Кавказский энтомол. бюллетень 9(2): 267–272 © CAUCASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL BULL. 2013

A key for identification with description of new species of the Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: ) from Indochina

Определительная таблица с описанием новых видов рода Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) из Индокитая

L.N. Medvedev Л.Н. Медведев

A.N. Severtsov Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospect, 33, Moscow 119071 Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им. А.Н. Северцова РАН, Ленинский проспект, 33, Москва 119071 Россия

Key words: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Pyrrhalta, Indochina, key, new taxa, new synonymy. Ключевые слова: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Pyrrhalta, Индокитай, определитель, новые таксоны, новые синонимы. Abstract. A key of 26 species of the genus understanding of Ogloblin [936], Gressitt and Kimoto Pyrrhalta from Indochina is given. Five species are [1963] and Kimoto [1989]. It’s very possibly, that in future described: P. tuberculata sp. n., P. laosica sp. n. (Laos), Oriental Pyrrhalta will be divided in a few subgenera or P. gorbunovi sp. n. (Laos, Thailand), P. fedorenkoi sp. n., even genera, because differences among many species are P. ornata sp. n. (South Vietnam). New synonymy is very sharp. established: P. multicostata (Pic, 1928) = Atysa octocostata Next abbreviations are used for the depository places: L. Medvedev, 1999, syn. n. Poneridia costata (Allard, 1889) NHMB – Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, is possibly identical with Pyrrhalta unicostata (Pic, 1937). Резюме. Приводится определитель 26видовPyrrhalta Switzerland; из Индокитая. Описаны 5 новых видов: P. tuberculata sp. n., JB – collection of Jan Bezdĕk, Brno, Czech Republic; P. laosica sp. n. (Лаос), P. gorbunovi sp. n. (Лаос, Таиланд), LM – author’s collection, Moscow, Russia. P. fedorenkoi sp. n., P. ornata sp. n. (Южный Вьетнам). Atysa octocostata L. Medvedev, 1999, syn. n. является новым A key to species of the genus Pyrrhalta синонимом P. multicostata (Pic, 1928). Poneridia costata (Allard, 1889), возможно, идентичен Pyrrhalta unicostata 1(8). Elytra with longitudinal or oblique ridges or tuberculate. (Pic, 1937). 2(3). Elytra with tubercles, partly united in oblique ridges. Antennae with segments 6–11 strongly widened, segment 10 Introduction transverse. Upperside rusty fulvous with tubercles a little darker, antennae with 6 basal segments fulvous with black The genus Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865 from Indochina apices, segments 7–11 black. Underside black, legs fulvous. Length 4.7–5.1 mm. Laos ...... P. tuberculata sp. n. is rather poorly studied till now. A faunistic list of the 3(2). Elytra with longitudinal ridges. Antennae slender or slightly tribe from Vietnam includes 9 species of widened. Pyrrhalta [Samoderzhenkov, 1988]. In the monograph 4(7). Elytra with 3–4 longitudinal ridges. Antennal segment 10 not of Galerucinae from Indochina [Kimoto, 1989] only more than 1.5 times as long as wide. 7 species of Pyrrhalta were recorded, because new species 5(6). Each elytron with 4 ridges. Upperside reddish with spot described by Samoderzhenkov were still unknown to on vertex, longitudinal stripe on prothorax, scutellum S. Kimoto (both mentioned publications appeared almost and sutural margin of elytra black; antennal underside and in the same time). Three more species of Pyrrhalta were legs black. Length 4.1–5.3 mm. Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, described from Vietnam in the last years [Medvedev, Myanmar ...... P. multicostata (Pic, 2012a, b; Skomorokhov, 2011]. 1928) = Atysa octocostata L. Medvedev, 1999, syn. n. In the key given below I include 25 species, among 6(5). Each elytron with 3 ridges, but outermost one feeble, them 5 species (3 from Laos and 2 from South Vietnam) are sometimes almost indistinct. Upperside fulvous to dark fulvous with black spots on head, prothorax and elytra new for science. But it seems that additional new species or (Fig. 1), antennae black, but segments 1–4 with fulvous bases, records from this area are possible. For example, Chinese scutellum with black base. Aedeagus – Fig. 10. Length 3.6– fauna of Pyrrhalta includes about 50 species [Catalogue..., 4.1 mm. Laos, Thailand ...... P. gorbunovi sp. n. 2010]. 7(4). Elytron with one ridge beginning from humerus and going The genus Pyrrhalta was split in a few genera, because parallel to side margin. Body entirely fulvous. Antennal almost all its Palearctic subgenera were raised to generic segment 10 about 3 times as long as wide. Aedeagus – Fig. 11. status; however this splitting needs further investigation Length 5.5–7.1 mm. Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, China (Hainan) and confirmation. In this work I accept Pyrrhalta in the ...... P. unicostata (Pic, 1937) 268 L.N. Medvedev

8(1). Elytra without ridges or tubercles (sometimes with feeble fulvous, apical slope without black spot. Legs fulvous with elevation along anterior margin). more or less blackish upperside of tibiae. Aedeagus – Fig. 16). 9(14). Elytra largely greenish. Length 5.1–7.2 mm. South Vietnam. Feeding was registered 10(13). Antennae robust, in preapical segments nearly as long as mostly on Trema (Ulmaceae), but also on Callicarpa wide. (Verbenaceae) ...... 11(12). Elytra greenish with lateral margin including epipleurae ...... P. basifasciata Samoderzhenkov, 1988 brownish. Body fulvous. Length 9 mm. North Vietnam ...... 32(31). Elytral basal band reaches side margin, suture narrowly ...... P. laboissieri Kimoto, 1989 black, apical slope with black spot (Fig. 6), legs fulvous 12(11). Generally greenish, elytra with lateral margins broadly with black tibiae and darkened tarsi. Length 7.4 mm. North blue, abdomen brownish. Anterior and posterior margins of Vietnam ...... prothorax not bordered. Length 3.5–6.5 mm. North Vietnam...... P. basifasciata Samoderzhenkov, 1988 (? color form) (Previously described as Decoomanius limbatus Laboissière, 33(30). Elytra otherwise marked. 1927) ...... P. limbata (Laboissière, 1927) 34(35). Elytra with longitudinal stripe from humeral tubercle 13(10). Antennae slender, in preapical segments much wider along side margin and transverse spot at base, sometimes than long. Fulvous, antennae blackish, elytra greenish with connected with stripe black (Figs 7, 8), very rarely stripe is marginal area fulvous. Length 4.5 mm. North Vietnam. reduced. Fulvous, metasternum and abdomen sometimes (Previously described as Chapalia jeanvoinei Laboissiere, more or less darkened. Antennal segment 10 about 4 times as 1929) ...... P. jeanvoinei (Laboissière, 1929) long as wide. Aedeagus – fig. 17. Length 5.8–6.8 mm. South 14(9). Elytra without metallic green color. Vietnam. Elytral pattern sometimes reduced (see item 46) ...... 15(16). Elytra black. Head, prothorax and scutellum red. Antennae ...... P. ornatipennis Samoderzhenkov, 1988 black with fulvous basal segments, underside and femora 35(34). Elytral suture narrowly black (Fig. 9). Fulvous; vertex, fulvous, tibiae and tarsi black. Antennal segment 10 about antennae except bases, scutellum, meso- and metasternum 3 times as long as wide. Prothorax with deep transverse black, upperside of tibiae and tarsi more or less darkened. impression, more shallow in middle. Aedeagus – Fig. 12. Antennal segment 10 about twice as long as wide. Aedeagus – Length 4.1 mm. South Vietnam ...... Fig. 18. Length 3.8–4 mm. North Vietnam ...... P. impressicollis Samoderzhenkov, 1988 ...... P. kabakovi Samoderzhenkov, 1988 16(15). Upperside fulvous or reddish, sometimes with black 36(27). Upperside, including head, entirely fulvous. pattern. 37(40). Legs bicolor. Underside fulvous. 17(18). Elytra reddish brown with interior 1/3 black. Body black, 38(39). Legs fulvous with black tibiae and tarsi. Antennae black clypeus brownish. Length 5 mm. North Vietnam ...... with 2 basal segments fulvous (Fig. 26). Segment 10 about ...... P. rubromarginata (Laboissière, 1929) twice as long a wide. Aedeagus – fig. 19. Length 9.5–11.5 mm. 18(17). Elytra otherwise marked or entirely fulvous, prothorax not South Vietnam ...... P. nigrotibialis L. Medvedev, 2010 entirely black. 39(38). Legs fulvous with tarsi and mostly apices of tibiae black. 19(26). Prothorax fulvous with black pattern. Antennae with segments 1–3 and 8–11 fulvous, 4–7 black 20(25). Prothorax with 3–4 black spots. with fulvous bases (Fig. 27). Antennal segment 10 about 21(24). Prothorax with 3 black spots. 2.5 times as long as wide. Aedeagus – Fig. 20. Length 8.4– 22(23). Elytra without spots. A spot on vertex, apices of antennal 9.8 mm. North Vietnam ...... segments, scutellum, apices of tibiae and tarsi black. Antennal ...... P. apicicornis L. Medvedev, 2012 segment 10 about twice as long as wide. Aedeagus – Fig. 13. 40(37). Legs entirely fulvous. Length 7.2–8.7 mm. South Vietnam ...... P. fedorenkoi sp. n. 41(44). Body small, not more than 5 mm. Antennal segment 10 23(22). Elytra with 5 black spots (Fig. 2), middle on vertex, scutellum about 1.5 times as long as wide. and metasternum black. Antennal segment 10 a little longer 42(43). Prothorax narrow, maximal width of elytra 2–2.1 times than wide. Length 3.4–4.5 mm. South Vietnam, Thailand, wider than prothorax. Basal margin of prothorax distinctly South-Eastern China, Taiwan ...... emarginated before scutellum. Antennal segment 10 about ...... P. maculata Gressitt et Kimoto, 1963 1/5 times as long as wide. Antennae black with 4 basal 24(21). Prothorax with 4 black spots: 2 before base and 2 elongate segments fulvous, underside and legs dark fulvous. Length near anterior angles. 2 elongate stripes on vertex and 4.4–5 mm. South Vietnam. Male unknown ...... scutellum black. Length 7.25 mm. South Vietnam: island Con ...... P. microphthalma Samoderzhenkov, 1988 Dao ...... P. prokofievi Skomorokhov, 2011 43(42). Prothorax more broad, maximal width of elytra only 25(20). Prothorax with large transverse black spot in middle. 1.6 times as wide as prothorax. Basal margin of prothorax not Fulvous, labrum except sides, large spot on vertex, 2 elongate emarginated before scutellum. Antennae black with 3 basal spots on base of elytra and apical half of elytra except margins segments fulvous, underside and legs fulvous. Length 3.8 mm. (fig. 3) black. Antennal segment 10 about 3 times as long as North Vietnam (Tam Dao, 1 female) ...... P. sp. wide. Aedeagus – Fig. 14. Length 8.2 mm. South Vietnam ...... 44(41). Body large, not less than 5.8 mm...... P. ornata sp. n. 45(48). Antennae entirely fulvous. 26(19). Prothorax entirely fulvous or reddish. 46(47). Prothorax with longitudinal impression in middle, widened 27(36). Elytra fulvous or pale flavous with black pattern. before scutellum and deep round groove on each side. 28(29). Elytra pale flavous (much lighter than red fulvous head and Antennal segment 10 about 4 times as long as wide. Fulvous, prothorax) with all margins narrowly black (Fig. 4). Antennae metasternum and abdomen sometimes more or less darkened. black, underside fulvous with black metasternum, legs fulvous Aedeagus – Fig. 17. Length 5.8–6.8 mm. South Vietnam. See with black upperside of tibiae. Antennal segment 10 about also item 34 ...... P. ornatipennis Samoderzhenkov, 1988 twice as long as wide. Aedeagus – Fig. 15. Length 4.5–4.6 mm. 47(46). Prothorax without longitudinal impression in middle, with South Vietnam ...... shallow round impression on each side. Antennal segment 10 ...... P. curticollis Samoderzhenkov, 1988 about 3 times as long as wide. All body entirely fulvous. 29(28). Elytra not paler than prothorax. Aedeagus – Fig. 21. Length 6.8–8.7 mm. North Vietnam (Tam 30(33). Elytra with black basal band. Antennal segment 10 about Dao), China ...... P. corpulenta Gressitt et Kimoto, 1963 3 times as long a wide. Underside fulvous. 48(45). Antennae partly black. 31(32). Elytral basal band doesn’t reach side margin (Fig. 5), suture 49(52). Elytra with longitudinal concavity along side margin from A key for identification with description of new species of the genus Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865 from Indochina 269

or with black apices (Figs 29, 30). Aedeagus asymmetrical (Fig. 23) and has other form. Side margin of elytra more narrow and curved upwards. Length of body 7.1–7.6 mm. South Vietnam ...... P. nuibata L. Medvedev, 2012 52(49). Elytra with longitudinal concavity only in anterior half of side margin and without fold incite of concavity. Underside of aedeagus with sharp ridge in basal half. Aedeagus feebly asymmetrical (Fig. 24). Antennae mostly with segments 1–2 fulvous, 3rd bicolor, 4–8 black, 9–11 fulvous (Figs 31, 32). Length 6.5–7.6 mm ...... P. laosica sp. n.

Pyrrhalta tuberculata sp. n.

Material. Holotype Ƃ  Laos, Khammouang Prov., Ban Khounkhan (Nahin), 18°1ƍ1 / 104°31ƍ(, 200 m, 04.2005, leg. O. Gorbunov (LM). Paratype: same locality and date, 1Ƃ (LM). Description. Rusty fulvous, 6 basal antennal segments fulvous with black apices, 5 apical segments black, underside black, legs fulvous, pubescence light fulvous. Body elongate, widened to behind. Head and all upperside covered with adpressed pubescence. Head rugosely punctate, clypeus with central ridge, angularly emarginated on anterior margin, frontal tubercles obliquely placed and poorly delimited. Antennae reach anterior third of elytra, with 6 apical segments widened, proportions of segments are as 15 : 7 : 10 : 10 : 10 : 10 : 9 : 8 : 7 : 7 : 10, preapical segments feebly transverse. Prothorax twice as wide as long, broadest and produced in middle, hind margin excavated before scutellum, anterior angles obtuse, hind angles broadly rounded, surface uneven, grooved on each side and more feeble in middle before scutellum, densely punctured, but punctures not very distinct under pubescence. Scutellum trapeziform with rounded apex, its sculpture not seen under dense pubescence. Elytra 1.4 times as long as wide, moderately widened to behind, surface dull, uneven, each elytron with 4 tubercles: one in anterior quarter near suture, obliquely prolonged to humerus, other near middle, the third just before apical slope and the last before apex, punctures fine and moderately dense, but not very distinct. Apical abdominal sternite with feebly rounded hind margin. Length of body 4.7–5.1 mm. Differential diagnosis. The new species is near P. digambara group from Northern India (P. digambara Maulik, 1936, P. aludela Maulik, 1936, P. aurata Maulik, 1936), but differs from all known species in having 4 large tubercles on each elytron.

Pyrrhalta gorbunovi sp. n. (Figs 1, 10)

Material. Holotype (ƃ): Laos, Khammouang Prov., Ban Khounkhan (Nahin), 18°13ƍN / 104°31ƍE, 200 m, 04.2005, leg. O. Gorbunov (LM). Paratypes: same locality and date, 3Ƃ (LM); Thailand, Mae Hong Son Prov., Kiwlom pass near Soppong, 23.06–2.07.2002, 1400 m, 2Ƃ leg. R. and H. Fouque (JB). Description. Upperside fulvous to dark fulvous, head Figs 1–9. Elytral patterns of species of the genus Pyrrhalta Joannis, with spot on vertex and another between eyes black, antennal 1865. segments 1–6 mostly with darkened apices, next segments black, Рис. 1–9. Рисунок надкрылий видов рода Pyrrhalta Joannis, prothorax with 3 black spots in basal half, but lateral ones small and 1865. 1 – P. gorbunovi sp. n.; 2 – P. maculata Gressitt et Kimoto, sometimes not very distinct, scutellum with black basal half, elytra 1963; 3 – P. ornata sp. n.; 4 – P. curticollis Samoderzhenkov, 1988; with numerous elongate black marks between ridges and mostly 5,6–P. basifasciata Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 7, 8 – P. ornatipennis on impressed areas (Fig. 1), underside black with fulvous apex of Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 9 – P. kabakovi Samoderzhenkov, 1988. abdomen and pygidium, legs with spot on middle of femora apices base to apical slope, divided from dorsal surface with feeble of tibiae and tarsi blackish. Pubescence of upperside of upperside fold going from humerus. Underside of aedeagus without golden fulvous or partly white. ridge in basal half. Body elongate, slightly widened to behind. Head and all 50(51). Antennal segment 4–9 black, next segments mostly upperside covered with dense adpressed pubescent, radiated bicolor or apical segment entirely fulvous (Fig. 28). Aedeagus on elytra outwards from the middle of depressed areas. Head practically symmetrical (Fig. 22). Length 8–8.8 mm. South finely punctate, clypeus with central ridge and almost straight Vietnam ...... P. hanunga Samoderzhenkov, 1988 anterior margin, frontal tubercles oblique, very poorly delimited, 51(50). Practically all intermediate antennal segments bicolor, black microsculptured. Antennae reach anterior quarter of elytra, with fulvous bases, 3 or 4 apical segments entirely fulvous proportions of segments are as 11 : 7 : 7 : 7 : 7 : 7 : 7 : 7 : 7 : 7 : 10, 270 L.N. Medvedev

five apical segments slightly thickened, about 1.5 times as long as about 3–4 times as long as wide. Prothorax twice as wide as long, wide. Prothorax 1.75 times as wide as long, broadest and angulate broadest and angulate in middle, side margin straight before and in anterior third, anterior angles obtuse, posterior angles angulate concave after angulation, anterior angles obtuse, posterior angles and removed on posterior third of lateral margin, hind margin rounded obtuse, surface uneven, with large round impression not excavated before scutellum, surface dull, uneven, with deep on each side, strongly and densely punctate with very narrow groove on each side, punctures fine, but practically invisible under interspaces. Scutellum almost quadrate, densely punctate. Elytra pubescence. Scutellum trapeziform with truncate apex, strongly 1.55 times as long as wide, dull, even, punctures moderately fine convex, hill-like. Elytra 1.7 times as long as wide, dull, uneven, with and very dense. Last abdominal sternite incised on hind margin. 2 ridges in middle and one along side margin, punctures dense but Aedeagus – Fig. 14. Length of body 8.2 mm. not seen under pubescence. Apical abdominal sternite of female Differential diagnosis. Pyrrhalta ornata sp. n. differs broadly rounded on hind margin. Aedeagus (Fig. 10) parallel-sided well from all Oriental species with very specific elytral with short triangular apex, not curved in lateral view. Length of pattern. male 3.6 mm, of female 3.9–4.1 mm. Differential diagnosis. The new species is near Pyrrhalta laosica sp. n. P. digambara (Maulik, 1936) and P. medvedevi Sprecher (Figs 24, 31, 32) et Zoia, 2002 from India and Nepal, differs from both in sculpture and color of upperside and form of aedeagus, Material. Holotype (ƃ):N Laos, 17 km NNE Oudum Xai, 120°45ƍN/ which has rounded apex in P. digambara and cuneiform in 102°09ƎE, about 1100 m, 1–9.05.2002, leg. Vit Kuban (MNHB). Paratypes: P. medvedevi (see Sprecher-Uebersax and Zoia [2002]). same locality and date, 7 ex. (4 ex. – MNHB, 3 ex. – LM). Description. Entirely fulvous, except color of antennae which is variable: dark antennae have basal segments fulvous, 3rd bicolor, Pyrrhalta fedorenkoi sp. n. 4–8 black, 9–11 bicolor; light antennae have segments 1–3 (Figs 13, 25) fulvous, 4–8 bicolor, 9–11 fulvous; there are also intermediate types of color (Figs 31, 32). Pubescence white. Body elongate. Head Material. Holotype (ƃ): Vietnam, Binh Phuoc Prov., Bu Gia Map National Park, 12°11ƍƎ1 / 107°12ƍƎ(, 350–540 m, at light, 12–24.04.2009, and upperside with adpressed hairs. Clypeus impunctate, frons leg. D. Fedorenko (LM). Paratypes: same locality and date, 3 ex. (LM). and vertex densely punctate, frontal tubercles feebly convex, not Description. Fulvous, spot on vertex, 3 spots on prosternum, sharply delimited, punctate, without microsculpture, interantennal apices of many antennal segments (Fig. 25), scutellum, apices of space convex, vertex thin impressed line. Antennae reach middle tibiae and tarsi black. Pubescence white. Body elongate, slightly of elytra, proportions of segments are as 9 : 5 : 7 : 10 : 9 : 9 : 9 : 8 : 8 : widened to behind. Head and upperside with more or less erect 8 : 9, preapical segments about 3 times as long as wide. Prothorax hairs. Clypeus impunctate, frons and vertex densely punctate, twice as wide as long, broadest just before middle, side margins frontal tubercles obliquely placed, convex, finely punctate and rounded, anterior angles acute, posterior angles obtuse, surface microsculptured, interantennal space convex, vertex without densely and rather strongly punctate, with feeble longitudinal impressions. Antennae reach anterior third of elytra, proportions of impression widened at base and shallow impression on each side. segments are as 10 : 5 : 6 : 8 : 8 : 7 : 7 : 9 : 7 : 7 : 6 : 7, preapical segments Scutellum with broadly rounded, almost truncate apex, strongly about twice as long as wide. Prothorax 2.1 times as wide as long, punctate. Elytra 1.45–1.5 times as long as wide, very densely broadest behind middle, side margins rounded, all angles obtuse, punctate, with interspaces smaller than diameter of punctures, basal margin without emargination in middle, surface strongly with longitudinal concavity in anterior half of side margin and punctate, especially on sides, with very feeble, scarcely visible without fold inside of concavity. Epipleurae reach almost apex of lateral depression and practically indistinct central depression. elytra. Segment 1 of anterior tarsus of male very feebly widened. Scutellum with broadly rounded apex, distinctly punctate. Aedeagus (Fig. 24) asymmetrical, with sharp ridge in basal part of Elytra 1.5–1.6 times as long as wide, very densely punctate, with underside. Length of body 6.5–7.6 mm. interspaces much smaller than diameter of punctures. Epipleurae Differential diagnosis. The new species is near distinct to apical quarter of elytra. Segment 1 of anterior tarsus P. hanunga Samoderzhenkov, 1988 and P. nuibata L. feebly widened in male. Aedeagus (Fig. 13) almost symmetrical, Medvedev, 2012, differs from both in other sculpture of with acute triangular apex. Length of body 7.2–8.7 mm. elytra, form of aedeagus and a few differences in color of Differential diagnosis. The new species is near P. antennae. nuibata L. Medvedev, 2012 from the same locality, but differs in having spotted prothorax and vertex, black Pyrrhalta limbata (Laboissière, 1927) scutellum, bicolor legs and other form of aedeagus. Remark. Kimoto [1989] included the genus Pyrrhalta ornata sp. n. Decoomanius Laboissière, 1927 in the genus Pyrrhalta, (Figs 3, 14) but this species differs from all other Pyrrhalta in having anterior and posterior borders of prothorax unimagined, Material. Holotype (ƃ): Vietnam, Tuyen Quang Prov., 3 km SE of Pac Ban village, Na Hang Nature Reserve, 22°20ƍN / 105°25ƍE, at light, 22– therefore this question needs further study. 26.02.1997, leg. G. Csorba (LM). Description. Fulvous, labrum except sides, large spot in Pyrrhalta hanunga Samoderzenkov, 1988 middle of vertex and in middle of prothorax, 2 spots on base of elytra and apical half of elytra except margins (Fig. 3) black. Remark. Description of this species was based on a Body elongate, slightly widened to behind. Head and all single male and according to description it has labrum, upperside covered with white adpressed pubescence. Clypeus spot on vertex and 4 spots on prothorax. In reality in the triangular, impunctate, convex between antennal insertions, frontal tubercles subquadrangular, convex, shining and impunctate, holotype labrum is fulvous, only apices of mandibles are poorly delimited posteriorly, vertex strongly and densely punctate. black, middle of vertex is a little darkened, but without a Antennae reach middle of elytra, proportions of segments are as real spot, on prothorax there are 4 dark fulvous elevated 13 : 7 : 10 : 12 : 12 : 11 : 11 : 10 : 10 : 9 : 7, preapical segments areas which scarcely differs from main color, very poorly A key for identification with description of new species of the genus Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865 from Indochina 271

Figs 10–24. Aedeagi of species of the genus Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865. Рис. 10–24. Эдеагусы видов рода Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865. 10 – P. gorbunovi sp. n.; 11 – P. unicostata Pic, 1937; 12 – P. impressicollis Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 13 – P. fedorenkoi sp. n.; 14 – P. ornata sp. n.; 15 – P. curticollis Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 16 – P. basifasciata Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 17 – P. ornatipennis Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 18 – P. kabakovi Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 19 – P. nigrotibialis L. Medvedev, 2010; 20 – P. apicicornis L. Medvedev, 2012; 21 – P. corpulenta Gressitt et Kimoto, 1963; 22 – P. hanunga Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 23 – P. nuibata L. Medvedev, 2012; 24 – P. laosica sp. n. 272 L.N. Medvedev

Figs 25–32. Color of antennae of species of the genus Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865. Рис. 25–32. Окраска усиков видов рода Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865. 25 – P. fedorenkoi sp. n.; 26 – P. nigrotibialis L. Medvedev, 2010; 27 – P. apicicornis L. Medvedev, 2012; 28 – P. hanunga Samoderzhenkov, 1988; 29, 30 – P. nuibata L. Medvedev, 2012; 31, 32 – P. laosica sp. n. delimited and can not be named as spots. To the moment I References have 6 more specimens of P. hanunga which have head and prothorax entirely fulvous. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera (I. Löbl, A. Smetana eds.). Vol. 6. . 2010. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. 924 p. Gressitt J.L., Kimoto S. 1963. The Chrysomelidae (Coleopt.) of China and Poneridia costata (Allard, 1889) Korea, Part 2. Pacific Monograph. 1B: 301–1026. Kimoto S. 1989. Chrysomelidae of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. IV. Galerucinae. Esakia. 27: 1–241. = Galerucella costata Allard, 1889. Laboissière V. 1935. Rectification au mèmoire de E. Allard “Contributions a la fauna Indo-Chinoise, Galerucides et Alticides”. Annales de Remark. Galerucella costata Allard, 1889, till now l’Association des Naturalistes de Levallois-Perret. 21 [1932–1934]: known only with type, was removed in the Australian 139–145. genus Poneridia Weise, 1908 [Laboissière, 1935] and this Medvedev L.N. 2012a. New species of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Indochina. Euroasian Entomological Journal. 11(1): 63–69. was accepted also by Kimoto [1989]. This genus includes Medvedev L.N. 2012b. New and interesting Chrysomelidae (Insecta, 6 species from Australia and neighbouring regions, but it Coleoptera) from the collection of Naturkundemuseum Erfurt. Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt. 31: 501–515. looks very strange that one species inhabits Vietnam. But Ogloblin D.A. 1936. Fauna SSSR. Nasekomye zhestkokrylye. T. 26. Vyp. 1. according to original description it seems that this species is Listoedy, Galerucinae [Fauna of the USSR. . Vol. 26. Iss. 1. identical with Pyrrhalta unicostata (Pic, 1937). Additional Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae]. Moscow – Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ. 457 p. (in Russian). investigation of type is necessary. Samoderzhenkov E.V. 1988. Leaf beetles of the tribe Galerucini (Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae) in fauna of Vietnam. In: Fauna i ekologiya nasekomykh Vietnama [Fauna and ecology of Vietnam insects]. Moscow: Nauka: 46–50 (in Russian). Ackowledgements Skomorokhov M.O. 2011. To the knowledge of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from the islands of southern Vietnam. Russian Entomological Journal. 20(2): 197–199. Author is very much obliged to Jan Bezděk (Mendel Sprecher-Uebersax E., Zoia S. 2002. Pyrrhalta medvedevi sp. nov., a new University in Brno, Czech Republic) for valuable information species from the Nepal Himalayas (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen and review of the work. Gesellschaft. 75(3/4): 161–167.