Geographical and Historical Observations on the Old North Israelite Gideon Tale in Judges
ZAW 2017; 129(1): 1–18 Israel Finkelstein and Oded Lipschits* Geographical and Historical Observations on the old North Israelite Gideon tale in Judges DOI 10.1515/zaw-2017-0005 It is widely accepted that the Book of Judges includes substantial North Israelite traditions.1 Fifty years ago Wolfgang Richter2 described their first appearance in writing as »The Book of Saviors« (Retterbuch), which contained, in his opinion, the early layer of Judges 3–9, and included early traditions, which were origi- nally separate oral units. According to Richter, the author/editor of the Book of Saviors collected these separate literary units,3 and added some links and edito- rial passages as part of his editorial frame. Richter dated this »Book of Saviors« to the second half of the 9th century BCE.4 In addition to the early composition, he identified two later layers: Deuteronomistic frame and additions, and post-Deu- teronomistic supplements. Though not all scholars accepted this theory,5 and even if some of the pas- sages that Richter assigned to the original stories and to the editor of the Book 1 Thomas Römer and Albert de Pury, »Deuteronomistic Historiography (DH): History of Research and Debated Issues,« in Israel Constructs Its History, ed. idem, JSOTSup 306 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000): 24–141, 118 f. 2 Wolfgang Richter, Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Richterbuch, Bonner Biblis- cher Beiträge 18 (Bonn: Hanstein, 1966). 3 To this pre-editorial stage of the »Book of Saviors« Richter assigned Judg 3:15b–26; 4:17a, 18–21; 6:11a, 18–19, 21–24, 27–31a–b; 7:11b, 13–21; 8:5–9, 14–21, 24–27a, 30, 32; 9:8–15, 26–40, 46–54.
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