that puts the onus on society to ensure that it is not unwittingly these issues provides a clear set of common excluding people? objectives for the coming years.

12 The Vision for Kent Kent in the wider world

Kent does not exist in isolation from development, will continue to be global issues, as such it is important that profound. Our activity should seek to the Vision for Kent reflects our strengthen further the already strong relationships with international, national links developed with European and regional partners and with tiers of partners through, for example, joint government. working with sister regions on the continent. Internationally, the influence of EU policy and legislation on our future At national level, the influence of development, particularly in the fields Westminster and Whitehall will continue of environmental protection and economic to be felt strongly through processes like the government's Sustainable Communities Plan and house building targets, public service reforms and its wider policy agenda.The greatest challenge emerging at regional level is

perhaps the Courtesy East Kent Partnership development of the the way in forging a new way of working between South East Plan. central and local government. Influencing these London is a dominant processes and ensuring that where they present influence and a opportunities we take them and where they strong relationship represent threats we stand up for Kent's with the capital will interests, will be crucial.The Vision for Kent will be beneficial. provide us with a clear platform for lobbying international, national and regional government To date, Kent has led for support in meeting our objectives.

The Vision for Kent 13 Kent Partnership Related Initiatives

The Kent Agreement: This comprises the Local Area Agreement (LAA) and the Local Public Service Agreement phase 2 (LPSA 2). It brings Kent Partners together to work for the people of the county with the aim of increasing independence and raising personal fulfilment, and acts as a vehicle for taking forward the ambitions contained in this Vision.It includes key targets agreed jointly between the Kent Partners and government.These targets are designed to be challenging but achievable, and they reflect a move towards preventing problems rather than simply tackling them at a later stage.The LAA comprises four key blocks – children and young people; safer and stronger communities; healthy communities and older people; economic development and sustainable communities.

The Kent Agreement goes well beyond a simple list of targets. Government offers a Performance Reward Grant for meeting the LPSA targets, along with the opportunity to negotiate freedom from regulation and prescription. Success in the first LPSA, which ended in April 2005, brought with it a Performance Reward Grant of around £21 million.

The Kent Agreement brings Kent’s partners together to work for the people of the county, with the aim of increasing independence and raising personal fulfilment. It acts as a vehicle for taking forward the ambitions contained in this Vision.

The Supporting Independence Programme: This programme is We have also recently undertaken a review of the based on the premise that public services and community development Kent Environment Strategy and Kent initiatives, if delivered without considering the longer term, can actually Prospects (the economic strategy for Kent), and increase levels of dependency. With this in mind, preventive action and ensured that, where possible, the objectives align promoting the opportunity for all, especially the opportunity to achieve so that we are neither duplicating effort nor fulfillment through independence and work and to enjoy a higher giving rise to conflicting aspirations.These quality of life, should be at the heart of all public services.The aim is to strategies will continue to provide the detail of support, co-ordinate and re-focus the work of relevant partners in our environmental and economic objectives to order to help achieve this, and in doing so reduce the welfare spend complement the high level aspirations set out in across Kent. the Vision for Kent.

14 The Vision for Kent Delivering and monitoring the Vision

The Kent Partnership has developed this Vision making takes place, and are a major plank in the for Kent. Over the coming years, partners will delivery of the aspirations set out in the Vision for work together to deliver this Vision as well as the Kent. priority areas in the Kent Agreement.These outcomes will make a big difference to the quality We have deliberately not developed any new of life in Kent but will require all of us to be short-term targets as there are mechanisms creative, take risks, trust each other and change already in place to measure and check progress the way we work.The Vision for Kent has been towards our aims.The district LSPs, the Kent informed by local priorities expressed in district Environment Strategy and Kent Prospects, along community consultations, and we are focusing on with the Kent Agreement all have action plans aligning our priorities.All those involved are their own business plans and spending against which progress can be measured and committed to working together in a strategic and priorities, and for the LSPs to take into monitored. However, it is important that we make co-ordinated way for the benefit of the people account when considering their priorities. regular checks across all of our activity to assess of Kent and have given up staff time and We must all focus our efforts and resources on whether or not we are achieving what we have resources as well as sharing valuable information tackling those areas where we can make a set out to achieve. and support. difference by working together.We are all accountable, and the Kent Partnership and The Kent Partnership will commission progress Delivery and monitoring will be through Kent Public Service Board will review progress reports every two years and conduct a full review mechanisms that already exist rather than towards our common objectives at regular in five years.There will also be an annual new ones.The Kent Agreement will form a intervals.The Kent Public Service Board (KPSB) is conference to share information and discuss major part of the delivery, although because it a sub group of the Kent Partnership. It was progress and issues as they arise. does not cover all of the goals set out in the established in September 2004 to bring together Vision and is based on a three-year cycle, more the key public sector decision makers in Kent The sustainability appraisal and associated will need to be done.We also need to work with who, combined, have an annual budget of about monitoring schedule for Vision for Kent will the district Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs), the £7 billion. Local Development Frameworks enable us to ensure we are not focussing too Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships and (LDFs), being prepared by councils in Kent, have heavily in one area at the expense of another.We other local delivery agencies to ensure we tap to give regard to community strategies, and take will look to the Quality of Life performance into the vast knowledge and core priorities this into account when consulting their own indicators to see if we can establish some already identified. It is incumbent upon the communities about local priorities.They provide a synergies in existing monitoring and report partners to reflect this Vision for Kent in key part of the framework within which decision progress against them.

The Vision for Kent 15 Kent working in Partnership

There are 10 LSPs in Kent that have developed Dartford & Gravesham community strategies, including the Kent pp Part of the Thames Gateway Partnership, which spans the county.As a pp Close proximity to London pp unitary authority, Medway also has an LSP One of the UK’s largest Sikh populations and its own community strategy. Sevenoaks, Key issues for the districts are: pp Tonbridge & Malling and Tunbridge Wells have Delivering sustainable regeneration that benefits local communities pp Improving housing and cultural facilities and preserving the green belt a joint LSP for their local area known as the pp Improving local skills base to match employment opportunities West Kent Partnership. Sevenoaks and Dartford Gravesham Tunbridge Wells both have their own Sevenoaks p Community Planning Partnership which is High quality natural and built environment p Good transport links to London, but lack of local transport and access to services for some communities responsible for delivering their district p An affluent and attractive place to live, but with significant pockets of deprivation community plan. Dartford and Gravesham Key issues for the district are: have a joined LSP and community strategy. p Safe and caring communities Sevenoaks Tonbridge p A green and healthy environment & Malling Each community strategy is unique to the area p A dynamic and sustainable economy that it covers, although there are often issues Tonbridge & Malling important that the that are common to all. It is p Attractive urban/rural mix Kent Partnership works closely with the district p Good quality of life but with pockets of deprivation LSPs and other partnerships, such as those in p Focus for growth at Kings Hill Tunbridge the growth areas, to ensure we complement Key issues for the district are: Wells each other’s work and do not duplicate effort. p Providing affordable housing p Keeping crime and disorder low p Caring for the local environment The Vision for Kent will be implemented alongside the local community strategies, Tunbridge Wells Ashford through their local strategic partnerships, p Major growth point for quality housing in a sustainable environment with unique connectivity to which generally follow district boundaries. p High quality natural and built environment mainland Europe p Strong cultural and historical links p Complementary balance of rural and urban communities delivering quality of life p p Outlined on this map is a snapshot of district Thriving town centres and rural villages Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty with some of finest recreational facilites in the South East Key issues for the district are: priorities from their community strategies in Key issues for the district are: p Affordable housing and retaining skilled workers their own words.The detail of these can be p Continuing the transformation of Ashford Town Centre and providing a wider cultural offering p Community safety and fear of crime p Securing modern sustainable employment opportunities seen by following the weblinks. p Traffic congestion, parking and public transport p Using innovative private and public funding mechanism to source infrastructure at the time of growth 16 The Vision for Kent Swale p Part of the borough is in the Thames Gateway Maidstone p Stunning coastal and wetland habitats p Thriving leisure and retail economy p Areas of deprivation and lowest wages in Kent p The natural place to do business in Kent p Key rural service centres Thanet Key issues for the district are: p Famous seaside towns p Large proposed housing growth Key issues for the district are: p Diverse coastal habitats p Improving skills, learning and education p Influence of the growth areas of Ashford and the Thames Gateway p Pockets of deprivation and social problems p Protecting the natural environment p Attracting more residential and high quality development p Reducing congestion, improving infrastructure and public transport Key issues for the district are: p Tourism, retail and cultural economy Medway p Supporting vulnerable people p Improving transport links to London

Thanet Swale Canterbury p Historic Cathedral City Canterbury p Centre for higher and further education p Small seaside towns and rural villages

Maidstone Dover Key issues for the district are: p Tourism and cultural economy p Improving public transport and reducing congestion p Matching local skills to local jobs Ashford Shepway

Dover p Busiest passenger ferry port in the world p Deprived areas in need of regeneration Shepway p Gateway to Europe p Channel Tunnel Rail Link p Long coastline and rural areas Key issues for the district are: p An ageing population p Traffic and pollution (especially from freight) p Encouraging investment and new jobs Key issues for the district are: p Tackling social problems in deprived areas p Community safety p Regeneration p Attracting new investment and employment

The Vision for Kent 17 Economic success - Opportunities for all

Current situation supporting infrastructure will have a major influence on the county’s future success. Kent is uniquely located as a gateway between Demographic change and an ageing population continental Europe, London and the rest of the bring a need to ensure the skills and experience south east but has not yet fully capitalised on this of older generations are used to help Kent prosper. position. In the global economy, Kent will need to improve its performance, particularly in terms of Economic growth has in the past often been skills, innovation and productivity, to ensure its associated with environmental degradation - but long-term economic success and prosperity. prospects for ‘smarter, greener growth’ are evolving fast. Kent should position itself as a The opportunities facing Kent are huge.A leader in this area, developing a low-carbon growing European Union means bigger markets economy with improved resilience to the rigours but more competition for investment and jobs. of climate change while taking advantage of the The Ashford and Thames Gateway growth areas opportunities it may bring. Kent's high quality are taking shape, but the current national focus environment is an asset that not only sustains on housing-led growth needs to be balanced by employment in leisure, tourism, agriculture and an equal focus on high quality jobs and the like, but also offers a key resource to infrastructure. Higher education in Kent is also underpin future prosperity. Regeneration that rising to the challenge of reaching out to Kent’s revitalises our coastal towns and engages communities and businesses, a key factor in communities can also serve to demonstrate how CourtesyKent in of Locate developing the knowledge economy – but fewer tensions between economic development and the the vision graduate job opportunities are found in Kent than environment can be resolved. elsewhere.The introduction of Channel Tunnel A Kent where a vibrant and sucessful Rail Link domestic services will help change Kent’s businesses across public, private and ecomony and targeted regeneration are market, investor and entrepreneur perceptions of voluntary sectors can all make major delivered and sustained by innovative and the county, with the London 2012 Olympics contributions to addressing the county’s growth, creative businesses, self-reliant and skilled providing further opportunities for Kent's regeneration and environmental challenges.The economic development. Kent’s regeneration areas role of small businesses, in particular, is and will people and supportive and responsive have the potential for significant growth, be a key factor in shaping Kent’s future prospects, organisations in private, public and particularly when compared to the more given companies with fewer than 100 employees community sectors. congested and costly parts of the south east and account for 98% of the total stock of firms. London.The presence of a skilled workforce and 18 The Vision for Kent Economic success - Opportunities for all

Recent progress Long term goals private sectors the norm rather than the exception, generating less waste and making The health of Kent’s economy has improved, with Our long-term goals include: more efficient use of energy, natural resources, for example: previously-developed land and infrastructure p Developing a ‘mosaic economy’ made up of p A vibrant rural economy where an p A 10.8% increase in employment opportunities1 individual components which are important and invigorated farming industry meets market p A 9.7% rise in the number of VAT-registered distinctive in their own right and which work needs for food and non-food crops and takes businesses2 together to create a larger, cohesive picture. advantage of opportunities in sustainable land p A 19% increase in the number of people p Developing successful and innovative management and local produce employed in knowledge-intensive sectors3 businesses, especially within our diverse and p Achieving a high quality infrastructure and an p An increasing trend for Kent to attract high vibrant small business community, that integrated transport network that serves the quality and knowledge-intensive jobs4 respond to global and local opportunities and needs of businesses, the workforce and p Improving market perceptions of Kent’s challenges and have access to: communities property markets5 p high quality business development support, p Economic renewal in urban areas and rural sector and cluster networks centres, especially Kent’s priority regeneration However, key issues remain to be addressed, p flexible business accommodation areas and coastal towns, where people’s including: p supply chains and market opportunities health and wellbeing is enhanced by access to p public sector goods and service learning, employment, business and leisure p Lower rates of economic productivity than procurement opportunities opportunities nationally and in the south east6 p best practice, knowledge and technology, p Increasing employment rates (especially amongst p Levels of skills and qualifications which fall including links with the higher education disadvantaged groups and areas), reducing below national and south east levels7 community and research base poverty and encouraging social inclusion p Continuing disparities between some p a skilled workforce whose career through innovative and flexible approaches disadvantaged parts of Kent (e.g. East Kent, the aspirations are met through a range of and collaborative working at the local level coastal towns, parts of North Kent) and some learning and vocational training opportunities p Realising a knowledge-rich economy and of the more prosperous parts of the county p Making Kent a key location for inward centre for entrepreneurship where people are which still feature pockets of deprivation (e.g. investment and high quality jobs that takes motivated to learn and acquire new skills for North Kent,West Kent and the Channel advantage of our main urban centres and our their own personal development and career Corridor), including lower employment rates links to London, the south east, the rest of aspirations p The continuing need to attract new Europe and the global business community p Developing leading edge sectors, clusters, investment and job opportunities p Making ‘smart development’ in public and organisations and businesses (e.g. land-based, construction, creative and cultural industries, 1 1998-2002 (Kent Economic Report 2004) 4 Locate in Kent monitoring reports 7 Kent Economic Report 2004 tourism,eco-enterprises and social enterprises) 2 1994-2003 (Kent Economic Report 2004) 5 Kent Property Market Review 2004 3 1998-2002 (Kent Economic Report 2004) 6 Kent Economic Report 2004 The Vision for Kent 19 Economic success - Opportunities for all

p Realising an economy where more flexible ways solutions, especially in Kent’s growth and Joining up our thinking of working, enabled by new communication regeneration areas, which benefit local

technologies, make a significant contribution businesses and people omes Learni ity h ng f p ual or e to Kent’s prosperity and productivity Supporting the land-based sector to h q ver Hig yon p Valuing the contribution of the voluntary and help it respond to new market e Delivering economic regeneration Informal and formal lifelong not-for-profit sectors, faith groups, and unpaid challenges and opportunities, through urban renaissance and learning routes, vocational mixed-use developments, delivering workers to community cohesion, regeneration including non-food crops and training, developing skills Im p quality design and sustainable for the knowledge economy r o and employability locally produced food v construction, ensuring housing and for high value, low e d growth is in step with p Valuing the contribution skilled incomers and p Providing flexible business g impact sectors h n Capturing the e i employment growth a v l o economic benefits t temporary workers make to Kent’s economy accommodation in growth h m , of a physically and mentally healthy t c p a Promoting independence through and regeneration areas, and n Breaking the link between economic workforce plus the health benefits of r e e K

growth and traffic growth and delivering high and stable levels of employment, a employment for those who are able to work in other urban locations, to g Economic n n d i jobs close to where people live, new and supporting people with a range of disabilities


w meet a range of business e flexible ways of working to reduce success - or disadvantages to participate in the






the need to travel economy, flexible working and reducing

needs – from incubators Opportunities e


work-related stress n


for all Short term priorities

to local businesses and

Preparing for climate change impacts and

inward investors

Maintaining a healthy work/life opportunities, (e.g. green technologies),


To meet these long-term goals, we need to give Developing the Supporting E

balance, developing improving resource efficiency and reducing n

Reducing poverty v


leisure and tourism industries waste, Kent as a leader on r


short-term priority to: Independence Programme and crime, maximising n

green technology m

fulfilling employment e

and associated activities, e f n


l t


and minimising




n e

Helping Kent’s people reach their full including the social economy, i


y disorder, businesses tuned into



j e

l n


issues related to corporate e E

potential through workforce development and which aim to remove barriers to n



social responsibility, using the

enhanced skills in all sectors e.g. construction, work for more disadvantaged

skills and experience of older generations

eco-enterprise, tourism, the land-based sector, individuals and communities




i t







u g

e m r

m a o c n

d r

e s f creative and cultural industries, logistics, p Developing employment opportunities a healthcare and engineering for graduates p Developing the economic prosperity of Kent p Improving efficiency in the logistics chain and p Developing links with key markets in the UK encouraging local supply chains to reduce the and beyond and attracting high quality inward economic costs of congestion and stimulate investment, projects and jobs the local economy p Capturing potential benefits from the London p Targeting of older workers to address their If you would like to find out 2012 Olympics, especially those with the learning and skills issues to enable them as a more please see page 44. potential to last beyond 2012 group to make a significant contribution to a p Delivering high quality, sustainable design ‘knowledge rich’ economy

20 The Vision for Kent Learning for everyone

Current situation taking forward the Every Child Matters aspirations of the Children Act highlight this commitment. Kent’s schools continue to perform strongly. From 2000 to 2004, early years and childcare places Post-16 access to learning opportunities varies increased from 28,000 to more than 36,000. considerably between districts. In response, KCC, Primary school attainment levels are rising - Key the Learning and Skills Council and Connexions have Stage 1 and 2 tests for 2005 indicate Kent’s developed a 14-to-19 Learner Strategy and Action schools are improving more quickly than national Plan.Related initiatives include opening five vocational rates. Secondary schools have also continued to centres,with a further 12 in the pipeline.Although make substantial improvements, and innovative adults have improved skills attainment levels, more programmes led by KCC in partnership with needs to be done to encourage employers,individuals, head teachers have contributed to further and disadvantaged communities to embrace a culture increases in already high attainment levels. In of lifelong learning. Support agencies, training 2005, Kent achieved its best-ever national providers and businesses also need to communicate examination and test results for all key stages, more about ways of tackling skills shortages and with a large proportion of Kent’s young people gaps in key sectors and about tailoring learning also attaining above average performance at ‘A’ opportunities to an ageing population.These are level.A major review of specialist provision was vital activities if Kent wants to improve its undertaken in 2001 and implementing that plan is economic performance and prosperity. now providing a robust framework for delivering services for pupils with special educational needs. Employment rates and skill levels are considerably Improvements have also been made in the speed lower in Kent’s priority regeneration areas and the vision at which excluded pupils are re-integrated back coastal towns. Experience in Kent has highlighted A Kent where learning is stimulated and into education. However, despite these successes, that the most effective means of engaging there is still room for further improvement, and individuals can be developing informal and supported for everyone, for life, KCC, in partnership with schools and other intermediate learning and work opportunities, employment and enjoyment, in ways that organisations, is continually seeking to develop often provided by voluntary and community- are sensitive to individual, family and the quality of early years, primary and secondary based organisations and social enterprises. community needs and aspirations, placing education in Kent. Exploring ways in which our schools and other centres for learning broadband and information technology have the The further and higher education sector in Kent potential to revolutionise learning for the future and has benefited from capital expenditure and at the heart of our communities.

The Vision for Kent 21 Learning for everyone expansion and is also playing a key role in p Developing specialist provision in line with needs communities in priority regeneration areas widening access to learning opportunities for p Developing collaborative structures to and coastal towns for example through Kent’s communities – but graduate job widen student choice and raise standards accredited ‘soft skills’ opportunities tend to be fewer than in other p Harnessing and embedding ICT, particularly p Planning for the implications of Kent’s growth parts of the south east. Colleges, universities and through 'proof of concept' projects areas the public and private sectors are, however, p Offering a wider range of vocational options p Impact of maintaining future provision of Adult looking at a range of innovative ways to increase for young people Education graduate retention.These include supporting p Developing community schools which offer a p Developing the teaching of Modern Languages enterprise and entrepreneurship, work rich variety of after-school activity and support placements and developing networking and services which are open to the wider community knowledge transfer links between academic and p Attracting older learners into adult and Long term goals business communities. Further and Higher further education Our long-term goals are to: education sectors are essential parts of the p Facilitating learning for young people in p Establish a culture that values learning in all infrastructure for creating a skilled workforce. community facilities including the youth communities service and libraries p Raise standards of attainment and promote Kent’s growth areas in the Thames Gateway and p Systematically developing strategies and achievement and a love of learning for all Ashford will place additional pressure on action plans across all phases of learning p Stimulate and support lifelong learning and education providers to respond across the p Attracting, retaining and developing high vocational training opportunities to raise spectrum of early years, primary, secondary, quality staff to help achieve this aspirations, widen participation and develop vocational, further and higher education provision. skills and economic independence Despite these improvements some key challenges p Work in partnership to address the skills and Recent progress remain: learning needs of individuals, communities and businesses in public,private and community sectors In recent years Kent has been successful in: p Continuing to raise the attendance and to reduce social inequalites attainment levels of a number of children p Maximise the opportunities information and p Extending early years places through new and young people, particularly some boys communication technology provide for nurseries and other childcare provision and especially in areas of social disadvantage personalised and work-based learning p improving attainment at key stages 1 and 2 p Raising the knowledge and skills levels of p Enhance integrated services around the needs and making significant improvements in key 16-to-19 year olds and adults by further of children, families and the wider community stage 3, GCSE and A level performance increasing participation in education and training to sustain social, economic and educational p Improving levels of school attendance p Matching vocational provision to needs in development in local areas p Raising the attainment levels of looked-after the local economy p Improve the engagement of children,young people children p Addressing the needs of disadvantaged and their families in service design and delivery

22 The Vision for Kent Learning for everyone

Joining up our thinking and empower and support effective parenting with the most effective support p Promote healthy lifestyles, positive behaviour p Increasing attendance at primary and nites for all Improved portu healt op h, ca and relationships, respect for equality and secondary schools ss - re cce Opportunities for all, and diversity, moral, emotional and spiritual su w ic developing skills for life and a el om lbe development and environmental awareness For young people and adults: on higher-value economy, developing Educating for healthy lifestyles in c g E links between education and including healthy eating, p Provide safe, secure and stable learning business communities, providing mental health,

environments at the heart of every community p Increasing the number of young vocational training in key sectors sex and drugs education E n v e.g. construction and health ir p o Anticipate learning needs and plan people who have skills for life s n e care, schools procuring local m m e appropriate responses to demographic change and work through work-related o goods, produce and Improving environmental n h t a y services education, including natural l in all of Kent’s communities, especially in the learning and vocational t i e l phenomena, local heritage, economic x a Ensuring that appropriate c u e growth and priority regeneration areas training options, vocational q development, utilities and energy, l education provision is made l


h Learning developing eco-schools, further n p g in 'growth' areas c Support the development of higher education centres, improved i



and higher education facilities


provision in Kent and encourage community information, career advice

(resource and energy efficient)


and business outreach activities and guidance Providing safe learning

p environments and schools as community

Increasing participation rates

Improving access to education without

hubs, education as a means to curb antisocial

8 increasing traffic and damaging the

Short term priorities in further and higher education S

t behaviour, communities engaging in learning,


environment (e.g. the school run), o

learning about personal and social n


through activities including Engaging children, g

n community transport, walking buses e



v development, including self-esteem,

o young people and the

For children, and in the context of achieving the the ‘Aim Higher’ campaign (health and wellbeing), new a m

tolerance and respect, tapping n

education sector in d t

information technology and



p e into the knowledge, skills

Every Child Matters outcomes of the ChildrenAct: Raising the learning and work a

K sports, leisure and culture, f

personalised e



and experience of the

n c i learning as both formal and

learning o

aspirations of young people and p


e older generation


informal activity throughout m K


p n

Continuing to develop Kent’s high quality adults, especially in disadvantaged i t

life, using and developing i



the skills of older generations

early years, primary and secondary provision areas and communities, by providing

p E

n e f j i o l y

i g Promoting the physical, emotional, social and access to learning opportunities, vocational n intellectual development of young children so skills and training provision and providing they flourish at home and at school better skills brokerage for business p Significantly improving performance in literacy p Developing the ways business and and/or numeracy in primary schools and for employers are involved in the training of school leavers young people and adults in education to help p Improving the education of children in care them prepare for working life If you would like to find out p Identifying children and young people with p Supporting the role of the social economy more please see page 44. emotional and/or psychological difficulties at and community-based initiatives in providing the earliest possible stage and responding high quality informal and intermediate ‘work based’ learning opportunities 8 Taken from Every Child Matters and Kent Agreement, outcomes 1-6

The Vision for Kent 23 Improved health, care and well-being

Current situation to fall, in line with national trends, but with some 313,000 children, so ensuring every child is Kent is generally a healthy place in which to live, healthy and remains safe will remain a key but there are wide variations in people’s health priority. across the county. The priority is to reduce health inequalities and improve the health In addition, Kent’s growth areas offer both outcomes for people in more disadvantaged challenges and opportunities to create sustainable communities. Regeneration in parts of Kent can and healthy communities. Health and social contribute to this but only if adequate local jobs care will contribute to this objective in two ways and housing opportunities are created. Changes by ensuring: to the structure of the workforce will require higher education and skills levels. p services meet the needs of new and existing populations In the future, Kent will have more one-person p sound public health principles underpin our households and more older people. Already planning (for example through the creation of there are more than 113,000 people aged 75 or cycle ways, green spaces and easily accessible over living in the county. This is set to increase leisure facilities) significantly over the next 20 years. New services have already been developed using new Vital to both objectives is a good mix of technologies to help people live independently. affordable, social, key worker and extra-care- Telecare and Telehealth allow monitoring within sheltered housing. Some new premises and other the home to avoid hospital and clinic attendances infrastructure will be needed to support the and admissions to long term care, and to give development of healthy communities. Some the vision people and their carers peace of mind. More hospital facilities may need to change and develop. A Kent where people lead healthier lives, people are taking control of their own lives and More patients will be treated at home or in the and have choice and control over high the services they need through on-line self community in local primary and community quality services that meet their needs for assessment, the expansion of direct payments and health and social care centres, reducing the need the introduction of client cards which simplify the to travel longer distances. GPs are already taking health, care and wellbeing and where people individual purchasing arrangements for social care more care of people with mental health problems. with disabilities are supported to lead services. independent lives within the community There has already been considerable investment, The number of children in the county is expected and access to services has been significantly 24 The Vision for Kent Improved health, care and well-being improved. Some £2 billion a year is now being which help people to rehabilitate after illness spent on funding health and social care services in or accidents, and developing new ways of Kent. New investment has also ensured that supporting people in their own homes (eg intermediate care services have been enhanced so telecare, telehealth) that more people can be treated away from p Implementing the Healthy Schools scheme hospital and supported in transition to across Kent independent living back in their own homes. Far p Introducing the five-a-day fruit scheme that more social care services are now situated and has successfully promoted a healthier diet delivered alongside health and primary care p Helping more than 25,000 people in services. Greater choice of services will Kent stop smoking encourage people to remain independent for p Improving public access through multi-agency

longer. provision, for example at Ashford Gateway, and web technology (eg self-assessment p Ensuring there is an adequate supply of Recent progress website for social care) affordable, quality support that meets the p Achieving the targets in the first Kent Local needs of the growing number of people with Progress has been made in a number of areas: Public Service Agreement (reducing increasingly complex care needs unnecessary hospital admissions, reducing the p Workforce planning: ensuring sufficient local p Maintaining Kent Social Services’ three star number of looked-after children and increasing people are developing the right skills to form status for the fourth year running. the number of adoptions) the workforce of the future p Achieving two three star NHS trusts in p Reducing the time children spend on the child p Tackling alcohol and substance misuse Kent. In 2005, for the first time, there were no protection register zero-star NHS organisations in the county. p Introducing new services to support children Long term goals Kent and Medway Strategic Health Authority in their communities and help keep families has now been recognised as a High Performing together, for example family group conferencing Our long-term goals are to: Authority by the Department of Health. p Re-investing more than £6m in preventative p Reducing waiting times for inpatient and care services for children p Improve the health and the physical and outpatient appointments p New Mental Health Trust for East and mental wellbeing of the population and p Significantly improving waiting times in A&E West Kent reduce inequalities departments across Kent so that more than p Ensure people receive the support they need 98% of people are now seen within four hours Many challenges remain, though, including: to maintain their safety and independence p Cutting waiting times to see a family doctor or within their local community a member of their surgery team p Increasing life expectancy for all in Kent p Make a reality of the social model of disability p Expanding recuperative care and services p Tackling health inequalities p Help people with long-term conditions to be

The Vision for Kent 25 themeImproved 1 health, care and well-being

“expert patients”, receiving and controlling p Promote independent living for all, embracing Joining up our thinking the support they need new technologies to provide the support p e En Provide security and independence for all in people need delivered in the way they want veryon vironm or e ent old age p Develop seamless services for children g f al e nin xce p ear lle Inform and encourage self-responsibility for across all agencies L nc Making use of the natural e p Giving children and young enhancing healthy lifestyles Develop a wide range of environment to improve health, people key public health p the positive impact of open and Ensure that all children are safe preventive community schemes l messages so that they l a green spaces on wellbeing p Support families to stay together to support families r can make informed, healthy S fo and recovery tr lifestyle choices o s n p Enable people to remain in their own homes p Continue to improve waiting e g it e r n u t Opportunities for all, a via the application of housing related support times for surgery r Addressing the wider n o equality of opportunity for d p p factors affecting health, valuing across tenures Continue to maintain good p s a o all, maintaining a work/life the role of voluntary and f e - r access to accident and balance and reducing stress, work community groups in providing health s c s Improved o e as the best form of welfare and social care and support, involving m c

Short term priorities emergency centres c health, m

u (especially for people with disabilities people in decision making about services



p n

Continue to improve c or mental health problems) i

i care and and providing choice



m e

o s

To meet these long-term goals, health and social access for cancer services n well-being



p E

care services in Kent will have to: Reduce the incidence of

Promoting independence, enjoying

New build should be “homes for life”

healthy lifestyles (e.g. taking part in sport)

hospital acquired infections

which help to maintain independence,

at all ages, maximising the potential

p p

with the community infrastructure to

Promote and improve the health of Kent’s Plan and deliver health and

benefits of the 2012 Olympics, s

e foster “social capital”



residents and reduce health inequalities by social care services for Access to health eating fresh, local produce, n o


o h


role of leisure centres in

and social care services i





addressing variations in health across growing populations in Kent g


a that reduces the need health improvement l

i u



p e

the county Involve service users in the to travel, walking and cycling





as healthy ways to travel


Address the wider factors affecting people’s design of future service provision


health as well as treating the conditions from Recruit and retain the highly-skilled




p g i n n i g v

o K e m n

which they suffer staff necessary to work in a t p Ensure a particular focus on improving the modernised health and social care sector health and quality of life for people with p Provide people with the infrastructure to use mental health problems public rights of way and access the p Empower people to make healthier choices countryside in order to encourage people to that help prevent them from being ill walk or cycle more on a daily basis If you would like to find out p p Promote health through large employers and Work across Health, KCC, District Councils more please see page 45. use employment, commissioning and other to ensure that health and social care services working practices to enhance healthy living are accessible and wellbeing p Make adequate provision for carers

26 The Vision for Kent Environmental excellence

Current situation face distinctive challenges, many – such as noise, litter, and light and air pollution – are common to The high quality of Kent’s environment is recognised both.And while we are working hard towards an by the number of international and national urban renaissance, it has yet to slow the rate of landscape and wildlife designations there are across out-migration from our towns or deliver the high the county.These include the Kent Downs and quality public realm to which we aspire. High Weald Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the Special Protection Areas of the Kent coast Environmental problems like poor air quality, and eleven National Nature Reserves including litter, grafitti and abandoned cars tend to have Stodmarsh, Elmley and Dungeness.These places, disproportionate impacts on disadvantaged and many other areas of countryside, farmland communities, making environmental and open space which enjoy a lower level of improvements a matter of social justice and protection, are vital to the quality of life of Kent’s requiring solutions to environmental problems that residents.They provide natural beauty, tranquillity, help address inequality.These issues are often of wildlife havens, opportunities for leisure and an great concern to Kent’s residents. all-important place to ‘get away from it all’.The large number of conservation areas in Kent is a Recent floods, water shortages and heatwaves further indication of the special nature of Kent’s suggest that climate change is now a reality.These countryside and the settlements within it. threats are not just an issue for wildlife. Our natural systems give us the clear air, water and fertile soil Kent's reputation as the Garden of England is a we need to sustain life itself, as well as protecting Courtesy Ady Kerry precious but fragile one. Development, pollution us against floods, controlling pests and disease and and traffic all take their toll on our landscapes providing opportunities for recreation.There is the vision and natural resources. Much ‘ordinary’ acute concern about the impact on water A Kent where our countryside, coast, natural countryside suffers from neglect and fly-tipping, resources of the Government’s plans for housing resources, wildlife and heritage are protected and the whole county faces the pressures of growth.As such we have a vested interest as well and enhanced for their own sake and for the growth. Many historic buildings and archaeological as a responsibility to reduce our impact on the sites are at risk, and much of our special wildlife environment and reverse its historic decline. enjoyment of current and future generations faces a similar fate as the Kentish Plover – a bird and valued as the key to a high quality of life which owes its name to the county but no longer The changes facing the environment also present in both urban and rural areas breeds here.While urban and rural environments significant opportunities – for example, to

The Vision for Kent 27 Environmental excellence

countryside whose character and economy have Long term goals been enhanced rather than threatened by change. Our long-term goals are for a Kent that is: Recent progress 9 p Reducing its contribution to climate change There have been some notable improvements in by reducing energy use and increasing energy the state of Kent's environment, particularly in efficiency while preparing for its impacts and relation to: helping to meet the national target of a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2010 p Noise complaints - down 15% in the past p Rich in key natural resources - water, air, land two years and soil - which are of the highest quality and p Abandoned cars - down 41% in the past managed sustainably in the interests of people two years and wildlife CourtesyKent Partnership East p Waste recycling rates - on target at 30% p Reversing historic losses in biodiversity and establish Kent as a leader in energy crops, p Fly-tipping - facing a crackdown through the restoring, linking and recreating natural renewable energy technologies and sustainable Clean Kent campaign habitats on a landscape scale waste land management practices.We will take full p Reducing its ‘ecological footprint’ – the advantage of these with a new and positive However, less progress has been made with resources we consume in relation to our fair approach, respecting nature's limits in our search more fundamental issues of environmental quality ‘share’ of what is available globally – to for prosperity, maximising efficiency in our use of such as: sustainable levels resources and placing a higher value on the p Protecting and enhancing the beauty and environment in the decisions we take as p Traffic – rising faster in Kent than the diversity of its countryside and the richness organisations and individuals.We must also national average in recent years of its historic environment for their own balance a need for change in our rural areas with p Water use - still rising despite increased sakes and our enjoyment conservation of the environment, given the role of scarcity p More aware of the global environmental Kent’s high quality landscape in supporting the p Waste generation - up 4% and rising twice impacts of the resources it consumes and rural economy through tourism, agriculture and as fast in Kent as in the rest of the region progressively reducing those impacts leisure-based activities.As we get better at dealing p Natural habitats and the historic p Meeting the economic and social needs of rural with the symptoms of environmental decline, we environment - facing continuing losses and and urban areas in ways which respect both their can focus our energies more on dealing with the fragmentation character and the limits of their environments root causes. By re-doubling our efforts, we can p Air quality – facing decline due to emissions to absorb change and development leave an environmental legacy to future and climate change impacts p Working with nature to manage the risk of generations of which we can be proud and a flooding sustainably 9 Kent Environment Strategy: 2005 Progress Report

28 The Vision for Kent Environmental excellence

Joining up our thinking making efficient use of resources in both new and existing developments eing S d wellb tronger p e an and Reversing the growth in road traffic and , car safe lth r c its impacts, reducing the need to hea om g mu vin ni travel by car and lorry and ro tie p s Im Positive health benefits of access making better use of existing Reducing environmental crime, to countryside and open space, vandalism, graffiti and fly-tipping negative impacts of poor air transport infrastructure

and water quality

before building more of it e n o p y E Reducing the amount of r n e j v o e Providing leisure and y i commercial, construction n r recreation through a high g o Improving environmental f p l quality environment and making i Meeting the requirements of the EU and domestic waste we f g education and developing skills for e n


our heritage accessible to people, n the high-value, low-impact economy,

Water Framework Directive to improve generate and managing r

a informal ways to enjoy our countryside

e schools as environmental assets Environmental


water quality what is left with minimal such as walking, cycling and orienteering


environmental impact

Short term priorities p Reducing energy use,


l Opportunities for all, breaking the link Reducing environmental problems and

maximising energy a

r inequalities (e.g. air quality) by reducing

between economic growth and environmental




To meet these long-term goals, we need to give efficiency and increasing the degradation, preparing for climate change traffic and its impacts, support for



e e



i impacts and opportunities and alternative forms of transport to



short-term priority to: proportion of energy n



t the car such as walking, cycling

developing eco-enterprise r


o Delivering quality design



generated from renewable and public transport n


t o

and sustainable construction,


p -


Maximising efficient use of land by re-using sources at least in line with s

homes which are energy, v

s i






waste and water efficient



previously-developed land and buildings and regional and national targets e.g.






raising the density and quality of development via policies in LDFs o



p p

Focusing on and implementing measures to Investing in enhancing our landscapes, H

i s g e h

m q o

u h


l y i reduce demand for water and continuing to wildlife, habitats and heritage and ensuring t reduce leakage that new development contributes positively p Lobbying to ensure new development meets to them wherever possible high standards of water efficiency. p Delivering the Kent Biodiversity Action Plan p Continuing to challenge Government about and its key objective of halting the loss of If you would like to find out the sustainability of high housing growth in biodiversity in Kent by 2010 more please see page 45. areas where water is scarce p Avoiding development in areas at risk of p Delivering the highest possible standards flooding unless the risk can be managed in a of sustainable construction (at least the sustainable manner BREEAM/EcoHomes ‘very good’ standard) and

The Vision for Kent 29 Stronger and safer communities

Current situation behaviour, criminal damage, insulting, offensive and threatening behaviour remains too high.A key Kent is a very large and diverse county and many issue in Kent is the paradox between actual and of its communities enjoy a strong identity. Long- perceived levels of crime, and the media has a term trends, though, are changing some of the crucial role to play in influencing this. traditional aspects of community life. Long Internationally, terrorism, climate change, distance commuting is now far more commonplace, globalisation and population migration exert often and an ageing population will change the more subtle, but no less important, influences. dynamics of communities still further. Unskilled employment will fall, creating challenges around In the light of these challenges, fair play, respect and developing new skills and life-long learning. Kent is tolerance have emerged as key issues for our society, facing significant growth of its existing along with the need to avoid discrimination on communities as well as the development of ‘new’ the basis of faith, culture, gender, age, social communities in the designated growth areas. circumstances, sexuality and disability. For Kent's communities to thrive they must value the The place or circumstances in which people live contribution of everyone in society. Encouraging often affects their life chances. Crime and anti- and enabling individuals to take an active part in social behaviour is often more prevalent in areas community life will ensure Kent’s communities are that are economically deprived, isolated or in need confident enough to assimilate and integrate new of regeneration.Vandalism,graffiti, litter, abandoned members and embrace diversity. cars or fly-tipping all damage the quality of the local environment. It is therefore important that Current challenges for community safety include we promote a strong sense of pride in the local the implications of the '24/7' society, high travel the vision environment and provide local services through volumes across the county and confidence in the A Kent whose communities are stronger the extended policing family that helps to criminal justice system. Changing demographics and safer and that are confident in the reassure people and reduce the fear of crime. and growth will bring new challenges, including face of social change, supportive in their ‘designing in’ safety to residential environments A range of global and local challenges influences and protecting the built and natural environment response to challenges and opportunities the safety and security of people in Kent. Some from anti-social behaviour and disorder.The Kent and respectful of the differences within communities live in fear of crime and disorder, Agreement should deliver further improvements and between them and for them the incidence of anti-social in community safety. It is important to work in

30 The Vision for Kent Stronger and safer communities partnership with the Kent Criminal Justice Board p Fewer deaths and casualties from fires11 to increase confidence in the criminal justice system. p Fewer incidents of disorder p The introduction of Home Safe vans Kent’s communities have a great heritage and p A better quality, cleaner environment offer outstanding opportunities for community development, engagement and participation. The Clean Kent campaign has also led to Community leaders in Kent need to support improvements in the quality of the localenvironment. networks to help residents and visitors make the 10 Kent Public Service Agreement most of what Kent’s communities have to offer. 11 Kent Public Service Agreement The voluntary and community sector in Kent play a vital role in this networking.This sector helps Long term goals develop and sustain the engagement of those in Kent’s communities through the full range of their Our long-term goal is for a Kent which: activities – social,cultural,spiritual and environmental. Courtesy Tonbridge & Malling CDRP Courtesy Tonbridge p Is composed of confident, stable communities Increasing participation and engagement in Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs). CDRPs are which are well-equipped to deal with change promoting social inclusion, challenging statutory partnerships working within district p Is characterised by supportive and enabled discrimination, strengthening community cohesion boundaries that offer a wealth of local knowledge, individuals, families and communities and building sustainable communities brings many experience and commitment to address crime p Is strengthened by a partnership approach in benefits. Research shows that voluntary activity is and the fear of crime.This work has been which communities work together with associated with better health and lower crime, supplemented by an increase in the extended public services improved educational performance and greater life policing family which now includes neighbourhood p Informs and enables its residents to ‘think satisfaction. Involvement in decisions that affect policing, Community Support Officers (CSOs), global and act local’ in addressing complex people and the places they care about can enhance Community Safety and Rural Wardens (for Kent environmental, physical and social issues the sense of citizenship.We can build legitimacy and County Council and other local authorities), p Is confident enough to embrace all cultures support for often tough or controversial decisions Trading Standards, Environmental Crime Officers and diversity through robust and inclusive engagement. and more Special Constables.These highly-visible p Ensures that communities include the diverse community safety initiatives are helping to create range of people of all abilities which live Recent progress strong links between communities and public within them services and deliver results such as: p Develops new communities that are as active Community safety has become a focus for partnership and engaged as existing communities working, with a multi-agency approach centred on p A reduction in acquisitive crimes (such as p Enjoys effective community leadership and a the Kent Partnership and the Crime and Disorder burglary and car theft)10 network of support systems

The Vision for Kent 31 Stronger and safer communities

Joining up our thinking p Is made up of strong and vibrant communities p Supporting and developing a strong, inclusive

working together to achieve their potential and diverse voluntary and community nce xcelle Enjoy p tl e ing Is a safe, secure place for its residents to live, sector in Kent, including faith groups, men life on vir protected from danger and threats to life and and widening the range of people En

property active with voluntary and Access to the countryside for

p Develops and sustains engagement of people community organisations (VCOs) Clean, green and safe spaces in all, increasing participation g n which to live and play in community activities i p e in Kent’s communities through the full range Helping vulnerable people to lb l e K w e of their activities - social, cultural, spiritual and help themselves and become e d p n i a n environmental active citizens in a g e r K p a e Develops an individual and collective sense of community based on stable c n , t

h Reducing inequalities, valuing the t m civic values, responsibility and pride and independent families l Improving safety on the roads a role of the voluntary and community o e v

h Stronger i p and better public transport networks n Reducing the harm caused sector in providing health and social g


n and safer

i care services to communities

Short term priorities by illegal drugs v

o r

communities p


Reducing alcohol misuse m



To meet these long-term goals, we need to give Ensuring people are safe in

Education and awareness to reduce fear of

short-term priority to: their homes from violence,

crime, promote an understanding of safety Designing in safety and designing


crime, fire and accidents issues and foster strong communities, out crime






o tapping into the skills, experience

p p y

r Supporting independence and promoting Making Kent a safer place in q

e u

v and knowledge of the






opportunities for disadvantaged individuals which to work, live and travel r Opportunities for all,

older generation y




encouraging social enterprise o g

p m n

and communities in Kent Reducing crime affecting i

e n

s r



p L

Adhering to the principles set out in the Kent local communities



Compact to create a framework for positive Ensuring freedom from hate crime, c









i o

c f

s s

u e t c i c n e u s t s r

o -

p o change and a proactive relationship between antisocial behaviour, fear and harassment p partners and the voluntary and community p Reassuring the public, reducing the sectors fear of crime and antisocial behaviour p Increasing the capacity of local communities and building confidence in the criminal so that people are empowered to participate justice system in local decision-making and in delivering p Creating cleaner and greener public spaces If you would like to find out services p Creating a wider awareness of the scope of more please see page 45. p Meeting the regeneration needs of Kent’s the voluntary and community sector activities communities and fostering active involvement, and their benefits to communities and community development, engagement and individuals participation

32 The Vision for Kent Enjoying life

Current situation current under-provision.The people of Kent often struggle to find a work/life balance, and we need How we spend our spare time is crucial to to provide a range of high quality facilities and enjoying life in Kent. Opportunities are all around activities that everyone can access and enjoy in us and there is a huge variety to suit all interests. their leisure time.This is particularly important in rural areas, were there is often a lack of facilities Kent needs to make the best use of its natural, for young and older people, which can increase cultural, historic, leisure and sporting assets for social isolation. Many people stop being involved residents and visitors to enjoy.We must ensure in learning, sport, arts and associated leisure that the people of the county can access a full activities in adulthood and so miss out on the range of opportunities to discover more about undoubted benefits. what the county has to offer and can participate in enjoying life in Kent.As a beautiful county we Kent also faces a shortage of suitable venues in need to encourage more people to access and which to showcase the performing and creative appreciate our countryside and heritage.We need arts and host international standard sporting to make sure we make the most of assets such as events.Addressing this through better provision our historic attractions and our Areas of and delivery of events will help promote Kent’s Outstanding Natural Beauty so that we can identity and culture both within and beyond the protect and enhance them for future generations. county.While formal provision for leisure Some of our coastal towns face deprivation and activities is important, it is vital that this is not CourtesyKent Partnership East are in need of regeneration and we need to make achieved to the exclusion of, or at the expense of, the vision the most of the unique leisure and cultural informal leisure activities that do not require opportunities our coastline has to offer.The special infrastructure or organisation. Simply A Kent where residents and visitors can enjoy tourist economy in Kent is also enriched by the enjoying a walk in the countryside, kicking a ball the recreational, sporting, artistic and cultural cultural facilities activities, and creative industries about or walking the dog are popular, free and opportunities the county has to offer, that the county has to offer – helping Kent to be enjoyable activities, requiring only that accessible and where the range and quality of those seen as a “go to”, not a “go through” county. countryside and open space continues to be opportunities is enhanced and made accessible there for Kent’s residents to enjoy. Some areas already lack cultural activities and to as broad a cross-section of the community facilities. Planning these facilities into new as possible communities is as important as addressing

The Vision for Kent 33 Enjoying life

Recent progress sporting potential p Promotes the importance of the arts and p The successful bid for the 2012 Olympics in music, a sense of community and pride in London will provide a range of opportunities place, cultural diversity and regeneration for the people of Kent, from improved sports p Develops its libraries as centres in the facilities for young people to improved community where Kent residents can enjoy tourist attractions and cultural opportunities learning p The construction of Turner Contemporary in p Has thriving sports facilities to help enhance Thanet will provide a focus for culture, health and social wellbeing tourism and the arts for residents and p Makes the coast, countryside and historic visitors alike environment accessible to all and recognises p The Dover Discovery Centre is a popular its contribution to quality of life centre for learning and enjoying community life p Kent had 3.3 million visitors last year, more than any other English county p Eurostar provides a link to the continent and makes Kent an easy and attractive place to visit, as do the popular cross-Channel services from Dover and Folkestone

Long term goals

Our long-term goal is for a Kent which:

p Is an attractive place in which tourism and Short term priorities leisure is developed in a structured and sustainable way To achieve these long-term goals, in the short- p Improves participation and engagement by all term we need to give priority to: children and young people in youth, cultural, musical and community activities 12 p Ensuring everyone in Kent understands the p Enables the people of Kent to fulfil their cultural, artistic, sporting, learning and leisure opportunities open to them and making sure CourtesyKent in of Locate Courtesy of Locate in Kent 12 Kent Agreement Outcome 7. 34 The Vision for Kent Enjoying life

p Developing visitor management strategies for Joining up our thinking Kent’s country parks, open access countryside unities K and public rights of way comm eeping fer Ken p sa t m Achieving a balance of good tourist and ov er ing accommodation ng tro Accessibility to community facilities, S Secure environments for all p especially for those who experience Addressing the need for activities, link between sport and social

responsibility, fair play and respect, more social isolation, easily accessible activities additional conference, concert with support for those who need help quality activities for young people

and exhibition space to participate, enjoying alternative e that reflect their interests c H p n and the link to reducing ways to travel e.g. walking i Developing Kent’s potential e g ll h e antisocial behaviour and cycling c q for hosting high x u e a l l i t Quality of housing and public t profile events and activities n Need for high quality environment y

e realm, enjoying the potential of h m p for recreation and leisure, access to o n Making the most of the technology within the home such m o

r the countryside e.g. public rights of e



v as wireless broadband connections

‘2012’ potential n

way, Kentís AONBs as asse ts to enjoy Enjoying


before, during and after life

CourtesyKent in of Locate the Olympics for the




benefit for the people o

n n

i Links between health and leisure/sporting

Opportunities for all, economic o e

m b

there are venues in which they can be of Kent l activities such as reducing obesity,


opportunities in providing for leisure, i e c

w enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle, s

sport, arts, cultural activity etc

showcased u d


n getting children and young people c




p Access to community


Embedding Kent’s schools at the centre of e

involved in active lifestyles




facilities, schools as



and interests from an ,


community activity and ensuring that their h


t community assets, informal



a early age r




h learning opportunities for


offer extends beyond the traditional school

i g


n e


all ages in arts, culture and sport s




r o


day while developing them and other r






community facilities as multi-use centres for a


e e n a o

r y n r i e n v g e

f r range of leisure activities o p Equipping Kent’s children and young people to develop and flourish at home and school If you would like to find out p Identifying the need for additional more please see page 46. sporting facilities, developing sports performance and enhancing coach and club development p Developing sport in schools, disability sport and lifetime leisure activities suitable for an ageing population

The Vision for Kent 35 Keeping Kent moving

Current situation It is clear that balances must be struck between Kent is a dispersed and large rural county of 1.3 enabling the efficient movement of people and million residents, 78% of whom live in households goods and protecting the environment as well as with access to a car.Although 77% of those between the needs of different road users.While residents live in urban areas, there is no one transport policy for Kent must recognise the major centre of urban density and this pattern of significance of the car as a means of transport, population distribution leads to relatively high car there is also a need to encourage, wherever dependence, particularly in rural possible, a shift towards public transport areas.This presents real challenges for as well as a need to reduce the need to the county, including congested inter- travel in the first place. In short, we need urban routes, air quality and to change our approach to transport to congestion problems in our towns ensure that we capture the benefits of and the undermining of the character increased mobility while reducing the of rural areas. negative economic, social and environmental costs associated with People are becoming more affluent congestion and pollution. and are living longer and more active lives, adding to the demand on road New technology has a significant role to and rail networks.The population of play in increasing access to jobs, services,

Kent is forecast to grow significantly Courtesy of Locate in Kent learning and leisure activities for people the vision and the number of households is set to rise by who find it difficult to use existing transport 93,000 between 2001 and 2016, creating more arrangements. Changing work patterns are also To provide good accessibility to jobs and pressure on the networks.At the same time, the being encouraged to reduce the need to travel. services for all sections of the community 22% of households that have no access to a car in Kent and to improve the environment or who are unable to drive rely on public Rail services are gradually improving,with new rolling by reducing congestion and pollution, transport, walking or cycling to access jobs, stock being introduced and punctuality and reliability schools and other services. In some areas the increasing.The new Integrated Kent Franchise and widening the choice of transport available, provision of public transport is not good enough use of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link for domestic developing public transport, walking to support people’s desire for independence, services will significantly improve journey times, and cycling access to work and so on. particularly between East Kent and London.

36 The Vision for Kent Keeping Kent moving

The impact of freight traffic on Kent continues to Recent progress rise, causing environmental impacts and an increased need for road maintenance. Cross- There has been significant progress in terms of Channel freight also causes significant delays when road safety and the promotion of alternative Operation Stack is initiated, while overnight lorry modes of transport, including: parking in inappropriate places without facilities causes a serious antisocial nuisance to many p A 32% reduction in the number of people residents and businesses. At the same time, the killed or seriously injured on Kent’s roads proportion of freight crossing the Channel by rail p A 45% reduction in the number of children remains disappointingly low, going against the killed or seriously injured on Kent's roads trend elsewhere in the country.There is also an p A 17% increase in bus use on 2000/01 levels identified need to increase expenditure on road p A 106% increase in bus user satisfaction Courtesy of Locate in Kent maintenance to facilitate travel across the county. (from 33% in 2000/01 to 68% now) p An increase in cycling of 56% on 2000/01 levels Statistics from KCC Strategy Division p New technology advances that have helped to Long term goals improve access to social care services – specifically Telecare,Telehealth and self- Our long-term goals are for a Kent in which: assessment web sites p The opening of the Ashford Gateway – an p Transport networks support independence by innovative new centre that will improve improving links to jobs and services access to a range of multi-agency services p Key services are brought closer to people, reducing the need to travel Some major challenges remain, however, p The need to travel both within and through such as: the county is reduced p The adverse effects of transport are stabilised p Meeting the needs of the 22% of Kent's and, where possible, reversed households with no car p Integration maximises the use of public p Addressing traffic growth, which continues to transport rise at 2% per annum p The local highway network is maintained to p Reducing the negative impacts of transport on maximise the safe and efficient use of air quality and greenhouse gas emissions road space p Reducing the 67% of all work-related trips p Transport systems are safe and secure for which are made by car all users

The Vision for Kent 37 Keeping Kent moving

p New development does not generate infrastructure is in place in the growth areas Joining up our thinking excessive demand for travel by road before developments are completed Hig p Efficient, sustainable transport links with p Encouraging the transfer of freight from life h qu ying ality njo ho London and the rest of the UK are road to rail and solving the problems E m es maintained caused by disruptions to cross-

p International freight traffic covers its true Channel flows and Increasing accessibility for all Reducing car dependence and the people to cultural, sporting, artistic need to travel, working from home E co costs Operation Stack n s and leisure facilities and as an alternative to travel o ie m p The network does not become gridlocked, for p Reducing the need to travel it other services ic n s u u m c example through the imposition of Operation by promoting flexible c m e o s c s Stack working and home r - e Opportunities for all, efficient f o p a Improving the safety of the road p Better use is made of existing infrastructure, deliveries s use of transport networks, improving p

o d and public transport networks, improving access to jobs and services, reducing the r p n especially where this reduces pressure for Reducing the t a social inclusion and tackling social u need for commuting by car, flexible n r


t e isolation through better public new build environmental impacts of Keeping Kent e

g working options to reduce the need



o transport links

f r

moving to travel o

transport by promoting t





Short term priorities l

alternative fuels, public

transport, walking and

Reducing and reversing the negative

Better access to educational services

To meet these long-term goals, in the short-term cycling

environmental impacts of transport, L

and facilities, walking buses e


p a


we need to give priority to: Encouraging rural and high quality green infrastructure r

n n




n l




community transport Improving air quality and

x f





p t promoting healthy transport


Improving personal security, accessibility, initiatives and solutions n v

e e

choices like walking and cycling, r m



p o o n

affordability, journey times and reliability on Supporting a national road-pricing r


i improve accessibility to health




and social care services

public transport and making good information scheme when better public






more widely available transport services are provided o




e i






e h w e

a d l t n h a ,

c e r p Providing better integration between public p Exploring the use of travel on rivers and a transport services and other means of around the coast and the potential for moving transport though good interchanges and freight in the same way through-ticketing on trains and buses p Developing local rights of way so that they p Improving the quality and reliability of rail are more useful for trips to public transport services in the new integrated Kent Franchise stops, local shops, schools and services If you would like to find out p Ensuring new CTRL services reach as far as p Improving public rights of way and giving more please see page 46. Dover and Thanet and that the appropriate people information about them and the level of service is provided on existing lines confidence to use them p Ensuring essential public transport and road

38 The Vision for Kent High quality homes

Current Situation however, that some of this land will not be brought forward because of a dramatic shortage Kent is an area of opportunity because of its ideal in funding for community infrastructure needed location between London and the rest of Europe to make growth sustainable.The shortage of and because of the number of sites - particularly public funding to deliver affordable housing is an brownfield sites - available for investment, housing additional challenge. development and economic growth.This,combined with a high quality natural environment, makes it Affordability and the need to develop a range of an attractive option for new housing development. housing options is a significant issue across Kent. Even in parts of the county where property Kent contains two of the government’s “growth” prices are lower, the affordability gap is significant areas, and housing targets are high across the because local income levels are also lower.There county.Two-thirds of the target number are is a need for a range of housing options, needed to meet the growth in Kent’s own affordable homes (particularly for staff in essential population, including first-time buyers and the services) and social rented housing to meet increasing number of people living alone.The identified local needs.There is also a need for all remaining third is to meet predicted migration homes to meet (or exceed) the national Decent into Kent (mostly from elsewhere in the UK). Homes standard and a need for housing solutions which support older people and other adults with This proposed growth in housing numbers presents additional needs to live independently at home. many challenges.Although Kent is seen as an We need to continue to support those who are affluent county, parts of Kent have high levels of homeless or at risk of homelessness. deprivation and low household incomes. Parts of the vision East Kent and the coastal towns face deep-seated The impact of new housing on the environment A Kent where housing needs are met and challenges, while other parts of Kent feel the and the character of existing settlements remains economic ‘pull’ of London and the ‘leakage’ of a key concern in a highly-developed county like decent, high quality homes help create graduate talent, both of which make it increasingly Kent. Some of these concerns can be addressed attractive, safe and friendly communities difficult to recruit and retain staff in essential services. by high quality design that can bring social, clustered around neighbourhood centres, environmental and economic benefits to an area. with open spaces and community facilities. Kent has a 10-year supply of housing land available, The Kent Planning Officers’ Group has drawn up mostly on brownfield sites16.There is a risk, a new Kent Design Guide that emphasises the

The Vision for Kent 39 High quality homes overriding importance of improving the quality of Recent progress need. It is far from clear that simply building more design across Kent. houses will significantly improve affordability. For There have been some positive features related to this group, providing decent housing (public or In addition, reducing energy use in the home and housing performance in Kent in recent years: private) with affordable rents will remain the priority. improving energy efficiency and flood resilience will help reduce the causes, effects and costs of p Average annual housing completions Long term goals climate change on households.The need to increased from 4,470 in the period 1998 - ensure that current homes are as energy-efficient 2001 to 5,000 between 2001 and 2004 Our long-term goal is for a Kent that is: as possible connects closely to supporting the p Housing development on recently completed independence of older people and is often sites has exceeded national targets for p Developing whole communities, not just expressed as ‘affordable warmth’. minimum densities building new houses, creating attractive, safe p Land already identified for housing can support and friendly neighbourhoods Building more compact communities will add to more than 54,000 new homes, equivalent to a p Improving the quality of homes, both new vibrancy and improve the viability of public 10-year supply at currently planned rates and old transport services, while new construction p Kent wide Private Finance Initiative scheme for p Integrating new and existing communities techniques and technologies will help raise skills and extra care, sheltered accomodation for people p Providing choice and access and meeting the create economic opportunities in their own right. with learning disabilities needs of the individual and family p Reducing the whole life-cycle environmental As well as maximising the use of brownfield land, Less positively: impact of the housing development process we must bring empty homes into use to support by raising standards of sustainable regeneration and improve existing communities. p The number of households in temporary construction over time Engaging these communities in designing changes accommodation has more than doubled13 to the places where they live or when planning p Energy use, waste generation and carbon Short term priorities for growth can lead to innovative and creative emissions continue to rise 14 solutions that are liked and valued by local people. p Housing development on previously-developed To meet these long-term goals, we need to give land, at 62% in the period 2001 – 2004, short-term priority to: Issues of personal safety in the home and the remains below the target of 70% 15 adaptability of homes to meet individual needs are p Improving Kent residents’ access to homes of significant since the proportion of Kent’s Furthermore, the claimed benefits of an increased excellent quality, in the right place, at the right population aged over 75 will continue to increase. housing supply have yet to reach those most in time and at the right cost p We must create homes for life that anticipate 13 ODPM HIP data for 1998/99-2002-3 Promoting mixed developments which include future change – whether that is demographic, 14 DEFRA, 2005 a range of housing types social or climatic change. 15 Kent Housing Land studies– 2004 and Kent and Medway Structure Plan 2003. p Ensuring quality design for all new homes in 16 Brownfield sites we accept in referring to the definition of P.D.L. used in Annex C of PPG 3 40 The Vision for Kent High quality homes

Joining up our thinking line with the principles and standards set out affordable housing ng Economic su in the Kent Design Guide p Linking the supply of affordable homesto movi ccess ent - o p g K ppo Promoting world-class design and innovation the recruitment and retention pin rtu ee ni K tes in construction and refurbishment, designing of staff in essential services f Opportunities for all, providing or p a in safety and health and designing out crime Working towards a situation Reducing the need to travel, safer homes close to present and future ll p streets, access to services, jobs jobs, developing the construction Developing ‘smart homes’ that maximise the use where no vulnerable household

and community facilities industry (skills and sustainability)

of technology within the home and connectivity is in temporary accommodation L e p a between the home and the wider world to Increasing the number and/ r n e i f n i facilitate home-based learning and working or capacity of authorised l g

f g o n r p i Increasing the proportion of homes, in both transit and permanent y Improving access to community e o j v

Creating mixed communities e n facilities, developing skills in delivering high r the public and private sectors, that meet or encampment sites for E y and improving access to o quality, sustainable homes n

exceed the Decent Homes standard Gypsies and travellers and community facilities High quality e

p homes

Creating incentives and enforcing responsibilities removing every

that drive homeowners and private landlords unauthorised development



to repair and maintain their property or encampment Designing in health p


Designing out crime in residential o

s and delivering affordable warmth, using


p p e


Increasing the number of long-term empty Increasing the number of i


t areas, designing homes to

i technology to deliver health in g


u Maximising the efficient

properties that are returned to use as homes sheltered housing maximise independent living the home e.g. Telehealth h

e m

use of resources in the a


e.g. lifetime homes l



p h


Providing new homes close to jobs and developments with extra care ,

construction and occupation

c r






of new and existing homes, e


amenities (and vice versa) services



maintaining a rich natural n




p p

Improving, integrating and making accessible Maximising the use of brownfield w r

environment in and near residential e e


g l

b n





areas, homes which n t

S public services and local amenities sites and the re-use of construction g

are energy, water and waste efficient


Securing funding to meet identified need for materials and empty properties




e i r c o n

n e l m l e e c n x t e l affordable housing p Improving energy efficiency and affordability p Promoting the provision of supported housing in the home, minimising waste and the for vulnerable adults/households consumption of natural resources p Supporting older people and providing p Retaining local distinctiveness and character as appropriate choices to encourage them to part of a commitment to high quality design leave unsuitable accommodation and move to in the construction and refurbishment of homes homes more suited to their needs p Encouraging developments to achieve an If you would like to find out p Promoting the Lifetime Homes standard for new energy rating equivalent to 10 on the NHER more please see page 46. developments and large-scale refurbishments scale and/or the BREEAM/ECO Homes ‘very p Increasing the range of funding available to good’ standard support the delivery of all forms of

The Vision for Kent 41 What happens next?

The Vision for Kent will be taken forward through the work of the Kent Partnership.A sub group of the partnership will oversee the development and delivery of the Vision through existing mechanisms and by developing ways of working better together.The Kent Partnership will commission progress reports every two years and conduct a full review in five years.There will also be an annual conference to share information and discuss progress and issues as they arise. Please see page 15 for further detail on delivering and monitoring the Vision for Kent.

It is important to remember that none of this is set in stone – Kent will continue to change and new challenges will present themselves.Through regular reviews and monitoring, the Kent Partnership will endeavour to adapt and respond to any changes and so improve the quality of life for people in Kent.

Further information and contact details

If you would like to find out more please contact the Kent Partnership office: tel 01622 694022 email [email protected]

Kent Partnership Office Room 1.62, Sessions House County Hall Maidstone

Kent ME14 1XQ

42 The Vision for Kent Plans & Strategies

These pages give references to some of the key regional and county level strategies and plans which contain further details and targets to support the Vision for Kent themes. Kent’s district councils may also have their own plans on many of these themes, which can be obtained from the district council web sites below: Ashford Borough Council Sevenoaks District Council Canterbury City Council Shepway District Council Dartford Borough Council Swale Borough Council Dover District Council Thanet District Council Gravesham Borough Council Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council Maidstone Borough Council Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Plan or Strategy Web Address General Kent Agreement (including LAA and LPSA2) District Community Strategies p Ashford Community Strategy p Canterbury Community Strategy p Dover Community Strategy p Maidstone Community Strategy p Kent Thameside Community Strategy (Dartford) Strategy.pdf p Kent Thameside Community Strategy (Gravesham) p Sevenoaks Community Strategy p Shepway Community Strategy p Swale Community Strategy p Thanet Community Strategy p Tonbridge & Malling Community Strategy p Tunbridge Wells Community Strategy Area Investment Frameworks (AIFs) p Channel Corridor Partnership Forward Plan (2005/06) p East Kent Partnership Strategy (2005 – 2015) p West Kent Partnership AIF (January 2003) p Thames Gateway Kent Partnership Investment Update (2005-08)

The Vision for Kent 43 South East Plan (including Sub Regional Strategies for East Kent and Ashford; and North Kent) Kent and Medway Structure Plan Integrated Regional Framework District Local Development Frameworks (LDFs) See district web pages Growth Area Development and Regeneration Frameworks p Ashford p Kent Thameside p Swale Medway Council Community Plan Economic success – opportunities for all Kent Prospects - Economic Development and Regeneration Framework, 2002 to 2006 KMEB Economic Framework Regional Economic Strategy Kent Property Review Locate in Kent corporate and annual plans Kent Tourism Strategy (2005 - 2015) Kent Environment Strategy Local Transport Plan (2006 -2011) Accessibility Strategy for Kent Kent Sustainable Business Partnership Strategy Learning and Skills Council Kent and Medway corporate and annual plans Kent and Medway Learning Partnership Plan %20Plan/Strategicplan.html Business Link Kent corporate and annual plans Kent Sustainable Business Partnership Strategy Learning for everyone Kent Children and Young Persons Plan Every Child Matters Community Schools Strategy development.htm 14 to 19 Learner Strategy

44 The Vision for Kent Kent Primary Strategy Kent Secondary Strategy Learning and Skills Council strategic plans Plans and information from the community education services:Adult Education,Youth Service,Arts and Libraries Early Years Plan Improved health, care and wellbeing Active Lives – The Future of Social Care in Kent Better Care, Higher Standards Direct Payments Every Child Matters Supporting Independence Programme Social Services Strategic Framework Kent and Medway NHS Local Delivery Plan 2005-2008 ns.asp Supporting People The Best of Health:A NHS service Improvement Programme for Kent and Medway Environmental excellence Kent Environment Strategy and related progress reports Kent’s Biodiversity Action Plan Kent Design Guide Minerals and Waste Development Framework 2002 Habitat Survey (Kent and Medway) Historic Environment Management Plan Local Transport Plans Safer and stronger communities Kent Compact Supporting Independence Programme (SIP) KCC Community Safety Strategy Contact 01622 694878 or email [email protected] for a copy CDRP Community Safety 3 year strategies See district web pages Kent Policing Plan Secured By Design

The Vision for Kent 45 Kent Fire & Rescue Service Performance Plan (2005/06) Kent Drug and Alcohol Action Team Publications - YPD Enjoying life Cultural Strategy Contact 01622 696565 or email [email protected] for a copy Rural Strategy Contact 01622 221548 or email [email protected] for a copy Kent Prospects (for information on tourism and leisure economy) Kent Compact Kent Environment Strategy Kent Tourism Alliance Action Plan Kent Tourism Development and Investment Action Plan Library Strategy Strategic Framework for Sport in Kent Keeping Kent Moving Local Transport Plan Accessibility strategy for Kent Kent Environment Strategy Regional Transport Strategy New Ways to Work School Travel Plans Company Travel Plans Walking Buses Walking Strategy Road Safety Plan High quality homes Kent Design Guide What Price Growth Kent Environment Strategy Kent Prospects Regional Housing Strategy Kent Property Market Review

46 The Vision for Kent Other partners who have been involved in the Vision for Kent review

Access Group Tunbridge Wells Crown Prosecution Service Kent KAPC Action with communities in Rural Kent Crime Reduction Team GOSE Kent & East Sussex Conservancy Affinity Criminal Probation Service Kent & Medway Development & Partnerships Amicus Group Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust Kent & Medway Learning Partnerships Archdiocese of Southwark Dartford & Gravesham PCT Kent & Medway PCT Armourcoot Ltd DEFRA - Rural Development Service Kent Adult Education Arriva Southern Counties Ltd Department for Transport Kent Alliance on Smoking and Health ASC Kent Dover District Chamber of Commerce Kent Ambulance PPI Forum Ashford PCT Dover Harbour Board Kent Ambulance Trust Ashford ‘s Future Dover, Deal & District CAB Kent and Medway Basic Skills Consortium Aylesford Newsprint Drakes Plumbing Supplies Kent and Medway Learning Partnership BAE Systems Avionics Drapers Mills Primary School Kent Business BBP Regeneration East Kent Coastal Primary Teaching Care Trust Kent CAN Malling Area Volunteer Centre Big Solutions East Kent CVS Kent Children’s Fund Bishop in Canterbury (Bishop of Dover) East Kent Hospital Trust Kent Criminal Justice Board Business Link Kent East Kent Mental Health Trust Kent Downs ANOB Business Network East Kent NHS Social Care & Partnership Trust Kent Energy Centre Campbells Food Ltd English Heritage South East Region Kent Fire & Rescue Service Canterbury 4 Business Eonic Ltd Kent Highways Service Canterbury and District Enterprise Trust Eurotunnel UK Kent Industrial Mission/Bonitas Canterbury PCT Folkestone & Dover Water Services Kent Institute of Art and Design Carr Gomm Forestry Commission Kent Messenger Group Careers Management Kent & Medway Goudhurst Parish Council Kent on Sunday CBI and Transport Investments Ltd Graham Taylor Engravers Ltd Kent Primary Care Trusts Centre for Enterprise and Business Development Groundwork Kent Thames-Side Kent Probation Service Channel Corridor Partnership Groundwork Medway Swale Kent Recycling Children’s Safeguard Service Hawkinge Partnership Church in Society High Weald Housing Association Kent Residents Panel Coast and Countryside Housing Services Highways Agency Kent Thameside Association Commonwork, Kent & the Wider World Home Start Canterbury Kent Thameside Delivery Board Connexions Kent and Medway Hyde Housing Kent Volunteer Bureau Country Land and Business ICT Logistics Ltd Kent Wildlife Trust Countryside Agency Individual Learning Co Kent Works CPRE Institute of Directors Korsnas Paper Sacks

The Vision for Kent 47 Kent Sustainable Business Partnership PALS & Volunteer Service Swale Forward Lafarge Cement UK Patients Forum Swale Housing Association LCR Ltd PG Event Solutions Swale PCT Levett Therivel Sustainability PPI Maidstone Weald Forum Swale Volunteering and Community Development London Ashford Airport Pre-school learning Alliance Centre London & Quadrant Housing Trust Public & Patient Involvement in Health Technology Enterprise Kent M&TW Hospitals Patients Forum Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School Thames Gateway Strategic Executive MA Delivery Service RESPECT Thames Water Utilities Ltd Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Rochester Diocesan Board of Education Thanet College Maidstone Housing Trust Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Forum Thanet Community Development Trust Maidstone Orchestral Society RSPB South East Office Thanet Community Housing Association Maidstone Studios Russell Homes Thanington Resource Centre Maidstone Town Centre Management Sanctuary Housing Association The Countryside Agency Maidstone Weald PCT Sandown School The Countryside Management Centre Mawster Westies SEERA The Housing Corporation Maxim PR and Marketing Sencio Community Leisure The Medway and Estuary Partnership Office Medieval Scribe Sevenoaks Community Plan Partnership The Portable Business School Medway Maritime Hospital Sheila Caulfield & Associates Town & Country Housing Group Medway NHS Shepherd Neame Tunbridge Wells Community Plan Partnership Medway PCT Shepway PCT Tyland Barn Medway Ports Sittingbourne Community College UK Climate Impacts Merrimeck Associates South East Climate Change University of Greenwich MHS Homes South Eastern Trains University of Kent Mid and South East Kent CVS South Kent College Voluntary Action West Kent Mid Kent Water South West Kent Patients Forum West Kent College Moat Housing South West Kent PCT West Kent Commercial Centre MVB Southern Housing Group West Kent Hospital Trust Nackington Police Station Southern Water West Kent Housing Association National Farmers Union St Gregory’s Catholic Comprehensive School West Kent NHS & Social Care Trust New Appointments Group St Martins Hospital West Kent PCT NFU Office St Nicholas Court Farms Ltd White Cliffs Housing Association NHS Direct Stable Cottage Winchester Hall NHS Trust Stagecoach Woodland Treatment Centre Darent Valley Hospital North Kent Chamber Supporting People Ye Olde Beverlie North West Kent College Sure Start Dover Yew and Ewe Northern British Housing Association Sustainability Action Youth Offending Service Orbit Housing Swale CVS

48 The Vision for Kent This document is available in alternative formats and can be produced in a range of languages. If you would like a copy in an alternative format please contact 01622 694022.