Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Basah Tahun 2016 Jilid 2: 486-492 ISBN: 978-602-6483-34-8 PEMANFAATAN TUMBUHAN YANG BERKHASIAT OBAT OLEH MASYARAKAT DI KABUPATEN TANAH BUMBU, KALIMANTAN SELATAN Utilization of Medicinal Plants by Community in Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan Rosidah Radam *, Mochamad Arief Soendjoto, Eva Prihatiningtyas Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Jalan A. Yani Km 36 Banjarbaru, Indonesia *Surel korespondensi:
[email protected] Abstract. Traditional community in South Kalimantan especially who settled in shore area of Tanah Bumbu Regency nowadays are still take advantage of forest plant resources as traditional medicines. Traditional medication is one of the national herritage that can give advantage for health, so that it is considered to be important to do research and sustain them. The research aimed to learn technical know-how of important plants as medicine of certain disease or illness. This research applied explorative survey method. Respondents were chosen with purposive sampling. Data was collected through semi-structured interview to informans and field observation. From the 6 informants (Sandro), we obtained 40 plant species utilized as medicinal plants. Part of nineteen species used was leaf (47,5%), 2 bark (5%), 4 fruit/flower (10 %), 9 root (22,5 %), 3 rhizome (7,5%), 4 resin (10%) and 1 the whole plant (2,5%). There were few parts of plants consumed without any process, some of them also smoothed or smashed, before it finally consumed like drinking water, or put it on the pain area. Keywords: ethnic, utilization, medicine, plant, traditional 1. PENDAHULUAN Pendekatan penduduk lokal terhadap manajemen pemanfaatan ekosistem alam merupakan model jangka Masyarakat kita sudah sejak lama mengenal panjang dalam menopang kebutuhan hidup manusia tumbuhan obat.