Melting Points of Silver Currencies
August 1921 936 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN. AUGUST, 1021. decreased, so that silver can be marketed steady market at a dollar an ounce, is likely to profitably even at the existing price. Produc- remain constant at least for the next two or tion in the United States, which is assured a three years. SILVER PRODUCTION OF THE WORLD BY PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES. [In fine ounces.] Countries. 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 19201 United States 57,137. 900 60,399,4001 63. 766,800 66,801,500 72,455,100 74,961, 075 74, 71,740,400 67,810,100 56,682,445 56,564,504 Canada 32.869' 32,740,748 31, 625,451 31,524,708 27,300,667 26,625, 960 25, 22,221,300 21,284,600 15,675,134 13,000,000 Mexico 71,372; 79,032,440! 74.640,300 70,703,828 70,703,828 39,570, 151! 22, 35,000,000 62,517,000 62,681,987 63,656,100 South America 17,416' 314| 14,433,9151 13980,88, 8 13,126,490 12,938,439 13,687, 464| 11, 15,451,300 15,561,000 14, 713,165 15,000,000 Europe 14;i52', 061! 15; 693, 366; 15 992,082 15,248,216 15,317,155 10,107: 556 511,900 6,871,700 4,899,618 5,000,000 British India 44, 772| 104, 323! 93,649 236,440 284, 628, 2', 068,700 2 240,500 2 165; 606 2,000,000 Australia 21,545, 8281 16,578, 421 14 737,944 18,128,577 3,520,274 4,295, 1,863, 10,000,000 10,000,000 7;430,7701 8,000,000 Japan 4,646, 160! 4,459, 087 4 932,852 4,649,910 4,649,910 5,120, i, 120, 111,700 600,400 4;800,000 5,000,000 Allother 3,694, 869i 2,751, 223J 4 540,688 3,724,614 3,981,564 4,197, 1,870, 082,500 509,600! 5:468,689 5,000,000 Total 222,879,362 226,192,923i224,310,654J223,907,843 211,103,377 178,850,500|156,626,521J174,187,800 197,394,900:174,517,414 173,220,604 1 Preliminary.
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